Table of Contents

Executive Summary ...... 3 Summary of Appropriations ...... 11 Summary of Positions and FTE ...... 12 Summary of Investment Proposals ...... 15 Summary of Reduction Proposals ...... 21 Federal Entity Summaries ...... 26 (VOA) ...... 26 Spanish Language Grantee ...... 38 International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) ...... 50 Office of Technology, Services and Innovation (TSI) ...... 62 Independent Grantee Organization Summaries ...... 72 Radio Free /Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) ...... 72 (RFA) ...... 84 Broadcasting Networks (MBN) ...... 92 Additional Summaries ...... 104 Broadcasting Capital Improvements (BCI) ...... 104 Performance Budget Information ...... 108 Appendix ...... 145 Attachment A: Budget Charts ...... 145 Voice of America Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 146 Office of Cuba Broadcasting Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 148 International Broadcasting Bureau Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 149 Technology, Services and Innovation Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 150 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 151 Radio Free Asia Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 152 Middle East Broadcasting Networks Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 153 Broadcasting Capital Improvements Summary of Appropriated Funds ...... 154 Attachment B: Impact Model ...... 155

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 1


High-quality, on-the-ground reporting by BBG reporters are leveraged to bring news, information and alternative perspectives to regions where governments or terrorist groups spread misinformation and propaganda.

2 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Defending democracy and human rights is related to every enduring national interest. It aligns us with the aspirations of ordinary people throughout the world. We know from our own history people must lead their own struggles for freedom if those struggles are to succeed. But America is also uniquely situated – and routinely expected – to support peaceful democratic change. – U.S. National Security Strategy, February 2015

Now, at this pivotal moment, we continue to face serious challenges to our national security… Violent extremism and an evolving terrorist threat raise a persistent risk of attacks on America and our allies. Escalating challenges to cybersecurity, aggression by Russia, the accelerating impacts of climate change, and the outbreak of infectious diseases all give rise to anxieties about global security. We must be clear-eyed about these and other challenges and recognize the has a unique capability to mobilize and lead the international community to meet them. – President’s Introductory Letter, National Security Strategy

The 2015 U.S. National Security Strategy BBG: The US Government’s makes clear that America must lead by Civilian International Media example, with purpose, strength, BBG, in accordance with the U.S. capable partners, all the instruments of International Broadcasting Act of 1994 U.S. power, and a long-term perspective. (as amended), oversees U.S. civilian The Broadcasting Board of Governors international media, including the Voice (BBG, otherwise referred to in this of America (VOA), the Office of Cuba document as “the Agency”) believes that Broadcasting (OCB), and BBG-funded in today’s interconnected world, grantees Radio Free Europe/Radio information is a critical instrument of Liberty, Inc. (RFE/RL), Radio Free Asia U.S. power that delivers demonstrable (RFA) and the Middle East Broadcasting returns. BBG networks play a critical role Networks, Inc. (MBN). In addition, the in communicating directly with foreign Agency also oversees the International publics supporting their aspirations for Broadcasting Bureau (IBB), which freedom and democracy. At the same manages program distribution and time, the Agency embraces the role that marketing for the Agency and provides professional journalism plays in ensuring administrative support for VOA effective information counter-balance to and OCB. propaganda emanating from a growing list of state and non-state actors who BBG distributes programming in 61 manipulate and distort information to languages to more than 100 countries advance ends inimical to U.S. interests. via radio (, FM, medium wave (AM), and shortwave), terrestrial and

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satellite TV, the web, live streaming, The global information environment has mobile devices and social media to a become a battleground. The role of record weekly global audiences of 215 Russian-language media in Crimea and million people. Eastern Ukraine demonstrated how propaganda can have direct influence To allow the BBG to continue to support on events on the ground. In other parts democratic change at a time of pressing of the world, non-State actors such as national security challenges, dynamic Hezbollah (Al Manar), al-Qaeda, ISIL and global communications markets and Boko Haram sow fear and incite government-wide spending constraints, violence through extremist rhetoric. the Agency respectfully requests These new actors offer a profound FY 2016 funding of $751.5 million in challenge to U.S. international media support of our mission: (USIM).

To inform, engage, and connect people The rise of global digital networks – around the world in support of freedom Internet, mobile, and social media – and democracy. lowered the barriers to information dissemination, blurred the distinction In FY 2016, BBG’s strategic goals are between producer and consumer, and supported by four overarching weakened the position of traditional imperatives: media outlets, while also enabling an n Deliver unbiased journalism and unprecedented level of public information of the highest standards engagement and dialogue. As mobile of quality; devices provide news agencies millions of field “sensors,” social media provides n Support the development of journalists with new opportunities to democratic values in transitioning listen, engage, and influence. and closed information societies by creating open dialogue on issues BBG is tackling these global challenges, not covered or discussed in particularly in keeping pace with digital domestic media; change. At the same time, the Agency is n Counter propaganda and extremist taking stock of recent successes. rhetoric with credible news and Success for BBG is ultimately to be information enabling audiences to influential. It is, in the spirit of Edward R. positively contribute and participate Murrow, to be persuasive. It was Murrow in civil society; and who famously said, “To be persuasive, n Be the leading channel for we must be believable; to be believable information about the United States, we must be credible; to be credible we explaining U.S. policy and providing must be truthful. It is as simple as that.” perspectives on American life, values BBG’s new impact model is expanding through reporting, analysis and the Agency’s ability to gauge our commentary. influence with our audiences as well as with the media and governments in the countries we target.

4 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Executive Summary

Audience size, while just one metric, authority versus popular will. In the remains important and answers to the Middle East, societies continue to congressional mandate that BBG struggle to support even modest programs “reach a significant audience.” pluralism and regain the spirit of the In 2014, BBG saw global audiences grow Arab Spring as terrorist groups like ISIL to a record 215 million people weekly, gain strength. North and the Sahel up from 175 million in 2012. Penetration face rising extremism – from al-Qaeda is particularly strong in strategically vital in the Islamic Maghreb to Boko Haram countries such as Iran, Iraq, , in Northern Nigeria – rivaling the Somalia, Mali, South Sudan, Nigeria, and ferocity of the Taliban in South Asia. In Ukraine, and in Pakistan’s Federally support of the National Security Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Strategy’s regional objectives to bolster the International Order, in FY16, BBG In FY 2016, BBG is expanding its ability to “will undertake a number of targeted, be an influential source of accurate, strategic initiatives in our credible news and information. broadcast regions. Enhancing performance on digital platforms is a special priority, as news Advance Our Rebalance to consumers increasingly turn to digital Asia and the Pacific devices and mobile phones to access BBG is playing a vital role in supporting news and information. Our efforts going the democratic transition of countries in forward will also prioritize identifying Southeast Asia and supporting the and attracting strategic audiences development of civil society. The selected by locale, country, or regions Agency’s organizing principle is using we believe are most important to media to ‘de-isolate’ South China Sea achieving our strategic objectives. audiences by supporting regional We are taking an audience-first awareness, documenting the truth approach to fulfill our mission by behind the China’s activities in the targeting strategic audiences for our region, and challenging the authoritarian content. This requires smart strategies Chinese model of development. across the communications spectrum, Through Radio Free Asia and the Voice from product branding and positioning of America, we are mapping Chinese to content selection, packaging and influence in the region, engaging delivery – on all platforms, including audiences in supporting the traditional broadcast, web, social and development of their own civil societies, mobile channels. and making sure U.S. policies and activities are known and discussed. We International Order are also ensuring that Chinese audiences are aware and understand the Around the globe, freedom and nature of their government’s actions in democracy are under assault, imperiling Southeast Asia by conveying objective U.S. interests, regional stability, and reporting and analysis from the region international order. Europe is witnessing into China. a return to Cold War tensions of state

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Countering Russian Aggression in secular and religious voices in shaping Europe and Around the Globe the future of Iraq, and delegitimizing ISIL and other extremists in the region and Russian aggression and Russian- with potential foreign fighters abroad. language propaganda aim to destabilize MBN is implementing a multi-platform Europe, threatening the interests of U.S. initiative ("Raise Your Voice") over allies in the region. In response to a television, radio and digital (social, web, revanchist Russia, BBG has deployed an mobile) to enable ordinary people to innovative multi-media effort aimed at comment, discuss, and constructively Russians and Russian-speakers in the provide Iraqi leaders with a clear picture former Soviet Union (FSU), Europe and of the lives and hopes of Iraqi citizens. around the world. In FY 2016, BBG will VOA is expanding its programming in focus on growing our network of media Kurdish Iraq and Turkey, targeting elites partners, from state broadcasters to in improving their understanding of U.S. individual producers that can provide policy and actions. VOA is also using its credible journalism and information at global platform in distributing content scale in order to provide Russian that delegitimizes ISIL amongst potential language speakers with a fair and foreign fighters and their families in balanced picture of the world. We will Africa, Eurasia and Southeast Asia. also significantly increase our digital media products and platforms to reach Invest in Africa’s Future Russians, as well as Russians living Africa is a region of both great abroad. RFE/RL will lead in this effort in opportunity and great peril, with rising collaboration with VOA. A key goal is to security concerns from extremist provide everyday Russians with the groups, but also steady economic information needed to assess their growth, and a young, engaged future and the future of their country’s population with great promise. BBG has international policies. Building on the made substantial new investments in work done in FY 2014/2015, we will Africa broadcasting, which will pay expand our work reaching Russian dividends in increased audience speakers on television, social media, engagement in out years. In FY 2016, mobile platforms, video and VOA will continue to implement these audio channels. new programs and new channels, Seek Stability and Peace in the including increased video production in Middle East and North Africa widely-spoken languages, construction and programming of FM stations in In FY 2016, BBG will play a vital role in major African cities, mobile streams to securing a more stable future for the reach young people, and content in people of Iraq and Syria by countering vernacular languages including Somali, the influence of the Islamic State of Iraq Hausa, and Bambara specifically and the Levant (ISIL) in the region, and targeted to populations vulnerable to around the globe. We will focus on extremist recruitment. countering ISIL through two core actions: being a platform for moderate

6 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Executive Summary

Deepen Cooperation in the Americas n In Somalia, Nigeria, and Iraq we counter violent extremist In FY 2016, BBG will begin the process of propaganda with frank on-air and creating a new grantee that will online discussion of radicalism. combine elements of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting and the VOA Latin America n In a host of countries, from Burma Division and be responsible for all to , we ease inter-ethnic and Spanish-language broadcasting. The inter-religious strife with roundtable new grantee will build on a legacy of discussions that bring diverse parties success in the region. VOA Spanish together to bridge differences and works cooperatively with a network of model civil discourse.

major media outlets in the region to n In Iraq/Syria, we aid the besieged provide highly-valued news and citizenry with reports on life-and- information about the United States and death developments. the world to a measured weekly n In Iran, we provide timely, accurate audience of more than 25 million people. OCB’s Radio and TV Martí have information on the progress of nuclear negotiations to a huge succeeded in creating a network of journalists to report on developments in audience of ordinary Iranians. Cuba, one of the world’s most repressive n In Ebola-wracked West Africa, we media environments, providing a unique provide vital prevention and lifeline to the outside world. treatment information over the media platforms audiences are most Security likely to access. BBG’s professional journalism, as noted Values above, is a critical asset in the U.S. National Security Strategy. It has Since VOA’s inaugural broadcast in 1942, enduring value in helping to foster free, U.S. government funded international open, democratic societies, which tend media has reflected American values to be more peaceful and prosperous and American leadership. Through our than non-democratic societies and support for professional journalism, free seldom threaten their neighbors or expression, and the communication of harbor extremists. In the shorter term, the American democratic experience, BBG journalism produces effects that BBG empowers civil societies and serve a wide range of security interests, emerging leaders to work for change, from accurately conveying U.S. policy, to seek universal rights, and realize their countering harmful propaganda, to democratic aspirations. preventing terrorist recruitment, to providing vital health information to Professional Journalism help stop pandemics. BBG broadcasters The BBG networks produce quality provide essential platforms for journalism of exceptional value and audiences to air their grievances, call for utility to our audiences. This journalism action, and engage in civil dialogue on includes breaking news, human rights critical issues. To cite specific examples: reporting, coverage of official

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corruption, English learning, health and soliciting their views, facilitating sharing education information and empowers of our information, and encouraging audiences to understand their world and redistribution of BBG content. In make informed decisions for themselves, countries such as China and Russia, their families, and societies. Moving seeding domestic information streams forward, we must also identify with news content, analysis and underserved audiences that are subject commentary to support local use and to propaganda and denied access to reuse before government censors is an news and information that can important BBG operation. empower them. These audiences, such as young people, women, and the We work to ensure audiences enjoy the politically or socially marginalized, universal right to seek information by can be important drivers of change in opposing efforts to restrict information their societies. and punish speech. In closed societies our Internet Anti-Censorship (IAC) In addition to producing and distributing programs are enabling audiences’ valuable news and information, BBG access to open information sources that works to improve the local media power the development of civil society environments we serve, through and holding despotic regimes to partnerships with broadcasters and account. training for journalists and other media professionals. We focus on disseminating content, and expanding access to the Internet, also Around the world, and providing more offering citizen and professional than half of the Agency’s total audience journalists tools to report safely without –more than 100 million people weekly– detection by government surveillance. 2,500 affiliated radio and television This work is increasingly important in stations and digital platforms carry BBG countries like China, Cuba and Iran that content. We engage with affiliates to are bolstering firewalls to keep outside support the viability of independent information from getting in and inside media in targeted countries, but also information from getting out. expand our audiences and increasingly use our platform as a means to build American Democracy collaborative relationships amongst President John F. Kennedy, in a speech our affiliates to support a robust local commemorating VOA’s 20th media sector. anniversary in 1962, framed the telling of America’s story eloquently: “What we do Free Expression here in this country, and what we are, BBG is about engaging and connecting what we want to be, represents really a audiences and ensuring there is a rich great experiment in the most difficult media environment for audiences to kind of self-discipline, and that is the experience the world. Through all forms organization and maintenance and of digital, social and traditional media, development of the process of free the Agency converses with audiences government. And it is your task … to tell

8 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Executive Summary

that story around the world.” Telling ongoing, however it is imperative that America’s story is a significant part of the Congress enacts the proposed BBG’s Congressional mandate. VOA and language to establish a CEO in statute MBN cover the United States in all of its and properly and legally delegate the complexity, as a mirror, not a day-to-day operational responsibilities mouthpiece, illustrating the nation’s of the Board to the CEO. Under the democratic process, so that countries proposed CEO legislation, the Board of we target, struggling to nurture their Governors will fulfill the important own democratic systems, might learn visionary, long-term strategy, and from the American experience. journalistic firewall role while the CEO will conduct the day-to-day Conveying and critically assessing aspects of running the Agency including development and implementation of personnel management, budget, and U.S. policy is also a key component of congressional outreach. BBG’s mission. American leadership depends in part on international BBG is also taking steps to harmonize audiences knowing where the United multiple language services that operate States stands with respect to their in the same market through enhanced countries and issues that affect them. collaboration among the networks. In countries where two network language BBG Reform and Progress services operate side-by-side, BBG is By virtue of historical circumstance, clarifying their respective roles and today’s BBG is a complex amalgam of goals, differentiating their content, and diverse media outlets and respective promoting shared media platforms. support organizations, operating under Progress was made in FY 2014 with different legal and administrative major harmonization between VOA and frameworks. This structure has limited RFE/RL in Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, the organization’s agility in responding , Azerbaijan, and Iran. Further to a rapidly evolving global media work is now underway in Iraq, environment, as well as its ability to Afghanistan, and the FATA region of make consistently rational resource Pakistan. allocations. Significant progress has BBG has taken significant steps to been made toward the fundamental deepen understanding of our impact, as transformation necessary for BBG to noted above. The new impact model appropriately fulfill its charter amidst tracks qualitative as well as quantitative growing geo-political instability and indicators for each component of the substantial budgetary challenges, and BBG mission (to inform, engage, and the agency continues to undertake connect) to show influence within the major internal reform efforts. audiences, media and governments in Under the leadership of a revitalized BBG’s target markets over the short-, Board of Governors, creating the medium-, and long-term. Indicators position of a CEO has been a key BBG include whether our news and programs objective. The search for a new CEO is are seen by audiences as reliable and trustworthy and whether they help

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increase our audiences’ understanding BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS and help them form opinions. Engagement with our content, Some of the notable areas within this especially on digital platforms – whether $751.5 million budget request include: audiences are moved to do something after consuming our content, such n $476.6 million for International commenting on it, sharing it or Broadcasting Operations, including recommending to friends – is yet VOA, TSI, OCB, and IBB operations, another performance area BBG is n $10.0 million for Broadcasting closely tracking. Capital Improvements, n $15.6 million Achieving operational efficiencies is in cuts from reducing equally critical to BBG’s future – to save language service overlap and money, allocate scarce resources to selected broadcast languages, priority areas, and improve the streamlining central news performance of Agency support operations, optimizing information services. Increased collaboration technology, reducing less effective between the Office of the Chief cross-border transmissions, and Information Officer and Administrative realizing efficiencies in support Support Services underpins projects to services, integrate, automate, and standardize n $12.5 million in Internet anti- BBG business systems, beginning with censorship funding, and an integrated platform for timekeeping, n $2 million for overseas, non-BBG human resources, and payroll. journalist training.

FY 2016 will see completion of several projects that, over five years, PRIORITY FY 2016 INVESTMENTS transformed the Agency’s technological INCLUDE: infrastructure from an outdated set of n Countering Russian Aggression disconnected, poorly performing, and n Countering the ISIL Narrative insecure systems into one of the most advanced technical environments in the Federal government.

BBG optimization efforts, particularly using technology to replace paper- based systems and enhance workflows, have significantly improved the Agency’s ability to respond quickly to changing geo-political circumstances and nurture employee morale while producing savings that have gone to serving the journalistic mission.

10 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Executive Summary

Table 1: Summary of Appropriations

vs. FY 2015 FY 2016 CBJ Program Plan $ $ $ (5,814) $ $ 3,191 $ (6,523) (8) (5,000) $ $ $ 12,950 $ 245 192 13,387 $ 5,200 $ $ (9,154) $ $ $ 4,233 14,933 (10,700) $ $ 5,200 5,200 $ $ 4,233 $ $ 5,200 9,433 $ 9,433 FY 2016 Request $ $ $ 206,683 $ 30,321 $ 61,010 $ 178,586 12,500 $ $ 116,800 $ 38,500 109,600 $ 264,900 $ 10,000 $ $ 476,600 $ $ 741,500 $ 741,500 $ $ 10,000 0 10,000 $ $ 741,500 $ 10,000 $ 751,500 $ 751,500 Plan FY 2015 Program $ $ $ 212,497 $ 27,130 $ 61,018 $ 185,109 17,500 $ $ 103,850 $ 38,255 $ 109,408 251,513 $ 4,800 $ $ 485,754 $ $ 737,267 $ 726,567 10,700 $ $ 4,800 4,800 $ $ 737,267 $ $ 4,800 742,067 $ 742,067 Actuals FY 2014 $ $ $ 201,639 $ 26,692 $ 65,495 $ 177,938 7,420 $ $ 95,260 $ 48,355 $ 106,178 249,793 $ 7,812 $ $ 471,764 $ $ 725,480 $ 721,080 $ 4,400 $ 8,000 8,000 $ $ 721,557 $ $ 7,812 729,369 $ 733,480 FY 2014 Enacted $ $ $ 202,206 $ 27,043 $ 67,000 $ 187,818 25,500 $ $ 95,950 $ 35,950 $ 109,513 241,413 $ 8,000 $ $ 484,067 $ $ 725,480 $ 721,080 $ 4,400 $ 8,000 8,000 $ $ 725,480 $ $ 8,000 733,480 $ 733,480 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 - 2016 Summary of Appropriations BBG GRAND TOTAL The Broadcasting Board of Governors Total, Broadcasting Capital Improvements Total, International Broadcasting Operations BBG GRAND TOTAL - Appropriation/Request Summary Of Resources International Broadcast Operations Program, Project, and Activity by Account Voice of America (with OCO for FY 2014 and 2015) Office of Cuba Broadcasting International Broadcasting Bureau Office of Technology, Services, and Innovation Internet Freedom; Anti-Censorship Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty ( with OCO for FY 2014 and 2015) Radio Free Asia Middle East Broadcasting Networks (with OCO for FY 2015) Appropriated Appropriated (Overseas Contingency Operations) Appropriated Federal Entities Total, Federal Entities Non-Federal Entities Total, Non-Federal Entities Broadcasting Capital Improvements International Broadcasting Operations Account Broadcasting Capital Improvements Account

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Table 2: Summary of Positions and FTEs

7 Full-time Equivalent 1,182 1,168 14 157 157 233 226 349 164 185 1,921 1,921 26 12 156 238 454 720 251 981 156 226 163 291 720 251 981 FY 2016 Request Funded Positions 1,199 1,173 2,047 1,952 3,999 7 Full-time Equivalent 1,224 1,210 14 132 132 219 212 354 169 185 1,929 1,929 Funded FY 2015 Program Plan Positions 1,239 1,213 26 131 131 237 225 12 459 168 291 2,066 653 653 251 251 972 972 1,876 3,942 7 Full-time Equivalent 1,100 1,074 26 126 126 219 212 290 163 128 1,736 1,736 FY 2014 Positions On-board FY 2014 - 2016 1,115 1,079 36 125 125 213 201 12 409 160 249 1,862 503 503 240 240 792 792 1,535 3,397 Summary of Positions and FTE The Broadcasting Board of Governors Subtotal, Federal Employees Subtotal, Non-Federal Employees TOTAL, Broadcasting Board of Governors American/Domestic Employees Foreign Nationals DH/Personnel Service Agreements American/Domestic Employees American/Domestic Employees Foreign Nationals DH/Personnel Service Agreements American/Domestic Employees Foreign Nationals DH/Personnel Service Agreements Employees Employees Employees Voice of America Office of Cuba Broadcasting International Broadcasting Bureau Office of Technology, Services, and Innovation Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Radio Free Asia Middle East Broadcasting Networks International Broadcasting Operations Federal Employees Non-Federal Entities

12 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Executive Summary

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A ROBUST RESPONSE TO A REVANCHIST RUSSIA AND THE ISIL NARRATIVE Top: RFE/RL will use high-quality news, information, analysis, and feature programming through a multi-platform global initiative to counter Russian propaganda. Bottom: MBN will lead digital and surge programming to counter ISIL with support from U.S. international media to offer alternative perspectives to the ISIL narrative..

14 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Summary of Investment Proposals

Summary of Investment Proposals

The FY 2016 budget continues to align The FY 2016 requested budget will to the BBG 2014-2018 strategic plan. enable the Agency to support critical This request builds on investments and base operations and capital reductions in FY 2015, and reflects the requirements while investing in regional critical role of BBG broadcasts in support infrastructure for rapid content of U.S. national interests. This budget production and audience building reflects efforts to find efficiencies, during global crises. These investments increase collaboration among BBG- will focus on high-priority global regions funded activities, and reach audiences and help build the organization and on the most effective broadcast infrastructure best suited for the fast- platforms. paced future of media. They will enable BBG to adapt quickly to evolving circumstances, thanks to state-of-the- art infrastructure and technology.

Table 3: FY 2016 Proposed Investments

Funding Proposed Investments ($ in millions)

Countering a Revanchist Russia $15.40

Countering The ISIL Narrative $6.10

Convert Television Production to HDTV $2.50

Enhance High Frequency Transmission Capability $2.80

Enhanced High Definition Satellite Television $1.00

Total Funding $27.80

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U.S. national interests are best served by complementary programming in a Russia that is free and democratic and Russian aimed at the former Soviet an integrated, constructive stakeholder space and within Russia. USIM is also in the international community. Over expanding its fact-based journalism and the past 15 years, Russia has been cogent analysis to refute Russian headed in the opposite direction, with propaganda, including in English, aimed authoritarianism and anti-Western at other countries, especially Europe, policies that today threaten Russia’s that are vital to U.S. national interests neighbors and, by extension, the United and where Russian media channels are States and its Western allies. striving to influence new audiences.

Russian pressure and aggressive acts are Building on 70 years of experience not limited to the actions in Eastern broadcasting to the Soviet Union and its Ukraine, or in the “frozen conflict” zones successor states, RFE/RL will deliver of Georgia or Moldova. Russia has high-quality news, information, analysis, launched a world-wide disinformation and feature programming through a apparatus undermining growing multi-platform global initiative. Because freedoms and democratization that television is by far the leading platform conflict with the Kremlin’s narrow for news in Russia, the former Soviet interests. The Kremlin exploits freedom space, and markets targeted by Russian of information to inject disinformation. propaganda around the world, it will The goal is not to persuade (as in classic play a central role in this initiative. public diplomacy) or earn credibility but Concurrently, RFE/RL is using digital to sow confusion via conspiracy platforms to reach Russians in broadcast theories and to spread falsehoods. denied zones, which are rapidly gaining Information is a tool to confuse, in popularity for news, and offer new, blackmail, demoralize, subvert and creative opportunities to engage and paralyze, and create alternate realities. connect audiences. “Information war is now the main type of war,” says chief Kremlin propagandist Television Dmitry Kiselyev, “preparing the way for Building on the success of FY 2015 military action.” television programs, RFE/RL will add additional television content to expand U.S. international media (USIM) is reach and impact in the former Soviet leading a effort by the United States space. In partnership with affiliate government to counter pressures from partner TV stations in the Russian the Government of Russia, by deploying periphery, RFE/RL will expand Russian- flexible, innovative, assertive multi- language television programming to at media initiatives aimed at Russians and least four hours daily. Additional Russian-speakers in the former Soviet programs will include documentaries, Union, Europe and around the world. roundtable discussions, VIP interviews RFE/RL is strengthening unique and and satire. In addition, RFE/RL is

16 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Summary of Investment Proposals

developing a Caucasus version of the globally, in FY 2015 RFE/RL will create a 30-minute “Current Time” Russian- new digital media department, DIGM, language program, drawing on material that includes a dedicated social media from the European and Central Asian team to confront misinformation in the versions and adding targeted Caucasus Russian-media sphere via multiple content. Other proposed TV and video social-media platforms (e.g., Facebook, projects will emphasize citizen , VKontakte and Odnoklassniki). engagement, including new This team will also utilize WhatsApp to programming focusing on building function as a mobile push-messaging bridges between otherwise service targeting potential new disconnected communities, such as audiences. between Chisinau and Tiraspol in Moldova, west and east Ukraine, and Key initiatives that will launch in FY 2015 Ukraine and Russia. and carry through into FY 2016 include Footage vs Footage. a daily video Digital Media product that directly challenges Russian television propaganda, and Rus2Web, a RFE/RL began adding significant YouTube site and channel curated by amounts of new content and multi- RFE/RL that will serve as “digital platform digital programming for Russia samizdat,” giving voice to independent and the former Soviet Union following Russian-language journalists and Russia’s annexation of Crimea in March filmmakers whose work is not readily 2014. To further broaden the reach and available, or is even banned, by Kremlin- impact of these and new programming controlled media. initiatives while increasing focus on engagement with Russian speakers


In support of U.S. foreign policy leaders with a clear picture of the lives objectives, USIM is playing a vital part in and hopes of Iraqi citizens. VOA is securing a more stable future for the expanding its programming in Kurdish people of Iraq. The BBG is focused on for Iraq, Turkey, and Syria, targeting countering ISIL through two core elites and improving their understanding actions: being a platform for moderate of U.S. policy and actions. VOA is also secular and religious voices in shaping using its global platform in distributing the future of Iraq, and delegitimizing ISIL content that delegitimizes ISIL to its and other extremists in the region and audiences in Africa, Eurasia and potential foreign fighters abroad. MBN is Southeast Asia, where young people are implementing a multi-platform initiative vulnerable to recruitment as foreign (Raise Your Voice) over television, radio fighters. and digital (social, web, mobile) to enable ordinary people to comment, discuss, and constructively provide Iraqi

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Raise Your Voice Campaign (MBN) Surge Programming Targeted The Raise Your Voice campaign consists at Refuting/Undercutting ISIL of radio and television call-in programs Propaganda that encourage positive discussion VOA Kurdish and VOA Turkish are dealing with the root causes of ISIL significantly expanding enterprise recruiting (unemployment, sectarianism, reporting from Iraqi Kurdistan, and the disenfranchised with the government). Turkish/Syria border areas to gather Raise Your Voice programming also more audio, video and digital content. encourages solutions and elevates the VOA Kurdish will launch a 30-50 minute all-important voice of moderation. TV program on NRT, the leading -Iraq is producing a monthly television channel in Kurdistan. VOA Town Hall Meeting with political and Turkish will launch as second 15-minute religious leaders, giving viewers a TV program for current affiliate TGRT chance to ask questions directly to and is working on a new media partner them, thereby opening a frank and for a new talk show format for another direct dialogue. Other television Turkish television channel. programs include a weekly program from Irbil in Arabic focusing on the Leverage USIM’s Global Platforms to underrepresented Kurdish perspective, Staunch the Flow of Foreign Fighters and another program that shines a VOA is leveraging its global platform to spotlight on Iraqis looking for ways to target young audiences (15-24, primarily improve their lives and their country in male) in key global markets that feed spite of ISIL. On the digital front, MBN foreign fighters to ISIL. VOA, in will create a community at collaboration with MBN, will identify (Speak Up) and its content (generally not news, focused on associated Facebook page where critical enterprise & creative) countering ISIL’s issues that lead to violent extremism are narrative, and translate and re-package discussed openly and respectfully. The that content for distribution in targeted project is not driven by daily news countries. It will be a mixture of new events but rather by introducing a single short ‘fact check’ features and focused “root issue” topic that is discussed for news reports as well as content two weeks by essayists, reporters and amplifying existing anti-ISIL satire. BBG the wider community. Across MBN Iraq networks will target audiences in North specific themes and topics will Africa (MBN), Gulf States (MBN), transcend each of the platforms for a Afghanistan/Pakistan (VOA, RFE/RL), the cohesive discussion. Balkans (VOA, RFE/RL) and Russia/Caucuses (RFE/RL).

18 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Summary of Investment Proposals


This proposal continues BBG’s FY 2015 adopt HD technology will disrupt the high definition television (HDTV) Agency’s ability to secure and maintain migration project, a multi-year effort to affiliates and attract audiences. As part convert all VOA television productions of this investment, VOA also will to HD, which is increasingly the quality upgrade television studios and standard demanded by viewers around production equipment to ensure HD the world. Failure by BBG to quickly compatibility.


BBG will continue the shortwave At $2.00 per broadcast hour, realignment project that began in FY provides the highest return on 2014, which increases shortwave investment in the BBG transmitting transmission capability at its Kuwait station portfolio. Thus, BBG began Transmitting Station. This enhancement expansion of the facility in FY 2014 with provides improved coverage to the construction of a new high underserved areas of the world and frequency antenna and design of the reduces operating costs by decreasing transmitter building expansion. The reliance on external leases. All aspects of proposed investment, extending this proposal focus on improving through FY 2018, will bring the Kuwait transmission capability, while continuing Transmitting Station up to the maximum to reach audiences in Africa, capability allowed by the country Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Tibet and agreement and will enable the Agency Western China. The added capacity will to decrease overall operating costs for support broadcasts for RFE/RL, RFA and the foreseeable future. When the VOA. realignment project is completed, the Kuwait station will have ten shortwave transmitters with associated antennas.


This enhancement strengthens the BBG’s strategy is to deliver content to as distribution of IBB high definition video many users as possible and increase feeds started in FY 2014, and includes direct-to-home satellite distribution of leasing capacity on regional to video and audio content. This add HD television channels for VOA investment will expand BBG’s audiences Persian, VOA/RFA China TV (in by using the most widely watched Mandarin, Cantonese, Tibetan and regional, direct-to-home satellites. Uyghur) and MBN’s Alhurra.

