
2612 Anal. Chem. 1990, 62. 2612-2616 nature of the eluite itself. Data from a wide variety of probes (15) Boaar. R. G.: Thomas. J. C.: CaHls, J. B. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56, will be needed to formulate a more complete picture of the 1080. Stahlberg, J.; Aimgren, M. Anal. Chem. 1985, 57, 817. separation mechanism in reversed-phase liquid chromatog- Carr, J. W.; Harris, J. M. Anal. Chem. 1986, 58, 626. raphy. Carr, J. W.: Harrls. J. M. Anal. Chem. 1987, 59, 2546. Senteil, K. B.; Dorsey, J. G. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 1988, 77, 1875. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Cheng, W. Anal. Chem. 1985, 57, 2409. Miller, J. M. Chromatography Concepts and Contrasts; Wiley: New We thank a reviewer of the first version of this manuscript York, London, 1987; p 10-12. for stimulating the discussion comparing our results to those Kalyanasundaram, K.; Thomas, J. K. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1977, 99, 2039. of refs 24-27. Langkiide, F. W.; Thulstrup, E. W.; Michl, J. J. Chem. Phys. 1983, 78, 3372. LITERATURE CITED McCormick, R. L.; Karger, 8. L. Anal. Chem. 1980, 52, 2249. Lochmuller, C. H.; Wilder. P. R. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 1979, 777, 574. McCormick, R. L.; Karger, 8. L. J. Chromatogr. 1980, 799. 259. Lochmuller, C. H.: Hangac, H. H.: Wilder, D. R. J. Chromatogr. Sci. Yonker, C. R.; Zwier, T. A,; Burke, M. F. J. Chromatogr. 1982, 247, 1981, 79, 130. 257. Tanaka. N.; Sakagami, K.; Araki, M. J. Chromatogr. 1981, 799, 327. Yonker, C. R.; Zwier, T. A.; Burke, M. F. J. Chromatogr. 1982, 247, Gilpln. R. K. Am. Lab. 1982, 74, 104. 269. Scott, R. P. W.; Kucera, P. J. Chromawr. 1977, 742, 213. Knox. J. H.; Kaiiszan, R.; Kennedy, G. J. Chem. Soc .1 Faraday Symp. Colin, H.; Golochon, G. J. Chromatogr. 1977, 747. 289. 1980, 75, 113. Knox, J. H.; Pryde, A. J. Chromatcgr. 1975, 772, 171. Sleight, R. B. J. Chromatcgr. 1973, 83, 31. Wise, s. A.; Bennett. W. J.; Guenther, F. R.; May, W. E. J. Chroma- Locke, D. C. J. Chromatogr. Sd. 1974, 72, 433. togr. Sci. 1981, 79, 457, Popl, M.; Fahnrich, J.; Stejskal, M. J. Phys. Chem. 1976, 74, 537. Martire. D. E.; Boem, R. E. J. Phys. Chem. 1983, 87, 1045. GLddlngs, J. C.; Kucera, E.: Russell, C. P.; Myers, M. N. J. Phys. DiiI, K. A. J. Phys. Chem. 1987, 97, 1980. Cham. ia68..... 72._. 4397. LochmuUer, C. H.; Marshall, D. B.; Wilder, D. R. Anal. Chim. Acta Edstrom, T.; Petro, B. A. J. Polym. Sci., Part C: Polym. Symp. 1981, 730, 31. 1968, 27, 171. Lochmuiier, C. H.: Marshall, D. E.; Harris, J. M. Anal. Chim. Acta 1981, 737. 263. Lochmblier, C. H.; Colborn, A. S.: Hunnicutt, M. L.; Harris, J. M. Anal. RECEIVEDfor review June 15,1990. Accepted September 5, Chem. 1983, 55, 1344. Lochmukr, C. H.; Colborn. A. S.; Hunnicutt, M. L.; Harris, J. M. J. 1990. This research was supported by NSF Grant CHE- Am. Chem. SOC. 1984. 706, 4077. 8719266.

