ceie b en docos b hvn xlay nlrsecs vlaecrla oe, a lobes, corolla valvate inflorescences, axillary having by dioecious, being by acterized

ay aily ragd etcl rows vertical arranged radially many Gaud. of in its valvate corolla aestivation and much more complex fruit structure; fruit complex more much and aestivation corolla valvateits in Hawaii of Gaud. several-to many-branched style, and a drupe with many pyrenes superposed in several to several in superposed pyrenes many with drupe a and style, many-branched several-to ifclywsecutrd ihtoedsrbd rmPlu I irnsa usd Palau outside Micronesia In Palau. from described those with encounteredwas difficulty from and ue) mc oenmru, pyrenes. numerous, more much fused),

these, r fu , four are

three are mutually closely related and also related to the indigenous species from Palau, from species indigenous the to related also and related closely mutually are three graphical. and, like the latter, are conspicuously variable. The variation in each of these three speciesthreein ofthese variation each The variable. are conspicuouslylatter, likethe and,

T. ponapensis T. non-Palauan species are reasonably numerous and it is possible to characterize them fairly them characterizeto is it possibleand numerous reasonablyare species non-Palauan reliably. geo- or morphological either patterns into clear fall not does and continuous is apparently itnt Kanehira 's distinct. auritus sissimus

long as only the material available to Valeton was known, his three species seemed amply seemed species three his Valeton to was known,available material the asonly long complex to be one variable species, especially since in Palau there seems little geographiclittle seems therein Palau since especially species, variableone be to complex pce. pcmn cletd yHskw, oaa Cnil n obr subsequently Fosberg and Canfield Hosaka, Hosokawa, by collected Specimens species. subauritus. T. ae ocodd h dsicin ta h eset ore ol b t cnie te whole the consider to be would course easiest the that distinctions the clouded so have

separation between most of the variations. the of most between separation

Abstract-A in Palau, Western Caroline Islands, recognizing and describing and recognizing Islands, Caroline Western Palau, in ties,

w varieties, two presented. ols submollis mollis,


narnig h e irnsa seisfrteFoao irnsa extraordinary Micronesia, of Flora the for species Micronesian few the arrangingIn

ftePluseis Vltndsrbd three, Valeton described species,Palau the Of

. ledermannii T.

n ot hrces bt ol sacl b cmie wt ete. His either. with combined be scarcely could but characters, most in


ss ls to close so is


. a/bus, T.

The The


aeiadsrbd twomore, describedKanehira

aeo n oae and Ponape, in Valeton

critical discussion and taxonomic treatment of the species of species the of treatment taxonomic and discussion critical


eatet fBtn, ..Ntoa Msu o aua History, Natural of Museum National U.S. Botany, of Department

. nitidus T.


nw, and (new),



sawdsra noPcfcgnso h uica-utade char- Indo-PacificRubiaceae-Guettardae,the isof genusa widespread

T. korrensisT.

mtsna Institution Smithsonian

rm Yap from



svr itnt rm h ohr ad eaiey uniform relatively and others the from distinct very is


. mollis T.







(Bartl. ex DC.) F.-Vill. in Guam, in F.-Vill. DC.) ex (Bartl.





is closest to the Palau complex Palau the to closest is

sensu Jato, in its valvate aestivation and usually free (not free usually and aestivationvalvate its in Jato, sensu

seemed intermediate between intermediate seemed

ht n 90Fseg lcd ti yoyy ne that under synonymy in it placed Fosberg 1940 in that

() in the Palau Islands Palau the in (Rubiaceae)



T. korrensis T.


(new comb (new



. ledermannii T.

ahntn D Washington,



iois korrensis Timonius


Kaneh., ),


ifr fo te lsl related closely the from differs




Timonius corymbosus, T. mollis, T. corymbosus, Timonius





T T 06, U 20560,

aeo n oae n Truk and Ponape in Valeton











Mril itoue) is {introduced) Merrill ) a. ih he varieties, three with Val.



Timonius .








olcin o te four the of Collections



Val. with two varie- two with Val.

T. villosissimus. T.


okn n Yap, in Volkens



Val. with Val.



h other The

. villo- T.

