PATONS & BALDWINS keeo o ceoseless vioil- wotchinq the hiqh li-qhts of foshion-the styles, the colours, the fobrics. The twist, the colour the texture moy be different but the quolity is olwoys Beehive. We found ond oove vou Beehive Finqer"inq in oll its glorious colours. Bee- hive Leonoro with its queer nubbiy finish. Miss Conodo Crochet-Knit- ting with its unusuol twist, ond o host of other time proven . This yeor os o result of our ceoseless vigil we bring you Beehive Lusire Crepe Beehive String olso Miss ConodoPerleTwist Totem Quick-to-Knit

IT & Crochet Auild For every ,",eed ond every needle "Ee."r6;)e.

USE THE THE PATTERN CALLS FOR tlse only , and Beehive K.jtti.g Needtes for arv of the .ar n"nr- in rl,ii Book. BUY THE QUANTITY OF YARN TI{E PATTERN C,{LLS FOR ntrhprimeto, n,'kpy.ur i."ia't,"r.hd.e,r,dkinq=urei i.Lheon€d!elor. Ihi. sil prF\e , J.appoir' rhe, you mlehr fird \uu.^J J'n^r c\j,,.tv m.,,.. L.,uuu,." I() CHAN(;E THE SITF Read carefully the measu.ements siven i,r the instructions then easure vou.selt to be snre the garnrent is your size. [rhen enlargins a patterned qarmeDt-be sure to aJ,Jr':, eno,,"l, ".ir,h.. for ".oi rlp,F n:,,Frn. \\'l F- F,.,-sirs d p'din BJ,nenr mr r the "rit, ,e" rF!u're,l lor I in. h l,\ rhe ru rber ot in;\c. n. e.-arv ror ,t.. e: ! $idrl. lor r.r, ,.lc -ilp,d-r on d- mJn\ l.s,.r' Jre reoui;ed ror I in,h. r kni,rints in rl,F c\i d nr'lelsrl. rn "nrirue uj,de a-a ib. ".',not" TO PRESS A T'INISHED GARMENT for plair, smooth fatric. Place all knitted pieces on a thick pad wronq side out. Baste to shape and size desired being careful to keep thc weave quita straiqht. Cover vith a s-et bath towel. Press virh a hot iron. Remove towel and leave until d.v. Fo. raised and fancy patterns. Baste into position and cover with a wet towel but do not Ptess. Pat ge.tly but lirmly with the hand, hold a hoi irorl l;ghtly so that it dravs the stea . Remove to$-el and Ieave until drv. TO WASH WOOLLEN GARMENTS Do not pnt woollen garments to soak. N{ove gently to and fro in lLrkewarm soaDv water until clea,r. Rinse in clear water of same tenperature. Squeeze in a dry towel and .lry immediately on flat surface on wh;ch the garnent hns been ,nade to tak€ the shape desired. ABBRI]VI,{TIONS Knitting K: knit plain. P: Purl. p.s.s.o.: pass slip stitch vool round needle. \\t. flvd.: wool lor$.ard- tos: roqether. ins.: inches. uP.. d?.t?..." t1,. i,. red,e. Crochet Ch.:chain. s.c. = siDsle crochet. d.c.: double crochet. Tr.: rreble. loDc treble. halt treble. s.s.: slip st. The star eymbol (+)This indicates that the direi.ions immediately lolLowins are to be repeated. When directions cali for repeating a given number of rimes, it is underst.,od this is in add;tion to the original- Thus, ripeat 3 tifles meaos 4 times

To knit "even" The row or vork is knitted without ircreasins or decreasinq.

CIIECR TllE IEttSION-The qorments in this book ore worled to the exoct tension qiven. They ore closely knitted to ensure o firm fob c thoi will weor better ond keep 1ts shope lonqer thon o loosell knitted fobric. ChecL youl tension- BeJore beqinninq your qorment toke the wool ond needles specified. Cosl on 20 stitches, knjt 20 rows in the stitch 1() be Llsed dnd compore wiih the tension qiven in the instruclion. If your Lnitting is too loose try o size smdller needle. lf it js too tight try o slze lorqer needle Be sure to knit to the exoct tonsion siven if you wont your qalment to wolk to colrect size. Gorments mode from Holcyon ond ol1 non shrink wools musr be closely ond firmly Lnitted.

Ktrittitrg & Crochet Guild "Ae*rdAE. For every need ond every needle

CAVALCADE To ahholes: Keepins striped pattc'n .asr Dfr 1 sts, MATERIAI^S: MISS CANAI]A CROCHET. hcsintrinsnext 6 roB, then 3 sts. heginnnry nqt4 ro\s. (.1r,r Jd) KNITTING WOOL. Coat 9 ozs. ,J8,1a\ G0- 1.10-.ast at 1 sts- n.Einning ndt 8 ta10s, thea ,:t s1s. be kni z /,1). Sk;rr 1l oa. -12) (JA /J). Two No. o r.r, 4 f,u)- Continue even until wort< nleasures 6% ins_ Ironr \38 fiEt (J8 Bee.ivc krirtins Nec.lles. One n,ed. c,".her hook. arrrhore shapins. at 36) 110 7 i t.). One buckle. 9 buttons. Beltirg for waist. To ahape bach of neck: \\ith li8ht sde oI vork iacnrs K33. cast olt 3i! srs. (38-K37. C6t of 31 ttt, x.t7) Qo as .J8) llpASUneUsn'rS, Bust 36, 38 and 40 ins. \l_ortids l:elCth top of shoulder on ooe shoulder.lec. 1. st, at ncck e.tge cvery ror, 3 .from 2l1l ins. \38 as .16) times (4ll r;61. Fi ish C&st ofi. (4O 22). l-ensth sleeve stripe. of underarm seam 18X \rool at oppositc si.le of ncck and ins. (a7l s;zes). Skirt-\Uaist 28 ins. (.18-29) gA Join Nork orher shorlde. .r0). Hips 38 ins. (JE-3r) (,r, ,r0), \vidtil all LEFT FRONT. (.r8 (?r--,t.7)_ round at 48 ins. (.38-50) (40 as 3B). Cast on 76 srs. Jr) $I()rkina in patt€rn (lec. Tension 7% sts. : I inch. 1. st. at outside c(l8e eeery 4th ro$ l2 rines, (38-68) Check te8ion ee page I 64 sts. on leedle. l4a 72)_ Work2ins.eyen. Inc.t. st. at ortside.dse on next anrl6?ry folbwinq 6rh ros l0 7 he in* ctio s a/. dittan lat ti.e j6. .rit.t .jt ant 10 timcs. 7+ srs. on needrc. (.18 7N) 8z). at. i" ?afctthzet. rhe skirl itsb .tions aft the sanc tal !i..\ lla c.nrinne efer nr partern untilNorl nreanres 1s i.s.Irom besnrnins (all si!a). .th owt .13, th. hryi sizc bdns tu.t t.d i,h., ,t?sst Se. )O s. To Bhrpc rrmhole: Ca6t off 4 srs, .r armfiolc BI,{c ererv alrernale row 3 rineB, tfien 3 srs. tsice. (.r8 ds Jd) {1r-eosl o, SKIRT 1sts. dt alnhole ?nr. dery altct ate r.s l tines, th.n.1stt.tdi..). FRONT. Starting IDwer at cdqe ot skirt casr on 199 sts. C.ntinu€ even i, p.tte.. trntjl Nort Deasures sri i.s. froDr QA z 15). 6Bt arhhole siapinE. (.rd dr.rd) (l.r-d ir..). (Kl.P1) lst rew: [-ork i. .ibbing acrcs.oK. To r6&pe necL: \{ith \.rong side of sork tacjns, ca.t ofi t4 2nd row: Knit, Repeat these 2 tuws I..2 ins. pro.eed in .'.. l\'o'( , .,s to J'ahol" ",lge. Dec, ar ec( ",'*c e..,y r.rp-nJrp ros n Fin'.1 srfl!". (P4.K4) p7. 'imes.../'ri].. C-r:fi. r3t.ow: 12 rincs_ \10 t3 ti"t.s). (K4_p4) to RIGTIT FRONT. Cast on 64 sts. (Jd ,a) U0-72). \\ot\- ins in patien dec. ,. st. at sirlc edge €very 4th row 12 time6, Pl. (K4.P1) 12 2rd row: ti res. (Jr-7J,,ih.r. t(5. (p4.K4) 52 sts. on needle. (Jtt-j6) (fi n0). \Vork 2 ins. e!e.. Inc. t. st at side edsl next and cwery follo{ing 6th tun tO times. (P,1.K4) p3. 3rd ,ow, K2. 12 tihes. (,11] tJ). 0(1.p4) to 62 sts. on .ecrrre. l.18-66) (..tu 70). Contiiue cve. u.til $.rk measures 15 ins- rrcm betinniq. P3. (K4.Ir4) {th ro*: 12 tim€s. (10 7.r). Kl. (p.r.r(4) to To sh.!e arfrhole: Shape as lor Left armhdle, To ! neck: D;c. 2 Bts. at neck e.lge every (Kl.P1) alte l(tc uv 5th row: t2 tines. Go-t.t).rdi. (P4.K{) to €nd or 7 tine. toll Finish sripe. Cast o,f. CENTRE B,{ND. (ro ic se*r ro Risht lront). Cast on t?. 6th ro*: L1. (P4.1(4) r2 rnnes. (,/, .rJ). p.5. (K4.p4) ro sts. (d, rr.r). Work I irch st. lvake buttontole. Iast st. Kl. sarter ]!t rst row: K4. Cast o& 4 srs. KJ. ?th row, P2. (Ka.P4) 12 tihN. (7, 7J). K3. (pt.K4) to 2nd rowr K4. C+st on ,{ sts. K4. Work even in sarte. st. ,nating 5 nDre buttonhoks 3 ins. apa'1. \l-Len lan,, nreasures 6th @w: l<3. (P4.({) r2 tines. eo .rJ). pl. {K+.p4) to last 2 ste, K3. Repeat tlese 8 roNs throush.ut st j.r, Conrirue POC(DTS. (Diagonal. Make 2.). Cast on 3 srs. $rork in e@n on the$ 8 ro\rs ol parten unrit ski.t nreasur$ 7 ins. from pattcrn inc. l. st. each end eve.y rorL to 35 srs. rlEn r_ border (dr ei.!). Prcce€d io patre.n de.. st. de. st. l. cacn en,t of each end every row to 3 sts, Cast otr. .eedle 6n next and every lolloNing stt roN 20 tihes then SLEEVES. Cast on 50 etr. tl9 @s 36) Ua jj). W.rk 4 nE. !. st. each cnd of nedle.very 4th roN I7 tinlcs, thetr ev?ry 2nd cveD in pattcm. In.. l. st. each en{l ol needlc ou rcit and row 5 tinles (dl, rt d), ll5 sts, on recrllc. (./r-j3i), Corijna€ every lolloNing 6th ro{ to 96 sti. 1.13 as -16) l4t) tl1), C.d. cven until (ork heasures 32 ins. ror (lesired lensth), Cast oF tinuc elen unlil sleele Dea ncs l8L iDs. rrod besii,rlns (d/l \Yo.k another piece eractlj', thc sane lor Back. $zsr. Cast off 2 sts. h€ghnins erer]'ros to 28 srs. Cast otl. COAT Patteflr. r.t and 3rd .ow!: Knit, 2nd, 4tb ard BELT. Cast on 3 srs. \iork i. garter sr. inc.1, sr. cach end ol 5th rew8: Purl, 6th !ow: Knit. needlec'eryaltc.naterc\' t. li6t3, \Vdrk 30 ins.6atr. Casrofl. BACK. Cast 140 (.r8 on sts. .1r8) (ra)-./id). \ro.kirs in COLLAR. Cast o, J sts. \IorLinsin in..1.3t. ea.h patter. dcc, 1. Bt. each end oI needlc ewerv,lrh roN 12 tirres. end of needlc cwery altern{te row to 15 sts, \Vork%i(hev€r 116 sls. on nedle. l,t8-12t) (!O-1.j2)- \l,ort 2 inr elen. Nclt row: K2. Cast o(t 1l sis. K2. In.. l. st. each oI needle end eve.y 6rh row t0 tines 136 sts, o. 2nd roe: K2. Cast on ll sis, K2. Work even on these l5 acqlte. (Jd (rr, rr4) lJ?). Conrnrue evcn in patten uhtjl srs. until straisht erlAe nea3ures 12 ins. De.. 1, st. each end ol sork oea$r€s 15 ins. Iron hesinning (all rn,r). nedl. 6'e.y .lternate ro{ to 3 sls. C6t ofr.

Knitting & Crochet Guild 'l

i ht


Knitting & Cr chet Guild

CAVA],CADE .Ee-/6n8. For every need ond every needle

TOWN TOPICS Keping the t*o Naq panel6 in stEting .t. wo.k the cenrrc MATERIALS: MTSS CANADA CROCHET. (s) pa,el in pattern, shapirg sides and amhoteE as Io. Back. KNITTING WOOL. Blouse-s ozs. Navy (N). When Nork m.asures 2 iB. above fiBt amhote 6hapins gO- l0\ t42. tol. 2 ozs. Seatone {S) (a1l'rz.rj. ending wirh purl row. pr€eed. 'fso Skirt-15 ozs. Navy. (4r-ro) (42 -to). No. To 3h.p. nect openlng: tst row: K26 (N). (4r-?f) (4?- 11 Beehive Knirtinq \eedles. One No. l1 Circutar J0). Work 33 6ts. in patte.n (d, s;rr). Turn. . One No. 4 steel c.ochet hook (American Gause). Belting for waist. 2Ed .ow: Wo.k 33 srs. in patrern. P26 (N). ({o-?r) (4?- Jr). Cortirue in thi3 m.nner until nrk operins measure. MEASUREMENTS: Blouse: Bust 38.40 and 3 ins., eodins sith purlrcw. 42 ins. Length from top of shoulder 22r3 ins. (r// srgasl. Lengrh of sleeve underarm seam, t8r2 ins. Nett .ow: Cast ofi 26 iN). (.rr-28) (.r?-Jo). Work 33 st3. (40-19) (42 19). Skirt-Waist 30 ins. (.r0-Jr) Q2. 32\. Hips 4l ins. t40 42t rJi-JJr. Length 2nd row: Ca.t ofi l0 3ts. (dll r'.rr. Wo.k in pattern to end 33 ins. (aI sirpr). Width all round at hem 48 ins. of rc{, Kepi"g continuity p.tteft (42-50). of de. t. st. at nek edse (40-4e) every row t. I Bts. (dA r-6) Conti,E eve. until s.ork meas, PAI"TERN FOR CENTRI PANEL OI DLOUSE urB ,rr i... frcm 6h1 nek deralins. otf, r Ilt .ow: 'K3.P3. Repe.t fmo &rcs 66 (S) 116.'RONT. (rrons Join (S) wool at c.itrc froat and ryo.k othe. side ro coresponc. SLEEYES. Car on 58 *s. (zr, !er). Work ro ro*.s even in 2nd row: Repeat frcm . to end of 66 (S) 'Kl.Pl-Kl,P3, 3t6kins 6t. (rO t0) (42-t5). lnc. 1. st. each end of needre next and every followins 8th row to t02 3t3. (dll rrz.r). Continue Temion. 8% 3t3. I inch. ll ro$ I inch (me.surcd ov.r = = e\€n in.t@l(ing Et. until work heasures 18, ins. troh beSinning Qo-tg) (42 a3 40). Cast ofr 3 sts. Che.t ten.ton+o psre I besin"i,s every row 16 rimes. rhetr 2 st3 besinning every row to 26.t3. (dll ri*r). Wort( 3 ins. Th. instr&t;ons ot @litt n jot ti@ J8- Siza ,10 and 12 arc in even on the* 26 sts. lor should.r pi@e. 1101J%) 3%). BLOUSE FLOWERS AT NECK given BACK. With (N) w@t cast on 162 3!B. (10 170) (12-17t)_ OPENING. Wort eractly as on 8 u.ins (N) wml for (S) Work.l0 rcss even in.t@[ins 3r. De.1- st. each end oI nledl. .nd r@l fo. srmerc, lealing two (S) (N) .ext and.very follori.g3rd ro* ro r28 sts, (.10-t36) (42-!.11), cnds oI vool. With s@l cr@her 4 ch. l0 d.c. in Fasten Work 10 ro$. €ven, Inc. l. st, €ach end of needle next and Joio. circl.. olt. Sew on. otr esch eod of ties. every lollowing 6th roN to 158 sts. (-,, lrr) (12-171). Con- SKIRT. Witi circular n€edle c.6t on 40A *.. <.t0-416) 142 tinue ev.n in sreking 3t. hril trork nreasurB lsJ4 im. fionr ---r?/). Wo.k 5 ins- even in sr6ki.g st. Tie Nhite thread to besinni.s (arl en.lins with pu.t nark besinnins ',i,r), row. of round. To !h.pc a.eholes: Cast off.l3ts, b.sinnins next 6.oNs. Ilt dt,@!.trg round: .K49. l1o 50) 142-5t). K2toE. the" 2 6ts. besinnins nexr 8 ro\Ls. (ll8 sts. on needte_) (.ro- Repcat irom i to end oI rourd. U/or& 3 ;ns..ven. .asl of 4 Jrs. b.zinding n. 6 /tut, th.t 2 sts. bcqintinE n.rt tO 2nd de.lea.lrt routrd! .K48. (049) (12-to). K2roc. t@s, 122 stt. o, nadL,) \12 cott ol I tts- b.Einninq n tt I Repeat lrco ' to end ol round. Work 3 i.s. even. ttus, ttun 2 stt. I'cinninr,..t 8 ruat, t26 stt. on n .A..) Con- Continue shaping in thh nanie. to end ot 8th dereasins tinue even until aohole me&uft sr; ins. troo firsr shaDins round. Work I iach even. (o, rKl9. rrr.r),.ding sith plrlro(. 9tt de.relshe round. \4n-20) 142 ae,to). K2tos. Nett .ow: Cast ofi 26 st3, ll0 28) \12-JO), Knir b.n

