Code of Conduct Reviewer Application Form

Your Contact Information

First Name Last Name

E-mail Address Phone:

Postal Address

Town, State, Postcode

Business Name (if applicable) ABN:

Eligibility Criteria

Please tick each criteria that applies to your application: An understanding of local government Knowledge of investigative processes Knowledge of procedural fairness Knowledge of the Public Disclosures Act Experience in investigations Experience in law Experience in public administration Experience in public sector ethics Experience in ADR


1. First Name Last Name

E-mail Address Phone

Position and Employer

2. First Name Last Name

E-mail Address Phone

Position and Employer

3. First Name Last Name

E-mail Address Phone

Position and Employer

Fees and Charges

Charge-out rate for Preliminary Assessments

Charge our rate for participation in Conduct Review Committee meetings Other Fees or Charges that will apply, please detail:

Member Councils

For which REROC Member Councils do you wish to work? Bland Coolamon - Greater Hume Lockhart Snowy Valleys Temora Water Goldenfields Water All of the above


I declare that I am not:: (a) a councillor; or (b) a nominee for election as a councillor; or (c) an administrator of a council appointed under the Act other than under section 66; or (d) an employee of a council; or (e) a member of the Commonwealth Parliament or any State Parliament or Territory Assembly; or (f) a nominee for election as a member of the Commonwealth Parliament or any State Parliament or Territory Assembly; or (g) a person who has a conviction for an indictable offence that is not an expired conviction.

I declare that I am eligible for appointment to the position of Conduct Reviewer.

I agree that the information I have provided for this application, including my personal information can be accessed and used by REROC and its Member Councils for purposes which are consistent with the establishment and operation of a Regional Code of Conduct Reviewer Panel.

Signature: Date:

Expressions of Interest for the REROC Regional Code of Conduct Reviewer Panel close at 5.00p.m. on 25 July, 2017

Expressions of Interest should be marked "EOI - Regional Code of Conduct Reviewer Panel" and submitted by email to [email protected] or mailed to REROC, PO Box 646, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650 REROC Executive Officer PO Box 646 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

E: [email protected]

21 July 2017


We are pleased to submit our response to your invitation for Expressions of Interest for appointment to the REROC Regional Panel of Conduct Reviewers.

In our attached Schedules we have addressed the requirements set out in the Information Sheet published on the REROC website, in relation to the eligibility criteria:

Schedule 1 a) Understanding of Local Government

Schedule 1 b) Knowledge of investigative processes including, but not limited to, procedural fairness requirements and the requirements of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994

Schedule 1 c) Knowledge and experience of one or more of the following: investigations, law, public administration, public sector ethics, or alternative dispute resolution

Schedule 2 Resumés of Centium's Investigation Team members

Please contact me should you wish to discuss any aspect of our proposal and we will welcome the opportunity to further discuss our service capabilities with you.

Yours faithfully,

Phil O’Toole Managing Director, The Centium Group M: 0423 024 951 E: [email protected]

Centium Group Pty Ltd • ABN: 65 216 748 481 Tel: 1300 BEST 100 (1300 2378 100) • [email protected] • Level 8, 66 Goulburn Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 • Level 27, 101 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000


Centium has worked with numerous (over 50) Councils on Code of Conduct reviews, investigations, mediation, internal audits, business practice improvement and other consultancies.

Centium's nominated investigators include Consultants who have held senior positions with a number of Councils for more than 20 years. These have comprised roles of General Manager and Chief Executive Officer leading transformational change in Local Government.

We have extensive knowledge and understanding of Local Government Policies, procedures and guidelines, through continuing close liaison with clients, including managing complex conduct and grievance issues as well as Public Interest Disclosures. This practical experience is complemented by all nominated Investigators having conducted a number of Local Government Code of Conduct Investigations.

Our Investigators have addressed various matters with over 50 Councils, both as Conduct Reviewers and as Investigators under the Model Code of Conduct. These entailed preliminary conduct reviews and reporting, and where a matter progresses to investigation, detailed reporting on findings and recommendations. As necessary, our Investigators liaise with the Office of Local Government on complex issues and, where possible, identify alternate dispute resolution processes to mitigate conflict within Councils.

