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19 11 Foreword

In presenting Who's Who in South Carolina, the author desires to thank Alexander S. Salley. State Historical Commissioner, and

other men who hare rendered much valuable information tn the

matter of suggesting men whose names are worthy of perpetuation.

Here are epitomised the stories of opportunity grandly Improved by hundreds of men who have helped to shape the conditions of today In South Carolina thought and action and who are bearing an important share In fashioning the still more grand Tomorrow of our State.

The work of selecting the names and procuring biographical material has been prosecuted with the utmost seal and care; but. while the results have been gratifying. It is true thst there are names that should be included that are absent. In a State as

large as ours even approximate success in the judicious selection of a certain class of distinguished names is a difficult task; and. after they are selected, appropriate data in regard to them are not always procurable. Therefore, even with the utmost effort, there

Is an unrecorded remnant.

One of the chief purposes of this book Is to place before the students of this State the achievements of the successful men of

this State in the hopes that their examples may create an Interest and arouse a spirit of emulative homage which cannot fail to prove of great practical benefit to the pupil In after life. A close examination of the sketches in this volume disclose many

extraordinary examples of industry which are overlooked In a cur¬

sory reading, hut which, nevertheless, are full of valuable sugges¬ tions for the thoughtful mind. Hundreds of activities are chron¬ icled which might be emulated with profit, not only by the youth of the State, but by all classes. GEDD1KOS H. CRAWFORD. p


Abell, Robert E., surgeon; bom at Lowryville, S. C., October 12, 1887; son of Joshua L. and Sophie (Erwin) Abell; attended Presbyterian College of S. C., David¬ son College, N. C., University of Maryland, M. D. degree; during World War served as Captain of Med¬ ical Corps U. S. Army; married Alice Hall Glenn, Ches¬ ter, S. C., October 12, 1916; member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Nu Sigma Nu Fraternity, Theta Nu Epsilon Fraternity, Masons, Shriners; home, Chester, S. C. Abney, Benjamin Livingston, lawyer; born in Edge¬ field District (now County), February 25, 1859; edu¬ cated at Newberry College, ; admitted to the bar in December, 1880, and began prac¬ tice at Edgefield; practiced there one year and in 1882 moved to Columbia; member House of Representatives six years from Richland County. Address, Columbia, S. C. Abney, John Pope, banker, cotton mill official; born in what is now Saluda County (then a part of Edgefield County), January 5, 1885; son of J. R. and Nannie (Clark) Abney; educated in local schools, Wofford College three years; messenger boy for Bank of Green¬ wood two years; identified with Farmers' and Mer¬ chants' Bank, Greenwood, S. C., 1905-16, serving suc¬ cessively as bookkeeper, assistant cashier, cashier, and president; resigned 1916 and has since been cashier of Bank of Greenwood, Greenwood, S. C.; president Gren- del and Ninety-Six Cotton Mills, People's Bank, McCor- mick, S. C.; vice-president Greenwood Cotton Mills; director in Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Greenwood, S. C., and Cambridge Bank, Ninety-Six; largely inter¬ ested in wholesale business in this part of State; mar¬ ried Susie Matthews, of Greenwood County, June 24, 1913. Address, Greenwood, S. C. Adger, John Bailey, mechanical engineer; born at Charleston, S. C., April 19, 1858; son of Joseph Ellison and Susan Cox (Johnson) Adger; attended Charleston City Schools, Kenmore School in Virginia, University s of Virginia, graduate of with degree of M. A., 1880; taught Preparatory Department of the University of Louisiana one year and then graduated with the degree of Mechanical Engineer from Stevens Institute of Tech¬ nology, Hoboken, N. J.; assistant treasurer of Charles¬ ton Iron Works for eighteen months after graduation, then entered business with James Adger A Co., a steam¬ ship company, in 1904 organized the Belton Hydro- Electric Power Co., now president and treasurer of this corporation, president of the Charleston Y. M. C. A., 1885-1905; married Jane A. E. Warren, Charleston, S. C., 1887. Address, Belton, S. C. Alexander, Milton O., mill superintendent and tex¬ tile manufacturer; born in Cabarrus County, N. C.; son of L. H. and Martha (McC)ellan) Alexander; educated at Rocky River Academy; began career as textile man¬ ufacturer as operative in mill of Odell Manufacturing Co., Concord, N. C.; later worked in Union Cotton Mills of Lafayette, Ga., and from there went to Union Cotton Mills of Union; later went to Seneca; became superin¬ tendent of Woodside Mill, Greenville, in 1902, and has served as such ever since; member Southern Textile Assn. Presbyterian. Married May Park, Lafayette, Ga. Address, Greenville, S. C. Anderson, John G., automobile manufacturer; born at Lawsonville, N. C., November 27, 1861; son of Wil¬ liam H. and Elizabeth Anderson; attended common schools; established Rock Hill Buggy Co., 1886, man¬ aging it until 1917, when the Anderson motor Co. was established in its place, now manager of latter concern; served on various boards of directors and committees; married Alice L. Holler, Rock Hill, S. C., December 23, 1884; member of Rotary Club. Home, Rock Hill, S. C. Ansel, Martin Frederick, lawyer; born at Charleston, S. C., December 12,1850; son of John J. and Frederika (Bowers) Ansel; attended common schools, Walhalla, S. C., studied law under Maj. James H. Whitner, and admitted to bar in 1870; member S. C. House of Rep¬ resentatives, 1882-88, solicitor 8th Judicial District, S. C., 1888-1901, candidate for governor 1902, governor of S. C., 1907-09, 1909-11, elected Judge of Greenville County Court, 1920; married Ophelia A. Speight, February 21, 1878 (died December 25, 1895), then married Mrs. Addie R. Harris, Pickens, S. C., August 23, 1898. Address, Greenville, S. C. Armstrong, James, harbor master, Charleston, S. C.; born at Philadelphia, Penn., 1842; son of James and Margaret (O'Rourke) Armstrong; attended schools in Charleston, S. C., and two years in Europe; served in Confederate Army as a non-commissioned officer in the First Regiment of S. C. Rifles, State troops, as a second lieutenant in the First Regiment (Gregg's) S. C. Volun¬ teers, later as captain in the same regiment in McGow- an's Brigade, also served as a member of Governor Hampton's staff; appointed harbor master of Charles¬ ton, S. C., 1871; has been for many years the commer¬ cial and financial editor of the Charleston News and Courier. Home, Charleston, S. C. Arnold, Henry Harding, farmer; born near Woodruff, S. C., December 6, 1861; son of Thomas and Martha D. (Harding) Arnold; attended "Old Field" schools, entered Reidville Male Academy at age of 18, attend¬ ing that school for three years; magistrate for two years, member of S. C. House of Representatives for ten years, member of Board of Directors of State Pen¬ itentiary for two years, public school trustee for eigh¬ teen years, now State Railroad Commissioner, having been elected in November, 1918; during World War served as chairman Exemption Board No. 1, Spartan¬ burg County; married Mary J. Westmoreland, Wood¬ ruff, S. C., December 20, 1877; member of A. F. M. Home, Woodruff, S. C. Arrington, John White, manufacturer; born at War- renton, N. C., February 28, 1866; son of Samuel P. and Hannah B. Arrington; attended McCabe's Univer¬ sity School, Petersburg, Va.; president Union Bleach- ery, Chamber of Commerce, Poinsett Club, Kiwanis Club; took part in Liberty Loan and other campaigns during World War; married Mary Carter Sublett, Richmond, Va., April 9, 1889; member of Poinsett, Kiwanis, Country Clubs, Greenville, S. C., Arkwright and New York Clubs of New York City. Home, Green¬ ville, S. C. Atkinson, John Buford, lawyer; born at Chester, S. C., January 13, 1872; son of E. T. and Eliza (Alex¬ ander) Atkinson; attended Chester High School, Fur- man University, graduate of. South Carolina College (law school), graduate of with degree of LL.B., 1897; principal Central Graded School, Anderson, S. C., 1896- 97, Ridge Springs High School, two years. Allendale High School two years, practiced law in Barnwell Court* in partnership with Judge Islar, 1903, in part¬ nership with Judge T. S. Sease from 1906 until the latter was made judge of the Seventh Circuit, at pres¬ ent in partnership with S. T. McCravy as McCravy A Atkinson, since 1907, local attorney for Southern Rail¬ way in Spartanburg, U. S. commissioner, 1906-16; member of S. C. House of Representatives, 1916-1920, and elected in 1920 for a term of two years, was elected Speaker of the House in January, 1921, upon the eleva¬ tion of Speaker Cothran to the Supreme Court bench; while in the House a member of Judiciary and Rules Committees, secured passage of bill providing a budget system of State finances and for establishment of a "Greater" Citadel, also a leader in the compulsory education movement; delegate to State Democratic convention, Columbia, May, 1919; during World War speaker for Spartanburg County Council of Defense, "four minute" man in all Liberty Loan campaigns; married Corinne Searson, Allendale, S. C.; member of Baptist church, deacon of. Address, Spartanburg, S. C. Aycock, William Thomas, lawyer; bom at Rocking¬ ham, N. C., February 24, 1868; son of James Henry and Henrietta Leonora (Brogdon) Aycock; attended schools at Rockingham, N. C., and Wedgefleld, S. C„ Bingham Military School, Mebane, N. C., four years, graduate of South Carolina College with degree of A. B., 1889, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, with degree of LL.B., 1896; has been prac¬ ticing law in Columbia, S. C., since 1900 in partnership with Francis H. Weston; in 1920 was elected to a vacant chair in the law school of the University of South Caro¬ lina; solocitor and director of the Palmetto National Bank, Columbia, member of the Board of Trustees of the Columbia City schools, director of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce, 1918, member of the firm James Aycock A Sons, planters and merchants, Wedgefleld, S. C.; chairman of the Richland County Democratic Committee, member of S. C. House of Representatives, 1904, sat at Columbia as a special circuit judge, 1911; married Mary MacDonald Stewart, Columbia, S. C., February 26, 1906; member of Phi Delta Theta Fra¬ ternity, Masons, K. of P. Home, Columbia, S. C. Babb, Robert Edgar, lawyer; born in Laurens Coun¬ ty, S. C., November 11, 1872; son of Messer and Laura 6 J. (Holism*) Babb; graduate of the Citadel, 1894, studied law in the office of W. R. Richey, Laurens, S. C., admitted to the bar, 1898; was a member of the law Arm of Irby, Cooper A Babb, later Irby A Babb, until 1900, when he went into partnership with W. B. Knight, since 1904 a member of the Arm Simpson, Cooper A Babb; for Afteen years a member of the Laurens County Board of Education; married Donie Adams, Hampton, Ga., 1903; member of Masons, Shriners, Methodist church. Home, Laurens, S. C. Babcock, James Woods, alienist; bom at Chester, S. C., August 11, 1856; son of Sidney E. and Margaret (Woods) Babcock; A. B., Harvard, 1882, M. D., 1886; LL. D., S. C. College 1906; assistant physician McLean Hospital, Somerville, Mass., 1886-91; physician and superintendent State Hospital for the Insane, Columbia, S. C., 1891-1914. One of Arst physicians in tffe South to recognize pellagra (Dec. 1907); president National Assn. for Study of Pellagra, 1909-12, and secretary 1912—; Chairman S. C. State Hospital Commissions 1910-13; member Columbia Board of Health, 1898- 1901; chairman Columbia Sewerage Commission, 1901- 03; Columbia Commission on Water and Waterworks 1903-07; professor psychiatry Medical College S. C. 1916-; member legislative committee to erect monu¬ ment to Gen. of the American Revolu¬ tion; director National Loan and Exchange Bank of Columbia; member S. C. Medical Assn., member Amer¬ ican Medico-Psycological Assn., American Medical Assn., S. C. Historical Society; married Katherine Guion of Lincolnton, N. C., August 17, 1892; has pub¬ lished monographs on insanity. Tuberculosis Among the Insane; also articles on pellagra, and in 1910, with C. H. Lavinder, M. D., of the U. S. Public Health Ser¬ vice, the Arst treatise on pellagra in the English lan¬ guage. Address, Waverley Sanitarium, Columbia, S. C. Bacot, Thomas Wright, lawyer; born at Charleston, S. C., April 14, 1849; son of Robert Dewar and Julia Amanda (Huger) Bacot; attended private and public schools in Charleston and Society Hill, S. C., ; A. B. degree from College of Charleston, 1870; studied law with McCrady A Son, admitted to bar 1871; started practice as a member of the Arm of Walker A Bacot, later becoming a member of McCrady Sons A Bacot, admitted to the U. S. Supreme Court, 7 March 11, 1889; recognized authority in railroad, cor¬ poration, real estate law and equity; member of S. C. House of Representatives, 1892-1902, last four years of this service chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House, for a time first assistant United States attor¬ ney for the District of S. C. at Charleston, trustee of the University of S. C., lay deputy from the Diocese of S. C. to the Triennial General Convention of the Protes¬ tant Episcopal Church, Boston, 1904, and has been such a deputy ever since; married Louisa DeBerniere Mc- Crady, Charleston, S. C., April 18, 1877; member of and president of St. George's Society of Charleston, the Huguenot Society of S. C., Commercial Club of Charles¬ ton, South Carolina Society. Home, Charleston, S. C. Badh*m, Vernon Cosby, business man; born at Eden- ton, N. C., November 19, 1856; son of Henry Alexander and Cornelia (Cosby) Badham; attended schools and studied law in North Carolina; president and owner of the Dorchester Lumber Co., Badham, S. C.; a dele¬ gate to the Democratic National Convention, St. Louis, 1916, and again to the convention at San Francisco, 1920; married Leila Johnston, Eufaula, Alabama, 1909. Home, Badham, S. C. Baker, Archibald E., physician, surgeon; born at Maxton, N. C., August 29, 1862; son of Angus and Harriet (McEachern) Baker; graduate of Davidson College, N. C., 1883, graduate of the S. C. Medical Col¬ lege, 1889, took a post-graduate course at the New York Polyclinic, 1892; a former president of the Charleston Medical Society, of the Tri-State Medical Assn., is chairman of the Board of Counsellors of the S. C. Medical Assn., clinical professor of gynecology and abdominal surgery in the S. C. Medical College, a member of the staff of visiting surgeons at the Roper Hospital, Charleston, S. C.; married Adele Jennings, Bennettsville, S. C., 1894; member of Masons. Home, Charleston, S. C. Baker, D. Gordon, lawyer; born in Marion County, February 17, 1884; son of William W. and Sara (Gor¬ don) Baker; attended Marion Graded Schools, entered University of S. C. in 1903, finishing law course in 1905 and began practice of law in 1905 at Florence, S. C.; elected to State Senate in 1918 and now serving in that capacity, serving on Judiciary and Banking and Insurance Committees; married Julia Badger, Dillon, 8 S. C., April 25,1906; member of Masons. Home, Flor¬ ence, S. C. Baker, J*met Marion, Deputy Commissioner of In-_^ ternal Revenue; born in Abbeville District (now Coun¬ ty), August 18, 1861; son of Theophilus and Mande- line (Latimer) Baker; educated in public schools and Wofford College, student of law in New York City dur¬ ing 1885; business interests kept him at home from 1888 to 1892; appointed assistant librarian of the U. S. Senate in 1893; elected Secretary of the Senate in 1913 and served until 1919; appointed Deputy Com¬ missioner of Internal Revenue, July 19, 1919; member of the University and Washington Country Clubs; mar¬ ried Mary Adams of Augusta, Ga., in 1888. Address, Washington, D. C. Baker, Leonard Theodore, educator; born Charles¬ ton, S. C., January 28, 1868; son of Edward and Max- ine (Blanchard) Baker; educated at Vanderbilt Uni¬ versity, 1885-86; A. B., College of Charleston, S. C., 1888, A. M., 1893; teacher in high schools 1889-98; superintendent schools 1898-1906; professor of history and administration of education since 1906, dean since 1914, University of S. C.; member National Education Association, S. C. Teachers' Ass'n (pres. 1908-09), Ass'n. Colleges of S. C. (secretary), Chi Phi, lecturer on education before summei;schools for teachers; mar¬ ried Ellen Deas Lang, Camden, S. C., Dec. 22, 1907; Episcopalian. Home, 831 Sumter St., Columbia, S. C. Ball, William Watts, editor; born near Laurens, Lau¬ rens County, S. C., Dec. 9, 1868; son of Beaufort Watts and Eliza (Watts) Ball; A. B., S. C. College (now Univ. of S. C.), 1887; post-graduate work at same institution, 1888-89, LL. D., 1919; student Law School University of Virginia, summer 1890; admitted Io S. C. bar 1890; editor and publisher Laurens Advertiser, 1890-93; editor Columbia (S. C.) Journal, 1894, Charleston Evening Post, 1895-97, Greenville (S. C.) Daily News, 1897; reporter Philadelphia Press, 1898; city editor Times-Union, Jacksonville, Florida, 1900-02; assistant editor Charleston News and Courier, 1904-09; manag¬ ing editor The State, Columbia, S. C., 1909-13, editor since 1913; director Palmetto National Bank, Colum¬ bia, S. C., delegate "Gold" Democratic National Con¬ vention that nominated John M. Palmer for president of U. S., 1896; widely known as political editorial 9 writer; member Alumni Ass'n., University of S. C., Phi Delta Theta, Mason, Episcopalian, Kosmos Club. Mar¬ ried Fay White, Charleston, S. C., April 21, 1897. Home, 1720 Pendleton St., Columbia, S. C. Office, The State, Columbia, S. C. Banks, William, public official; born at Fort Mill, S. C., July 12,1877; son of A. R. Banks; attended Fort Mill Academy, Davidson College, graduate of, 1897; asso¬ ciate editor of the Rock Hill (S. C.) Herald, 1896-97, editor of the Columbia Register, 1897-98, reporter, city editor and news editor of The State, for a time editor of the Anderson Daily Mail and the Anderson Daily Intelligencer, editor of the Columbia Record, 1916-17, served as vice-president and two terms as president of the S. C. Press Ass'n., is a trustee of the State College at Orangeburg, chairman of the S. C. Public Service Commission; served as a private in the First S. C. Regi¬ ment of Infantry during the Spanish-American War, during World War chairman of the Reclamation Com¬ mittee of the State Council of Defense, a member of the Committee of Nine, State publicity director for Liberty Loan campaigns, served with the rank of lieu¬ tenant colonel on the staffs of Governors Heyward and Ansel; married Louise Vance, Laurens, S. C.; member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Columbia Rotary Club, Columbia, Ridgewood, and Forum Clubs, a York and Scottish Rite Mason, Odd Fellow. Address, Columbia, S. C. Barber, William Alexander, lawyer; born in Chester County, Sept. 10, 1869; son of Captain Osmond and Mary (Westbrook) Barber; educated at King's Moun¬ tain High School (N. C.); A. B., LL.B., University of S. C., 1889, LL. D., University of S. C., 1901; admitted to the bar in 1889 and began practice in 1890; appoint¬ ed Assistant Attorney General of S. C. in 1893; elected Attorney General of S. C. 1894; re-elected in 1896 and served until 1899, when he removed to New York City; in New York formed partnership with Henry D. Hotch- kiss; organized the present firm of Barber, Wataon &. Gibboney, New York; was president of Carolina and Northwestern Railroad; now a director in several finan¬ cial and business corporations; member Masonic order; member N. Y. Southern Society, Metropolitan, Law¬ yers', New York, Bankers' Sleepy Hollow, Country, Englewood Country Clubs, New York; married Belle Hardin, Chester, S. C., 1892. Address, New York City. 10 Barnwell, Joseph W.f lawyer; born at Charleston, S. C., October 31, 1846; son of William Hazzard and Catherine Osborn Barnwell; attended private schools in Charleston, Beaufort College, private schools in Columbia, The Citadel, South Carolina College (Univ. of S. C.), University of Goettingen, Germany; graduate in six departments at University of S. C.; member S. C. House of Representatives, 1874-76; chief of staff to Governor Johnson Hagood, 1880-82, Senator, Charles¬ ton County, 1894-96, and 1898-1902; served on Earth¬ quake Relief Committee, Charleston, S. C., 1886, Cy¬ clone Relief Committee, 1893; author of articles in S. C. Historical and Geneological Magazine; served in Civil War as Citadel cadet, wounded at battle of Tullifinny, December 7,1864; married Harriott K. Cheves, Charles¬ ton, S. C., January 23. 1883; president Charleston Club, S. C. Historical Society, vice-president Charleston Lite¬ rary Society, president St. Cecilia Society. Home, Charleston, S. C. Barnwell, William, banker; born at Fort Motte, S. C., March 7, 1862; son of Charles Heyward and Charlotte (Thompson) Barnwell; educated at home; began as bookkeeper for a mercantile establishment; ten years later became teller in Loan and Exchange Bank of Columbia; began to take interest in real estate and insurance; in 1901 organized and was made cashier of State Bank of Columbia; since 1909 has been presi¬ dent of same institution, which in 1913 became a national bank. President Palmetto Ice Co.; member of Ridgewood, Columbia and Columbia Kiwanis Clubs; Episcopalian; married Mary Utley of Rome, N. Y., in 1886 (died in 1916); married next Mamie Taylor, Sept., 1917. Address, Columbia, S. C.