Suppression of Volatilization from a Hydrofluoric Using a Boron-Mannitol Complex

Tsuyoshi Ishikawa* and Eizo Nakamura* Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior, Okayama University, Misasa, Tottori 682-02, Japan

Volatlliratlon and mass fractionation of boron during evapo- borate distillation (1-4), ion-exchange chromatography (3, rath of the hydrofhwk and hyckocMorlc acid sdutions were 5-7), and pyrohydrolysis (5). None of these techniques employ investigated wRh varying mann#ol/boron ratlos. The degree acid treatments and/or evaporations without rendering the of vdafllzation and mass fractlonatlon decreases with in- solution alkaline, usually by using sodium hydroxide to form creasing mannltoVboron mole ratio, and the boron volatlllra- borax. tion Is completely suppressed when the ratio Is more than It is widely known that reacts with many hydroxy unlty. These resutts indicate that the flnai stable compound compounds such as or phenol to form stable complexes. is an equimolar complex of boron and mannltol. The forma- In particular, mannitol has been adopted commonly to the tion of this complex in the acid allows the use of quantitative determination of boron (491,because it forms the mannitol-boric acid complex by the reaction with boric hydrofluorlc and hydrochloric for the dissolution of sll- acid and drastically raises the degree of electrolytic dissoci- icate rock samples and for the subsequent chemical separa- ation. Furthermore, some previous studies have revealed that tion of boron from the samples adopting anion-exchange mannitol suppressed the volatilization of boron from solutions chromatography In F- form. of , , and nitric acid during evaporation (IO, 11). In these studies the experiments were carried out at pH 3-11 with a small amount of boron (around 1 pg) or with concentrated acids with considerably large amounts of INTRODUCTION boron (>500 pg). However, the volatilization of boron and Boron in acidic solutions is easily volatilized during evap- resulting isotopic fractionation have not been examined for oration to dryness relative to neutral or alkaline solutions. the boron-mannitol complex in the hydrofluoric acid and This property of boron prohibits the use of acids in the sep- concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions with small amounts aration of boron from natural samples. Boron in hydrofluoric of boron. and hydrochloric acids produces gaseous boron fluoride (BFJ In this paper, we report that the boron-mannitol complex and chloride (BClJ, which have boiling points of -101 and traps even small amounts of boron (<5 pg) in the hydrofluoric +12.5 "C, respectively. Hence they easily escape from the and hydrochloric acid solutions without any volatilization and solutions and cause boron isotopic fractionation even at room isotopic fractionation during evaporation. We also stress that temperature. Due to the above reasons, the most widely used this provides a great advantage in the development of new techniques to separate boron for isotopic analysis are methyl analytical techniques for boron separation from natural silicate