Councils for whom our Investigators have undertaken conduct reviews and investigations include: , Auburn, Bankstown, Baulkham Hills, Bega Valley, Bellingen, Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Camden, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Cessnock, , , Dubbo, Fairfield, Gloucester, Gosford, Goulburn, Harden, Hawkesbury, Holroyd, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Kyogle, Lane Cove, Liverpool, Leichardt, Marrickville, Mosman, Murrumbidgee, Muswellbrook, Narrabri, , Newcastle, Parkes, Parramatta, Penrith, Port Macquarie, Randwick, Rockdale, Ryde, Shoalhaven, Singleton, Sutherland, Tenterfield, , Upper Lachlan, Warringah, Waverley, Willoughby, Wingecarribee, Wollongong, Wyong and Young.

Most recently (ie in 2017), Centium's Investigation team members have undertaken investigations for the following Councils: • Bellingen • Berrigan • Blue Mountains • Lane Cove • Parramatta • Ryde • Wollondilly

Centium has now been included on Code of Conduct Review Panels for 30 Councils comprising: • Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils (RAMROC) - 18 member Councils • City of Albury • Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) - 11 member Councils

Centium maintains strong client focused satisfaction through its independent investigation services to Councils. Each investigation we undertake is subject to our rigorous internal quality measures and controls, ensuring consistent high standards for our clients and mitigating their risks in Code of Conduct issues and investigation outcomes.

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Having evolved from the NSW Internal Audit Bureau (IAB), which had a proud history of providing Investigative Services to Councils for over 20 years. Centium continues to specialise in conducting investigation and Conduct Review related matters. We only engage experienced and highly qualified Investigators from backgrounds that include legal, policing, human resources and Local Government.

Each of Centium's Investigators has over 20 years' experience, having developed significant insights into public sector investigation methodologies and practice across all Government sectors, that includes Local Government, Not for Profit, Health, Central Regulatory Agencies, Education, TAFE, Emergency Services, Finance, Waste Management and Transport.

In addition, Centium's investigators have a broad practical knowledge and experience of the Local Government Model Code of Conduct and Procedures for Administration of the Model Code of Conduct, through their extensive Code of Conduct reviews and investigations in the Local Government sector.

In engaging with numerous Councils we have conducted Code of Conduct reviews and investigations that have included matters relating to: • Fraud • Corrupt Conduct • Public Interest Disclosures* • Complaints from the public • inter-Councillor conflict and complaints • Absenteeism • Bullying and harassment • Sexual harassment • Discrimination • Conflicts of Interest • Privacy breaches • Workplace violence • Child Protection • Vexatious matters * Centium has partnered with a company that provides a secure anonymous two-way communication process for whistleblowers, to protect their identity.

We address each conduct matter with the client on a confidential basis, relying on the client’s Human Resources, Code of Conduct, Discipline and other relevant Policies and Procedures, which may include: • Bullying and Harassment Policy • Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Policies • Work Health and Safety Policy • Industrial awards and other related conduct and discipline procedures.

Our Investigators are skilled at managing conduct reviews and investigations for multiple clients simultaneously, and continue to work closely with their respective clients, ensuring an appropriate level of engagement and communication regarding progress and outcome.

We apply consistent Quality Assurance to our investigation methodology that is supported by ongoing training, coaching and knowledge sharing within Centium's Investigation team. Our Managing Director (Phil O’Toole) personally reviews each investigation report before it is issued to our client/s. Phil has been performing this role for over 16 years across the State and Local Government Sectors.

We undertake detailed investigation planning in collaboration with the client, including liaising on interviewing witnesses, ensuring discretion and confidentiality around the investigation process, managing

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the gathering and protection of evidence, agreeing the timeframe for the investigation, and identifying and communicating risks to the client during the process.

Centium's Investigators are readily conversant with 'rules of evidence', and able to identify required evidence to be gathered during the course of an investigation.

Such evidence is gathered discreetly and in conjunction with the client contact to ensure confidentiality is maintained.

To ensure a thorough examination of the matter being investigated, Centium's Investigators plan each interview, which are the subject of transcription (both audio and documented, as required by the client).

Interviews are arranged through the client contact, and are formally notified to the interview subject, further emphasising the confidentiality of the investigation matter. This ensures the investigation is a formal process. Interviews are planned to include the interviewee having a support person present, and during the course of the interview both parties (interviewee and support person) are required to record that they will maintain confidentiality.