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 19

20 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Summary of Reduction Proposals

Summary of Reduction Proposals The FY 2016 budget request includes minimizing unnecessary administrative reductions and investments that costs, evolving away from less effective rebalance the Agency’s resources away transmissions, and reducing or from low priority legacy markets and eliminating service in low priority and antiquated platforms, toward foreign low impact several languages. BBG also policy priorities (including the Russian seeks to reduce language service periphery and the Middle East), and duplication in several markets, modern media platforms such as FM increasing efficiency and boosting radio, television and digital media. In impact by ensuring coordinated, keeping with this strategy, BBG proposes complementary operations and content to make targeted reductions aimed at where two BBG broadcasters co-exist. Table 4: FY 2016 Proposed Reductions

Funding Proposed Reductions ($ in millions)

International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) $1.30 Reduce Administrative Costs

Technology, Services & Innovations (TSI) $4.60 Reduce Shortwave Costs Decrease Contracting Expenditures Capture Salary Savings

Voice of America (VOA $5.80 Reduce Administrative Costs Discontinue Indonesian Radio Discontinue Low Priority Language Services Reduce Low Priority Language Services Rationalize Afghan Radio Services

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) $1.49 Reduce Administrative Costs Restructure News and Current Affairs Reduce North Caucasus Broadcasting Discontinue Low Priority Language Services

Radio Free Asia (RFA) $0.280 Close Bangkok Office

Middle East Broadcasting Network (MBN) $2.13 Offset of Operational Costs

Total Funding $15.60

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 21

The following are summaries of the proposed reductions included in the request:


Reduce Administrative Costs International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) Office of the Chief Financial Officer, offices will make administrative Communications and External Affairs, reductions in areas such as travel, Civil Rights, Contracts, Policy, contractor support, supplies and Performance Review, Human Resources, representational funds. Reductions will Strategy and Development, and Digital be made in the following offices: and Design Innovation


Reduce Shortwave Costs [-$2.90M] and prices, reducing technical support contracts, and reducing contract The Office of Technology, Services, and managerial personnel and project Innovation (TSI) will eliminate less managers. This budget request includes effective transmission frequencies and a reduction of eight contractors. realign transmissions to end high cost leases. TSI will realize additional Capture Salary Savings [-$1.05M] reductions to antiquated technologies by reducing transmissions to Savings in salaries will be achieved by Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma, and attrition, improved efficiencies and Kurdish-speaking regions and streamlined operations. The personnel eliminating shortwave to Russia, the reductions will focus on non-front line Caucasus, Belarus, , , employees to maintain the current level Rwanda, and Burundi. Audiences in of service to BBG broadcasting these countries access news and networks. The reduction of seven information on more efficient, positions is approximately 4 percent digital platforms. below the FY 2015 budget request level for domestic employees Decrease Contracting Expenditures [-$0.65M] Management support contracts will be reduced in fiscal year 2016. Reductions will be realized at TSI headquarters by cutting the number of administrative contractors, insourcing selected functions, renegotiating contract terms

22 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Summary of Reduction Proposals


Reduce Administrative Costs Discontinue Low Priority [-$1.6M] Language Services [-$1.3M] VOA will continue to streamline Agency BBG is shifting resources to high priority operations by reducing the amount of language services including French to contracted administrative staff and Africa and to programs that reach reducing overtime by 50 percent. This minority Russian speaking populations reduction will target non-content in former Soviet Union countries. This providing offices and will not impact the reduction will eliminate the Central number of FTEs or broadcast hours. Africa Service (7 FTEs) and the VOA Lao Service (5 FTEs). VOA will continue to Discontinue Indonesian Radio broadcast to audiences in Central Africa [-$1.0M] in English, French, and Swahili. RFA will VOA Indonesian radio programming will continue to broadcast in Lao. be discontinued. Media research from Reduce Low Priority shows that television is the Language Services [-$0.2M] dominant medium, with digital/online platforms gaining in popularity. The BBG is shifting resources to high priority most recent BBG survey conducted by language services including French to Gallup in Indonesia (February-April Africa and to programs that reach 2014) reports a small radio audience for minority Russian speaking populations VOA (1.8 percent) compared to a large in former Soviet Union countries. The and increasing VOA television audience Zimbabwe Service’s daily radio (18.5 percent). VOA Indonesian TV will programming will be scaled back by 30 continue to broadcast 3.83 hours of TV minutes. Research indicates that English weekly. The service will be reduced by radio listening is on the decline in 13 FTEs and three contractors. While Zimbabwe and that most of VOA’s radio Indonesia remains a foreign policy and audience listens in Shona. VOA will broadcast priority, the service will shift transfer responsibility for English resources away from broadcasting on language Zimbabwe-oriented radio to maximize the distribution of its programming to the VOA’s English to television content and build its online Africa and Worldwide English Services. audience. VOA will shift its English strategy for Zimbabwe to focus more on digital and television products, which will be produced by the English Division. VOA’s Shona and Ndebele Services will continue to broadcast daily radio programs.

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Rationalize Afghan three hours of radio daily in Dari and Radio Services [-$1.7M] ; RFE/RL will continue to provide 12 hours of radio daily. Those hours will Afghanistan remains a high priority for be filled with both Dari and Pashto both U.S. foreign policy and broadcasts. VOA will continue its highly international media. VOA will rebalance successful TV Ashna. This reduction will its broadcasting to Afghanistan, focusing eliminate 15 encumbered positions. on TV and the prime morning and evening radio hours. Under this proposal, VOA will maintain a total of


Reduce Administrative Costs Circassian content has struggled to find [-$0.34M] an audience, as speakers of these languages are unlikely to use cross- By reducing administrative expenses, border radio frequencies (shortwave and RFE/RL will realize significant savings medium wave), and RFE/RL is unable to with no adverse impact on affiliate with local stations due to programming. Russian government restrictions. Restructure News and Because most Avar and Circassian speakers consume primarily Russian- Current Affairs [-$0.68M] language media, increased RFE/RL RFE/RL will restructure the News and Russian content, distributed through Current Affairs Office to achieve savings social networks and the web, will better with no reduction of program hours. serve these audiences.

Reduce North Caucasus Discontinue Low Priority Broadcasting [-$0.27M] Language Services [-$0.2M] Reaching audiences in the North BBG is shifting resources to high priority Caucasus remains a high foreign policy language services including French to and broadcast priority; however, RFE/RL Africa and to programs that reach will adjust its tactics, and discontinue minority Russian speaking populations programming in the Avar and Circassian in former Soviet Union countries. This languages, while realigning those reduction will discontinue the RFE/RL resources to strengthen programming in Macedonian service. Chechen and Russian. Avar and

24 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Summary of Reduction Proposals


Close the Bangkok Office [-$0.28M] Now that Radio Free Asia has Rangoon, RFA will close its Bangkok established a fully staffed bureau in office to achieve these savings.


Offset Operational Costs [-$2.13M] The grant to MBN will be reduced by recoveries from prior year MBN $2.13 million in FY 2016. MBN plans to obligations. offset operational costs by utilizing

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Voice of America


FUNDING ($ in thousands) $202,206 $212,497 $206,683

NOTABLE FY 2016 PROGRAM CHANGES n This FY 2016 Budget request n In response to global foreign policy proposes an investment in VOA to priorities and the Administration’s continue its migration to high global engagement strategy, VOA definition television as both affiliates will continue the investments that and direct-to-home satellite began in FY 2015 by ending providers increasingly demand broadcasts in Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, production and distribution in this and Lao languages, making format. The investment in this multi- administrative cuts in VOA support year effort includes upgrading offices, in overtime pay, Indonesian television studios and production radio, and reducing Afghan radio. equipment to ensure HD compatibility. Failure by BBG to quickly adopt HD technology will disrupt the Agency’s ability to secure and maintain affiliates and build new audiences.

In 2014, VOA provided extensive coverage of the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

26 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Voice of America (VOA


Voice of America is a trusted source of news and information in Ensuring a Reliable Source of nearly 50 languages for 172 million people each week. The first Information During Crises and Unrest U.S. international broadcaster, VOA today uses 27 percent of the Ukraine Nigeria Agency budget to draw 80 percent of the Agency audience. Central African Republic West Africa VOA is where a Tibetan blogger appears live on Mandarin- language television calling on Facebook to restore a deleted post Supporting Democracy about self-immolation. and Countering Extremism Afghanistan Iran It’s where a Farsi-language new year’s message from State Somalia Mali Department Foreign Service Officer Sarah Grow receives nearly North Korea 300,000 web hits in two days. VOA is where the battle for Kobani is told from both sides of the border, as Turkish and Reaching Key Markets on the Most Effective Platforms Kurdish-language reporters join to present singular coverage of the fight against Islamic State militants. Targeted Mix to Russia VOA Hausa: Over Four Million Visits per Month VOA is attracting new and younger audiences in crowded and Online and On Mobile competitive markets through innovative programming and VOA Chinese Increases diverse delivery platforms including mobile streaming, video Social Media Engagement podcasts, direct-to-home-satellite, cable, and targeted FM VOA Kurdish Provided Targeted Content On TV, Digital & Social Media broadcasts. Audiences using mobile devices and social media VOA Khmer Popular on Facebook grew exponentially in the past year as VOA adopted “digital first” Reaching Somalia on TV and Online production to better meet the portable, immediate, and interactive demands of the tech-savvy leaders of tomorrow. Expanding Impact Through Partnerships Increasing Audience Share in Indonesia VOA maintains a broad network of FM affiliate partners as well Russian Business Channel Partnership as wholly-owned FM stations while sustaining shortwave Radio Partnering in Pakistan broadcasts where still viable, including the Sahel, where Islamist Circumventing Nigerian Government Ban extremists continue to carry out attacks, and in information- deprived societies such as North Korea and Tibet. Providing In-Depth Coverage and Special Programs VOA engages audiences in discussions about the United States VOA AIDS Documentary Airs and world events with programming that not only ensures a Young African Leaders Initiative broad understanding of American values and viewpoints but Anti-Corruption Reporting also enhances respect for the United States as a nation that Bronze Medal for VOA Tibetan Film values truth and fairness. FY 15-16 INITIATIVES As America’s international state broadcaster, VOA helps export the “soft power” of First Amendment freedoms when we Anti-Extremism Efforts in Africa interview Congressional critics of President Obama’s polices on Restructuring Central News & English health care or Ukraine, when our female television presenters read the news for Muslim audiences without covering their Enhanced Efforts in Kurdistan heads, and when we open debate on the U.S. death penalty in New Contracting Model the trial of the Boston marathon bomber.

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It’s straightforward reporting from anti-Americanism, VOA promotes U.S. Ferguson, Missouri that sustains VOA’s ideals and culture while helping to save reputation as a reliable source for lives with information for audiences credible and comprehensive news and facing conflict and disease. analysis when state-run media in China suppresses coverage of protests in Hong VOA is widely viewed by its audiences Kong. It’s balanced reporting on as a trusted source for credible and electoral politics in Zimbabwe and comprehensive news and analysis. Nigeria that champions free and fair Through its global network of reporters, elections when state-run media in sound journalistic practices, and support Russia seeks to justify an of free speech, VOA engages audiences unconstitutional referendum in Crimea. in discussion about the United States and world events. VOA programming VOA’s global network of reporters, its not only ensures a broad understanding sound journalistic practices, and its daily of American values and viewpoints, but example of free speech make it a unique it also enhances respect for the United voice in international broadcasting. States as a nation where truth and Combating ignorance, propaganda, and fairness are highly valued.

VOA Spanish reaches a growing audience across Latin America with breaking news and interactives from Washington, D.C.

28 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Voice of America (VOA)


VOA covers protests during the crisis in Ukraine.

Ensuring a Reliable Source of Information During Crises and Unrest UKRAINE frontline of fighting in the east, from VOA’s television audience in Ukraine has Moscow, and from Washington. A BBG- doubled since the Russian invasion of commissioned national survey in April, Crimea. With new Ukrainian Service found that nearly one in five Ukrainian programming and new affiliate adults consumes VOA content weekly partnerships, VOA continues to help (18.3 percent) with VOA reaching almost counter pro-Kremlin disinformation and one in 10 adults in the critical eastern refocus on the U.S. and Western regions. response to Russian aggression. The daily Russian-language television NIGERIA newscast Studio Washington now VOA continues to provide ground- appears on both satellite and on the breaking coverage of Nigeria, where 78 popular Ukrainian TV networks ICTV percent of its’ weekly audience of 16 and Channel 24. VOA supplies the million say VOA helps form their English-language Ukraine Today opinions on important issues. VOA network with original interviews and English- and Hausa-language reporters produced packages as well as Central traveled through the heart of the Boko News correspondent reports from the Haram insurgency, providing

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multimedia coverage of the abduction WEST AFRICA of more than 200 school girls and the VOA joined with the BBC in a ground- devastating impact of the movement’s breaking partnership over the Ebola reign of terror on the economy, outbreak in West Africa, sharing TV, infrastructure and people of radio and digital content in English, northeastern Nigeria. French, and Hausa from infected areas of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Responding to the crisis in the Central THAILAND African Republic (CAR), VOA launched When the Thai military suspended radio two 10-minute daily broadcasts in and TV broadcasts in May, VOA Thai

Sango, the country’s lingua franca, on its VOA’s Ahmad Fawad Lami (right) interviews FM station in the capital, Bangui. VOA President at the Presidential French to Africa also broadcasts on the Palace in . stream, adding local content in five daily launched a daily, live 30-minute satellite news breaks during morning drive radio-on-TV and webcast while ramping hours. VOA French and Sango up social media outreach on Facebook, broadcasts have become vital sources of YouTube and Twitter. During the crisis, information for the people of CAR at this Facebook engagement (“likes,” shared critical moment in their history. VOA content, clicks and comments) soared also increased its stringer presence in from 2,000 to more than 25,000 unique the country and sent two reporters on users per week. assignment to CAR, where they produced reports amid a very difficult security situation.

Supporting Democracy and Countering Extremism sharing agreement between the presidential rivals, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry sat down with VOA’s Afghan Service for an interview that ran on Dari- and Pashto-language radio as well as on Afghan state television.

IRAN VOA Persian is the leading international

broadcaster in Iran with television AFGHANISTAN programs that are watched weekly by 24 VOA provided extensive coverage of the percent of the adult population. Daily June presidential runoff election in coverage of talks on Iran’s nuclear Afghanistan, including an exclusive program included on-the-scene interview with outgoing President reporting and interviews with chief U.S. Hamid Karzai and a series of reports on negotiator Wendy Sherman and voters defying Taliban threats to cast Secretary of State John Kerry. There are their ballots. After negotiating a power- documentaries about life in Iran, a

30 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Voice of America (VOA)

weekly 30-minute entertainment program focusing on the Iranian- American community of Los Angeles, and special reports on interfaith initiatives by U.S. religious communities as part of an effort to fight religious extremism and dispel misconceptions about the United States. VOA Persian partnered with leading U.S. universities including Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and UCLA on a multimedia project to highlight those institutions’ history, student life, and research on Iran in a The hosts of VOA’s Anba Fo (We’ll Say It) series of TV documentaries and on the VOA Persian website. MALI A year after launching its first Bambara- SOMALIA language radio program for audiences in In Somalia, VOA continues to be a Mali, the Voice of America has added a reliable source of information in the dynamic new call-in program, Anba Fo troubled Horn of Africa region, where (We’ll Say It). The hour-long weekly more than half the population (51 radio show airs Saturday evenings on percent) listens to VOA weekly. VOA’s VOA’s owned-and-operated FM station Nairobi bureau chief was embedded in Bamako, as well as online. Each with Somali and African Union troops episode addresses a topic critical to during operations against al-Shabaab audiences in Mali, such as security and militants and filed compelling reports for stability, education, women’s rights and VOA television. VOA Somali conducted youth unemployment. In a micro-poll two town hall meetings this past year -- commissioned by the IBB Office of one in Mogadishu on child soldiers and Research, nearly 90 percent of Mali Kura the other in Hargeisa on human listeners said the program increased trafficking. VOA Somali’s exclusive their understanding of current events a interview with the father of a Somali “great deal,” with one respondent saying, teenager who was a stowaway on a “Hearing the Bambara language from California to Hawaii flight was picked up the USA makes me proud.” by U.S. and international media, including CNN, ABC and NBC. MYANMAR VOA posted its first full-time Burmese correspondent to Yangon in May and expanded its 30-minute television news program to go live seven days a week with placement on the national channel Sky Net. When Burmese Service Chief Lwin Than interviewed President Thein Sein in November he asked about the need for better media access to

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 31

government information. Three weeks members – cites VOA Korean reports later, the Presidential Palace announced more than any other foreign news the start of weekly press briefings in media. VOA Korean pays particular Naypyitaw. attention to human rights issues and the security threat that North Korea poses to NORTH KOREA the region as well as Pyongyang’s stance South Korea’s TV Chosun says the North on these issues. Korean Workers’ Party newspaper – circulated only among senior party

Reaching Key Markets on the Most Effective Platforms TARGETED MIX TO RUSSIA VOA CHINESE INCREASES SOCIAL To counter the Kremlin’s influence in MEDIA ENGAGEMENT Russian-language media, VOA’s Russian VOA Mandarin has greatly increased Service offers a targeted mix of digital social media accounts inside China, and TV programming that provides an where 75 percent of its audience is accurate portrayal of America, explains below the age of 35. Using QR code links its policies and institutions, and with proxies, VOA has improved access addresses distortions and to reports on controversial issues such misperceptions about the United States as official corruption, reports that often and its policies. The number of Russians rank among the top five on Google who rely on VOA digital sources for News. History’s Mysteries, a weekly TV alternative viewpoints and engage with documentary series on historical issues VOA’s online content continues to grow. too sensitive for open discussion in China, reached more than four million VOA HAUSA: OVER FOUR MILLION VISITS views on YouTube. Meanwhile, VOA PER MONTH ONLINE AND ON MOBILE Mandarin’s English learning programs During the past year, the VOA Hausa reached up to three million views each Service has become the most popular week on social media. service in VOA’s digital portfolio, averaging more than four million visits VOA KURDISH PROVIDED TARGETED per month. The service has leveraged CONTENT ON TV, DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA new products and services to drive this With the emergence of the Islamic State growth, including Dandalin VOA, a and a new government in Baghdad, dynamic 24/7 Hausa language news and VOA Kurdish moved aggressively to information stream designed specifically provide targeted content in Kurdish on for mobile devices with youth-oriented television and digital and social media. music programming, peak-hour news The VOA Kurdish weekly television blocks and short, mobile-friendly feature program Kurdish Connection is now segments. broadcast on affiliate station Naliya TV (NRT), the first non-partisan news channel in Kurdistan. Being on a popular channel in an ideal time slot enables VOA Kurdish to reach many viewers with news and information on U.S.

32 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Voice of America (VOA)

policies and perspectives on this critical for Cambodians and vital platforms for region. expressing opinions.

VOA KHMER POPULAR ON FACEBOOK REACHING SOMALIA ON TV AND ONLINE VOA Khmer’s Facebook page reached The VOA Somali television show 500,000 fans in March 2014 -- a 10-fold Qubanaha (Variety), is seen on satellite, increase in 14 months -- making it the online, and on two Somali affiliates – world’s second most popular Khmer- Universal TV and Somali National language Facebook page. This rapid Television – which air the show twice a increase in fans and high audience week. Qubanaha presents a mix of U.S., engagement comes as Facebook and international and regional news as well other social media become increasingly as reports from journalists in Somalia. important sources of uncensored news

Expanding Impact through Partnerships INCREASING AUDIENCE SHARE RUSSIAN BUSINESS CHANNEL IN INDONESIA PARTNERSHIP Indonesian broadcasts reach more than Television is the most powerful opinion- 33 million adults a week, VOA’s single shaping medium in Russia, and VOA largest audience. Working with eight of Russian serves as a U.S. news bureau for Indonesia’s 11 national television stations with a reputation for networks, more than 20 regional TV independent reporting including the stations and hundreds of local radio Russian Business Channel (RBC). stations, VOA Indonesian provides in- Covering global economics, American depth coverage of U.S. policies, world business and U.S.-Russia relations, these news and Indonesian developments to partnerships have been instrumental for nearly 20 percent of the country’s adult U.S. international media audience population. Co-productions with growth in Russia as VOA works toward a Indonesian national public television 60-minute weekly co-production with TVRI include a focus on Ramadan in RBC that would use broadcast facilities America and a look at the unique and reporting resources in Washington Indonesian music style Dangdut. and New York to reach an estimated 11 percent audience share.

VOA Russian on the Russian Business Channel

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 33

RADIO PARTNERING IN PAKISTAN Department; from Nairobi, Dakar, and VOA and Pakistan’s Radio News Johannesburg; and from Moscow, Network (RNN) have partnered on an Jerusalem, Bangkok, and London. hour-long weekly radio program that Channels TV also airs produced VOA focuses on current events and social television packages and video-on-the- issues in both countries. Sada e Jahan scene reports while providing VOA’s (Voice of the World) airs on RNN’s FM English to Africa Service breaking news stations throughout Pakistan, where about events in Nigeria, such as Boko more than 98 percent of VOA’s Pashto Haram violence and presidential audience says VOA programming campaigning. This dynamic co- increases their understanding of current production model is an innovative way events. to gain affiliates and reach audiences in increasingly sophisticated media CIRCUMVENTING NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT BAN markets. Circumventing a Nigerian government ban on international broadcasters, VOA has an exciting new partnership with Channels TV, one of the country’s most popular private broadcasters reaching approximately 15 percent of Nigerians over the age of 15. Channels TV news programs have featured VOA correspondents live from the White House, the Pentagon, and the State

BBG Governor Matt Armstrong (left) and John Momoh, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Channels Television

Providing In-Depth Coverage and Special Programs VOA AIDS DOCUMENTARY AIRS discuss the stigmas that make them th Following its world premiere at the 20 outcasts, even within their own families. International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia, the latest VOA YOUNG AFRICAN LEADERS INITIATIVE documentary, AIDS: Living in the VOA provided blanket coverage of the Shadows, is being featured on VOA Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) satellite TV streams (in English, Persian Summit in Washington in July in 16 and Chinese) as well as on languages across Africa, including a co- The documentary, production with Nigerian affiliate introduced by music legend and AIDS Channels TV. Programming included activist Elton John, in which AIDS interviews with many of the 500 young victims in Nigeria, Cambodia, Haiti, Africans selected as YALI Fellows as well Uganda, Canada, and the United States as a live broadcast of President Obama’s welcome speech on satellite and online,

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Voice of America (VOA)

with simultaneous French translation. Iraq and other regions, and has frequent VOA hosted a 30-minute TV special interaction with U.S. policymakers, from Howard University as part of its analysts, and experts involved in solving Africa 54 program and broadcast a TV financial crimes. This reporting special that profiled YALI Fellows from promotes democratic development by Uganda, Senegal, the DRC, Kenya, encouraging stronger civil society Nigeria and Ghana. VOA Amharic hosted elements in emerging nations. a cyber-hangout town hall discussion with six YALI Fellows from Ethiopia in BRONZE MEDAL FOR VOA TIBETAN FILM The VOA Tibetan film, Fire In The Land which questions were solicited via social Of Snow: Self-Immolations In Tibet, won media. The conversation was broadcast a Bronze Medal for “Coverage of on radio and online, attracting more Continuing News Story” in the New York than 143,000 views on Festival 2014 International Television & FACEBOOK.ANTI-CORRUPTION REPORTING Film Awards. The film provides an VOA English has launched a major objective and balanced look at a initiative highlighting official corruption contentious topic, countering Beijing’s and the fight to stop it by good narrative that has fanned extremist governance groups. Through the views in Tibetan and Chinese production of multi-platform reports, communities. this corruption beat has developed close ties with anti-corruption organizations in Ukraine, China, sub- Saharan Africa,

VOA Tibetan broadcasts three hours of television and 42 hours of shortwave radio programming each week, and engages audience on Tibetan and English websites as well as on social media.

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ANTI-EXTREMISM EFFORTS IN AFRICA COUNTERING KREMLIN PROPAGANDA As part of enhanced efforts to counter In response to the broad need for violent extremism, VOA is expanding balanced and objective news and radio and television broadcasts to information in Russian to counter Kremlin Africa’s Sahel region, a hotbed of anti- propaganda, VOA Russian has partnered Western activism, including more with RFE/RL to produce a 30-minute daily programming in local languages. There television news program targeting are new 24/7 FM transmissions from audiences along Russia’s periphery. The Bamako in French and Bambara as well program will serve as a cornerstone for as reprogrammed FM streams from future U.S. international digital video and Abidjan in French and from Bangui in television operations in Russian, French that includes 18 hourly addressing audiences not only in the newscasts and more than four hours of Russian Federation, but also Russian French-language news and analysis. speakers worldwide. BBG plans to partner with local stations to contribute VOA has reformatted its FM station in supplementary content and increase its Juba to provide more localized content Russian-language programming. and is working to reprogram FM streams in Bujumbura, Kigali, Djibouti, RESTRUCTURING Ouagadougou, and Dakar. Using Africa CENTRAL NEWS & ENGLISH Investment funds, VOA is opening new During the coming year, VOA will move to reporting and production centers in a “digital first” news room, restructuring Bamako, Niamey, and Mombasa. There the organization and workflow of its are new youth-oriented radio shows in Central News and English Divisions with a Kiswahili and Hausa, pilot programming rapid reaction/rewrite desk feeding the for a weekly French-language television work of VOA reporters directly to the VOA magazine show, and a mobile website and story teams helping produce innovation lab in Ghana partnering with better television, faster. New beats have universities to provide journalism been established on topics such as training in the Sahel. VOA challenges the corruption and Internet freedom – issues ideology of extremist groups such as on which VOA audiences want more Boko Haram and al-Qaida in the Islamic content. Coverage of U.S. foreign policy Maghreb by offering alternate narratives and New York business news will receive that strengthen democratic institutions, additional resources as will reporting on open space for public civic participation American developments in health, and address quality of life concerns that technology and higher education – areas fuel insurgencies. where the world looks to the United States for leadership and innovation. Increased coverage will come from Persian, Chinese, Hausa, and other language service reporters as well as from Central News correspondents.

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ENHANCED EFFORTS IN KURDISTAN staffing model as they provide the VOA will enhance its television and flexibility required for an Agency digital content for Iraqi Kurdistan in FY engaged in the production and 2015 to better match content with the dissemination of news, including surge platforms preferred by local audiences. broadcasting to respond to world Research indicates that the Kurdish events. Working closely with the IBB, population in northern Iraq is VOA is enacting a new approach to predominantly a television audience. maintain its workforce flexibility. This VOA has entered into a partnership with includes transitioning from use of many the hugely popular NRT TV for direct contracts with individuals to far broadcast on Sunday evenings of VOA’s fewer contracts with firms that provide Kurd Connection, with a rebroadcast the staffing and management services to following day. support requirements for talent that vary over time. The transition to this NEW CONTRACTING MODEL new contract model will occur gradually VOA relies on contract and other short- over the next few years to support term staff to support many of its improved workforce operations and operations. Contractors account for VOA’s mission. approximately 35 percent of VOA’s workforce and are part of its long-term

VOA’s weekly TV show Kurd Connection, which airs on NRT-TV in Iraqi Kurdistan

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OCB $27,043 $27,130 N/A

*NOTE: FY 2016 funding includes funds designated for OCB and VOA Latin America (minus Creole), which will join to form the Spanish Language International Media Grantee.


This FY 2016 Budget request for the federalized organization will be fully Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) and operational by mid FY 2017 and receive Voice of America (VOA) Latin America a BBG grant. OCB will lead the de- Division (LatAm) begins the process of federalization effort. The Radio and TV establishing a new de-federalized Martí and brands will Spanish language international media be prominent brands in the newly organization that would merge the two formed entity. BBG will continue its entities (excluding the Creole language active, in-person engagement with service). Under this plan and assuming authorizers and appropriators about this regular appropriations order, the de- proposal. In the meantime, if there are federalization process will be completed specific or immediate questions, BBG in early FY 2017 and the new de- will supply more information.

38 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Spanish Language Grantee


The Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) Providing High Quality Local Reporting on Topics administers Radio and Television (TV) Martí Important to Cubans programs, the website from its OCB Doubles News Reports headquarters in Miami, Florida and the shortwave Original Programming Enhanced transmitting station in Greenville, N.C. Covering Immigration Collaboration with U.S. Coast Guard The Martís inform and engage the people of Cuba Covering Venezuela by providing a reliable and credible source of news Award Winning Programming and information. The Martís use a mix of media, Highlighting Cuban’s Struggle for Free Press and Free including shortwave, medium wave, direct-to- Expression home satellite, Internet, flash drives and DVDs to Increased News Coverage Based on Audience Interest help reach audiences in Cuba. Radio and TV Martí Covering Public Dissent and encourage freedom and Breaking News About Health Crisis democracy in Cuba through programs that focus Reaching Audiences via Digital and Social Media on news and information that is relevant and Growing Web Traffic and Engagement on Social Media pertinent to Cubans’ daily lives so they can make Reaching Cubans by Email and SMS informed decisions about their future. Primary Citizen Reporter Network areas of coverage include news relating to human rights and dissident movements, the Cuban Utilizing Alternate Distribution Methods to Reach the Island economy, U.S.-Cuban relations, and international Using Flash Drives & DVDs to Distribute Content stories, such as elections. The Martís also provide significant coverage of Latin American news to Providing Programming About the United States keep Cuban audiences informed of regional State Department Updates developments. The Martís’ programming NBA Playoff Coverage contributes to civil society, the development of democratic institutions in Cuba and freedom of VOA LATIN AMERICA DIVISION the press. FY 14 ACCOMPLISHMENTS

The Martís’ website,, produces Providing High Quality Local Reporting on Topics multimedia original news stories and streams all Important to Cubans radio and TV broadcasts -- 24 hours a day, seven Coverage of Crisis in Venezuela days a week. Social media engagement and the Strong Affiliate Network largest – if not the only- network of Cuban Training Affilates on Internet Circumventions Techniques journalists on the island allow the Martís to Helping Counter Isis Extremism respond immediately to breaking news. The site Explaining U.S. Policy on ISIS regularly adds up-to-the-minute information on the repression of bloggers, journalists, and political Providing In-Depth Coverage and Special activists in Cuba. The Martís maintain an active Programs interactive social media engagement strategy that Covering Immigration Crisis includes a YouTube Channel, Facebook, Twitter, VOA AIDS Documentary and Google+. OCB has expanded the number of Internet domain extensions for FY 15-16 INITIATIVES Begin the process of establishing a de-federalized Spanish-language grantee network

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to make it more difficult for the Cuban isolated societies in the world, with a government to block access to the highly restrictive political and media website. environment, lack of democratic In combination with, institutions or guaranties for human rights. It is not possible for the BBG to the Martís use anti-censorship tools, such as web-based proxies to reach conduct nationally representative audience surveys in Cuba due to the Internet users in Cuba. These proxy sites enable unobstructed delivery of highly restrictive political and media environment. However, OCB is able to email messages containing news, information and instructions for conduct focus group research with recent immigrants from the island. circumventing government Internet filters. Given these circumstances, OCB measures performance based on daily Although the U.S. and Cuba have agreed interaction with the audience and to normalize their diplomatic relations, several impact criteria, including the island continues to be one of the jamming and government responses to most politically and geographically OCB news coverage


VOA Spanish covers U.S. and major news events for a network of affiliates throughout Latin America.

The Voice of America Latin America audiences throughout Latin America on Division (excluding the Creole Service) TV, radio, and online. The Division’s provides news and information to “Washington Bureau Strategy” focuses

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on bringing US news and information, 8:30 am. The Latin America Division business, technology, health, and sports also produces the news review program to more than 350 affiliates in the region, Estudio 45, Deportivo Internacional including leading media organizations in (Sports International) as well as the 30- the Americas. minute music shows Top Ten USA and Musica Country. VOA Latin America engages audiences in discussions about the United States VOA Latin America’s main website and world events with programming delivers up-to-the- that not only ensures a broad minute news and information, sports, understanding of American values and technology, and entertainment along viewpoints but also enhances respect with a new student blog with most users for the United States as a nation that accessing the site on mobile phones. values truth and fairness. The Division is also active on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube with a On television, VOA Latin America combined total of more than 7.5 million delivers U.S. and international news of page views in 2014. More than one-third interest to the region five days a week of those page views came from inside on El Mundo al Dia (The World Today) the United States, more than 16 percent and presents debate and analysis with from Mexico, more than seven percent newsmakers on the 30-minute from Venezuela, more than six percent newsmagazine Foro (Forum). from Spain, and more than six percent from Colombia. On radio, Buenos Dias America (Good Morning, America) is VOA’s longest- “Partnering with the Voice of America running Spanish-language news show gives us prestige,” says the managing with more than 50 years on the air. Its editor of Colombia’s El 30 minutes of national and international Antonio Santos. “The idea is to improve news, sports, business, science, our content and our coverage of the entertainment, and weather airs daily at United States.”

VOA Spanish’s TV program Foro.

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TV Martí’s Avanza Cuba

Providing High Quality Local Reporting on Topics Important to Cuban OCB DOUBLES NEWS REPORTS reports also are presented on During the last two years, OCB has doubled and distributed on the the number of news reports it produces on island on flash drives and DVDs. the island, providing audiences with more in- depth local coverage. This is of paramount ORIGINAL PROGRAMMING ENHANCED interest to Cuban audiences. The Martís have The Martís increased production of assembled the largest – to our knowledge original programming, including the only – network of independent information and analysis, interviews, journalists working inside Cuba. These documentaries, series, music, and live journalists send reports (which include audio, coverage of news and events, while text, video and photographs) from across the diversifying content with social, island via telephone, SMS and Internet. economic, sports and technology Because of an OFAC license granted in 2012, reporting. the Martís have been able to hire Cuban COVERING IMMIGRATION nationals to work inside Cuba as multimedia In 2014, a record number of Cubans journalists and producers, creating a network entered the United States across the of reporters working throughout the island Mexican border, showing a growing exclusively for the Martís. Their reports are trend of Cuban citizens traveling to used daily in TV and radio newscasts and are Central and South America and then compiled for the monthly TV Martí program, moving upwards towards the U.S. There Desde Adentro – “From Inside” (Cuba). The was also a record increase in the

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immigration of balseros (rafters). One of COLLABORATION WITH U.S. COAST GUARD the more dramatic examples was the As an example of our regular case of the Cuban rafters rescued in collaboration with other U.S. entities, the Mexico, where 19 people died in the Martís reached hundreds of thousands incident, including a pregnant woman. of Cubans with a message from the U.S. Martí Noticias had around-the-clock Coast Guard. A Social Media campaign coverage, including exclusive videos and was launched in Twitter and Facebook pictures of the rafters’ last moments from January 9 to January 17, 2015 that seen alive, reactions from family and included messages from the U.S. Coast friends both in Cuba and the U.S., as well Guard, as well as informational news as interviews with Mexican authorities articles about the “Pies secos-Pies dealing with the incident. mojados” policy and the Cuban Adjustment Act. The messages from the Immigration topics are comprehensively Coast Guard were also sent to 30,000 covered by all Martí platforms. TV Martí Cubans via text messages and to 324, crews traveled to Panama, and the 347 email addresses on the island on Bahamas following key stories, and January 9, 2015. through collaborations with local media in Ecuador, México, Guatemala, and Costa Rica, the Martís gathered first- hand testimonies as well as other exclusive material from Central America and Cuba. This material was included in the production of Cambio de Ruta – Change of Path, a half hour program that documents the different paths Cubans are taking to illegally reach the U.S. as well as the dangers they are exposed to. Besides the organic news COVERING VENEZUELA reporting of these events, the Martís also In addition to our regular news coverage launched an awareness campaign about of the Venezuelan crisis that sparked in the dangers of illegal immigration that April 2014, TV Martí produced a weekly included radio and TV Public Service program, Venezuela en la calle – Announcements. An information page Venezuela on the Streets, devoted to was created and heavily promoted with covering the events that included several topics of interest to our extensive coverage of marches, protests audience, from the Cuban Adjustment and street clashes between the Cuban Act, “Pies Secos – Pies Mojados” policy, backed government and the opposition, to Visa application requirements, or the with interviews from our Cuban Medical Professional Parole, the correspondents on the ground as well as informational page allows visitors a first expert analysis from all sides of the glance at U.S.-Cuba immigration policies political spectrum in our Miami studios. as well as links to relevant sites.

