The State of Transgender California Report
T H E S T A T E O F TRANSGENDER CALIFORNIA REPORT RESULTS FRom the 2008 CAlifORNIA TRANSGENDER ECONOMIC HEALTH SURVEY P R E PA R E D BY THE TRANSGENDER LAW CENTER The State of Transgender California: Results from the 2008 California Transgender Economic Health Survey The Transgender Law Center is grateful for the many researchers, writers, editors, and reviewers who worked on The State of Transgender California: Results from the 2008 CA Transgender Economic Health Survey. Jennifer Davis led the original survey design with input from Somjen Frazer, Lee Badgett, and Mara Keisling. Countless organizations and community members helped disseminate and collect the survey, including Ella, Bienestar, FTM International, LOTUS, TASC, and many others. Tanya Barretto at LFA Group, Eleanor Hartzell and Dr. Eli Bartle cleaned the data, which were analyzed by Eleanor Hartzell and Somjen Frazer at The Task Force (with assistance from Chloe Mirzayi and Stephen Wiseman). Eleanor led the writing effort with editing support from Karen Taylor, Leslie Minot and Dr. Bartle. Dr. Bartle also obtained human subjects approval and acted as a consultant for the project. Thanks, as well, to Christopher Daley, Cecilia Chung, and San Francisco’s Transgender Economic Empowerment Initiative for their inspiration and support. The survey and report were made possible by program support from the Women’s Foundation of CA; Tides Foundation’s State Equality Fund, a philanthropic partnership that includes the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, the Gill Foundation, and anonymous donors; the Walter & Elise Haas Fund; and the Williams Institute. TLC is also grateful to those who have supported our economic empowerment and health work over the years, including the Horizons Foundation, Open Society Institute, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr.
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