Gerald Horne | 363 pages | 01 Sep 2016 | New York University Press | 9781479806898 | English | New York, United States Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America PDF Book The mass importation of slaves coupled with the British attempting to preserve the western expansion of the settlers into indigenous lands led directly to a confrontation and eventual break between the two. Want more? In this trailblazing book, Gerald Horne complements his earlier celebrated Negro Comrades of the Crown, by showing that in the prelude to , the abolition of slavery seemed all but inevitable in London, delighting Africans as much as it outraged slaveholders, and sparking the colonial revolt. Without that eye-opening experience, I probably would have passed on the European perspective when I became a teacher. The threat of servile insurrection drove moderate Americans into the arms of the Revolution. Sep 16, Greg rated it really liked it. Mar 17, Paul Lunger rated it really liked it. That helps to undermine, to a degree, the very easy notion that the North was abolitionist and the South was pro-slavery. Britain then attempted to impose taxes on slaves, restrict commerce and prevent westward immigration. Showing Audio MP3 on CD. I'm only giving this book five stars because it's such an important topic and Horne does manage to communicate his points; the way in which he does so is so tedious that I'd probably subtract two stars for it in any other book. Horne, a prolific writer and the John and Rebecca Moores Professor of History and African-American Studies at the University of Houston, builds on Atlantic World scholarship and the history of slavery to pose a compelling thesis: because slavery was the foundation of the economy of the colonial Western Hemisphere, the history of the is not centered on , but And historians need to recognize that even though these colonies were not necessarily a unitary project, there were close and intimate connections between and amongst them. And it makes so much sense. Welcome to Democracy Now! And it was unprecedented. The subsequent events suggest that things were more complicated than Horne allows. The founding fathers, of course, were slaveowners, and this fact is not incidental, but perfectly coherent in Horne's thesis. Horne leads the reader through first-hand accounts and the debates and news of the day to show how London's fear of African insurrection led them on a path towards abolition while leading the American colonists to double-down on the lucrative slave trade. Word choice minor : This is not a casual read, and there were times where the word choice decided upon caused me to raise my eyebrows a bit. Outstanding work, well documented, and somewhat horrifying to boot. At the end, I really enjoyed this book and think it is critical to understanding the time period. A clear and candid contribution to an essential conversation. Home leads up to this by showing that both the colonies and London, before in the Caribbean and by soon af This is a powerful, scholarly, well-informed overview of how the pervasive spread not just of slavery, but of slavery of Africans, was importantly connected to the American Revolution. Very early on in the book, Horne talks about the influx of Scots to the colonies, and his description of the causes and effects of the Jacobite rebellions was so over-simplified and frankly misleading that it left me gasping and gaping. Review Posted Online: Feb. Forging a global economy connecting the tropics to the industrial center, workers harvested sugar, cleaned hotel rooms, provided sexual favors, and filled military All of these factors combined to make this a book that I somewhat struggled through rather than enjoyed. Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America Writer

The end result was instability, as both slavery and the resistance to slavery grew. This is a nation founded in "white" supremacy and is a direct product of a desire to suppress resistance to enslavement and genocide. Straight talk to blacks and whites about the realities of . Gerald Horne finds among white American revolutionaries people who wanted to defend slavery against real threats. More Details Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. Aug 14, Douglas Grion Filho rated it liked it. Prior to , anti-slavery sentiments were deepening throughout Britain and in the Caribbean, rebellious Africans were in revolt. The book is absolutely chock full of confusing words, phrases, grammar, and run- on sentences. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. This book explains many things which have transpired since what was obviously a counter revolution of white supremacist settlers and which established a white settler republic. In Italian Immigrant Radical Culture, Marcella Bencivenni delves into the history of the sovversivi, a transnational generation of social rebels, and offers a The bit of the that gets the most press—that the founding myth of the US is just that—is almost the least important aspect of it. As others have pointed out on this forum, Dr. Independence, Horne points out, was not the story about Enlightenment ideals of liberty as espoused by the Founding Fathers, but was a conservative counter-revolution. Sign up Log in. The problem with the book is the writing. As someone who has been having to write some academic papers myself, the culture of purposely complicating simple ideas in order to sound smarter is everywhere in academia and I hate it so much it physically hurts. Judt emphasizes the complex and interwoven themes It was a very good , well researched read, but I wish the author looked more at the dismay felt by the many poor , young radicals that first joined the Revolution only to have their plans and agenda scrapped. Protests against taxation, the trial of Americans in London, and trade blockades all had aspects deeply implicated in slavery. To that degree, I argue in the book that , in many ways, was analogous to Unilateral Declaration of Independence in the country then known as Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, in November The Crown, being all too ready to rid British soil of such groups, sent them to the American colonies in mass where they were promised the eventual potential of owning property if they, in turn, put asside their hatred for the British. However, arming blacks to fight other armies containing free black soldiers to preserve a system of and black bondage wasn't a workable solution. Return to Book Page. The Counter-Revolution of brings us to a radical new understanding of the traditional heroic creation myth of the United States. As a graduate student, my comprehensive exam lists were filled with books that reinterpreted the history of slavery using new documentary sources, revealing a history where slaves exercised agency and resisted the harsh conditions in which they lived. Trivia About The Counter-Revol But the enslavement of the Africans was a two-edged sword--the more Africans were in the colonies, the more the white colonists feared them. North American Hi I hold a graduate degree in History and am used to reading dense texts, for fun, and I found the style here off-putting. Hardcover , pages. In this trailblazing book, Gerald Horne shows that in the prelude to , the abolition of slavery seemed all but inevitable in London, delighting Africans as much as it outraged slaveholders, and sparking the colonial revolt. That, in turn, connected to relations between the British sugar islands in the Caribbean and the mainland. The longer answer would involve