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AWARD WINNING PROGRAMMING Several programs were produced at the In 2014, the Office of Cuba Broadcasting 24th annual conference of the received four Emmy Award nominations “Association for the Study of the Cuban by the National Academy of Television Economy” on July 31, 2014, which was Arts and Sciences Suncoast Chapter. celebrated in Miami and included One of the programs recognized was participation by economists from Cuba. y Disidencia, a special program with Cuban movie director, Lilo Villaplana, Radio Marti aired a special program that who spoke about the challenges of focused specifically on the problems being a movie director in Cuba and their faced in Cuba by black cuentapropistas struggle to have freedom of speech. (small business owners). The program The Director used Cuban government was recorded entirely inside Cuba for blockage of Marti as an example of how Radio Martí and was hosted by the Cuban people are denied opposition figure Manuel Cuesta Morua. information on his award winning Panelists included independent documentary “La Muerte del Gato.” journalist Ivan Garcia and budding black businessmen Francisco Balido and Jose Another nominee was La Nueva Cuba Seceff. de Guillermo Fariñas based on Guillermo Fariñas. The "Sakharov Prize" winner is a COVERING PUBLIC DISSENT renowned dissident, admired and OCB broke the story of a rare respected for his nonviolent activism. demonstration of public dissent, when Fariñas, a spokesman for the Patriotic dozens of Cuban artisans and vendors Union of Cuba, has initiated more than a protested in the city of Holguín, Cuba, dozen hunger strikes. marching to local government offices and demanding the right to work HIGHLIGHTING CUBAN’S STRUGGLE FOR without government harassment. FREE PRESS AND EXPRESSION Information, pictures and video shared TV Martí’s program En sus Propias in social networks was curated by OCB Palabras - In Your Own Words, profiled journalists that helped unmask independent journalist Alberto Mendez government bloggers who used old Castello and his important role photos of the square to make believe distributing news bulletins around rural that there was no demonstration. Radio Cuba to promote freedom of the press Marti got an exclusive interview with the and freedom of expression; as well as man that filmed the protest who was the story of the Cuban rapper “El Sexto” arrested, threatened, and had his work and his struggle to perform freely using license revoked. Eventually the story his critical lyrics. made it to the New York Times.

INCREASED NEWS COVERAGE BASED ON BREAKING NEWS ABOUT HEALTH CRISIS AUDIENCE INTEREST OCB was first to report on the more OCB has increased news coverage and than 2,000 cases of the infectious viral analysis based on areas of interest to our disease in Cienfuegos that some health audience, such as entrepreneurship, experts feared could be the little known racial discrimination, gender violence, African virus threatening the Caribbean economy, sports, etc. For example:

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islands. Reports covered the spread of the government admitted there was a the Chikungunya virus in the Caribbean, health alert and confirmed cases on the and the possible existence of the virus in island. A similar situation happened Cuba. The Cuban government was late regarding the Cholera outbreak. A to address the public health concerns month after Radio Martí broke the story regarding the Chikungunya virus so, in about cases of cholera in Cienfuegos addition to program coverage, Radio and launched an awareness campaign, Marti produced and broadcast a public authorities finally recognized there were health advisory including suggestions on cholera cases. A similar situation also avoiding contracting the mosquito happened with the dengue outbreak transmitted virus. Only after more than which became one of the worst 300 thousand cases were reported and epidemics in the area. 28 deaths confirmed in the Caribbean,

Reaching Audiences via Digital and Social Media

GROWING WEB TRAFFIC AND fiscal year. OCB also saw a solid increase ENGAGEMENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA in Facebook engagement of 226%. During fiscal year 2014, OCB’s web traffic reached 3,921,079 visits and grew its social media referrals more than 1,000%. Marti Noticias’ Facebook reached 2,347,895 people. This is a 230% increase from the previous FY. OCB also saw a solid increase in Facebook engagement of 226%. REACHING CUBANS BY EMAIL AND SMS The Martís reach out to hundreds of CITIZEN REPORTER NETWORK thousands of Cubans each month via In May, OCB launched Reporta Cuba to email and SMS initiatives, providing empower Cubans to communicate and news and information that would engage in new media. Reporta Cuba is a otherwise not be available to them. network of citizen reporters -- students, Their SMS engagement allows Cubans independent journalists, activists, to send news tips and alerts that the dissidents, and regular citizens who Martís curate and develop into news share information with OCB via SMS, stories, when appropriate. OCB MMS, email and other media from continues to grow its social media their mobile phones and integration across all platforms to computers about what is happening in enhance its news-gathering and Cuba. Reporta Cuba empowers audience engagement around Martí Cubans to learn to use available tools to content. Martí Noticias’ Facebook disseminate information and report on account reached 2,347,895 people. This what they live and experience without is a 230% increase from the previous censorship or ideological constraints.

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Utilizing Alternate Distribution Methods to Reach the Island

USING FLASH DRIVES & DVDS TO OCB developed an alternative network DISTRIBUTE CONTENT for the delivery and distribution of TV OCB continues to use alternative means Martí programs across Cuba. This to distribute Martí content across the network includes 8 copy centers, 18 island. This includes paper and plastic points of reception, and 85 distribution flash drives that are easy to distribute, points on the island. OCB has sent and difficult to monitor and censor. This thousands of DVDs and hundreds of cutting-edge technology allows users to flash drives loaded with Martí programs store data in plain paper that is mailed to to Cuba. To increase delivery and enable homes and businesses. Content saved faster turnaround of our content, OCB on paper flash drives can be read off- has initiated digital sharing of programs line. If users are connected to the such as Antena Live and 7N30 via ftp as Internet, these drives can provide OCB soon as they are recorded. with web traffic and usage metrics.

Providing Programming about the United States STATE DEPARTMENT UPDATES NBA PLAYOFF COVERAGE OCB broadcast a special public service Radio Martí offered Cuban audiences announcement featuring officials from live, play-by-play coverage of the NBA the State Department, who updated playoffs and finals this year. This is in audiences on travel policies and legal addition to its coverage of regular- and immigration to the United States. post-season Major League Baseball.

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VOA Latin America is where President State for the Western Hemisphere Obama’s speech on Cuba was broadcast Roberta Jacobson, with the Director of with simultaneous translation across a the White House Office of Hispanic Latin American affiliate network of Affairs Cecilia Munoz, with the nearly 30 million people. Commander of the U.S. Southern Command General John Kelly, and with It’s where that audience saw exclusive the presidents of Peru, Honduras, interviews with Assistant Secretary of Guatemala, and El Salvador.

Providing High Quality Local Reporting on Topics Important to Latin America COVERAGE OF THE CRISIS IN VENEZUELA are a doorway to information. We are When Venezuelan President Nicolas going to let everyone know, our friends Maduro muzzled national media and know, to reach out to your website so cracked down on protestors in February, that they can get information. I think Venezuelans turned to VOA as a reliable your information is on-the-spot, timely, source for accurate and balanced and…it is a way for people to be accounts of the turmoil in their country. informed about what is happening in our country.” The Latin America division provided live coverage from Caracas and from the Venezuelan diaspora as well as from the White House, State Department, and Congress where U.S. officials called on the Maduro government to respect human rights and the rule of law.

Speaking to VOA’s reporter in Caracas, Lillian Tintori, the wife of jailed opposition leader Leopoldo López, thanked VOA and spoke of its vital role in keeping Venezuelans informed. Her STRONG AFFILIATE NETWORK video interview with VOA was not only From ATV in Peru, to Canal 15 in seen through affiliate stations from Nicaragua, to TVN in Chile, and Mexico to the Southern Cone, it had Cablenoticias in Colombia, powerful more than 800 reTweets within its first affiliates rely on VOA to fill an important day on gap in their news and analysis. Opposition leader Andrés Eloi Briceno, “VOA has greatly contributed to our declared from Mérida province that he is coverage,” says José Velázquez, News a regular follower of the VOA website, Director at Ecuador’s leading adding “I must thank you because you independent TV network,

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Teleamazonas, crediting the Latin America hosted the managing editors of America Division with “the best two of its leading Venezuelan online journalistic and editorial reputation in affiliates -- La Patilla and La Verdad – for the hemisphere.” a week of training on Internet TRAINING AFFILIATES ON INTERNET circumvention techniques. CIRCUMVENTION TECHNIQUES Working to support the free flow of information in Venezuela, VOA Latin

Helping Counter ISIS Extremism EXPLAINING U.S. POLICY ON ISIS the ISIS threat. Online and in social Latin Americans care about more than media, VOA Latin America provided Latin America. VOA brings them reaction from Congress and Washington’s approach to countering international allies. the violence extremism of Islamic State Original reporting focused on the US militants. response to ISIS, including Spanish In packaged reports and live shots for Service interviews with Human Rights radio and television and with interviews Watch, Amnesty International, the and expert analysis in long format Committee to Protect Journalists, and programming, VOA Latin America Reporters Without Borders. On the ISIS brought to affiliates VOA’s exclusive threat, VOA Latin America also brought interview with Secretary of State John to its audience interviews with Paulo Kerry from Saudi Arabia as he helped Botta at the Center of Middle Eastern build the anti-ISIS coalition. Studies in Buenos Aires, with former Obama Administration Deputy Reporters went live on stations from Undersecretary of Defense Frank Mora, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, with national security expert U.S. Army Chile, Paraguay, Panama, Costa Rica, Colonel (retired) Eric Rojo, and with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Madrid-based Middle East Studies Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela analyst Fernando Bazan. with President Obama’s speech about

Providing In-Depth Coverage and Special Programs COVERING IMMIGRATION CRISIS happening on the border,” says nightly Television stations throughout Latin news presenter Susana Morazan of America turned to VOA Spanish Service Azteca Guatemala TV. for coverage of the crisis involving unaccompanied minors from Central With on-the-ground reporting from the America crossing the U.S. border. border and interviews with administration officials and lawmakers, “Voice of America’s approach to the VOA Latin America helped explain U.S. news is very balanced, and this allows policy on this national security issue. our station to offer details about what is

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“For our station, the information that Voice of America offers from Congress or the White House is important because it enables us to explain what is really happening on the topic of immigration in the United States,” says Mundo TV Honduras Executive Producer Emma Calderon.

VOA worked closely with IBB’s Office of Digital and Design Innovation to produce its first e-book in English. The e-book uses the history of immigration in the United States to illustrate the current debate over immigration – both “Unsettled: a Story of U.S. Immigration.” Which was released in both legal and illegal – with historic Apple and e-pub formats, explores the political and economic photographs, films and audio as well as implications of immigration using text, archival photos, audio clips, original multimedia. video interviews, interactive maps, charts and graphics.

VOA AIDS DOCUMENTARY Following its world premiere at the 20th documentary, introduced by music International AIDS Conference in legend and AIDS activist Elton John, in Melbourne, Australia, the latest VOA which AIDS victims in Nigeria, documentary, AIDS: Living in the Cambodia, Haiti, Uganda, Canada, and Shadows, is being featured on VOA the United States discuss the stigmas satellite TV streams (including Spanish) that make them outcasts, even within as well as on Four their own families. affiliates in Latin America aired the


The FY 2016 Budget for the Office of Under this plan and assuming regular Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) and Voice of appropriations order, the de- America (VOA) Latin America Division federalization process will be (LatAm) begins the process of completed in early FY 2017 and the establishing a new de-federalized new de-federalized organization will Spanish language international media be fully operational by mid FY 2017 organization that would merge the and receive a BBG grant. OCB will lead two entities (excluding the Creole the de-federalization effort. The Radio language service, which will be and TV Martí and merged into the French to Africa will be prominent brands in the newly language service with which it has formed entity. better cultural and linguistic ties).

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International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB)


FUNDING ($ in thousands) $67,000 $61,018 $61,010


This FY 2016 Budget request:

n proposes expanding mobile n proposes administrative cuts in application & digital content several areas to include travel, development capacity to create contractor support, supplies, and new products and services for representational funds. audiences worldwide on current and emerging web, mobile and

social platforms. OVERVIEW

The International Broadcasting Bureau (COM), Strategy and Development (IBB) provides support services to the (OSD), Digital & Design Innovation federal portions of BBG (the Agency), (ODDI), Performance Review (OPR), oversight over grantee operations, and Contracts (CON), Human Resources transmission and distribution services (OHR), Civil Rights (OCR), Policy (OP), to all components of BBG. IBB Security (OS), Office of Workforce manages the day-to-day Support and Development (OWSD), implementation of the Board’s Office of Research and Assessment strategic vision, while enabling BBG to (ORA), and Technology, Services, and deliver programs to a diverse global Innovation (TSI)2. audience. IBB handles programming support, including transmission networks, digital media outreach, marketing and program placement, and a robust Internet anti-censorship program that links network content to audiences in restricted media environments.

IBB is composed of the Office of the Director, General Counsel (OGC), Chief

Financial Officer (OCFO), 2 FY 2016 Budget Request for TSI is reflected in a Communications and External Affairs separate section of this document.

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Promoting Organizational Agility and Cost-Effectiveness New Contracting Staff Strategy Acquisitions Policy Review Procurement Process Review Reworking Payroll and Time & Attendance Workflows Established the Office of Workforce Support and Development

Targeting Key Markets on the Most Effective Platforms Successful U.S. Bureau Affiliate Strategy News Delivery and Engagement through Mobile Apps Increasing Content Delivery through Digital Platform for Affiliates Ensuring a Reliable Source of Information During Crisis and Unrest Ukraine & Russia Central African Republic Top: ODDI award-winning mobile apps offer Coordinated Response to ISIL live streams and chat features to engage Keeping Congress and the Public Informed Agency audiences. Supporting Democracy and Countering Extremism

Journalist Training

Expanding Reach in Sahel

Measuring and Reporting on Performance

New Impact Model

Audience Research

Comprehensive Analytics Platform

Evaluating BBG Programming

These offices are vital to BBG operations Leveraging and Harmonizing BBG Assets and Brands and provide thefollowing functions: Cross Entity Performance Reviews marketing content to affiliate partners; Interagency Collaboration researching the impact of broadcast Enhancing Employee Engagement, content; creating digital media platforms Development and Productivity and undertaking other digital media Mentoring Program initiatives; providing financial services, New SES Appraisal System e.g., payroll and invoice payment; Voluntary Early Retirement Increases Opportunities awarding and administering contracts; for Updating Workforce Skills supporting personnel; conducting FY 15-16 INITIATIVES relations with Congress, the media, and Digital Innovations other interests; and ensuring physical security. New SES Appraisal System Cloud Based 5-Tier Performance System Expansion of U.S. Bureau Affiliate Strategy Expanded Non-BBG Journalist Training

Digital Services for Affiliates Workplace Engagement Action Plan Establish a Standardized Review Criteria for Measuring Performance Across Networks

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Promoting Organizational Agility and Cost-Effectiveness

The IBB contracting office in collaboration with VOA consolidated contracting for personnel from hundreds of individual contracts to one, greatly reducing the administrative burden on the agency.

NEW CONTRACTING STAFF STRATEGY PROCUREMENT PROCESS REVIEW IBB is leading a comprehensive reform OCFO, in close collaboration with TSI, of Agency acquisitions. In collaboration CON and the Office of the General with VOA, the IBB Director’s Office and Counsel (OGC), undertook the review Contracting (CON) issued a solicitation and mapping out of the Agency’s that creates a new structure for procurement processes that will acquiring contractor personnel to culminate in the creation of an end-to- support VOA and OCB programming. end “Procure-to-Pay” workflow closely This new structure streamlines the integrating these three offices and administration of these contracts and streamlining procurement actions. significantly reduces the administrative burden for a significant portion of the REWORKING PAYROLL AND TIME & ATTENDANCE WORKFLOWS Agency’s workforce. Working closely with the OHR, the ACQUISITIONS POLICY REVIEW OCFO also performed a complete Additionally, CON began a systematic analysis of the Payroll and Time & review of Agency acquisitions policies, Attendance processes leading to the including policies on competition, complete automation and integration of contractor performance information, these tasks with the Financial System contracting officer representative (Momentum) and the subsequent drastic (COR) training, and contracting diminution of wasteful, paper based officer (CO) training. processes that are error prone and consume an inordinate amount of resources in their execution.

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ESTABLISHED THE OFFICE OF activities in the fourth quarter of FY2014 WORKFORCE SUPPORT AND and is currently implementing a cloud- DEVELOPMENT (OWSD) based Learning Management System In FY 2014, the IBB created OWSD. that will enable the creating of Personal Designed to bring into one umbrella and Training Records, creation of Certificate one brand all of the training and Programs and Curricula design to enrichment activities designed to promote continuous staff education and improve the skillset of the workforce as increase opportunities for career growth well as its well-being, OWSD began its and cross-training.

Targeting Key Markets on the Most Effective Platforms content from BBG networks, along with the credibility that a relationship with the Agency’s networks brings to their broadcasts. Meanwhile, BBG networks gain access to new audiences and opportunities to work with and train local broadcasters and even to use local affiliate-generated content. For example, Channels TV in Nigeria regularly airs VOA content in prime time. VOA reporter provides analysis in a stand up In the Democratic Republic of the from the U.S. State Department on Channels TV in Nigeria. Congo, VOA and TopCongo Radio have formed a partnership that includes

exchanging reporters to work on stories

and learn from one another. SUCCESSFUL U.S. BUREAU AFFILIATE STRATEGY NEWS DELIVERY AND ENGAGEMENT The Office of Strategy and Development THROUGH MOBILE APPS (OSD) has established a successful “U.S. The Office of Digital & Design Innovation Bureau” affiliate strategy. Based on (ODDI) mobile team, in partnership with placing interactive reports on local MBN digital, released a new mobile affiliates, this strategy has been application for in June on tremendously successful in Latin the Apple iTunes and Google Play stores. America, where it led to audience The Sawa app offers seven custom, growth of around 20 million people. continuous audio streams in Arabic, on- BBG networks are expanding this demand episodes of Sawa’s most concept by partnering with affiliates in popular programs, easy access to the newsgathering as well as capitalizing on hourly newscast, and the interactive other learning and exchange Sawa Chat feature that allows listeners opportunities. These interactive to respond to questions on relevant relationships benefit the Agency and its community issues directly through the affiliates. Affiliates receive high-quality mobile application.

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Affiliates can download video and audio news reports from all the BBG networks through BBG’s Direct digital syndication platform.

INCREASING CONTENT DELIVERY broadcast programs, the BBG Direct THROUGH DIGITAL PLATFORM platform offers digital partners access to FOR AFFILIATES custom content feeds that can be The ODDI digital services team worked published to a variety of digital platforms closely with the OSD marketing team to and embeddable players for live audio develop a new platform for BBG’s global streams. It also provides BBG with affiliates and digital partners. The new marketing ability to promote special BBG Direct features video and audio programs, more effectively content from all five broadcast entities, communicate programming changes, and provides affiliates a streamlined and and distribute satellite and program cost-effective way to receive broadcast- guide information to help keep affiliates quality BBG programming to distribute informed and engaged with BBG on-air and online to local audiences. program offerings. Along with full-length and short-form

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Ensuring a Reliable Source of Information During Crisis and Unrest

CENTRAL AFRICA REPUBLIC In response to the crisis in the Central African Republic, VOA provided public service announcements (PSA) on humanitarian and health issues and conflict resolution for BBG’s owned-and operated FM station in the capital, Bangui. By the end of May 2014, 39 PSAs had been completed. In February 2014, the Office of Policy was tasked with providing PSAs for VOA surge In May, VOA Ukrainian launched Studio Washington¸ a daily Russian-language broadcasting to South Sudan in television newscast aimed at countering response to the crisis there. By August pro-Kremlin disinformation. 2014, the office had produced nine PSAs

UKRAINE & RUSSIA for use in VOA English to Africa’s special OSD has worked closely with VOA and programming to South Sudan. ODDI RFE/RL to provide essential news and contributed to the crisis response efforts information to audiences in Ukraine, through its coordinated mobile Russia, and countries that border Russia messaging campaign that delivered in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine. short-form audio and Short Message OSD’s years-long effort to build a strong Service (SMS) news alerts & PSAs from network of local affiliates in Ukraine paid VOA to more than 2500 individual huge dividends during the crisis, when mobile subscribers in the region. audiences doubled to more than 20 COORDINATED RESPONSE TO ISIL percent weekly – seven million people. The rise of ISIL, most notably its moves After Moscow’s invasion of Crimea, into Iraq as Syria continued to descend OSD-Prague, in coordination with BBG into war and chaos, prompted OSD to networks, placed new programs in develop and execute a crisis plan by Russian and Ukrainian on the National working closely with MBN and VOA. TV Company's domestic and satellite OSD’s role was to create a unified, channels, as well as nationwide collaborative effort in Iraq and the networks News 24 and ICTV. Strong region and then work through the audience interest in local, European and interagency process to integrate that American perspectives on the crisis work into the U.S. Government’s official meant that RFE/RL and VOA played response. important roles during this crucial period in Ukraine’s history. OSD has KEEPING CONGRESS AND worked closely with the broadcasters on THE PUBLIC INFORMED a plan to expand Russian-language Through briefings, formal reports, television targeting the Russian supporting materials, and social media periphery. outreach, the Office of Communications and External Affairs kept the U.S.

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Congress and the public apprised of countries facing upheaval, e.g., BBG’s work on several key American Venezuela and the Central African foreign policy matters, including Republic, and advancing freedom in countering Russian misinformation in closed societies such as Iran, Cuba, and Ukraine and the surrounding region, North Korea. providing unbiased news for people in

Supporting Democracy and Countering Extremism JOURNALIST TRAINING OSD has strengthened the U.S.’s ability to support a free and open press, and the sustainability of key civil society actors, by improving capacity of our media partners around the world. Through journalism and media business training the BBG has created a positive brand and relationship with hundreds of journalists in countries, including South Sudan, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Burundi, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Uganda, South Africa, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Bangladesh. Training topics have included political reporting, journalism ethics, best A Radio Sawa reporter interviews a listener at practices in journalism, health, the launch of a new Agency FM station in education, entrepreneurship, the Mauritania. environment, and use of new technologies. OSD worked with reporters, editors, and news managers to EXPANDING REACH IN SAHEL REGION encourage professionalism and Working with TSI and VOA, OSD understanding of the role of the media continued to increase distribution in a democracy. capacity in Africa’s volatile Sahel region. Since 2011, BBG has installed FM transmitters in Bangui, Central African Republic; Bamako, Mali; Juba, South Sudan; N’Djamena, Chad; Nouakchott, Mauritania; Dakar, Senegal; and Bujumbura, Burundi. These stations -- programmed with news, information, and music targeting a young audience vulnerable to extremist recruitment -- expand reach and impact beyond what can be achieved through placement of South Sudan In Focus host John Tanza trains selected programming with local journalists in South Sudan.

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affiliates. Perhaps more importantly, chaos and virtually every radio station in Agency owned-and-operated FMs are a Bangui closed, VOA remained on the air proven means of staying on the air via an FM transmitter that was secure on during civil unrest. This year, when the U.S. Embassy grounds. Central African Republic devolved into

Measuring and Reporting on Performance NEW IMPACT MODEL COMPREHENSIVE ANALYTICS PLATFORM OSD rolled out a new BBG Impact Model The ODDI audience insights team, now that uses a variety of indicators to a part of ORA, worked closely with capture and quantify the impact of BBG RFE/RL Digital, IBB Research, and Agency broadcasts in target markets. Because broadcast networks to deliver a impact involves more than the number comprehensive analytics platform for of people BBG broadcasters reach, the BBG digital properties. This created a model includes a wide variety of common suite of tools and services to quantitative and qualitative indicators. measure performance for all five entities The impact framework is derived from on websites, mobile sites, and localized the BBG mission statement and mobile applications. This will allow BBG examines impact in three categories: to determine effectiveness on digital inform, engage/connect, and enable platforms and make more informed change. Indicators measure how BBG decisions on strategic investment in FY broadcasts impact people, local media, 2015 and beyond. and institutions in short-, medium-, and long-term. EVALUATING BBG PROGRAMMING OPR conducted more than 20 in-depth AUDIENCE RESEARCH and impartial qualitative analyses of U.S. The Office of Research & Assessment international media services as well as (ORA) worked with Research Directors 80 spot-checks. These analyses and from each BBG network to design and spot-checks support the Board’s commission approximately 40 audience mandated responsibility to review and research studies to include a timely evaluate the mission, operation, and crisis survey of Ukraine, which was effectiveness of BBG’s broadcasting valued within BBG and by other U.S. activities as provided by subsection Government agencies. The office 305(a) of the U.S. International invested heavily in the design of Broadcasting Act of 1994. innovative research methods, such as mobile and online surveys, with the goal OPR also established contracts with of providing timely data to stakeholders. three leading translation companies to ORA also planned and commissioned an facilitate ongoing, centralized audience panel project that will feed evaluation, and oversight of the into the BBG’s new Impact Model at Agency’s foreign language products on regular intervals. request of the BBG.

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Leveraging and Harmonizing BBG Assets and Brands CROSS ENTITY PERFORMANCE REVIEWS promoted interagency collaboration OPR began conducting joint reviews of through increased contact with mid- the Agency and its Grantees serving the and high-level officials at the same territory. These joint reviews Department of State. This included focused on specific opportunities for the forming and implementing an Agency and Grantees to incorporate agreement with the Foreign Service coverage and cross-promotion, as well Institute (FSI) to ensure that a U.S. as ways to avoid overlap in resources international media component is part and assignments. OPR analysts also of every FSI class for public diplomacy participated in BBG organizational officers, stepping up regionally-targeted “harmonization” projects in the Balkans, Agency briefings for participants in the the Caucasus, and Iran. International Visitor Leadership Program, taking part in the Global INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION Diaspora Forum, and increasing Throughout FY 2014, the Office of engagement with Pearson Fellows. Communications and External Affairs

Enhancing Productivity VOLUNTARY EARLY RETIREMENT These authorities are intended to assist INCREASES OPPORTUNITIES FOR the Agency in updating the skills of its UPDATING WORKFORCE SKILLS workforce and responding to possible OHR also obtained renewed authority reductions. The Agency offered three from OPM for Voluntary Early VSIP opportunities. Retirement Authority and Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP).

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Under the leadership of a revitalized n In the East and Southeast Asia Board of Governors, creating the initiative, OSD will use funds to position of a CEO has been a key BBG generate new affiliates. objective. The search for a new CEO is In FY 2015, OSD is planning a ongoing, however it is imperative that coordinated training effort for high- the Congress enacts the proposed value affiliates around the world. These language to establish a CEO in statute training sessions will focus on sales, and properly and legally delegate the marketing, and broadcast day-to-day operational responsibilities management, and are planned to of the Board to the CEO. Under the reach target regions in which BBG proposed CEO legislation, the Board of networks are actively trying to build Governors will fulfill the important audiences. The target regions include, visionary, long-term strategy, and but are not limited to, Burma, Nigeria, journalistic firewall role while the Eastern Africa, Central and Eastern CEO will conduct the day-to-day Europe, and parts of Latin America. aspects of running the Agency The BBG will also continue its program including personnel management, to train international journalists on budget, and congressional outreach.. how to cover topics such as health, The IBB supports three new initiatives conservation, climate change, countering violent extremism (CVE), in the FY 2015 BBG Operating Plan: Providing Digital Media for Next entrepreneurship, elections, and gender. These trainings are supported Generation Audiences, Engaging Current and Future Generations in by Inter Agency Agreements (IAA) with DOS, USAID, and CDC. Training, Africa, and Growing Engagement in East and Southeast Asia. funded by BBG appropriated funds and IAAs, is frequently organized and n In the Digital Media initiative, ODDI carried out by BBG journalists, editors, will expand mobile development and support staff. In FY 2016, BBG will capacity to create new continue its training program while smartphone and low-bandwidth seeking out no-cost partnerships with applications and support content training institutions in the Middle East, teams across USIM to take Africa, and Eastern and Central advantage of video and social Europe. channels; ORA will improve research into mobile and social media audiences.

n In the Africa investment, OSD will utilize funding for new affiliates; ORA will use funding for research; and ODDI will develop mobile applications.

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DIGITAL INNOVATIONS management within OSD; and digital ODDI will continue investments started analytics and analysis within the ODDI. in FY 2014 in four strategic areas: The new ORA office has improved the efficiency, control, and focus of the n designing and developing mobile Agency’s research efforts across all products and services for platforms, resulting in a stronger connecting audiences; research product. n providing digital audience insights through user experience testing NEW SES APPRAISAL SYSTEM and platform-specific analytics that The Office of Human Resources (OHR) will continue work on establishing an measure key performance metrics; and SES Appraisal System based on regulations established by the Office of n developing digital content Personnel Management (OPM). The strategies and co-creating content new system is designed to provide a with BBG entities for emerging more consistent and uniform digital platforms. framework for communicating Investment funding will be used to hire expectations and evaluating the contract staff, and provide digital performance of SES members. The services and training to support these system will provide a means of efforts in ODDI in collaboration with establishing and communicating the broadcast networks, language specific individual expectations based services and other IBB elements. on BBG’s mission and goals and serve as an instrument for conducting accurate, objective and fair evaluations of executives’ performance, which serve as a basis for decisions on executives’ pay, awards, and other actions.

CLOUD BASED 5-TIER EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE SYSTEM In the third quarter of FY 2015, OHR will launch a cloud based 5-Tier

Employee Performance System that OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ASSESSMENT will automate the creation, The IBB created ORA to improve the maintenance, routing and approval of planning and implementation of employee performance reviews and research activities across the whole of will seamlessly integrate with the the Agency. The Office was created by federal system that administer the SF- combining three disparate research 50 documents that follow federal functions within the IBB: research employees throughout their career. within OPR; research grant

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EXPANSION OF U.S. BUREAU DIGITAL SERVICES FOR AFFILIATES AFFILIATE STRATEGY ODDI, in collaboration with OSD, will OSD will continue efforts to expand the launch a new range of technical services “U.S. Bureau” and global news concepts. to traditional broadcast and a new influx VOA journalists in Washington and of digital affiliates. This will utilize the global hotspots act as “bureau” Agency’s innovation and enterprise reporters for international broadcast infrastructure to assist affiliates in organizations, providing live coverage of building digital audiences that will breaking news and other events. expand the distribution of Agency content on new local channels.

WORKPLACE ENGAGEMENT ACTION PLAN IBB will continue to implement the workplace engagement action plan, addressing challenges identified in the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. Using data from the FY 2013 survey and results expected in September for the FY 2014 survey, IBB

EXPANDED NON-BBG leaders will ensure that action items JOURNALIST TRAINING align with survey results, and regularly IBB will continue to organize a program gauge their effectiveness. for BBG’s entities to train non-BBG journalists overseas and expand this ESTABLISH A STANDARDIZED REVIEW CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE program in FY 2016 with a consistent ACROSS NETWORKS and sustained direct appropriated BBG OPR will build on its efforts to facilitate investment of $2 million. In the past, collaboration and cross-promotion these activities were funded through among network services that provide interagency transfers. Those complementary content to the same interagency agreements will continue to target areas, to maximize distribution support this expanded journalist training and consumption of key products. In activity. collaboration with ORA, OPR will work with the BBG networks’ Research Directors to establish standardized review criteria for measuring qualitative performance across U.S. International Media, to better inform decisions made by the Board.

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Office of Technology, Services, & Innovation (TSI)


FUNDING ($ in thousands) $187,818 $185,109 $178,586


This FY 2016 Budget request: n proposes investments in TSI to n proposes shortwave transmission continue shortwave realignment cuts, contractor reductions and and increase satellite capacity to elimination of government staff accommodate HDTV, and (seven FTEs).