0003-2700/90/0362-2612$02.50/0 Q 1990 American Chemical Society ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 1990 2613 samples and solutions using hydrofluoric and hydrochloric Table I. Recovery Yields of Boron from Acid Solutions acids, allowing us to develop a new field of stable isotope geochemistry for boron. starting conditions B recovery boron, mannitol, mannitol/B yield EXPERIMENTAL SECTION ~ nmol nmol mole ratio acid nmol % Instrumentation. Mass Spectrometer. A first-order, stigmatic focusing thermal ionization mass spectrometer, MAT 261, con- 276.2 0 0 3MHF 24.5 8.9 trolled by an HP 9835A computer was employed for all the 277.2 46.3 0.167 3MHF 160.1 57.8 measurements of boron isotopic composition. Its resolving power 270.8 75.1 0.277 3MHF 173.1 63.9 is normally about 500. The accelerating voltage was adjusted to 265.1 133.8 0.505 3MHF 253.4 95.6 10 kV. A single Faraday cup collector and a l0ll-Q resistor are 276.5 144.1 0.521 3 M HF 251.2 90.8 attached, and ion currents of 10-14-10-10 A are available for the 262.5 171.5 0.653 3MHF 246.0 93.7 isotopic determination. V-Shaped single filaments (2 266.3 207.9 0.781 3MHF 267.9 100.6 mm top X 0.025 mm x 0.75 mm) previously degassed were used. 259.7 282.3 1.087 3MHF 261.7 100.8 Reagents. Water. Water deionized with mixed-bed ion-ex- 261.6 342.9 1.311 3MHF 260.8 99.7 change resin was subboiled by using a pure-quartz subboiling still 258.5 417.5 1.615 3MHF 260.7 100.8 271.7 562.7 2.071 3MHF 268.9 99.0 (12) and subsequently subboiled by using a two-bottle Teflon still 265.1 544.2 2.053 46% HF 262.9 99.2 (13). 268.9 833.6 3.100 6 M HCl 269.3 100.1 Hydrofluoric Acid. Analytical grade 46% hydrofluoric acid, in which several grams per liter of mannitol was dissolved, was subboiled in a two-bottle Teflon still, and then the distillate was Table 11. Measured l1B/loBValues of B Residues Resulting diluted to an appropriate concentration with the twice-distilled from Evaporation of Acid Solutions water previously described. Hydrochloric Acid. Analytical grade 35% hydrochloric acid starting conditions was diluted to 6 M with deionized water and subboiled by using boron, mannitol, mannitol/B residue a quartz boiling flask with an Alihn-type condenser. This was nmol nmol mole ratio acid l1B/loB 20 again subboiled by using the two-bottle Teflon still with mannitol in the same way as used for hydrofluoric acid. 293.0 0 0 3 M HF 3.9463 hO.0009 Boric Acid. National Bureau of Standards standard reference 298.7 0 0 6 M HCl 3.9240 h0.0007 material (NBS SRM) 951 boric acid was used as a standard for 274.5 75.6 0.275 3 M HF 4.0352 h0.0007 all the boron isotopic measurements. NBS SRM 952, boric acid 276.4 141.3 0.511 3MHF 4.0486 h0.0005 enriched in log, was also employed as a spike for the isotope 278.0 329.3 1.185 3 M HF 4.0492 hO.Oo09 dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). These boric acids were 269.8 531.6 1.968 3 M HF 4.0507 1.0.0005 dissolved in the twice-distilled water to obtain 6.0013 and 4.08 271.7 556.3 2.047 46% HF 4.0509 hO.OOO6 ppm boron concentrations for SRM 951 and 952, respectively. 274.6 550.3 2.004 6 M HCl 4.0511 hO.Ooo9 Mannitol Solution. Analytical grade mannitol was dissolved in the twice-distilled water to obtain a lo00 ppm (5.49 X M) Recovery Yield of Boron. In order to confirm whether or not solution. mannitol actually suppresses the volatilization of boron from the Cesium Solution. Analytical grade cesium carbonate was hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid solutions, recovery yields of dissolved in the twice-distilled water to give a 9.25 x 10-9 M cesium boron during the evaporation to dryness were examined by varying solution. the amount of mannitol. A 0.5-mL aliquot of SRM 951 boric acid . Spectroscopic grade graphite, the same as that used solution containing about 3 pg of boron (2.8 X mol) was by Xiao et al. (7), was mixed with a 50% ethanol/W% water (v/v) transferred into a 5-mL concave-bottom beaker made of PFA solution