BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

Balochistan Rural Development and Community

Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP)

Report Provincial Launching Ceremony

November 10, 2017 |


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017,

Author, Editing and Formatting Mawish Iqbal, Documentation and Reporting Officer, BRDCEP, RSPN

© 2017 Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN). All Rights Reserved.

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN), Rural Support Programme (BRSP), and National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”

More information about the European Union is available on: Web: Facebook: European-Union-in-/269745043207452


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

Table of Contents

Abbreviations and Acronyms III Introduction to the Programme (BRDCEP) 1 BRDCEP Provincial Launch, Objectives and Strategic Importance 2 Event Proceedings 2 Welcome Remarks 2 Government of Balochistan and BRSP Partnership 3 Overview of the BRDCEP Intervention Logic 4 RSPs’ Role in BRDCEP 5 BRDCEP: Local Development/Local Governance Nexus 6 Remarks by Parliamentarians and Guest of Honors 6 Remarks by the Secretary, Planning and Development, Government of 8 Balochistan

RSPs Movement in Pakistan 8 Remarks by Federal Minister 9 Remarks by His Excellency Ambassador of European Union to Pakistan 9 Concluding Remarks Minister Planning and Development Department (P&D), GoB 10 Vote of Thanks 11 Visit to Show & Tell Exhibition 11 Annex-A- Agenda/Session Plan 12 Annex-B- List of Participants 13 Annex-C- Media Coverage (attached)


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

Abbreviations and Acronyms

BCDP Balochistan Community Development Programme

BRDCE Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme

BRSP Balochistan Rural Support Programme

CDD Community Driven Development

CDLD Community-driven Local Development

CLD Community Led Development

COs Community Organisations

DIG Deputy Inspector General

EU European Union

GoB Government of Balochistan


KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

LGRRD Local Government and Rural Development Department

LSO Local Support Organisation

NRSP National Rural Support Programme

PEACE Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment

P&D Planning and Development

PFM Public Finance Management

PPP Public Private Partnership

RSPN Rural Support Programmes Network

SUCCESS Sindh Union Council and Community Economic Strengthening

UCs Union Councils

VOs Village Organisations


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

Introduction to the Programme Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP)

Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP) is supported by the European Union (EU) and being implemented in close collaboration with the Local Government and Rural Development (LG&RDD) Department of the Government of Balochistan (GoB). It is a five-year Programmeand being implemented by the Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN), National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and Balochistan Rural Support (BRSP). BRDCEP is being implemented in eight districts of Balochistan, namely Jhal Magsi, Kech, Khuzdar, Killa Abdullah, Loralai, Pishin, Washuk, and Zhob. The programme focuses on empowering citizens and communities and providing them with the means to implement community-driven socio-economic development interventions. It will also amplify communities’ voice and capability to influence public policy decision-making through active engagement with local authorities for quality, inclusive and equitable service delivery, and civic-oversight.

The programme will be technically supported by Human Dynamics, an Austrian company, to contribute in enabling the Government of Balochistan (GoB) to foster an enabling environment for strengthening the capacities of local government/authorities to manage and involve communities in the statutory local public sector planning, financing, and implementation processes through development and implementation of a clearly defined fiscal and regulatory Public Finance Management (PFM) frameworks, budgetary processes and commitments.

The overall objective of the programme is to support the Government of Balochistan in its efforts to reduce the negative impact of economic deprivation, poverty and social inequality, environmental degradation and climate change, and instead to develop opportunities by building and empowering resilient communities to participate actively in identifying and implementing socio-economic development activities on a sustainable basis in partnership with local authorities.

BRDCEP’s core action includes the promotion of bottom-up community-driven participatory development. The strategic focus of BRDCEP is social mobilisation and institutional development; increased voice and capacity; social accountability; gender mainstreaming; cross cutting themes; and evidence base research and policy. Under BRDCEP, 1.9 million Pakistani citizens from 300,000 poor rural households in 249 union councils (UCs) will be mobilised and organised into a network of people’s own institutions: 19,129 Community Organisations (COs); 3,103 Village Organisations (VOs); 249 Local Support Organisations (LSOs) and 31 LSO Networks at tehsil level and eight LSO Networks at district level. Rural Support Programmes (RSPs) then will provide support to improve the lives and livelihoods of the organised households, as well as to foster linkages between the community institutions and local authorities to improve local basic service delivery. The programme will also promote civic engagement by encouraging the households to become aware of and involved in political processes and the issues that affect them and their community collectively.


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

BRDCEP Provincial Launch Objectives and Strategic Importance

The Local Government and Rural Development Department (LGRDD), Government of Balochistan (GoB), in collaboration with BRSP, NRSP and RSPN launched the EU supported BRDCEP on November 10, 2017, at Quetta.

