PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 15, Issue 2 Bibliography: Al-Shabaab Compiled and selected by David Teiner Abstract This bibliography contains books, edited volumes, journal articles, book chapters, theses, grey literature, bibliog- raphies, and other resources on the Harakat ash-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn, also referred to in short as al-Shabaab. The publications compiled in this bibliography primarily focus on al-Shabaab’s organizational evolution, at- tacks, military successes and drawbacks, national and international recruitment efforts, ideology, and territorial expansion, predominantly in Somalia and Kenya. Moreover, many of the publications examine PVE and CVE strategies to contain al-Shabaab’s influence or assess the achievements and shortcomings of the African Union’s stabilization mission in Somalia AMISOM. Keywords: Al-Shabaab; Salafi-Jihadism; Somalia; Kenya; East Africa; Diaspora; Foreign Fighters; Westgate; al-Qaeda; AMISOM NB: All websites were last visited on 27.03.2021. Whenever retrievable, URLs for freely available versions of subscrip- tion-based publications have been provided. In some cases, articles may only be cited after obtaining permission by the author(s). Bibliographies and other Resources African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) (2010, March-): @amisomsomalia. URL: https://twitter.com/ amisomsomalia Al Shabab Watch (2013, May-): @ShababWatch. URL: https://twitter.com/ShababWatch Bergen, Peter; Sterman, David; Salyk-Virk, Melissa (2021-): America’s Counterterrorism War: Tracking the United States’ Drone Strikes and other Operations in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. (Regularly updat- ed database). URL: https://www.newamerica.org/international-security/reports/americas-counterterror- ism-wars/ Campbell, John (n.d.): Sub-Saharan Security Tracker. (CFR Africa Program Interactive). URL: https://www. cfr.org/africa-sub-saharan/sub-saharan-security-tracker/p37884 Counter Extremism Project (n.d.): Al-Shabaab. (Regularly updated Counter Extremism Project Report). URL: https://www.counterextremism.com/threat/al-shabaab Felter, Claire; Masters, Jonathan; Sergie, Mohammed Aly (2020-): Al-Shabab. (Regularly updated CFR Back- grounder). URL: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/al-shabab Garowe Online (2009, December-): @GaroweOnline. URL: https://twitter.com/GaroweOnline Githing’u, Brenda M. (2019, May-): @brendagithingu. URL: https://twitter.com/brendagithingu Githing’u, Brenda M. (n.d.): The African Jihad: Unique Perspectives and Analyses on Africa’s Major Terrorist Organisations. URL: https://theafricanjihad.com/ Hiraal Institute (2018, April-): @HiraalInstitute. URL: https://twitter.com/HiraalInstitute ISSN 2334-3745 240 April 2021 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 15, Issue 2 Hiraal Institute (2018, April-): URL: https://hiraalinstitute.org/ Maruf, Harun (2010, October-): @HarunMaruf. URL: https://twitter.com/HarunMaruf Price, Eric (2011, September): Selected Literature on Terrorism and Political Violence/Conflict in Africa since the Second World War. Perspectives on Terrorism, 5(3-4), 118-133. URL: https://www.universiteitleiden. nl/binaries/content/assets/customsites/perspectives-on-terrorism/2011/issue-3-4/selected-literature-on-ter- rorism-and-political-violence-conflict-in-africa-since-the-second-world-war--eric-price.pdf United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) (2013, May-): @UNSomalia. URL: https://twitter. com/UNSomalia Warner, Jason (2009, April-): @warnjason. URL: https://twitter.com/warnjason Webber, Lucas (2012, April-): @LucasADWebber. URL: https://twitter.com/LucasADWebber Books and Edited Volumes Ahmad, Aisha A. (2017): Jihad & Co.: Black Markets and Islamist Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anderson, David M.; McKnight, Jacob (2015): Kenya at War: Al-Shabaab and Its Enemies in Eastern Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Atwan, Abdel Bari (2012): After Bin Laden: Al Qaeda, the Next Generation. New York: The New Press. Bøås, Morten; Dunn, Kevin C. (Eds.) (2017): Africa’s Insurgents: Navigating an Evolving Landscape. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Botha, Anneli (2016): Terrorism in Kenya and Uganda: Radicalization from a Political Socialization Perspec- tive. Plymouth: Lexington Books. Byman, Daniel (2015): Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Byman, Daniel (2019): Road Warriors: Foreign Fighters in the Armies of Jihad. New York: Oxford University Press. Celso, Anthony (2014): Al-Qaeda’s Post-9/11 Devolution: The Failed Jihadist Struggle Against the Near and Far Enemy. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Daniels, Christopher L. (2012): Somali Piracy and Terrorism in the Horn of Africa. Lanham: Scarecrow Press. Davis, Jessica (2017): Women in Modern Terrorism: From Liberation Wars to Global Jihad and the Islamic State. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Davis, John (Ed.) (2010): Terrorism in Africa: The Evolving Front in the War on Terror. Plymouth: Lexington Books. de Waal, Alex (2015): The Real Politics of the Horn of Africa: Money, War and the Business of Power. Cam- bridge: Polity Press. Dhaibheid, Caoimhe Nic (2017): Terrorist Histories: Individuals and Political Violence since the 19th Century. ISSN 2334-3745 241 April 2021 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 15, Issue 2 Abingdon: Routledge. Erhart, Hans-Georg; Hegeman, Hendrik; Kahl, Martin (Eds.) (2015): Putting Security Governance to the Test. Abingdon: Routledge. Gurr, Ted Robert (2015): Political Rebellion: Causes, Outcomes and Alternatives. Abingdon: Routledge. Hansen, Stig Jarle (2013): Al-Shabaab in Somalia: The History and Ideology of a Militant Islamist Group. (So- mali Society, History and Politics Series). London: Hurst Publishers. Hansen, Stig Jarle (2019): Horn, Sahel, and Rift: Fault-Lines of the African Jihad. London: Hurst Publishers. Harper, Mary (2019): Everything You Have Told Me is True: The Many Faces of Al Shabaab. London: Hurst Publishers. Hartevelt Kobrin, Nancy (2018): The Last Two Jews of Mogadishu: Living Under Al Shabaab’s Fire. Mama- roneck: Multi Educator. Jackson, Donna Rose (2018): US Foreign Policy in the Horn of Africa: From Colonialism to Terrorism. Abing- don: Routledge. Keating, Michael; Waldmann, Matt (Eds.) (2018): War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Con- flict and Al-Shabaab. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Koenig, Nicole (2016): EU Security Policy and Crisis Management: A Quest for Coherence. Abingdon: Rout- ledge. Leonard, Emma; Ramsay, Gilbert (Eds.) (2013): Globalizing Somalia: Multilateral, International and Transna- tional Repercussions of Conflict. London: Bloomsbury. Maruf, Harun; Joseph, Dan (2018): Inside Al-Shabaab: The Secret History of Al-Qaeda’s Most Powerful Ally. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Maszka, John (2017): Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram: Guerilla Insurgency or Strategic Terrorism? Singapore: World Scientific. Matusitz, Jonathan; Madrazo, Andrea, Udani, Catalina (2019): Online Jihadist Magazines to Promote the Ca- liphate: Communicative Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang. Mcfate, Montgomery (Ed.) (2020): Considering Anthropology and Small Wars. Abingdon: Routledge. Mendelsohn, Barak (2016): The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Menkhaus, Ken (2004): Somalia: State Collapse and the Threat of Terrorism. Abingdon: Routledge. Mhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi (2018): “Is It Global War on Terrorism” or Global War over Terra Africana? The Ruse Imperial Powers Use to Occupy Africa Militarily for Economic Gains. Lanham: Hamilton Books. Mirgani, Suzi (2016): Target Markets: International Terrorism Meets Global Capitalism in the Mall. (Edition Kulturwissenschaft Vol. 91). Bielefeld: transcript. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839433522 Murphy, Martin N. (2011): Somalia: The New Barbary? Piracy and Islam in the Horn of Africa. New York: Columbia University Press. ISSN 2334-3745 242 April 2021 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 15, Issue 2 Ndung’u, Irene; Salifu, Uyo; Sigsworth, Romi (2017, November): Violent Extremism in Kenya: Why Women Are a Priority. (ISS Monograph 197). Pretoria/Addis Ababa/Dakar/Nairobi: Institute for Security Studies. URL: https://issafrica.org/research/monographs/violent-extremism-in-kenya-why-women-are-a-priority Neville, Leigh (2015): Special Forces in the War on Terror. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. Pham, J. Peter (2013): State Collapse, Insurgency, and Counterinsurgency: Lessons from Somalia. (SSI Mono- graph). Carlisle Barracks: Strategic Studies Institute. URL: https://ssi.armywarcollege.edu/state-collapse-in- surgency-and-counterinsurgency-lessons-from-somalia/ Ridley, Nick (2014): Terrorism in East and West Africa: The Under-Focused Dimension. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783470525 Romaniuk, Scott Nicholas; Grice, Francis; Irrera, Daniela; Webb, Stewart (Eds.) (2017): The Palgrave Hand- book of Global Counterterrorism Policy. (Palgrave Handbooks). London: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-55769-8 Satterthwaite, Margaret L.; Huckerby, Jayne C. (2014): Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Hu- man Rights Perspectives. (Routledge Research in Terrorism and the Law). Abingdon: Routledge. Scahill, Jeremy (2013): Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield. New York: Nation Books. Schmid, Alex P.; Hindle, Garry F. (2009): After the War on Terror: Regional and Multilateral Perspectives on Counter-Terrorism Strategy. London: RUSI Books. URL: https://rusi.org/rusi-news/after-war-terror Shay, Shaul (2014): Global Jihad
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