to give 40 mg/mL graphite. Teflon and weighed precisely (Table I). Various amounts of All reagents used were stored in PFA Teflon bottles. mannitol solution were added by weighing into the beakers, re- Procedure. Mass Spectrometry. The thermal ionization mass sulting in the mannitol/boron mole ratio ranging from 0 to 3 spectrometric technique using the dicesium metaborate cation (Table I). Afterward, 2 mL each of 3 M HF, 46% HF, and 6 M Cs2B02+emitted from the stable compound Cs2B407(5, 7, 14) HCl was added one by one to the prepared samples, and the was applied for the determination of boron isotopic composition. solutions were then evaporated to dryness by using a hot plate Cesium solution was added to the sample containing boron and with an infrared lamp at a steady-state temperature of 65-70 OC. mannitol to produce a B/Cs mole ratio of 2 and then loaded onto To avoid extra heating of the residue after evaporation to dryness, the V-shaped tantalum filament previously coated by 30 pg of heating was stopped within 30 min after the evaporation was graphite. After drying under the heating lamp, the sample was completed. Subsequently, a precisely weighed 0.5-mL SRM 952 introduced into the mass spectrometer. When the vacuum reached spike solution (2.0 X lo-' mol of boron) was added to each residue. 3 X Torr, the filament current was raised to 0.9 A and then Appropriate amounts of cesium solution to give a B/Cs mole ratio the ratio between CS;~BO,+ (308 m/e)and Cs2"B02+(309 m/e) of 2 and 50 pL of mannitol solution (2.2 X lo-' mol) were added was measured against the base line at 306.5 m/e. Data collection to the spiked samples, and the solutions were again evaporated was performed by peak hopping. The integration time for each to dryness in the above manner. Their boron isotopic compositions mass peak was 4 s, and 90 ratios were collected in 10 blocks. were measured by using the mass spectrometric technique de- Measured ratios were corrected for oxygen isotopes to exclude scribed previously. The recovery yields of boron in the first the interference of CS$%~~O~~O+as follows: "B/l% = (measured evaporation were calculated from the given l1B/loB ratios by 309/308 ratio) - 0.00079 (5). Boron with mannitol loaded onto IDMS. The boron blank from the reagents was typically less than the graphite-coated tantalum filament resulted in a slight re- 700 pg, and analytical error in the determination of recovery yield duction of the signal intensity and stability compared with the was less than 1% . condition using graphite alone. Nevertheless, the ion current of Examination of Isotopic Fractionation. Isotopic compositions CS,~~BO~+was typically 1 X lo-" A, which was about 1 order of of residual boron after the evaporation of solutions were measured magnitude higher than that obtained without graphite and to investigate the isotopic fractionation resulting from the vola- mannitol. No isotopic fractionation was observed during the tilization of boron. SRM 951 solution containing 3 pg of boron measurement, as reported in the previous studies (5, 7,14). Ten (2.8 X mol) was taken into eight individual Teflon beakers separate analyses of SRM 951 (0.9 X mol of B) gave a mean together with various amounts of mannitol up to 5.5 X mol l1B/loB ratio of 4.0513 h 0.0004 (20,~). The value obtained in (Table 11). A 2-mL aliquot of 3 M HF was added to five of the this study is distinguishably higher than the certified value of beakers, 2 mL of 46% HF to one of the beakers, and 6 M HCl 4.04362 0.00137 (15). However, (llB/loB),,/(llB/loB)m~ for to the remaining 2 beakers. The evaporation of the solutions was SRM 951 was 4.04362/4.0513 = 0.99810, which is identical with subsequently carried out in a way similar to that of the former the Xiao et al. result (0.99833) determined by the C%B02+method experiment. Boron isotopic compositions of the residues were with graphite alone (7). then determined. 2614 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 1990


