Table des matières Intermediate Latex Introduction to Beamer 1 Beamer Configuration Examples Jean Hare Elements in presentation More control on presentations Sorbonne Université Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
[email protected] 2 Overlays Mai 2021 Jean Hare (SU) A-LaTeX Mai 2021 1 / 40 Jean Hare (SU) A-LaTeX Mai 2021 2 / 40 Beamer Beamer Sommaire Introduction to Beamer Beamer is a LaTeX document class dedicated to the creation of presentations or slideshows. It was created in 2003 by Till Tantau, the same author as for PGF/TikZ, and shares many features with 1 Beamer them. Configuration It supersedes the older classes like SliTeX, seminar, prosper , Examples powerdot, etc Elements in presentation It is mostly intended to be used with pdfLateX to produce PDF More control on presentations presentations, but also works with traditional LaTeX route Beside Portability of PDF format, the most prominent and interesting features are: 2 Overlays Handling of layers for progressive display of the same slide Ability to embed many kinds of multimedia content (with companion packages). Automatic creation of an handout (flatten version of the presentation) All (almost) the LaTeX formatting tools (namely math) Drawbacks: requires compilation, type code instead to click. Jean Hare (SU) A-LaTeX Mai 2021 3 / 40 Jean Hare (SU) A-LaTeX Mai 2021 4 / 40 Beamer Beamer Configuration The basic presentation structure Dans la section Outline slide Uses class beamer Slides defined by environment frame Introductory section 1 Beamer Sectioning commands: only section Configuration