FON iREfCEtNT DEEVELONPMENTTS IHN THE OMRETICAL ANRD ECXPEERIMLENT AGL GENREROAL RESLASTIVMITY, ASATROPNHYSICNS, AN D MRELATEIVISETICT FIEILDN THEOG RIES satellite meetings LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE - Third Zeldovich meeTing , Amati, L., Angelantonj, C., Barbiellini, G., Bassan, M., Battistelli, E., David Blair, Yvonne Choquet Bruhat, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, 23-27 April 2018 Belinski, V.A., Belli, L., Benedetti, R., Bernabei, R., Bianchi, M., Thibault Damour, Paolo De Bernardis, Bianco, C.L., Bini, D., Buchert, T., Burgio, F., Capozziello, S., C. W. , , - FirsT markarian meeTing , Chakrabarti, S.K., Chardonnet, P., Dall’Agata, G., De Angelis, A., Theodor Haensch, Stephen Hawking, National Academy of Sciences, , , 21-25 May 2018 De Bernardis, P., Della Valle, M., Di Virgilio, A., Ferrari, V., Frasca S., Christine Jones Forman, , Hagen Kleinert, - second Julio garaviTo armero meeTing on relaTivisTic asTrophysics , Fraschetti, F., Fré, P., Frontera, F., Giavalisco, M., Giommi, P., Jutta Kunz, Claus Laemmerzahl, Tsvi Piran, Bucaramanga, 30 July - 3 August, 2018 Gionti, G., Ingrosso, G., Jantzen, T.R., Jetzer, P., Lee, H.-W., Jorge Rueda, ( chairperson ), - Third cesar laTTes meeTing , Lerda, A., Liberati, S., Longo, R., Mandolesi, N., Marmo, G., Misao Sasaki, Humitaka Sato, Rashid Sunyaev, , , 6-10 August 2018 Menotti, P., Merafina, M., Morselli, A., Pani, P., Pelster, A., Gerard 't Hooft, , Piacentini, F., Pian, E., Procesi, C., Quevedo, H., Ricci, F., Shing-Tung Yau Riccioni, F., Rosati, P., Ruffo, S., Scarpetta, E.V., Tavani, M., Tino, G., Titarchuk, L.G., Vereshchagin, G.V., Xue, S.-S., Zen Vasconcellos, C.

INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE THE MARCEL GROSSMAN MEETINGS “ SAPIENZA” THE UNIVERSITY OF ROME • ALBANIA : Hafizi, M. • : Arguelles, C., Ghezzi, C.R., • COLOMBIA : Bargueño de Retes, P., Barret, W., Gonzalez, G., • : Belinski, V.A., Bianchi, M., Bianco, C.L., Cherubini, C., • SERBIA : Pankov-Hzvojevic, Prodanovic, T., M., Sijacki, D., Since 1975, the Marcel Grossman Meetings have With approximately 120,000 students and 60 Mirabel, F., Romero, G.E. • ARMENIA : Aharonian, F., Sahakyan, N. Granda Velasquez, L.N., Núñez, L., Pachón Contreras, L.A., Della Valle, M., Falciano, S., Filippi, S., Menotti, P., Merafina, M., Živoslav L.T. • SLOVAKIA : Balek, V. been organized in order to provide opportunities for Institutions, the University “la Sapienza”, • AUSTRALIA : Blair, D., Ju, L., Lun, A., Manchester, D., Portilla, B., Valenzuela Toledo, C.A. Pani, P., Ricci, F., Treves, A., Vereshchagin, G.V., Vitale, S., • SLOVENIA : Cadez, A. • SOUTH AFRICA : Colafrancesco, S., discussing recent advances in gravitation, general “Studium Urbis” in Latin, has become the Melatos, A., Quinn, P., Scott, S.M., Steele, J.D., • CROATIA : Cvitan, M., Milekovic, M., Požek, Smolčić, V., Xue, S.-S. • JAPAN : Fujimoto, M.-K., Makishima, K., Larena, J., Maharaj, S., relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing largest center of learning in the Mediter - • AUSTRIA : Aichelburg, P.C., Schindler, S. Smolić, I., M., Sokoli , F., Surić, T. Nakamura, T., Sato, K., Shibata, M. • SPAIN : Elizalde, E., Ibanez, J., Perez Mercader, J., mathematical foundations, physical predictions and ranean. It was founded in 1303 by Pope • BELARUS : Kilin, S., Minkevich, A.V., Siutsou, I.A. • CUBA : Perez Martinećz, A., Quiros, I., Pérez Rojas, H. • KAZAKHSTAN : Aimuratov, Y., Boshkayev, K., Medeu, A., Verdaguer, E. • SWEDEN : Abramowicz, M.A., Marklund, M., experimental tests. The objective of these meetings is Bonifacio VIII. In 1431 by the will of Pope Eu - • BELGIUM : Henneaux, M. • BOLIVIA : Aguirre, C.B. • CZECH REPUBLIC :Bicak, J. • DENMARK : Naselsky, P. Mychelkin, E.G. Ryde, F. • SWITZERLAND : Durrer, R., Jetzer, P. • BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA : Pasic, V. • EGYPT : Tawfik, A.N., Wanas, M.I. • ESTONIA : Einasto , J., • KOREA (PYEONGYANG) : Kim, J.S. • TURKEY : Aliev, A., Gurses, M. to elicit exchange among scientists that may deepen genio IV the University was given a fixed en - • BRAZIL : Aguiar, O., Berkovits, J.N., Carneiro da Cunha, B., Saar, E. • FINLAND : Poutanen, J., Volovik, G. • KOREA (SEOUL) : Kim, S.P., Kim, S.