ED 040 779 RC 004 405

AUTHOR Goard, Dean S., Comp.; Dickinson,Gary, Comp. TITLE Rural . A Bibliographyof Social and Economic Research (Special Study #5)* INSTITUTION University of British Columbia,Vancouver (Canada). PUB DATE 70 NOTE 33p.

EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$1.75 DESCRIPTORS Adult Education, Age, *Bibliographies,Community Characteristics, *Economic Factors,Education, Indexes (Locaters), *Research, *RuralAreas, *Social Factors IDENTIFIERS *British Columbia ABSTRACT The bibliography cites social andeconomic research pertaining to rural British Columbia.Some 286 entries cover research from before 1940 through 1969 Analysis of the entries by dateand source of publication precedes the main list ofentries, which is arranged alphabetically by author.Separate indexes are included for author, subject, and geographicalarea. It is noted that the departments of the provincial governmenthave published 28.0% of the entries listed, compared to 11.9%for the federal government departments and 2.1% for the municipalgovernments. Student theses account for 21.7% , journal articles 15.8%, and university publications 14.3%. A list is given ofSocio-Economic Survey Reperts on 14 locations throughout British Columbia and of specialstudies on (1) the influence of education andage on participation in rural adult education,(2) community structure and participationin adult education, and (3) socioeconomicfactors related to farm size,farm income, and efficiency. (BD) ...11.111111.00




Compiled by

Dean S. Goard Vice-Principal, B.C. Vocational School Nelson


Gary Dickinson Associate Director

VANCOUVER Faculty of Education University of British Columbia 1970 CANADA LAi,1D INVENTORY PROJECT#49009 Coolie Verner, Director Gary Dickinson, Associate Director


# I A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the Prince George Special SalesArea, 1967 # 2 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the East Kootenay Area, 1968 # 3 A Socio-EconornicSurveyof the Pemberton Valley, 1968 # 4 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the Peace River Area, 1968 # 5 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof Fort Nelson, 1968 # 6 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the West Kootenay Area, 1968 # 7 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the Vanderhoof West Area, 1968 # 8 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the Kamloops Area, 1969 # 9 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the North Area, 1969 #10 A Secio-EconomicSurveyof the South Okanagan Area, 1969 #11 A Socio-EconomicSurveyof the South Okanagan Land IrrigationDistrict, 1969 #12 A Socio-EconomicSurvey of the Boundary Area, 1969 #13 A Socio-EconomicSurvey of the Sechelt Peninsula,1970 #14 A Socio-EconomicSurvey of the Area, 1970


# 1 Rural British Columbia: ABibliography of Social and EconomicResearch, 1967 # 2 The Influence of Education andAge on Participation in Rural Adult Education, 1968 # 3 Community Structure and Participationin Adult Education, 1969 # 4 Socio-Economic Factors Relatedto Farm Size, Farm Income, and Efficiency of Orchardists, 1969 # 5 Rural British Columbia: ABibliography of Social and EconomicResearch, 1970 (Supersedes SpecialStudy #1).


This bibliography of social and economic research pertaining to rural British Columbia is a revision of one prepared in 1967. The total number of items listed increased from 227 in .1967 to 286 in the presentbibliography which includes materials published to the end of 1969. Excluded fromboth editions were studies dealing solely with Vancouverand Victoria; technical reports related to specific industries such as agriculture, fishing,forestry, and mining; and studies of Indians unless they pertained to general social and economic con- ditions in the province. The items included in this bibliography were analyzed by date and source of publication. (See Tables1 and 2).There has been an increase in the number of studies in every five year period for the past thirty years.Almost one-third of the items were published between 1965 and 1969, and somefour- fifths have been produced since 1955. The number of studies ineach successive period since 1945 has increased by between 16 and 21. Departments of the provincial government have published 28.0 per cent of the items listed compared to 11.9 per cent forfederal government depart- ments and 2.1 per cent for municipal governments.Student theses were the second most frequent source of socio-economic studies accounting for21.7 per cent of the items followed by journal articles(15.8 per cent) and university pub- lications (14.3 per cent). The items in the bibliography are listed alphabetically by surnameof the author. Separate indexes are included for author,subject, and geographic area studied.As is usually the case in a bibliography of this kind, some items that should have been included may have been omitted. Thecompilers would appreciate receiving notification of any such studies.


Date of Publication Number of items Percentage of Items

1965-69 91 31.8 1960-64 70 24.5 1955-59 54 18.9 1950-54 35 12.2 1945-49 17 6.0 1940-44 5 1.8 Prior to 1940 11 3.8 Undated 3 1.0

Total 286 100.0


Solace of Publication Number of Items Percentage of Items Provincial government depart- ments 80 28.0 Student theses 62 21.7 Journal articles 45 15.8 University Publications 41 14.3 Federal government depart- ments 34 11.9 Commercial publishers 9 3.1 Business and Industry 6 2.1 Municipal governments 6 2.1 Other 3 1.0

Total 286 100.0

iv 1

Acton, B.K. Dairy Farming: in North Central British Columbia. Vancouver: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1963.

