MWSS-173 builds Survivors revisit Wake Island Page A-7 aircraft shelter Page A-6 Volleyball season begins Page B-1

Vol, 17, No. 30 Serving MCAS Kaneohe HMH-463 gets top Congress award for high safety, RIMPAC, Union Pacific wrap up, A-2 approves operational readiness CHAMPUS Ship Life A First (or irl

Navy Relief Wrap-Up More lenders agree to auto loan reform.

Marino and sailn4 of FM.F1'ae contributed as total of $151,218.50 during this year's fund drive. The following is CAMP 14.M. SMITH, Talks continue-- other lending institutions, a. a breakdown of command contributions: Hawaii-A number of Ha- automobile/vehicle lien pol- complete list of those who Camp Smith/1.41MFPac $1.4,440.00 waii lending institutions icy that affects hundreds of have agreed to the policy is MCAS Kaneohe Bay 12,407.50 have recently come to agree- military buyers in Hawaii. not yet available. However, 1st MEB 105,711.00 ment with military officials Because negotiations are the list will be printed in the 1st Radio lin. 6,977,00 on a previously announced still underway with some See AUTO/A-4 Marine Barracks, Hawaii. 11,461..00 Inspector Instructor. Staff 222.00 Discount ticket booth opens here Help For 'Scam' Victims Special Services announces Waikiki 3 many brochures, and a flyer the official opening of its Kapiolani which shows what is "in" on BGen. Lloyd Pool new Information, Tours and Marina 1 & 2 Oahu. For ticketing informa- The July 21 issue of the Hawaii Marine included an arti- (ITT) cle enti tied' Ph oto Scam Exposed; Travel booth in the Aikahi tion call 254-3304, or atop not a pretty picture: The Station Theater lobby Satur- article dealt with Oahu-based Marines falling prey to hard Kuhio 1 & 2 into the office and see day, August 1. In addition to Kailua Drive-I Margaret or Martha to make FIVEFPac sell, high interest photography deals while on liberty in the Monday through Friday Oahu. The Marines are lured into purchasing photography Cinerama :111 necessary arrangements. hours of 9 a..m. to 3:30 p.m., Kahala 5-Plex 1614u lar hours of operation packagea that chalk up hundreds of dollars in interest and the booth will now also be the merchandise often runs below the stated value of the Pearlridge 4-Plex are 9 a.m to 3:30 p.m. to get new open Saturday, .9 a.m. - 1 products, For additional information or guidance in this Koko Marina 1 & 2 Monday through Friday, p.m. The opening has been Kam Drive -In 1 & 2 Free coffee and doughnuts matter contact Cant, Kearney at the Joint Legal Assistance by Office at 257-2168, delayed renovations Pearlridge West 1.2-Plex will be offered at the grand Deputy CG within the base library. The The ITT office provides open i ng. ITT office will begin service to Dot) employees Aug. 1, CAMP U. M . S M '1' H , Special Services along with all station mili- 1.4loyd tary personnel. 1'w'. will assume the duties Open To Civilians of Deputy Commanding ITT has added many new (general, PM FPac, from MajGen. M. Cooke, Effective Aug. 1, civilian Don employees aboard the Air shows to the luaus, dinner Richard Station will be authoriv,ed to use the following Special cruises and Polynesian Cul- Saturday. Services activities: ture Center tickets it already MajOen. Cooke, who has A. Bowling Center offers. The hi-tech show at been deputy commanding B. Skeet/Trap Range the Plaza Theater 'Voyage', general, FM [Tile since June C. Multi-Crafts Shop the Brothers Cazimero at the 7, 1.986, will report to1MCAS, D. Outdoor Recreation Center - the Marina and Royal Hawaiian Hotel, the El Toro, Cal i f., where he will outdoor equipment. checkout center only Society of Seven at the Out- retire Sept. 1, 1088, after 35 E. Information Tours and Travel rigger East and Honolulu years of active-duty service. Civilians employed here are welcome to visit and utilize ('ommunity Theater are just Wien. feel was commit.; the above activities after August 1, with certain limitations. as few of the events that have sinned a Mi`Cold heatfaiaat Inquire at the individual activity level for specific restric- been added. Plans are also in Corpt; through tions. progress to carry Honolulu the NIVZtlI Aviation Cadet Symphony tickets, plus Program Upon rillitliFIC.0011 sporting events such as the flight training at lbw Naval Aloha, Hula and Pro Bowl. ,;,41. Maim. (Mom (OWN. An- station, Pensacola, Fla., Efforts are also underway to in February 1960, contract for Rainbow foot- Best Area On Station I /tiring his first 10 years in loe(e gowetali ball and baseball tickets. the Marine Corps, BGen. Maj. John C. Benruide (right), disbursing officer, receives Pool's tour of duty included At A Glance A-5 Movies B-5 ITT also offers discount the Area of the Quarter award from BGen. G.L. Cates Marine Fighter Squadron- Blotter A-5 Tickets 8-5 tickets good at any of the (left), 1st MEB commanding general, and Col. W.E. 235 (VMF-235)., MAG-32, ASYMCA B-4 Ilawaii Marine Ads 8-5 following Consolidated Daniell, Air Station commanding officer, July 18. The MCAS, Beaufort, S.C.; MAO- Religious Column B-4 Family Services 84 Theaters: Area of the Quarter award is presented to the unit that 26, MCAF, New river, N,C., Salutes B-4 Waikiki 1 & 2 consistantly maintains its grounds in an immaculate and where he transitioned to heli- Varsity 1 & 2 well groomed state. See '1 MF'PaelA-4 A-2 IlAWAII July 28,1989. Story and photos by ments from Battery F, 2/12; Sgt. Stephen Frank Landing Support Co 1.3880- Elements of 3rd Battalion, 1; Company A, 3rd Recon 3rd Marines, along with a Bn.; and Weapons Co., 3/3, company of Gurkhas from moved to Pearl Harbor to Co. A, 10th Princess Mary's board amphibious ships for Own Gurkha Rifles, (see transport to Pacific Missile related story below) and Range Facility, Barking other supporting elements, Sands, Kauai, where the took to the seas recently operation would take place. aboard the USS Denver and The plan of attack called USS Racine to practice am- for Company K to go ashore phibious operations off the in AAVs to rescue hostages, 3/3 takes coast of Kauai. while the Gurkhas flew in "Amphibious operations aboard helicopters from are one of the main missions HMM-165 to mount a raid of the Marine Corps, but on a missile sight. Company to the unfortunately, we don't get, I remained offshore in land- to do enough of it," said ing craft as reserves. istLt. Chris Benden, execu- The Gurkhas met heavy tive officer of Co. I, 3/3. resistance from aggressors 'High Seas' "For a lot of our troops, this from Company L and H&S is the first time they've ever Company, both, from 3/3, done amphibious operations, making it necessary for 10. We've got to get them ac- "India", along with an at- quainted with it because tached platoon of Gurkhas, there's so much involved, to come ashore to complete and so much to learn," 1stLt. the raid. 1.) Benden added. Having successfully com- The training was all part of pleted their assigned mis- - RIMPAC '88, with the . sions, the various units Marines helping the Navy withdrew to the beach, only practice its amphibious capa- to find another problem. bility. . One of the landing craft, The week-long operation already loaded with artillery began July 18 when 3/3, the pieces from "Fox" Battery, Gurkhas, and supporting had become broached in the elements, including detach- surf, and lay washed up on the beach, broadside to the waves. With that avenue of with- Crewmen aboard the USS Denver relax between helicopter operations. (Below right) 3/3 storms the beach drawal closed to them, the as their Landing Craft Utility (LCU) hits shore. Marines were forced to im- provise, humping approxi- mately two kilometers down the beach to the airstrip and from 1st Plt., Co. I, 3/3. future role as a maritime then calling in helos to pull "The way we practice is the special operations force them out. way we're going to fight, and during an upcoming six- "Overall, I think we did the more practice we get, the month deployment to very well on this operation. better we'll be. Okinawa. Once we got on the beach we "'The rocking of the boat wore good to go. We've was a little hard to get used "While we're in Okinawa never had a problem with to, especially for the guys we'll be undergoing a set of that. But getting there and who were doing this for the training packages, where getting organized is the first time, but once everyone we'll be required to prepare tough part, and I think we got settled in and got their for and mount a raid. With handled that well, too," said 'sea legs', things went well," each successive package, the !ALL Benden, Cpl. Helms added. preparation time will de- After the action came to a "This is definitely some- Another benefit of this crease. The goal is to plan halt, 3/3 Marines got to thing we ought to spend training, according to lstLt. and conduct a raid with only cleaning weapons before more time on." said Cpl. Benden, is that it will help 10 hours notice," said 1.stIA. rust could set in. Kevin Helms, a squad leader prepare the battalion for, its Benden. Nepalese landlubbers earn their sealegs MA(; -24 views RIM:PAC from. Story and photo by months in Hong Kong," ing to a close now, and the Gurkhas in the techniques of 'a loftier plane' Deopal, Sgt. Stephen Frank added Capt. Rai, a Gurkhas bore will soon re- amphibious operations, add- .helped provide them When 3rd 3rd Queen's Gurkha Officer serv- The 1Marine portion of with Bn., Marines turn to Hong Kong and ing. to their alrsidy impres- RIM.PAC, a ni Anti-Air 'Warfare capabilities. ing with Co. A. jor, joint. boarded the USS Denver begin training their fellow sive military shills. to nriti e.xervioe, pped one part: of this recently to conduct amphibi- For the Gurkhas, most of wrn phase was July 21 with Hi(' r the Supporting Arms Coordi- ous training at Pacific 'Wig- whom can't swim, boarding I 1, nation Exerciae gle Range Facility, Barking a ship was another in a long element; of the s MEB, (SACCEV MAG-24, contributing their This