T. sub- T. Bobea




As and



T. mollis,

stipules triangular


cm long





cm), on flowering branchlets rarely as

times dichotomous, ultimate branchlets



63: 307, 1930. elliptic to slightly obovate, acuminate, ap-

, grouping the more similar ones into entities

4- 7







each on a different island and representing an isolated

sericeous, slender, tending to be flat-topped, branches

occurring two in varieties, one from Koror, substratum

cm, usually smaller, broadly ovate to elliptic or oval or








m tall, young growth thinly and very minutely sericeous-







Val. var

mm long, sericeous, especially on midrib, ciliate, densely appressed described under that variety


and even

could possibly belong in the same species. Differences between solitary

enables one to sort the specimens into piles that may represent natural popula-


Specimens that we have seen are indicated by collectors' names and numbers in

cm; upleaves to




This course would make difficultit keepto separate from the Palau complex

Critical study of a fair amount of material, concentrating firston obvious vegetative

We choose, We here, presentto descriptions, brief comments, and critical specimen cita-

Shrub or small to

Apparently endemic to Palau

Leaves thin-chartaceous or membranous



T. subauritus T. population with some distinctive combinations of characters. Further, it would be hard to convince most botanists that typical representatives of

pedunculate pistillate flowers and those disposed in cymes, between ample, many times branched staminate cymes and condensed once twiceor ramified ones, between large thin, cordate, hairy leaves and small, subcoriaceous, broadly elliptic, glabrous ones would be hard to reconcile within one species. there Yetseem to be various degrees of intermediacy present in these and other characters between all of the species described from Palau.

acteristics characters, then on the form and size of inflorescences, finally on calyx and corolla char- tions. A factor that complicates this is the difficulty of knowing, in some whichto were found growing cases, together. This which was not often done, as wewere not aware that staminate go with which pistillate ones observationsif were not made in the field as there were any problems. Some of our guesses may conceivably be wrong.

tions of what we take to be separable taxa corresponding mostly to Valeton's and Kanehira's species. These are published species, here so which will have a key and all information available. With this tentative frame- they can be discussed and their names used in the flora treatment of all the Micronesian work at hand, collections can be made to test the entities proposed. Some of them, of italics. Timonius corymbosus available course, may not stand when more abundant and more carefully collected specimens are

puberulent, internodes variably quite long slightly obovate, apex obtuse to acutish, or acuminate, usually very slightly and shortly short as

so, base obtuse to acute, sometimes slightly decurrent, appressed pubescent, or glabrous except when very young, main veins villous within; cymes tending to acuminate, up to either somewhat scorpioid or with one or more scale-like bractlets part way up and a pair corymbosus Timonius tending to be scorpioid, staminate usually atthe summit subtending the flower; pistillate inflorescence, flowersand fruit only known for var.

not recorded, the other mainly from the limestone islands

pressed pubescent beneath, midrib slightly so above, densely beneath; petiole densely prse-ist; ye -1 mln, -7tmsbace; ay fsaiae flowers staminate of calyx branched; times 7 5- long, cm 9-11 cymes appressed-hirsute; u-hpd 1m ln, hrl 4tohd sasl apesdhrelu ad ciliolate; and appressed-hirtellous sparsely 4-toothed, shortly long, mm 1 cup-shaped, ool o saiae lwr srnl srcos ihu, ue m, oe 5 ovate, 5, lobes mm, 8 tube without, sericeous strongly flowers staminate of corolla 2 mm long. mm 2


iois corymbosus Timonius

iltsIniednuai 12-) aiiai, lrbscnrlbs sessilibus. centralibus floribus ramificatis, 1-2(-3) Iongipendunculatis tillatis

glabrous petiole, shorter staminate cymes as in var.in as cymes staminate shorter petiole, glabrous

aeifoecnesedr yoe ln euclt, -(3 tmsbace; pistillate branched; times 1-2(-3) pedunculate, long cymose, slender, inflorescence late lwr ihoaysmwa wle bu mln, rwe b oeht spread- somewhat a by crowned long, mm 2 about swollen somewhat flowersovary with n hr -ote clx crla uedney eieu, mln, iae uwr or upward dilated long, mm 5 sericeous, densely tube corolla calyx, 4-toothed short ing o,garu ihn lbs45 oae 225 mln, pedn rrfee, papillose reflexed, or spreading long, mm 2-2.5 ovate, 4-5, lobes within, glabrous not, ihn sye (3) rnhd bace fatnd irglry rdnae tp exserted, tips tridentate, irregularly flattened, branches branched, (-3?) 2 style within, fruit globose, about 6 mm diam. when dry, surface irregularly mamillate when dry. when mamillate irregularly surface dry, when diam. mm 6 about globose, fruit