m L - -2 4.00


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0:5 1:O 1.'5 2.'0 MANNITOL/ B MOL MANNITOLIB MOL Flgure 1. Boron recovery yield after evaporation of the 3 M HF solution Flgure 2. Boron isotopic compositions of the evaporated resldue from vs varying mannitoVboron mole ratio. Analytical errors are within the the 3 M HF solution vs changing mannitol/boron mole ratio. Analytical symbol. Broken lines with [BL]- and [BLB]*- represent the theoretical errors are smaller than the symbol. recovery lines expected when the [BL]- and [BLB]'- type complexes are independently formed. 1.40 - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Boron Volatilization from the Acid Solutions in the Presence of Mannitol. Recovery yields of boron after the - 1.39 - evaporation of the hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid solutions m -0 \ containing various amounts of mannitol are listed in Table m ,- I. Recoveries for the 3 M HF solutions are plotted against 1,- the mannitol/boron mole ratio in Figure 1. The recovery yield from the mannitol-free 3 M HF solution is only 9%. However, it drastically rises with increasing amounts of added mannitol E 1.38 t / and reaches about 90% when the mannitol/boron mole ratio is more than unity. Similar results were also obtained for the 1.37 46% HF and 6 M HCl solutions. -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 Feldman (10) showed that mannitol suppressed the vola- IniB RECOVERY YIELD) tilization of boron from water, HCl, and HN03solutions when Figure 3. Logarithmic plot of boron recovery yields vs ''B/loB ratios more than 500 pg of boron was accompanied by a 10-fold molar of evaporation residues from the 3 M HF solution. The solid line excess of mannitol. On the other hand, Kuwada et al. (11) represents a regression line: In ("B/'OB) = 0.01089 In (B recovery asserted that even a 30-fold molar excess of mannitol to low yield) -I- 1.399. levels of boron (0.3 pg) was not sufficient to resist such a loss from water and quasi-neutral solutions without the addition mannitol/ boron mole ratios exceed unity, as predicted in of base. These previous observations do not agree with the Figure 1. The constant boron isotopic compositions within results obtained in this study. Feldman (10) revealed that the experimental errors were obtained for the residues with about 90% of the boron was volatilized from solid H3B03by a mannitol/boron mole ratio >1 regardless of acid concen- continuous heating at 80 "C for 12 days. Nevertheless, in tration. These isotopic ratios firmly agree with our I1B/loB Feldman's (10) experiment with mannitol, dried residues were value (4.0513 f 0.0004) for SRM 951, which was determined heated overnight (16 h) at 75-77 "C. Although the temper- without any use of strong acids. Although the recovery yield ature during evaporation of the solution was strictly main- expected from Figure 1 is around 90% at a mannitol/boron tained lower than 80 "C in the previous studies, little attention mole ratio ~0.5,the difference in boron isotopic composition was paid to the extra heating after complete evaporation of between the residue and the unfractionated SRM 951 is only the solution. It was often observed in the present experiment 0.6 per mil. that such an extra heating of the residue over several hours Figure 3 shows a logarithmic plot of l1B/loB values of distinguishably lowered the recovery yield of boron even if residues in Figure 2 against the corresponding boron recovery the mannitol/boron mole ratio was more than unity. However, yields estimated from the smoothed curve in Figure 1. A tight the effect was negligible when the heating was stopped within linear correlation between them indicates that the boron 30 min after the complete evaporation. Therefore, the dis- isotopic fractionation during evaporation of the hydrofluoric agreement between the previous studies and ours is probably acid solution is controlled by a Rayleigh-type distillation, derived from boron volatilization by the extremely long extra which is expressed by the equation heating after dryness in the previous studies. In R = (a - 1) In f + In Ro Isotopic Fractionation of Boron during the Evapora- tion. Boron isotopic compositions of the evaporated residues where Ro,R, f,and a are the initial and fractionated l1B/l0B from the acid solutions containing NBS SRM 951 boric acid ratios of residues, boron recovery yield, and the kinetic isotope are presented in Table I1 and plotted against the manni- separation coefficient, respectively. The a in this study is tol/boron mole ratio for the 3 M HF solution in Figure 2. defined as (llB/loB)eF,/(llB/lOB)B-,,,itolat 70 "C and is Without mannitol, residual boron shows an extremely low calculated to be 1.011 from the slope of the regression line in llB/ loB ratio, indicating the preferential enrichment of llB Figure 3. The a obtained is fairly close to the estimated value into the gas phase in the form of BF3 or BC13 during the of 1.013 from the observation of kinetic isotope fractionation evaporation of solution. Figure 2 indicates that the l1B/loB between BF3 and the BFs-anisole complex at 50-100 "C (16). ratio of the resulting residue increases with increasing amount Structure of the Boron-Mannitol Complex in the of mannitol relative to boron and becomes constant when the Hydrofluoric Acid Solution. In general, boric acid easily ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 1990 2615

the difference in boron species existing between aqueous so- lution and the hydrofluoric acid solution. In the hydrofluoric acid solution, boron occurs entirely as BF4-, whereas in aqueous solution, boron exists as B(OH)3,B(OH)4-, or other borates. Application to the Boron Isotopic Analysis in Natural Samples. In the course of boron separation from natural samples for the isotopic analysis, any chemical operation accompanied by acid treatment has previously been restricted due to the boron isotopic fractionation during evaporation of the solution. Thus sample decomposition and subsequent chemical procedures have been carried out usually in the presence of excess base. The most general method for the separation of boron from natural rock samples for that purpose is a methyl borate distillation technique after decomposition of the sample with alkali fusion (e.g. refs 2 and 3). In that method, it is often difficult to achieve the high recovery yield of boron; therefore considerable isotopic fractionation arises during the distillation (4). Furthermore, alkali fusion requires a large amount of flux such as sodium carbonate and a high temperature exceeding 800 "C. This sample decomposition method might, therefore, magnify the boron blank and induce the loss of boron from the sample in the crucible through volatilization. As discussed in the previous section, mass fractionation and volatilization of boron during evaporation of the hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid solutions are completely suppressed when the mannitol/boron mole ratio is more than unity. This property of mannitol with boron enables us to make use of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids in the course of boron separation from the natural samples, especially from silicate rock samples for the isotopic analysis. Sample decomposition can be performed with concentrated hydrofluoric acid gen- erally employed in isotopic analyses such as for Sr and Nd. Since boron exists as BF,- in the hydrofluoric acid solution, it is possible to isolate boron from other elements in the natural rock and solution samples adopting anion-exchange chromatography in the F- form. Most of the major elements

