BUSINESS PROGRAM Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session Legislative Assembly

Thursday 15 October 2020

At 9.30 am Giving of Notices of Motions (General Notices) (for a period of up to 15 minutes)

GOVERNMENT BUSINESS (for a period of up to 30 minutes) Notices of motion No. 1 Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill (Mr ) No. 2 Marine Pollution Amendment (Review) Bill (Mr Andrew Constance)


Notices of Motions (for Bills) (for up to 20 minutes) No. 1 NSW Jobs First Bill (Ms ) No. 2 Local Government Amendment (Pecuniary Interests Disclosures) Bill (Mr Greg Warren)

Orders of the Day (for Bills) (for up to 90 minutes) No. 2 Roads Amendment (Toll-free Period) Bill; resumption of the interrupted debate on the motion of Ms McKay (Mr David Harris speaking – 6 minutes remaining). No. 4 Government Sector Employment Amendment (Teleworking) Bill; resumption of the adjourned deate (Mr Roy Butler – Mrs *). No. 5 Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Amendment (Coercive Control – Preethi's Law) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Ms – Mrs Melinda Pavey*).

* denotes member who adjourned debate

General Business Orders of the Day/ Notices of Motions (until 1.15pm) Order of the Day No. 1 National Australia Bank Uralla Branch; resumption of interrupted debate on the motion of Mr (Mr Adam Marshall speaking – 6 minutes remaining)

Notices of Motions No.1243 Kingswood Park Public School – 20 Days Kindness Challenge (Mr ) No.1246 Member for Drummoyne (Ms ) No.1247 Old Manly Hospital Site – Draft Masterplan (Mr James Griffin) No.1248 Transgrid Upgrade – Community Consultation (Dr Joe McGirr) No.1249 Local Government Councils – Bushfire Rate Relief (Mr Christopher Gulaptis) No.1250 Armenia and Azerbaijan Conflict (Dr Hugh McDermott) No.1251 Black Lives Matter Rally (Mr Kevin Connolly) No. 1252 Shenua Energy Coalmine (Mr Jamie Parker) No.1253 Dubbo Employment – Department of Regional NSW (Mr ) No.1254 Local Government Week (Ms )

At 2.15 pm Ministerial Statements Giving of Notices of Motions (Government Business, Bills, Business with Precedence) Question Time Ministerial Statements Papers Committee Reports and Announcements Petitions Placing or Disposal of Business Business with Precedence under SO 118 (if any) Private Members' Statements

At 4.00 pm

Order of the Day (Petitions) No.1 Discussion of a petition from certain citizens requesting the Legislative Assembly ask the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads to ensure eligible residents in the Newcastle Local Government Area are included in the pilot Regional Seniors Travel Card Program. (presented by Ms ).

Private Members' Statements (if not completed from prior to the Petition discussion) Community Recognition Statements (for a period of up to 30 minutes) Adjournment

Mark Speakman, MP Leader of the House