Copyright 2005 by the Peninsula Genealogical Society 477 No. 6th Ave. Sturgeon Bay WI 54235 e-mail address:
[email protected] Dedication We wish to dedicate this The Door County Place Names Project of the Peninsula Genealogical Society to James Halstead (1926 -2000). He was one of our dedicated charter members during the creation of this project but more than that, his great knowledge of Door County and his willingness to share that knowledge and perfect the final locations of so very many of the places herein has made this project one that we know will be of great help to researchers in and of Door County Wisconsin. “We hope you are pleased with the final project, Jim!” Introduction We have had many deterrents along the way but have not given up what we feel is a project worth doing and after fifteen years of waiting, the PGS Door County Place Names Project has finally been completed. While working on a Door County Research Guide in the beginning of The Peninsula Genealogical Society’s infancy around 1990, the need for a Door County Place Names Project became apparent. Many old names of places in the County were unknown as to location on the maps of our time. Family history researchers had old letters indicating places long lost to recent knowledge, so the Society began to gather names with their locations with the plan to include them in the Research Guide. That place names part of the Research Guide was becoming a massive undertaking and one to be a project worthy to stand on its own.