Centium's Investigators have conducted interviews with parties at various times of the day (and night), where there is a need to protect the identity of a party involved in the investigation, to preserve strict confidentiality.

Centium's Investigators prepare comprehensive client reports that include: • Executive summary of findings (noting what the allegations were) • Details of the investigation process • Evidence gathered for analysis • Details of parties interviewed (including time, date, location of interview and evidence presented) • Consideration and analysis of evidence • Reasons for findings, conclusion and recommendations (including procedural changes or risk mitigation strategies) • Interview transcripts.

We maintain detailed confidential records of conduct review and investigation activities and the time utilised on each task/component, which is made available to the client as part of Centium's invoicing for services process.

Our Investigators have also worked closely with the Ombudsman and the NSW ICAC in appropriately addressing and meeting timeframes for investigating Public Interest Disclosures and protecting the Disclosant.

All our Investigators are fully trained and understand the principles of procedural fairness relating to conduct reviews and investigations, including: • The right of the person subject of a complaint to be provided with sufficient information in a timely manner to allow them to address allegations or complaints made against them • The right to be heard - the right of the person subject of a complaint to be provided with sufficient opportunity to respond to allegations or complaints made against them The right to have a support person present at meetings and interviews where complaints or conduct issues are discussed.

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All our Investigators demonstrate mature, sound judgement through their breadth of experience, as well as a proven track record of identifying and addressing conduct risk issues.

Our Investigators have managed conduct matters with over 50 Councils as Conduct Reviewers and as Investigators under the Model Code of Conduct. In addition, our Investigators liaise, where necessary, with the NSW Office of Local Government on complex procedural issues and, where possible, identify alternate dispute resolution processes to mitigate conflict in Councils.

We have developed an extensive knowledge and understanding not only of Council Policies, procedures and guidelines, but also through close liaison with Council clients, the management of specific conduct review and investigation issues.

Centium and its Investigators' origins are in the State and Local Government sectors and we continue to ensure that we maintain an understanding of current and emerging legislation and implications for investigation practice. Centium's Directors work with our Investigators in ensuring consistency of practice, and fostering positive client interactions and satisfaction. b) Law

Centium's investigators include those with Legal qualifications, who have extensive experience in industrial courts and external tribunals. All our Investigators maintain up to date knowledge of the law as it relates to workplace issues, investigations and dispute resolution.

In addition, our investigators have negotiated and managed organisation transitions, including redundancy programs, and conducted direct negotiations in heavily unionised work sites, including interceding on behalf of top management to settle high risk employee termination disputes. c) Public Administration

Centium's people have extensive experience and detailed understanding of public administration and the implementation of government policy in relation to investigation processes within the Local and State government arenas.

We maintain membership of the Australian Institute of Management (AIM), and the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA), a professional association whose members are interested in strategic issues, policy, reform and innovation in public sector management. IPAA has diverse membership and networking encompassing all tiers of government, business executives, consultants and academics and well the private sector.

Our investigators include Members of the Australian Institute of Professional Investigators (AIPI). d) Public Sector Ethics

Centium’s Directors ensure that all investigations are of the highest standard in conforming with ethical conduct consistent with the requirements of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW government sector employees, thereby complying with the following Directions on the NSW Public Service Commission website:

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We recognise and support the values guiding the Code of Ethics and Conduct in the NSW Public Sector and the Code as the foundation of the integrity and accountability framework for all public sector employees.

Centium’s Quality Assurance and Code of Conduct, plus our strictly enforced Service Delivery Guarantees, are consistent with and complement the Code of Ethics and Conduct, thereby ensuring we consistently achieve the highest ethical and quality standards. e) Alternative Dispute Resolution

In addition to possessing a high level of expertise in matters of investigation and mediation matters, Centium's investigators have significant experience in senior management roles dealing with issues such as employee behaviour, work performance, absenteeism and complaint handling and resolution.

Our Investigators' qualifications include those of advanced Workplace Mediation and Negotiation. They have all held very senior positions, including General Manager, CEO and/or Director Corporate Services of Local Government agencies.

