Grantsville tops Tooele Tennis See A7 TOOELETRANSCRIPT S  T  C BULLETIN S  THURSDAY August 20, 2020 Vol. 127 No. 24 $1.00 Property owners try to avoid future Erda City Some property owners don’t want to be incorporated

TIM GILLIE before Aug. 5, 2020 EDITOR One of the landowners that wants While some Erda residents are eager to avoid being incorporated into Erda to vote for incorporation this fall, some City filed a notice of intent to annex into landowners in the incorporation are Grantsville was the Six Mile Ranch, a local trying to withdraw their property from the business on the south west end of the pro- proposed new city. posed Erda City boundaries. According to the feasibility study for Six Mile Ranch owns 6,500 acres of land. the incorporation of Erda, the proposed All of that would be in the future Erda City, boundary for the new city encompasses according to Craig Smith, spokesperson for 43.27-square-miles, which is approximately Six Mile Ranch. 27,692 acres. “We have filed an intent to annex with Generally, a petition to annex into an Grantsville City,” he said. “We’re happy existing municipality may not include an being in unincorporated Tooele County; area that is included in a proposed incorpo- that’s where a ranch like ours belongs. ration feasibility study if the incorporation If we’re going to be pulled into a city, it’s is still pending. unsettling to be put into a new city where However, one of the provisions of Senate everything is unknown oher than they are Bill 5004 that passed during the fifth 2020 100% against growth.” CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO special session of the state Legislature pro- Six Mile Ranch has no plans in the near A water tank on Six Mile Ranch north of Grantsville City. Six Mile Ranch has filed a notice of intent to annex their 6,500- vides a window to except annexation peti- acres into Grantsville City on Thursday morning. Giev a choice, Six Mile Ranch said they would choose Grantsville over being tions if a notice of intent to annex was filed SEE ERDA PAGE A5 ® incorporated into the proposed Erda City. MORNING ACCIDENT ON SR36 Church withdraws residential portion of project

TIM GILLIE On Tuesday, the First Presidency of the EDITOR Church announced; “We acknowledge the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- efforts of those who have raised questions day Saints will withdraw the residential and sincere concerns about the Tooele portion of their Tooele Valley Temple proj- Valley Temple project, including the ect, according to a statement released by residential development surrounding the their First Presidency on Tuesday. temple. There is a sincere desire on the The residential project associated with part of the Church to avoid discord in the the temple drew opposition from some community. County residents due to the proposed “Therefore, regardless of the outcome density of the housing. Opponents of of a pending signature-gathering effort, the housing project filed a petition for a we have determined to withdraw our referendum that would place the repeal rezoning request for the residential por- of the zone change for the Tooele Valley tion of the temple project. Temple Subdivision Planned Community “We look forward to working with on a ballot. local officials and community members The time period for the collection of to determine next steps to move forward signatures on the referendum petition ended on Monday. SEE TEMPLE PAGE A2 ®

Lakeview Business Park developers ready to construct first building CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO A pedestrian was struck during an accident on state Route 36 near Erda Way this morning. An update will be MARK WATSON “We want to remain flexible and could posted on the Transcript Bulletin website when details are released by the Highway Patrol. CORRESPONDENT come back before you later to split this Construction of the first building on into two lots. We want to build according a 70-acre lot at Lakeview Business Park to our tenants desires,” Smith told the is set to begin next month, according to Council. He said his company would like developers. to begin the marketing process to acquire Lakeview Business Park will eventu- tenants for the building. Keeping kids safe from sex trafficking ally include several other manufacturing NorthPoint Development, a Kansas City and commercial buildings on 1,300 acres based developer, and The Romney Group CEILLY SUTTON sex trafficking. a $32 billion per year industry, near Sheep Lane east of Utah Motorsports of Salt Lake City are moving forward with STAFF WRITER Sex trafficking is defined second to drug trafficking. Campus surrounding the current Purple the development. While there have been no as a modern-day form of slav- “Human trafficking is a hid- Mattress warehouse. “We are excited for this large-scale documented cases in Tooele ery involving the illegal trade den crime, as victims rarely Grantsville City Council approved the business park and the special partner- County of sex trafficking, that of people for exploitation or come forward to seek help master site plan and final plat for the ship we have with The Romney Group,” doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen commercial gain, according to because of language barriers, creation of the first commercial building said Chad Meyer, president of NorthPoint here, according to local enforce- Utah’s Attorney General Sean fear of the traffickers, and/or in the new industrial park at its meeting Development. “Lakeview Business Park ment officials. D. Reyes. fear of law enforcement,” said Wednesday. offers a great location for tremendous Utah’s Attronet General and Each year, millions of men, Reyes. NorthPoint Development representa- success with the ability to serve any indus- the Tooele County Sheriff’s women, and children are traf- Traffickers use force, fraud, tive Thane Smith told the Council the first trial client in terms of size and labor for Office ofer tips on how to keep ficked, according to Reyes, and building would cover 506,000 square feet the County’s children safe from it is estimated that trafficking is SEE TRAFFICKING PAGE A3 ® expandable up to 1 million square feet. SEE BUILDING PAGE A5 ®

BULLETIN BOARD B5 UEC to reopen CLASSIFIEDS B6 this weekend OBITUARIES A6 CORONAVIRUS TRACKER See A4 SPORTS A7 Data as of August 20, 2020. Source: Utah Department of Health TOOELE COUNTY- Known Cases: 634 UTAH- Known Cases: 47,982 Hospitalizations: 30 • Deaths: 0 Hospitalizations: 2,853 • Deaths: 381 A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY August 20, 2020 Tooele Co. School District announces meal plans Lunchroom service plus pick up, no child to go hungry

TIM GILLIE “In some of our schools Kress. EDITOR if there is not enough room Meals will be provided only The Tooele County School in the lunchroom principals to students who have a lunch District has announced how may have to designate other number. No adult children it will provide breakfast and eating areas,like hallways,” without a number will be lunch for students during the Kress said. able to purchase food until 2020-2021 school year. On Fridays, which is an further notice. For students in school on online learning day for all Remote schools on a Monday - Thursday lunch will students, a breakfast and four-day schedule; Vernon, be served in the lunchroom lunch may be picked up Dugway, Ibapah, and as usual, according to Casey for all in-school students Wendover, will have the same Kress.TCSD Child Nutrition between 10 and 11 a.m. at all service, but the distribution Director. schools. day is moved up by one day. But there will be some Meals for students enrolled Details can be found on changes. in online schools may pick the school district’s website, Tables will be spaced and up meals on Fridays at any, by click- spots will be marked and school between 10 and 11 ing on “Child Nutrition” numbered at six-foot inter- a.m. They will get Friday’s on the “Operations” drop vals for students. Principals meals and meals for Monday down menu after clicking have determined the capac- through Thursday of the fol- “Departments” on the top bar. ity of their lunchrooms and lowing week. The Tooele County School scheduled enough lunch Some of the food distrib- District prepares about FILE PHOTO periods so every student will uted may be frozen. The food 10,100 meals daily, according Tooele County School District staff distributing lunches at Clark N. Johnsen Junior High School in March 2020. have a chance to eat lunch at will come with any necessary to Kress. school. instructions, according to [email protected] Stansbury Park parking problems Tooele City

Village Boulevard, where frequent sport- Non-residents may have to pay to park ing events are held, and the parking area looking at sign south of the entrance of the new under- CEILLY SUTTON passed a policy stating that non-residents pass at the Northport Park in the Delgada STAFF WRITER may have to pay a fee to park at popular neighborhood. The Stansbury Park Service Agency parks, and the lake in Stansbury. However, Spearman said that many ordinance update board met on Aug. 12 to discuss parking Non-residents may have to pay a fee residents of Stansbury do not want to issues at the various parks and lake areas to park in certain areas, but if they are expand the parking area there. ‘Streamline and make our sign ordinance more located within Stansbury Park. attending an event at the golf course or, “It’s a safety thing, trying to get people Parking lots in Stansbury are filling up for example, the clubhouse, they will be off the road, especially during sporting business friendly,’ says council member quickly with non-residents visiting the given a free parking pass to use during events,” she said. “The design for the various parks, the lake, and golf course, the time they are attending the event, expansion has been approved and our CEILLY SUTTON with the city’s sign ordinance according to Brenda Spearman, a Service according to Spearman. staff are getting bids.” STAFF WRITER before the sign was taken by city Agency board member. Members of the Service Agency are The actual expansion work has not Tooele City’s sign ordi- officials. “The biggest issue is the fact that we still working out details related to this been approved yet but may be in the near nance was a topic during the This doesn’t include signs that are growing and Stansbury is growing,” policy, she said. future, according to Spearman. City Council’s work session on are in the public right-of-way. she stated. “A lot of parking areas are This new policy may be put into place “There is no easy answer,” she said. Wednesday evening. “Any sign that is in the public older and were created when Stansbury as early as next spring or summer and “We have been looking at what other City council members talked right-of-way, that can be seized was smaller. They fill up quickly now, the agency board is unsure of what the areas have been doing and some of them about addressing issues associated immediately, allowing our code especially in the summer.” fee will be at this point in time, according have found some success in restricting with the city’s sign ordinance back enforcement to quickly take care When non-residents visit the lake, golf to Spearman. parking, some have not.” in March of this year, Graf said of the sign that are nonconform- course, or the various parks, residents of The Service Agency is also planning The Service Agency wants to work during Wednesday night’s meet- ing in the public right-of-way the park, who pay taxes, are unable to to work with the County to potentially with residents as much as possible and ing. where they shouldn’t be,” he said. find parking and are forced to park on expand the red “no parking” areas in allow them areas to park to use the ame- Since then he has had time to During the meeting, chairman the street. order to keep individuals from parking nities that they pay taxes for. speak with members of the public, Scott Wardle asked if the proposed Another issue, according to Spearman, on the street instead of paying a fee, she “We are trying to work with the resi- business owners, and officials in changes to the sign ordinance occurs when the parking lot by the lake said. dents as much as possible to come up the city regarding the ordinance. would allow more ability for city fills up and visitors to the golf course and The Service Agency is also looking with some ideas,” Spearman said. “We “We talked about what changes officials to take signs, or leave lake are forced to park on the road. at expanding parking in two areas in are open to having feedback from the could be made to streamline and more signs in place. This causes the road to become nar- Stansbury. community.” make our sign ordinance more “It’s both actually,” Graf row and dangerous for pedestrians, she The two areas include the park on [email protected] business friendly, while at the responded. “We’re expanding said. same time keeping the purpose of notice to business owners and During the meeting, mem- the sign ordinance in place and before we didn’t have a notice bers of the agency voted on and ensuring that our signs and busi- provision. So, that’s the expansion nesses are regulated,” Graf said. per se, but there was also no clear Graff went on to talk about how language that signs in the public bright lights from electric signs right-of-way could be seized with- TOOELE TRANSCRIPT could potentially distract drivers out notice. So, that was an addi- BULLETIN and create a safety hazard. tion to taking signs that shouldn’t He also said that banner signs, be there in the first place.” ADMINISTRATION non-profit signs, and school signs Roger Baker, Tooele City attor- Scott C. Dunn Publisher during fundraising events should ney clarified. Clayton J. Dunn Associate Publisher be allowed. “This provision is giving busi- Joel J. Dunn Publisher Emeritus “Again, just expanding what ness owners additional rights and OFFICE kind of signs can be allowed,” protections that they currently do Bruce K. Dunn Controller Graff said. “For example, allowing not enjoy,” he said. “ If we had an Chris Evans Office Manager residential properties to display illegal sign, it could be seized prior Vicki Higgins Customer Service a sign in the window to give an but this proposal would give the Patricia Cook Circulation Manager advertisement of the business, for courtesy of some notice so that the EDITORIAL the home business, where previ- owner could fix the sign, put it in Tim Gillie Editor ously we didn’t have a provision the right place, and we wouldn’t Darren Vaughan Sports Editor for that.” have to have enforcement action.” Ceilly Sutton Staff Writer The last change he proposed The next step in the process of Mark Watson Correspondent was a change pertaining to illegal adopting the ordinance amend- ADVERTISING signs. ments is to send the proposed Clayton Dunn Advertising Manager Graff stated that business own- changes to the planning commis- Keith Bird Advertising Sales ers should have one day notice to sion. COURTESY THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Dianna Bergen Advertising Sales & remove signs that did not comply [email protected] Classified Advertising Manager Artist’s rendering of the Tooele Valley Temple. LAYOUT & DESIGN John Hamilton Creative Director of 150 acres. Liz Arellano Graphic Artist Temple The Church may need to withdraw the entire plan and PRODUCTION continued from page A1 Perry A. Dunn Pre-press Manager submit a new plan, he said. Mindy Wiseman Production Tooele County Clerk Marilyn Dan Coats Pre-press Technician Gillette said she will con- GO GREEK! with the construction of the tinue to process the petition, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1.00 per copy; $40 per year delivered temple. We hope those from all including requests to remove AVAILABLE AT TOOELE • GRANTSVILLE • HERRIMAN by carrier in Tooele, Grantsville, Erda, viewpoints on this matter will signatures, and report a final Stockton, Lake Point and Stansbury Park, treat one another with kind- Utah; $45 per year by mail in Tooele tally on Aug. 24 as state code County, Utah; $77 per year by mail in the ness, civility, and Christlike requires. PORK, CHICKEN KABOBS • GYROS United States. love.” A preliminary count as of OFFICE HOURS: The residential development 10 a.m. on Thursday, showed Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the temple project were closed Saturday and Sunday. the petition may fail by a small presented to the County as one margin. CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: 4:45 p.m. day prior to publication. plan and one rezone request, While 2,445 total signatures according to Tooele County PUBLIC NOTICES DEADLINE: were required as determined 4 p.m. day prior to publication. Commission Chairman Tim by the County and 3,021 sig- COMMUNITY NEWS ITEMS, Tripp. natures have been verified,the BULLETIN BOARD, ETC.: Tripp said he doesn’t believe number of signatures in 3 p.m. day prior to publication. that just one “part” of an Council District #1 was 20 OBITUARY DEADLINE: approved rezone can be with- signatures short and Council 10:30 a.m. day of publication. drawn. District #5 was one signature Publication No. (USPS 6179-60) issued twice a week at Tooele City, Utah. Periodicals Also the planned community short of the signature required postage paid at Tooele, Utah. Published by zone, the zone approved for for their districts. the Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company, the 167-acre Church owned [email protected] Inc., 58 North Main Street, Tooele City, Utah. Address all correspondence to P.O. Box 390, property, requires a minimum Tooele City, Utah 84074. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: PO Box 390 Tooele, Utah 84074-0390 Follow us on 435-882-0050 Fax 435-882-6123 email: [email protected] or visit our website extension at Facebook!

Entire contents ©2020 Transcript Bulletin TOOELE Publishing Company, Inc. All rights TRANSCRIPT reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the BULLETIN written consent of the editor or publisher. Like us on Facebook for exclusive weekly specials! @TooeleTB /AmericanBurgers THURSDAY August 20, 2020 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A3 Single car accident on SR-73 takes one life Investigation continues into Monday morning incident

CEILLY SUTTON The driver and the only other occupant STAFF WRITER of the vehicle were ejected from the vehicle, A crash on SR-73 caused one fatality according to Street. Monday morning. The driver died due to his injuries. A blue BMW passenger vehicle was trav- “With the extensive damage done to the eling southbound on SR-73 around mile vehicle, it is unknown if the driver was wear- marker nine, about four miles south of the ing his seat belt,” Street said. “Impairment is Ophir intersection, at 5:36 p.m. on Monday, also being investigated as a contributing fac- according to Nick Street, with the Utah tor for the crash.” Highway Patrol. The occupant in the car did not die, but The BMW had just passed a pickup the extent of injury is unknown. truck at a high rate of speed. For reasons The name of the deceased driver is Denny COURTESY JOHN GOSSETT unknown, the driver went off of the road to Lehtonen, age 60, of Draper. One person died in a single car accident on SR-73 on Monday morning near mile marker 9. the left. [email protected] MIKE GARRARD’S Tooele City discusses Bargain Buggy’s attainable housing City Council may change standards on minimum dwelling size CAR OF THE WEEK! CEILLY SUTTON talking about one main idea. development could utilize a STAFF WRITER “Currently in our city code lower threshold. Council chairman Scott we have a minimum threshold At the end of the discussion, Wardle and Jim Bolser, for unit sizes and family dwell- Wardle added, “This was one Tooele City planning director, ing developments,” he said. of the first suggestions that 2015 FORD FOCUS SE lead a discussion on attain- “We need to see if by establish- came out of last night’s meet- able housing during Tooele ing the minimums where we ing. I appreciated the com- City Council’s work session are today, we are effectively ments that were made at the ONLY! Wednesday evening at the pricing out the market.” county commission meeting Tooele City Hall. Bolser stated that attainable last night. Each community has $ Wardle has been participat- housing needed to be available to start to move in this direc- 5,500 ing with a group of city staff for young families and elderly tion to meet this need, not just members, real estate agents, individuals. Tooele City. There are ordi- developers, and home build- He also stated that the idea nances that need to be forward ers to look at how the City can was to look at establishing on all entities.” bridge some of the housing more appropriate minimums Wardle also stated that he gap in the community from an for multi-family dwelling size. would like to send this item All Cars are bluestar certifi ed by 3rd Party affordability standpoint and During the meeting, Bolser to the planning commission Inspection Stations the range of housing available told members of the coun- as soon as possible to get it and how it’s obtainable for the cil that adjustments to the passed. introductory market. minimums must be made, as [email protected] Bolser informed members of well as establishing protocols Check Out All Vehicles & Get Pre-Approved Online! the council that they would be by which percentages of any *Our payments include tax, license, fees; 0 Down. *60 mo. @ 3.49% **72 mo. @ 3.74% ***84 mo. 4.49%; - OAC. Like us on Facebook Call us for cars under 10K! 426 EAST CIMMARRON • ERDA • 435.882.7711

I think that would be the best sex trafficking, visit the web- Trafficking prevention.” site continued from page A1 For more information on [email protected] or coercion to lure victims and force them into labor or Dental Insurance commercial sex exploitation. Get the dental care you deserve with dental insurance Something on They look for individuals from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. It can help who are vulnerable and may cover the services you’re most likely to use — your mind? be experiencing economic hardship, natural disasters, or political instability, according Cleanings X-rays Fillings Crowns Dentures to Reyes According to Reyes, traf- Preventive care starts right away ficker tactics include, using Helps cover over 350 services violence or threatening the Go to any dentist you want – but save more person or person’s family with one in our network Write a letter members, harming or depriv- No deductible, ing the person of basic neces- no annual maximum sities, such as food, water, or to the Editor! sleep, or making false prom- Call now to get this FREE ises of a good job and home, Tooele Transcript Bulletin among others. Information Kit! Letters to Editor “Recognizing key indica- 1-888-919-4729 tors of human trafficking is P.O. Box 390 the first step in identifying Tooele, UT 84074 victims and can help save a Product not available in all states. Includes the Participating Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. life,” said Reyes. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not or available in CO, NY; call 1-888-799-4433 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A Indicators of an individual (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN). Rider kinds B438/B439. [email protected] being trafficked include, an 6154-0120 individual becoming discon- nected from family, friends, community organizations, or houses of worship, a dra- matic change in behavior, or the person appearing to be coached on what to say, among others, according to Safely Send Your Kids Back to School information listed on the state Attorney General’s web- site. There has not been a docu- mented case of human traf- ficking in the county, but this COVID-19 doesn’t mean it can’t happen here,” said Norberto Aranda, adetective with the Tooele County Sheriff’s Office. Back to School The most important thing to do to keep children safe is to make sure they are loved, according to Aranda. Supplies Aranda also said to com- municate with children and let them talk without Teachers & Students judgement, know the child’s • Masks (disposable & reusable) friends, and know what they are doing online and on • Hand Sanitizer social media — Facebook, % Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat. • Sanitizing Wipes OFF “Electronics and social 20 media are a big part,” he stat- • Thermometers MASKS! ed. “That’s how the kids are going to communicate, so as long as parents know what’s on their kid’s phones and who they talk to on social media. By talking to them TOOELE about the risk of being associ- ated with talking to someone 493 N. MAIN • 435.882.7775 they only know online or pro- viding personal information. A4 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY August 20, 2020 Tooele UEC Theatres to reopen Friday COVID-19 modifications made at regular admission prices. have ramped up cleaning staying home if they feel Classic and catalog movie tick- services at our theatres. sick or are returning from TIM GILLIE ets for titles such as Jurassic In addition, sanitizing an area of the world iden- EDITOR Park, Trolls World Tour or supplies are near worksta- tified as posing a coro- After five months of COVID- Ghostbusters will be at the tions and counters so that navirus-related risk. Per 19 closure, the Tooele UEC UEC Bargain Tuesday price for employees can keep those CDC recommendations, Theatres will open their doors all seats-all showings, which is and other touch surfaces, we will ask employees, if on Friday, according to Mike $5.00 to $5.50, generally, Ross such as ticket kiosks, but- any, who have traveled Ross, president and CEO of said. tons, handrails and fau- to such locations or have United Entertainment Corp. UEC Theatres have made cets, cleaned as much as been exposed to others “Our employees and gen- modifications in response to possible. who have traveled to such eral managers are more than COVID-19. • Employees will be locations to self-quaran- excited to bring entertainment Some of those modifications required to wear face tine for 14 days. and some fun back to the include: masks. • Management will screen communities we serve,” said • Auditorium seating has • Guests will be required employees each day Ross. “Movie fans have been been reduced to 50% or to wear face masks in before their shift, asking overwhelmingly supportive. less depending on state the lobby, restrooms and whether they have had a Of course the safety of our requirements. Reserved hallways and can remove fever in the last 48 hours employees and guests is our seating will be turned off them inside the audito- or other symptoms, and utmost concern and we believe for now. Families may sit rium while eating and isolate any worker who that best practices devel- together, and moviego- drinking. begins to exhibit symp- oped over the last number of ers should appropriately • Instructing employees to toms until they can either months as well as guidance distance themselves from wash their hands a mini- go home or leave to seek from the CDC and the National others. mum of hourly. medical care. Association of Theatre Owners • Showtimes will be spread • Increasing the availability • Recommending that those helps ensure that.” out more to alleviate any of hand sanitizer within who are not feeling well UEC Theatres successfully congestion in the lobby our theatres, as available. stay home to prevent the opened three theatres in June. and allow time to clean • We are closely following spread of germs. If you as The opening of the Tooele auditoriums. Social dis- the CDC guidelines and our guest do not feel well, Theatres on Friday is part of tancing reminders will be recommendations on the please stay home and get the opening of 13 more UMC placed in the lobbies. steps we can take to help better. If you already have Theatres, according to Ross. • UEC relies on CDC guide- prevent the spread of the a ticket we will provide a Guests can enjoy new movie lines as well as informa- virus. We have shared refund so you can attend releases immediately, as up to tion and products provid- specific instructions with a different day. TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO two new releases open on Aug. ed by its chemical clean- our employees on the [email protected] The reader board in the Tooele UEC theatre parking lot advertises their 21 depending on the market. ing partners for ramped importance of washing viewing selection for Friday’s reopening. New titles will be priced up daily disinfecting. We their hands often and CLERK’S CORNER

