Energy An is a type of beverage which is purported to boost mental or physical energy. There are a myriad of brands and varieties of energy . They generally contain large amounts of and other stimulants. Many also contain or other sweeteners, herbal extracts and amino acids and may or may not be carbonated. Coffee, tea and other naturally caffeinated beverages are usually not considered energy drinks. Soft drinks such as cola, may contain caffeine, but are also not energy drinks. Some alcoholic beverages, such as , contain caffeine and other stimulants and are marketed as energy drinks. However, after pressure[1] in the , caffeinated alcoholic beverages are de facto banned. [edit] History

Energy drinks were an active subset of the early industry, which was originally dominated by pharmacists. Coca-Cola, for instance, was originally marketed as an energy booster; its name was derived from its two active ingredients: and kola nuts (a source of caffeine), both known stimulants. (Cocaine was removed as a result of the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906.) In the UK, Lucozade Energy was originally introduced in 1929 as a hospital drink for "aiding the recovery;" in the early 1980s, it was promoted as an energy drink for "replenishing lost energy." One of the first energy drinks introduced in America was Dr. Enuf whose origins date back to 1949, when a Chicago businessman named William Mark Swartz was urged by coworkers to formulate a soft drink fortified with as an alternative to sugar sodas full of empty calories. He developed an "energy booster" drink containing B vitamins, caffeine and cane sugar. After placing a notice in a trade magazine seeking a bottler, he formed a partnership with Charles Gordon of Tri-Cities Beverage to produce and distribute the soda.[2] Dr. Enuf is still being manufactured in Johnson City, TN and sold sparsely throughout the nation. In Japan, the energy drink dates at least as far back as the early 1960s, with the release of the . However, most such products in Japan bear little resemblance to soft drinks, and are sold instead in small brown glass medicine bottles or cans styled to resemble such containers. These "eiyō dorinku" (literally, "nutritional drinks") are marketed primarily to salaryman. Bacchus-F, a South Korean drink closely modeled after Lipovitan, also appeared in the early 1960s, and targets a similar demographic. In 1985, was introduced in the United States. Its marketing strategy centered on the drink's caffeine content, billing it as a means to promote wakefulness. The initial slogan was, "All the sugar and twice the caffeine."[3] In 1995, PepsiCo launched , the first energy drink introduced by a major US beverage company (one that had interests outside just energy drinks), but discontinued the product in 1999.[citation needed] Pepsi would later return to the energy drink market with the AMP brand.

Effect is the best selling German made energy drink. Since the invention of energy drinks, there are now various energy drinks from around the world. UK supermarkets have launched their own brands of energy drinks at lower prices than the major soft drink manufacturers. These are mostly produced by Canadian beverage maker Cott. Tesco supermarkets sell 'Kx"'(used to be known as 'Kick') in 250 mL cans and 1 L bottles, Sainsbury's sell 'Blue Bolt' in similar packaging, Asda sell 'Blue Charge' in similar packaging and Morrison's sell 'Source' in 250 mL cans. Cott sells a variety of other branded energy drinks to independent retailers in various containers.[citation needed] Since 2002 there has been a growing trend for packaging energy drink in bigger cans. Since in many countries, including the US and , there is a limitation on the maximum caffeine per serving in energy drinks, this allows manufacturers to include a greater amount of caffeine by including multiple servings per container. Popular brands such as , Hype Energy Drinks and Monster have increased the amount of ounces per can. Conversely, the emergence of energy shots has gone the opposite way with much smaller packaging.[citation needed] In 2007, energy drink powders and effervescent tablets were introduced, in the form of a tablet or powder that can be added to to create an energy drink. These can offer a more portable option to cans and shots.[citation needed] As of 2009, the industry has moved towards the use of natural stimulants and reduced sugar.[citation needed] [edit] Ingredients

