28, 1957 Unttcu States of America the 182Nd Year SEVEN CENTS Asks Employees WEEKEND RACING Dorothea Kliem MORE

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28, 1957 Unttcu States of America the 182Nd Year SEVEN CENTS Asks Employees WEEKEND RACING Dorothea Kliem MORE FOR QUALITY PRINTING HOTEL TRY THE TIMES ; ANNOUNCEMENTS JOB PRINTING DEPT. PAGES e and 7 Vol. EXXXII, No. 26 OCEAN GROVE, TOWNSHIP-OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY “ .a " ? the independence of the FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1957 Unttcu States of America the 182nd year SEVEN CENTS Asks Employees WEEKEND RACING Dorothea Kliem MORE. MOSQUITOES ON SHARK RIVER IN OTHER STATES Reflect Spirit Of FOR WOMEN’S TITLE Named Aide Of New Jersey, once renowned Championship races for ns the home of the most, larg­ Joy & Senior Women of the North MGOSSDirectbr Parade & est and hungriest mosquitoes Jersey Yacht Racing Associ­ V. in'the United States, has long ; Ass’n. President K. N. ation will be held this week on since lost any valid claim to Shark Hirer, with the S. R. Neptune Township Public Oration that distinction. Merritt Urges Staffs Yacht Club'as the host. ’ Health Nurse Accepts New According 1o Dr. Bailey B. Sunday will mark the end of the 73d Annual Conference For Cooperation In- Serv­ Mrs. Barbara Thompson and Position;' Mrs. Lorraine Pepper, chairman of the Ento­ of The Evangelical Free Church of America that has brought A band-led parade at 10 :30 mology Department at Rutgers ing Vacationists Here Mrs. Betsy Ralston will repre­ Pringle New Twp. Nurse more than a thousand delegates and visitors to Ocean Grove sent the Shark River Club in A.M. and a patriotic .meeting University, many of the states, this week. Dr. Arnold T. Olson, president of the denomina­ the'sailing event. Semi-finals including such distinguished President Kinsey N. Merritt has with a national -figure as ones as California and Florida, tion, is the speaker for the morning worship on Sunday, in just .concluded a series of meetings will be staged tomorrow (S at­ Miss Dorothea Kliem, of speaker at .11 A.M. will help urday) and finals Will be on Ocean Grove, has been named have mosquito problems far the Auditorium, and the Rev. Arley L. Bragg of Chicago in which all the employees of the Sunday. Race time each day ! celebrate Independence Day worse than exist in the Gar­ will deliver the evening message. The afternoon rally, will Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Asso­ is 9:30' AM*. assistant to-the director of in Ocean Grove'next Thurs­ den State. ■ j ciation heard him ask for their co­ the Monmouth County Organ­ feature a Parade of Flags and the playing of “The Storm” ■ Last weekend the Shark Riy- day. ;^.-v : As a matter of fact. New Jer­ by Josephine Eddowes on the mighty Auditorium organ. operation in making this a me­ er Club held its Spring Series ization for Social Service. sey, generally, recognized as a morable season at Ocean Grove. finals, with Bob Ralston (Paul The parade will step off at pioneer in mosquito control • - - • 1 The President's Report, given “Courtesy, cleanliness and joy” Miss Kliem, daughter , of Mrs. work, has a better-organized yesterday morning, presented some Stubb, crewman) winning the Otto F. Kliem, 139 Franklin Ave­ the corner of Broadway and comprised the theme of President Jet divisio.i and Eugene Rock- method of fighting these pests unique statistics concerning the Merritt’s series of addresses., He nue, Ocean Grove, has been serving Central Ayenue. The Asbury 400 - congregation denomination, afeller (John,: Haulenbeek, as MCOSS public health nurse, in than any similar area in the ’ met with the : Association office crewman) capturing the Com­ Park Salvation Army Band, world; Auditorium whose, total membership is some staff,- the North End Hotel staff, Neptune Township since 1955. 27.000 adults and. whose Sunday- et division. Mrs.- Lorraine Pringle of Belmar . directed by Bandmaster Al- the bathing department personnel |fred Swenarton, will provide school enrollment approaches thb;- the police department, the streets, has been, assigned to the Neptune Attendance 50.000 mark. * . .