IBB’s Office of Technology, Services, and technology support to many offices Innovation (TSI) oversees and manages throughout the Agency. TSI strives to a broad array of technical and distribute BBG content in the most cost- infrastructure functions, including effective and efficient way possible. It delivering program content for all BBG manages more than 90 transmitting networks, and providing information sites worldwide that deliver shortwave,

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medium wave, FM, and TV broadcasts. TSI also leases Expanding and Upgrading the broadcast time at 12 transmitting sites in 11 countries. Agency’s Content Production and Distribution System In addition to traditional radio and television transmissions, TSI Expansion of FM Transmitters in Africa maintains, operates and supports multiple delivery platforms Restored FM Affiliates in Haiti that include a global satellite network, growing capacity to Migration to Digital MPLS Circuits distribute content via cloud based fiber optic networks, Dalet Hardware and Software Update Internet capability and mobile devices – all of which are and Data Migration intended to seize opportunities for delivering programming, Broadcast Logs Application engage audiences, and countering jamming. Satellite TV and Automated Program Streams for FM Stations radio are among the most cost-effective ways to reach many Major Maintenance and Repair Projects on millions of dish owners in China and elsewhere at a fraction of Transmitting Stations the cost of shortwave or medium wave broadcasting. To Modernizing Information Technology assess the technical effectiveness of radio and Internet and Communication Tools transmissions at distant stations, TSI uses satellite and Internet- SharePoint System Migration based monitoring systems that provide more than 50,000 Enhancements to MPLS network observations of BBG broadcasts weekly. Upgrade IT Infrastructure to Support Video Editing and Distribution Through the Network Control Center (NCC), the Agency’s 24/7 Deployed Customer Relationship Management operations hub and central distribution point for all BBG Database to Support Service to Affiliate Network transmission systems, TSI manages the flow of content from Countering Internet Censorship Agency broadcasters to their audiences. TSI schedules and and Jamming of Broadcast Signals switches hundreds of separate program streams for Online Censorship distribution via satellite and fiber platforms. NCC also connects Combating Satellite Jamming broadcast content to digital, cloud-based streaming platforms, IP-Based Blocking allowing for live streams, podcasts, and on-demand video and audio on BBG websites and mobile devices. FY 15-16 INITIATIVES

TSI oversees the Agency’s virtual and physical infrastructure. Expanding DaletPlus System Information technology, cybersecurity, telecommunications, Increase Direct-to-Home Satellite onsite facility management in Washington, D.C. and continuity Distribution of BBG broadcast operations are critical TSI responsibilities. TSI Digital Archive System maintains multiple layers of security for the BBG’s information systems and improves the Agency’s overall cybersecurity Expansion of FY 2014 Internet Anti-Censorship Programs posture. Across All Platforms TSI works with BBG networks to provide program production Counter Jamming of BBG Broadcasts and technical support for innovative delivery formats such as BBG’s Global MPLS System podcasts, text messages and online chats. In keeping with Execute an Effective Shortwave Strategy BBG’s strategic plan, TSI is moving the Agency from traditional Based on Audience Media Use Habits broadcasting (e.g., shortwave in regions where the medium no longer is a critical platform) to less expensive digital delivery Telecommunications Migration Initiative systems that are growing in effectiveness, e.g., satellite and Satellite Radio in China Internet radio, mobile phone technologies and social media. Virtual Desktop Interface Consolidating and Modernizing Workspace

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Expanding and Upgrading the Agency’s Content Production and Distribution System RESTORED FM AFFILIATES IN HAITI TSI engineers also completed a project to restore and upgrade 14 VOA FM affiliates in Haiti. These facilities were devastated by the earthquake that struck the country in 2010.

MIGRATION TO DIGITAL MPLS CIRCUITS As part of a major effort to reduce telecommunications costs and move toward a more agile and advanced global delivery data network, TSI completed the first phase of the Agency migration from expensive, dedicated transoceanic satellite and fiber circuits to more flexible and less expensive digital Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) circuits. In FY 2014, TSI TSI technicians install FM transmitters connected two major BBG distribution throughout Africa. hubs in the and Germany to EXPANSION OF FM the Agency’s global MPLS network. TRANSMITTERS IN AFRICA TSI continues to expand BBG’s broadcast DALET HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE reach by installing FM transmitters in UPDATE AND DATA MIGRATION strategically important locations in In FY 2013, TSI’s IT Directorate Africa. In 2014, local audiences began completed a hardware and software hearing Radio Sawa broadcasts from a update, and data migration for the Dalet new FM facility in Nouakchott, Radio Suite HD radio production system. Mauritania. A new FM in Dakar, Senegal, In FY 2014, TSI migrated another 20 came on air in December 2014, and percent of VOA’s content producers to efforts to install FMs in Gao and the system, enabling half of VOA’s Timbuktu, Mali are underway. BBG producers access to the new upgraded the FM tower and antenna in technology, while building gateways to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and ensure data integrity between the new replaced the FM transmitter and and old systems. infrastructure in Ajloun, Jordan. TSI has BROADCAST LOGS APPLICATION made extensive progress on installing an TSI’s IT Directorate completed FM in Bujumbura, Burundi, with an development and launched the expected on-air date of January 2015. Broadcast Logs application to capture information and metadata directly from

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Dalet Plus and Radio Suite rundowns to Sudan stream is a 24/7 English FM feed minimize the manual reentry of that targets South Sudan from the Juba program and usage information. The FM facility. system allows managers to glean more information about VOA programming, With a focus on news and information lessens the burden on producers to fill in related to the Ebola virus, in November information about programs and 2014, TSI, again in collaboration with segments, and provides a mechanism VOA, began a new English programming for tracking usage rights information in stream carrying 10-minute Ebola keeping with the Smith-Mundt updates several times a day. The audio Modernization Act. TSI began assisting stream is broadcast 24/7 on FM stations language services in making the in Monrovia, Liberia, and Freetown, transition to this application in FY 2014 Sierra Leone, two cities hard hit by the and will continue to provide assistance deadly virus. in FY 2015. MAJOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROJECTS ON TRANSMITTING STATIONS TSI also accomplished some major maintenance and repair (M&R) work at some of the IBB’s overseas transmitting stations. Work on one of the five severely damaged curtain antennas at the Sri Lanka Transmitting Station was completed in FY 2014 which allowed the antenna to be returned to service. The second and final phase of the roof installation work in Sao Tome was completed in September 2014, and the tower painting work in Cyprus was completed in early October 2014. These VOA’s Dandalin program is a dynamic 24/7 accomplishments address critical M&R mobile phone stream, which features a fresh mix needs to ensure a reliable network for of Nigerian and American music, with the latest delivering BBG programming to news, sports and entertainment updates. intended audiences worldwide. AUTOMATED PROGRAM STREAMS FOR FM STATIONS To further broaden the Agency’s reach in Africa, TSI, in collaboration with VOA, launched two automated program streams using an advanced music software scheduling system. The VOA Hausa automation stream provides a 24/7 mobile feed for the Service’s Dandalin program. The VOA South

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Modernizing Information Technology and Communication Tools SHAREPOINT SYSTEM MIGRATION UPGRADE IT NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE TSI launched a beta release of the BBG’s TO SUPPORT VIDEO EDITING AND DISTRIBUTION redesigned Intranet on the SharePoint TSI continued to upgrade BBG’s IT Online platform on October 1, 2014. TSI network infrastructure in its Washington continues to migrate content to this headquarters. This multiyear project will environment while designing new provide a ten-fold increase in bandwidth portals to enable Agency elements to to enable users to edit and distribute organize, collaborate, and share video internally and externally. material. BBG’s new Intranet on Accomplishing this goal involves SharePoint Online, a part of Microsoft’s replacing end-user computers, network Office 365 cloud-based offering, routers and associated cabling between provides users access to Microsoft’s user workstations and network online office web applications and infrastructure access points. The project features robust collaboration tools to is about 60 percent complete. In increase efficiencies and improve addition, TSI nearly doubled the extra internal workflows. storage needed to expand high ENHANCEMENTS TO MPLS NETWORK definition television by replacing the TSI’s Global Networks Division primary platform used by the video continued to build on the Agency’s content management and distribution global MPLS network by adding system and by upgrading production- bandwidth for the two Washington, D.C., related storage systems. TSI also MPLS circuits and by completing circuit continued to upgrade security installation for BBG transmitting facilities enhancements to identify system and in Lampertheim, Germany and Tinang, application vulnerabilities and safeguard Philippines. In addition, TSI upgraded the Agency’s network. Internet connectivity at all of VOA’s DEPLOYED CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP news bureaus in Washington, D.C.: the MANAGEMENT DATABASE TO SUPPORT White House, State Department, SERVICES TO AFFILIATE NETWORK Pentagon, and Capitol Hill. As part of the TSI continued to provide additional Agency’s project to consolidate and technical and administrative support to modernize workspace in the Cohen BBG’s Office of Strategy and Building headquarters, TSI tested and Development (OSD) to enhance the deployed next generation Voice over organization’s marketing capabilities by Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone deploying Microsoft CRM Dynamics handsets for the first phase of the Online, a part of Microsoft Office 365. Agency’s open-space design project on The customized application deployed the fourth floor of the Cohen Building. on this CRM platform has enabled OSD TSI also tested and installed a soft-client to better manage critical affiliate and application that permits Agency users to contract-related information. make telephone calls from their desktop computers.

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Countering Internet Censorship and Jamming of Broadcast Signals ONLINE CENSORSHIP Union, focused global attention on the In FY 2014, the Internet Anti-Censorship threat of jamming. As part of the official (IAC) team countered online censorship U.S. delegation to the World Radio in 13 countries and supported 21 BBG Communication Conference, BBG language services. The team expanded successfully lobbied for a proposal use of a mobile application for Android calling on member states to “take the devices that incorporates a social news necessary steps” to end jamming. BBG reader, social reporter to accept user- and other broadcasters also pressed the generated content, and real-time chat International Telecommunication Union functionality targeted at users in Iran. for standards in geolocating the sources TSI plans to include application modules of harmful interference. In addition, BBG for the Agency’s Russian and Ukrainian worked closely with EUTELSAT, the language services. Agency’s primary satellite carrier for reaching Iranian audiences, to make jamming by the Tehran government more difficult. Sanctions enacted by the U.S. Congress and the Obama administration affected Iranian broadcasting, resulting in the removal of the country’s external TV service, Press TV, from many of the world’s satellites, in part because of the regime’s jamming.

IP-BASED BLOCKING In response to increased IP-based blocking (i.e., Internet-based connectivity) by Iran, the IAC team COMBATING SATELLITE JAMMING worked closely with vendors to identify For several years, BBG has been at the and coordinate solutions to counter the forefront of the battle against satellite wide-ranging IP blocks put in place. The jamming, working closely with other initial blocking cut in-country use by international broadcasters, the about 60 percent within 24 hours. The Department of State, non-governmental team, in coordination with external organizations, satellite operators, and sources, was able to restore availability industry groups. BBG participation in to a majority of the affected audience public forums and meetings, including within two weeks. sessions of the World Broadcasting

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EXPANDING DALETPLUS SYSTEM and increase direct-to-home satellite TSI will continue expanding the distribution of video and audio content. DaletPlus system in FY 2015 and FY 2016 This important investment will expand providing VOA with full access to online BBG audiences by using the most widely archives to enable the system to handle watched regional, direct-to-home high definition (HD) content and to satellites. archive all VOA television programming. Moving from standard definition to HD DIGITAL ARCHIVE SYSTEM enables BBG to remain competitive by To further strengthen high definition attracting and maintaining audiences video feeds begun in FY 2014, TSI will and affiliates as they migrate to HD and increase leased capacity on regional as direct-to-home satellite providers and satellites to add HD television channels users deploy new HD equipment. To for three BBG regions. This effort accomplish this BBG is upgrading supports the BBG’s strategy to deliver components of its program production content to as many users as possible and delivery systems. BBG began the and increase direct-to-home satellite process in FY 2013 and FY 2014 by distribution of video and audio content. upgrading satellite facilities and upgrade This important investment will expand outdated audio production systems. Fifty BBG audiences by using the most widely percent of VOA content producers are watched regional, direct-to-home able to use the new system. Full satellites. migration to all VOA content users will be completed by the end of FY 2015. Dalet Radio Suite HD will allow for tighter integration of audio and video production systems, and audio and video assets will be archived in one system. To provide automated quality control checks on media processed by Dalet, TSI is evaluating software that can work with Dalet Plus to detect impairments before they occur to ensure high quality broadcasts.

INCREASE DIRECT-TO-HOME SATELLITE DISTRIBUTION EXPANSION OF FY 2014 INTERNET To further strengthen high definition ANTI-CENSORSHIP PROGRAMS video feeds begun in FY 2014, TSI will ACROSS ALL PLATFORMS increase leased capacity on regional In FY 2015, BBG’s IAC team plans to satellites to add HD television channels expand its successful FY 2014 programs for three BBG regions. This effort across all platforms – desktop supports the BBG’s strategy to deliver computers, mobile devices and satellite. content to as many users as possible Efforts will continue in FY 2015 to

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provide web-based proxies and client TSI is building a more cost-effective software tools to circumvent foreign transmission infrastructure to support Internet censorship. With additional broadcast requirements. Of particular multi-year funding provided in FY 2014, note are efforts at the Kuwait the IAC team has investigated and Transmitting Station. Because of the evaluated proposals of several potential station’s strategic importance and low censorship circumvention projects and operating costs, TSI is installing a new plans to execute the most promising shortwave antenna that is expected to technologies in FY 2015. The budget be operational in FY 2015 and will request also will provide funding to expand the station’s transmitter building enable BBG to purchase more in FY 2016 to accommodate future bandwidth to reach larger audiences in transmitter build-outs. regions where news is censored. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COUNTER JAMMING OF BBG BROADCASTS MIGRATION INITIATIVE To counter the ongoing threat of TSI is pursuing a telecommunications intentional interference (i.e., jamming) of migration initiative to move the primary its broadcasts, BBG will remain diligent means of communication at in pursuing regulatory, technical, transmitting stations away from satellite political, and public communication distribution to local Internet providers avenues to address the issue. and terrestrial circuits. The first phase, which involved migrating administrative BBG’S GLOBAL MPLS SYSTEM services such as telephone, satellite TSI will expand and leverage the BBG monitoring and control, and email, has global MPLS system in FY 2015 by been completed at the Kuwait making it more accessible to all Agency Transmitting Station and is expected to networks. After all major circuits have be completed at the remaining been brought online, BBG will be able to transmitting stations by the end of FY improve file and content sharing. TSI will 2015. The second phase, which migrates expand the bandwidth of the MPLS point-to-point content delivery to the circuits in Washington headquarters to stations from satellite distribution to support the separation of mission- MPLS, is projected for completion for critical broadcast content distribution most of IBB’s program feeds by the end and non-broadcast data network of FY 2016. segments.

EXECUTE A EFFECTIVE SHORTWAVE STRATEGY BASED ON AUDIENCE MEDIA HABITS Using research on audience media habits, TSI will continue to move away from less effective legacy shortwave and medium wave transmissions toward other technologies, where appropriate, to reach larger and younger audiences. Where shortwave remains important,

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CONSOLIDATING AND MODERNIZING WORKSPACE TSI is leveraging a forced move of about 60 staff members from the Mary A. Switzer Building to consolidate and modernize workspace in the Wilbur J. Cohen Building headquarters. GSA offered to fund moving costs for BBG staff from the Switzer Building to a third Federal facility, BBG counteroffered by proposing to use that funding to transform 35,000 square feet of space on the fourth floor of the Cohen Building from private offices to a more modern, open workspace. These build-out spaces will be completed in mid-FY 2015.

As an ongoing initiative to reduce SATELLITE RADIO IN CHINA expensive lease costs, BBG is continuing TSI will continue to use satellite TV and to identify office space in the Cohen radio in China, including in Tibet -- for Building to convert to an open design. only a fraction of the cost of shortwave This conversion, scheduled for FY 2015 or medium wave transmissions to the and FY 2016, will enable the Agency to region – to leverage the widespread use accommodate 34 new staff members as of satellite receiver dishes in remote part of its strategic focus on Africa, and locations or where local cable and allow BBG to meet its strategic goals Internet access is restricted. without leasing additional office space.

VIRTUAL DESKTOP INTERFACE To enable greater workforce flexibility and enhanced telework capability, TSI will continue its efforts in FY 2015 to establish a Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI). The VDI will give remote users access to a full desktop suite of tools, including the Dalet Video and Audio clients and Microsoft Office, when they make a remote connection to the Agency’s network.

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RFE/RL Russian’s Sergey Dobrynin (top) covering civil unrest in the region; Baku Bureau Correspondent Vusala Alibeyli (bottom left) reporting on a demonstration in Azerbaijan; RFE/RL’s bi-weekly Russian language program Donbass Realities (bottom right) focuses on the events in eastern Ukraine on Donbass TV.

72 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty


FUNDING ($ in thousands) $95,950 $103,850 $116,800


This FY 2016 Budget request: n proposes an investment in RFE/RL n proposes administrative cuts and to pursue a comprehensive strategy restructuring of News and Current

for refuting aggressive Russian Affairs, and ending service in Avar, pressure and disinformation and Circassian and Macedonian in engaging Russian-speaking accordance with Administration audiences both within Russia and policy on public messaging and around the world, including global engagement strategies. expansion of television/video and new digital initiatives. (See the n proposes reducing RFE/RL’s Investment Proposal on page eight medium wave and shortwave for more details.) transmission to Afghanistan and Pakistan, and discontinuing RFE/RL’s shortwave broadcasts to Russia, the Caucasus, and Belarus in accordance with Administration policy on public messaging and global engagement strategies.

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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is a Ensuring a Reliable Source of private, nonprofit, multimedia broadcasting Information During Crises and Unrest corporation that serves as a surrogate media Driving News Coverage of the Ukraine Crisis source in 28 languages and in 21 countries, Investigative Reporting including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Increased Coverage of Crimea Russia. With headquarters in Prague, 19 local Response to Russian Propaganda bureaus (including Moscow, Kabul and Cross-U.S. International Media Islamabad) and more than 1,000 journalists Collaboration and Coordination throughout its broadcast region, RFE/RL’s Sharing Content and Programming proximity to its audiences facilitates the Merging Services production of exclusive, relevant, locally- Sharing Technological Capabilities oriented programming in a cost-effective Expanding TV and Video Production manner. TV Initiatives Reaching 23 million people each week, RFE/RL Internet TV Initiaties provides what many people cannot get locally: Documentaries uncensored local and regional news, Delivering High-Quality Journalism responsible discussion, and open debate. Afghanistan Election Coverage RFE/RL offers its audiences the rich, immediate, Covering Bilateral Security Agreement with and interactive content they seek, using both Afghanistan radio and the latest digital technologies – Nuclear Talks with Iran Internet, SMS text, online video, satellite radio Afghanistan-Pakistan Border Region and television, and popular social media FY 2014 & 2015 Awards and Accolades networks – to reach people in some of the most closed societies on earth. With press freedom worldwide at its lowest level in more FY 15-16 INITIATIVES than a decade, RFE/RL’s mission to provide uncensored, fact-based surrogate news to Russian-Language Programming inform and engage audiences in countries Current Time for Central Asia without free media remains as important as Video Channel Showcasing Independent ever. Russian Journalists New Anti-propaganda and Corruption Programs RFE/RL’s language services bring the values of Digital Media Response Teams independent journalism to millions of listeners, Increased Television Programming while operating in environments that present profound risks to its journalists. In December Farda TV 2014, Azerbaijani authorities jailed RFE/RL Content Creation Capacity contributor Khadija Ismayilova, raided and Building Video Production Infrastructure sealed RFE/RL's Baku Bureau, and interrogated Updating Website to Mobile-Friendly the Bureau’s staff. RFE/RL correspondents were Responsive Design subjected to intimidation by authorities and non-state actors in Belarus, Macedonia, Russia, Iran, Iraq, , Turkmenistan,

74 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)

Afghanistan, and Pakistan; its reporters USIM news websites, including VOA, were beaten and threatened for covering Radio/TV Marti, Radio Sawa, Alhurra Ukraine's Euromaidan protests and Television and IBB. The RFE/RL-created Russia's occupation of Crimea; and Pangea content management system Baghdad Bureau Chief Dr. Mohammed (CMS) drives the digital user experience for Bdaiwi Owaid Al-Shammari was shot and millions of visitors and consumers of BBG killed in the Iraqi capital in March 2014. network content. Tailored for online RFE/RL is USIM’s leader in the digital journalism, Pangea offers simple and seamless live-streaming of video and sphere and has played a key role in ensuring that USIM constantly strives to audio content from remote locations and is used by thousands of USIM journalists modernize and compete among the ranks of international broadcasters, which now every day to easily create, edit, and publish news reports on multiple platforms in includes a host of new and well-resourced players, from to Russia Today more than 60 languages across 200 countries and territories worldwide. and Sputnik. RFE/RL has built up an impressive and highly creative online RFE/RL’s Pangea Digital team leads the way for USIM Internet content technology team, Pangea Digital, which consists of highly skilled web professionals distribution, development, design and innovation among BBG networks. who design, develop and create new tools on an ongoing basis for more than 150


Ensuring a Reliable Source of Information During Crises and Unrest (Ukraine, Crimea and Refuting Russian Propaganda) ABC, , Buzzfeed, the Washington Post and the New York Times cited and linked to RFE/RL’s coverage of the massive protests in Ukraine. Innovative use of streaming technologies to report live from the scene fueled unprecedented growth in the Ukrainian Service’s web audience:

60 million visits and 112 million page DRIVING NEWS COVERAGE OF UKRIANIAN CRISIS views during the first half of 2014, which RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service was one of constituted a tenfold increase over the the first media outlets to report live on same period the previous year. Activity the protests that broke out on Kyiv's at other RFE/RL websites also spiked as a Independence Square ("Maidan") in result of the Ukrainian Service’s Maidan November 2013. RFE/RL audiences grew coverage – visits to the websites of the dramatically as a result of the Service's Russian and Belarus Services and to the daily, live coverage of the Kyiv protests. English-language homepage doubled, International media, including CNN, and visits to the Armenian Service's

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website increased by 80 percent. The Ukrainian Service continued to provide dynamic coverage of the evolving situation, including Russia’s annexation of Crimea and separatist uprisings in East and South Ukraine.

INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING In September 2014, the Russian Defense Ministry continued to deny that it had quietly deployed Russian soldiers into eastern Ukraine. The Russian Service investigated reports that wounded Russian soldiers returning from "service trips" near the Ukrainian border and relatives of soldiers killed in action there RFE/RL’s blog Ukraine Unspun unravels the had been told to remain silent, with in- truth behind information coming from Russian and Ukrainian media, politicians and activists. depth reports from St. Petersburg and Pskov and a multimedia talk show on RESPONSE TO RUSSIAN PROGANDA the Secret War featuring relatives of To address questionable and missing soldiers from St. Petersburg, unsupported assertions in the Russian Rostov-on-Don, and Saratov. In addition, and pro-Russian media about what was the Russian Service created a new happening in Crimea and Ukraine, the content rubric on its website, Russia Ukrainian Service began a daily analysis against the War, to provide a platform of Ukrainian and Russian media for those opposed to the deployment of coverage called Lie of the Day. For the Russian military in Ukraine. English-language audiences, RFE/RL launched the Ukraine Unspun blog, to INCREASED COVERAGE OF CRIMEA With additional funding in FY 2014, present a clearer picture of the RFE/RL enhanced its coverage of Crimea, information war between Ukraine and expanded its network of journalists and Russia. In June 2014, RFE/RL’s Moldova stringers in Eastern Ukraine, and Service partnered with public Radio launched a Crimea website in Russian, Moldova to debut a new, monthly Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar. The site Russian-language roundtable show to provides uncensored, accurate and refute Kremlin propaganda infiltrating objective information to audiences in this the Moldovan media market. Another hard-to-reach area. By December 2014, program, The Weekend With Europa RFE/RL’s Crimea site had attracted over Libera, is also being broadcast twice 21 million visits and nearly 34 million each week by Moldovan Public Radio, page views since its launch in March. once in Romanian, once in Russian, while in November 2014 the Moldova Service launched a daily, 10-minute television program, Clear and Simple, in Romanian and in Russian.

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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)

Cross- U.S. International Media (USIM) Collaboration and Coordination

RFE/RL has been working closely with its n RFE/RL and VOA continually strive to USIM sister entities to maximize USIM’s ensure that their Afghanistan efficiency and reach by harmonizing programming and in-country content and program streams of operations are harmonized. RFE/RL common language services and by and VOA have realized savings by sharing technological capabilities. For sharing a bureau as well as example: technical, administrative, and SHARING CONTENT AND PROGRAMMING physical security services in Kabul. In n In April 2014, RFE/RL’s Georgian FY 2016, both RFE/RL and VOA will Service increased its radio implement reductions to their programming to 18 hours daily via shortwave and medium wave longtime nationwide FM affiliate transmissions. RFE/RL and VOA plan Radio Green Wave. RFE/RL’s to work together to optimize Georgian Service (including its program content and time clocks for Russian-language unit Ekho the remaining Afghan delivery Kavkaza), Russian Service, Armenian streams. Service and Azerbaijani Service as MERGING SERVICES well as VOA’s Georgian Service, n Pending Congressional approval of Learning English Branch and Music BBG’s FY 2015 operating plan, Mix have contributed and produced RFE/RL’s will be content for the expanded stream. merged into MBN resulting in up to $1 million in annual savings. n RFE/RL’s and VOA’s Persian News Network have taken steps to enhance collaboration in SHARING TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITES editorial operations, leverage assets n In FY 2015, RFE/RL’s Pangea Digital more effectively, eliminate team assumed responsibility for live- unnecessary overlap, and achieve streaming of VOA audio and video other efficiencies. As a result of channels from IBB's Network these efforts, RFE/RL plans to expand Communications Center (NCC). At a TV production in FY 2015, including significantly reduced cost, RFE/RL a mid-afternoon show and news now manages recording for on- updates to be aired on a shared demand playback of audio/video VOA-RFE/RL stream. content for all of VOA's 36 language services and is working with OCB on n In FY 2014, RFE/RL’s Azerbaijani a similar project to realize additional Service began running three of savings for USIM. VOA’s Azerbaijani Service programs on its Azadliqradiosu TV satellite stream on Hotbird.

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Expanding TV and Video Production

While radio remains the delivery • (3) “Crimea Realities,” a 20- platform of choice in some of RFE/RL’s minute weekly program on the markets, most of RFE/RL’s target Ukrainian satellite television audiences have turned to television and news channel “24” that examines digital media for information and developments on the Russia- engagement. Accordingly, RFE/RL has annexed peninsula; and shifted its focus in many markets to • (4) “Schemes,” a weekly program provide more and enhanced digital that focuses on corruption and content via online and mobile web, SMS, airs on Ukrainian state mobile apps, social networks and, in a television’s First Channel. growing number of markets, local and satellite TV. RFE/RL’s language services n RFE/RL’S AFGHAN SERVICE: have initiated new television programs now produces a live and video products to reach their monthly roundtable discussion audiences. RFE/RL’s investments in live- program, “Together,” with Ariana TV, streaming technologies in 2013 and the third most popular network in 2014 were critical to this success. As a Afghanistan with a weekly reach of testament to the quality of RFE/RL’s nearly 35 percent. video products, more than 740 media outlets in 60 countries used RFE/RL INTERNET TV INITIATIVES IN video content in 2014.4 FY 2014 AND FY 2015 INCLUDED:

n RFE/RL’S ARMENIAN SERVICE: TV INITIATIVES IN FY 2014 AND Audiences continue to grow for FY 2015 INCLUDED: News Center, the Armenian Service’s

one-hour Internet TV program. The n RFE/RL’S UKRAINIAN SERVICE: daily show brings tens of thousands • (1) “We Together,” a 30-minute of viewers to the Service’s website weekly program, in partnership and YouTube channel, where the with the First Ukraine satellite program has been watched more television network; than one million times since its • (2) “Donbas Realities,” a 15- inception. Regional television minute, bi-weekly Russian- stations are rebroadcasting the language program about events program on their airwaves, and in the restive eastern areas of Armenian news websites often Ukraine that airs on Donbas TV; stream "News Center" on their own sites.


In May 2014, the Ukrainian Service hosted Elections 2014, which

included a six-hour Internet TV 4 Figures cited were compiled by the Reuters marathon and 13 hours of news agency.

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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)

continuously updated web coverage n RFE/RL’S MULTIMEDIA TEAM: from studios in Kyiv and Moscow. Multimedia content has become an Reporting included streamed Live-U essential element in RFE/RL’s digital feeds from Kharkiv, Skype interviews strategy. RFE/RL’s Multimedia Unit from Brussels, live reports from the launched a centrally-produced daily Central Election Commission and Video Roundup of original news the press centers of leading stories from RFE/RL’s broadcast presidential candidates Petro region in English and Russian, which Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, is translated and posted to RFE/RL’s and dozens of video reports from websites as well as to social media Ukraine, Great Britain and the Czech platforms. Stories from the roundup Republic. have been picked up by CNN, Yahoo News, Vice News, and others. n RFE/RL’S BELARUS SERVICE: RFE/RL’s Afghan, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, On May 9, Victory Day and also the Tajik, and Turkmen services have opening day of the World Ice developed local versions of the Hockey Championships in Minsk, roundup. The Kyrgyz version airs Belarus Service journalists gave daily in Russian and Kyrgyz in website and YouTube viewers a live, partnership with Kyrgyz National three-hour guided tour of the Television. Otyrar TV, a leading Belarusian capital, talking to sports regional private TV channel in fans, war veterans, police officers, Kazakhstan, picked up the Kazakh and others they met about current Service’s weekly news roundup, issues, and inviting its audience to resulting in increased audience offer comments, questions and numbers and engagement in both suggestions in real time. Plainclothes Russian and Kazakh on RFE/RL’s security officers eventually shut Facebook pages. down the live broadcast, but not before the project earned praise from the Belarusian Association of Journalists and exiled opposition leader Zianon Pazniak. n RFE/RL’S RUSSIAN SERVICE: More than 115,000 people watched the Russian Service’s five hours of live online video coverage of the

September 21 “March for Peace” in DOCUMENTARIES Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Beyond video production, RFE/RL is Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk, opposing expanding into new genres. RFE/RL’s Russia’s covert war in Ukraine. The Armenian Service produced New coverage was viewed over 260,000 Aleppo, a documentary about the times on YouTube as well. 15,000 ethnic Armenians who have sought refuge in Armenia as a result of the Syrian civil war. The film premiered

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on Armenia’s largest television network, TV. Shorter-form RFE/RL documentaries Armenia TV, in April 2014. The Armenian include the Ukrainian Service’s video Service also produced the feature film documentary on a visit to Luhansk in Charents about the life of the great eastern Ukraine, which was aired by Armenian poet and victim of Joseph Ukraine’s news channel “24,” and the Stalin’s terror, Yeghishe Charents, and Tatar-Bashkir Service’s mini- his wife Izabella. The film premiered in documentary on the harsh reality for Yerevan in 2013 and was shown on two Crimean Tatars on the annexed Crimean major TV networks, including Armenia peninsula during this tumultuous year.

Delivering High-Quality Journalism RFE/RL language services provided September 29 inauguration of Ashraf exclusive coverage of a number of Ghani as President, marking important and historic events in 2014. Afghanistan's first-ever democratic For their high-quality reporting, RFE/RL transition of power. journalists received a substantial number of awards in FY 2014 and 2015. COVERING BILATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT WITH AFGHANISTAN The Service also reported on the September 30 signing of a bilateral security agreement (BSA) between Afghanistan and the U.S., providing the audience an explanation of the key points in the BSA. The Service secured an exclusive interview with former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai on November 16, during which Karzai AFGHANISTAN ELECTION COVERAGE spoke of his administration's troubled RFE/RL’s Afghan Service joined with relationship with Washington. state broadcaster RTA to sponsor two NUCLEAR TALKS WITH IRAN presidential candidate debates in In 2014, Radio Farda, RFE/RL’s Persian- February 2014 in Kabul. Eight of the 11 language service for Iran, sent a registered candidates took part in the correspondent to Vienna in February, debates, which were moderated by May and November to provide exclusive, RFE/RL Regional Director Akbar Ayazi around-the-clock coverage of the and aired live. On June 14, the day of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 Afghanistan’s presidential runoff countries. Radio Farda also secured election, the Afghan Service provided 12 interviews on the talks with U.S. chief hours of live coverage, maintained live negotiator and Undersecretary of State blogs in Dari and Pashto, and actively Wendy Sherman and former State posted content to Facebook (Dari and Department special advisor on Pashto), YouTube and Twitter (Dari and nonproliferation and arms control Pashto). The Service covered the Robert Einhorn. Radio Farda’s coverage

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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)

on the web and social media helped the December 16 school massacre in service reach significant new audiences Peshawar. RFE/RL’s coverage of the in 2013 and 2014, with the number of Peshawar massacre was picked up by fans on Facebook exceeding 1.3 million. multiple media outlets, including CBS News, the New Yorker, and the Atlantic. AFGHANISTAN-PAKISTAN BORDER REGION secured an interview (in In 2014, Radio Mashaal, RFE/RL’s Pashto- Pashto) with Nobel Peace Prize winner language service to the Afghanistan- Malala Yousafzai on October 10, the Pakistan border region, provided on- same day the prize was announced. location coverage of the June 8-9 Mashaal also gathered the joyous terrorist attack on Karachi International reaction of residents of Peshawar and Airport, September's massive monsoon Yousafzai's hometown of Mingora, in flooding in Kashmir and Punjab, and the Pakistan's Swat valley.