Acton, B.K. Synopsis of the Dairy Enterpriseon 81 Selected Farms in the North Okanagan Valley, B. C.,1960-1961. Vancouver: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1965.

3.Acton, B.K. and E.D. Woodward. Cattle Ranching in the Interior of British Columbia, 1958-1959. Ottawa: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1961.

4,Akinbode, Isaac A."The Relationships Between the Socio-Economic Characteristics of Farmers in British Columbia and Their Contacts With District Agriculturists." Unpublished M.S. A. thesis,University of British Columbia, 1969.

5.Akinbode, Isaac A., and M.J. Dorling. Farmer Contacts With District Agriculturists in Three Areas in British Columbia. Vancouver: Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 1969.

6.Akrigg, Helen. "The History and Economic Development of the Shuswap Lake District of British Columbia." Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1964.

7.Alleyne, E. Patrick."Interpersonal Communication and the Adoption of Innovations Among Strawberry Growers in the Lower ." Unpublished M.S. A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1968.

8.Alleyne, E. Patrick and Coolie Verner. The Adoption and Rejectionof Innovations by Strawberry Growers in the Lower Fraser Valley. Vancouver: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of British Columbia, 1969,

9.Alleyne, E. Patrick and Coolie Verner. Personal Communication and the Adoption of Innovations. Vancouver: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of British Columbia, 1969.

10.Al lin, J.S."Inventory of Agriculture in British Columbia" in 15th Natural Resources Conference, Inventory of Natural Resources of B.C.Victoria: The Conference, 1964, pp. 140-151.

11.Allin, J.S."The Role of Agricultural Extension in the Education of Rural Adults." The Journal of Education of the Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 10:36-47, (April, 1964). 12. Ames, Michael M. "Fountain ina Modern Economy: A Study of Social Structure, Land Use, and Business Enterprise ina B. C. Indian Community." Unpublished B.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1956.

13.Anderson, W.J. A Study of Land Settlement in the Prince George- Smithers Area of British Columbia. Ottawa: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1947. (Publication No. 794, Technical Bulletin 62).

14.Anderson, W.J. Farm Organization and Labour Earnings of Whole Milk Producers of the Lower Fraser Valley, 1946. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1948.

15.Anderson, W.J. The Future of Agriculture in British Columbia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1955. (Economic Extension Publication No. Al).

16.Anderson, W. J."Marketing Boards and the Farm Business in British Columbia." Agricultural Institute Review, 13:59-60, (March- April, 1958).

17.Associated Engineering Services Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Economic Prospects and Future Development. Vancouver: 1962.

18.Black, W. G."Origins of the Present Population of British Columbia." British Columbia Natural Resources Conference Transactions. 7:201-209, (1954).

19.Blair, R. C. "Farm Management and Land Use in the Creston Area of British Columbia, 1946-47." Economic Annalist, 19:78-82, (August, 1949).

20.Blair, R. C. and E.D. Woodward. Farm Organization in the Creston Area of B.C. Ottawa: Economics Division, Canada Departmentof Agriculture, 1947.

21.Bledsoe, Margaret Y. "A Regional Study of Social Welfare Measure- ments." (No. 2 the Fraser Valley, 1951-1961). Unpublished M.S.W. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1963.

22.Borden, C. E."Distribution, Culture, and Origin of the Indigenous Population of B.C." British Columbia Natural Resources Conference Transactions.7:186-196, (1954). 3

23.Bowering, R."Exi sting and Probable Future Developmentsin the Municipal Water Supply Field Within the Province."B.C. Natural Resources Conference Transactions. 9:228-232,( 1956).

24.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce.The Chilliwack Region, An Econ.7ic Survey.Victoria: The Bureau (No date).

25.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce.Fernie and District: An Economic Survey.Victoria: The Bureau, 1963.

26.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. TheHope Region: An Economic Survey.Victoria: The Bureau, (No date).

27.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. The GrandForks - Greenwood Region: An Economic Survey.Victoria: The Bureau, 1966.

28.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. TheKamloops Region: An Economic Survey. Victoria: The Bureau,1961,

29.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. TheKelowna Region:An. Economic Survey.Victoria: The Bureau, 1962.

30.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. ThePeace River- Liard Region: An Economic Survey. Victoria: TheBureau, 1966.

31.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. The SouthCoastal Region: An Economic Survey. Victoria: The Bureau,1967.

32.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. The Kimberley Area: An Economic Survey.Victoria: The Bureau, 1967.

33.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics,Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. The Cariboo- Chilcotin Region: A British Columbia Regional Economic Study. Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1969. 34.British Columbia Bureau of Economics andStatistics. The B. C. Economy. Victoria: The Bureau, 1950.

35.British. Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics.B.C. Facts and Statistics.Victoria: The Bureau, 1965.

36.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics.Industrial Expansion in British Columbia by Census Divisions, 1961.Victoria: The Bureau, 1962. (Yearly to present).

37.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics.Population Trends in British Columbia with Particular Referenceto 1961 Census Data. Victoria: The Bureau, 1962.

38.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics.Regional Index of British Columbia. Victoria: Department of IndustrialDevelopment, Trade and Commerce, 1966.