CH2 OH CHzOH -2- of rock samples in the hydrofluoric acid solution are not ad- sorbed in the anion-exchange resin because they behave as - H-C-OHI HA-3 F 2[:>B<;] t H-C-OHI -+ 1 >B< cations. Therefore, a large ion-exchange capacity is not re- H-C-O F t 4HF I I quired in this method for boron separation. This makes it HM-H F M-H possible to reduce the volume of resin and eluent and con- I >B< HM-H F@ sequently diminish the total blank of boron in the chemical I CHz OH AH20H procedure. Accordingly, it is conceivable to separate trace amounts of boron from natural rock samples including basalts, ultramafic xenoliths, and meteorites that have extremely low boron concentrations (<1ppm). We have successfully de- CHI OH - CHzOH -- veloped a new technique that can be applied to determine the I I H-C-0 F precise isotopic composition of a trace amount of boron (=l I 1 >B< kg) in the natural samples by using anion-exchange chroma- t + H-C-3 F + 2HF I I tography with mannitol, which was described elsewhere (18). HM-H HM-H I I HM-H HM-H ACKNOWLEDGMENT I I CHI OH . CH2OH We thank J.-L. Birck, G. Manhes, M. Kusakabe, H. Honma, and C. J. Allegre for comments and criticism regarding this work. We also thank E. S. Beary for providing the spectro- CHI OH CHrOH -n- scopic grade graphite. HA+H HA-3 C- LITERATURE CITED n[:>B<:]- + n H-C-OHI 4 I >B< H-C-3 0- + 4nHF I I McMullen, C. C.; Cragg, C. B.; Thode, H. G. Geochlm. Cosmochim. HM-H -0 C-C-H Acta 1961, 3, 147-150. I >B< I Shima, M. J. Geophy. Res. 1962, 67, 4521-4523. HM-H -3 M-H Agyei, E. K.; McMullen, C. C. Can. J. Earth Sci. 5, 921-927. I I 1968, CH2 OH CHIOH -n Kanzaki, T.; Nomura, M.; Ozawa, T.; Kakihana, H. Bunseki Kagaku 1978,27,481-485. Spivack, A. J.; Edmond, J. M. Anal. Chem. 1986, 58, 31-35. Swlhart, G. H.; Moore, P. B.; Callls, E. L. Geochim. Cosmochlm. Acta 1986, 50, 1297-1301. Xiao, Y. K.; Beary, E. S.; Fassett, J. D. Int. J. Mass Spechom. Ion Processes 1988, 85, 203-213. Povondra, P.; Hejl, V. CoNect. Czech, Chem. Commun. 1976, 41, 1343- 1347. 2616 Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 2616-2619

(9) Pektier, E.; Lebel, J. Can. J. Earth Sci. 1877, 15, 618-625. (16) Panchenko, G. M.; Moiseev, V. D.; Makarov, A. V. Zh. Fir. Khlm. (10) FeMman. C. Anal. Chem. 1861, 33, 1916-1920. 1857, 31, 1051-1059; Chem. Ab&. 1958, 52, 6000i. (11) Kuwada, K.; Motomizu, S.;Toei, K. Anal. Chem. 1878, 50, (17) Barbier, Y.; Rosset, R. Bull. Soc. Chlm. Fr. 1988, 12. 5072-5077. 1700-1792. (18) Ishikawa. T.: Nakamura, E. Abstract for the 1989 Annual hfeethg of (12) Kuehner, E. C.; Akarez, R.; Paulsen, P. J.; Murphy, T. J. Anal. Chem. the Geochemical Society of Japan; Geochemical Society of Japan: 1872, 44, 2050-2056. Tokyo, 1989; p 221. (13) Mattinson, J. M. Anal. Chem. 1972, 44, 1715-1716. (14) Ramakumar, K. L.; Parab, A. R.: Khodade, P. S.;Almaula, A. I.; Chi- tamber, S. A.; Jain, H. c. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 1985, 94, RECEIVEDfor review July 3, 1990. Accepted September 6, 53-62. 1990. This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific (15) Catanzaro, E. J.; Champion, C. E.; Garner, E. L.; Marlnenko, G.; Sap- penfleld, K. M.; Shields, W. R. NBS Spec. Publ. No. 260-17; US. GPO: Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture Washington, DC, 1970. of the Japanese Government, to E. Nakamura and E. Ito.