RFE/RL journalists won a Gold Award Festival’s International Radio Program and four Silver Awards at the 20th Awards for her special report, "The Annual Communicator Awards, Execution Game." RFE/RL was named a announced by the Academy of Finalist in the 2014 Association for Interactive and Visual Arts on April 29, International Broadcasting Awards for its 2014. Radio Farda's Farshid Manafi won a "Sochi: Outside the Arena" project. Gold Award and Silver Award for his Moldova Service Director Oana Serafim work on the satire program "Pas Farda," and two former RFE/RL Romanian the Balkan Service's Milos Teodorovic Service journalists were awarded won a Silver Award for his radio 's "Order of Faithful Service" in program "Gaf nedelje," Russian Service 2014 by President Traian Basescu, for freelancer Olga Loginova won a Silver their "outstanding contributions to the Award for her video documentary promotion of freedom and democracy "Raising Julia," and the Belarus Service in Romania and Eastern Europe." and Multimedia Unit won a Silver Award for their video documentary "Oswald in Oleksiy Matsuka, the host of the Ukrainian Minsk." Service's "Donbas.Realities" television program, received the Canadian RFE/RL won a "People's Lovie" and a Journalists for Free Expression’s Bronze Award in the 4th Annual Lovie International Press Freedom Award. Awards, which recognize the best of the European web. The "Birds-eye View of The Webby Awards for excellence and 'Euromaidan' Protests in Kyiv" video by innovation on the Internet recognized the Ukrainian Service won in the RFE/RL as an Official Honoree for the "Internet Video / Events & Live third consecutive year in the Web/Radio Broadcasts" category. and Podcasts category and for the first time in the Mobile and Apps/News Radio Farda's Mahtab Vahidi Rad was category named a Finalist in the 2014 New York

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Russian-Language Programming As part of its expanded efforts to reach Russian-speaking audiences in Russia In October 2014, RFE/RL and VOA and neighboring countries, such as the launched "Current Time," a joint above, RFE/RL will deploy resources in production undertaken in partnership FY 2015 in support of: with public and private broadcasters and Internet portals in Azerbaijan, Belarus, n CURRENT TIME FOR CENTRAL ASIA Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, An edition for Central Asia that will Moldova, and Ukraine. Drawing on a include a corresponding Russian- network of reporters in the region, language website. European capitals, RFE/RL's headquarters n VIDEO CHANNEL SHOWCASING in Prague, and VOA in Washington, D.C., INDEPENDENT RUSSIAN JOURNALISTS it presents a daily, 30-minute mix of live Rus2Web, a YouTube site and news coverage, interviews, original channel curated by RFE/RL that will features, and political satire. Targeting serve as “digital samizdat,” giving Russian-language television audiences voice to independent Russian- in countries neighboring Russia as well language journalists and filmmakers as digital audiences in Russia and whose work is not readily available, around the world, it offers content that or is even banned, by Kremlin- is not otherwise available on state- controlled media. controlled Russian media to provide a n NEW ANTI-PROPAGANDA AND “reality check” on local events. Early in CORRUPTION PROGRAMS calendar year 2015, "Current Time" will “Footage vs. Footage,” a daily video be joined by a live Sunday edition program that directly challenges produced by RFE/RL's Russian Service, as Russian television propaganda, and well as a Saturday edition produced by “Corruption Index,” a website VOA's Russian Service. focused on exposing corruption in Russia and reporting on ways to address and change corrupt practices. n DIGITAL MEDIA RESPONSE TEAMS A digital media response team that will confront disinformation propagated in RFE/RL’s broadcast region with timely factual information via multiple social platforms. The team will monitor popular discussions, engage audiences on social media, push out accurate and reliable USIM reporting, and provide promotional support to new digital initiatives.

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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)

n INCREASED TELEVISION stations in the Russian periphery to PROGRAMMING at least four hours daily and In FY 2016, RFE/RL will expand its significantly increase its digital Russian-language programming, offerings. More details are included including TV programming in in the Investment Proposal partnership with affiliate partner TV “Countering a Revanchist Russia.”

Farda TV Radio Farda will launch a 15-minute TV minute TV news updates for VOA’s news magazine on VOA’s stream that Persian Service. These broadcasts will will air midday in Tehran. Radio Farda is provide Iranian audiences with up-to- also preparing to produce six new five- date news throughout the day.

Content Creation Capacity BUILDING VIDEO its regional bureaus, such as in Moldova PRODUCTION INFRASTRUCTURE where RFE/RL is currently upgrading its To successfully implement the above- bureau facilities to increase the service’s outlined initiatives, RFE/RL will update its capacity to create high-quality video technological and support infrastructure content. Other bureaus will also be and modernize its studios in Prague to upgraded in FY 2015 and FY 2016. better support the company’s growing technical requirements and expanding UPDATING WEBSITE TO MOBILE-FRIENDLY volume of video production. RFE/RL will RESPONSIVE DESIGN recruit skilled and talented technical, RFE/RL is redesigning its Pangea- editorial, production and managerial supported websites, including an staff to oversee and guide corporate- upgrade to a responsive-design wide development in this area. In platform. The redesign will be rolled out addition, video production units will be in FY 2015 and FY 2016. established within RFE/RL’s broadcast headquarters in Prague and in several of

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Radio Free Asia


FUNDING ($ in thousands) $35,950 $38,255 $38,500


This FY 2016 Budget request: n proposes closing RFA’s Bangkok n proposes RFA beginning an in-depth office, to focus more on in-country reporting project on growing reporting. Chinese influence in our target countries. The services of each country will report on Chinese government businesses, loans and gifts of military hardware and how they affect the people of their country. The stories will then be shared across services for broadcast in all of our target countries including China where the public has little information on the depth of Chinese spending abroad.

84 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Radio Free Asia (RFA)


Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a private, nonprofit, Expanding Local News for Local People multimedia corporation that serves as a Enhanced Coverage in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region surrogate broadcaster, substituting for domestic Local Reporting to Burma, Cambodia and Laos media in Asian countries that prevent or restrict Internet Coverage Increases freedom of the press. RFA is funded through, and operates under, a grant agreement with Producing In-Depth Investigative Journalism BBG. RFA broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Cantonese Service Investigative Journalism Khmer, Korean, Lao, Mandarin, Tibetan, Uyghur Letters by Chinese Prisoners of Conscience and Vietnamese on shortwave, medium wave, New Mandarin Series on China’s NGO’s satellite, television and the Internet. It delivers Providing Exceptional Content accurate and timely local news, information and Tibetan Service Program Launched commentary, and provides a public forum for Online Column on Books About Tibetan Culture the audiences Reporting on Korean Refugees in Southeast Asia it serves. Uyghur Service Increases Focus on Women’s Issues Reaching Audiences through New Technology RFA is an authoritative source of East and RFA Website Visitors 1.9 Million in May Southeast Asian news. Each month, Radio Free E-books New Priority for RFA Online Asia averages over 500 pickups of its exclusive RFA Increasing Social Media Presence news coverage in major regional outlets and global publications. This includes RFA-generated FY 15-16 INITIATIVES content that is republished and linked-to on well-trafficked global and regional blogs. These Mobile, New Media and Digital Formats media pickups, particularly by large syndicates Adapting Content for Mobile Devices and wire services, amplify RFA’s reach into its New Media Production Desk target countries. Innovations with Digital Formats China As part of BBG’s anti-censorship efforts, RFA Expanding TV Programming Direct-to-Home Satellite manages the (OTF), Delivery to China which supports research to better understand Increased Visual and Video Content and Launch the types of censorship occurring around the of Blogs from Popular Chinese Bloggers globe and the effectiveness of the tools to Increased Cantonese Social Media Engagement, Investigative Reporting and TV Programming combat that censorship. RFA’s efforts help More Uyghur Service Stringers expand the knowledge base for the Internet freedom community and improve the Fielding More Local Journalists Burmese, Khmer & Vietnamese Services effectiveness of anti-censorship efforts. OTF supports the development of software to secure Myanmar Coverage of Myanmar’s 2015 National Election communications in countries where Special Series on Myanmar Farmers governments engage in online repression. These tools provide individuals with the Tibet capabilities to protect their communications Tibetan Service Special Series and Ebooks on Plight of Tibetan Nomads from repressive regimes and offer to censor Increased Tibetan Television Programming & Reporting content secure access. North Korea Special Series on North Korean Prisons and Laborers Special Series on Myanmar’s Journey from Dictatorship to Democracy for North Korean Audience

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Expanding Local News for Local People ENHANCED COVERAGE IN CHINA’S expression have been at the center of XINJIANG UYGHUR AUTONOMOUS REGION the Burmese Service’s reporting. RFA In response to increased ethnic violence continued efforts to reach audiences in in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Laos’s highly restricted media Region (XUAR) in 2014, RFA’s Uyghur environment. RFA Lao launched a call- Service was at the forefront of breaking in talk show this year, but shutdowns of news in the region. RFA’s Cantonese distribution platforms have limited RFA’s and Mandarin Services also enhanced ability to reach these audiences. Some coverage of the unrest in XUAR, access RFA content through the reporting on China’s policies toward the Internet, but the government is country’s national minorities. threatening new restrictions on that

LOCAL REPORTING TO BURMA, medium. CAMBODIA AND LAOS INTERNET COVERAGE INCREASES RFA continued its emphasis on local RFA is increasingly using the Internet to reporting in its Burmese, Cambodian cover local events. It is expanding its and Lao Services. For Cambodia, this production of original and visual means extensive coverage of the turmoil coverage, e.g., slideshows of images of following the 2013’s national elections major events in Cambodia are produced and the ongoing negotiations between daily and attract increasing audiences the government and the opposition on Facebook and Twitter. RFA before the next elections. In Burma, Vietnamese added more reporting, RFA is reporting on the country’s slow blogging, and video of local news, move toward democracy. Ethnic resulting in increased traffic to its violence, failed attempts at political website and Facebook presence. reform and restrictions on freedom of

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Radio Free Asia (RFA)

Producing In-Depth Investigative Journalism CANTONESE SERVICE LETTERS BY CHINESE PRISONERS INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM OF CONSCIENCE Despite increased security measures RFA Mandarin launched Letters from across China in anticipation of the 25th Prison, a weekly online column and anniversary of the Tiananmen Square radio program featuring letters written massacre, RFA’s Cantonese Service by Chinese prisoners of conscience and conducted a six-month undercover their families. Working with the investigation of the operational safety at Independent Chinese PEN Center, RFA’s nuclear power plants in Guangdong, Mandarin Service obtained exclusive China’s most populous province. A broadcast and Internet rights to a large four-part multimedia report aired in collection of writings that gives voice to September, covering issues such as land the thwarted democratic aspirations of grabs related to the construction of the Chinese human rights activists, and plants, nuclear waste disposal and presents the hopes and fears of their potential public health hazards that families. official Chinese media do not report. RFA’s Cantonese Service received NEW MANDARIN SERIES ON CHINA’S NGOS international recognition (a Gracie RFA’s Mandarin Service also launched an Award and a New York Festivals in-depth series on Chinese-based non- International Program Award) for its governmental organizations. Some investigative reporting on the staggering 500,000 NGOs have registered in China rise in "birth tourism" – Chinese women during the past 25 years; an additional coming to the United States to give 1.5 million operate without a license. birth. They include groups that promote environmental protection to organizations that defend the rights of migrant workers to legal centers for victims of domestic violence. This series explores the role NGOs play in China’s nascent civil society.

Providing Exceptional Content TIBETAN SERVICE PROGRAM LAUNCHED India, Nepal and Bhutan. Major themes In FY 2014, RFA’s Tibetan Service explored include how Tibetan launched The Himalayas, a weekly communities in South Asia adapt to the feature on the cultural, linguistic and new economies in the region and how ethnic ties among Tibetans and Tibetan- these people cope with challenges Buddhist communities along the created when traditional and Himalaya Mountains in Tibet, Pakistan, contemporary Himalayan politics meet.

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ONLINE COLUMN ON BOOKS journalist in Myanmar to cover the ABOUT TIBETAN CULTURE exodus by interviewing defectors as well To enrich the intellectual life of its as Chinese citizens who live in towns listeners, the Tibetan Service also that border Myanmar and regularly visit created a “book corner,” an online Pyongyang. column featuring reviews by the Service on books in Tibetan, Chinese and UYGHUR SERVICE INCREASES FOCUS English that focus on Tibetan history, ON WOMEN’S ISSUES culture and literature. In the Xinjiang province of China, as part of a continuing effort to appeal to a REPORTING ON KOREAN REFUGEES wider variety of demographics, RFA’s IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Uyghur Service significantly increased its Each year, an estimated 1,500 North coverage of issues related to women, Korean refugees transit through youth and health by interviewing more Myanmar, Thailand and Laos before women and health experts and by settling in a third country. RFA’s Korean producing more youth-related features. Service has recruited a contract

Reaching Audiences through New Technology RFA WEBSITE VISITORS 1.9 MILLION IN MAY censorship. Most of RFA's language Traffic to is steady at around 1.5 services have e-book projects in million monthly visitors, but the entity’s development -- some featuring specific language service sites received repurposed RFA news content; others record numbers of visits during the contain original material. For example, China- naval confrontations in RFA plans to publish an original e-book the South China Sea in 2014, driving the profiling women fighting for human total number of RFA website visitors to rights in target countries. 1.9 million in May. RFA INCREASING SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE E-BOOKS NEW As RFA bolsters its presence on social PRIORITY FOR RFA media, services continue to increase ONLINE their online followers, while anticipating E-books are the the next move by government censors. fastest growing RFA Vietnamese, for example, has format for digital steadily increased the number of its content consumed on Facebook and YouTube followers, mobile devices and a despite Vietnamese government priority for RFA attempts to block the Service through online. RFA has had great success in false reports of abuse. RFA is working publishing e-books that can be with colleagues at BBG to develop downloaded easily and shared via email solutions to these challenges. or on thumb drives, circumvention FY 2015-FY 2016 INITIATIVES

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Radio Free Asia (RFA)

ADAPTING CONTENT FOR immediate and overwhelmingly favorable. MOBILE DEVICES In FY 2016, RFA Mandarin will continue its As audiences move to mobile devices, efforts in in-depth investigative reporting. RFA will continue to adapt its content, making it more appealing and accessible INCREASED VISUAL AND VIDEO CONTENT on smart phones and tablets. With the AND LAUNCH OF BLOGS FROM POPULAR CHINESE BLOGGERS support of BBG’s Office of Digital & FY 2015 “Growing U.S. Engagement in East Design Innovation (ODDI), usability and Southeast Asia” investment funds will studies were conducted to prepare for be used to increase and improve local the redesign of RFA’s mobile sites. gathering of visual content, which will Understanding the mobile markets of its continue to be enhanced in FY 2016. This target countries positions RFA to capture investment provides the equipment and greater viewership with compelling, editorial staff to make maximum use of salient, visual content. new video. In Myanmar, where audience NEW MEDIA PRODUCTION DESK research shows growing use of television, During FY 2015 and continuing into FY this will mean further development of 2016, RFA will fund a production desk video content. For RFA Mandarin, funding staffed with new media specialists who will provide staff to upgrade daily are able to take on more assignments webcasts and to recruit China-based and conduct social media campaigns. citizen journalists to generate unique and Most of RFA’s target markets possess a exclusive visuals. In addition, the Service’s tech-savvy young generation. RFA is a website will launch at least two blogs 21st century media organization – an authored by popular Chinese organization that is agile, mobile, with a microbloggers whose social media robust social presence and video accounts have been closed as Beijing content combined with its hard-hitting began another round of cyber “crime” journalism This additional funding will crackdown. enable collaboration with regional COVERAGE OF MYANMAR’S 2015 programmers and developers whose NATIONAL ELECTION in-depth understanding of their RFA will use investment funds to provide online markets will enhance RFA’s in-depth, independent and balanced digital development. coverage of Myanmar’s 2015 national elections, which will be critical to the EXPANDING TV PROGRAMMING DIRECT- TO-HOME SATELLITE DELIVERY TO CHINA country’s democratic development. RFA In early FY 2015, RFA’s Mandarin Service Burmese will field reporters in all states launched TV programming targeting tens and divisions of the country, and expand of millions of satellite dish owners in its broadcasts to provide information on China. Hard news-oriented, this half-hour voting, campaigning, election results daily production features interviews, in- and their ramifications. depth coverage and analysis with visuals FIELDING MORE LOCAL JOURNALISTS sourced from China-based citizen RFA Burmese, Khmer and Vietnamese journalists and Mandarin stringers across will use investment funds to field more Asia. Audience response has been local journalists to provide broader

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coverage of the daily lives of average The additional funding will also enable citizens. This will enable more in-depth the Tibetan Service to provide reporting that is sought after by comprehensive coverage of the 2015 audiences in these countries on issues general elections of the India-based such as domestic politics, the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile. The Service environment, health, education, and plans to produce a multimedia series on interethnic relations. the Dalai Lama. The Service also will cover events in Tibetan communities SPECIAL SERIES ON MYANMAR FARMERS throughout the world marking the 80th In FY 2016, RFA Burmese Service will be birthday of the Dalai Lama. producing a special series on Myanmar’s farmers—what their lives were like under INCREASED CANTONESE SOCIAL the junta, what if anything has changed, MEDIA ENGAGEMENT, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING AND TV PROGRAMMING and the challenges they continue to Building on its investigative reporting face. and moving into more multi-platforms, TIBETAN SERVICE SPECIAL SERIES AND RFA Cantonese Service will use the FY EBOOKS ON PLIGHT OF TIBETAN NOMADS 2015 investment to hire a social media RFA’s Tibetan Service will present a engagement specialist and fund its multi-part series on the plight of Tibetan Hong Kong-based video crew’s nomads. The series will explore the undercover reporting of public health challenges resettled nomads face, hazards in China. Additional reporters including unemployment, alcoholism will be added to enhance coverage of and a high rate of suicide. In addition, pro-democracy-related events in Hong the Service will produce a series on the Kong, including weekend seminars and environmental challenges facing Tibet rallies organized by grassroots NGOs. as a result of reckless mining and With more visual content, the service logging by Beijing to fuel China’s will enhance its 30-minute weekend breakneck economic development. Both satellite TV segment, launched in series will be converted to e-Books with February 2015. RFA’s Cantonese Service text and interactive visuals. will pursue partnerships with Hong Kong-based Internet radio stations to INCREASED TIBETAN TELEVISION PROGRAMMING carry RFA Cantonese programming. With FY 2015 investment funds, RFA

Tibetan launched on February 19, 2015, the first day of the Tibetan New Year, its satellite TV program. The thrice weekly 30-minute segment presents news from inside Tibet, as well as in-depth analysis by leading experts in the Tibetan diaspora. RFA Tibetan Service plans to increase its TV programming to five days a week in FY 2016.


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Radio Free Asia (RFA)

MORE UYGHUR SERVICE STRINGERS SPECIAL SERIES ON MYANMAR’S JOURNEY Violence in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur FROM DICTATORSHIP TO DEMOCRACY FOR NORTH KOREAN AUDIENCE Autonomous Region highlights the In early FY 2016, in anticipation of importance of additional resources for Myanmar’s upcoming general elections, RFA’s Uyghur Service. Investment the Korean Service will begin production funding will allow the Service to recruit of a series on Myanmar’s journey from more stringers in Central Asia to dictatorship to democracy, with a focus enhance coverage of the Uyghur on the lessons North Korea can learn diaspora. from Myanmar. SPECIAL SERIES AND EBOOKS ON NORTH KOREAN PRISONS AND INNOVATIONS WITH DIGITAL FORMATS LABORERS IN RUSSIA In all markets, RFA will continue to RFA’s Korean Service will produce a innovate with new digital formats and series on arbitrary detentions and prison features, including games and e-books. conditions in North Korea that will RFA’s Cantonese, Mandarin, Tibetan, include visuals and interviews with Uyghur and Korean Services will survivors of North Korean labor camps. increase their production of e-books on In addition, the Service will present a subjects that government authorities series on the working and living consider to be taboo and emerging conditions of North Korean laborers in issues in target areas. Topics for Russia. Both series will be converted to coverage include: the women behind e-Books. China’s political prisoners, how to scale the “Great Firewall” of China’s Internet, and North Korean water pollution.

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Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc.


FUNDING ($ in thousands) $109,513 $109,408 $109,600


This FY 2016 Budget request: n proposes continued investment in n proposes offsetting FY 2016 MBN’s multi-media Raise Your Voice operational costs with MBN initiative designed to engage the recoveries from prior year people of Iraq in discussion of obligations to reduce the request current issues and challenges to for new obligational authority. their and their country’s future in this time of unrest.


Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc. MBN produces programming at its (MBN) is a private, non-profit multi- headquarters in Northern Virginia and at media broadcasting corporation that facilities in Washington, D.C., Baghdad, provides the United States a direct line Dubai, Beirut, Cairo and Jerusalem. of communication with Arabic-speaking Satellite and terrestrial television people of the Middle East and North broadcasts, and medium wave (AM), Africa. MBN is funded through a grant shortwave, and FM radio broadcasts are from BBG. MBN’s mission is to inform transmitted via IBB’s global transmission and engage the people of the Middle network. Beyond traditional media, East and provide objective, accurate and MBN engages with audiences across the relevant news and information about spectrum of digital platforms, including the United States, the region and the its Alhurra and Radio Sawa websites, world. MBN supports democratic values Radio Sawa and Alhurra Android and by expanding the spectrum of ideas, iPhone/iPad apps, Facebook and opinions and perspectives available in YouTube. the region’s media. MBN brands include Alhurra, Radio Sawa and Afia Darfur. BBG research estimates that Alhurra and Radio Sawa have an unduplicated weekly audience of 29 million people across the Middle East.

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Directly Communicating America’s Policies and Actions Presentation of American Policies White House, Congressional, Pentagon and State Department Correspondents U.S. and Foreign Correspondents

Engaging Audiences on Social Issues Original and Compelling Content

Informing Those Electing New Leaders Coverage of Elections in Region Egyptian Vote on New Constitution Presidential Election in Egypt Alhurra-Iraq Television and Radio Sawa provided Presidential Election in Algeria extensive coverage of the Iraqi elections. Bahraini Parlimentary Election Alhurra reporter Yehia Kassem reports from near a Tunisian Presidential Election rocket blast in Gaza. Ensuring a Reliable Source of Information During Crisis and Unrest Covering ISIL in Iraq Syria’s Civil War and Refugee Crisis Gaza

Targeting Key Markets on the Most Effective Platforms Sawa on FM in Mauritania High-definition Version of Alhurra on Hotbird 13 Radio Sawa App Launched


Engagement Campaign Focused on the Fight Against Extremism in Iraq Broadcast Components Digital and Social Media Components

Establishing Additional Bureaus Northern Iraq Maghreb Bureaus

Increasing Efficiency and Impact while Reducing Costs Consolidating All Arabic Radio Programming to Iraq to One Stream Increasing Reach & Impact Through Marketing and Partnerships Reducing Base Operating Costs

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Alhurra’s television show Eye on Democracy.

MBN PROGRAMMING LIVE NEWSCASTS WITH BREAKING NEWS Alhurra broadcasts live newscasts Alhurra throughout the day with breaking news, Alhurra’s Pan-Arab news and as events warrant, including coverage of information channel was launched in major U.S. foreign policy speeches as February 2004 to provide a reliable well as press conferences and relevant source of objective television news and Congressional hearings. Its information across the Middle East. informational programming seeks to expand the range of ideas and Alhurra-Iraq was launched in April 2004 perspectives presented in Middle East to broadcast targeted local news and media, particularly on issues such as programming to the people of Iraq. human rights, religious freedom and the rights of women. Alhurra’s signature PROVIDES THE AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE program, Al Youm (Today), is unique in Alhurra is unique in the Middle East the region, presenting a cross section of satellite television market in its ability to perspectives on issues from the Middle provide audiences the American East as well as news and information perspective, giving context to America’s about America. Al Youm is broadcast policies as well as insight from diverse live, three hours per day, five days per voices throughout the U.S. public policy week from four cities across the Middle community and the people of the East (Dubai, Beirut, Cairo and Jerusalem) United States. Its news and information and from the United States. It is programming provides a platform for rebroadcast with updated news inserts engagement with audiences on social, the morning following the live cultural and political issues as well as a broadcast. forum for objective discussion and the introduction of viewpoints not routinely given voice on media in the region.

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RECOGNIZED FOR DISTRIBUTED VIA SATELLITE, TERRESTRIAL HIGH-QUALITY BROADCASTING TRANSMITTERS AND DIGITAL PLATFORMS Alhurra has been recognized by Alhurra is distributed on satellite via numerous broadcasting organizations, Arabsat (standard definition), Nilesat film associations and human rights (standard definition), and Hotbird (high groups for its high quality broadcasting definition) as well as via terrestrial and on-air content. Alhurra-Iraq’s prime transmitters in Baghdad, Mosul, Basra, time, daily, hour-long newscast, Iraq Tikrit, and Al Hilla. Alhurra is streamed Today, is widely noted by Iraqi on its news and information website, newsmakers as the show to watch to, and content is distributed keep up on news across Iraq. through digital platforms, including YouTube and mobile apps.

Radio Sawa launched a 24/7 FM station in Mauritania in 2014. U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Officer Marion Wohlers (second from left) is pictured here with Mauritanian women who performed at the station’s opening ceremonies.

Radio Sawa Radio Sawa was launched in 2002 and information programming was unique at broadcasts 24/7 on eight programming the time it was launched -- a carefully streams targeting the sub-regions of the crafted blend of Western and Middle Middle East. Radio Sawa’s pioneering Eastern sounds that attracts listeners to format is designed to attract listeners stay tuned for news and information from the overwhelmingly young (less programming. Research shows the than 35 years of age) Middle Eastern effectiveness of Radio Sawa in reaching population. Its blend of music and

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listeners and holding their attention to law, democratic political debate and news and information programming. citizen concerns.

NEARLY SIX HOURS OF NEWS FM AND AM STREAMS PROGRAMMING DAILY Radio Sawa can be heard throughout Radio Sawa broadcasts nearly six hours the Middle East on eight FM and of news and current affairs medium wave (AM) streams: programming per day, including newscasts at 15 and 45 minutes past n Iraq (FM and AM), each hour. Daily 20-minute news n the Levant (including Jordan and the magazines provide listeners with in- West Bank) (FM), depth reporting and news analysis. n Radio Sawa also broadcasts live the Persian Gulf (FM and AM), simultaneous translations of major n Egypt (AM), speeches on Middle East issues by senior n Morocco (FM), U.S. officials as well as important U.N. debates and press conferences on issues n Sudan, Libya, Djibouti and Yemen affecting U.S. policy in the region. Radio (FM and AM), Sawa clearly and effectively presents U.S. n Lebanon and Syria (FM), and policies through a range of targeted n Mauritania (FM) programming that includes its weekly signature current affairs discussion, Free Radio Sawa is streamed on its news and Zone. Radio Sawa broadcasts localized information website and newscasts to Iraq as well as feature through Android and iPhone/iPad apps. stories to Iraq that focus on the rule of

Afia Darfur MBN launched the Afia Darfur program issues and health as well as features in 2008. The all-news and information about the culture, history and heritage radio program includes news about of Darfur’s diverse ethnic groups. The Darfur and the world that is not program also includes relevant accessible through Sudan state media. information from daily White House, The program features interviews with State Department and Pentagon U.S. officials, human rights experts, briefings. Sudanese professionals, activists, government officials, citizens and NGO Afia Darfur is broadcast to Darfur via representatives. The 30-minute shortwave. Programming targets people program provides information on in Darfur and eastern Chad. It also is refugee and internally displaced persons heard in Khartoum.

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Directly Communicating America’s Policies and Actions PRESENTATION OF AMERICAN POLICIES Their reports on of key statements, Alhurra and Radio Sawa work diligently speeches and hearings are featured daily to ensure that America and its policies on Alhurra and Radio Sawa. For and voices are accurately presented to example, as part of Alhurra’s coverage of the people of the Middle East. Alhurra Iraq’s battle against the ISIS insurgency, and Radio Sawa’s daily coverage the network aired President Obama’s provides U.S. policymakers a direct line June 13 remarks, live with simultaneous of communication with the people of translation in Arabic. Alhurra was the the Middle East. It is uniquely positioned only Arabic language channel to carry to provide U.S. officials a forum to Secretary Kerry’s September 19 remarks articulate U.S. positions without on Iraq to the UNSC. Alhurra and Radio distortion or filter. Given the fast- Sawa also featured reaction from moving and historic developments Senator John McCain (R-AZ), and across the region, this outreach that Representatives Charles Ruppersberger counters distortion of U.S. policy is (D-MD) and Gerald Connolly (D-VA). invaluable. Through its coverage and interviews, Alhurra and Radio Sawa U.S. AND FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS provide appropriate context for U.S. While the network’s U.S. correspondents policy statements and direction that establish the foundation for thorough affect the region. coverage of American positions on regional issues, Alhurra and Radio Sawa WHITE HOUSE, CONGRESSIONAL, foreign correspondents ensure PENTAGON AND STATE DEPARTMENT contextual, targeted coverage of U.S. CORRESPONDENTS policy, including when the President and MBN has full-time correspondents who policymakers visit the region to engage cover the White House, Congress, the in regional diplomacy. Pentagon and the State Department.

Engaging Audiences on Social Issues in the Wake of Political Change

ORIGINAL AND COMPELLING CONTENT n The critically acclaimed Rayheen ala Alhurra continues its commitment to Fain launched its second season develop original content from the region with a new cast of six Egyptian that resonates with viewers through young adults. Episodes tackled award winning programs like Rayheen difficult social issues such as sexual ala Fain (Where do we go from here?) harassment, women’s rights, jobs Street Pulse, and Our Neighborhood. and education. When a cast member These original, non-scripted shows are was killed during a rally the night engaging on social and political issues that former Egyptian president Morsi confronted at this critical time in Egypt. was ousted, Alhurra reported the incident and tackled the tragedy

head on. Rayheen ala Fain’s

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Facebook following skyrocketed to perspectives on Egypt and its future more than 590,000 “Likes” during in the wake of political upheaval. the program’s second season. Our Neighborhood introduces individuals from the many diverse n Alhurra’s Street Pulse is in its second neighborhoods in and around Cairo, season of investigative reporting, highlighting the social and political Egypt. Each have something to say about Egypt, their lives, their future issues Egyptians face on a daily basis. The show received a CINE and the future of their country. Addressing a broad range of social Special Jury Award for an episode that spotlighted poor working issues from human rights, women’s rights, unemployment, religion or conditions of rock quarry workers. freedom of speech, the subjects tell n Alhurra’ s new Our Neighborhood us what is happening to them, their launched in December provides neighborhood and their country. insight into social issues and

Informing those Electing New Leaders COVERAGE OF ELECTIONS IN REGION Constitutional Referendum. During the Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa give their voting, the network expanded its audiences comprehensive coverage of reporting to include more than 15 hours elections across the region and provided of live coverage. context for people striving to effect greater economic, civil and political PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN EGYPT stability in their countries. Alhurra and In the run-up to Egypt’s second Radio Sawa offered balanced, unique presidential election in two years, and insightful coverage of Egypt’s Alhurra and Radio Sawa provided constitutional referendum and extensive, multi-platform coverage presidential election, Iraq’s through Election Day and beyond. With parliamentary elections, and Algeria’s reporters based in 10 cities across the presidential election. Four years after the country, Alhurra spoke with voters about revolutions swept the Middle East and the issues influencing their decision, North Africa, Alhurra Television and including security, the economy, Radio Sawa were there as Bahrain held minority rights, power outages, fuel its first full Parliamentary elections and shortages and unemployment. The Tunisia held its first Presidential election network explored each of the since the Arab Spring. candidate’s positions on these key issues. Al Youm interviewed analysts EGYPTIAN VOTE ON NEW CONSTITUTION from the United States, Russia, the As Egyptians prepared to vote on a new European Union and Saudi Arabia to constitution, Alhurra TV provided gauge international reaction to the audiences the latest news, expert election and its potential impact on analysis and reaction from the street. In regional international relations. Radio the week leading up to the referendum, Sawa expanded its newscasts on its Alhurra aired a daily program called Egyptian and pan-Arab streams

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throughout the three days of voting. participating vs. boycotting the Radio Sawa’s coverage included elections, as well as the political crisis in interviews with the Secretary General of Bahrain. On Election Day, the Alhurra the Egyptian High Elections Commission program Thirty Minutes hosted the head and the head of the international of the Bahraini Transparency mission that monitored the elections as Association and a Member of the well as representatives of the Sisi and Parliament. The discussion focused on Sabahi campaigns. Radio Sawa’s daily the impact the boycott had on the talk show, Sawa Magazine, examined outcome of the elections. Leading up to candidate’s foreign policy platform and the elections, MBN’s digital coverage featured a round-up of voter comments included extensive analysis of the from the first day of balloting. elections and the impact they would have on the Gulf country. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN ALGERIA used citizen journalists on social media When Algerians held presidential platforms to offer in-depth analysis of elections in April, Alhurra and Radio the political context of the controversial Sawa expanded their coverage to election, including its chances in provide the latest voting results, analysis bridging the gaps between Sunnis and and audience reaction. Alhurra Shiites of the Kingdom. expanded its newscasts to feature comprehensive Election Day coverage. TUNISIAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Alhurra reported on the role of Algerian Alhurra also extensively covered the youth and women in the election, and Tunisian Presidential election held on the increasing use of social media Nov. 23, including an extended two- during the campaign. Radio Sawa hour episode of Free Hour. During the secured interviews with several discussion Tunisian politicians and newsmakers, including former Algerian analysts joined American experts on the Prime Minister Ahmad Ben Bitoor, and Middle East to look at how the election representatives of the Bouteflika, will impact the country. The television Rabaaeen and Benflis campaigns to network covered the announcements of discuss their candidates’ positions. the election results live. Following the announcement of a run-off election, BAHRAINI PARLIMENTARY ELECTION Alhurra’s Free Hour hosted an in-depth Alhurra’s coverage of the Bahraini discussion with Tunisian politicians and election started well before the Nov. 22 researchers to address the political Parliamentary election. The network polarization likely to occur leading up to reported on the reason why the Bahraini the run-off election. Radio Sawa Shiite’s calling for a boycott of the interviewed leaders in parties across the election. The day before the political spectrum. MBN Digital coverage Parliamentary election, Alhurra’s Eye on followed major campaign events that Democracy hosted a former Member of led up to the election, including poll Parliament, a Bahraini human rights results, two candidates withdrawing lawyer, a member of the Shura Council from the race, as well as early voting, and female candidate running for office. and an official statement by Secretary The guests debated the merits of

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Kerry on the election. Coverage of election, issues of concern for Tunisian voting and announcement of results women and youth and the future of was extensive and incorporated Tunisian foreign policy. Following the Alhurra’s video reports, Radio Sawa’s election, Free Hour hosted Tunisian audio reports and reports by wires and analysts to discuss what the country can local media. expect from their new leader. By interviewing Tunisian Members of Alhurra had more than nine hours of live Parliament, analysts and journalists, continuous coverage of voting in the Radio Sawa’s coverage focused on what runoff election for the Tunisian is needed to form the new government, president. The in-depth coverage interviewing the Tunisian Prime Minister included analysis from Tunisian and and the Tunisian Minister of Interior. American experts about the issues MBN’s Digital team produced multi- resonating with voters and looking to media packages with the latest news on the future of the Tunisia. They discussed the election from Alhurra and Radio topics such as whether Tunisia is a Sawa, as well as a story that included model for the Arab Spring countries, the American experts and their views on the role of international observers in the election.