This large provincial level rural development initiative, also one of the focal key sectors under the EU 2014-20 Multiannual Indicative Programme, is designed to develop close synergies and buy-in by key stakeholders in and outside the province. It was critical to take key stakeholders of the rural development sector on board from the onset of the programme. Keeping this in view, main objective of the launch was to present BRDCEP to key stakeholders of rural development from administrative, political and socioeconomic pillars. This was also an opportunity to seek their views on the programme and as well as to create broader common understanding about the programme.

Over two hundred and thirty participants, including Federal and Provincial Ministers, Senators, Members of National and Provincial Assemblies, the EU Ambassador to Pakistan, senior level representation from the Provincial Government Departments, RSPN/RSP Board Chairpersons and Members, Managers and staff, academia, UN Agencies, other civil society representatives, media representatives and Local Support Organisation representatives attended the BRDCEP launching ceremony Event Proceedings

Dr. Shahnawaz Khan, Senior Manager Programmes/Team Leader (BRDCEP) from BRSP, moderated the event. He welcomed all the participants and requested Maulana Hafiz to recite from the Holy Quran with English translation. After the recitation, he mentioned to the terrorist attack a day before in Quetta that took the life of Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Police and other police personnel. He paid tributes to all the martyrs who had been fighting against the terrorism and requested the participants to offer Fatiha (prayers) for them.

Welcome Remarks Ms. Shandana Khan, Chief Executive Officer Rural Support Programmes Network

Ms. Shandana Khan in her opening remarks welcomed all the distinguished guests and attendees for the BRDCEP launch on behalf of Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (LGRDD) of Balochistan and RSPs and expressed her gratitude for their presence. She said that BRDCEP is strategically positioned by EU as it aims to develop a sustained partnership between the Government of Balochistan and communities.


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

She appreciated the EU’s contribution and partnership with RSPs that started back in 2012 with the PEACE (Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment) in the Malakand Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. EU has also invested, after an agreement with the , in the Sindh Union Council and Community Economic Strengthening Support Programme (SUCCESS) that is currently being implemented in eight districts by RSPN, NRSP, SRSO and TRDP. In Balochistan, EU has funded the recently

Ms. Shandana Khan welcoming launch participants completed Balochistan Community Development Programme (BCDP). EU has now supported BRDCEP for implementation in eight districts of Balochistan. All this reflects EU strong support for community driven development in the rural areas of Pakistan.

Ms. Shandana Khan underlined that the approach of social mobilisation of RSPs. This means “representation of all; inclusion of all” and “empowering all”. Moreover, she laid emphasis on the significance of empowering the women and firmly said that the change can be brought at household level. “The meaningful inclusion of the women in the social mobilisation process is critical – because it is the women who will ultimately challenge the status quo”, said Ms. Shandana Khan. She said that BRDCEP will have a blanket coverage in the target districts and is highly strategic in nature as it will set a roadmap for participatory development in the province. She also underscored that Government’s and RSPs have shared objectives and that close synergies will developed during the implementation of the programme. These synergies will contribute to achieving the objectives of BRDCEP.

Government of Balochistan and BRSP Partnership Mr. Nadir Gul Barech, Chief Executive Officer, Balochistan Rural Support Programme

Mr. Nadir Gul Barech expressed his gratitude to all the participants for participating in the BRDCEP launching ceremony and said that the programme is a result of joint working and several rounds of meetings with GoB, EU and partner communities. He said that he is really glad that the efforts they started in 2014 have yielded the desired results. He added that this programme is another significant milestone and will contribute towards meeting GoB’s goals and Mr. Nadir Gul Barech talks about GoB and BRSP partnership objectives for the community driven local development. He thanked EU and GoB for the support they provided in materializing the


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

programme. He further said that for the first time in province’s history that there is such a large scale public private partnership programme that provides a great opportunity to upscale social mobilisation and community empowerment in Balochistan as social mobilisation approach to CDD of RSPs has proved to be a successful not only in Pakistan but also in other regional countries. He said that one added value of social mobilisation is the social cohesion that it produces in the communities. Mr. Barech was quite optimistic and believed that the programme will eventually be up scaled to all the 32 districts of Balochistan with the support of the provincial Government.

Mr. Barech then briefly talked about the history of BRSP and its evolving linkages with the Government and communities. Then he explained the approach of BRSP work and how social mobilisation process is undertaken. As regard to BRDCEP, Mr. Barech said that the key to attaining programme goals and objectives is the bottom up approach and ensured that RSPs will support GoB to incorporate this approach into the Annual Development Plan of the provincial Government through evidence based information generated during the implementation of the programme. Mr. Barech said that he looks forward to further strengthening the strategic partnership with the Government of Balochistan for the benefit of the rural poor in the province.

