Hanging the Image of a Photo Booth

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Hanging the Image of a Photo Booth 50TH ANNIVERSARY SPORTS INSIDE: 48-page special section looks Angels lose opener to back at 50 years of CSUF history Red Sox 0-4, page 12 Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 21 Thursday October 4, 2007 DailyThe Student Voice of California StateTitan University, Fullerton DTSHORTHAND Health insurance HANGING THE IMAGE OF A PHOTO BOOTH deadline nears he ever changing face of C the photo booth has en- The deadline for applying for student health insurance through tered a new and obscure Tera, one where the backdrop is the university ends Friday. The university provides health insur- just as important and unique as ance to students at affordable the subject. Meet Polite in Pub- prices through Blue Cross. Cov- lic, an interactive venture into erage for students is an 80-20 plan, students paying only 20 the realms of visual arts, profes- percent of costs. Coverage in- sional lighting, and the willing cludes dental, chiropractic, psy- participation of everyday peo- chological and a range of other ple. If Japanese photo arcades areas. Students enrolling only at and David LaChapelle have set the Irvine campus are not eligi- the limits of bizarro pop pho- ble. Undergraduates are required to be enrolled in at least six units. tography, then maybe the bar Graduate requirements have no should be raised a little higher mandatory minimum require- in order to encompass this new ments. For more information go breed of snapshot. The brain to www.csuhealthlink.com or call child of L.A.’s Joe Rubinstein Cathy Busby at 714-278-7739. and Joe Miller, Polite in Public’s traveling brigade of color-heavy sets and technological master- Officials treat pieces is currently on a nation- wide tour and heading back sauce like anthrax home. With their endeavour to LONDON (AP) – Super spicy showcase the common citizen chili sauce sparked road closures in limelight and stages that were and evacuations in central Lon- once only reserved for models, don after passers-by complained all Rubinstein and Miller ask is that a chemical emanating from a Thai restaurant was burning their that you at least keep your un- throats, police said Wednesday. derwear on when wearing the Firefighters closed off roads, astronaut costumes. sealed buildings and donned spe- PHoto BY EMILY CALDWELL / FOR THE DAILY TItaN SEE THE BUZZ INSIDE cial breathing masks to ferret out the source of the acrid smell as onlookers coughed, the Times of London reported. Smashing down the door of the suspected source – the Thai Cottage restaurant – they seized the culprit: extra-hot bird’s eye chilies that were being prepared for a batch of “nam prik pao,” a UBLIC spicy Thai sauce. P “It’s the hottest thing we E IN T make,” restaurant owner Sue LI Wasboonma said. PO F No one was arrested, the po- O Y S lice spokesman said. “As far as I’m E rt aware, it’s not a criminal offense U O to cook very strong chili.” C otos Not getting vitamins is PH an issue for students because “many are not eating home cooked meals that contain “ healthy foods. – Austin Nation, Moving Together Nursing Student’s Association Plagiarism at CSUF can be costly See News, page 4 ments are impossible to plagiarize. Stambough said. More than 100 cases are “I will have more writing steps When a faculty member catches reported each year and such as drafting dates and correcting a student, it becomes his or her job YOUTUBE: IPOD IS can result in suspension dates,” said Sheryl Fontain, English to report the student to Rhoten and vice chair. “This way it reduces the send a copy to the department chair. SCRATCH TESTED BY DHAWANI PAREKH pressure from students when they At the most extreme case, it will For the Daily Titan have to turn in the paper. It also be reported to the judicial branch. [email protected] helps the students with their writ- When the case goes to Rhoten, she ing.” said she will create a file for that stu- Think twice before plagiarizing. Political science Professor Scott dent and also send a warning letter to Last year, 137 to 200 plagiarism Spitzer gives multiple versions of the the student. Plagiarism record stays cases were reported, according to same test. He makes sure it is impos- on the file for seven years. If the stu- Sandra Rhoten, associate dean of sible for students to plagiarize by dent does it a second time, then they students with judicial affairs. making sure that the papers are very will be suspended or expelled from To avoid plagiarism, one must opinionated and tailored to course the college and all other CSUs. properly acknowledge the author or content. Throughout the case, the student the source used in the paper. Failure Apple’s recently released iPod “I will fail the students and report is