Bibliography: Al-Shabaab

Compiled and selected by David Teiner


This bibliography contains books, edited volumes, journal articles, book chapters, theses, grey literature, bibliog- raphies, and other resources on the Harakat ash-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn, also referred to in short as al-Shabaab. The publications compiled in this bibliography primarily focus on al-Shabaab’s organizational evolution, at- tacks, military successes and drawbacks, national and international recruitment efforts, ideology, and territorial expansion, predominantly in and . Moreover, many of the publications examine PVE and CVE strategies to contain al-Shabaab’s influence or assess the achievements and shortcomings of the ’s stabilization mission in Somalia AMISOM.

Keywords: Al-Shabaab; Salafi-Jihadism; Somalia; Kenya; East Africa; Diaspora; Foreign Fighters; Westgate; al-Qaeda; AMISOM

NB: All websites were last visited on 27.03.2021. Whenever retrievable, URLs for freely available versions of subscrip- tion-based publications have been provided. In some cases, articles may only be cited after obtaining permission by the author(s).

Bibliographies and other Resources

African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) (2010, March-): @amisomsomalia. URL: amisomsomalia

Al Shabab Watch (2013, May-): @ShababWatch. URL:

Bergen, Peter; Sterman, David; Salyk-Virk, Melissa (2021-): America’s Counterterrorism War: Tracking the ’ Drone Strikes and other Operations in Pakistan, , Somalia, and . (Regularly updat- ed database). URL: ism-wars/

Campbell, John (n.d.): Sub-Saharan Security Tracker. (CFR Africa Program Interactive). URL: https://www.

Counter Extremism Project (n.d.): Al-Shabaab. (Regularly updated Counter Extremism Project Report). URL:

Felter, Claire; Masters, Jonathan; Sergie, Mohammed Aly (2020-): Al-Shabab. (Regularly updated CFR Back- grounder). URL:

Garowe Online (2009, December-): @GaroweOnline. URL:

Githing’u, Brenda M. (2019, May-): @brendagithingu. URL:

Githing’u, Brenda M. (n.d.): The African Jihad: Unique Perspectives and Analyses on Africa’s Major Terrorist Organisations. URL:

Hiraal Institute (2018, April-): @HiraalInstitute. URL:

ISSN 2334-3745 240 April 2021 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 15, Issue 2

Hiraal Institute (2018, April-): URL:

Maruf, Harun (2010, October-): @HarunMaruf. URL:

Price, Eric (2011, September): Selected Literature on Terrorism and Political Violence/Conflict in Africa since the Second World War. Perspectives on Terrorism, 5(3-4), 118-133. URL: https://www.universiteitleiden. nl/binaries/content/assets/customsites/perspectives-on-terrorism/2011/issue-3-4/selected-literature-on-ter- rorism-and-political-violence-conflict-in-africa-since-the-second-world-war--eric-price.pdf

United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) (2013, May-): @UNSomalia. URL: https://twitter. com/UNSomalia

Warner, Jason (2009, April-): @warnjason. URL:

Webber, Lucas (2012, April-): @LucasADWebber. URL:

Books and Edited Volumes

Ahmad, Aisha A. (2017): Jihad & Co.: Black Markets and Islamist Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Anderson, David M.; McKnight, Jacob (2015): Kenya at War: Al-Shabaab and Its Enemies in Eastern Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Atwan, Abdel Bari (2012): After Bin Laden: Al Qaeda, the Next Generation. New York: The New Press.

Bøås, Morten; Dunn, Kevin C. (Eds.) (2017): Africa’s Insurgents: Navigating an Evolving Landscape. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Botha, Anneli (2016): Terrorism in Kenya and Uganda: Radicalization from a Political Socialization Perspec- tive. Plymouth: Lexington Books.

Byman, Daniel (2015): Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Byman, Daniel (2019): Road Warriors: Foreign Fighters in the Armies of Jihad. New York: Oxford University Press.