Knittitrg & Crochet Guild Kni g & Croc iI

TOWN TOPICS "Ee-AAe. For every need ond every needle 1\,!1. CI,IIB HOIISE 9th .ow: K7. lld. K2t.s. K4. Rcpcat lrcm , 1o last 10 OZS, NIATERIALS: BI]EIIT\TI. LEONOR,{, l1tt1 mw: As gth Shell Beige. (32 9) (36 Two No. 10 Beehive 'ol. lr). 13th row: Inc, in 6rst st. K6 ;\11. Iwd. K2tu;. K4. Itnitting Needles. Skirt -Rcdwood Leon.,ra as \"r" fio" ,o1,.' l-. k'I l. .''.... given o,r page 8. rsth row: K8. r(\VL llvd. K2tog.) 4 tines. K.1. Repeat N{EASURENIENTS: Bust.l2,3,1 and 36 ins. lroD 1 to last 8 sts. K8. Le.sth fron top of shoulder 20 iis. G2 za) G6- 16th ro$: Purl. Kc.pins .ootnluity ol paftern inc. I sr 2at ). LeDstb ol sleeve underarm seam 18 ins. eachcndolDeedl€every6rLro$1092sts. (.,drJl) l.lrr,rrJrJ.r. (.32-18) 136-1E ). Skirt as siveD on page 8. Co.tinue evctr nr pattern until No.L nrea-nn.s 18 nts. lronl Ten6ion I pattern (l2sts.)- lrins. l0roIS= I iDch. lreginning. (, as 31) (.36 l81a). Cast olT 2 ss. L.sinniD{ Ch€ck teDsion see p,g€ 1 everr'row to 28 sts. (71J s:34). Cast ofi. ? hc instrt.lions ate utilten lat size i1. Sizcr .t2 a n .16 at? ii COLL,{R. Cast on 110 sts. (rl rt.r). \\iork 3 n,s. iiirhiis

BLOUSE FLOWERS. Nith ReCwood Rool make r. F.r inst.n.rbns BACK. Clstor126sts (.r? 77dt (.r, ro\ss -/Jl). [rorkl SKIRT. F.r inst.uctions see pase rl. LADY'S TENNIS CAP *(lvl. 5th row: Ks. 1.12 Ki) 1.36 K0). rNd. K2ro:.) .r lliturd rn ,rEe 3l "TOURNAN,IENI" * (32 tines. K4. Repeat irom to last st. K1. ta .nC aJ tuu) ]I.\TERIALS: I,IISS.]CANADA -(]R']CHET- Gn ro Las! 5 sts. K5). It\ITTINC WOOL: 3 ozs. 1oz. each: WhiLc (\-1. Turco Red (R). Nav], (N). One No. 4 steel 7th row: Ki. (.32 K/) l3l ,(rl. *1V1. Iid. K2tog. K.!. . (Anierican sause). Piece ol hat Repear lron ' to last st. K1 l.3a -ta entl al tau) (.36 la tast 5 ]1E.\SI,-REMENT: HEAd Sth row: Pu.l, Repeat 7th and 8tb rois 3 tnnes, IITIAD BAND. \&rrtcJ eniirPlw io ,1. \Vlih i\\,i $..1 15ah .ow: As 5th ro\.. l6th.ow: Purl 16 1016 form patternl. Contliue Gnese Sd Patdrtal,il Math..l "Important" an Pate .1A even in until vo,k nreasn.-"s 13, ins. besnrni'rs lattern 16t row: 1 d.c. in,1th st. I.o,n hook 1 d.c. in cach st. across To shape a.mholes: Keepnrr co.tnruity ol patlern .ast off 't2nri row: 1 d.c. ir each i1... nl 1he lollorynrs .olou.s ilw). 4 sts. beginning next 2 rons, thcn 2 sts. besiimins ,et 10 rol's. 2(Rr. +(N). Ch. 3. 1!,n. (32 as 31) (.36 cast af 1 sts. hLlinni ! n. 4 tuur then 2 sls. beli.nhiu,e tA tult) Conthueeven in pattern untilar hole 3td rowi 5(Ui). l(Rl.2(W) 2(Rl. il(\v). Ch.3. Tu . meaiues 6, ins. Irod 6ret shapins (@lr sr,s). 4th row: 1(w). 41R). 1rlvl. 1(R). 2(\1). 1(Rl. 3Av) To shape shoulder6: At a:nn.le erlge cast off l0 sts. besin nnrs ne\t.1roNS, th ll sts. beginni.g nert 2 ro{s. iJ: .ar, 5th row: 2(\\r)_ 2(R). 3(\\i). s(Rl. 1O\r). Ch.3. Tu.n. 1(1V). r(n). 1{Wl 1iw). af 9 sts- b.sinnins nert 6 n rl (Jd dr J?) caEt ofi ren,aini.:t sts. 6throw:1(w). 5(R) 3(nl. FRONI. $rork exactly as lor Back to 3 nrs. above 6rst aiDnole shapnrs endnrg at armhole erse. 7rb row: 1(W). 5(Rl 3(\v). rl(R). 2OVl. Ch.3. Turn. Nelt row: \\iorlr 49 sts, in lattern. l.J2 1i) \.i6 6 31). 8tL row:6(w). 1(R). tlW) 1(R). lt\vl. 2(Rl. 1(\\1. Turn. Work to ar.rhole edse. \\iorhrg on one shoulder .or rinue cren in patlern lor 2 ins. endins at necL cdse. 1(R). 4(Wl. 2(R). s(W). Ch.3. ]'uft. To shzpe ne.k and shoulder: lst.ow: Cast ofi l0 sts. 1(R). 1(w). 2{Rl. 5l\\i). ctr.3. Tu.n. Nork to arnhole edse. 2iR). 2{W). 1iRl. 3t\Vt. Ch.3. Tu.n. Next row: \Io.k in patler. to necl edse. Cast o1l 2 sls. at sov). 4{R). 1(1V). Ch.3. Tum. Ttr.n. necL erlgc nelr and eve!, altc.nate ro! ,1 tines (oll ,;.r. 4iw). 4iRl. s($). CL..l. Contnre even h patterD until arnhoie meas&s 6, ins. fronl l4th row: 4(1v). .lrRl- 11\r). 2(Rl. 3(Nl. Ch.3. Turn. besnrning endins at a.mhole edge. lsth row: s(\\). 1(R). 1OV). 3(R). J(\i). ch.3. Tui. At aiDhole edge casl olT 10 sts. tnice, ll sts. orce. (.rl -."sr i' 's af a sb. 3 Lihs) \36 as 31). head band. \Yort 2 L,atte.!s. (li to 1 rratte.n.) JoiD to Join wool at opposite sidc aml wo.k other shoul(le. to corrcs- ce,tre bacL oi band. Strlnrg al centre side oI head tran(l Nork l pattern. Sew ro.entre rop oi nrst band Work another SLDEYES. Cast on 54 sts. (all saar). \!ork 3 nrs. l,and at opposite side. '1hG complctcs c'os baud fo. c.owr. (K1.Pl) Inc. 1 st ea.h end ol nccdle in last low. Contnrue nr PDAK. \Uorkeil eDtirelr in s.c. \leasurc 3% ins. fron .entre fartcnr \\Ir,1l ] rons stockiirs st. Iront. Usins (\!) Nool d.lLrle rvorL 1 nrv s... to 3rl ins. I.un sth row: K6 "1\\1. fwl, 1{2toa.l 4 rimes. K4. Repeat Irom other snle ol cent.e iront. Cn. 1. Tum. \'\rorknrg nr s... dec. t st. cach e.d e\'ery roN 13 times Fastetr o1T \\ork I roN 6th rnd alternate ross: Purl. s.c. (Wl and 1 row (N) a,ouna all hca,l ban,1s. Fasten ori. 7th row: Inc. nr 6rsr s.. K5 '\1'1. hn. K2t.s. K4. lloldnrg {ire aro!trd outs e oI Itak worL 1 nrv s.c. (\\1. Repcat irom + to last 2 sts. Kl, Inc. 1.s1. in n*t st.

Knitting & Crochet Guild .\


r Kniltir[g &L Uyod"he I tk

CI,1]B HOl]SF For every need ond every needle

*1 SHIPBOARD 3rd rouhd: d,c. in d.c. oI previous ro!.d. 2 d... jn net d... Rcpeat l.onr + ro end oI round. Ch. j. NIATERIAI-S: BEEFIIVE LEONORA. Blouse 3, loin (36 4th.ound: d... in ea.L oi 6rst 2 d.c. 2.1,c. next.t... ozs. Redwood, 1 oz. Be;se. G2 9) as 31). * i, -10Skirt 14 ozs. (32 as 31) (36 15 ozs.) Two No. 11 Repeat to end .{ .ound. Join. fasten oli. a.d two No.9 Beehive Knittins Needles. One No.4 Nnh Rcdwoori wool nate 4.hains 6 ins. ,oos. A..anse in steel crochet hook (Anerican ). Relting tor .eDtre ol dower6 to iorm sta'ne.c waist. One No. 9 circular needle. Si(IRT. Urirh .ircutar needte casf on 3ls srs. Wort 6 iDS Measurements: Blouse Bust 32, 34 and 36 irs. even ir sro.Lins sl. (Ti. whjre rhr€ad to hark bqinnjrs ol I-ength from top of sfioulder 20 ins l32-19 ) (36 2011). Lensth of sleeve underarm seam 18 ;ns. *K27. i t? a' 31t LJo /r',r. -ki'r \\";_l l7;rr'. (12 lst decrea3ing .ourd: K2iog. Repcat trom t. eD.l ro of round, \io.k 5 i.s. cven. 2a) Jo :i. H:Ds 17 in_. \12 Ua J?) 1K26, * Lergth s2 ins. (all sr:es). width all rouDd at hem znd deqeasthg round: K2to3. Repeat f.on to edd ol .ound. a8 ins. (all srz€r). \ork 4 ins. even. 3ral decreasing round: tK25. K2tos. Itcpcat tront . to en{l 'lension 1 roNS: 1 iDct. 7 sts.: inch, 9 of round. U:..k.1 ins ewc Check teNion-see page 1 4th deoeasiDg roundr 'K2a. K2tog. Repeat f.onr : to end Th. insttwrians ac utitten Jat si.e 34. -\izes 32 ahd 3n atei" oI roun(,. Work.3 ins elcn 5th deq€aslhg round +K21. K21os. Repeat lrom i to enil BLOUSE of round. \\'ork 2 ins ere FRONT. \\jitb No. 9 necdles cast on 122 sts. (J2 174) 6th deoeasiag round 1l{22. K-rtog Reaert I nr to en,l (.1, 7Jr). Contnrue in stocki.s st. dec,, each end oI ol round. Iio.k l, ns. e *K21. needle every 2 nrs. 3 tnn$. Continue even lntil work rneasures 7tl dccrtasjng.ound K2tos. Repeat lroDr ' to en.l 13% nrs. fron lreginning. (,32 lJ) 1.36 11). oI rounil. Work 1 inch even To shape armhole.: Cast o1I4 sts. bcsilnins next 2 ross, Sth d€..€asing rourd: +K20. K2ros. Repeat Ircm ! to en.l then 2 sts. begnrnnE 8 rows. (J2 dr J?) (36 .an d I ns. oI round- Fron tnis pon,t (lo not work round anrl .ouna as it L.siahins rat 1 rout, then 2 sts- begi"niks nett 8 raut. Can- is the begidni.s oI the pta!uet, iinue cven until worL nresures ::11 ,ns. irom iBt arntole Ne:t .orv: Knir to end oI ro\., Turn. shaping, ending silh pun .ow. Chmsc to No, 11 nedles, Ne:t .ow: Purl tocnd ol roF. Repeatthese 2 ro{s for 1 inct. 9th dec.easing: 1K19. K2ios. Repeat lrom r to oI lst row: K3. P2. 'K4. P2. Repeat lrom last 3 sts. I<3. ro\r. \\ork I in.h even. 'to* 2nd row: P3. K2. 'P4. K2. Repeat {rom to lst 3 sts. P3. 10th decreasing: +K18, K2t.s. Repear lrom l to end ol N K2. P2. * K1. P2. tup.atJrtu tDLlstz sts. K2.2nd ro\r. l\-o.k 1 in.h even. 132 * rcw. P2. K2. "P1. K2. Jtan talon2 ns. P2.) (3n lrth decreas ng: +K17. K2iog. Rep€ar lron I to end oI as J4). R.leat these 2 ross until work measures 7X i,s. ro\r. \lo.t I nrch even. first atunrole shapins. Cdt ofi in ribbi4. 12th decrea6tng: 1K16. K2tos. Itepeat iront * to end oI BACK. Work exactly a6 ior l'tunt to 5% ins, IroD nrst ror. \\'o.L I inch e\,€n. armhole slaping. Cast o0 in ribting. r3th decelsing: +K15. Itllog. Repear {.om ' ro end oI SLITEVES. $:itl No. 1l needles.ast on 54 sts. Wo.k 3 ins. ro\. \\'ork even to rlcsi..d lensth. Cast ofi. .KlPl. I l,ar's. to No. o r.'.,11r" a'l'o tnuP'' ''bLing. \1 orli 3 ro\s s.c. around hen ot sLi.t and 1 stocLiq st- irc. ea.n end oI needle next ald erery lollow- ins 7tt rorv to 8,1 sts. (d,r st3*). cortinle even until sorL l.Siz Cdst an .103 sts- 1,tul as 31 measures 18 ins. Ironr besinnins. 132 as 34) 136 1811). Ca.t 32 sier Jt titu A.ginni,r orl 2 sts, begin,ins ercry rov to 28 sts. (r, ri:4), Cast ofi. dth znd ddteasiie to tn lnd tne enl o.f t|.r 13th dectuaine. \i'ork 4 rows s.c. around botiom of tlouse. Next rcw: '/ar.r. Kztog. Repeat.lrotu " 10 e al rotu lvoth FLOWERS. (Make 4.) With .rochet hook and Beise aen ta desn.n b"stL. Cast of. Finnh dt Jat 34-) n,ake oI4 sts. *ith Ch.3. Ch. 3. isie 36 Cast an 330 sts. IrarA 5 ins. eten. rst dedeasinS wool, a clani Join GhG * fo.nN 6rst st. or rcxr ronn,l). rourd: 'Ca. J<21a2. Rep*t Jra to ehd, ol tottd. Work lst round: l0 d.c. in cncle- Join. Cl,. 3. 1 ins. den. c Ltin@ as zien lat nk 31 as,a J,id ataa!;n< 2nd rourd: 2 d,c, in each st, ol previous round. Join, tuMn ntil lh. elnL aJ rh. t2th dereasins. Woth den to den/ed lensth- Casl of. Fini:h as sbetuJat si.e 31,)

Knitting & Crochet Guild du

Knitting Guild

SHIPBOABD For every need ond every needle -TIFE'IN Nert row: 1 d.c, in cellre of eacn ch. 3. and 1 d.c. in eacn MATERIALS: MISS CANADA PERLE d.c. acr6 row. Ch. 3. Turn- TWIST, 14 oz. Lernon. One No. 4 steel crochet 2nd row: 1 d.c, in ea.h st. acrN rov, Repeat 2nd ro\. hook (American gauge). 2 buttons. One belt. SKIRT FRoNT. Ch. 98 sts. MEASIIREMENTS: Blouse Bust 30 ins. lst !ow: 1 d.c. in 4th st. Iron nook, 1 d.c- in ea.h st. ac.oss Leng(h from rop of sfioulder. l4 r;- in'. Lcngth of 2s ins. 3Miss sleeve underarm "eam 5 ins. Slirt \\dist 2Dd row: 2. I d.c. in next st. Ch. 3. I d.c- in sanre sr. Hips 35 ins. Length 32 ins. Width at liem 46 ins. Rcpeat lron * ac.os !oy, Cn. 3, Turn. YOKD. Ch. 140 sts. 3rd row: *Miss 3 ch. 1d.c. in d.c. oI previous ros, Ch. l. 1st .ow: I d,c, in 4th 6t. Iron hook. 1 d.c. in each st- across Make picot (to maLe picot Ch. 3. Pull l@p through 6rst cn ). Ch. 1. 1 d.c. in same d.c. Repeat lrom ' &ross row. Ch. 3. 2nd row: 1 d.c- i,66t 2 sts. (1 d.c- Ch. 1. 1 d.c.) in next st. *tr{iss Ghis 1 d... Ch. 1. 1 d.c. will be.eler€d to a6 ean st.). 1 d.c. 4th .ow: 3 ch, t d,c, in d.c. oI previous .orv, Ch, 3. in nqt 40 sts. (1 d.c. C!. 1. 1 d.c.l in next st. (sean st.). 1 d.c. 1 d.c- in same d.c. Repeat tron * to end ol rov. Ch. 3. Tr.n. ;n nqt 24 sts. (1d.c. cn.1.1d.c.) in next st. (kan st-). 1d.c. in Repeat 3.