of var. of mle; lo h psilt cms r mr sedr mr bace (hs lcn i in it placing (thus branched more slender, more are cymes pistillate the also smaller;

rnhd vr sal rcs utnig rnhs cnetd y siua ln; central line; stipular a by connected branches, subtending bracts small very branched,

rclt; itlae lwr ih yatim n clx relt, h 4 raglr teeth triangular 4 the urceolate, calyx and hypanthium with flowers pistillate bractlets;

lwr ssie t ah aiiain ltrl lwr lsl sbedd y - minute 2-4 by subtended closely flower lateral ramification, each at sessile flowers vt -. m og sraigo elxd wt ad fppla ihn antherodes within, papillae of bands 2 with reflexed, or spreading long, mm 2-2.5 ovate T. pedn smwa, essig n ri; ool tb 56 m og smwa dilated somewhat long, mm 5-6 tube corolla fruit; on persisting somewhat, spreading pad rnt lk h lbsgaru wti, esl srcos ihu, oe 4 (-5), 4 lobes without, sericeous densely within, glabrous lobes the like not, or upward

aeo lgtytii,te gi ett, pclprso rnhssmwa xetd fruit exserted; somewhat branches of parts apical againdentate, then trifid, slightly or tate globose, 5- 7 mm diameter when dry, irregularly mamillate, pyrenes l pyrenes 6 7 radiating-mm orwhen mamillate, more, irregularlydiameter dry, 5- globose, ier ssie ntra, tl ih2o oefatndbace, hs irglry triden- irregularly these branches, flattened more or 2 with style throat, in sessile linear,

sedn i etclrw, uiom n lgtycre, free. curved, slightly and fusiform rows, vertical in ascending

type), lands of Palau, and on Kaiguru, Peliliu and Angaur and Peliliu Kaiguru, on and Palau, of lands O A; nar sad IO m, Island, Angaur A); MO,

Risong, Matuker Bay, 2 m, 2 Bay, Matuker Risong,

IH; 15 ft., BISH);

iois korrensis Timonius

pressed hirtellous beneath, the 5- 7 veins on a side with small domatia with tufts of hair in hair of tufts with domatia smallwith a veinsside 7 on 5- the beneath, hirtellous pressed evscatcos osboicos body litc osihl oaeo bvt, some- obovate, or ovate slightly to elliptic broadly subcoriaceous, to chartaceous leaves ht cmnt a ae, ae ct t ots o sbrnae garu t sasl ap- sparsely to glabrous subtruncate, or obtuse to acute base apex, at acuminate what xl, eil 58 m og siue tinua auiae 1-4 m og til se- thinly long, mm 10-14 acuminate, triangular stipules long; mm 5-8 petiole axils,


aa (ea) Krr sad 2-0 , e. 1914, Feb. m, 20-30 Island, Koror (Belau): Palau

b var. Ab

ifrn fo var. from Differing

In leaf-characters this variety resembles variety this Inleaf-characters

on nOosaa (Alpee) sad nrhrms o h ag ietn is- limestone large the of northernmost Island, (=Aulupse'el) Olopshacal on Found

aa: uus'l Oosaa) Islands, (Olopshacal) Aulupse'el Palau:

hu o sal re yug at vr sihl t smwa appressed-puberulent; somewhat to slightly very parts young tree, small or Shrub






itlaecmssedr o4c og ogpdnuae 12 -) times (-3) 1-2 long-pedunculate, long, to cm 4 slender, cymes pistillate


oaa 3423 Hosaka

r mc mr sedr mr tms aiid ad h foes much flowers the and ramified, times more slender, more much are

aeia Bot Kanehira,



ois air iu pbsetbs ptoi gars Cms pis- Cymis glabris. petiolis pubescentibus, minus latior foliis




Fosberg 47569 Fosberg



Vol. 20 Vol.


