Go online at unkantelope.com for exclusive stories, photos and videos the antelope not featured in print Volume 117, Issue 22 | 3.30.16 | www.unkantelope.com New childhood and youth studies minor to be offered Sports comm

ALYSSA SOBOTKA News, Feature Editor/Asst. Copy Editor degree added The inspiration to develop a new Childhood and Youth Studies minor at UNK came down to student needs and to JMC lineup wishes. “We have seen a lot AUSTIN KOELLER of interest from students UNK Communications over the years,” said Michelle Beissel Heath, Students at the University of associate professor of Nebraska at Kearney now have English. “We will get one an opportunity to focus on sports student who is interested journalism and mass communication as part of a new major. MICHELLE in this specific focus and BEISSEL HEATH we have not been able The Department of Communication to give them quite the began offering a sports communication support we have wanted to. The addition major at UNK this academic year, of this minor really allows that to happen.” which focuses on preparing students for The University of Nebraska at various careers in the sports industry. Kearney English Department will offer This was something the undergraduate minor beginning fall of Photo by Alyssa Sobotka 2016. The UNK English department will offer a new youth and studies minor, beginning the fall we were hearing Beissel Heath and 2016 catalog year. Professors Susan Honeyman and Michelle Beissel Heath are heading about from students, English Professor Susan the courses and said courses will be interdisciplinary. Honeyman collaborated “ that they wanted to several years to develop that the minor is titled “studies” instead of only motivation for developing current and have.” curriculum for a “literature,” despite it being housed in the new courses into a minor. Childhood and Youth English Department. “Our adolescent and childhood —Ralph Hanson Studies minor, choosing The minor is designed with unique literature courses tend to be very popular “They move from working in existing courses interests and needs of each student. and fill, so it seems there has always been broadcasting, to working in print and SUSAN HONEYMAN and creating others Depending on a student’s area of passion, some kind of interest,” Beissel Heath said. online, to working for the industry,” said specifically with thecourses outside the English department “… It seemed like the addition of this Ralph Hanson, professor and chair of minor in mind. have been worked into the minor’s minor was also a good way to utilize our communication. “They’re going from The minor requires 24 credits, which curriculum as electives to give students faculty’s strengths.” being reporters, to broadcasters, to includes prerequisites, and includes core more flexibility. Honeyman and Beissel Heath think marketing communications." courses Children’s Literature, Literature “One of the things that excites me their contrasting education backgrounds “What we decided to do is put for Adolescents, Classic Literature of about the electives is how interdisciplinary and areas of interest in youth studies are an together a major that would give Childhood, The Graphic Novel and Special they might be for students,” Honeyman asset to the program. people the skills to not only be dealing Topics (related to childhood and youth said. “Rather than just focusing on literary Honeyman, at UNK since 2002, with sports, but also to deal with the studies). concerns, a student could take a family received her education in 19th century movement between,” he said. Remaining credits may be chosen studies course or a psychology class as well American Literature. She focalizes on The Department of Communication from electives across multiple departments: to give them an interdisciplinary scope.” American children’s literature and politics previously offered a major in sports Adolescent Psychology, The Juvenile Additionally, Honeyman says the title surrounding youth. communication. It followed standard Justice System, Juvenile Delinquency, will be more beneficial for resume building She returned this semester after being journalism curriculum with a few sports The Sociology of the Family and The than a title that indicates a study confined on sabbatical in fall 2015 to finish her administration classes thrown in, but Developing Child. to literature. Beissel Heath said it is with purpose Answering student needs was not the YOUTH STUDIES, PAGE 11 SPORTS DEGREE, PAGE 11 op/ed CAN YOU SPELL STRESS Tis the season: Your personal Holy Trinity – mind, body and soul – in danger as end of term looms

ANTHONY HUNKE threatening scenario. As an event unfolds Antelope Commentary and the individual feels compromised, the brain issues an order to flood the We come in all bloodstream with various hormones FAST shapes and sizes, including adrenaline and cortisol. These wrapped up all hormones, in turn, rally the body in a way ON OUR beautifully, tied in a that many call the “fight or flight” response. bow. However, there This includes heightened awareness, is one underlying commonality that can sharpened senses, increased heart rate, be derived without even looking at a constricting muscles, rapid breathing and spreadsheet at this time every spring: stress. an increased performance level. As a college student, I can relate to this However, when stress is not being all too well. I have seen what stress can do, super helpful, it can distort the body. and I have found that learning how to best Along with increased heart rate and blood cope with stress in life is one of the most valuable lessons a college student can learn. Most of my information was obtained via Despite the FEET helpguide.org, and I encourage all of you to (NOT ON THE STREET) check it out at least once. stigma attached Fact: stress homogenizes all of to stress, our humanity. Our reactions to stress are hardwired, or synchronized within our body can make fundamental codes. Many assign a negative “ good use of stress connotation to stress, but what exactly does in appropriate stress do to the human body? For many, stress means feeling amounts.” overwhelmed, unmotivated and, perhaps, even panicked to some degree. There is no worse feeling than trying to plan out the pressure, the body’s reaction can be quite next few days and realizing there is no way extreme. Consider the fact that stress makes everything on the list is going to be done our body transition into the “flight or fight” on time. response. The body does not distinguish I read “The Healthy Performer” severity, so facing life-threatening danger two years ago, and it gave a thorough and stressing over an argument with a description of how the body can make significant other will produce the same good use of stress. results. TM For instance, when gearing up to One of the more severe effects of SERIOUS DELIVERY! present in front of a crowd, feeling stress stress is a lowered immune system. With ★ ★ is a good thing, creating a degree of the immune system weakened, the body JIMMYJOHNS.COM spontaneity and driving individuals to becomes susceptible to illness and disease, perform to the best of their ability. and with it being March, it is utterly However, when experienced in large imperative that we stay as healthy as doses without any means of regulation, possible. Many claim that this can, also, stress can cause some unfortunate side lead to an increased aging process. TO FIND THE LOCATION NEAREST effects. Four categories resulting from stress Sometimes, stress can be positive each have specific effects: YOU VISIT JIMMYJOHNS.COM in regards to protecting your life and Cognitive: issues with memory, making you more alert and vigilant. problems concentrating, negative judgment The body undergoes a stressful reaction ©2016 JIMMY JOHN’S FRANCHISE, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. when confronted with a demanding or STRESS, PAGE 11

