CURRICULUM VITAE Boaz Shacham Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, The Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram 91904 Jerusalem, Israel. Email:
[email protected] Education: 1993-95: B. Med. Sc. in Dentistry School Alpha Omega, Hadassah, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 1996-97: prerequisite courses for M. Sc. in Evolution, Systematics and Ecology Dept., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 1997-2004: M. Sc. in snake ecology, "Polymorphism in the schokari sand snake (Psammophis schokari) in the coastal sand dunes of Israel" Professor Yehudah L. Werner, Dept of ESE, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 2004-09: Ph.D. in ecology, "Dune management and reptiles: Implications for habitat reconstruction and conservation strategies" Dr Amos Bouskila, Life Sciences Dept, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Main research interests: (a) Animal and behavioral ecology. (b) Conservation of reptiles and their habitats. (c) Reptile systematics & taxonomy. Appointments at the Hebrew University: 1997-1999: curatorial assistant to Prof. Yehudah L. Werner in the Herpetological Collection at the Zoological Museum, Department ESE, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 2001-present: Collection manager and technician, Herpetological Collection, Zoological Museum, Department ESE, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Appointments at Ben-Gurion University: 2004: Part-time field research technician of Amos Bouskila, Behavioral Ecology laboratory, Dept. of Life Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 2005-2006: Teaching assistant in undergraduate course "Desert Plants and Animals". 2005, 2007: Teaching assistant in graduate course "Ecological Methodology Exemplified Through Reptile Studies". 2005-2006: Teaching assistant in undergraduate course "Conservation Ecology". 2006-2008: Teaching assistant in undergraduate course "Faunistics".