Celso, Anthony (2014): Al-Qaeda’s Post-9/11 Devolution: The Failed Jihadist Struggle Against the Near and Far Enemy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Daniels, Christopher L. (2012): Somali Piracy and Terrorism in the Horn of Africa. Lanham: Scarecrow Press.

Davis, Jessica (2017): Women in Modern Terrorism: From Liberation Wars to Global Jihad and the Islamic State. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Davis, John (Ed.) (2010): Terrorism in Africa: The Evolving Front in the . Plymouth: Lexington Books. de Waal, Alex (2015): The Real Politics of the Horn of Africa: Money, War and the Business of Power. Cam- bridge: Polity Press.

Dhaibheid, Caoimhe Nic (2017): Terrorist Histories: Individuals and Political Violence since the 19th Century.

ISSN 2334-3745 241 April 2021 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 15, Issue 2

Abingdon: Routledge.

Erhart, Hans-Georg; Hegeman, Hendrik; Kahl, Martin (Eds.) (2015): Putting Security Governance to the Test. Abingdon: Routledge.

Gurr, Ted Robert (2015): Political Rebellion: Causes, Outcomes and Alternatives. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hansen, Stig Jarle (2013): Al-Shabaab in Somalia: The History and Ideology of a Militant Islamist Group. (So- mali Society, History and Politics Series). London: Hurst Publishers.

Hansen, Stig Jarle (2019): Horn, Sahel, and Rift: Fault-Lines of the African Jihad. London: Hurst Publishers.

Harper, Mary (2019): Everything You Have Told Me is True: The Many Faces of Al Shabaab. London: Hurst Publishers.

Hartevelt Kobrin, Nancy (2018): The Last Two Jews of : Living Under Al Shabaab’s Fire. Mama- roneck: Multi Educator.

Jackson, Donna Rose (2018): US Foreign Policy in the Horn of Africa: From Colonialism to Terrorism. Abing- don: Routledge.

Keating, Michael; Waldmann, Matt (Eds.) (2018): War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Con- flict and Al-Shabaab. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Koenig, Nicole (2016): EU Security Policy and Crisis Management: A Quest for Coherence. Abingdon: Rout- ledge.

Leonard, Emma; Ramsay, Gilbert (Eds.) (2013): Globalizing Somalia: Multilateral, International and Transna- tional Repercussions of Conflict. London: Bloomsbury.

Maruf, Harun; Joseph, Dan (2018): Inside Al-Shabaab: The Secret History of Al-Qaeda’s Most Powerful Ally. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Maszka, John (2017): Al-Shabaab and : Guerilla Insurgency or Strategic Terrorism? Singapore: World Scientific.

Matusitz, Jonathan; Madrazo, Andrea, Udani, Catalina (2019): Online Jihadist Magazines to Promote the Ca- liphate: Communicative Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang.

Mcfate, Montgomery (Ed.) (2020): Considering Anthropology and Small Wars. Abingdon: Routledge.

Mendelsohn, Barak (2016): The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Menkhaus, Ken (2004): Somalia: State Collapse and the Threat of Terrorism. Abingdon: Routledge.

Mhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi (2018): “Is It Global War on Terrorism” or Global War over Terra Africana? The Ruse Imperial Powers Use to Occupy Africa Militarily for Economic Gains. Lanham: Hamilton Books.

Mirgani, Suzi (2016): Target Markets: International Terrorism Meets Global Capitalism in the Mall. (Edition Kulturwissenschaft Vol. 91). Bielefeld: transcript. DOI:

Murphy, Martin N. (2011): Somalia: The New Barbary? Piracy and Islam in the Horn of Africa. New York: Columbia University Press.

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Ndung’u, Irene; Salifu, Uyo; Sigsworth, Romi (2017, November): Violent Extremism in Kenya: Why Women Are a Priority. (ISS Monograph 197). Pretoria/Addis Ababa/Dakar/Nairobi: Institute for Security Studies. URL:

Neville, Leigh (2015): Special Forces in the War on Terror. Oxford: Osprey Publishing.