exercise involvtA fixed- Sands, Kauai, they took with line of firsts for them during wing, close-air support them a company this exercise, and something fair share to adding realism d of moun- to the exercise. helicopter assault, tain-bred soldiers, the major- else to get used to. support. AG, 24, ,fixed-wing units integrated to support mann, ity of whom had never been After a few hours of stag- lated .troop aboard a ship before. gering around the decks 0aary 1,beit first It M PA.0 movetnent to These soldiers whenever the ship heeled action On PhaseThree 01' the shore during an a a napl'lllll(rals are the men hien e.xereirie beginning assault,. Troop movement of Co. A, 10th 'Princess over with a wave, most of Mary's the Gurkhas Juno was sin ulated. durint.T this Own Gurkha Rifles, managed to portion because of limited who are currently in Hawaii acquire their 'sea legs' and According to Mai, Dennis training from then on simply tireas available. for exercise Union Pacific went J. Dilucente, MAG-24 RIM- Another portion of Phase '88. Born and raised in the about the business of prepar- PA(, coordinator, this was Five was the amphibious (110 ing to conduct an amphibi- ar Himalaya Mountains of kind of "progame training" operations conducted in the Nepal, and serving as light ous assault alongside the before the Fourth of July Bellows Marines of 3/3. Air Force Station infantry in the British Army, break. area. ,MAG244 helicopter these troops have never had Far from getting seasick "We helped the battleship though, most of the Gurkhas squadrons, HMM-1. 65, and the opportunity to conduct Missouri's Battle Group de. '2(35, Ill14111,463, and Marine amphibious training. manned the rails and fend themselves from VC-1, watched in Refueler Squadron-3 5 2 Union Pacific is just one of fascination as (Navy) aggressors and Royal (VMGR-352), from 3rd Ma- a number of overseas exer- the ship pulled out of Pearl Australian Air Force Fil- Harbor. rine Aircraft Wing, MCA.S El cises the Gurkhas conduct 1 is." Toro, Calif., "These are very disciplined and a reserve every year, according to This was accomplished by unit, V MG R-234, from the Capt. Jerry Maddox, one of troops," said 1stLt. Chris flying Cornbat Air Patrols Benden, the executive officer the British officers serving (CA.Ps), and providing anti. lth MAW in Glenview, Ill., with the Gurkhas. of Co. I. 3/3, one of the air warfare against units that accompanied the aggres- all provided sorties for as- "The Gurkhas are stationed sors. CAPS are when the sault support there. Assault Gurkhas on their ocean pilota patrol their in Hong Kong, and training voyage. "Tell them to do assigned support encompasses various facilities are quite limited areas of responsibility, missions, from carrying something, and they simply checking in with a controller, there, so we take advantage do it," he added. troops and equipment to in- of these exercises to expand based aboard the ship (oper- flight refueling. "The communication gap is ating much our training and use other a little scary, since they like Marine Air Even though RIMPAC was facilities, and to meet the don't speak very much Control Squadron-2 would not staged exclusively for soldiers in other services and here). If aggressors run MAG-24, the group did re- English, but they're very attack missions compare notes," said Capt. competent and work together against the ceive some valuable training, ship, MAC -24 jets would be Maddox. with the Marines very well. Learning how to work. "In the past six weeks there to provide anti-air war, within a massive battle staff I was especially impressed fare support. we've gotten more variety in with their physical condition organization. was the high- training, working with heli- small unit light of the exercise for Maj and their tactics," Although providing CAP Dilueente, copters, AAVs, ships, and so latLt. Benden added. The Gurkhas watch a demonstration on roper P.O.W. for ships is not usually part "Everyone was on, than we would in six Union Pacific '88 is draw- handling aboard the U.S.S. Denver. of the Marine Corps Avia- being represented on that tion mission, the trainin.g staff by someone that had was beneficial "We do similar interests to my MajGen. Cooke conduct own,the promotion of their keynote speaker at forum CAP missions," activity and their training explained Maj. Dilucente. objectives, CAMP H.M. SMITH, note speaker, addressed the Marine Corps will play in the ism of officers through intel- "But instead of working with Working together Hawaii-MajGen, Richard forum's ongoing theme future. lectual stimulation and an the ships, we would probably in peaceful harmony was a.n M. Cooke, which is "Combat Leadership exchange of excellent experience." outgoing Deputy The forum series was initi- ideas," said Col. be working with M.A.CS-2 asa Commanding General, Fleet and Moral Courage." He ated by the Camp Smith and Castagnetti. a controlling agency." Working with other agen- Marine Force, Pacific, ad- provided the officers with Headquarter and Service After the holiday, Phase cies was also a highlight for dressed a group of officers at thoughts regarding the fu- Battalion Commander, Col. The General's appearance Five began Capt. Bob Graham, Admin when the Battle Officer the Camp H.M. Smith Quar- ture roles and missions of G.E. Castagnetti. "It's of- at the forum is one of many Group `X-Ray" (which was and pilot for VMFA- terly Officers' Leadership the Marine Corps, and he fered on a recurring basis, in activities' which will close his ale Nimitz Carrier Group) 21.2. "I thittk hoeing able- to Forum held in the Officers' challenged the young offi- order to promote responsibil- thirty-five year career before ;Ittakoil work with our traffic control- the Missouri Battle lers Club hero Friday. cers to examine, from their ity and accountability, and he transfers to the retired (.1rron.p. "Since the Mis,souri from different control The General, as the key- perspective, what roles the to enhance the professional- list, September 1. didn't have carrier capability, See R I M PAC /A-5 S The Hawaii Marine is it free publication delivered submismions from its readers, and can respond to timely without regard to race, creed, color, national ,ri in each week to all family Maiming units aboard Marine requests for mpecialized coverage. Please call the MCAS/ religion, age or sex of purchasers, user or patron. The Corps Air Statism, K111114111e fitly and to till -based ita M gaewiteuz littwtioe Hawaii Joint Public Affairs Office at 237.5745 for appearance of all advertisements in 1.1te Hawaii Marine, Marine Corps C11111IIM lids, Housing carriers are paid only Windward activities or the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, to include inserts and/or flyers, doom not, constitute by voluntary contriholions from customers who are Public Affairs Office at 477.5052 for Leeward activities. endorsement of Ow firms, products or cervices by the Hawaii Marine is an unofficial newspaper satisfied with the you n gmters' delivery service. A Opinions expressed by the publisher and journalists published every are Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy or Thurmday by RFD Publications, Inc., 4(- voluntary contribution of $1 a month may be solicited their own, and are not to be considered an official the United States Marine Corps. 5`25 Luluku Road, Kaneohe, Hi. 96744, a private firm not by thew carriers. Housing residents may contact the expremmion of the Department of the Navy or connected with the United the Department of the Navy or the United publisher directly if' they wish to stop home delivery. Staten Marine Corps. Commaialing Officer Col. W.E. Daniell States Marine Corps. Al' iidvertising is provided by RFD Questions concerning circulation policies and service Public Affairs Publications, can Officer Maj. K.K. Ctershanecli Inc., by caning 235.5881 or by visiting their be answered by calling the publisher, Items ad vertimed'i n the Hawaii Marine must be made Editor Sgt. W.M. Alexander office. Circulation Is 8,000. The Hawaii Murint, welcomem stories 11110 11110(4) available for purchase, lame, or patronage to everyone Spirts Editor :7,gt. doe P. Jascur July 28,19(48 I IAWAI I MARINE A-:1 Car removal agreement A recently published Bri- servicemembers to remove and financial hardship on BANKRUPTCY their automobiles upon re- family. IP & diti gade Bulletin offers guidance the member's GET OUT OF DEBT FA R)8 to servicemembers consider- ceipt of PCS orders. Signing Downtown Kailua 261-2120 ing financing a car in an agreement which does The bulletin states that STOP Creditor Hawaii. Included with auto not contain these provisions servicemembers should insist Harrassment may result in denial of the that the sales manager, in financing advice to service- FREE Initial Consultation CELEBRATE SUMMER! m embere is a copy of a Hervicern ember's request to the case of dealer financing, CALL removal agreement. remove his car from the state or lender, in the case of on PCS orders and cause individual financing, NOAH D. FIDDLER. Weddings, Graduations, Visitors? sign Alloriwy This agreement will permit permanent lose of' the car the removal agreement. Free Consultation Wc Offer 913e0ii i if i Trays For Holiday And YearRound REMOVAL AOREMENT Enteri,lining From Cosuol "Molt & Cheese" Planers to AGREEMENT RELATING TO THEREMOVAL Or A Gourmet Hors L)' Oeuvre 'frays They're Affordable! MOTOR VEHICLE FROM THE STATE OF HAWAII 1120 nIII.1I,ANI ST. Stop I3v And Pick Up Our Party Tray Brochure And , PURSUANT TO I IA WA I REVISED STATUTES 476.2(1 III: BLDG. SUITE 612 AND 'HIE !Mitt AGREEMENT OF FINANCIAL. Be A Guelst At Your Own Party! INS1T111TIONS Or HAWAII FOR THE BENEFIT OF 261.3233 MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES TALI PALMS PLAZA * Harry Owens Music Tape Now Available * 970 N. KALAIII:0 Open: 9 AM-9 PM Daily Closed Sunday 629 Railua Rd. surrc A-210 1,