Ensuring a Reliable Source of Information During Crisis and Unrest

COVERING ISIL IN IRAQ in Syria. Alhurra featured extensive Since sectarian violence began to reporting of the Geneva conferences on escalate in Iraq, Alhurra-Iraq and Radio Syria, including live coverage of Sawa have been a balanced source of speeches and remarks made by news and information in the region. participants such as U.S. Secretary of When the Islamic State of Iraq and the State John Kerry. Levant (ISIL) pushed across Northern Iraq, Alhurra-Iraq and Radio Sawa GAZA provided live updates from hotspots, Alhurra and Radio Sawa report from the including Kirkuk, Irbil and the outskirts of Gaza Strip and Israel, with Mosul. On Alhurra and Radio Sawa’s correspondents on the front lines, and dedicated streams to Iraq, newscasts routinely present White House, State and talk shows were expanded to Department and Congressional reaction provide Iraqi listeners with the latest to the violence. Alhurra has carried details on the ISIL surge. remarks and press conferences by President Barack Obama, U.N. Secretary- SYRIA’S CIVIL WAR AND REFUGEE CRISIS General Ban Ki-moon and Israeli Prime Syria’s civil war and refugee crisis are Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Alhurra covered daily by Alhurra and Radio and Radio Sawa also have interviewed Sawa. Alhurra regularly carries United representatives of the Israeli Defense Nations briefings regarding relief efforts Forces and the Palestinian Authority. and the U.N.’s war crimes investigation The networks featured extensive

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coverage of the Paris meetings as top discussion programs also focus on the diplomats tried to reach a lasting truce situation. between Hamas and Israel. Weekly

Targeting Key Markets on the Most Effective Platforms

SAWA ON FM IN MAURITANIA popular radio network in the Middle In June 2014, Radio Sawa launched a East. The app provides access to live programming stream on FM in broadcasts of Radio Sawa’s eight Nouakchott, Mauritania. Localized localized streams and includes an content engages audiences on Radio interactive feature that allows users to Sawa’s programs (e.g., Poetry Jam and participate in Sawa Chat discussions on Sawa Chat) that encourage listeners to current topics. The app also allows share their opinions. Responses are users to download podcasts of played on the air. The level of listener information programs, such as Sawa participation demonstrates that Sawa is Magazine, and hourly newscasts to reaching its target audience of young satisfy on-demand listening. adults in a meaningful way.

HIGH-DEFINITION VERSION OF ALHURRA ON HOTBIRD 13 MBN launched a high-definition (HD) version of Alhurra on the Hotbird 13 satellite to meet the growing demand for HD programming in the region. Using existing BBG satellite bandwidth and taking advantage of multi-format technical equipment, MBN was able to rework its technical specifications to launch in HD, while sustaining standard definition signals on Arabsat and Nilesat.

RADIO SAWA APP LAUNCHED Radio Sawa and MBN Digital, in conjunction with the BBG’s Office of Digital & Design Innovation, launched a dedicated Radio Sawa app for Android and iPhone/iPad devices. The app is intended to further engage Arab youth, giving them 24/7 access to the most

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Engagement Campaign Focused on the Fight Against Extremism in Iraq An FY 2016 investment will provide base underlying issues that lead to extremism, funding to continue MBN’s Raise Your such as unemployment, religious Voice Campaign to be launched in FY literalism, and lack of rights for women 2015 to engage Iraqis in discussion and and minorities. The project is driven by debate about the fight against introducing a single root issue topic that extremism and underlying causes of is discussed for duration of two weeks terrorism. The multimedia effort, which by essayists, reporters and the wider includes television, radio and social community. The website will feature media components, will provide Iraqis thought essays, investigative reports, with the opportunity to voice their Google Hangout discussions, opinions and discuss these issues infographics, short videos, discussion relevant to their daily lives and future. summaries around a selected theme at the root of violent extremism. BROADCAST COMPONENTS Community managers will stoke and New television and radio call-in shows moderate discussion on social media will serve as a platform for listeners to platforms, including use of related discuss and debate the effects of Alhurra Iraq video (via YouTube) Radio terrorism, extremism, and intolerance. Sawa morning call-in show (via The daily radio show and weekly Soundcloud). The project will also have television show will invite discourse with a companion English “selects” website the hosts, guests in Baghdad, and each that will showcase a portion of the best other. essays and reports for English speakers and allow policy makers to have English New television shows will provide a platform for: essays translated for the Arabic community to discuss. n Perspectives of NGOs, Iraqi students, The success of this campaign will be and academia on current challenges and the future; measured primarily by the level of engagement, the high-level of discourse n Showcasing local acts of heroism in and whether the community can confronting these challenging times; propose positive solutions for a better n The view from Northern Iraq; future. This campaign is in addition to the numerous daily news reports on ISIL n Families who have had their lives and the fight against it that currently run changed by ISIL daily on all of MBN’s platforms. DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA COMPONENTS The digital initiative will amplify moderate voices as well as address the

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Establishing Additional News Bureaus NORTHERN IRAQ which U.S. international media (USIM) MBN plans to establish a bureau in will increase coverage of challenges Northern Iraq to further its reach across throughout the Maghreb. Smaller the country and increase programming bureaus in Tunis and two additional from the Northern provinces. The new cities in the Maghreb region will ensure bureau will support Alhurra-Iraq, Radio robust, heightened USIM coverage of Sawa, and VOA operations. this region’s evolving political and social landscape. In 2016, Alhurra will launch at MAGHREB BUREAUS least one new current affairs program MBN will begin programming from its exploring issues of concern to the new bureau in Rabat as a hub from people of the Maghreb region.

Increasing Efficency and Impact While Reducing Costs CONSOLIDATING ALL ARABIC REDUCING BASE OPERATING COSTS RADIO PROGRAMMING TO IRAQ TO To direct as many resources as possible ONE STREAM towards programming goals, MBN will In April 2015, Radio Sawa’s Iraq stream continue reducing base operating costs will expand to reflect the consolidation by eliminating wire services, of all U.S. civilian international radio implementing strategies to curb broadcasting in Arabic, as notified in the communications expenditures, FY 2015 operating plan. Reflecting BBG’s continuing efforts to increase vendor and the Administration’s global sources and streamlining administration engagement strategy to address and other operations. overlapping language services, RFE/RL’s Iraq service will be discontinued and MBN will continue to review its overseas consolidated in 2015. facilities and operations to ensure efficiency and increase flexibility to meet INCREASING REACH & IMPACT THROUGH MARKETING AND PARTNERSHIPS USIM production needs. MBN will increase its reach and impact In FY 2016, MBN proposes to offset through additional marketing and operational costs through use of prior branding efforts in the region, and by year obligations no longer needed for identifying and pursuing productive their intended purpose. In a thorough partnerships. review of outstanding obligations, $2.13 million in prior year balances is proposed to offset MBN’s FY 2016 operational costs.

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Broadcasting Capital Improvements


FUNDING ($ in thousands) $8,000 $4,800 $10,000


n The FY 2016 Budget proposes satellite capacity to accommodate investments in BCI to continue HDTV, and continue VOA’s migration shortwave realignment, increase to HDTV.


Broadcasting Capital Improvements TSI regularly assesses the effectiveness (BCI) provides funding for large-scale of its transmission resources to better capital projects and for improvements serve priority audiences, respond to and maintenance of BBG’s global evolving media preferences, and meet transmission network and digital new programming requirements. The multimedia infrastructure. The Office of rapid pace of change in audience media Technology, Services, and Innovation preferences and broadcast technology (TSI) manages many of the BCI projects requires BBG to provide critical capital in IBB. The BCI account also supports upgrades to its operations. capital projects managed by the IBB Office of Security, VOA Television, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting.


Maintaining and Repairing Global Network Infrastructure ANNUAL MAINTENANCE reduced its radio transmitting facilities AND REPAIR PROGRAM worldwide, preventive and programmed The BCI annual maintenance and repair maintenance to keep the remaining program addresses essential network in operating condition has requirements to maintain the reliability become even more critical. and availability of a worldwide network of transmitting stations that carry the Essential broadcasting equipment and bulk of BBG programming to intended structures at remote locations, audiences. As BBG has consolidated and frequently exposed to extreme and

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Broadcasting Capital Improvments (BCI)

highly corrosive environments, require some antenna towers and structures; regular maintenance to prevent however, limited station staff and catastrophic breakdowns. The Agency’s resources coupled with live transmission transmitting facilities in Cyprus, Djibouti, demands will delay completion of Northern Marianas (Saipan and Tinian), repairs through FY 2015 and possibly Sao Tome and Sri Lanka are particularly into FY 2016. vulnerable to corrosion because of their proximity to salt and moisture from the Typhoon Santi hit the Philippine’s seas and winds. Similarly, for the Tinang transmitting site in early FY 2014. Botswana Transmitting Station, This storm caused significant damage to industrial pollution from smelting plants the transmitter site, particularly to produces another corrosive antennas and roofs of buildings. The environment. These sites require routine station staff made some minor inspection and a robust preventive emergency repairs. FY 2014 BCI funding antenna maintenance program. will replace the roof of the transmitter building with an extremely durable STORM DAMAGE REPAIR synthetic rubber membrane. In 2013, two storms damaged most of the antenna structures at the Sri Lanka ENERGY-CONSERVATION EFFORTS Transmitting Station. Inspection of the In line with energy-conservation efforts antenna system indicated that badly across the Federal sector, the Thailand corroded bridle cables and spreader bars Transmitting Station completed a were so structurally weakened that even project in FY 2014 to replace all six sets a moderate storm caused a major of its antenna tower strobe lights at antenna collapse. In FY 2014, the station Udorn with energy-efficient LED strobes. staff, with assistance from riggers from

other network stations, rehabilitated


ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SWITCH REPLACEMENTS BCI funding will be used for Eight of IBB’s transmitting stations need maintenance and repair of antenna to replace their 20-year-old Rolm structures in corrosive environments, Redwood PBX switches.TSI is including inspecting and replacing implementing a plan to upgrade the structural guy wires in the Northern existing systems with Cisco Call Marianas, painting medium wave Managers. These Internet protocol- antenna towers in Cyprus, inspecting based PBX systems will enable the BBG and addressing antenna maintenance to integrate the Agency’s concerns in Germany and Kuwait, and telecommunications network. Work is in continued rebuilding of antenna progress to complete the Call Manager structures in Sri Lanka. installations by the third quarter of FY 2015.

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RECONFIGURATION AND EXPANSION OF in Botswana. The nearby smelting plant SHORTWAVE INFRASTRUCTURE IN KUWAIT emits a high level of sulfur dioxide into BCI funds will be used to continue the the atmosphere, posing a significant planned reconfiguration and expansion health risk for Agency employees at the of the shortwave broadcast station. A contract was awarded for this infrastructure at the Kuwait Transmitting project and will be implemented in FY Station. This will allow BBG to enhance 2015 and beyond. transmission to Iran and achieve cost savings for shortwave broadcasts. COMPLETION OF NETWORK CONTROL Because of the very low cost of electrical CENTER REFURBISHMENT power in Kuwait, the Kuwait As the Agency’s central programming Transmitting Station is the least distribution hub for the past 20 years, expensive IBB station to operate. This the Network Control Center has project will allow the Agency to shift experienced unprecedented and higher cost transmissions from other unplanned growth to meet evolving stations in the IBB network to Kuwait. broadcast platforms and demands. To address growing physical and functional REFURBISH TRANSMISSION requirements, an extensive INFRASTRUCTURE refurbishment effort began in 2013 BCI funds will be used to refurbish the under GSA management. Most of the Agency’s transmission infrastructure, utilities work has been completed, and including building maintenance, roofing the new video monitor wall and repairs and replacement, water line and consoles have been installed. This septic systems maintenance; heating complex project is expected to be and cooling equipment maintenance completed in FY 2015. and replacement, power plant maintenance, generator maintenance, FACILITIES CONDITION SURVEYS building facilities and antenna structures TSI will restart the facilities condition painting, and roads and grounds surveys for the Agency’s most critical maintenance. Of note is the completion sites. These surveys have provided of roof installation work in Sao Tome. useful guidance for pinpointing facility needs in the past. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS BCI funds will be used to continue ENERGY CONSERVATION electrical equipment inspections, repairs Energy efficiency remains an important and upgrades, circuit breaker consideration as the BBG replaces maintenance, and relay calibration outdated fixtures and equipment at its throughout the transmission network to facilities. Consequently, the BBG is ensure a safe and reliable broadcast continuing its initiative to systematically system. A contract award for this upgrade all lighting fixtures to energy- project is expected in FY 2015. efficient fixtures. All headquarters broadcast studios have been retrofitted BOTSWANA AIR FILTRATION SYSTEM with the new LED light bulbs or fixtures. BCI funding will enable the Agency to design an air filtration system for the administration and transmitter buildings

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Broadcasting Capital Improvments (BCI)

SECURITY ASSESSMENTS AND UPGRADES consolidation that was prompted by the The Office of Security will continue move of BBG staff members from the security assessments and projects at the Switzer Building to the Cohen Building BBG facilities domestically and overseas, headquarters. Following the including: replacement of an armored transformation of 35,000 square feet on vehicle and anti-ram barriers, the fourth floor from individual private maintenance and repair of security offices to a more modern and open systems and emergency radio systems, workspace, BBG is creating similar open and expansion of access control/alarm areas in other parts of the Agency. systems. These services are vital to the These projects will reduce the Agency’s protection of life and safety of the BBG rental costs as they facilitate the greater personnel at headquarters in use of wireless office technology and Washington, D.C., VOA overseas news create an office environment that bureaus, and TSI overseas transmitting encourages telework. The BBG has stations. identified an additional 50,000 square feet of office space that can be OCB TRANSMITTING STATION UPGRADES converted to this open-space design The Office of Cuba Broadcasting plans concept. This conversion will allow the to build an earthen levee to protect the Agency to expand without the need to medium wave antenna field in lease permanent office space. Marathon, Florida, from increasingly frequent tidal flooding. They will repair HDTV MIGRATION PROJECT an antenna monitoring system used to VOA will continue the high definition ensure the strength of the broadcast television (HDTV) migration project, a signal that reaches Havana and the multi-year effort to convert all VOA surrounding area. In addition, OCB will television productions to HD, which is begin to upgrade master control video increasingly the quality standard switching and monitoring equipment to demanded by viewers around the world. support formatting for modern, digital Failure by BBG to quickly adopt HD television receivers. technology will disrupt the Agency’s ability to secure and maintain affiliates, OPEN WORKSPACE CONVERSION TO REDUCE AGENCY OFFICE SPACE COSTS and attract audiences. As part of this BCI funds will continue to support major investment, VOA also will upgrade construction costs to expand the open- television studios and production space design project in the Cohen equipment to ensure HD compatibility. Building beyond the fourth floor

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Performance Budget Information


This Performance Budget includes a requirements of the Government summary of the Broadcasting Board of Performance and Results Modernization Governors strategic plan, a summary of Act of 2010 for an annual performance the status of the Agency’s performance, plan. BBG’s annual Performance and and descriptions of the Agency’s Accountability Report (PAR) provides performance indicators. This integrated detailed performance information and budget and performance section can be found on the Agency website, connects the BBG strategic goals, strategic and management objectives and performance goals, and it fulfills


BBG’s 2014-2018 strategic plan This mission is achieved through two continues an ambitious roadmap to strategic goals: refine and expand the reach and impact of U.S. international media in support of n Expand freedom of information and American strategic interests. The plan expression informs the FY 2016 budget request and n Communicate America’s democratic continues the integration of experience performance, budget planning and These goals further BBG’s mission of management of BBG. supporting freedom and democracy. The purpose of communicating The mission of the Broadcasting Board America’s democratic experience is not of Governors is to inform, engage and merely public diplomacy. By presenting connect people around the world in a case study in the American experience, support of freedom and democracy. we also seek to help other countries navigate their governance challenges.


The key environmental factors facing U.S. values of freedom and democracy BBG are: national security challenges, are under assault. Resurgent rising media competition and the authoritarianism and spreading multitude of modern communications extremism imperil U.S. interests. Europe technologies. is witnessing a return to Cold War tensions of state authority versus

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popular will. The Middle East labors to changing. BBG has kept up with these support even modest pluralism and developments, which offer extraordinary regain the democratic spirit of the Arab opportunities for unfiltered, direct Spring. Syria is in chaos; Iraq might not dialogue with audiences around the be far behind. North Africa and the world. BBG transmits programs through Sahel face rising extremism, from al- radio (shortwave, medium wave, FM and Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to Boko satellite), terrestrial and satellite Haram, now rivaling in ferocity the television, the Internet (websites with Taliban in South Asia. streaming audio and video as well as social media, such as Twitter, Facebook The struggles unfolding have significant and YouTube), and numerous mobile information or propaganda technologies, including SMS, apps and components. A war for influence is mobile Web. playing out on the stage of public opinion. Non-democratic forces run To serve audiences in less developed increasingly sophisticated information areas of the world, BBG must continue campaigns. to broadcast via traditional technologies such as shortwave and maintain Consumers of news and information capability on these platforms by have an unprecedented array of options replacing antiquated equipment. But to from which to choose. For example, stay relevant in competitive news citizen journalism provides broadcasters markets and serve current and future with opportunities to collect and audiences, BBG must invest in new disseminate information, while cutting-edge technology. In areas interacting with audiences. In many where ownership and usage of regions, BBG broadcasts face growing shortwave radio has declined competition from local news sources significantly, the Agency has evolved and international broadcasters. While away from broadcasting in shortwave. this information explosion seems to BBG has closed transmission stations, point to more openness and freedom, repurposed equipment and invested the trend in recent years has been these savings in platforms that the toward less press freedom and growing audience has shifted to, primarily in Internet censorship in key markets. digital media technology and other Freedom House and Reporters Without high-priority programming. Borders warn of declines in world freedom and press freedom. BBG relies on extensive market research to identify audience preferences and the When U.S. international broadcasting most appropriate programming mix and began in 1942, programs were broadcast delivery options for specific audiences. via shortwave. Since then, the number In addition to research about the of transmission options has grown, and effectiveness of programming, BBG listener preferences and media access commissions research on the overall have changed. The technology driving media markets in its broadcast countries transmitting and receiving broadcast to better understand how these markets signals is constantly improving and are developing and the capabilities that

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each Agency network needs to remain language services, start new ones or, in competitive. As new technologies some instances end broadcasts. emerge, market research enables BBG to be forward-thinking and strategically BBG’s Strategic Plan gives highest positioned to fulfill its mission. The priority to setting the program mix and Broadcasting Board of Governors delivery platforms to meet market undertakes a comprehensive demand. This is critical to ensure that assessment of the languages in which BBG achieves its legislative mandate to Agency networks broadcast during its reach as many people as possible with annual Language Service Review. This news and information that gains their review examines qualitative and trust and makes a difference in their quantitative research on the lives by communicating standards for performance of programming, audience human rights, civil society, religious reach and impact as well as media usage tolerance and transparency of and ownership. The review forms the government via the most effective basis for proposing to enhance existing delivery systems.


In recognition that impact is about more This Impact Model informs the strategic than only audience reach, BBG’s plan and, particularly, the performance previous strategic plan set the goal of goals that support BBG’s strategic developing a multi-factor model to objectives. During the past year, the define impact. In 2014, the Agency model has formed the basis of our began implementing the model. It ties strategic review process in which the to BBG’s mission statement and Agency sets clear goals and targets for examines effectiveness in the areas of performance indicators that define informing, engaging and connecting success in each target country and audiences, and enabling change. These region. effects are considered in the short, medium and long term in various sectors -- people, local media and institutions. The model employs a mix of quantitative and qualitative measures.

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BBG’s two strategic goals are supported by six strategic objectives and three management objectives, each of which has supporting performance goals. These objectives and goals map out Agency priorities for the next two years.


Journalism is the daily work of the BBG alternatives. Our aim is not just to broadcasters, and producing fact-based, follow the 24-hour news cycle but to verifiable news and information must be drive the news agenda through original preeminent in Agency strategy. To have reporting, in-depth analysis, and a impact, BBG journalism must meet unique cross-cultural perspective that audiences’ interests along the breadth of helps our audiences become subjects that matter to their lives and, at sophisticated consumers of news and the same time, must add value in media. expanding the range of media

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n As mandated by Congress, BBG n Offer non-news content that provides news and other research, web analytics, and programming that is accurate, audience and affiliate feedback objective, and comprehensive and in show are of vital interest to accordance with the highest audiences, such as health, science, professional standards of broadcast and technology. journalism. n Produce enterprise reporting n Produce news and information, through deep and lasting consistent with audience exploration of critical issues in the preferences and mission countries we target. requirements, which are not Co-create content with reputable addressed adequately by media in partners, as appropriate and consistent the target area, e.g., human rights with broadcasting standards and and good governance. editorial guidelines.


Weekly Listening/Viewin g Audiences FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 (in millions) Actual Actual Target Estimate Target Target VOA 134.2 164.6 167.5 171.6 172.0 175.0 MBN 2 13.4 11.1 11.5 11.3 11.5 10.0 (Radio Sawa) MBN 2 22.9 21.9 23.0 20.9 22.0 20.0 (Alhurra) RFE/RL 23.4 17.9 20.2 23.3 26.5 28.6 RFA 10.7 10.8 11.0 7.8 8.5 9.0 OCB3 NA NA NA NA NA NA

1Measured weekly audience is influenced by a number of factors that vary across broadcasters, including number of languages, number and type of distribution platforms, and media environment.

2The BBG anticipates that it will be impossible to conduct a national survey in Syria in 2015 due to civil unrest, making it impossible to provide updated reach numbers to replace the 4 million audience measurement from 2010 that expires in FY2016.

3Because of the limitations of reliable survey data in Cuba, it is not possible to reliably measure weekly audience for OCB.

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Program Credibility – percent of weekly audience who consider information to be very or somewhat FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 trustworthy Actual Actual Target Actual Target Target VOA 92 89 90 89 90 91 MBN (Radio Sawa) 89 85 86 83 86 86 MBN (Alhurra) 84 84 86 84 86 86 RFE/RL 93 92 93 92 93 94 RFA 92 89 91 87 89 90 OCB NA NA NA NA NA NA

Because of the limitations of reliable survey data in Cuba, it is not possible to reliably measure credibility for OCB.

Performance Goal 3: Provide programming that increases the audiences’ understanding of current events

Understanding – percent of weekly audience who report that the broadcasts have increased their understanding of current events somewhat FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 or a great deal Actual Actual Target Actual Target Target VOA 88 90 91 90 91 92 MBN (Radio Sawa) 70 80 81 77 81 81 MBN (Alhurra) 72 79 81 77 81 81 RFE/RL 91 90 91 86 88 90 RFA 92 97 91 88 90 90 OCB NA NA NA NA NA NA

Because of the limitations of reliable survey data in Cuba, it is not possible to reliably measure understanding for OCB.

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Uniqueness – percent of weekly audience reporting that broadcaster presents information they cannot get from other broadcasters FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target

VOA Question has Establish MBN (Radio Sawa) Set targets Incorporate been baselines during FY MBN (Alhurra) into core incorporated during FY 2017 budget RFE/RL questionnaire into core 2017 budget formulation questionnaire formulation RFA OCB


In deciding where to broadcast, BBG news, but assists them in building and considers the local media situation and participating in a civil society. BBG pays prioritizes countries that lack a free or special attention to audiences in areas developed press. Special consideration plagued by extremism, as extremist is given to populations at risk of violence forces espouse a violent ideology and due to extremist rhetoric. In all target execute campaigns of terror that countries, BBG broadcasters seek to threaten U.S. and regional security and grow their audience base and reach stymie free, open, democratic societies. those traditionally underserved by our Support for programming to these broadcasts. Populations in our target audiences is in the interests of U.S. countries are overwhelmingly young – a national security. challenge but also a chance for us to connect with a demographic that in the n Prioritize countries lacking freedom main has never even heard of us. Our and democracy or faced with current audiences are approximately 60 extremism where accurate, credible percent male and 40 percent female – news and information are lacking; an imbalance ripe for correcting. We boost service to these areas, where understand that to reach and be relevant feasible. with these audiences we need to n Introduce service in selected new provide them with content that not only languages to reach sizeable new informs them of international and local audiences in important countries

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where our products are urgently demographics, as well as needed. psychographic segments.

n Prioritize countries lacking freedom n Create country-specific content and democracy or faced with streams in existing languages to extremism where accurate, credible augment news and information for news and information are lacking; priority countries, e.g., Egypt, Mali. boost service to these areas, where n Serve as a conduit for the feasible. transmission of reporting from n Introduce service in selected new inside closed societies to outside languages to reach sizeable new audiences. audiences in important countries n Ensure strong local news coverage, where our products are urgently as warranted by events, to meet needed. urgent audience needs in areas of n Reach out to women and youth with crisis. the kinds of content and n Draw on the experiences of the conversation they wish to have world’s many models of free beyond traditional news and societies, in particular the U.S., to information paradigms. present a broad array of political n Sharpen audience segmentation and views and debates. targeting to drive content strategies and better address gender and age


FY 2014 Baseline FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target Maintain significant 35.5% 35.5% 35.5% reach in Iraq Increase reach in 8.9 million Francophone Sub- 8.9 million 9.5 million

Saharan Africa Increase reach in 33.0 million Anglophone Sub- 34.0 million 35.0 million

Saharan Africa

0.5 percentage points 1 percentage point Increase weekly reach 6.0% additional additional weekly in Kenya (Oct 2013) weekly reach reach (over (over FY13/14 FY13/14 levels) levels)

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Performance Goal 1 (Continued ) FY 2014 Baseline FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target

0.5 percentage 1 percentage point additional Increase weekly reach 20.3% points additional weekly reach in Tanzania weekly reach (over (Sep 2012) (over FY13/14 FY13/14 levels) levels)

Increase weekly reach 16.9% 2 percentage 3 percentage in Nigeria (Mar 2014) point additional points additional weekly reach weekly reach (over (over FY13/14 FY13/14 levels) levels)

Increase weekly reach 16.0% 0.5 percentage 1 percentage in Niger (Dec 2013) points points additional additional weekly reach (over weekly reach FY13/14 levels) (over FY13/14 levels) Accra, Ghana: 4.8% Achieve significant 7% weekly 10% weekly reach impact in markets Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: reach in each in each capital city where BBG operates 14.5% capital city with with a new BBG an FM transmitter a new BBG FM FM transmitter Bamako, Mali: 7.6% transmitter Bangui, Central African Republic: 15.3% Freetown, Sierra Leone: 6.2% Hargeisa, Somalia: 41.3% Juba, South Sudan: 27.7% Kigali, Rwanda: 46.5% Nairobi, Kenya: 5.2% N’Djamena, Chad: 44.1% Nouakchott, Mauritania: no data Ougadougou, Burkina Faso: 9.9%4 Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Principe: no data

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1Survey dates: Benin (Jun 2013); Burkina Faso Sierra Leone (Mar 2010); Somalia (Feb 2013); (May 2013); Burundi (Mar 2010); Cameroon South Africa (Dec 2012); South Sudan (Apr (Apr 2013); Central African Republic (Nov 2012); Tanzania (Sep 2012); Uganda (Jul2012); 2012); Chad (Oct 2012); Congo, Brazzaville Zambia (Jun 2013). (Jun 2013); Congo, Kinshasa (Nov 2012); Cote 3 Survey dates are the same as above. d’Ivoire (Jan 2014); Guinea (Dec 2009); Mali 4 (Dec 2013); Rwanda (May 2012); Senegal (May Reach in Ougadougou, Burkina Faso reflects 2013). radio and television audiences; it cannot be disaggregated. 2Survey dates: Ghana (Nov 2013); Kenya (Oct 2013); Liberia (Sep 2012); Nigeria (Mar 2014);


FY 2014 Baseline FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target Expand weekly audience 11.2% +1 percentage points +2 percentage points reach in Burma (Mar 2014) Expand weekly audience 30.8% +1 percentage points +2 percentage points reach in Cambodia (Jun 2014) Expand weekly audience 1.9% +1 percentage points +2 percentage points reach in Vietnam (Mar 2013) Expand digital audience 0.03% +0.5 percentage points +1 percentage points reach in China (Nov 2009)

Performance Goal 3: Reach audiENCES WITH FACT-BASED, CREDIBLE information in environmeNTS TARGETED BY STATE-SPONSORED misinformation campaignS

FY 2016 Target Increase reach in the Russian Federation Increase weekly reach by 1 percentage point over current level

Increase reach in Ukraine Reach 15% of adults on all platforms

Increase reach in Moldova Reach 14% of adults on all platforms

Increase reach in Kazakhstan Reach 2% of adults on all platforms

Increase reach in Tajikistan Reach 7.5% of adults on all platforms

Attract audiences in Estonia Reach 3% of adults on all platforms

Attract audiences in Latvia Reach 3% of adults on all platforms

Attract audiences in Lithuania Reach 3% of adults on all platforms

Provide programming that audiences find 75% of weekly audience in each market consider information trustworthy to be very or somewhat trustworthy

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# of BBG target countries ranked

2014 Freedom House Rankings Not Free Partly Free Free Freedom of the Press 62 51 7 Freedom in the World (political) 48 49 23


For almost 70 years U.S. international n Lead in assisting the world’s citizens broadcasting has fought censorship in to gain access to information on all all its forms. Today, as the global media platforms, advocating on the environment undergoes a dynamic international stage and coordinating revolution, access to a truly free press is within the U.S. government and with actually in decline. Jamming of radio international broadcasters and other and TV broadcasts, including our own, allies. continues in a number of countries. n Help audiences understand through Journalists suffer harassment and journalistic reports the practices and violence daily. Media laws often restrict policies of Internet censorship and free flows of information, limiting the circumvention. ability of international news organizations to distribute their content. n Fund technologies that counter The Internet in particular is under Internet censorship and Internet assault. The Agency upholds the blocking. universal right of citizens everywhere to n Increase effective use of social receive and impart information without media and digital platforms to restriction. We work on many fronts to combat censorship. make news and information accessible n Provide in-house digital expertise to to our global audiences with the aim of address real-time censorship and enabling not only unfettered access to jamming issues in targeted regions. our own products but also the full spectrum of independent news sources on the Internet.

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FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Actual Actual Target Actual Target Target Increase proxy traffic through 19,210 20,000 21,000 21,900 22,000 23,000 Ultrasurf TB TB TB TB TB TB Increase proxy traffic through 1,961 3,000 4,125 5,000 7,500 420 TB Psiphon TB TB TB TB TB Increase Satellite Internet traffic 24 GB 138 GB 180 GB 17 GB 24 GB 120 GB to Cuba

Note: Satellite Internet traffic to Cuba decreased due to contractual limitations on bandwidth. Bandwidth ran out in 2013 and people stopped using the system. Since acquiring new bandwidth, users have been slow to return. It is hoped that given time and increased funding, numbers can return to initial growth rate.