afed 254 Canfield

BS) Kaiguru, (BISH);


seily n t bodr uh es ar leaves, hairy less much broader its in especially


obr aht n var. n. Sachet, & Fosberg

eebr 1987 December


oy,4:31 1931. 351, 45: Tokyo,

T. korrense,

aaas 1478 Takamatsu


U) Peliliu: (US).



aaas 1580 Takamatsu

but the staminate inflorescences staminate the but


BS, ooye P iso- P, holotype, (BISH,

u - c og Pistil- long. cm 5-8 but

eemn 14051 Ledermann


lcbr 283 Blackburn

BS) S side, S (BISH);



159 rather

does not


15 cm, thin, 15

mm long, se-

(P, US).



toothed, sericeous in-

T. corymbosus,


)5, oblong


It resembles this species in

(A); 1/4 mi. from Rendrok

Kanehira 2462


mm long,

wasprobably a onlapsus Valeton's

Takamatsu 1623.




(US); s.l.,

Hosokawa 9090


T. tomentosus

Salsedo 437

fromKoror. Neithertype othernor Kanehira material seen

18 mm wide,18 mmhigh, 12 pubescent.

represented, at least by

was used.


Valeton, Bot. Jahrb. 63: 305, 1930.

was published by Valetonin his key to the Micronesian spe-

T. mollisT.


Valeton, Bot. Jahrb. 63: 305, 1930.

T. villosissimus

Kanehira 105, 460,

Timonius tomelllosus Onlypresent one matureon eachflower sheet studied, inner parts and fruitnot seen. andKoror southern Babeldaob, and an uninhabitedcoral island near Koror. Palau: Koror; Arumizu [Ngarmid],

Small tree, generally sparsely to densely villous-hirsute, only sparsely so on upper

Timonius tomentosus Apparently endemic to Palau, except that a sterile specimen collected by Otto SwezeyOttoPalau, sterilespecimencollectedbyexceptendemic to athat Apparently

Possibly three varieties should be recognized, a small-leafed, small-flowered one


riceous on outside densely so within; cymes less slender than in shorter, once dichotomous, peduncle 2-2.5 cm long, branches to 3.5 cm, with 5-6 open, branches scorpioid, flowers sessile, secund, one sessile in dichotomy; staminate flowers on a branch; staminate flowers with hypanthium turbinate 1.5 mm high, sub- cymes once or twice dichotomous, or rarely sub-thyrsoid, peduncle 1-3.5 cm long, with hypanthiumflowers and calyx urceolate, about branches elongate to as much as 10 cm, with 6- 10 sessile flowers; pistillate cymes glabrous, calyx campanulate 1.5 mm long, sharply 5-toothed, corolla tube mm 12 long, riceous outside, slightly papillose within, spreading, anthers partly exserted; pistillate densely sericeous outside, slightly dilated near top, lobes (4 ward, lobes 5, oblong, recurved, glabrous within; fruit globose, 5-6 mm in diam., 1-3 side and out, corolla tube mm 11 long, densely sericeous without, slightly ampliate up- maturing on a cyme. Syntypes, ellipticcm);broadlyto usuallyleavesbroadly obovate, up to15 at 27 least

by us, except no. I I-flowered, I densely short-hirsute, flowers in bud only, buds ellipsoidal, hirsute, calyx leaf surfaces (more densely on principal veins), internodes mostly short (l-5, rarely to dock, at base of cliff,limestone Timonius mollis

prominent, anastomosing distally in a weak submarginal vein, network between nerves apex acuminate, base cordate-auriculate, usually unequally so, nerves 9-11 on a side, inconspicuous, petiole thick, 1(-1.5) cm or usually less long, densely hirsute; stipules straight, ovate, strongly acuminate, up to mm 15 long, soon caducous; staminate cymes

dense, subcapitate, at mostcm 2 long, shortly pedunculate, at least twice ramified, about lobes lanceolate unequal; pistillate flowerson short peduncles (to mm) 10or subsessile, to 15(-17) mm long, cut about 1/3 into 6 lance-ovate lobes, fruit subsessile globose to hypanthium subglobose,hypanthiumdeeplycalyx parted3-126lobeslinear into long, corolla mmup

depressedglobose, up to 15

resemble any known Guam Rubiaceae. pubescence and leaf shape but its stipules are recurved, rather than straight. on Guam in 1935(BISH) may be a seedling of cies, but in the text apparently, it is publishedinvalidly (Art. 34, ICBN). part, but was published with descriptive material in the key. Since he did not accept it,