Energy drinks generally contain methylxanthines (including caffeine), B vitamins, and herbs. Other commonly used ingredients are , , yerba mate, açaí, and , plus various forms of , maltodextrin, , carnitine, creatine, glucuronolactone, and ginkgo biloba. Some contain high levels of sugar, and many brands offer artificially sweetened 'diet' versions. A common ingredient in most energy drinks is caffeine (often in the form of guarana or yerba mate). Caffeine is the stimulant that is found in coffee and tea. Energy drinks contain about three times the amount of caffeine as cola.[7] Twelve ounces of Coca-Cola Classic contains 35 mg of caffeine, whereas a Drink contains 120 mg of caffeine.[8] [edit] Energy shots

Energy shots are a specialized kind of energy drink. Whereas most energy drinks are generally sold in cans or bottles, energy shots are usually sold in 50ml bottles. Energy shots can contain the same total amount of caffeine, vitamins or other functional ingredients as their larger siblings, and therefore they may be considered concentrated forms of energy drinks. The marketing of energy shots generally focuses on their convenience and availability as a low-calorie "instant" energy drink that can be taken in one swallow (or "shot"), as opposed to energy drinks that encourage users to drink an entire can (which may contain 250 calories or more)[9]. [edit] Effects

Energy drinks are sometimes sold in resealable bottles. A variety of physiological and psychological effects have been attributed to energy drinks and their ingredients. Two studies reported significant improvements in mental and cognitive performances as well as increased subjective alertness.[10] Excess consumption of energy drinks may induce mild to moderate euphoria primarily caused by stimulant properties of caffeine and may also induce agitation, anxiety, irritability and insomnia.[11][12] During repeated cycling tests in young healthy adults an energy drink significantly increased upper body muscle endurance.[13] It has been suggested that reversal of caffeine withdrawal is a major component of the effects of caffeine on mood and performance.[14] Restorative properties were shown by a combination of caffeine and the sugar in an energy drink,[15] and some degree of synergy between the cognition-modulating effects of glucose and caffeine was also suggested.[16] In one experiment, a glucose-based energy drink (containing caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone) was given to eleven tired participants being tested in a driving simulator. Lane drifting and reaction times were measured for two hours post-treatment and showed significant improvement.[17] Two articles concluded that the improved information processing and other effects could not be explained in terms of the restoration of plasma caffeine levels to normal following caffeine withdrawal.[18][19]

Monster Energy portfolio - left to right: Assault, Khaos, M-80, Original, Lo-Carb, Mixxd, Absolutely Zero. Consumption of a single energy drink will not lead to excessive caffeine intake, but consumption of two or more drinks in a single day can.[20][21] Other stimulants such as ginseng are often added to energy drinks and may enhance the effects of caffeine,[22] and ingredients such as guarana themselves contain caffeine. Adverse effects associated with caffeine consumption in amounts greater than 400 mg include nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, increased urination, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia), and dyspepsia. Consumption also has been known to cause pupil dilation when taken with certain antidepressants or SSRIs.[20][21] Most mainstream energy drinks do not provide electrolytes, and have a higher likelihood of an energy "crash-and-" effect. Caffeine in energy drinks can excrete water from the body to dilute high concentrations of sugar entering the blood stream, leading to dehydration. If the body is dehydrated by 1%, performance is decreased by up to 10%.[23] In the US, energy drinks have been linked with reports of nausea, abnormal heart rhythms and emergency room visits.[24] The drinks may cause seizures due to the "crash" following the energy high that occurs after consumption.[25] Caffeine dosage is not required to be on the product label for food in the United States, unlike drugs, but some advocates are urging the FDA to change this practice.[26] Dr. Marcie Schneider, an adolescent medicine specialist in Greenwich, Connecticut, has said, "These drinks have no benefit, no place in the diet of kids."[27] [edit] Attempts to ban