Barringer, William Rufus, lawyer, business man; born at Cheraw, S. C., March 4, 1866; son of William Rufus and Fannie Isabelle (Laurence) Barringer; edu¬ cated in public schools and at business college, studied law at intervals and was admitted to bar 1889. Al¬ though a lawyer by profession, he is primarily a busi¬ ness man, being interested in a number of business enterprises as the Pee Dee Brick and Tile Co., Florence Gas Co., Florence Daily Times; is president Palmetto Bank and Trust Co. of Florence, a director in other banks there; president E. M. Matthews Wholesale Drug Co., Florence Hotel Co., etc.; trustee S. C. Industrial 11 School. Florence, S. C., chairman city schools; married Mary Mclver Scott, Feb. 10, 1892. Address, Flor¬ ence S. C. Barron. Charles Henry, attorney; born at Columbia, S. C„ September 16, 1880; son of Jacob T. and Florida Calhoun (Rion) Barron; attended Columbia City schools, University of S. C., graduate of in law, 1901; admitted to bar. starting practice of law in offices of Barron, Barron & Ray, becoming leading member of Arm after father's death in 1910, appointed Assistant Attorney General to All unexpired term, 1906, organ¬ ized Carolina Bond and Mortgage Co. and now presi¬ dent of same, attorney for American Export and Import Corporation. Liberty National Bank, Division Counsel for Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, counsel for American Railway Express Co., counsel for Pullman Co.; during World War State chairman for Victory Liberty Loan campaign; married Eliza Singleton, Columbia, S. C., April 23, 1907; member of Masons, Shriners. Home, Columbia, S. C. Bates, William Tertius Capers, physician; bom at McCantaville, S. C., July 16, 1848; son of Dr. Rezin W. and Elizabeth (Evans) Bates; educated at Pine Grove Academy; M. D., South Carolina College (Univ. of S. C.), 1868; student Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., 1868-69; began medical practice in 1869 at St. Matthews; went to Columbia in 1881 and made a specialty of diseases of the mind and nervous system; retired from practice in 1886, because of bad health, and removed to St. Matthews in same year; State Treasurer 1890-97; while at St. Matthews became president of Bank of St. Mat¬ thews; removed to Columbia in 1916; served as a trus¬ tee of the University of S. C. for many years until resig¬ nation in 1919; member of K. of P., Chi Psi, Methodist church; married Mary B. Wannamaker, Dec. 23, 1872 (died); married next Lillian Dally. Address, Colum¬ bia, S. C. Beamguard, James Emmit, State Senator; born April 9, 1869, in York County, S. C.; son of Capt. J. W. and Mona (Stevenson) Beamguard; educated in public schools; clerk of Senate Finance Committee, 1894-1900; elected to S. C. House of Representatives 1900 and served continuously until 1908, and from 1910 to 1912 and from 1912 to 1920 was State Senator from York County; since 1916 has been secretary, treasurer and 12 manager of Clover Cotton Oil Mill and Ginning Com¬ pany; married Mlttie Dorset, of York County, April 2, 1895; Mason, Woodman of World and Junior Order of United American Mechanics; Presbyterian. Address, Clover, S. C. Beattie, Fountain Fox, banker; bom at Greenville, S. C., July 29, 1878; son of John Edgrworth and Mary Mays Beattie; attended Furman University. University of Michigan, Columbia University of Washington, D. C. (now George Washington University); LL. B., de¬ gree from Columbian University; admitted to bar of S. C. in 1901, practiced law in Greenville, S. C., for a number of years; member S. C. House of Representa¬ tives, 1906-08, served on House Judiciary Committee; during World War chairman Greenville County Second Liberty Loan campaign, chairman Greenville Chapter American Red Cross, Greenville County Food Admin¬ istrator; married Janell Arnold, Greenwood, S. C„ November 12, 1912; member of Kiwanis Club, Poinsett Club, Sans Souci Country Club. Home, Greenville, S. C. Baatty, Frank Edmund, naval officer; bom Azatlan, Wisconsin, November 26, 1853; son of Edmund and Annette (Brayton) Beatty; graduated from U. S. Naval Academy. 1875; promoted through the various grades to rank of captain July 1, 1908; rear admiral, April 27, 1912; served on various ships; commanded battleship Wisconsin on tour of world, 1908; commandant navy yard, Wa*hington, and superintendent naval gun fac¬ tory, 1910-13; commander first division, Atlantic Fleet, on U. S. S. Florida, 1914; appointed commander navy yard, Norfolk, Va.. Jan., 1915; temporarily detached to take command of the "Red" enemy forces in a strate¬ gic Navy Department problem; was successful in pro¬ ject; retired November 26, 1915; ordered to active duty 1917, and assigned as commandant 6th Naval District, Charleston, S. C.; married-Anne Mum of Virginia. April 29, 1891. Home, 18 Water St., Charleston, S. C. Bockwith, Samuel Gary, rector; son of Thomas Stan¬ ley and Emma (Cary) Beckwith; attended McCabe's University School, Davis Military School, University of the South. Sewanee, Tenn.; B. A. and M. A. degrees from University of the South; rector of St. Philip's Parish, Charleston, S. C., since April 1, 1906;-member Standing Committee, Diocese of S. C., Charleston Muni- 13 cipai Playground Commission. chaplain Washington Light Infantry, trustee of St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C.; local community service during World War; married Videau Marion Legare, Aiken, S. C., Decem¬ ber 11, 1900; member of Masons, 32nd degree. K. C. C. H., A. A. S. R., Shriners, S. A. E. Fraternity, S. C. Society, Charleston Country Club. Home, 92 Church St., Charleston, S. C. Belter, Richard Baker, attorney; bom at Summerton, S. C., March 14, 1879; son of Ritchie Hugh and Guil- elma Maria Baker; attended Summerton (S. C.) High School, University of S. C.; A. B. degree from Univ. of S. C., 1900, and LL. B., 1904; president Sumter Cham¬ ber of Commerce (two terms), member S. C. House of Representatives. 1910-12, 1916-20, and re-elected in 1920; during World War U. S. Govt. Appeal Agent, City Fuel Administrator; married Mabel Lee Field, Selma, Ala.; member of P. K. A. Fraternity. Home, 118 Church St., Sumter, S. C. Baiter, William Gordon, lawyer; bom near Summer- ton, S. C., October 8, 1875; son of Ritchie Hugh and Gulielma Maria (Baker) Belser; educated in Summer- ton High School; A. B., S. C. College (now Univ. of S. C.), 1895, LL. B., 1900, Johns-Hopkins Univ.; admitted to bar and formed partnership with William D. Melton, Columbia, S.1 C., with whom he has since been prac¬ ticing; since entering upon his professional career has become interested in real estate and now is president of North Columbia Land Co.; treasurer Argus Invest¬ ment Co.; secretary Exchange Investment Co.; director Homestead Building and Loan Ass'n and Acme Build¬ ing and Loan Ass'n; married Elizabeth Wilson, Novem¬ ber 17, 1909 (died); married next Miss Cummings; member Phi Kappa Alpa Fraternity; Episcopalian. Address, Columbia, S. C. Benet, Christie. Democrat, of Columbia, S. C.; bom December 26, 1879, at Abbeville, S. C.; son of William Christie Benet, a native of Scotland, and of Susan Mc- Gowan of Abbeville, S. C.; educated at schools in Abbe¬ ville, College of Charleston, University of South Caro¬ lina, and University of Virginia; lawyer, being senior member of firm of Benet, Shand A. McGowan; twice secretary of the State Democratic executive committee for South Carolina; member several State Democratic Conventions; vice-president and member executive cora- 14 mittee State Council of Defense South Carolina; ha* been Solicitor of Fifth Judicial Circuit; city attorney for city of Columbia; United States Senator from South Carolina, succeeding the late Hon. B. R. Tillman, and having taken his seat in the Senate on July 8, 1918; married Alice Van Y. Haskell of Columbia, S. C., on the 17th day of October, 1906. Berry, Joseph Andrew, lawyer; born at Branchville, S. C., June 1, 1876; son of James Brewton and Sallie (Street) Berry; attended local schools, studied law in the offices of Glaze A Herbert, Orangeburg, S. C., admitted to the bar in May, 1898; member of the law firm Wolfe A Berry; first vice president of the State Bar Ass'n; served as secretary and treasurer of the Orangeburg County Democratic Executive Committee, 1904-18, has been the member of the State Democratic Executive Committe for Orangeburg County since 1914, a member of the S. C. House of Representatives, 1914- 20; chosen Speaker pro tempore in 1917 and 1919, chairman of the Judiciary Committee and the Commit¬ tee on Rules, a member of the State Canal Commission, also a member of the special committee of the Legisla¬ ture appointed to revise the tax laws of the State, has been a consistent arguer for a State budget law, the institution and retention of the State Tax Commission, and the building of a larger Citadel; served in Spanish- American War as first sergeant of Co. K, Second S. C. Infantry, during World War chairman of the War Sav¬ ings Stamp campaign; married Frances Pike, Orange¬ burg, S. C., October 10, 1900; member of Masons, K. of P., Elks. Home, Orangeburg, S. C. Bethea, Hon. Preston Lang, farmer and planter; born in Marion (now Dillon) County, April 10, 1870; son of Dr. J. F. Bethea; educated Wofford College, Univ. of Nashville; taught school three years then began career as farmer and planter devoted to cultivation of cotton, corn and tobacco; first representative to S. C. Legislature from Dillon County (formed 1911), 1911- 13; elected 1918 to S. C. Senate; member State peni¬ tentiary board; married Josie Wetherly, daughter of C. M. and Mary McLeod Wetherly, in 1894; Mason, K. of P., W. O. W. Address, Dillon, S. C. Black, Edgar Otho, banker; born at Cartersville, Ga., December 3,1872; son of Alexander C. and Ellen Smith Black; attended common schools, Cherokee Springs, is S. C.; moved to Columbia, S. C., in 1890, taking posi¬ tion as jeweler with P. H. Lachicotte A Co., working with this firm ten years, entered real estate and home- building business under firm name of Black-Coulter Co., assisted in organization of Equitable and Standard Building and Loan Associations, now serving as presi¬ dent of these organizations; entered banking business . in 1916, being elected vice-president and cashier of Commercial Bank; upon consolidation of this bank with the Bank of Columbia, S. C., elected active vice- president of latter bank and now serving in that capac¬ ity; married Louise Shirer, Sumter, S. C., in 1918, after the death of first wife, Hattie Medberry, Elkhorn, Wis., in 1915; member of I. O. O. F. Home, Columbia, S. C. Black, James Benjamin, physician; born in Colleton County, S. C.; son of Robert and Elizabeth Black; at¬ tended Colleton (S. C.) High School, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.; M. D. degree from Univer¬ sity of Md.; member of S. C. House of Representatives eight years, State Senator, 1904-1920, and in 1920 elected for four years more; chairman Democratic Club, mayor of Bamberg, captain of militia company, 1876; married S. Hattie Ayers, Barnwell County, S. C., August 1, 1872; member of Masons, K. of P., I. O. O. F., Past Master W. O. W. Home, Bamberg, S. C. Blackwood, Ibra Charles, lawyer; born at Blackwood Postoffice, Spartanburg County, November 21, 1878; son of Charles and Louvina Burns Blackwood; attended county schools, Furman University, WoflFord College, in class of 1898, studied law in private offices, admitted to bar, 1902, beginning practice in same year; elected to Legislature, 1902, serving two terms, member of Ju¬ diciary Committee; elected Solicitor, 1916, re-elected 1920; active in all war work campaigns and enter¬ prises during World War; married Margaret Hodges, Knoxville, Tenn., 1915; Grand Master Spartan Lodge, Senior Grand Deacon of Grand Lodge of S. C., member of Moose, W. O. W., Past Eminent, Spartan Command- ery No. 3. Home, Spartanburg, S. C. Blease, Coleman Livingston, governor; born in New¬ berry County, S. C., Oct. 8, 1868; son of Henry Horatio and Mary A. (Livingston) Blease; educated Newberry (S. C.) College; LL. B., Georgetown University, Wash¬ ington, 1889; admitted to bar 1889, and began practice at Newberry, S. C., as senior member firm of Blease A i« Dominick; was Democratic presidential elector, 1896, 1900; city attorney, Newberry, 1901-02; member 8. C. Senate, 1904-08 (preaident pro tern, 1907-08); mayor of Newberry, 1910; Governor of 8. C., terma 1911-18, 1918-16 (resigned Jan., 1916, and resumed practice in Columbia, 8. C.); married Ullie B. Summers, Ander¬ son County, S. C., Feb., 1890; Past Grand Master and Past Grand Representative I. O. O. F.; Past Great Sachem, Past Grand Representative, Improved Order Red Men; now chairman committee Great Council of U. 8.; Past Chancelor Commander, K. of P.; Elk; mem¬ ber W. O. W.; Methodist. Address, Columbia, 8. C. BImn, Eugene Setter-white, lawyer; born at New¬ berry, 8. C., January 20, 1877; son of Henry H. and Elizabeth (Satterwhite) Blease; attended public schools, Newberry Academy, Newberry College, grad¬ uate of, 1895; taught school and studied law at the same time and admitted to the bar in 1899; now has offices at Saluda and Newberry; served in 8. C. House of Representatives, 1901-02, 8. C. Senate, 1904-06; city attorney of Newberry for four years, elected mayor of Newberry in December, 1919; married Urbana Neel, Newbery County, 8. C. Address, Newberry, 8. C. Blitch, Norman Horace, planter; born at Elabelle, Ga., January 15, 1865; son of Henry J. and Lavinia (English) Blitch; attended common schools; one of officials of the Standard Truck Package Co., president of the Combahee Fertilizer Co.; married Emily A. Com- mins, Charleston, S. C., November 22, 1887; member of Charleston Commercial and Country Clubs, Catholic Church. Home, Charleston, S. C. Blue, Victor, naval officer; born Richmond County, N. C., Dec. 6, 1865; son of John G. and Annie M. (Evans) Blue; appointed from S. C. and graduated from U. S. Naval Academy, 1887; promoted assistant engineer, July 1, 1889; transferred to line as ensign, Dec. 12, 1892; lieutenant, junior grade, Dec. 5, 1897; lieutenant, 1899; lieutenant-commander, 1906; com¬ mander, 1909; captain, 1914; served in Vuinnebang, 1877-79; Pensacola, 1889-91; duty Union Iron Works, San Francisco, 1891-92; served in Charleston, 1892; navy yard, Norfolk, 1892-93; Alliance, 1893-94; Charleston, 1894; Thetis, 1894-95; Bennington, 1895- 96; Naval Academy, 1896-98; was advanced five num¬ bers in rank for extraordinary heroism during Spanish-