to Kanehira's corresponding to Valeton's species, correspondingand toa Valeton'slarger oneleafed,corresponding larger flowered aoie s: aa: aaa I. Malakai Palau: ls.: Caroline

iois mollis Timonius

esl hrue clx oe lnelt; ri esl strigose. densely fruit lanceolate; lobes calyx hirsute, densely odt a ae bae epcal te en, oeht ist, oe obnah petioles beneath, so more hirsute, somewhat veins, the especially blade, base, at cordate


ls iia t h See Ga cleto mnind bv, u ih bue ahr than rather obtuse with but above, mentioned collection Guam Swezey the to similar ules 1660 subcordate leaf bases. leaf subcordate doubt of our interpretation based on the original description, and the fact that Dr. Markgraf Dr. that fact the and description, originalthe on based interpretationourof doubt obn o Bri. ehv se n ulct o hs olcin s tee ean some remains there so collection, this of duplicate no seen have We Berlin. of bombing

on i ifrn from different it found iois mollis Timonius

eucls rcu l54 m longus cm l.5-4 fructus pedunculus

bue o ucrae clx oe, seily f tmnt foes lnelt, ri mi- fruit lanceolate, flowers, staminate of especially lobes, calyx subcordate, to obtuse 1934,

uey tiuoe futn pdnl 1 peduncle fruiting strigulose, nutely 25630 oe sget ht tblns with belongs it that suggest lobes

iois mollis Timonius (US)

o, spreading prse o foesad fruits and flowers on appressed og futdney silky-strigose densely fruit long;

leaves and fruits and longer pedicels, do not hold up with more specimens than were avail- were than specimens more with up hold not do pedicels, longer and fruits and leaves able to Kanehira to able more conspicuous pubescence seems to justify at least varietal separation, contrary to the to contrary separation, varietal least at to justify seems pubescence conspicuous more pno epesd ale (Fosberg earlier expressed opinion

Lake Ngardok, 50 m, 50 Ngardok, Lake

Fosberg 32474 Fosberg

ait nt determined not Variety

uecne f tm rte poiet sraig lae ti, elliptic thin, leaves spreading, prominent, rather stems of Pubescence


h type, The Fosberg 47690 Fosberg

evs edn t b firm be to tending Leaves firme-chartacea folia pubescens, aliquantum Planta

hs ait ses lot nemdae with intermediate almost seems variety This

aa:Naaaeag sad etsd erodJpns saln base, seaplane Japaneseold near sideWest Island: Ngarakabesang Palau:

. BS) Kaiguru, (BISH);

hl pat uh oe osiuul hrue hn n var. in than hirsute conspicuously more much Whole

h caatr ue b Knhr t dsigih i seis from species his distinguish to Kanehira by used characters The Timonius

aa: aedo: Aimeliik, Babeldaob: Palau: rfso Knhr ctd ny i n. 35 ih h rgnl ulcto o hs spe- this of publication original the with 2305 no. his only cited Kanehira Professor


U, ooye BS, O, H, , , stps; etr peninsula, western isotypes); A, L, CHR, POM, BISH, holotype, (US,






edn to tending

aue By 05 m, 30-50 Bay, Matuker

eemn 14342 Ledermann


Valeton var. Valeton


Val. var. Val.


ed o idtee hrces talrlal, u te uh esr and denser much the but reliable, all at characters these find not doWe

U, IH PM. aedo Island Babeldaob POM). BISH, (US,

U, IH PM N, ) Kaiguru, L); NY, POM, BISH, (US,






aeia 2305, Kanehira

Fosberg 32586Fosberg

aaas 1623 Takamatsu

somewhat matted on stems, petioles and main veins, and to be to and veins, main and petioles stems, on matted somewhat



aeia Bt Mg (oy)4: 2, I 934 923, 48: (Tokyo) Mag. Bot. Kanehira,


uaa 9331 Tuyama



uecne hn sbpedn t apesd la bases leaf appressed, to subspreading thin, pubescence


euce I m og clx oe lna, acute linear, lobes calyx long; IO mm peduncles


o. 20 Vol.

