r·r11e Chesterville Record. VOL XX\i, .'-i• ) •.-;:: CHESTERVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, Jl LY 17, mm. S11\GLE COPIES 5c .

AN IWMENSECROWD CELEBU TES IN CHESTE R VJLLe .,w 111 111111z1111114 INCORPORAT[D 1855 fij 111 11 w 111 11 1'ITT \ On Saturday to part ci nate in Ii . t1 e Twelfth of July cele',ration oue of the large~t crowds ever 87 Years assernblect in Chesterville thronged THE MOLSONS BANK thl:! streets and driving park from I CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000. morning until night. Just how Over 100 Branc hes In Canada Growth many visitors the town had is A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED impossible to say wi th a ny degree Ever since 1832 this Bank has been of accuracy but it had been esti­ CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT serving the Canadian Public. Its mated conservatively at thne BANK MONEY ORDERS th

'• Fell When Trip- Rope Broke Mr. J. W . John::.ton while work­ ing at the hay at his son \,Vard ,~~~~~~ ~~i~~ Summer Footwear J ohnston's on Monday met with a mishap which might easily have ~ The Store of Quality ~ ap­ fcsulted more seriously. I 11 the Onr Ltock of Summer Footwear has met with mnch But not of High Price I' prvoal but those wishiug style as well as comfort during tbe barn unloading as he pulled the ~ warm weather. trip rope the rope broke making ~ -~====---~~~-=~=== > ~ Mr. Johnston lose his balance and ~ k fall from the load to the barn floor ~ Han1moc s ~ Our \ ,V hite Shoes and Tennis Shoes are at prices which a distance of tweke feet. He was A good assortment to choose from. make it absnrd tu do withont them. Call and see them. severely shaken up at:d bis back ~ ~ wreiiched slightly but is able to be ~ Prices from /':2.:-o to ,'·7)i0. ~ about again. ~ -~-- ~( Rain Interferes \Vith Meetin11 ~ La\vn Mowers Traveil ing Bags Notwithstandin!{ that rain inter­ ferred with the attendance at the ~ We have four different kinds, ~ evening meeting ot the Liberals of When one traYels, e,·en for a ouple of aays a bag is a Dundas called for last Thursday necessity. \Ve have several styles at different prices. evening-, a represent:iti\·e gathering ~ Screen Doors. Screen Windows ~ was pre-;ent from throughout the riding for the annual organization ~ ~ purposes, which were satisfactorily for Lawn carried out. In the evening after ~ Everything the ~ H. J. McMAHON short addresses hy Reeve Hamilton, ~ Sprinklers. Garden Rak('s. Garden Hose W. B. Law on and A. \V. McIntyre, ~ I ~ ,__ '< Chesterville A. R. McMaster, M . P. , who was present for the purpost delivered au add ress on the wain points und­ ~ New Perfection Oil Stoves er consideration by the party at the ~ 3 and 4 Burners with oven. ~ present time. Woo I HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Militarv !:,ervice- Evader•' Fined Three young men, one from ~ AUTOMOBILE TIRES (all sizes) & Accessories. ~,< East Cornwall, one from Summers­ ~ Motor Oil aud Grease, town aud the other from Iroouois ~ ( For"washed were prosecuted in the P~lice ~ Imperial Kerosene Tractor Oil, ...... Per gal. 65c. ! Court in Cornwall Monday by Police Magistrate Danis on a ~ Mobile B. Tractor 011, ...... $1.10 per gal. in bulk. ~ Wool & unwashed Wool charge of failing- to report fo. ~ ). C ~ Poultry Netting...... 2, 3, 4, ; and 6 ft high. ~ Any quantity received at our shop in the duty under the Military Service Act. Officers of the Dominion ~ Wire Scret ning 24, 26, 28, :30, 32 and 33 inches wide ~ Grady Block. Highest prices and Police, Ottawa, prosecuted in each 1 correct weig~ts. case. Each of the young men were ~ Lime Sulphur 40c. gal. ... . Bring- a can to put it in. fiued $250 and costs, or terms in LIVE FOWL, HIDES, CALF SKINS, ETC, BOUGHT Jail. D, Arsenate of Lead and Paris Green.