At the end, Mr. Barech said, “This journey of BRSP has been turbulent, 14 incidents have taken place where our staff have been abducted or killed”. He also expressed his gratitude to law enforcement agencies and acknowledged their efforts in improving law and order situation in the province and for their support to BRSP teams in promoting CDD approach in the field.

Overview of the BRDCEP Intervention Logic Mr. William Pitkin, Deputy Team Leader BRDCEP, Human Dynamics

Mr. Willian Pitkin informed that BRDCEP is to support GoB in community driven rural development and public finance management. He said that this programme will contribute in building capacities of partners and communities in the target districts. He added that Community Driven Local Development (CDLD) is aligned with EU’s approach that aims at improving access to basic services such as water and sanitation, health, education, infrastructure, etc., and to address demand and supply side at the same time. He thoroughly explained Mr. William Pitkin presenting the overall BRDCEP logic the demand and supply side aspects of the programme and BRDCEP logical framework.

Moreover, Mr. Pitkin, described the role of Human Dynamics in attaining BRDCEP goals and objectives. He said Human Dynamics will work with partner RSPs and Government


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Departments to undertake comprehensive gender analysis in Balochistan which will feed into the gender mainstreaming strategy; will contribute in capacity building of the local authorities in CDLD approaches and to develop of a Local Development Policy Framework for GoB. He also informed that Human Dynamics will help GoB in development and implementation of Public Finance Management which will help the government in costing and funding CDLD policy framework through clearly defined fiscal and regulatory frameworks, budgetary processes and commitments reflected in a multi-annual budgetary framework and defined institutional arrangements. The outcomes will be the strategic district budgets and framework with clear benchmarks and creation of knowledge platform. Mr. Pitkin concluded, “This programme supports communities as well as implementing partners. It creates opportunity for livelihoods and ensure participation in process of sustainable development”.

RSPs’ Role in BRDCEP Dr. Rashid Bajwa, CEO National Rural Support Programme Dr. Rashid Bajwa was invited to explain the role of RSPs in BRDCEP. He said that it is a historical event that all key stakeholders of the programme are on the same page. He further said that there is no prior example in Balochistan where a programme has 100 percent coverage in rural areas of the target districts. He said, “The result of 100 percent coverage of households in rural areas in the target districts under BRDCEP will for sure bring about positive changes in the lives communities”.

Dr. Bajwa informed that this programme covers eight districts; BRSP will implement the programme in seven districts; while NRSP will implement it in one district. He informed about the roles of GoB, BRSP, NRSP, RSPN and Human Dynamics in Dr. Rashid Bajwa’s presentation on role of RSPs in BRDCEP implementation of BRDCEP. He said that fostering 19,129 Community Organisations, 3,103 Village Organisations, 249 Local Support Organisations, 31 Tehsil and 8 District LSO Networks will bring about prominent positive change in the lives of people from these eight districts and will considerably contribute in poverty reduction which will enhance socioeconomic empowerment of the households.

He also talked about activities and processes under BRDCEP such as provision of micro health insurance, income generating grants, community investment funds, community infra- structures, livelihood enhancement activities and capacity building of local authorities. Dr. Bajwa explained the critical link between CDLD learning and its contribution in policy development for GoB. He said the once local development policy framework is developed, it will help effective and efficient utilization of development funds. Than he explained the expected results of programme and said that the programme will help the poor to graduate from lower bands of poverty to upper bands. He expressed gratitude towards EU and said, “We are thankful to EU that they understood the need of the province and decided to support the programme”.


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

BRDCEP: Local Development / Local Governance Nexus Sardar Mustafa Khan Tareen, Minister for Local Government and Rural Development Department, Government of Balochistan

Sardar Mustafa Khan Tareen said that Balochistan’s situation is known to all of all. To address the needs of the province, new innovative approaches are needed. He stressed upon the need to understand the issues from perspective of a common man. He also appreciated the work of RSPs, particularly for CDD.

Sardar Tareen said, “Balochistan was the first province to hold elections for local government. Today, the local governments are functioning. At the Union Council level, Sardar Mustafa Tareen discussing Local Development there are Chairpersons and Councillors. Now there is an excellent opportunity to have full engagement of citizens with local authorities. This will ensure transfer of power to people.”

Sardar Tareen concluded by thanking EU for their generous support for CDD in Balochistan. He said that the Balochistan Government is committed to scale up this initiative across the province. He said, “For sure, there will be positive and productive changes attributed to this BRDCEP programme, particularly in improving the socio-economic status of the poor people.”

Remarks by Parliamentarians and Guest of Honors

Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi, Senator (from Jhal Magsi, one of the BRDCEP districts) said that Balochistan is facing multiple problems. “We somehow have got use to mediocrity and we need to change. The change comes from within”, expressed Senator Magsi. Mentioning BRDCEP, he said, “The most valuable thing will be valuable database of each household in these eight districts”. It talks of holistic approach towards building partnership with Government. He said, “The synergies that developed Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi presenting his remarks under this programme, particularly with Government of Balochistan, will actually provide opportunity to achieve the set goals”. He pledged to contribute to BRDCEP as much as possible.