i.-w w us.c. 17 S. C.; moved to Columbia, S. C., in 1890, taking posi¬ tion as jeweler with P. H. Lachicotte A Co., working with this Arm ten years, entered real estate and home- building business under Arm name of Black-Coulter Co., assisted in organization of Equitable and Standard Ruilding and Loan Associations, now serving as presi¬ dent of these organizations; entered banking business in 1916, being elected vice-president and cashier of Commercial Bank; upon consolidation of this bank with the Bank of Columbia, S. C., elected active vice- president of latter bank and now serving in that capac¬ ity; married Louise Shirer, Sumter, S. C., in 1918, after the death of Arst wife, Hattie Medberry, Elkhorn, Wis., in 1915; member of I. O. O. F. Home, Columbia, S. C. Black, James Benjamin, physician; born in Colleton County, S. C.; son of Robert and Elizabeth Black; at¬ tended Colleton (S. C.) High School, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.; M. D. degree from Univer¬ sity of Md.; member of S. C. House of Representatives eight years, State Senator. 1904-1920, and in 1920 elected for four years more; chairman Democratic Club, mayor of Bamberg, captain of militia company, 1876; married S. Hattie Ayers, Barnwell County, S. C., August 1, 1872; member of Masons, K. of P., I. O. O. F., Past Master W. O. W. Home, Bamberg, S. C. Blackwood, Ibra Charles, lawyer; born at Blackwood Postoffice, Spartanburg County, November 21, 1878; son of Charles and Louvina Burns Blackwood; attended county schools, Furman University, Wofford College, in class of 1898, studied law in private offices, admitted to bar, 1902, beginning practice in same year; elected to Legislature, 1902, serving two terms, member of Ju¬ diciary Committee; elected Solicitor, 1916, re-elected 1920; active in all war work campaigns and enter¬ prises during World War; married Margaret Hodges, Knoxville, Tenn., 1915; Grand Master Spartan Lodge, Senior Grand Deacon of Grand Lodge of S. C., member of Moose, W. O. W., Past Eminent, Spartan Command- ery No. 3. Home, Spartanburg, S. C. Blease, Coleman Livingston, governor; born in New¬ berry County, S. C., Oct. 8, 1868; son of Henry Horatio and Mary A. (Livingston) Blease; educated Newberry (S. C.) College; LL. B., Georgetown University, Wash¬ ington, 1889; admitted to bar 1889, and began practice at Newberry, S. C., as senior member Arm of Blease A K Dominick; was Democratic presidential elector, 1890, 1900; city attorney, Newberry, 1901-02; member 8. C. Senate, 1904-08 (president pro tern, 1907-08); mayor of Newberry, 1910; Governor of 8. C., term* 1911-13, 1913-15 (reaigned Jan., 1915, and resumed practice in Columbia, 8. C.); married Ullie B. Summers, Ander¬ son County, 8. C., Feb., 1890; Past Grand Master and Past Grand Representative I. O. O. F.; Past Great Sachem, Past Grand Representative, Improved Order Red Men; now chairman committee Great Council of U. 8.; Past Chanceior Commander, K. of P.; Elk; mem¬ ber W. O. W.; Methodist. Address, Columbia, 8. C. BImm, Eugene Satterwhite, lawyer; bom at New¬ berry, 8. C., January 20, 1877; son of Henry H. and Elizabeth (Satterwhite) Biease; attended public schools, Newberry Academy, Newberry College, grad¬ uate of, 1895; taught school and studied law at the same time and admitted to the bar in 1899; now has offices at Saluda and Newberry; served in S. C. House of Representatives, 1901-02, S. C. Senate, 1904-06; city attorney of Newberry for four years, elected mayor of Newberry in December, 1919; married Urbana Neel, Newbery County, 8. C. Address, Newberry, 8. C. Blitch, Norman Horace, planter; bom at Elabelle, Ga., January 15, 1865; son of Henry J. and Lavinia (English) Blitch; attended common schools; one of officials of the Standard Truck Package Co., president of the Combahee Fertilizer Co.; married Emily A. Com- mins, Charleston, S. C., November 22, 1887; member of Charleston Commercial and Country Clubs, Catholic Church. Home, Charleston, S. C. Blue, Victor, naval officer; bom Richmond County, N. C., Dec. 6, 1865; son of John G. and Annie M. (Evans) Blue; appointed from S. C. and graduated from U. S. Naval Academy, 1887; promoted assistant engineer, July 1, 1889; transferred to line as ensign, Dec. 12, 1892; lieutenant, junior grade, Dec. 5, 1897; lieutenant, 1899; lieutenant-commander, 1905; com¬ mander, 1909; captain, 1914; served in Vuinnebang, 1877-79; Pensacola, 1889-91; duty Union Iron Works, San Francisco, 1891-92; served in Charleston, 1892; navy yard, Norfolk, 1892-93; Alliance. 1893-94; Charleston, 1894; Thetis, 1894-95; Bennington, 1895- 96; Naval Academy, 1896-98; was advanced five num¬ bers in rank for extraordinary heroism during Spanish-