2 March 30, 2016 the antelope by Staff politics now Work through the spin, then support your candidate

HOLLY GREEN for voting for the ‘wrong’ candidate, if you based on situations are given and how you on topics but remain fairly moderate— Antelope Staff even get the chance to vote. answer will determine where you score unlike the political candidates now-a-days. As I face this thought, the only way on a four quadrant graph. It ranges from These options allow for a measurement I am going to come I can make the decision is to become Authoritarian to Liberal and if you are left of that trait. Scales are placed on each of right out and say it. I educated in political matters of the day. or right (explained on the site). You can these questions to measure how strong do not know who I am I know what I want, and I know the also look at how the candidates compare individuals feel about the issue in question. going to vote for in the candidates can change their opinions by to each other on the grid. This will explain So not only is your score being calculated upcoming presidential year, by week and even once seated in their where you are located on the political scale on which candidate your answers match election, or the state/local elections for that position, so I just have to find the best of the terms conservative (often affiliated up with the most, but how far you sit on matter. Between Trump’s over-aggressive match or the lesser of two evils. There are with Republicans) and liberal (affiliated the scale that was measured on the earlier message against the Feel the Bern(ie) a variety of things that I (or that you can) with Democrats). This can be helpful, but quadrant grid. Once completed, it will let campaign, I don’t know who provides use to in that decision. The first: listen it is general and not the best resource for you know your top candidates. more direction with how they want the to the candidate and what they think—if really narrowing down a candidate. Even though my top answers from country to go. Sure, they say that they will you don’t like it, then don’t vote for them. ISideWith is another great resource ISideWith were candidates that only do this, or do that, or mention how the The second, and perhaps one of the harder matched me 60% of the time and where I other candidate doesn’t know what they steps, is to research what each of the SAVE TIME RESEARCHING sit on the political grid changes with the are saying, but the current candidates candidates would like to do. While I would questions they ask, I am determined to vote. never provide a direction for how they highly recommend actually watching Visit www.isidewith.com or Primary elections represent the chance are actually going to get us there. When debates or seeking out the candidate’s www.politicalcompass.org for the candidates to duke it out to make a candidate does produce a plan, it is on individual websites, I understand, as a it to General elections, the BIG vote. For something the president has no power college student myself, the crunch for time. to be matched with potential Democrats (if you are a Bernie vs Hillary in the actual process to reach that goal. Through classroom and political major/ candidates that share your values fan) the primaries are over already— Frankly, I do not know which false hope is minor student exchanges, I have found a Sanders won Nebraska; for Republicans more unsettling. few websites that might help people save (Cruz vs Trump) you’ll get your chance in What I do know is that I am patriotic some of that time in researching or picking and best used when narrowing down the May. and want to participate in a right that a candidate. selection to a single, or at least small group of Hopefully the resources provided will this country holds so dear, but yet so few The Political Compass is a great place candidates. Again, it is a series of questions help you find the knowledge and candidate take part in: voting. Less than half of the to begin. Before you start, beware, it is a that need answers. Instead of situations, it so that you can make a semi-educated vote population votes, even in the presidential test. I know, I know! We college students asks you about current hot topics ranging at the polls in November. Take advantage elections, which is deeply saddening, do not need more tests, especially just around the world right now. Yes or No are of that right that some countries lack and frustrating, and costly to the nation. Even after midterms. Hopefully this one will the first two answers, but if one chooses the enjoy some of the power you have when as I face a decision, I will eventually have to actually provide you with something “other chances” option, you are given more you vote. Even though I might just be make, I keep reminding myself that I have a little more beneficial for the future popular responses on how individuals feel. voting for Kermit the Frog, I hope to see the right to vote, where some countries face besides remembering if B is actually the This is a rather unique and helpful tool as you at the polls! repressive governments that can kill you correct answer. A series of questions most citizens do not have polarized views

