Curriculum Vitae

Stanley Eugene Kurtz

Datos Personales

Lugar y fecha de nacimiento: Defiance, Ohio, EUA 12 de agosto de 1958

Domicilio laboral: Centro de Radioastronom´ıay Astrof´ısica– UNAM Apartado Postal 3-72 C.P. 58089 Morelia, Michoac´an Tel´efono:(443) 322-2757 ´o5623-2757 (en el D.F.) FAX: (443) 322-2726 ´o5623-2726 (en el D.F.) e-mail: [email protected] web:∼s.kurtz

Puesto Actual

Investigador Titular “C” T.C. PRIDE Nivel D Investigador Nacional Nivel III Profesor Asignatura A

Grados Acad´emicos 1993 Ph.D. (F´ısica)University of Wisconsin-Madison, EUA 1982 Licenciatura (F´ısicay Matem´atica)Spring Arbor College, EUA

Cargos Acad´emicos 5/11 – presente Investigador Titular “C” y Profesor Asignatura A, Centro de Radioastronom´ıay Astrof´ısica, Universidad Nacional Aut´onomade M´exico,Morelia, Michoac´an. 6/07 – 4/11 Investigador Titular “B” y Profesor Asignatura A, Centro de Radioastronom´ıay Astrof´ısica, Universidad Nacional Aut´onomade M´exico,Morelia, Michoac´an. 4/01 – 6/07 Investigador Titular “A” y Profesor Asignatura A, Centro de Radioastronom´ıay Astrof´ısica, Universidad Nacional Aut´onomade M´exico,Morelia, Michoac´an. 9/95 – 3/01 Investigador Asociado “C” y Profesor Asignatura A, Instituto de Astronom´ıa, UNAM, M´exico,D.F. 9/93 – 9/95 Investigador posdoctoral, Instituto de Astronom´ıa, UNAM, M´exico,D.F. 9/89 – 8/93 Estudiante de posgrado, Dept. de F´ısicay Ayudante de Investigaci´on,Dept. de Astronom´ıa University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, EUA. 9/85 – 8/89 Estudiante de posgrado, Dept. de F´ısicay Ayudante de Ense˜naza,Dept. de F´ısica University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, EUA. 8/82 – 8/85 Instructor de Matem´aticay Computaci´on,y Director de Computaci´onAcad´emica, Spring Arbor College, Spring Arbor, Michigan, EUA. P´agina2

Area Principal de Investigaci´on

Estudios Radioastron´omicosdel Material Interestelar y Formaci´onEstelar

Distinciones Acad´emicas

1989 Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin 1982 Honors in the Major – Physics, Spring Arbor College 1982 Cum Laude graduate, Spring Arbor College 1982 Alpha Kappa Sigma Honor Society

Experiencia Docente

Semestre I 1995: UNAM Instituto de Astronom´ıa: Seminario de Investigaci´on Semestre II 1995: UNAM Facultad de Ciencias: F´ıscicaCl´asica II: Calor, Ondas y Fluidos Semestre I 1996: UNAM Facultad de Ciencias: F´ıscicaCl´asicaIV: Elec. & Magnet. Semestre I 1997: Instituo de F´ısica(U. de M.): Electrodin´amicaCl´asica(con S. Lizano) Semestre I 1998: Universidad de Michoac´an:Termodin´amica Semestre I 1998: Universidad de Michoac´an:Astrof´ısicaB´asica(con S. Lizano) Semestre II 1998: Universidad de Michoac´an:M´etodos Matem´aticosde la F´ısica II Semestre I 2000: UNAM Inst. de Astron.: Medio Interestelar, (con V. Escalante y A. Gazol) Semestre II 2000: Universidad de Michoac´an:Mec´anicaEstad´ıstica Semestre II 2002: UNAM Inst. de Astron.: Medio Interestelar, (con V. Escalante) Semestre I 2003: Universidad de Michoac´an:Conceptos de F´ısica Semestre II 2003: Universidad de Michoac´an:F´ısicaI Semestre I 2004: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con L. F. Rodr´ıguez) Semestre II 2004: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) Semestre II 2004: Universidad de Michoac´an:Termodin´amica Semestre II 2005: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) Semestre II 2005: UNAM CRyA: Astronom´ıaObservacional (con A. Watson) Semestre I 2006: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) Semestre I 2006: UNAM CRyA: Radio Astronom´ıa(con L. F. Rodr´ıguez,L. Loinard y Y. G´omez) Semestre II 2006: UNAM CRyA: Astronom´ıaObservacional (con A. Watson) Semestre II 2006: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´on Semestre I 2007: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onI Semestre I 2007: UNAM CRyA: Astronom´ıaObservacional (con A. Watson) Semestre II 2007: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onII Semestre I 2008: UNAM CRyA: Astronom´ıaObservacional (con A. Watson) Semestre I 2008: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onIII Semestre II 2008: UNAM CRyA: Radio Astronom´ıa(con L. F. Rodr´ıguez,L. Loinard y Y. G´omez) Semestre II 2008: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onI Semestre II 2008: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onIV Semestre I 2009: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onII Semestre I 2009: UNAM CRyA: Material Interestelar, (con R. Gonz´alezy J. Ballesteros) Semestre II 2009: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onI Semestre I 2010: UNAM CRyA: Radio Astronom´ıa(con L. F. Rodr´ıguez,L. Loinard y Y. G´omez) Semestre I 2011: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) Semestre II 2011: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) Semestre I 2012: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) Semestre II 2012: UNAM CRyA: Seminario de Investigaci´onI Semestre I 2013: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) Semestre II 2013: UNAM CRyA: Radio Astronom´ıa(con L. F. Rodr´ıguez,L. Loinard y L. Zapata) Semestre I 2014: UNAM CRyA: Procesos Radiativos (con V. Escalante) P´agina3


Tesis de Doctorado 2. Alvaro´ S´anchezMonge: Doctorado en F´ısica,Universitat de Barcelona, “Massive Formation: Ionized and Molecular Gas Emission in the First Evolutionary Stages”, titulado en febrero del 2011; co-dirigida con el Dr. Robert Estalella.

1. Eduardo de la Fuente Acosta: Doctorado en F´ısica,Universidad Aut´onomcade Guadalajara, “Estudio en Radio e Infrarrojo de Regiones HII Ultracompactas con Emisi´onExtendida”, titulado en marzo del 2007; co-dirigida con el Dr. Simon Kemp.

Tesis de Maestr´ıa Arturo Iv´anG´omezRuiz: Maestr´ıaen Ciencias (Astronom´ıa)Universidad Nacional Aut´onomade M´exico, “M´aseresde Metanol de Clase I en Objetos Protoestelares de Alta Masa”, titulado en agosto del 2008. Ganador del Premio Paris Pismis 2009.