BUYER NAME OP' nylnifiinsine nit iiminJi Complete Professional Vision Services By: Dedicated To Quality And Service In Vision Care Al ITIRMIZED AGENT Dr. Charles Dean INSTRI 11"11( INS FOR AUTO REMOVAL At:REF:MI:NT 261-9735 Kailua I, If yon intend to hay it new or load ear in Ilnwnii, Mem. he Imre you carry thin removni Optometrist 139 Hekili St. agreement. with you at till Linen heron. making is einitrort with any Hawaii auto denier or lending Mutilation,

2. Once you decide to notice an offer on n new or tined nor, but before Rigli log any paperwork relating to your purehaaei take the following aterat to protect yourself.: INM110 yThireelf an on fictive duty menther of the United %Bea Armed Foreeir: Need a Ad? R. Classified h. Tithe out thin agreement nod hand to the car alderman* or loan orricer; and

V. 'fell him or her that you will aign the auto purchnne contract and financing ngreenictit only after you end n melee manager fir lonn officer hove nigned the removAl /If/moment. Call the 3; if Hie ear tui1tit7 manager or Tonn itificer niFt7en i.n elan ITo rrmoviil ogreertieiii with you, proceed to do MO immediately. Do Rotttlter the agrenment yourmelf or permit the miltui manager, or lUiiiiiirfieer ciranininncen. 4. If the eider' teenager or loan officer refumen to elan the removal agreement after you offer,it, to him Or her, request him or her to return the agreement to you and leave the prianIFIVH Sur' Press With1§1,4 Rignlny arty..panpryvork, mikes you 111'11 offend removal ngreetrieid, tintintiored by a lender who in a party to !IN Agreement. of Financial Inutitatiortu Of I lawaii Mr the 235-5881 L Ilenerit of Menthera or I he Armed Parcae and which contnina the 1411111( it removal,

88 411 Spectrum 678M 4 KENOOD Remote Controlled Music System CUP 0193 watts per channel integrated amp AM/FM tuner Double cassette deck (D charger System remote controlled

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Quantities limited This ad was not paid for by the Marine Corps Exchange Marine Corps Exchange. S A-4 IlAWAII July 28, 1088 '364 Crew chief lives up to job with little room for error