> V parks and public works crews, the Township nursing program. marching music. Several Twenty-seven new churches have . Auditorium and camp grounds open cars, the Fire Depart­ been established or have affiliated workejs, and the North End laun ment, and several marching Pa. Schools Supt. Ahead O f’56 with the denomination during, tho dry staff. contingents representing lo­ p ast year. ; Mr. Merritt pointed out in each The combined income of all tho meeting that resorts particularly cal organisations will proceed Guest Speaker At. Attendance at Ocean congregations in the.United States are remembered by their visitors Of Phone Books east to Ocean Avenue and Grove Auditorium serv­ and Canada was $4,488,495, forty- in terms of reception and treat-, L. i north to Ocean Pathway. At NJ Shore Builders four percent of which was, ear­ m ent.; If . a place is clean arid neat, ices this season is sub­ marked for Home and Foreign Mis­ Asbury Area Increases that point, all dignitaries will stantially ahead of that in if its workers get along with, each alight, from the cars and join . ' ■ sions. Last year.the denomina­ . other and meet the public courte- 2,500; Nearly 3,000 More School Board Members recent years, it was dis­ tion ranked fourth among all tho : ously, and if the community reflects Listings In The County the line of march west into And Mayors Urged To closed, this week by the | denominations in the nation in per a Christian spirit of joy 'and help­ the Auditorium. capita giving. This year the record fulness, he said; the public will re-- Attend July 9 Meeting. Ocean Grove Camp Meet- ; of last year was topped as the per Delivery of more than* 124,000 ing Association. In .the' capita figure rose from $155 to member it and will return agaiti Monmouth County telephone direc­ and again to enjoy its hospitality. Dr. Charles H. Boehm, superin­ first three Sundays' of the $265. Average of the 28 churches tories will begin Tuesday, (July 2) tendent of schools for the state of of-the denomination on the East-, “Jesus was a man of joy. He the New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. season, worship services “■ reflected joy Wherever ,He , went.' said this week. Pennsylvania', will.be the featured ern seaboard exceeded that of all Those to whom He talked arid with speaker as the New Jersey Shore at the Auditoriunt;.haye the other districts, with a per.capi­ Distribution o f . the July, 1057 Builders Association meets Tues­ drawn congregations to­ ta figure of $221.73: One congre­ whom . He met were infused with issue will begin with 45,750 direc­ that feeling,” said President :Mer- day, July 9, at Beau Rivage Res­ taling 7,086. Attendance : gation in Alberta, Canada had a tories in .the Asbury Park area, an taurant, Spring Lake Heights. , per capita piivirip'rccord of $071 for vltt. “Let us—all of us,who are increase of nearly 2,500 over 195C. in the same , period in ; responsible for maintaining Ocean' Delivery of 10,700 directories, an Dr. Boehm, eminent educator and the year, and the church in Port­ ' . Grove—reflect1 that same spirit.” school system, administrator, while 1956 was 6,513. land, Maine ranked second with a. increase of over 700, will begin in serving as superintendent of 1 The Evangelical Free figure of . $-105. per member. Dr. Carradine R. Hooton, gen- the Freehold area the next day ' oral secretary of . the..- Methodist schools for Bucks. County, Pennsyl­ Church of America is The . Evangelical Flee Church wfth G7,G50 directories represent­ vania, a few years ago, played a Board .of Temperance, has this to ing an increase of niorer.than G}000, holding its national con-, has a Bible. College and Seminary say about Ocean Grove: major role in helping to bring about that had an enrollment of. more being deUycreti-m Jicd Bank and local and state legislation to help yention here, this week. than 2o0 students-during the past “I'think that.'you have .the: best vicinity starting Friday (July 5), organized group for. the enjoyment solve the school problems which Speakers at tKe Audito- ' year* The president-elect of the .and promotion of spiritual.life any- The total number of directories In ,l(1(]ition to se„ inf; ns assist. arose when the huge developments rium Sunday (June 30) college, Dr. Will Norton, was the .. where to be found in Methodism, I for delivery this year represents t , .« Winona E Darrah of I.evittown nni! Fairless Hills wilf be Dr. Arnold T. Ol­ speaker, at the opening «es3ion of annncrease of more than 9,000 over cxeclltive ,m-octor, Miss Kliem w ill! /• congratulate you upon the busi­ brought that area’s-population in- son of Minneapolis, na­ the- General Conference, in the ness-like and! yet- brotherly manner last year.-Theie aie approximately . • f.iinro-o'nf tho AICO^ Tit- crease to more than 100,000 within Auditorium, on Wednesday • eve-- in which tho services are conducted. S nnn berculosi^US n ? ro ll" p r S S Sho a few years. ' .. - tional president of -the ning , A girls’ sextet from the col- ' •Your leadership is as. inspirational section, °f about 3,000. has j us(. rctm.nc(j f rom „ COUisc on Dr. Boehm will sneak on the sub­ Evangelical Free Church, lepe-is. singing at .each of the ever as any messages that' any, of us gagesT he contain directory information s ntroductorj on enier-1 |T Tuberculosis ubcn-culosiscon<lucted conducted at the Tru-1 ject “Better Schools for American and Dr. Arley Bragg, pas­ ning services during the remainder - might ever bring.” •lon on e m c r - c„i. i o Z..~ r Youth.” lie plans to present sev­ of the week.
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