f.-W. W i» B. C. 17 American War; commanded Alvarado, 1898-99; Mas¬ sachusetts, 1899-1900; staff squadron commander, Asiatic Station, 1900-01; inspector equipment, Cramp's shipyard, 1901-02; aide to Rear Admiral Cooper, June- December, 1903; aide to squadron commander Asiatic fleet, 1903-04; aide to commander-in-chief Asiatic fleet, March-June, 1904; served in Bennington, 1904-05; Bureau of Ordnance, 1905; inspector of ordnance, New¬ port News, Va., 1905-07; executive officer North Caro¬ lina, 1909; commanded Yorktown, Pacific Station, 1910; chief of staff, Pacific Fleet, 1910-11; duty Gen¬ eral Board, Navy Department, May 25, 1911; Chief Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, with rank of Rear Admiral, March 26, 1913, to August 10, 1916; commanded Battleship Texas, operating with British Grand Fleet under Admiral Beatty in North Sea, 1917- 18; took part in receiving surrender of German fleet November 21, 1918; reappointed Chief Bureau of Navi¬ gation, December 16, 1918, with rank of rear admiral; promoted rear admiral (regular) April 1, 1919, on account of physical disability incurred in line of duty. Married Eleanor Foote Stuart, of Morriston, N. J., Octo¬ ber 17, 1899, Home, Marion, S. C. Blythe, Edgeworth M., lawyer; born at Greenville, July 31, 1872; son of Absolom and Emily (Earle) Blythe; educated at Furman University and the Cita¬ del; L.L. B. University of Michigan, 1901; after gradu¬ ation from Citadel taught Greenville County public schools; instructor Clemson College, 1894-96; (student of law at same time); admitted to bar 1896, and began practice at Greenville in same year; U. S. Commis¬ sioner, Greenville, S. C., 1903-17; organized Co. A, 1st S. C. Infantry 1899, becoming its captain (major 1905, colonel 1915); on Mexican border 1916; later received commission in National Army and stationed at Camp Lee, Va.; before receiving commission in National Army was chairman Greenville County Board of Ex¬ emption. Mason, member Board of Visitors the Cita¬ del, 1899-1917. Address, Greenville, S. C. Bomar, Horace L., lawyer; born at Spartanburg, S. C., 1874; son of John Earle and Louisa N. (Bomar) Bomar; attended Wofford College, graduate of 1894, studied in office of father, admitted to bar, 1895; began practice of law with Judge Thomason, later member of firm Bomar & Simpson, then Simpson & Bomar, later 18 Bomar k Osborne; attorney for Central National Bank, Manufacturers Power Co., Blue Ridge Power Co., Blue Ridge Interurban Railway Co.; trustee of Converse and Limestone Colleges, Kennedy Free Library, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., chair¬ man of the Board of Trustees of Spartan Academy near Spartanburg, S. C.; for ten years superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School, represents South Carolina as a member of the executive committee of the International Sunday School Association, President of the S. C. State Sunday School Association, deacon of the Spartanburg Baptist Church; married Mallie Brown, Spartanburg, S. C. Home, Spartanburg, S. C. Bond, Oliver James, educator; born Marion, S. C., May 11, 1865; son of Oliver James and Sarah Ann (Wayne) Bond. B. S.. the Citadel, Charleston, S. C., 1886; Ph. D., Illinois Wesleyan University 1895; L.L. D. University of S. C., 1912. Assistant Professor Mathe¬ matics 1886, later professor mechanical drawing and astronomy, President, 1908—, the Citadel. Member Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Carolina Golf Association. St. Andrews Society; Club, Charleston County (ex-presi¬ dent). Author, Amzi (novel), 1904. Married Mary Fishburne Roach of Bamberg, 8. C., July 9, 1889. Mem¬ ber Episcopalian Church. Address, The Citadel, Charleston, S. C. Bonham, Millodgo Lipscomb, lawyer; bom at Edge¬ field, S. C., October 16, 1854; son of Millcdge Luke and Ann (Griffin) Bonham; attended primary schools and Academy of Edgefield, Carolina Military Institute; Master for Abbeville County, Adjutant General of South Carolina; member State Democratic Executive Committee, delegate to several State Democratic Con¬ ventions, County Chairman for Abbeville County; Cap¬ tain Abbeville Rifles; married Daisy Aldrich, Barnwell, S. C., October 24, 1878; member of K. of P., W. O. W.. Elks, Society of the Cincinnati, The Aztec Club, Sons of American Revolution, United Sons of Confederate Vet¬ erans. Home, Anderson, S. C. Bonham, Proctor Aldrich, lawyer; bom at Abbe¬ ville, S. C., August 28, 1883; son of Milledge Lipscomb and Daisy (Aldrich) Bonham; attended schools in Columbia, S. C., and Abbeville, S. C., entering George¬ town University in 1901, attending that college for two years, College of Charleston, studied law at University i» of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C., admitted to bar in December, 1905; elected solicitor in 1908, State Sen¬ ator in 1916, re-elected in 1920; during World War active in Liberty I^>an campaigns, enlisted in 1918; married Margaret Rion, Columbia, S. C., June 11,1913; member of A. T. O., B. P. O. E., K. of P., I. O. O. F, Red Men. Home, Greenville, S. C. Boyd, Jesse W., lawyer; bom near Clinton, Laurens County, S. C., June 20, 1883; son of W. D. and Sallie (Wallace) Boyd; attended Wofford College, graduate of, 1905, assistant professor of mathematics at Wofford College, 1905-06; principal of one of Spartanburg City Schools, 1906-07, in the meantime studying law and admitted to the bar in 1907; member of S. C. House of Representatives, 1910-18;, during last two terms in the House, chairman of the Judiciary Committee; married Ollie Davis, Newberry, S. C.; member of Methodist Church, has been a delegate to the Annual Conference of that Church; has served as district steward, steward of the local Church, member of the Board of Trustees, superintendent of the Sunday School. Address, Spar¬ tanburg, S. C. Brabham, Arthur Wilbur, farmer; born at Olar, S. C„ January 24, 1863; son of John M. and Carrie H. Brabham; self-educated; author of articles for press since childhood, author of plant investigation litera¬ ture, grower of plants from various colored seeds, dis¬ coverer of Brabham pea; performed legal work in selective draft during World War; married Justina Venlier, Cottageville, S. C., died in 1911), second, Alma Wise, Augusta, Ga., January SO, 1921; member of Masons, Eastern Star, Methodist Church. Home, Olar, S. C. Bradshaw, Sidney Forest, college professor; bom near Covington, Tipton County, Tennessee, August 10, 1869; son of Sidney Johns and Mollie (Hambleton) Bradshaw. B. A. (Valedictorian) Bethel College, Russellville, Ky., 1891; M. A. 1899; Ph. D.. Univ. of Virginia, 1900; studied at Universities of Chicago, Berlin and Leipzig. Instructor of English Bardstown Male and Female In¬ stitute, 1891-2; Prof, of English Bethel College five years; professor English and German, Manual Training High School, Louisville, Ky., 1902-3; in Europe 1903-4; professor of Modern Languages since 1904; chairman faculty Furman University, Greenville, S. C., since so 1912; acting president 1918-19; trustee Greenville County Library five years; director Norwood National Bank, Greenville; member Modern Language Associa¬ tion America; Sigma Nu, Lambda Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, club of 39 (ex-president). Delivered presentation ad¬ dress at unveiling of Edgar Allan Poe bust at Univer¬ sity of Virginia, 1899, awarded Poe centenary medal 1909. Baptist, author: On Southern Poetry prior to 1860, 1900, in Library of Southern Literature, many editorials and addresses. Address, Greenville, S. C. Brantley, Thome* Frederick, lawyer; born at Orangeburg, S. C., January 28, 1867; son of Ellison W. and Angelina (Ulmer) Brantley; attended Bingham Military School, N. C., South Carolina College, grad¬ uate of with degree of A. B., 1892, Georgetown Uni¬ versity, Washington, D. C., graduate of with degree of L.L. B., 1905; at one time chief of a division of the United States Treasury Department, Washington, D. C., member of the South Carolina House of Repre¬ sentatives, 1899-1900, chosen State Senator 1900, resigning therefrom in 1901, returned to House of Rep¬ resentatives 1906-1908; a delegate to the Democratic convention at Denver, Colo., 1908; married Estelle Fairey, Orangeburg, S. C., April 26, 1905; member of Masons, Orangeburg Lodge of Elks, of which he is a past exalted ruler, past chancellor commander of the Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias, member of the Bap¬ tist Church. Home, Orangeburg, S. C. Brice, John Steele, lawyer; born Chester district (now county) in 1861; educated in Erskine College, from which he graduated in 1883; read law in office of late Maj. Jas. F. Hart of Yorkville; admiLed to the bar in 1889, and began practice at Yorkville; presiden¬ tial elector from South Carolina in 1892; member of South Carolina Constitutional Convention, 1895; mem¬ ber South Carolina Senate 1890-1898; for several years has been attorney for County Commissioners of York County. Presbyterian. Married Claude Moore. Ad¬ dress, York, S. C. ■* Brooker, Wilfred Lasdsn, teacher; born at Swansea, S. C., July 23, 1875; son of W. T. and C. F. Brooker; attended University of S. C.; A. B. and A. M. degrees from University of S. C.; instructor in mathematics, Orangeburg Collegiate Institute, instructor in English and French, Bingham Military Institute, Asheville, 21 N. C., Superintendent Aiken City Schools, Aiken, S. C., Superintendent Florence (S. C.) City Schools, Superintendent Asheville (N. C.) City Schools, profes¬ sor in mathematics. State Summer School, Winthrop College, S. C., member S. C. State Board of Education; married Iva Imogene Plunkitt, North, S. C., December 28, 1904. Address, Asheville, N. C. Brown, Ben Hill, lawyer; born at Cowpens, S. C., 1882; son of Randolph R. and Louise (Wood) Brown; graduate of Wofford College, 1902, graduate of Uni¬ versity of Virginia Law School, with Degree of L.L. B., 1906; began private practice in Spartanburg, S.. C., 1906; president of (1916-17), and at present chairman of the legal department of the Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce, member of Board of Directors of the Spartanburg Y. M. C. A. and Country Club, director of the American National Bank and the Cowpens Mfg. Co.; member of the South Carolina House of Represen¬ tatives, 1908-12; during World War, chairman of the Spartanburg County Council of Defense, chairman of the County War Savings Committee, member of the District Legal Advisory Board, War Camp Community Service Board, Girls' Protective Bureau, Spartanburg National Travelers' Aid; married Clara Twitty Col- cock. Home, Spartanburg, S. C. Brown. C. R. 1., banker; born at Charleston, S. C., August 11, 1884; son of B. H. and Sallie (Inness) Brown; attended Charleston High School; president of the Citizens Bank, Charleston, S. C., a member of the Executive Committee of the Charleston Clearing House. Home, Charleston, S. C. Brown, Edgar Allen, lawyer; born near Shiloh Springs, Aiken County, S. C., July 11, 1888; son of Augustus Abraham and Eliazbeth (Howard) Brown; attended graded school; senior member of law firm of Brown Sl Bush, city and county attorney, appointed official court' stenographer, Second Judicial Circuit, January 5, 1908, holding position for ten years. Barn¬ well County chairman of Democratic party since 1918, elected to South Carolina House of Representatives, 1920, colonel on staff of Governor R. A. Cooper; mar¬ ried Annie Love Sitgraves, Laurens, S. C., December 30, 1913; member of Masons, Knights Templar, Shriner, K. of P., Elks, W. O. W. Home, Barnwell, S. C. 22 Branson, Harry Alexander, lawyer; born at Flor¬ ence, S. C., November 4, 1868; son of William Alexan¬ der and Antoinette Taylor (Chandler) Brunaon; at¬ tended private schools. South Carolina College, read law under his father, admitted to the bar, 1894; gave most of time to educational affairs, teaching at Lynch¬ burg, Bateaburg; was principal of the Florence High School, Georgetown Schools, for three years connected with the schools at Spartanburg; is a director of the Palmetto Bank & Trust Co., the Farmers A Mechanics Bank; since 1911 probate judge of Florence; married Annie Louise Mcintosh, Lynchburg, S. C., January 1, 1908; member of Masons, Junior Order United Ameri¬ can Mechanics, K. of P. Home, Florence, S. C. Bryan, Thomas Smith, business man; born in Charles¬ ton, October 21, 1856; son of Jonathan and Georgia (Sneed) Bryan; educated at Columbia Academy; be¬ gan as clerk in the book store of his uncle; in 1882 suc¬ ceeded his uncle as president of The R. L. Bryan Co. (book store); later, in connection with the book store, established the largest printing shop in the State of S. C.; is vice-president of Carolina National Bank; president of Richland Building and Loan Assn.; vice- president of Enterprise Building and Loan Assn.; a Mason, Shriner, Presbyterian and member of Ridge- wood Club, Columbia; married Fannie Jordan of Winnsboro. Address, Columbia, S. C. Buchanan, Joseph Wesley, Veterinarian; born at Washington, D. C., November 21, 1892; son of James C. and Belle B. Buchanan; attended McKinley High School, College of Veterinary Medicine, George Wash¬ ington University, all located at Washington, D. C.; D. V. M. degree; formerly associate professor of Vet¬ erinary Science, Clemson College, S. C., formerly first assistant State Veterinarian; formerly Veterinary In¬ spector, B. A. I., U. S. Department of Agriculture; formerly editor of Veterinary Department, Carolina Farmer & Stockman, Charleston, S. C., now editor of Veterinary Department, Farmer & Stockman, Jackson¬ ville, Fla.; now president of Carolina Remedies Co., Inc., Union, S. C.; married Rosalyn Evans Buchanan, Union, S. C., February 23, 1916; member of several fraternities, S. C. Association of Veterinarians, Ameri¬ can Veterinary Medical Society. Home, Union, S. C. Buckingham, Eugene Randolph, farmer; born at Ellenton, S. C., August 22, 1871; son of Clinton E. and 23 Ellen (Dunbar) Buckingham; attended the Citadel; owner and manager of large plantations on the Savan- ah River; member of the S. C. House of Representa¬ tives, 1918-20, and re-elected in 1920 for two years; married Florence Dunbar, Barnwell County, S. C., June 7, 1893; member of Masons, Christian Church. Home, Ellenton, S. C. Buckingham, Perry M.t banker; born at Barnwell, S. C., November 6, 1862; son of J. C. and Esther Re¬ becca Buckingham; attended common schools, St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., graduate of, 1881; cashier of the Citizens Savings Bank, Barnwell, S. C.,. until 1890, cashier of the Bank of Barnwell until 1908, when he became president of that institution, in 1909 became vice president of the Bank of Western Carolina and manager of its branch at Barnwell, S. C.; for eigh¬ teen years a member of the Barnwell school board of trustees, in 1918 a member of the Barnwell County Board of Education; during World War treasurer of the Barnwell Chapter of the Red Cross Society, chair¬ man of Liberty Loan campaigns; married Daisy Dun¬ can, October 5, 1892; member of Episcopal Church; Home, Barnwell, S. C. Burbidge, Frank, business man; born at London, England, February 4, 1857; son of Enoch and Caroline (Green) Burbidge; attended schools in London, Eng¬ land, coming to the United States at the age of 17; a di¬ rector of the Atlantic Savings Bank, Charleston, S. C., president of the Etiwan Fertilizer Co., Charleston, S. C.; married Matilda Mathison of Sweden, October, 1875; member of Masons. Home, Charleston, S. C. Burt*, Charles Elford, minister; born in Abbeville County, S. C„ December 5, 1867; son of R. W. and Amanda (Latimer) Burts; attended Abbeville County schools, Honea Path High School, Furman University, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.; A. B. degree from Furman, Master of Theology degree from Louisville Seminary, D. D. degree from Furman; pastor at Gallatin, Tenn., Blackville, S. C., Edgefield, S. C., First Baptist Church, Columbia, S. C., general secretary of General Board of Baptist State Conven¬ tion; active in prohibition work in South Carolina; mar¬ ried Sadie Watson, Anderson, S. C., June 27, 1905; member of S. A. E. Fraternity K. of P., Masons; Ad¬ dress, 1106 Gregg Street, Columbia, S. C. 24 Butler, Thomas Bothwell, lawyer; born in Union County, S. C., January 11, 1866; son of Pierce Pickens and Arsinoe (Jeter) Butler; attended public schools of Union, University of S. C., law and academic de¬ partments; admitted to the bar, 1895; a director of the Peoples Building A Loan Assn., the American State and Cash Mills, GafTney, S. C.; former member of both the S. C. House of Representatives and Senate, and returned to the Senate in 1918 for a term of four years, has been chairman of the Cherokee County Democratic party several terms, for a number of years State Execu¬ tive committeeman, has been mayor of GafTney, United States Commissioner, national elector at large, is now a member of the judiciary committee in the S. C. Sen¬ ate; lieutenant-colonel of the Third S. C. Regiment, serving with similar rank on Governor Ansel's staff; married Annie Wood, GafTney, S. C.; member of the board of trustees of the Buford Street Methodist Church, GafTney, S. C. Home, GafTney, S. C. Bjrrd, Samuel Craig, college president; bom in Laurens, S. C., October 24, 1868; son of Capt. Jonathan Douns and Evelyn (Craig) Byrd. B. A. Presbyterian College of S. C., Clinton, S. C., 1889, M. A., 1892; graduated Columbia Theological Seminary, Columbia, S. C., 1892; D. D. Presbyterian College, 1906; Tutor Hebrew, Columbia Theological Seminary, 1892-3,1898- 1902; ordained Presbyterian ministry 1894; asst. pas¬ tor 1st church, New Orleans, La., 1894-7, managing editor Presbyterian Quarterly and Religious Outlook, Columbia, S. C., 1898-9; tutor and professor Columbia Theol. Seminary 1898-02; pastor Scion Church, Winns- boro, S. C., 1903-06; president Chicora College, Green¬ ville, S. C., 1906-15, and president of its successor, Chicora College for Women, Columbia, S. C., since July 1, 1915; trustee Presbyterian College of S. C., Clinton, S. C.; member Pi Kappa Alpha; Mason (K. T.); married Wilhelmina Law Cozby, Newberry, S. C., October 3, 1893. Address, Columbia, S. C. Byrne*, James Francis, Congressman; born Charles¬ ton, S. C., May 2, 1879; son of James Francis and Eliz¬ abeth E. Byrnes; educated in public schools; studied law and was admitted to bar in 1903 and since in prac¬ tice at Aiken, S. C.; was editor of Journal and Review, Aiken, 1903-7; official reporter Second Circuit S. C., 1900-8; solicitor Second Circuit, S. C., 1908-10; mem- 25 ber 62nd-66th Congresses (1911-21) Second District of S. C.J married Maud Busch, Aiken, S. C., may 2, 1906. Address, Aiken, S. C. Cam, John Jefferson, general contractor; born at Petersburg, Va., August 7, 1867; son of George R. and Elizabeth (Beausor) Cain; educated in public schools; apprenticed in stone carving but became general con¬ tractor; built Jefferson Hotel, Columbia, S. C.; Presi¬ dent Jefferson Hotel Co.; married Myra Maddox of Nashville, Tenn., in June, 1891; member Masons, Shrin- ers, Knights Templar, Elks. Address, Columbia, S. C. Caldwell, James Fitz James, author, lawyer; born at Newberry, S. C., September 19, 1837; son of James John and Nancy Morgan (McMorries) Caldwell; attended school at Columbia, Anderson, Pendleton, South Carolina College, studied law in the University of Berlin, Germany, also in the office of General James Simons, Charleston, S. C., admitted to the bar in Janu¬ ary, 1859; practiced law.in partnership with Major Suber, 1870-90; has served as director and attorney for the National Bank of Newberry, the Newberry Sav¬ ings Bank, the National Bank of Greenwood; at one time a trustee of the University of South Carolina; elected chairman of the Newberry County Democratic Executive Committee in 1868, again in 1877; served in the Confederate Army in the First Gregg's Regiment of South Carolina Infantry, and as aide-de-camp to Gen¬ eral Samuel McGowan in McGowan's South Carolina Brigade; author of "History of a Brigade of South Car¬ olinians"; married Rebecca Capers Connor, Cokesbury, S. C., September 29, 1875; member of Episcopal Church. Home, Newberry, S. C. Calhoun, Fred Harvey Hall, geologist; born Auburn, N. Y., June 27, 1874; son John Hamilton and Ellen (Hall) Calhoun. B. S. University of Chicago, 1898, Ph. D., 1902, assistant in Geology Department, Uni¬ versity of Chicago, 1899-1902; assistant professor Geology and Physics, Illinois College, 1902-4; profes¬ sor geology and mineralogy, Clemson College, S. C., since 1904, also director Agricultural Department of same; consulting geologist Seaboard Air Line Rail¬ road; assistant geologist United States Geological Survey since 1903; geologist University of Colorado Summer School, 1903, 1905, 1909; University of Chicago Summer School, 1907; University of Mich- 26 igan Summer School, 1911; Summer School University of Iowa, 1914-15. Fellow Geological Society of Amer¬ ica, A. A. A. S., member Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Nu; author Geological Monographs; married Grace B. Ward, Jacksonville, 111., June 9, 1904. Presbyterian. Address, Clemson College, S. C. Calhoun, Harry DeSausture, banker; born in Barn¬ well County, S. C., October 31, 1869; son of William B. and Annie Walton (Owens) Calhoun; attended county schools; president of the Home Bank of Barn¬ well, S. C., a member of the Board of Trustees of the Barnwell city schools; married Eva Duncan, Charles¬ ton, S. C., 1901; member of the Masons, Elks, W. O. W., K. of P., Farmers Union, United Commercial Travelers and the Travelers Protective Association; Episcopal Church. Home, Barnwell, S. C. Callison, Tolliver Cleveland, lawyer, public official; born in Edgefield County, S. C., July 17, 1884; son of Preston Brooks and Mattie Ella (White) Callison; at¬ tended public schools. Bailey Military Institute, Uni¬ versity of South Carolina Law School, admitted to the bar 1909; at present a member of the law firm Tim- merman, Graham & Callison; during World War served as chief clerk to the local board of .Lexington County; a member of the County Food Administration, lieutenant-colonel on the staff of Governor Cooper; in 1920 was elected solicitor of the Eleventh Circuit for a term of four years; married Margaret Elizabeth Reel, Edgefield, S. C., December 17, 1913; for three years superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School at Lex¬ ington ; member of Masons, K. of P., W. O. W. Home, Lexington, S. C. Cappelmann, John D.t lawyer; born at Walhalla, S. C., July 24, 1857; son of Eimer and Dorothea Cap- plemann; attended private schools of G. H. D. Cramer, Charleston, and of C. H. Spears, Pickens, S. C., studied law in the office of Keith & Verner, Walhalla, S. C., admitted to the bar, 1883; practiced law twenty years in Charleston in partnership with James Simons, prac¬ ticed alone after the dissolution of this firm; member of South Carolina House of Representatives, 1884-90; during World War government appeal agent of Local Board No. 2, Charleston; married Julia A. Pieper, Wal¬ halla, S. C., October 26, 1882. Home, Charleston, S. C. rt Carey, James P., Jr., lawyer; born at Pickens, S. C., in 1886; son of James P. and Lynda (Lovett) Carey; educated at Clemson College, University of South Caro¬ lina, and studied law at Pickens under his father; ad¬ mitted to the bar in 1908; became his father's partner; elected to Housg. of Representatives of South Carolina in 1912; for years U. S. Commissioner at Pickens; chair¬ man legal advisory board of Pickens County, Red Cross war fund committee, Salvation Army Relief Fund Com¬ mittee, War Savings Stamps Committee for Pickens County during World War; married Kate Robinson; Knight Templar, Mason, Shriner. Address, Pickens, S. C. Carhartt, Hamilton, manufacturer; born Macedon Locks, Wayne County, N. Y., August 27, 1859; son of George and Lefa (Wylie) Carhartt; was educated in public schools, and at Racine College (Racine, Wis¬ consin) ; began in wholesale business, firm of Welling & Carhartt, Grand Rapids, 1882; removed to Detroit, 1884, there established wholesale furnishing goods company under firm name of Hamilton Carhartt A Co.; changed in 1899 to manufacturer of men's working apparel as Hamilton Carhartt, Mfgr. (Inc.), and in 1915 to Hamilton Carhartt Cotton Mills, of which he is president; also president Hamilton Carhartt Cotton Mills (Toronto, Ont), Rock Hill, S. C., Atlanta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., Vancouver, B. C., Liverpool, Eng., Mobile, Ala., Elberton, Ga., Carhartt, S. C., President Ophir Mining and Milling Co., Detroit (State Line, Utah), member Detroit Board of Commerce, S. A. R. Clubs, Travelers (Paris), Automobile of America (New York), Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Country; married Annette Welling, Jackson, Miss., December 22, 1882. Home, 927 Fifth Avenue, New York, (summer), Newport, R. I. Office, Carhartt, S. C., and Michigan ave. and Tenth St., Detroit, Michigan. Carlisle, Howard Bobo, lawyer, banker; born at Spartanburg, S. C., January 23, 1867; son of John Wil¬ son and Louisa (Bobo) Carlisle; graduate of Wofford College, 1885, studied law with Wofford & Jenkins one year, Vanderbilt University, 1886-87, graduate of with degree of LL. B., 1887; taught school and worked in father's office, appointed trial justice by Governor Richardson, at end of six months made first master for Spartanburg County, holding this position four years, ss then entered firm of Carlisle Sc Hydride, which later became Carlisle Sl Carlisle; organizer and president of Planters Savings Bank, Greer, S. C., Bank of Landrum, Landrum, S. C., Bank of Chesnee, director of First National Bank, Spartanburg, S. C.; member of South Carolina Senate, 1906-16, and while in the Senate, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, author of the Juvenile Court bill and other legislation; during World War chairman of Red Cross campaigns and of the Civilian Relief Committee of the Red Cross; married Georgia F. Adam, Spartanburg, S. C., March 16, 1892; member of Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club. Home, Spartanburg, S. C. Carlisle, Marcus Lee, Methodist minister; son of John Mason and Elizabeth Catherine (Sharpe) Car¬ lisle; graduate of Wofford College with the degree of A. B., 1883; for four years after graduation he taught school, then began his duties as a minister of the gospel, which ministry is now going on its thirtieth year and is as follows: Cowpens Circuit, Walhalla Circuit until 1890, at Camden to 1894, Chester to 1896, Central Church at Spartanburg to 1900, Washington Street Church at Columbia to 1904, Bethel Church at Charles¬ ton to 1906, Marion to 1907, presiding elder of the Spartanburg District to 1911, pastor at Greenville to 1915, presiding elder of Greenville District to 1916, when he resigned to become pastor of St. John's Meth¬ odist Church at Anderson; now pastor of Washington Street Church at Columbia; married Ann Margaret Rast, of Orangeburg (now Calhoun) County, S. C., Feb¬ ruary 17, 1887. Present address, Columbia, S. C. Carrigan, Lawrence Eugene, business man; born at Society Hill, July 4, 1861; son of William A. and Cath¬ erine Elizabeth (Hill) Carrigan; educated in St David's Academy, Society Hill, University of S. C.; took up farming upon graduation from college, but joined with his father in business in 1891; was president Peoples Bank of Darlington for seven years; now general mer¬ chandise merchant; member House of Representatives 1906-1910, 1918-1920; married Mary Winter, 1891. Knight Templar, Mason, Shriner, K. of P., W. O. W., Presbyterian. Address, Society Hill, S. C. Carroll, Edward, Jr., publisher; born Charleston, S. C.. in 1882; son of Edward and Frances J. L. Carroll. Published "Principles and Practice of Finance," 1893; in 1899 accompanied Schurman Commission to Philip¬ pine Islands as chief clerk and official stenographer; has contributed special articles on finance, the tariff, and the Philippines; married Elizabeth O. Woodruff in 1885. Address, Charleston, S. C.