By Sgt. Rosemarie Such the life of Sgt. that much preparing on the their check as if they nre the mon as riding the bus" he another CH-46, or a '5:3, and Fitzsimmons Claudio Mercado, crew chief ground. However, he enjoys only ones looking. "You said. "But 1 still watch to once in n while we take on aboard a Cli ,16 .,sea the work so touch he recently can't. ex acct. someone else to make sure they don't endan- an A-4. With the A-4s we MCAS, FUTENMA, Knight" with I IMM cur- re-enlisted for lor.rr more do it for you. It's too impor- ger themselves or the plane." usually hang in there for Japan- rn e mem it'll ti rently here for six iiiiu rrH years in the Hanle field. tant," he explained. Serving on board his CH- quite a while, but they al- lonely life. At _tes it part of the Unit, Deployment Enlisting in the Corps in Once in the air, the crew 413 has given :Mercado many ways get us in the end." is one of adventure and Program. 1983, the Aurora, Ill., native chief' hecorties a "third set of memorable nights, such as Of course, there are draw- excitement. Always, the Sgt. Mercado, 24, has been requested a career in avia- eyes" for the cockpit crew. transporting Republic of backs to the job as Sgt. burden of responsibility lies a crew chief for one year. Ile tion. During his first three Sgt. Mercado acts as look- Korea (ROE) Marines during Mercado explains. "I worked heavy on the shoulders, al- spends 30-35 hours in the air years in the Corps, Mercado out, scanning the skies for Team Spirit operations in some long hours, and leave lowing little room for error. each month, and three times worked as a ground me- other aircraft and glancing Korea. my wife, Melissa, for six chanic before being selected occasionally at the instru- "They put up quite a gruff months when we deploy. to be a crew chief. ments in the cockpit. front, until you pull out a This is the third time I've The first step of crew chief When the helicopter lands, camera," Sgt. Mercado said, come to Okinawa without. training was serving three pilots rely on their crew "then they act every bit as her." months as an assistant chief's vantage point to crazy as the next guy." Even so, Sgt. Mercado During this period he became guide them into a safe land- Another of the sergeant's plans to be around for quite familiar with the aircraft and ing. favorite missions are the some time. Even though he procedures. Mercado is also responsible "evasive maneuver" missions, will be back in Hawaii in Last year the young Ma- to the troops being trans- more commonly known as August, he expects to return rine got an assignment to ported. "To the infantry, dogfights with other planes. to Okinawa with his unit his own plane. He has troop movement is as cam- "We might, play it out with next year. affectionately named the plane "Sweet Polly Purebred." It's his responsibility to keep her in flying shape. "I finish most of my job NO INTEREST FOR 12 MONTHS! before we even take off," said Instant financing up to $1,800 rind 0 percent finance. Must be E5 or Sgt. Mercado, referring to his above, and have VISA, MasterCard, or American Express to qualify. pro- flight check. "I check the fluid levels, and make sure we're equipped for whichever mission we're flying. I make a three-hour check covering REBATES OF just about every nut and bolt on the aircraft. When I UP TO $600 complete my check the pilot AVAILABLE ON makes a check also. In all, there are five separate in- SELECTED AMIGA spectors who check the air- SYSTEMS 2000 craft." Sgt. Claudio Mercado conducts a pre -flight inspection on "his" CH-46 "Sea Knight." Even with all these precau- tions, all inspectors perform AUTO /from A-1 "balloon-type payments, be- with a Hawaii lender is fore shipment is allowed. advised to check thoroughly their vehicles out of the state Any servicemember plan- with lenders to see if they are in conjunction with official ning to finance a vehicle among those who have orders. Lending institutions Hawaii Marine when it be- agreed to the new policy. COMMODORE PC10 III AMIGA 500 who do not come to agree- comes available. In addition, prospective * Autuconfig BIO automatically The Amiga comes standard with: ment may, under current law, The new policy allows military car buyers should recognizes installed add-ons * High Resolution Color Graphics disallow shipment of a ve- Military people who are not insist that car dealers or lend- * Enhanced 101 key keyboard with * 4096 Colors on the Screen at on Time hicle out-of-state, or require in default on payments on sign the "clip-out" re- ers numeric keypad * 640 By 400 Resolution buyers to pay off and ac- vehicles purchased and fi- moval agreement on page A- Fast 10MHz Extended Keyboard count in full with large nanced in Hawaii to ship 3 of this issue. * clock rate for high * performance * Serial, Printer, Mouse, Joystick Ports FMFPac /from A-1 .* Three full-length, IMP) PC/XT"" * 880k 3.5" Drive compatible expansion slots available * Stereo Four Voice Sound copters; two tours in the Japan, in June 1977 and Weapons Systems Require- for expansion as your needs grow * Built-in Speech Processor Republic of Vietnam; and as assigned as the wing avia- ment Branch in the Depart- * 640K RAM enough for the most * Multitasking Operating System a test pilot school instructor tion safety officer; detached ment of Aviation. Upon his sophisticated programs * High Speed Animation following graduation from in June 1.978 to attend the promotion to brigadier gen- the U.S. Naval Test Pilot Air War College, Maxwell Air eral in August 1987, he was School, Naval Air Test Force Base, Ala.; and served assigned as the assistant J&C COMPUTER SERVICES Center, Patuxent River, Md. as exercise project officer deputy chief of staff for 98-027 Hekaha St., Bldg. 3, Unit 11 In June 1972, he earned from June 1979 through July Aviation. He served in that his Bachelor of Science 1982 for the commander-in- capacity until Sept. 25, 1987 degree in Aeronautical Engi- chief, Allied Forces Southern when he was assigned as the 488-7544 neering from California Poly- Europe in Naples, Italy. assistant wing commander, technic State University and While there he earned a mas- 3rd MAW, FMFPac, MCAS, was assigned to the USN ters degree in Business Ad- El Toro, Calif. Test Pilot School as the op- ministration from Boston His decorations include the erations officer. He gradu- University. Distinguished Flying Cross ated from the Naval Com- January 1983, he re- with gold star, the defense Health Events Calendar mand Staff College, New- turned Lo the 211(1 MAW aE Meritorious Service Medal, port, R.I., in July 1975 and executive officer and, subse- the Air Medal with Bronze was initially assigned as the quently, assumed command numeral 40, the Navy August 1988 executive officer of HMM- of MAG-26. 1k returned 1.0 Commendation Medal with Hie II, o.,1 I leoltit 163, MAG-16, MCAS, Santa Okinawa in June 198,1 ors Combat V and the Combat Ana, Calif. lie was later chief of staff, III Marine Am- Action Ribbon, Senior Lecture Series: Managing Incontinence \I Sex and the Heart assigned '16:3 commanding phiious Force. During Au. The general and his wife, Wednesday, Fricirty, August 19 officer in July 1976. gust 1985 he WIN reassigned August 3 former Carol Russell of Incontinence A discussion of sexual activity as It relates to hoar! BGen. Pool was transferred to 11QM(1, Washington, is not a popular subject for conversation! Vallejo, Calif., have two chil- Out wo want to talk about It arid sham positive support disease, Downtown clinic. Dr. Daphne Myers. Doctors' to the 1st MAW on Okinawa, D.C., as Head, Aircraft dren, Marsala and Russell. and help for this very difficult problem shared by a largo Lounge, 3rd floor. Noon to 1 p.m. To register, call 5 :17- percentage of the adult population Spanker to be an- 2211, (pd. 131. nounced. Downtown clinic, Doctors' Lounge, 3rd lloor, I to 2 pin To register, call 537.2211, oxt. 120. Medically-SupervIsed Weight Loss Program Monday, August 22 Tto °Pill/1ST Program, A Iron orientation for people V "We've Goldin Covered" 50 pounds or more overweight seeking an olloctivo Wodnosday, August 3 weight loss plan. Downtown clinic, 7 to 0:30 p.m. To Designed to acqualrrt Island Caro mornbors will Moir register, call 537-2211, ext. 703, lir:alai plan. Downtown clinic. Doctors' Lounge. 3rd floor, to 7:30 p.m. Enroilmont limited. For nioro inky cal194:r-11:,7. Senior Lecture Series: Your Important Self-Imago R Wednesday, August 24 All About weight Control Growing older can moan growing better! Learn to ALTERNATIVES" develop a positive picture of yoursell as you proceed Friday, August 5 Into the :nature years. Arlynna Howell-Livingston, A comprehensive review of Hie Wdytt UIII: MSW, Director, Senior Health Project, Doctors' 1.1(11111VO and maintain Ideal weigitt. Gone Corpuz, MSPI I, Lounge, floor, 1 to 2 p.m. Call 537-2211, 0 FlealIti Educator, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Preprint 3rd ext. 120 to register. Downtown clinic. DoCtors' Lounge, 3rd floor Noon to 1 p.ra. 'Io logIsler, call 5372211, °xi 131. Hair Alternatives (formerly our KCIiIKI Super Saver Salon) \I Lamaze Classes senior Leture Series: Stress Mantigorient Prickly, August 20 brings you just what you've been asking for...more hair and Wodrienddy3, August 10 A seven wook sorios for expectant parents. beauty services. We've changed our look that being Stress in till golden years? Yes, but flier° are por,itivo Krimoharnolia Auditorium, Queen's Hospital, 6:30 to o pampered will be even more of a pleasure. Visit us soon! Still techniques ltnd principles for overcUllIllig in our rim To register, call 737-2444. For information lives, SporuKor to be announced, Dow' ilowr I about ongoing classes Windward clinic, call available, haircut only. By stylist, 7.00; by master stylist, 8.00. clinic, Doc at the tors' Lounger, 3rd Moor, 1 to 2 p nr, 'I u register. cull 53/- 203-0498. Master 2211, ext. 1,120. SERVICES INCLUDE: Stylist Stylist J Cholesterol In Your Body Haircut 12.50 14.00 General Nutrition Friday, August 26 Permanent wave, haircut 21.00 25.00 Friday, August 12 Ionics to be discussed Include: The uses arid rocom 'needed levels of cholesterol in the body; a review yr Color: highlighting, glossing or A nutritional overview of healthy rec6iiimundalior fur those with known heart disoaso or at risk lo hem disease tho ways one can Improve cholesterol levels through diet; trIglycorido levels, Gene Corpuz, MSPI-I, Health jazzing only plus haircut 25.00 28.00 arid otliui chronic diseases. Germ Corpuz, MSI TI, I loan Educator, Cardiovascular Educator, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program. All new services Include conditioning and finish; master stylist prices slightly higher. Rehabilitation Program. Down- Downtown clinic. Doctor's Lounge, 3rd floor, Noon to town clinic, Doctors' Lounge, 3rd floor, Noon to 1 p.m. To moister, call 537-2211, ext, 131. 1 p.m. Call 537-2211, ext. 131 to register. NAIL SERVICES TO PAMPER YOU: 8.00 Manicures \I Senior Lecture Series: Eat to Stay Well Golden Ag0 Workout Pedicures 14.00 Wednesday, August 17 Ongoing Is designed lfro way to a healthy and happy body is Ihrough the Tills Illness arid conditioning program for Nail extensions 30.00 over, stomach) This cooking demonstration (with samples) mon and women 00 years of ago and Classes Fills 14.00 discusses solocting end preparing healthful foods. at both Downtown and Windward clinics. For registra- information, call 537.2211, ext. 120. Prices for additional services available upon request. No appointment necessary Germ Corpuz, MSPI-1, Health Educator, Cardiovascular tion and loo except with our master stylists, phone 945-5696, Rehabilitation Program. To register, call 537.2211, ext. For Oa location of a CiliNA, rogistration, or Inn Informalon, plinum hair alternatives . kallua 120. call tha ropoctivo 'Amu numbnr abaft LIBERTY HOUAA.,.c, July 28, 1988 IlAWAII MAItINI A-5 Idr a.m. to 6 p.m., Aug. 19, All children aged 5 - 1.2 are Sunday day (by appointment only) Sweet Mary Brown. at the Marine Corps Exchange. Library invited to participate in the Noon - 8 p.m. 8:30 - 11 p,in. For more information, call The registration Reopens library's Olympic Reading 187-3625, 10 a.m. until 5 fee is $5. Club. Conic in to register p.m. and 622.5717 after 5 and get all the details. Animal Clinic Summer .m. For more information call After much delay and Library hours will be: Fashion 254-6219, 264-2223, or 254- oxtensive renovations, the Baby Pageant 3951. Station Library will reopen Monday - Pest s on your pets!? The Thursday Show The shat' NCO Wives Club Monday, August 1, at 8:30 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Animal Care Clinic offers a.m. We thank all our several products to reduce A fashion show entitled is sponsoring a baby pag- Chapel patrons for their patience Friday you and your pet's annoy- Sumffier. Breezes '88 will 1w eant Sept. 17, with proceeds during this three months. CLOSED ance by unwanted fleas and held at the Camp Smith going to the Staff NCO Workshop Please stop by and get reac- ticks. Staff NCO Club, July 31 Wives Club Scholarship quainted with us; we look Saturday For more information or to from 4-8 p.m. Admission will Fund. The contest is open A praise and workshop ser- be $10, which includes pupus to all dependant children, vice, emphasizing Christian forward to serving you 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. make your pet an appoint- S ment, call 257-3643 or 254- and door prizes. newborn to 5-years-old. music, led by Jerry and Mary 4201. Located in building The show is being spon- Registration will be held Willey, will be held at Station 455 regular office hours are sored by the Afro-American 1.1 a.m. to 1. p.m. and 4:30 Chapel Sunday at 6:30 p.m. 8 - 11:30 a.m., and 12:30 - Association of Hawaii and to 6 p.m., Aug. 5, at the 7- Child care will be provided at Day Store, and from 11:30 the Chapel. By Sgt. Lorene Miranda Station. Both wore released 3 p.m. Tuesday, and Thurs. will also feature vlicalist to the MPs then to their Alcohol Incidents unit. Two yrs. PODIATRY A traffic accident occurred KAILUA A lance corporal was structural FUN POOLS HAWAII on the H-3 highway near the tic #C-14531 CLINIC apprehended for DWI at the Guarantee main gate after he was seen Kaneohe Bay exit. A pass- Specializing hi The while ing motorist reported that a Free estimate-- - lane weaving driving government truck had over- TREATm ENT OF Four DISORDERS up to the gate. Ho elected 15x34 turned near the exit ramp. Construction 261-7677 $18,995 Dr. Robert LaReaux to have his breath tested, The driver, a private first which resulted in a .18 per- class, and two occupants Repairs As Shown The Windward Foot Specialist cent blood alcohol content. were taken to the Branch Clarence Bueno Under Normal Three lance corporals Service Condition were apprehended for a Medical Clinic. The private Owner 407 Ultiniu St. #301 Participating Provider first class reported that a red Over 20 Yrs. E.xper. CH A M PUS *Medicare* IIMSA: breach of peace in the En- Pontiac had cut him off, 262-6961 listed Club. One of the causing him to lock the Marines was also charged brakes on the government with underaged drinking. M923 truck. The rear of the A lance corporal was truck slid sideways, then apprehended at the main rolled over on to its top. gate for DUI and underaged Shortly afterward,a first lieu- drinking after he was seen tenant reported to the gate A 5th lane weaving while ap- sentry that he may have proaching the gate. A test caused the accident. The of his breath resulted in a .06 main gate had to be closed ANN percent blood alcohol con- and traffic was reported to tent. the Mokapu gate. The lieu- Assaults tenant was arrested by the FREEDOM A corporal and a lance Honolulu Police N NO S Department; corporal were apprehended however, a test of his breath MONEY TV & for assault and disorderly resulted in a .00 percent DOWN conduct at Bellows Air Force blood alcohol content. STEREO RIMPAC/from A-2 12 MONTHS- INTEREST FREE! i'd1"44 agencies (Air Force, Navy, MAG-24 jets flew over open N Australians etc.) was great," water, sometimes with, often he said. without air refuelers in the VCR TV CAR STEREO "We normally work under immediate vicinity. "This MACS-2, but we can antici- required the air crew to really pate that in a war situation pay close attention to fuel :1, we could be working for specs, and profile their air- 'OP I .1w: these other controllers," he planes the way they flew ...I added. "This gave us the op- them," added Capt. Pete C. Inn HOME SITTER portunity to learn the differ- MacKinnon, VMFA-212 pi- I SET 2 CANCEL IVI M..1 Ill! ent terminology used. Al- lot. "It was something that 3 CHANGE ON e, 30 though we try to keep it they couldn't take lightly PM OFF 30 PM standardized, little things because they often flew 500