Mir Jan Muhammad Khan Jamali, Member Provincial Assembly Balochistan, stated that he was lucky to come across Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan and the Comilla Project. He referred to Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan, Chairman RSPN, as a foot solider of development.


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

Mr. Obaidullah Jan Babat (from district Loralai, one of the BRDCEP districts) and Advisor to Chief Minister Balochistan for Education, applauded the new BRDCEP programme. He said, “We are truly satisfied with the work of RSPs as they are working with households and communities”. He talked about the issues in Balochistan and expressed the need for collaborative efforts to address these issues.

Mr. Sana Ullah Baloch, Ex-Senator from Balochistan, mentioned the key issues and challenges in Balochistan. He said, “We Mr. Obaidullah Jan Babat presenting his remarks ourselves need to have a dialogue and consultative meeting to discuss issues due to which we are unable to take people out of poverty and social evils”. He appreciated RSPs’ role in promoting consultations and dialogues to address jointly the prevailing issues. He held the view that crisis is not due to lack of resources; it is the lack of determination that needs to reawakened. He said with regret that, “Over 86 percent population is going through very ugly form of poverty”. Besides this, he also mentioned the huge problem of out of school children, 50 percent population in Balochistan does not know what is electricity and that the maternal and infant mortality rates are too high. Dr. addressing the launch “Maternal Mortality Ratio in Balochistan is more than that of South Sudan. Somalia’s Infant Mortality Rate is better than that of Balochistan”, he said.

Against this backdrop, Mr. Sana Ullah Baloch stated that without understanding the fault lines in these eight districts, goals cannot be achieved. He said that there is a need to have coherence and harmony among all the stakeholders. “It is great that this programme has a component that talks about the consultative meeting among stakeholders including local government representatives and communities”, underscored Mr. Sana Ullah Baloch.

Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch, Ex-Chief Minister Balochistan and Member Provincial Assembly, thanked EU for their kind support to CDD in Balochistan. He said that the government has issues in addressing education, health, water and sanitation and other social sector issues. By developing Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch sharing his remarks


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three way synergies between Government, RSPs and communities these problems can be addressed He said that success of BRDCEP will contribute to build trust with Government and donors, and this trust is essential for poverty reduction in the province.

Remarks by the Secretary, Planning and Development (P&D), Government of Balochistan

Mr. Asfandyar Kakar, Secretary Planning and Development Department, Government of Balochistan, appreciated RSPs three-tiered social mobilisation approach and said that GoB is committed to uplift the lives of poor in the province. He thanked Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan and mentioned him as moving spirit that enables the poor to graduate out of poverty. He said, “I am sure the programme will create synergy and a path to facilitate other development, governmental and non- governmental, programmes in the province to use the community structures established Mr. Asfandyar Kakar delivering his remarks through RSPs’ support”.

RSPs Movement in Pakistan Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan, Chairman RSPN

Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan shared the history of RSPs and explained how the three-tiered social mobilisation approach to CDD evolved. He said, “Akhter Hameed Khan preached that there are two pillars of state, the political and the administrative pillars. These pillars cannot access each and every household”. Therefore, Mr. Akhter Hameed Khan advocated development of a third pillar, i.e. the socio- economic pillar or the social pillar. He said that poverty and impoverishment is at the household level and Rural Support Programmes foster a framework of grassroots institutions to enable each and every household to access services and supplies. He explained that in the process RSP help unleash the potential of the people individually and collectively when people are federated at the higher levels. He explained the philosophy Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan speaking about RSPs Movement of RSPs and said that they believe that even in Pakistan the poorest of the poor has the potential of improving their livelihoods.

Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan also said, “RSPs are not NGOs; they depend on the Government patronage. I am submitting please do not expect RSPs will do that falls within the Government Department. Basically, we want these Departments to know what the


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community wants. This is the main function of RSPs”. He stated that this approach depends upon three main requisites that includes: willingness of people to organize, to initiate savings programme and to improve their skills.

Finally, Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan mentioned that currently EU is the only donor who has faith in involving communities in their own development. He also thanked former Chief Secretary of Balochistan Mr. Saifullah Chattha for his personal interest in facilitating the grant of endowment for BRSP and looks forward to the Government of Balochistan to scale up BRDCEP to all other districts of the province.

