LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Entitlement Spending Is Encroaching on the • External Budget Pressures Crowding out Defense Defense Budget

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LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Entitlement Spending Is Encroaching on the • External Budget Pressures Crowding out Defense Defense Budget LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Entitlement Spending Is Encroaching on the • External budget pressures crowding out defense Defense Budget Spending as a Percentage of GDP spending 1o;; .-----.-----.----~ r----;~~~~ • Years of underinvestment • Two protracted wars • Continuing economic slowdown • Spending on entitlement programs • Interest on debt 1965 1970 1975 1900 1985 1990 1995 200:J 2005 2010 Shifting Balance in the Defense Budget (est) Source: U.S. Office of Manageinent and B'4let. HiitDOOJITobles, Budget of die Uniti!d Stales Defense Resources, in Billions of 20 IO Dollars GM:!mmert. Rsw/)001 20 I I {W.tlli1gton, D.C: US. Goverrvnent Printing Office, 2010). Tilies 8.4, 85, and l 0.1, at hrrp://v.\1w.wNrd1ruse.ga../anb/budgetify2009/pdflhistpdf $14 7 ······" Operations and (Ma.rd12, 20IO). Maintenance • Internal pressures and shifting priorities crowding out $178········ Personnel modernization and procurement • Escalating costs of personnel compensation, $ / /5·· ···· ·· Procurement retirement benefits, and health programs • Shrinking economies of scale and build rates $50 ----l $5 4 ···· ···· Research, • Secretary of Defense forced to make major Development,Test. 2010 2028 and Evaluation changes to new and existing programs Sou rce: Congressional Budget Office,"Long-Term Implications ofthe Rscal Year 20 IO Defense Budget;· January 20 10, at htr.p:lhvww.cbo.god ftpdoes/lOB>txldocl Ofi52101 -25-FYDP.pdf(Ma.-ch 17.2010). LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera - Spring 2012 2 • The Defense Industry could be considered an oligopoly • Few large, competing firms respond to each other's actions • Produce a homogeneous product; Cost/Price discriminating variable • Defense systems large and complex • Many inputs to the Cost/Price variable • Space example: Cost Savings Opportunities • Launch Segment Price fixed by Launch Providers No practical re-use options Lowest price LV selected • Ground Segment Use existing Ground assets Re-use existing SW • Space Segment Lower cost by re-using qualified S/C components Re-use lowers NRE costs Costs can be lowered by re-using existing assets and reducing development costs by building additional components to qualified requirements. LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera- Spring 2012 3 • Objective: To develop a set of requirements applicable to components across multiple programs and missions; and through re-use minimize NRE costs. • Rationale: - At time of topic selection, author involved in similar employer­ funded I R&D effort. - Approach was to envelope different types of requirements (i.e. Performance, Environmental, Mission Assurance, etc) to meet multiple programs and missions. - Requirements development assigned to functional expertise RE's. - Programs committing to "multi-platform" components pay NRE development costs. - Future programs would benefit from reduction in NRE costs. - Follow-on to a previous, highly successful effort 15 years prior LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera - Spring 2012 4 • Set of re-usable requirements for use across multiple-missions and platforms • Spacecraft-level designers • Locate components on the SIC with respect to LV interface to attenuate the environmental effect on a component to within capabilities • Design component mounting methods to attenuate environmental effects to within maximum capabilities • Component-level designers • Design implications on selection of internal compenents, layout, etc • Design standardization to maximum Launch Vehicle environmental effects • Designs limited by capability of internal components LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera- Spring 2012 5 • The project is about requirements development and re-use. • Considers design/requirements re-use as an input to cost reduction. • Environmental requirements are interface requirements between systems: - Spacecraft / Ground Processing - Spacecraft/ Launch Vehicle - Spacecraft / Space • Basic spacecraft design drivers and component layout considerations - Launch Vehicle • Mass properties • Static and dynamic envelopes - Spacecraft • Mass properties • Thermal balance • Functional location • Integration • Physical accommodation LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera- Spring 2012 6 • Re-use as a Lean principle • Lean design seeks opportunities to eliminate waste during the design phase • Many sources of process waste in product development • "Re-use" focuses on Re-invention waste • Same problem is solved repeatedly • Existing solutions/designs are not utilized • Advantages are lower costs, faster development and lower risks • Develop component and