ALL KINDS OF JUNK BOUGHT A M idniflht Storm D3 Phone 58 A terrific wind and rain storm ~il~~:::: ~;::t1_e_a::: ~::::: . : : : : : . .1~-s-;earc~b~:;~ passed over this section shortly ~ ~~ M. Agulnik ChestePville after midnight Tuesday night. The D) storm lasted but a few moments but during that time rain fell in ~ I torrents driven by a wind of ven­ HAIL INSURANCE gre~t force. Some sectious report slight damage by hail while near Owing to numerous inquiries from my clients in re­ Goldfield John Nephew's barn was m wrecked and 'rhos. Foley had Fu tITE!ILL! !T. s. gard to writiug Hail Insurance I am pleased to state that 1 I have secured the agency to write this class of business. considerable glass broken in his ~~~zszszs ~--l\~~zszs-L\~zszszs~~ The primary object of this dass of protection is to house. ' cover the cost of production which is in these days a very Organize for -0 . T. A. Referendum important item. At a meeting in the I.0.0.F hall The rate is 2 per cent, which is a low rate, comparied Tuesday eveuing, Julv 15th whicb was called for the purpose of TIMELY . BARGAINS with a rate of ten per cent paid in some sections of the organizing the temperances forces Dominion. The rate applies to wheat, barley, oats, alfalfa, of the Township of Williamsburg timothy, clover, potatoes, :rye,_and corn and insurance is m preparation for the coming On­ Just arrived and put into stock given up to $30.00 per acre. tario Temperance Rde:-endnm campaign officials were e:ected as Any other information cheerfully gl\·en. follows:-W. T. McMartin, Chair­ man; Mrs. Herman Beckstead, 1st Serge and Silk Poplin Skirts C. W. Casselman - ChestePville Vice-Chairman; Miss Bessie Car­ lyle 2nd Vice-Chairman; H. Ham­ iiton. Secretary; Mrs. S. Becker, Treasurer. White Crepe, Silk and VoUe Waists !------·-·------· FOR SALE Council of five;-John Carkncr, Licensed Auctioneer Two sec011d hand Internationa I Hav Mrs. George Hill, EdgarVanA!len. Loaclers in goo,! conrlition for sale. THOS. Stanley Saddlem.ire, C. W. Norval. For Provinces of FAULKNER & SON, Morewood. / 3'2tf Women's I------Polling Sub-Divisions and Children's No. 1 Captaiu-Wesley Bouck, Wash Dresses Ontario &Quebec TEACHER WANTED Wanterl for S.S. No. JO, Winchester tp. Sec'y-Treas.-Mrs. Frank Vau­ Iu future I iutcud to deYote all Allen. my lime to auc•ioneering. Sales'> s1tuate,l half mile north of Chesterdlle, of all kinds handled. Pure bred a Kon11al Trainee] teac-her holding second o. 2 Captain-W. T. _Myers, stock a specially. class ce, ti fie-ale. A pplic-anls apply stating Sec,y-Treas.-Roy Cunningham. salary l.o GEO. BEA'l''l'IE, Chesterville, Terms reasonahle. For dales '0Jt., B6x '21 Sltf. No. 3 Captain-Andrew N. You can always buy them a bit less from phone at my expense or arrange at Barkley, Sec'y-Treas. -Miss Mary The Reconl Office . Marcellus. TH0S. IRVING FOR SALE No. 4 Captain-Rev. Arthur 55FOURTH Ave.,OTTAWA Rrood sow due to farrow. last of July. Hall. Sec'y-Treas.-Lindeu Shau­ TI MALO LEY KE:-SNE'l'H J. CHESTERVILLE 176 Apply \\'oon, Chesterville.:i:1 - P,hone Carling nette. No. 5 Captain-John M. Cas~e:­ BRAN FOR SALE I{eaPns Block, Main St. man, Sec'y-Treas. ·John A. Red­ To clear balance on h~nd the under­ signed will sc:ll FridH~· and Saturday at dick. Fire Insurance. $~.UO a hag. Come and gtt this bargain, No. G Captain-Charlie Mar- for bran , will be much higher later 011. cellus, Sec'y-Treas.- athaniel Mr. Han·ey O' eil from '.\Ielvin 'I St. Marv's S.S. Promotions For all Classes of Property. :tl N. A . :.