WI IN TI IF CONTEMPORARY souNos OF 1141 I 11 11 111111 t1111 Oil I II 11111/11 1t 1"111(C11,%,.1 ilk \ rod! it 111111{11AI Is 1 111',

A Hverlisentorr doom all! rmnstoton frprinninnwril Ihii Navy Densoment Moi tment ol Army, ar Department 01 the Air Force. 'WINDWARD' to FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM 8-10 pm TV & TV & TV & ))'\ STEREO STEREO BUDW E IS E R $1.00 L KAILUA PEARL HARBOR WAHIAWA FAST EDDIE'S AIKAHI PARK SHOPPING CENTER SALT LAKE SHOPPING CENTER 136 WILIKINA ST. YOUR FAVORITE ENTERTAINMENT SPOT! E 254-6409 833-5822 622-1616 52 ONEAWA ST., KAILUA 261-8561 fri .A-4; HAWAII MARINE July 28, 1988

\ 173 erects THE NO NAME BAR & RESTAURANT self-contained introduces

FUN LUNCHES aircraft beginning August 1st 1988 shelter 11:00 a.m. A GREAT NEW MENU featuring American, Italian, \ While one shelter can easily house a CU-53 Mexican & helicopter, several kits can be combined to Cajun Cuisine accommodate larger, or numerous aircraft. SPECIAL EVENTS MilPdOVS Win a 20% discount for your entire office... just enter your business card. Tuesdays Flowers by Flora Lani Wednesdays Story and photos by materials and tools that are Soap Opera Luncheon Cpl. David Kershberg needed to erect the structure Thursdays are stored and shippod in a VVhat does an air conibat large steel crate. The elu per- Fashion by HARILINE Clothing unit do when it goes to 'fight st.ructure, a network Friday in a desolate., barren 'ritgiron and which beatos trusses Happy-Flour Luncheon arid 11 as 110 d g to form the skeleton, i made of shelter its aircraft from dual no ni kolvi nun) alloy w Ming heut arid weather? gives I i Ittweig Kt; hut d ti- First Phitoon, Constra.4.- nt hie t4u pnori Owerin j.; the Join us for our Fun Lunches tine Branch, Marine Wing Fr a knew ()Ht. are M er 0 u at the NO NAME BAR & RESTAURANT Support. Squadron (MWSS). strips of ether urethane a 173 presented an answer to tough rubberlike In aterlai 131 Hekili St. Kailua 261-8725 this question r4.cently when, that link together to form ki In a hurry? - Call Ahead!! according to Sgt. Mark A. waterproof shell, ( and Wayne, project, Nit..X.) and 1st anchors, provided for use platoon sergeain they be- du ring extreme weather C'allSO OR first, military unit e 0 (Li ti)ti tic, ea a gi e on Hawaii to littruaare extra stability, Tito 1,;,N.0eqlitiunary Aircraft Main. shelter is 145 -feet long,65- iermore ;.;heli,cr feet; wide, inal 2.5 feet high. CAR STEREO PLUS. The p I a I 00a v, a ri the A. C,11-5;1 helicopter eat!dly fitS 6-11- "THERES NEVER A FUSS AT CAR STEREO PLUS" pyoleil 4 illy 6, and added the inside. Ihtwever,sholters iui ur; 1101(110a July I'd. be joined together to expand Construction went well, but the volume of the hangar. the combat engineers ran -Four kits assembled together Sgt. Mark A. Wayne, project NCO, completes the into a few snags along the can houtoi (..1.10, or i num installation of a light to one of thm shelter's aluminum way. "Most of it is trial-44nd bar of snialler aircraft. alloy beams. rror, a. d t in a it u a. I doesn't seern to coito....idc " (".)11.Ce thin RH f,'!,;(11. 1,0 iiog, the construction," said. Sgt. (11 iv 'tt 71 H.I r td; lted W y e a at work all Onth Cir 110,0r .1 A .. Crary FAST brainstorm inj4 WLIS essential, I), lAtners, "It'l; learning as none of the eight-into) experiera.v." crew had ever labored, on The Ma.rines of 1st Platoon 1-DAY SERVICE PYRAMID 600S anything like this before. W ere coil fronted with an Available The only train ig given to anfainiliar task, and counted- MON.-pm., 9-5:30; SAT., 9-4; on teamwork to job " : the platoon prior to the corn get the 40144 oft clime. They have improved merwernent of construction The Best Is Getting Better 4nm* Wiwi IA 12mm ut introductoryi upon th.e "force in readilleSS," concept, thus improving video tape. the Between Jack-In-The-Box and Craigs Bakery Model 600S 1 T e it i reran; h Otter is reliability of the st ;Marine IIIAM/FM/MPX Stereo Receiver completely selfq.m.ti tinned: all Expeditionary Brigade. Auto Stop Cassette Player MODEL SE-1412 30 Watt, Co-Axial 4" Speakers FM/Stereo/Tape Run LED KAMAAINA SPECIAL can Be Surface or Flush Mounted indicator 24 Watts Output e'BUY ONE DINNER SHOW-GET ONE FREW* Power Antenna Lead DISCOVER SHERATON'S SPECTACULAR Polynesian afkr. 1, ,-