Pham, J. Peter (2013): State Collapse, Insurgency, and Counterinsurgency: Lessons from Somalia. (SSI Mono- graph). Carlisle Barracks: Strategic Studies Institute. URL: surgency-and-counterinsurgency-lessons-from-somalia/

Ridley, Nick (2014): Terrorism in East and West Africa: The Under-Focused Dimension. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. DOI:

Romaniuk, Scott Nicholas; Grice, Francis; Irrera, Daniela; Webb, Stewart (Eds.) (2017): The Palgrave Hand- book of Global Counterterrorism Policy. (Palgrave Handbooks). London: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature. DOI:

Satterthwaite, Margaret L.; Huckerby, Jayne C. (2014): Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Hu- man Rights Perspectives. (Routledge Research in Terrorism and the Law). Abingdon: Routledge.

Scahill, Jeremy (2013): Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield. New York: Nation Books.

Schmid, Alex P.; Hindle, Garry F. (2009): After the War on Terror: Regional and Multilateral Perspectives on Counter-Terrorism Strategy. London: RUSI Books. URL:

Shay, Shaul (2014): Global Jihad and the Tactic of Terror Abduction: A Comprehensive Review of Islamic Terror- ist Organizations. Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press.

Sixta Reinhart, Christine (2016): Drones and Targeted Killing in the Middle East and Africa: An Appraisal of American Counterterrorism Policies. Plymouth: Lexington Books.

Solomon, Hussein (2015): Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Africa: Fighting Insurgency from Al Shabaab, Ansar Dine and Boko Haram. (New Security Challenges). New York: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature. DOI:

Taarnby, Michael (2018): Serendi: Inside Somalia’s Terrorist Rehabilitation Project. Scotts Valley: CreateSpace.

Tar, Usman A. (Ed.) (2021): The Routledge Handbook of Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency in Africa. (Routledge Handbooks). Abingdon: Routledge.

Taylor, William A. (2018): Contemporary Security Issues in Africa. (Praeger Security International Series). Santa Barbara: Praeger.

Turner, John A. (2014): Religious Ideology and the Roots of the Global Jihad. London: Palgrave Macmillian.

Varin, Caroline; Abubakar, Dauda (Eds.) (2017): Violent Non-State Actors in Africa: Terrorists, Rebels and Warlords. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.

Williams, Paul D. (2018): Fighting for Peace in Somalia: A History and Analysis of the African Union Mission (AMISOM), 2007-2017. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Woods, Chris (2015): Sudden Justice: America’s Secret Drone Wars. London: Hurst Publishers.

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Bulbeck, Emilia (2017, August): The Path to Persuasion: An Investigation into How al-Shabab Constructs Their Brand in Their Digital Magazine Gaidi Mtaani. (Master’s Thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden). URL:

Butler, Brett M. (2015, December): Precipitating the Decline of Al-Shabaab: A Case Study in Leadership De- capitation. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL:http://hdl.handle. net/10945/47912 de Roy van Zuijdewijn, Jeanine (2014, January): Fearing the Western Muslim Foreign Fighter: The Connection Between Fighting the Defensive Jihad and Terrorist Activity in the West. (Master’s Thesis, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands). URL:

Dimitte, Ngane Enow (2014, October): The Question of the State and the Rise of Modern-Day Terrorism in So- malia, 1990-2013. (Master’s Thesis, North-West University, Mafikeng, South Africa). URL:http://hdl.handle. net/10394/16202

Gardiner, Richard (2017, December): Al-Shabaab and the Sources of Its Resilience and Resurgence: Cold War Legacies and Jihadism in Somalia. (Master’s Thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa). URL:

Gatuiku, Peter V.G. (2016, October): Countering Terrorism in the Horn of Africa: A Case Study of Kenya. (Master’s Thesis, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya). URL:

Githing’u, Brenda M. (2018, November): Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda: Exploring the Tactical Utility of Terrorist Affiliations in Africa. (Master’s Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa). URL:http://hdl.handle. net/2263/68506