39.British Columbia Bureau of Economics and Statistics.Salary and Wage Rate Survey, British Columbia. Victoria: TheBureau, 1962. (Yearly to present).

40.British Columbia Department of Agriculture.Agricultural Outlook Conference, 1966.Victoria: The Department, 1966.

41.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. SecondApproximation Report: Agriculture in the Fraser Valley.Victoria: British Columbia Department of Agriculture, 1966.

42.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. SecondApproximation Report: Central British Columbia.Victoria: The Department, 1966.

43.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. SecondApproximation Report: Kamloops-Cariboo Area.Victoria: The Department, 1966.

44.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. SecondApproximation Report: Kootenay-Boundary Area.Victoria: The Department, 1966.

45.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. SecondApproximation Report: North Okanagan Area. Victoria: The Department,1966.

46.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. SecondApproximation Report: Peace River Area.Victoria: The Department, 1966.

47.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. SecondApproximation Report: South Okanagan Area. Victoria: The Department,1966. 5

48.British Columbia Department of Agriculture. Second Approximation Report: Area.Victoria: The Department, 1966.

49.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. Orchard Survey of the'Grand Forks, Creston, Kootenay, and Districts.Victoria: The Department, 1955.

50.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. Orchard Survey of the Okanagan Valley, Lillooet to . Victoria: The Department, 1957.

51.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. Production of Tree Fruit Crops Together with an Estimate of Farm Values 1964-1965.Victoria: The Department, 1965.

52.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. Production of Vegetable Crops Together with an Estimate of Farm Values 1965.Victoria: The Department, 1965.

53.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. Small Fruit Growing in the Okanagan and , 1964.Victoria: The Department, 1964.

54.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. Strawberry Growing with Particular Reference to the Fraser Valley. Victoria: The Department, (No date).

55.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. A Summary of the Principle Crops and Areas of Small Fruit, Grape, and Nut Production in B. C. for 1962-63-64. Victoria: The Department, 1964.

56.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch. Horticultural Recommendations for the Cariboo and Central British Columbia. Victoria: The Department, 1966.

57.British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Livestock Branch. The Fur Farm Industry of B.C., 1965.Victoria: The Department, 1965.

58.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Kootenay Bulletin, Area No. 1.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1962.

59.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Okanagan Bulletin, Area No. 2.V-Iztoria: Queen's Printer, 1962.

60.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Lower Coast Bulletin, Area No. 3.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1962. 6

61.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Vancouver Island Bulletin, Area No. 4.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1962.

62.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Quesnel-Lillooet Bulletin, Area No. 5.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1962. British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Kamloops Bulletin, Area No. 6.Victoria: Qu6en's Printer, 1962.

64.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Fort Fraser-Fort George Bulletin, Area No. 7.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1962.

65.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Prince Rupert-Smithers Bulletin, Area No. 8.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1962.

66.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Atlin Bulletin, Area No. 9.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1961

67.British Columbia Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources. The Peace River Bulletin, Area No. 10.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1962.

68.British Columbia Department of Municipal Affairs.Municipal Statistics, 1960.Victoria: Queen's Printer, 1961.

69.British Columbia Department of Recreation and Conservation, Game Management Division, Fish and Game Branch."Inventory and Evaluation of the Wildlife Resource of B. C." in 15th Natural Resources Conference, Inventory of Natural Resources of B.C. Victoria: The Conference, 1964, pp. 560-574.

70.British Columbia Natural Resources Conference. inventory of the Natural Resources of B.C. Victoria: The Conference, 1956.

71.Budde, J. F. "Economic Aspects of Weed Control with Reference to Agriculture in British Columbia." Unpublished B.S. A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1956.

72.Burns, W. T. "The Farmer North of the Thompson River." in Transac- tions of the Thirteenth British Columbia Natural Resources Conference. Victoria: The Conference, 1961, pp. 90-101. 7

73.Calvert G. L."Corrugations or Sprinklers" in 2nd Stockmen's Conference Proceedings. Vancouver: Department of Extension, University of British Columbia, 062,

74.Campbell, B. A."Dairy Farm Organization in the Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia-Part 1." Economic Annalist, 27:29-34,(April, 1957).

75.Campbell, B.A. and S.C. Hudson.Cost and Returns in the Production of ..,2,p12.2.1,a9222,kanagan Valley, British Columbia, Ottawa:Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1945.

76.Campbell, R.H. "Some Factors that Influence the Efficiency of Labour on Dairy Farms in the Lower Fraser Valley, 1946," Unpublished B.S. A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1948.

77.Campbell, R. H. Dairy Farm Organization in the Lower Fraser Valley of B.C. Ottawa: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1957.

78.Campbell, R. H."Egg and Poultry Production in British Columbia, 1948-49 - Part 1 " Economic .Annalist, 21.127-133, (December,1951).

79.Campbell, R.H. "Egg and Poultry Production in British Columbia,1948-1949 - Part II ." Economic Annalist, 22:6-10, ( February, 1952).

80.Campbell, R. H, "Land Use in the Peace River Area of B.C., 1952." Economic Annalist, 24:115-118, (October, 1954),

81.Canada Department of Agriculture, Economics Division.Cattle n Survey in Western Canada. Ottawa: Experimental Farm Service, 1941.