allowed to appeal. The faculty to give credit to the source is con- Touch is put to the test in this them,” Spitzer said. “My main rea- members are the ones who decide sidered a grave violation of academic cringeworthy video. The owner son for reporting them is to make the punishment in each case. It can integrity. and videographer sets out to sure the students realize the penal- go from warning, getting an “F” on Many faculty members realize prove the indestructability of ties. By plagiarizing they are under- the assignment or the class or re- that students tend to plagiarize to- Apple’s unique touch screen by mining their own education and also porting the students. It is an act that ward the end of the semester because grinding a saftey pin, a key and others’ education. It is simply a self- many faculty feel strongly against, they are trying to do everything last even a razor blade on its surface. destructive act.” but feel that they have no choice left minute. It is out of desperation that Why a person would want to do Stephen Stambough, political sci- when the student plagiarize. forces people to go online and copy this after paying off the device’s ence professor, will give an “F” for Catching students is easy for facul- and paste. hefty price tag is anyone’s guess. the class and report the student. ty. The writing seems well-polished, BY ALINE LESSNER / For the Daily Titan To prevent students from waiting Fortunately for the owner, his hy- “By catching them now, the con- the topic is out of the ordinary or it William Lu and Andrea Brache of Backhausdance perform “Push” during the last minute and from plagiarizing, pothesis was correct. sequences are not as great as they are just does not sound like the student’s opening day event “A Taste of CaDance” at the 2007 Laguna Beach Dance faculty make sure that their assign- Festival Saturday. The festival runs until Oct. 7. See page 3 for more photos. Duration: 2:16 when caught later in the workforce,” See Plagiarism, Page 2 WEATHER Facebook and Ruckus join for social music experience TODAY TOMorroW BY JADE LEHAR of community at schools across the Facebook brought My Ruckus Mu- to find friends through media and tracks are available for 79 cents to 99 Daily Titan Staff Writer nation. Ruckus is the world’s only sic, which “brings the best social media through friends. Ruckus is cents if users wish to burn them. [email protected] free, legal and ad-supported music music applications and many music currently available to hundreds of “Students nationwide have been downloading system geared specifi- subscription services to Facebook free thousands of U.S. college students using Ruckus as an outlet to connect High: 73 High: 68 Facebook’s new addition to its cally towards college students. and legally,” according to a Ruckus for networking and entertainment. with their campus community, and Low: 60 Low: 53 Web site is causing a buzz amongst “The great thing is that it is better press release. The application works With the new Facebook applica- through our Facebook application, college students nationwide. As of than free; it is legal, safe and allows with Facebook and Ruckus’ service tion, users can share their music and we are giving them yet another way Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Sept. 20, Ruckus Network, Inc. for social media interaction like no to bring a new way for students to their musical habits back and forth to interact with friends and class- teamed up with Facebook to give one else. What you want, when you share music with friends in their with friends but also provide links mates, as well as their media librar- CONTACT US college students a new music experi- want, where you want,” said Chris Facebook community. for their friends to go and download ies,” said Mike Babel, CEO of Ruck- Main line: (714) 278-3373 ence. Lawson, director of Corporate De- Whether looking for a roommate what they are listening to for free, us Network, in a press release. News desk: (714) 278-4415 Ruckus Network, Inc. provides velopment for Ruckus in an e-mail with similar interests or someone said Lawson. My Ruckus Music users can Advertising: (714) 278-4411 entertainment geared towards col- interview. who enjoys punk music as much as Unfortunately the free music can- display their top played/recently E-mail: [email protected] lege students to create a strong sense The teaming up of Ruckus and they do, Ruckus members are able not be burned on to a CD, but the See FACEBOOK, Page 4 2 Page Two October 4, 2007 INTERNATIONAL NEWS Jimmy Carter visits Darfur, demands to meet refugees Librarians question Patriot Act KABKABIYA, Sudan (AP) – Former President Jimmy Carter confronted Government’s ability to the government can keep surveil- Makes Three’,” Dunklee said.
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