2014 Freedom House Rankings # of BBG target countries ranked Not Free Partly Free Freedom on the Net 11 2


It is essential that we reach audiences seek to do what works best for the on their preferred media platforms. Yet market at hand to get our content to as the Agency’s distribution methods and many users as possible. means have lagged shifts in media use. We must therefore align how we deliver n Increase distribution on platforms our content with how consumers now that we know audiences are using – access it. For traditional media, we must FM, satellite TV, and mobile devices migrate to the most effective broadcast – migrating away from legacy channels, including satellite TV and FM platforms where they do not reach radio. We must accelerate our audiences. investment into growing and enhancing n Find creative ways to penetrate new distribution methods, with specific closed societies, through flash attention to social and mobile platforms. drives, DVDs, and other alternative And considering we have one of the delivery means. world’s largest affiliate networks, we n Expand local distribution through must aggressively expand and improve affiliation with strong local television our affiliations and syndication of and FM radio stations and, where content in effective formats. Ultimately, possible, installation of FM the Agency is platform-agnostic. We transmitters.

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n Draw on research and other inputs equipment and rebuilding aging to tailor format and presentation infrastructure and broadcasting styles to audience needs and media facilities. usage habits, creating content that n Integrate and digitize all content – can break through ever increasing e.g. text, audio, photos, graphics, and clutter. video – on a common content n Exploit the falling cost of video management system to facilitate use production by updating our across platforms, support on- broadcasting facilities to support demand needs of the audience, and growing audience appetite for TV increase use via syndication to and video. Support audience’s affiliates. growing appetite for social media, TV, and video by purchasing


Average weekly visits to web and mobile sites FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target

VOA 4,948,200

MBN (Alhurra) 147,200 Achieve 10% Achieve 10% Roll out new MBN (Sawa) 243,000 increase in increase in analytics tool weekly visits weekly visits and establish RFE/RL 5,911,900 over FY 2014 over FY 2015 baselines baselines levels RFA 922,700

OCB 75,000

Note: Web and mobile traffic is influenced by a number of factors that vary across broadcasters, including number of websites, number of languages, and media environment.

In FY 2014, the BBG switched analytics platforms, resulting in data discontinuity that requires rebaselining in FY 2014. VOA, RFE/RL, RFA, and OCB numbers are provisional based on the initial configuration of the new analytics tool. The new configuration was audited, and the technical flaws discovered were resolved. MBN numbers are from the legacy analytics tool.


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Number of affiliations FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 (broadcast, online, and mobile) Actual Actual Target Actual Target Target

VOA 383 2,252 2,400 1,838 1,900 1,950 RFE/RL 81 759 287 528 540 560 RFA 14 29 30 23 26 29

Note: In FY 2013, the BBG changed its methodology for counting affiliates. This stemmed, in part, from an upgrade to its affiliate database to promote better communication with affiliates, as well as the growing importance of digital outlets. Where previously only high impact, high quality radio and TV affiliates with signed contracts were tallied, the affiliation indicator now counts all stations or outlets that regularly retransmit content from BBG networks. The methodology for counting affiliates was further refined in FY 2014. 1,838 affiliates for VOA includes 1411 Affiliates, 33 Stations owned by BBG transmitting programming from VOA, and 394 Affiliates to the “Direct” newsfeed service. Previous estimates for RFE were undercounted.


Representing American society and The way people interact with media presenting and discussing U.S. policy are today, with emphasis on interaction, legislated mandates for the Agency and further affirms this approach. At the thus constitute mission imperatives. same time, America’s still dominant role BBG coverage of the U.S. is on the global stage makes our country a comprehensive across all elements of focal point of international attention, society but aims overall to convey the and our national language is the one practice of democracy in all of its that tens of millions of people around complexity. It is not about persuading the world seek to learn. VOA, in audiences to like us; it is about helping particular, is uniquely mandated and them see how we manage the positioned to leverage these advantages challenges of our democratic society – to connect with diverse international from economic growth to fiscal crises to audiences, serving as a U.S. news bureau race relations to educating our youth to for our affiliate partners and providing addressing environmental change. English-learning programming. These topic areas find ready comparisons in our target countries and n Serve as a U.S. bureau for media resonate with our audiences in practical, outlets across the world that wish to meaningful ways. Carrying them out engage with us for news, analysis, requires sensitivity and creativity. and perspectives from the United Currents of anti-Americanism still run States – on the model that has strong in some parts of the world, succeeded in Armenia, Bolivia, necessitating deft outreach on our part Turkey, et al. that stresses dialogue not monologue.

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n Emphasize English learning as a democratic process, with stories vehicle for positive audience localized to make them interesting engagement and interaction as well to specific target regions. as information on American society n Satisfy the world’s growing appetite and culture. for learning English through TV and n Meet the global interest in American radio programs, online instruction, politics with in-depth coverage and printed instructional materials, and analysis of national elections and innovative short-form videos posted coverage of other political events to on the Web. impart the news and to elucidate the


Understanding of U.S. society – percent of weekly audience who report that the broadcasts have increased their understanding of U.S. society somewhat FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 or a great deal Target Estimate Target Target

Establish VOA 66 67 68 baselines

Note: Baselines for this measure are based on a very small sample of countries—mainly those surveyed in 2013/2014.

Understanding of U.S. foreign policy – percent of weekly audience who report

that the broadcasts have increased their understanding of U.S. foreign policy FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 somewhat or a great deal Target Estimate Target Target

Establish 64 65 66 VOA baselines

Note: Baselines for this measure are based on a very small sample of countries—mainly those surveyed in 2013/2014.

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New and powerful web, mobile, and n Facilitate dialogue across religious, social media tools are enabling national and ethnic groups. increasingly diverse voices to be heard n Enter into a “global conversation” around the world. These tools have with our audiences by using social made media personal, moving the media tools to identify, source, and power from centralized broadcasters to distribute news content into the a new class of bloggers, activists, channels where people are having videographers, and a content- conversations about their generating public. They are using media community and the world. not only to tell their stories on a digital world stage but also to connect with n Build new partnerships to create one another to chart the future of their tools that help us more efficiently communities and build new forms of and effectively translate content for civil society. Social media are also a global audience around high- changing the way news is gathered and quality news and information. distributed, requiring news organizations n Pursue partnerships with to adopt new work flows that allow technologists around the globe who them to use multiple platforms to deliver are building the next generation of content to a global audience. Our digital media technology through Agency must aggressively pursue an mobile and social media. innovation agenda that develops the n Develop a suite of new media next generation of content, tools, and products that can be easily deployed distribution platforms. by language services based on n Nurture citizen journalism and market consumption data, with an channel user-generated content eye toward maximizing from inside repressive states. opportunities for user generated content, peer-to-peer sharing, and n Link citizens within repressive audience interactivity. societies and to external audiences through social media networks.

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Digital Engagement Impact Index FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target VOA Systematic, System for automated automated MBN Set targets collection of collection of Establish during FY RFE/RL social media social media baselines. 2017 budget data to data rolled out RFA formulation. establish in Q4 FY OCB baselines. 2014.


Percent of weekly audience who shared something heard/read/seen on FY 2015 FY 2016 broadcaster weekly FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual Target Target

54 55 54 VOA NA NA NA MBN (Radio Sawa) NA NA NA MBN (Alhurra) Establish baselines. 48 50 55 RFE/RL 55 55 58 RFA NA NA NA OCB Note: Baselines for this measure are based on a very small sample of countries—mainly those surveyed in 2013/2014.


By virtual of historical circumstance, organization lacking the agility essential today’s BBG is a complex amalgam of to operate in a rapidly evolving global diverse media outlets and respective media environment and the support organizations, operating under standardization that enables rational different legal and administrative resource allocations. Going forward, the frameworks. The result is an Agency must undergo rapid and

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fundamental transformation in order to standards in content acquisition, appropriately fulfill its charter amidst manipulation, distribution, and growing geo-political instability and audience consumption behaviors. substantial budgetary challenges. n Transform workplace and increase n Restructure Agency management by collaboration by leveraging open appointing an Agency-wide CEO to space concepts. manage the Agency’s day-to-day n Make innovation a core value of operations, with a part-time board of how we work and interface with directors focused on strategy, audiences and other stakeholders. budget, and public outreach. n Automate and streamline business n Enhance the Agency’s technological processes and work flows. platforms and workflows enabling it to continually adapt to global


FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target

Engage CEO Pursue CEO appointment CEO selected Hire CEO search firm


FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target Execute seamless All owned MPLS 100% of owned 40% of satellite- transition to Internet and satellite infrastructure uplink facilities have based fiber optic content uplinks fed put in place MPLS connectivity. distribution distribution to stations via global to facilitate All satellite based feeds transferred and uplinks MPLS satellite circuits used for to terrestrial network. optimization. agency data (non- circuits. MPLS has broadcast content) replaced moved from satellite leased fiber to terrestrial circuits. optic cables. 15% of satellite- 80% of based distribution owned uplink feeds transferred to facilities terrestrial circuits. have MPLS connectivity.

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FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target

Leverage open 15% of total 41% of total 53% of total 57% of total space concepts footprint footprint footprint footprint

Note: 33% of the total footprint is technical space not suitable for open space concepts, e.g., conference rooms, data rooms, and broadcasting studios.


FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target

Automated Time Automate Time and Attendance and Attendance system has been Integrate Automate Time system; delayed due to Procure to Pay and Attendance unavailability of Integrate into Momentum; system; Complete business funds; Financial, HR, Standardized process reengineering Complete Payroll, and annual Analysis of and automation of analysis of Time and procurement Financial, HR and business and media Financial, HR Attendance planning; Payroll systems workflows and Payroll systems; on track for End-to-end high systems completion in FY Automate definition video integration 2014 and invoice workflows completed in Q1 submission and FY 2015 processing


The BBG is one of the world’s largest shared across the BBG to augment news -gathering and reporting international news coverage for other enterprises with more than 80 language BBG vernacular services or made services, 50 overseas news bureaus, available to other global audiences in 4,000 employees, and 1,500 stringer English. BBG will remedy this by reporters. Each of the Agency’s five facilitating coordination between broadcasters generates original broadcast entities and reinforcing their reporting every day from and around unique and respective mission-driven the world’s hotspots – the Sahel and legislated roles in areas served by Central Africa, Afghanistan-Pakistan multiple broadcasters. border region, Burma, China, Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Yemen, et al – n Ensure coordinated and primarily in vernacular languages for complementary mission-driven target audiences in these areas. Too operations and content served by little of this rich content is translated and two BBG media entities.

126 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

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n Build the internal content-sharing BBG to ensure required editorial network, aligning internal editorial coordination and avoid redundancy. support and coordination, as n Use our coordinated news gathering needed. and reporting structures as assets to n Channel original reporting from the provide affiliates with greater value, language services to the central through interactive segments and newsrooms and across the BBG to other special offerings. get maximum mileage out of the n Research and develop translation content we currently produce. capacities, partnering, as n Harmonize news gathering, appropriate, with outside including stringer and organizations to access expertise correspondent networks, across the and resources, as needed.


FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target

Establish shared Eurasian Shared Asian markets Continue strategies, operational markets strategies and served by language plans, and budgets; served by plans for Iran, VOA and service enter evidence into VOA and Ukraine, RFA integration and SMART (Strategic RFE/RL Caucasus, coordination Management and and Balkans Audience Research Tool)


FY 2014 Target FY 2014 Actual FY 2015 Target FY 2016 Target Share content Establish baseline Various systems in Build tracking Increase across language for shared content place for sharing mechanisms sharing of services on common among language into existing content systems (Pangea, services and systems and Direct, Dalet, and entities (e.g., establish News Share) News Share, VOA baseline for Insights, RFE/RL shared content Editorial Agenda)

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Our diverse, multi-cultural, and multi- n Consistently communicate talented workforce offers a rich range of organizational goals, objectives, experience and expertise to carry out priorities, and performance the Agency’s mission. Key to success in expectations in a timely manner to a rapidly changing, highly competitive staff at all levels in the agency. global media environment is flexibility to n Ensure a safe and secure work develop innovative products for our environment for all employees. target countries consistent with emerging priorities, programming n Implement manager training formats, and advances in technology. curriculum focusing on performance Enhanced skill sets are required to management, human capital program for and transmit via multiple planning and processes, media platforms – radio, TV, Internet, communication, and financial and mobile, and though social media. Our administrative management. employees are most effective when they n Improve the consistency and are well motivated, trained, and led. credibility of agency performance Continued efforts to equip and energize management processes. the entire BBG workforce are critical as n Develop cross-training and internal we confront mounting competitive development standards and pressures worldwide. procedures, as applicable.

n Promote human capital planning n Foster employee participation in and management as a top priority agency health and wellness for senior executives, managers, and programs. supervisors throughout the agency.


Results-oriented performance culture index (from Federal Employee FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Viewpoint Survey) Actual Actual Target Actual Target Target

48 BBG 46 46 46 44 46 51 Government-wide 52 51 (for comparison)

Results from the 2014 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey are expected in September.

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Percentage of employees who believe that the workforce has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals (from Federal FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Employee Viewpoint Survey) Actual Actual Target Actual Target Target

BBG 53 55 55 53 55 57

Government-wide 72 70 69 (for comparison)


Percentage of employees participating in Health and Wellness program (from Federal Employee FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Viewpoint Survey) Actual Actual Target Actual Target Target

BBG 11 30 30 26 25 32


BBG has established long-term performance objectives based on regional priorities. The following highlights each of the performance objectives, recent accomplishments, proposed program changes and FY 2016 annual performance


FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2014 Actual Target Target

Audience (in millions) 29.3 30.0 27.0

5 For more information on the accomplishments of each BBG broadcast network, please see the individual narratives in the preceding sections of this document.

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Program Accomplishments COVERED THE UNITED STATES PROVIDED A BALANCED SOURCE OF AND U.S. POLICY INFORMATION ABOUT CRISES IN THE Alhurra and Radio Sawa ensure that the MIDDLE EAST United States and its policies are Alhurra and Radio Sawa served as accurately presented to the people of reliable sources of information during the Middle East. Their daily coverage the unrest in the Middle East. Alhurra provides policymakers a direct line of and Radio Sawa report from Gaza and communication with audiences in the Israel as well as feature reaction from Middle East. MBN has full-time the White House, the State Department correspondents covering the White and Congress. Since sectarian violence House, Congress, the Pentagon and the began to escalate in Iraq, Alhurra-Iraq State Department. Their reports and and Radio Sawa have been a balanced coverage of key statements, speeches source of news and information, with and hearings are featured daily. live reports from Kirkuk, Irbil and Mosul, for example. The Syrian civil war and COVERED ELECTIONS IN MIDDLE EAST resulting refugee crisis are covered daily As voters went to the polls in Iraq, Egypt, by Alhurra and Radio Sawa. Tunisia, Bahrain, and Algeria, Alhurra and Radio Sawa provided context for DEVELOPED ORIGINAL CONTENT OF INTEREST TO AUDIENCE IN THE people striving to effect economic, civil MIDDLE EAST and political stability. Alhurra and Radio Alhurra continued its commitment to Sawa provided balanced coverage of the develop original content from the Egyptian constitutional referendum and region, connecting with its viewers presidential election, the Iraqi through original programs like Rayheen parliamentary elections, and the ala Fain (Where do we go from here?) Algerian presidential elections. and Street Pulse. The critically acclaimed Rayheen ala Fain tackles difficult social issues such as sexual harassment, women’s rights, jobs and education.

Notable Program Changes The FY 2016 Budget proposes an shaping the future of Iraq, and investment to counter the ISIL narrative delegitimizing ISIL and other extremists with engaging programming from MBN in the region and potential foreign and VOA Kurdish and Turkish through fighters abroad. two core actions: being a platform for moderate secular and religious voices in

130 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

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The FY 2016 Budget proposes offsetting reduce the request for new obligational FY 2016 operational costs with MBN authority. recoveries from prior year obligations to

FY 2016 Performance Objectives Establish new regional production Build mobile and social media audiences facility in UAE to provide a rapid in the Middle East and North Africa by response platform for BBG coverage of producing original content targeted to the Middle East. emerging news audiences.

FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016

Actual Target Target

Audience (in millions) 59.1 61.6 62.8


Program Accomplishments

OFFERING CONTENT NOT AVAILABLE ON INCREASED COVERAGE OF UKRIANE RUSSIAN STATE-CONTROLLED MEDIA In response to events in Ukraine, VOA In October 2014, RFE/RL and VOA and RFE/RL ramped up Ukrainian launched Current Time, a joint coverage and added new programs. production undertaken in partnership More than twenty percent of adults with public and private broadcasters and consume BBG content weekly. Internet portals in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Innovative use of live streaming Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, technologies to report from the scene Moldova, and Ukraine. Drawing on a resulted in the unprecedented growth of network of reporters in the region, RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service website -- European capitals, and Washington, D.C., culminating in more than one million it presents a daily, 30-minute mix of live visits on three consecutive days news coverage, interviews, original (February 18-20, 2014), and a peak on features, and political satire. Targeting February 20 of over 1.5 million visits. Russian-language television audiences in countries neighboring Russia as well RESPONDING TO RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA as digital audiences in Russia and To refute Kremlin influence in the around the world, it offers content that Russian-language media space, RFE/RL is not otherwise available on state- and VOA have expanded programming controlled Russian media to provide a to the Russian periphery. In May, VOA Ukrainian launched Studio Washington¸ “reality check” on local events.

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a daily Russian-language television harmonizing Web content with VOA’s newscast aimed at curtailing Kremlin Armenian Service. disinformation and focusing on the U.S. and Western response to Moscow’s COVERING AFGHANISTAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION aggression against Ukraine. RFE/RL’s Radio Free Afghanistan joined CROSS-USIM CONTENT & PROGRAM with state broadcaster RTA to sponsor STREAM HARMONIZATION two presidential candidate debates in VOA and RFE/RL are harmonizing the Kabul in February. Eight of the 11 content and program streams of their registered candidates took part in the common language services. In January, debates with an RFE/RL moderator. VOA RFE/RL’s Azerbaijani Service began provided wall-to-wall coverage of the running three of VOA’s Azerbaijani runoff election in Afghanistan, including Service programs on its Azatliqradiosu an exclusive interview with outgoing TV satellite stream on Hotbird. In April, President Hamid Karzai. RFE/RL’s Georgian Service (Radio Tavisupleba) ramped up its radio EXPANDED AUDIENCES IN IRAN VOA television programs to Iran are programming to 18 hours daily via FM watched weekly by 24 percent of the affiliate Radio Green Wave, including adult population, making VOA Persian content from RFE/RL’s Georgian Service, the leading international broadcaster in Ekho Kavkaza (Russian language to Iran. Radio Farda’s incisive coverage on Georgia) unit, Russian Service, Armenian the Web and social media helped the Service and Azerbaijani Service, as well Service reach significant new audiences as VOA’s Georgian Service, Special in 2013 and 2014, with the number of its English Service and Music Mix. In July, Facebook “likes” exceeding 1.3 million. RFE/RL’s Armenian Service began

Notable Program Changes COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGY FOR REDUCED RADIO TRANSMISSION AND ENGAGING RUSSIAN AUDIENCES ENDING SERVICES IN AVAR, CIRCASSIAN The FY 2016 Budget proposes an AND MACEDONIAN investment in RFE/RL to pursue a The FY 2016 Budget proposes minor comprehensive strategy for engaging reductions to transmissions (RFE/RL Russian-speaking audiences both within Belarusian, VOA Afghan, and VOA Russia and around the world. Pashto) and language services (VOA Afghan) and ending service in several languages (RFE/RL Avar, RFE/RL Circassian, and RFE/RL Macedonian) in accordance with Administration policy and public messaging and global engagement strategy.

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REFUTE RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA INCREASE COORDINATION BETWEEN Provide solid journalism on television VOA AND RFE/RL and social media to refute propaganda Leverage the newsgathering assets of in Russia and the surrounding regions. VOA and RFE/RL and increase coordination in countries where both networks broadcast.


FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Actual Target Target

Audience (in millions) 47.1 47.6 47.9

Program Accomplishments

INCREASED PROGRAMMING TO THAILAND COVERAGE CITED IN NORTH KOREAN When the Thai military suspended radio STATE MEDIA and TV broadcasts in May, VOA Thai South Korea’s TV Chosun channel started a daily, live 30-minute satellite reports that the North Korean state radio-on-TV and webcast, and ramped media cite VOA Korean reports more up its efforts on Facebook, YouTube and than any other foreign news media. Twitter. Engaged users on Facebook INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON OPERATIONAL soared from the usual 2,000 people per SAFETY AT CHINESE NUCLEAR POWER week to more than 25,000 per week PLANTS during the crisis. Despite increased security measures across China in ahead of the 25th ESTABLISHED NEWS BUREAU IN YANGON anniversary of the Tiananmen Square VOA established an official news bureau massacre, RFA’s Cantonese Service in Yangon in January, posting its first concluded a six-month undercover full-time Burmese correspondent there investigation into operational safety at in May. VOA Burmese also expanded nuclear power plants in Guangdong, production of its 30-minute television China’s most populous province. A two- news program to go live seven days a part multimedia report based on the week with placement on a national investigation will air in September. channel.

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LEADING NEWS COVERAGE OF increase in a little more than a year -- UYGHUR ETHNIC VIOLENCE making it the second most popular In response to increased ethnic violence Khmer-language page on the social in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous media site. Region (XUAR), RFA’s Uyghur Service was at the forefront of breaking news in INDONESIAN AUDIENCE GROWTH the region. VOA Indonesian’s audience share has soared to more than 33 million adults GROWTH IN KHMER SOCIAL MEDIA per week – 18.9 percent of the ENGAGEMENT Indonesian adult population. VOA Khmer’s Facebook page reached 500,000 fans in March – a 10-fold

Notable Program Changes The FY 2016 Budget proposes reducing Bangkok office in accordance with transmission (for VOA Burmese and VOA Administration policy and public Khmer) and language services (VOA messaging and global engagement Indonesian), eliminating language strategy. services (VOA Lao), closing RFA’s

FY 2016 Performance Objectives Expand video and digital initiatives for Leverage the newsgathering assets of Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam as well VOA and RFA, and increase coordination as social media outreach inside the in countries where both networks Chinese firewall. broadcast


FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016

Actual Target Target

Audience (in millions) 51.0 51.0 53.0 Program Accomplis hments VOA Hausa continued its ground- Nigeria the epicenter of Boko Haram -- breaking journalism with coverage of providing multimedia coverage of major the terrorist insurgency in and around stories, including the abduction of more Nigeria. This year, a VOA Hausa reporter than 200 school girls by Boko Haram. spent four weeks traveling through During the past year, VOA Hausa has some of the most dangerous areas in become the single most popular service

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in VOA’s digital portfolio, averaging their leading sources of information, and more than four million visits per month. more than half of the population (51 percent) listens to VOA weekly. Responding to the crisis in the Central African Republic, this past year, VOA A year after launching its first-ever launched two 10-minute daily Bambara language radio show for broadcasts in Sango on its FM station in audiences in Mali, the Voice of America the capital, Bangui. VOA French to added a new call-in program, Anba Fo Africa also broadcasts on the stream, (We’ll Say It). The hour-long weekly adding local content in five daily news radio show airs Saturday evenings on breaks during morning drive hours. VOA’s owned-and-operated FM station in Bamako, as well as online. Each When civil strife erupted in South Sudan, episode addresses a topic critical to VOA increased its broadcasting to the audiences in Mali, such as security and region, adding 10 on-the-scene stability, education, women’s rights and reporters in strife-torn locations across youth unemployment. the country. VOA launched a targeted FM radio stream in Juba that carries Given the rise of insurgency and civil news about South Sudan, interactive conflict in Africa, VOA established a daily segments on a variety of topics, partnership with a leading independent public service announcements, and Nigerian television station. This means other specialized news and that VOA correspondents can file live entertainment. reports on one of the country’s most popular private stations, reaching VOA Somali continues to be a reliable approximately a 15 percent audience source of information in the troubled share of viewers over age 15. Horn of Africa region, where over 40 percent of adults cite VOA as one of

Notable Program Changes This FY 2016 Budget request proposes This FY 2016 Budget request proposes to eliminating language services (VOA merge the VOA Creole service into the Kinyarwanda and VOA Kirundi) and French to Africa service as it is a better reducing language services (VOA cultural and linguistic fit than the within Zimbabwe Service) in accordance with the VOA Latin America Division. Administration policy and public messaging and global engagement strategy.

FY 2016 Performance Objectives Provide compelling local content for FM targeting youth in Hausa, French, audiences in Africa. Swahili, Somali and English for Develop video content focused on distribution on satellite, affiliates, online and mobile in Africa. countering violent extremism and

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Program Accomplishments During the past two years, OCB has circumvention tools with affiliates to doubled the number of news reports it counter the Venezuelan government’s produces in Cuba. The Martís have crackdown on independent media and assembled the largest network of influential social networks. independent journalists working in the In May, OCB launched Reporta Cuba, a country. These journalists file reports Martí effort that empowers Cubans to (which include audio, text, video and communicate and engage through new photos) from across Cuba via telephone, media. Reporta Cuba is a network of SMS and Internet. citizen reporters – students, Since February, when protesters in independent journalists, activists, Venezuela were met with violent dissidents and regular citizens – who resistance by government forces, share information with OCB via SMS, audiences have come to rely on VOA MMS and email from their mobile reports that air on TV affiliates phones and computers. Reporta Cuba throughout the region for accurate and helps Cubans use available tools to balanced accounts of the protests and disseminate information and report the government’s response. VOA what they experience, without supports its affiliates beyond merely censorship. providing content; it has teamed with

Radio Free Asia to share Internet

Notable Program Changes The FY 2016 Budget for the BBG begins would consist of the present OCB and the process of establishing a new de- Voice of America Latin American federalized Spanish language division, Spanish Language service international media organization that

FY 2016 Performance Objectives Begin the process to establish a new de- would consist of the present OCB and federalized Spanish language VOA Latin American division, excluding international media organization that the Creole service.

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Program Accomplishments The Agency’s Internet Anti-Censorship with reporters, editors and news (IAC) team countered Internet managers to encourage professionalism censorship in 13 countries and and an understanding of the vital role of supported 21 BBG language services. media in democracy. The team continued the expanded use of a mobile application for Android The ODDI Digital Services team worked devices that incorporates a social news closely with the OSD Marketing team to reader, social reporter to accept user- develop a new platform for the BBG’s generated content, and real-time chat global affiliates and digital partners functionality targeted at users in Iran. around the world. The new BBG Direct features video and audio content from To reduce telecommunications costs all five broadcast entities and offers and move toward a more flexible and affiliates a streamlined, cost-effective advanced global delivery data network, way to receive broadcast-quality USIM TSI completed the first phase of the programming to distribute on-air and Agency’s migration from dedicated online to local audiences. transoceanic satellite and fiber circuits to the more flexible and less expensive The IBB is leading a comprehensive digital Multi-Protocol Label Switching reform of agency acquisitions. In (MPLS) circuits. In FY 2014, TSI collaboration with VOA, staff in the connected two major BBG distribution Director’s Office and the Office of hubs located in the Philippines and Contracts issued a solicitation that will Germany to the Agency’s global MPLS create a new structure for acquiring network. contract staff to support VOA and OCB programming. This will streamline the The Office of Strategy and Development administrative processes required for conducted media training for hundreds these contractors and significantly of journalists around the world, reduce the administrative burden for a including in South Sudan, Nigeria, Ivory significant portion of the agency’s Coast, Burundi, Tanzania, the workforce. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, South Africa, Indonesia, Jamaica and Bangladesh. OSD worked

Notable Program Changes The FY 2016 Budget includes The FY 2016 Budget includes investments for continued migration to administrative reductions across the audience-preferred platforms. Agency.

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FY 2016 Performance Objectives

n Realign BBG transmissions to n Maintain the firewall and maximize the effectiveness of continuously monitor programming program delivery resources. quality in line with modern broadcast journalism principles n Provide cutting-edge circumvention through annual performance tools to audiences and independent reviews of all broadcast services. media outlets in countries that restrict and censor Internet access. n Support initiatives to improve financial, performance and budget n Provide enterprise-wide technical integration as well as financial and support for digital and social media acquisition processes. innovation. n Carry out BBG’s mission and goals n Build strong and collaborative relationships with affiliate partners in with a workforce that is agile, skilled, diverse, well-led and motivated. target markets. n Address BBG’s most critical n Use research to identify appropriate infrastructure maintenance and target audiences and their preferred repair requirements. media, with the formats and content that appeal to them.