82.Canada Department of Agriculture, Plant Products Division.Field Crop Production Report for B. C. Peace River Area for 1954 Crop Season. Fort St. John: Peace River Experimental Station, 1954.

83. Canada Bureau of Statistics, Census Division.Publications of the Tenth Decennial Census of Canada 1961.Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1962.

84.Canada Bureau of Statistics.Census of Agriculture - British Columbia. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1964. (Volume 5:3-4).

85. Canada Bureau of Statistics.Census of Agriculture - British Columbia. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1968. (Volume 5:5-4).

86.Canada Department of Forestry. Economic and Social Disadvantage in Canada: Some Graphic Indicators of Location and Degree. Ottawa: ARDA, 1964. 8

87.Canada Department of National Revenue, Taxation Division. Taxation Statistics.Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1964.

88.Canadian. National Railways. Industrial Surveof the Okana an Valle Montreal: Development Branch, 1963.

89.Canadian Pacific Railway Company. B.C. Industrial StudyMontreal: Department of Industrial Developm nt, 1960.

90.Carson, J.G. Dair Farm Study on Vancouver Island, 1954-55. Ottawa: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1957.

91.Carter, A. C. An Introduction to the Tree Fruit Indust of B. C Victoria: Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch,1965. (Mimeo).

92.Central B. C. Agriculture Co-ordinating Committee. IgEtcultural Recommendations for Central British Columbia - 1965.Prince George: Department of Agriculture, 1965.

93.Chapman, J.D. and J.S. Gilmore. Peace River South - Land Utilization Survey, 1948-51.Victoria: British Columbia Lands Service, Division of Land Utilization, Research and Survey, 1951.

94.City of . Brief stpEiaa52rLon Ca_ nitda's Economic Prospects by the Corporation of the City of Nanaimo and the Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce. Nanaimo: The City, 1956.

95.Clark, P.C. "A Look at the B. C. Sheep, Lamb and Wool Situation" in B.C. Sheepmen's Conference Proceedings. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Extension Department, 1962.

96.Clegg, E. T."Single Enterprise Community of Settlements." Unpublished M. Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1958.

97.Clement, F.M. and J. C. Wilcox. Tree-Fruit Farming in British Columbia. Victoria: Department of .Agriculture, 1929.(Bulletin No. 5).

98.Couston, J.W. A Farm Business Study in Central B.C. 1953-1955. Vancouver: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1962.

99.Couston, J.W."The Farm Business in Central British Columbia, 1953-1955." Economic Annalist, 29:5-12, (February, 1959). 9

100.Crawford, R. Neil.".A Research Inventory of Community Welfare Services; B.C. and ." UnpublishedM.S.W. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1959.

101.Crearar, Alistair,"Prince Rupert, British Columbia, The Study of a Port and Its Hinterland," Unpublished M.A. thesis,University of British Columbia, 1951,

102,Crossfield, D. C. Farming in the Rocigjilountain Trenchof British Columbia, Ottawa: Economics Division, CanadaDepartment of Agriculture, 1962.

103.Crossfield, D.C. "Changes in Farm Organization inB.C." Economic Annalist, 26;93-96,(August, 1956).

104.Crossfield, D.C. "Farm Business in the Rocky MountainTrench of B.C., PartI." Economic Annalist 28:106-116,(October,1958).

105.Crossfield, D.C. "Farm Business in the Rocky MountainTrench of B.C., Part II." Economic Annalist, 28:126-132,(December, 1958).

106.Crossfield, D.C. "Changes Experienced in the DairyIndustry of the Fraser Valley, B.C. 1954 to 1961." EconomicAnnalist, 33:113-116, (October, 1963).

107.Crossfield, D.C. and B.C. Woodward. Dairy Farm Or aninthe Fraser Valley of British Columbia, 1961.Vancouver: Economics Division, Canada Department of Agriculture,1961.

108. Cumming, Robert C. "A Regional Study ofSocial Welfare Measurements." (No. 4 Vancouver Island: 1951-1961).Unpublished M.S.W. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1955.

109. Davidson, George H."Factors Affecting Labour Earnings ofSpecialized and Diversified Small Fruit Farms in the FraserValley and Saanich Peninsula in 1946." Unpublished B.S. A. thesis,University of British Columbia, 1948. 110. Dawson, C. A. The Settlement of thePeace River Country: A Study of a Pioneer AreaToronto: The MacMillan Company, 1934.(Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, eds. W.A. MacKintosh andW. L.G. Joerg, Volume 6).

111. Dawson, C. A. Group Settlement:Ethnic Communities in Western Canada. Toronto: The MacMillan Company, 1936.(Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, eds. W. A. MacKintosh, W . L. G. Joerg,Volume 7). 10

112. Dickinson, Gary. "An Analytical Survey of the Pemberton Valley in British Columbia with Special Reference ty F Adult Education." Unpublished Ed.D. dissertation, University of British Columbia, 1968.

113. Dickinson, Gary. Socio-Economic Factors Related to Farm Size Farm Income, Vancouver: Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 1969.

