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Vincentiana Volume 31 Number 2 Vol. 31, No. 2 Article 1 1987 Vincentiana Vol. 31, No. 2 [Full Issue] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, Comparative Methodologies and Theories Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons Recommended Citation (1987) "Vincentiana Vol. 31, No. 2 [Full Issue]," Vincentiana: Vol. 31 : No. 2 , Article 1. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Vincentian Journals and Publications at Via Sapientiae. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vincentiana by an authorized editor of Via Sapientiae. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Via Sapientiae: The Institutional Repository at DePaul University Vincentiana (English) Vincentiana 4-30-1987 Volume 31, no. 2: March-April 1987 Congregation of the Mission Recommended Citation Congregation of the Mission. Vincentiana, 31, no. 2 (March-April 1987) This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Vincentiana at Via Sapientiae. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vincentiana (English) by an authorized administrator of Via Sapientiae. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CONGREGATIO MISSIONIS DeANDREIS HOUSE 3434 E. A.=; ZONA AVE. DENVER, CO 80210 VINCENTIANA 1987 V SLYER. 255.77005 V775 v.31 CURIA GENERALITIA Bravetta, 159 110.2 Via di 1987 00164 ROMA SUMMARIUM ACTA SANCTAE SEDIS - Nominationes episcop ................................................ 113 - Litterac Secretar. Stat. -Mons. E. Martinez, substit. 114 - Litterae Sup. Gen. C.M. ad Mons. F. Martinez ....... 115 CURIA GENERALITIA 1 - Creatio Novae Prov. Sinicae (15.01.1987) - Allocutio Sup. Gen. CM ad Sodales in Taiwan (text english) ......................................................................... 116 - Instrwncntum manu scripto crcationis (text english) 120 - Instrunientum manu scripto creationis (text ling. si- nica) .............................................................................. 121 2 - Litterac Sup. Gen. CAI (Lent 1987) ........................... 122 3 - Regimen CM: Nominationes, Confirmationes, Pre- scriptiones ................................................................... 124 4 - Necrologiurn - Ann. 1986 ................................................................ 125 - Jan.-Mart., 1987 ..................................................... 126 5 - Neo-Sacerdotes, a. 1986 ............................................. 127 6 - Neo-Incorporati, a. 1986 ............................................ 128 ST.ATISTICAE C.M., die I Jan. 1987 1 - Tabula Gen. (Dom., Menib., Neo-Sac., Neo-lncorp., De- funct.) ........................................................................... 130 2 - Tabula Spec. (Ministeria Sac., Frat.) ........................ 132 3 - Notules a propos de ces Statistiques - Jose-Oriol Bay- lach C.M . ...................................................................... 134 VITA CONGRETATIONIS 1 - Nouvelle Province de Chine - Jean-Francois Gaziello C. M ................................................................................ 135 2 - Proe. de Yugoslavia: Validez del Proceso Diocesano para Beatificacidn de Mons. J.F. Gnidovec CM - Stan- ko Boljka C. VI. ......................................................... 137 3 - Prov. Indonesia - The beginning, New situation -("Depliant"Inform.) 140 - Incontro netla loresta del Borneo - Valentino Bo- sio CAI .......................................................................... 143 4 - Provincias de Espana: Primer Encuentro de Con- sejos Provinciales ? Cornunicado ......................... 145 5 - Province de Paris: l.ignes d'Action pour la Provin- cc .............................................................................. 147 6 - Prov. de Barcelona: un Hermann en la minion de Honduras - Hno. Ramon Barragdrr C.:M .............. 148 7 - Prov. de Hollande : Statistiques - (Inform. Kleine Conrp.) ...................................................................... 150 8 - Statistiques et... Humour - Notule "en souriant" - Jose-Oriol Ba_vlach C.M. 151 - Formula for Long Living - Philip E. Than C.M. 151 STUDIA La Congregazionc della Missione di S. Vincenzo Depaul e le missioni popolar1 (Ori ini c caratteri- stiche, in gen. e in Italia) -inuki Mezzadri C.,M. 153 IN MEMORIAM - P. Justo EchKverria -'Hpr cio PalaciQs C.M....... 202 - P. Clcmcnt'Cts_4aan - Jose' plrllerJz C.M. et Gonza- gue Dan/au C.;M . ....... ........................................... 205 - P. Francisco Ruiz del Campo - Francisco Domin- go C. Al ...................................................................... 