the antelope|2016 spring staff

Editor in Chief Rachel Slowik Grant Pearce Online,Web Manager Courtney Lierman Kattie Sadd Grant Pearce Design Editor News Staff Michael Gade Alison Buchli Ana Salazar Nathaniel Abegglen Circulation Manager Print, Online Adviser Christian Schwarz Assistant Editor Molly Anson Rachel Overby Terri Diffenderfer Samantha Shaw Print Editor Annalese Barnes Alyssa Sobotka Business Manager Ad Adviser Shelby Cameron Michaela McConnell Morganne Fuller Ching-Shan Jiang Damares Campos Photo Staff Assistant Editor Katee Daly Rachel Arehart Designers Contact for Antelope Advertising: Copy Editor Kirsty Dunbar Inchang Back Austin Gabeheart [email protected] Laurie Venteicher Ellen Laird Ellen Laird Michaela McConnell The Antelope Assistant Copy Editor, Sean Laughlin Jacob Rodriguez Alyssa Sobotka 166 Mitchell Online News, Feature Editor Kori Hixson UNK – Kearney, NE 68849 KLPR — Antelope Speaks Ad Staff Alyssa Sobotka Andrew Hunke Andrew Hanson Keyli Aldana Contact for Antelope News: Andrea Martin Ad Manager Nick Stevenson Travis Bland [email protected] David Mueller by Alison Buchli the antelope March 30, 2016 3 op/ed Spring break, bust or boast

ANNALESE BARNES and gamble,” King said. scenery we got to see. That is something those of you who tend to get a little stressed Antelope Staff I spoke with Dan Harshbarger, an I will never forget”, Harshbarger said. “I out over classes, taking this time to get applied computer science major who told would totally recommend that students caught up or to work ahead really makes all Not long ago I us about his plans to spend spring break who will be around for next year's spring the difference.” discussed spring break in Moab, Utah with UNK’s Outdoor break check out what UNK’s Outdoor If hearing these students' plans before plans with three UNK Adventures. Adventures group has planned, it was spring break did not help you decide how students, but now that worth every penny.” to spend yours, hopefully knowing how spring break has come If hearing these Now, maybe if you’ve already traveled their plans turned out will give you some and gone it is time to students' plans before somewhere for your spring break this year, guidance for next year. So, maybe it’s time check in with those students and see if you might be wondering what it would to start saving up for a new adventure or their plans turned out the way they hoped. spring break did not be like to stay put and take it easy over to look forward to a week of relaxing and For those of you who laid low this year help you decide how your next break. Music major Morgan catching up on life. Either way, you have and are thinking that next year you would “ Wipperling explains how her plans for plenty of time to prepare yourself for your like to be a more adventurous with your to spend yours, hopefully a nice relaxing spring break in Kearney next spring break. next spring break, sports management knowing how their plans turned out for her. major Ryan King tells us about his spring “Staying here in Kearney was break that he spent in Las Vegas. turned out will give you definitely what I needed at this in the More online @ “My initial idea was that it would be some guidance.” semester. I knew that I should take some unkantelope.com nice to get out of Kearney for a while. My --- Annalese Barnes time to collect myself and get some things friends could not think of a better place done that I had been too busy to get done to do that than Vegas, and it definitely previously and it paid off. I was able to work • Photos from SB in Colorado did not disappoint. While pretty costly, “The trip was really awesome. I wanted ahead on some schoolwork, get some extra as we expected, it was worth it to be able to spend a lot of time outdoors and being hours on my next paycheck, and catch up • Daly stays home on the ranch to cut loose for a little bit in such a fun active, and this trip gave me just that. We on some household chores that I had been environment. There was so much to do were able to hike, mountain bike and do putting off. It feels great diving back into • Mission trip to Kentucky changes and see that we never got bored. I would other outdoor activities all while being in the semester knowing I spent my break definitely recommend it as a spring break absolutely beautiful surroundings. That being productive but also taking some time Samuelson's life trip for those who are old enough to drink was my favorite part by far, all the amazing to clear my head,” Wipperling said. “For


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4 March 30, 2016 the antelope by Michaela McConnell news Broadcasting is his game Catch 1st KLPR radiothon Photo by Christian Schwarz Aaron Scott, currently the KLPR program director, finds his place on radio following diverse background and interests