Jones, Jeffrey J. (2010, December):Countering Islamic Radicalization and Al Shabaab Recruitment Within the Ethnic Somali Population of the United States: An Argument for Applying Best Practices for Stemming Youth Gang Recruitment and Initiation. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL:

Kahssay, Tariku Abreha (2009, November): Keeping the Peace: Intervention and Security Challenges in Africa: The Case of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). (Master’s Thesis, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands). URL:

Kambere, Geoffrey B. (2011, December):Countering Al-Shabaab: A Case to Minimize Transnational Terrorist Threats Against Uganda. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL:http://

Koloko, Mojalefa (2018, February): Between Drones and al-Shabaab: United States Extra-Judicial Killings in Somalia, Sovereignty and the Future of Liberal Intervention. (Master’s Thesis, Rhodes University, Graham- stown, South Africa). URL:

Lusk, William (2012, Fall): Maritime Pirates and Foreign Terrorist Organizations: Complicit Against the United States and NATO? (Master’s Thesis, University of Central Florida, Orlando, United States). URL:http://purl.

Madrazo, Andrea Nicole (2018, Spring): Recruiting Followers for the : A Narrative Analysis of Four Ji- hadist Magazines. (Master’s Thesis, University of Central Florida, Orlando, United States). URL:https://stars.

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Maszka, John Edward (2017, February): A Strategic Analysis of Al Shabaab. (Doctoral Thesis, Bournemouth University, Poole, United Kingdom). URL:

Mbugua, Patrick K. (2011, June): Competing Priorities, Conflicting Outcomes: International Peace Interven- tions and Conflict Transformation in Somalia. (Master’s Thesis, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, South Africa). URL:

McCulley, Dylan P. (2016, September): States of Terror: Understanding Evolving Islamist Terrorist Organiza- tions and the Threat They Pose. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL:

Mechling, Andrew David, Jr. (2014, December): Failed States: An Examination of their Effects on Transnation- al Terrorist Organization Movements and Operational Capabilities. (Master’s Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States). URL:

Momanyi, Simeon Mokaya (2015, December): The Impact of Al-Shabab Terrorist Attacks in Kenya. (Master’s Thesis, Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway). URL:

Muhwezi, Andrew M. (2014, June): Transnational Terrorism in East Africa: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Recent Rise in Kenyan Violence. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL:

Ober, Tristan (2019, Spring): The Gamble of Going Global: How Global Transnational Terrorist Networks Transform Group Cohesion. (Master’s Thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden). URL:http://uu.diva-por -

Obermeyer, Heidi Irene (2019, March): Factors in the Successful Recruitment of Operatives in the United King- dom by Al-Shabaab. (Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States). URL:https://

Peeters, Bram (2014, August): Choosing Battles: A Cross-Case Analysis of Seven Muslim Foreign Fighter Mobi- lizations (1980-2014). (Master’s Thesis, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands). URL:https://dspace.

Pitts, Damien Evan (2015, August): New Destinations of Islamic Fundamental Terrorism: The Rise of Al Shabaab. (Master’s Thesis, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States). URL:http://trace.tennes -

Post, Gerdine (2018, Spring): Justifying the Unforgivable: How Ideology Shapes Patterns of Violence of Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab. (Master’s Thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden). URL: - solve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-352974

Rodriguez, Richard Michael, Jr. (2014, Summer): A Spatial Analysis of Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab Referenc- es in Social Media in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Master’s Thesis, George Mason University, Fairfax, United States). URL:

Sage, André L. (2004): Somalia and the ‘War on Terrorism’: Political Islamic Movements and U.S. Counter-Ter- rorism Efforts. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom). DOI:https://doi. org/10.17863/CAM.20418

Smith, Una (2011): Globalisation and the Spread of Terrorism in Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa: Causes and Consequences. (Master’s Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston, New Zealand). URL:http://hdl.handle. net/10179/4243

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Wheat, Treston Lashawn (2017, August): America’s Imperfect War: The Ethics, Law, and Strategy of Drone Warfare. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States). URL:https://trace.tennessee. edu/utk_graddiss/4668

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Africa, Sahan (2018): Al-Shabaab as a Transnational Security Threat. In: Michael Keating; Matt Waldmann (Eds.): War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Conflict and Al-Shabaab. Oxford: Oxford Uni- versity Press, 401-412.