MYGA AUNNUITY Mail-in ballots can be a great advantage ack to school time means a lot. Utah State Code requires to vote (online at vote.utah. mation pamphlets, and other 3.25% Bfall election is just around us to send ballots 21 days in gov) before Friday, October items can be found at vote. GUARANTEED the corner. Just as we have advance of the election, so that 23, 2020, you should expect to The Tooele County for the last several elections, Tenille Tingey is a mid-October timeframe. receive a ballot at your desig- ballot will have at least two ref- 10 YEARS Tooele County will be vote by GUEST COLUMNIST If you don’t get a ballot likely nated mailing address. You can erendums and a bond for the mail. The postal service and reasons are that the address return your ballot by mail, or Tooele County School District. voting by mail in general have we have is not current or you find a drop box online at vote. The state also has some ballot made the news recently and might not be registered. Unlike or on the clerk’s web- initiatives, so when you get have been quite the hot topic. majority of counties in Utah primary elections, we will be site page at your ballot get out your glass- We have voters calling won- had been holding elections sending ballots to all registered The ballot for this election es, pencil and paper and start dering when the ballots for the entirely by mail for several voters, and there is no require- will be 19 inches and printed studying. There will be a test… general election will be mailed, years. ment for specific party affili- on both sides. This makes vot- it’s called election results and so here is the scoop: Tooele Candidates are finalized by ation. ing by mail a real advantage our future depends on getting County is not alone in sending the state on the 31st of August. Once the ballots come in because you have up to three the right answers. ballots by mail. In June the So, until that time we don’t October, you can study the weeks to research the candi- Subscribe Today entire state conducted elec- have the final picture of who issues and return your ballot dates and ballot questions. Tenille Tingey is the Chief 435-882-0050 tions by mail. Prior to that the and what is going on the bal- promptly. If you are registered Candidate profiles, voter infor- Deputy Clerk for Tooele County. FRONT-PAGE FLASHBACK NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE In 1970, four arrested following NORTH TOOELE CITY SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT blast at Grantsville High School he Tooele Transcript trees in front of Mrs. T.E. Bulletin has published Adams home on East Street, The NORTH TOOELE CITY SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT TTooele County news peeling the bark along the since 1894. Here is a flash- tree trunks and blowing out is proposing to increase its property tax revenue. back of local front-page news her telephone and electric from 25, 50, 75 and 100 years Front-Page lights. ago that occurred during the Flashback In the morning deluge - The NORTH TOOELE CITY SPECIAL SERVICE fourth week of August. all low places were flooded, including unprotected resi- DISTRICT tax on a $279,000 residence would August 22-24, 1995 dential basements and store A local magnesium pro- early Saturday morning which buildings where any section increase ducer was issued a $260,500 damaged the Grantsville was below the water line. penalty by state officials for High School building and During the day 1.51 inches from $54.32 to $70.89, which is $16.57 per year. allegedly violating state air a storage shed at the site of of moisture fell. quality regulations, according the Grantsville Gun Club two Later in the week, officials to a state official. miles south of the city. decided not to attempt a spe- During inspections con- City Marshal J. Keith Brown cial Labor Day celebration. - The NORTH TOOELE CITY SPECIAL SERVICE ducted in September 1993 said the first arrest was made It was felt that the two-day and March 1994, Magnesium early Monday, Aug. 17 with holiday and victory celebra- DISTRICT tax on a $279,000 business would Corporation of America was the three other juveniles tion of the previous week and increase allegedly found in violation of arrested later in the day. All the anticipated V-J celebra- Utah Air Conservancy Rules. four boys had been referred tion during the week preced- from $98.77 to $128.90, which is $30.13 per year. A notice of violation and order to Tooele County Attorney ing Labor Day would make it for compliance were filed. Edward Watson. inadvisable to attempt anoth- A DAQ official said the Authorities also recovered er celebration at this time. monetary penalty was part of 79 sticks of dynamite, a 45 Also, Tooele Army Depot - If the proposed budget is approved, NORTH TOOELE a settlement agreement which foot length of fuse and about Commander Col. Henry E. followed the notice of viola- 100 blasting caps which Minton and his wife would CITY SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT would increase its tion and was still in negotia- were believed to have been be feted at farewell parties tion. There were chances that stolen July 17 from a mine before his departure from the property tax budgeted revenue by 30.56% above last the penalty would be revised. near Bonneville, northwest of depot. Immediately following year’s property tax budgeted revenue excluding Later in the week, 16 can- Grantsville. the war’s end Col. Minton was didates had filed for seats on Friday’s front page featured released to Ogden Arsenal, eligible new growth. Tooele City Council. Voters a story on heavy usage of having commanded TOD for would narrow the field to six water stored in Settlement the past 32 months. at a primary election Oct. 3. Canyon Reservoir. The minimum number of Howard J. Clegg, chair- August 20, 1920 All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing candidates needed to require man of Settlement Canyon Vern F. Williams, 35, Los a primary was seven. Irrigation Company, said if Angeles, was instantly killed on the tax increase. “This could be the largest users continued to draw water about 5 a.m. Monday by over- field in 20 years or more,” from the reservoir at the pres- turning his auto on Soldier said City Recorder Patrick ent rate the supply would not bridge, located about 5 miles Dunlavy. According to elec- last through the season. south of Tooele. Williams PUBLIC HEARING tion records, the highest Company officials asked was pinned under the car, his number of council candidates users to prevent the waste of neck and the upper part of his Date/Time: 8/27/2020 8:00 PM was eight in 1987 and seven water. The main outlet valve spine being broken, while one in 1981. would be shut off for five of the wheels rested upon his Location: Tooele City Hall Council Chambers Candidates to file were days. The system would be throat. Hugh Gowans, David Kroff, turned on again on Aug. 26 Walter Geisler, 25, an 90 N. Main St. Frances Romero, Ann with residents in various areas employee of the Utah Mine Shosted, Alex Pacheco. Jed of Tooele scheduled to water at Gold Hill, was at the wheel Tooele, UT Connell, Louis Killpack, Tom on different days. of the time of the accident. Poyner, Charlie Roberts, He suffered painful injuries incumbent John Cluff, incum- August 21-24, 1945 about the legs and hips. bent Karen Oldroyd, Robert Tooele City had a rain- Occupant Henry Peterson, 24, Feuerbach, Larry Silcox, fall record established early also employed at Gold Hill, Elizabeth Gibson, Harry Sunday morning when a half sustained internal injuries To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, Hinton, and Bernice Heckli. inch of moisture fell in 20 by being crushed across the minutes. abdomen. Cleone Irish, 25, citizens may contact NORTH TOOELE CITY SPECIAL August 18-21, 1970 The storm was accompa- Los Angeles, suffered from Four 17-year-old nied by a terrific lightning shock and minor bruises, but SERVICE DISTRICT at 435-841-2434. Grantsville youths were await- barrage, the thunder of which was not seriously injured. ing referral to Utah’s Second would start immediately after District Juvenile Court in con- the flash. Correspondent Mark Watson nection with dynamite blasts One bolt struck the high compiled this report. THURSDAY August 20, 2020 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A5

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W 5668.51' 7'22" °3 S 56°37'22"56 W 5668.51' they would rather deal with STANSBURY Grantsville City, according to Smith, who lives in Erda. PARK

On the other end of the '21.4035W proposed Erda City bound- "62'23°0N aries, Chris Robinson, the developer of Saddleback and a Summit County Council '63.2231W"60'45°0N

member who is dealing with N 89°52'03" W 1359.21' '29.2131W"55'51°0N the Hideout annexation in Summit County, owns about 1,500 acres within the pro- posed Erda City. Robinson has submitted a GRANTSVILLE ERDA notice of intent to annex those 1,500 acres with Tooele City. “I haven’t heard anything from the people involved with the Erda incorporation,” he said. “I received no notice that my property was included in the incorporation boundary.” State code requires written notice to be sent directly to the owners of property that is more than 10% of the total ERDA BOUNDARY private land area within the Areas where landowners boundary area or more than wish to be excluded 1% of the assessed value of all from Erda incorporation the property in the area, with- out regard to a valuation for TOOELE PINE CANYON farmland assessment. The Romney Group has already successfully City Planning Commission planning commission dur- held today includes as an the provision affecting the that requested the council annexed 1,333 acres of land that his group worked quickly ing a meeting to approve the item for consideration dur- annexation request of areas reject or table annexation into Grantville City for the to annex the property into rezone of the 433 acres north ing the session “repealing included in a feasibility study requests from the proposed Lakeview Business Park near Grantsville in light of incorpo- of Utah Motorsports Campus. certain provisions that allow a is not certain. Erda City boundaries until the south end of Sheep Lane. ration possibilities in Erda. The proclamation by the municipality to annex certain The sponsors of the Erda after the November 2020 vote Anthon Stauffer, director of “We can’t risk being in a state Senate and House of unincorporated areas without incorporation petition sent a on incorporation. acquisitions for The Romney city that doesn’t know how Representatives calling for an annexation petition.” letter to the Grantsville City [email protected] Group told the Grantsville to be a city,” Stauffer told the a sixth special session to be How that might affect Council dated Aug. 5, 2020



28 27 26 25 24 1

2 3 4

30 31 32 33 34

5 7 6

TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO Commercial ±9 Ac. The Lakeview Business Park to the north of the Purple building on Sheep Lane on Aug. 19, 2020. Construction is set to begin next month on the first building in the business park on this lot. 8 9 10 11 12 driver that will greatly benefit Building the surrounding community.” continued from page A1 An incentive for poten- tial businesses to locate at Lakeview Business Park would 13 14 15 16 17 include proximity to the new many years to come.” Midvalley Highway which Josh Romney, president would mean a 12-minute drive of The Romney Group, said to Interstate 80, 28-minute SHEEP LANE the goal is to create a long- drive to Salt Lake International term, jobs rich business park Center, 25-minute drive to 18 20 21 that will be environmentally Union Pacific Intermodal Hub, friendly and generate tax rev- and 30-minute drive to Salt enue to enhance the lives of Lake City’s Central Business HWY 112 the local community, improve District, according to promo- 19 22 23 public services and provide tional materials. much needed tax dollars for Grantsville Planning & education. Zoning Commission approved “We selected NorthPoint the master site plan and final as a partner because of our plat at its meeting Aug. 13 shared core values and long- after several months of dis- term commitment to the com- cussion. It was noted that the munities in which we do busi- approval was for the first lot ness,” Romney said. only and not the entire devel- Tom Freeman with Cushman opment. & Wakefield, the real estate Development issues need- brokerage firm selected to ing to be addressed for the represent the partners for this business park as it progresses project said, “Of the many include traffic, stormwater, We Design partnerships and opportunities rail-trail, Mid Valley Highway, for successful business in the offsite utilities, and public greater intermountain west, I safety, according to minutes of believe the stars are aligning the P&Z meeting Aug. 13. for a very successful economic [email protected] Follow us on Facebook! and Print TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN @TooeleTB ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR Full Color Printing! PRINTING NEEDS! Highest Quality State-of-the-Art • Banners & Signs • Brochures Only Color Printing Equipment! * • Magnets & Stickers • Magazines Ask about ¢ Bring in Your large quantity • Custom Designed Masks • Kit Covers Digital Files! discounts! • Business Cards • Tabloid Newspapers 24Per Copy • Letterhead & Envelope • Broadsheet Newspapers • Mailers • Catalogs • Inserts/ Flyers • Marketing Campaigns • Calendars • Corporate Identities Call Keith Bird or • Posters • Logos Dianna Bergen for more • Newspaper Advertising • Annual Reports info or to get a bid. *8.5 x 11 inch 20# bond paper. Some restrictions apply. • Cards & Announcements • Billboards TOOELE 435.882.0050 TRANSCRIPT 58 N. Main • Wedding Invitations • Books By Self-Publishers 8 am to 6 pm Monday – Thursday BULLETIN 8 am to 5 pm Friday • Newsletters 58 N. MAIN • TOOELE Closed Saturday & Sunday A6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY August 20, 2020


John D. Wishart Penny Simmons in the 1990s, but eventually (Gaylon); sister Polly Miller found her way back West, set- (Neil); daughters Mary Lynn Feb. 1944 - Aug. 2020 Penny Simmons passed tling in Tooele and collecting Greenhow (Mykl Wells), John Douglas Wishart, age away Aug. 14, 2020, in a group of dedicated friends Susan Greenhow (Frank 76, passed away peacefully in Tooele, Utah. Born Lillian along the way. Those rela- Denier); and beloved grand- his home Aug. 2, 2020, due Evelyn Simmons in Brockton, tionships meant the world to sons Xavier and Xander; as to complications from blad- Massachusetts, she was Penny and she often talked of well as many nieces, nephews, der cancer. John was born known as Penny from day all the special people in her cousins, and friends. Feb. 1, 1944, in Niagara Falls, one. Penny moved to Arizona life. After retirement from the Because of COVID-19 con- New York, to Mary Chalmers with her family in the late City of Tooele, she enjoyed cerns no memorial service Wishart and James Wishart. 1940s and attended school in her ladies book club, baking, will be held at this time. In John served in the U.S. Navy Tucson, Tombstone and Las and was renowned for her lieu of flowers donations aboard the U.S.S. Wasp, where Vegas. She quickly realized lemon bars, for her friends can be made to the Tooele he was part of the exciting she was a desert rat at heart and long talks with neighbors. Children’s Justice Center, Gemini capsule recovery pro- and loved spending time in She treated everyone with a cause near and dear to gram. After he left the navy, Madera Canyon, Oak Creek dignity, listened with empathy Penny’s heart. Checks can be he began working for United and Bear Canyon in the great and patience and always had sent to Friends of the CJC at Airlines. It was there that he outdoors of Arizona. She also a high five for a job well done. 36 S. 100 East, Tooele, Utah met his spunky wife of 52 had to do with trains, planes loved all the great Mexican every corner of Tucson. She Penny is survived by 84074 or Venmo @childrens- years, Jan (Jarosz) Wishart. He or automobiles. He loved driv- food available on practically returned to the East Coast her brother Jack Simmons justicecenter. worked for United Airlines for ing his boats on any water 35 years and always enjoyed way. Even taking the wheel of working on and being near the the big yellow school bus was aircraft. In 1989 he was named exciting. HEALTH UPDATE “Man of the Year” for United One of his favorite summer Airlines when he discovered things to do was hop in the a mechanical problem on an car and take Jan on road trips. aircraft that was getting ready Together they traveled to the to take off. Grand Canyon, the Oregon What are ultra-processed foods John and Jan hit the road coast, Idaho, and anywhere in his Corvette after they were else they could think of. Of married and moved to Murray, course, he was always the Utah. In Utah, they had two driver. and are they bad for our health? amazing daughters, Tracy John battled chemo “Like a and Linnette. His family was Boss!” Even the nurses said he KATHERINE D. MCMANUS, M.S., so important. He was a hard was one of the few people to R.D., L.D.N. worker and he took pride in gain a couple of pounds dur- HARVARD HEALTH BLOG providing for them. Together, ing chemo. And, that we all You hear it all the time: the they enjoyed traveling (espe- know is because John loved advice to “eat less processed cially to Hawaii), boating, mealtime almost as much as food.” But what is processed going to car shows, and had he loved his family. Another food? For that matter, what is many other great adventures. thing he enjoyed so much was minimally processed food or In 1990, John and Jan moved sharing a drink with friends ultra-processed food? And how to Florida and he was in or family on the patio of the does processed food affect our heaven. He loved boating on farm. A peaceful retreat that health? the inter-coastal waterways he called home. What are processed and and having fun with the Toho John is survived by his ultra-processed foods? Yacht club. wife Jan; his daughters Tracy Unprocessed or minimally John and Jan moved back to and Linnette (spouse Thad processed foods are whole Utah and settled in Grantsville Brenkmann); grandchildren foods in which the vitamins once they started having Alex, Ciara, Haley, Rachael, and nutrients are still intact. grandchildren. He began and Brandon; two great-grand- The food is in its natural (or driving a school bus for the children Chanell and Celene. nearly natural) state. These Tooele School District and met A celebration of life with foods may be minimally a whole new batch of special military honors will be held at altered by removal of ined- friends. He took his school bus his home Aug. 22, 2020, from ible parts, drying, crushing, job very seriously and even 5 to 7 p.m. Family and friends roasting, boiling, freezing or during his chemo and radia- are invited to come share a pasteurization, to make them tion treatments John would special memory of John. suitable to store and safe to drive back from the Huntsman John fought hard until the consume. Unprocessed or Ultra-processed food has many added ingredients such as sugar, salt, fat and artificial colors or preservatives. Cancer Institute just in time very end and would want minimally processed foods to drive his bus. He cherished all those who know and love would include carrots, apples, we get from added sugars. cessed foods. study was done in a clinical the time he spent with all his him to raise their glasses and raw chicken, melon and raw, How do processed foods The researchers found that research setting, which could driver friends. remember what matters most. unsalted nuts. affect our health? study subjects consumed about have affected their eating John was passionate about Because, “It’s five o’clock Processing changes a A study published in the 500 more calories per day on behavior (the study subjects anything that had an engine. somewhere!” food from its natural state. journal Cell Metabolism com- the ultra-processed diet ver- may have been more isolated He loved riding his motorcycle Online condolences and Processed foods are essentially pared the effects of an ultra- sus the unprocessed diet. The and bored than in their natural and doing charity rides all over memories may be shared at made by adding salt, oil, sugar processed diet to the effects of ultra-processed diet period environments). Utah. He loved anything that or other substances. Examples an unprocessed diet on calorie was marked by an increased Another study, this one include canned fish or canned intake and weight gain. The intake of carbohydrate and fat, published in The BMJ, exam- vegetables, fruits in syrup, and study involved 20 heathy, but not protein. Participants ined representative dietary Headstone Clean freshly made breads. Most pro- overweight adults staying at gained on average two pounds records of more than 100,000 cessed foods have two or three a medical facility. Each study during the ultra-processed diet French adults over a five-year & Restoration ingredients. participant received an ultra- phase and lost two pounds period. They found that those Some foods are highly pro- processed diet and an unpro- during the unprocessed diet who consumed more ultra- • Cleaned cessed or ultra-processed. They Before cessed diet for 14 days each. phase. The authors concluded processed foods had higher • Polished most likely have many added During each diet phase, the that limiting ultra-processed risks of cardiovascular dis- • Protected After ingredients such as sugar, salt, study subjects were presented foods may be an effective strat- ease, coronary heart disease, • Color Restoration fat, and artificial colors or with three daily meals and egy for preventing and treating and cerebrovascular disease. LICENSED/BONDED & INSURED preservatives. Ultra-processed were instructed to consume obesity. These results remained statis- foods are made mostly from as much or as little as desired. The study did have several tically significant even after Call Susan substances extracted from Up to 60 minutes was allotted limitations. For one thing, with the researchers adjusted for 435-830-8664 foods, such as fats, starches, to consume each meal, with only 20 participants, this was a the nutritional quality of the added sugars, and hydrogenat- snacks (either ultra-processed very small study. For another, diet (considering factors such ed fats. They may also contain or unprocessed, depending there was significant varia- as the amount saturated fat, additives like artificial colors on the study phase) available tion in individual responses to sodium, sugar, and dietary and flavors or stabilizers. throughout the day. the two diets. Eleven people fiber in the diets). Although Examples of these foods are The meals were matched gained extreme weight on large observational studies frozen meals, soft drinks, hot across the diets for total the ultra-processed diet -- as do not prove cause and effect, dogs and cold cuts, fast food, calories, fat, carbohydrate, much as 13 pounds over 14 the research does suggest an packaged cookies, cakes, and protein, fiber, sugars, and days -- while a few participants association between ultra-pro- salty snacks. sodium. The big difference saw no weight gain. It’s also cessed diets and heart disease. According to a study was the source of calories: in unclear how generalizable the published in The BMJ, ultra- the ultra-processed diet phase, results are to a wider popula- Katherine D. McManus, M.S., processed foods are the main 83.5% of calories came from tion, because the study did not R.D., L.D.N., is a contributor to source (nearly 58%) of calories ultra-processed food; in the include people with chronic Harvard Health Publications. eaten in the U.S., and contrib- unprocessed diet phase, 83.3% diseases such as heart disease © 2020 by Harvard ute almost 90% of the energy of calories came from unpro- or diabetes. In addition, the University

MY ANSWER Jesus had a forgiving and understanding heart

From the writings of the Rev. Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). Billy Graham Jesus had a humble heart. If He abides in us, pride will Q: Why does the Bible say never dominate our lives. that we should be like Christ Jesus had a loving heart. If when it is humanly impossible He dwells within us, hatred to do so? – CP. and bitterness will never rule A: We’ll never live perfect us. Jesus had a forgiving and lives on Earth, but for those understanding heart. If He Join the Club! who have accepted Jesus Christ lives within us, mercy will as Lord, He desires to conform temper our pride and help us us to the image of His Son who to be more like Jesus who had Tooele Club is perfect. He wants us to have no selfish interests, because 438 W 400 N Tooele Annual pure hearts and strive to be His one desire was to do His Teen Center Membership Christlike. At the time of salva- Father’s will. Boys & Girls 102 N 7th St. tion, Christ, through His Spirit, This is the essence of Tooele, UT 84074 $10$ comes and abides in our lives Christlikeness — an eager Club 435.843.5719 and changes our desires. The obedience to please Him in all Bible says, “Let this mind be in things. It becomes not an obli- Homework Help | Computers | Games | Arts | and More! you which was also in Christ gation, but a blessed privilege to walk in His steps. Some say, God is credited to those who “That’s a big order!” It cer- confess their sins and receive Afterschoolol tainly is. In fact, it’s impossible Christ. programs foforr in our own strength. The greatest happiness Your Complete Local Paul recognized that he that comes to the pure heart Youth andd Teens could never attain purity in is when our relationship with heart by his own striving. God is restored. When School He said, “I can do all things ages 6 - 18.8. is News Source The Club through Christ who strength- This column is based on the is In! ens me” (Philippians 4:13). words and writings of the late Out Contact us today 435.882.0050 TOOELETRANSCRIPT ULLETIN Christ imparts His attributes Rev. Billy Graham. or [email protected] B to us through the power of © 2020 Billy Graham salvation. The righteousness of Literary Trust THURSDAY August 20, 2020 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A7 Sports