\JcDox.u,n. Merkley. accompanied by his brother Ple. L. V,estern As~urance Co .. Toronto. Sun Insurance Office, Lonclon, Eng. No. 7 Captain-W. A. Beckstead 0' Neil who has just returned from To Senior IV.-E,·a Gillissie. Emma. Merchants Insurance Co., Torouto FOR SALE Sec'y-Treas Mrs. George Cunn· overseas called at the homt of Ge0. Brunell, blith ;\lcArny, Florence :.\11llea, The ,.\louarch Fire Insurance Company Dwelling on Water St. Chtster\'ille for ingharn. H . Miller Thursday e\·e11i11g 'i\·liere Bruce anan Cl1e111• Phone 10~ R. 2-3. Drafl, Neck Weightless lJeering Mowers Sunnyside. ent. anc1 a few IIayloaclers al the car at the Mr. and Mrs. E. McConnell and ·talion tN1ay.-1'rompl Delivery and easy children spent Sunday with Mt. i\1r. Geo. Thompson spent St1n· To Senior IL-Eric :'llac.llillan, Jack ~====~=~-~====~ tenns. L. JOR!l ..\N. and Mrs. Harry LaSalle. da) with Cecil i\Iiller. :\lc.'\voy, Eugene Belanger. FORSALE ~------To Junior II.--:,lay Brunett, Ro:1al<\ 100 acres, t\1ore 0r less bemg W. 1 LOST i\1r. and i\Irs. Rae Thompson l\1~. aml Mrs. Hector Carruthers I Lynch. :.\Jarcia Hi ghcs, :\l:rncle Hayes, Lot 1;, con. :, Tp. of Finch. Kno"'n as the \Yill the person who was seen taking a spent Sunday at the latter's parent­ and l.11111ly called OI, :'v1r. a ncl '.\lrs. Alice :11c);augbton. Fleming Lapierre. Lvle Farm. Abunt I acres w0ocls, halanc-e purse containing$-"\ 00 an,! a number of al borne in Russell returning home snaps from a coal at the hack of the hall C. Thompson Sunday evening. To l'nrt JI.- Clan nee Labre, Alec u;1der culti~ation. Two ha111s and out­ accompanied by tbeir daughter buil,lings, goo,! chuelling. \\"ell "atere

~~~.., .------·------{-c'i.;"~ i HAVE A LOOK AT OUR t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES {4c ~ ~ ~ ------~~ ~ ~ I 4 The Prices are right and so are the Styles t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~------~ i G. W. BOGART & SON, CHESTERVILLE t ~ . ~ ~~~~~~T~T~~T~~TT~~ T~~~~~T~~~T~T~~~~~T~T~~~~~

D undas O rganizes fo r R ele-nd.um municipality by having a General BERWICK is spending a few days with Mrs. A la'rge and fully representative Committee composed of 1st-Chair­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Forsythe Athadeu Barkley. NOTICE TO CREDITORS meeting was held at Winchester man., 2nd-\'ice Chairman, 3rd­ spent over Sunday in Ottawa. Mr. Gorden Foxeu, South In the matter of the: estate of Charles L. Secretary, 4th-Treasurer. -5th­ Mrs. N. Sbuefelt of Madrid, McMillan. late of the township of Springs for the County of Dundas Mountain, spent Sunday at Mr. Williamsburg in the County of Dun- on Wednesday eveniui July 9.th, Couucii of five Members. This Gen­ N. Y. is the guest of ielatives here. Eliery Merkley's. . da5, Me,·chant, decea,.ed. to organize the Co~mty for the ernl Committee for the municipality Mrs. Joseph McCleary was the Notice is hereby given pursuant to coming referendum can1paign. Re- wiJl appoint a committee for each guest of relatives over the river I~evi_serl _Statutes of 0nt~rio. Chap:er 1:?l, - presentatives were present from all polling sub-division to thoroughly last week. MOREWOOD StctJou ;,(i. that all crerhtors a~cl others carry out the details of the work in having claims agaiust the est:'lte of the parts of the county, A.G. Camero11 A number from hJ're took 10 the A very profitable tin1e was spent each sub-division. a1?ove-na111ed Charles L. l\lcl\lillan, who of Ottawa, District Organizer wa8 celebration at Ottawa ou the 12th. by those who atteuded the Poultry died on or about the first dny of Januarv present and explained fully the Mr. John l\IcCadden's home was Culling Demonstration at Mrs. A. D. H)J9, are requested to deliver or send by post, prepaid on or before tb · necessity for organization through­ ELMA \'isited by fire one day last ,,.