Remarks by Federal Minister Maulana Ameer Zaman, Federal Minister for Postal Services

Maulana Ameer Zaman thanked GoB and RSPs for the invitation to participate in the BRDCEP launching ceremony. He shared that he had a meeting with EU Delegation a few days ago and he was asked about main issues and their solution in Balochistan. He added that the issues that he highlighted were poverty, lack of health facilities, lack of improved water facilities and consequential waterborne diseases and said that solution for addressing these issues can be address by joint initiatives by local authorities with active engagement by citizens. He added that joint and proper planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for such initiatives are critical, He appreciated the generous support by EU for BRDCEP and offered his Maulana Ameer Zaman stating his remarks full support to the implementing RSPs.

Remarks by His Excellency, The Ambassador of European Union to Pakistan His Excellency, Mr. Jean-Francois Cautain

The Ambassador of European Union Delegation to Pakistan thanked all and especially Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan, Chairman RSPN, for organizing the BRDCEP launch ceremony. He said, “if Shoaib Sultan Khan have not been there, this even would have been possible” He also expressed his deep sorrow on the terrorist attack that happened at Quetta a day earlier.

His Excellency recalled, “A year back, I mentioned about scaling up BCDP in the same hall. It is great that we are upscaling this today”. He mentioned that above Euro His Excellency, Mr. Jean-Francois Caution expressing his remarks 300 million is being spent by EU on CDD


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programmes across Pakistan. He said, “We (EU) believe in transformative power of local democracy. By mobilising communities and giving them means to the local communities to take their own development in their own hands, they can graduate out of poverty. Besides this one of the speaker today mentioned the issue is not money but issue is of mind-set; we need to change mind-set for this. As soon as rural people’s mind-set changes they start recognising their needs and demand their rights and better services”.

His Excellency then talked about the significance of field visits for observing not only EU funded programmes activities but also to see how the EU member states tax-payer funds are being utilised and to see the improvement in the lives of the people. He shared, “For the last two years, I have travelled to KP, Sindh and Balochistan (Loralai and Pishin); I have seen from my own eyes that how people have transformed; as soon as people’s mind-set changes they start working for their own betterment”.

His Excellency said that EU can support initiatives, plant seeds, if you want to see these seeds grow then both Federal and Provincial governments should play their role. “I want to clear that EU is not the Government of Pakistan) or the Government of Balochistan; we are not here to substitute these governments”, said His Excellency.

Pertaining to BRDCEP, His Excellency recounted that the two most important aspects of this new programme are “the bottom up approach and policy framework”. As regards the bottom up approach, social mobilisation and Community Driven Development have critical roles; and the development of policy framework is very essential for sustainable community led development. He also expressed his happiness in witnessing the ownership by the Government of Balochistan at the event and said that he is impressed by the work of RSPs.

Concluding Remarks Dr. Hamid Khan Achakzai, Minister Planning and Development (P&D) Department, Government of Balochistan

Dr. Hamid Khan Achakzai thanked all the esteemed guests and participants for attending the BRDCEP launching ceremony. He said that Balochistan’s P&D Department has worked very closely with EU for the development of BRDCEP and it is wonderful to see all stakeholders present at the launching ceremony. Balochistan faces many problems and the biggest problem is the lack of peace. Authorities have made great efforts and the situation has begun to improve significantly. When there is peace, then development programmes can be implemented effectively and efficiently. The Government of

Dr. Hamid Khan Achakzai delivering the concluding remarks Balochistan is committed to make all efforts for poverty reduction in the province. In this


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regards the support of EU is very important. We hope that the results of BRDCEP will be very positive and well documented and therefore contribute to informed policy making at provincial and local levels.

Dr. Hamid Khan Achakzai concluded by saying, “We are trying our best to prepare grounds for implementation of all pro-poor programmes”.

Vote of Thanks Ms. Zubaida Jalal, Director, Board of Directors, BRSP/ Ex-Federal Minister for Education

Ms. Zubaida Jalal expressed her gratitude, on behalf of RSPs, to the participants, especially, to the Federal and Provincial Ministers, Senators, and the Ambassador of European Union Delegation to Pakistan.

Mentioning BRDCEP, she envisioned that through synergized and integrated efforts of all at all levels, genuine positive change can be brought about through establishing community institutions. Moreover, she conversed, “I would love to see tangible change in lives of men, women and youngsters and strengthening of the people’s organisations”. Ms. Jalal mentioned the capacity building component of BRDCEP and referred to it as the vital component Ms. Zubaida Jalal extending vote of thanks for skills transfer whether it is for strengthening the capacities of local authorities or the communities. She emphasised the need for further strengthening of the public-private partnerships for tangible outcomes. She said that this programme will contribute to empower communities, including men and women. Only empowered citizens can meaningfully engage with local authorities.

Visit to Show & Tell Exhibition

BRSP had set up a Show & Tell Exhibition where RSPs showcased their work through models, publications and products produced by community members under various development initiatives.