SPORTS WRAP Grantsville girls tennis at Grantsville tops Tooele on tennis courts Union The Grantsville girls tennis team Both teams pleased with start to season defeated Union 5-0 in a non- region match Monday afternoon in Roosevelt. Sophie Crosby DARREN VAUGHAN won 6-1, 7-5 at first singles, SPORTS EDITOR with second singles player Lacy The Tooele and Grantsville girls tennis teams Linares winning her match 7-5, renewed their friendly rivalry on a sunny Tuesday 7-5 and Audrey Curtiss prevail- afternoon in Grantsville, and while it was the Cowboys ing 6-3, 6-2 at third singles. who came away with the 5-0 varsity victory, both Hallie Johnson and Addie Butler teams are closing in on their respective region seasons won 6-4, 6-2 at first doubles and with quite a bit of optimism. Madison Bolinder and Rylee Dalton were 6-2, 6-3 winners at Grantsville won each of the five varsity matches in second doubles. The Cowboys straight sets. Sophie Crosby was a 6-1, 6-0 winner over will host a four-team tourna- Tooele’s Angela Shaw at first singles, and Lacy Linares ment with Stansbury, Mountain beat Hannah Sheppard 6-1, 6-3. In the closest match Crest and North Sanpete on of the day, Audrey Curtiss rallied from 6-5 down in Friday morning. the second set to hold off Madeline Sheppard 6-2, 7-6 Grantsville girls soccer at Utah (7-1) at third singles. Military Academy-Hill Field Hallie Johnson and Addy Butler beat Camilla Whitney Wangsgard scored four Pankratz and Cately Jensen 6-1, 6-1 at first doubles goals, McKenzie Allen scored and Madison Bolinder and Rylee Dalton beat Marynn twice and goalkeeper Adalyn Hamilton and Brinley Dunn 6-3, 6-2 at second doubles. Enslen posted a shutout as the Those wins are a continuation of the way things Grantsville girls soccer team have been going early in the season, Grantsville coach routed Utah Military Academy- Stephen Thurgood said. Even while everyone works Hill Field 8-0 in a non-region road game Tuesday afternoon. the bugs out of their games, there is potential for a Myranda Arave and Emily Adams strong season. also scored for the Cowboys “There’s a lot of work to be done, but I like where (1-2), who will play host to they’re at,” Thurgood said. “I have one senior, one American Heritage in their home junior and the rest are sophomores, so I have a lot of opener Thursday afternoon. experience back but I also have a lot of youth. Region- wise, I think it’s kind of wide-open. As far as I know, I Stansbury volleyball at CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO don’t think that there is a front-runner.” Mountain Ridge Tooele’s Angela Shaw (above) hits a serve The Stansbury volleyball team The team of Johnson and Butler at first doubles during her singles match against Grantsville’s dropped its season opener to has a bit of a familiar feel. Johnson is one half of last Sophie Crosby on Tuesday in Grantsville. Mountain Ridge on Tuesday year’s state championship-winning doubles pairing. Crosby won the match 6-1, 6-0 as Grantsville night in Herriman, falling to the Johnson’s 2019 partner, Brynlee Butler, graduated, won all five varsity matches. Grantsville’s Addie Sentinels 25-14, 25-18, 25-10. but her younger sister is filling her spot well and brings Butler and Hallie Johnson (right) wait for their Statistics were not available at an intriguing skill set to the table. So, too, does the opponents to serve during their doubles match press time. The Stallions (0-1) against Tooele’s Camilla Pankratz and Cately played host to Olympus in a SEE TENNIS PAGE A8 ® Jensen on Tuesday in Grantsville. Butler and non-region match Thursday Johnson won the match 6-1, 6-1. after press time. They will travel to county rival Grantsville on Tuesday. Grantsville volleyball vs. Delta The Grantsville volleyball team opened its 2020 season with a thrilling five-set win over Delta in a non-region match Buffs, Cowboys at Grantsville High School on Tuesday night. The Cowboys (1-0) beat the Rabbits 25-20, 25-16, 15-25, 23-25, 15-12. Halle Bartley had a team-high 13 kills meet for 61st time for GHS and teammates Maison White and Maile Bartley each had 10. Kylee Broadhead and Stallions host Logan in home opener Hillary Cloward each had three aces, White had five blocks, Halle DARREN VAUGHAN against Green Canyon, and Grantsville Bartley had 26 digs and Cloward SPORTS EDITOR scored 31 points in its opener against had 36 assists. Grantsville faced All three of Tooele County’s teams North Sanpete after scoring just 34 county rival Tooele on the road enter Week 2 of the 2020 high school points in its first three games com- Thursday after press time, and football season looking to get on the bined a year ago on its way to the will play host to Stansbury on winning track after tough losses in state semifinals. Tuesday. their respective season openers. All three also have some extra Grantsville boys golf at However, Tooele, Grantsville and motivation in Week 2. Tooele and Mountain View GC Stansbury all have something to Grantsville are set to meet for the The Grantsville golf team fin- build on from last week, despite the 61st time, a rivalry that dates back ished third of six teams at its disappointing outcomes. Stansbury 105 years. Meanwhile, Stansbury is Region 13 match Wednesday at Mountain View Golf Course outscored defending state champion playing its home opener, having gone in West Jordan. The Cowboys Sky View 27-0 over the final two and 5-1 in the friendly confines of Stallion finished with a team score of a half quarters on the road. Tooele’s Stadium a year ago. 322, 31 strokes behind first- offense showed quick-strike capabil- place Morgan and 23 behind ity with two long touchdown passes SEE FOOTBALL PAGE A8 ® Judge Memorial. Ben Daybell finished with a score of 78, with Jace Sandberg (80), Davin Ekins (81) and Gage Anderson (83) also figuring in the scoring. CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO Jordan Hunt (84), Chris Hansen Stansbury’s Samantha Coleman (9) tries to keep the ball away from an Ogden opponent (85), Brigham Staley (85) and during Wednesday’s Region 10 match at Stansbury High School. Ogden won the match Grayson McKeever also played 5-0 in a rematch of last season’s state quarterfinals. for Grantsville. The Cowboys will be back in action Aug. 27 at Wasatch Mountain Golf Course in Midway. Tigers top Stallions Tooele girls soccer at Cedar Valley The Tooele girls soccer team dropped its Region 10 opener Wednesday night in Eagle in playoff rematch Mountain, falling 6-0 to Cedar Valley. The Buffaloes (2-2, 0-1 Short-handed SHS struggles to keep up with state champs Region 10) will play host to region foe Uintah on Monday at 6 p.m. at Buffalo Stadium. DARREN VAUGHAN derailed by a pair of corner kicks SPORTS EDITOR and a red card in the first half, and Utah Summitt basketball The Stansbury girls soccer team the Stallions’ hopes of a statement tryouts came into Wednesday’s Region 10 victory were put on hold. Ogden Utah Summitt is holding bas- ketball tryouts for girls in grades opener against defending state cham- rolled to a 5-0 win at Stansbury High 6-8 from 7-8:30 p.m. Aug. 25 and pion Ogden looking to avenge last School on a day that the hosts played Aug. 27 at Skyline High School, CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO year’s Class 4A state quarterfinal loss with just 10 players for the final hour located at 3251 E. Upland Drive Grantsville’s Nate Wright (18) kicks the ball out of teammate Caleb Sullivan’s hold during to the Tigers. in Millcreek. Players can register Friday’s season-opening game against North Sanpete at Grantsville High School. The However, those hopes were SEE SOCCER PAGE A8 ® at the door or by visiting Utah Cowboys will face Tooele for the 61st time in school history Friday night at home. Summitt on Facebook. Cost is $10. For more information, email [email protected] or call (801) 631-7708. FROM THE SIDELINES Notable HS girls soccer scores Tuesday Grantsville 8, Utah Military-Hill Field 0 Viewmont 1, Ridgeline 0 It’s nice to see the rivalry games return Sky View 4, Box Elder 1 Bear River 6, Ben Lomond 0 hrough this wild and crazy conversation. incorporated cities in Tooele the volleyball court for the first Mountain Crest 2, Skyridge 0 Tride we call 2020, add anoth- But I have a gut feeling there’s County come together for a time Sept. 1, and on the soccer Manti 7, Union 0 er thing to the list of things I going to be a little different feel night and experience the joys pitch Sept. 8. Grantsville faced North Sanpete 3, Maeser Prep won’t take for granted anymore: Darren Vaughan to this one. At least I hope there of watching our youth do what Tooele in tennis on Tuesday SPORTS EDITOR 2, OT rivalry games. is. Yes, there will be a winner they love for a few hours? The and faces Stansbury on Friday. Carbon 8, Parowan 2 I wasn’t optimistic that we and a loser, complete with a amount of stuff going on in Stansbury and Tooele play foot- Juab 6, Emery 1 were going to see many, if any, traveling trophy that will live in the world around us is enough ball Sept. 11 and tennis Sept. 15. Morgan 8, Cyprus 0 showdowns between our local It should be a barn-burner the trophy case of Tooele High to bring a person to his or her These games always have that Richfield 4, Millard 2 Judge Memorial 2, Granger 0 high schools this fall. There were out in Grantsville on Friday or Grantsville High for the next knees. It’s going to be great to little something extra to them, Delta 4, ALA 2 times that it didn’t look promis- night. These are two programs year. Sixty previous meetings have a tradition as simple as a both on the field and in the ing, to say the least. Sure, we at different points in their pro- over the past 105 seasons make high school football rivalry game stands. Wednesday got the summer-league baseball gression. Grantsville is near the it easy for the two fanbases to give all of us a sense of normalcy. I can’t wait. Ogden 5, Stansbury 0 games between Tooele and top of Class 3A, while Tooele build a sizable amount of con- And if you thought that Cedar Valley 6, Tooele 0 Juan Diego 3, Uintah 0 Stansbury, but even those didn’t is looking to climb back into tempt against each other, one Friday night was good, wait Darren Vaughan is a veteran South Summit at Waterford feel quite right. contention after some down that knows no generational until you see what the rest of the sports writer from Moab, Utah. Millard at South Sevier But Tooele vs. Grantsville on years. Grantsville’s had bragging bounds. schedule has in store. Thursday The only thing he hasn’t liked Bountiful 15, Providence Hall 0 the gridiron under the Friday- rights the past couple seasons, But after all we’ve been had the Grantsville-Tooele vol- about having high school sports night lights this week? You and Tooele could get a big confi- through this year — all we’ve leyball match, with Stansbury- back is having to be out in the SEE WRAP PAGE A8 ® mean, a rivalry that dates clear dence boost from beating a team had taken away from us — won’t Grantsville coming up Tuesday. heat. Email him at dvaughan@ back to 1915? That’s more like it. favored to be in the Class 3A title it be nice to see the two largest Stansbury and Tooele meet on A8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY August 20, 2020

this summer. She has an year, so that’s hard to replace,” Juab).” always really good, sometimes Tennis unorthodox serve, but when Nielson said. “We started play- Last year, the Buffaloes won Ogden has some good singles Wrap it goes in, it’s very effective ing June 1, four days a week, a match at the state tourna- — the hope is that we can get continued from page A7 continued from page A7 because it has backspin on it. 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., and they ment for the first time, earning a higher seed. If we could get a You don’t get many serves that were out there every day, all their first-ever team point. This higher seed, then the matches second doubles pairing of have backspin.” summer. That’s a lot of dedica- year, Nielson would like to see you get at state are a little bet- Notable HS volleyball scores Bolinder and Dalton. Meanwhile, Lyle Nielson has tion, and I think it’s paid off. the Buffs be more consistent in ter.” Tuesday “Our doubles have played taken over as Tooele’s head We’ve really improved and our region play, setting themselves Grantsville will play host to Grantsville 3, Delta 2 (25-20, 25-16, good in their new partner- coach this season, and his team young ones have gotten bet- up for a better run during the Stansbury, North Sanpete and 15-25, 23-25, 15-12) ships, and I think they’ll only has looked strong in the early ter and stepped up. I feel like state tournament. Mountain Crest in a tourna- Mountain Ridge 3, Stansbury 0 (25- get better,” Thurgood said. part of 2020. He credited hard we’re pretty solid. We’ve still “It would be awesome if we ment Friday morning. Tooele’s 12, 25-18, 25-11) “My second doubles — Rylee work in the offseason for how got to keep getting better, but could do well in our region — I next match is Friday afternoon Copper Hills 3, Juan Diego 0 (25-10, Dalton’s never played before, well his team has played so far. we had some good wins in the think we could,” Nielson said. at home against Cyprus. 25-10, 25-16) but she’s been working hard “We lost 13 seniors last beginning (against Hunter and “Uintah’s solid and Stansbury’s [email protected] Ogden 3, Bear River 1 (24-26, 25-17, 25-22, 25-12) Crimson Cliffs 3, South Sevier 0 (25- 20, 25-8, 25-18) Hurricane 3, Kanab 2 (25-23, 25-19, home field since a 40-14 win 16-25, 22-25, 15-10) Football over Grantsville on Aug. 26, Green Canyon 3, Taylorsville 0 (25-5, 2016. continued from page A7 25-14, 25-7) Grantsville was missing Sky View 3, Morgan 1 (26-24, 25-20, quarterback Logan White last 17-25, 26-24) week, but Caleb Sullivan did Woods Cross 3, Ridgeline 1 (25-23, Here’s a look at this week’s a more-than-admirable job 17-25, 25-19, 25-16) Carbon 3, Juab 1 (25-18, 27-25, games. in his place, completing 21 of 18-25, 25-23) 36 passes for 250 yards, two Emery 3, Manti 0 (25-22, 25-21, Tooele Buffaloes (0-1) at touchdowns and an intercep- 25-13) Grantsville Cowboys (0-1) tion. In addition, Blake Thomas Providence Hall 3, ALA 0 (25-11, Where: Cowboy Stadium, rushed for 217 yards and 25-5, 25-17) Grantsville High School; 155 E. two scores, showing off the Grand 3, Gunnison 1 (17-25, 25-12, Cherry St., Grantsville Cowboys’ balanced attack. The 25-18, 25-22) When: Friday, 7 p.m. Cowboys would like to solidify Wednesday All-Time Series: Tooele their pass defense, as they ICS 3, Ben Lomond 0 (25-4, 25-8, leads 43-14-3 (since 1915) allowed 297 yards and seven 25-11) Last Meeting: Grantsville TDs through the air against Summit Academy 3, ALA 0 (25-12, 21, at Tooele 20; Aug. 23, 2019 North Sanpete, though they 25-15, 25-15) The Scoop: Both teams only allowed 67 rushing yards. Schedule are looking to improve on last Friday’s games week’s outings, and it is possi- Logan Grizzlies (0-1) at Stansbury girls tennis vs. ble that each of them will have Stansbury Stallions (0-1) Grantsville, North Sanpete and some reinforcements. Where: Stallion Stadium, Mountain Crest, 8:30 a.m. at Tooele was missing six Stansbury High School; 5300 Grantsville HS Tooele girls tennis vs. Cyprus, 3 p.m. defensive starters, forcing N. Stallion Way, Stansbury Park Tooele football at Grantsville, 7 p.m. a number of players to play When: Friday, 7 p.m. both ways. That led to fatigue, All-Time Series: Stansbury Stansbury football vs. Logan, 7 p.m. CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO TTB FILE PHOTO which allowed Green Canyon leads 2-1 (since 2015) Monday’s game Tooele’s Anthony Cole (20, left) takes a handoff from quarterback Gavin Brown during the Buffaloes’ season to pull away as the game went Last Meeting: Stansbury 47, Tooele girls soccer vs. Uintah, 6 p.m. opener against Green Canyon on Friday at Tooele High School. The Buffs will travel to Grantsville to take on their on against a weary Buffaloes at Logan 42; Aug. 23, 2019 longtime cross-county rivals this Friday at 7 p.m. Stansbury’s Kru Huxford (right) looks downfield as he carries the Tuesday’s games defense. The Buffs were also The Scoop: If not for a ball during the Stallions’ Oct. 4, 2019 home game against Mountain View. Huxford, in his second season as the Stansbury girls tennis at Juan missing one of their key receiv- disastrous first quarter and a Stallions’ starting quarterback, will lead his team into its home opener this Friday against Logan. Diego, 3 p.m. ers in Dylan Makoni, but he half, the Stallions might have Tooele girls tennis vs. Ben Lomond, 3 p.m. should be back as well to give come away with a win last in his first game as Stansbury’s end of last season. quarter, and Provo didn’t score Grantsville girls tennis vs. South Gavin Brown an additional week. Instead, they’ll look to primary ballcarrier, rushing Logan lost 14-7 to Provo the game-winning touch- Summit, 3:30 p.m. weapon in the passing game. carry over some momentum for a pair of touchdowns. Zack at home last week, and the down until 2:06 remained in Grantsville girls soccer vs. St. Tooele is looking for its first from they way they finished Hamilton also scored a TD for Grizzlies’ defense didn’t allow the fourth. If the Stansbury Joseph, 3:30 p.m. win in the rivalry since 2017, the game against Sky View the Stallions, and Kru Huxford much — just 258 yards of total defense from last week’s sec- Tooele volleyball vs. South Summit, when the Buffs beat the against another tough Region connected with Cayden Clark offense. In fact, Logan didn’t ond half shows up, this could 6 p.m. Cowboys 30-24. The Buffs 11 opponent. for a TD pass — a sight that allow a point until just over a be a defensive slugfest. Stansbury volleyball at Grantsville, haven’t won on the Cowboys’ Nate Bushnell played well became familiar toward the minute remained in the third [email protected] 6:30 p.m.

bounced around at the top of or 3-0,” Call said. “We decided Soccer the 18-yard box before Abby to be offensive and play with continued from page A7 Beus powered it past Thurber, two forwards. The girls really giving the Tigers a two-goal wanted to play offensively. You advantage. leave yourself vulnerable when Trailing by a pair of goals, you’re down a man and you’re of the game. the Stallions had to get aggres- playing two forwards, not the “I think we were a little sive with a more offense- two inside mids like we nor- intimidated, honestly,” oriented formation. However, mally do.” Stansbury coach Spencer that meant leaving themselves The Stallions will hit Call said. “I think those two susceptible to Ogden’s potent the road to face Uintah set pieces, we left people attack in the second half. on Wednesday in Vernal. unmarked, and when you’re Eventually, the Tigers capital- Stansbury’s next home game is playing a high-quality team ized on a few opportunities. Aug. 31 against Ben Lomond. like Ogden, they’re going to Goal No. 3 came when Thurber “We were in the same situa- punish you when you leave got a piece of a shot by Adelyn tion last year and we bounced girls unmarked on corner Bower, but not quite enough back, and I think we’ll bounce kicks. I think it was a little bit in the 61st minute. Less than back again,” Call said. “I of a lack of focus there.” three minutes later, with know these girls are positive. The Tigers (2-1, 1-0 Region Thurber getting her hand I assume we’ll bounce back. I 1) got on the board in the checked out after Bower’s goal, believe in the girls and I know ninth minute on a header by Beus beat backup keeper Lola they believe in themselves. Sae Obayashi off a corner kick, Gardner with a loose rebound We’ve got a lot of talent.” just seconds after Stansbury to make it 4-0. [email protected] goalkeeper Ainsley Thurber Ogden completed its scoring turned aside a would-be scor- with a breakaway goal by Tori CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO Stansbury’s Esperanza Call (18) ing opportunity by Grace Kalista in the 72nd minute. looks for a way around Ogden’s Pulley with a diving save. “The second half, we could Abby Beus during the teams’ Ogden had two more chances have made it compact and Region 10 girls soccer match to build on its lead over the tried to do one forward and at Stansbury High School on next few minutes, but missed get lucky, really played defen- Wednesday. Ogden won the high both times. sively and tried to keep it 2-0 match 5-0. On the other end, the Stallions (2-3, 0-1) had a glorious chance of their own when Tigers goalkeeper Allison Collingwood deflected Danica Silvestri’s shot off the bottom of the crossbar, but the ball was ruled not to have crossed the goal line. That preserved Ogden’s one-goal lead. Then, in the 21st min- Specialty Masks ute, disaster struck for the Stallions. An Ogden player got a step on the Stallions’ defense, and the Stansbury defender was ruled to have pulled her down from behind in the HBYU 18-yard box, receiving a red card for denying a clear scoring opportunity. While the Tigers missed the ensuing penalty kick, the red card meant the H Stallions had to play the rest of $ Utes the game one player short. 15 “I think we couldn’t quite Each$ 12 mentally recover from that red Kids Size card,” Call said. “It was kind of a tough break, and we were HUSU chasing the game after that.’ Then, Ogden seized control of the match with less than two minutes left before halftime on another corner kick. The ball HUSA Also Available in solid black for $10.00 Something On $3 Adjustable Masks Still Available Your Mind? Tooele Valley’s Mask Headquarters Write a Letter Manufactured by Game Gear. No returns or refunds. Limited quantities. to the Editor! Reusable Double layered 58 North Main Street Tooele Transcript Bulletin Protective Face Mask seemed w/Elastic Earloops. Reversible (Across from Post Office) P.O. Box 390 with black on the other side. Tooele, UT 84074 New Hours: Available in adult & kids sizes. Tooele, UT [email protected] Mon.-Fri. 9AM-5PM 435-882-0050 TUESDAY August 20, 2020 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B1 SUNDAY DRIVE Bestselling car model of all time, the 2021 Toyota Corolla XSE is better than ever

ext year marks the 55th temperatures in the low 90s anniversary for what here in Utah Valley. However, Nhas certainly become a arriving in Logan it was a good giant in the automotive world. 10 degrees cooler and after There are very few vehicle a mere 5.3 miles up Logan models that stay around for Canyon the AllTrails app 55 years, and even fewer that pointed us to a great hike to stay a bestseller. The Toyota what are known as the Wind Corolla has reached that status Craig & Deanne Conover Caves. After parking the Toyota as it has become the bestsell- GUEST COLUMNISTS we headed up the trail to what ing model in the world, even turned out to be a great way to outpacing the now extinct VW spend the afternoon and ended Beetle back in 1997. sedan market. at some very unique caves in After such a lengthy history Our test ride XSE model the slide of a cliff. It did take it seems everyone has some came with the available 2.0 longer than we expected to kind of Corolla story in their liter Dynamic Force Engine make the short hike as it also background. For Craig it was that produces a very nice included a 900 foot elevation back in 1982 when he went on 169 horsepower — plenty of change. a cross country trek to Detroit, power to get the sedan moving, It was so nice to get back to Michigan, the summer after his even on the open road of the the Corolla and inside the air first year at BYU. If memory Interstate. conditioned comfort of a sedan serves, it was a 1976 third gen- The new Corolla even gets with seats clad in a nice black eration Corolla with a 4-speed a new CVT transmission that softex material, and were also manual transmission. What an mimics a 10-speed regular heated for when the weather experience that turned out to transmission. This may not would eventually change. be over the three day trip. be really something to note, The interior of the XSE also With the introduction a year except that this year the engi- comes with a huge 8-inch ago of the 12th generation neers have actually included a touchscreen infotainment CRAIG CONOVER Corolla, we have one thing real first gear in the CVT that system that is front high and The 2021 Toyota Corolla, best-selling vehicle of all time, as we found a hike that sounded fun to the Wind Caves to say: This is not the Corolla gets the Corolla moving, giving center in the dashboard in a up Logan Canyon. of yesteryear! Its design and it a head start over a regular beautiful piano black encase- appearance are part of the CVT transmission. We loved ment. There is also a 7-inch most grown-up and techno- the way this gearbox func- LED screen in the center of the logically advanced model yet. tioned during our test drive driving cluster that will display In fact we found most folks week. Add this to the smaller, everything from speed to radio when closely examining the lighter yet more efficient station. new Corolla had no idea what engine and we got a combined This year for the first time the make and model were — a 35.1 mpg for the week after the Corolla can be equipped testament to the designers around 600 miles of all kinds with a JBL sound system that giving the small sedan a new of driving. has 800 watts of total power place in the market. We would Over the weekend we and a 10-inch subwoofer. even go so far as to say it has took the new model Corolla There is even included Clari- a Lexus-like look with a larger to Logan with the intention Fi software that analyzes and grill, curvier lines, and a wider of going up the canyon to restores all audio sources to stance, setting it up to make a Bear Lake. It was a beauti- their original state compensat- huge impact on the compact ful Saturday in June with ing for lost clarity from digital

compression. will also detect a pedestrian speed limit signs on the dash- Of course there is Apple even in low light conditions as board as we all sometimes tend CarPlay and Android Auto well as a bicycle during day- to forget or don’t notice the standard, along with new light conditions. change of a speed limit. ambient lighting that made Dynamic radar cruise con- The new Corolla will be nighttime driving very enjoy- trol is also a standard feature turning heads across the coun- able and something we would that will follow down to speeds try and is quite a bargain with not have expected at this price of 24 mph and stop when the many extras we would not point. Our test ride even came vehicle in front stops main- have anticipated in an entry with the optional Qi wireless taining that travel distance. level sedan. It turned out to charger that kept our phones Also, lane departure alert with be a great ride as we enjoyed at peak battery life. steer assist will try to keep the every minute we spent with The looks and new digi- Corolla in the lane if it detects the great little sedan. tal options would definitely the car leaving the travel lane. Base price: $25,725 seem to be enough; however, We found this works best on Price as driven: $29,283 the fact that Toyota has also relatively straight roads and included their new Safety would have some problems on Craig and Deanne Conover Sense 2.0 adds an even greater very tight corners. Automatic have been test-driving vehicles incentive to get a Corolla. This high beam headlamps and for nearly a decade. They receive addition includes a pre-colli- road sign assist rounded out a new car each week for a week-