Ktritting & Crochet Guild TIFFIN For every need ond every needle

CONI'ERSATION 21st row: (K2.p2) 7 times. to last 28 sts. (p2.K2) MATERIALS: MISS CANADA CROCHET, 22nit pu.l KNITTING WOOL. 21 oz. BerlJlu<1a Blne c1-22 roqt lP2_K2) 7 time6. to rasr 28 sts. (K2.p2) oz.t t3o 21.?.i. Two \o. l2 BeFhivp Kn:rrirg 7 tines. Repeat thse 2 rorvs on.e, Needles. One belt. 3 buttois. 25th row: K2tos. P2. lK2.p2) l times. K6_ K2tos. Kt6. K2tos. K26. K2rog, K16. K2tos. K6. (p2.K2) ? tihes. p2. MEASUREMENTS: Skirt Waist 26 i,s. (.u- (to K2tos. 27 ia..' -28 in..,. Hips Jo in-. (14- J7 .',. l 26th !op: P1. K2_ t.P2.K2) purl (36-38 Lensth (all 7 times. to tast 31 sts. ins.). 32 ins. sr;er). Width t{'.Pl". Kl. tt, Wo.< 2,o(> i, !hF oJfie.n. dround hFm 48 ins. , 14 4iJ .u . .hr ,asr ir., Jo :qt. 2srb roq: h' Pt. p! 8 ri, e..

rnittinsU itd

CONVEFSATlON For every need ond every needle

DAYTIME 1w1. K2tas. Kt. Repedr ?an:* k aJ rou. lth row: cas, MATERIALS: BEEHIVE LUSTRE CREPE. of5 s?J. PLrttaekdaJrou- 5th tont',tl Cdnof2 sls. K3.*K2_ 22 ozs. Spinner Red. Blouse--S ozs. Skirt-14 ozs. Vl|. ftud. Kztoz. K1, Rebeat fton ! to enl oI row. 6t}! row: t38 0 and t4 az.. (4A- o ,a/ /i uz\.,. l so No. Castof2 ttt. P,rl to and aJ nu. 7ttl tow: Cast of 2 sts_ Kt. Il and rwo No. 9 Beehi\e Ki, K2tag. rhratEh ba.k aJ tao?s. ttl. t<2_ ling Neede-. *'Kl. Jutj, ft|tu la|nt3 sts- K3.*:As6& u. gthro[: Cast MEASUREMENTS: Blouse-Bust 36, 38 and +K1. of 2 sts- K1. K21oE- thlaugh bach oJ loops. W. fZ. 40 in'. Lengrh irom rop of shouldcr to.r2 inq. 3 Jud. Repeat Jrah to last n- rl. 10th row:,4, J8 lu) \40 10rrt. Lenerh ste"ve uniJ;rJ-m tEl_ dr, /,,. ttth row: Casr af 2 sts. K2, Kzlos. ttuaLgh buk al kDps. WL_ 18r2 in,. (d// rr:,, . iLirt-"l Hips J8 in5. . fu,J_ "edmt38-30\ t4A-10\. ,JB_2a, K2- Repeat ftah 10 Last 4 ns. K1_ K2taE_tbaqh ba.h ol toops Wai.r ,18 i,rq. \40 Ja). Wl.Jud. Length 33 ins. (r11 sEej). Kt, 12tn fo,t As 6thtau. tith roqt Ctt an2 ns. 'Rt. K:tae. tr-o- botb laap". ttud Tension- 2 patterns 1% i!s, :;h "t ut t . A.0..,11.o-. = ro 14r 2 sts. KZ. t4tn (./al-lst Check teNtor-ee page I rcw: As 6th rou.) rowj Cas, of 7 sts. Kl.*KZ.W-1 .t. K2tos. Kt_ Re?.dtlron a to Thz ina,ttuctims ale tutifi." Jd nze 36. Si?s 38 and 10 dre ir tast .irrs. rJ. 2nal .ow: Cdsr ,lF 7 sts. Punhedol/ow,3rdrc*: C6tafists. *1<2.w-lun. * Whe.e the itrtructtons re6d ,,Cast ofi 6 sts. K2,,. (or Kzrae. Kt. Reteatlnh 10 Last st_ K1.,.4t,1 row. CLst oli 6 sls. Ptrt ra oJ stmilar sk.) the dtitch otr the right hahd needle, atter ad ro@. 5th to t4t|n nwa, At Jth ta 1.,11h rous size caottnt of is counted as one stitch. 3tt.) To shape aeck: (Starring wirtl tst roN of *K2. latrern). BLOUSE lst row: Wl. Iqd. K2rog. Kt, Repeat . i tines. FRONT. Wirh No. 11 needls cast on 126 sts. (J8-1Jd) Kl. aa oo 18 rs. K 'Kl. ' t\o. K2rog. Kl. R-ppd, jns. (40-1J8). Work 3 ribbins (K1.P11. l3e as 36) \to j lrom 'to exd oI ro.. trr, Chanse to No. 9 Deedles and prmeed: 2!d ahd alterMte rows: I<1. Purl ro neck edge. Turn. 1st ro*: Inc. in sr. Repeat * etrd 3.d rop: Cast ofi 2 sts. K1. wl. fvd. K2tos. K1. +K2. 'K20. nqt irom to . of rorv (132 6ts.). (38 as 36, u2 sts.) (10-*K16. rnc. it Wl. 'Bl. Kzrog, K'. R"pecr fior,, to.rd_o' ror. aeit st. Rep@t ltotu * to enn ol rcw, 116 stt.). 5th.ow: Cast oll 2 srs. K2. *K2, wl, INd. K2ros. K1. Releat lrom + ro end ol row_ **3rd roF: Kl- .K2. \vl. iNd. K2tos_ K1. Repeat trom * 7th !op: cast ofi 2 6ts. +K2. wt, fvd. K2tog. K1. Repear ro last st- Kl. (.r8 @s Jd) (,/r-K3.*w.Jsn. K2ks. Kt. Rebeat trom ' to od oi ro{. 3 *K1. lnh to last 3 slJ. tt3)- 9rh row: Cast ofi 2 sts. K3, K2ros. through back of 4th row: Purl. Repcat 3rd and 4th rows 3 times. l@ps. wl. fwd. Kr, Relear lron + to end of row. *K1. *K1. llth io*: Kl. (2ros. rlrrougi b&k ot loops. \!1. twd. llth row: Cast oE 2 sts. Kl, K2tog. throush back of K2, Repeat {rom * to let st. K1. (33as30eA K3,*Et, loops. lM. Is,l. K,. Repect .joro . ro Fnd o. rotr. 13th .ow: *I11. K2kg &rotzh ba.k oJ toops. tyl. Jud. K2. Retet lron ' ro Cast ofi 2 srs. K4_ K2toE. ttrough back ot l@p!. \41. i"d. K-2. R"p""r r,o. ' ro e,d ot ro\ l2th.ow: Purl. Repeat 11th and l2th rovs 3 times. lsth .ow: Cast ofi 2 sts. K2. :I(1. K2rog, throush back of *,R.!€at ** ** ,@ps. , lron to 5 times, Repeat 3rd and 4th row6 once, \1,1. Iwd, K,. Re!,ear fro,. ro end of ro". . *K2. rK2. .LJ. To 3h.p. dn hole: lst !ow. Cast ofl 6 sts. Wt. tw{1, _ lTLb roq: C,st off 2 sr6, $ t, KlroB. l< l. Reppd, K2tog. K1. R€peat troh * to last st. K1. lroD ' to eod ol ro( 2Dd row: Casr ofi 6 6ts, Purt ro end of row,l 19th row: Cdt o1T 2 sts. K3.'K2. Wt. frd. K2rog. * KI. 3rd row: Cast ot 5 ss, 'K2. \^t. l\d.K2.og.Kt, Repear Repe.t fron to eDd oI ro*. Irom to eDd o1 ro"- 21st row: Cat ofi 2 sts, K1. *K2. Wt. fNd. K2tos. Kt, ' * 4th roB. Cer ofl 5 .ts_ Purt to end ot row. Repst lroo to end of row. *K2. 5th !ow: Cet ofi l st. Kl. wl. fwd. K2tog. K1, \1i1. 23.d ro*: Cet od 2 sts. Kl, Wl. fwd. K2tos. K1. 'K2. INd. K2tog. K1. Repst froh * ro end oI row, W1. fwd. K2tog. K1, Repear fror * to etrd ol rcw. 6th row: Csr ofi Purl to e,d ot ro\,. 25th row: Cast ofi 1,st. K3. *K1. K2tos. through b&k ot 7th row: Cast ofl 1.st_ K3. iI(1. K2rog. throush back ot loops. wl. frd. K2. Repeat lron * to end of rcw. loops. w]- Iwd. K2. Repeat trom . to last 4 sts. K1. K2ros. 27th row: Ccr olt K2. .I(1. K2rog. th.oush back of through back of loops. WI. Iwd. K1. loops. Wi, fird. I{2. Repeat lrom . to end ot rop. 8th row: As 6th ror. 29th row: Cast ofi, Kl. *K1. K2tos. rtrrough back ot 9tlr row. CaFt oE 1,3t. K2. K2rog. through bach ol toops. W. Iwd. K2. Repeat lron r to erd oi row. 'K1. *X1. looG. Wl. Iwd, K'. Repedr lron ' lo ta, J ,t.. K,. 31st row: CEt oll K2tos. through bac! oI t@ps. 10th .ow: As 6th r.u wl. fvd. K2. Repeat lrom + to end of rov. l1th roq: Cst oll Kl. +K1_ K2tog, througL trek oI 33.d row: Cast oE K1. \vl, tsd. K2toe. K1. *K2. loops. wl. Ivd. K2. Repear froo * to tast 2 st3. K2. Wl. Iqd. K2tog. K1. Repeat * once, l2th row: As 6tt row, 35th row: C6r oii K3. *K2. W. iyd. K2tog. Kl, l3th .ow: Cst ofi 1-st, *K1. K2rog. through back ot toops. Wl. fvd, K2. Repeat from 3 to lst sr. Kt. 37th row: C6t ofi l,st. K2. ,K2, Wl. fwd. K2tos_ Kt. + 14th low: As 6th roy. (Jd tst !o*. Cast all6 s7.s. K2_ Itt. a lud. K?tog- K1 , Repedt .Jran to last *. .<7. 2rd row: Car. 39th row: Cast o1T K1, *K2. WI. fvd. K2tos. Kt. at6tts. Pwl to tutl, olttu. 3td tow. Cdstaf 5st$.*KZ.Wt. (Cantin ed oi tarc 18)

Knitting & Crochet Guild DAYTIMX For every need ond every needlc

SPECTATOR .lth N{ATERIALS: 4 ply BEEHM FINGERING. ros: Purl to e.d ol row. Casr o. r sts. R€peat 3rd ani 4.i rows 5 tin,es, (154 sts, on needre.l lvork 4 rovs e!en. Coat-4 ozs. Light (L). 5 ozs. llediunl (NI). (M). DarL (D). 14 ozs. Dark (D). \V..k l2 rows 2(L)- 12(r'I). 2(L). 3 ozs. Sknt Tvo Next .ow: No. 10 Beelii\-e Knitting Needles. 6 buttons. Belt- Ca6r ofi 48 sts. ror a.nrhorc. Joh (r,r) wool. irg for $aist. Belt. The orisinal rvas worked in three WiDe shades. Dark Nine No. 1317. l,Iedium No. 1316. I-ight Nn 1315. sth row: Cast o1I 2 sts. I.i58. Put rehaining sts. on spare N{EASUREMENTS: Coat Lensth from top of needle. Workins on tle 53 sts. pro.eedi shoulder, \'ith hem turned up 22, tus. Bust 32 irs. Lensth of sleeve underarm seam 20 ins. (lu hem to desired length.) Skirt Waist 26 ins. Hips 3rd iow: Cast oli 14 srs. P44. 36 ins. Width all round at hem 48 ins. 4th ro$: Cst ofl 2 srs. Knii t. end .r r.- -ltDsion 8sts. : 1 inct. 10rows : 1 5th row: Casi ofi 1,1 st6. Pu.l ro ed oi row. To mate size 34 nse No- 9 Beehive Knitti.g Needles and work at a tension to produce 7, sts. to one inch. 7th row: Cast ol} t,1sts. P14. The coat is ro.ked across I..n undera,m to underarnr. 8th .ow: Cast oll 1,1 sts. Jonr (Ml woot to sts. o. spa,e

COAT lst row: Cast ofi 14 sls. K32, BACK. With (I,I) $ool.ast on 16 sts. 3rd row: Cast ofi 16 sts K16. 2nd row: P16. cast on 16 sts. 4th .ow: Cdt ofl. RIGHT IRONT: (s brtronholer. \litb (L) ,ool casi on 4th row: Purl. Put tnis piccc on spa'e needle. Witl) (Xl) 139 sts. llork 4 .ows plain knittnrs, Join (M) wool. 1vo.t 4

5th row: 1t8. Cast olT 6 sts. (K2.1. Cast ofi 6 sts.) 4 tines. 2nd .ow: K14. Cast on 14 sts. Il5. P28. Cast on 2 sts. Next rotr: P' .r,. (. 3.d ro{: '.' o,i o, prp ,s I 4th !ow: K30. Cast on 14 sts. work 6 rows even. Join {L). [rorL 11 rors srock,ns sr. 12th row: Purl to lasr st. Inc- ii last st. 6th row: K44. C6t or 14 sls- lSth roB: T(1L l.'ep"r. 17', , ', 7th row: PSa Casi o. 2 sis iSth rcw: Purl to end ot ror'. cast on 2 sts. Joi. (D) wool. 8th row: K60, Cast on 14 sts, Kuit across 32 s1s. lrom spare n€edle, (106 sts, o. needle.) 2nd row: Purl to €rd ol ..s, Cast or 2 sts. Stitt {orkiis $ith (D) rool continue in srocking 3t. caEtnrg on 2 sB. end o{ llth row: Pu.l. lonr G) r'ool. casr otr 48 srs. lor armtrole. cvc.r purl rori.4 times. (154 sts. on .eelle.) Urork 2 ross even.

13th roe: Purl. Pro.ed: ContinLing in sto.kils st. work work 2 ross (L). 12(Nr). 2(L). 12(V)_ 2{r_). Cast otr 12 ro\ys (Nr). 2(L). 12(Nr). 2(L). 3(Dl. armhole and side seam as lor Back. Nert row: Purl to Iasr 4 srs. (P2tos.) twice. LEFT FRONT: With (Ml wool ca6t on t39 sts. WorL 1, rows elen nr srocLing st. Work 2 rows (L). 8 rows (D). siirr Nert rcw: Purl to last 4 sts. (P2tog.) tNi.e. Srill wo.ting wo.Lin* wirh (Dl Nool D.oceedj witl (D) nml dcc. 2 sts. at end oi every purl roir 3 tid€s Jon, l6t row: Knit to lasi st. 1.c. in last st. (L) iool. Proceed i- 2nd row: I!d. Repeat these 2 rol's otrce. Joh (L) woo1.

2rd rov: Purl to last 4 sts. (P2tos.) t$ice, lst .ow: Knit to lasr st. Inc. h last st.

4th row. Pu.l io last 2 sts, P2tos, Repcat 3rd and 4tb rows 3rd row: Knit to en.]oI ro{, Cast on 2 sts. Repeat 2nd and tNice. (139 sts. on needle.) P.oceed: 3rd roNs 5 tides. (15,1 sts. on needle.) Work 5 ro*s eren, Work 10.ows (I-). 12(I1).2(L). 13(D). l4rh ro.v, (D) Pir,o r ". , '. 1.r.,. l.-' -. Work 12 rorrs (1\,1). 2(L). l2(M). Join (L).