The popular energy drink Red Bull was banned in France after the death of an 18-year-old Irish athlete, Ross Cooney, who died within hours after playing a basketball game and consuming four cans of it. This ban was challenged in the European Court of Justice in 2004.[28] The French Scientific Committee (J.D. Birkel) concluded that Red Bull had an excessive amount of caffeine.[28] Norway also banned Red Bull for a while, although the ban has recently been revoked. The United Kingdom investigated the drink, but only issued a warning against its use by children and pregnant women.[28] In the Philippines, Red Bull was also banned because of the suspected effects of infertility for men. In 2009, a school in Hove, England requested that local shops do not sell energy drinks to students. Headteacher Malvina Sanders added that "This was a preventative measure, as all research shows that consuming high-energy drinks can have a detrimental impact on the ability of young people to concentrate in class." The school has negotiated for their local branch of Tesco to display posters asking students not to ask for the products.[29] Similar measures were taken by a school in Oxted, also in England which banned students from consuming drinks and sent letters to parents. This was featured on the regional news programme BBC South East Today. New Military Institute, a military high school and junior college located in Roswell, New Mexico, does not allow sales of energy drinks at the campus "Cadet Store" after an incident of a young Cadet drinking too many drinks in one period and having to be hospitalized.[citation needed] On June 7th, 2012, the parliament of Latvia approved changes in the legislation of sale of consumable goods, to prohibit sale of energy drinks to persons under the age of 18.[30] [edit] Caffeinated alcoholic energy drinks

Energy drinks such as Red Bull are often used as mixers with alcoholic beverages producing mixed drinks such as Vodka Red Bull which are similar to but stronger than rum and coke with respect to the amount of caffeine that they contain.[31] They are also sold in a wide variety of formulations such as Four Loko and which combine caffeine and .[32][33] Fruit flavored caffeinated energy drinks in such as watermelon, lemonade and cranberry-lemonade are cheap with a fruity taste. Packaged in 24 ounce cans, they are wildly popular with young people.[34] Four Loko, a product of Phusion Projects, was originally promoted through young employees who were hired to introduce the product to their peer group.[35] Through separate mechanisms, energy drinks act as stimulants, and alcohol as depressants. Mixing a depressant with a stimulant sends mixed signals to the nervous system and can cause cardiac problems such as heart arrhythmia. In addition, energy drinks can lessen some of the subjective effects of alcohol while making the drinker feel more stimulated and less fatigued.[31] However, they may be unable to counteract some of the psychomotor impairments of alcohol intoxication.[36][37] Consequently, the mix can be particularly hazardous as energy drinks can mask the influence of alcohol and a person may misinterpret their actual level of intoxication.[31][38] In fact, people who drink mixers are more likely than non-mixers to drink more alcohol, and are also more likely to suffer alcohol-related consequences such as injury or being an intoxicated driver, even after adjusting for the number of drinks. Although people decide to drink energy drinks with alcohol with the intent of counteracting alcohol intoxication, another large majority do so to hide the taste of alcohol.[39] Researchers at the Human Performance Laboratory have suggested people refrain from mixing such powerful stimulants with alcohol, they believe it might cause cardiopulmonary or cardiovascular failures.[40] As of November 10, 2010 caffeinated alcoholic energy drinks had been banned in Washington and Michigan in the United States.[41][42] The bans followed a widely publicized incident which resulted in hospitalization in the Fall of 2010 of college students who had consumed several cans of Four Loko caffeinated alcoholic beverage.[43] Utah, which has state controlled retail outlets, after studying them, never permitted the sale of caffeinated alcoholic energy drinks.[44] The products will no longer be delivered to Oklahoma after December 3, 2010[45] and delivery to retailers has been suspended in New York.[35] On November 17, 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration warned four companies, Charge Beverages Corp., New Century Brewing Co., Phusion Projects, and United Brands Company Inc, that the caffeine added to their malt alcoholic beverages is an "unsafe food additive" and said that further action, including seizure of their products, may occur under federal law.[46] In a press release, the FDA states "there is evidence that the combinations of caffeine and alcohol in these products pose a public health concern." They also state that concerns have been raised that caffeine can mask some of the sensory cues individuals might normally rely on to determine their level of intoxication. Warning letters were issued to each of the four companies requiring them to provide to the FDA in writing within 15 days of the specific steps the firms will be taking. Manufacturers have argued that drinking a caffeinated alcoholic energy drink is indistinguishable from drinking a couple of glasses of wine followed by a couple of cups of coffee.[35] [edit] Anti-energy drinks