114. Dickinson, Gary, and Coolie Verner._community Structure and Participation in Adult Education. Vancouver: Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 1969.

115. Darling, M ,T.Ras rGrowing, in the Abbotsford Area of British Columbia. Vancouver: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of British Columbia, 1967. 116. Darling, M. j. and H. A. Edwards. Statistics of the Agricultural Industrin the Province of British Columbia, Vancouver: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of British Columbia, 1967. 117. Drew, Graham. Ranchers Survey. Unpublished Survey of Participants at a Stockmen's Conference. Vancouver: Extension Department, University British Columbia, 1960. 118. Ecroyd, L.G. "Main Trading Centers (Vancouver Island): The , Nanaimo, Courtenay, Cumberland, Comox, Duncan, Campbell River, Victoria." Western Business, 29:71-72, 74-86, (April, 1955).

119.Edwards, A.S. "A Study of Fertilizer Usage on Hay and Pasture Crops on Dairy Farms in the Lower Fraser Valley of B.C." Unpublished B.S. A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1958.

120. Extracts from Reports of British Columbia Land Surveyors, 1908-1928, Lillooet District.Victoria: King's Printer, 1929.

121.Extracts from Reports of British Columbia Land Surveyors, Peace River and Cassiar District.Victoria: Department of Lands Survey Branch, 1929.

122.Extracts from Reports of British Columbia Land Surveyors, Vancouver Island and Neighbouring Islands.Victoria: Department of Lands Survey Branch, 1'29.

123.Farley, A. L. Summary and Map of Soil-Surveys and Land-Utilization in British Columbia.Victoria: British Columbia Lands Service, 1950. 11

124.Farley, A.L., ed. A Bibllo',rar ofClimatolo forr1ti sh Columbia. Vancouver: Canada Land Inventory. 1968.

125.Faulkner, C.V. T ace District - Land Utilization Surve Victoria: Department of Lands and Forests, 1950.

126.Faulkner, C.V. Pemberton Valle Land Utilization Surve 1951. Victoria: Department of Lands and Forests, 1951.

127.Faulkner, C.V. Vanderhoof District Land Utilization Surve Victoria: B.C. Department of Lands and Forests, 1951,

128.Ferries, C, H. "Some Economic Aspects of Farm Organization and Management on Dairy Farms of the Lower Fraser Valley, B.C., 1953." Economic Annalist, 25:29-31, (April, 1955).

129.Ferries, C.H.,and J. C. Wilcox. "Comparative Costs of Furrow and Sprinkler Irrigation of Tree Fruits in the Okanagan Valley." Economic Annalist, 25:63-66, (June, 1955).

130.Forsyth, Rolfe Maurice. "Dairy Farm Organization in B.C." Unpublished M.S. A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1932.

131.Fowler, Douglas W. "Public Welfare Services in Rural British Columbia" in Social Welfare and the Preservation of Human Values, ed. William G. Dixon. Vancouver: Dent, 1957, pp. 179-82.

132.Gelling, Sharon P."A Regional Study of Social Welfare Measurements." (No. 5 the Okanagan Region) 1951-61. Unpublished M.S.W. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1965.

133.Gilchrist, V. "A Pilot Study of Income Alternatives Affecting the Move- ment of Farm Operators out of Agriculture. " Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 7:9-21, (1963). 134. Gilmour, James Frederick. "The Forest Industry as a Determinant of Settlement in British Columbia." Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1965.

135.Ginn, Edith Margaret. "Rural Dutch Immigrants in the Lower Fraser Valley." Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1968.

136.Gladstone, P."Native Indians and the Fishing Industry of British Columbia." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 19:20-34, (February, 1953). 12

137.Goard, Dean S. Rural British Columbia: ABibliography of Social and Economic Research. Vancouver: Faculty of Education,University of British Columbia, 1967.

138. Goard, Dean S.".Analysis of Participants in Rural Adult Education." Unpublished M. A. thesis, University of British Columbia,1968.

139. Goaxd, Dean S. and Gary Dickinson. The Influenceof Education and Age on Participation in Rural Adult Education. Vancouver: Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 1968,

140. Graham, Richard W. "Factors Affecting DairyFarm Incomes in the Lower Fraser Valley." Unpublished M.S. A. thesis, Universityof British Columbia, 1948.

141. Gram, R.H. "Rural Electrification in BritishColumbia." Agricultural Institute Review, 4:415-19, 458, (November, 1949).

142.Gray, James Melrose. "An Economic Study of the SmallFruits Industry of B.C." Unpublished M.S. A. thesis, University ofBritish Columbia, 1947.

143.Gubbels, Peter M. "The Adoption and Rejectionof Innovations by Dairy- men in the Lower Fraser Valley." Unpublished M.S. A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1965.

144.Hall, R.M. Fertilizer and Crop Studies in the PembertonValley of B.C., 1932-1956. Agassiz: Department of Agriculture,Experimental Farm Service, 1956.

145.Hardwick, Walter. "The Effect of the Proposed Moran Darnon Agriculture Within the Middle Fraser Region, B.C." Unpublished M.A.thesis, University of British Columbia, 1958.

