2010 ANNUAL REPORT Message from the CHAIRMAN & CEO

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2010 ANNUAL REPORT Message from the CHAIRMAN & CEO CELEBRATING EVERYDAY HEROES COMMUNITY ANTI-DRUG COALITIONS OF AMERICA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Message FroM the CHAIRMAN & CEO Dear Friends, Preventing substance use and abuse is not easy. Did you know that 50 percent of our high school seniors will try an illicit drug and 40 percent will use alcohol before they graduate? More 8th, 10th, and 12th graders smoke marijuana than cigarettes and prescription drug abuse is at epidemic proportions. And yet, in a number of places, CADCA-trained community coalitions are significantly lowering youth use of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs and the abuse of medicines. That’s why this year’s Annual Report celebrates the work of some of our most successful coalition leaders. These leaders may not “leap tall buildings in a single bound,” but they are the unsung, everyday heroes of our movement. And their work has moved figurative mountains for a goliath problem in every community across our country and the world. You’ll hear about our members from West Virginia, Iowa, California, Vermont, Alabama and Brazil as they tell us how CADCA has helped their coalitions to become smarter, faster. Let’s celebrate our everyday heroes who are doing a lot with a little in regards to funding and capacity. They truly are solving big problems at the local level such as reducing prescription drug abuse, marijuana use, and underage drinking. And, they are impactful because their membership organization, CADCA, is helping them along the way. Sincerely, Arthur T. Dean Major General, U.S. Army retired Chairman and CEO CELEBRATING EVERYdaY HEROES 1 2010 HigHligHts NATIONAL COALITION INSTITUTE PUBLIC POLICY In his FY 2011 Budget Request, President Drug use may be going up, but Obama recommended a $9.5 million proposed cut to the Drug Free Com- coalitions trained by CADCA’s munities program, which is a major funding source for CADCA members. National Coalition Institute, CADCA’s Thanks to CADCA’s leadership and the training arm, are more effective at grassroots advocacy efforts of CADCA members, Congress restored the funding to the original $95 million. preventing drug and alcohol abuse. How did we do it? By working with In 2010, CADCA’s Institute trained Representatives Levin and Bono 1,500 coalition leaders via distance Mack as well as Senators Leahy and learning offerings; and 1,000 people Grassley to circulate “dear colleague” via one-on-one technical assistance. and “sign on” letters in the House The CADCA Institute also continued to expand its social media resources for coalitions, launching a new podcast and Senate, respectively. and v-cast series, and offering several social media-related webinars. And to help community leaders build community These letters were signed by 66 Representatives in the House research expertise, the CADCA Institute expanded its and 31 Senators in the Senate. In addition, CADCA met with Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Project, all members of the House and Senate appropriations com - which connects coalitions with researchers and helps coali- mittees and relevant Administration officials to advocate for tions develop an understanding about the research process. funding restoration. Through CBPR, coalitions gain knowledge in areas that are vital to choosing and implementing evidence-based strategies to address substance abuse issues. 2 CADCA 2010 AnnUal REPort CADCA’s National Leadership Forum offered participants an opportunity to learn effective strategies to solve their community’s substance abuse problems, network with their peers, and to hear from the country’s leading experts on drug prevention, treatment and recovery. NATIONAL LEADERSHIP FORUM February 2010’s historic blizzard in Washington, D.C. may have shut down the federal government, but it didn’t stop community coalition leaders from attending the country’s leading conference for substance abuse prevention. About 1,800 of the nearly 2,800 registered coalition leaders, community sector members and others from across the United states and several countries braved travel challenges to come to CADCA’s 20th Anniversary National leadership Forum, held Feb. 8-11, 2010. some came from as far away as Palau and guam. Held at the gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center just outside of Washington, D.C., CADCA’s National leadership Forum offered participants an opportunity to learn effective strategies to solve their community’s substance abuse problems, network with their peers, and to hear from the country’s leading experts on drug prevention, treatment and recovery. Among the speakers were R. gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP); Adolfo Carrion, White House Director of Urban Affairs; Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H., Assistant