Sec. Clinton Goes to Charlottesville
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2017 ABA Law Student Division Best Newspaper Award-Winner VIRGINIA LAW WEEKLY Wednesday, 29 November 2017 The Newspaper of the University of Virginia School of Law Since 1948 Volume 70, Number 12 A New Dawn around north for UVa grounds Law? Sec. Clinton Goes to Thumbs down to Phoebe Willis ‘18 the Z Society’s casu- (she/her/hers) al email to “Ms. Gol- Guest Columnist uboff.” It is Dean, Queen, or GTFO. Mystically, Despite my best attempts to Charlottesville ANG. write the open letter to the Stu- dent Records Office in a col- Thumbs sideways laborative and positive tone, I to Time Magazine can imagine that it would be calling to say ANG off-putting for any adminis- was PROBABLY go- trator to read a letter to them ing to be named “Newspaper in the Law Weekly without Figure (Person) of the Year,” the student first approaching like last year. ANG says prob- their office. However, instead ably is no good and will take a of being upset, Dean Dugas pass. Thanks anyway! sent an email inviting SBA president Steven Glendon and Congratulations me to come discuss the letter to Prince Harry and with him. Admittedly, Steven Meghan Markle on and I didn’t know what to ex- their recently an- pect from this meeting. Higher nounced engage- education is known for being a ment! ANG knows accepting bureaucratic nightmare that is the American, biracial bride often slow-moving in adopting is a big step for the royal fam- student input. ily, but the biggest of all is To our delight, Dean Dugas letting a royal marry a divor- not only welcomed the sug- cee. King Edward VIII and gestions in the letter, but he Princess Margaret would be even went about immediately bloody pissed. implementing them. Within thirty minutes of our meet- Annual reminder ing and continuing for a few to recycle! Otherwise, days, Dean Dugas sent and VELF on a Shelf (the Steven and me a bunch of dif- tiny VELF water bottle that ferent mock calendar invites watches you from trash cans) because he wanted to make Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to a crowd of students at Old Cabell Hall. will tell Santa to put you on sure that he found the one Photo courtesy of UVA Today the Naughty List. that was compatible with all Jenna Goldman ‘18 ing sixty-nine percent ap- She urged the women in the types of calendars and would (she/her/hers) proval rating,” Clinton said. room to cultivate their deter- Thumbs side- be easiest for students to use. Editor-in-Chief “Those societal characteris- mination and to take on the ways to the lack of Taking his willingness to work tics translate into politics.” risks that come along with 1Ls in the library. with students one step further, The University of Virginia She drew her advice to leadership. “It takes courage, ANG, of course, has Dean Dugas asked the SBA for welcomed Secretary Hill- women with political aspira- but the more women who run never been to the library, but a student liaison who would ary Rodham Clinton to Main tions from a quote by Elea- and win, the easier this pro- ANG’s studious friends tell meet with him monthly to dis- Grounds on Tuesday, No- nor Roosevelt: “Develop skin cess will become.” ANG it has become a pleas- cuss student feedback and new vember 14, as the keynote as thick as a rhinoceros!” After her speech, Clin- antly stress-free place in the ideas. Steven Glendon will be speaker for the Women’s Clinton recounted the double ton sat down on stage with 1Ls’ absence. But these 1Ls acting as the interim liaison Global Leadership Forum. standards as excruciating, moderator, and First Lady of know about OGI and, like, until a permanent representa- The Forum was held in con- giving the classic example Virginia Dorothy McAuliffe. grades, right? KDon, you told tive can be appointed. junction with the UVa Bi- of speech. “I was walking a McAuliffe asked Clinton a them about OGI, didn’t you? At first, I was in a state of centennial, which brought tightrope without a safety host of questions from cyber KDon?! shock after the meeting, but speakers from around the net.” She recalled practicing security to tax policy. then, I couldn’t stop talking world to examine “The Role for debates and being told “I am encouraged by Thumbs up to about it. By 3L, many student of Women in 21st Century to be careful of varying her young Americans who are eggnog season. As leaders have experienced a Democracy.” Panels focused tone to avoid the perception much more inclusive, valu- the Law Weekly’s less-than-positive interaction on Education and Health, of “yelling” or “nagging,” and ing of diversity, and better at eggnog correspon- with an administrator, and Economic Access and Inno- to under no circumstanc- connecting with each other dent, ANG has faithfully this can color their perception vation, and Equity and Po- es lay a fist to the podium, than previous generations.” tested all the eggnog around of that person, maybe even litical Empowerment. “even though male orators McAuliffe referenced the and can reliably report that unfairly, for the rest of their President Teresa Sul- often raise their voices and criticism Clinton received Turkey Hill is the best brand- law school experience. See my livan opened by welcoming pound on the podium for from those on the right and name eggnog, while the stuff own experience missing the 3L Governor Terry McAuliffe emphasis—to men those are left for writing her book and in the glass bottle at Kroger is deadline to register for classes and his wife, Dorothy McAu- perceived as successful tech- for continuing to speak about the best overall. It’s a smooth this summer. But I have to say, liffe. Governor McAuliffe in- niques.” the election. At first Clinton cocktail of eggs, nutmeg, working with Dean Dugas to troduced Secretary Clinton More than just the man- joked that if the pundits had and...well ANG isn’t really find a solution that worked for by highlighting her work as ner of speaking, Clinton left her alone, she still might sure what else is in eggnog, all students (and not just com- an advocate for women and pointed to the recent exam- be hiking in the woods. But but trust ANG, this stuff is plaining about my own situa- children, as a First Lady of ples of the silencing of Sena- she turned to the very serious the knees of bees, as the kids tion) was one of the most posi- both Arkansas and the Unit- tor Elizabeth Warren on the reason why she continues to say. tive and enjoyable experiences ed States, as the first woman floor of the Senate, and of speak out. “When these guys, I’ve had in law school. senator from New York, and Senator Kamala Harris as and they are all guys, when Thumbs sideways Dean Goluboff, often char- as the first woman Presiden- she questioned Jeff Sessions they tell me to go away I just to Netflix’s God- acterized as a “how-can-we- tial nominee of a major po- during a Senate Intelligence say, ‘I’m not going to listen.’ less. ANG appreci- do-this” instead of a “no” style litical party. Committee Hearing. Clinton I’m not going to walk away ates Netflix proudly administrator, just recently Secretary Clinton began encouraged the audience to from the debates I’ve had my marketing a female-driven completed her first year as her remarks by congratu- take these attacks person- entire career.” Clinton noted Western that is too good to the leader of the Law School. lating the cheering crowd ally. “We need to understand that critics did not ask pre- skip, but maybe next time, Could she be behind this new in electing Governor-elect and accept the fact that the vious candidates like Mitt could we NOT have 73% of attitude from administration Ralph Northam and for set- diminishment of any woman Romney, John McCain, or Al the dialogue delivered by for openness and collaboration ting records in the number of is a diminishment of you and Gore to “go away” after los- men? with students? Only time will women elected to state office me,” she said. ing an election, especially on tell, but regardless of why my in the Commonwealth. Though Clinton ad- issues like children’s access Thumbs up to the experience working with Dean “When I was serving as dressed the difficult reali- to healthcare. National Dog Show, Dugas was so wonderful, all I First Lady and serving as ties of running for office as After graduating from but more impor- can say is his colleagues should Secretary of State I was ‘serv- a woman, she left the crowd Yale Law School in 1973, tantly to the Law take a page from his book. Ku- ing’ men, and in those posi- with words of encourage- Clinton continued postgrad- School Dog Show, which will dos to you, Dean Dugas. tions, I was viewed more fa- ment. “We have made prog- uate studies on children and be occurring Spring 2018 in --- vorably. When I left the State ress, and we cannot let any- Spies Garden! #spreadtheru- [email protected] Department I had a whoop- one turn us back,” she said. CLINTON page 3 mor 2 Columns VIRGINIA LAW WEEKLY Wednesday, 29 November 2017 Album Review: Taylor Swift, reputation First, a word about my creden- sticking with it, and the result is dark, gritty reboot of the Tay- “Don’t Blame Me” confirms it: Part the Second: And Now tials as a Swiftie.