146.Hardwick, Walter."Location of Colleges in British Columbia" in Higher Education in British Columbia and a Plan for the Future, ed. J. B. Macdonald. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1962, pp. 57-76.

147.Hare, H.R. Dairy Farming in B.C. and Economic Study of 726 Farms, A 5 Year Summary. Victoria: King's Printer, 1928.

148.Harris, G.H. Small-Fruit Farming in British Columbia: AnEconomic Study.Victoria: King's Printer, 1927.

149.Hatcher, Gilbert T. "A Study of the History and Regional Distributionof Wheat Production in British Columbia." Unpublished M.S. A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1940. 13

150. Hawthorn, Harry Bertram. A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada: Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies, Ottawa: Indian Affairs Branch, 1969.

151.Hawthorn, Harry B."A Test of Simmel on the Secret Society: The Doukhobors of British Columbia." American Journal of Sociology, 62:1-7, (July, 1956).

152.Hawthorn, Harry B., C.S. Belshaw, and S.M. Jamieson. The Indians of British Columbia: A Survey of Social and Economic Conditions. A Report to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1955. (Mimeo).

153.Hawthorn, Harry B., C.S. Belshaw, and S.M. Jamieson. The Indians of B.C.: A Study of Contemporary Social Adjustment. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1958.

154.Hawthorn, Harry B., ed. The Doukhobors of British Columbia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1955.

155.Hennig, A.M.F. and A.A. Guitard."Agriculture in the Fort Nelson Area of British Columbia." Canada Agriculture, 13:30-32, (Winter, 1968).

156.Hole, W. L."Variations in Populations for the Regions of B.C." in 15th Natural Resources Conference, Inventory of Natural Resources of B.C. Victoria: The Conference, 1964, pp. 41-58.

157.Holland, Stuart S.Landforms of British Columbia, A Physiographic Outline. Victoria: British Columbia Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources, 1964,

158.Holt, Simma. Terror in the Name of God: The Story of the Sons of Freedom Doukhobors. Maw York: Crown Publishers, 1965.

159.Howatson, C. H.Prince George District Land Utilization Survey.Victoria: B.C. Department of Lands and Forests, 1950.

[60.Howell Jones, G.I."A Ccutury of Settlement Change: A Study of the Evolution of Settlement Patterns in the of British Columbia." Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1966.

161.Hudson, S.C. and B. A. Campbell. "Costs and Returns in the Production of Apples in the Okanagan Valley." Economic Annalist, 11:26-30, (April, 1941). 14

162.Hynard, David M. "The Growth and Structure ofAgricultural Co-operatives in B.C." Unpublished B.S. A. thesis, Universityof British Columbia, 1957.

163.International Columbia River Engineering Board. Water Resources of the Columbia River Basin: Report to the International Joint Commission. Washington: The Board, 1959.

164.Ivanisko, Henry. "Changing Patterns of Residential Land-Use in The Municipality of Maph. Ridge, 1930-4960." Unpublished M. A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1964. 165. Jamieson, Stuart."Native Indians and the Trade Union Movement in British Columbia." Human Organization, 20:219-26, (1962).

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Akinbode, Isaac A.; 4,5 B.C. Natural Resources Conference; Akrigg, Helen; 6 70 Alleyne, E. Patrick; 7,8,9,256 Buade, J. F. ; 71 Burns, W.T.; 72 Al lin, J.S. ; 10,11 Calver, G. L. ; 73 Ames, Michael M.; 12 Anderson, Darrel V.; 261,266 Campbell, B. A. ; 74,75,161 Anderson, W.J.; 13,14,15,16 Campbell, R. H. ; 76,77,78,79,80 Canada Department of Agriculture; 81, Asmundson, V.S. ; 213 82 Associated Engineering Services; 17 Canada Bureau of Statistics; 83,84,85 Avakumovic, Ivan; 284 Canada Department of Forestry; 86 Belshaw, C. S. ; 152,153 Canada Department of National Revenue; Black, W.G. ; 18 87 Blair, R. C. ; 19,20 Canadian National Railways; 88 Bledsoe, Margaret Y.; 21 Canadian Pacific Railways; 89 Borden, C.E ; 22 Cann, K.E. ; 211 Bowden, Gary; 207 Carson, LG.; 90

Bowering, R.; 23 Carter, A.C. ; 91 B. C. Bureau of Economics and Central B.C. Agriculture Co-ordinating Statistics; 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 Committee; 92 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 Chapman, J.D. ; 93 B.C. Department of Agriculture; 40, 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51, Chan, P. H. ; 203 52,53,54,55,56,57 City of Nanaimo; 94 B. C. Department of Lands, Forests Clark, F. C. ; 95 and Water Resources; 58,59,60,61,62, 63,64,65,66,67 Clegg, E. T. ; 96 Clement, F. M. ; 97 B. C. Department of Municipal Affairs; 68 Couston, J.W.; 98.99 B.C. Department of Recreation and Crawford, R. Neil; 100 Conservation; 69 Crearar, Alistair; 101 25