Tesis de Licenciatura 12. Heidi Laura Ruiz Alfaro: Licenciatura en Ingenier´ıaElectr´onica,Instituto Tecnol´ogicode Estudios Superiores de Zamora, “Construcci´onde un radiotelescopio en base a la tecnolog´ıaDSP y SDR”, titulada en agosto del 2013. 11. Antonio Hern´andezG´omez: Licenciatura en F´ısica,Universidad Aut´onomade Coahuila, “Una b´usquedapara c´ascarasde remanentes de utilizando datos de radio-interferometr´ıa”, titulado en marzo del 2012. 10. Carolina Rodr´ıguezGarza: Licenciatura en F´ısica,Universidad Aut´onomade Nuevo Le´on, “Construcci´onde un Radio Interfer´ometrode Dos Elementos”, titulado en julio del 2010. 9. Avith del Refugio Mendoza Ponce: Licenciatura en F´ısica,Escuela de Ciencias F´ısico-Matem´aticas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicol´asde Hidalgo, “Construcci´onde un Radiotelescopio Basado en Tecnolog´ıade Televisi´onSatelital”, titulado en agosto del 2009. 8. Arturo Iv´anG´omezRuiz: Licenciatura en F´ısica,Facultad de F´ısicae Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Veracruzana, “B´usquedade Emisi´onT´ermicade SiO Relacionada a la Formaci´onde Estrellas Masivas”, titulado en septiembre del 2006. 7. Heriberto Jacques Camarena: Licenciatura en F´ısica,Universidad Aut´onomade Guadalajara, “Arreglos Planares de Dipolos y su Aplicaci´onen el Radiotelescopio MEXART”, titulado en julio del 2006. 6. Cristina Romero Ca˜nizales: Licenciatura en F´ısica,Facultad de Ciencias-UNAM, “Condiciones F´ısicasen Zonas de Emisi´onM´aseren la Regi´onde Formaci´onde Estrellas Masivas G5.89”, titulado en agosto del 2005. 5. Max Ulises de Mendiz´abel Carrillo: Licenciatura en F´ısica,Facultad de Ciencias-UNAM, “Una Base de Datos de Calibradores para MEXART”, titulado en noviembre del 2003. 4. Mar´ıaCarolina Dur´anRojas: Licenciatura en Ciencias F´ısico-Matem´aticas,Universidad Michoacana de San Nicol´asde Hidalgo, “Discos de Accreci´onAlrededor de Estrellas Masivas”, titulado en julio del 2002. 3. Luis Zapata Gonz´alez: Licenciatura en Matem´aticasAplicadas, Escuela de Matem´aticas,Universidad Aut´onomade Coahuila, “Observaciones en Radio del Objeto AFGL 4029”, titulado en mayo del 2002, co-dirigida con L. F. Rodr´ıguezy E. P´erez. 2. Jaime Tapia L´opez: Licenciatura en Ciencias F´ısico-Matem´aticas,Universidad Michoacana de San Nicol´asde Hidalgo, “Un Estudio de las Emisiones de Radio y Rayos-X en Estrellas Masivas”, titulado en mayo del 2000. P´agina4

1. Jose Alejandro Esquivel Salazaar: Licenciatura de Ingenieria F´ısica,Universidad Iberoamericana, “Regiones Fotoionizadas Alrededor de Estrellas Jovenes”, titulado en abril del 2000, co-dirigida con J. Franco.

Estudiantes de Verano (Programas de AMC y DELFIN) 2010: Heidi Ruiz Alfaro, Gonzalo Oriael Zavala, y No´eAcu˜naPrado 2009: Heidi Ruiz Alfaro y Cinthia Ch´avez Gonz´alez 2006: F´atimaRobles Valdez 2005: Arturo Iv´anG´omez Ruiz 2004: Miriam Carrillo, Roberto Jos´eGalv´an,Cristina Romero, y Brenda Selene Miranda 2002: Alfonso Trejo Cruz 2000: Roberto Arceo, Pedro Ojeda, Luiz Zapata (con L. F. Rodr´ıguez)

Estudiantes de Servicio Social 2003: Alfonso Trejo Cruz 1999: Emiliano Espino Morales

Organizaci´onde Congresos, Escuelas y Talleres

Comit´esOrganizador Cient´ıfico

6. The 5th Korea-M´exicoSeminar on Astrophysics, 20–22 de abril del 2011, Corea.

5. Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory, 10–14 de septiembre del 2007, Heidelberg, Alemania.

4. The 4th Korea-M´exicoSeminar on Astrophysics: Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium, 6 al 10 de septiembre del 2007, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Corea.

3. The 2nd Korea-M´exicoSeminar on Astrophysics: Physics of the Diffuse Interstellar Medium, 19–23 de abril del 2004, Seoul National University, Seoul, Corea.

2. The 1st M´exico-KoreaWorkshop on Astrophysics. Interstellar Plasmas: Current Problems in Clouds and Nebulae, 21–25 de octubre del 2002, Ensenada, Baja California, M´exico.

1. Ionized Gaseous Nebulae, A Symposium to Honor Silvia Torres-Peimbert and Manuel Peimbert, 21– 24 de noviembre del 2000, M´exico,D.F.

Comit´esOrganizador Local

6. Infancy of Massive , 14 al 16 de enero del 2009, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

5. The 3rd Mexico-Korea Conference on Astrophysics: Telescopes of the Future at San Pedro Martir, 7 al 11 de noviembre del 2005, M´exico,D.F.

4. Winds, Bubbles and Explosions: A Conference to Honour John Dyson, el 9 al 13 de septiembre de 2002, en P´atzcuaro,Michoac´an.

3. Astrophysical Plasmas: Codes, Models and Observations, 25 al 29 de octubre del 1999, M´exico, D.F.

2. IX Reunion Regional Latinoamericana de la Union Astron´omicaInternacional, 9 al 13 de noviembre del 1998, Tonantzintla, Puebla.

1. Quinta Conferencia M´exico–Texas: Gaseous Nebulae and Star Formation, 3 al 5 de abril del 1995, en Tequesquitengo, Morelos. P´agina5

Comit´esOrganizador de Talleres y Escuelas

13. Organizador del “Tercer Taller de Radioastronom´ıapara Preparatoria”, 29 de julio al 2 de agosto del 2013, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

12. Organizador del “Cuarto Taller de Radioastronom´ıapara Maestros”, 8 al 10 de noviembre del 2012, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

11. Organizador del “Segundo Taller de Radioastronom´ıapara Preparatoria”, 23 al 27 de julio del 2012, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

10. Organizador del “Tercer Taller de Radioastronom´ıapara Maestros”, 24 al 26 de noviembre del 2011, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

9. Organizador del “Primer Taller de Radioastronom´ıapara Preparatoria”, 1 al 5 de agosto del 2011, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

8. Miembro del comit´edel “Cuarto Taller de Ciencia para J´ovenes”, 1 al 6 de agosto del 2010, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

7. Organizador del “Segundo Taller de Radioastronom´ıapara Maestros”, 21 al 25 de junio del 2010, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

6. Organizador del “Primer Taller de Radioastronom´ıapara Maestros”, 27 al 29 de noviembre del 2009, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

5. Miembro del comit´edel “Tercer Taller de Ciencia para J´ovenes”, 4 al 8 de agosto del 2008, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

4. Organizador del “Segundo Taller de Ciencia para J´ovenes”, 31 de julio al 4 de agosto del 2006, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

3. Organizador del “Primer Taller de Ciencia para J´ovenes”, 2 al 6 de agosto del 2004, CRyA, UNAM, Morelia, Michoac´an.

2. Miembro del comit´ede la “Tercera Escuela de Verano en Astrof´ısica”,2003, del Instituto de Astronom´ıade la UNAM en Morelia, Michoac´an.

1. Miembro del comit´ede la “Segunda Escuela de Verano en Astrof´ısica”,2001, del Instituto de Astronom´ıade la UNAM en Morelia, Michoac´an.

Labores Institucionales

5. Miembro de la Comisi´onDictaminadora, Instituto de Astronom´ıa(2012 – vigente). 4. Miembro de la Comisi´onEvaluadora PRIDE/PAIPA, Instituto de Astronom´ıa(2007 – vigente). 3. Miembro del Consejo Interno del CRyA (2003–2006, 2009–2012, 2013–vigente). 2. Representante ante el Consejo T´ecnicode la Investigaci´onCient´ıfica(2003–2006, 2009–2012). 1. Secretario del Col´egiode Personal Acad´emico(2001–2002).

