Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge Traditional Herbal &Plant Knowledge, Identifications
Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge Traditional Herbal &Plant Knowledge, Identifications Page Navigation Buttons--- HERBS FOR TEAS, FLAVORINGS, FOODS Herbs used mostly by Anishinaabeg people; Indian names may be individual to the person describing and furnishing plant specimens. Different names were given to different parts of the plant, and to its different uses in food or medicine sometimes. Botannical names are current international standard. ON-LINE Ethnobotany books Order direct from ● READ ME FIRST Warnings, spirituality note, reservation business opportunity ● SWAMP TEA (Laborador Tea -- Ledum species Muskeegobug); New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus ovatus, Odigadimanido) ● NATIVE MINTS: Namewuskons -- mountain mint; Bibigwunukuk -- flute mint; Wabinowusk -- dawn (eastern) mint ● NATURALIZED IMMIGRANT MINTS Peppermint, Spearmint, Pennyroyal ● CLOVER Basibuguk, as a tea, as a veggie ● WILD ROSES: Oginiminagawunj, hips, haws, leaves, petals ● ELDER SHRUB (Sambucca Canadensis) flowers, teas, berries ● WINTERGREEN (Winisibugons or Gaultheria procumbens): tea from leaves, berries, finding in (1 of 7) [5/17/2004 11:47:39 AM] Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge snow ● Mohawk Plantswoman Katsi Cook on traditional women's uses of berries for nutrition and medicines. Menu links to specific plants info. ● MORE INFO on a dozen traditional wild berry plants Katsi discusses includes photo ID's, multi-tribal uses, and analysis of substances they contain (MENU) ● SACRED CEDAR (juniper): multi-tribal uses, detailed substance composition, vitamins/health, smudging, abuse of a sacred tree in northern Minnesota. ● Ethnobotany Cafe Besides some links, main attraction is a chat section, where people ask questions, provide info. Ethnobotany archives, herb exchange, and some links. ● Basketmaker Dyes Plants info Very brief info on plants used in basketmaking by Northwest Coast tribal people, by ONABEN, Native access provider for northwest coast area.
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