"Why Do We Have Cause to Celebrat?"; * of the Mirofiche And

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DOCUMENT RESULT'. ED 137 239 SP 010 876 AUTHOR Imel, E. Carmen, Ed. TITLE Dance Heritage. Focus on Dance: VIII. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 77 NOTE 92p.; This book was developed by the National Dance Association AVAILABLE FROMAAHPBE Promotion Unit, 1201 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 ($6.50) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 2lus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Aesthetic Education; *Auerican History; Colonial History (United States); *Dance; Educational Trends; Eskimps; Financial Support; Recreational Activities IDENTIFIERS *Folk Dance; Mormons; Movement Education; *Square Dance ABSTRACT The theme of this bicentennial perspective on American dance is "Heritage, Festival( Horizons." The heritage section highlights dance activities of colonial America; the festival section answers the guestion, "Why do we have cause to celebrat?"; and the horizon section presents some of what is happening now in dance and what may be the wave of the future. Contribut:)rs are prominent persons in dance research, education, and performance. Specific areas covered include:(1) dancing as an aspect of early Mormon and Utah culture;(2) dance in Eskimo society;(3) a history of square dance in America;(4) folk dance in America;(5) dance education;(6) kinesthetic--rhythmic approach to dance;(7; public subsidy for dance--the role of local, state, and federal agencies; (8) interdisciplinary aesthetic education; and (9) recreational dance in the 1970s. (HM) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the mirofiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the EEIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsibl for tLe quality of the original document. Reproductio.is * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. ********************************************************************** u S DE PARTMENT OFHEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OROPINIONS PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS REPRE COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICRO STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY RANTED By SENT OFFICIAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF F EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERA!' PQ UNOER AGREEMENTS .5 1TH THE NA TIONAL INSTI Tu'TE OF EDUCATION FUR THER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMIS SION OF THE COPYRIGHT ONNER FOCUS ON DANCE: VIII DANCE HERITAGE: Editor: E. Carmen Imel Associate Editor: Gwen K. Smith National Dance Association of the American Alliance For Health, Physical Education and Recreation PHOTO CREDITS Gallaudet College, Washington, D.C. (Barzel) D.M. Hadield (Lippincott) Dolores Hellweg (Moore) Nina Leen, Pix Incorporated, permission to use by Wesleyan University Press (Holm) Evelyn Lockman, Audio Visual Services, San Diego State University (H' Doubler) Earlynn Miller, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. (Page, Hughes) Margy Rutledge (Van Tuyl) Ken Seng, Illinois State University (Holbrook, Page, Hughes) A.C. Smith, San Luis Obispo, Ca. (Beliajus) Steven A. Zapton, art department, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. (Lewitzky) publications Copyright ©1977 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 ii CONTENTS PREFACE iv INTRODUCTION PART ONE: HERITAGE Some Notes On Dance In America Ann Barzel I Dancing as an Aspect of Early Mormon and Utah Culture teona Holbrook 4 Dance In Eskimo Society An Historical Perspective Rick Luttmann and Gail Luttmann 15 A History of Square Dance in America Ralph Page 23 Conversation with Ralph Page F Carmen Imel 33 PART TWO: FESTIVAL Intmduction Gwen K. Smith 36 One Viewpoint _Marian Van Tuyl 37 History or Nostalgia? _Gertrude Lippincott 39 Kinesthetic-Rhythmic Approach to Dance Margaret H'Doubler 46' Dance Heritage from the Bicentennial Perspective 1.ucile K. Czamowski 47 The Changing Scene in the Folk Dance Field Vyts F. Beliajus 49 A Twentieth Century Retrospective Miriam Gray 51 The Experiential Continuum of Dance Education Ruth Lovell Murray 56 To Be With It Hanya Holm 61 PART THREE: HORIZONS Public Subsidy For Dance __Elvi Moore 62 Humanizing Education Through Interdisciplinary Aesthetic Education Carol LeBreck 68 Humanizing Education Through Dance Experiences Bella Lewitzky 74 Recreational Dance In the 1970s Dorothy Hughes 79 Epilogue _ __Margie R. Hanson 84 4 III PREFACE This book is for all people interested in dance: its illustri- ous past, exciting present and limitiess future. Danceis paradoxical in that