For the first time ever, Tune in Wednesday, March KLPR media personalities 30, at 11 a.m. until Thursday, Nick Stevenson and Andrew March 31, at 11 a.m. There will CHRISTIAN SCHWARZ Do you have any inspirations Hanson will go live for 24 also be a table in the Union Antelope Staff that made you want to go into March 30-31 hours straight during the this week with details on raffle broadcasting? 11 to 11 inaugural 24-hour Radiothon. prizes. Proceeds from the event Aaron Scott is no stranger to the I think when I was young NTV News Prizes will be raffled off will be donated to Lambda Pi campus radio station. kind of reigned supreme in rural Nebraska. KLPR podcasts@ from Cole Swindell concert Eta. Scott, who is currently the program It was sort of inspiring to know that Seth unkantelope.com tickets to various gift cards. director for KLPR, has been with the Denney was a local guy and that NTV was program for almost four years. just down the road from small town Axtell. “I think I started at the end of my freshman year and both semesters of What made you decide to do my sophomore year,” said Scott, a senior broadcasting? journalism major. “Then I transferred for My first time at UNK consisted of a lot a year and a half and came back to UNK to of water testing so to speak. I dabbled in do KLPR every semester since.” counseling, psychology, broadcasting, but Before Scott came to UNK, he went nothing really stuck. The first solid choice to Nebraska Evangelical High School in I made regarding major or what I wanted Waco, Nebraska. to do with my life was actually leaving Fun, Trendy Fashions at He has a pretty diverse background. UNK. I decided I wanted to go to Martin Affordable Prices He played football, was a part of musicals, Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, to band, traveling choir, student council and be a pastor/teacher within the Wisconsin was also student body president his senior Lutheran Synod. I was drawn to this year. because the high school I went to was 2112 Central Avenue Bring in this ad to “It was a private high school where I WELS and they kind of pumped MLC in Kearney, NE 68847 recieve 20% of your 308.455.1335 entire purchase! April 7th 7-9pm Ponderosa room lived in dorms until some weekends and the air ducts there. Expires May 11, 2016 excludes sale items Professional entertainers Free breaks,” Scott said. “I loved high school and It didn’t take me long to figure out that the small NELHS environment is where I I wasn’t the type of person that fit into the was really comfortable and thrived.” system there. The whole time I was up there I couldn’t help but miss being on the radio What do you do for KLPR? and always kind of missed and admired the I am currently the program director broadcasting field. I would always research for KLPR. I have done a show every it, talk about it and kind of brag about the semester I’ve been involved, but not yet this experiences I had with it at UNK. year. Sadly, I’ve just been busy with work Eventually I got over the hurdle I and school, and it has taken me away from placed for myself that the broadcasting *Free Shaker Cup with Purchase being able to do a show that I want to. I will field didn’t have a job for me with money be doing commentary this semester for my and went back to UNK to follow through Lowest Prices In Town! Radio Workshop: Sports class and will have a show involved with that class as well. rexiusnutrition.com SCOTT, PAGE 11 308-224-3863 1420 W. 24th St. Unit B by Staff the antelope March 30, 2016 5 photo news Glass artist demos art Eoin Breadon brings new techniques, sculptural skills to UNK audience

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6 March 30, 2016 the antelope by Austin Gabehart “Say Cheese!” First ever Senior Photo Show to run through April 8

Photos by Austin Gabehart Eoin Breadon, an assistant professor of art, head of glass/sculpture at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, visited March 14-15 to demonstrate and present his sculptural work and experience.

1. Breadon chills sections of the glass using wet newspaper in order to control the air being blown into the piece.

2. Breadon rolls the glass in steel wool to gain a metallic effect on the exterior of his GRANT PEARCE around the house while exploring Courtesy photo by Jessica John glass skull. Antelope Staff the general stereotypes of the job. Left: Senior Jessica M. John presents She says, “My work is based on the Graffiti & Glasses II as part of her 3. Breadon uses a torch to heat only the The Walker Art Gallery is idea that even today, there are still digital photography senior photo mouth of the skull for shaping. currently hosting the First Ever Photo stereotypes relating to gender that exhibition. Senior Show with five students who are placed on jobs in and around the 4. Breadon sculpts the teeth of the skull are majoring in studio art with an using only a small metal tool and torch. home. I used self-portraits in order to emphasis in photography. Seniors Jess convey this idea.” Courtesy photo by Emily Kowalski Right: Emily Kowalski scrubs the Marie John, Catrina Maxwell-Gray, The show will run through April 5. Breadon prepares to separate the skull floors of a kitchen. One of many Hannah Backer, Emily Kowalski and 8 in the Walker Art Gallery located in from the blow pipe in order for the skull to photos that will be displayed in her Alex Olsen will present their work. the Fine Arts Building. begin cooling in the annealer. collection titled "Housework." Emily Kowalski, from Holdrege, The Walker Art Gallery is free will be one of the five photographers and open to the general public, gallery featured in the show. Kowalski, was hours are Monday through Friday Learn more about Eoin Breadon and already a photographer before she 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The reception will Free gallery visits had declared it as her major. The title be Saturday, April 2 from 4-6 p.m., Weekdays 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. view more of his work online @ of her work is ‘Housework.’ with seniors displaying their work. She will show a collection of www.eoinbreadonglass.com photographs doing everyday jobs