The Internet and other forms of digital number of weekly visits, pages per visit media are key delivery platforms for BBG and visitors to BBG language service broadcasts in many media markets. The websites during fiscal year 2014. These BBG collects and analyzes various metrics do not include most traffic to metrics to understand how audiences proxy servers, which can be significant use these platforms to access and share in areas where Internet access is news and information. While Internet censored or restricted. These numbers access varies widely across the BBG also do not capture the further broadcast regions, the digital media distribution of digital content through metrics presented on the following online social networks or word-of- pages illustrate the impact of digital mouth. media efforts through the average

138 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

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Broadcasting Board of Governors Digital Media Metrics FY 2014 - FY 2016

Average Average Average Weekly Visits Pages/Visit Weekly Visitors Language Service FY 2014 2014 FY2014 Voice of America

Africa Division Central Africa (Kinyarwanda, Kirundi) 7,400 2.5 3,800 French to Africa 7,800 2.1 6,400 Hausa 698,700 3.1 226,400 Horn of Africa (Amharic, Tigrigna, Afan Oromo 176,500 2.8 71,900 Portuguese to Africa 24,900 2.4 16,400 Somali 131,500 2.4 47,400 Swahili 7,300 2.8 5,400 Zimbabwe (Shona, Ndebele, English) 15,000 2.4 9,500

East Asia & Pacific Division Burmese 165,600 2.7 69,100 Cantonese 5,600 1.9 4,400 Indonesian 123,400 1.6 102,300 Khmer (Khmer & English) 102,000 2.6 61,000 Korean 31,300 2.2 24,100 Lao 13,900 3.6 6,900 Mandarin 374,700 2.8 180,800 Thai 11,700 1.6 10,200 Tibetan (Tibetan & English) 19,800 3.1 9,000 Vietnamese 448,800 3.0 201,500

Eurasian Division Albanian 23,400 2.4 13,300 Armenian 2,600 2.9 1,400 Bosnian 4,100 2.1 3,300 Georgian 5,000 2.0 4,100 Russian 513,200 2.5 325,100 Serbian 8,100 2.2 6,200 Ukrainian 188,200 1.3 144,200

Latin America Division Creole 1,500 3.2 800 Spanish 94,300 1.5 79,400

South Asia Division Afghanistan Service (Dari & Pashto) 57,600 2.2 29,600 Radio Deewa (Pashto) 5,600 3.1 3,100 Azerbaijani 8,200 2.3 5,900 Bangla 4,900 2.5 3,600 Kurdish 5,400 2.3 3,500 Kurdi 2,400 2.7 1,600 Turkish 19,900 1.8 16,800 Urdu 54,500 2.9 28,600 Uzbek 12,500 2.9 6,500

Notes: Numbers do not include some proxy visits. Between FY 2013 and FY 2014, the BBG acquired and began to use a new web analytics tool. These numbers are provisional based on the initial configuration of the new analytics tool, and cannot be compared with previous reports, which were measured using a differentAverage analytics toolAverage and setup. TheAverage new Weekly Visits Pages/Visit Weekly Visitors configuration was audited, and determined to have some technical flaws in setup which may affect the numbers collected. Language Service FY 2014 2014 FY2014 These are currently being addressed, but the outcome of the changes is unknown. If this or subsequent corrections to the configuration change the numbers significantly, we will note in future updates or years of this chart. MBN numbers are from theVOA legacy Persian analytics tool. 591,900 2.2 215,800

Worldwide English 808,200 1.7 654,600

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 139 Learning English 256,100 3.0 148,500

Office of Cuba Broadcasting Radio & TV Martí 75,000 2.3 50,400

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Armenian (Armenian & Russian) 130,400 2.3 54,900 Azerbaijani (Azerbaijani & Russian) 180,600 2.3 97,800 Balkans (Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian, Montenegro, Albanian, Croatian) 154,600 1.9 100,900 Belarusan 59,700 2.7 25,500 Georgian (Georgian & Russian) 68,200 1.9 45,700 Kazakh (Kazakh & Russian) 108,100 2.3 71,100 Kyrgyz (Kyrgyz & Russian) 151,000 3.5 60,400 Moldovan 21,900 1.8 15,400 North Caucasus 2,500 2.6 1,400 Radio Farda (Persian) 1,245,200 2.1 412,000 Radio Free Afghanistan (Dari, Pashto, English) 98,200 2.4 39,500 Radio Mashaal (Pashto to Pakistan) 14,200 2.1 7,900 Russian 887,200 1.9 504,300 Tajik (Tajik & Russian) 995,100 2.0 543,800 Tatar-Bashkir 161,000 3.3 49,500 Turkmen 19,200 3.0 8,700 Ukrainian (including Crimean Websites) 1,885,300 1.7 859,800 Uzbek 360,500 3.9 99,300

Radio Free Asia Burmese 66,000 2.1 25,400 Cambodian 218,800 2.3 87,000 Cantonese 9,900 1.9 7,900 Korean 23,100 2.5 17,300 Laotian 14,600 3.3 7,200 Mandarin 91,600 2.9 55,800 Tibetan 12,000 2.5 4,600 Uyghur 17,800 3.7 6,600 Vietnamese 445,100 2.4 207,000

Middle East Broadcasting Networks Alhurra 147,200 1.7 126,100 Radio Sawa 243,000 1.5 215,000 Broadcasting Board of Governors Digital Media Metrics FY 2014 - FY 2016

Average Average Average Weekly Visits Pages/Visit Weekly Visitors Language Service FY 2014 2014 FY2014 Voice of America

Africa Division Central Africa (Kinyarwanda, Kirundi) 7,400 2.5 3,800 French to Africa 7,800 2.1 6,400 Hausa 698,700 3.1 226,400 Horn of Africa (Amharic, Tigrigna, Afan Oromo 176,500 2.8 71,900 Portuguese to Africa 24,900 2.4 16,400 Somali 131,500 2.4 47,400 Swahili 7,300 2.8 5,400 Zimbabwe (Shona, Ndebele, English) 15,000 2.4 9,500

East Asia & Pacific Division Burmese 165,600 2.7 69,100 Cantonese 5,600 1.9 4,400 Indonesian 123,400 1.6 102,300 Khmer (Khmer & English) 102,000 2.6 61,000 Korean 31,300 2.2 24,100 Lao 13,900 3.6 6,900 Mandarin 374,700 2.8 180,800 Thai 11,700 1.6 10,200 Tibetan (Tibetan & English) 19,800 3.1 9,000 Vietnamese 448,800 3.0 201,500

Eurasian Division Albanian 23,400 2.4 13,300 Armenian 2,600 2.9 1,400 Bosnian 4,100 2.1 3,300 Georgian 5,000 2.0 4,100 Russian 513,200 2.5 325,100 Serbian 8,100 2.2 6,200 Ukrainian 188,200 1.3 144,200

Latin America Division Creole 1,500 3.2 800 Spanish 94,300 1.5 79,400

South Asia Division Afghanistan Service (Dari & Pashto) 57,600 2.2 29,600 Radio Deewa (Pashto) 5,600 3.1 3,100 Azerbaijani 8,200 2.3 5,900 Bangla 4,900 2.5 3,600 Kurdish 5,400 2.3 3,500 Kurdi 2,400 2.7 1,600 Turkish 19,900 1.8 16,800 Urdu 54,500 2.9 28,600 Uzbek 12,500 2.9 6,500

Average Average Average Weekly Visits Pages/Visit Weekly Visitors Language Service FY 2014 2014 FY2014

VOA Persian 591,900 2.2 215,800

Worldwide English 808,200 1.7 654,600

Learning English 256,100 3.0 148,500

Office of Cuba Broadcasting Radio & TV Martí 75,000 2.3 50,400

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Armenian (Armenian & Russian) 130,400 2.3 54,900 Azerbaijani (Azerbaijani & Russian) 180,600 2.3 97,800 Balkans (Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian, Montenegro, Albanian, Croatian) 154,600 1.9 100,900 Belarusan 59,700 2.7 25,500 Georgian (Georgian & Russian) 68,200 1.9 45,700 Kazakh (Kazakh & Russian) 108,100 2.3 71,100 Kyrgyz (Kyrgyz & Russian) 151,000 3.5 60,400 Moldovan 21,900 1.8 15,400 North Caucasus 2,500 2.6 1,400 Radio Farda (Persian) 1,245,200 2.1 412,000 Radio Free Afghanistan (Dari, Pashto, English) 98,200 2.4 39,500 Radio Mashaal (Pashto to Pakistan) 14,200 2.1 7,900 Russian 887,200 1.9 504,300 Tajik (Tajik & Russian) 995,100 2.0 543,800 Tatar-Bashkir 161,000 3.3 49,500 Turkmen 19,200 3.0 8,700 Ukrainian (including Crimean Websites) 1,885,300 1.7 859,800 Uzbek 360,500 3.9 99,300

Radio Free Asia Burmese 66,000 2.1 25,400 Cambodian 218,800 2.3 87,000 Cantonese 9,900 1.9 7,900 Korean 23,100 2.5 17,300 Laotian 14,600 3.3 7,200 Mandarin 91,600 2.9 55,800 Tibetan 12,000 2.5 4,600 Uyghur 17,800 3.7 6,600 Vietnamese 445,100 2.4 207,000

Middle East Broadcasting Networks Alhurra 147,200 1.7 126,100 Radio Sawa 243,000 1.5 215,000

Notes: Numbers do not include some proxy visits. Between FY 2013 and FY 2014, the BBG acquired and began to use a new web analytics tool. These numbers are provisional based on the initial configuration of the new analytics tool, and cannot be compared with previous reports, which were measured using a different analytics tool and setup. The new configuration was audited, and determined to have some technical flaws in setup which may affect the numbers collected. These are currently being addressed, but the outcome of the changes is unknown. If this or subsequent corrections to the configuration change the numbers significantly, we will note in future updates or years of this chart. MBN numbers are from the legacy analytics tool.

140 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Performance Budget Information


This section explains the main in the past. This may result in an over or performance indicators that BBG has underestimation of actual reach. used historically, and the verification Additionally, political volatility in certain and validation of these indicators. The markets may prevent the measurement of performance goals contained in this current reach for services broadcasting to annual performance plan use these these areas. indicators, along with new milestones and indicators. BBG will continue to Program Credibility refine these indicators and develop This indicator is determined by the survey appropriate verification and validation question about trustworthiness of news procedures for them. A full description and information of those sampled of all BBG performance indicators can respondents who listened to or viewed be found in the Agency’s Performance each station at least once a week. The and Accountability Report (PAR), answers are registered on a four-point available on the BBG website scale – Trust a great deal, Trust it ( somewhat, Do not trust it very much, Do not trust it at all. The credibility index is the percent of those answering the question Measured Weekly Audiences in the survey (excluding those who did This indicator measures the number of not respond or did not know) who people in target areas listening to or endorsed trust a great deal or somewhat. viewing BBG programming or online Credibility estimates are not included for materials on a weekly basis. The measure countries where the number of regular is obtained for each language service listeners/viewers/online users is so small (n (except Spanish-to-Cuba, Korean, Uyghur, = <50) that the estimate is unreliable. and Tibetan) and for the countries served by the BBG that were surveyed within the Understanding of Current Events past five years. It is based upon the This indicator is determined by the survey measurement of the “regular listening question asking weekly audience,” a statistical standard long used listeners/viewers/online users of to report international radio audience [language] whether the broadcasts have reach. Regular listening or viewing “increased their understanding of current audience (radio, TV or Internet) has over events.” The answers are registered on a the years been consistently defined as all four-point scale – a great deal, somewhat, adults listening or viewing at least once a very little, or not at all. The understanding week, as determined by an audience indicator measures the percent of those survey that has an adequately designed answering the question in the survey sample. We do not conduct surveys in (excluding those who did not respond or every country every year, so reach figures did not know) who chose “a great deal” or may in some cases reflect weekly reach “somewhat.” measures collected from up to five years

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 141

Affiliations Verification and Validation Affiliates are a primary gatekeeper of Indicators between the BBG networks and their The performance indicators are a best end users – the audiences that listen, effort to measure each broadcast watch, and read their content online, on network’s level of performance and to mobile and by broadcast outlets. project how effective they will be in FY Counting the number of affiliates, then, 2014 and FY 2015. To achieve offers a measure of the appeal of the maximum objectivity, measurements are programming to these vital gatekeepers performed independently of the and distributors of the BBG networks’ elements being evaluated. VOA, OCB, content. As shortwave usage wanes in RFE/RL, RFA and MBN audience research parts of the world, the importance of is carried out by an outside research affiliations with local medium wave and contractor, currently Gallup. The FM radio and television stations grows. appropriate network research director With the growth of digital and mobile computes network-wide performance technology, there are new forms of values, and sends them to the BBG affiliations, including online and mobile. research manager for verification. In FY 2013, the BBG changed its The standards of the Conference of methodology for counting affiliates. International Broadcasting Audience This stemmed, in part, from an upgrade Researchers and other standards-setting to its affiliate database to promote better organizations are followed for the communication with affiliates, as well as design and conduct of sample surveys. the growing importance of digital A technical report is produced for every outlets. Where previously only high survey, which describes the sampling impact, high quality radio and TV plan, the problems encountered in the affiliates with signed contracts were field, and the methods of resolution. tallied, the affiliation indicator now These standards are being improved to counts all stations or outlets that allow computation of margins of error regularly retransmit content from BBG that will include design effects, where networks. feasible.

142 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Appendix A: Budget Charts

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 143

144 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Appendix A: Budget Charts

Appendix Attachment A: Budget Charts

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 145

The Broadcasting Board of Governors Voice of America (VOA) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Voice of America Actuals Program Plan Request

VOA Director $ 8,636 $ 10,102 $ 9,493

Associate Director, Operations Associate Director of Operations $ 1,431 $ 3,440 $ 3,349 Central Production Services Division $ 13,505 $ 11,322 $ 10,612 Radio and Multimedia Operations $ 0 $ 1,729 $ 1,729 Operations Support Division $ 21,355 $ 20,672 $ 20,999 Technical Support Division $ 9,180 $ 8,801 $ 8,582 Total, Associate Director, Operations $ 45,471 $ 45,964 $ 45,271

Associate Director, Language Programming $ 5,039 $ 5,347 $ 5,526

Africa Division Division Chief $ 2,309 $ 4,061 $ 3,953 Bambara Service $ 83 $ 232 $ 297 Central Africa (Kinyarwanda, Kirundi) $ 1,622 $ 934 $ 500 French To Africa Service $ 2,504 $ 3,091 $ 3,675 French to Trans Sahel / Central African Republic $ 0 $ 370 $ 370 Hausa Service $ 2,214 $ 2,392 $ 2,717 Horn Of Africa (Amharic, Tigrigna, Afaan Oromoo) $ 2,257 $ 2,503 $ 2,422 Portuguese Service $ 1,051 $ 1,596 $ 1,619 Somali Service $ 1,584 $ 1,763 $ 2,047 Swahili Service $ 1,319 $ 1,325 $ 1,599 Zimbabwe/Shona/Ndebele/English $ 1,275 $ 540 $ 389 Total, Africa Division $ 16,218 $ 18,807 $ 19,588

East Asia & Pacific Division Division Chief $ 1,898 $ 1,613 $ 1,309 Burmese Service $ 2,405 $ 2,968 $ 3,089 Cantonese Service $ 978 $ 1,113 $ 1,114 Indonesian Service $ 5,591 $ 5,793 $ 4,920 Khmer Service $ 1,902 $ 2,036 $ 2,226 Korean Service $ 2,659 $ 2,763 $ 2,846 Lao Service $ 693 $ 774 $ 390 Mandarin Service $ 11,234 $ 11,918 $ 12,243 Thai Service $ 683 $ 873 $ 914 Tibetan Service $ 3,224 $ 3,362 $ 3,327 Vietnamese Service $ 1,524 $ 1,806 $ 2,045 Total, East Asia & Pacific Division $ 32,791 $ 35,019 $ 34,423

Eurasia Division Division Chief $ 941 $ 1,161 $ 1,042 Albanian Service $ 1,869 $ 1,482 $ 1,288 Armenian Service $ 528 $ 461 $ 524 Bosnian Service $ 956 $ 1,380 $ 1,305 Georgian Service $ 603 $ 564 $ 568 Russian Service $ 3,844 $ 4,090 $ 4,143 Serbian Service $ 1,451 $ 1,137 $ 1,125 Ukrainian Service $ 1,384 $ 1,742 $ 1,683 Total, Eurasia Division $ 11,576 $ 12,017 $ 11,678

*NOTE 1: LatAm is illustrated along with OCB in a consolidated Spanish languageFY 2014 grantee CBJ forFY 2016 2015 FY 2016 Voice of America *NOTE 2: VOA Macedonia does not have any additional funding planned in theActuals FY 2015 BBG Program Plan.Plan Request VOA Macedonia had $603K-FY 2014 and $413K- FY 2015) Latin America Division *NOTE Division3: VOA Chief Greece was discontinued in FY 2014 with a funding level$ $372K 564 $ 1,078 $ 0 Creole Service $ 1,199 $ 1,183 $ 1,279

146Spanish B Serviceroadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional$ Budget3,027 Request$ 2,689 $ 0 Production Unit $ 409 $ 0 $ 0 Total, Latin America Division $ 5,199 $ 4,950 $ 1,279

South Asia Division Division Chief (South Asia + NECA) $ 2,673 $ 2,197 $ 2,160 Afghanistan Service $ 1,930 $ 1,861 $ 1,852 Dari $ 2,410 $ 2,601 $ 1,786 Pashto $ 2,368 $ 2,579 $ 1,765 VOA Radio Deewa (Pashto) $ 2,957 $ 2,851 $ 2,642 Azerbaijani Service $ 646 $ 655 $ 650 Bangla Service $ 1,105 $ 1,175 $ 1,159 Kurdish Service $ 1,642 $ 2,458 $ 2,665 Turkish Service $ 1,325 $ 2,038 $ 2,138 Urdu Service $ 3,034 $ 4,416 $ 4,382 Uzbek Service $ 664 $ 650 $ 680 Total, South Asia Division $ 20,754 $ 23,481 $ 21,879

VOA Persian $ 15,133 $ 13,756 $ 13,674

English Division Division Chief $ 700 $ 768 $ 759 English To Africa Service $ 3,521 $ 4,196 $ 4,409 All other programs $ 10,865 $ 10,139 $ 8,698 Total, English Division $ 15,086 $ 15,103 $ 13,866

Central News VOA Central News $ 15,464 $ 18,926 $ 21,504 Home Leave & Transfer (HLT) $ 240 $ 212 $ 212 Total, Central News $ 15,704 $ 19,138 $ 21,716

Domestic Bureaus Houston $ 188 $ 186 $ 182 Los Angeles $ 304 $ 296 $ 292 New York $ 900 $ 831 $ 816 Total, Domestic Bureaus $ 1,392 $ 1,313 $ 1,290

Overseas Bureaus and News Centers Bangkok $ 808 $ 865 $ 1,028 Beijing $ 790 $ 681 $ 671 Cairo $ 469 $ 382 $ 392 Dakar $ 278 $ 309 $ 312 Hong Kong $ 241 $ 151 $ 151 Islamabad $ 375 $ 303 $ 362 $ 356 $ 295 $ 295 Jerusalem $ 500 $ 386 $ 0 Johannesburg $ 549 $ 669 $ 706 London $ 1,917 $ 1,745 $ 1,770 Moscow $ 316 $ 356 $ 357 Nairobi $ 370 $ 393 $ 402 New Delhi $ 217 $ 0 $ 0 Seoul $ 479 $ 552 $ 554 Total, Overseas Bureaus $ 7,665 $ 7,087 $ 7,000

TOTAL, Voice of America $ 200,664 $ 212,084 $ 206,683 The Broadcasting Board of Governors Voice of America (VOA) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Voice of America Actuals Program Plan Request

VOA Director $ 8,636 $ 10,102 $ 9,493

Associate Director, Operations Associate Director of Operations $ 1,431 $ 3,440 $ 3,349 Central Production Services Division $ 13,505 $ 11,322 $ 10,612 Radio and Multimedia Operations $ 0 $ 1,729 $ 1,729 Operations Support Division $ 21,355 $ 20,672 $ 20,999 Technical Support Division $ 9,180 $ 8,801 $ 8,582 Total, Associate Director, Operations $ 45,471 $ 45,964 $ 45,271

Associate Director, Language Programming $ 5,039 $ 5,347 $ 5,526

Africa Division Division Chief $ 2,309 $ 4,061 $ 3,953 Bambara Service $ 83 $ 232 $ 297 Central Africa (Kinyarwanda, Kirundi) $ 1,622 $ 934 $ 500 French To Africa Service $ 2,504 $ 3,091 $ 3,675 French to Trans Sahel / Central African Republic $ 0 $ 370 $ 370 Hausa Service $ 2,214 $ 2,392 $ 2,717 Horn Of Africa (Amharic, Tigrigna, Afaan Oromoo) $ 2,257 $ 2,503 $ 2,422 Portuguese Service $ 1,051 $ 1,596 $ 1,619 Somali Service $ 1,584 $ 1,763 $ 2,047 Swahili Service $ 1,319 $ 1,325 $ 1,599 Zimbabwe/Shona/Ndebele/English $ 1,275 $ 540 $ 389 Total, Africa Division $ 16,218 $ 18,807 $ 19,588

East Asia & Pacific Division Division Chief $ 1,898 $ 1,613 $ 1,309 Burmese Service $ 2,405 $ 2,968 $ 3,089 Cantonese Service $ 978 $ 1,113 $ 1,114 Indonesian Service $ 5,591 $ 5,793 $ 4,920 Khmer Service $ 1,902 $ 2,036 $ 2,226 Korean Service $ 2,659 $ 2,763 $ 2,846 Lao Service $ 693 $ 774 $ 390 Mandarin Service $ 11,234 $ 11,918 $ 12,243 Thai Service $ 683 $ 873 $ 914 Tibetan Service $ 3,224 $ 3,362 $ 3,327 Vietnamese Service $ 1,524 $ 1,806 $ 2,045 Total, East Asia & Pacific Division $ 32,791 $Appendix A:35,019 Budget$ Charts 34,423

Eurasia Division Division Chief $ 941 $ 1,161 $ 1,042 Albanian Service $ 1,869 $ 1,482 $ 1,288 Armenian Service $ 528 $ 461 $ 524 Bosnian Service $ 956 $ 1,380 $ 1,305 Georgian Service $ 603 $ 564 $ 568 Macedonian Service $ 603 $ 413 $ 0 Russian Service $ 3,844 $ 4,090 $ 4,143 Serbian Service $ 1,451 $ 1,137 $ 1,125 Ukrainian Service $ 1,384 $ 1,742 $ 1,683 Total, Eurasia Division $ 11,576 $ 12,017 $ 11,678

FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Voice of America Actuals Program Plan Request Latin America Division Division Chief $ 564 $ 1,078 $ 0 Creole Service $ 1,199 $ 1,183 $ 1,279 Spanish Service $ 3,027 $ 2,689 $ 0 Production Unit $ 409 $ 0 $ 0 Total, Latin America Division $ 5,199 $ 4,950 $ 1,279

South Asia Division Division Chief (South Asia + NECA) $ 2,673 $ 2,197 $ 2,160 Afghanistan Service $ 1,930 $ 1,861 $ 1,852 Dari $ 2,410 $ 2,601 $ 1,786 Pashto $ 2,368 $ 2,579 $ 1,765 VOA Radio Deewa (Pashto) $ 2,957 $ 2,851 $ 2,642 Azerbaijani Service $ 646 $ 655 $ 650 Bangla Service $ 1,105 $ 1,175 $ 1,159 Kurdish Service $ 1,642 $ 2,458 $ 2,665 Turkish Service $ 1,325 $ 2,038 $ 2,138 Urdu Service $ 3,034 $ 4,416 $ 4,382 Uzbek Service $ 664 $ 650 $ 680 Total, South Asia Division $ 20,754 $ 23,481 $ 21,879

VOA Persian $ 15,133 $ 13,756 $ 13,674

English Division Division Chief $ 700 $ 768 $ 759 English To Africa Service $ 3,521 $ 4,196 $ 4,409 All other programs $ 10,865 $ 10,139 $ 8,698 Total, English Division $ 15,086 $ 15,103 $ 13,866

Central News VOA Central News $ 15,464 $ 18,926 $ 21,504 Home Leave & Transfer (HLT) $ 240 $ 212 $ 212 Total, Central News $ 15,704 $ 19,138 $ 21,716

Domestic Bureaus Houston $ 188 $ 186 $ 182 Los Angeles $ 304 $ 296 $ 292 New York $ 900 $ 831 $ 816 Total, Domestic Bureaus $ 1,392 $ 1,313 $ 1,290

Overseas Bureaus and News Centers Bangkok $ 808 $ 865 $ 1,028 Beijing $ 790 $ 681 $ 671 Cairo $ 469 $ 382 $ 392 Dakar $ 278 $ 309 $ 312 Hong Kong $ 241 $ 151 $ 151 Islamabad $ 375 $ 303 $ 362 Jakarta $ 356 $ 295 $ 295 Jerusalem $ 500 $ 386 $ 0 Johannesburg $ 549 $ 669 $ 706 London $ 1,917 $ 1,745 $ 1,770 Moscow $ 316 $ 356 $ 357 Nairobi $ 370 $ 393 $ 402 New Delhi $ 217 $ 0 $ 0 Seoul $ 479 $ 552 $ 554 Total, Overseas Bureaus $ 7,665 $ 7,087 $ 7,000

TOTAL, Voice of America $ 200,664 $ 212,084 $ 206,683

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 147

The Broadcasting Board of Governors Office of Cuba Broadcasting1 (OCB) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Office of Cuba Broadcasting1 Actuals Program Plan Request

OCB Directorate and Advisory Board $ 799 $ 1,135 $ 1,135 Administration $ 3,625 $ 3,955 $ 3,955 Radio Marti $ 5,009 $ 5,352 $ 5,352 New Media $ 1,253 $ 1,123 $ 1,123 Central News $ 4,781 $ 4,594 $ 4,594 TV Marti $ 4,437 $ 4,694 $ 4,362 Technical Operations $ 3,474 $ 3,101 $ 2,934 Greenville Transmitting Station $ 2,186 $ 2,351 $ 2,850 Computer Services $ 1,128 $ 825 $ 825 Spanish Language International Media Grantee $ 0 $ 0 $ 3,191

TOTAL, Office of Cuba Broadcasting1 $ 26,692 $ 27,130 $ 30,321

1 FY 2016 funding includes funds designated for OCB and VOA Latin America (minus Creole), which will join to form the Spanish Language International Media Grantee

148 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Appendix A: Budget Charts

The Broadcasting Board of Governors International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 International Broadcasting Bureau Actuals Program Plan Request

Director, International Broadcasting Bureau Total, Director, International Broadcasting Bureau $ 6,521 $ 4,996 $ 5,304

Office of Chief Financial Officer Total, Office of Chief Financial Officer $ 12,291 $ 10,579 $ 10,646

Office of Strategy and Development Total, Office of Strategy and Development $ 19,132 $ 13,671 $ 13,698

Office of Communications and External Affairs $ 1,440 $ 1,830 $ 1,746 Office of General Counsel $ 2,162 $ 1,931 $ 1,999 Office of Digital and Design Innovation $ 5,365 $ 5,333 $ 4,816 Office of Performance Review $ 3,769 $ 2,174 $ 1,927 Office of Research and Assessment $ 0 $ 6,359 $ 6,407 Office of Contracting and Procurement $ 3,805 $ 3,237 $ 3,233 Office of Human Resources $ 6,891 $ 5,357 $ 5,445 Office of Workforce Support and Development $ 0 $ 1,611 $ 1,830 Office of Civil Rights $ 1,119 $ 1,092 $ 1,088 Office of Policy $ 969 $ 954 $ 914 Office of Security $ 2,031 $ 1,894 $ 1,957

TOTAL, International Broadcasting Bureau $ 65,495 $ 61,018 $ 61,010

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 149

The Broadcasting Board of Governors Office of Technology, Services, and Innovation (TSI) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Office of Technology, Services, and Innovation Actuals Program Plan Request

Technology, Services, and Innovation Director Director $ 211 $ 216 $ 215 Home Leave & Transfer (HLT) $ 121 $ 348 $ 375 Total, Technology Services and Innovation Director $ 332 $ 564 $ 590

Office of the CIO $ 9,782 $ 9,160 $ 10,099 Internet Freedom; Anti-Censorship $ 7,420 $ 17,500 $ 12,500 Global Networks Division $ 8,940 $ 6,193 $ 3,917 Satellites $ 16,228 $ 20,539 $ 16,093 Total, Office of the CIO $ 42,370 $ 53,392 $ 42,609

Resource Directorate $ 2,688 $ 3,004 $ 2,792 Facilities Management $ 39,396 $ 33,274 $ 40,562 Total, Resource Directorate $ 42,084 $ 36,278 $ 43,354

Information Technology Directorate $ 11,570 $ 14,089 $ 13,638 Technology Support Directorate $ 9,050 $ 9,391 $ 8,057 Engineering and Transmission Directorate $ 177 $ 179 $ 180 Broadcast Technologies Division $ 2,587 $ 2,583 $ 2,799

Operations Division $ 2,350 $ 2,487 $ 1,355 Leased Transmissions $ 9,620 $ 6,762 $ 8,975 FM Transmissions $ 226 $ 928 $ 9,258 Host Government Transmissions $ 368 $ 393 $ 387 Worldwide Procurement (WWP) $ 3,152 $ 3,245 $ 4,633 Total, Operations Division $ 15,716 $ 13,815 $ 24,608

Stations Division Domestic Transmitting Stations Tinian $ 6,629 $ 6,590 $ 6,605 Total, Domestic Stations $ 6,629 $ 6,590 $ 6,605 Overseas Transmitting Stations Afghanistan $ 3,283 $ 3,602 $ 2,468 Botswana $ 1,881 $ 1,965 $ 2,187 Germany $ 11,216 $ 12,910 $ 10,651 Kuwait $ 11,625 $ 11,926 $ 4,514 Philippines $ 6,734 $ 6,196 $ 4,534 Sao Tome $ 5,352 $ 4,427 $ 4,144 Sri Lanka $ 2,893 $ 2,954 $ 3,224 Thailand $ 3,409 $ 3,214 $ 3,345 Total, Overseas Stations $ 46,393 $ 47,194 $ 35,067

Monitoring Offices $ 1,030 $ 1,034 $ 1,079

TOTAL, Office of Technology, Services, and Innovation $ 177,938 $ 185,109 $ 178,586

150 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Appendix A: Budget Charts

The Broadcasting Board of Governors Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) Actuals Program Plan Request

Programming Division Director $ 2,083 $ 2,286 $ 2,479 Digital Response Team $ 0 $ 1,059 $ 2,686 Multimedia Strategy, Development and Training $ 1,356 $ 1,650 $ 2,706 Marketing & Affiliates $ 720 $ 899 $ 937

Language Services Armenian $ 1,747 $ 1,489 $ 1,545 Azerbaijani $ 1,887 $ 2,168 $ 3,105 Balkans (Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian, Albanian, Montenegrin, Croatian) $ 4,273 $ 4,364 $ 4,000 Belarusian $ 2,291 $ 2,750 $ 2,890 Georgian $ 2,222 $ 2,323 $ 2,400 Kazakh $ 1,676 $ 1,759 $ 1,837 Kyrgyz $ 1,722 $ 1,809 $ 1,890 Radio Farda (Persian) $ 6,967 $ 7,234 $ 7,454 Radio Free Afghanistan (Dari and Pashto) $ 4,965 $ 5,563 $ 5,562 Radio Mashaal (Pashto) $ 3,099 $ 3,243 $ 3,242 Regional Programming $ 0 $ 2,350 $ 6,496 Romanian to Moldova $ 1,237 $ 1,505 $ 1,660 Russian $ 6,675 $ 7,149 $ 7,396 North Caucasus Unit (Avar, Chechen and Circassian) $ 1,243 $ 1,369 $ 1,147 Tajik $ 1,603 $ 1,678 $ 1,739 Tatar-Bashkir $ 783 $ 862 $ 895 Turkmen $ 659 $ 795 $ 832 Ukrainian $ 3,028 $ 3,471 $ 3,761 Uzbek $ 1,505 $ 1,630 $ 1,698 News and Current Affairs $ 5,811 $ 6,025 $ 5,848 Total, Programming Division $ 57,552 $ 65,430 $ 74,205

Office of President $ 6,497 $ 7,154 $ 9,728 Technology Division $ 22,492 $ 23,224 $ 24,688 Finance Division $ 6,630 $ 7,042 $ 8,179

Istanbul Bureau Investment $ 0

TOTAL, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) $ 93,171 $ 102,850 $ 116,800

*NOTE: Radio Free Iraq (RFI) has shifted to MBN in the FY 2015 Program Plan. Funding was $2.089M – FY 2014 and $1.0M – FY 2015

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 151

The Broadcasting Board of Governors Radio Free Asia (RFA) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Radio Free Asia Actuals Program Plan Request

Programming Division Executive Editor $ 2,732 $ 2,863 $ 2,813 Program Services Burmese Service $ 1,692 $ 1,850 $ 1,905 Cambodian Service $ 789 $ 895 $ 902 Cantonese Service $ 991 $ 1,108 $ 1,120 Korean Service $ 2,221 $ 2,368 $ 2,383 Laotian Service $ 1,143 $ 1,138 $ 1,156 Mandarin Service $ 4,513 $ 4,730 $ 4,949 Tibetan Service $ 3,888 $ 4,078 $ 4,155 Uyghur Service $ 1,208 $ 1,326 $ 1,413 Vietnamese Service $ 1,596 $ 1,823 $ 1,964 Program Offices Bangkok Office $ 242 $ 233 $ 0 Dharamsala Office $ 13 $ 13 $ 15 Hong Kong Office $ 466 $ 417 $ 376 Phnom Penh Office $ 446 $ 504 $ 565 Rangoon Office $ 0 $ 532 $ 219 Seoul Office $ 450 $ 463 $ 720 Taipei Office $ 122 $ 131 $ 136 Yangon $ 317 $ 0 $ 0 Total, Programming Division $ 22,829 $ 24,472 $ 24,791

Office of the President $ 519 $ 895 $ 858 Research, Training, and Evaluation $ 439 $ 508 $ 520 Open Technology Fund $ 10,193 $ 0 $ 0 Technical Operations $ 6,396 $ 6,355 $ 6,194 HQ Facilities $ 3,595 $ 3,738 $ 3,863 Communications $ 273 $ 299 $ 290 Finance $ 1,547 $ 1,644 $ 1,668 Human Resources $ 404 $ 344 $ 316

Less Prior Year funds Per grantee $ (397) No-Year Carryover Funds - OTF $ 2,557

TOTAL, Radio Free Asia $ 48,355 $ 38,255 $ 38,500

152 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Appendix A: Budget Charts

The Broadcasting Board of Governors Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc. (MBN) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc. Actuals Program Plan Request

Programming Alhurra $ 28,015 $ 28,904 $ 29,478 Alhurra Iraq $ 4,329 $ 4,221 $ 3,850 Radio Sawa $ 9,641 $ 9,179 $ 9,594 MBN Digital $ 2,793 $ 4,281 $ 5,568 Afia Darfur $ 548 $ 601 $ 603 Total, Programming $ 45,326 $ 47,186 $ 49,093

Overseas Offices Baghdad Bureau $ 4,766 $ 5,853 $ 6,162 Beirut Production Center $ 4,783 $ 4,568 $ 4,738 Cairo Bureau $ 3,944 $ 4,031 $ 3,685 Dubai Production Center $ 5,953 $ 6,532 $ 6,526 Jerusalem Production Center $ 2,403 $ 1,869 $ 2,393 Rabat $ 543 $ 697 $ 1,460 Tunis $ 184 $ 444 $ 665 Maghreb #3 $ 0 $ 693 $ 665 Maghreb #4 $ 0 $ 693 $ 665 Investment UAE Bureau $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total, Overseas Offices $ 22,576 $ 25,380 $ 26,959

Technical Operations $ 22,313 $ 22,231 $ 21,414 Administration $ 13,267 $ 11,780 $ 11,987 Creative Services $ 2,300 $ 2,442 $ 2,447 Communications $ 396 $ 389 $ 390 Unspecified Reduction in GOE $ 0 $ 0 $ (2,690)

TOTAL, Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc. $ 106,178 $ 109,408 $ 109,600

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 153

The Broadcasting Board of Governors Broadcasting Capital Improvements (BCI) Summary of Appropriated Funds FY 2014 - FY 2016 ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Broadcasting Capital Improvements Actuals Program Plan Request

Maintenance, Improvements, Replace and Repair (MIRR) Continuing M&R $ 2,805 $ 2,068 $ 2,068 VOA TV M&R $ 1,025 $ 573 $ 573 Security M&R $ 625 $ 542 $ 542 HVAC System M&R $ 793 $ 515 $ 515 Office of Cuba Broadcasting $ 0 $ 133 $ 133 Upgrade of Existing Facilities Projects $ 485 $ 0 $ 0 Cohen Bldg.-Upgrade/Renovation & Consolidation(Phase II) $ 1,000 $ 0 $ 0 Satellites Satellite & Terrestrial Program Feeds $ 1,079 $ 969 $ 969

HF Kuwait Investment $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,700 VOA HD Investment $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,500

TOTAL, Broadcasting Capital Improvements $ 7,812 $ 4,800 $ 10,000

154 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

Appendix A: Budget Charts

Appendix Attachment B: Impact Model

Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 155

Appendix Attachment A: Impact Model

156 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request


Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request 157

158 Broadcasting Board of Governors | FY 2016 Congressional Budget Request

330 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20237 Telelphone: 202-203-4545 l Fax: 202-203-4568 E-mail: [email protected]