PYRAMID PHASE III 25VL Revue AM/FM/MPX Stereo Receiver Aloha Unibed AT THE Way PRINCESS KAIULANI HOTEL Auto-Stop Cassette Player It brings out the best in all of us. IN THE NEW AINAHAU SHOWROOM 3-Band Equalizer/Booster illiackIng Fast Forward uch More

MEET DON HUTCHINSON Realtor Associate & BEST SELLER Hale MODEL SE6933 at Koa/Better 3-Way Tri-axial, 40 Watt, 20 Oz. Magnet, Homes & Gardens 6"x9" Lo-Freq. Cone, 3" MIdRange, Don Hutchinson (RA, GRI) has been selling real estate for 11/4" Tweeter .10 years. I )0n says it was the friendly attitude of the associates that made him choose Hale Koa/Better Homes & Gardens. Don works very hard marketing Hawaii Kai & is one of the team of associates who will open the Hale Koa/Better Soli) lomes & Gard(ns' Hawaii Kai branch office August. HALE KRA I)oii can be .reached at 396-9741 or 486-5555. tad111,, For career opportunities, call Rh etn at 486-3300.

UNCONTESTED DIVORCE MIDWAY LS 340 lire and fury. Ptilsating tropiiI 40 Watt 3-Way Box-Type rhythms. Ferocious worrion. Seductive maidens. Dar/ costumes, The South Pacific $35000 plus filing fee explodes in a l)laZC of-color in the 'Ainahau Showroom at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel. LET OUR STAFF HANDLE YOUR Our new show's hotter than ever. AUDIOVOX AV 3050 Don't miss Polynesia's finest OM/FM Stereo Radio with Auto Reverse UNCONTESTED DIVORCE dancers, direct from Tahiti, Samoa, Cossetto Player and 2-Way Balance .Auto Fiji, New Zealand, and Tokelau. reverse cassette mechanism with locking Two dinner and cocktail fast-forward and push button eject 'LED CALL THE DIVORCE CLINIC DIVISION tape direction and FM stereo indicators .14 , shows nightly. For reservations watts maximum output power. OF LEGAL CLINICS OF HAWAII. INC. call 922-5300. You'll never look it hula lite .:alrle Way agairt

.Vlid t irnugh AURUNI 31, 190, validined parkileR available. 545-7000 (across from ZIPPY'S) vs. 43-2 Oneawa St. Kailua 263-7667 Quick, Efficient and Inexpensive! -1 14 Fkahilani I lotel LAYAWAY PLAN WE ACCEPT VISA MASTERCARD INSTALLATION AVAIL. July 28, 1988 HAWAII MARINE A-7 Defenders, Survivors revisit Wake Island Story and photo by pines. He heard the first the whole story until later Hove me," he said. Capt. Kevin Krejcarck news of a Japanese attack when the Marines got their Only a couple of hours The Hawaiian Airlines DC- on Oahu Just before 6 a.m., message in code. When I after the attack on military 8 jet descended from 35,000 Dec. 8, 1941 (Wake Island finally made it to chow, and installations in Hawaii, .eet through scattered, puffy sits just past the interna- told everyone about the Wake Island was barraged clouds; 170 passengers tional dateline). "I was on message, no one would be- See WAKE/A-8 pressed their faces against the plane windows. A seem- ingly miniscule piece of land resting on the collapsed rim of an extinct volcano broke the ocean's steady horizon. On board were a group of defenders of and survivors Grady Westby traces his fingers along the rock where Wake Island, civilians and POW inscribed the last evidence of the military who fought off the an unknown first amphibious assault remaining 98 civilians left on Wake. Island. against American forces in World War IL From Decem- END BALDNESS TODAY ber 8-23, 1941, 523 military men, mostly Marines, and 1,200 civilian workers fought IN 2 1/2 HOURS side-by-side to protect this newest American outpost. Our procedure enables you to obtain The civilians were employed by, the eight construction 100% human hair designed companies of the Contrac- specifically for you. Our process tors Pacific Naval Air Bases you a full head of to build the defenses of Wake Guarantees beautiful 100% human hair in our 21/2 For most of the men hour non medical procedure. returning to the island, as well its for their families, this Don't delay! Call today was the first time visiting the for a private consultation island since the men were taken prisoners of war. For in the privacy of 262-0625 a few others, this was their Emotion brought out during the dedication of a monument to the 1,200 civilian workers your home or office. second trip after a return to who fought side-by-side with the military forces in the beginning days of World War thi's -U.S. Air Force-controlled II, trickles down the cheek of one family member. Swim, Shower, Play, island Nov. 2 and 3, 1985. With Confidence For all of the survivors and duty," he recalled. "The Safe Non medical defenders , the trip.was filled Marines came to pick me up with vivid memories, and a to go to chow when the radio Procedure tine to see how the island started coming out with BLUE GINGER CAFE v 100% Human Hair has, been transformed over `SOS- SOS- Japanese No Waiting, 21/2 Hour the decades since their forced attacking Pearl Harbor!'" FETTUCINI ALFREDO $500 departure. Rogers remembered that the Process SSgt. Ernest Rogers, one call came from Hickam Field, 100% Satisfaction of six Army Air Corps per- Hawaii. The message con- VIETNAMESE CHICKEN sonnel stationed on Wake tinued, "This is the real thing back then, was assigned to - this is no drill!" Rogers guide B-178 to the Philip- said that they didn't learn CURRY $475 Our Special Dessert HOMEMADE L.A. HAIR On Christmas Day, they received their first $1 50 COMPANY nourishment, courtesy of their captors. FLAN Instead of ... roast young torn turkey, baked Full Service Bar Don't be Misled by Virginia ham and filet of sole, they received AMERICAN & VIETNAMESE CUISINE Imitators. We gasoline-tainted water and a small handful of Open 7 Days A Week 8:00am-10pm Guarantee You a rice. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Full Head of Hair

KAILUA SHOPPING CENTER 261-1289 Today. 21/2 hours Inter

it1 Aug. 4, 11,18 DA CLUB PEARL Presents "PETER'S MECHANICAL Monday to Friday SURF MACHINE!" BREAKFAST SPECIAL Cash prizes, Paradise Lounge, (We're the only ones on base Club Pearl, Pearl Harbor who still insist on serving you), Tradewlnds Club, Aug. 5, 6 Hickam AFB, 6:30 - 9:30 PM "THE TOP HAT REVUE" Aug, 1,8 Entertainment for the soldier, MUSIC NIGHT BUDWEISER MUG Aug 4, 11 by the soldier, SGT Smith Aug. 1, 8,15 Voyager Enlisted Club, STEAK NIGHT (2 FOR 1) Theatre, Schofield Barracks NAVCAMS EASTPAC, KARAOKE Sing-a-Long Marina Restaurant, 6 PM to 2 AM Walanae Beach Club, Rainbow Marina, Pearl Harbor, Aug 11, 12 "LIVE ENTERTAINMENT" Waianae Army Recreation 5:30 - 8:00 PM Center, 4 PM-8 PM Aug. 2, 9 Walanae Beach Club, SNCO BUFFET & Aug. 6, 13 Waianae Army Recreation Aug. 5, 6 GAME NIGHT MAKE YOUR OWN Center, 8.'30 PM -12 30 AM CWB PEARL PRESENTS Staff NCO Club, MCAS SANDWICH Kaneohe, Buf1191 CHRISTMAS IN AUG.? HIGHER GROUND Porthole .!lunge, Pe: it 6 - 7:30 PM, Games 7:30 PM Paradise Ballroom, Harbor CPO Club, POCIII Harbor, !, late co still a few choice dates for your Club Pearl, Pearl 11 AM - 1 PM available Aug. 5 Harbor, 8:30 PM - 1:30 AM organization's Christmas Party. BUDWEISER WRESTLING Aug. 4, 11 Check your club for reser- Aug. 5, 12, 19 NIGHT SEA BREEZE, vations. WKE'S PINEAPPLE BAND Pearl Harbor CPO Club, MEXICAN NIGHT Pearl Harbor, 7:30 PM Officer's Club, MCAS Sea Breeze Restaurant, Kaneohe 8:00 - Midnight Hickam Harbor, Hickam AFB, Aug. 5 800 PM Dinner Month of August FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS HONOWW SHOW BAND Windward Enlisted Club, MCAS Kaneohe, 5:00 PM - MONDAYS - TRADEWINDS '1 Budyvvier. CWB 1 1.. Iii,ont A9 our .4:;.*://oxerti tow, B PM - Midnight kind .briifier toed Offil ,1114,41 TUESDAY - SATURDAY, ...kkmk, 41.014..(40,... .11 limli.,14 HICICAM OFFICER'S CLUB I. 8 PM - Midnight Hickam AFB