16th row: As 14th .or', Ioin (L) Bool, P.oceeii- 2nd row: Cast ofi 48 sts. for armhore. Shape arnhole atrd sidc .dge as lor Back, 2nd row: Purl 10 last st. 1... nr I t st. \Cantin%d on tL!. 10)

Ktrittitrg & Crochet Guild Knittir

SPECTATOB &e*Un e For every need ond every needle

DAY'[ IME--Continted tom ?age 14 BACK, \\'ork exactly as for Front, omitting neck shaping, 41st row: Cast oft, *K1. K2tog, through back of loops. until there are three complete patterns from last armholeshap- * W. fwd. K2. Repeat from once. ing. tjg-r,orU os giten 36, the . worb e,ten ifl 3rd lo *K1. for Patlern 43rd row: K2tog. through back of loops. WI. Irrd. 8th rcus tlA as 38 . Proceed:- * K2. Repeat from once. lst row: K10. *P1. Kl. Repeat from * to last 10 sts. K10, 44th row: Purl to neck edge. (38 as 36 Io .t4th tow. Rep.dl 2nd row: P10. *K1. Pl. Repeat from t to last 10 sts. P10. 13rd. dnd.l1th tots hriee) (-10 ds.?8). Continue even in stocking 3rd row: Klo. 'PL Kl. Repeat from * to last l0 sts. Turn. st. until armhole measures 61t ins. Irom first shaping (J8-- 7) {(h row: rKl. Pl. Repeat from 'to last l0 sls. Turn. (40 as 38). sth row: *Pl. K1. Repeat from 'to last lQ sts. Turn. Join sool at opposite side of centre front. Proceed: 6rh row: *P1. Kl. Repeat from " to last 19 sts. Turn. lst row: Cast oF 2 sts. Purl to armhole edge. 7th row: Pl. Repear fronr * to la.t 28 srs. Turn. *K2. * 'Kl. 2nd row: \Yl. f$d. K2tog. K1. Repeat from to last 8th row As 7th row. 4 sts. K4. 9th row \l'ork in tr{oss st. to end of ror'. Cast off. 3rd and alternate rows: Purl, casting off 2 sts. at neck edge SLEEVES. $Iith No. 11 needles cast on 62 sts. (-?8 d7) 10 times, then I times. {) as 38.,. 11:ork 3 ins. ribbing. (K1.P1). Change to No. 9 *K2. * 4th row: \\rl. fu'd. K2tog. K1. Repeat from to last needles. \\'ork 51, ins. even in pattern. Ioc. l st. each end oI 2 sts. K2. needle next and every follo*'ing 10th rolv to 82 sts. (J8 87) *K2. * 6th .ow: \\'1. fwd, K2tog. K1. Repeat from to end l+, ds -lrl. Continue even in pattern until sleeve measures 18% ins. from beginning (alL izes). Dec.2 sts, beginning every row *K1, 8th row: K2tog. through back of loops. W. f*'d. to 2-2 sts. Cast off. * K2. Repear from to last 3 sls. KJ. YOKE. ['ith Right side of work facing, pick up 44 sts. doi!-n *K1. loth row: K2tog. through back of loops. WI. f\ld. Ieft side ot neckline. Pick up 5 sts. across front. Cast on 5 sts. * K2. Repeat from to last st. Kl. lliss next 5 cast-off sts. Pick up remalning 5 sts. across Front. *K1. 12th row: K2tog. through back of loops. wl. fud. Pick up {{ sts. along Right side of neckline. * K2. Repeat lrom to last 4 sts. Kl. K2tog. through back of lst row: Kl. *Pt. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat loops. WL frvd. K1. this rot 29 times. Cast ofi. rK1. l4th row: K2tog. through back ol loops. WI. frvd. TIE. Cast on 11 sts. Work 14 ins. tr{oss st. Cast off. K2. Repeat from + to last 2 sts. K2. SKIRT *K2. + l6th row: WL fwd. K2tog. Kl. Repeat from FRO\T, \\rith No. 9 needles cast on 172 sts. (38 as Jd) Qrt-li7 . \\otk 4 ins. even in pattern as given from ** to ** *K2. * lSth row W. fwd. K2tog. Kl. Repeat from to last in blouse. Keeping continuity of pattern dec. each end 3 sts. K3. of needle er-ery 2 ins. 6 times. (38-8 tines) (4O*7 times), then *K2. 20th row W- fwd- K2tog. Kl. Repeat from * to elery inch 12 times (38-8 tines) (10 10 tiites). Work should last st. Kl. nos measure 26 ins. from beginning. (Hip line.) Dec. each *K2. * 22'rll toa,t \\1. fwd. K2tos. K1. Repeat from to end of needle every 2nd row to 100 sts. (38-104) (10-1A7). last 4 sts. K4. Continue even until work measures 30 ins. from beginnr'ng (all *K1. 24th row: K2tog, through back of loops, W. fsd. si.€s Chanse to No. 11 needles and work 3 ins. ribbing (K1.Pl). * K2. Repeat from to last 3 sts. K3. Cast off ribbing. *K1. in 26th row: K2tog, through back of loops, W1. f$cl. B.{CK. $brk exactly as for Front. K2. Repeat frcm * to last 2 sts. K2. 28th row: *K1. K2tog. through back of loops. W. fsd. SE\TI\IE\T Contin e.d. front lage 22 + K2. Repeat from to last st. Kl. FRONT. Work exactly as for Back until blouse measures *K1. 30th row: K2tog. through back of loops. Wi. f*'d. 2 ins. from 6rst armhole shaping. * K2. Repeat from to end of rov. To shape neck: (Right side of work facing.) *K2. * 32nd row: WI. fwd. K2tog- Kl. Repeat from to lst row: Work 43 sts, in pattern. Cast off 3 sts. Work last 4 sts. K4- pattern. pattern *K2. * 43 sts. in Working on one shoulder, continue in 34th row: Wl. fnd. K2tog. K1, Repeat from to dec. at neck edge every alternate row to 26 sts. Work even Iast 3 sts. K3. until armhole measures 6 ins. from 6rst shaping. off. *K2. Cast 36th row: wl. fwd. K2tog. Kl. Repeat from Join tool at opposite side and work other shoulder to cor- Iast 2 sts. K2. respond. *K2. * 38th row: WI. fwd. K2tog. K1. Repeat from to last SLEEVES. With No. 10 needles cast on 8l sts. Work even st. Kl, pattern pattern, *K1. in to end of 6th then dec.2 sts. beginning every 40th row: K2tog. through back of loops. Wl. fwd. ro*' to 25 sts. Cast off. + K2. Repeat from once. COLLAR. With No. 12 needles cast on 3 sts. Working in 41at row: Purl. Repeat 40th and 41st rows once. (38- Moss st. inc. beginning every row to 18 sts. Continue even 3 lirfies) (10 as 38). Cortinue even ir stocking 6t, until armhole until Nork measures 36 ins. Dec. beginning every row to measures 6% ins. from 6rst shaping. Cast off, 3 sts. Cast off. Sew around neck band. Fasten with clip.

Page Eighteen Ktrittitrg & Crochet Gaild "Ee-nh.. For every need ond every needle SYMPHONY utttstratlt ." tale 20.) ARISTOCRAT at po{ 2t) MATERIALST BEEHIVE LEONORA. Coat- 'Iutsbakd 16 ozs. (oll rizer) [rhite. Skit tj ozs. (40 14 NIATERIALS: 2 PIY BEEHIVE FINGERING. azs.). Two No. 11 B€ehive Krittins Needles. One skir: - 8 oz-. Blou.- " o,-. t2 a- J1 la I o41 circuLar needle No. 11. 7 ", .) One No. 4 -ree' cro.\cr hook Arnericarr NIEASURENIENTS: Bust 38,/,t0. Length from gause). One belt. 6 buttons. t.,p ot shoulder 25 ins. I-englh of sleeve underarm Measurements: Skirt Waist 27 lns. (32 26) sean 18 nrs. Skirt LeDsth 33 ins. Waist 30 ins. ( la ,J_' . 18 (10 J7). Hips 4r ins. \\ridth at hem '8 Hip, J; ir" io -rd.. LFltsrn Qa-4t). t):'. o,l slz?.. \\idrh rould ar hem 48 ins. 52 ins. (oll stzes). " TeDSion8sts.:1inch. Blou;e tsusr 32, 34 and s6 ins. Length lrom top of shoulder 1s (ull Check tension-ee page I ins. sizes). Lensth of sleeve underarm seam (includnrs cutr) 19 ins. (all l'he .aat it lDase jillins and tuitl,lit size 38 at 10. Insltact;als lal sknt arc si!.fl Jar si2e 38. Sile 4 is bet in,are h.ns. COAT (work Sta.tirg at n{L with cir.ular needle cast o. 75 sts. Chect tension see I backwards and lorwards). Pdrl one ron. Stafi patteu. The Insttuctiofls ate toitteh Jat si.e 31- Siz* 32 an,J 36 ue in 1st row: K3. \Vl. Iwd. Kl. Gcam st.) $Il. tvd. Kl. \\1. n . K3. K2toi. K2tog, K3, Wl. lwd. Kl, Wi. Iwd. Kl. (seam st.) WL fw,l. K,11. wl. nvd. K1. Gean st.) $il. rwd. Il1. $'1. iwd. RI-OttSE K3. r2tog. K2tog. K3. WL lwd. K1. \\1. fwd. Kl. Geam st.) BACK. Ch. 9ri sts. l3z qt) 136-101). 1st ro*: 1 d.c. in .lth st, I.oa hook. I d.c. in each st. across 3rd .ow: K.1. wl. Iwd. Kl. (kan st.) Wl. Iwd. K2. Wl. I1vd. K3. K2tog. K2tog. K3- Wl. i1vd. K2. Wl. i{d. Kl, Ccam st.) 2nd .ow: I d.c. in 6ct 3 sts. *Ch. 2. Xrliss 2 sts, 1 d.c. i. l\1. rwd. l{13. Wl. fwd. Kl.(san st.) WL rwd. K2. \vl. I!vd. nert 3 sts. Repeat lroD 3 to.n.l ol rov. Ch. 5. Turtr. *Uiss K3. K2tos. Kztog, K3, wl, Isd. K2. \!1. Iwd. Kl. GeaD st.) 3rd row: one group oI 3 sts, 3 d.c. iD Dexr spa'ce. Ch.2. Nl. fwi. Kl. R"D"J' ron' ' a. 1 ' u'i R./i.r 2n | .1tl 4th row: Purl. Repeat 3rd and 4th roNs havios onc more l, L .\.. r* .. ln l ,.N on . st. on ea.b liont, 2 morc sts. on €ach sl.cre a,d 2 more sts. o gth row: 1dc, in 1i6t 3 sts. 3 d.c. in 6ret spa.e. *Ch.2. just !l'.!rC.oup!t .-.. 4 back lon each trit row) made by Wl- twd. berore and i, ' e.r.p". t{elr" frorn .o after each ol the 4 seam dts. o. pre@diis ktrit ro\'. Continrins last space. 3 d.c. in spa.e. I d.c. in last J sts. Ch.3, Turn. the pattc.n (K21og.) .rice doNn centre oI sleere, inc. l 10th row: I d.c. in lirst 6 sts. 2 d.c. i. spa.e. \vork;r pai- lront c(lses on trext and following 2nd knit ro$s Lntil 10 sts- tern to lst spa.e. 2 d.c. in spa.e. 1 d.c. iD each st. ro end oi hale bee. arlde,l to ea.h lront edge. NIen tlere are 50 holes in row. Ch. 3. Turn. Codti.ue in tbis ,ranner closins 2 spaces sLeeve seam, $ith No. 10 reeCies {ork acro$ 63 sts, ol left each etrd of rorv until there are J6 d.c. at ea.h end. (r3 J/) irdrj' g .. -". on , .ld. 1c.!ll . . ,,j1u. e..1 (.3t-l1)- '.o.. ''nir,s in stockins st. down teft lront fo. 14 ins. Change to sa.te. st, 16th row: 1 d.c, in 6Bt 36 sts. (.2-J1) (Jd-41). CloF {plain knilting) and work even lor 4 in6. Cast ofi. refraining by putting 3 d.c. in ea.h space, I d.c. in each LDFT SLEEVE. Slip sts. oI Ielt sleet'e, hcludins seanr sts. st. to end oI roy. s3 sts. across ro$. (Jl 881 (J, 98). Ch. 3. ' I q q. or,,U \o. '0 p i,rnue rn J" L ,r. ..1 ""eo "n " ti.uilt3 pattern doNtr sleeve and de.. ea.h e.d oI .eedle r7th row: 1d... in 6rst 20sts. 2 d,c, in nertst. I d.c. in next erery 8th row 7 tiEes. Condrue even until sleeve measur€s 25 sts. 2 d... in next st. 1 d.c nr next 25 3ts. 2 d.c. i. nert st, 11i.s. tro,r urderarn. Work 4 ins. sarter st. Cast orT. 1 d.c. h each st. to end ol row. 96 st6. (32 9t) Qi lat). B,{CK. Stip Lack s1s. onto No. 10 ncedlc. (l1l sts.) Work Ch.3. Turn. ltepear this roN 8 tnnes (oll ri,sr. \lork 25 rows 14 nN. even in st@king st. Wort 4 ins. ga.ter st, Cast of. RICH] SLEEVD. Slip I 14 sts. Ior Right sleeve onto No. l0 Nett row: '1 d.c. h nrst 7 sts. Miss Lst. Repeat lron ' ro ree,lle and Nork to co.rcspond lo Lelt sleeve. end ol rorv. Ch. 3. Tur.. lrork 1 rov even. F rfen o{i. RIGIIT [RON'|. Slip remanrins 63 sts. onto \o. l0 ncc!]le a.d wo.k Risht lrort to correspoa,l to l.ont. FRONT. Ch. 95 sts. \.12 91) Q6 tAl). COLLAR AND SC{R!'. (\Vo.k€d in o,e piece.) Cast on lst .o,: 1 d.c. in 4th st. lrom hook. Ll.c. in each st, across 2 ins. gartc. Contirue in stocking st. an.l nork 40 sts. \Vork st. +Miss 8 ins. eren. Dec. I st. each etrd of nee(lle on next anll ewe.r, 2nd row: 2 sts- I d.c. h nert 3 sts. Repeot lrom ' i. Pnn .l ro- Ch 3 Tu.n lollor.i..l 8th ror' 5 tnnes. Work evcn io. l,! ins. In.. :to each end oI needle o. oext and cve.y lollo*nrg sth row to 40 sts. 3rd .ow: '3 d.c, in space. Ch. 2. lfiss 2. Repeat irom \Vork 8 ins. eved. Work 2 ins. garre. st. Cast oli. On Lett cnir ot ,or r, j tu. { , p\' qf."(. be3innins of ne.k sbapnrs, crochct a loop 3 ins, deep. 4lb row: '\1.' jroup ol J - - d., . i' Re.ea' f.jrt at + On Riqht lroDt, opDosile .rocheted loop o1 le{t l.ont, Nork 3 hs. irom to end o{ roN. Ch,3. Turn. Repeat 3rd and,lth rons s... $'orl. a pie.e 5 nrs. Ions, i. s.c. shape end 10 a poht. Puil rice, 3.d row on.e. Cootinue *1,.kin; to conespond to Back, throush looD and fasten rvith p.ess IsteDer. to Lotton edqe ol blouse, Fasted ofi. Shrt an 18, l\n t) l.Cantinr?d on pda? 3:, .alrdn t) \l"\ttMha t J \ Prc? 6 Knitting & Crochet Guild SYMPHONY rrtrrrrb* a posc ,o .Lrr!.rio,s o, ,.r. Ie ABISTOCBAT SENTIMENT To shlpe srmholes. (besintrins with 6Bt row ot pattem). MATERIALS: BEEHIVE LUSTRE CREPE. 16r ror: Ca{ ofi 4 sts. Knir to ehd of row. 8 ozs. Sea Crest. Two No. 12 and two No. l0 2od .nd 3rd roe!: As lst rcu Beehive Knitting Needles. One ctip. 4th roe: C6t olf 4 3ts. Wo.k in pattern to let .t_ Kl, MEASUREMENTS: Bust 32/34 ins. Lensth row: Cast olt 2 srs. P3. P2rog. w.r,n. P3. Work in Irom lop of shoulder Io ins. Lengrh of sleeve under- pattern'th to last 7 sts. P2tog. PL P2ros. w...o, P2. 6th iow: Ca3t ofi, sts, Kl. Itepeat 6rt' rowof patt.rn from P,{]-TERN. r.t, 2nd and 3rd rorh. l&t 4 st6. Wl. fwd. p.s,s,o_ .K1. 'to Sl, l. K2tog. W. fwd. Kl. 4th.ow: wl. Iwd- Kztog. K3, St. r, Kl. p.s.s.o. ?th tow: Cast ofl 2 3t3, Purl toe.d6imv. Wl. IBd. Repeat Irom to la5t st. Kl. ' row: CBt ofl 2 5ut ros: P2. P2tog. pl. p2rog. p3. 8th sts, Knit to end of roe, . 'w...n, w..,n. Repeat from to let 7 sts. w,r.n. p2tos. pl. p2tog. w,r,tr. 9th .ow: & ith roN. P2. roth row: As 8th ro\.. .W, 6th ropr K3. ftrd. St, L K2tog. p.s.s.o, Wt. INd. lltb and l2th row: Cdt oft 2 sts. Knitroendof row (89 K5 Repeat trom . to lasr 6 sts. \vl. {[d, Sl. 1. K2to;. 3ts. on nslle), Cootinue even in !6rtern unril wort measur€s p-s.s.o. \t/'t. lwd, K3. 5li in3 from 6ret armhole 3hapins. 7ah .nd 9th ro*.r Purl. To.hap€ n€.t: (Risht lide of work facirg.) 8th lnd loth ros.: Knit l.t iow: Wor} 3l sts. in patte.n. Cast ofi 27 3ts. Work Tension. Ssts.:1inch. Jl sts. in patter.. Norknra on one 3hollder de. l,st. at nek Chect teG,on*ee page I edge every row 5 times. Work even urtil armhote measure3 6 ins. 6rst BACK. Nith No. 12 needle casr on 120 sts. work 4 ins. trco shaping. Cst oll. ribbins (K2.P2). Inc. !.st. in last roN. ClBnge to No. l0 nedl€s Joir sool .t opp@ite side lnd work other shoulder to co.- and continue evea in patte.n to end of 9th .onplete pattern. Gottnta.l on ,tfe 18. .oh.d" !) FANTASY each etrd ol nedle every gth row 4 times Continue even until MATERIA.I-S: MISS CANADA PERLI.: Nork measuc 14% ins. lrch besinnans (J.r-r4 ,6-) (J8-1, TWIST. 7 ozs. Matina Green (.16-8 ozs.) (38- I opr.). Two No. 10 and two No. 12 Beehive Knit- To shape !.mhol6: Kepi"s continuity ol pattern cast otr ting Needles. One belt. One small and one Iarge 4 sts. beginniog nqt 2 @s3, th€n 2 st5, b.ginning nqt 8 rcw& (.114' 36) 138-Cad ol.l tk. h.Ein nE @rt 1 ,@t, i6 2 tk. MEASUREMEN*TS: Bust 34,36 and 38. Lensth,t"inz n*t I rorr. Continue €ven in pattern until wo.t from top of shoulder 2l ins. 01-20 ;zs.) (J8- mrasures 616 ins. fronr fiBt arnhote sftapins (J.r-d irr.) 2I\A i s.). L-ength of sleeve underarm seam 18 ins. (31 as 36) 181/l i,ts.). 138 To shlp€.houlder.: Cast ofi 9 str begi"tri.g ndt 6.o*s PATTERN. r.Ll. f$d. p.s.s.o. lst row: K2. Sl. l. Kl. (Jr-8 rrr.) (Jd ar Jd). Cast ofi rcmainios sts. K2. last 2 sts. Sl. l. Kl. p.s.s-o, 'to qactly 2nat rowt P2. *$.r.n- P2tog. P2. Rep€at {ron ' to lst FRONT. Work as for back to 3 ins. above nBt armhorr shapin8 (dll na), endins at armhole.dBe. rows : inch. Tension. 2 Patt€rns = I irch. l, I Nert iow: Work 56 st3. ;n pattem (34-52 sts.) \38 N 36). ChecL tersio! 3ee page I Turn. Work l% ins. even in pattem on one 3ho!lde., endins Th. itttttctions at. @titt n ld si* .76- Siz.s 31 and 38 t/. it