207 - Fr. James Salway - Gerard Al. Mahoney C.M..... 208 - P. Felipe Garcia M. - Jose Maria Roman C.M.... 210 BIBLIOGRAFIA .................................................................. 213 VINCENTIANA COMMENTARIIiM OFFICIALI? PRO SODAI.1131! S CONGREGATIONIS MISSIO\IS ALTERNIS MENSIHI S EDITLM Apud Curium Generalitiam Via di Bravetta, 159 - 00164 ROMA. ANNO XXXI (1987) Fasciculus 2, Mart. April. ACTA SANCTAE SEI)I S II Santo Padre ha nominato Ausiliare dell'arcidiocesi di Gua- temala (Guatemala) Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Monsignor Ma- rio Enrique Rios Mont , C.M., Vescovo titolare di Tiguala. OR., 25.1.1987 II Santo Padre ha accettato la rinuncia all'ufficio di Ordinario Militare per I'El Salvador presentata da Sua Eccellenza Reveren- dissima Monsignor Jose Eduardo Alvarez Martinez , C.M., Vescovo di San Miguel. OR., 8.3.1987 II Santo Padre ha trasferito alla Chiesa Cattedrale di Japala (Guatemala) Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Monsignor Jorge Ma- rio Avila del Aguila, C .M., Vescovo titolare di Nasai e Vicario Apo- stolico di El Peten, 0. R.. 15.3.1987 DeANDREIS HOUSE 3434 E. ARIZONA AVE. DENVER, CO 80210 - 114 - SECRETARIAT OF STATE No. 190689 FROM THE VATICAN 30 January 1987 Dear Father McCullen, The Holy Father duly received your letter of November 23 con- cerning the forthcoming 250th anniversari• of the canonization of Saint Vincent de Paul, and I am pleased to inform you that he has accepted your proposal that he should celebrate Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica for the members of the Vincentian family. The date he has chosen is Sunday, September 27, 1987. In order that arrangements can be made , you are now asked to make contact with Bishop Dino Monduzzi at the Prefecture of the Papal Household and with Monsignor John Magee at the Office for Papal Ceremonies. With every good wish, I remain Yours sincerely in Christ, t E. Martinri. sidwilul, The Very Reverend Richard McCullen, C.M. Superior General Congregation of the Mission Via di Bravetta, 159 00164 Rome - 115 - CONGREGAZIONE DELLA MISSIONE VIA DI BRAVETTA, 159 1X)164 ROMA Most Rev. E . Martinez 6 February 1987 Substitute No. 190689 Secretariate of State The Vatican Your Excellency: It was a great joy to receive your letter yesterday morning and to learn that the Holy Father has graciously consented to celebrate Mass on the 27th of September in Saint Peter 's Basilica to com- menmorate the 250th anniversary of the Canonization of Saint Vin- cent de Paul. I would be very grateful if you would convey to His Holiness the deep appreciation of the entire Vincentian Family for his kindness in accepting our proposal. As you suggest in your letter, I will make contact with Bishop Monduzzi and Monsignor John Magee about the necessary ar- rangements. With every kind wish 1 remain, Respectfully yours in Christ, Richard McCullen, C.M. Superior General - 116 - CURIA GENERALITIA Establishment of the new Province of China Chang Ilua 15 January 1987 My dear Confreres, When a little over a week ago I was approaching the end of the journey on the plane that had brought me from Rome, I looked out of the window and there below me, bathed in sunlight. I could see the land of China. As I looked on it, I said to myself; - so this is the land to which so many of Saint Vincent's sons and daughters have come from Europe and America. This is the land that has given so many Chinese men and women to Saint Vincent's Communities. This is the land where Blessed John Gabriel Perboyre and Blessed Francis Regis Clet and so many other members of our Communities have given their lives for the faith. This is the land which still holds Confreres and Sisters who are living their lives in fidelity to their Vincentian vocation, - however costly that may be in terms of per- sonal suffering. As I reflected on the history of the Congregation in China, I said to myself: "And now I am on my way to establish the new Province of China. "This will he a new chapter in the history of the presence of the Congregation in China, - a presence that goes hack to the brief of Pope Pius VI, who on 7th December 1783 committed to our Congregation a portion of the Lord's vineyard in China where lie wished us to work. Because it is a new chapter in that long history of magnificent work done in China, I said with the psalmist: "Haec dies yearn jecit Dominus ...... " This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Very shortly after my election as Superior General in 1980, 1 recall how some Confreres expressed to rile the desire that was in some of your hearts that the three groups of Confreres, who were working here in Taiwan, would draw closer together. I recall, too, when on the first occasion the idea was suggested to me (it was towards the end