Agbiboa, Daniel E. (2014, December): Ties That Bind: The Evolution and Links of Al-Shabab. The Round Table, 103(6), 581-597. DOI:

Agbiboa, Daniel E. (2014, February): Terrorism Without Borders: Somalia’s Al-Shabaab and the Global Jihad Network. Journal of Terrorism Research, 5(1), 27-34. DOI:

Ahmad, Aisha (2015): The Security Bazaar: Business Interests and Islamist Power in Civil War Somalia. Inter- national Security, 39(3), 89-117. DOI:

Ahmad, Aisha (2016): Going Global: Islamist Competition in Contemporary Civil Wars. Security Studies, 25(2), 353-384. DOI:

Ahmad, Aisha (2021, January): The Long Jihad: The Boom-Bust Cycle Behind Jihadist Durability.Journal of Global Security Studies, Advanced Online Publication. DOI:

Akiiki, Deo (2016): Information Operations in Africa. Per Concordiam, 7(4), 54-57. URL: https://perconcor-

Albrecht, Peter; Haenlein, Cathy (2016, March): Fragmented Peacekeeping: The African Union in Somalia. The RUSI Journal, 161(1), 50-61. DOI:

Allen, Clayton D. (2017): Pirates in West Africa and Somalia. In: Caroline Varin; Dauda Abubakar (Eds.): Vi- olent Non-State Actors in Africa: Terrorists, Rebels and Warlords. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature, 301-322.

Allen, William (2014, March): Al-Shabaab and the Exploitation of the Subject Network Model. Small Wars Journal, 3/2014. URL: model

Amble, John C.; Meleagrou-Hitchens, Alexander (2014): Jihadist Radicalization in East Africa: Two Case Studies. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 37(6), 523-540. DOI:

Anderson, David M.; McKnight, Jacob (2015, January): Kenya at War: Al-Shabaab and Its Enemies in Eastern Africa. African Affairs, 114(454), 1-27. DOI:

Anderson, Noel (2014): Peacekeepers Fighting a Counterinsurgency Campaign: A Net Assessment of the African Union Mission in Somalia. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 37(11), 936-958. DOI: 080/1057610X.2014.952260

Anderson, Noel (2016): Why Victories in Battle Have Not Yet Finished the War Against al-Shabaab. Survival, 58(4), 51-62. DOI:

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Annovi, Claudia (2020, December): Peace Makers or Peace Wreckers? Understanding the Somali Diaspora. International Counter-Terrorism Review, 1(5), 5-18. URL: or_Peace_Wreckers?

Antosz, Marta (2016): Dad dad buu dugsadaa dugaagna geed: The Somali Diaspora in the United States and Their Impact on the American Domestic, Social and Security Situation.Politeja , 2016(42), 263-277. URL:

Anzalone, Christopher (2012, October): Kenya’s Muslim Youth Center and Al-Shabab’s East African Recruit- ment. CTC Sentinel, 5(10), 9-13. URL: l5Iss107.pdf

Anzalone, Christopher (2013, March): Al-Shabab’s Tactical and Media Strategies in the Wake of its Battlefield Setbacks. CTC Sentinel, 6(3), 11-15. URL: nel-Vol6Iss3.pdf

Anzalone, Christopher (2014, September): The Life and Death of Al-Shabab Leader Ahmed Godane.CTC Sentinel, 7(9), 19-22. URL:

Anzalone, Christopher (2016, April): The Resilience of al-Shabaab.CTC Sentinel, 9(4), 13-20. URL: https://