Separation of Permanent Gases by Single-Column Gas-Liquid Chromatography with Liquid Nitrogen as the Stationary Phase

Hengchang Song and Jon F. Pareher* Chemistry Department, Uniuersity of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677

Mixtures of neon, argon, krypton, nltrogen, carbon monoxide, repeated conditioning at high temperatures is often required, oxygen, and methane were separated by gas-ilqukl chroma- and water as well as reducing gases must be excluded from tography at 77 K. The moMk phase was a mixture of nltro- some systems. If these conditions are fulfilled, however, gen and hellum. The stationary phase was a very thin fllm zeolites can resolve the components of such mixtures at am- (10-20 A) of “ilquld” nltrogen adsorbed onto the surface of bient or higher temperatures with packed columns in only a an inert soHd support. The components were eluted In the few minutes. The elution order of the gases is determined order of thelr boiling points, except for CO and CH, which primarily by polarizability; however, the elution order for adsorbed on some of the solid supports. The systems were different zeolite separations varies with the type and water very efficient with minimum HETP values of -500 pm with content of the zeolites (I). Separation of Ar and O2 is particularly difficult because the support partlcles of 150-180 pm packed In a 40- column. sizes and polarizabilities of these two gases are almost identical The van Deemter curves were essentially flat due to the hlgh and the boiling points differ by only 3 deg. However, sepa- density and low dlfldon coefficients of the moMle phase and rations of these gases have often been achieved on zeolites. the very low Ahthickness of the stationary phase. Henry’s Porous polymers have also been used for the separation and law constants for the solute gases In liquid nitrogen at 77 K analysis of atmospheric and permanent gases. The chroma- were measured. The gas-llquid sdubHity measurements are tographic properties of the polymers are determined primarily unique because the solutes were all less volatile than the by the composition of the polymer and not so much by the solvent. chemical or physical treatment or history of the adsorbents. Such polymers have been used routinely to separate Ar and O2at ambient or higher temperatures in 5-10 min (2,3),and this type of polymer was used for the NASA missions to Mars INTRODUCTION and Venus (4,5).However, a major problem with the porous The separation and analysis of gaseous mixtures containing polymers is the batch-to-batch variability of the synthetic some or all of the gases neon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, products. Also, the elution order for the gases is somewhat argon, oxygen, krypton, and methane is a common analytical odd; i.e., the gases elute in the order N2 < O2< Ar < CO. This problem of interest in the production and analysis of com- order does not correlate with either the boiling points or mercial gases, as well as natural, artificial, and even extra- polarizabilities of the gases. terrestrial atmospheres. Gas-solid chromatography with Recently, a tracer pulse chromatographic method was de- molecular sieves, other zeolites, and porous polymers has been veloped (6) for the determination of nitrogen isotherms and used successfully for such separations (1-5). However, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface areas for chromatographic analyses of mixtures of different compositions or concentra- adsorbents. Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas, and the tions often require specially designed separation strategies, packed columns were immersed in liquid nitrogen at 77 K. systems, or conditions. Some schemes require subambient Under these conditions, a layer of nitrogen several angstroms temperatures or even subambient-temperature programming. thick adsorbed onto the surface of the adsorbent, and this Others require multiple columns, multiple ovens, or multiple condensed layer was observed to retain inert gases, such as injections. In some cases, the oxygen is removed chemically argon (7). The present investigation was undertaken in order to allow analysis of the remaining gases. In any case, the to explore the possible chromatographic applications of a additional manipulations required diminish the accuracy and condensed, two-dimensional layer of “liquid” nitrogen as a convenience usually associated with an isothermal GC analysis. stationary liquid phase for the separation of the permanent The chromatographic properties of zeolitic adsorbents are gases discussed previously. strongly influenced by the particle structure, composition, and surface properties. The type, charge, and number of ex- EXPERIMENTAL SECTION changeable cations and the degree of hydration of the zeolites Figure 1 shows the experimental instrumentation, which was also affect the performance of the adsorbents. Rigorous and principally a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (Hewlett-

0003-2700/90/0362-2616$02.50/00 1990 American Chemical Society