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017



“Launching Ceremony of Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP)

Date: November 10, 2017 Venue: Quetta Serena Hotel

Time (hrs.) Activity Responsibility

04:00 p.m. to 04:05 p.m. Recitation from the Holy Quran Maulana Hafiz Abdul Hafeez 04:05 p.m. to 04:15 p.m. Welcome remarks Ms. Shandana Khan CEO RSPN Mr. Nadir Gul Barech, Chief Executive Officer 04:15 p.m. to 04:25 p.m. GoB and BRSP Partnership (CEO), BRSP Overall BRDCEP Programme Mr. William Pitkin, Deputy Team Leader, Human 04:25 p.m. to 04:50 p.m. intervention Logic – A strategic Dynamics (Confirm) Partnership Dr. Rashid Bajwa, CEO, National Rural Support 04:50 p.m. to 05:15 Role of RSPs in BRDCEP Programme (NRSP) (Confirm)

BRDCEP: Local Development / Local Honorable Sardar Mustafa Tareen, Minister 05:15 p.m. to 05:30 p.m. Governance Nexus LGRDD GoB 1. Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch (Ex-Chief Minister/MPA) 2. Mr. Ubaid ullah Jan Babat, Minister Forest Remarks by Parliamentarians and 05:30 p.m. to 06:30 p.m. and Livestock Guest of honors 3. Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi (Senator) 4. Mr. Sanaullah Balouch Ex-Senator 5. Mir Jan Muhammad Khan Jamali MPA Maulana Ameer Zaman, Federal Minister Postal 06:30 p.m. to 06:45 p.m. Inaugural remarks Services 06:45 p.m. to 07:00 p.m. RSPs Movement in Pakistan Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan, RSPN

Remarks by the ACS – Development, Mr. Asfand Yar Kakar 07:00 p.m. to 07:15 p.m. Government of Balochistan. Secretary, P&DD,GoB

Remarks by His Excellency His Excellency, Mr. Jean-Francois Cautain, 07:15 p.m. to 07:30 p.m. Ambassador of European Union to Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan, Pakistan Islamabad Dr. Hamid Khan Achakzai, Minister P&DD GoB 07:30 p.m. to 07:50 p.m. Concluding Remarks (Confirm) Ms. Zubaida Jalal, (Ex-Federal Minister 07:50 p.m. to 08:00 p.m. Vote of Thanks Education)/Director, BoD, BRSP

08:00 p.m. Dinner and Visit to Show & Tell Exhibition


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Annex-B List of Participants

Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment

Provincial Launching Ceremony

Sr: # Name Designation Organization Syed Maulana Amir 1 Federal Minister Postal Services Zaman bukhari 2 Dr.Hamid khan Achakzai Senior Minister P&D Deptt 3 Saifullah Magsi Senator Senator 4 Shams Hamzazai District chairman Local Govt Sardar Mustafa khan 5 Minister Local Govt tareen 6 Abdul Raheem Ziaratwal Minister Education Deptt Forest & Livestock 7 Ubaidullah Babat Minister Deptt Sardar Raza Muhammad 8 Minister Tnformation Deptt Barech 9 Jan Muhammad Jamali MPA MPA 10 Dr.Abdul Malik baloch MPA MPA 11 Ahmed Nawaz Ex. General Secretary BNP 12 Sanaullah baloch Ex.Senator BNP 13 Ali Akbar baloch Secretary Local Govt 14 Asfand yar kakar Secretary P&D Deptt 15 Mujeeb Ahmed Chief of section P&D Deptt 16 Nasrullah P&D P&D Balochistan 17 Dr.Abdul Tawab Achakzai MD Education Foundation University of 18 Dr.Jahangir Professor Balochistan 19 Muhammad Hanif baloch DGP RDA 20 Dr.Maqbool Ahmed DHO Health 21 Siddiq Ahmed Chief of section P&D Deptt 22 Asmat Agha PS to Minister P&D Deptt Akhtar Muhammad 23 Director Technical Local Govt baloch 24 Naseer Ahmed Bizinjo DDOE local Gob Hafiz Muhammad Saleem 25 DO Education Kakar 26 Musarat Jabeen DG Social Welfare Deptt 27 Humayun Sabbir Deputy Director Local Govt 28 Muhammad Zaman DEO Education