CRAIG CONOVER sion system that automatically the package and are both great long test drive and adventure. Deanne with the new 2021 Toyota Corolla in front of the Logan Utah Temple after we journeyed north for an brakes to help avoid or miti- options in themselves. We love They live in Springville, Utah. adventure up Logan Canyon. gate a front end collision and it when the car will put the POETRY ANNIVERSARY ‘Blue Work Shirt’

hat do and my body’s no longer the body you knew, Wwe select to keep with us Ted Kooser it’s good to be reminded every morning when someone U.S. POET LAUREATE of the great mess, the brio of art-making. 2004 – 2006 we love has died? Here’s On the floor, the splattered clogs Gail Mazur, you called your “Pollock shoes.” 60th Anniversary who lives in Massachusetts, opening her closet door to show us. This poem originally appeared We do not accept unsolicited submissions. Arlen & Glenda Shields in the journal Ploughshares. Mazur’s new and American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Congratulations to Arlen and Glenda Shields, selected poems, Land’s End, is due out this year Poetry Foundation (, who are celebrating 60 years of marriage in from the University of Chicago Press. publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported August. They were married in the Salt Lake LDS by the Department of English at the University of temple August 18, 1960 and have lived their Blue Work Shirt Nebraska-Lincoln. “Blue Work Shirt” from Land’s entire lives in Pine Canyon (Tooele), Utah. They End: New & Selected Poems by Gail Mazur. are the parents of four children, Tonya (Passey) I go into our bedroom closet Originally published in Ploughshares. Copyright of Bountiful, Utah, and Clae, of West Jordan, with its one blue work shirt, the cuffs ©2020 by The University of Chicago. Reproduced Utah. Their two other children, Kip and Leslie, by permission. Introduction copyright © 2020 by passed at birth. They have seven grandchildren frayed, the paint stains a loopy non- The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, and three great-grandchildren, who are the light narrative of color, of spirit. Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate of their lives. Arlen spent the majority of his Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress career in government contract work for Tooele Now that you are bodiless from 2004-2006. Army Depot and Litton Industries. Glenda was a full-time mom and homemaker extraordi- naire until their children were older, when she worked at various locations including Finesse Drapery. More recently she volunteered for many years in the gift shop at the Tooele Valley the Salt Lake City LDS temple, and loved their Follow us on Facebook! Regional Medical Center. They have served in service there. They enjoy visiting with neighbors many capacities in the LDS church, including and friends, going on long drives, and spending Bishop (Arlen) and Relief Society President time with family. We wish them many more joy- @TooeleTB (Glenda). In later years they served a mission at ful years together! TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY August 20, 2020 GARDEN SPOT Keep lawns green by getting rid of pests DIANE SAGERS Cutting grass very short lems that may exist. Check for with a brown head, and their GUEST COLUMNIST removes some of the stored coverage by pushing a long- bodies curve slightly. They This column was originally carbohydrates and weakens bladed screwdriver or similar look like a grain of puffed rice. published Aug. 2, 2012. It has the plant. Short lawns tend object into the soil to deter- White grubs have three pairs been updated by the author. to be thinner, require more mine how deep the water has of legs, dirty gray-colored bod- water, and are much more penetrated. If the water is pen- ies, a brown head and curve awns have had an uphill susceptible to weeds, drought etrating, no irrigation changes into a C-shape. Full grown bill- Lstruggle trying to get stress and dry spots. Mow fre- are necessary. If sprinklers are bugs may be a half inch long, through the summer heat. quently enough that you never delivering water to the spot while white grubs may be a More practices beyond proper remove more than a third of but it is not penetrating check full inch long. While billbugs irrigation are required to the grass blade in a cutting. the thatch layer. Very thick eat just below the thatch layer, encourage lush, healthy turf. You can get away with cutting thatch can stop water penetra- white grubs feed well below Be aware of end-of-summer an overlong lawn down to a tion. Aerate using a coring aer- that. problems that exacerbate the good height, but doing it over ator that removes plugs from Billbugs produce one gen- COURTESY DIANE SAGERS heat issues and treat them and over again reduces its the turf. This will allow water eration per year. Depending Not all moths that flit about above turf are sod webworm adults. The quickly. vigor. Regular cutting is better. and air to get to the roots to on the variety, billbugs winter moths are small and dull-colored and when they land, the wings are held One key practice is to raise Do not rake clippings from the better nourish the grass. over as adults or as full-grown tube-like over the back. the cutting height of your lawn lawn unless they are exces- Insects can cause dry spots. larvae. When spring brings mower to the highest setting. sively long or mulch them for The damage typically shows warm weather, the insects ate lightly to enhance soil pre- feeding on turfgrass blades at Different types of turf require a soil amendment. Mulching up at about this time of year become active again and move para-tion. Apply a half-inch of night. They will crawl down different cutting heights, but mowers are helpful. Clippings as dry, dead spots in the lawn. from their sheltered areas to water 48 hours before applying into the thatch layer during most of the grass varieties left on grass break down and Billbugs and sod webworms the lawn. They lay eggs in chemi-cals to bring the larvae the day and will pupate in a planted in our area, includ- improve the soil. are two of the most common plant stems near the crown. closer to the soil surface. Apply silken cocoon in the thatch ing buffalo grass, will thrive Keep mower blades sharp. lawn pests. Young larvae feed near the 1/2 to 3/4 inch of water after layer after they grow enough. when cut three to four inches Dull blades make ragged cuts Often the damage these crown, but move down just applica-tion to push the chemi- The adults are seen flying low tall. Lawns cut two inches tall which increase water loss and pests inflict is misdiagnosed as below the thatch layer to feed cal down to the root zone. over turfgrass in the evenings or even shorter may look tidy give the lawn surface a dry and drought stress, fungal disease on roots as they mature. They Repeat irrigation every four or where they feed on dew. and nice, but lawns cut about unsightly gray or brown color. or damage from other insects. pupate in mid-July and the five days to continue chemical Females lay about 240 eggs three inches are more likely Don’t fertilize the lawn in Carefully monitor newly laid adults emerge in late July and movement in the soil. in four days. The eggs hatch to be healthy. Taller grass very hot weather. A good lawn sod for the presence of billbugs are active in the lawn for a in about seven days and the means longer roots and thicker fertilization schedule is mid- or sod webworms. If damage few weeks before they move Sod webworms larvae feed for four to seven strands of grass. That tall grass March, mid-June, and late is serious enough to require away to sheltered areas for the Sod webworms are flying weeks. In Utah, they produce helps shade the soil, reducing August or early September pesticide application, identify winter. moths -- but not all moths about two generations per water loss to evaporation, and after the summer’s heat sub- the pest you are treating to Adult billbugs are often that fly over grass are sod year. also helps shade weed seeds so sides. determine the correct products referred to as “snout beetles” webworm adults. They are Eggs are tiny, oval shaped they are less likely to grow. As At this time of year, your to use for control. because their chewing mouth- small, dull-colored moths with and difficult to find. Larvae the blade of the grass produces lawn may begin to develop parts are on the end of a snout. a wingspan of 3/4 to 1 inch. curl into a ball when they are chlorophyll and car-bohy- dry, stressed spots that look Billbugs They have elbowed antennae When they land, the wings are disturbed. They have brown drates, it nurtures the roots like underwatering. Before you Billbugs are weevils or snout and their bodies are black or held tube-like over the back heads, but their bodies may be and encourages stronger root increase water application, beetles that rarely fly. Their gray. They will play dead if making them distinctive. Hind beige, gray, brown or green. growth. The roots and lower check the sprinklers for cover- larvae cause more damage disturbed. wings are usually white or gray Fully grown, they are generally stem portions store energy. age and fix any sprinkler prob- than the adults because they Well maintained, healthy but forewings may be striped about 3/4 inch long. Pupae are eat turf-grass roots just below lawns are less likely to develop with silver, gold, yellow, brown tan to dark brown. the thatch layer. Heavy infesta- billbug damage. Fertilize and black. A healthy lawn is less sus- tions can kill grass. Detect and as needed but do not over- Their larvae do the most ceptible to sod webworms as treat them early for best con- fertilize. Cut and water to keep damage by eating turfgrass birds and other predators eat trol and to prevent widespread lawns thick and healthy. blades. Heavy infestations can them. If sod webworm dam- lawn damage. When serious billbug prob- also kill grass. The larvae feed age becomes serious, consider When billbug larvae have lems do develop, spray with all summer, but the injury gen- using “reduced risk” insecti- been at work, blades of grass imidichloprid (Merit) because erally shows up in late summer cides as an alternative to broad can easily be pulled away from it has a relatively long residual and early fall. Detect and treat spectrum products because the crown. Billbugs deposit effect. Other products that are them early for best control. they are less toxic to non- frass, or excrement, in the effective on these pests include Sod webworm damage targeted animals. Spinosad thatch layer. If you see saw- lorsban, beta-cyfluthrin, bifen- looks a lot like billbug dam- (Conserve) and Bacillus dust-like grass in your lawns, it thrin and clothianidin. These age — brown irregular spots thuringiensis (Bt) are good indicates billbug presence even chemicals are available under developing in the lawn after products. There are more than if you don’t see larvae feeding. several brand names. USU general thinning. However, the 200 registered products for Billbug larvae are some- Extension recommends that to damage from sod webworms sod webworm control. Among DIANE SAGERS times confused with white make sprays more effective, do does not include root damage. them are bety-cyfluthrin, Billbugs cause damage to lawns by feeding on grass roots and can cause grubs - which also cause turf the following. The larvae overwinter in silk- carbaryl (Sevin) chlor-pyrifos dead spots in lawn where they have eaten off the roots of the turfgrass. The larva, pictured above with a billbug adult, causes more damage than problems. Billbugs are legless, If the thatch layer of the lined chambers in the thatch and trichlorfon. Apply them as the adult. have cream-colored bodies lawn exceeds a half-inch, aer- layer. In the spring, they begin directed above for billbugs. Great Savings on Books at the Tooele Transcript Bulletin Lost Bodies The Queen Echoes from the mithsonian A Chronicle of Deaths, Disappearances, and Discoveries The Life and Times of Elizabeth II America’s History Brought to Life

Where are the missing Her Majesty Queen Visitors to the Smithsonian bodies? Inspired by the Elizabeth II has reigned museums in Washington, D.C. fascinating discovery in for more than 65 years, report they have been moved by Leicester, England, of the longer than any British a variety of emotions when view- remains of Richard III, the monarch in history. ing the exhibits. Some artifacts “king in the car park,” Lost During that time she has rekindle pleasant memories of Bodies is part history, part endured the many ups and childhood; others bring a tear of very cold-case detective downs that a long life will sadness. Each of them, however, story. It is a fascinating bring, experiencing both is a piece of thread that has account of thirty famous crisis and happiness within become woven into the fabric of people who disappeared her own family. this great nation. postmortem, from bodies She was the jewel in The Smithsonian highlights that were moved such as the British Crown during many remarkable American Eva Peron, snatched in the London Blitz of the accomplishments in aviation, 1955 and rediscovered in Second World War when sports, inventions, history, 1971, to those that are well Britain and the world religion, politics, communication, and truly lost, including faced a precarious future. transportation, fashion, and Cleopatra and English But her standing in the entertainment. It is a relection aristocrat Lord Lucan. eyes of the public fell of America that boldly shows our Who will be unearthed during the marriage of country in its entirety—with its next in an unexpected or Prince Charles to Princess strengths and weaknesses, its suspected location? Could Only Diana when she was described as uncaring and Only victories and defeats. Only it be Genghis Khan, Amelia Earhart, Glenn Miller, $ 95 $ 95 aloof when Diana tragically died. $ 95 $ 95 Echoes from the Smithsonian reveals both the $ 95 $ 95 or Jimmy Hoffa? Which great ind awaits? Alex- 19 12 A shy and reserved child, Elizabeth grew into 24 14 triumphs and foibles of this great land that make 19 9 ander the Great in Egypt or King Alfred the Great in Winchester, England? a wise and insightful monarch dealing ably with you appreciate the devotion and accomplish- Fully illustrated and packed with information about the life, demise, 13 prime ministers and 13 American presidents. It is unlikely we will ever ments of those who dedicated their time, talents, and sometimes their disappearance, and discovery (sometimes) of each famous and infamous see another female head of state reign so long or radiate such a calming lives to create and preserve this wonderful republic. igure, Lost Bodies explores the controversies surrounding their deaths and inluence on events. This intriguing and beautifully illustrated biography the theories about what may have happened to them. will show you the life of one of the most respected women of our time.

The Pocket Patriot 1001 Battles Picturing the Americas An Introduction to the Principles of Freedom That Changed the Course of History Landscape Painting from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic

The Pocket Patriot is a collection of the From small-scale battles of the A bold and richly illustrated historical documents of freedom and a ancient world to devastating mod- survey of the stylistic evolution sampling of the eloquent expressions of ern conlicts, this book provides of landscape painting in the the legacy of democracy in America. It is a a deinitive and comprehensive Americas, this work follows the handbook on what has deined Americans record of the armed combats nations in the Americas as they in the past so that future generations that have shaped the political and gained independence in the early will not forget the costs and conditions cultural landscape of the world 19th century and the pictorial needed for liberty. in which we live. At nearly 1,000 landscape tradition that emerged. Beginning with the contemplations richly illustrated pages, this compi- Landscape painting has of Christopher Columbus on the land lation is an essential guide to the become the primary medium for he discovered, this short collection of most intense, dramatic, important articulating conceptions of land twenty-six historical documents and three and extraordinary conlicts over and nation in the development biographical sections summarizes more the last 5,000 years and the of North and South American than ive hundred years of the noblest ex- consequences of those clashes on cultural identity. Picturing the periment in history. From the Maylower societies around the globe. Americas offers a comprehensive Compact to the Gettysburg Address, this Only treatment of this genre on both is a concise survey of the foundational ideas $ 95 $ 95 American continents. Nearly 1,000 pages packed and personalties of America and a guide for the 9 3 with full-color illustrations Only direction America should take today. $ 95 $ 95 Only 24 16 $2995 $1695 These and other titles available at the Tooele Transcript Bulletin TOOELETRANSCRIPT 58 N. Main – Tooele Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Sat-Sun: closed BULLETIN TUESDAY August 20, 2020 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B3 A BETTER LIFE INTERPERSONAL EDGE Mentors are an invaluable resource Making remote hat is mentoring? ing techniques to help with WBasketball player, John schoolwork, and engage in Crosby said, “Mentoring is a service-learning activities in work less remote brain to pick, an ear to listen, Maren Wright Voss Elise Withers the community. and a push in the right direc- GUEST COLUMNIST GUEST COLUMNIST Having a mentor is an Q: I miss my social time tion.” Tooele Junior High is invaluable resource that every- with people in my workplace. benefitting from year two of one should utilize. Currently The only time we connect is the 4H Health Rocks (4HHR) world a better place. The help with overcoming the we have trained ten amazing work problems. I have no idea Daneen Skube Mentoring Program, starting knowledge and skills students risks of living in perilous Juniors and Seniors at Tooele what is going on in their lives GUEST COLUMNIST in the 2020-21 school year. learn from their mentors will environment. Protective fac- and Stansbury High School. and right now that matters According to Emily Hamliton, provide personal support and tors and positive influences These young individuals are a lot to me. I also know they 4HHR program coordinator, a safe place to express ideas. give students the tools and so incredibly talented and are have no idea what is going on Humans are profoundly “The role of a mentor is to Various studies have found resources to overcome the looking forward to our upcom- in my life. How can we make social animals. Now that we teach and support youth in that quality mentoring greatly challenges that come their ing weekly meetings with the remote work less remote? are socially isolated, even order to help him or her grow enhances students’ chances way. Mentoring is a protective youth in our community. A: You can make remote introverts, are missing normal and develop.” A successful for success. These high school factor and a mentor can be a If you are interested in work less remote if you use conversation, joking, and shar- mentor/mentee relationship is heroes will be a part of creat- positive influence in a men- having your incoming 7th remote platforms to go beyond ing stories. Only connecting based off trust, honesty, com- ing that safety net for the kids tee’s life. This mentor/mentee or 8th grader join, “Health work and use them to re-invent with a human being on a work munication, similar interests, growing up behind them. relationship creates a sense of Rocks,” please reach out to the your workplace social connec- topic can make the least social and beliefs. Mentors set clear Author, Bob Proctor said, “A connection with the commu- local site coordinator Emily tions. In normal times your of us feel disconnected and expectations and goals, focus mentor is someone who sees nity, it helps youth see their Hamilton at emily.hamilton@ tech platforms were probably lonely. on creating a sense of belong- more talent and ability within talents, and gives them a posi- or call the local not used much for workplace Many people in our modern ing for all, encourage voices you than you see in yourself tive vision for their future. Health and Wellness USU socializing. Under current fast paced world find our larg- to be shared and concerns and helps bring it out of you.” The 4HHR program is Extension Office at (385) 468- conditions remote platforms est friendship network is at expressed, and help develop Youth today face a number designed to help youth mas- 4841. are the only way to have work- our office. Sure we’ve proven and master life skills. of challenges that can hinder ter life skills and polish off place socializing. we can get work done with The beauty of the 4HHR their ability to see their poten- their coping mechanisms Maren Wright Voss, ScD, is no face time but turns out we program, is that the mentor- tial. These challenges include and there are still some open a professional practice exten- Some practical ideas include: miss those faces more than we ing is coming from high school the availability of drugs, poor slots for interested youth. sion assistant professor of 1) Set specific Zoom or thought. juniors and seniors, youth self-esteem, family conflict, This after-school mentor- health and wellness at the USU Skype meetings and make the The trick is to regularly who know that mentoring is academic failure, and/or ing program provides youth Extension – Tooele County agenda something like, “have schedule informal social time important and care enough gang involvement. However, with a safe older role model Office, which is located inside lunch.” Make a rule that staff using remote platforms where to get involved. These high protective factors and positive in an inclusive environment the Tooele County Health will not cover work issues dur- your team has the time to school kids are a role model influences can make all the through weekly club meet- Department Building, 151 ing your shared meal. connect personally. Since you for adults in the community, difference. ings. The mentors encourage N. Main, Tooele. She can be 2) If you frequently go to a are all used to only discussing helping the community see Every student needs some positive choice making abili- reached at 435-277-2409 and happy hour after work set up work on these platforms you’ll what it means to make the protective factors and a little ties, provide positive learn- at [email protected]. time at the end of the day for want to establish the “no work an informal workplace happy topics” rule. hour where you each remote Friendships are so important ASK AMY in, have a beverage, and catch that longevity experts’ research up. indicates close friendships are 3) If you have friends or col- critical to a long life. People leagues you are especially close can literally die of loneliness. to then make phone “dates” Since none of us can afford to Dinner party reveals problem without a name to just chat about your lives. compromise any aspect of our Dear Amy: A couple of years or puzzle over their gender. in the coming weeks and urge Informal connection will not health during a pandemic lean- ago, an acquaintance of ours Granted, “John” is likely a male. readers to do the same. Thank automatically happen out of ing on workplace friendships is hosted a dinner party. I was “Courtney” might be a man or you so much for this important your office. an essential activity. only acquainted with half the Amy Dickinson a woman. But gender identity reminder. 4) You can also invite any people there. The hostess didn’t GUEST COLUMNIST doesn’t matter, because when one special colleague over The last word(s) make introductions. you know someone’s name, Dear Amy: Reflecting on outside if he or she is local and Q: I really deserve a raise One person present was you can just address them by the burdens of caregiving, your actually see a friendly face in but my company is belt tight- someone I had met a few times. their name, see them as fellow recent line: “As a liberated person while still socially dis- ening. Is it a bad idea to go (I’ll call her “Jane.”) a moment go back to nursery humans, and take it from there. caregiver, I would give anything tancing. ahead and make a case for I knew that Jane had a part- school. Have you ever noticed to be annoyed again,” brought Social psychologists tell us more money right now? ner, “Joan,” whom I had only that when children don’t know Dear Amy: I read several me to tears. My parents drove that there are three rules to A: Yes, 3/4 of success is hav- met once years before. other kids’ names, they don’t advice columns every day. I am me crazy during all those years friendship; proximity, proxim- ing the wisdom and impulse At the dinner, Jane was sit- talk to them? nearly 70, a U.S. Navy veteran when they were bothering me ity, and proximity. In other control to choose the right ting next to a man. Names: We have them for a and thanks to the GI bill, have with their needs. words, those we see regu- time to say the right thing! At one point I stared across reason. a BS in health and human ser- I miss them so much now larly are those we befriend. the table because I was trying Now let’s talk about this vices. that it physically hurts. — A Now that our proximity only Daneen Skube, Ph.D., execu- to determine if this was Jane’s hostess. Who invites a bunch I was a high school teacher, Fan extends to family or pets, tive coach, trainer, therapist and brother, or if Joan was transi- of previously unacquainted (or volunteered at a hospice center, Dear Fan: One of the most friendships of any kind are speaker, also appears as the FOX tioning to male. semi-acquainted) people to and did in-home assessments painful aspects of caregiving challenging. Channel’s “Workplace Guru” I admit that I feel bad for their home and then doesn’t for a nonprofit. elderly loved ones is that you We also have moved from each Monday morning. She’s the staring, but I was trying to fig- introduce (or re-introduce) With ALL of the requests know how it is going to end. the idea we are in a crisis and author of “Interpersonal Edge: ure out if we had met. them to each other at the from people asking for advice entered a slow hunkering Breakthrough Tools for Talking We spoke briefly afterward, beginning of the evening? I about, “What do I do when it You can email Amy Dickinson down marathon. So now...we to Anyone, Anywhere, About and they made no attempt to mean, if you’re going to make comes to caring for my loved at askamy@amydickinson. have to find ways to re-invent Anything” (Hay House, 2006). reintroduce themselves to me. a cassoulet, you can certainly one?” I have done an informal com or send a letter to Ask human connection. When You can contact Dr. Skube at After they left, the hostess make an introduction. study over MY years of experi- Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, breathing on people you like or explained that Joan was now Now onto you. In the ence. NY 13068. You can also follow could risk both your lives, a 1420 NW Gilman Blvd., #2845, “John” and how they hate to absence of hostess-courtesy, Amy, please advise your her on Twitter @askingamy or huge question becomes, “How Issaquah, WA 98027. Sorry, no have to explain themselves or why didn’t you introduce readers to make sure that they Facebook. do we stay in touch without personal replies. their pronoun, which is “they.” yourself to people? “Hi. I’m have planned for the future! © 2020 by Amy Dickinson being, in fact, in touch?” © 2020 Interpersonal Edge I tried to joke: “I didn’t get Befuddled Guest. But please, MY results show that about 90 the memo.” To which the host- you can call me Befuddled. Tell percent of the folks that I have ess replied, “It wasn’t my memo me your name?” If the person interviewed do not have any to send.” answers by saying, “We’ve met EOL (end of life) plans, i.e., I think the hostess could before” (I get this a lot), you DNR or “Full Code.” have spared some social awk- can say, as I always do, “Oh, Please advise the family Full Local wardness with one quick sen- I’m so sorry, I’ve forgotten that. members to talk about how tence privately, like “Joan is Remind me of your name?” their elders are doing and to John now, deal with it,” which I agree that it is not the host- review these plans with them, Sports Coverage would have been fine with me. ess’s job to deliver the memo so there is less shock and con- I am still angry with the about a guest’s gender transi- fusion when the time comes. In Every Issue hostess for leaving us floun- tion in advance of the party. It — Bruce dering as to who was at the IS the hostess’s job to introduce Dear Bruce: Just yesterday I TOOELE party. What do you think? — her guests to one another. was talking to a family member TRANSCRIPT Befuddled Guest If you know someone’s about this very thing! I will ULLETIN Dear Befuddled: Let us for name, you don’t have to ponder be working on my EOL plans B

TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL 435.882.0050 SERVICE DIRECTORY CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORS MISCELLANEOUS SEAMLESS Reach Thousands! JMCR OUTDOOR POWER Grow Your Business EQUIPMENT SERVICE We service lawn mowers, snow blowers, RAIN GUTTERS leaf blowers, trimmers and more NO SEAMS • NO LEAKS with Your Own FREE BEST QUALITY / ALL COLORS Service Directory Ad PICKUP AND DELIVERY BEST PRICE • BEST WARRANTY Call 435.882.0050 in the Tooele and 7834 W 2400 S, MAGNA FREE Estimates • Licensed & Insured or visit Salt Lake Valleys Locally Owned & Operated 58 N. Main Street, Tooele (with min. service charge) 801.580.9414 8:30 to 5:30, Monday-Friday 435.841.4001 Tooele Transcript Bulletin 801-601-1653 CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORS MISCELLANEOUS Reach Thousands! LOCAL, AFFORDABLE Lee’s QUALITY WORK! Outside Storage ROOFING & SIDING Grow Your Business • Water Wells Lots Available REPAIRS • REPAIRS • REPAIRS • Stock Wells with Your Own • Irrigation Wells STRIAL PA DU RK AND WE INSTALL ALL TYPES OF – • Pump Installation IN Service Directory Ad • Pump Service & ROOFING • SIDING • SOFFIT Repair FASCIA • TEAR-OFFS Call 435.882.0050 • Solar Systems • Well Renovation FREE Estimates • Senior Discounts • Over 30 Years Experience! or visit ST E & Abandonment ORAG Grantsville 58 N. Main Street, Tooele Easy to get in & out of Industrial Park 8:30 to 5:30, Monday-Friday Shane Anderson 435-840-1833 1.877.345.2468 Credit Cards accepted Call for prices to 7378 N. Burmester Road, Grantsville Licensed & Insured Tooele Transcript Bulletin or Email: [email protected] reserve your spot! 435.850.0057 B4 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY August 20, 2020

Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson Adam@Home by Rob Harrell

Heart of the City by Steenz The Fusco Brothers by J.C. Duffy

Pooch Café by Paul Gilligan The Duplex by Glenn McCoy

LIO by Mark Tatulli Fred Basset by Alex Graham

Cornered by Baldwin In the Bleachers by Steve Moore

Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds & Jeff Millar

Baldo by Hector Cantu & Carlos Castellanos

Universal Crossword Horoscope by Eugenia Last Edited by David Steinberg August 17, 2020 ARIES (March 21-April 19): ACROSS 35 Flower 3 Jesus, to 32 “It is the Put pent-up energy to good use. 1 He carries common in Christians ___, and You can take physical action and the weight Chinese art 4 Elec. cur- Juliet is the get things done, or you can stew of the world 37 Old rent unit sun!” over what everyone else is doing on his boyfriend? 5 Like screw 33 Impala or and achieve little. ★★★★★ Thatababy by Paul Trapp shoulders 38 Female threads Mustang TAURUS (April 20-May 20): 6 Crash into quail 6 Kind of 35 Beat Choose what feels right. An forcefully 39 Ball-and- sleeve excitedly opportunity is heading your way, 9 Intended mallets 7 Popular 36 Some and being mentally prepared to 14 Take a big game succulent shade bite 40 Take it 8 “Of Mice trees take advantage of the situation 15 Summer easy and ___” 37 Soft will make a difference. ★★ ___ (Samuel 41 Making 9 Powerful French GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Adams learn person cheese Consider what’s important to brew) 45 Wrist 10 Make more 39 Rite- you, and focus your energy on 16 Second afflictions nutritious, minded projects that will bring about stage of 48 All say people? change. Home improvements grief alternative 11 Open- 41 Get are favored. ★★★ 17 Talking 49 Like the mouthed cloudier, CANCER (June 21-July 22): about animals on 12 When to perhaps Look at your budget before you constantly Noah’s ark give in, per 42 Stir up 19 Very 50 Land Churchill 43 Par for commit to a project or make a serious measure 13 Lock for the course donation. Being responsible as 20 Last part 51 E.T.’s a barber 44 Rock with well as benevolent will help you 21 Cynthia vehicle 18 Two-word many maintain balance. ★★★ Erivo had 54 Golf course denial bands LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take the lead one 55 Piping up 22 Like Guy 45 Leave the initiative to research and in “Harriet” 57 Map within Fieri’s hastily, gather valuable information to 22 Wading a map hair informally ensure your pursuits are attain- birds with 58 Container 23 Make-or- 46 “Common able. Keep life simple and proj- long bills for tea or break Sense” ★★★ 23 Instructive flowers time pamphleteer ects doable. figures? 59 Soothing 24 Trumpeting 47 Washer VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 24 They agent bird cycle Set the standard, do things your keep their 60 Many high 25 A big one 50 Pirate’s way and aim to reach your goal. distance schoolers often gets greeting Stand by your word, and compro- 25 Adjusting 61 Affirmative away 51 Wrinkly mise when necessary. You will 29 Concept or vote 26 Mindless, citrus gain respect. ★★★ conception 62 Espionage like chatter 52 Number LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 30 Fall cleanup figures 27 College of angles An upbeat approach will deter tool admissions in a negativity and disgruntled and 31 Word after DOWN official pentagon “sugar 1 Muscle 28 Caretaker 53 Unnamed demanding people. Offering pos- snap” or pain of horses individuals itive alternatives will encourage “sweet” 2 More- 31 Rounded 55 Tax pro others to pick up the pace and 34 Do in, as enough part of a 56 Day help. ★★★★ a dragon connector hammer break? SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be reasonable, and you’ll get Instrumental Roles by MaryEllen Uthlaut your way. Kick up a fuss, and you’ll end up working alone. A change is in order. Assess your life, attitude, the way you look and the changes you want to make. ★★ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You are gaining leverage, so don’t stop pushing for what you want. Don’t let the past hold you back. Discarding what no longer works for you is encouraged. ★★★★★ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don’t start something you can’t finish. An argument with a friend or relative will cause emo- tional turmoil with someone you love. Focus on what you can do to keep the peace. ★★★ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Strike up a conversation to help you resolve a sensitive issue. Offer suggestions and compro- mise if necessary to keep your plans moving forward. ★★★ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): A change will make you feel good. Make plans with someone who means the world to you, and good things will follow.★★★

Answers on B5 TUESDAY August 20, 2020 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B5 Bulletin Board