the antelope March 30, 2016 7 sports April 3, Athletics Appreciation Day Women host Easter golf tourney Senior athletes lead event KATE BAKER school record of 73 set by Sports Editor three-time All-American Carla Dobchuk (1997- The UNK women’s golf team battled 01). promoting UNK baseball, tennis the weather this weekend as they hosted Also for Kearney, a tournament at Awarii Dunes in Axtell. Samantha Crawford, Later this year in May, the NCAA a sophomore sports SEAN LAUGHLIN tournament will also be hosted at Awarii management major from Antelope Staff SAMANTHA Dunes. The tournament was pushed CRAWFORD South Jordan, Utah, had back to Saturday and Sunday, where the a great round shooting Paula Jimenez and John Watson are girls had to fight off wind and cold, with a 79. She finished the two amazing examples of student athletes both days having tee times pushed back tournament placing 51st, on UNK’s campus. Both seniors, Jimenez two hours. with a 36-hole total of is a member of the women’s tennis team After the round 166. Mestl was just one while Watson is a relief pitcher for the on Saturday, freshman stroke behind Crawford, Loper baseball team. Maaika Mestl, an placing her in 55th place. This upcoming Sunday, April 3, the elementary education Additionally, Danielle two athletes are promoting a Loper athletics major from Ogallala, DANIELLE Dickerson, a freshman appreciation day, encouraging all students, led the team with a DICKERSON business administration faculty and the Kearney community to score of 85. The team major from Brentwood, support various UNK athletic teams who shot a 353 on Saturday, California, shot a 36 are both in the middle of their spring MAAIKA MESTL placing them ahead of hole total of 176 which seasons. Fort Hays State after the round. tied her for 74th place. First, head over to Memorial Field The score cards Finally, senior Katelyn to watch the final game of a three-game had a lot less color on Haschke, a psychology set between the Loper baseball team and Sunday as the team major from Sioux Falls, Washburn University. Going into this week made a great recovery. South Dakota, came in both teams are tied for 5th in the MIAA KATELYN Ana Summers, a 82nd place scoring a total with a 9-7 record. HASCHKE senior from Bellevue, of 190. Then, at Harmon Park, the men's and Colorado, majoring The team finished with a two day score women's tennis teams take on their rivals in middle grade of 673, placing them in 14th place ahead ANA SUMMERS from Northwest Missouri State University. education, led the of St. Cloud State and Fort Hays State and This event starts at 2 p.m. The Loper men’s team with a very impressive two over just behind Central Missouri. The Lopers team is coming into this week a perfect 11- par, to tie for a team-best 45th place, will travel to Waterloo, Iowa, on April 2 0, while the women’s team is coming into shooting a 36 hole total of 165. When she for their next tournament hosted by Upper this week 9-3 this season. completed her second round, it marked Iowa University. It is a jam-packed day full of her 74th round as a Loper, breaking the Loper athletics; they hope to have free promotional items to help endorse UNK athletics. These are two of the premiere teams LOPERS DESTROY BEARCATS 16-5 on campus and the more support there for Photo by Jacob Rodriguez each team the better. Shane Sharkey zeros in on the ball with his bat for a great hit into the Photos by Sean Laughlin 91.1 FM outfield. The Lopers went on to beat TOP: Senior Paula Jimenez prepares to the Bearcats with the final box score return a serve. The business administration of 16-5. KLPR major from Barcelona, Spain, is 10-2 in 91.1 FM is a proud part of UNK and is singles this year and 6-2 in doubles. happy to be your college radio station. KLPR Radio offers a wide BOTTOM: Shawnee, Oklahoma native variety of music, sports, news, and special interest John Watson pitches in relief against More Photos online @ programming. Lindenwood. The senior business unkantelope.com To make a request, call us at administration major currently has a 4.50 308-865-8217. ERA in six appearances.

8 March 30, 2016 the antelope by Alison Buchli sports [LOPER OF THE WEEK] Senior Honeycutt swinging for fences in final season Honeycutt hits home DAVID MUELLER Antelope Staff

Q: How would you describe your career at UNK? Q: What are your strengths on the diamond? ABOUT KYLE HONEYCUTT: A: It has been incredible. The people I have met, the A: I like to think that I do not let any moment get coaches I have played for, the places we have gone, all of it has too big out on the field, and I communicate well with my Class: Senior given me some of the best moments of my life that I will never teammates, both on field and in the dugout. We are told to Major: Business administration Hometown: Omaha forget. Baseball was only a part of the entire story, and I won't take every pitch with the same mentality, and that way we remember most of my at bats or defensive plays, but I will do not let big situations get the best of us and we do not let Senior Kyle Honeycutt is set to always remember the people I met and what the coaching staff any pitch feel like it isn’t important in helping us win. make the most of his final season with instilled in me to become a better person. the Lopers. Q: As a veteran on the team, what kind of role do you fit And so far, the Omaha native has Q: Describe the moment you saw yourself on ESPN last into regarding leadership? done just that. season, hitting a walk off grand slam. What kind of feeling was A: I have always tried to be a vocal person in the dugout One of the most efficient hitters on that? to keep the energy up in the dugout, and I have always tried the Loper squad, Honeycutt is hitting A: It was almost surreal. I never imagined myself being to lead by example. So I work hard and do what I am asked .347 from the plate. Five of his 25 on Sports Center for baseball, and I never would have gotten to do in any given situation, and hopefully the younger hits have been doubles, and another there without my teammates. They believed in me when it was guys see me putting in all of the work that it takes to be five have resulted in home runs. He my turn at the plate and they helped get us into that situation. successful, and they try and follow in my footsteps. has also driven in 24 runs in his 23 appearances this season. I never would have had that opportunity without our entire His dedication to his work in team buying into the “next man up” mentality. Q: You’ve been playing baseball for a while; do you still the classroom has also achieved the get nervous when you take the field? business administration major three Q: Baseball players are known for their superstitions. A: Of course. the nervousness never goes away no MIAA academic honors. Do you have any unusual habits before, during or after your matter how many games I play, but I think that’s a good UNK baseball coach Damon games? thing. Being nervous keeps me focused and it shows that I Day credited Honeycutt for his A: One of the most well-known baseball superstitions is care about this game very much. I’ve played this game for perseverance throughout his career. never step on the foul line. Well, before every game, we meet around 18 years now, and I have learned how to use my “He has battled through a lot to up as a unit of position players and break it down, and when I nervousness to excel in my performance on the field. make it to this point in his career. I run back to the dugout, I do not just walk over the line, I make have the utmost respect for him. The sure I jump over it, to avoid any problems with just stepping highest compliment you can give a Q: Do you have a favorite baseball player that you try to over it. UNK baseball player is to say ‘They’re replicate? If so, why? a program guy.’ He is the ultimate A: Over the last couple of years, I have really enjoyed program guy.” Q: Individually, what are you seeking to accomplish this watching Salvador Perez play the game of baseball. He goes Last season, Honeycutt’s batting season? out on the biggest stage in the baseball world, and he always expertise was aired on Sports Center A: I want to make sure I do whatever job I am expected to has a smile on his face. He truly plays for the love of the when he hit a walk-off Grand Slam to do to help this team win. Being my senior year, I want to make game and has fun while he plays. He reminds me to not take complete the cycle. sure I help this team accomplish all of the goals we set out to things too seriously and have fun playing the game I love “Every facet of who he is I have complete at the beginning of the fall. because it will not last forever. had the pleasure to watch him grow and mature. He is a great young man Q: What did you work on in the offseason to improve your Q: What kind of challenges do you face as a student and I am blessed to have had the game? athlete, balancing school and baseball? opportunity to be his coach and watch A: I really worked on getting myself into shape, as it was A: Being a student athlete always comes with certain him become a Loper,” said Day. the first summer in a couple years that I wasn’t recovering from Above all, Honeycutt just wants to do what it takes to help his team win. surgery. I made sure to hit and work on my swing as much as I HONEYCUTT, PAGE 11 could, but I would say my conditioning was the No. 1 priority. by Michaela McConnell the antelope March 30, 2016 9 feature DeFilippis works to bring dance program to life