Anzalone, Christopher (2017, June): Al-Shabab in Somalia: The Resilience of Al-Qaeda’s East African Affil- iate. In: Aaron Y. Zelin (Ed.): How al-Qaeda Survived Drones, Uprisings, and the Islamic State: The Nature of the Current Threat. (The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Policy Focus 153). Washington D.C.: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 67-76. URL: view/how-al-qaeda-survived-drones-uprisings-and-the-islamic-state

Anzalone, Christopher (2018, March): Black Banners in Somalia: The State of al-Shabaab’s Territorial Insur- gency and the Specter of the Islamic State. CTC Sentinel, 11(3), 12-20. URL: ners-somalia-state-al-shabaabs-territorial-insurgency-specter-islamic-state/

Anzalone, Christopher (2020, March): Addressing the Enemy: Al-Shabaab’s PSYOPS Media Warfare. CTC Sentinel, 13(3), 30-39. URL:

Aronsoaie, Aida (2015, August): Doctrinal Differences Between ISIS and Al Qaeda: An Account of Ideo- logues. Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis, 7(7), 31-37. URL: loads/2014/07/CTTA-August-2015.pdf

Attuquayefio, Philip (2014, September): Drones, the US and the New Wars in Africa.Journal of Terrorism Research, 5(3), 3-13. DOI:

Auer, Meagan; Sutcliffe, John; Lee, Martha (2019, September): Framing the “White Widow”: Using Intersec- tionality to Uncover Complex Representations of Female Terrorism in News Media. Media, War & Conflict, 12(3), 281-298. DOI:

Bachman, Jeffrey Scott (2015): The Lawfulness of U.S. Targeted Killing Operations Outside Afghanistan. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 38(11), 899-918. DOI:

Bacon, Tricia; Muibu, Daisy (2018): Al-Qaida and Al-Shabaab: A Resilient Alliance. In: Michael Keating; Matt Waldmann (Eds.): War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Conflict and Al-Shabaab. Ox- ford: Oxford University Press, 391-400.

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Bacon, Tricia; Muibu, Daisy (2018): Foreign Fighter Influence in Al-Shabaab: Limitations and Future Pros- pects. In: Michael Keating; Matt Waldmann (Eds.): War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Conflict and Al-Shabaab. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 413-424.

Bacon, Tricia; Muibu, Daisy (2019, October): The Domestication of Al-Shabaab.The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 10(3), 279-305. DOI:

Badurdeen, Fathima A. (2020): Women Who Volunteer: A Relative Autonomy Perspective in Al-Shabaab Female Recruitment in Kenya. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 13(4), 616-637. DOI: 39153.2020.1810993

Badurdeen, Fathima Azmiya; Goldsmith, Paul (2018, Fall): Initiatives and Perceptions to Counter Violent Ex- tremism in the Coastal Region of Kenya. Journal for Deradicalization, 16(2018), 70-102. URL: http://journals.

Bakonyi, Jutta (2018): Governing Endemic Crises: Violence and Legitimacy in the Lives of Somalis. In: Michael Keating; Matt Waldmann (Eds.): War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Conflict and Al-Shabaab. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 49-60.

Bangura, Abdul K. (2010): Terrorism and Islam in Africa. In: John Davis (Ed.): Terrorism in Africa: The Evolv- ing Front in the War on Terror. Plymouth: Lexington Books, 103-132.

Bangura, Abdul K. (2010): The Imperative of Good Governance and Strong Democratic Institutions to Spur Development and Prevent the Expansion of Terrorism in Africa. In: John Davis (Ed.): Terrorism in Africa: The Evolving Front in the War on Terror. Plymouth: Lexington Books, 189-204.