from preschool through 8th grade at at 11 a.m. in the Tooele Pioneer Museum’s Tooele (Bonneville Mental Health). Open Tooele Tooele County’s only faith-based school. Moose Historical Society basement at the back of the building. For to all those affected by someone else’s Featuring all-day Kindergarten, all-day questions or more information, please addiction. As a 12-step program, we offer Senior Center preschool, junior high grades 6-8, small Meals at Lodge Meetings Cancelled call Allene at 435-830-0465 or Perky at help by sharing our experience, strength The senior center is for the enjoyment of class sizes, and an enhanced STEM cur- Friday and Saturday night dinners will Due to the Corona Virus/Covid 19, our 435-241-2217. and hope. For more information, please all seniors 60 and older. Center hours are riculum. Give us a call at 435-882-0081 or be served from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. meetings for April and May have been contact Terri at 435-313-4851. Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., visit Friday night dinners change weekly cancelled. We hope to see you Sept. 8, Tooele Al-Anon Choices 4U Friday 8 a.m. to Noon. New and exciting or you can order from the menu items 2020. This group meets Sundays at 5 p.m. at Military Items Wanted activities include bridge, pinochle, bingo, Saturday night. All meals are for a reason- the Mountain Faith Lutheran Church, 560 When you no longer want your mili- crafts, pickleball, Mexican train, tangled Education able price. No orders taken after 8:45 p.m. Historical books S. Main St., Tooele. For more information, tary items, do not take them to Deseret art, yoga, exercise program, line dancing, Daily lunch specials are available at the Tooele County Historical Society’s books contact Gesele at 435-224-4015 or Jo-Ann Industries or a thrift store. Bring them wood carving, Wii games, watercolor class Tooele Technical College lodge from 11 a.m. are available to purchase at meetings. The at 435-849-4180. — hats, helmets, dress uniforms, boots, movies and health classes. Meals-On- Programs with space available Take out orders can be called in during History of Tooele County Volume II is $35, shoes, pants, jackets, backpacks, belts, Wheels available for homebound. Lunch include the POST (Peace Officer our operating hours and picked up at the The Mining, Smelting, and Railroading in Alcoholics Anonymous canteens, pouches, old photos, etc. — served weekdays. For 60 and above, sug- Standards Training) program (Satellite lodge at the time agreed on. Tooele is $25, and we also have eight note Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 60 S. to 775 S. Coleman Street. They will be gested contribution is $3. For those under Police Academy), Commercial Driver’s For members and their guests only. cards depicting four different pioneer Main Street. Daily at noon and 8 p.m. Park displayed with honor and respect. Call 60, cost is $5. Transportation available to License (CDL) program and Software buildings for $4. These make great gifts in back. Matthew or Tina at 435-882-8688. Events for family and friends. Please call Alice the store or doctor visits for residents in Development. These programs and others Alcoholics Anonymous Tooele and Grantsville areas. For trans- are offered at Tooele Tech. Enroll today Our Veteran’s Day dinner’s are back. This Dale at 435-882-1612 if you would like to Children’s Choir Auditions Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are portation information call 435-843-4114. and begin training for a promising career. month it will be on Thursday August 27 purchase these books. Rising Voices Children’s Choir is an audi- also held every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 For more information about the Tooele Visit or call student servic- at 5:30 p.m. Please come help recognize/ tioned children’s choir for children 7-14 Seeking Historical Items p.m., at St. Barnabus Church, 1784 Aaron center, call 435-843-4110. es at 435-248-1800 for more information. honor one of our Veteran’s. For members years of age. The talented Katelynd Blake, and their guests only. The Tooele County Historical Society Dr., Tooele. owner and director of Blake Music Studios, would like members of the community Tooele Pioneer Museum Adult Education On August 16 at 12:00 p.m. the WOTM Young People in Recovery directs the choir. Blake has a degree in 47 E Vine Street, Free Admission. Open Get your high school diploma this year will be hosting a Fundraiser to raise funds who have any family or personal histories, Young People in Recovery (YPR) hold vocal performance and has taught at the Memorial Day through Labor Day, Friday at the Tooele Community Learning Center. for the Tooele Community Resource photographs, books, brochures, DVDs, all recovery meetings on Thursdays at 6 collegiate level. If your child loves to sing and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Open most All classes required for a high school Center. VHS tapes or newspaper articles that you p.m. in the Grantsville City Library, and and you are looking for an exceptional Tuesdays year round 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. diploma, adult basic education, GED prep- On August 22 from 11:00 a.m. to would like to donate to our organization also on the first and third Friday of the musical experience for them, this is it. For Open other times by appointment. Call aration and English as a second language 1:00 p.m the Moose Legion will host a to please call us. We are also looking for month at 5:30 p.m. in the Remington Park more information and to register for an 435-882-3168, 435-830-9784, 435-840- are available. Register now to graduate Luncheon to support the Moose Legion books, newspaper articles, photos, bro- Apartments’ Clubhouse, 495 W. Utah Ave., audition, please visit blakemusicstudios. 5139. World Class Indian arrowhead collec- — just $50 per semester. Located at 211 funds. chures or any history that pertains to the Tooele. Questions contact Adam at 480- com or call 435-277-0755. tion., Tooele Blvd. Call 435-833-8750. Adult edu- On 30 August at 12:00 p.m. the WOTM Tooele County area. If you would like to 695-6611, Audrey 435-255-9518 or Heidi at cation classes are for students 18 and over. will be hosting a Fundraiser to raise funds donate them to our organization, or if you Rocky Mountain Hospice 435-255-9905. Mobile Vet Center for the Tooele Community school district. would let us make a copy for the Tooele Want to have more meaning in your life. To better serve veterans located in ESOL It will be a Greek dinner starting at 1:00 County Historical Society, please call 435- Family support group Do you want to do something that is sat- Tooele County, the Mobile Vet Center ESOL conversational classes are held 882-1612. p.m. For members and there guests only. Get your loved one sober. The USARA isfying and of great service to your com- (MVC) will visit Tooele every Wednesday Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Tooele We will have live music on each Saturday Craft family support group is held munity? Then become a Rocky Mountain from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the eastern Community Learning Center. ESOL stu- starting at 5:30. For members and there Mondays at 6 p.m. in the large reading Hospice volunteer. No experience side of the Walmart parking lot, 99 W. dents may also come anytime the center is Groups and Events guests only. room at the Tooele City Library. Group required. All training, background check 1280 North, Tooele. The MVC provides open for individualized study. Registration The ID/UT Moose Association will be books and materials provided. Craft is a and TB tests provided by Rocky Mountain. free, confidential counseling for theater is $50 per semester. Located at 211 Tooele Tooele County Arts Guild The only requirement is your desire to held in Tooele on 1 Oct to 4 Oct. Please All artists from Tooele County age 13 free program for family members who veterans of all conflicts. For further Blvd. Call 435-833-8750 for more informa- help someone in need. Please contact plan on attending. and above are welcome to join the Tooele have a loved one with a substance use information contact Dave Brown at 801- tion. Crystal Erickson at Willow Springs Rocky County Arts Guild for an evening, or for disorder. For more information, call Heidi 255-1499, call our 24/7 national call center Mountain Care at 435-843-2094 or Sandy the year as a member. Benefits of mem- Warr at 435-255-9905. 1-877-WARVETS or visit Early Head Start Eagles Parmegiani at Rocky Mountain Hospice at bership include the opportunity to display DDI VANTAGE Early Head Start offers 801-397-4902. NO COST weekly home visits for families your artwork for show and sale in various Alzheimer’s Caregiver Group Donate to library Social Room Join us the 2nd Monday of each month Please remember the “Friends of the who are eligible under the age of 3. Home venues around Tooele County, as well as The social room is open daily 2 p.m. to 6 from 2-3 p.m. at Mountain West Medical The Next Chapter Tooele City Library” while doing home visits include parent and child education, regular updates on events in our commu- p.m. daily, staffed with volunteer bartend- Center in Tooele. The Tooele County The Next Chapter is a free social support cleaning and donate your used books to assessments, and family support services nity. The best benefit is meeting other art- ers, please tip accordingly. Health Department’s Aging Services pro- and educational program to help widows the bookstore in the library. Money from including nutrition education. We also ist friends you wouldn’t meet otherwise! gram is the sponsor for these Alzheimer’s and widowers adjust to the loss of their book sales is used to support programs offer comprehensive health services for Meetings Call 435-228-8217 for more information. Association Caregiver Support Groups. spouse through monthly activities. You within the library. The library is located at expecting mothers including prenatal Aerie Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th The groups are designed to provide emo- are invited to join others who are on the 128 W. Vine St. For more information, call parent education and support services. Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. Ladies Community Club of tional, educational and social support for same page as you, to begin a new chapter 435-882-2182 or go online to tooelecity. Apply online- or call 435- Auxiliary Meetings are on the 2nd and Tooele caregivers. Questions call 435-277-2440. in your life story. Call Sarah with Tooele org. Thank you for your support. 882-3439. 4th Monday of each month at 7 p.m. To view upcoming events, learn more County Aging Services at 435-277-2456 for about our organization, or to become a Food Addicts in Recovery more details. Books for the Whole Family Free developmental evaluation Raffle member, please visit Donated children’s books and paper- DDI VANTAGE Early Intervention offers Everything and Anything Raffle to be Anonymous Sons of Utah Pioneers backs are for sale for 25 cents, and hard- NO COST developmental evaluations for held August 22, 4 p.m. at the Aerie. Tickets TOPS Weight Loss Support Are you having trouble controlling the Anyone interested in the history of covers are being sold for $1 from 11 a.m.-5 children ages birth to 3. We provide a full $1.00/ea or 6/$5.00, all proceeds to the Group way you eat? Food Addicts in Recovery Tooele City, Tooele County or Utah p.m. on Fridays, 5-8 p.m. on Mondays range of services for children with devel- Aerie home. The TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Anonymous (FA) is a free, 12-step recov- pioneers, we need you. The Son of Utah and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays at the opmental delays or disabilities. Our goal Meat Raffle Drawing- September 5th we Weight Loss Support Group meets every ery program for anyone suffering from Pioneers are currently curtailing our meet- Tooele City Library. All proceeds go back is to minimize the effects of the delay and will have a $500.00 Meat Raffle Drawing, Tuesday in the Cornerstone Baptist Church food addiction. Meetings are held every ings due to the pandemic, but watch this to the library for projects and programs. reduce the need for long-term services tickets $5.00/ea or 5/$20.00, tickets avail- located at 276 E. 500 North, Tooele. Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Pioneer Museum, bulletin and we will announce our next throughout their school years. For more able with your membership newsletter or Weigh-in begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by 47 E. Vine Street in Tooele. Enter at the meeting, which will be a virtual meet- Community Book Sharing Box information call 435-833-0725 or visit us at in the Social Room, proceeds to the Aerie a meeting at 6 p.m. Men, women and chil- north back entrance. For more informa- ing. Also watch for an announcement of The “Little Free Library” book sharing home. dren are invited to attend. Come and let tion, call Millicent at 435-882-7094 or the opening of the James Bevan Pioneer box is a FREE Book Exchange. Anyone us help you live a healthier lifestyle! For Colleen at 435-882-9019 or visit www. Museum when it is safe to admit the pub- can take a book or bring a book to share. Grantsville Elementary Membership more information visit or con- Everyone is welcome to lic. For more information about the Sons Delinquent Memberships have now Come check out the newest box located The next Grantsville Elementary tact Mary Lou Beck at 435-228-8202. attend. of Utah Pioneers, contact Howard Yerke, been dropped by the Grand Aerie, Please at 965 S. 1050 W. in Tooele. There are a Community Council meeting will be Membership Chairman, 435-841-9718 or re-enroll by filling out an application for Tooele County Aging variety of books for all ages. To learn more held on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 4:00 Museum volunteers needed [email protected] and find a location near you go to www. p.m. in the GES library. All parents are re-enrollment and submitting to your Tooele Valley Museum & Historical Park Tooele County Aging is looking for, under the MAP tab, encouraged to attend. The meeting will Secretary. Applications available in the is seeking volunteers. Do you enjoy his- volunteers to help us meet the needs of TC Squares Dance Club enter your zip code. For more information be held in person, with appropriate dis- Social Room. tory or science? Volunteers at the museum seniors in the community. Many seniors The TC Squares Dance Club has begun call or text Kathy Witt at 435-849-7806. tancing and masks required. However, if can gain new skills or practice old ones. require assistance and need rides to doc- dancing again on Mondays at the Clarke anyone is uncomfortable with being there Birthday Party We are looking for people to help with tors or other professionals. Rides help Johnson Jr. High Cafetorium, 2152 N. 400 AUXILIARY 74TH BIRTHDAY PARTY - The in person, we will be happy to invite them organization, exhibit development, gar- seniors live more independent lives. Call West, Tooele, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Please Auxiliary will celebrate 74 yrs on Monday, Grantsville to participate via Zoom. Please email dening and educational program devel- 435-843-4114 for more information. The bring finger food to share. For more infor- August 24, 2020. The Past Presidents will [email protected] to request a opment. Volunteer positions are seasonal Grantsville and Tooele Senior Centers mation, contact Woody at 435-850-2441, be honored and a light luncheon will be Share the past Zoom invitation. and year round. Scheduling is flexible. also are in need of volunteers. For more Roberta at 801-349-5992 or visit the club’s Share the past, submit a history, obitu- served. Please come out and celebrate 74 Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. information about volunteering at the website at ary, or a picture of a deceased relative. Tooele High School years with all of us. See you there. To apply or request more information, Grantsville Center call 435-884-3446. For The Family History Center in Grantsville Tooele High School is accept- send email to: [email protected] volunteering at the Tooele Center call Tooele County Homemakers is assembling a record of Grantsville ing applications for the Annual 435-843-4110. We would like to invite all ladies to our residents. Your submission may be made Athletic Wall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Disabled Veterans Tooele Gem and Mineral Society Homemakers club. Meetings are held on by emailing to [email protected] or by to be held Friday, October 2nd. Applicants The Tooele Gem and Mineral Society Life’s Worth Living Foundation the first Tuesday of every month with a coming into the center at 115 E. Cherry St., must have graduated from THS at least 10 Chapter 20 meets the first Thursday of the month. Suicide support group meetings are The “Jordan M. Byrd” Tooele County luncheon and raffle, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., or by mail to PO Box 744, Grantsville, Utah years ago. Email Athletic Director Catham Meetings are held from 7 to 9 p.m. in held every fourth Thursday at 7 p.m. at Chapter 20, for the Disabled American September through May. Located at 151 84074. Come in and receive help from our Beer at [email protected] for the downstairs conference room of the Mountain West Medical Center, 2055 N. Veterans holds monthly general member- N Main, in the auditorium of the Health trained consultants. For more information, an application or pick one up at Tooele Pioneer Museum, 47 E. Vine St., Tooele. Main Street in Tooele, in the classroom by ship meetings at the Pioneer Museum, Department and USU Extension offices. call 435-884-5018 or 435-224-5010. High School (301 W. Vine St. Tooele, UT Come and learn about rocks, minerals, the cafeteria. If you struggle with suicidal 47 E. Vine Street (rear basement door Come out and enjoy some fun. $5 due 84074). Application is due by 5:00 PM on and ways to craft them, and enjoy field thoughts or have lost a loved one to sui- entrance) in Tooele, every third Thursday per year. For more information, call Eileen Senior Center Friday, September 25th. trips for rock collecting. Membership is cide, please plan on attending. Please go 435-882-5009 or 435-849-0854, Dianne The senior center is for the enjoyment of the month at 7 p.m. We welcome and $15 per year. For more information email on Facebook and like our page to keep 435-224-4814, or Thiel 435-238-8245. of all seniors 60 and older. Center hours invite all veterans to come join us in the [email protected]. current with our latest news and events. Thank you and we hope to see you all this are Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 comradery with other veterans at our Charity Contact us on that page. Visit lifesworth- September. p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to Noon. New and monthly meetings. Chapter 20 now has Local author seeks photos or call 435-248-LIVE. exciting activities include pinochle, bingo, Tooele Children’s Justice Center trained Chapter Service Officer’s (CSO’s) A local author and historian is seeking Tooele County Quilters crafts, bunko, therapeutic coloring, flint Tooele Children’s Justice Center is in to answer questions concerning your VA original photographs of Saltair, Black Parkinson’s disease Support All meetings are held on the third knapping, yoga, fly tying and exercise need of DVD-Rs, soda, bottled water and benefits. Nations Service Officers (NSO’s) Rock, Garfield Beach and/or Lake Point, Group Tuesday of each month in the Tooele program, wood carving and health snacks. We appreciate all donations. For are available by appointment to help vet- as well as any similar turn-of-the-century A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can County Health Dept. auditorium. Dues classes. Meals-On-Wheels available for inquiries or drop-off, call 435-843-3440. 25 erans and their families submit claims for attractions and resorts for an upcoming be overwhelming for the newly diag- are $20 per year to be paid at the first homebound. Lunch served weekdays. S. 100 East, Tooele. compensation, obtain health and educa- book project. Those who wish to con- nosed. Tooele has a support group for meeting. For 60 and above, suggested contribu- tional well-earned benefits. ALL DAV ser- tribute information or photographs of persons with Parkinson’s disease and their tion is $3. For those under 60, cost is $5. United Methodist Dinner vices are Free of Charge. For information, these parks should contact Emma Penrod caregivers. You can learn how others are First Baptist Church Transportation available to the store or Tooele United Methodist Church offers a please join our monthly meetings. No at [email protected]. Contributions coping with PD and how to live well. We The Food Pantry at First Baptist Church doctor visits for residents in Tooele and free dinner every Wednesday. Coffee and monthly meetings are held in December. will be printed with credit in a yet-to-be meet the third Friday of each month from is open on Saturdays from 10 am to Noon Grantsville areas. For transportation social hour starts at 4 p.m. and dinner is Call commander Penny Larson 801-359- released pictorial history book. There is 1-2 p.m. at Tooele Technology College, 88 for those who are in need of food. There information call 435-843-4114. For more served from 5-6 p.m. All are welcome. 