KIRSTY DUNBAR What got you interested in dance? Antelope Staff "It was my mom. She had always loved dancing, singing and musicals. She Purple is everywhere in the office never took any lessons for dancing, though. of UNK’s only professor of dance Dayna When my sister and I were old enough, I A Defilippis. It’s painted on the walls, in was 6 and she was 4, she enrolled us in decorations and in her hair. Photos of everything she could." past dance recitals, family and friends I started teaching dance classes when are scattered around the small space, I was 14. At that age you’re teaching 3 to 5 previously a closet. year-olds. It was all by trial and error. Most noticeably, a deer head hangs on As I got older I took more time to get the wall with a purple boa draped around better at it. I danced and taught all through his neck. “Deery” is from her dad, all the high school. We had a group that I helped way from suburban Chicago, an office choreograph performances, run rehearsals present to show her Midwestern roots. “So and organize most everything for. That was here he is, and because this is my office and when it cemented in my head that I wanted I’m a dance instructor I had to put a boa to go to college to dance. around his neck,” she says. The place and job suit her. She says Where did you grow up at? she is really fortunate and colleagues are I grew up in Chicago area. My parents very supportive about helping the dance lived in the city, but when they got married program grow. “Even though I’m the only and wanted to start a family they moved to dance instructor, I don’t feel like I’m alone. the burbs. When I wanted to go to college, There are other universities that only have I was a bit of a snot, and I didn’t want to one dance teacher, but they are few and far stay in Illinois. I ended up at University between. Being a faculty of one for dance is of Iowa, in Iowa City. Then I moved back definitely a minority,” DeFilippis said. home, near where my parents grew up. I Photos by Kirsty Dunbar ABOVE: DeFilippis spends time in her office, which just a few years ago was a closet used for miscellaneous items from around the Fine Arts building.

LEFT: DeFilippis leads class warm-up in the studio.

What have you changed in UNK's problem for you professionally? dance program since coming here? When I first started getting tattoos It was really important to me that I was an undergraduate, and it wasn’t the dance studio not be a storage area a problem. I made sure that they were on top of a workspace because that’s placed where they could easily be covered counterproductive. Not appropriate for a up because directors and choreographers What’s up with the deer head was working in dance studios and various collegiate program. Even though space is do not want to see that on stage. wearing a boa hanging on the wall? administrative jobs. very limited here in the Fine Arts building, Once I graduated, I continued to get My dad thinks he’s hilarious. He’s I still found a way to create a workable, tattoos and also kept performing, but it was been a hunter and fisherman all of my life. How did you end up teaching? proper, college-level dance studio. with people I knew so they didn’t make a When he came to visit me once, he said One day I had this epiphany, and I From there, I have continued to big deal out of it. The other thing about he was bringing an office present to show wanted to be able to teach dance in college. work on elevating the level of quality and tattoos is they aren’t as big of an issue for my Midwestern roots so nobody would be I decided I needed my master’s degree. expectations of the dance program, in modern dancers as for someone who is in intimidated by me. When I was searching for programs classes, curriculum and performances. ballet. "I told him he didn’t have to do that online, I found the University of Arizona I’m in the process of redesigning the but he said, 'Dayna, just let me do this.' in Tucson. I studied there for two years. curriculum so it makes more sense and What is your favorite dance movie? He and mom drove here for Thanksgiving I was job searching and the UNK position is up-to-date with other colleges in our I would have to say “Footloose,” my first year here, and this deer head was came up. I interviewed, really enjoyed my area. It really is a good minor program for although “Dirty Dancing” is a close second. sitting in the back of his pickup. I was like experience here on campus and in town people who are in other fine arts programs. I don’t really like any of the newer ones. ‘Dad, what are you doing with that?’ and he and got offered the position. Three years They’re all kind of cheesy. said, 'This is your office warming present, later here I am. Have your tattoos ever been a Dayna.'