Labores Profesionales

5. Comit´ede Revisi´onde Ciencia para el National Radio Astronomy Observatory (2011). 4. Comit´ede Asignaci´onde Tiempo para el National Radio Astronomy Observatory (2008 – 2010). 3. Comit´ede Asesor´ıaCient´ıficadel Expanded Very Large Array (2007 – 2009). 2. Comit´ede Usuarios del National Radio Astronomy Observatory (2003 – 2006). 1. Arbitro de propuestas para el National Radio Astronomy Observatory (2003 – 2004, 2009 – 2010). P´agina6

Sociedades Profesionales

Sociedad Mexicana de F´ısica American Astronomical Society American Physical Society American Association of Physics Teachers International Astronomical Union Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Publicaciones y Trabajos de Investigaci´on

m´asde 2800 citas en el NASA Astrophysics Data System; ´ındice h de 28

Publicaciones Arbitradas


87. “ATLASGAL — properties of compact HII regions and their natal clumps”, Urquhart, J. S., Thompson, M. A., Moore, T. J. T., Purcell, C. R., Hoare, M. G., Schuller, F., Wyrowski, F., Csengeri, T., Menten, K. M., Lumsden, S. L., Kurtz, S., Walmsley, C. M., Bronfman, L., Morgan, L., Eden, D., & Russeil, D. M. N. R. A. S., 435, 400–428, 2013

86. “The Compact, Time-variable Radio Source Projected Inside W3(OH): Evidence for a Photoevaporated Disk?”, Dzib, S. A., Rodr´ıguez-Garza,C. B., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., Kurtz, S. E., Loinard, L., Zapata, L. A., & Lizano, S., Ap. J., 772, 151–156, 2013

85. “Properties of dense cores in clustered massive star-forming regions at high angular resolution”, S´anchez-Monge, A.,´ Palau, A., Fontani, F., Busquet, G., Ju´arez,C., Estalella, R., Tan, J. C., Sep´ulveda, I., Ho, P. T. P., Zhang, Q., & Kurtz, S. M. N. R. A. S., 432, 3288–3319, 2013

84. “Methyl Cyanide Observations toward Massive Protostars”, Rosero, V., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Bieging, J., Araya, E. D. Ap. J. (Suppl.), 207, 12–23, 2013

83. “Deciphering the Ionized Gas Content in the Massive Star-forming Complex G75.78+0.34”, S´anchez- Monge, A.,´ Kurtz, S., Palau, A., Estalella, R., Shepherd, D., Lizano, S., Franco, J., & Garay, G. Ap. J., 766, 114–126, 2013

82. “The Co-ordinated Radio and Infrared Survey for High-Mass Star Formation - II. Source Catalogue”, Purcell, C. R., Hoare, M. G., Cotton, W. D., Lumsden, S. L., Urquhart, J. S., Chandler, C., Churchwell, E. B., Diamond, P., Dougherty, S. M., Fender, R. P., and 20 coauthors Ap. J. (Suppl.), 205, 1–22, 2013

81. “Class I methanol masers in low-mass star-forming regions”, Kalenskii, S. V., Kurtz, S. & Bergman, P. Astronomy Reports, 57, 120–127, 2013


80. “The Coordinated Radio and Infrared Survey for High-Mass Star Formation (The CORNISH Survey). I. Survey Design”, Hoare, M. G., Purcell, C. R., Churchwell, E. B., Diamond, P., Cotton, W. D., Chandler, C. J., Smethurst, S., Kurtz, S. E., Mundy, L. G., Dougherty, S. M., Fender, R. P., Fuller, G. A., Jackson, J. M., Garrington, S. T., Gledhill, T. R., Goldsmith, P. F., Lumsden, S. L., Mart, J., Moore, T. J. T., Muxlow, T. W. B., Oudmaijer, R. D., Pandian, J. D., Paredes, J. M., Shepherd, D. S., Spencer, R. E., Thompson, M. A., Umana, G., Urquhart, J. S., & Zijlstra, A. A. Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 124, 939-955, 2012

79. “The Coordinated Radio and Infrared Survey for High-mass Star Formation. II. Source Catalog”, Ap. J. (Suppl.), , 205, 1–22, 2013 P´agina7

78. “A Multi-Wavelength High-Resolution Study of the S255 Star-Forming Region: General Structures and Kinematics”, Zinchenko, I., Liu, S.-Y., Su, Y.-N., Kurtz, S., Ojha, D. K, Samal, M. R., & Ghosh, S. K. Ap. J., 755, 177–195, 2012

77. “Discovery of 6.035 GHz Hydroxyl Maser Flares in IRAS 18566+0408”, Al-Marzouk, A. A., Araya, E. D., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Linz, H., & Olmi, L. Ap. J., 750, 170–175, 2012


76. “Expanded Very Large Array Continuum Observations Toward Hot Molecular Core Candidates”, Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Ellingsen, S. P., Menten, K. M., Wyrowski, F., Araya, E. D., Loinard, L., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., & Cesaroni, R. Ap. J. (Lett.), 739, 17–20, 2011 75. “Searching for New Hypercompact HII Regions”, S´anchez-Monge, A., Pandian, J. D., & Kurtz, S. Ap. J. (Lett.), 739, 9–13, 2011

74. “A Very Large Array Study of Ultracompact and Hypercompact HII Regions From 0.7 to 3.6 cm” Sewilo, M., Churchwell, E., Kurtz, S., Goss, W. M., and Hofner, P. Ap. J. (Suppl.), 194, 44–64, 2011


+ 73. “A Catalog of CH3OH 70 − 61 A Maser Sources in Massive Star-Forming Regions. II. Masers in NGC 6334F, G8.67–0.36, and M17, G´omez, L., Luis, L., Hern´andez-Curiel,I., Kurtz, S., Hofner, P., & Araya, E., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 191, 207–211 2010

72. “VLA Observations of Class I Methanol Masers in the Region of Low-Mass Star Formation L1157”, Kalenskii, S. V., Kurtz, S., Slysh, V. I., Hofner, P., Walmsley, C. M., Johansson, L. E. B., & Bergman, P., Astronomy Reports, 54, 1012–1020, 2010

71. “IRAS 22198+6336: Discovery of an Intermediate-Mass Hot Core”, Sanchez-Monge, A., Palau, A., Estalella, R., Kurtz, S. Zhang, Q., De Francesco, J., & Shepherd, D., Ap. J., 721, L107–L111, 2010

70. “Quasi-periodic Formaldehyde Maser Flares in the Massive Protostellar Object IRAS 18566+0408”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Goss, W., Kurtz, S., Richards, A., Linz, H., Olmi, L., & Sewilo, M., Ap. J., 717, L133–L137, 2010

69. “ Search for Class I methanol masers in low-mass star formation regions”, Kalenskii, S., Johansson, L., Bergman, P., Kurtz, S., Hofner, P., Walmsley, C. M., & Slysh, V., M. N. R. A. S., 405, 613–620, 2010

68. “Sequential Star Formation in RCW 34: A Spectroscopic Census of the Stellar Content of High- Mass Star-Forming Regions”, Bik, A., Puga, E., Waters, L., Horrobin, M., Henning, Th., Vasyunina, T., Beuther, H., Linz, H., Kaper, L., van den Ancker, M., Lenorzer, A., Churchwell, E., Kurtz, S., Kouwenhoven, M., Stolte, A., de Koter, A., Thi, W., Comer´on,F., & Waelkens, Ch., Ap. J., 713, 883–899, 2010

67. “The Rare 23.1 GHz Methanol Masers in NGC 7538 IRS 1”, Galv´an-Madrid,R., Montes, G., Ram´ırez,E., Kurtz, S., Araya, E., & Hofner, P., Ap. J., 713, 423–428, 2010

66. “Association of Infrared Dark Cloud Cores with YSOs: Starless or Starred IRDC Cores”, Kim, G., Lee, C.-W., Kim, J., Lee, Y., Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Myers, P., & Kurtz, S., Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, 43, 9–23, 2010