Carroll, Ephraim Mikell, business man; born in Beau¬ fort District (now county), February 28, 1868; son of Edward and Fannie (Lartigue) Carroll; educated in Bennett School, Charleston; spent three years of his early life in Florida; removed to New York in 1889; was associated in business with Robert Colgate, New York banker, five years; was with banking house of James F. Matthews & Co., four years; treasurer and general manager of National Pyrogranite Co. eleven years; in 1908 established the business which boars his name. Has done some literary work along line of studies and discussions of economics and political science; married Lucy Francis Lander, Nyack, N. Y.; member of Manhattan, Mendelssohn Glee, Academy of Political Science of Columbia Univ., Nyack Arts, and Rockland Country (of Nyack) Clubs. Address, Nyack, N. Y. Carroll, Francis Julian, physician; bom in South Carolina, October 10, 1874; son of Edward and Fannie (Lartigue) Carroll; attended Porter Military Academy, S. C. Medical College, graduate of with degree of M. D., 1896; mayor of Summerville, S. C., one term, county chairman of the Democratic Committee, a delegate to the National Democratic Convention, Denver, Colo., 1908; during World War served in the Three Hundred and Twenty-seventh Field Hospital of the Three Hun¬ dred and Seventh Sanitary Train, Eighty-Second Divi¬ sion, American Expeditionary Forces, received honora¬ ble discharge, May 11, 1919, commissioned major, M. R. C., June 9, 1919; married Charlotte A. Doan, 1897; member of County, State and American Medical Assns., Association of Southern Railway Surgeons, Masons, K. of P., W. O. W., Episcopal Church, Ameri¬ can Legion. Home, Summerville, S. C. Carter, Jesse Francis, lawyer; born in Colleton County, S. C., September 12, 1873; son of Miles McMil- lin and Janie Irene (Kinard) Carter; attended the Bam¬ berg Graded Schools, a classical institute, Peabody Col¬ lege, University of Nashville, University of S. C. Law School; earned A. B. and LL. B. degrees from the Uni- 30 versity of Nashville and the University of South Caro¬ lina, respectively; at present a member of the law Arm of Carter, Carter & Kearse, Bamberg, S. C.; president of the Bamberg Home Building & Loan Assn.; the pres¬ ent chairman of the Bamberg Democratic County Com¬ mittee; during World War attorney for the local board of Bamberg County, government appeal agent, a mem¬ ber of the State Council of Defense, active in Red Cross and other campaigns; married Lydia Jenkins, Kline, S. C., 1911; member of the State Bar Association, Masons, K. of P., Baptist Church. Home, Bamberg, S. C. Carter, Samuel Tompkins, banker, State Treasurer of South Carolina; bom at Edgefield Court House, S. C., September 9, 1871; son of Capt. Jonathan H. and Hen¬ rietta (Tompkins) Carter; attended Clemson College (two years); became chief clerk under his uncle, Colo¬ nel Tompkins, then Secretary of State, December, 1894, clerk to State Superintendent of Education, W. D. Mayfield, for three years, bookkeeper in State Treas¬ urer's office, 1898-1907, promoted to chief clerk in that department, 1908, serving until 1913, elected State Treasurer, 1912, still holding that position; president of the following institutions in Columbia, S. C.: The Commercial Bank, Guarantee Trust Co. of S. C., Guar¬ antee Investment Co., The Shandon Loan Co., president of the Carter Motor Co.; married Nell Brooks, Colum¬ bia, S. C., October 23, 1895; member of W. O. W., Fra¬ ternal Order of Eagles and Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Ridgewood Club, Columbia Club, chancellor Commander of Columbia No. 106, 1907. Address, Columbia, S. C. Catheart, Robert Spann, surgeon; born at Columbia, S. C., September 25, 1871; son of William R. and Eliza¬ beth (Kelly) Cathcart; attended Columbia schools, University of South Carolina Medical School, South Carolina Medical College, Charleston, S. C.; Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, professor of Abdominal Surgery, Medical College of South Carolina, surgeon for the Charleston Consolidated Railway and Light Co., the Atlantic Coast Line Railway, the Sea¬ board Air Line Railway, The Citadel, surgeon-in-chief to the Roper Hospital, Charleston, S. C.; president of the Medical Society of South Carolina, retiring presi¬ dent of the Tri-State Medical Association, composed of 31 North and South Carolina and Virginia; during World War, medical aid to the governor in the selective draft service, a major in the Medical Reserve Corps, served as chief surgeon of the Base Hospital, Camp Wads- worth, S. C., and chief of the surgical staff at General Hospital No. 24, Pittsburgh, Pa.; married Katherine J. Morrow, Birmingham, Ala., January 5, 1898; member of Masons. Shriners, Eks. Home, Charleston, S. C. Chaptn, Charles Brooks, clergyman; born New York City, May 20, 1855; son of Henry Barton and Harriet Ann (Smith) Chapin. A. B., Princeton, 1876, A. M., 1879; graduate Union Theol. Seminary, 1880; D. D., New York University, 1895. Ordained Presbyterian ministery, 1880; successively pastor Norwood, N. J.; First Church, Freeport, L. I., New York; First Reformed Church, Brooklyn; East Ave. Presbyterian Church, Rochester; First Presbyterian Church, Medina; First Presbyterian Church, South Bethlehem. Pa., 1913-18; chaplin under National Service Commission Presbyte¬ rian Church U. S. A. in several camps, 14 months; now professor Biblical Literature, Converse College, Spar¬ tanburg, S. C.; married Florence Adelaide Johnson, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 5, 1883, (died, 1906); married second time, Mrs. Mary Summers Pemberton, Charles¬ ton, S. C., July 8, 1909. Member Phi Beta Kappa. R. I. Chapter Society Cincinnati. Contributed to religious press. Home, 146 Alabama St., Spartanburg, S. C. Charles, Thomas I., cotton manufacturer; bom at Conestee, son of Joel D. and Ida (Woodside) Charles; educated at Furman University; studied law and after admission to bar became member of !*w firm of Sirrine A Charles, Greenville; abandoned law practice four years later and engaged in cotton industry as president and treasurer of Conestee Mills; was chairman of Local Draft Board No. 3 of Greenville County during World War; in charge of War Camp Community, United War Work, Salvation Army and other benevolent campaigns in Greenville County during war. Presbyterian; mar¬ ried Lois V. Puckett, Cartersville, Ga. Address, Cones¬ tee, S. C. Chreitxborg, Augustus McKee, banker: bom Spartan¬ burg. S. C., May 20. 1874; son of Dr. Hilliard Francis and Addria Eugenia (Kirby) Chreitsberg. A. B. Wofford College, Spartanburg, 1895. Began as bookkeeper in a jewelry store, Spartanburg, 1895; instructor WofTord St Fitting School, 1897-9; bookkeeper First National Bank, Spartanburg, 1899; cashier same, 1907; vice- president, 1909; president since March, 1914; presi¬ dent Mechanics Building and Loan Association, Spar¬ tanburg; chairman Civil Service Commission. Married Cema Sitton, of Autun, S. C., April 12, 1911. Trustee Wofford College, Converse College. Member Chi Psi, Methodist. Home, 233 Hampton Ave. Office, Morgan Square, Spartanburg, S. C. Chisolm, Edward N., engineer; born in Charleston in 1878; son of Edward N. and Felicia (Robinson) Chisolm; educated in private school and Porter Military Academy; graduating in 1897; while in school speciali¬ sed in engineering; went to Columbia in 1898 and be¬ came an authority in his technical profession; enlisted in the army in 1897, served with several units during Spanish-American War and was discharged in 1906; in late war, received a commission as captain from first Officers Training Camp, Fort Oglethrope, Ga., was sent to France as adjutant of the Second Battalion of En¬ gineers; served in Chateau Thierry and Soissons cam¬ paigns ; in meantime was promoted to the rank of major. Married Annie Weston, Columbia. Address, Columbia, S. C. Christenaon, Nails; merchant, editor. State Senator; born at Beaufort in 1876, educated in public and pri¬ vate schools; became associated with his father and brother in hardware business, lumber and building bus¬ iness, 1896; since 1901 has owned and edited the Beau¬ fort Gazette; since 1904 has been State Senator from Beaufort County; was a member of the Dispensary In¬ vestigating Committee; commission for investigating conditions at State Hospital for the Insane, Senate Printing Investigating Commission, 1915; his name is on the acts creating State Board of Charities and Cor¬ rections, Tax Commission. Boy's Reformatory, Girls' Reformatory, Budget System; since the session of 1914 has been chairman of the Senate Finance Committee; president since organization in 1919 of the S. C. De¬ velopment Board; during late war served in U. S. Navy; attached to headquarters of the Sixth Naval District at Charleston; won promotion from ensign to lieutenant. Married Katherine Wales Stratton of Boston, Mass., Dec. 3, 1912. Address. Beaufort, S. C.

L-W. W imB.C. ** Claffy, Jame* Henry, farmer; bom at Columbia, 8. C., 1858; son of James and Eliza (McH>nna) daffy; for several years served as vice-president and caahier of the Farmers Union Bank and Trust Co., the leader in organizing the Orangeburg County Fair Assn., In 1916 organized the Orangeburg County Farmers Mu¬ tual Fire Insurance Co., in 1919 the leader in organiz¬ ing the Orangeburg County Marketing Assn., one of the leaders of the American Cotton Assn., being elected vice-president of the S. C. Division, 1919, and also a member of the State Executive Committee, president of the Orangeburg County Cotton Assn., president of the State Farmers' Union; lieutenant-colonel of the Second South Carolina Infantry, 1912-16, during World War county food administrator; married Mana K. Rlcken- baker, Orangeburg County; member of the Catholic church. Home, Orangeburg, S. C. Clark, Washington A., banker, lawyer; born on James' Inland, S. C., February 22, 1842; son of Ephriam Mikell and Susan Jane Clark; attended James' Island schools, Mt. Zion College, 1857-59, S. C. College (now Univ. of S. C.), 1860-61; came to Columbia February 1, 1871 to study law, admitted to bar in October, 1871, was junior member of the Arm Melton A Clark, after death of partner, continued to practice alone until Jan¬ uary, 1879, at that time forming a partnership with Judge Samuel W. Melton as Melton A Clark, retired from practice of law after Judge Melton had been ap¬ pointed District Attorney, after which he devoted his entire time to banking; member of Board of Directors of Columbia Theological Seminary, 1880-1910, Board of Trustees of the South Carolina College, 1891-97, Columbia Bar Assn., 1871-1921, has been president Carolina National Bank since 1881; entered Confed¬ erate army as a member of the College Cadets at the bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861, enlisted for the war in Co. I (Rebel Troop), 3rd regiment cav¬ alry, S. C. V., C. S. A., February, 1862, transferred by order of War Department, October 3, 1862, to organize Signal Corps at Charleston, S. C., in which branch of service he continued to serve in the defenses around Charleston until it was evacuated February 17, 1865; was surrendered with Johnston's Army at Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865; married Esther Virginia Melton, Chester, S. C., December 26, 1866. Home, 1003 Elm- wood Avenue, Columbia. S. C. U Cl.v.l.nd John Bonur, r.pit.lint; born Hpartan- burg, 8. C., Nov. 9, 1848; .m of Robert Eaaley and Elizabeth (Rom.r) Cleveland; A. B., Wofford College, Spartanburg. 1869; atudent one year at Georgetown Univ.; begnn in cotton manufacturing 189.1; largely intereated in banking and cotton milia; prealdent Charlea- ton and Weatem Carolina Railway (kimpany; preaident and treaaurer Whitney Manufacturing Co.; vice-pre.l- dent Flrat National Bank of Spartanburg, director of numeroua milla. Waa member of 8. C. Houae of Rep- reaentativea; delegate Democratic National Convention that nominated Cleveland for prealdent flrat time. Mar- ried Georgia Alden Cleveland, of Bedford County, Ten- neaaee, Nov. 4, 1871. Truetre Converac College and Wofford College. Epiacopalian. Home, Spartanburg, 8. C. -

