CrossPointe Date: 03.08.20 3. What are the first three steps of discipline and who is/are to Sermon Text: Matthew 18:15-20 be involved in these steps (vv15-17)? Sermon Title: The Kingdom Community of King : Dealing with Sin in Others (Part 2)

4. What is the fourth step of discipline in the local church Link (Matthew) (v17)? What is the local church declaring in this step about • the sinning brother who refuses to repent? How are you to

interact with this person after the fourth step of discipline? Context (Matthew 18): • Matthew primarily wrote to a Jewish audience in order to show them that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah, the King of Israel. At this point in Matthew’s , Jesus 5. What does Jesus tell us about His support of the church continued to focus more and more on His disciples as He through the steps of discipline (vv18-20)? How are God’s approached the final months of ministry before the Word and prayer indispensable resources through the steps crucifixion. The discourse of Matthew 18 focuses on life in of discipline? the kingdom community (the church) of King Jesus.

Outline (Matthew 18:15-20): 6. How do the steps of discipline demonstrate love for others, • The Situation for Discipline (v15) the church, the world, and Jesus? • The Steps of Discipline (vv15-17) • The Support of the Lord in Discipline (vv18-20)

Questions (Matthew 18:15-20): 7. What part of this Scripture text do you find most 1. Jesus has just spent a considerable amount of time warning challenging, convicting, or difficult to understand? Are there the disciples of the seriousness of sin in their own lives and any changes you need to make in your life in response to the impact it can have on others (Matthew 18:1-14). Here, God’s Word? Jesus continues to focus on the issue of sin in the community of faith. What is the context (situation) for discipline? 8. What part of this Scripture text do you find most helpful or encouraging? Use this as an opportunity to worship Jesus for His worth and work! What part of this text will be most 2. What attitude should we have throughout all the steps of helpful for you to study more carefully? discipline (see also :3-5; Galatians 6:1)? What is the goal of discipline (v15)?