65. “The structure of hot molecular cores over 1000 AU”, Cesaroni, R., Hofner, P., Araya, E., & Kurtz, S., Astron. and Astrophys., 509, A50 (1–15), 2010

2009 P´agina8

64. “Formation of an O-Star Cluster by Hierarchical Accretion in G20.08 0.14 N”, Galv´an-Madrid,R., Keto, E., Zhang, Q., Kurtz, S., Rodr´ıquez,L. F., & Ho, P. T. P., Ap. J., 706, 1036–1053, 2009

63. “Too large and overlooked? Extended free-free emission towards massive star formation regions”, Longmore, S. N., Burton, M. G., Keto, E., Kurtz, S., & Walsh, A. J., M. N. R. A. S., 399, 861–877, 2009

62. “Radio Continuum and Methanol Observations of DR21(OH)”, Araya, E. D., Kurtz, S., Hofner, P., & Linz, H., Ap. J., 698, 1321–1329, 2009

61. “Numerical Model for the SNR DEM L316: Simulated X–ray Emission”, Toledo-Roy, J. C., Vel´azquez,P. F., de Colle, F., Gonz´alez,R. F., Reynoso, R. M., Kurtz, S. E., & Reyes-Iturbide, J., M. N. R. A. S., 395, 351–357, 2009

60. “Triggered Star Formation on the Borders of the Galactic HII Region RCW 82”, Pomar`es,M., Zavagno, A., Deharveng, L., Cunningham, M., Jones, P., Kurtz, S., Russeil, D., Caplan, J., & Comer´on,F., Astron. and Astrophys., 494, 987–1003, 2009


59. “A Search for Formaldehyde 6 cm Emission toward Young Stellar Objects III: VLA Observations”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Goss, W. M., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., & Olmi, L., Ap. J. (Suppl.), , 178, 330–338, 2008

58. “Internal Dynamics of the Hypercompact HII Region G28.20-0.04N”, Sewilo, M., Churchwell, E., Kurtz, S., Goss, W. M., & Hofner, P., Ap. J., 681, 350–354, 2008

57. “Triggered Massive-Star Formation on the Borders of Galactic HII Regions IV. Star Formation at the Periphery of Sh2-212”, Deharveng, L., Lefloch, B., Kurtz, S., Nadeau, D., Pomares, M., Caplan, J., & Zavagno, A., Astron. and Astrophys., 482, 585–596 2008

56. “ Haystack Observations of CS and CH3OH toward Star Forming Regions”, Jordan, E., Araya, E., Hofner, P., Mateen, M., & Kurtz, S., Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 44, 45–55, 2008

55. “Thermal Methanol Observations of the Outflow from the G31.41+0.31 Hot Molecular Core”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., & Linz, H., Ap. J., 675, 420–426, 2008

54. “The Early Evolution of Massive Stars: Radio Recombination Line Spectra”, Keto, E., Zhang, Q., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 672, 423–432, 2008


53. “IRAS 18566+0408: An H2CO 6 cm Maser Pinpointing a Massive Circumstellar Disk Candidate”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Sewilo, M., Goss, W. M., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., Churchwell, E., Rodr´ıquez,L. F., & Garay, G., Ap. J., 669, 1050–1057, 2007

52. “Circumbinary molecular rings around young stars in Orion”, Zapata, L. A., Ho, P. T. P., Rodr´ıguez, L. F., Schilke, P., & Kurtz, S., Astron. and Astrophys., 471, L59–L62, 2007

51. “A Search for Formaldehyde 6 cm Emission toward Young Stellar Objects II: H2CO and H110α Observations”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Goss, W. M., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., & Olmi, L., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 170, 152–174, 2007

50. “From Ultracompact to Extended HII Regions. II : Cloud Gravity and Stellar Motion”, Franco, J., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., Kurtz, S. E., & Arthur, S. J., Ap. J., 660, 1296–1308, 2007

49. “First Detection of an H2CO 6 cm Maser Flare: A Burst in IRAS 18566+0408”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Sewilo, M., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., Watson, C., & Churchwell, E., Ap. J., 654, L95–L98, 2007 P´agina9


48. “Proper Motion of Pulsar B1800-21”, Brisken, W., Carrillo-Barragan, C., Kurtz, S., & Finley, J. P., Ap. J., 652, 554–558, 2006

47. “Arecibo Observations of Formaldehyde in L1551”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Olmi, L., Kurtz, S., & Linz, H., Astron. J., 132, 1851–1858, 2006

46. “Evolution of HII Regions in Hierarchically Structured Molecular Clouds”, Shabala, S. S., Ellingsen, S. P., Kurtz, S. E., & Forbes, L. K., M. N. R. A. S., 372, 457–466, 2006

45. “Triggered Massive Star Formation on the Borders of Galactic HII Regions: III. Star Formation at the Periphery of Sh2-219”, Deharveng, L., Lefloch, B., Massi, F., Brand, J., Kurtz, S., Zavagno, A., & Caplan, J., Astron. and Astrophys., 458, 191–201, 2006

44. “Occurrence Frequency of CO Outflows in Massive Protostellar Candidates”, Kim, K.-T., & Kurtz, S. E., Ap. J., 643, 978–984, 2006

43. “A New Galactic 6 cm Formaldehyde Maser”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Goss, W. M., Kurtz, S., Linz, H. & Olmi, L., Ap. J. (Lett.), 643, L33–L36, 2006


42. “A Highly Collimated, Young and Fast CO(2-1) Outflow in OMC1 South”, Zapata, L. A., Rodr´ıguez, L. F., Ho, P. T. P., Zhang, Q., Chunhua, Q., & Kurtz, S. E., Ap. J. (Lett.), 630, L85–L88, 2005

41. “Water Masers Toward Ultracompact HII Regions”, Kurtz, S. & Hofner, P., Astron. J., 130, 711–720, 2005

40. “CH3CN Observations Toward Southern Massive Star Forming Regions”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Bronfman, L., & DeDeo S., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 157, 279–301, 2005.

39. “Extended Emission Associated with Young HII Regions”, Ellingsen, S. P., Shabala, S. S., & Kurtz, S. E., M. N. R. A. S., 357, 1003–1012, 2005.

38. “Discovery of an H2CO 6 Centimeter Maser in IRAS 18566+0408”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Linz, H., Olmi, L., Sewilo, M., Watson, C., & Churchwell, E., Ap. J., 618, 339–343, 2005.


+ 37. “A Catalog of CH3OH 70 − 61 A Maser Sources in Massive Star-Forming Regions”, Kurtz, S., Hofner, P., & Alvarez,´ C., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 155, 149–165, 2004.

36. “A Search for H2CO 6 cm Emission Toward Young Massive Stellar Objects”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Linz, H., Sewilo, M., Watson, C., Churchwell, E., Olmi, L., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 154, 579– 584, 2004.

35. “Resolution of Distance Ambiguities of Inner Massive Star Formation Regions. II.”, Sewilo, M., Watson, C., Araya, E., Churchwell, E., Hofner, P., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 154, 553–578, 2004.

34. “The Circumstellar Environment of the Early B Protostar G192.16−3.84 and the Discovery of a Low-Mass, Pre-Stellar Core”, Shepherd, D. S., Borders, T., Claussen, M., Shirley, Y., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 614, 211–220, 2004.

33. “A Cluster of 1.3 cm Continuum Sources in OMC1 South”, Zapata, L., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., Kurtz, S., O’Dell, C. R., & Ho, P. T. P., Ap. J. (Lett.), 610, L121–L124, 2004. P´agina10

32. “The Effects of Dust on Compact and Ultracompact HII Regions”, Arthur, S. J., Kurtz, S. E., Franco, J., & Albarr´an,M., Ap. J., 2004, 608, 282–296.