Clifton, John H.t lawyer; born at Lexington, 8. C.t December 6, 1876; attended public achoola, Unlveralty of 8. C., graduate of, 1898; began practice of law at Sumter, 8. C., member of 8. C. Houae of Repreaenta- Uvea, 1902-06, elected to 8. C. Senate in 1906, aerving until 1914, re-elected in 1918, chairman Senate Com¬ mittee on Printing, county chairman Democratic Exec¬ utive Committee, member State Democratic Convention eighteen conaecutive yeara, delegate to National Dem¬ ocratic Convention, 1908; during Worid War county chairman draft board; married Elizabeth Law, Elliott. 8. C., April 26, 1904. Home, Sumter, 8. C. Clinlucalea, John Goorgo, teacher; born in Abbe¬ ville County, 8. C„ May 26, 1866; eon of George Brown- lee and Eliza A. Clinkacalea; attended Wofford College, abort couraea at Johna llopkina and Cornell; A. B. and A. M. degree, from Wofford College, LL. D. degree from Erakine College; long a fighter for compulaory education in South Carolina, four yeara auperintendent of education of Anderaon County, profeaaor of mathe- matica at Williamaton Female College, Columbia Fe¬ male College, Clemaon College, and for the paat twenty yeara at Wofford College, lieutenant-colonel on late Governor Hagood'a ataff; author of "How Each Came to College" and "On the Old Plantation"; married Sallie C. Hutto, Orangeburg County, 8. C., March 14, 1878; member of Kiwania Club. Home, Spartanburg, 8. C. tl Coggeshall. William Dargan, business man; born in that part of Darlington County now in Florence County, April 7, 1872; son of Peter C. and Nancy L. (Wilds) Coggeshall; educated in public schools; clerked two years on leaving school; then organized Coggeshall & Co., a grocery and crockery business; acquired all the interests of the business in 1900 and organized in 1904 W. D. Coggeshall & Co., of which he is proprietor; owner of Carolina Ice and Packing Co., Darlington De¬ velopment Co., and Darlington Wholesale Grocery Co.; has farms in Darlington, Berkeley and Chesterfield Counties. Married Emma Edwards, Oct. 23, 1896. Address, Darlington, S. C. Cogswell, Julius E., lawyer, public official; born at Columbia, S. C., May 13,1865; son of Harvey and Mary (Keller) Cogswell; attended Charleston City schools. South Carolina College, graduate of, 1886; Georgetown University Law Department, Washington, D. C., gradu¬ ate of, 1888; served the Charleston City Hospital as a commissioner, 1893, for over twenty-five years Regis¬ ter of Mesne Conveyances for Charleston County; for eleven years captain of the Washington Light Infantry, Charleston, S. C., during World War served as captain of the Washington Light Infantry Reserve, later as a lieutenant-colonel of the S. C. Reserve Militia, still later became colonel commanding the entire reserve of South Carolina; member of K. of P., Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a York Rite Mason, a past potentate of Omar Temple of the Mystic Shrine and a past grand patron of the Eastern Star. Home, Charleston, S. C. Cogswell, William Harvey, business man; born at Charleston, S. C., March 19, 1860; son of Harvey and Mary (Keller) Cogswell; attended the Charleston pub¬ lic schools, later a pupil of Professor Sachtleben, Charleston, S. C., Carolina Military Academy, Char¬ lotte, N. C.; president and general manager of Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., Charleston, S. C.; is a member of Commission on Finance of the South Carolina Con¬ ference, Methodist Church, and a trustee of the District Conference of that church, a member of the Hoard of Managers of the Charleston Bible Society; active in all campaigns during World War; member of Masons, Shriners, St. Andrews Society, South Carolina Society, German Friendly Society, New England Society, Charleston Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. Home, Charleston, S. C. M Coker, Darkl Robert, plant breeder, seedsman, cot¬ ton dealer, merchant; born at Hartaville, S. C., Novem¬ ber 20, 1870; son of James Lide and Susan (Stout) Coker; attended University of S. C.; A. B. degree from University of S. C., 1891; president J. L. Coker k Co., merchants; president Coker Cotton Co., president Pedi¬ greed Seed Co., director Federal Reserve Bank of Rich¬ mond, Va., president S. C. Plant Breeders' Assn., Trus¬ tee University of S. C., member National Agricultural Commission sent to Europe in 1918; mayor of Harta¬ ville, 1902-04; during World War chairman S. C. Coun¬ cil of Defense, Federal Food Administration; married Jessie Ruth Richardson, Timmonsville, S. C., September 12, 1894 (deceased), second, Margaret May Roper, Washington, D. C., August 15, 1915. Home, Harta¬ ville, S. C. Coker, J. Hart, Clerk of Court; born at Society Hill, Jan. 19, 1871; son of T. H. and Ellen (Hart) Coker; educated in public schodls, St. David's school at Society Hill, Patrick Military Institute and Furman University; as a young man was a clerk and bookkeeper; also engaged independently in mercantile business and as a farmer; since 1916 has been Clerk of Court of Darling¬ ton County. Member of" Masonic Order, W. O. W., Moose; Baptist. Married Jsnie Coker, 1897. Address, Darlington, S. C. Colcock, F. Horton, lawyer; born at Huntsville, Ala., June 19, 1855; son of Col. Charles Jones and Lucy Frances (Horton) Colcock; descendant of Revolution¬ ary stock. C. E., Union College, Schnectady, N. Y.. 1877; LL. D„ University of Alabama; studied law in office of Gen'l James Connor, Charleston, S. C„ and was admitted to the bar 1879. Member ftrm of Howell, Murphy and Colcock, of Hampton and Walterboro, S. C., 1880-82; teacher Porter Military Academy, 1886- 94; assist. professor of mathematics, 1894-99; profes¬ sor, 1899-1907; professor mathematics and astronomy, 1907-15; dean department of physics and engineering, 1907-8; dean of mathematics and engineering, 1907-12, University of s. C.; resumed law practice June, 1915; now at Beaufort, S. C. Was commissioner of county schools, Charleston County, S. C., commissioner of public schools of Charleston and reorganized same; vice-president National Rivers and Harbors Congress; member Good Roads Congress, Washington, D. C., S7 1911; planter. Married Mary Robert Jones of Screven County, Ga., August 4, 1880. Member of Episcopal church. Address, BlufTton, S. C. Coleman, William Augustus, wholesale merchant; bom in Richland County, S. C., March 27, 1880; son of William Henry and Annie Moore Coleman; attended Columbia city schools; began career as office boy for the Murray Drug Co., 1894, later becoming treasurer and manager of this company, retired from this position and now member of the Coleman-Drew Co., organized in 1917; elected to Columbia City Council in 1918, serving in that capacity to date; delegate to National Democratic Convention, 1920, at San Francisco, Cal.; married Maner Mixon, Aiken County, S. C., June 25, 1903; member of 1. O. O. F. Home, Columbia, S. C. Commander, Charles E., banker, business man; bom in Darlington County, S. C., 1882; son of R. C. and Sarah (McCurry) Commander; attended public schools at Florence, S. C., University of S. C. Ave years, three in academic department, two in law department, from which he graduated in 1904; practiced law in Columbia with Bellinger & Townsend one year, entered real estate and insurance business, 1906. owner of the Florence Motor Sales Co., first vice president of the S. C. Auto¬ motive Trades Assn., president of the City Sbvingp Bank of Florence, field and financial agent of the Univ. of S. C. Alumni Assn., 1905; married Adelaide Boyd, Spartanburg, S. C.; member of Florence Rotary Club, Presbyterian Church. Home, Florence, S. C. Cooper, Robert Archer, Governor; bom Laurens, S. C., June 12, 1874; son of Henry Addison and Elizabeth Archer (Jones) Cooper; educated Jones High School, Abbeville, S. C.J admitted to bar 1898, and began prac¬ tice at Laurens; magistrate Laurens, 1899-1900; mem¬ ber S. C. Legislature two terms, 1900-04; elected soli¬ citor Eighth Judicial Circuit S. C., 1905; re-elected 1908-12; Governor of S. C., 1919-21, re-elected for term 1921-23; trustee Furman University (Greenville, S. C.); married Machen of Princeton, S. C., March 22, 1899 (died June 22, 1914); married 2nd time, Dorcas Calmes, Laurens, Nov. 15, 1917; Baptist. Address, State Capitol, Columbia, S. C. Cope, Johnson Heyward, planter, manufacturer; bom in that part of Barnwell District since erected into Bamberg County, June 30, 1861; son of Jacob 38 Martin and Mary (Burnett) Cope; attended Moone's Buaineaa College, Atlanta, Ga., graduate of, 1879; president of the Bamberg Banking Co., president and treasurer of the Bamberg Cotton Mills, presi¬ dent of the Santee Cotton Milla, Orangeburg, S. C.; served as Mayor of Bamberg; married Hattie Antley, 1884; member of K. of P., Methodist church. Home, Bamberg, S. C. Cottingham, Thad Jerome, banker; born in Marion County, S. C., September 20, 1883; son of Daniel Sin¬ clair and Ida (Legette) Cottingham; attended New Holly public schools, WofTord College, three years; for two years cashier of the Bank of Olanta, S. C., caahier of the Farmers k Merchants National Bank, Lake City. S. C., until 1916, at that time becoming vice-president, became president in 1919, is vice-president and execu¬ tive officer of the Farmers k Merchants Bank, Cow¬ ards, S. C., president of the Farmers k Merchants Bank, Florence, S. C., organized the Farmers k Mer¬ chants Banks of Pamplico and Johnsonville, S. C., re¬ organized the Bank of Cades, S. C., president of the Peoples Bank, Monck's Comer, S. C.; married Mar¬ garet Cox, Rowland, N. C., April 26, 1906; member of B. P. O. E., is a York Rite Mason and Shriner, a mem¬ ber of the Methodist church. Address, Lake City, S. C. Coward, F. A»bury, physician; born Yorkville, S. C., in 1877; graduated from The Citadel, Charleston, S. C., 1897; M. D., Medical College of S. C„ 1900; city phy¬ sician of Charleston, S. C., six months; in practice at Columbia, S. C., 1902-06; in Bolivia, South America, 1906-07, as surgeon for W, R. Grace k Co. of New York, railroad builders; returned, 1907, and after some post-graduate work, resumed practice at Columbia. S. C.; since 1909 has been director of the State Labora¬ tory at Columbia. During World War he served in Medical Corps, first as 1st lieutenant and later as cap¬ tain; resumed work at State Laboratory, 1919. Ad¬ dress, Columbia, S. C. • Craft, Clarence Christian, magnetician, physician; born Gaston, S. C., Sept. 28, 1880; son of David Elmore and Mary Louisa (Richter) Craft; B. S., 8. C. Military Academy (The Citadel), 1902; M. D., George Wash¬ ington Univ., 1909; aid U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur¬ vey, 1903-05, on U. S. S. Patterson, assisting in making sounding* for army and navy cable from Cape Flattery to Sitka, Alaska, summer of 1903; surveying harbor of Kiska, Alentian Islands, summer of 1904, and survey of Hawaiian Islands, Oct., 1904-March, 1905; magnetic observer in various States, 1905-07; computor Dept. Terrestial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Wash¬ ington, to 1909; magnetic observer commander Peary's auxiliary ship, Erik, July-Oct., 1908, going as for north as Etah, Greenland; surgeon and magnetic observer aboard yacht Carnegie from August 3, 1909, to June 1, 1911; since in medical practice; in public health work, Florence, S. C., 1914-16. Married Charlotte Maye Thomas, Washington, Dec. 6, 1911. Club: Explorers (New York). Address, Poston, S. C. Craig, James H., State Bank Examiner; bom at Anderson, S. C., in 1882; son of S. T. and Mamie (Part- low) Craig; educated in Anderson public schools, North Georgia Agricultural College; became deputy Clerk of Court soon after leaving college; elected in 1906, County Auditor of Anderson County and re¬ elected for a number of terms; upon retiring from office he organized the Dime Savings Bank in Anderson and ever since has been interested in banking business; became assistant State Bank Examiner under I. M. Mauldin in 1914, and State Bank Examiner in 1918. Married Lucy Barton, Anderson, S. C. Member Odd Fellows, K. of P., Red Men. Baptist. Address, An¬ derson, S. C. Cromer. George Benedict, lawyer; bom in Newberry County, S. C., Oct. 3, 1857; son of Thomas H. and P. M. Cromer; A. B., Newberry College, 1877, A. M., 1879, LL. D., Wittenberg, 1901, Muhlenberg, 1901; professor in Newberry College, 1877-81; admitted to bar, Dec., 1881, practiced law until Jan., 1896; president New¬ berry College, 1896-1904; resumed law practice, 1904; married Caro J. Motte, Newberry, S. C., Oct. 11, 1883 (died 1888); married second time Harriet S. Bittle, Salem, Va., Nov. 27, 1890; mayor of Newberry 1886-90. Member American Academy of Political and Social Science, National Economic League; president Trustees Newberry College; chairman State Board of Charities and Corrections, 1915-19. Address, Newberry, S. C. Crowon, Drayton Margart, surgeon, business man; bom at Prosperity, S. C., September 29, 1868; son of John Thomas Pressley and Rosa Catherine (Cook) 40

\ Crosaon; attended the Prosperity Academy, Erskine College, South Carolina Medical College, University of Tenneaaee, from time to time has taken medical courses in Baltimore and New York; president of the Farmers A Merchants Bank, Leesville, S. C., chairman of the Lexington County Cotton Growers' Assn., served a number of years as president of the Lexington County Medical Society, has been active in the State Medical Assn.; has served as chairman of the Lexington County Democratic party; was elected to the State Senate in 1899 to All an unexpired term which ended in Novem¬ ber, 1900, was again elected in 1908 for a term of four years, and was again elected in November, 1920, for a term of four years; while in the Senate, 1908-1912, introduced the first highway bill, advocated a State Highway Department and engineers, and a license on automobiles; volunteered for service with the medical reserve corps; married S. C. Bodie, 1883; member of Masons, K. of P., Odd Fellows, W. 0. W., Methodist church. Home, Leesville ,S .C. Crouch, Benjamin West, attorney and banker; born near Butler church, Edgefield County (now Saluda County), 1868; son of Noah and Sarah (Smith) Crouch; attended old Field schools and then entered Wofford College, completing Junior class; taught school three years, member of commission named in ordinance creat¬ ing Saluda County, first Clerk of Court, Saluda County, serving four years; member S. C. Senate, 1906-08, 1912- 14, delegate to National Democratic Convention in Bal¬ timore, 1912, assistant District Attorney for S. C. two years, 1914-15, president Bank of Saluda since its or¬ ganization in October, 1903; chairman Board of Trus¬ tees Saluda High School; during war served as chair¬ man in all Red Crosa, Y. M, C. A. and Liberty Loan drives; married Daisy Norton, Conway, S. C„ Novem¬ ber 11,1897; member of Masonic Club, K. of P. Home, Saluda, S. C. Cunningham, Tucker J., planter; bom at IJberty Hill, S. C., in 1850; son of W. C. and Rebecca (Jones) Cunningham; grew up on the Cunningham plantation and has ever been a deep student of agriculture; helped organize the State Agricultural Society and has since its organization been an officer thereof; was State phosphate inspector two years; is a planter of note on his plantation near Chester, S. C.; member of the Con- 41

\ stitutional Convention of 1895; colonel on staff of Gov. Ellerbe; was for ten years chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Penitentiary. Married Emily Mobley. Address, Chester, S. C. Currell, William Spencer, University president; born Charleston. S. C., May 13, 1858; son of William and Agnes (Wilkie) Currell; A. B., B. P., Washington and Lee University, 1878; A. M., 1879, Ph. D., 1882; LL. D., University of Ala. and Davidson College, 1914, and University of Florida. 1916; professor English, Hamp- den-Sidney College, Va., 1882-86. Davidson College, N. C., 1886-95; professor of English and Modem Lan¬ guages, 1895-99; professor English, 1899-1914, Wash¬ ington and Lee Univ., Lexington, Va.; president Univ. of S. C., 1914-. Lecturer on English at Chautauqua assembles, etc.; married Sarah Scott, Carrington, Vir¬ ginia, June 28, 1888. Address, Columbia, S. C. Dantsler, Mortimer Owens, planter, banker; bom in Orangeburg County, S. C.; son of Olin M. and Caroline (Glover) Dantzler; attended Mt. Zion school, Winns- boro, S. C., Carolina Military Institute, Charlotte, N. C.; proprietor of Pecanway Place, Orangeburg County, S. C., president of the No-Filler Fertilizer Co. and of the American National Bank; appointed a member of the New Welfare Board by the United States Government; during World War c hairman of the county committee in the Second Red Cross campaign; married Emma Comelson. Orangeburg County. S. C.; member of K. of P., a York and Scottish Rite Shriner. Home, Orange¬ burg, S. C. Davis. Rev. George Edward, minister; born in Balti¬ more, Md.; educated in public schools of Baltimore; student at Hail Institute at Sharon, Pennsylvania, grad¬ uated from Crozer Seminary at Chester, Pennsylvania, June 3, 1903; ordained to Baptist ministry same month at First Baptist church, Baltimore; served as pastor at Alderson, W. Va., and Clifton Forge, Va./ before mov¬ ing to Orangeburg, where he has been since 1910, and there has carried on a program of successful material and spiritual improvement. Married Katherine Test, Sharon, Pennsylvania, Sept. 10, 1894. Address, Or¬ angeburg, S. C. Davis, Joe Cabell, Probate Judge; bom at Ingleside, Va., July 30, 1867; son of Col. Ashley L. and Sallie Epps (Cabell) Davis; educated in schools of Danville, 42 V*.; read medicine under Doctor John R. and Crandall Cabell but never followed the profession; traveling aateaman two years; later focused hia attention on in- aurance; repreaented Mutual Life Inaurance Co. of New York; hia work brought him to Dillon in 1908, where he haa aettled permanently; aince 1912 has been Judge of Probate of Dillon County. Married Lucy Rebecca Brantley, of Butler, Ga., Auguat 3, 1898; a member of K. of P., Odd Kellowa, Improved Order of Red Men, Junior Order United American Mechanica, Mooae, W. O. W. Addreaa, Dillon, S. C.

