Date: 28/11/2013

GTU signed MoU with SIAS University of China

I/C Registrar of GTU Dr. G.P. Vadodariya with Mr. Baomin Du, Deputy Director, Jinshui Kejiao New City, and Mr. Wei Wang, General Manager, Project officer, SIAS International Software Park University

On 28th November 2013, Thursday Gujarat Technological University signed two “Memorandums of Understanding” with SIAS International University of China and JINSHUI KEJIAO New City (China) & Sias International Software Park. One of the MoU is signed between Sias International University and GTU is based on the principle of reciprocity offering exchange programs for scholars, students, academic information and other academic exchange program. It will also offer an opportunity to enhance the research and educational process with mutual understanding. Professor Li Hai Jun of SIAS International University & Dr. G.P. Vadodariya , In charge Registrar of GTU signed the MoU.

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Most of the business districts are currently developed in the coastal areas of China but now government is developing and promoting the New City named Jinshui Kejiao in the centre district of China which is well connected with main CBDs of China. SIAS International University is developing the SIAS International Software Park where they have dedicated two wings separately as one for USA which will invite investors from Silicon Valley and one for and one another wing for global countries. The second MoU was signed between Mr. Baomin Du, Deputy Director of JINSHUI KEJIAO New City (China), Mr. Wei Wang of SIAS International Software Park and Dr. G.P.Vadodaria , I/C Registrar of GTU. As per the MoU, GTU will locate a Software Lab & Training Centre and expansion activity at the Sias' soon-to-be available facilities at the JINSHUI in , , China. The SIAS will avail appropriate space and professional support including office services, technology infrastructure and assistance in business expansion plans assistance to GTU for the lab establishment. SIAS will assist GTU to apply preferential policies which is mainly provided in the respects of revenues, financial support, talent introduction and life services assurance, etc.

Global Country Study Report of GTU MBA program was introduced in GTU MBA in the year 2011 in which students learn about different aspects of specific country. Two of the GTU MBA colleges are preparing study report on China in the year 2013. On 5th October 2013 GTU celebrated National Day of China with some of the Chinese students where Mr. Jagat Shah, Chairman - India China Economic & Cultural Council (ICEC) and Mr. Roy Han, GM- Sales, Shanghai Highly Company were invited as chief guest. Impressed with the GCSR program of GTU, Mr. Jagat Shah announced that ICEC will sponsor a visit to China for the student preparing the best presentation on the country. GTU is signing MoU with SIAS International University on 28th November 2013 as a result of the talks initiated with the help of Mr. Jagat Shah, Chairman - India China Economic & Cultural Council (ICEC) after the event of 5th October 2013.

GTU has signed MoU with many foreign universities across the world including University of Alberta (Canada), Laurentian University (Canada), Bielefeld University of Applied (Germany), Hochschule Wismar – University of Applied Sciences Technology Business and Design ( Germany), State University ( U.S.A.). 172 students of GTU went to foreign universities for summer programs in the year 2013. On the occasion Dr. Akshai Aggarwal, Vice Chancellor of GTU said that by far, International Experience Program of GTU is the largest International Program in the country. No other University has a program which is even 20 % of GTU's IEP. After successful International Experience program with Canadian, American and German Universities GTU students can now also go to China University

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