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29 Azeem Sajedi DEO Education 30 Adeel Ahmed Information Officer DGPR 31 Dr.Naiz Tareen AD PITE 32 Muhammad Essa Roshan District Chairman Pishin 33 Dr. Ishaque baloch Coordinator CM MP H. E. Jean-François Ambassador 34 European Union Cautain of European Union Minister - Counsellor 35 Mr. Bernard Francois Head of Operations (Co- European Union operation) Development Advisor to 36 Mr. Arshad Rashid Rashid European Union EU 37 Wiliam Pitkin DeputyTL BRDCEP Human dynamics 38 Malik Fayaz BoD BRSP 39 Mahboob Jogezai BoD STEP 40 Abdul Salam Khan BoD 41 Shahida Jaffery BoD RSPN/BRSP 42 Master Khair Udin BoD BRSP 43 Naseer Hijazi BOD-BRSP BRSP 44 Roshan Khurshid Barucha Member BoD BRSP 45 Shoaib Sultan Khan BoD BRSP 46 Anwer Saleem Kasi BoD BRSP 47 Zobaida Jalal Director BoD-BRSP 48 Shameena LSO LSO 49 Mariaum LSO LSO 50 Zakira LSO LSO 51 Raj Bibi LSO LSO 52 Fateh Khan President LSO 53 Asma member LSO 54 Muhammad Raheem President LSO 55 Bashir Ahmed LSO 56 Abdul Safar M shar LSO 57 Amul Sakim Baloch V.P LSO LSO 58 Fareeda L.S.O G.B LSO 59 ------President LSO Khushab 60 Mehbooba Rehman CRP LSO Khushab 61 Alamgir Khan WASH Officer UNICEF 62 Qaseer Jamali OIC UNESCO 63 Ali Ahmed Jan Consultant PPAF 64 Dr. Niaz Tareen Asstt Director PITE 65 Daniyal Butt Reporter NNJ 66 Adeel Ahmed DGP 67 Eng: Yasir Reporter 68 Ashraf Khan Camera man 69 Shahzada Zulfiqar Director Bol Bol tv


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70 M. Imran Vash tv 71 Abdul Rayan Vash tv 72 Daulat Khan Photographer DGPR 73 Fazal Tawab Reporter 92 news 74 Azam Ulfat Reporter Neo tv 75 Saleem Shahid Bureau Chief dawn daily Dawn 76 Aminullah mashwani Bureau chief APP 77 Ejaz Cameraman GEO tv 78 Asmat Khan Media Coordinator Abb tak 79 Ubaid Abb tak 80 Shahzad Abb tak 81 Javed Journalist 82 Syed Ali Shah Dawn 83 Mujeeb Program communication DOST 84 Dr. Jawed tareen DG Agriculture Agriculture Deptt 85 Shakir Shah Regional Coordinator AHAN 86 Naseem….. Advisor 87 Mehboob ali Asstt Director Environment 88 Manzoor Ahmed LSO 89 Muhammad Zaman DEO Pishin Edu 90 Abdul Ghani Jhal Magsi 91 Ali Akbar Qureshi PO Admin 92 Nasar Ullah CBO CPD 93 Azeem Sajidi EDO Edu 94 Muhammad Ali 95 Laila Khan SO 96 Kazim Khan Achakzai G Sec 97 Shabir Ahmed Manager Program SCSPEB 98 Irfan Ahmed Awan MD SCSPEB 99 Muhammad Abduhoo Deputy Director 100 Naeem AC 101 Habib Ullah President Mushtarka 102 Nabeel Baloch Head of Office IRM 103 Faiz Barech Head of Office ARC 104 Riaz …… PS 105 Syed Yousaf AD DGPR 106 Siraj Kasi Regional Coordinator SPO Student daughter of DG 107 Arfaa Sumbul local Gob Social welfare 108 Hafeez Muhammad Aslam DEO Pishin Education 109 Dr. Kamalan PC-MCP Health 110 Abdul Qayyum 111 Naseebullah 112 Faiz Ullah D.Dir Education


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

113 Abdul Qudoos PES Manager IRM 114 Mir BIFD BIFD 115 Abdul Khaliq BIFD BIFD 116 Asmatullah S.DO 117 Abdul Malik S.P.O 118 Amanullah Kakar CEO Socio pakistan 119 Dr. Muhammad Ali Director Teacher 120 Haji ……. 121 Dr.Abdul Rehman INCH 122 Dr.Zaigham Abbas DDC Chaimil m/o climat change 123 Rehana khilji PO/HOSO UN Women 124 Ahmed Jan BD Dost 125 Habib ur Rehman DOE Education 126 Noor Asst P&D 127 Abdul Rasool Zehri C.P.O Haik 128 Javaria CEO BIRD 129 Sheheer S.W.O S.W.O 130 Shamm S.W.O S.W.O 131 Nazar Muhammad Director BOCB 132 Gul Muhammad kakar DDEO Education 133 Dr. Siraj Ahmed Kakar Chairman BISE Qta 134 Ghirat Khan Student Buitems 135 Rehan T.Plather LGRD 136 Syed Naeem LGRD 137 Zafar shahzad B.V.R 138 Dr. Lal Khan kakar PROF 139 Abdul Qahir APS NAB 140 Abdul Qadeer District 141 Hashim Khan P.worker Loralai 142 Majeed Khan U.O.B loralai Loralai 143 Dr. Abdul Sami D.H.O Washuk Health 144 Nizam-ud-din Jogezai S.E PHE Qta PHE Qta 145 Riaz Ahmed SPP Nutaror 146 Miyab CFA 147 Ghulam Rasool PM BRDCEP NRSP 148 149 Rashid Bajwa CEO NRSP 150 Agha Ali Javad GM NRSP 151 Malik Fateh Khan NRSP 152 Saeed Ahmed SPO - MER NRSP 153 Shamsal S.O NRSP 154 Saeed Abdul Qurashi Vice chairman NRSP 155 Sohaib Sultan Chairman RSPN