·eek, Rainey's on Thursday last. Mr. but owing to the prompt help it thirty-first rlay of July to the undersigne, l out the province in connection with \\'e are sorry to hear that Mrs. Snider of the 0 . A. C. gave indiYid­ Adn:inistratrix of the estate, their nau:t·~ the campaign. J. D. Stewart was Donald McIntosh is on the sick was saved before much damage nal attention that every one present and acleas BrssJE MYRTI,E McM1,,1,-1.-.., sons compo!:>e the Couuty Execut­ Cpl. Fred Becksted of the 1-5-!tb were Dan McMillan, Lorne Hntt, Lieut. B. :.foffat and J:>tes. R. Administratrix of said F.-:ate. Hugll Kearns and Dau Casey. All Jen'i~ :rnd L. O'i'eill are the latest Elma. Ont. ive:- Battalion arrived home this week. Dated at Elma this !llh clay of July ]'IHI, Chairman- ] . D. Stewart, Win­ Mrs. Edgar Ault and baby of 1vere glad to see them back again. arrivab home from overseas. chester; Vice-Chairman-Mrs. Vi.' . Iroqnois; are spending ~ few days Berry picking is the oi:der of the Mr. Salem Coons of Hamilton Bolton, Iroquois; aud Mrs. C. H . with their aunt Miss Phillips. day, all reporting a plentiful crnp. made a stop over he-re v1sting friends Advertisement of Lost Stock Certificate J ohuston, Chesterville; Secretary­ Messrs. Earl aud Floyd Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ;1leldrum of 011 bis return journey from Mont- Aur­ Pemberton and Miss Stella Phiilips Berry picking is the order of ~·as a visitor in , town ou Tuesday. Yille, Ontario. "hy snch new certificates Chesterville and ~.fehin Barclay, of Lishon, N. V. spent a few days the dav. . should not be issued Bouck's Hill; Matilda, Dr. Geo. Mrs. A nlt and fam1l y left on I ;{::-:~-! · last "·eek with Mr. and Mrs. \;\'m. Ptes. Ruben \Veegar and Ivan T. \\;. 'AIR);, Collison, Brinstnn; Iroquois, Allan Wednesday for a holiday at Anlts- Pemberton. Barklcv returned home from over­ l\Icinnes. Morrisburg, Geo. ville prior to taking up their re!:>id- seas an·d are looking fine. Challies, Chesterville, W. J. Cass. ence at Arn prior. I NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Married Guests at !\Ir. and Mrs. E. The followiug resolntio11 was nu \\"e congratulate l\Ii:s Christena Tr~spassers on the L. Flora farm ;n PARKER-Y0GNG-On July !1th, J!ll!). Merkley's on Saturday were-Mr. '} f Melvm are hereby warne<1 that they \\111 animously passect-'.\Ioved by A. C f O I at the ::llethod:st Parsonage hy Rev. J. H, and Mrs. Charlie Armstrong, ~merou, a ormer_ pupi our, be prosecuted if foun fo-m nfter Sweet and 'le.::onded by Dr. Collison, High School ou havlllg successfully I dark as considerable loss has hirei.1,h bee n Hicks, B. A., Gladys Annabell Parker to Iroquois; Mr-;. Ida Peml erton and that we respecttully request Sir passed the Normal Schop! examin- sustained. W. HEPBl'"'- ' Ross ::llt:lvin Young both of M:1ple daughter Francis, \\.'acldington; William Hearst and bib Cabinet to ations...... Ridge. Miss Stella Phillips, Lisbon; and so arrange it that the vote on the Miss Kezia Pemberton, Elma. M_r. Amon McConnell has pur- The repeal of the Da'ylight Sm· Ontario Temperance Referendum In 11,/,,mol'iam-- Most of the Dunbar people took chased a new car. ing Law in the United States b :: s be taken