31. “Broad Radio Recombination Lines from Hypercompact HII Regions”, Sewilo, M., Churchwell, E., Kurtz, S., Goss, W. M., & Hofner, P., Ap. J., 605, 285–299, 2004.

30. “Compact Radio Sources in Orion: New Detections, Time Variability, and Objects in OMC-1S”, Zapata, L., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., Kurtz, S. E., & O’Dell, C. R., Astron. J., 127, 2252–2261, 2004.

29. “The Nature of the Massive Young Stars in W75N”, Shepherd, D. S., Kurtz, S. E., & Testi, L., Ap. J., 601, 952–961, 2004.

28. “Broad Recombination Line Objects in W49N on 600 AU Scales”, De Pree, C. G., Wilner, D. J., Mercer, A. J., Davis, L. E., Goss, W. M., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 600, 286–291, 2004.

27. “The Peculiar Circumstellar Environment of NGC 2024-IRS2”, Lenorzer, A., Bik, A., de Koter, A., Kurtz, S., Waters, L. B. F. M., Kaper, L., Jones, C. E., & Geballe, T. R., Astron. and Astrophys., 414, 245–259, 2004.


26. “A Massive Disk/Envelope in Shocked H2 Emission Around an UCHII Region”, Nanda Kumar, M. S., Fernandes, A. J. L., Hunter, T. R., Davis, C. J., & Kurtz, S., Astron. and Astrophys., 412, 175– 184, 2003.

25. “High Resolution Observations of the Hot Core in G29.96−0.02”, Olmi, L., Cesaroni, R., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., & Walmsley, C. M., Astron. and Astrophys., 407, 225–235, 2003.

24. “Resolution of Distance Ambiguities of Inner Galaxy Massive Star Formation Regions. I.”, Watson, C., Araya, E., Sewilo, M., Churchwell, E., Hofner, P., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 587, 714–726, 2003.


23. “Massive Star Formation Near the Remnant W30”, Ojeda-May, P., Kurtz, S. E., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., Arthur, S. J., & Vel´azquez,P. F., Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 38, 109–116, 2002.

22. “Detection of the Winds from the Exciting Sources of Shell HII Regions in NGC 6334”, Carral, P., Kurtz, S., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., Menten, K., Cant´o,J., & Arceo, R., Astron. J., 123, 2574–2582, 2002.

21. “Arecibo Observations of Formaldehyde and Radio Recombination Lines Toward Ultracompact HII Regions”, Araya, E., Hofner, P., Churchwell, E., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 138, 63–74, 2002.


20. “Photoionized Gaseous Nebulae and Magnetized Stellar Winds: The Evolution and Shaping of HII Regions and Planetary Nebulae”, Franco, J., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., Kurtz, S. E., & L´opez, J. A., Physics of Plasmas, 8, 2432–2438, 2001.

19. “Evidence for a Solar System Size Accretion Disk Around the Massive Protostar G192.16–3.82”, Shepherd, D., Claussen, M. J., & Kurtz, S. E., Science, Vol. 292, No. 5521, 1513–1518, 2001.

18. “A Subarcsecond Radio Binary Associated with AFGL 4029-IRS1”, Zapata, L. A., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., & Kurtz, S. E., Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 37, 83–86, 2001.

17. “Pressure and Density Gradients in HII Regions”, Franco, J., Kurtz, S. E., Garc´ıa-Barreto,J. A., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., de la Fuente, E., Hofner, P., & Esquivel, A., Ap. and Space Science, 277, 71–74, 2001. Page 11


16. “The Density Structure of Highly Compact HII Regions”, Franco, J., Kurtz, S., Hofner, P., Testi, L., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., & Martos, M., Ap. J., 542, L143–L146, 2000.

15. “The Evolution of HII Regions”, Franco, J., Kurtz, S. E., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., & Hofner, P., Ap. and Space Science, 272, 169–179, 2000.

14. “Detection of the Thermal Radio Continuum Emission from the G9.62+0.19-F Hot Core”, Testi, L., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., & Rupen, M., Astron. and Astrophys., 359, L5–L8, 2000.


13. “Spiral Density Wave Shock-Induced Star Formation at High Galactic Latitudes”, Martos, M., Allen, C., Franco, J., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 526, L89–L92, 1999.

12. “A 1000 AU Rotating Disk Around the Massive Young Stellar Object G192.16−3.82”, Shepherd, D. & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 523, 690–700, 1999.

11. “VLA Continuum Observations of Suspected Massive Hot Cores”, Carral, P., Kurtz, S., Rodr´ıguez, L. F., Mart´ı,J., Lizano, S., & Osorio, M., Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 35, 97–108, 1999.

10. “Ultracompact HII Regions with Extended Radio-Continuum Emission”, Kurtz, S. E., Watson, A. M., Hofner, P., & Otte, B., Ap. J., 514, 232–248, 1999.

9. “Discovery of Jets and HH-like Objects Near the S255 IR Complex”, Miralles, M., Salas, L., Cruz- Gonz´alez,I., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 488, 749–759, 1997.

8. “Detection of 7 mm Sources Near Cometary HII Regions”, Carral, P., Kurtz, S., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., De Pree, C., & Hofner, P., Ap. J. (Lett.), 486, L103–L106, 1997.

7. “Galactic Temperature and Metallicity Gradients From UC HII Regions”, Afflerbach, A., Churchwell, E., Acord, J., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., & DePree, C., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 106, 423–446, 1996.

6. “Massive Star Formation in the Hot, Dense Cloud Core of G9.62+0.19”, Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., Walmsley, C. M., & Cesaroni, R., Ap. J., 460, 359–371, 1996.

5. “A Multi-Line, Multi-Resolution VLA Study of the Ultracompact HII Region G29.96−0.02”, Afflerbach, A., Churchwell, E., Hofner, P., & Kurtz, S., Ap. J., 437, 697–704, 1994.

4. “Hot Ammonia Towards Compact HII Regions”, Cesaroni, R., Churchwell, E., Hofner, P., Walmsley, C. M. & Kurtz, S., Astron. and Astrophys., 288, 903–920, 1994.

3. “High Resolution Observations of a New Ammonia Maser Line in G9.62+0.19”, Hofner, P., Kurtz, S. Churchwell, E., Walmsley, C. M., & Cesaroni, R., Ap. J., 429, L85–L88, 1994.

2. “Ultracompact HII Regions II: New High Resolution Radio Images”, Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., & Wood, D. O. S., Ap. J. (Suppl.), 91, 659–712, 1994.

1. “The Orion Radio Zoo Revisited: Source Variability”, Felli, M., Taylor, G. B., Catarzi, M., Churchwell, E., & Kurtz, S., Astron. and Astrophys. (Supp.), 101, 127–151, 1993.

Contribuciones a Libros

4. Stan Kurtz, Jos´eFranco, Seungsoo Hong, Guillermo Garc´ıa-Segura,Alfredo Santillan, Jongsoo Kim & Inwoo Han, editores de “3rd Mexico Korea Conference on Astrophysics: Telescopes of the Future on San Pedro M´artir”,Volumen 28 en la Revista Mexicana de Astronom´ıay Astrof´ısica Serie de Conferencias, 142 p´aginas,ISBN 970-32-3273-6, 2007. Page 12

3. “Ultracompact HII Regions and the Early Lives of Massive Stars”, Hoare, M. G., Kurtz, S. E., Lizano, S., Keto, E. & Hofner, P., in Protostars & Planets V, ed. B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, & K. Keil, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press), 181–196, 2007.

2. “Hot Molecular Cores and the Earliest Phases of High-Mass Star Formation”, Kurtz, S., Cesaroni, R., Churchwell, E., Hofner, P., & Walmsley, C. M., in Protostars & Planets IV, ed. V. Mannings, A. Boss & S. Russell, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press), 299-326, 2000.

