W3CW3C GeospatialGeospatial XG:XG: WeavingWeaving aa FabricFabric forfor thethe G(g)G(g)eoSeoS(s)(s)emanticemantic WebWeb Joshua Lieberman Traverse Technologies & Open Geospatial Consortium AUKEGGS, November 29, 2006 [email protected] WhatWhat’’ss thethe (Geo)(Geo) Problem?Problem?

• Special spatial • (What is) Geospatial interoperability • - microformat tagging and (multiple) identity • Semantic Web - (actionable) relationships and triple identity • geosemantic - position • Geosemantic - spatial(-temporal) relationships and transformations • Feature (type) and Geometry (representation) • Model dependencies – Community of discourse – Scale – Reference frame / coordinate system – Perspective • Geospatial plus other (semantic) dimensions

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 2 GeospatialGeospatial Challenge:Challenge: InteroperabilityInteroperability

• The Geospatial part – Maps and map visualization – Features and feature geometries – Geographic and other relationships • The Web part – Distributed data - “maintain locally / access globally” – Shared services, loosely or tightly coupled to geodata – Interoperability between technologies, vendors, architectures • The Semantic part – Accessibility of “secret” knowledge – Interoperability between communities and domains – Softer software – Automated (machine to machine) reasoning and inference • The Geosemantic part – Feature discernment – Spatial reasoning – Cognitive dissonance

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 3 GeneralGeneral FeatureFeature ModelModel

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 4 GeospatialGeospatial SemanticSemantic ConvergenceConvergence

• When geography-on-demand joins knowledge-with-location, the result will be a richer and more capable Web of physical resources, a Geospatial Semantic Web or Local Web having identity, connection, and locality Geographic representation standards GIS Guilds Geospatial Web

Geospatial Enablement Geospatial Web services architecture standards Geospatial enablement of Local enterprise information Semantic enablement of the Web Resource relationship Information standards Web of Silos Knowledge Semantic

Resource identifier and Web transport standards Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 5 WhichWhich GeospatialGeospatial Role?Role?

Upper Ontologies?

Interpret System

Visualize Processes / Model Base Infromation Ontologies? Common Geospatial Perspective Tasks Collect Geographic Geo Petro Aero Hydro Weather Solar

Information Domains

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 6 UseUse casescases andand rolesroles forfor semanticsemantic WebWeb processingprocessing

• Cross-domain resource discovery • Heterogeneous resource query • Resource translation

Trader Publish Find Client Server(s) Bind Order



Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 7 W3CW3C GeoGeo XGXG

• W3C Geospatial Incubator is a new type of activity for short-term and/or startup • The (proposed) Geo XG has three objectives which address needs of the Local Web: – Immediate: update and harmonization with GeoRSS of the GEO vocabulary, aka simplest useful geospatial ontology. – Short Term: draft recommendations for a geospatial ontology focused on Web resources and tasks. – Longer Term: draft a charter for a proposed W3C Local Web WG and/or IG to address issues beginning with geotags and continuing towards geospatial enablement of the Semantic Web. • Initiating W3C members and interested experts are welcome! • Chartered until June 2007 • http://www.w3.org/2005//Incubator/geo/

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 8 W3CW3C 20032003 GeoGeo VocabularyVocabulary

The vocabulary defines a class 'Point', whose members • Devised and posted by Dan are points. Points can be described using the 'lat' and Brickley (danbri) 'long' properties. • Not a Note or 55.701 Recommendation 12.552 • Separate latitude & longitude properties, presumes WGS 84 In common usage, the containing Point is dropped, for brevity. • Implies a point geometry and single position. the meaning of the coordinates

or their relationship to the item ... or resource they characterize. • Geo:lat and geo:long are also An example annotation used for geotagging other http://example.com/geo Just an example content (e.g. XHTML). 26.58 -97.83

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 9 GeoRSSGeoRSS 1.01.0 ContentContent (Tagging)(Tagging) ModelModel

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 10 GeoRSSGeoRSS ExamplesExamples

• Simple • GML • 45.256 - • 71.9245.256 -110.45 46.46 - • 45.256 - 109.48 43.84 -109.86 71.92 • • • 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.256 -110.45 • • • 42.943 -71.032 43.039 - • 69.856 city retypetag> • is-contained- • 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 within 43.84 -109.86 45.256 -110.45 • • • •

GeoRSS Simple maps directly onto GeoRSS GML !

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 11 WhatWhat’’ss nextnext ??

• OGC Information Communities • Geospatial Incubator Group and WG • W3C Geo2007 vocabulary • Create GeoRSS and Geotags • GML / OWS ontology • Annotate features • Toponym ontology (names) • Create geospatial () • GeoGrid ontology (addresses) ontologies • GeoSWRL • Say what you mean • GeoSPARQL (geographically) • GeoPrivacy

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 12 GeospatialGeospatial SemanticSemantic WebWeb StandardsStandards (?)(?)

• Geospatial Ontologies • Geosemantic Reasoning – Geo / GeoRSS – Geospatial subsumption – GML / RDF Geo – Spatial relationships – Geonames / toponymology – Geospatial rules – Feature (types) – (Geo) SPARQL ? – (Geo) OWL ? – Visual reasoning - map and reality

• Geospatial Discovery • Geospatial Semantic Web – Geotagging Services – GeoRSS: geographic – (Does) content matter? assertions over resources – Transformation services – GRL: Geo resource locator – Mediation (semiotic, semantic, – GREF: Geo reference cognitive) and client – GNS: Geo Name Server perspective

Joshua Lieberman - Terra Cognia 2006 ©Traverse Technologies. Slide 13