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Documentation & 156 Mawish Iqbal RSPN Reporting Officer 157 Ahmed Ullah Program Manager RSPN 158 Shandana Khan CEO RSPN 159 Amir Mustafa RC RSPN 160 Khuram Shahzad Specialist M&E RSPN 161 Farid Khan FM RSPN 162 Asmat Kakar M&E RSPN RSPN 163 Nadir Gul Barech CEO BRSP 164 Dr.Shahnawaz Khan SMP BRSP 165 Mr.Siraj-ul-haq Senior Manager BRSP Sr.Manager 166 Mr.Abdul Rehman BRSP Administration 167 Muhammad Asim Sr.Manager F&A BRSP 168 Syed Abdul Ali Sr.Manager IA&C BRSP Manager PITD,EU- 169 Muhammad Munir Rana BRSP Programmes 170 Muhammad Akmal jamali Manager PITD BRSP 171 Fida Hussain Manager Accounts BRSP 172 Majid Khan Manager ICT BRSP 173 Syed Fateh Shah Manager BRSP 174 Allad Dad RPM BRSP 175 Shah Saoud Field Engrr BRSP 176 Aimal Khan BRSP 177 Adeel Shahzad PC BRSP 178 Qari Abdul Hafeez Focal person BRSP 179 Noor Begum SO BRSP 180 Durdana Kakr SO BRSP 181 Khalida SO BRSP 182 Malik Sultan Arfeen Member BoD BRSP 183 Eng: Hamayun Khan PO BRSP 184 Dr. Khuram Baloch Training Coordinator BRSP 185 Samiullah Khan Project Officer BRSP 186 Abdul Sami CBO BRSP 187 Mujeeb Ullah CRP BRSP 188 Aziz Salarzai Eng: BRSP BRSP 189 Muhammad Amin Company Secretary BRSP 190 Yahya Eng: BRSP BRSP 191 Asif Lehri PM BRSP 192 Mehboob Ali Media Coordinator BRSP 193 Naseer Shah Coordinator BRSP 194 Gull Ghutti Hygiene Promoter BRSP 195 Zarnigah kakar SO BRSP 196 Naseeb Ullah JSO BRSP


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197 Maqsood SPO BRSP 198 Syed Abdul Qahir NRM Coordinator BRSP 199 Abdul Rehman SPO ICT BRSP 200 Amin Khilji SPO - PMER BRSP 201 Abdul Raziq Asstt Manager BRSP 202 Muhammad Noman Intern - ICT BRSP 203 Saeeda Faisal D&R officer BRSP 204 Kabir Ahmed Auto CAD Operator BRSP 205 Abdullah Badini DPM BRSP 206 Sheran Khan PO BRSP 207 Gul Rehman Intern - ICT BRSP 208 Imran Kasi SO BRSP 209 Bilal Ahmed Network Support BRSP 210 Hameed Ullah Sr. LSO Officer BRSP 211 Muhammad Suleman SO BRSP 212 GPS Specialist BRSP 213 Naseema Salam Gender Coordinator BRSP 214 Bilal Gichki DPC BRSP 215 Naseeb Agha PO BRSP 216 Shah Faisal MIS BRSP 217 Ghulam Muhammad Coordinator BRSP 218 Abdul Ghaffar SO BRSP 219 Sania Kakar APO BRSP 220 Dilferoz BRSP BRSP 221 Mehreen Rehman HR Officer BRSP 222 Abdul Malik DPM BRSP 223 Ghulam Fareed BRSP BRSP 224 Mufti Mufti BRSP 225 Sumaira SPO BRSP 226 Muhammad Ayub BRSP BRSP 227 Suriya BRSP BRSP 228 Wazir khilji SPO BRSP 229 Israr kakar M&E Officer BRSP 230 Quwat Hussain Officer internal audit BRSP 231 Noor-ul-Haq Kasi HRD Officer BRSP 232 Muhammad Umar Admin assistant BRSP 233 Muhammad Shaham Ali District engineer loralai BRSP 234 Ashfaq Ahmed District engineer Zhob BRSP 235 Muhammad Usman Admin Associate BRSP


BRDCEP Provincial Launching Ceremony | 2017

Annex-C Event Media coverage (Attached)