Crosafield, D. C.103,104,105,106, Gray, James Melrose; 142 107 Gubbels, Peter M.; 143,253 Cumming, Robert C,; 108 Guitard, A.A.; 155 Davidson, George H.; 109 Hall, R.M. ; 144 Dawson, C.A.; 110,111 Hardwick, Walter; 145,146 Dickinson, Gary; 112,113,114,139,255, 256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264, Hare, H.R.; 147 265,266,267,268 Harris, G.H.; 148 Dor ling, M.J. ; 5,115,116 Hatcher, Gilbert T.; 149 Drayton, L.E.; 211 Hawthorn, Harry B. ; 150,151,152,153, Drew, Graham; 117 154 Ecroyd, L.G.; 118 Hennig, A.M.F. ; 155 Edwards, A. S. ; 119 Hole, W. L. ; 156 Edwards, H. A.; 116 Holland, Stuart S.; 157 Extracts from Reports of B.C. Land Holt, Simma; 158 Surveyors; 120, 121, 122 Howatson, C. H. ; 159 Farley, A.L.; 123,124 Howell-Jones, G.I.; 160 Faulkner, C. V. ; 125, 126, 127 Hudson, S.C.; 75,161 Ferries, C.H.; 128,129,279 Hynard, David M.; 162 Forsyth, R.M. ; 130 International Columbia River Fowler, Douglas W.; 131 Engineering Board; 163 Furniss, I.F.; 216 Ivanisko, Henry; 164 Gelling, Sharon P.; 132 Jamieson, S.M.; 152,153,165,166 Gilchrist, V.; 133 Jenness, R. A. ; 167 Gilmour, James Frederick; 134 Job, Claude Hollis; 168 Gilmore, J.S.; 93 de Jong, G. J.; 169 Ginn, Edith Margaret; 135 Kenney, J.H. ; 170 Gladstone, P.; 136,166 Kloosterman, Bruce; 171,258 Goard, Dean S. ; 137, 138, 139 Knight, G. R. ; 197, 198 Gouge, J.VV.; 270 Kroll, Victor A.; 172 Graham, Richard W.; 140 Laird, D.G. ; 173 Gram, R.H.; 141 Lee, Doris; 174 Lloyd, E. A. ; 213 26

Lloyd, Robert E.; 175 Reid, E.P. ; 191 Lotzkar, Joseph; 176 Richards, A.E.; 212 Lower Mainland Planning Board; 177, Riley, W.J.; 213 178,179 Robinson, Ira M.; 214 McDonald, David N.; 180 Robinson, J.L. ; 215 Macdonald, J.B. ; 181 Shipley, W. C. ; 216,217 McDonnell, Roger F.; 182 Siemens, A.H.; 218,219 MacGillivray, W.; 183 Smith, J. A. ; 220 McGovern, Peter D.; 184 Smulders, E.G.G.; 221 MacGregor, Neil M.; 185 Sorboe, M.M.; 222,223,224,225, MacPhee, E.D. ; 186 226 Marsh, Leonard; 187 Stathers, Jack; 227 Matchett, Robert G.; 188 Steacy, Newton W.; 228 Matheson, Marian; 189 Stewart, Earl W.; 229 Maxwell, J. B. ; 249 Swinnerton, Guy S.; 231 Maxwell, J. C. ; 190, 191 Stutt, R. A. ; 230 Medland, S. L. ; 192 Tarasoff, Koozma J.; 232 Menzie, E. L. ; 193, 194, 195,196 Taylor, Griffith; 233 Meredith, J.R. ; 197,198,211 Taylor, Milton C.; 234 Millerd, Frank W. ; 199, 254,255 Thompson, Francis W.; 235 Nairn, J.; 217 Toren, Cyril K.; 236 Nastich, Mileria; 200 Torok, C. H. ; 237 Nisbet, Thomas G.; 201 Trevor, H.W. ; 238, 239, 276 Pankiw, P.; 202 Turnbull, N.D.; 240,241,242,243 Pankratz, J.; 203 U. B. C. School of Community and Parke, G. H. ; 204 Regional Planning; 244,245, 246 Parminter, Alfred V.; 205 Urquhart, A.I.; 270 Pearse, Peter H.; 206,207 Vancouver Board of Trade; 247 Peterson, Lester R.; 208 Vancouver Real Estate Board; 248 Van Horne, H. B. ; 249 Philpotts, 1.. E; 209 Radford, Brian T.; 210 Varkaris, C.; 250 Raynor, L. C. ; 211 Verner, Coolie; 8,9,114,251,252,253, 254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261, 262,263,264,265,266,267,268