it is one of the oldest arts and also one of the newest arts. Old in the sense of time and ritual and new as a constantly changing performing art and as a disciplineof study in schools. The National Dance Association (NDA), committed to the celebration of the American Bicentennial, deserves particu- lar praise for initiating this project. Earlynn S. Miller.editor for the NDA, provided the impetus, motivationand en- couragement for completion of thisendeavor. For permission to use, in slightly changed form, material that originally appeared in their pages, we thank the Re- search Quarterly of the AAHPER and Square Dancing, the official magazine of The Sets in Order American Square Dance Society. Special thanks are for: Bob Osgood, editor of Square Dancing; for The Sets in Order American Square Dance Society which graciously offered materials from its publica- tions; Ralph Page, an extremely kind and patient man who was generous with his time and material; and Charlotte hey. Evelyn Lockman and Margie Hanson who demonstrated interest by contributing ideas and suggestions for possible authors. Gratitude is extended to William Cooper, director of publications, AAHPER, for his sound advice and answers to all questions and to Ann Barzel for performing a stand-in role on a moment's notice. Finally, a personal thank you to Miriam Gray, who not only offered her usual valuable suggestions, but is responsi- ble for involving so many of us in the work of the NDA. The content and purposes of the book, together with possible errors, are the sole responsibility of the editors. INTRODUCTION How does one develop a theme for the Bicentennial issue of Focus? First, very real problems haveto be considered: cost, availability of funds, rate of inflation, size of the publication, number of ,copies to be sold and similarques- tions which demand answers. Second, practical approaches such as the amount of time in which to complete theproject, ideas for organization of the material, deadlines and themost effective work plan must be implemented.. After much deliberation, the official theme of the United States Bicentennial Commission, "Heritage, Festival, Hori- zons," was selected. The heritage of dance will be reflected through its history; festival will be its celebration by contri- butions of twentieth century leaders; and horizons will bean expansion of the current trends, innovations, reflections and dreams which may be the mode of tomorrow. Before decisions for heritage were made, other questions were raised. What type of historical articles have been published recently for NDA readers? What could realisti- cally be done in a short period of time? Wouldmany short articles be better than a few longer ones? Much literature has been devoted to dance of the southern region of the United States but less about the northern and eastern portions. Thus, the decision was made to highlight the dance activities of Colonial America so faithfully preserved forus by Ralph Page. Ideas for the festival section wasan attempt to answer the question, "Why do we have cause to celtbrate?" The "causes" are Beliajus, Czarnowski, Gray, H'Doubler, Holm, Lippincott, Murray and Van Tuyl. These individuals have made significant contributions through dis'anguished careers . The horizon section presents some of what is happening now in dance and what may be the wave of the future. This portion includes articles on the influence of aesthetic educa- tion on the integration of dance with other arts; the role of local, state and federal agencies in dance projects; view- points of outstanding performers and educatoison their perceptions of dance today and in the future; anda report on current happenings in recreational dance. We hope you will find Focus on Dance VIII: Dance Heritage a stimulating and informative refererce. Carmen Imel, Editor Gwen K. Smith, Associate Editor 6 PARTONE:HERITAGE Some Notes On Dance In America Ann Barzel other native sons, such as Peter the Indian, whoentertained In the beginning there was dancing. It is afallacy that theater or early New England settlers with his war dance, but none was America's Puritan beginnings meant no dancing, professional. Durang danced mostly in Philadelphia, al- frivolity. In the first place, Virginia's Jamestown preceded though he did appear in New York. His hornpipes and jigs Plymouth by some 13 years and thosefounding adventurers of the French ballet in most were not as polished as the offerings and sons of aristocracy danced as did settlers dancers who began coming after the French Revolution,but by colonies. Second. early America was not dominated he got as far
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