1. Miriam Pe˜na& Stanley Kurtz, editores de “Proceedings of the 5◦ M´exico– Texas Conference on Astrophysics: Gaseous Nebulae and Star Formation,” Empres en M´exico,Grupo Edici´on, S. A. de C. V., Volumen 3 en la Revista Mexicana de Astronom´ıay Astrof´ısicaSerie de Conferencias, 304 p´aginas,ISSN-1405-2059, 1995.

Conferencias Invitadas

16. “44 GHz Methanol Maser Surveys”, presentada a Cosmic Masers - from OH to H0, IAU Symposio 287, Stellenbosch, Sud Africa, 30 de enero al 3 de febrero de 2012.

15. “Astronomos en el Disco: En Busca de J´ovenes Estrellas”, presentada a Congresional Nacional de Astronom´ıa,Ensenada, Baja California, 2 – 4 septiembre de 2009.

14. “Massive Star Formation Across the Galactic Plane”, presentada a Special Session #8 Massive Star Formation Throughout the Galactic Disk, Asemblea General de la Uni´onAstron´omicaInternacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8–15 agosto de 2009.

13. “Hot Cores and Hypercompact HII Regions: How to Make a Massive Star System”, presentada a Dust Grains and Gas: From the ISM to the Solar System, Seoul National University, Seoul, Corea, 17 – 19 junio de 2009.

12. “Triggered Star Formation”, presentada a 4a Mexico-Corea Taller de Astrof´ısica,Daejeon, Corea, 4 – 7 septiembre de 2007.

10. “The Young Massive Star Environment”, presentada a Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges, IAU Symposio 231, Asilomar, California, USA, 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2005.

9. “Hypercompact HII Regions”, presentada a Massive star birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics, IAU Symposio 227, Catania, Italia, 16 – 20 mayo de 2005.

8. “Hot, Warm, and Cold Cores: Goldilocks Meets Massive Star Formation”, presentada a the Second Korea-Mexico Workshop on the Physics of the Diffuse Interstellar Medium, Seoul, Korea, 19–23 abril, 2004.

7. “Hot Cores of GMCs associated with YMCs”, presentada a The Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters, Cancun, Mexico, 17–21 noviembre, 2003.

6. “Radio observations of hypercompact HII regions”, presentada a the Star Formation Workshop 2002: Magnetohydrodynamics, Radiation Diagnostics, and Chemistry of Star Formation Taipei y Taroko Gorge, Taiwan, 12–16 junio, 2002.

5. “Ultracompact HII Regions”, presentada a the Hot Star Workshop III: The Earliest Stages of Massive Star Birth, Boulder, 6–8 agosto, 2001.

4. “Nucleos Calientes y Regiones HII Ultracompactas: El Cambio de Estafeta”, presentada a the XIV Reuni´onAnual de Astronom´ıa,Morelia Michoac´anM´exico18–20 octubre 2000.

3. “Ultracompact HII Regions”, presentada a the conference Ionized Gaseous Nebulae, D.F. Mexico, 21–24 noviembre, 2000. Page 13

2. “Ultracompact HII Regions: New Challenges”, presentada a Astrophysical Plasmas: Codes, Models, and Observations, Mexico City, 25–29 octubre 1999.

1. “Ultracompact HII Regions: The Outer Galaxy”, presentada a the 5th Mex-Tex Meeting on Astrophysics: Gaseous Nebulae and Star Formation, Tequesquitengo, M´exico,3–5 abril, 1995.

Contribuciones a Memorias (en extenso)

23. Kalenskii, S. V., Slysh, V. I., Johansson, L. E. B., Bergman, P., Kurtz, S., Hofner, P., & Walmsley, C. M. “Class I methanol masers in low-mass star formation regions”, IAU Symposium 287, Ed V. Vlemmings, E. Humphreys, R. Booth, 2012, IAUS 287, pp 161–165.

22. Kurtz, S., “44 GHz Methanol Maser Surveys” IAU Symposium 287, Ed V. Vlemmings, E. Humphreys, R. Booth, 2012, IAUS 287, pp 133–140.

21. de la Fuente, E., Kurtz, S., Rodr´ıguez-Rico,C., Trinidad, M., Araya, E. Kemp, S., Porras, A., Hofner, P., & Franco, Jos´e“The Hot Molecular Core of G12.21-0.10: NH3(4, 4) Observations”, en Stellar Populations — Planning for the Next Decade”, Simposio de la IAU, 262, 319–320.

20. de la Fuente, E., Kurtz, S., Kumar, N., Franco, J., Porras, A., Kemp, S., Franco-Balderas, A. “The Extended Emission of Ultracompact HII Regions: An Overview and New Observations”, en New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics II. Ultraviolet Properties of Evolved Stellar Populations, eds. M. Ch´avez, E. Bertone, D. Rosa-Gonz´alez,& L. Rodr´ıguez-Merino,Springer, pp. 167–173, 2009.

19. de la Fuente, E., Porras, A., Grave, J., Kumar, M. S. N., Trinidad, M., Kurtz, S., Kemp, S., Franco, J., & Quevedo, G. “Spitzer-IRAC Imagery and Photometry of Ultracompact HII Regions with Extended Emission”, Rev. Mex. de Astron. & Astrof. Conf. Ser. Vol. 37, 13–20, 2009.

18. Gonz´alez-Esparza,J. A., Carrillo, A., Andrade, E., Sierra, P., Vazquez, S., Rodr´ıguez,C., P´erez- Enr´ıquez,R., Kurtz, S. & Blanco-Cano, X. “Calibration and testing of the MEXART antenna using solar transits”, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 38, 1824–1827, 2006.

17. Kurtz, S. “The Young Massive Star Environment”, IAU Symposium Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 231, Eds. Lis, D. C., Blake, G. A., & Herbst, E. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 47–56, 2006.

16. Kurtz, S. “Hypercompact HII Regions”, IAU Symposium Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 227, Eds. Cesaroni, R., Felli, M., Churchwell, E. & Walmsley, M. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 111-119, 2005.

15. Kurtz, S., “Hot, Warm, and Cold Cores: Goldilocks Meets Massive Star Formation”, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, 37, 265–268, 2004.

14. Gonz´alez-Esparza,J. A., Carrillo, A., Andrade, E., P´erezEnr´ıquez,R., & Kurtz, S. “The MEXART interplanetary scintillation array in Mexico”, Geof´ısicaInternacional, 43, 61–73, 2004.

13. Kurtz, S., “Hot Cores of GMCs Associated with YMCs”, The Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters, ASP Conf. Series, vol 322, eds. H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, L. J. Smith, & A. Nota, (San Fco.: ASP), 255–262, 2003.

12. Franco, J., Kurtz, S. & Garc´ıa-Segura,G., “The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation: The Impact of Massive Stars”, Reviews of Modern Astronomy, Vol. 16, 85–114, 2003

11. Rodr´ıguez,L. F., Carral, P., Kurtz, S. E., Menten, K., Cant´o,J., & Arceo, R. “Radio Detection of the Exciting Sources of Shell HII Regions in NGC6334”, Rev Mex AC, 15, 194–196, 2003.

10. Kurtz, S., “Ultracompact HII Regions”, Hot Star Workshop III: The Earliest Stages of Massive Star Birth, ASP Conf. Proc., vol. 267, ed. P. Crowther, (San Fco.: ASP), 81–94, 2002. Page 14

9. Kurtz, S. & Franco, J., “Ultracompact HII Regions”, Rev Mex AC, 12, 16–21, 2002.

8. Franco, J., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., L´opez, J. A., & Kurtz, S., “The Formation of Collimated Outflows and Concentric Rings in Magnetized Planetary ”, Rev Mex AC, 12, 127–131, 2002.