T. mollis. T.

rm aedo, gru, a hv be ls i the in lost been have may Ngarsul, Babeldaob, from


Knhr) obr &Sce, n Sachet, & Fosberg (Kanehira)

, 1940



obr &Sce n Sachet & Fosberg

- cm 5-4

Hosokawa 9138 Hosokawa

rcu mnt strigulosus. minute fructus

Fosberg 47540

U, IH PM; Wo t Yekigaroto Mt. of SW POM); BISH, (US,

aeia 2305 Kanehira

h ye of type the


eebr 1987 December BS) M. Elsum, Mt. (BISH),








T. villosissimusT.

T. subauritus T.

U) aseln wt elxd stip- reflexed with seedling a (US),

(BISH, A); Arekalong A); (BISH,

U, ettp, Y isolectotype); NY, lectotype, (US,




aaas 1623 Takamatsu

ast, Airai, damsite,

ai obtu basim var.


u is acoae calyx lanceolate its but


ooaa 9255 Hosokawa

ae. se Kanehira (see Kaneh.




vl subcordata, vel a

. mollis, T.


ar generally hairs






ihr 118 Fisher





130 m, 130

mm 3




m, cuneati,


in solitary pistillate


12 mm long, externally


cm long, inuppermost leaf





somewhat fistulose, lower internodes of

308, 1930.


(US, holotype) be

but resembling


1.5 cm, once dichotomous with a sessile terminal


Fosberg 47508



T. corymbosus,

Valeton, Bot. Jahrb., 63

Fosberg & Sachet n. sp.


linear antherodes 1.8 mm long half-way up corolla tube, style 9 mm long,

6 unequal ovate lobes, pistillate corolla densely sericeous without, glabrous



Frutex gracilis omnino hirsuto-pilosus, folia tenues elliptici

Notably hirsute-pilose small shrub, branchlets slender; leaves thin, elliptic to slightly

Perhaps closest to

Palau: Malakai Island, m, 100 rare in undergrowth in forest on slopes of hill on vol- Known only from the type locality in Palau (Belau).

Shrub or small tree, branchlets tending to


cies, but did not designate a holotype. Since there were a number of duplicates of this lectotype. collection, and since we have especially studied the US sheet, it is here designated

Timonius salsedoi stipulae ovatae acuminatae extus sericeae intus valde sericeae, cymi staminati desunt, pe- staminodia lineares mediano tubi inserti, stylus ramulis coherens tridentatis, drupa dense dunculi pistillati uniflori bibracteati, lobi calycis 5-6 inaequalis, corolla sericea 5-lobata, sericea.

obovate, up to 17 x 8-9 cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate, upper surface very sparsely network rather obscure; petioles hirsute, 1-2 cm long; stipules tardily caducous, ovate appressed hirsute, more on midrib and veins, much more so beneath, veins 9 on a side, strongly acuminate, to 10 mm long, sericeous without, more on midrib, strongly so within; staminate cymes not seen; pistillate reduced to a single on flowera slender straight peduncle 2 cm long, with 2 connate, densely sericeous ovate-acuminate bracts at summit with 5 subtending fruit, drupe (immature) subglobose, densely sericeous, crowned with calyx fleshy, within, tube 7 mm long, lobes 5, broadly oblong-ovate, spreading, glabrous internally, 1968to 1970

flowers, but plant more slender with different shaped leaves, longer pistillate peduncle, branches flattened, coherent, tridentate; mature fruit lacking.

ovate calyx lobes, and 5-lobed corolla. Named for Carl Salsedo, collector on Palau in

canic soil, Aug. 25, 1965 Timonius subauritus a flowering branchlet up to cm 15 long, distal ones much shorter, to as little as 5 or even leaves broadly elliptic to somewhat obovate, up to 15 x 8 cm, apex acute or obtusely 3 mm, glabrous, not or only obscurely quadrangular, becoming nodose due to leaf scars, side, blade thick-chartaceous to subcoriaceous, glabrous, petiole strong, 8-15 mm long; subacuminate, base from obtuse to somewhat cuneate, principal nerves 7-10 (-11) on a

stipules triangular-acuminate, firm, apex strongly involute, 10 slightly strigose when young, becoming glabrous, internally densely appressed pilose, axils, strigose, glabrate, peduncle 0.5 persistent on 1- 2 nodes, then caducous; staminate cymes I flower, branches short, subscorpioid, each with 3-5 subsessile secund flowers, usually

scure; corolla densely white strigose, in bud 8-10 mm long, clavate, tube 11 mm long, rather crowded, hypanthium and calyx strigose, glabrate, lobes 4-5, triangular to ob-