BACK. With No. l0 nddles cast on 148 BB. (J] ,rr0) Nett row: Cast ofi I sts. Work to end of rcw. Cast ofl 2 .ts. (J8 (38 1;6). at nek edg€ ev€ry alt€hate ro* to 36 st6. oa-32) ot 36). Contitrue.ven untilarnhole me@uc lnt row: Pl. Repqt lrom end of row, 6X ins.Iroh 6Et shapins 'Kl. 'to iN.) (38 as 36). Cast otr 9 st6. at armhole edsc 2trd .oq: Kl. Repeat fron end oi roN. Repet \31-6 *ry 'P1. 'to alt€.nate row 4 tima (J4-a slj.) (Jd 4 Jd). the* 2 rows for 1% nE- Qt-t ,r./, (Ji ar Jr). Dt. 2 st6. e&[ end oI n.edle in last ror, Continue in pattern de. lcoitinn d ot Oop. J2, cohn4 2) FLIRTATIOUS To shspe lrmholes: Cast ofi.l sts beginnirs next 2 ro{s. MATERIALS: TTISS CAT'ADA PERLE 3rd tuw: Cast ofi 4 st3. K2. Drop next st \l'ork in pattern TWIST. 6 ozs. Spring Green. Two N*o. l0 Beehive Knitting Needles. Ofle spare ne€dle (points at .tth .ow: Cast ofr.t sls. Purl to end of roN. both ends). Tvo buttons. 5th ro*: Cast olt 2 st3. \York in Datt€.n to last 3 sts. Drop I,lEASUREMENTS: Bust 32i34. Length from top of shoulder t9 ins. I-e.gth of sl.eve underarm 6th roq: Cast o,T 2 sls. Purl to eid of ros, $'ork'l rorvs irr patte.n {lec. 2 sts. begi.nins every ros. pattern. Drop nerr Tension. 9 sts. = I inch. ll ro$s = I i"ch. lleasurcd over llth row: Cast oll 2 sts, \\ork 2 sts. in st. \!ork in patt€ toend of rorr, Check te.3ion-6e pade t 12th ros: Cast oll2 sts. P2. Drop next 31. Purltoendo{ Th. inthuctions dt. utiu.n Jot ti,. J.!. 7'o,$he sik Jl Jollao pattert row. tan'. in ht.tions anl strd.n h tizc uhat ,ksi,B The d,ol l3th lowr Cast oli 2 ste. \ork in to end oI Purl toend oi ros. Work6ro$sin ttit.h ?ou.h' alltus Jol sk.khh'c. l{th.ow: Cast ofl2 st3, FRoNT. Cast on 132 sts. \\brk 3 ins. ribbing (K2.P2). parte.n de. l-st. each end ot every row. I.t.ow: Klo. i\!1. fNd, K8. Repeat trom rtolast l0 sts. 2lst row: C6t off Kl, Drop next st. $ork in pattern \Yl. f\ . Kro. 2rd row: Pu.l. (lr7 sts. o" nee.lle.) Stan pattern Work 22nd row: Cast ofi !.st. PL Drop next st. Porl to last pattertr. 7th !ow: rK3. Slip nat 3 6ts. onto spare oeedle, place rt 23rd rop: Cast 06 Work 43 st3, ir Drop pattern back of $o.1, K3. Knit the3 sts. fionr spare,edle. Repeat next st, (this drop .t. besiB neck opening), \llork in Irom 'to last 3 sts. K3. 8th row: Pu.l- lTh€ I rcss IorD nattern.) Continle in 2{th ros: Cast ofi P43 Turn. I(2toe. pattern Dntil work l2 ins. froN beginning ending Nith 25th ros: \\'ork rn pallern to la't I !rs. (Co,ti ual on taP. 38,.oht t 1) SANS SOUCI 3rd .o$: c sr of I ns K.r. \U. l\.l. t$. K2n,s. l(1, .K,. Ii2blj. Iis. \\'1, li1.\\1.{\(1. lI-\'l liltlr\l-S: 2 r)1) ll.\1,( \'o\. I ozs. \\'Lire t\r,I. li5 l(ztog. K1. Repeat fron, (JJ -l'No 1 io l.rsl l-i srs. Iil. Ii.]n,r. Ii5. \\l I$,1. Ki. i o,r.). \o. l.l and trro \o- lo Ilechile .lth Knittins \e€dles. .os: Cast o1T 2 sis. turl n, end ol ro$,. 5th .o$': Casi ulT lij. \\'l lril. K5. K2ros. Kt, II ESSI'REII I':\'l'S: Bust .12 ins. and 3.1. Lergth i prttcrn to last I.r sts. Ii1. lilto(. Iis. \\'1. INd. K5. of 19 ins. (.il dr J-ll. from top shoulder 6th ro$': Cist oll I sr l,Url n).D,1 .l nnr Crsr,,rT l( Kl \\'j h\,1. Ks K2r,,s Kt. t!ork P,\TTI'RN. rst rowr I'u.I. 0lrsr 1.2 sts. lil. Ii.]!,s. K5. \l.Iwd. K4, 2nd ro*: Kl. Kltos. 1i.5. \\'1. nll. Iil C st 0f Ls1 I'url 1{, rml oI rtnv li.ltos. li l. cth rov: t Jr orl Lr l(l \\1. r\,j li: K.rtos. I(1. 'linsion:2 pltte(s = 3li i s. nr p ltci,r n, hst ll sts. l{1. liztos. l$. NL I+d, K3. Check tensioo 3ee page I loth ros: Crst o[ Lst- Prrlb.ndolrnN 'l h. str .lnis ot. ntitt., si.r .t: l\, si:. .i1 s. t t \\'1. i ln ^"t llth ro*: oil n!d. K5. I{.lros. Kl. No.t in ond Na. 1) tnitti c Rdks. ltis ptthtr oll.ns Jor slptthirr ', .r. l\1..i-'roA Iii. \ll. t l. Kl. so lhal llt? lr t. i tlt .lit s ,nt I'L r!,1. l2th .ds: ( a* ,'lI I sr Il,n ro en,l ot r.N FRON'I. \ith \o. ll ret,llcs.asl on 116sts. L.r/ .\,,. // lSth .o$: lil. \\'1. fN,l. Iis. I{ltog. I(1. \Vork in pattern to ,'./1rr). \\'ork I ins. riln,nr* lKl.l',lr i clcasnr8 in hst ro$ to h\t 9 sts Iil. Klln,s. Ii5, \\'1. Irr,l. Iil. ll9 sts. Chante to \o. L0 cc.tlcs I.rJ .\r,. , rn(t.ontinut Itth roq: Ili.l. Iir1rrt lJth rn(l I.lth ro\s u.til rrnr6olc eve i. prtter unlil sorI n]easnrcs lJ ids. lresinnins nrcrnrrcs.l ins.Irom 6rsr shapi se {li ssithpurlro\'.I,race{l: cndins \ itl purl ro\r. lst .o$: lil. \\'1. l\,1. Ki. li.ltog. I(1. \'ork pattcn t\yi.e 1o 6h!0. a.mholes: l.t roN: Crst o,1 2 sts. Ii6. \\'1. i\\n. K8. arsr orl nr lrn.l,l nc.k opcnins. li8. \\'ork p.rtern t(5. K2tos. Ii1.'lil. Kllms. Ii5. \\1. hv,l. t(1. \\'1. IN(1. Ii5. r\n.. Ii1. K.]h!. lia. \\'1. I\\(1. Kl. K2tog, Kl, ReFat fro,r 'to cnd of roN. 2n{, rorv: l'}url to neck oDcnn,r. 2nd row: Cast ofi 2 sts. I'url to e!{l of roN. l.Corti r.n n tn!. ,tr, .al,h," 2) N0\CIIALENT \.ESTIiI.] 3.d ro$': Iilr,,L Iirit r, rtr,i !,1 rr\. ( .ltlr ros: ;\s I'nL n^\ .l,rr t. a(nrrtrxiug n) r1... I sr. ll1'l li It L\i.S: \llSS -\ \.\ I).\ I')l.l1.lLIi ., !uk.lxr c\ei\ n^\. r!).k 0 \t'itir\ rs nnl!^\s I l \\ IS'I'. 5 1,,s. 3 llluc I )r. I lte.l i\l 1li v '!^1i l. r r). I I-. .r \1,. rLt_. .t lt I_ 1l- . l\1, \,) l2:,|(i r\r, \(, I0 In ehirc I{uirril{ l,,n \c(,lles ; l)u I r(,)" 2nd ro$: l(trlr r! lJn .l rs. li.liog. Joir \t . t{er) trst \ll.lASl Itl:lll.i\1s: _\.ross l.n,nr ()', iIS. I rNJ. J,,r 1l-. I{.l)ut hn I r^rs. Joi ll),. ,tr)ir sc. otr I-enrrh fronr t,)p ot sh,{rl(ler li i,rs. ,)!.,11.. lirir .l ro\\. loin L). linit 2 rtr's. J,)ni 1t)/. Kon 'Irnsnlr gsts = I inclr RI(;lfl l.ROr_I. 1lr I,i\CK. (\aisil,nnti \'iil \o. rrsllcs rtr,l rt), \oo1 .nst nlidrc,lr. \\'ilt, \.. l] ne,l]tr Ll ,o 16 rl) ll. nr Jirir i.r,s rl litrir .l nrrs. Jlrn LDr. \rool ,idrlr( can .n 100 st!. !\orh l ius rirJ)i r LI(.1 Ir.2 . ( a5t 59 (,tr,ri oli sG in rln,ids Le(inrlnx rc\t -l nN5 ui,,! 2nd ros: Iil!,! litrit r, cr,l !t .n r[r rcnr.iniu s2 sts. \irh \o. |) n.qJLes.,rl s]n{tc Nool 3rd .o$i Iinir !, lalt .t srs. Iit!,!.'^, .urlinlr lyer n' n.(kius sl unrit \ork n'en{rcs jrs lronr l5 llth .o$: -\s .2n,1 ro\. ,1.. l utrjruiog (iri pun (N J,ii,' !, d.. I si Lcsi trins.n,lnrs rl rc.k rilsc c\crr .\_(rt (]i. n^\ so.kiliriprsrsn,r,tr\" lr^1sLl. ro*:li:li cnst oal ln sts. \\'u!ifs 0D onc I l). l t_r. .li\I,. .tlt_. .l \t 1t.. shoal,ler,l.. 1.!r. d re.k oilc e\er! nnr I'i ,) n5 ( 0rriru. e\r unrLl s,trk nr..ridtus li ins. I0)l 2trd ro*i Iih,!.. Iinir !i ( ,1 .l n^. \t l{er)err Jo; srd nr.t,tr)!rt snlc ol re.k rn.l \urk .tl.r sh."l,l.r .lrin l,'n 2 nNs. Join il. ltrpur l,ri1 .l r^\s. Join,l). (103 srs. on ncuile.r ii n.l nN, linjt I nN\ 1,. .lll). .t L. tll)r Lltl'l IrROYl- \'url(l trrirrl\ iri *r(rr st. Ir0r' snle n,.ri'(r. nour .Ith ros,: il) . \!',tr1 Dq r) r,u tr,h.lcs Iill. (-Jsr rrl I $s \\irl) \o. ll) rcoll6 .nrl I), \ool r.rsr oo L16 sr5. lill. (-rrorl Isr,. strnre.. lirit ror,l oirt^r. r.i\r. rl'J',-"(. I \,... N',r l',,... l..i', t, linit i (^\J. Cnst orT. loir lionr .wl lJr.k shoutlr(i senus. ,nd .owi linit k, rxst.z srs l.-it,,l]. Lt, ti rri r Pn! .;t), il,u : n I ttrhg WtrdfrrryHnttrd

DOUBLE CHECK in paltcrn until annholc ,.rsurcs J ins. Irom 6rst shapins, .n,lins \ith ln{l row ol rE6l,98 3ts. needre. 3 pl], B EF:H IVE lJrttrrn k// on CARDIGAN-.IIATIIRIAI-S: .;: ot 3l) 1.16 tt):). l,'1,\(;II{lNG. u ozs. l]lu. No. 2015. l-l? ar -iJr 'ao (-16-9 ozs.). 'l\o 10 and No. Beehive Ghrp€ neck: Ii{lJ. sts. in pa11crn. Cnst oll l8 srs. K.rO. two I nr (Jj Knittins Needles. ^.-o.11 buttons. Fttcm drJJr iStt K.l -itpatrdt- Cdstoftttts. K.12. ,r \inkins on€ sl,oul(l.r NIEASURltl'lt N'fS: Ilust 32, 3.1 nrd 36 ins. rdr,,). o de.. rt neck edse e\cr) r.$ to ll sts. (, dr Jlr (Jd 7r), Cast olT. Lensth from top of shoulder 19ti ilrs. hll sizcs). length of sleeve underarm seam l8r, ils. (32 tt) Joi,1 \yool at optositc side and \'ork oth.r shonlder to coF (Jd or J.r). RIGH'f FRONT. (10 lrrtonhotes butturlolc in n&k Tension 8sts- = I inch. -l r,r d.) \\'irh f,"o. 10 on 70srs. u2 6.t) \36os31). Check te.sloa see page r !K2. iK6 rst ros: (lil,Pll 6 rines. P2. Rcpcat fronr . to end PAaTERN. lit ro*: Pl Il.t,c"t k"' ' to Lrsr 6 znd row; P.l. Repcat {ronr , ro last 12 sts. (Kl,PIl 6 2od ros: 41'j6. Kl. Repeat lron last 6 sts. I'6. 'l(2. 'to tnnes. ftrpcat tlese 2 ro$s fd t inch. Ttu hstrtuetiors dt. etitter ti.. 31. Si..t .]a t l 36 nt| it Iot r3t buttorhole: (Kl.Pl) twice, Casr ofi ,1 srs- (Kr.Pr) tNice. \\'ork in ribbirs to end of rorv, BACK. With )io. l0 nftdles cast on 120 sts. ljl ,s Jlr Nett ro*: \\'ort riLbnrs ro lrord€r (Kt.l,l) (,, /J.?), \York 3 ins. ribbin! (K2.1'2), dec. €acl e.d of itr sts. t$ice. Clst o 4 sts. (KI.PIr tNice. Norking a burbnnole nec{lle in last .otr (.? or Jr) (Ji, ,o &r&ris). Chanse to in thh m.n er ev..y l:ii nrs. .orthuc in ribbi,s (kccpiDs 12 bokler ND. I n€edles and conthue ev€n in prtte.! until sork nrlsures sts.r u til sork n, 3 n$. b.riinnins (d, ,2% nN- Ironr besiDni.s ending $ith 2nd ros oI patter (d/l Iron Put l2 lorner sts. o. st. hol,lc.. 58 sts. on needlc (.12 ilr €6 dr J.ll. Chrnsc to \"o. 9 nft(llcs inc, to 62 sts. os 3.!), To arEholqi 5 sts, beginnins !e\t 2 rorvs, u(l l.P -ii) \36 continue evcD i,, parern sork n.asurcs l2l.; tB. Iron, then dc. €ach end oI needle eve.y lkcrnite roN 5 tnnes. lntil LegnhinS, €tr,lins at airnlole edge. (ar 116). 132 as J.l) 136