Several beverages have been marketed in the 2000s as "anti-energy", "chill out", or "relaxation" drinks, including Lava Cola, Slow Cow, Drank, iChill, Marley's Mellow Mood, Mary Jane's Relaxing Soda, Chill,Calm, Malava Kava, .i.B. (meaning "vacation in a bottle"), and Jones Gaba.[47][48] They are growing in popularity, with sales doubling from 2008 to 2010, and expected to more than double again by 2014.[49] They contain ingredients such as theanine and melatonin.[50] [edit] Hidden risk

In November 2010, the University of Texas Medical School at Houston reported that energy drinks contain more caffeine than a strong cup of coffee[citation needed], and that the caffeine combined with other ingredients (sometimes not reported correctly on labels) such as guarana, amino acid taurine, other herbs, vitamins and minerals may interact. Energy drinks consumed with alcohol may affect heart rates, blood pressure and even mental states. The caffeine content of energy drinks range from 80–300 mg per 16-oz serving whereas a 16-oz cup of coffee can contain 70–200 mg.[citation needed] Water or lower-octane sports drinks which contain electrolytes, some minerals and are better choice to reduce the possibility of dehydration and increase in blood pressure.[51] Health experts say caffeine prevents sleepiness and delays the feeling of drunkenness normally experienced when drinking alcohol, causing some people to continue drinking after they normally would have stopped.[52] Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, so mixing energy drinks with alcohol can cause severe dehydration, possibly leading to vomiting, nausea, and other health problems in the long term.[53] In 2008, Anheuser-Busch agreed to take caffeine out of energy drinks that contain alcohol, after 11 state attorneys general charged the brewer was marketing them to underage drinkers. This action was also followed by MillerCoors in the same year.[54] A study published in May 2012 stated that citric acid in energy drinks can be as harmful to teeth as sugar. They are worried about teens, of which 30 to 50 percent of whom are estimated to consume energy drinks, will lose enamel from their teeth. Of the 9 energy drinks and 13 sport drinks tested, all have caused enamel loss, but energy drinks took off much more enamel from teeth than sport drinks. There are no regulations to declare the precise amount of citric acid and the American Beverage Association says drinks can't be blamed for damage to teeth.[55]

Energy Drink Ingredients

Its seems energy drink companies are cramming more and more ingredients into their products.

“What do all these ingredients supposedly do to/for my body?”, has become a common question among consumers.

Here is a list of the most common ingredients and their believed effects on the body. While ingredients such as caffeine have been widely studied, others haven’t and are using manly anecdotal evidence as justification of their use.


The most common stimulant, found also in coffee, Coke, and but usually is found in much higher quantities in energy drinks. Most energy drinks contain between 70 and 200mg. An 8oz cup of coffee contains 110-150mg for drip, 65-125mg for percolated, and 40-80 mg for instant. Dr. Pepper gives you 41mg and a can of Coke provides 34mg. A full can of has 160mg. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system giving the body a sense of alertness. It can raise heart rate and blood pressure while dehydrating the body. A lot of people experience side effects above 200mg, which include sleeplessness, heart palpitations, headaches, nausea, and most commonly the jitters.

Caffeine is the most widely used drug on the planet and has been used for centuries for it’s stimulating effects. We also have a huge caffeine content database that reveals the amounts found in most beverages and food in the marketplace.

For other questions about caffeine visit Caffiene FAQ a great resource for scientific caffeine information.


Taurine is an amino acid that your body naturally produces. It helps regulate heartbeat, muscle contractions, and energy levels. Usually your body makes enough that you don’t need to supplement. It’s thought, but not proven, that under “stress conditions” like illness, physical exertion, or injury, the body does not create enough and supplements can help. Taurine might be a “mild inhibitory neurotransmitter”, some studies show it helps with excitable brain states. While this isn’t exactly what we want, maybe it helps level us out so we function better with elevated levels of other stimulants. Taurine in the past was banned by some countries from being used as a supplement, but since this ban has been lifted.


