Brendan J. Meade Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
[email protected] Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-8921 Positions Visiting Scientist (2015-present) Google Inc. Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences (2013-present) Associate Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences (2009-2013) Assistant Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences (2005-2009) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University Daly Postdoctoral Fellow (2004-2005) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University Education Ph. D. (2004) Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Dissertation: Kinematic Models of Interseismic Deformation in Southern California B.A. (1998) History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Thesis: Walter Elsasser and the Dynamic Earth Research Topics Geodetic imaging of the earthquake cycle Earthquake prediction Computational geophysics Climate-tectonic coupling Classes Environmental Risks and Disasters, Natural Disasters, EarthScope, Computer Tools for the Earth Sciences, Crustal Dynamics, Earthquakes and Faulting, Mathematical Modeling, On Broken Ground: The Science and Impact of Earthquakes Invited Talks Google, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Mt. Holyoke College, Cornell University, Brown University, SCEC Community Stress Model Workshop, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 8th Annual Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop, Lamont Doherty Earth