-W., Lee, H.K., • UKRAINE : Novosyadlyj, B., Zhuk, A., Zaslavski, O.B. our understanding of space-time structures as well as dowment. In 1527 the students gave origin to de Almeida, U.B., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M., • FRANCE : Brillet, A., Buchert, T., Chardonnet, P., Coullet, P., Lee, H.-W., van Putten, M. • UK : Cruise, A.M., Frenk, C.S., Green, M., Kibble, T., to review the status of ongoing experiments aimed at various Academies and the topics of teaching de Souza Oliveira Filho, K., Guzzo, M., Hadjimichef, D., de Freitas Pacheco, J.A., Deruelle, N., Iliopoulos, J., • KYRGYZSTAN : Gurovich, V.Ts. • LIBYA : Gadri, M. Perry, M., Mavromatos, N. testing Einstein’s theory of gravitation and relativistic were further extended. In 1660 three major Klippert, R., Malheiro, M., Negreiros, R., Nóbrega Santos, F.A., Mignard, F., Veneziano, G. • GEORGIA : Lavrelashvili, G., • : Breton, N., García-Diaz, A.A., Macías Alvarez, A., • USA : Abel, T., Ashtekar, A., Bardeen, J.,Carlstrom, J., field theories either from the ground or from space. institutions were founded: the main library Peres Menezes, D., Romero, C.A.F., Shellard, R., Machabeli, G. • GERMANY : Biermann, P., Blumlein, J., Mielke, E.W., Rodriguez, L.F., Quevedo, H. Cornish, N., Dermer, C., Fan, X., Flanagan, E., Fraschetti, F., Previous meetings have been held in (1975) and “Alessandrina”, the splendid Botanical Gar - Teixeira Coelho, H., Villela, T., Zen Vasconcellos, C. Di Piazza, A., Fritzsch, H., Genzel, R., Gilmozzi, R., Hehl, F., • NEW ZEALAND : Visser, M., Wiltshire, D. Fryer, C., Incera, V., Jantzen, T.R. (Chairperson ), Kolb, R., (1979), (1982), Rome (1985), Perth (1988), den on the Gianicolo Hills, both still operating • BULGARIA : Yazadjiev, S. Keitel, C., Kiefer, C., Mirzoyan, R., Neugebauer, G., Nicolai, H., • NORWAY : Knutsen, H. • POLAND : Demianski, M., Lousto, C., Madau, P., Mathews, G., Matzner, R., Melia, F., Kyoto (1991), Stanford (1994), (1997), Rome today, the church “S. Ivo” and the palace of • CANADA : Singh, D., Smolin, L., Turok, N. Renn, J., Ringwald, A., Ruediger, A. Lewandowski, J., Nurowski, P., Sokolowski, L. Mester, J., Michelson, P., Nordtvedt, K., Parker, L., Pretorius, (2000), Rio (2003), (2006), (2009), and “la Sapienza”, designed by Borromini, today • CHILE : Bunster Weitzman, C., Giacomini, A., Reisenegger, A. • GREECE : Batakis, N.A., Cotsakis, S., Vagenas, E.C. • PORTUGAL : Costa, M., Lemos, J.P.S., Lobo, F., Moniz, P., F., Pullin, J., Shapiro, I., Shapiro, S., Shoemaker, D., Smoot, G., (2012). Interested scientists should address part of the Senate of the Italian Republic. In • CHINA (Mainland): Cai, R.G., Cao, Z., Chang, J., Chen, J., • HUNGARY : Fodor, G., Levai, P. • ICELAND : Bjornsson, G. Silva, L.O., da Silva, A. • ROMANIA : Visinescu, M. Stiavelli, M., Teukolsky, S., van Nieuwenhuizen, P., Zhang, B. Chen, X., Dai, Z., Feng, L.-L., Han, W.-B., Jing, Y., Li, T.-P., • INDIA : Chakrabarti, S.K.,Iyer, B., Padmanabhan, T., Souradeep, T. • RUSSIA : Aksenov, A.G., Arkhangelskaja, I., • UZBEKISTAN : Zalaletdinov, R.M. a member from any one of the organizing committees 1935 part of the University was transferred to Lou, Y.-Q., Luo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, X.-P., Wu, Y.-L., Zhang, B., • IRAN : Mansouri, Mashhoon, B., R., Sobouti, Y. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S., Blinnikov, S.I., Chechetikin, V.M., • : Gionti, G. or the conference secretariat. the new campus, designed by Piacentini, Zhang, S.-N., Zhao, G. • CHINA (TAIWAN) : Chen, C.-M., • IRELAND : O’Murchada, N., Pe’er, A. Cherepaschuk, A.M., Khriplovich, I.B., Lipunov, V.M., Lukash, • VENEZUELA : Barreto, W., Herrera, L. website : http://www.icra.it/MG/mg14/ where Tullio Levi-Civita and Enrico Fermi Chen, P., Lee, D.-S., Lee, W.-L., Ni, W.-T., Xiangdong, J., Yuan, Y.-F. • ISRAEL : Milgrom, M., Piran, T. V.N., Novikov, I.D., Rudenko, V.N., Starobinsky, A.A. • VIETNAM : Long, H.N. email : [email protected] were members of the Faculty of Sciences.

With the participation of (preliminary list)