Guarana comes from plants native to South America. Amazonians have used it for a long time to increase alertness and energy. It’s more dense in caffeine than coffee beans (3-4% vs 1-2%). It’s not just called “caffeine” because it contains a couple other things: theobromine and theophylline. They’re found in coffees and teas and are known stimulants. Marketing will sometimes call this one guaranine, as if it’s something different. It’s not. Some people do respond differently to the version of caffeine in guarana compared with regular caffeine. Some report that guarana works better, while others believe it doesn’t have as good of a stimulating effect.

B Vitamins

These are essentially the things that help you convert food to energy, like sugar which is found in abundance in energy drinks. The jury’s still out on whether or not they increase energy levels via supplementation. Search the interweb for info on proper dosing of the different vitamins. Common names for B vitamins are niacin, , , and hydrochloride. Vitamins B6 and B12 don’t absorb well when taken orally, so the amounts placed in most energy drinks will likely have little to no effect.


Ginseng, an adaptogenic herb, is known to increase energy, has some anti-fatigue components, supposedly relieves stress, and increase memory. Right now it’s suspected that ginseng helps stimulate the hypothalamic and pituitary glands, which then secrete something called adrenal corticotropic hormone. With a name like that, it can’t possibly be bad. Ginseng is nothing that’s naturally created by your body, so having this in your drink certainly won’t hurt. 200mg/day seems to be the standard dose, but you can safely take up to 2700mg. Rare side effects such as diarrhea and headache have been reported. Usually, the energy drinks that contain Ginseng have small amounts of this herb included.

Ginkgo Biloba

This ingredient is named after the rare tree it originates from. It is believed to help with memory retention, concentration, circulation, acts as an anti-depressant, and even shows signs of helping people with Alzheimer’s. The German government recognizes it as something that helps with memory loss, concentration, and depression. 60mg is a standard supplementation dose, but you can easily take 240mg. It is advised, however, that most energy drinks do not contain enough ginkgo to be of any benefit. People on anti-depressants shouldn’t take ginkgo and some of the other side effects include blood thinning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, and restlessness.

L-Carnitine An amino acid usually created by your liver and kidneys, this stuff helps up your metabolism and energy levels. Because of the way it interacts with your body, it may act as a thermogenic and help increase weight loss and endurance during exercise. The jury’s still out on whether or not you need to supplement unless you have an unusual diet, but you can take 2-6 grams without worry. Make sure you get L-Carnitine, which is the type your body creates and can use. D- Carnitine is “inactive” and may actually hurt endurance levels. Rare side effects include include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.


Glucose is the body’s preferred fuel. That’s why you get hyper with a lot of sugar. Energy drinks contain a ton of sugar. Therefore, energy. It’s a carbohydrate and a lot of exercise regiments suggest a good dose of carbs for workouts lasting more than an hour. However, too much sugar intake has been linked to diabetes and can spike insulin levels which can often lead to a “crash” feeling after about an hour or so. One Rockstar energy drink can have 63 grams of sugar which is the same amount in two regular size Snickers candy bars! See the sugar in energy drinks database for a sortable table of beverage sugar content.

Antioxidants Anti-oxidants are things that help your body gracefully recover from the damage of free radicals. C is an anti-oxidant, so claiming that your energy drink has a lot of anti-oxidants is like saying you’re buying really expensive orange juice. But they’re good, they help fend off illness and prevent cellular damage. Vitamins C and E, Vitamin A (aka retinol, beta-carotene), and selenium are all anti-oxidants. You wouldn’t want to depend on energy drinks for all of your vitamins as they usually contain small amounts.

Glucuronolactone Glucuronolactone (DGL) occurs naturally in the human body as glucose is broken down by the liver. All connective tissue contains this compound. DGL is believed to aide in detoxification, freeing hormones and other chemicals, and the biosynthesis of vitamin C. It is placed in energy drinks because it is believed to help with glycogen depletion by preventing other substances from depleting glycogen supplies in the muscles. Yerba Mate

This substance is derived from leaves of a shrub in the Holly family. It is a natural source of caffeine, but some believe that the form of caffeine in Yerba Mate’ doesn’t produce the negative side affects like the caffeine in coffee and guarana. Over the last couple of years Yerba Mate has been becoming pretty popular in energy drinks, especially the ones that are marketed as “all natural”.