Our nominated team members have dealt with matters that include: • Mediating grievance resolutions between client agencies and members of the public • Negotiating broad Agency redundancy programs with unions • Developing, negotiating and managing agency commercial re-alignment • Managing and resolving disputed employee terminations.

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PROFILE: Atousa Khadem was admitted in 1990 as a Solicitor of the High Court of Australia and Supreme Court of NSW and has over 25 years of experience working in a range of legal roles as a litigator, policy adviser, legal management consultant and conflict resolution professional. As a consultant Atousa has assisted agencies to investigate allegations of misconduct, manage grievances and performance issues at a very high level. Additionally Atousa is very experienced at formulating and conducting quality reviews for teams and organisations. She has also assisted in the ATOUSA KHADEM implementation of recommendations arising from such reviews and to provide support to management to ensure the success of the recommendations made. Senior Investigator This support includes for example providing management mentoring and coaching, team building, training, reviewing and drafting policies and legal SPECIALISATION: instruments. Investigations Atousa is also a skilled and experienced conflict management and conflict Quality Reviews resolution practitioner. She is accredited to provide conflict management and Conflict management and conflict coaching services, is a Resolution Institute nationally accredited resolution mediator and is a graduate of Harvard Law School in Advanced Negotiation. Facilitation Atousa provides training in conflict resolution to MBA students. Atousa Training specialises in helping organisations to manage and resolve workplace dispute and dysfunction to create positive, strong, mindful and resilient workplace EDUCATION: relationships and culture. She is also highly proficient at managing a range of non-workplace disputes. Advanced Negotiation, Harvard Law School Atousa has been passionately studying and teaching philosophy and Arts/Law BA LLB, mindfulness for well over a decade and brings this valuable knowledge and Macquarie University practice to all of the work she does.

EXPERIENCE: . Centium, Senior Investigator . Phoenix Legal Consulting Pty Ltd, Director and Principal Consultant (Aug 2002 – present) . Facilitator and Coach, The Resilient Leader (Apr 2015 – present) . Registrar, Child Support Agency (May 2001 – May 2010) . Director, Phoenix Toner (2004-2009) . Legal Officer and Convenor of the Human Rights Unit, Legal Aid Commission of NSW (Jun 1996 – Aug 2003) . Legal Officer and Manager Ethics and Professional Conduct, Department of Juvenile Justice (Mar 1995 – May 1996) . Solicitor, Carty & Co (Feb 1994 – Feb 1995) . Principal and Legal Policy Officer, WorkCover Authority, Motor Accidents Authority and Government Insurance Office (GIO) (Dec 1989 – Feb 1994)

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SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Roger has significant achievements in Human Resources Management within Federal and State Government. Over the past 12 years he has conducted in excess of 300 workplace investigations across more than 80 organisations, many of these in Local Government addressing Code of Conduct reviews, investigations and alternative dispute resolution processes under the Model Code of Conduct for Councils in NSW.

Roger has conducted numerous investigations into workplace bullying and ROGER NORTH harassment, grievances, Protected Disclosures, disciplinary matters that have Senior Investigator included workplace violence, OH&S risk management, Procurement integrity, complaints from members of the public, and for persons with disabilities in

care situations. Dip (Govt Investigations) He has dealt with a number of high profile investigation matters that were SPECIALISATION: attracting media attention, and has formulated and advised agencies on risk mitigation strategies on investigation outcomes, including managing media HR Management attention. Industrial Negotiation Workplace Investigations Roger has also worked in HR Management roles in white and blue collar Dispute Resolution environments encompassing organisation change management, major industrial negotiations and dispute resolution, and development and Organisation Reviews implementation of quality HR practice to achieve commercial outcomes. Strategic Recruitment & Induction processes As well as workplace investigations, Roger has significant in-depth experience in commercial business realignment (including organisation redundancy CERTIFICATION/ programs), customer quality service programs, performance evaluation, and MEMBERSHIPS: corporate-wide recruitment, induction and retention programs. Hay Job Evaluation Roger has worked in and consulted to Federal Government organisations Methodology requiring national security clearance, and has an Australian National Security Commercial Mediator clearance. Member of Australian Roger gained extensive experience working in the Federal and State sectors in Institute of Management (AIM) Human Resources and Employee Relations management roles, including undertaking organisation risk management, union negotiations and dispute Commercial & Private Inquiry (CAPI) Master resolution on behalf of the top executive. Licence Number: 411183500 MAJOR PROJECTS: (CAPI) Operator Number: 411198683 Roger has undertaken a range of projects that include: . Workplace Investigations in organisations covering the Health, Energy, Legal Aid Services, Transport, Environment & Waste Management, Finance, Family and Community Services/Community Care, Not for Profit, Emergency Services and Local Government sectors . Organisation risk analysis / reviews . Human Resources Management and HR Process re-alignment/ implementation (including corporate recruitment and retention programs) . Developing and implementing best practice induction, codes of conduct and discipline management practice . Strategic absenteeism management reviews . Injury Management/Return to Work/OHS Practice . Organisation Development reviews and business realignment.