as a separate Yote and not I In loving memory of our dear son and in the Orange Walk at Chesterville v\'e are glad to see Mrs. Joe been pre\·ented by the yeto ofI'res­ coupled with the provincial election brother, Sgt. Harold A. Merkley, ":ho on Saturday. Moore making such good progress! ident \Vibou. It is now thought or any other issue that might pre­ was kilie. PllBl,T:,IIEU EVERY TllURSIJAY i11g ent. 11glecl in the funcla1ne11tal polic­ of \\'ale~ in l·.u,;:,1111! or France-and there As a matter of fact very little Janel is ies of the other hc:111isphere bas passed well drained uatnrally. Drainage will are hosts of them-agree thnt be is a most iorever. That a Pre,icle11t of the Un1teJ usually increase the yielcl of crops. The: likt:al,lt a11d n1:af."eetetl chRp, who will do ::,tutes h.,s hetn working as an active ag­ value of such increase depends on the Time Terms OJ Subscri ption his best tu ha,·e a good ti111 e while he is Table e nt with a gn,up of Europea11 statesman nature of the crop. Some special crops, To C.11•-l t.l ,an pl)int:,f-$l 50 per year in advance. in Carnula ;1 11 d the l'11iterl:on. the winds. So far as internal relations as ten feel. if the lane! i-; natural Iv wet Bu~i'1e ... ~ ,,otii.:e~ if'scrteJ in lotal column" fC1r 8 five ye,u-s, and is entitled to all the relax­ are conctrnecl, tht! war bas e11ded our In mixed farming a11d fruit-growi;g it i~ GOING EAST ct..·•111, per line- ev.:ry i11!<-Crtion. ation tlrnt ht can get. The Prince is not natio11al unwilli11gness to m ai11ta in an ad­ No sd"crti:,emcnt published for th les"'an 2·:,·c11Ls. making the error that was made by his the observation of m any practical farm­ No. 2-l-Daily, Except Sunday .. 5.24 a.m ~m .. li ad"t. ca.rJ p~r year, such a, .. Socicti1..s, equate military and naval ft rce and at ers tint the nted for drai,rn!{e is incrcas­ , o. :,0-Local Except Sunday .. . 47 a. m B m,,i ,1t.;r-.!'- . clc., $5.00. grandfather , wben h e \'isitecl America t he same time bas inteusifi~d our abhor­ illgly apparent unrle r the usual system of No. ::!Cl-Daily ...... 5.::15 p. m All adverri~cmcnt,!,, mea~ure l by the :..C.lle of solid about sixty years age,, for most of his 11 ,·u1pa,e11. 12 linc"' to the inch. rence of rni lit~rism. That may be a n ap­ cropping , a nd that a mod erate amouut C. W . CASSELMAN, considerable e ntourage is m adt u p of ,\Jverti'1!emc:nt-c wilh,,ut -,necial din:ctiQns wlll \ e p,1rent but is not a rea l iuconsistency. o f drains well placed is about the best Town Ticket Airent in,c-erh.d till 1orbid anCriptions may commence with a11y is~1·e. Prince of Wales was snrrouuded by men The paper will n"t be di-.contiuuc:d uulcs, no•ir..::t" is one accomplisher!, the other assurred! farm. Systems of d rains iu land tha t had t ive>l. No ,nbscription will be cani:ellcd unle:-.:::. all old enough to be his fathn, all carefullv arrcanl"'C~ are paid. Two m ~tters always h eretofore held to been tille,I but that was more or less wet and prayeriully selected for him t,y the CHESTER VILLE G. C, LACEY, be exclu~ively wit!Jin the province of the have us ually paid fo r tbemstch-es in four fditor ar,d Proprietor Priuce Cn experie11ced spect to metaphors. We are rather the Prince in the Grenadier Guards. Sir that there has been a change and often a farmer has remarked that "11 nJerdrain­ inclined to talk of capital with a Sidney who is n ot to be c-onfom,ded with change for the worse? Increases in wages age is the acme uf goo