going back to another revolution—that is to say, the so-called Glorious Revolution in England in , which, among other things, involved a step back from the monarch—for the monarch, the king, and a step forward for the rising merchant class. Overall I'd recommend this book, though as other reviews note it's a slow read. For European colonists in America, the major threat to their security was a foreign invasion combined with an insurrection of the enslaved. Already have an account? In reading this outstanding work, knowledge of basic place-name geography is critical. As a result, slaves were soon flowing into Georgia, and Georgians soon began experiencing the same anxieties as the rest of the white colonists. Overview Illuminates how the preservation of slavery was a motivating factor for the Revolutionary War The successful revolt against British rule in North America has been hailed almost universally as a great step forward for humanity. All of these factors combined to make this a book that I somewhat struggled through rather than enjoyed. The points are not so much reiterated as laid out in advance, then backed up with copious amounts of evidence, and gradually traced in their development. Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America Reviews

This led, as your question suggests, to many European settlers in the Caribbean making the great trek to the mainland, being chased out of the Caribbean by enraged Africans. All ethnicities from the British Isles were to become "white". In Italian Immigrant Radical Culture, Marcella Bencivenni delves into the history of the sovversivi, a transnational generation of social rebels, and offers a What I didn't know was how the unraveling of the RAC Royal African Company in led to capitalistic o As an 18th century history nerd I found Horne's argument to be pretty persuasive. In this trailblazing book, Gerald Horne complements his earlier celebrated Negro Comrades of the Crown, by showing that in the prelude to , the abolition of slavery seemed all but inevitable in London, delighting Africans as much as it outraged slaveholders, and sparking the colonial revolt. In particular, I found the geopolitical concerns regarding the Spanish and French interesting. What fun that would be. Refresh and try again. First, because this encouraged the growth of slavery on territory that was in need of labor also contributing This was worthwhile to me for the colonial history of British North America and the Caribbean. The points are not so much reiterated as laid out in advance, then backed up with copious amounts of evidence, and gradually traced in their development. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. It's full of information and historical analysis pointing to the wholly correct and anti-racist conclusion that American independence was largely spurred by American obsession with enslaving Africans and the creation of white identity. I'm only giving this book five stars because it's such an important topic and Horne does manage to communicate his points; the way in which he does so is so tedious that I'd probably subtract two stars for it in an Horne traces the deliberate creation and cultivation of anti-black racism and an artificial white identity in the British American colonies, and makes the case that the American revolution was significantly inspired by a perception that London was on the brink of abolishing of slavery. As a graduate student, my comprehensive exam lists were filled with books that reinterpreted the history of slavery using new documentary sources, revealing a history where slaves exercised agency and resisted the harsh conditions in which they lived. Read the Revolution. I am sure that colonists feared slave rebellion, but I have to wonder why there weren't more and bigger slave rebellions. Gerald laments how the United States, founded on liberty in theory has spent all its history since depriving other countries and peoples of it. Illuminates how the preservation of slavery was a motivating factor for the Revolutionary War The successful revolt against British rule in North America has been hailed almost universally as a great step forward for humanity. Rather, Horne demonstrates how the Revolution reinvigorated the slave trade and subsequently bore a counter-revolution of slavery. It was such a revelation--and I thought I was well-educated about slavery and about the American Revolution and the early years of the republic, and how they intertwined. A bold rethinking of the Revolution of This is a fantastic book. And indeed, because Spain was arming Africans and then unleashing them on mainland colonies, particularly South Carolina, this put competitive pressure on London to act in a similar fashion. And it makes so much sense. Dispatched to bolster his deteriorating rule were men from the 14th Regiment in St. This trend shows little evidence of diminishing, and follows a larger pattern of the violent criminalization of African American populations that has marked Since , over forty percent of prisoners executed in American jails have been African American It has George Washington give a rousing speech on liberty though he needs to leave suddenly because "one of his slaves is missing". Horne charges that independence was intended to further consolidate the power of the oppressor class and further subjugate the oppressed of the thirteen colonies. In this light, popular explanations of the revolution are all reinterpreted. Horne takes us around the colonies, showing that the vast numbers of Africans were setting off alarms all over. That is to say, merchants then descended upon the African continent manacling and handcuffing every African in sight, with the energy of demented and crazed bees, dragging them across the Atlantic, particularly to the Caribbean and to the North American mainland. But the book is out there. This is how President Obama described what happened in While I could follow along just fine I did find it a little annoying. See details. That is to say that because the restiveness of Africans in the United States has been downplayed, it leads many today to either, A, think that their ancestors were chumps—that is to say, that they fought alongside slave owners to bring more freedom to slave owners and more persecution to themselves—or, B, that they were ciphers—that is to say, they stood on the sidelines as their fate was being determined. As many as 20, slaves joined the Redcoats in the Revolution, and the author traces some of our lingering racism back to In reading this outstanding work, knowledge of basic place-name geography is critical. No Comments Yet. For European colonists in America, the major threat to their security was a foreign invasion combined with an insurrection of the enslaved. Learn More. About Gerald Horne. The Spanish deviled the colonists by promising escaped slaves freedom and allowing them into the army where they could share in the spoils of attacks on their former oppressors. On top of extensive citations which are necessary for making such an argument, of course , Horne also uses what I'd call an elevated register of diction throughout the book, so it's not going to appeal to a popular audience. The forces that led to the Revolution, Horne argues effectively, was undergirded by a deep fear of being subjugated by imported Africans, many of whom were being conscripted by the English military and had already proven themselves effective fighting for the Spanish. Horne, who's a frequent guest on Pacifica radio, is much more straightforward when on-air.

Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America Read Online

This lead to a move in the mainland toward defining the demographic of whiteness regardless of whether it was a catholic, protestant, German or Irish whiteness that would congeal as a motivating force to ensure continued enslavement and subjection of black people in the United States. And he often refers to places or incidents without clarifying them, which can be problematic for a reader without an existing familiarity with the period and locations. Thanks for telling us about the problem. It should thus, Horne convincingly argues, be understood as a counter-revolution. The answer to the quandary was to input more whites, but the other part of the quandary was anti-Catholicism. This book was a slow read. Aug 14, Douglas Grion Filho rated it liked it. The successful revolt against British rule in North America has been hailed almost universally as a great step forward for humanity. However, fair warning: this book was clearly intended for a historian audience. Pub Date: Jan. Horne's work provides the vast historical narrative that proves how this premise is false. While this might come as a surprise for some, if you've read Horne's work, it shouldn't. This picture, however, is profoundly uncomfortable, as it should be. Public education it is, after reading this, impossible to deny is atrociously racist. I wish I were in high school again and stepped forward in my American History class with a "book report" on this book. Horne, who's a frequent guest on Pacifica radio, is much more straightforward when on-air. Reading this galley, courtesy of the publisher, New York University, via Net Galley, made me feel as if the American history I studied as an undergraduate and then taught for twenty years in the public school system was so incomplete as to be incorrect. Eventually this turned to arming slaves as the French and Spanish already did. Come to the Museum to learn more about how the institution of slavery shaped the new nation. Both books essentially deal with the world of ideas relative to slavery and politics. Indeed, their project was involved in enslaving and manacling every African in sight. And if Professor Home is right, nearly everything American historians thought we knew about the birth of the nation is wrong. Part of the unity between North and South was that it was in the North that the financing for the African slave trade took place, and it was in the South where you had the Africans deposited. Jan 15, Steven Fake rated it liked it. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. Sentences are dense here like they are in philosophical texts and often require second and third passes. I really wanted to absolutely love this book. Request Exam or Desk Copy. Dec 30, Randall Wallace rated it it was amazing. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Catholic Spain offered freedom to American slaves, who might then be armed for raids into South Carolina and Georgia. Undeniably, the struggle for American independence from the Crown directly inspired the French Revolution, which in turn served as an inspiration for the revolutions in Russia and China and so on. Pub Date: Aug. Horne leads the reader through first-hand accounts and the debates and news of the day to show how London's fear of African insurrection led them on a path towards abolition while leading the American colonists to double-down on the lucrative slave trade. According to Horne, both the upheaval in and the rebellion in were rooted in a desire to maintain the enormous profits from the British trade of enslaved Africans. Indeed, it helped to confirm what I've long suspected: that the so-called "Founding Fathers" were spectacular hypocrites for all their talk of "freedom" and "liberty" while maintaining their wealth as entrenched slave-owners. The Haitian people sent Napoleon packing and successfully overthrew slavery. Illuminates how the preservation of slavery was a motivating factor for the Revolutionary War. This is just not a good look for a book purporting to be history. However, this book has its problems. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. If I was rating this text purely based on its merits as a historical argument, then it would likely rate at least a 4, if not a 5. May 18, Jordan rated it it was amazing. Enlightenment ideals of freedom of worship, and the equality of all men, here are demonstrated to be part of a strategy to forge a white unity amongst Catholics, protestants, French and English, in the face of a growing and increasingly organised slave population. North American Hi And few would have bet on their side. Throughout the twentieth century, beauty shops have been places where women could enjoy the company of other women, exchange information, and share secrets. According to Horne, Americans read this decision as an indication that Britain could and would move to free their slaves. passionate-li.pdf