8468 or Adjutant James Yale at 435-849- no such thing as too many photographs S. Tooele Blvd., Tooele. For information, are no requirements to receive food. We information about the Grantsville center, First Baptist Food Pantry 0521 or Senior Vice Dustee Thomas at as the author needs a minimum of 160 call Hal at 435-840-3683. hope to be a blessing to you. We are locat- 435-830-8487. Please leave messages if ed at 580 S. Main St., Tooele 435-882-2048. call 435-884-3446. The First Baptist Church in Tooele is photographs, and any help is greatly no contact. appreciated. Tooele Naranon “Circle of Hope Daughters of Utah Pioneers offering an emergency food pantry to to Recovery” meet the needs of our community. Hours The DUP is seeking any family histories, COVID-19 Help for DAV Tooele Valley Free Masons Tooele Naranon meets Thursdays at are Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon. First photographs, books, stories or vintage The Disabled American Veterans Tooele Valley Free Masons meet the 6:30 p.m. at 134 W. 1180 North, Ste. 4 in artifacts (before 1900) to display at the Baptist Church is located at 580 S. Main National Office has established a relief second Friday of each month for din- DUP Grantsville Museum, located at 378 Street. For information, call 435-882-2048. fund to provide financial aid to service- ner and socializing. If you are interested W. Clark St. (in the basement of the J. Baby blankets needed connected disabled veterans who have or have questions, please join us at the Bulletin Board Policy lost employment or income due to the Reuben Clark Farmhouse across from the Baby blankets are needed for the nurs- Lodge, located at the corner of Settlement COVID-19 Virus Pandemic. The issued If you would like to announce an upcoming event, contact the Transcript-Bulletin Grantsville Cemetery). For more informa- ery at Mountain West Medical Center. Canyon Road and state Route 36, or call at at 882-0050, fax to 882-6123 or email to [email protected]. “The Bulletin grants are meant to help these disabled tion, call Ellen Yates at 435-884-0253 or Blankets should be new and in good 435-277-0087. Board” is for special community events, charitable organizations, civic clubs, non- service connected veterans, pay bills, Coralie Lougey at 435-884-3832. Visit condition. Homemade blankets are also profit organizations, etc. For-profit businesses should contact the advertising depart- obtain food and provide for their families Tooele Valley Family History or accepted if new. Donations can be turned ment. Please limit your notice to 60 words or less. The Tooele Transcript-Bulletin during these difficult times. in to the volunteer desk at Mountain West Center cannot guarantee your announcement will be printed. To guarantee your announce- The application for this relief can be Medical Center, 2055 N. Main Street in Research your ancestors free with ment please call the advertising department at 882-0050. Information must be deliv- Grantsville Irrigation found at Veterans Tooele. Call Diane at 435-843-3691 with trained Family Search volunteers at the ered no later than 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. The allotment for residential users has will need to fully complete the application any questions. Tooele Valley Family History Center, 751 been increased from 100,000 gallons to and provide documentation verifying N. 520 East, Tooele. Phone 435-882-1396. 150,000 gallons per residential share. Community Closet their status as a service-connected dis- Hours of operation: Tuesday through Agricultural users have been issued a 2nd Clean out your closets. The Community abled veteran who has lost employment Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and regular turn. Thank you for your contin- Closet is accepting donations for gently as a result of the pandemic. Disabled Thursday evenings 7-9 p.m. Wednesday Comics Page Puzzle Answers ued efforts to conserve water. used clothing. Donations are accepted veterans who are small business owners evenings by appointment only. Special from page B4 at your neighborhood school. Contact or who work independently and have classes offered regularly. Call the center Hidato Sol. 8/17 Schools Christy Johnson at 435-830-4706 with any been negatively impacted financially as a for more information. questions. result of the virus may also be eligible for this assistance. Tooele Family Al-Anon St. Marguerite Catholic School Al-Anon meetings are held Wednesdays Students of all faiths are welcome Follow us on Facebook! TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN @TooeleTB PUBLIC NOTICE THE RUSH VALLEY TOWN COUNCIL WILL HOLD A REGU- LAR MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020, AT 7:00 PM AT THE RUSH VAL- LEY TOWN HALL 52 SOUTH PARK STREET, RUSH VAL- LEY, UTAH AGENDA IS AS FOL- LOWS: 1. Pledge of Alle- giance/Roll Call 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes for 07-22-2020 3. Sheriff’s Report PUBLIC NOTICE OF 4. Approval to Seek MEETING AND Bids for Remodel of AGENDA Bathrooms at Town Tooele County Com- Hall mission 5. Consideration and NOTICE IS HEREBY Award of RFP for Re- GIVEN THAT THE construction of John- TOOELE COUNTY son Lane COMMISSION WILL 6. Approval to Com- HOLD A SPECIAL plete Tennis Court M E E T I N G O N Fence WEDNESDAY, 7. Approval to Pur- AUGUST 26, 2020 AT chase and Install Ac- THURSDAY August 20, 2020 B6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN6:00 PM, IN THE cess Hatch for Well AUDITORIUM OF Pressure Tank at T H E T O O E L E Town Hall COUNTY BUILDING, 8. Fire Department Re- 47 SOUTH MAIN port To place your Classified ad STREET, TOOELE, 9. Council Reports To place your Classified ad call 435-882-0050 UTAH. 10. Safety Topic call 435-882-0050 PLEASE NOTE: A 11. Payment of Bills MAXIMUM OF 50 12. Public Comments CLASSIFIEDPEOPLE, INCLUDING 13. Adjourn COUNTY STAFF, Patty Rowe WILL BE ALLOWED Rush Valley Town Rates for the Tooele Transcript Bulletin, AT THE MEETING. Clerk/Recorder CLASSIFIED LINE AD RATES published every Tuesday and Thursday Classified ad deadlines: MondayYOU 4:45 CAN p.m. VIEW for THETuesdayTown edition Website: • Wednesday 4:45 p.m. for Thursday edition All classified line ads running in the Tooele Transcript Bulletin on TuesdayMEETING or Thursday will ONautomatically THE run in www.rushvalleytown.cthe Tooele Valley Extra, a separate publication that is delivered to all nonsubscribers of the Tooele Transcript Bulletin. TWENTY WORDS OR LESS MONTHLY RATE TOOELE TRAN- om An ad running a minimum of 8 consecutive issues NOTICE Transcript Bulletin Publishing Co. does not endorse, promote, or encourage the purchase of any product All real estate advertised in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which $ 50 After 20 words or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the soleSCRIPT responsibility BULLETIN'Sof the advertiser. TranscriptIn compliancemakes it illegal to withadvertise the “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, religion, sex or national 30¢ per word/issue $2.00 per word over 20 words Bulletin Publishing Co. hereby disclaims all liability for any damages sufferedFACEBOOK as the result of PAGE any advertisement AT Americansin origin, or any intention with to Dis-make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” The Tooele Transcript-Bulletin will 6 $ the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. Transcript Bulletin Publishing Co. is not responsible for any claims or representations not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that Bold/boxed ads extra made in advertisements in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. The Tooele Transcript- Bulletin has the sole authority to editability all dwellingsAct, the advertised Town in this of paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Bold type 5¢ per word/issue 25 FACEBOOK.COM/TO (20 words or less) No credit for stopped ads. Includes and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. TranscriptOELETB. Bulletin Publishing Company reservesRush Valley will ac- Boxed ads 50¢ per issue 4 runs in the Tooele Valley Extra the right to refuse any advertisement. IF YOU WOULD LIKE commodate TO MAKE COM- reasonable requests to MENTS, assist persons with Services Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Business Public Notices PLEASEPublic Notices SEND AN disabilitiesPublic Notices to partici- Public Notices Public Notices Opportunities Meetings EMAILMeetings TO PUBLICIN- pate Meetingsin meetings. Re- Miscellaneous Miscellaneous [email protected] quests for A1 PAINTING. Inte- DIRECTV NOW. No Two great new offers INVENTORS - FREE Deadline for public RG. assistance may be Deadline for public REQUEST FOR PRO- rior, exterior painting, Satellite Needed. from AT&T Wireless! INFORMATION notices is 4 p.m. the TO REGISTER TO made by contacting notices is 4 p.m. the POSALS FOR SERV- staining, deck oiling, $40/month. 65 Chan- Ask how to get the PACKAGE Have your day prior to publica- VIEW THE MEETING Patty Rowe at town- day prior to publica- ICES FOR THE power washing, dry- nels. Stream Break- new iPhone 11 or product idea devel- tion. Public notices ONLINE THROUGH [email protected] at tion. Public notices TOWN OF RUSH wall, phase, patching. ing News, Live Next Generation oped affordably by submitted past the ZOOM VISIT least 3 days in submitted past the VALLEY Professional work at Events, Sports & On Samsung Galaxy the Research & De- deadline will not be advance of a meeting. deadline will not be Reconstruction Project reasonable rates. Demand Titles. No S10e ON US with velopment pros and accepted. nar/register/WN_Fjqfo (Published in the accepted. of Johnson Lane (435)248-9113 Annual Contract. No AT&T's Buy one, presented to manu- UPAXLP A3uQKS6w- Tooele Transcript Bul- UPAXLP Notice is hereby given Commitment. CALL Give One offer. While facturers. Call letin August 20, 2020) that the Town of Rush AERATION (works BOARD OF EDUCA- FAjSFM1Eg 1-844-435-3985 supplies last! CALL 1-877-649-5574 for a NOTICE OF INTER- Valley is accepting best when wet), top TION WORK SES- THE AGENDA ITEMS 1-855-916-3098 Free Idea Starter LOCAL AGREE- statements of qualifi- soil, powerraking, till- DISH Network. $59.99 SION FOR THIS MEETING Public Notices Guide. Submit your MENTS cations and proposals ing, hauling , for 190 Channels! Tuesday, August 25, ARE AS FOLLOWS: Trustees idea for a free consul- Pursuant to Utah Code from qualified contrac- sand/gravel, mulch, Blazing Fast Internet, Furniture & 2020 92 Lodestone 1. PLEDGE OF ALLE- tation. Sections 11-13-219 tors for the reconstruc- manure, landscape $19.99/mo. (where Appliances Way GIANCE Deadline for public and 17C-5-205, the tion and chip sealing of rock, lime rock, Sea- available.) Switch & Tooele, UT 84074 2. ROLL CALL notices is 4 p.m. the Grantsville City Rede- Johnson Lane in Rush sonal Servic e Get a FREE $100 DINING SET, solid 1. Executive Session, 3. BUDGET WORK day prior to publica- Wanted velopment Agency Valley, Utah. Experi- (435)850-2909 Visa Gift Card. FREE wood, 6 chairs, 2 6pm (Closed to the MEETING tion. Public notices ( "Agency") and Voice Remote. FREE arm, $400, Twin bed Public) A) THE PUBLIC IS IN- submitted past the ence in this type of HANDYMAN, any kind Grantsville City and HD DVR. FREE with draswers , I AM paying more for 1.1 Purchase, Ex- VITED BUT THERE deadline will not be work is preferred. A of handyman work, the Tooele County Streaming on ALL sheets, two dressers, junk cars/trucks. I will change, or Lease of WILL BE NO PUBLIC accepted. written statement of yard work, leaf School District District Devices. Call today! rocking chair, desk come to you and tow Real Property COMMENTS UPAXLP qualifications and fee cleanup. Residential (together, “Taxing Enti- 1-866-360-6959 435-884-0315 it away. Call/Text 1.2 Pending or Rea- 4. ADJOURNMENT will be accepted at the and business. Call ties”) are jointly provid- (435)224-2064 sonably Imminent Liti- AS APPROVED BY Rush Valley Town J i m m y a t Earthlink High Speed NORTH VALLEY Ap- Public Notices ing this notice with re- DL5970 gation T H E T O O E L E Hall, PO Box 363, (435)228-8561 Internet. As Low As pliance. Washers/ Water User spect to interlocal 1.3 Character, Profes- COUNTY COMMIS- Rush Valley, Utah, $14.95/month (for the dryers refrigerators, SION agreements (the “Inter- 84069 until Wednes- HOME REPAIRS ex- sional Competence, or Deadline for public first 3 months.) Reli- freezers, stoves. DATED THIS 5 local Agreements”) en- day, August 26 at 5:00 pert. Doors, knobs, Autos Physical or Mental notices is 4 p.m. the able High Speed Fi- $149-$399 full war- AUGUST 2020 tered into by and be- p.m. Bids will be ac- trim, baseboards, Health of an Individual day prior to publica- ber Optic Technol- ranty. Complete re- MARILYN K. GIL- tween the Agency and cepted by first class mouldings, drywall re- DONATE YOUR CAR 2. Business Work Ses- tion. Public notices ogy. Stream Videos, pair service. Satis- LETTE the Taxing Entities mail sent to Town of pairs, texturing, TO UNITED BREAST sion, 7pm (Start of submitted past the Music and More! Call faction guaranteed. TOOELE COUNTY whereby the Taxing Rush Valley, PO Box caulking, weather- CANCER FOUNDA- Public Meeting) deadline will not be Earthlink Today Parts for all brands. CLERK Entities consent to the 363, Rush Valley, UT proofing, framing, TION! Your donation 2.1 Welcome and accepted. 1-844-240-1769 (435)830-3225. (Published in the Agency receiving a 84069. Please contact home updating and helps education, pre- Pledge of Allegiance UPAXLP Tooele Transcript Bul- portion of the incre- Jeremiah Harding, renovations and Eliminate gutter clean- Portable Oxygen Con- vention & support 3. Information, Discus- letin August 20, 2020) NOTICE TO WATER mental property tax telephone much more. Small ing forever! LeafFilter, centrator May Be programs. FAST sion, or Calendar USERS revenues generated by (801)557-1327, with jobs okay. Call the most advanced Covered by Medi- FREE PICKUP - 24 Items PUBLIC NOTICE The applications below new development in any http://www.grants- S h a n e ( 4 3 5 ) debris-blocking gutter care! Reclaim inde- HR RESPONSE - 3.1 Bond Planning THE RUSH VALLEY were filed with the Di- the Lakeview Business or 840-0344. protection. Schedule pendence and mobil- TAX DEDUCTION 4. Adjourn (10pm Cur- TOWN COUNCIL vision of Water Rights Park Community Rein- specifications in order a FREE LeafFilter es- ity with the compact 1-855-507-2691 few) WILL HOLD A REGU- NEED A PAINTER? in Tooele County. vestment Project Area to respond to this RFP. timate today. 15% off design and long-last- 4.1 Adjournment LAR MEETING Local professional DONATE YOUR CAR, These are informal over a period of not Any bids submitted af- Entire Purchase. 10% ing battery of Inogen REVIEW SUPPORT ON WEDNESDAY, painter GREAT prices TRUCK OR BOAT proceedings per Rule more than 20 years for ter or not received by Senior & Military Dis- One. Free information DOCUMENTATION AUGUST 26, 2020, AT Licensed. Serving TO HERITAGE FOR 655-6-2. Protests con- the purpose of facilitat- August 26, at 5:00 counts. Cal l k i t ! C a l l TWO DAYS PRIOR 7:00 PM Tooele & SL areas THE BLIND. Free 3 cerning an application ing desirable develop- p.m. by the Town of 1-844-909-2398 877-691-4639 TO THE MEETING AT AT THE RUSH VAL- Call for free estimate Day Vacation, Tax must be legibly written ment within the Project Rush Valley will not be LEY TOWN HALL JJ (801)660-7908 ENJOY 100% guaran- Deductible, Free or typed, contain the Area. Copies of the considered for award. t/tooelesd/board.nsf/vp 52 SOUTH PARK teed, Garage, Yard Towing, All Paper- name and mailing ad- Interlocal Agreements Mailed bids received RAIN GUTTERS, ublic?open STREET, RUSH VAL- delivered-to-the-door Sales work Taken Care Of. dress of the protesting are and will be avail- after August 26, 2020 seamless, aluminum, In compliance with the LEY, UTAH Omaha Steaks! Get CALL party, STATE THE AP- able for public inspec- at 5:00 p.m., even if all colors, leaf protec- Americans with Dis- AGENDA IS AS FOL- 4 FREE Burgers Or- 3 FAMILY Yard Sale, 1-855-408-2196 PLICATION NUMBER tion and copying at the post marked before, tion cleaning. Li- abilities Act, individu- LOWS: der The Griller's Bun- 953 W 700 S. Tooele, PROTESTED, CITE Agency and City of- will not be considered. censed and insured, DONATE your car, als needing special ac- 1. Pledge of Alle- dle - ONLY $79.99. Friday Saturday REASONS FOR THE fices located at 429 The Town of Rush Val- free estimates . truck or van. Help commodations (includ- giance/Roll Call Call 1-855-963-1321 9am-2pm. Furniture, PROTEST, and RE- East Main St., Grants- ley will not accept any (435)841-4001 veterans find jobs or ing auxiliary communi- 2. Approval of Meeting mention code : baby items, jewelry QUEST A HEARING, ville, UT during regular RFQ/RFP submittal by start a business. Call cative aide and serv- M i n u t e s f o r TOOELE TREE AND 63281EVC or visit and much more. if desired. Also, A $15 business hours for a facsimile, electronic Patriotic Hearts Foun- ices) during this meet- 07-22-2020 STUMP, LLC. FEE MUST BE IN- period of at least 30 transmission or any HAVING A GARAGE dation. Fast, FREE ing should notify 3. Sheriff’s Report Professional tree trim- m/family641 CLUDED FOR EACH days following the pub- method other then SALE? Advertise it in pick-up. Max tax-de- Jackie Gallegos (435) 4. Approval to Seek ming or removal. APPLICATION PRO- lication of this notice. stated above. FREE FILL DIRT the classifieds. Call duction. Operators 833-1900 at least Bids for Remodel of Stump grinding. Also TESTED. Protests For a period of 30 The Town of Rush Val- available, located 882-0050 are standing by! Call three days prior to the Bathrooms at Town do yard debris clean must be filed with the days after publication ley reserves the right SE part of Tooele 1-866-983-3647 meeting. Hall up and haul away. YARD SALE 521 Up- Division of Water of this notice (the not to issue a City. You haul. Call https:// 5. Consideration and Call Kollee n land Dr, Tooele Sat- SELL YOUR CAR or Rights on or before "30-Day Period"), any RFQ/RFP and to can- B r u c e a t (Published in the Award of RFP for Re- 435-849-6768. urday Sunda y boat in the classi- Sep. 16, 2020 either person in interest may cel or modify this so- 435-840-8644 Tooele Transcript Bul- construction of John- Closed Sundays. 8am-3pm or until fieds. Call 882-0050 electronically using the contest the Interlocal licitation at any time if letin August 20, 2020) son Lane Free Estimates. HughesNet Satellite merchandise is gone. or visit www.tooele- Division`s on-line Pro- Agreements or the it deems, in its sole 6. 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After the 30-Day mally considered and mulch. HOME? Advertise it Town Hall stallation for lease TOOELE COUNTY or call Period, no person may awarded at the Town 801-633-6685 Pre- SELLING YOUR in the classifieds. Call 8. Fire Department Re- customers! Limited COMMISSION WILL (801)538-7240 for ad- contest the Interlocal Council's meeting on mountain bike? Ad- 882-0050 or visit port T i m e , C a l l HOLD A SPECIAL ditional information. Agreements for any August 26, 2020, at vertise it in the classi- www.tooeletran 9. Council Reports 1-844-294-9882 M E E T I N G O N EXTENSION(S) cause. the 7:00 p.m. meeting. fieds. Call 882-0050 10. Safety Topic Now's the time to be WEDNESDAY, 15-4621 (A76271): (Published in the Dated this 17th day of www.tooele tran- 11. Payment of Bills Miscellaneous sure you have the AUGUST 26, 2020 AT Doug G. and Valerie Tooele Transcript Bul- August, 2020. 12. Public Comments Medicare Advantage Buildings 6:00 PM, IN THE Y. Yates Freeman letin August 20, 2020) Patty Rowe 13. Adjourn DIAMONDS don't pay Plan that's right for AUDITORIUM OF is/are filing an exten- Rush Valley Town Patty Rowe retail! Large selec- you. Extra benefits T H E T O O E L E sion for 4.73 ac-ft. (0.5 NOTICE OF PUBLIC Clerk/Recorder Personals METAL ROOF/WALL Rush Valley Town tion, high quality. Bri- may include prescrip- COUNTY BUILDING, miles South of Rush AUCTION (Published in the Panels, Pre-engi- Clerk/Recorder dal sets, wedding tion drugs, dental, vi- 47 SOUTH MAIN Valley) for DOMES- Stansbury Park Stor- Tooele Transcript Bul- neered Metal Build- Town Website : bands. Everything sion, hearing aids, Meet singles right now! STREET, TOOELE, TIC; IRRIGATION; age 211 W. Center St letin August 18 & 20, ings. Mill prices for www.rushvalleytown.c wholesale! Rocky in-home aides, and No paid operators, UTAH. STOCKWATERING. L akepoint, Utah 2020) sheeting coil are at a om Mtn. Diamond Co. more. Some plans just real people like PLEASE NOTE: A NONUSE APPLICA- 435-883-8648 4 year low. You get In compliance with the S.L.C. may have a $0 you. Browse greet- MAXIMUM OF 50 TION(S) DATE: September 5, SELL YOUR car in the the savings. 17 Col- Americans with Dis- 1-800-396-6948 monthly premium - ings, exchange mes- PEOPLE, INCLUDING 16-565 (D2581): 4 2020, 10:30 AM. Transcript Bulletin ors prime material, ability Act, the Town of regardless of your in- sages and connect COUNTY STAFF, Sees, LLC is/are seek- This Notice of Auction Classified section. DIRECTV - Switch and cut to your exact Rush Valley will ac- come! Call an insur- live. Try it free. Call WILL BE ALLOWED ing a nonuse period for is being given pursu- Save! $39.99/month. length. CO Building commodate SELLING YOUR ance agent to com- now: 844-400-8738 AT THE MEETING. 2 cfs from the Willow ant to 38-1-1-et Select All-Included Systems reasonable requests to mountain bike? pare! 855-628-4512 YOU CAN VIEW THE Spring, Sand Spring el, Utah Code Anno- Package. 155 Chan- SELL YOUR CAR or 1-800-COBLDGS assist persons with www.tooele tran- MEETING ON THE (approx 8.5 mi W of tated. nels. 1000s of SELL YOUR computer boat in the classi- disabilities to partici- DEADLINES FOR TOOELE TRAN- Rush Valley) for DO- Unit #046 Patrice Shows/Movies On in the classifieds. Call fieds. Call 882-0050 pate in meetings. Re- SELL YOUR CAR or classifieds ads are SCRIPT BULLETIN'S MESTIC; IRRIGA- Harris. Misc boxes, no Demand. FREE Ge- 882-0050 or visit or visit www.tooele- quests for boat in the classi- M o n d a y a n d FACEBOOK PAGE AT TION; STOCKWA- value. nie HD DVR Up- www.tooeletranscript. transcript. com or assistance may be fieds. Call 882-0050 Wednesdays by 4:45 FACEBOOK.COM/TO TERING. (Published in the grade. Premium com e-mail your ad to made by contacting or visit www.tooele- p.m. OELETB. Teresa Wilhelmsen, Tooele Transcript Bul- movie channels, tbp@tooeletranscript. HAVE A good idea for Patty Rowe at town- transcript. com or SELLING YOU R IF YOU WOULD LIKE Your Local P.E. letin August 20, 2020) FREE for 3 mos! Call com a story? Call the [email protected] at e-mail your ad to HOME? Advertise it SELL YOUR com- TO MAKE COM- News Source State Engineer 1-833-599-6474 Transcript and let us least 3 days in tbp@tooeletranscript. in the classifieds. Call puter in the classi- MENTS, (Published in the WANT TO get the lat- know 882-0050. advance of a meeting. com HAVING A yard sale? 882-0050 or visit fieds. Call 882-0050 PLEASE SEND AN TOOELETRANSCRIPT Tooele Transcript Bul- est local news? Sub- HAVING A yard sale? (Published in the Advertise in the Tran- www.tooeletran or visit www.tooele- BECOME A SUB- EMAIL TO PUBLICIN- BULLETIN letin August 20 & 27, scribe to the Tran- Advertise in the Tran- Tooele Transcript Bul- script transcript. com SCRIBER. 882-0050 [email protected] 2020) script Bulletin. script RG. letin August 20, 2020) TO REGISTER TO VIEW THE MEETING DEFINITION HEALTH CARE ONLINE THROUGH is a leading staffing agency in Utah. ZOOM VISIT We have immediate openings for exceptional Local News You Get Nowhere Else nar/register/WN_Fjqfo A3uQKS6w- CNA’s, LPN’s, and RN’s FAjSFM1Eg who want to earn supplemental income at a THE AGENDA ITEMS great rate. This is also a fantastic way to keep FOR THIS MEETING