    VOYAGEUR 'ro ply $ork Yok.: \\'ork I n,ch eyen nr ribbnrg (l(2.P2). Start- N{ATERIAI-S: 3 BEEHIVIi FI^"CLIRING n,( at .nntole sl,re \r,rk 58 sts. iibbin[ (JJ-j6) (Jd ,ar). N'IlSS CANADA or AND.{I,USIAN. 6 ozs. Sun- 'Iu!n. Rib h ..r,holc slsc. Contitrue evetr in ribbirg lor 3 im. ozs.) 6 star (J? i (36 ors.). Two 11 Beehive cnni s at cenn'e lront r,t: i !.) t.J6-Jl . Kuitting N"eedles. ^"o. -) To shspe ne.t:.\t ncck cLls€ cast of .l sts. crery alrernate X,I EASURlil,l IIN'I'S: Bust 32, 3.1 and 36 ins. ro\'6 tnne.. \l'ork 6 n^s crctr. ,\t neck edse cast on 6 sls. Length from top of shoulde. 18 ins. (32 1J irr.) crc.! alte.nltc ro\r I tincs (allsis.rr. I-err. sts. on spare rcedle. (36-1914;ns.). Length of sleeve underarm seam Joio sool at centrc front and No.k otho snle to coir€spon,l. 6 ins. (all rlz?r). Nert .ow: l{iL, to rnnhole edse- Tension. 9 sts. = I isch, llroNs-lincl'. lnd .o{: I{iL, to c ,l ol ro*. Cast on 12 sts. I{ib sts. fronl Ch€ct teDslon

    T. sh.Pt (,r:r,,,i 3 sls. LcNi nin* r.xt llr ro$s HA\DICAI' ^rmholts: , iJ /,' ,,rJ in / / r,ni . ( lnrti,rue (\{rn in riln,in,r tr til ll,\'l llltI.\l-\i .l I'l! lll.l:ll \ l.: ll\(;l.lRI\r, .'nn[ ,1,j tr I i's in r t]rsi rh.',rint d/l ri,'r . Crsi oli ,,r \ll55 ( l\ \l) \ \\l) \l I 5 \\. r ,i,. \\ hirr '{rrt'\ 'l\\, E o.r,l r.j, , r.r. , \,'. 11 ll(l)iv. t'R()\'1. \\',rk r\! ri t,,r ll,nl until sarnxtt nrerstrrcs Iinit r;Ds \erll(.. I l,urr,,n!. I rr(lr n,,n rir{ .n'l,,nc rnri,ln!. \l li.\sl Rl.lllli\.1S: Il1r.t .l -l, .i l irn.l .10 ;15. Nrxt ro$'i \\,th rirl,t si'n oi $o!t fn.ins, {orl 55 sts. I-rrgrh fi,Dr t,'1, {,i slrt{rl(l.r -ll ins. .il l/;,'. ,irirfn( i/ ii .id i, Iirh. \\',nli ih rihbins io )11., i t.. I-rnrrh ,,i .l((\r u,,(ic,r,,D.c,,n, I.'' /4\j-' id.r'. $ilh 2 iD..ulr tuflr(l ul', 2(r ins. i.iJ j// irJ r 'lo shap. neck: \t ccnl!, lront disc.,Gt o,1 I sls nncc, rhrn I nr .\"r] rllt{nnrc rN l0 tinrci dri Ji./,. Crs! or'i -l.nsion r) srs. . I in,|. II nnls \,nn .'t Inr.r ii.rt Ir, sorll other snle r,,.o(€sr,)n.1. (lhe.t tcnsion sce I loi,' InAc SLl.rl':\'ES. ('ir on 65 srs. f.i, ai .ia irr. Nork 5'l l l. itnt .ti.ts n. atttr'): \t1 .;:. .ri,.\.;/,r,r,/ n ,,, ri _i,r l s. irln,i ( .i/ ;r. a. li.q,iDg {lxtrinuitv of Frtcrn - . I n c..h rn'l .i r(,i].,,, ne\t rn,l t!er! fDll()$r 8 8th ro\ l*r ro(i ',{i l- ln tr.,r i, ,, r , .n,i )r r,, lr)5 {r i/ It). ;6 ltt'. Sl!.\€ shonld n,N nr.asure .l.l irs. (rsr,,ll I srs ln,!hnin{c\rD ro\r ro15st\. (.rJdJ jll 'K.1. l'1. Itrl,r.( lr,,ii i,o rJo {\ r/ 1j, .,r /a, r'!,rrintr. \\i,.r nikilL !J, {\ th. i\lsrs.l th. I €xrrn nrs. rl,or. nrr I\.'L n'.rsri.s l5 ,,r Lli)' l,.Li n ! d11 ninr lt{ Tinr trr 1r![ ir rrrh d..res l,trn,i { a slnr,l rp !,, .!r 1,.r.k ,,1 r., L. 8e-rAre. For every need ond every needle TOIIRNAMENT REGATTA (HTLTEP] I'{ATERIALS: I'IISS CANADA CROCHET, I,IATERIALS: MISS CANADA CROCHET. K\ITTI\., WOr'L. r o7-. \\ Li e \\,. I n, c , h Tu-n RPd (R \.,r' \r. l$o \". t2 ,,d rso XNIT'IING WOOI-. 3 ozs. Sunstar (S). 1 oz. No. 10 tseehive Knitting Needles. One med. bone each: Turco Red (R). En,erald (G). Ts-o No. 10 Beehive Knittins Needles. Four No. 10 (points NIEASLREI{II\TS: Lensth lrom underarm 13 :n.. 12 rl ...q \r Bu-, o.!Jp, " r,ns. t., nr.t l2 lensio. 8sts. : 1 nr.h. 10.ows - 1 nr.h, ins. \\'id il' 3 irs LEFT FRONT. Starlnrs at loLre. Ielt corner Nitn (S) Nool P TTDRN FOR BLOUSD. tst row: +I

    Knittitrg & Crochet Guild IT

    2r. I ^.\ FI (:JA I]T I IA .*

    Knitting & "Ee?r6be. For every need ond every needle ARISTOCR{I Cohtinu.d fran d}..e 1, F-\N1AS\ c. ttu ed llon ,a& 23 SLEDVDS. Join wool at Lase of 24th rov (counting lroh top SLDEVTIS, lvith No. 12 needles casr on 68 sts. (J4 6 Jr) (-rf tJ)- Work 3 ins. ribbing 1K2.P2). Clarge to No. 10 1st row: 2 d.c. h ea.h bar to Deginning of openwork paftern. needles, Work 2 roNS in pattern, Keepins conlinuity oi patte.n (Ch. i33 sts.) 2. Miss 1 square. 3 d.c. h next spac.) 8 tines. inc. each erd oI neeiJlc cvery loitowins 6th roN to 104 sts, Ch. 2, N1ns 1 squa.e. 2 d.c. in each bar until there are 33 .1.c. \31 ts J6) (3t 103). Coltiuue even in pattem untit vo.k Ch. 3. Tur,. Keepins pattcrn doNn certre oI steewe 18 i.s. nan beginnins 131 as 36) ttt tl, ins.). dec. cach side ol op€n{ork pattern i! cach of dre tvo Ca3t oli 2 sts. beginnins erery ror'ro 36 sts. (alt e.,r, 06, plair panels, evcry 4th ror' 7 tnnes. \!ork even ultil sleeve COLLAR. \\iith No. 10 n€edles cast o. 173 sts, (all rrur_ rst row: *K1. P1. Repeat lron to lasr Repear To make cufi: 1st .ow: :1s.c. in 3 sts. trliss n*t st. ' sr. K1, R€peat lrom I to end oI roB., 9th row: 3 2nd .ow: 1 d.c. i. ea.h st. across row. Repcat 2trrl rov 0t1.P1) times Kl. K2rog. Knit to tast 9 sts. K2tos. (1i1.P1) 3 riDes. K1. 5 times, Fastcn ofr. Sern 3 buttons on each sholnle.. l,Iake toth row: (Kl.P,) J tnres. Kl, Pu.t to Iast 7 sts. (K1.P1) SKIRT llth mw: (K1.P1) 3 tihes. K1. K21os. K2. 3 srs. FRoNT. Ch. 107sts i32 0t) 136 ttj). Cast ofi tolast 11sts. Casr oll 3 sts. K2. Il2iog. (K1.p1) 3 rst row: I d.c. in 4th st. from hook. 1 d.c. in each sr. acrcss tines. K1, row. C!.3. Turn (tbiscn.3. Io ns lslst. oI lolloLring.oBr. 12th row: llll.Pt) rnnes. K1. P2tog, 2Dd rowr 1 d,c. in each st, a..oss ro$. I Pl. Cast o, J sts. P143. CastoD3sts. PL. P2tog. (tat.P1) 3 K1. 3rd row: 1 d.c. h first 20 sts. (.32 16) tJ6-21)- +2 a1... tihes. rrl3th ror': iK1 P1J 3 times. K1. K2tog. Knit 9 in ncxr st. I (1.c. nr next 20 sts Repeat lrom to cn(I o{ roN. to lasr ' sts. K2ros. (K1.Pl) 3 tnnes. Ch 3. Turn. Repeat 2n.l .oN t$i.c. Kt. 14th row: (K1.Pll 3 tnnes. Pun ((1.p1) 6th rowr 1 d.c. in 6rst 21 sLs. (.32 17) (.36 2j\. 2 d... ;n K1. to lasr 7 sts. 3 times. Kl. next st. 1 d.c. in next 21 sts. 2 d.. nr nelt st. I d.c in rext l5th 20.-. 2,'." 'n n,'r,. ' r. ''"'r "...2 row: As l3ilr r.n " 16th row: (Kl.Pl) 3 rnres. K1, F2rog. Purt to last 9 sts. 1 d.c. in each st. to cn(l ol ror'. Ch.3.'lurD. Repeit zna ro{ P2tog. (K1.P1) .i times. ll1. .* ReFdt lrom ++ to ** 16 times, then 15th and 16th ..rrs unlil 25 srs. renai!. Procced:- 9th rowr 1 d.c. nr nrst 21 sis. 132 17) 6n 2t). 2 d.c. tst row: (K1.Pl) tines. K2tot. Cast 3 srs' in next st. 1 d.c. in uext :2i sts. 2 d.c. in ne\t st. 1 d.c. i,r next I Kt. K2, ofi K2 K2tos. (KL.Pi) 3 tnnes. Kt. 24 sts. 2 d.c, in nc\r st, 1 d,c. i. ncxt 21 sts. 2 d... in next sr. 2nd rcw: (K1.P1) times. Kt. P2tos. Cast on 3 srs. 1 d... nr ea.n st. to edd ol row. Cn.3. Tun Repeat2.drow I PI_ P1. P2t.s. (K1.P1l 3 ti.rcs. Kl. 3rd row: (K1P1) 3 times. Kt. K?tos. It3. K2tog. (K1,P1) r2th row: Ll.c. in 6rst 22 sts. (.r?-78) (Jd ?rl. 2 rl.c. in next st, 1 d.c. in nert 22 sts. 2 d... itr nc{ st. 1 d.c. in n.rt 2l 4th row: (Ll.Pt) 3 times. K1. P2tog. (Kl.P1) 6ts. 2 d.c. in ndt st. 1 d... in na\t 22 sts. 2 d.. i, n*t st. P1. P2tos. 1 d.c- in each st to erd oI ro1v. Ch. 3. Tu.n 2nd roN 5th row: (Kl.P1) 3 times. K1. P3tog. (K1.P1) 3 tines, K1, 6fi row: (Kl.P1) 3 rnnes. K3tos. (P1.Kt) 15th row: 1 d.. in 23 sts (.l? -/r) ,71. 2 d.c. in 3 tnres. i.r, ,th row: (K1.P1) xyice. K1. P3tos. t},ice. Kl. ndt st. 1 d... nr ndt 23 sls. 2 d... in next st. 1 d.. in next {K1.Pl) '1.,.. ',1.'. .".r.'. lo.. ,.P. 8d, row: (K1.P1l tyice. Kitog. (P1.Kl) t{ice. 9tL row: Kl. P1. K1. P3tos. P1. K1. 1 d,c. in each st. to cnd o{ roN. C4.3. Tufu. Repeatznd $ Kl. 10th ros: Kl. Pl. K3tog. F]. Kl, llth ros: Kl, P3tos. K1. 18tt rorv: Repeat in.reasings as io. l5th ror', havins 28 12th .ow: K.ltog. Cast ofi- sts. nr certre panel nstead ol ?.1 Ch. .3. Tu.n. Repeat 2nd VOYAGEUR Conlin*t fr. hor 2a. 21st row: Repeat in.reasings as lor 15th ro, (ce.tre panel, 32 srs.) (dll tzss). Ch. 3. Turn. $ 7 rcss even. {\lrort COLLAR. Pick up sts. around ne.Llioc lrom .eotre lronr slould rorv meanrc 7 tus. lrom besnraiig. l]ip line.l to centr€ lronl. \\lork 2 nrs ribbnry (K2.P2), Cast ofi in 29th row: 1 f.c. in 6rsr .11 sts. (.32 .Jtt) (3n 4). 2 d,., in ndt 6t, 1 d,c, in nst 46 sts. 2 d.c. in Dext st. 1 d.c. in ea.n B\\D. At .€,tre iront, besimins ol yoke, pict up 10 srs st. ro end oI ro\'. Ch. 3. Turn, Uork 4 rons cve,. (oll i5.i). \Vork 10 rois stockins st. 34th rox: Inc. as for 29th rox (.ertre plnel, 48 sts. instead rrth row: (lst brttonLoie.l K3. Cast 06 4 sts. K3, oI 46) (al, st36). Cotrti ,. increashg nt this manner every r2th ro*: P3. Casr on 4 srs. PJ. Conrinue itr sr, 4th rorv until cent.e panel nas 86 sts. ( ta). Co.tinue eved malridg 2 nrore buttonnol.s 17 rows apart l.t2 as 31) Q6 19 urtil work measLres J2 ins. Irom ireginni.g (or desire{l le,sdr. /,/r arofr). work 2 rows even. Casr ofi. Sew oD buttons to correspond to Lulto,holes. C.ochet loops Sew sLirt to lilousc at a.aistliDe, €asinsh erlra lutines. Work on risht snle of nect olenirg, band lastenins over lront openins 1 row s... around len ol sLirf. 6 Knitting & Crochet Guild . For every need ond every needle "Aer@6n e


    6 SIMPLIFIED Knitting & Crochet Guild ochet G

    1.,-' I n. l'r. ln. Li tr n lil TH[, l2-HOUR PUI-LOIIiR 'tr,\r \l'\'lllltl.1l-S:'l(Illlll Ii\l'l-l l\(i \\or)1. .)l,th ro\: li.l. 'l'l. ril. I(rl)ur rro"L r,cn,l !,inN .lt(h ous. 'l llcchive ros: 'lil l'1 l{.t(rr Ii, i' ' r, hn .2 ' Iil. 7 urc1uoi.e. l'\1, \,, .l linirlin- ros: .\s l5rl' n^\. ( )ne lM klr l\rh \cc(ilcs. ,J{)rh rnd 30(h ro$sr r\s \11.1-\st I-cnglh,rl (enlrc l)r(k 2l ltl.:IlllYIS: 3lst ro\r: \s l.lo,l rr! 3,lnd .oN: .\s 2tih,,tr\ UIONI. arn oo 5s srs 'lil. IlcpQt .t3rd roN: \s.l6rl, itr\ 1s. ros': Iil. |1. t,," 'n, lrr.t, lil ,uth .o\ : .\sl.linL r^\. .l5rh .nd 36th rorvr .\s l5t nN Itcl)car' .lith r,, .lotll li1. '1'1.lil. I{ct).rr n,r'L ' r,) ,Nr n Iil. , ,\ tr (. rh.r lrofr lill !' .11)rh r* ou.e. \\',rk I nr\r .rcn lil. I'lt,'N. 'li1 I'l ltrt,c.rl 1nr,, ' 1,' l.rn 3 sts. ls. ro\r: (,ar olr 5 ns li I l l