Davie, William C., lawyer, banker; born near Man¬ ning, S. C., February 12, 1870; aon of Jamea E. and Anna M. Davie; graduate of the Citadel, 1889; attend¬ ed Univeraity of Virginia Law School, admitted to the Virginia bar, 1891; returned home and formed part- nerahip with Joseph K. Rhame; formerly a director of the Manning Oil Mill, ia a director of the Carolina Stock Farma Co., preeident of the Firat National Bank of Manning, S. C.; member of the 8. C. Legialature, 1894- 98, while there a member of the Judiciary Committee; aerved aa captain of Co. D, Second S. C. Volunteera and aa Judge Advocate, of the Seventh Army Corpa during the Spaniah-American War, during World War waa chairman of the Clarendon County Council of Defenae, active in all war campaigna; married Clara J. Huggina, Manning, S. C., May 17, 1894. Home, Manning, S. C. Dawson, Claude Ivan, conaular service; bom Burling¬ ton, la., Oct. 23, 1877; educated high achool, Washing¬ ton, D. C.; studied law at Georgetown Univ. for one year; with treasury department of insular government of P. R., 1899-1904; secretary of a traction company in S. C., 1904-08; examiner Interstate Commerce Commis¬ sion, 1908-10; consul at Puerto Cortes, Honduras, 1910- 12; Valencia, Spain, 1912-15; Tampico, Mex., aince Oct., 1915; private D. C. militia two yeara; sergt. Co. G, 1st D. C. Volunteera, May-Nov., 1898. Home, Ander¬ son, S. C. Address, American Consulate, Tampico, Mexico. Dean, Alvin H., lawyer; bom in Spartanburg District (now County) in 1863; aon of Capt. Alvin H. and Eu¬ genia (Miller) Dean; educated in local schools of Reidville and Spartanburg, at Furman Univeraity and Vanderbilt Univ. (law achool); admitted to the bar in 41 1884 and ha* aince been in practice at Greenville; served as alderman of Greenville, 1892-96; elected to State Senate in 1894 ; was re-elected in 1898 and served until 1902; director Norwood National Bank, Green¬ ville; member K. of P., Elks, Odd Fellows, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Married Lida Byrd, Greenville County, March, 1886 (died 1894); married again Sallie Preston of Virginia, in August, 1898. Address, Greenville, S. C. D«Loach. William Bratton, attorney; bom in Union County, May 11, 1866; son of James E. and Elizabeth DeLoach; attended University of S. C. six years; LL. B. degree; member S. C. Legislature from York County, 1896-1900; special judge, member Public Service Com¬ mission for State of S. C.; chairman Food Administra¬ tion, chairman Council of Defense, Kershaw County, during war; married Josephine S. Kershaw, Camden, S. C., June 11, 1896; member of Masons, Knights Tem¬ plars, K. of P., W. O. W., S. A. E. Fraternity. Home, Camden, S. C. Dennis, Edward Colgate, lawyer; bom in Bishopvilie, S. C., April 10, 1872; son of Dr. Robert E. and Mary G. (Green) Dennis; educated Bingham Military School (N. C.); B. S., Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn; ad¬ mitted to bar December, 1898; in practice at Philadel¬ phia until 1901; opened offices, and still in practice, at Darlington, S. C., Jan. 1, 1901; married Blanche C. Moorer, St. George, S. C., April 10, 1907; Mason, K. of P., W. O. W.; Methodist. Address, Darlington, S. C. Derrick, Sidney Jacob, college president; bom at Little Mountain, S. C., Nov. 10, 1866; son of Jacob and Martha (Kesler) Derrick; attended country schools, Newberry College; B. A. and M. A. degrees from New¬ berry College; sometime a professor in, and now presi¬ dent of, Newberry College; member of Boards of Edu¬ cation of Lexington and Newberry Counties, State Board of Education, Lutheran Board of Publication; delegate to State Democratic Convention, 1914 and 1920; during World War chairman local board of New¬ berry County, member Red Cross Exchange Committee; married Mary V. Hiller, Pine Ridge, S. C., December 21, 1898. Home, Newberry, S. C. Dial, Nathaniel Barksdale, Senator; bom Laurens County, S. C., April 24, 1862; son of Capt. Albert and 44 Martha Rebecca (Barkadale) Dial; atudent Richmond (Va.) College, 1878-79, Vanderbilt Univ., 1880-81; law atudent Univ. of Va., 1882-83; began law practice 1883; formerly member of Arm Haakell and Dial, now member Dial 4k Todd; organized and was president Ware Shoala Manufacturing Co., Georgia-Carolina Power Co., Laurens Glaas Works, Laurens Oil Mill; president Enterprise National Bank, Laurens Cotton Mills, Reedy River Power Co., Sullivan Power Co., Peo¬ ples Loan and Exchange Bank; married Ruth Mitchell, Batesburg, S. C., Nov. 4, 1883 (died 1903); married second time Josephine Minter, of Laurens, 8. C., Oct. 17, 1906; mayor of Laurens, 1887-91; member State Democratic Executive Committee for many years; can¬ didate for U. S. Senate, 1912 (defeated); elected U. S. Senate Nov., 1918, for term 1919-26. Mason,' K. of P.; Presbyterian. Address, Laurens, S. C. Dibble, Andrew Comstock, lawyer; bom Charleston, S. C., August 18, 1849; son of Philander Virgil and Frances (Evans) Dibble; educated in public schools of Charleston and Whilden School at Orangeburg; studied law in offices of Dlar 4k Dibble in 1868 at age of 19; admitted to the bar, 1871, and in practice at Bamberg until 1879; in practice at Orangeburg, 1880-86; master in equity, Orangeburg County, 1886-96; in law part¬ nership with C. G. Dantzier, 1896-98; in practice for himself alone, 1898-1900. Afterwards became and served until 1911 as assistant secretary In charge of water and light departments of Orangeburg; elected Judge of Probate, 1911, of Orangeburg County, served until 1916; since 1916 master of equity Orangeburg County. Mason, W. O. W.; married Arst time Mary Jane Clark, Orangeburg, Nov. 8, 1871; married second time. Rachel Agnes Clark, Dec. 21, 1889. Address, Orangeburg, S. C.

Dick, George William, dentist; bom in Sumter County (now Lee County), S. C., August 21, 1864; son of T. Hasell and Margaret (Cooper) Dick; attended Fort Mill Academy, Boys' High School, Charlottesville, Va., Davidson College, N. C., University of S. C.. re¬ ceived degree Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Uni¬ versity of Pennsylvania, 1886; former president of the S. C. State Dental Assn., served as a member of the State Board of Dental Examiners, the Southern Dental Assn., National Assn.; mayor of Sumter, S. C., 1905-07, 46 member of S .C. House of Representatives. J 906-15, while in the Legislature was chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and a member of the State Sinking Fun4 Commission, a member of the commission to ex¬ amine into the affairs of the State Hospital for the Insane, a member of the Legislative commission which conferred with President Wilson and others on the pro¬ posed twenty-four million dollar cotton bond issue, for four years postmaster of Sumter, S. C.; lieutenant- colonel on the staff of Governor Manning; married Car¬ rie V. Hutchison, Rock Hill, S. C„ May 18, 1887. Home, Sumter, S. C.

Dobsoct, Robert Albertus, attorney; born at York, S. C., September 3, 1877; son of William and Elizabeth Dobson; attended country schools, York County, graded schools, York, S. C., Baptist High School, York, S. C., Furman University, Greenville, S. C.; B. A. and B. Litt. degrees; taught school, York and Williston, S. C.; supt. Laurens City Schools; admitted to bar 1904, began practice of law in Gaffney in 1909, member law firm Otts A Dobson (later Dobson A Varsy); member Gen¬ eral Assembly two sessions; moderator Broad River Assn., supt. Sunday school First Baptist church, Gaff¬ ney, S. C.; during World War chairman Local Board, Cherokee County; married Alice Esther Williams, Lan¬ caster, S. C.; member Rotary Club, Masons, Shriners, K. of P., W. O. W., Junior Order Elks, Red Men. Horn', Gaffney, S. C. Dominick, Fred. H., Congressman; born at Peaks, Lexington County, S. C., Feb. 20, 1877; son of Jacob L. and Georgianna E. (Minick) Dominick; educated South Carolina College (now Univ. of S. C.), and New¬ berry College; admitted to bar, 1898; was law partner of Cole. L. Blease, now member firm Dominick A Work¬ man, Newberry, S. C.; delegate, with one exception, to every Democratic State Convention during years 1900- 16; member S. C. House of Representatives, 1901-12; served as city attorney, Newberry, S. C., and county attorney, Newberry County, S. C.; Assistant Attorney General of S. C., 1913-16 (resigned); member 65th and 66th Congress (1917-21) 3rd S. C. District; unmarried. Mason (K. T., Shriner), Odd Fellow, Elk, Red Man. Lutheran. Home, Newberry, S. C. Donaldson, Thomas Quint, army officer; born at Greenville, S. C., June 24, 1864; son of T. Q. and Susan 46

\ B. (Hoke) Donaldson; graduated from U. S. Military Academy, 1887; distinguished graduate army school of the line, 1909; graduate Army Staff College, 1910; command, adj. 2nd Lt. 3rd Cavalry, June 12, 1887; 2nd Lt. 7th Cavalry, Sept 1, 1887; 1st Lt. 8th Cavalry, Jan. 3, 1895; captain, Feb 2, 1901; major 12th Cavalry, March 21, 1911; transferred to 8th Cavalry, Dec. 27, 1911; to 14th Cavalry, April 1, 1914; inspector general, Dec. 1, 1915; Lt. Colonel, July 1, 1916; Colonel, July 12, 1916; Brigadier General (temporarily), Feb. 18, 1918; participated in campaign against Sioux Indians in South Dakota, 1890-91; in action at Wounded Knee and White Clay Creek; professor military science and tactics, Patrick Military Institute, Anderson, S. C., 1891- 93, Clemson Agricultural College. Fort Hill, S. C., 1893- 95; in Cuba, 1898-99, with 8th U. S. Cavalry in Philip¬ pines, 1905-07, 1910-14; assigned to duty Inspector General's Department, 1914; arrived in France, Sept. 1, 1918; Inspector General Service of Supply, Tours, France, Sept., 1918-June, 1919; decorated D. S. M., Legion of Honor; competition division and army cav¬ alry competitions, 1903-04; member National Cavalry rifle team, 1907; Society of Indian Wars; American Legion; Methodist. Married Mary Elizabeth Wilson, Anderson, S. C., Oct. 26, 1892. Home, Greenville, S. C. Douglas, Charles A., lawyer; born in Fairfield Dis¬ trict (now County) in 1862; son of John S. and Mar¬ garet (Boyce) Douglas; educated in Erskine College, Columbian (George Washington) Univ., LL. B., 1882; Georgetown Univ.; admitted to S. C. bar in 1883 and began practice at Winnsboro; removed to Columbia in 1890, where he practiced until 1895; removed to Wash¬ ington, D. C., in 1895 as professor in law in Georgetown Univ.; was attorney for defense in Bonine murder case and attorney for defense in the Machen postoffice fraud cases; American counsel for Revolutionary party in Mexico in 1913; for number of years counsel for Nica- raguan Government in United States; counsel for Con¬ tinental Trust Co. of Washington. Member of Univer¬ sity, City, Press, and Washington Country, Lawyers' (of New York City), University and American Clubs of Moxeco City. Married Augusto Aiken. Address, Washington, D. C. Douglas, Davison McDowell, college president; born at Blackstock, S. C., June 30, 1869; son of Rev. James 47 and Margaret (McDowell) Douglas; A. B., Davidson College (N. C.), 1896; Louisville Theological Seminary, 1896-96; B. D.t Columbia (S. C.) Theological Seminary, 1899; R. M., University of S. C., 1899; studied Prince¬ ton, 1899-1900; Johns Hopkins, 1904-06; ordanied Presbyterian ministry, 1900; pastor, Brevard and Davidson River churches (N. C.) 1900-04, Maryland Ave. church, Baltimore, 1904-11; president Presby¬ terian College, Clinton, S. C., June, 1911-. Member Kappa Sigma; married Lydia Welch, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 16, 1903. Address, Clinton, S. C. Dove, William Banks, Secretary of State of S. C.; born at Halseville, Fairfield County, S. C., February 28, 1869; son of Richard Calvin and Nancy Elizabeth (Weir) Dove; attended country schools, Leesville Eng¬ lish and Classical Institute, Catawba College, graduate of, with degree of A. B., 1896, given honorary degree of A. M. from that institution, 1916, took special normal courses at the University of Tenn., the Chautauqua Assembly of New York; has been a teacher in country schools, private high schools, city schools and colleges, later superintendent of schools at Reidsville, Lexington, and Greenville, organized and was elected president of the Association of City School Superintendents at the Summer School of the South, Knoxville, Tenn.; elected Secretary of State of S. C., 1916, still holding that posi¬ tion ; author of an unaccepted inscription for the woman's monument at Columbia; married Carrie E. Rowe, Newton, N. C., June 26, 1896; member of Ma¬ sons, K. of P., Junior Order of United American Me¬ chanics, Presbyterian church. Address, Columbia, S. C.

Dozier, James C., business man; bom at Marion, S. C., 1886; son of John H. and Julia (Best) Dozier; attended Wofford College one year; official in the City Wholesale Grocery Co., Rock Hill, S. C.; served on the Mexican Border as a member of the South Carolina National Guard, 1916, served in World War in the United States Army as 1st lieutenant in Co. G, 118th Field Artillery, Thirtieth Division, officially cited by General Pershing, awarded Congressional medal of honor, the British Military Cross, the French Croix de Guerre, the medal of the French Legion of Honor, and has been made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, a French order founded by Napoleon the First; received honorable dis- 48 charge April 20, 1919; took active part in Victory Loan campaign, 1919. Home, Rock Hill, S. C. Drcbw, Ernest S., teacher; born at Selwood, S. C., July 25,1866; son of John Jacob and Martha Elizabeth Dreher; graduate of Roanoke College, degree of A. B., 1888; supt. of Columbia (S. C.) city schoola, 1895-1918, directed building of all new schools in Columbia proper principal Shanghai-American School, Shanghai, China, 1919-20; first president Juvenile League, Colum¬ bia, S. CL vice-president Y. M. C. A., Columbia, S. C.. afterwards president for four years, resigning to go to China; president State Y. M. C. A. one year, president State Teachers' Assn. one year; with the Army of Occupation in Germany, Educational Department, 1919; married Carrie B. Hyde, Blakely, Ga., July 25, 1912. Home, Irmo, S. C. Dreher, Julius Daniel, consul; born Lexington Coun¬ ty, S. C., Oct. 28, 1846; son of John Jacob and Martha Elizabeth (Counts) Dreher; A. B., Roanoke College (V*.), 1871, A. M., 1874; Ph. D., Williams, 1881; LL. D., Roanoke, 1905; served as private and lieutenant C. S. A.; taught school three years; assistant professor, 1871-75, financial secretary, 1875-78, president, 1878- 1903, Roanoke College; American consul at Tahati, Society Islands, 1906-10, at Port Antonio, Jamaica, W. I., 1910-13, at Toronto. Canada, 1913-15, at Colon, Panama, since Nov. 12, 1915; married Emiline Kirtland Richmond, of Scranton, Pa., Sept. 5, 1906; author of numerous published addresses on educational topics. Home, Irmo, Lexington County, S. C. Address, Ameri¬ can Consulate, Colon, Panama.

Drummoad, Charles M., lawyer; born near Woodruff, Spartanburg County, S. C., in 1882; son of Dr. Madison W. and Gertrude (Shell) Drummond; graduated from the Citadel in 1904; studied law while an instructor at Staunton (Va.) Military Institute; admitted to the bar in 1909 and began private practice at Woodruff and Spartanburg in same year; became member of the law firm of Lyles, Daniel A Drummond, Spartanburg, S. C., in October, 1918; member of the House of Represen¬ tatives of S. C., 1910-12; in charge of three Liberty Loan campaigns, chairman of Council of Defense, in charge of War Savings Stamps campaign, Woodruff Town-

4.— w. w. <* a. c. 4* ship, Spartanburg County, during World War; married Virginia May, Staunton, Va.; Mason, K. of P., Presby¬ terian. Address, Spartanburg, S. C. Duncan, D'Arcy Paul, planter; born in Mecklenburg County, Va., 1846; son of David and Alice Amanda (Piedmont) Duncan; attended the Citadel; president of the South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechan¬ ical Society, former member of the State Railroad Com¬ mission ; in 1876 elected a member of the Union County Board of Commissioners; during the Civil War served with the Citadel Cadets pf the State TVoops on James' Island; married Carrie C. Gist, 1867 (died 1876), sec¬ ond, Kate Richardson, Sumter, S. C., 1881. Home, Columbia, S. C.

Duncan, Thomas Carey, State Senator, business man; born in Union District (now County), July 6, 1862; son of Bishop William Wallace Duncan; graduated from Woflford College in 1881; on leaving college engaged in mercantile business, 1881-93; in 1893 turned his attention to cotton industry, organized Union Cotton Mills, Buffalo Cotton Mills and later on Union Cotton Mill No. 2; operated all three mills until 1906; helped to build Seneca Cotton1 Mill at Seneca and was its operator; helped to build and active in management of Orangeburg Cotton Mills at Orangeburg, and DeKalb Cotton Mill at Camden; for past 15 years he has de¬ voted his efTorts to the building up of general busi¬ nesses, one of which is Union Ice and Cold Storage Co. Member House of Representatives of S. C., 1892-93, and 1916-18; elected State Senator from Union County in 1918. Married Fannie A. Merriman, Greenwood, in 1886. Mason, Shriner, Methodist. Address, Union, S.C.

Duncan, Walter E., Comptroller General of S. C.; born at Columbus, Ga., January 13, 1884; son of John and Julia (Ware) Duncan; attended schools at Colum¬ bus, Ga.; reporter on Enquirer-Sun, Columbus, Ga.t 1901, Atlanta (Ga.) News following year, published weekly paper at Aiken, S. C., for a short time, later owner of the Rome (Ga.) Herald, which he sold, re¬ turning in 1908 to Columbus, writing editorials for The Enquirer-Sun during 1908; has served in various capa¬ cities the Savannah Morning News, Augusta Herald. Augusta Chronicle, first as city editor, then as night 50 editor; the Washington (D. C.) Herald, the Washing* ton Times, Columbia (S. C.) State, Baltimore American, Columbia (S. C.) Record as aassociate editor and for some time connected with it as contributing editor; founded the Aiken (S. C.) Standard, a weekly news¬ paper; served as director of the S. C. Development Board, elected Comptroller General, August, 1920; author of a number of articles and short stories to mag¬ azines, 'The Fourth at Bridge," a volume of short stories; during World War secretary to Governor Rich¬ ard I. Manning, educational director, U. S. Food Ad¬ ministrator for S. C., member of S. C. Council of De¬ fense; married Bessie Alderman, Aiken, S. C., Decem¬ ber 7, 1904. Address, Columbia, S. C. DuPre, Arthur Mason, teacher; born at Abbeville, S. C., November 22, 1869; son of J. F. C. and M. P. DuPre; attended Abbeville graded school, Wofford College, summer work at Vanderbilt, Chicago and Cornell Uni¬ versities; A. B. and A. M. degrees; president Intercol¬ legiate Prohibition Assn., chairman of Committee of One Hundred on Prohibition in S. C., member Board of Trustees of Epworth Orphanage, dean and acting pres¬ ident (1920) of Wofford College, headmaster of Wof¬ ford Fitting School, 1897-1912; married Caroline E. Chambers, Gainesville, Ga., June, 1905; member of K. A. Fraternity, Masons, K. of P. Home, Spartanburg, S. C., Wofford Campus. DuPrs, Daniel Allston, college professor; born Eagle Point, Mecklenburg County, Virginia, May 15, 1848; son of Warren and Mary A. (Sydnor) DuPre; A. B., Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C., 1869, A. M., 1871; studied at Univ. of Edinburgh, 1875-77; married Helen Capers Stevens, Charleston, S. C., Jan. 8, 1880; profes¬ sor physics and geology, Wofford College, since 1877. Methodist. Home, Spartanburg, S. C. a DuPre, Ernest M., business man; born at Due West, Jan. 20, 1876; son of B. Clark and Margaret W. (Bar- more) DuPre; educated in public schools and at Clem- son College; was employed as printer on Southern Presbyterian and the Christian Advocate for a time; was next employed by the Escott-Mclntosh Wholesale Grocery House for six years, then joined E. A. Beal Grocery Co.; after this organized a wholesale fruit and produce concern, The Ernest M. DuPre Co., of which B1 he is sole owner; now identified with the DuPre Auto Co. and DuPre Tractor Co.; takes active part in civic affairs of Columbia; was member of City Council eight years; was supervisor of the census for the Seventh District in 1910; is a director of National Loan and Exchange Bank; is member of S. C. Automotive Trade Assn., Columbia Chamber of Commerce. Married Annie I. Jones, Columbia, S. C., June, 1898. Mason, Knights Templar, Shriner. Address, Columbia, S. C.