7. Franco, J., Santill´an,A., Kim, J., Martos, M., & Kurtz, S., “Perturbations in Magnetized Gaseous Disks”, : The Third Dimension, eds. M. Rosado, L. Binette, & L. Arias, ASP Conf. Series vol. 282, 115–120, 2002.

6. Kurtz, S., Martos. M., Allen, C., & Franco, J. “Spiral-Density-Wave Induced Star Formation at High Galactic Latitudes”, Modes of Star Formation and the Origin of Field Populations, eds. E. Grebel & W. Bradner, ASP Conf. Series vol. 285, 297–302, 2002.

5. Kurtz, S., Franco, J., Garc´ıa-Barreto,J. A., Hofner, P., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., de la Fuente, E., & Esquivel, A., “Dusty UC HII Regions and Density Distributions”, Rev Mex AC, 10, 45–48, 2001.

4. Henney, W. J., Garc´ıa-D´ıaz, Ma. T., & Kurtz, S. E., “Biodiversity Loss in the Orion Radio Zoo?”, Rev Mex AC, 10, 213–216, 2001.

3. Kurtz, S. E., “Ultracompact HII Regions: New Challenges”, Rev Mex AC, 9, 169–176, 2000.

2. Franco, J., Kurtz, S. E., Hofner, P., Garc´ıa-Barreto,J. A., Garc´ıa-Segura,G., de la Fuente, E., & Esquivel, A. “The Effects of Dust and Density Distributions in UC HII Regions”, Rev Mex AC, 9, 177–180, 2000.

1. Kurtz, S., “Ultracompact HII Regions: The Outer Galaxy”, 5th Mex-Tex Meeting on Astrophysics, Tequesquitengo, Morelos, M´exico,Rev. Mex. AC, 3, 39–45, 1995.

Abstracts & Presentaciones Murales

54. de la Fuente, E., Kurtz, S. E., Rodr´ıguez-Rico,C. A., Trinidad, M. A., Araya, E., Kemp, S., Porras, A., Hofner, P., Franco, J.J., Quevedo, G. “Spitzer-IRAC imagery and photometry of ultracompact H II regions with extended emission”, IAU Simposio, 262, 319, 2010.

53. Koo, B.-C., Kim, H.-J.,; Moon, D.-S., Kurtz, S.; McKee, C. F., “Triggered star formation around the G54.1+0.3 supernova remnant”, COSPAR 38, 2757, 2010.

52. “de La Fuente, E., Porras, A., Grave, J. M. C., Kumar, M. S. N., Trinidad, M. A., Kurtz, S., Kemp, S., Franco, J., Quevedo, G., “Spitzer-IRAC imagery and photometry of ultracompact H II regions with extended emission”, Rev. Mex. Astron. y Astrof. Conf. Ser., 37, 13, 2009.

51. Puga, E., Bik, A., Waters, L. B. F. M., Henning, Th., Kaper, L., van den Ancker, M., Lenorzer, A., Churchwell, E., Kurtz, S., Rodnnn, J. A., y15 co-autores, “Probing the Early Evolution of Young High-Mass Stars”, Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory ASP Conference Series, Ed. H. Beuther, H. Linz, y T. Henning. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol 387, p. 331, 2008.

50. Carrillo-Vargas, A.. Gonzalez-Esparza, A., Andrade, E., Perez-Enriquez, R., Aguilar-Rodriguez, E., Casillas-Perez, G.,; Jeyakumar, S., Kurtz, S.,; Sierra, P., Vazquez, S., “The MEXART ips observations in route to the next solar maximum”, COSPAR, 37, 458, 2008.

49. Villanueva Hernandez, P., Gonzalez Esparza, J. A., Carrillo, A., Andrade, E., Jeyacumar, S., Kurtz, S., “Study of Radio sources and interferences detected by MEXART”, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2007, abstract #SH23A-08.

48. Hofner, P., Jordan, E., Araya, E., Kurtz, S. “The 44 GHz methanol maser line in massive star forming regions”, IAU Simposio 242, p. 160, 2007. Page 15

47. Araya, E.. Hofner, P.. Kurtz, S.. Linz, H.. Sewilo, M.. Olmi, L.. Watson, C.. “A variability study of the H2CO 6cm maser in IRAS 18566+0408”, IAU Simposio 242, 140, 2007.

46. Gonzalez-Esparza, A., Andrade, E., Carrillo, A., Kurtz, S., Jeyakumar, S., Perez-Enriquez, R., Sierra, P., Vazquez, S., Manoharan, P. “MEXART: Interplanetary Scintillation Array in Mexico in the IHY2007”, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, abstract #SH33A-0398

45. Gonzalez-Esparza, A., Carrillo, A., Andrade, E., Jeyakumar, S., Perez-Enriquez, R., Kurtz, S., “MEXART: Interplanetary Scintillation Array in Mexico in the IHY2007”, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, #455

44. Gonzalez-Esparza, A., Carrillo, A., Andrade, E., Jeyakumar, S., Ananthakrishnan, S., Praveenkumar, A., Sankarasubramanian, G., Sureshkumar, S., Sierra, P., Vazquez, S., Kurtz, S., “MEXART Measurements of Radio Sources: Interplanetary Scintillation Array in Mexico”, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #SH51C-1218

43. Araya, E. D., Hofner, P., Goss, W. M., Kurtz, S., Linz, H., Olmi, L., “A GBT-VLA Survey for Formaldehyde Masers”, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 37, p.1471

42. Hofner, P., Araya, E. D., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., Cesaroni, R., “Radio Continuum Emission from Hot Molecular Cores”, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 37, p.1425

41. Gonz´alez-Esparza,A., Andrade, E., Carrillo, A., Jeyakumar, S., Ananthakrishnan, S., Praveenkumar, A., Sankarasubramanian, G., Sureshkumar, S., Sierra, P., Vazquez, S., Kurtz, S., “MEXART Measurements of Radio Sources”, Proceedings of the Solar Wind 11 / SOHO 16, ”Connecting Sun and Heliosphere” Conference Editors: B. Fleck, T.H. Zurbuchen, H. Lacoste, p. 667.

40. Gonzalez-Esparza, A., Carrillo, A., Andrade, E., Jeyakumar, S., Ananthakrishnan, S., Praveenkumar, A., Sankarasubramanian, G., Sureshkumar, S., Sierra, P., Vazquez, S., Perez-Enriquez, R., & Kurtz, S., “MEXART Measurements of Radio Sources. Interplanetary Scintillation Array in Mexico”, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, abstr. SH51C-1218, 2005.

39. Araya, E. D., Hofner, P., Goss, W. M.. Kurtz, S., Linz, H., & Olmi, L., “A GBT-VLA Survey for Formaldehyde Masers”, Am. Ast. Soc., 207.184.01, 2005.

38. Hofner, P., Araya, E. D., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., & Cesaroni, R., “Radio Continuum Emission from Hot Molecular Cores”, Am. Ast. Soc., 207.165.06, 2005.

37. Sewilo, M., Churchwell, E., Kurtz, S., Goss, W. M., & Hofner, P., “Broad Radio Recombination Lines from Hypercompact H II Regions”, Am. Ast. Soc., 205.139.09, 2004.

36. Hofner, P., Araya, E., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., Cesaroni, R., & Molinari, S., “7mm Observations toward Young Massive Stars”, Am. Ast. Soc., 205.98.07, 2004.

35. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Linz, H., Olmi, L., Sewilo, M., Watson, C., & Churchwell, E., “A New Formaldehyde 6 cm Emitter in the Galaxy”, Am. Ast. Soc., 205.74.07, 2004.