    THllllfl l)r1Y StILI : til Three Quick Knitteds

    TIIE ONE DAY CARDIGAN SL'F-VES. With ND. 6 needles cast on 30 sts. (.lr a J?) (3d-3i). Nork 3 ins. ribbn,g (Kl.Pt). Char8e to No. a KNITTING WOOL MATERIAI-S: TOTEM needles {nd contioue in patteh inc. Lst. on every iollowins (34 1'wo No. 6 and two 13 ozs. and 36 t4 ozs.). roN to s8 sts. (i+ aJ 3?) (td-ri)- Contn,ue evc, i! pattern buttons. 6rh No. 4 Beehive Knitting Needles- 8 sleeve oeaEures l8 ins. irom besinnins (,ll e,a). D( 2 no,n rnnor -hou"lnr until MEAsTIREME\ rS:Lcnsrh sts, begi ring evcry ro\v to l8 stE. (J.r dr J2) (r, 2l). Cast o1I. of sleevc 19 ins. Bu.r J2, 34 and J6 in-. Lengrh FRoN'I IND coLLAR BAND. \\ith No- 6 aedles, underarm seam 18 ins. 6tartnrs at loner front eds€ pi.k up 200 sts, all ardurd {.outs *K2. PA'I'|ERN. lst row: P2. K1. P2. K2, P1. Repeat and ncck. Knit 3 roNs garid st. *Kl. K2. P2 iro 'to end of ro*'. 2rd row: P2. I(2. Pl. ath rcw: $iorknrg fro,n loNer Right front K3. o1T + 'Cast Repeat fiom to end o, row. 3rd row: As lst row, 4th 3 sts. K6, Repedt lroD * until 8 bultonholes havc been worked. ' row: 'Kl. P2. Put !v@l behind ncedle as ii to Lnit. lnsert n6,le rhrough front of nc\t st. but onc. Knit this Md sl;p ath .ow, Krit, castiDg on to corresponrl to the cast-ofl sts. it over the st. pasred by ann so ofl thc necale, ltnit the st, pasd ovcr. 111. Repeat tlt t\yisihg oI 2 sts. as beiore. 6rh row: Knit. Cast ofi. P2- Repeat frotrr + to c.d ot otr. Tc.sior. 2 lihs - t hch (not sretche,l). ChecL renston-@ r 1 r-rE T\liEr.\,E tlolrn PULI,OVER -Conhrp.t lru'n ,ase J"t Lrittrn 32. s 31 and 36 @re in Th. in*wtions dlr 1o/ !i,e Si 8th row: As 5tt ro$, rKl. Rcpeat lrom : to last st- Kl. (-iJaJ.zl (Jd-9?l 9th row: Kl- Pl. BACK. ltith \o.6nellcscast on 82 st3. loth mq: As 7th row, Wo.k 3 ins. ribbins. (Kl.fl). Dec, ea.h eIId oI necrlle on ilth ,nd l2th romr .{s9th ron. Iast ro\s. Chanse to lIo.-{ r)eedle atrd coatinue ir pattern lntil l3th row: -As 4th ro\r. with 4th roN of \.ork nEasucs 13 ins. fronr b€Jnnins etrdiug 14th row: Is 9rh 'o1v. rSth row: A3 5th rorv. Repeat fron 4tfi to 15th ro{ tq-ice, oI pdtte.n cast ol, To arhholcs: KeePins codt;nlity then lrcm 4th to lotl roN oace (58 sts. on ncedle). Cagt ofi, 4 sts. beqrnnitrs next 2 rc$s, 2 sts. besnning nert 6 ro$3 (r', ar 32) \36 .ad of 1 stt, be!'inhiks h.,t 1 tous, 2 sts. bagi]btinr BACK. Cast on 5lj 3ts. WorL exacrly E ior Fro.t to uder d r@d. Contnrue etcn in pattern udtil sork masures ,a, 1Kl, 5 nE. lron nBr annhole sltapins (J, d trJ.), en(lins *ith 4tfi lst row: cast ofi 8 6tF, I<1. P1. Repeat from : to

    To stEp. neL: UorL 19 sis. pattero l3J at 32j 1,36-20)- 2nd row; C6t oll K], +Kl, Pl. Repcat lron * to Cast ofr 22 3ts, Work in ptrtt.r, to end of rolv. I(eePhg arnl last st. Kl, Cast on 16 sts. lole edge sn contin.e on the*.te. in patter" de. 1-st. elerv 3rd ror: "K1. Pl. Rep@t lrom ' to tud of roN. Cast otr rcs'at neck c(lse to ts sts. \3t 6 32) \t6-16). Continuc eren in pattern until annllole fleasurec 6, nrc, I.o.1 i(t sbaPins Kl, l(2tog lPt. Kl. Renert frud ' to la\t 3 sts. Qa as 32) (3t) 7). Cast on. Jo r@l to othe. shoulde. an.l 5th fron 'to Iast 2 sts. 1(2. L0FT FRONT. With \o. 6 neerlles cdst o,40 sts. (Jl ll) 1K1- (.r, dr .]l). ${uk 3 ins. ribDing (Kl.Pl)- \31-i4. o tast Kl, P2tog. Pl. Repeat Ironr " to last 3 EtB. tou. 4i sh. afl neetJk. Tahx dt s rlP\1ttn ro|h trk.J (.36 ds 31) K2tos. Change to No. 4 needles and conlirue in pattcrn uttil work .K1. m6ur6 13 ins. fro begrntrirs en{lins *ith +th roN of pattern. Kl, Pr. To .hape .rEholo! Ca.t off 4 cts. \!ork in pattern to end l0th

    2nrl row: Work cvcn nr Datte.n. l3th 3.d row: Cast ofi 2 sts. WorL in pattern to en,l oI row. 4n rcE: Work eva ;n pattern. R€peat 3rd and iltlt rcsE r5th Repet from 4th to 7th rorv one, 1P1, ts:Je- (31 c@tt an 1 sts. lwXe. 2 r,j. 3 lines.) Keepiig con' Kl, K2toa, K1. Repeat lroh { to last rinuity oI pattertr continue even until arnlhole nrea8ures 4% ins- Kl. fron fi6t shlpins (31-j) \36 5%), €ndios sith lst ros' of 22nd K1. P2tog. 'Kl. P1. ReDeat lronr * to last 3 sls- To shapc ueck: (2nd row of pattein). C6t oll 11 sts. at k1. neck €dsE (6l ir:A). \\brk in patteln to edd of rc$. Keepins 23rd row: As 22nd row. Repcat frolh 20lh to 23rd row 5 arnbole edge cven dec,, at neck edgc every row to l5 sts. ti,'6, thetr irem 20th to 22nd row ore (22 sts. on ne{l]e). 13,1 16) (36 at 31). Continue evo i" pattm utrtil arnhole neasures 6% iG. Goh lirst shapins (rd-7). Cast oft. RIGHT FRONT. Work as for Lell fiont, being carelul to Pre$ carelully. turanse lron! in lolds. F6tetr bucLle in ha* pattsn a all shapiogs at oppos;tc side. 6 Knitting & Crochel Guild Three Ouick Knitteds

    THE THREE DAY SUIT 2nd tuw: Purl ro cast.ofi sts. Cast on 3 sts. ]'url to end ot TVATERIALST BEEHI\rE TOTENI \\OOL. row: P6, K2t.g. Knit ol .oLv. Cd.t-16 ozs. SkirL 19 ozs. 31 ak.1 36 36 ozs.). 3rd to erd 4th row: Parl. Repeat 3.d and 4th ro$s 8 lnn.s. Trvo No. 8 tseehive Knitting Needles. One No. 8 circular needle. One butt.,n. Belt. Beltiig for Neit row: P6. Knit to end oi ro{. 2fld ros : Purl to last 8 sts. P2t.s. P6. 3rd row: Pa,. Knit t. erd .l rorv. NIEASUREI,IENTS: Coat tsust 32, 34 and 36 (J4 iDS. Lensth from top of shoulder 21% ins. os J2) 5th ros: P6. K2tog. Knit to end of row. Contnrue h this (J6 18 ins- ??). I-cnqth of sleeve urderarn sean nranncr dec. ] st lnsde the srs. eve.y 3.4 ,.( to 29 sts. (.,4 i7) 6li..ncr l.11as32)(.36 181n. Skirt $iaist26ins. Continuing i. de. ins e borde. sts. every 3rd row de.. (.ld :3). Hips 36 ins. (J4 .,7) (.1, .lt). Lelgth ar side edse every row L.til aU sts. are I'orked ofi in.ludins 32 ins. (oll sizes). \\ridth at hem 48 iDs. (J4 ai J?) l-16 50). LEFT as fo. Risht lr.nt beins ca.elul to 'l'ension. : FRONI. \lort 6sts, I i..h. 8rows - 1 nrc|. hawe shapings it optosite sme and oDilting . page 1 Checl( tension see SLDDVtrS. Cast on 40 s1s. (-rl dr J?) (Jd 4?). Purl 6 rors. The ihsrn.lians ar. uritto l"r sir.r2. Si,es Jl atul 36atein Contnrue nr stockins st. and {o'1. l0 o$ cven i.i? dr .r:) (.ti 11). lnc,, .n .ext dd eve.y l.lloln,g sth ron to COAT i2 sts. (t./ ar Jr) (J, 7r). Contnrue eve. urtil \ork measures DAO|. With No. 3 needles.ast on 108 sts. (.J1-111) \36 18 i.s. Iror besin.nrs (.ir ds J?) (Jd r8%). Cast of 2 sts. 72r). Pu.l 6 row6. Continue h srocknrg st. ,lcc, each ena b€sinnnrs 20 sts. (.rJ .i:) (.r, ?,r). Cast .fl. elerr' rol. to "r .l needle.ext and evci,v lolnrwitrs 3ra role to 82 sts. (.ll 8al SKIRT (.rd l0 Inc. ea.h erd ol needje on ,l). Uiort rons eren. \litlr ci'cllar needle.dsr on 288 st6. l-Jl as.i?) (Jd Jrr). tA2) 10tt)- .efi ann evc.y loll.Lring 10th roN to'16 sts. 04 lJi Purl 6 rors. Contn,le eve. nr sto.knrs st. until worL measn.cs Continueeven until worL measurcs l5 ins. iron bertinning, ending trith plrl roN (dll i,z.r). lst dectelslng round: Knit 2J.a j:a .,lth sts. tog. zro!.d ,1 2 ,o\!s To armholcs: Cast.lI sts. berin.nrg,et nccdle (.i+ di .r2) l.ti 2.hh dnd 2irh ns.). \\rort 4 nrs. even tl,en 2 sts. Lesinnn,s neat 8 rows (Jl rasr,./4 rrs. r.d,trn,s znd dede,snrg roundr Knit 22nd and 23rd sts. tos. a.oun,l 2 sts. beli 6 ro0r) (..16 .dn alf I slt nert 1 ttut, lhh ins,c!1 .eedle (J, ar -r?) Qa 23rd and 2]th). Work ,1 ins. .1cn. neit t""t\ .n^ betinnil! ne.t 1 totus, th.11 2 t1s. L.i|tin! I 3.d decreastng round: Kuir 2lst an,l 22n,1 sts to( around mcasures 6Jl n$. lrom nrst shapnrs ti.ue eve. until armlrolc nccdrc fr? o,.r?) l.Jt Z2nd onn Z.rd). \lorh .1 i,s. ered. (.rr ds.r) 0, 7 t,s). In.. ea.h en,i ol rccal! .n ncrt 4th decreasing rourd: Knir 20tir and llst sts. tog. a,ouna (.r,r Pun aml cvery lollo$ing4th.or to 80str. Ji) (td 8?). .€€dle (J4 as J?) (.36 2lst atu|22"t). \\i,rk 4 ins. even. round: Knit 19th and 20th sts. toir. around Pn ro.. 5th de(easing PI" r re..t o,PP" Pjrt udic (.rJ dr .]7) l,.ti zAth and 2t!t). $ork 4 nrs. even. (Hip Ii.e 25 ins. lrom beqn' iis.) RIGHT o0 sLs (ir nr) Lr, orr. L'uri 6th dedezsinA rouhd: Knit l8th aul 19th srs. tos. ar.und rceie \t! .7th ta t tith) lln lrnL ann 1i1h). Wdtk 11.1it\s. ?6. Knit to lasr 2 sts. K2tog. 7th dea€asini round Krit lTth and l8tb sts. tog. atuunil Pii Knif to end ol ron. r??dle lU r l2') 1.16 llth atut 191h). \\.tk 114ios. e\e.. loth row: P2t.s. Purl to end ol r.$. Contiiuc in sto.tins 8rh dedeasing rou.d lath and LTth sts. rog. around st, teeping 6 Pdrl border sts. at lront edJe and de.. I st. at snle n- r,.(rr \ r) (rt r_/,, 2,, /Xirl \\i.rL l l .l, Pven ease €lery 3rd rol to 47 sts. (.ri ,01 (.r, jji). \\:o.t 10 ro$s qlh ('i' '',1. 'rn' dede,sing roundr 4 o 'J.. o,., eren. lteepnrB 6 llor(le. sts. at Fronr edg€ n'.. at side needle iJ, aJ Jr) \36 l6th ann 7Zr). From this polnt work edse an,l ercr,! {ollowing 10tn row to 5.1 sts. (J? j7) {J, - backnards aod lo8ra s i'Ntca(l oI i!.ki.i. a..una neelle. ,r). Cantinue elen until nork l5 ins. f.o.r beirinninJ lhis nakcs sidc opeDins. wo.L 1 inch even. cn,ling Nilh knit rorv (oll y .r). roth decreasing rourd: Knit l4th and 15th sts. tos. across To shape .rmhole: At ar.rhole c.lsc cast o1T,1 sts. .n{:c, tht! row (J4 as Jrl (,J6 lSth and 161h). Nork I nrcf ewen. 2 sts. 4 tnnes. (.31-1 stt.l!i.e, rb 2 sts.3 nnes,\ 136 1sx. llth de(easlng .ound: KDit l3th an(l 14th sts. tog. across tuce, the 2 s^.1 nmcs'). rorv (J.7 ai J?) 136 141h anA l;th), \VorL 1 in.h even. Next row: P6. K1. Cast ofi 3 sts. K,it to end of ro$. Skirt sh.nnl norv Dean,re 32 ins. Cast otr.

    6 Knitting & Crochet Guild "8"*1;)e. For every need ond every needle FLIRT,\'I lOl,S Conunt.d tjn Pa!. 21. DOUBLE CHECK 26th row: Casl off Purl to .cntre qreri.g. Rcpcat PtrI-LOVER MATIIRIAI-S: NIISS CANADA 26th ro*s oncc. 25ti a.d t'ERLII T\VIST. ,l ozs. Flla.inrhe (.12 ds .11:l 29th ro*i \\io! l. i. rattern to last 2 sts. Kllos. 136 5 or.s.J. Tiro No. 11 ."; t,r" N". 9 tse"hive 30th ios: Cast o[ Drop Purl to neck ope,ins. Knittins Needles. 2 butt.,ns. in d€c. at snlc c{lsc cver,r ror.7 ti.rcs. Co,tnnrc lrttern EASLTREIT .lsth ros: Cast oF I st. P1. DroD 1.s1. PL.l to II ENTS : Bust 32. 34 and 36 ins. Length top 18% j,rs. (, ope.irg. Conii'nre in pattern de.. at s e edge e\'ery-. roN of shouldc. ii) (Jd dj JJ). I-ength of slee\.e underarm seam 4% iis. 46tL row: As jotl roi'. Continuc in prttcm a.c. I st. at side ease ev€ry ron 7 ti.res. T€,sion Esis:1nrcl 5.1th row: As 30th .o\r. ConLinLe b paltern de.. at Check tension see IlBe 1 s c edge e\'€r, 4 sLs. Cast ofi. 1 he i *rctiats nre tritten Jar size 31- ,\iz.\ .12 nrn . 6 nr. ;tL Join *ool atcentre€ningand sts. P2tos. \vork,l .o*s il patt€iD dec. l st. at sirlc edsc crc.y ..\'. BACK. \\jiih No. l1 needies .*t on 118 sts. (.1, llrl 6th row: Cast ofi l.rt. Kl. Drop Nork nr tatter. to (.rd as -rl). \\irk 3 nrs. ribbnrr rK2.I,2r Chans€ to \o. I nc.t ofennrs. Co..nrue h patt€rn cec. 1 sr. at side edee eve.,_ .ee(llcs a.d p...ce(l: 1st row: Knil de. ni 103 sts. (r2 102') l.ti as.11). in aec. 14th row: As 6th ror. C..ti.te !atte.. al r side easc everr, ros T tin,cs. 3rd row: 'K6 \11. Ird. Repeat ftonr to last 6 sts. K6. 22nd ros: -{s 6rh ros. Continue in pattern de.. at (r25 srs.) (.r7 77E) (Ja a5 Jrl. n{! edse evcrr ro$ 7 dnes. C.ntirue even in st..Lins st. until work 12 ins. 30th rowr As 6tt roN. C.ntinue in lattern rle.. 1st. ar Iron tresinnhg, e.dnrg Nith turl .o\ (all rra). sidc e.lge elerr' row ro 4 sts. Ctrs1 ofi To ehape a.oholes: 1st ror: Casr ofi + srs. K1. Drop .e\t sr to cna oI BICK. Nort as lr,r Fro.t to ncck opcniis. Contiiue in 'or. pattern rortlng row ard (1e.. at snle erlges as fo. Frc.c, 2hd rowr Cast.L + sts. Pl. Dr.r) next st Po.l to en,l !i ro 8 sts. o. .eedl€ Cast o$. SLEEVDS. Cast on 70 sts. \\'ork 3 ils. ribbn,g. (K2 P2). 3rd row: lK2tog.r .ri.e. Knit to lasr 4 srs. (ia21o:.) nvi.€. Continue in stocking st. inc. I st. ca.h end ol reedle on next 4th lnd altefuate ro\$: Purl and erer! lollorvn,g 10th ror. t. ,00 sts \nrorL .ren unril 5tb row: (R2n,g.) tnicc. K2. D.op n.xt st. Knit ro last sieerc mdasur€s 18 i.s. I'or. b.Ainning. De.. -"a.h e.d ol 8 sts. Kl. D..! .ert st K2 (lt2ti,j.l tLri(:e. erery alte.nare ro\v to 38 sts. endnrg {ith purl ron ?th ro$: lK2to!.1 tlri.e. Knit to Iast.l sts. (K2to:.) twice. nccale gth Nextro$: Cast oll K15. Castofi6sts. Knittolast2 roq: As 7th row (d/ 97 sts. on nccnlc. i.r: !r) srs. K2ros Conrinne on these 1.5 st'. de.. 1 sf. at oltsnie edge e1,ery alterntrte roN a.,l dec. n1 nrside edge elery roN Continre even !n st.1:Ling st a.nrnol€ measures 4ri ins. 6 tnnes. Con.iruc ae.. rL.utside edse onlr' untii sts are worlred Irom nrd s|ar,int:t endn,t:r *nL purl ron. To 6hape ne.k:1st ro$: K3.1. D.op Dcrt st. K3. Cast Join {ool at inside edsc oi sleeve ana work othcr t(l ofi 2 sts. l)rop nert st. Cast 04 6 srs Dtup next st. Cast off 6 sts. DDp ncat sr. Cast.E l sts. L2. Drop nerl st. Knit ro CoLLAR. Pick up sts. around rcck lrom lront openirg to iront ope rs and worl 3% ins. .ibnins (K2 P2). Casr oli. 2nd and alterrate ro$s: l'url to last 4 s1s. (P2tog. ltwi.e. 3ral ros: (l<2tos.l twic{:. K3. D.op .erf st Knit lo e,d SY\1PI]ONY Canlinlen ,a,1 I'as. t9 SKIRT 5th roF: (K2to:t I hri.e K2 Drop ne\t st. to end B\Cl\ P\\Ll . ...' oi' 88 ... \ oi. (/a 1, sto.Ling st. iull rEr) Cast on 30 srs ea.h ..1i .l nee( Ie (7, 7th ro{: (1t2to3.) nvi.c. Kl Dro| next st, l{.it to end .rl). Contnrue nr stockinij st. rle.. list ea.l, e.d ol .€edle ev€rl nnloNnrr 6tb tu( 12 tnn6 id/l ri:cr). Contnrre eren uutil yoke measnres 7 ins Ca* oE 10th roN: Purl. Continue eve. nr stocLlng st. until a.nhole FRONI PANDL. Worl c{actly as 1.. Ba.k Fdel. .reasures 6, nN. lron 6rst s5apinJ cn,ling rith knit rolv. SIDD P,\NELS. (\lak. 21. cast on 106 sts. (1, 1rd). Nert row: (P6. l)rop ncxt st.) tNi.e. Pi. Cast oll \\i(rL 3, evetrnr st.c$rgst. ea.hend olneedlecvc.r (ool at oppositc si,le .l ne.k ard riork other shoulde. as (1, 1,rl. 101h ro\'14 rinres, tnen elery 12th ' 60 sts Conri,tuc .wen until No.k mcasu.cs 25% ins. Iron, be?n,Iinr rst ard dternate io{s: lP2tol I t{icc. 2nd ru$': l.':. Lri^ 'r''. ( <1," '. , Se| beltins arcund rrist. $ioil ,, ntch s.c. aroun.l hcn. ,lth ros: l