4-5 lobed, lobes ovate, recurved, 4 mm long, anthers subexserted, pistillate flowers on axillary peduncles axillary iit bat a smi coey utnig lwr hpnhu pu clx urceolate, calyx plus hypanthium flower; subtending closely summit at bracts ciliate

tioe gart, ay lobes calyx glabrate, strigose, tioe tb cylindric, tube strigose, acutish,

probably black when ripe. when black probably acoae feh; ri gooe r erse-lbs, about depressed-globose, or globose fruit fleshy; lanceolate,

auritus, var. its

rudegs konfo aedo, oo, n aaa Islands. Malakai and Koror, Babeldaob, from known edges, around u n ifrain s vial a t wehr r o te ocr n ifret ecological differrent in occur they not or whether to as available is information no but situations.

iois subauritus Timonius


(=Ngardok), (US); Melekeok Munic., S of Lake Ngardok, Lake of S Munic., Melekeok (US);

IH PM L; t Uksu Garasumao, Unkesyu, Mt. L); POM, BISH, oaa 3362 Hosaka a st, Airai, site, dam


only, calyx and hypanthium sparsely sericeous-canescent, pedicels less only,1 pedicels calyxandthan sparselyhypanthiumsericeous-canescent, cm); Malakal 9, oye B isolectotype), totype, 2344

I.: iois subauritus Timonius 15


ness and thinner leaf texture it approaches it texture leaf thinner and ness

holotype, US, isotype); Airai Municipality, Airai isotype); US, holotype,

(US); Gakip, (US); iois timon Timonius var. toward specimens, other than strigose less



ooaa 9671 Hosokawa

This species is probably closest to closest is probably species This

50 w vreis a b dsigihd te yia, eeaiey lbos var glabrous vegetatively typical, the distinguished, be may varieties Two

nei i vlai prs f aa, n aans n srby oet, especially forests, scrubby and savannas in Palau, of parts volcanic in Endemic

Palau: Babeldaob: central Ngeremlengui Munic., savanna above upper Ngarmiskan upper above savanna Munic., Ngeremlengui central Babeldaob: Palau:

This differs in its notably strigose young growth, leaf veins and petioles. In its hairi- its In petioles. and veins leaf growth, young strigose notably its in differs This

bvr uarts aui vnsu tioi differt. strigosis venisque ramulis subauritus var. Ab

It Palau: Babeldaob Island; "Aimiliiki-son and Ailai Island", Ailai and "Aimiliiki-son Island; Babeldaob Palau:

rtai timon Erithalis


aaas 1733 Takamatsu



is known only from Palau, Babeldaob Island, especially in Airai Municipality Airai in especially Island, Babeldaob Palau, from only known is

m, 3-3.5

n a eeaiey tioe var strigose vegetatively a and



afed 9 B 594 Canfield

39GA) Makarakol, 9329(GUAM);



aaas 1418 Takamatsu

U) Negi Arraii, Ngergiil (US);


m og sraig pploe ihn stigmas within, papillose spreading, long, mm

afed 601 Canfield


and through and

ihr 127a Fisher



Srne) erl, or. r. Arb. Arn. Journ. Merrill, (Sprengel)


afed 588 Canfield

BS, , S; W f t Yekigaroto, Mt. of SW US); A, (BISH,

pegl P. i. o. Pug. Cog. Min. Pl. Sprengel,

Val. var. Val.




BS, hes; Koror, sheets); 2 (BISH, o,


oaa 3362A Hosaka




m ln, bu 4 m hc, lobes thick, mm 4 about long, mm 7


cm long, strigose, glabrate, with a pair of ovate-acuminateof pair a with glabrate, strigose, long, cm

T. mollis T.


U) Ngetpang, (US);

(BISH); Lake Ngardok, Lake (BISH); 4-5,



Vol. 20 Vol.