TUESDAY September 26, 2017 September 26, 2017 TUESDAY October 10, 2017 A4 TOOELE TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN your license active if you’re only working • Editorial TUESDAY February 27, 2018 A10 B1 J&J Jewelry • Weddings, Missionaries, Birthdays 1. PLEDGE OF ALLE- • Guest Opinions still going • Classifieds and Public Notices Unless otherwise requested, community news items such as • Letters to the Editor weddings, missionaries, birthdays, babies and The Bulletin Editor David Bern strong after Board must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. To place a community news item or for more [email protected] 27 years information contact the Community News Editor at 882-0050 or Open Forum Sports [email protected]. Items more than one month old 435-882-0050 See A10 will not be considered for publication. Hometown TOOELE SPORTS WRAP RANSCRIPTStansbury volleyball vs. Ogden OUR VIEW SERVING GIANCE minimal hours, just want to make more T The Stansbury volleyball team Cowboys send a message TOOELE COUNTY defeated Ogden 25-15, 25-13, SINCE 1894 25-11 in a Region 11 home SHS tops match Thursday. The Stallions (10-10, 4-2 Region 11) began Underdog Traffic flow the second half of the region Tigers to Information meeting about I-80 congestion problem ULLETIN $1.00season at home against Ben Vol. 124 No. 29 Lomond in a match that was Grantsville B No one else could have described the predicament more clearly: not complete at press time 2. ROLL CALL remain “This is a serious problem,” said Rep. Merrill Nelson, R-Grantsville. Tuesday. THURSDAY September 7, 2017 wins region “It’s important to all of the residents. The commuter problem affects our Tooele volleyball vs. livelihood, it affects the time with our families, it affects our activity time money, even if you’re retired. Bonneville unbeaten after work, and most importantly, it affects our safety as we travel back The Tooele volleyball team tennis crown and forth through that dangerous stretch of road.” upended Bonneville 25-21, What Nelson was referring to is the commuter traffic bottleneck 25-19, 23-25, 25-23 in a PEGGY BRADFIELD COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR of state Route 36 and Interstate 80 at Lake Point, and commuters’ hard-fought Region 11 home in region heavy reliance on I-80 and SR-201 to drive to and from the Wasatch match Thursday afternoon. The Grantsville girls ten- 3. BUDGET WORK Front for work. His words were offered during opening remarks at an Fassio Egg The Buffaloes (7-9, 4-2 Region nis team disregarded the Stansbury overcomes informational meeting he organized between the Utah Department of 11) played host to Ogden Salt Lake City newspapers’ Transportation and local citizens at Stansbury High School on Feb. 1. predictions about who would in a region match that was another sluggish start Nelson’s words clearly defined the problem, but the purpose of the not complete at press time win Region 13 and outscored meeting was made even more clear before it even began: UDOT officials Tuesday. Judge Memorial by 2 points to spoil Ogden’s night who were scheduled to attend and make a presentation were delayed and Waterford by 5, taking first Grantsville volleyball vs. from Salt Lake for nearly 30 minutes because — you guessed it — an Farms starts place Friday. DARREN VAUGHAN Summit Academy SPORTS EDITOR accident forced evening commuter traffic to a crawl on I-80. The Grantsville volleyball team The Stansbury football UDOT officials at the meeting, including executive director Carlos MEETING Braceras, reviewed past and future projects intended to reduce commut- Because of these trying times, we have developed a way rolled to a 25-12, 25-14, 25- GHS TENNIS team came away from Friday’s 8 win over Summit Academy Region 11 road game against er congestion and increase safety. What’s to come is the $74.4 million in a Region 13 home match Ogden as the only undefeated phase one of the Midvalley Highway in 2019, and this year’s replace- to cleanup Thursday. The Cowboys (8-13, The newspapers had predict- ment and expansion of bridges at Lake Point’s Exit 99 and at Black Rock ed other squads would reign team left in region play, but 1-2 Region 13) traveled to two miles to the east on I-80. as region champs. Grantsville the Stallions were left ques- Judge Memorial for a region To help minimize anticipated congestion from those two projects, wasn’t “in the picture,” GHS tioning their focus after yet match that was not complete another slow start. UDOT plans to build both new bridges next to the existing bridges. And at press time Tuesday night. coach Stephen Thurgood said. both new bridges are reportedly designed to carry extra traffic capacity. Thurgood said he figured, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Region 11 golf at Park City A) THE PUBLIC IS IN- Which sounds fine and good. But if there was a takeaway from the after fire “I’d rather not be on the front Feb. 1 meeting, it was this: UDOT’s current plans will only help reduce ly 600,000 remaining chickens The Tooele boys golf team fin- page. If you’re not on the front SHS FOOTBALL See, eat and hear for you to have a work schedule that fits your needs, as STEVE HOWE traffic congestion and improve safety — but commuters shouldn’t expect are unable to get to refrigera- ished third and the Stansbury page, it goes much better.” So! Today’s headline in a publica- to view such aberrations. This narra- STAFF WRITER clear sailing after Midvalley Highway’s phase one and the bridges at tion quickly enough without boys were fifth at the final Stansbury (3-3, 2-0 Region tion proclaimed Gov. Herbert stating, tive includes video games including Of the region win after play- Lake Point and Black Rock have been replaced. Because Tooele Valley’s A day after a fire destroyed the conveyer system, Larsen Region 11 golf match of the 11) led just 21-20 at halftime, “The public wants the government to “Mortal Combat” and “Grand Theft LETTERS POLICY ing both Thursday and Friday, population is growing and is projected to continue, which means more two chicken coops and killed said. As a result, all of the eggs season Thursday in Park City. but poured it on in the second do something about school shootings.” Auto,” which are among the lesser of The Transcript-Bulletin welcomes letters to he added, “Yeah, we won, but it commuters and general traffic than today, everyone should continue to the editor from readers. Letters must be no as many as 300,000 chickens produced since the fire must The Buffaloes posted a team half en route to a 56-20 tri- What an understatement! Recognizing some of the droppings that our culture wasn’t easy.” plan on long delays on SR-36, I-80 and state Route 138. longer than 250 words, civil in tone, written at Fassio Egg Farms in Erda, be disposed of, he said. score of 331, and were paced umph that gave the Stallions a that our society is now oriented toward provides. We are talking responsibility exclusively for the Transcript-Bulletin, and For the Cowboys, Marissa And traffic congestion and delays may likely continue, even if the employees were beginning to The conveyer system is by Bridger Holmes’ 78. Jesse one-game lead over four other recreational and leisure time, much of here. Such movies are not allowed at accompanied by the writer’s name, address Linares and Maci Jackson VITED BUT THERE state pushes forward with an auxiliary lane on I-80 between Lake Point clear debris. a priority for the farm and Sayers shot a 79, Tegan placed first at No. 2 and 3 teams in the region standings. which is structured around our graphi- our house. and phone number. Longer letters may be and Black Rock, and an SR-201 extension from Black Rock directly to published, based on merit and at the Editor’s “We’re cleaning up as best Larsen said they hope to have FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTBRobison shot PHOTOS 87 and Peyton It marked the second game in cally violent movie industry, does the Our grandchildren, when we singles and Paige Peterson and SR-36 in Lake Point. Neither of those projects are currently funded and discretion. All letters may be subject to editing. well as ensure that you are paid 10%, sometimes even as we can,” said Corby Larsen, some version of the system in Thevenot shot 89. Stansbury’s Lexi Colson placed first in No. 1 a row where Stansbury over- government have the guts to take on have the pleasure of their company, the projected cost of the SR-201 extension is $200 million. Letters written to thank an individual or vice president of operations at place within the next couple of team score of 351 was led doubles, with sisters Brooklyn came a slow start to win, as the Hollywood? still view treasures such as “Bambi,” by Gabe Golden’s 84. Brady Yet, even though such projects may not fully alleviate congestion organization should be submitted for Fassio Egg Farms. days. The farm is also looking Ashlyn, KedRick and Melinda Hunsaker (left) listen while Adriana Padillo with The Brothers Restaurant explains about the eatery’s offerings at the and Brynlee Butler taking sec- Stallions erased a 28-7 half- Without public support, govern- “Dumbo” and “Aristocats.” A few years “Notes of Appreciation.” Kimberling (86), Hunter Luke woes, the state must continually work toward improving traffic flows The two chicken coops to replace the chickens killed Taste of Our County, Business and Career Showcase at the Benson Grist Mill on Wednesday. ond in No. 2 doubles. Grantsville junior Maci Jackson hits a return during last week’s Region 13 tennis tournament at Liberty Park in time deficit in its 35-28 win ment interaction will not happen. It ago I read a letter to the editor from (88) and Creighton Patterson Salt Lake City. Jackson won the region title at third singles and enters this week’s Class 3A stateCOURTESY tournament OF KAREN HOLT as between Tooele and Salt Lake valleys. That work will likely take on even Readers who are interested in writing a longer destroyed in the fire were con- in the fire within the next few Additionally, Kayla Johnson over Tooele a week earlier. The normally takes a Pearl Harbor to get a very astute citizen in the Transcript guest op-ed column on a topic of general (93) also contributed to the one of the favorites to win a state championship. more importance after the Utah State Prison is finished, and as busi- nected to the additional coops weeks. took fifth place at No. 1 singles. Stallions have outscored their us out of our doldrums and face the Bulletin that was entitled, “Spoons do interest should contact Editor David Bern. Stallions’ score. ness parks west of Salt Lake International Airport continue their march and processing plant by a Chickens in the adjacent WILLpast two opponents 63-0 inBE the NO PUBLIC reality of such issues. When you spend not make people fat.” The reverse side Email: [email protected] Chamber draws big crowd toTIM grist GILLIE mill She came back from a loss in toward the Great Salt Lake. conveyer system, which trans- second half. coops are being monitored STAFF WRITER Grantsville soccer at Kearns her first match against Judge time at the dump, you start smelling of which reflected “Guns do not kill Fax: (435) 882-6123 Those facilities will employ thousands, many of whom may choose to Mail: Letters to the Editor ported the eggs, Larsen said. for effects from the fire and Whitney Wangsgard had a hat Memorial and won her next set. She came back to beat “It’s like Jekyll and Hyde, like the dump. How many times have I people. People kill people.” With our It was by all counts a big live in Tooele Valley, further adding to commuter congestion. Unless the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin The fire used the conveyer sys- smoke, Larsen said. trick, Ashley Wangsgard and two. Robinson 7-5 in that set and who they are,” Stansbury observed my peers involved in graphi- socialized attraction toward violence 20% more than what you’re currently making as a CNA, event with more than 50 dif- state acts purposefully on this problem with solid funding, relief may P.O. Box 390 tem connection to spread from coach Clint Christiansen said. nowadays, if the government takes While Larsen described ferent booths,Alyssa hundreds Roberts of each scored “If you really look at it, if then capped it off with a 6-1 cally violent movies on their laptops Tooele, UT 84074 the initial coop into the second “It just comes down to them never arrive. your guns away, perpetrators will be Tuesday’s fire as a frighten- people, and lotstwice of andfood. Savannah Thomas Kayla’s not there and every- trouncing. Her previous match- with rapturous fascination, literally building. not mentally getting them- forced to use crossbows, then ball bats, ing experience, he said he The Tooelepicked County up Chamberthe shutout in goal body moves up one, we don’t up with Robinson in region drooling at the lips in becoming both Work to clean up the pro- selves ready. They know it and and finally, fountain pens. We really doesn’t expect a major impact of Commerce’sas annualthe Grantsville com- girls soccer win any points. So, she didn’t play was just like that champi- psychologically as well as intellectu- LETTER CONTEST cessing plant for operation was team rolled to an 8-0 win over win any points, but in a way onship match. we’re addressing that now. If GUEST OPINION ally involved in much of the hideous need to get behind the government in ➤ munity business expo, and COMMENTS Each month, the Transcript-Bulletin will select underway Wednesday but eggs SEE FASSIO PAGE A9 Kearns in a non-region road the team that shows up in the resolving this deteriorating phenom- Taste of Our County — for- she did,” Thurgood said, In the prior match, she also stunts that many of these films portray. the best letter of the month and reprint it in laid by the farm’s approximate- game Friday. Sarah Ellett also second half shows up for four enon that we have allowed to become merly known as Taste of Tooele Regarding Linares’ final came back from a 5-1 set to win Would you feed you children arsenic? the first Open Forum page of the following scored for the Cowboys (7-3, quarters, we have a chance to an almost monthly socialized event. month. The winning letter writer will receive a and Job Fair — was held region match, Thurgood said, 7-5, but with the second set, it We become what we see, eat and 1-3 Region 13), who resumed be a pretty good football team, free one-year subscription to the newspaper. Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 7 “She beat the Waterford girl was a bit closer at 6-3. hear. How about a stiff prison term Ralph E. Pierce region play with a home match but we’ve got to figure that The fault is with The subscription can be transferred or used to for the second time. This time At region she said, “I got for parents who allow their children p.m. at the againstHistoric Judge Benson Memorial that Grantsville’s Paige part out.” Tooele renew a present subscription. Grist Mill. it was 6-4, 6-3. Marissa was down in the finals 2-5 and I just LPN, or RN was not complete at press Peterson (left) and The rough start somewhat . ahead the whole time, she kept telling myself ‘It’s not over It even attracted the state’s Lexi Colson time Tuesday afternoon. never got behind. It just went ‘til it’s over.’ And to ‘just keep overshadowed another stellar lieutenant governor. encourage each 4. ADJOURNMENTperformance for Stansbury’s GUEST OPINION Cross country back and forth and back and other during a match playing my game and hit the us, not with bots “I’m here because the gov- at Bob Firman Invitational forth, right to the very end.” ball.’” rushing attack, which seems to ernor announced an initiative at the Region 13 f only Joe McCarthy had lived tennis tournament at be hitting its stride after strug- to create 25,000Tooele County’s jobs in the three high Of her final match When asked how much to see this moment, when it is against Waterford’s Tanisha Liberty Park in Salt pressure she was feeling in the gling early in the season. Silas state’s ruralschool counties,” cross country said Lt. teams suddenly in vogue to attribute Mueller 13 indictments expose US hypocrisy competed at the Bob Firman Martheswaran, Linares said, Lake City last week. region tournament, Linares Young rushed for 158 yards I Gov. Spencer Cox. large-scale events in American Invitational at Eagle Island “She’s really fun to play with. Peterson and Colson said, “I felt more pressure than and four touchdowns, Mitch ine months into his mandate Cox was there because if a won the region title politics to the hand of Russia and State Park in Boise, Idaho, on So, we had some really long normal, but, I knew it wasn’t a Lindsay ran for 77 yards and to investigate possible Russian combined Expo, Taste of Our at first doubles. to inveigh against domestic subver- home” (1,145,470 interactions). Saturday. Grantsville’s Porter points.” huge deal if I didn’t win.” two scores and Bridger Roberts interference in the 2016 County, and Job Fair wasn’t sion. N How lucky we are that Mueller and Whitworth had the fastest carried the ball six times for 65 U.S. presidential election, special enough, the chamber also Linares said she could tell ReferringAS to her come- APPROVED BY Robert Mueller released an time of any Tooele County COURTESY OF KAREN HOLT yards and a TD as the Stallions counsel Robert Mueller has finally Rachel Marsden the Justice Department are saving us teamed up with Gov. Gary Martheswaran was playing to back twice against Robinson, indictment of 13 Russians for runner, clocking in at 16 min- pounded the Tigers (2-4, 1-1) found some actual Russians to indict. GUEST COLUMNIST from any disinformation that those Herbert’s 25K Jobs Tour to her backhand, trying to attack Jackson said, “All I could think crimes related to their social-media utes, 10.80 seconds to finish her coach had been strategiz- for 425 yards on the ground. Unfortunately, by pointing the finger Russians might be spreading. bring in around 20 statewide what she might have thought will meet Martheswaran again was ‘Wow!’ because I did that campaign to meddle in our internal second in the boys’ Division was Linares’ weakness. ing about how to play,” Linares twice — I got down. The first Young staked the Stallions at these Russians, he has exposed The 13 Russians are accused of organizations that offered sup- said. “ … there were some at state this week. to a 14-0 first-quarter lead affairs in the run-up to and after- creating “hundreds of social media I Section 1 race. He was “I felt pretty confident going time it was 1-5, instead of 2-5, ment, you might think the Russians hypocrisy within the U.S. system. The U.S. Justice Department has followed by teammate Seth➤ deuces that were a little close, In Jackson’s final round with a pair of touchdown math of the 2016 election. charged these 13 Russian nationals accounts” under fake identities. $14 minimum to $20 maximum for CNA’s SEE CHAMBER PAGE A4 into it, because I hadn’t lost in and both times I came back and were everywhere, not only adver- Last year, Mueller’s investigation against Amy Robinson from Mueller obviously isn’t a FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Beckett in fourth (16:16.58), but it was good.” runs from 5 and 6 yards out. produced indictments against four with conspiracy to defraud the United They then allegedly pretended to be region so far. I’m sure she and Judge Memorial, she found won 7-5. So, I was just amazed McCarthyite, and can’t be held tising on Facebook (“Trump is Stansbury’s Nathan Winters Linares said she suspects she However, the Tigers, playing former Trump campaign advisors who States. Supposedly, the accused tried U.S.-based activists on social media, herself down 5-1 in the first responsible for the hysteria — our only hope for a better future”; The still morning waters of Stansbury Lake reflect trees and homes that (48th, 17:00.34), Grantsville’s SEE T H E T O O E L E had dealings with Russians during to pollute the sacred electronic insti- posting election-related opinions in TENNIS PAGE B8 ➤ and hopeful expectations of an “Ohio Wants Hillary 4 Prison”), but surround the lake. Jace Wilson (97th, 17:37.26) SEE STALLIONS PAGE B8 their international business careers tutions of truth that recently brought an effort to influence the outcome in ➤ impeachment-level event — that organizing rallies around the coun- and Stansbury’s Isaac before joining the campaign. Most of us fascinating (but false) political favor of Donald Trump and, during has built up around his work. His try. But it’s not clear these rallies Nelson (122nd, 17:53.08). what those indictments covered could information such as “President Trump the primary elections, Democratic indictment is, as far as anyone can even came off. Stansbury’s Dmitri Morse have fallen under the purview of the orders the execution of five turkeys candidate Bernie Sanders. won the Division I Section 2 tell, rigorously factual. That’s prob- The Russians didn’t do anything The indictment implies that Buffaloes shut down Scots to us that we weren’t doing to Internal Revenue Service and seemed pardoned by Obama” (a story that Stansbury Lake ably the point of it — to create a boys race in 16:58.04, with out of place in a multimillion-dollar provoked 914,429 social media inter- the operation was linked to the teammates Talmage Ricks record of an episode that we should ourselves, although we were doing | PHOTOS SUE BUTTERFIELD investigation into alleged electoral actions, according to a 2017 year-end Russian government, and that a St. (17:15.77), Ryan Brady Dominant ground game powers Tooele to big win over Ben Lomond STORY DIANE HATCH want to know as much about as it on a much larger, more potent subversion. analysis by Buzzfeed News). Petersburg-based company called (17:58.55) and Jaxton Maez COUNTY COMMIS- possible and prevent from ever hap- scale. The Russians are just aping depending on if they can/want to work the Internet Research Agency failed But now, we actually have some Former FBI director Mueller’s long faces ‘invaders’ (17:59.04). Tooele’s Wyatt DARREN VAUGHAN pening again. the arguments we are already hav- to register as a foreign agent before arm of the law has reached into that SPORTS EDITOR ing with one other, and the sewer- indicted Russians — 13 individuals Olsen (80th, 18:50.00), Jared The Russia campaign was a pristine electronic river of democracy, purchasing paid advertisements on Downard (91st, 19:42.77), ish level of much of the discussion who supposedly had a hand in the After a disappointing loss shockingly cynical violation of which was also home to this viral social media. Silly Russians — you’re Jordan VanDerwerken (95th, on social media. 2016 electoral outcome. How so? in the Region 11 opener, the our sovereignty. President Donald Facebook post about his own former supposed to pay a lobbying firm in 20:10.28) and Jared Bird The New York Times ran a report Primarily by screwing around on of all varieties Tooele football team’s game Trump would do himself and the bureau: “FBI seizes over 3,000 penises Washington to do all that for you on social media. (96th, 20:12.06) also com- plan coming into Friday’s road country a favor by frankly denounc- the other day on Russian bots, in Flynn. during raid at morgue employee’s peted in that race. Josh game against Ben Lomond was ing it. But the scale of the opera- the immediate aftermath of the Editor’s note: This is the final In the winter, the lake level SEE MARSDEN PAGE A5 UV INDEX Wintch (41st, 16:12.77) simple: run, run and run some tion shouldn’t be exaggerated. In Parkland school shooting, posting ® installment of a three-part series is lowered to allow it to freeze SION led Stansbury in the boys more. the context of a hugely expensive, on Twitter about gun control. It’s on the history, ecology and closer to the bottom, Flynn GUEST OPINION elite race. Josh Oblad (46th, obsessively covered, impossibly hard to believe that this is going to future of Stansbury Lake. said. This is detrimental to the SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE 16:17.15), Scott Ruebush dramatic presidential election, rip apart the American body politic COVID-19 shifts or not, LPN $22 minimum to $30 SUN AND MOON sago pondweed cluttering the Camille Vela shares her talent of belly dancing after healing from a tragic loss FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY (56th, 16:25.17), Blaise Miller THS FOOTBALL the Russian contribution on social when many perfectly respectable, The Sun Rise Set STEVE HOWE lake and helps prevent damage (75th, 16:37.77) and Dylan Friday 7:03 a.m. 7:50 p.m. STAFF WRITER amille Vela has beenmedia was piddling and often red-blooded Americans themselves Has the real meaning of America been lost? Saturday 7:04 a.m. 7:48 p.m. through heaving F Sa Su ice M Tu along W Th the Bryant (89th, 16:44.62) also a bride, a widow advocate for gun control, and often With extensive weed FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO The Buffaloes executed that laughable. Sunday 7:05 a.m. 7:46 p.m. shoreline, heThe said. higher the UV Index™ scored points for the Stallions, Grantsville’s Coy Johnson (10) follows through on a handoff during a in the immediate aftermath of hen Donald Trump and his Monday 7:06 a.m. 7:45 p.m. growth, waterfowl and thou- number, the greater the need for eye and skin strategy to perfection, attempt- and a new mother, The Russians wanted to boost Tuesday 7:07 a.m. 7:43 p.m. Flynn saidprotection. maintaining0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate;the 6-7 High; 8-10 Tyson Hunt (middle) takes a sample of a smoothie from who finished seventh of 27 game earlier this season. Johnson ran for a touchdown and threw for shootings. followers refer to “America,” Very High; 11+ Extreme ing 68 rushing plays and gain- in that order — andTrump, but as a Facebook executive free.” Wednesday 7:08 a.m. 7:41 p.m. sands of fish, it can be easy to level in the lake takes con- teams in the race. James another in the Cowboys’ 43-15 win over Union on Friday in Roosevelt. Tracy Shaw at the Taste of Our County, Business and ing 426 yards on the ground en DATED THIS 5she’s only 25. She’snoted, most of their spending on In a better world, Trump would what do they mean? Thursday 7:09 a.m. 7:40 p.m. forget the dynamic ecosystem W It inspired the poems of Walt stant attention. ThisALMANAC year, the Miles (169th, 17:36.20) was ance�to�heal be less defensive about the Russian Some see a country of white, The Moon Rise Set in Stansbury Lake is meticu- Career Showcase at the Benson Grist Mill. The Grantsville route to an impressive 37-7 win Dance�to�healD also a belly dancer and has been Facebook ads came after the elec- Robert Reich Whitman and Langston Hughes, Friday 9:30 p.m. 9:28 a.m. lake was highStatistics by foran the inch week endingor Sept. 6. Tooele’s top finisher, and investigation, and his opposition English-speaking Christians. Show Choir (above right) performs the national anthem. over the Scots that evened their tion. The larger goal was to sow GUEST COLUMNIST Saturday 10:05 p.m. 10:35 a.m. lously maintained and moni- An afternoon was joined by Ryan Callister assessing local interest in the dance and the songs of Woody Guthrie. All Partly sunny with a two throughTemperatures May after a wet 92/59 would be less obsessively invested Others want a land inhabited by Sunday 10:43 p.m. 11:43 a.m. tored over the course of thethunderstorm possible Justin Berry (above) with USTAR talks about the role of region record at 1-1. form. discord, yet we had already primed turned their love for America into Mostly sunny and Mostly sunny shower in spots spring, but heHigh/Low said past that week quickly (192nd, 18:07.32), Ethan GHS demolishes in it (at least until such time that it self-seeking individuals free to accu- Monday 11:26 p.m. 12:51 p.m. Some sun, a t-storm Pleasant with partial pleasant Normal high/low past week 85/59 “That was the game plan,” In August, Vela began teachingourselves for plenty of that. demands that we live up to our ideals. none 1:58 p.m. Partly sunny, a t-storm sunshine year. changed due to heat and dry- 75.5 programs to support technology entrepreneurs and inno- Olcott (200th, 18:28.25), Eli mulate as much money and power as Tuesday around in the p.m. 84 62 Average temp past week said Tooele senior Jeno Bins, produces a genuine bombshell). We Wednesday 12:14 a.m. 3:02 p.m. in the afternoon The man-made88 61 lake doesn’t Messick (201st, 18:30.10) a belly dancing class at Red Tree Does anyone believe, absent “This land is your land, this land is maximum, RN $30 to $40, and $45 if they work 62 86 64 ness. Normal average temp past week 71.9 vators through training, funding, incubator and accelera- Messick (201st, 18:30.10) should seek to shut down Russian possible, who pay taxes only to protect creed. We are a conviction — that all Thursday 1:08 a.m. 4:01 p.m. 85 High Low who led Tooele (3-3, 1-1 Region C Russian trolls on Twitter and my land,” sang Guthrie. 62 83 61 have a natural source like a The waterDaily level Temperatures took a brief tor programs. Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox (right) speaks briefly and Spencer Moreno (203rd, Yoga, next to Macey’s in Tooele. But their assets from criminals and foreign people are created equal, that people 87 64 82 11) with 171 rushing yards and Facebook, that we were headed to a influence as much as possible, with- Last New First Full stream or river, which requires drop when it was discovered 18:38.41). Stansbury’s Zoe Cougars, 43-15 because few people showed up, she aggressors. should be judged by the content of “Let America be America again,” at the event about the county’s economy and jobs. He TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER had two touchdowns on 26 carries. couldn’t maintain rent for the space.placid election season involving an out losing perspective. We aren’t pleaded Hughes. “The land that never the water level to be adjusted the pump at the Mill Pond Hales was the fastest female AUGUSTSUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTO 2020 Others think mainly about flags, their character rather than the color of is joined by Derek B. Miller, who is president and CEO of Tooele’s D’warren Robinson (25) looks for running room during a Sept. 15 divided because of Russia; we’re throughout the year, accord- runner from Tooele County, “We wanted to come out and She said the dance form gets a badincendiary, mediagenic former real- their skin, and that government should has been yet — /And yet must be — Shown is Friday’s weather. DARREN VAUGHAN game against Stansbury. Robinson and the Buffaloes beat Ben Lomond divided because we have genuine, national anthems, pledges of alle- Sep 13 Sep 19 Sep 27 Oct 5 ing to Stansbury Park Service ➤ World Trade Center Utah. Miller also spoke at the event. winning the Division I Section take it to them and have more rap, for which she has a little adviceity TV star bent on blowing up the the land where every man is free. Temperatures are Friday’s SEE LAKE PAGE A9 SPORTS EDITOR 37-7 on Friday in Ogden. deeply held differences. The fault, giance, military parades and secure be of the people, by the people and for ©2017; forecasts and graphics highs and Friday night’s Agency manager Randall 1 race in 18:33.06. She was GHS momentum going into the rest for people who hold preconceivedpolitical establishment and a long- / The land that’s mind — the poor provided by BULLETIN BOARD B6 One week after a disap- FOOTBALL borders. the people. lows. joined in the top 100 finishers of our season. We still have negative judgment. time pol who had stoked the enmity to the extent there is one, isn’t with man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME —.” CLASSIFIEDS C6 pointing loss on its home- It was a refreshing bounce- the bots, but with ourselves. Trump encourages a combination Political scientist Carl Friedrich, Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed by Grantsville’s Sabrina Allen to pick up their first Class 3A more to go, but we’re on track mouth.” “Try it before you knock it” ofVela Republicans for 30 years and was comparing Americans to Gallic people, That idealism sought to preserve Download our app today coming night, it was the back effort for the Buffs, who of all three — tribalism, libertarianism Precipitation (in inches) (sixth, 19:37.50),HOMETOWN Stansbury’s A10 North win of the year behind for sure.” Tooele opened the game with said. under FBI investigation? noted that “to be an American is an and protect our democracy — not INSIDE Deep Creek Grantsville football team’s gave up 28 unanswered points Rich Lowry is editor of the and loyalty. UTAH WEATHER Lake Point Shelby ArcherOBITUARIES (14th, A8 running back Gage Schmidt’s The Buffs’ ground game was a 15-play, 71-yard drive that As an adolescent, Vela had to If you read the Mueller indict- ideal, while to be a Frenchman is a inundate it with big money, or allow 89/68 Run of hot, dry Mountains turnB7 to play the spoiler Friday so dominant that the Scots in the second half of their 35-28 National Review. But the core of our national identity Knolls Clive WEATHER 19:51.92), McKennaKID SCOOP Rogers 213-yard, three-touchdown took up 7:30 of game time. The quit gymnastics because of family one party or candidate to suppress Logan Wendover night in Roosevelt. loss to Stansbury a week earlier. has not been any of this. It has been fact.” 87/56 91/69 91/69 Stansbury Park weather continues punctuated with(34th, 20:21.87) and Elena B1 (0-6, 0-2) had the ball for less MARILYN K. GIL- COVID-19 shifts. effort. finances, so as a teenager she taught votes from rivals, or permit a foreign 90/65 SPORTS drive, which included a 4-yard That idealism led Abraham Lincoln Grouse Erda 90/68 The Cowboys put together “The kids responded to how EDITORIAL BOARD found in the ideals we share — politi- Creek Allen (68th, 21:08.16) and than three minutes in the first herself to dance. Her mother wanted power to intrude on our elections. Grantsville 89/66 Pine Canyon See A2 lofty peaks A6 their most dominant perfor- Grantsville (2-4, 1-1 Class we practiced,” Tooele coach Jeff run by Bins on a fourth-and-1 Joel J. Dunn cal equality, equal opportunity, free- to proclaim that America might yet be 83/59 72/58 Trace 0.25 0.00 0.22 14.06 13.48 Grantsville’s Lyndee Limburg half, and for barely over 15 Publisher Emeritus Scott C. Dunn Ogden 91/68 3A North) controlled the clock play, ended with a 4-yard scor- Vela to participate in pageants, so she President and Publisher David J. Bern the “last best hope” for humankind. It It spawned a patriotism that once 88/64 Bauer Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal mance of the season, demol- Lewis said. “I’m very pleased dom of speech and of the press, a dedi- Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D SEE WRAP PAGE B8 minutes for the entire game. entered and won two. With the exception of the “Our View” column, the opinions expressed onEditor this page, required all of us take on a fair share Vernal 88/65 ➤ ishing Union 43-15 in the with its punishing running with that, and that’s a tribute to ing run by Ben Wasson. cation to open inquiry and truth, and prompted Emma Lazarus, some two 86/50 87/64 Ben Lomond managed just 226 including the cartoon, are not necessarily endorsed by the Tooele Transcript Bulletin. Transcript Bulletin of the burdens of keeping America Salt Lake City Pollen Index Cougars’ homecoming game Ben Lomond went three-and- ➤ to democracy and the rule of law. decades later, to welcome to America Stockton yards of total offense compared our kids to come back the way SEE HEAL PAGE A11 P U B L I S H I N G Tooele 91/68 See High SEE COWBOYS PAGE B8 out on its first possession of the the world’s “tired, your poor, your going — paying taxes in full rather 87/64 Roosevelt 88/65 ➤ they did. The plan was to come Camille Vela (top) practices traditional belly dancing movements which she Proving the Power of Print Since 1894 We are not a race. We are not a Provo complete to Tooele’s 445. 86/56 Rush Valley Ophir Moderate out and play a little smash- became interested in while living in Mexico. Tooele. Camille Vela (above) huddled masses yearning to breathe 85/59 forecast 87/64 SEE SEE Price 81/60 Low BUFFALOES PAGE B8 performs some dance moves with help from her nine-month-old son Jacob. REICH PAGE A5 ® OOELE ➤ 84/57 on A9 T Absent LETTE Nephi 87/60 Th F Sa Su M Tu W Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Delta Manti Dugway 89/66 87/62 84/56 Green River RIVERS AND LAKES 95/62 In feet as of 7 a.m. Wednesday Gold Hill Vernon 24-hour Richfield 82/61 87/63 Stage Change Requirements: An unencumbered, up to date, 83/55 Moab Vernon Creek Hanksville 93/63 0.98 none Beaver 93/63 Ibapah at Vernon 79/55 84/60 South Willow Creek at Grantsville 1.48 none TOOELE COUNTY Elevation Eureka Great Salt Lake RANSCRIPT Blanding 75/56 at Saltair Boat Harbor 4193.11 Cedar City 85/57 82/52 St. George Kanab 88/67 85/57 T active Utah license. CLERK (Published in the If you’re interested in learning more about this BULLETIN Tooele Transcript Bul- amazing opportunity, don’t hesitate to reach out Get Overletin August100 20, 2020) Issues - these spots fill up quick. For Only Subscribe: 435.882.0050 One year subscription $ or 385-722-4155 Home deliver within delivery area 40 TUESDAY August 20, 2020 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B7 Turn old crayons into new shapes hen it comes to the There are different sizes and from crayons. Let kids break Wannual back-to-school shapes of molds available to them into pieces and sort into supply list for young students, inspire you, such as fall leaves, stacks according to colors. crayons are still at the top. It’s animals and silly characters. Heat oven to 275 F. Pile the no secret that kids love new Or, go basic like I did with a pieces according to color in the boxes full of colorful crayons standard silicone ice-cube tray, sections of the silicon mold. with sharp points, but what which formed easy-to-handle Toss in a piece in a contrasting about last year’s stash? There’s chunky crayon squares. color for a marbleized effect, no reason to throw out those if you wish. Place mold on a worn-down stubs from school Here’s the stuff you need: baking pan for easy handling. and a summer of coloring and or favors at your child’s next • crayon stubs in your favor- An adult should set it in the art projects. birthday party. ite colors preheated oven for 20 minutes, Instead of tossing them in There are numerous tech- • silicone muffin, candy or or until crayons are completely the trash, collect them in a niques I’ve used over the years, ice mold available at craft and melted. Check occasionally. box and get going with this including melting crayons in discount stores and online in Remove and cool melted repurposing activity that turns jars and pouring the liquid into seasonal and geometric shapes crayons until completely solid, old crayons into new shapes. plastic molds. But this year, I’ve • baking sheet about an hour. To hasten the You and your kids can make landed on a simple, no-mess process, put the tray in the creative “designer” crayons approach: melt crayon pieces Here’s the fun: freezer for 10 minutes. Pop — perfect for fall art activities in a silicone mold in the oven. Remove the paper wrapper newly shaped crayons out of the mold. Try out a new crayon on a piece of paper and you’ll dis- cover that it really works. If you still have extra crayons in the sorted piles, make another batch and enjoy sharing the remade crayons with family and friends. NOTE: Once you melt cray- ons in the silicone mold, plan on using it for nonedible crafts only. • • • Donna Erickson’s award- winning series “Donna’s Day” Blake Shelton is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and nce upon a time, long RV grounds, restaurants and activities, visit www.donnas- Obefore the advent of shops. It will cost $1 million and link to the NEW television, people drove cars to build. Donna’s Day Facebook fan to a place that had 400 park- Not to be outdone, the page. Her latest book is “Donna ing spaces and a big white Australian company “Beyond Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff screen that stood 100 feet Cinema” plans to invade for Families.” high and 50 feet wide. The America in September and year was 1933, the place October with a floating cin- © 2020 Donna Erickson was Camden, New Jersey, ema, which can accommo- Distributed by King Features Synd. and they called it a drive-in date 12-14 mini-boats that theater. The first film shown hold up to eight people. It’s there was the MGM release booked 16 cities in the U.S., of a British comedy starring including Chicago, Denver, Adolphe Menjou, of the origi- Los Angeles, Miami, New Husband makes frequent nighttime bathroom visits nal “A Star Is Born” (1937), York, San Diego and San “Stage Door” (1937) and his Francisco, and Vancouver, DEAR DR. ROACH: My hus- sionally in people with con- pened, and it seems to me that last film, “Pollyanna” (1960). Toronto and Calgary in band, 79 years old, is getting gestive heart failure. In heart one company made a new pro- Admission was 25 cents. Canada. up five or six times at night to failure, there is not enough cess for making losartan (and Today 300 drive-in the- • • • urinate. The urgent care doctor blood flow to the kidneys dur- the related drugs irbesartan aters still exist nationwide Recently drive-ins have said he doesn’t have an infec- ing the day, so when the per- and valsartan) that, although and because of COVID-19, been used by superstars such tion but doesn’t know what’s son is at rest, the kidneys have cheaper and more efficient, drive-in theaters are being as Blake Shelton, Keith Urban going on. He is taking Flomax, enough blood flow to get rid of allowed contaminants to revived. The largest in the and Garth Brooks. Urban but that doesn’t seem to be the fluid that has accumulated form unrecognized. Although world is The Wilderness staged a free private concert helping. Who should he see? during the day (often in the not recognized until 2018, it Outdoor Movie Theater in at The Stardust Drive-in — E.L.O. legs and feet). could have been happening Trenton, Georgia. It has two Watertown, Tennessee, ANSWER: Urinating at Another cause of high-vol- since 2012. Other companies screens, one for G-rated and where cameras broadcast his nighttime (“nocturia”) is a ume nocturia is diabetes insipi- changed their manufacturing the other for R-rated films, show with lights and sound common problem for men, dus, a problem with either the as well, unaware of these toxic that show movies such as streamed into vehicles from but if this is a new or suddenly kidney or the control center in problem is and the best course impurities. “Aladdin,” “Dumbo” and FM transmitters and with a worsened problem, it requires the brain, causing the kidney of treatment. Many men get This is a real problem, not so “John Wick 3” for $7 per full concert PA system onto evaluation. to excrete too much water. treated for prostate problems much because of this current person. The snack bar serves the big screen. The audience The first question is whether That control center uses a hor- when the real issue is an over- recall (where the contamina- burgers, BBQ sandwiches, applauded by flashing head- he is urinating a lot or a little. mone called anti-diuretic hor- active bladder. tion levels are very low), but hot dogs, nachos, chili, etc., lights and honking horns. A male bladder typically holds mone to regulate water excre- • • • because it shows the industry and nothing costs more than Garth Brooks gave a one- about 500 cc (almost a quart), tion. Normally, it is high at DEAR DR. ROACH: My lacks enough oversight to $5.50. night-only concert that was so if his bladder were full every night, so there is less urine out- blood pressure drug, losartan, quickly identify contamination Drive-ins have been fea- simulcast to 300 different time, he might be making as put at night. Sometimes this was recalled because of con- in generic pharmaceuticals tured in classic films such drive-ins across America. much as 2.5 liters a night. normal variation is reversed, tamination issues with NDEA coming from multiple coun- as “Grease,” “Pee Wee’s Shelton predicts, “When Nighttime urination is consid- leading to excess urine output and NDMA; one is used to tries. Great Adventure” and this virus is through, I see ered high-volume when it con- at night, even without diabetes make liquid rocket fuel and • • • recently in “Once Upon a drive-in theaters having an stitutes a third or more of total insipidus. the other is a byproduct in the Dr. Roach regrets that Time in Hollywood.” In July, even bigger resurgence. You urine output for 24 hours. High-volume nocturia is manufacture of pesticides. he is unable to answer indi- the Tribeca Film Festival can watch a movie and be High-volume nocturia can most commonly evaluated by How does this happen? Does vidual questions, but will launched “Tribeca Drive-in” entertained with your family. happen when there is too doctors in internal medicine, the drug company share manu- incorporate them in the in California, Florida, New It’s a new way to do concerts much of something to get rid including kidney and heart facturing facilities with com- column whenever possible. York and Texas, showing 30 too!” of: sugar, in people with mel- specialists. panies that make these other Readers may email questions films including “Goldfinger,” After months of stream- litus (“sugar diabetes”); salt, Low-volume nocturia is products? to ToYourGoodHealth@med. “Back to the Future” and “Bill ing, families who talk during in people who eat too much caused by a problem with the — EG & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.” movies will not get shushed salt at dinner; water, in people bladder or, in men, the pros- ANSWER: I read some spec- Within three years, in their own cars! who drink a whole lot of water, tate. Urologists are the experts ulation by chemists on how the © 2020 North America Synd., Inc. Eustis, Florida, will see the especially at night; and occa- in figuring out where the contamination could have hap- All Rights Reserved “Lighthouse 5” with five © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc. drive-in theaters, camp and Irwin had a snail named after mixing up the colors, the real the BP oil spill in the Gulf of him, the “Crikey steveirwini,” challenge began: realigning Mexico, thousands of hair- a rare species of tree snail the hues! It took Rubik about stylists and alpaca farmers with a khaki-colored shell a month to restore his cube donated over 19 warehouses discovered in 2009. to its original condition. worth of cut locks to absorb it. • Some 60% of human DNA is • “Slaughterhouse-Five” author BY LUCIE WINBOURNE identical to that of a banana. Kurt Vonnegut was such a big • Looking for a possible reason fan of the TV series “Cheers” to like Monday? It’s the least • The maddening but addictive • A tarantula discovered in that he once told reporters rainy day of the week. While Rubik’s Cube was created by 2015 near Folsom Prison, he would rather have written the exact science behind accident. Professor of archi- California, was given the sci- tecture Erno Rubik built a scripts for the show than all this is unclear, researchers entific name “Aphonopelma twistable box with colorful his bestselling novels. believe it’s likely due to the johnnycashi” after Johnny decrease in man-made pollu- rows of labels on each side in • Peppermint oil does a better Cash, in honor of his song tion over the weekend. an attempt to design blocks job of promoting hair growth “Folsom Prison Blues.” that could move without col- than hair-growth medication. © 2020 North America Synd., Inc. • For that matter, “The lapsing the entire structure. • Speaking of hair, following Crocodile Hunter” Steve After rotating a few rows and B8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY August 20, 2020

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