DuRant, Chariton, lawyer, banker, business man; born at Bluffton, Ga., 1874; son of E. C. and Virginia (Tinsley) DuRant; attended common schools, studied law, admitted to the bar in 1897; a member of the firm Wilson A DuRant, 1897-1906, since 1916 a member of the firm DuRant A Elder Company; president of the Home Bank & Trust Co., Manning, S. C., member of the firm DuRant A Floyd, attorney and manager of the Clarendon Building A Loan Assn., president of the Clarendon Telephone Co.; a member of the State Sen¬ ate, 1916-18. Home, Manning, S. C. DuRant, Edward Wilson, dentist; bom in Williams¬ burg County, S. C., August 31, 1882; son of J. W. and Mary E. (Snowden) DuRant; graduated from Atlanta Dental College, 1908, with degree D. D. S.; began prac¬ tice at Georgetown, S. C.; is now serving third appoint¬ ment as chairman Board of Fisheries of S. C. Metho¬ dist; married Elizabeth Katharine Doyle, Georgetown, S. C., Nov. 11, 1911. Address, Georgetown, S. C. DuRant, Edward W., Jr.; bom at Stillwater, Minne¬ sota, 1864; graduate of Yale University, 1887; presi¬ dent of the Pine Grove Live Stock Co., the Pine Grove Club, the Southern Stock and Farming Co., vice-presi¬ dent of the E. P. Burton. Lumber Co., secretary-treas¬ urer of the Cooper River Corporation, president of the Filbin Corporation; served as collector of customs for the port of Charleston, 1909-13; married Nannie Por- cher, daughter of William Porcher Miles, Charleston, S. C.; member of the Charleston Chamber of Com¬ merce, Country Club. Address, Charleston, S. C. Dwight, David G-, manufacturer; bom at Winnsboro, S.., 1871; son of William Moultrie and Elizabeth (Gail- lard) Dwight; attended Mt. Zion College, Winnsboro, S. C., the Citadel, graduate of, 1890; formerly com¬ mandant of Porter Military Academy, Charleston, S. ss C., president of the Association of Graduates of the Citadel, 1918-20, now general manager and treasurer of the McCabe Fertilizer Co., Charleston, S. C.; mar¬ ried Susan Chisolm, Charleston, S. C.; member of St. Michael's church, Charleston, S. C. Home, Charles¬ ton, S. C. Earle, Samuel Broadus, mechanical engineer, teach¬ er; born in Greenville County, S. C., March 11, 1878; son of Thomas John and Eliza Jane (Kennedy) Earle; attended Furman University, graduate of with degree of A. B., and A. M.. 1899, Cornell University, graduate of with degree of Mechanical Engineer, 1902; became assistant professor in mechanical engineering at Clem- son College, 1902, later made associate professor, in 1910 made professor of mechanical engineering and director of the engineering department, has acted as president in the absence of that official; married Susan Hall Sloan, December 22, 1908; member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Association for the Promotion of Engineering Education, Baptist church. Address, Clemson College, S. C. Edmunds, Samuel Henry, educator; born at Mill Grove, Richland County, S. C., May 28, 1870; son of Rev. Nicholas William and Mary Claudia (Leland) Edmunds; educated in the public schools of Sumter; A. B., Davidson College, 1890; post-graduate work Columbia University, New York City and University of Chicago; Litt. D., Presbyterian College of S. C., 1914, Wofford College, 1916; principal Sumter City Schools, 1890-1893; principal Presbyterian High School for Boys, Rock Hill, S. C., 1893-1896; superintendent Sum¬ ter City Schools since 1895, at which place he success¬ fully introduced a system of military training in the high school; appointed member of State Board of Edu¬ cation by the Governor in 1916; chosen Federal State director of United States Boys' Working Reserve; chairman S. C. Educational Research Commission, ap¬ pointed through Milton Fairchild of Washington, D. C. Married Eliza Champion Davis, Dec. 24, 1896. Mem¬ ber Masonic Order, K. of P., Presbyterian church. Address, Sumter, S. C. Efird, Cyprian Melanchthon, lawyer; born in Lex¬ ington County, S. C., December 18, 1856; son of Daniel and Henrietta M. (Dreher) Efird; attended Pine Ridge Academy, Newberry College, graduate of, 1877, studied 63 law and admitted to the bar, 1882; has practiced law since then at Lexington; member of S. C. Senate, 1892- 96; member of Constitutional Convention of 1895, State Supreme Court Reporter, 1896-1908; haa served as a trustee of Newberry College, as a member of the Board * of Directors of the Theological Seminary of the United Synod of the South; married Carrie Boozer, Lexington County, S. C., December 28, 1882. Home, Lexington, S. C. Eftrd, Daniel Franklin, farmer; born in Lexington, County, S. C., January 25, 1861; son of Daniel and Henrietta (Dreher) Efird; attended local schools. Pine Ridge Academy, Newberry College three years; a member of the executive committee, then general super¬ intendent for nine years, and since May 18, 1913, sec¬ retary of the South Carolina State Fair Assn.; member of the S. C. House of Representatives, 1896-1904, elected to S. C. Senate in 1904 and retired from that body vol¬ untarily at the expiration of his term in 1908; was chosen chairman of the Lexington County Democratic Party, holding this position for six years; served as lieutenant of a local militia company; during World War chair¬ man of the local draft board; in 1814 became a charter member of the United Lutheran Synod of the South; in 1919 one of the three selected on thp general com¬ mittee of the United Lutheran Church of America to look after the printing of that body; member of K. of P., Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Address, Lex¬ ington, S. C. Eglesioo, William, physician; born at Winnsboro. S C., Sept. 2, 1873; son of DuBose and Louise (Aiken) Egleston; educated at Mt. Zion School, Winnsboro, S. C.; Univ. of the South, Sewanee; M. D., medical department, Univ. of Tennessee, Nashville, 1898; prac¬ ticed at Barnwell until 1900; in 1900 removed to and has since been in practice at Hartsville; physician for Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line Railways; president Peoples Bank of Hartsville; member State Board of Health; County, State and American Medical Ass'ns.; Cincinnati, New England and Huguenot Soci¬ eties. Mason; married Annie Bonham Aldrich, of Barnwell, in 1900. Address, Hartsville, S. C. Eldridge, Harold Francis, advertising agent; born at Baltimore, Md., December 25, 1879; son of Frank R. and Viola (League) Eldridge; attended Baltimore Pub- H lie Schools, St. John's Academy, Haddonfield, N. J., Msrylsnd Institute School of Art and Design, Charcoal Club Art School, private instructions in art under L. C. C. Krieger; began work in the advertising department of the Baltimore American, then of the Baltimore News, moving to Columbia in 1908 and became advertising msnager of the Columbia State, opening office of H. F. Eldridge Advertising Service in 1918; author of "Mak¬ ing Advertising Pay," second edition, contributor to several publications on various phases of advertising; delegate to Associated Advertising Clubs of the World; married Jessie E. Standiford, Baltimore, Md., 1909; member of Rotary Club, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, Minute Men of Columbia, S. C. Home, Columbia, S. C. Elliott, McPhoraoo G., physician; born at Beaufort, S. C., April 6. 1872; son of William Waight and Eliza¬ beth Martha (Gregorie) Elliott; attended Porter Mili¬ tary Academy, S. C. Medical College, graduate of, with degree of M. D., 1898; has practiced his profession at Beaufort, S. C., since 1898; married Janie T. Holmes, Charleston, S. C., 1899; member of Beaufort County Medical Society, S. C. State Medical Society, American Medical Assn., is a Royal Arch Mason. Home, Beau¬ fort, S. C. Elliott, Thomas Ketchin, banker, manufacturer; born in Fairfield District (now County), October 8, 1855; son of Henry Laurens Eliott; educated in county schools and at Virginia Military Institute, graduating there¬ from in 1875; began as teller in Winnsboro National Bank; now president thereof; president of Fairfield Cotton Mills, Winnsboro, and Wylie Mills, Chester. Presbyterian; married Carrie Aiken. Address, Winns¬ boro, S. C. Elliott, William, lawyer; born at Beaufort, S. C., March 80, 1872; son of William and Sarah Elliott; attended Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va., Uni¬ versity of Virginia, graduate of, 1898, soon after ad¬ mitted to the S. C. bar; began practice at Beaufort, but later moved to Columbia, S. C.; has represented as attorney the Capital City Mills, Richland Cotton Mills. Granby Cotton Mills, Pacific Cotton Mills, Columbia Street Railway, Light and Power Co.; commissioned a lieutenant of the navy, 1898, serving in the Spanish- American War; during World War Federal Food Ad- 65 ministrator for S. C.; married Leila G. Sams, Beaufort, S. C., November 15, 1900; member of Delta Pai Fra¬ ternity, Masons. Address, Columbia, S. C. Epps, Edwin Christopher, banker; bom at Kingstree, S. C., April 7, 1873; son of William and Mary (Watts) Epps; attended common schools, Bennett School, Charleston, S. C., Patrick Military Institute, Anderson, S. C., won gold medal prize in business course at P. M. I.; cashier Bank of Kingstree, 1901-06, cashier Bank of Williamsburg, 1906-21, merchant 1894-01, school Board of Trustees, Kingstree, president Williamsburg County Fair Assn., Executive Committeeman, Kingstree Board of Trade, honorary member Kingstree Tobacco Board of Trade, organizer and first president Kingstree R. E. and Ins. Co., State Senator, Williamsburg County, 1910-18, served on Committee of Education, Finance Committee and chairman of Committee on Banking and Insurance, member S. C. Board of Fisheries, 1919 to date; County Chairman Liberty Loan Organization; Past Chancellor K. of P., member A. F. M. Home, Kingstree, S. C. Epps, Ralph Dickson, lawyer; born in Williamsburg County, October 12, 1876; son of Isaac and Charlotte Susan (Dickson) Epps; educated at public schools and the Citadel, graduating therefrom in 1897; graduated in law at the Univ. of S. C. in 1904; after graduating from the Citadel taught school for several years (two in Philippine Islands); admitted to the bar in 1904 and began practice at Sumter in 1905; served as a member of the House of Representatives of S. C., 1912-14, and as State Senator, 1914-18; is a director of Y. M. C. A. at Sumter, trustee of M. E. church; member of Fort¬ nightly Club, K. of P., W. O. W., Masons, Knights Templar, Omar Temple of Mystic Shrine. Married Evelyn Paxton Merrimon at Cokesbury, March 18, 1908. Address, Sumter, S. C. Evans, John Gary, ex-Governor; born at Cokesbury, S. C., Oct. 15, 1863; son of Nathan George and Ann Victoria Evans; educated Union College, Schenectady, New York, class of 1883; read law under Judge W. T. Gary, Augusta, Ga.; admitted to bar, Dec., 1886; elected S. C. House of Representatives, 1888, 1890, Senate, 1892; Governor of S. C., 1894-97; president S. C. Constitutional Convention, 1895; director and attor¬ ney Bank of Commerce, Spartanburg, S. C.; major and S6 inspector-general, 1st Division, 7th Army Corps, Span¬ ish-American War, 1898; transferred to staff of Major General William Ludlow, Havana, Cuba; assisted in organizing civic government for Havana after the war; delegate-at-large from S. C. to Democratic National Convention, 1896; delegate, 1900; delegate-at-large, 1912-16; chairman State Democratic Executive Com¬ mittee, 1912-16; chairman City Democracy; member Democratic National Committee for S. C., 1918-. Mar¬ ried Emily Mansfield Plume, Waterbury, Conn., Dec. 17, 1897. Member American Bar Assn., S. C. Bar Assn., S. C. Historical Assn., Delta Phi. Clubs: Spar¬ tan City, Spartanburg County, and Crust Breakers. Address, Spartanburg, S. C. Eve, Edward A., manufacturer; born in Aiken Coun¬ ty, S. C., 1873; son of William R. and Elizabeth (Ham¬ mond) Eve; attended Beech Island (S. C.) schools. University of Va.; one of organizers and now general manager of the Sea Island Cotton Oil Co., Charleston, S. C.; married Saidee Ancrum, Camden, S. C. Home, Charleston, S. C. Fairey, George Washington, farmer, business man; born near Branchville, S. C., November 11, 1863; son of John F. Fairey; attended common schools; a director of the St. Matthews National Bank, vice-president and director of the Farmers Bank and Trust Co., St. Mat¬ thews, S. C., a member of the S. C. Cotton Assn.; a member of the S. C. House of Representatives, 1898- 1900, again elected to that body in 1919 to fill a va¬ cancy; one of twelve commissioners having in charge the establishment of Calhoun County; served as a lieu¬ tenant in the "Red Shirt" Brigade of 1876; during World War active in Liberty Loan campaigns; married Annie Griffiths, Branchville, S. C. (died, 1881), 2nd, Harriet E. Weeks, Lone Star, S. C., 1884. Home, St. Matthews, S. C. Fairey, Joseph Koger, physician; born in Orange¬ burg County, S. C., February 28, 1868; son of Philip W. Fairey; attended South Carolina College, S. C. Med¬ ical College, Charleston, S. C., graduate of, with degree of M. D., 1891; chairman of the Board of School Trus¬ tees, St. Matthews, S. C.; during World War medical member of the Calhoun County Exemption Board; married Florence Holman Keller, Creston, S. C., April 57 16, 1891; member of County, State, and American Medical Assns., a Knight Templar Mason. Home, St Matthews, S. C. Feather**one, Claudius Cyprian, lawyer; born at Charlton Hall, Laurens County, S. C., December 1, 1864; son of J. C. C. and'Eugenia Addie (Sullivan) Featherstone; attended public schools, W. J. Ligon's High School, Anderson, S. C.; acted as special judge, Court of Common Pleas, now judge of Greenwood County Court; member of General Conference of Meth¬ odist church twice, supt. of Sunday schools, chairman Board of Stewards of Methodist church, frequently on Board of Trustees of Greenwood City Schools; active in war work during World War; married Lucretia Pitts, Laurens, S. C., October 10, 1893; member of Masons, K. of P., Shriners, Rotary Club. Home, Green¬ wood, S. C. Ferguson, William Dorrough, physician; born in Laurens, Feb. 22, 1872; son of John Williams and Mary Catherine (Dorrough) Ferguson; educated at Univ. of S. C.; M. D., Medical College of S. C., 1897, was interne in the City Hospital of Charleston one year; two years at New York and Philadelphia; began practice at Lau¬ rens in 1900; is member of several medical Aaans; Mason, K. of P., Presbyterian; married Claudia Irby, of Laurens, in Nov., 1903. Address, Laurens, S. C. Ficken, John F., lawyer; born at Charleston, S. C., June 16, 1843; son of John F. Ficken; attended private schools at Charleston, S. C., College of Charleston, graduate of, with degree of A. B.; a student of law with Col. John Phillips and later at the University of Berlin, Germany; admitted to the bar, 1868; is practic¬ ing law at the present time with his son, Henry H. Ficken and H. L. Erckman; one of the directors and general counsel for the S. C. Inter-State and West Indian Expo¬ sition, in 1902, made president of S. C. Loan & Trust Co., is president of the Board of Trustees of the College of Charleston, Charleston Library, Carolina Art Assn., St. John's Lutheran church, formerly a mem¬ ber of the Board of Commissioners of the S. C. Institution for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, a trustee of Newberry College, vice- president of the Board of Trustees of S. C. Medical College; a member of the S. C. House of Representa¬ tives, 1876-91; mayor of Charleston, 1891-95; a dele- 68