    9th ros: I'url. Continue clcn in sto.ting st until armhole nEasures 61, ins. lrom first shapn,6 e.di g witl ro\'. Nextros: P7. D,.! nert sr. P6. Dropnextst. 1'6. Cjsroll 6(siz/.r? to 6haDe rec.k: tstro$, K:J]. l)r,n n*t st. Cas! Ktrittitrg & Crochet Guild "Ee?r;re. For every need ond every needG Connttun PtLLOnLR rcc. T st. at n€.k easc elery ror r., 11 sts (J? aJ J4l (Jd irt. afn.rt5sls. Dro? nett st. Cdnaf 6sls. Dtap netl st. Cnst af 6 rts. Dtu, Nx1 st. L:dtt af I st. Kntl ta 4d ai tatu. 2bd rnd \1iith \o. 10 need,es !i.k up sts.Iro,r st. h.nler. Contirle in alternat. 1on6: Pui h l6t 1 s1s. (F?r,!.) ror.,. &al 1ow: riLbing (Kt.PIr Ilaking buttonholes as beao.c, u.tji wor! t.Ktta{) hrnL Drol .rt n Kliit tu di tuu. sth row: measures 16 n$. I..D besnnrnrg (a, rt*r). I,ut sts .n st. h.l,ier. 4 LEET i, K1rot.) hi.c. ItZ. Dr.! .rrs1. Lti!!.t dolt . 7th to\tl liRONT. \\iort eu.lly as lor Right F,n,t henr: lK2to!..) |1ti.e. Kltil la end aj /,2. 9th rory: -(ni. 10th .r-"lLrl to lra1,e al snaninsr at oppositesnle a.n omirtins butron tow: Pul. l:itli rc eiet i sto.kiu n. unt drntnale n.t tt.s 'Io hake ne.k banal: t i$. ,rni 1t6t sltu?ire . d.itE tui1h bnit rtu. Ncxt roe: (Pd. Startins atoutside edse r., k 12 b.ider sts. Cast on 124 sts. Pi.t !p border srs rrom st. hotrtcr. (148 Dtu{, ner n.) hid. P1. ctsL i!t. pl) Jain tuaal at altorit. sidt al ne.l a?.1inr and tatl alhet srs. o ..(]]c.) \!ork 211 ins. ribbnrs (ral. ben,s.a,erll o .o.L \ L , .J .',br,- stn det as louabs. ' ' '." ".' o"', lst lnd altemate ro$s: l.Pztal) 1!ie. P"n h.nt a.f nu. SLEDyDS, \\iirlr No. 10 .eentcs cast on 62 sts. (J, ir) 2nd r.q: K27. Dtul ltL n. l.It2!t!.') h'tl. 4th roF: (.rr d.rl). \lork 3 ins. (K2P2). Ct]angc ro No. ! nee.lles 'iliLnrg K20. Dta! nlrt st K2 l.li2raN) tai.e. 6t,] ro\t. Knit ta rn(l{orL 3 ins. eyen in patteii,. i... I s1. each cnd ot lan 1 sts. lK2tar.) ,rJn.. 81h row: rn . 9tb row. Pttl. needle.e{t ana crcry louoNins Srlr row to 86 srs. t.r, irl (Jd or -rl). Co.tinu. cwcn i. patte.n uniil 6leevL ue$u,es l3% i.s fro'n besnining 1t) t.36 Jt61 shn?ins tnnbi< dh Llit nlt. Nert ro$: PJ ,/ar ,.rr {.r: ds.:t1) Cast o{ 3 sts, begnhing next 2 n. Pn. Dtu! tert 11. P6. Cds! all.) l.tbas3l). ro\s 2 sts. L.sinnlns eve.v.on ro 38 sts. FRONT. Nork] as lor Da.k. 132 31) l.ti ds 31i, thcn Leginriis e!er] 30 sts. SLEEVDS. Nith No. 11 needles .ast on 72 sts. (J, ,d) (.l? ?jj rj, as Jl). Casr otr. (-rr,s \\io, k I|ios .lec. 2 sts. in last .o\r. Jll. iK2.P2) S.{\S SOUCI fdre 2i rst row: \Vl n\d. Rep€at lro"r + to las1 6 sts. K6. 3rd ror': K8. \\in t pattern t{ice. Ii1. K2rog. K5. WL 'L6. 'r,l 2nd row: Purl. Co.inre eren nr stocl.ils st. until sleere L.,l K R"D"' ' o,.r, ...,,. a,ir6. c,-,... measres 41, nrs. fronr |csnmnrs cnllins Nirh ,r!rl rov. ". rln! \.i' .,i ^- To sbap. ncck: lst ro*: Casr off 11 srs. I<6. \rl. tyd. K5. 16t ros: ll2tog.) tine. K2. Drop next st. Knit to l{st Kztog. K1. \\:o.k I parter. Kl K2ros. K5. \\1. i1\d. Kl. 8sts. Kl. Dro!.ex1 st. K2 (K2tos.) xri.e. 2nd and alternate rows: Prrl to last 2 srs. P2.vts 2nd and alternate ro\as:Purl. 3rd row: K2tog. K3 \vt. i1rd. K5, K2tos Kr $ork I 3r<1 ros: (1t2tos.) ts.i.e (nir ro last ,1 sts. (L2tor.) 1fi.. fatte... K1. I<2tos. K5. \\']. f1r.1. Kl. 5th row: (K2to{.1 h'ice. K,1. Drop next st. Knit io la( 5th rorv: K2tos. Ill. \\1. nrd. K5. K2tog. l

    tst row: K2tos. I

    ffi Knitting & Crochet Guild "Eer?r6;r€. For every need ond every needle DEBONAIR lAs shntt, an Frart aa"*) Nett iow: Work44 srs. in pattem (J4arrd) (r-4r). Trrn. NIATERIAI-S: BEEHIVE LTISTRE CREPE. 2rd row: Purl, Conrinue on these sts. in pattern unril arm Blouse 7 ozs. Beige. Skirt.-12 ozs. a.nd 11 hole neasures 131-6 6% ids. Iron frret sbaping endi,rg 1t neck edge ozs.) (32 as .14). Two \o. 9 Beehive Knittins lell rkx). Needles. I buttons. tseltjng for waist. Belt. 10 shape shouldc.: 1st row: Cast ofi 17 srs, (a, rt ar). MEASUREIIEN'rS: tslouse Bust i2. 34 and \vork to armhole edge, Cast ofl C sts. jns. at arnhote edge next and 36 ins. Lensth from top of shoulder 20% (Ja every alternatc row 3 tnnes {.r4 as Jrr 132 I sts. tui,e, 7 sts. and 32 20 ins.). Length of sleeve underarm seanr 5 ins. (atl sizer. Skirt \\laist 28 ;ns. 131-27) SLEEYDS. Cast on 77 sts. (a' sr6). Work 1 incn ribbins (Jl-ld). Flips 38 ins. (Ja J7) (J2--7d). Length (Kr.Pr). 32 ias. (att riser). $Iidth at hem 50 ;ns. (J.l ,18) Ndt row: *P6. lnc. in aext st. Repeat f.oo * to .nd 132 11). of.ow. (88 sts.) Proceed i- T.nsion. 7 sts. = I !nch, 10 rovs : 1 irch, Measuied oyer lst row: K14. *W. I$d. K2rog. Kt. WL f{d. (2tog, K6. Repeat IroD * to last I sts. K8. Ctre& t€nslon see prge 1 2nd and alternate rows: Purl. The instr.tio"t ate utilld lor i,e 36. Sizcs 32 a"d 31 ere i, 3rd row: K15. *WL fld. K2tog. Kl. wl. tud. K2toe. K6. * Repeat lrom to last 7 sts. K7. Conrinue eren ir patre.n lntil BLOUSD *o.k neasures 5 i.s. Iron besinnins (,, slur, Keepins con- FRONT. Cast on 128 sis. (J, 120) \32 t/2). Notk 1 tinuity of patrern cdr ofi 2 srs, beginnnrs every ro*, to 28 sts. iich ribb;ng (Kl,PI), Next row: K1. P2tog. Purl to last 3 sts. P2tog, K1. P.o COLLAR. Cast on ll0 sts. (all y,.sl, W.rk 3 nN. ribbins (Kl.Pr). cast ofi nr ribbing. lst row: K21. 1.31 17) lj2 13). (wl. lwd. Kzros. Kl.) 3 times. \\:1, lnal. K2tos l{6. (WL fwd. K2tos. K1.) 3 ti.res. SKIRT Wl. i\rd. K2tog. K6. (\\1. l*d. K2ros. K1, Wl, lwd. K2tog. lRoNT. Cast or 176 sts. (l4 1rr) (J?-l6r). \t'o.k 1 K6.) twice. (W. fwd. K2tog. Kl.l 3 tines. \vl. lNd. K2tos. inch ribbing (Kl,Pl), Purl I row. Start patte.n. (\vl l*11. K6 K2tos. K1.) 3 iimes. Nl. fwd. K2tos. Ilnit to 1st rop: K45. \31-44 132 37). 1$1. rwd. K2tos. Kl.) 3 tihes. Wl. lNd. K2tog, K6. (WL lsd. K2tog. Kt.) 3 times. 2n.l anrl alteflr.te rows: Pun. \\,1. Iwn, K2tos. K6. (\vL lwd. K2tos. Kl. Wl. Iwd. K2tog. 3rd row: Ii22. 1.3.] t8) 132 11), ($1. Iwd. K2ros. Kl.) K6.) tsice. (WI. fs{]. K2rog. K1.l 3 Wl. twd. K2tog. ($rl. rihes. .l lnnes. \\:1. lwd. K?tog. it6. fwd. l(2log. K1.) 3 tiDes. K6. (M. fwd. K2tog. Kt.) 3 tines. \r'1. I{d, K2tos_ Knir ro \\1. fwd. K2tog. K6. 1\\:1. lwd. ll2tos. Kl. Wl. l\ril, K2tog. K6.) tsice. I$d. K2tos, K1.) 3 WL fwd. K2tog. OUl. tines. 2nd and alternate ross: Pu.l, K6. (wl. fwd. Kztog. K1.) 3 ti,res. wl. lwd. K2tos- Krh to (\11. end ol ro*. K€€pins continuiiy ol patter. dec. each end 3rd.ow: K46. 13112) t32 3tt). fNd. K2tos. Kl.) ol ueetle elery lollosing loih .o$.4 times. (113 sts on nedlle) 3 times. WL lwl. K2tos. 1i6. (WL fwd. K2tog. K1.) 3 tnncs. \\1. t$d. K2tog, K6. (Wl. K2tog, l.t4 110) (.32 lr?). Conhnue eren in rrattern until work fird. Kl, W- INd. K2tog. ntearures l1 iN. lrom begnn)nrg endnrg $ith knit row (.r., l-i%) K6.) xvi.e. (wl. fsd. K2tos. K1.) 3 rimes. \vl. Iwd. K2tos. K6. (wl. lNd. K2iog. K1,) 3 tioes. W. fwd. K2tos. Knit io end lo shape armhdles: Keeping conrinuity of patte.r cast oE oI .os. Repear the* 4 ro*s until wo.k measures 5 ins, 4 sts. bcsinnins next 2 rows, 3 sts. beginning nert 2 io*s then Irom beginning endins *ith 4th rov ol pattern. 2 sis. besinnins trcxt 8 rows (,31 .ast of 3 ns. besinninz ner 2 lot decrersing .ow: Kl. K2tos. K40. l.J1 36) 132 32). ,rus,2 ns. b.ri,dng .tr I raus) 1.32 as 31). \\,nrk 4% ins. K2ros. {wl. lwd. K2rog. Kl.) 3 tim$. wl, Iwd. K2tog. K6. ev.n ending xith purl .os. (wl. fwd. Kzros. Kl.) 3 tines. lvl. fr.d. It2tog. K6. (wl. fwd. To shape neck and shoulders: lst row: WorL 3.l sts. in K2tog, Kl. lvl. Ivri. K2tog. K6.) twic.. (wl. isd. K2tos. Kl.) pattern (r,/ @s .rd) (J? ?r). Casr oll 22 sts. $'ork 33 sts. nr 3 tiDes. $'1. Iwd, K2tos. K6. (wl. lwd. K2tos. K1.) 3 tines. pattern (rr ar.rr) (J? ?91. \\,1. I$d. (Knog.) t*i.e. Knit ro lasr 3 sts. K2tos. K1. Con- 2nd iowr P33. (.r4as.,d) (JZ ?r). Worknrs otr one shoulde. ti,!e ir this manner keping.ent.e parels ever and de_ in pattern cast ofi 2 sts. at,e.kedge every alte.naterow 3 tnn8, each side oI outside panels every 2 iDS. until 11 de..esinss have Continue evcn uniii aiDnole 6% i.s. Irom nr* shapi.s Leen made. (132 sts. Hiplnre.) (.rl 124) (J?-l1d). F.on this (@ll point dec. 3 sts. ontside panel rizdr). Cast o$ 'l srs. at arohole e{lse rcxt and every alt€r- i! each eye.y inch to 102 sts. nate row 3 tinres (rr ar .rr) (.12 cast of 3 sls, t@a,7 sts, ."a). 131 91) (.32 86). Continue eren until work oeasures 32 ins. BACK. Work as lor Front to 3% in6. Iron 6rci :rmh.le lrom beginnitrs {or desired lersth), Cast ofi, snaDins enllnrs with purl ror. Work Ba.k piec€ exacrly as lor F.ont. 6 Knitting & Crochet Guild RoBINSoN tcanadal Lini!.d, Torcnto III Knitting & Crochet Guild

    BEEIJIVE SERIES NO 7 Ia case of dificulty wite to PATON & BALDWINS, LIMITED, TORONTO, l0