Aug. 4,5 CLUB PEARL COUNTRY NIGHT: featuring RIO, Club Pearl Enlisted Club, Pearl Harbor, 8:30 PM - 7 A-8 HAWAII MARINE July 28, 1988 0 WAKE/from A-7 help with anything they The Japanese final assault; were scheduled to come in," house and heavy equipment they could to repel the enemy could do." ships laid a barrage down on Wardle said. operator. Everybody was from their shores. Everyone by I.00-pound bombs released "rl'hat's just the way it the island, but Marine Maj. Defenders' spirits were certain the lights were from manned the batteries except from 236 Japanese bomber was," added Taylor. "When Paul Putnam, Fighter boosted Dec, 12 when a resupply ships expected from for about 200 Marines who aircraft. 'Eight of the 12 F- the chips were down every- Squadron commander, held Marine pilot claimed a kill on Pearl Harbor. took up shore positions, In 41? ('Wildcat" Marine fighters body pitched in." oil launching the four re- an enemy submarine. Hopes were dashed when a the early morning darkness, went to Major about 100 troops were destroyed. The civilian Official records of those maining U . a aircraft. The civilians continued radio runner Japanese Pan American Airways hotel, killed during the following "When the searchlights their limited training with Putnam and said, "I have landed on Wilkes. The docks and inaintenance fa- two weeks of battle have came on, we got our first the "Tin Soldiers," an affec- had news. The ships don't defending forces threw every- cilities for their "clipper" long since been lost, but it is target," said Bob Haidinger, tionate name given to the answer our signal - they thing they had at the enemy. service received more of the certain that civilian casual- a corporal serving as No. 2 military defenders. aren't ours." Bullets and hand grenades same, ties were actually greater loader on the three-inch gun "At 1 a.m., Dec. 2:3, we The combined forces of were everywhere. Enemy started seeing ship lights to workers, also began pouring Bill Taylor, then a civilian than those suffered . by the on Wake's Peacock Point. military and civilian forces iron worker, motioning to- Marine Defense Force. "We cut the fuses of the the south and west," said at that point fighting as an onto Wake. American de- wards the former gun em- The aerial bombardment shells so they would explode Max Boesiger, then a power 'integrated machine, did what See WAKE/B-8 placements, remembered that from Japanese planes con- inside the hulls [of the morning. "Fragmentation tinued. to slash at the ships]." bombs took out about GO island's defensive 3- and G- Combining use of their percent of the gun crews in ch guns. The defenders guns and aircraft, the de- within 30 seconds," 'he said kept moving the guns to fenders dispatched two Japa- GET At the beginning of the deceive the enemy. They nese destroyers, and possibly attack of Wake, construction also erected mock-ups of the a third, to the bottom of the workers and military men guns; Japanese forces re- ocean. Three damaged cruis- IN ACTION were scattered across Peale, alized too late that the ers and one transport ready BACK Wake and Wilkes Islands, island's formidable firepower to discharge landing forces ... ,.. which moles up Wake. IA. was still intact. "I'm sure the were forcedto return to their CO . jai O r excavation , - Ala r ) "Ike" Wardle, an enemy thought they had base with staggering losses ,I V. /f I l . at ' (-1- 0 foremen at the time, said, 4 knocked out all our defenses of more than 700 men. 101< "The military told the civil- repel- b. when they made their first After the successful , ..,,,,,,14.1 ians to take cover, but nearly attempt at landing," com- ling of the amphibious as- hall] of the 1,200 went to mented one defender. sault, work continued on rt O.." y 0 ,..... diP,, "-Fill island defenses. "Everybody ._ _ - I alP 1 :. ' ...... - ....,.... 1.41/ was getting ready for 2,500 ' $.01 4441r ..,...... "..... ,....^... Marines and 24 planes that Have you stopped doing the things you enjoy because of back Workers Comp. & Auto PROBLEMS? pain? Chiropractors can get you Accident Insurance Fully STAY OUT OF COURT! back into the swing of things Cover Chiropractic Treatment Conflict Resolution Keep It Friendly Resolve disputes in a non-combative, non - confrontational way. Call Today. MEDIATE, DONT LITIGATE GEnchanted Lalte Tom DiGrazia, Atty At 15-years-old, Roger "Chick" Sanford was the youngest 415 Uluniu St., - Kailua Chiropractic Marine captured when the surrender to Japanese forces Dr. Trish Dean Dr. Jamie Phillips came Dec. 23, 1941. The salute he rendered during the Same Day Appointment recent visit to the island is resplendent with the pride 262-0730 Available shown by all Marines. 1090 Keolu Dr. CALL: 2621'5555 BEEF CENTER COUNTRY RADIO MANAGER'S OPEN HOUSE TOP TEN HITS 41

1. SET 'EM UP JOE V11111 (Tomlin By Popular Demand 2. DON'T WE ALL HAVE Back THE RIGHT Ricky Win Shelton 3. BABY BLUE George Streit 4. DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" Keith Whitley 5. SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE *No Money Down No Payment for 45 Days MIGNON S Robe Mc:Futile cuslornors TAEK O. BLUEST EYES IN TEXAS 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH-NO INTEREST rcn n Hemlines Hoer t 7. THE WANDERER Credit) 833-0020 Fritly lanlabllt (Extended Terms Available on Approved r . 8. GIVERS AND TAKERS f.1, K11. STOCK UP NOW cQliing4o 833-0020 9. I'LL GIVE YOU ALL MY LOVE TONIGHT Willfully fit Own USDA CHOICE SPECIAL NO. 1 10. SHE DOESN'T CRY ANYMORE Stimuli Wont) PER PAYMENT $4300 FOR 6 Listen to AM 94 LBS. FOR ONLY PAYMENTS Countdown For Amancan Country 300 1010 Stooks 1Ionding alb er lonit Saturday 10 a.m. to Noon :1;11:1054,0116.0i0n4S, Nriw Volt !look Glound Mal binSel II Ondon YOU ClubSloaltt Sandn no Stooks Amore heal RECEIVE FREE 100 LB. BONUS PACK alb Slag,' Foe Oiukl ' 4111Tnat .f iloli 1111m, Cul hood Stave and man) rs. THIS 30 Lbs..Grade A rryurs 20 Lbs. Pork Chops .20 Lbs, Sliced Bacon 30 Lbs, Frozen Veootahles EXAMPLE: 200 lbs. 1 ti.loin,1 rib, 2 plates, 2 Hanka, 2 AND NO CHARGE WITH SPECIAL briskets. RI 51.29 lb. = $258.00 PLUS FREE 100 lb. THIS 01r bonus. Avg. weights 200-400 lbs. CALI, NOW 1011 DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE Nbe our LDS PLUS THIS PLUS THIS IBS 538-0666 tio FOR FOR 42975 fati"' only 35 $222 8 ::rv°^;+:1 150 ONLY 1 1ThErnitrIln ONLY 0 pnymnntn 40 LB. BONUS 40 LB. BONUS -_ FltanItInol Alen. 111111 naal 0111h %look pinta nAAt nto R. 1.11.nk saws. Mask 1141 %Upon eaolnIn Rink 'alit arm of Round lump flout USDA GRADE "A" USDA GRADE "A" Roast .P.1 boas, RID YOURSELF OF Tatlyahl step Round Aladi *Moroi MIN Atm Knife! iirtoh stilrInIn Tip Roast Ihs, Chicken I5 Ills, Chicken Chualt Elva. planS %WS Etlht 11E10 Otoond null ONO annum! Hoar ONO RNA 10 Ibs. Pork Chops 3 lbs. Pork Chops Chonli Hunt UNWANTED BODY Lundnn nrnn And Amid Cunt A Ulm Cols FAT. 10 lbs. Venetahles 115 lbs. Vogn1;11)1ns SPECIAL #2 0 lbs. Miceli 5 111S, B11111111 SPECIAL #3 BONDS ht NO CHARGE BONDS Tl3 NO CHARGE 135 IA Indocile WITHOUT DIETING 150115s bomb., 3 Chook. I WO 1 511100 I itouncl EIOINI WITH SPECIAL h2 WITH SPECIAL it 2 mains 2 torniu A 13(11.011 110nIN 2 tal1INds pot rb.. 411165 plus AO at la S11910 1151',0plut 40NUS PACK wt 13510 4 t., PM ell Its 110NUS PACK A AK] 150 10 Avg wl 1501( 290 101 YEAR ROUND SPECIAL NOTICE! ATTENTION (FOIL All BEEF USDA CHOICE BLOCK READY All haat Intl on by Apoolnimtd. ALL 1CITAL dollar KALIL:TS GUARANTIED FOR TENDERNESS AND ;Wray Woad on minimum walEhls. Nome winos IN Twween?. WWI,. al Malec Planks anti ibikals III ground' 600 $2557 FLAVOR 10 YOUR SATISFACTION h OP WILL Oval and Rap Cut. Moil Is nil MIIIIIINCIUld Bernal lb Plus Fkompla.50011)5 cut bauta153.99 BE REPLACED LB FOR LB Al SO . thareont wnlghl will vary. All Pow 111.0.1 are 100 lb' FRU Pork. Poultry I Vogeloblas, 3 GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS AGAINST hued on 4 nom. portion. DEEP 610E% AVAILS,. 440 Chucks, 3 121bi, 3 Stoins. '3 Round., 7 5110Ins ILK: A 1000 pound ale.? Odd pounda of Mall FREEZER oar' mils loom A BOO pounds norms. SIN en sleaka, 25% roasts, 7R% Is ground bed and anny. 2f1n. la LIPOS 'ION FRE mods on ol Ill, Ilona And slolttliay. 'FA !Mahal INTRODUCTORY OFFER 2041h. cutting R1 wrapping chnrge on all ordure 720 RIB EYE 100 LBS. FREE FROZEN VEGETABLES USDA CHOICE SELECT CUT ORDERS OR FOR THOSE WHO WANT JUST THE 20 LBS. GREEN DEANS 20 LBS. MIXED VEGETABLES STEAKS REST CUTS AT UUR REGULAR 20 LOS. CORN 2018S. BROCCOLI .20 LBS. CARROTS to all customers °Pon EVERYDAY PRICES months account Ing o 6 Up to 100 lbs. alma, order. Mix or match with any bonus pock. with purchase on up. c\I rdovoli Credit AIR SNORT BRISKET CON- THE PLATE, RANK & FORE SHANK AIL tiErE SOLD& PRICED ON GROSS 15.49 LOIN SIRLOIN LONGER SISTS OF THRIFTIER CUTS REQUIRING WEIGHT AND SUBJECT 10 TRIM LOSS LB S7,nn stl.f19 ROUND COOKING OR PROCESSING METHODS. 64,419 LT