34. Linz, H., Hofner, P., Araya, E., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., Kurtz, S., Mart´ı,J., Stecklum, B., & Henning, Th., “VLA 7mm Observations Toward the Pumping Heart of GGD27”, Astronomische Nachtrichten, Vol. 325, Supplement 1, p.11.

33. Gonzalez-Esparza, A., Carrillo, A., Andrade, E., Perez-Enriquez, R., Kurtz, S., & Blanco-Cano, X., “Calibration Test of the MEXART Antenna. An Interplanetary Scintillation Array in Mexico”, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18–25 July 2004, Paris, France, p.1295

32. Borders, T., Shepherd, D. S., Claussen, M., & Kurtz, S. E., “VLBA H2O Maser and VLA NH3 Observations of the Early B Protostar G192.16–3.84”, Am. Ast. Soc., 203.9411, 2003. Page 16

31. Shepherd, D. S., Kurtz, S. E., & Testi, L., “The Nature of the Massive Young Stars in W75 N”, Am. Ast. Soc., 203.9410, 2003.

30. Zapata, L., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., & Kurtz S. E., “A Subarcsecond Radio Binary Associated with AFGL 4029”, Rev Mex AC, 15, 209–209, 2003.

29. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Olmi, L., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., & Cesaroni, R., “The Interior Structure of the G31.41+0.31 Hot Molecular Core”, Star Formation at High Angular Resolution, IAU Symposium 221, 79–79, 2003.

28. Bik, A., Kaper, L., Waters, R., Lenorzer, A., de Koter, A., Kurtz, S., & Hanson, M., “Emission Line Objects in Massive Starforming Regions”, Star Formation at High Angular Resolution, IAU Symposium 221, 12–12, 2003.

27. Hofner, P., Araya, E., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., & Cesaroni, R., “Subarcsecond Resolution Observations of the G31.41+0.31 Hot Molecular Core”, Am. Ast. Soc., 201, 20.15, 2002.

26. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Churchwell, E., Sewilo, M., Watson, C., Linz, H., & Kurtz, S., “H2CO 6 cm Emission Toward IRAS 18566+0408”, Am. Ast. Soc., 201, 77.09, 2002.

25. Shepherd, D., Claussen, M., & Kurtz, S., “Evidence for a Solar System Size Accretion Disk Around the Massive Protostar G192.16−3.82”, Hot Star Workshop III: The Earliest Stages of Massive Star Birth, ASP Conf. Proc., vol. 267, ed. P. Crowther, (San Fco.: ASP), 415–416, 2002.

24. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Churchwell, E., & Kurtz, S., “Arecibo Observations of Formaldehyde and Radio Recombination Lines Toward Ultracompact HII Regions”, Am. Ast. Soc., 199, 124.02, 2001.

23. Kurtz, S.E., Hofner, P., Vargas, G., D´ıaz-Merced,W., “High Resolution Radio Continuum Observations of High Mass Star Formation Regions”, “Galaxies and their Constituents at the Highest Angular Resolution”, eds. R. Schilizzi, S. Vogel, F. Paresce & M. Elvis; IAU-ASP Publications (San Fco.) IAU Symposium 205, pp. 280–281, 2001.

22. Shepherd, D., Claussen, M., & Kurtz, S., “The Discovery of a Solar System Size Accretion Disk Around the Massive Protostar G192.16”, Am. Ast. Soc., 197, 132.08, 2000.

21. Vargas, C., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., & Merced, W., “A Methanol Maser Survey Toward Massive Star Forming Regions” Am. Ast. Soc., 196, 26.10, 2000.

20. Martos, M., Allen, C., Franco, J., & Kurtz, S. E., “The Spiral Density Wave in a Thick Galactic Disk”, Rev Mex AC, 9, 344-344, 2000.

19. Shepherd, D. S., & Kurtz, S. “The Disk and Outflow in G192.16: Are Massive Outflows and Accretion Disks Different from those in Low-Mass YSO’S?”, Am. Ast. Soc., 193, 73.01, 1998.

18. Dedeo, S., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., & Bronfman, L., “A Search for Southern Hot Cores”, Am. Ast. Soc., 193, 71.10, 1998.

17. Kurtz, S., Carral, P., Hofner, P., Shepherd, D., & Rodr´ıguez,L.F., “Hot Cores and Super Ultracompact HII Regions: What’s the Connection?”, Am. Ast. Soc., 193, 16.04, 1998.

16. Kurtz, S., Carral, P., Shepherd, D., Hofner, P., & Rodr´ıguez,L.F., “The Transition from Hot Cores to Ultracompact HII Regions: Results of Centimeter and Millimeter Interferometry” IX Latin Americian Regional IAU Meeting, Rev Mex AC, 11, 197–197, 1998.

15. Miralles, M.P., Salas, L., Cruz-Gonz´alez,I., & Kurtz, S., “Near-Infrared and Millimeter Observations of the S255 Region,” IAU Symposium 182, Herbig-Haro Objects and the Birth of Low Mass Stars, ed. F. Malbet & A. Castets, p. 227–227, 1997. Page 17

14. Carral, P., Kurtz, S., Rodr´ıguez,L. F., De Pree, C., & Hofner, P., “Detection of 7 mm Sources Near Cometary HII Regions,” Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 28, 1417, 1996.

13. Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., Walmsley, M., Cesaroni, R., & Olmi, L., “High Resolution Observations of the Hot, Dense Molecular Gas in G29.96−0.02”, IAU Symposium 178, Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and Processes, p. 563, 1996.

12. Cesaroni, R., Churchwell, E., Felli, M., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., & Walmsley, M., “High Mass Star Formation in Hot Cores”, IAU Symposium 178, Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and Processes, p. 563, 1996.

11. Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., & Watson, A., “High Resolution Observations of the Hot, Dense Molecular Gas in G29.96−0.02”, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 28, 848, 1996.

10. Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., Walmsley, M., & Cesaroni, R., “Massive Star Formation in the Hot Dense Cloud Core of G9.62+0.19”, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 11, 126, 1995.

9. Hofner, P., Churchwell, E., Kurtz, S., Cesaroni, R., & Walmsley, C. M., “Hot Ammonia Associated with Ultracompact HII Regions”, Lecture Notes in Physics, 459, p. 245, 1995.

8. Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., Wood, D., & Myers, P., “Ultracompact HII Regions: A Molecular Point of View”, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 184, 3013, 1994.

7. Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., & Churchwell, E., “H2O and NH3 Masers: Star Formation in G9.62+0.19”, Massive Stars: Their Lives in the Interstellar Medium, eds. J. Cassinelli and E. Churchwell, ASP Conf. Series, vol. 35, 117–119, 1993.

6. Kurtz, S., Hofner, P., & Churchwell, E., “Non-LTE Models of UC HII Regions,” Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 23, 1364, 1992.

5. Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., & Wood, D., “A High Resolution Radio Survey of FIR Color-Selected UC HII Regions,” Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 22, 1269, 1991.

4. Kurtz, S., Churchwell, E., & Wood, D., “Preliminary Results of a Search for Ultracompact HII Regions Using a 2-Color FIR Selection Criterion,” NATO Summer School on the Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, Crete, Greece, May–June 1990.

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1. Fields, D. E., Miller, C. W., Kurtz, S. E., & Cotter, S. J., “The Objective Validation of Model Performance: Application to Atmospheric Transport Models.” Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, December, 1981.

Informes T´ecnicos

2. Kurtz, S. E. & Fields, D. E. “An Algorithm for Computing Significance Levels Using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic and Valid for both Large and Small Samples,” ORNL-5819, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October, 1983.

1. Kurtz, S. E. & Fields, D. E. “An Analysis/Plot Generation Code with Significance Levels Computed Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistics Valid for Both Large and Small Samples,” ORNL-5967, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, October, 1983.