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SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Rhonda is a management specialist who has had more than 30 years’ experience in senior management roles in a range of organisations in both the public and private sectors. Within the public sector her roles have included Executive Director, Education and Community Programs for the Environment Protection Authority and Executive Director, Child and Family for the NSW Department of Community Services. In the non-government sector she was the Chief Executive Officer of Uniting Care Burnside. She holds Masters Degrees in Business Administration and Social Work.

RHONDA STIEN In the 12 years that Rhonda has been a consultant she has undertaken a range of investigations for numerous agencies into grievances and workplace Senior Investigator misconduct. The latter have involved fact finding and disciplinary matters under the Public Sector Employment and Management Act, the GSE Act as SPECIALISATION: well as under other legal frameworks. These investigations are predominantly Workplace Investigations associated with alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct including a wide Administrative Reviews range of alleged misconduct including fraud, bullying and harassment, misuse of internet and email, use of illegal substances, discrimination and child Dispute Analysis and Resolution including protection. She attempts to find solutions that can assist organisations to Mediation improve their procedures through focusing not only on individual behaviour Strategic Planning but also on systemic issues. Research and Evaluation Rhonda has also been involved in assisting organisations in managing Executive Coaching grievances through investigation and review. The majority of grievances have been from staff about the behaviour of other staff or the decisions of EDUCATION: management, including issues associated with equitable treatment for matters such as opportunities to undertake higher duties. She has also been engaged to Masters of Business Administration (MGSM) provide independent review of the management of complaints lodged by members of the public, especially where these matters have not been resolved Master of Social Work (UNSW) and have come to the attention of the relevant Minister. Bachelor of Social Work As a qualified mediator with a specialisation in workplace dispute resolution, (UNSW) she has assisted IAB Services in developing a program which clarifies the role Graduate Certificate in of management in workplace mediation. Mediation Rhonda has assisted government agencies with highly sensitive risk analysis of Certificate IV in Government staff members convicted of child maltreatment. She has also helped them to Fraud Control undertake risk assessments of their most prevalent misconduct issues, and Certificate IV in Government develop strategies to address these. Compliance Certificate III in Investigative RECENT PROJECTS: Services Diploma in Government Rhonda’s most recent work encompasses workplace investigations for: (Investigation) . TAFE NSW . NSW Finance and Services LICENCES . NSW Rural Fire Service Commercial and Private . NSW Industry and Investment Inquiry Agents Licence, NSW . No. 409897063 Office of Environment and Heritage . Land and Property Information

