THE SURGEON GENERAL vs. THE MARLBORIO MAN: WHO REALLY WON? THE UNIVERSITY OF TH~ C~NT~RFOR An Exhibition Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the nu~STUDY OF Landmark Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health ALABAMA TOBACCO AND SOCl~TY Alan Blum, MD, University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA [email protected]

The University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society was founded in 1998 to explore historical and contemporary aspects of tobacco marketing, the influence of the tobacco industry, and efforts to reduce tobacco use and promotion. The Center has produced more than a dozen exhibitions for museums and libraries on compelling and controversial aspects of the tobacco pandemic. In 2014 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the US Surgeon General's landmark report of smoking and health, the Center created a traveling exhibition, "The Surgeon General vs. The Man: Who Really Won?" The exhibition includes more than 130 objects from the Center's collection of over 100,000 items. Several of the most ironic and iconic items are included here. The Center is developing on line versions of the exhibitions and welcomes inquiries by individuals and institutions about hosting any of the Center's exhibitions. Contact Dr. Alan Blum at [email protected] IN POPULAR CULTURE, 1930's -1950's HEALTH CLAIMS IN ADVERTISING, 1930's-1960's

\lw. l~~~-C\\1US Marl~oro Till' l\11fflttllor.\Rt:rrf 100's CANOY CIGARETTES This advertisement NET WT. 9/1 6 OZ. This advertisement for Philip Morris' P. Lorillard Tobacco R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company for R.J. Reynolds' Marlboro Brown & Williamson Camel cigarettes Company 's KENT advertisement in The Journal of the Tobacco Company's cigarettes American Medical Association, 1950, Christmas-themed advertisement was in Time, October advertisement Micronite filter, Play Lighter and Philip Marlboro 1 00's Candy Advertisement for Liggett & Kool cigarettes in The 14 1946· "More advertised widely proclaiming, "More Doctors Smoke from 1937 for American Tobacco in The Saturday Morris bubble gum Cigarettes made by Myers' cigarettes Saturday Evening Post, D~ctors .Smoke in 1955 with Camels" Company's Lucky Strike cigarettes Evening Post, cigarettes, ca 1960 Howard B. Stark Company, in The Sporting News, January October 23, 1937, Camels Than Any implied claims of features Santa Claus saying, ca 1980 4, 1950. The advertisement features features cartoon November 9, "Luckies are easy on my throat" Other Cigarette" reduced risk to baseball star Jackie Robinson, character Willie the 1950, features a health, was made and "Luckies' exclusive process baby saying, who says, "Take my tip-smoke Pen_gui~as Dr. Kool, of asbestos . is your throat protection against Chesterfield ... much milder ." saying, 0 Doctors ... "Gee, Mommy, irritation ... against cough" lawyers ... merchants ... you sure enjoy chiefs in every walk of your Marlboro" life agree that KOOLs MANUFACTURING CONTROVERSY are soothing to your throat." ON SMOKING AND HEALTH, 1950's-1980's


AMA:CIGARETS -.rww.>RKsrAn THETRUTH JOVRML~Ml:DIOhE DAMAGEIIART ABOUTSMOKING ,.....,,..,,-.s., ANDCANCER JAMA (The Journal of ----=;.E...~- ... ,.,.,.1..... ,u,o,. J...,1.w-. the American Medical 0 1,.c1 .. , ... 11..... c-- .. i-,11 .. ,. Association) ashtray, "A Brief Review of the Mayo Clinic The Tobacco Industry Smoke Without Fear, Cover story, U.S . Smoke Screen: ca 1955-1960 Smoking and 11 1964 New York Daily Memo from George New York State Journal Smoking-Lung Cancer cigarette case Research Committee, written by Donald G. News & World On Jan. • • Tobacco and the News,Aug. 8, 1978: Lundberg, MD, Theory" by Clarence Cook ca 1960 ' comprising the major Cooley and paid for by Health: A Report U.S. Surgeon General Public Welfare, editor of JAMA, to of Medicine published Report, July 26, of The Royal Dr. Luther Terry the American Medical the editorial staff, the first theme issue on Little, ScD,the Scientific cigarette manufacturers, the tobacco industry, 1957 released his advisory Prentice-Hall, l_nc., Association 's 14- Director of the Tobacco took out this 1954 was reprinted in True - College of s t 7 1982 "D tobacco to appear in committee 's 387-page Englewo?d Cliffs, year research J;~~s 'sam ~ on:· a U.S. medical journal Industry Research advertisement in A Man's Magazine, Physicians on Smoking in report Smoking and NJ, 1963, Senator program funded by and Mr. Thomas in Dec. 1983 and a Committee . This address, newspapers throughout May 1954 Health . The report Maureen Neuberger the tobacco industry delivered before the the US to dispute the Relation to Cancer d . d . IT was the most Hanson pointed out follow-up theme issue of the Lung and 1 1 confirmed and the existence of some in July 1985 . Monroe County Cancer growing scientific :vr~:nc!C~~7~e lC outspoken critic of strengthened the Association, Inc, in evidence that cigarette Other Diseases th particularly sensitive was published by association between e ~obacco induSlry conclusions of the Rochester, New York, on smoking caused lung cancer. smoking and cancer in Congress. 1964 Surgeon political questions and the Pitman urged that we exercise April 28, 1960, claimed The group promised to and other General's Report proof of the harmfulness leave no stone unturned to Medical Publishing appropriate caution on Company in life-threatening on Smoking and of cigarettes . find the real cause. Health . these subjects. They London, 1962 conditions such as are tobacco and control heart of tobacco use, nuclear EQUAL SMOKING RIGHTS FOR WOMEN, 1960's-1990's disease. war, abortion." - - MARLBORO COUNTRY, 1960's-present l ( ~IRGINIASU~M)flll1ll\ll" 7" t \ • , ' ,t.

-.,.• I~ I I 1"' ~ f r;:;7MarlboroCup

Photograph of a child I, "" :11· "You've Come A Long Way, at the "Emphysema Slims: Cover story, Time, Ap ril 28, 1)1' .11F Baby" Virginia Slims Promotional Throw Tobacco Out 2003: "Women & Heart Disease," advertisement, ca 1988, Women's Tennis Circuit, brochure for the with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Houston, 1988 of Sports" parody Philip Morris' Marlboro cigarettes featuring the model Iman 1984 $500,000 Company's Camel Mellow Turkish Philip Morris' Marlboro Cup byDoctors Ought race car store display, 1990's soccer pennant, 1990 Virginia Slims to Care (DOC), 1980 Blends cigarette advertisement Cover story, U.S. News & World Philip Morris () job Championship, on the back cover Report, Aug . 6, 1990: "How to recruitment booth at a Madison Square Reverse Heart Disease," with university career fair, 2012 Garden, New York Philip Morris' Marlboro cigarettes City advertisement on the back cover