height of from :;,uou to 3,000 feet a nd Iaskccl by a stranger for a ride. He Ri leau Jake with a gentleman from '1 Since She Tried "FRUIT-A-TIVES", YOUR The Famou& Fruit Medicine. found ntnch _low clouds and fog. Once through kindness gra'nted his request. Rochester, a ~Ir. Vandyke, who was we saw nothrng lint fog for Z-1 honrs. When he reached his uncle's ho1ne he staying at C.nrrctt's Rest, the lattt:r hook- , "\\'e strnck Irela111l at Cliftl,:,n, a nd sat1· J tot I.J e man, I stop J1ere. 'fl 1e man I elI w Irnt b et1 t0ug,1t ' was a 1og. ;\Jr. G ra- 1 made good progrt:ss from there although made no attempt to get out of the car but I ham was rowing and on takmg the pole I our 1>tet:ring engine broke down Satur- sai,1 I will go on to the dri\'e11onst! with from :\Jr. \'andyke, to try tl out, he I day morning. \\'e started with -1,\100 gal- you anti g,:t ont thcre. \\'hen tl.Je car cxclai111e

in the size and ~peccl of future airships, cigarette, the soldier sai,l, I ,lon't smoke ·1 aml found that his estimate was correct.' table made big sbips that will travel 70 to SO mil es those be then said ha\'e a cigar, uo, J Tla,y had booked a big one. Hut lil,e I every day. an I.Jour and PO\\'erful enough to crawl ttt:,·t:r smoke the soldier replied, then many big fish it broke the line when I through anrtbing". ha\'e a chocolate the man said, the sol- I close to the boat and darted a war. Then ' "This !ms been a great trip", said Col. d1er, thanking- him took oue thinking he j :.\Ir. Graham's fint:.SSt! a· a fisherman Trv them To .. day \\'. ~- IIelmsley, jr., of the Unite cl S tate was tryinl.{ iu som~ way to repay him fo r came into play. '.-ie was not mina,iion. I tried o,nc at VCl'Y utodCl',.L0 mtes to tbo~e able t.o reaching land again hy jumping on the everything that happeued quite distinct- ;\lcFarlane of Ottawa, caught a se,·ente, n pay. !\nd without cbnrge t.o i11ter's f1 iends. "\\'e w~re ly. 'f!te stranger pi.:ke,I him up and threw pounder. Miss \lae Laterski of Smi~t,s from tho three Unit.cd Counties. othe1· t.uau the nothing seemed to help me until never out of touch with tbe world al him iu the back part of the cr.r and then Falls was rowrng .Mr. ~kFarlaue at the Municipal c:rant.s. I t ried 'Fruit-a-tives'. It i~ kepL uy by; tbougb we met a lot of a fog," said Lieut. tried to get the car stHrted but was un- time . .Alter I had taken several boxes, I Fee$ from paying patients. R. D. Durant, the wireless officer. "lt able to do su. At this lime a man with a was completely r elieved of these !., Gra.nt...; froua the Government and ~'•un t, was bot in New York, cold iu the middle I horse aud buggy came along, the man cip,ilitics. troubles and have been unusually Ten Thousands Dogs AtlautiP, and you see what it is here. We I bt:aring him dashed ove1· the teuces into Our Dumb Animals. 3. Donat.ions and Sul:tecriptionR frott1 well ever since." Churchc~ Corporatious. Soc,et R0Ut-00 one going to Mexico. When they asked For over three hours Cpl. Wallace lay sible for this: "Ten thousand clogs of war 'Fruit-a-tives' is fresh fruit juices, of revenue. us who we were we said we wt:re a Brilish in this helpless condition until his cou­ are being deu1oblilized. They're the real eonccntrated and increased in You are asked to assist in this work airship from New York to England. sin Will came to his assistance. Cpl. dogs that aided the allies as despatch strcn~--:h, com billed with finest tonics The nucleus of a.n endowment fund has been bearers, watch dogs aud staff dogs. And CRta blisbcn by ll lcg!\CY re<'ently 1ccci\'ecl. M