FESTIVAL AT MANDIR Sunday, Mar. 24, Tues.26, Wed. Mar. 27, & April 06, 2013


Holi Mela ,will be celebrated on Sunday, March 24 th , 2013 starting at 12 noon with live band, entertainment singing dancing, food stalls, etc. All are invited. Admission is free.

Satyanaryan pooja followed by the ceremonial burning of Holika will be celebrated on Tuesday, 26th March starting at 6.30pm.

Phaqwah—Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holi celebration concludes with a dinner on Saturday, April 06, 2013 at the Vishnu Mandir Banquet Hall.

Holi, One of the major festivals of India, is celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun which is the month of March as per the Gregorian calendar. Legends A Hindu festival, Holi has various legends associated with it. The foremost is the legend of King Hiranyakashyap who demanded everybody in his kingdom to worship him but his pious son, Prahlad became a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashyap wanted his son to be killed. He asked his sister Holika to enter a blazing fire with Prahlad in her lap as Holika had a boon which made him immune to fire. Story goes that Prahlad was saved by lord himself for his extreme devotion and evil minded Holika was burnt to ashes, for her boon worked only when she entered the fire alone.

Since that time, people light a , called Holika on the eve of Holi festival and celebrate the victory of good over evil and also the triumph of devotion to god. Children take special delight in the tradition and this has another legend attached to it. It says that there was once an ogress Dhundhi who used to trouble children in the kingdom of Prithu. She was chased away by children on the day of Holi. Therefore, children are allowed to play pranks at the time of '' The festival of Holi can be regarded as a celebration of the Colors of Unity & Brotherhood - an opportunity to forget all differences and indulge in unadulterated fun. It has traditionally been celebrated in high spirit without any distinction of cast, creed, color, race, status or sex. It is one occasion when sprinkling colored powder ('gulal') or colored water on each other breaks all barriers of discrimination so that everyone looks the same and universal brotherhood is reaffirmed. This is one simple reason to participate in this colorful festival.

'Phagwah' is derived from the name of the Hindu month 'Phalgun', because it is on the full moon in the month of Phalgun that Holi is celebrated. The month of Phalgun ushers India in spring when seeds sprout, flowers bloom and the country rises from winter's slumber. The celebration includes burning of holika which signifies the triumph the good over evil. Prahalad life and teaching is to reinforce to all the power of faith, devotion and commitment to God, during this season there is chowtal singing, exchanging of sweets and lots of other fun activities.

For further info contact the Mandir at 905-886-1724
