1.1. IDOL, SAFE AT PLATE. WHERE ARE STARS Battles on Diamonds GEORGE REYNOLDS, THE.YORKVII OF YESTERYEAR? for Tribune CupsRage Once Famous Ball Players Are Widely Scattered Seventy Games in Inter- in "Bushes." park Series Played Yarn Ball Last Week. Ends Strike VETERAN Hi» Ko«» ,.f IW Will < ltt.1.,n I'r-U DRAW RELEASES OVAL NINES wnil «>n » »rriV.» In".« ureW Ihr [il»«t- JASPER «".iiii.l hall raaaed the 1 moble. Thi« LEAD IN 3 CLASSES hall i. larger «l.eio II,» nrdinnrv I.a«.- hall an«! m»i< Ii ll«Mrr. Th» i«l»n «if n»- Jack Powell and Cy Morgan In« M w«* t« prniril Ih» *oiin««t»r« Are Cast Adrift on the ggtt ih..»<- v\ 11.. ... ii.h.ii ilirm plut from Open p. \ ¡cth ol John Jay Midgets. Injtir.t Ih» lli..r> «a« nil right, luit Market by Managers. ii di«i t..>t take «h» i<">« «<« a Perfect Game aaea Pitches Irarn that 111» I.ill « u* not Hilaptril In all the durassions of big base¬ is for Team. Io Ih» (iiiiit- ul baaehnll. The pllehrr« ball salarie» very littl« attention on «Ii» «¡iri.iii« («MM tOtSOt it ¡nip.i-»i- to the short life of the star play¬ I paid which he must , I» er and the wandering« 'ne Tribune cups and hi» In itntri.l. and numerou« pa««»» from the ter.t \,,-, r Mir r»s,il| I -I l.rrni.,1 r I li,< endure once he has passed the Kaiaer Condition* are somewhat -, himself to »tir harder the halter miint at Ihr hall Ih» big leagues. up things more now J not i|iii( day is the bu«h leaguer of to-morrow. the Tribune prtaee. rl«hl Ir, Mm nie.l.ll» of the «unn- eitiel mo»t famous instance of in Perhaps the owever, i<.fu»r.l tu i ,,nl mur ppgg until the m thi« e of Robe, a utility w i«, h ct«: On« waged »Iror'nr tlinu in a hull.Ima.I' ] ,u n with the Chicago White So. and the player planes ¡..ill «..irrril with 1,1. w I» (u|m. Ry accident it wa« necesaary to draft !>a»eball bats. There him for the world's series «gainst the -re, though, in the spin* Cubs, and it was his terrific hitting ces engaged. All are which brought the championship to PITCHES NO HIT GAME Chicago. After the end of the series the paper« friei last week, and tlv Shuts Out Carmnas- announced that Comtskey had declared r«ce - now about half *'::-.; shed. The Coghlan Rohe would always have a home with ,-ar nave been « ville Ñire for Reservoirs. the White Sox in consideration of his .I'd the championship is a work in the series. Possibly this ' o< great ed in aty "Ceghlea, NOT SURE .'«.. mere newspaper talk, but at any :<-hed a no-hit k: io.e MGRAW a There "en pound rate the next year Rohe was «ent to club in the Southern League, and r.ot ¡he box tv ¡rli "'. n la or- »»et defeat. They are trailed i did even being good enough for that it have lost only h second ba JUDGE OF PLAYERS il pped far out to some in the "«tick»." the other end of the CAR1IAM remote spot deep I that ha\e Let Some Valuable Powell a Free Atrent. l 1 » C »Herí n n n Has best * -pound and « 0« Jack Powell, once one of the CîO-pound ¦ Men right handed pitchers »n the game Slip Through aeemed to be a man who defied old His age. Although not noted for strict Fingers. training method« he hung on for years and Car- . fter his end had been predicted. He lile Jeaper was one of the bulwarks of the Yankee ¡le took the DICK RUDOLPH A team in its early day» and after beinR- .i the class defeat ,il .... : «i 4 l»; sold to the St. Lout» Browns suddenly 100-pound by «'a -nisnwil!» 10 0 0 0 0 life and I ¦. ei volt. IN POINT acquired a new lease of w«tern section T IO -Tl.il,!trtl. I.*,V.i GOOD CASE some excellent ball before, he the Ian. Hi pitched th« week as far drifted out of fast companv. But he g .',.«. ... elm root« la»t eeaeemea. The t.»r« r»t baa« ..n be could not go on forever and the on T't on ¦ ..rr Janea .: .-'nu, u ,. i. to Get word comes from the Venice team .d and 150- Had Hard Fight the Pacifie Coast that Powell has re¬ In th« -"¦!':,.'. t*ikm i.'i. ureen Into Big League After ceived his reler.se and can go where m the van. altlieeyh t area he pleases. Thomas Jefferson a week H Smith. Trial with Giants. Another pitcher who was famed for - « ade up the a time has apparently coma to the end by triumphing over the Bennett, 9; Reservoir. 5. Among New York rooters the im- road much more rapidly than n Ufct Thursdav. has gained ground that as a Powell. Mick Maddox, once a Pirate IE! i. RESERVOIR preesion is of -«.ction the teams «it) «bi of John J. McGraw who began this season as manager ju