Bar, Johanna (2016): The Problem of in Kenya in Terms of Regional Security in East Af- rica. Politeja, 2016(42), 147-164. URL: 5d3a8d59-ef41-4cf3-ba33-fbe0bcba27b0

Barber, Victoria (2015, December): The Evolution of Al Qaeda’s Global Network and Al Qaeda’s Core Position Within It: A Network Analysis. Perspectives on Terrorism, 9(6), 2-35. URL: https://www.univer- lution-of-al-qaeda%E2%80%99s-global-network-and-al-qaeda-core%E2%80%99s-position-within-it.-a-net- work-analysis-by-victoria-barber.pdf

Barnett, James (2020): The Evolution of East African Salafi-Jihadism.Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, 26(1), 20-48. URL:

Bertram, Stewart; Ellision, Keith (2014, February): Sub Saharan African Terrorist Groups’ Use of the Internet. Journal of Terrorism Research, 5(1), 5-26. DOI:

Besançon, Marie; Dalzell, Stephen (2016, January): The Soldier and the Street: East African CIMIC in Soma- lia and Beyond. PRISM, 5(2), 117-135. URL: PRISM5-2_The_Soldier_and_the_Street.pdf

Bofin, Peter; Walwa, William (2019): East Africa: Narratives of Extremism or Histories of Conflict? In: Fa- rangiz Atamuradova; Stuart Macdonald; Richard Burchill (Eds.): Lessons from P/CVE Research: Innovative Methods, Challenges, and Good Practices. Abu Dhabi: Hedayah, 43-62. URL: https://www.hedayahcenter. org/resources/reports_and_publications/lessons-from-p-cve-research-innovative-methods-challeng- es-good-practices/

Botha, Anneli (2014, October): Political Socialization and Terrorist Radicalization Among Individuals Who

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Joined al-Shabaab in Kenya. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 37(11), 895-919. DOI: 57610X.2014.952511

Botha, Anneli (2015, October): Radicalisation to Terrorism in Kenya and Uganda: A Political Socialisation Perspective. Perspectives on Terrorism, 9(5), 2-14. URL: tent/assets/customsites/perspectives-on-terrorism/2015/volume-5/2-radicalisation-to-terrorism-in-ken- ya-and-uganda-a-political-socialisation-perspective-by-anneli-botha.pdf

Botha, Anneli (2016): Factors Facilitating Radicalization in Kenya and Somalia. In: Sara Zeiger (Ed.): Ex- panding Research on Countering Violent Extremism. Abu Dhabi/Perth: Hedayah/Edith Cowan University, 71- 84. URL:

Botha, Anneli; Abdile, Mahdi (2018): Al-Shabaab Attitudes Towards Negotiations. In: Michael Keating; Matt Waldmann (Eds.): War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Conflict and Al-Shabaab. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 461-476.

Boukhars, Anouar (2020, October): The Logic of Violence in Africa’s Extremist Insurgencies.Perspectives on Terrorism, 14(5), 117-129. URL: spectives-on-terrorism/2020/issue-5/boukhars.pdf

Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M. (2006, January): Digital Diasporas and Conflict Prevention: The Case of Somalinet. com. Review of International Studies, 32(1), 25-47. DOI:

Bryden, Matt; Bahra, Premdeep (2019, June): East Africa’s Terrorist Triple Helix: The Dusit Hotel Attack and the Historical Evolution of the Jihadi Threat. CTC Sentinel, 12(6), 1-11. URL: ricas-terrorist-triple-helix-dusit-hotel-attack-historical-evolution-jihadi-threat

Bukarti, Audu D. (2020, October): The West in African Violent Extremists’ Discourse.Current Trends in Isla- mist Ideology, 27, 50-75. URL: 27.pdf

Butime, Herman R. (2014, May): The Lay-Out of Westgate Mall and its Significance in the Westgate Mall Attack in Kenya. Small Wars Journal, 05/2014. URL: westgate-mall-and-its-significance-in-the-westgate-mall-attack-in-kenya

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About the Compiler: David Teiner is a teaching fellow in International Relations and Foreign Affairs at the University of Trier. His research interests include civil wars and non-state armed groups in general and rebel governance and political institutions of insurgent groups in particular. E-Mail: [email protected]. Twitter: @DavidTeiner.

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