requirements/performance standard re-use to lower costs • Specific-use = development N RE costs each time ~ Cl :f • Re-use= development NRE costs once i • Subsequent builds incur production costs only ·~..c: 3----c: • Barriers to Re-use ~ (!) • Corporate culture, Program-centric mentality • Re-use successes Test Cases, Vectors, Results • Propulsion system components The Re-use Pyramid LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera- Spring 2012 7 • Approach for this project follows a portion of a similar effort done in the early 1990s for Propulsion System components • Multiple-step process over 5 years Evaluate Select Develop, ID needs Define and Develop EQ Maintain and vendor bids vendors and test and and bound specs and update and refine negotiate qualify components requirements standards specs requirements agreements products • Accomplishments: - 12 subcontracted components standardized, design and tested for multiple programs application > 2 dozen piece parts and assembly hardware standardized - 10 standardized propulsion modules assembled from standardized components and piece parts Streamlined test/ acceptance procedures and QA inspections for standardized components Established long term agreements with Suppliers Standardized piece parts in Standard Stock Standardized products have been good for 15 years LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera - Spring 2012 8 SIC Pre-launch Environments Thermal A/C & GN2 EMC (RFIESD) Contamination I Cleanliness SIC Launch Environments Design Load Factors Acoustics Sinusoidal Vibration Random Vibration 1-----_.. Component-level ~---1 .....1-- .. Specification Shock Thermal De pressurization Contamination EMI SIC Operational Environments CMEslSolar Flares Geomagnetic Storms High Energy Particles Electromagnetic Radiation Space Plasma Atomic Environment Micrometeorites LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera - Spring 2012 9 Evaluate Select Develop, ID needs Define and Develop EQ Maintain and vendor bids vendors and test and and bound specs and update and refine negotiate qualify components requirements standards specs requirements agreements products • Some of the most severe environments a SIC can experience occur during lift-off/launch • Developing a robust set of enveloping requirements begins with the selection of available Launch Vehicles (Appendix A) • Previous efforts compared program defined environments • A survey approach was taken to compare environments from Mission Planner's Guides source documents • Enveloped environments according to a "90°/o rule" • Data points above the 95o/o or below the 5% would be considered "outliers" and treated on an individual basis • Not all LVs compared may have environments as severe as the enveloping curves but they will be "blanketed" with the approach LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera - Spring 2012 10 • Mission Radiation requirements more severe than those used to envelope the Standardization/Re-use effort • Pressure Transducer particularly sensitive to the radiation environment • Options: - Develop a program/mission-specific component requiring entire development/qualification effort • Significant cost • Schedule penalty - Use an existing component with a work-around plan • Selected a standardized Pressure Transducer • Met increased radiation requirement by using a tantalum sleeve For "outlying" requirements (beyond the enveloping requirements of a re­ use/standardization component), minimally invasive engineering solutions should always be explored before deciding on new development programs. LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera- Spring 2012 11 • Thermal • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Launch Vehicle Intentional/Unintentional RF Emmisions - Launch Range Electromagnetic Environment Limitation - Electrostatic Discharge - Lightning Mitigation • Contamination Control/Cleanliness • Conditioned Air /GN2 purge • Humidity LMUILA Loyola Marymount University Luis Aguilera - Spring 2012 12 Design Limit Load Envelopes • The combined spacecraft accelerations are a function of launch vehicle 12 - Atlas V - 40Z, 50Z characteristics as well as spacecraft 10 - Atlas V - 4YZ, 5YZ dynamic characteristics. 8 - Atlas V- < 7000 lbs -- - Delta IV- M/M+(4,2) • Design Load Factors are for use in 6 preliminary design of primary structure. 1;~ ~ I - Delta IV- 4 M+(5,2)/M+(5,4) C) - ~ ~ Delta IV - Heavy • Axial acceleration is determined by the -II) 2 C: - Falcon9 vehicle thrust history and drag. 0 :;:::. '"~ - ctl 0 • - zenit3SL s.. • Maximum lateral acceleration is ~ ~.!t !~ Q) -2 - Falcon 1 c., - - primarily determined by wind gust, ;i -4 - Envelope (Liquid engine gimbal maneuvers, first stage Rocket Motor) Minotaur I - max -ctl -6 engine shutdowns, and other short­ ~ - Minotaur IV- max duration events. -8 - Taurus • -10 Positive axial value indicates a - Envelope (Solid Rocket Motor compressive net-center of gravity -12 acceleration -10 -5 0 5 10 Lateral Accelerations
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