secretary of Health, U.s. Dept. of Health and Human services; and senator Christopher Dodd (D-Ct), who received CADCA’s National leadership Award. MID-YEAR TRAINING INS CELEBRATING EVERYdaY HEROES 3 DRUG-FREE KIDS CAMpaIGN More than 400 people representing a variety of corporations and organizations joined CADCA for our 12th Annual Drug-Free Shaun Thaxter accepted Kids Campaign Awards Dinner in Alexandria, Va. Sept. 21, 2010. CADCA’s Humanitarian of Each year during the dinner, CADCA recognizes individuals or the Year Award on behalf organizations for helping CADCA realize its vision of building of Reckitt Benckiser and maintaining safe, healthy and drug-free communities. This year’s event honored Reckitt Benckiser and Christopher Kennedy Lawford for their support of CADCA’s efforts. Reckitt Benckiser was named CADCA’s 2010 Humanitarian of the Year, and Actor, activist, United Nations Goodwill Ambas- sador, and New York Times bestselling author Christopher Kennedy Lawford received the Champion for Drug-Free Kids Award. Shaun Thaxter, President of Reckitt Benckiser Global Pharmaceuticals, who accepted the award on Reckitt’s behalf, Youth trainers Melanee Anne stressed the importance of prevention and recovery methods Piskai and Khiree Smith in his remarks, noting that thousands of people with opioid gave inspiring remarks addiction have benefited by Medication Assisted Treatment. Lawford, who has been in recovery for more than two decades, discussed the importance of evidence-based prevention and of granting more people access to quality treatment and recovery services. The presence of youth coalition members and leaders, such as CADCA’s National Youth Leadership Initiative trainers Melanee Anne Piskai and Khiree Smith, illustrated the reason why CADCA and its coalitions work day-in and day-out to ensure youth are educated about and protected from Christopher Kennedy drug and alcohol abuse. Last year’s Humanitarian of the Year Lawford received Award winner Neil Austrian told the audience that Piskai and CADCA’s Champion for Smith’s appearance at the dinner was inspiring to all the Drug-Free Kids Award adults in the room. “They both really embody the reason we are all here tonight, for the continued training and support of these young community leaders and the coalitions that support them,” Austrian said. 4 CADCA 2010 AnnUal REPort CADCA sponsORs Leadership (50k +) Benefactors (1k +) Individuals ($400 +) speakers Unlimited inc. Colonel Robert Whaley Executive Committee (25k +) tanner Mainstain Blatt & glynn Feinstein Healthcare DiRECtV inc. Bayer Healthcare LLC Pillsbury Winthrop shaw Pittman LLP Wolters Kluwer Pharma solutions Campaign for tobacco-Free Kids Platinum (15k +) Direct success inc. Visions Marketing Fox Entertainment group Wiltshire & grannis LLP Mintz, levin, Cohn, Ferris, glovsky & Popeo PC King Pharmaceuticals inc. the Meltzer group ElV Associates inc. Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) george D. shafer Oracle inc. Purdue Pharma l.P. D2 Pharma Consulting LLC sydney McKelvy the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Merck Craig D. & sherry M. Beach iMN solutions inc. general Dynamics C4 systems lions Clubs international Foundation Viacom inc. Ralph A. sturdivant, Jr. Foundation Flax Associates LLC goldman, sachs & Co. Accudial Pharmaceutical inc. general and Mrs. Arthur t. Dean, Retired Supporters (Other) Gold (10k +) Daniel E. & Janice M. laytham laura Fay gaylord Entertainment Co. BLT Associates guthier Electric Home Box Office (HBO) Palm Beach Prayer team Ministries inc. trinity group United the Kay Family Foundation Peter J. solomon Company sJi Associates Weil, gotshal and Manges LLP interpublic group (iPg) lori E. Parker the Charles & Ann Johnson Foundation inconisus Colonel and Mrs. James H. Youngquist, Retired NDs Americas inc. sP Healthcare Pamela g. & Joseph l. White the Office Depot Foundation indianapolis Colts Howard R. & E. Awrich Morgan stanley Kenneth g. & Jerilyn s. Jordan Philip E & Marion P. sakowitz National Basketball Association Robert J. & susan santos Bronze (5k +) general William W. Crouch, Retired Robert A. levine, DDs Caron treatment Centers Andrew and Karen Drexler Christopher Kennedy lawford Patrons ($500 +) Denise inez Viera NBC Universal EsCO Enterprises Edward and Mary l. larson Hubbard Broadcasting inc. Beth Dewoody travel Destinations Robert Eagle & Kimberly Johnson National Rural telecommunications Cooperative Jeffrey Charles & Associates inc. Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Premiere Radio National Football league the Honorable Michael J. & Barbara A. Kramer Civic Entertainment group LLC theodore P. Erwin Novartis Consumer Health inc. Anthony Hopkins & stella Arroyave showtime Networks inc. Aldo Papone & sandra Papone the Washington Redskins Jeffrey C. & Joan B. turner Heidrick & struggles inc. CELEBRATING
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