. NSW Department of Community Services

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SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Peter is a successful business and local government leader, including twelve years as General Manager of Palerang Council. At Palerang, Peter led the amalgamation of two organisations and parts of five LGAs to a successful single entity. At the time of its creation, Palerang inherited a $800,000 per annum cash deficit. By the time of the 2016 merger announcement, IPART had assessed Palerang’s forward financial plan as meeting the Fit for the Future financial benchmarks. Peter has overseen and conducted numerous Code of Conduct reviews during his terms as Chief Executive of various Councils. PETER BASCOMB RECENT PROJECTS: Practice Lead Senior Consultant QUEANBEYAN-PALERANG REGIONAL COUNCIL - 2016 - 2017 QPRC was formed in 2016 through the merger of Palerang and Queanbeyan City SPECIALISATION: Councils. Governance Deputy General Manager Strategic Planning The role: After serving as the Acting General Manager for the first month Leadership due to the absence of the proclaimed Interim General Manager was Community Consultation responsible for the continuing day to day operations including statutory and Stakeholder Management strategic planning, works, water, sewer, waste and financial management while ICT monitoring the implementation of the transition plan PALERANG COUNCIL - 2005 - 2016 EDUCATION: For ten years Palerang was the fastest growing local government area in NSW. Palerang B. Forest Science Council was formed in 2004 from the amalgamation of 5 shires. Appointed as the first Post Grad Dip Computing permanent General Manager (chief executive role) in 2005. Studies General Manager - January 2005 - May 2016 Grad Dip Business The role: Total responsibility and accountability for the operation of this Leadership $45M (incl. Capex), 120 employee business including the merging of two organisations with distinctly different cultures & financial challenges. CERTIFICATION/ MEMBERSHIPS: Achievements: Financial, Cultural and Long Term Strategic Planning including Waste Management, Water and Sewer, Water Security, Land Use Graduate Member, AICD Planning (Local Environment Plan), Asset Management Plans, 10 Year Fellow AIM Financial Plan, Parking Infrastructure, Climate Change. Member, LG Professionals NSW SHIRE COUNCIL - 2001 - 2005 Member, IPAA Tumbarumba Shire was one of two NSW councils rated as having “strong financial sustainability”; the other being the City of Sydney, but was ultimately merged with Shire to form . General Manager - September 2001 - January 2005 The role – overall leadership of a long established rural shire, requiring a hands on approach whilst maintaining a relatively high community profile ensuring Council and the community were in a position to maximise the benefits arising from the economic development, while cushioning the shock of change. Also encompassed responsibilities of Council’s ‘Economic Development Manager’. Achievements: Prepared & implemented a 20-year vision and strategic plan to maximise the benefits arising from the unexpected but rapid economic development of the Shire.

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SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Gavin is a successful local government leader including over twenty-three years in General Manager / Chief Executive Officers positions. During his career, Gavin transformed the Greater Shepparton City Council into an accountable, responsive and flexible organisation. Gavin is a natural negotiator and collaborative change leader with strategic operational management skills of multi service provider organisations. He has overseen and conducted numerous Code of Conduct reviews during his terms as Chief Executive of various Councils. GAVIN CATOR RECENT PROJECTS: Senior Consultant Gavin’s experience and highly successful career in local government include the follows career highlights: SPECIALISATION: . Governance Director Corporate Services, Darebin City Council – October 2015 to Strategic Planning August 2016, Director Corporate Services Leadership Employed as Director Corporate Services in October 2015 and responsible Marketing Management for the Finance, Corporate Risk, People and Development, Information Financial Management Services, Marketing and Communications Departments. Lead and managed Human Resources Community Consultation the Economic Development and Civic Compliance Department due to Stakeholder Management previous experience and track record in Economic Development.

EDUCATION: . Chief Executive Officer, Greater Shepparton City Council – Jan 2012 Bachelor of Engineering to July 2015 Graduate Diploma of Municipal Conducted a thorough review of the organisation’s operations and finances Engineering to ensure the Council had the most efficient and effective organisation that Local Government Engineering Certificate could be achieved and to achieve long-term financial sustainability. In Scaffolding Inspectors addition, it was paramount to raise the profile of Greater Shepparton in the Certificate eyes of both the Federal and State Governments and the organisation Certified Practitioner, Whole within the eyes of its own community Brain Model Hermann International Australian Rural Leadership . Chief Executive Officer, Wodonga City Council – August 2008 to Program 2011 At the time of this appointment, the global financial crisis hit and council CERTIFICATION/ was exposed with its large industrial estate LOGIC as expected income of MEMBERSHIPS: $9m was not forthcoming while Council had expended $3m at the estate in Fellow, Local Government preparation for settlement. At the same time, expected income from Professionals VicRoads of $4m for road works already completed was not forthcoming. Fellow, Australian Institute of Management This required a prudent approach to the Council finances and has curtailed Fellow, Australian Rural many of the activities that would be expected of a regional city. Leadership Foundation Member, Australian Rural Other appointments: Leadership Network Member, Local Government . 1998 to 2008 Moira Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Managers, Australia . 1994 to 1997 Council (NSW) General Manager Member, AICD . 1993 to 1994 Shire of Leigh Shire Manager . 1983 to 1993 Shire of Leigh Shire Engineer/Town Planner

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