(cymes very congested),very (cymes

(US); Airai, (US);


raglr ct; ool etral dney white densely externally corolla acute; triangular

9 A 594

obr ahtn var. n. Sachet & Fosberg

asd 319 Salsedo

T. mollis T.





eebr 1987 December



U, IH (evsrte bodr tikr and thicker broader, rather (leaves BISH) (US,

ooaa 9282 Hosokawa


T. mollis, T.


(US), 772 (US, BISH); Airai Munic., E of E Munic., Airai BISH); (US, 772 (US),


oaa 3416 Hosaka


Valeton. It approachesIt Valeton.



mi E of reservoir, of E mi





ooaa 7125 Hosokawa

U) Nekken, (US);

1: 18, 1813. 18, 1:

hy em o cu sympatrically, occur to seem They

U) Ari ui. . f reservoir, of E. Munic. Airai (US);

tbd P-10152 Otobed

especially 9,


18: 131, 1937 131,18:

afed 355 Canfield


A;"ee" s.l., (A);"Peleu"



U) "aiii, Apr. "Garikiai", (US);

(1-2 eemn 14046 Ledermann




T. mollis T. 130


obr 50593 Fosberg


mln tms, buds long atcm most,


obr 32573 Fosberg

A; Gakip, (A);

ooaa 7279 Hosokawa

r oe exserted, more, or




m og fleshy, long, cm ovate, oblong 7,

T. mollis T.

(US); Garudokku (US);

U) Ngatpang, (US);

o, 47681 Fosberg



afed 593 Canfield




B lec- (B,










ft. .




16: 184-200.



Fosberg 47638

48: 919


Canfield 701


15: 213-226. 15: Micronesica






mag. Tokyo


5 cm, somewhat obovate to ellip-


Canfield 752

(US); just N of phosphate drying plant,


(US). Angaur Island; NE of former phosphate


Noteworthy Micronesian Plants



(US); N. of power plant, 3 m,

References Cited


Canfield 695

Desfontaines, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 6: 6, t.2, 1820


1980 (1981) 1980

(US); NW interior, m, IO

(Desfontaines) K. Schumann in Schumann & Hollrung, Fl. Kaiser

de Candolle, Prodr. 4: 461, 1830 (nom. illegit.)


Otobed P-101119



Notes on Micronesian Rubiaceae. 0cc. Pap. Bishop Mus.


New and noteworthy from Micronesia VIII. Bot




Canfield 177



R. and J. Canfield R.


. .

Timonius sericeus

Polyphragmon sericeus Timonius rumphii

Wilhelmsland, l, 13 1889. Shrub or small tree, to 8 m, stems spreading to subappressed or appressed villous, or


Native from Timor and the Moluccas, Northern Australia, New Guinea and the Solo-

Palau: Peleliu Island; south part, near NE end of airstrip, 2-4 m,


even silky, internodes 0.5-10 cm long, terete or, when short, somewhat squarish, when young with 4 slight longitudinal ridges; leaves to 15 very slightly decurrent, blade thin, slightly appressed villous on upper side of midrib, tic, apex somewhat acuminate to prominently so, tip blunt, leaf base contracted, acute or lanceolate attenuate, 1-4 cm long, sheathing terminal bud, caducous from about second veins 5-8 on a side, petioles 1-1.5 cm long, slightly sericeous to villous; stipules linear- slightly or more so beneath, sometimes with tufts of hair (domatia) in vein axils, main node, silky-villous without, glabrous within; staminate cymes 1.5-3 cm long, sericeous, pedunculate, few-flowered, compact, only buds seen, calyx lobes 5, unequal, apices rounded, sericeous, narrowly clavate, corolla in bud, limb somewhat tapering, blunt;

minute, caducous or absent, hypanthium and calyx not much swollen at anthesis, thinly pistillate flowers solitary or very rarely 2-3 on axillary peduncles, bracts at summit sericeous, lobes slightly unequal, erect, ovate to oblong on an erect collar, corolla se- riceous without, tube about 5 mm long, lobes 7, 2.5 mm long, erect to spreading, gla- brous within; fruit globose, 15 mm diameter, crowned by remains of calyx, pyrenes in vertical rows, about 2 mm long, dorsiventrally somewhat compressed.

in Peliliu and Angaur (Fosberg & Canfield 1980). mon Islands. Introduced in Palau during or since World War II and thoroughly naturalized

POM, L, MO); (US, BISH, POM, MO, K, NY), 8 m, NE of power plant, 4 m, drying plant, 3 m,

Fosberg, F Fosberg, F Kanehira. R