Creatine Creatine is naturally obtained by eating meat. Creatine helps with supplying energy to the muscles and is usually found in energy drinks and products that are marketed to body builders.

Acai Berry

This ingredient (pronounced ah-sah-ee) is finding its way into more and more energy drinks. Acai berry comes from the Acai Palm tree which is found in South America. The berries are rich in anti-oxidants, but not as much as a concord grape or a blueberry. Most of the acai berry benefits have no scientific basis and are attributed to marketing hype. The amount of acai in energy drinks is actually very little and real acai berry juice no doubt tastes nothing like “acai flavored” beverages as usually other fruit juices and flavors are added.

Milk Thistle

This ingredient mainly found in Rockstar and a few other drinks is used as a liver detoxifying agent. It is placed in energy drinks not really for any energy enhancing properties but as a counter agent to mixing energy drinks with alcohol as milk thistle is supposed to help with hangovers and detoxing the liver from alcohol. However, studies show that the amount put in energy drinks would be of hardly any benefit to consumers, but milk thistle supplement can be purchased from places like


L-theanine seems to be the new ingredient showing up many new drinks. What is this strange chemical and what does it do or should we say, supposedly do?

L-theanine is an amino acid that according to recent studies has shown to calm the brain to enhance concentration. This amino acid comes simply from tea leaves. Green tea has the highest concentrations.

Tea has been known for centuries for it’s ability to relax its drinkers and many tea cultures (not the USA), have a tea before bed every night.

Manufacturers have just isolated this chemical, concentrated it, and now have begun putting it into energy drinks. They claim that it works well with caffeine because it eases the jitteriness that caffeine can cause with added concentration.

Some of the drinks that have been touting this new ingredient are; Sobe Lifewater, Vitamin Water, Vib, Tiger Focus, and Reed’s Natural Energy Elixir.

Inositol Inositol was once considered a B vitamin, but has since been removed from this classification because the human body is able to produce it’s own supply without the need for supplementation through the diet. It is a type of carbohydrate made from the glucose. Energy Drinks include this ingredient because it aides with the nervous system and serotonin modulation. High doses of inositol has also been given to patients with certain psychiatric conditions because of it’s positive effect on the nervous system. Inositol is found in many foods such as fruits, beans, grains, and nuts. There are no known side effects from ingesting too much and Inositol is considered safe.

Artificial Sweeteners

Many energy drinks contain artificial sweeteners. Even energy drinks that contain high amounts of sugar will include artificial sweeteners to help cover the medicinal taste of the other energy drink ingredients. The debate rages on concerning the safety of artificial sweeteners and some studies have shown that those that consume them, on average, have bigger waistlines than those that don’t. Common sweeteners used are Aspartame, , Ace-K, as well as at times some alcohol . Here are more facts about artificial sweeteners and we have popular sugar free energy drinks listed as well.

Go Girl Pomegranate Star Fruit is an all natural energy drink. It has less caffeine than Go Girl Sugar Free, but still has more than your every day soda. This Go Girl features a refreshing pomegranate and star fruit mix with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E to boot! Who said that an energy drink couldn’t help with your complexion? Pomegranate Star Fruit also has calcium, Super Citrimax®, and CoQ10 - a dietary supplement that benefits that heart and mind. All this + more at only 35 calories!

Let Your Beauty Glow! Go Girl Pomegranate Star Fruit's ingredients promote healthy skin, heart, body & mind. This naturally flavored energy drink provides an uplifting yet relaxing experience.

Go Girl Pomegranate Star Fruit is: Lightly carbonated Best when served chilled Good for your skin & bones All Natural Contained in a cute teal can Proudly displays the teal ribbon supporting ovarian cancer research and awareness, July 19, 2012, 2007

Kavita M. Babu, MD, Richard James Church, MD, William Lewander, MD. “Energy Drinks: The New Eye-Opener For Adolescents”. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine., 2008, 2012