L. 27

Wahl, Ed; 269 Fraser Valley; 7, 8, 9,14,21,24,26, 41, 107,109, Walden, C. C.; 270 54, 74, 76, 77,106, 115,119, 128, 135,140,143,160,164,177,178, Walker, Hugh V. H. ; 271 179,184,185,218,219,231,236,253, Ward, Joseph B. and Associates Ltd; 271 272,273 Grand Forks; 27, 49 Ware, D.W. 239,274,275,276 Hope; 26 Weir, Thomas R.; 277 Interior; 3, 4, 5, 12,243,277 Welch, Ruth L.; 278 Kamloops; 28, 43, 63, 72, 182,220,262 Wilcox, J. C. ; 97, 129,279 ; 29 Willis, T. G. ; 280 Kimberley; 32 Willmott, W. E. ; 281 Kootenay; 44, 49, 53, 58 Wilman, M,; 282 Lillooet; 62, 120,200 Wood, George A.; 283 Nanaimo; 94, 189, 273 Woodcock, George; 284 North Central; 1, 191 Woodward, E.D. ; 3 20, 107,211,226, North Okanagan; 2, 6,29, 45, 239, 240, 276,285, 286 241,263 272 Okanagan; 53, 59, 75, 88, 113, 129, 132, 161, 199,229,238,254,275,276,279 Geographic Peace River; 30, 46, 67, 80, 82,93, 110, 121, 155,171,201,258,259 Abbotsford; 115, 178 Pemberton Valley; 112, 114, 126, 144, Arrow Lakes; 49,244 223,257 Atlin; 66 Penticton; 180, 269 Boundary; 27, 44, 49,176, 266 Prince George; 13, 64, 159, 255,267 Bridge River; 283 Prince Rupert; 17, 65, 101 Cariboo; 33, 43, 56 Provincial Studies; 10, 11, 15, 16, 18,22, Central; 13, 42, 56,62,64,65,92, 98,99, 127,23, 34,35, 36,37,38,39,40, 51, 52, 55, 57, 145, 159, 170,209,210,225,255,261,267 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 95,96, 97, 100, 111, 116, 117, Chilliwack; 24 123,124,130,131,133,134,136,137,138, Creston; 19, 20, 49, 190, 224 139,141,142,146,147,148,149,150,151, 152,153,154,156,157,158,162,163,165, East Kootenay; 25, 32, 104, 105, 167,206, 168,169,172,173,174,175,181,183, 207,217,242,256,268 166, 186,188,193,194,195,196,197,198,202, Fernie; 25 203,204,205,208,211,212,213,214,215, 221,228,230,232,233,234,235,237,247, 248,250,251,252,270,278,281,282,284, 286 28

Quesnel; 62 Economic surveys; 24-33, 34, 38, 86, 88, 89 118,142, 176, 177, 178,269,272, Shuswap; 6 273 Similkameen Valley; 280 Education; 112, 114, 138, 139, 181, 187, Smithers; 13, 65 205,208,252 South Coast; 31, 60, 227,245, 285 Eggs and Poultry; 78, 79, 213, 285 South Okanagan; 47, 50, 180, 192,264, 265, Ethnic groups; 22, 111, 135, 151, 154, 269,274 158,218,232,281,284 Squamish; 227, 245 Farm Terrace; 125 Business; 16, 98, 99, 102, 104, 105, 171, 203,223,224,234,241 Vancouver Island; 48, 61, 90, 94, 108, 109, 118, 122, 185, 187, 189,222,226,246,249, Organization; 14,20, 74, 77, 103, 107, 273 128, 130, 172,231,239 Vanderhoof; 127, 170,261 Operators; 72, 133, 193,220 West Kootenay; 19,20, 49, 190, 216, 224, Management; 19, 75, 113, 128, 174, 244,260 188, 201,202 Field Crops; 82, 119, 144, 149 Fishing; 136, 166 Subject Fur; 57 Agricultural Hunting; 206,207 Adoption; 7, 8, 9, 143, 199, 253,254 Indians; 12, 136, 150, 152, 153, 165,200, 205,208,235,236,237 Cooperatives; 162 Irrigation; 73, 129,279 Economic surveys; 49, 50, 81, 147, 148, 169,238,249,250 Labour; 14, 39, 76, 109, 165, 166, 197, 235 Extension; 4, 5, 7, 9,11, 168 Land Settlement; 13, 58-67, 96, 110, Inventories; 10, 70, 84, 85, 155, 183, 185 120-122, 134, 160, 170, 175, 182,219 Outlooks; 15, 40-48, 92, 145 Land use; 12, 19, 58-67, 80,93, 123, Bibliographies; 124, 137 125-127, 157, 159, 164, 167, 171, 173, 179, 192,209,228,230,233,248,283 Cattle Ranching; 3, 81, 117, 195, 196, 210, 221,225,242,243,277 Marketing; 16, 190, 191, 194, 196,216, 217 Dairying; 1, 2, 14, 74, 76, 77, 90, 106, 107, 119, 128, 130, 140, 143, 147, 211,222,226, 240, Migration; 133 253,271,286 Municipalities; 68, 101 Economic development; 6, 17, 36, 94,189, Population trends; 18, 22, 37, 156, 198, 227,224-247 214,215,270, 278 29

Recreation; 180 Rural electrification;141 Sheep; 95,280 Small fruit; 53, 54, 55,109, 115, 142, 148 Social interaction; 114,184 Socio-economic surveys;112,251,255-268 Social welfare; 21, 100, 108,131, 132, 236 Statistics; 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,68, 83, 84, 85, 87, 116,282 Taxation; 87,204,229 Tree Fruit; 49, 50, 51,75,91, 97, 113, 129, 161, 186,199,212,238,254,274,275,276 Vegetables; 52, 194 Water; 23, 163 Weed control; 71 Wildlife; 69