10 March 30, 2016 the antelope by Staff news

YOUTH STUDIES from page 1 third book project, “The Politics of Child and the classics, with a specific interest in Pain, Migraine, and Invisibility,” which material culture that includes childhood draws attention to childhood migraines games, toys and play. and misconceptions from adults. Her She will go on sabbatical in fall 2016 other published works include: “Elusive to finalize her first book, “19th Century Childhood: Possible Representations Fictions of Childhood and the Politics in Modern Fiction” and “Consuming of Play.” Her book makes connections Agency in Fairy Tales, Childlore, and between childhood games and how they Ralph Hanson Folkliterature.” often take literary themes. Beissel Heath has been associate Honeyman and Beissel Heath hope professor at UNK since 2009. She has the Childhood and Youth Studies at UNK SPORTS DEGREE from page 1 an educational background in Victorian program grows to include more faculty literature. She focuses on British literature members and courses. administration classes thrown in, but with Writing for the Media, but assignments faculty felt it was not a specialized sports are sports oriented. Additional new courses STRESS from page 2 major. offered are Radio Workshop: Sports, a class After hearing from students who focused on sports talk radio and play-by- and increased worrying connect with an effective support system. wished to pursue a career in sports, the play announcing, and a sports section of Physical: chest pain, increased Establishing eye contact with another department revised its curriculum and The Antelope newspaper staff. susceptibility to illness and bodily aches/ person, listening to regulate the senses and revived the sports communication major For those wishing to pursue a major pains knowing you are understood by another to meet student needs. in sports communication, Hanson suggests Emotional: Fluctuating moods, short can help tone down the effects of stress. “They wanted to have something minoring or double majoring in sports tempter, easily agitated, isolation and As the body becomes high on with a little more sports broadcasting administration. depression adrenaline, we need to burn the excess background,” Hanson said. “People were “One of the things we didn’t like about energy. Exercising can produce great also very interested in sports writing. This the old major was that it threw in one or benefit. Furthermore, it is a given that we was something we were hearing about from two sports administration classes. It wasn’t To combat stress, should eat well and eat regularly. Many students, that they wanted to have.” enough to give them that background,” people overeat, while some do not eat Students working toward the sports he said. “We think that a minor or double reach out and enough. communication major are required major will take them a lot further with that connect with an Many of you probably believe that to take classes in communication and if that is the route they choose to go.” you can handle the stress. After all, you journalism. They take courses in writing Hanson said the new major is exciting effective support have been learning how to cope with it for and design, as well as classes in small group one and goes after what the department “ system.” many years. However, I want you to realize communication and leadership. wants to do well – giving students skills that simply “handling” it is not a healthy The department also has created three needed to succeed in the future. alternative. This may not severely affect new courses that are offshoots of existing “Instead of saying, ‘We’re preparing Behavioral: increased/decreased your life right this second, but down the courses. you for this specific career,’ we are preparing eating, too much/too little sleep, closing road, it will haunt you. Take action now, A new section of Writing for the Media them for things that may or may not even out others, external substance abuse, and take back your lives. If you are going to is offered as Sports Writing for the Media. exist right now.” habitual actions derived from nervousness live in this world, you might as well do it on Hanson said the class is held concurrently To combat stress, reach out and your own terms. HONEYCUTT from page 9 SCOTT from page 5 challenges, but I have always had a lot of which could be in either baseball or in my with a journalism major. lights. It was nuts. The equipment is mind- help from my professors and the university major field of business management. blowing; there are probably literally tens of in making sure I had everything in line Q: What intrigued you about coming How do you feel about the college thousand of dollars worth of equipment in so I could travel and play baseball. Also, to UNK? radio station? Has it come far? those rooms. For that I am very thankful to having Wi-Fi on the buses now makes A: The facilities that UNK has for our When I first came in (as a freshman), be involved with the radio station. homework a lot easier to complete while baseball team are incredible. I wanted to the radio station was dated. Looking we are on the road. Coach Day does a be around these top-notch facilities, and I back at it with what I know now, that was What do you plan on doing after great job of keeping us in check with our wanted to be around a great coaching staff. common and should be expected within college? Do you have any job plans? academics to make sure our professors are Coach Day was the coach that I wanted to any college radio stations. There were I currently work at NTV News as a good with us missing class as much as we play for, and I knew it from the first time universities twice our size or colleges with Technical Director. I basically live edit the do. that I had a full conversation with him on broadcasting focuses that had similar news, cue and play videos and put things outdated studios. It was old, but something on screen. I enjoy working in broadcasting Q: What are your plans after you my recruiting trip. I loved his philosophies to be proud of. By the following semester at the moment. I would love to remain in graduate? and how he said he would coach me, and the studio had been updated. I’m talking broadcasting. I could see myself reporting A: Right now I am going to be an how he told me his main goal was for me whole room renovated from the carpet to or anchoring, but I could also very easily assistant coach for the Ralston High to graduate and become a better man in the ceiling to the tables and countertops see myself remaining in production. School reserve team this summer. And the process of playing baseball. all the way encompassing the chairs and after that, I will be looking for a career job, by Alison Buchli the antelope March 30, 2016 11 entertainment

Pollard transitions from role player to potential star in Kaôh Rong

ANDREW HANSON in a new position. He didn’t have his all- bromance of Trang and Caleb Reynolds where two idols are. That puts me in a pretty Antelope Staff star right beside him, but he was also no before Beast Mode Cowboy was medically good spot, provided I can get to the merge.” longer going to be a role player in the game. evacuated from the game, Tai’s newfound It was a very savvy move on Pollard’s I remember Pollard was forced to relegate his position as friendship with Pollard is fascinating. part to keep the idol in play and leave the watching Scot Pollard a right-hand man, which could have carried After the newly formed Gondol door open for the possibility of a super play in the NBA as a kid. him far. tribe lost the immunity challenge, the idol. The astute game play by Pollard was Specifically, when he “I’m the sole brawn, and I’m thinking three former brains decided after some also of importance because of the three played for the Indiana all right I’m on the bottom of the totem deliberation to get rid of Anna Khait. Trang players involved in his plan, he’s the only Pacers from 2003-06, which was one of the pole,” Pollard said in a confessional. “It is had offered to use his immunity idol for one without an idol in his pocket. It’s very five franchises he played for during his 11- a familiar feeling for me. I played for five the betterment of the group of Trang, Khait logical to think that if the super idol makes year professional career. My recollection, different teams in the NBA, and each time and Pollard, but because of the potential of an appearance in the game in this situation granted I’m trying to recall 10+ years ago, you’re joining a group of people you used to a new super idol, Pollard knew that it was it would be used to save Pollard. made Pollard out to be very much a role play against and you used to fight against. I best for his game to keep the idol in play Pollard’s conversation with Trang right player. His career average of 4.4 points, 4.6 can handle it. I’ve just got to figure out if I and sacrifice Khait, especially since Julia before tribal council sealed the deal and rebounds and 16 minutes per game validate can trust anybody, who it is and if it’s going Sokolowski, a beauty who was exiled during kept his new man crush in the game along that claim. When he played for the Pacers, to do me any good.” the tribe swap, would be joining the tribe to with the potential of a super idol: one of Pollard’s teammate was hall of fame Because this isn’t Pollard’s first rodeo fill Khait's vacated spot. shooting guard Reggie Miller, who ranks when it comes to situations like this, he’s Trang: “What do you think I should second in NBA history in career three- able to adapt. With three brains, two The astute game play do?” pointers. beauties and Pollard, a brawn, on the tribe, Pollard: “I think they are voting Anna Off in Cambodia for "Survivor: Kaôh Pollard gravitated towards the two beauty by Pollard was also of out. They like you. I like you. Nobody wants Rōng", Pollard’s game started to follow a members, particularly Tai Trang. Trang importance because you to go, and she’s been scheming. You’re similar trajectory. Early on, he attached isn’t much taller than five feet. Meanwhile, “ of the three players asking what’s best for you. What’s best for himself at the hip of the leader of the brawn Pollard is a 6-foot-11, 300 pound giant. The you is to save the idol for as long as you can.” tribe, Kyle Jason. Pollard played a pivotal two quickly developed a rapport with each involved in his plan, he’s Trang: “Yes, of course.” role in the retrieval of the hidden immunity other. With Trang being the tribe gatherer the only one without an Pollard: “They’re not voting you out idol, but it was just assumed that Jason but lacking in size, Pollard used his massive idol in his pocket.” tonight, so don’t use it.” would be the one to lay claim to the idol. frame to give the fan-favorite contestant a Pollard was on a one-way train to role boost. The entire series of events was a very player status. “Tai is light as a feather. I tossed him up Pollard explained the situation. shrewd piece of gameplay from Pollard and Then, host Jeff Probst told everyone to the tree, and that little dude just ran around “Aubry came up to me and said Tai’s showed that he may not just be a role player drop their buffs. that tree, picking mangos like crazy,” Pollard safe. With Jason, I’ve got two guys that in this game. He may in fact be the star. In the new tribe division, the three said. “I’ve got a man crush on Tai right now have idols and if you put them together, it remaining brawn tribe members were split already. In my opinion, he’s number one becomes a super idol, and I thought, 'wow, Andrew Hanson is writing about up with Jason and Cydney Gillon on Chan most valuable member of the tribe right we could blindside Anna and keep the idol all things "Survivor", "Big Brother", Loh and Pollard all by himself on Gondol. n ow.” hidden.' That would make me the only "Amazing Race" and reality TV in general The former NBA champion found himself While nothing will ever top the early person in the game of "Survivor" that knows at www.andrewrhanson.net.

12 March 30, 2016 the antelope by Alison Buchli