RNINKIT NO ASK ABOUT FREE GREGORY 11ERBICH, M.D. FREEZER? See IR, STORAGE PLAN AVAILABLE WITH KUAK1N I MEDICAL PLAZA NAME BRAND FREEZER ALSO Wt-, train IS lbs. and lip 111101(1 ior valurnti 321 N. KUAKINI ST., STE GUI FOR SALE. B NTER Saying CALL 538-0666 3131 N. NIMITZ HWY. AIRPORT SIDE For initial Free Consultation FREEZERS $349 CLOSED MONDAY 10 cubic ft. for as Tow as $349.00 plus tax, with 141 larger. 30 AMERICAN AMP:RICAN BUTChase at Baal order 200 lbs. or TUESDAY-FRIDAY 10 -R Mrit financing available SOCIETY ACADEM OP' months SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10-6 FOOD SIAMP§= 1.111081.1CTION COSMETIc 833-0020 1411011IRY HU Itra:ItY WELCOME -cCk, 74" eNrqt"i_ 17. :=44c.T"Ikr-Wit"V4c. TCT-""A h ly 28 1988 qiae0a,a 7italifte Intramural Volleyball season begins Story and photos by The White Knights of HMM-165 probably moved indoors, and the volleyball nets that are Sgt. Joe P. Jascur would have hoped that K. BAY LAW played with up during noon time are getting a workout as the time for one less player as they were defeated15-12, and 15-9. teams are practicing for their next step toward It's fun-in-the-sun beach volleyball games the beach have games to take a back seat, and the "hard-core" For now the pick-up at the intramural crown. volleyballers will be digging, bumping, and spik- ing their way to claim the coveted intramural championship title. For the next few weeks, many whistles will be heard coming from the Station gym every Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings now that the 1988 Intramural Volleyball. Season is in full - swing. The league, which will host 14 teams in two divisions, began Tuesday with the WM's taking on VMFA-235 in court #1, and HMM-165 playing K. BAY LAW in court #2. The VMFA-235 Death Angels dropped a couple of losses on the WM's by defeating them 15-4, and 15-5. There was one advantage that the Death Angels had on the WM's -a full six man team to take the court. "We played 'okay' for being down one player," said WM player Laurie Golden.

WM's Laurie Golden and Robin Brun wail for the volleyball as VMFA-235's "Wess" Sides (top), and Richard Wilkes makes sure it gets over the net. Intramural Schedule . Team Standings* TimeAug. 1 7 p.m. 5 vs 6 Team 12 vs 13 Division A Division B 6 p.m.. 12 vs 10 8 p.m. 8 vs 1.0 1. WM's 0-1 8. Maint. BSSG-1 0-2 13 vs 9 11 vs 9 2. HMM-165 1-1 9. 1st Radio Bn. 2-0 7 p.m. - 11 Nis 8 Aug. 3 3. MWSS-173 0-2 10. Navy 1-1 5 vs 3 6 p.m. 9 vs 8 4. Supply BSSG-1. 2-0 11. H&MS-24 #1 14 8 p.m. 6 vs 2 11 vs 12 5. K. BAY LAW 1-1 12. 7th Comm. 0-2 7 vs 1 7 p.m. 10 vs 13 2 6 4 White Knife Russell Scott attempts to spike over K. 6. VMFA-235 2-0 13. 3rd Marines 2-0 Aug. vs BAY LAW'S blocker Adam Firestone and setter Chuck 7. H&MS-24 #2 0-1 14. Hq co. 1st MEB 0-1 6 p.m. 3 vs 1 8 p.m. 7 vs 3 Green (right). *As of July 26 4 vs 7 1 vs 2 Rod, gun club "gobble-up" seminar

Turkeys in Hawaii??? of the year calls for different hunting methods tion is to want to get back together as a flock." No, not the two-legged variety of poor than on the mainland, where most hunting Gonzalez says gunning the big birds on the drivers or ego-inflated tourists. But the real is done in the spring." fly isn't sporting, and risky. "You want to call thing, feathers, beard,and all! Many of the techniques are similar; that is, that bird in to 40 yards of so of your stand, According to Deane Gonzalez, who orga- you must practice excellent camouflage, find then deliver 1.1 load of No. 5 or No. 6 shot in nizes guided turkey and deer hunts on the areas with plenty of feed, water and roosting the head and neck. This saves the succulent private Molokai Ranch,therearernore turkeys spots, use a short-barreled 12-guage with a meat and also guarantees that the bird isn't here per acre than anywhere in the world. tight pattern, and you must keep still as the going to get up and run off somewhere to die." "It's a big surprise to most hunters," large tree you're using to break up your Gonzalez told the Kaneohe Bay Rod and Gun outline. But the calling ir, different. On two of the videotapes Gonzalez screened, 'Club at the second of their semimonthly "During most of the Hawaiian turkey hunters were shown leaping to their feet and meetings here Tuesday, July 19. "But take season, we use fall hunting techniques and running after their downed birds. "You don't advantage of some of the best turkey hunting calling styles," said Gonazlez, pausing to wipe want to lose that bird," he said, "and turkeys you're likely to find anywhere." his tortoise shell spectacles. "Rather than the are incredibly strong. If you hit them in the You can apply the skills you develop upon call of the young birds seniir;114..d. from head, they're usually down to stay - but you returning to the mainland. "The real chal- the flocks that we use in the spring, we give still run to collect 'em!" lenge of turkey hunting is to call in a big old more clucks and yelps. There's little outright A record book is maintained at the South gobbler," Gonzalez told the 15 club members gobbling, since it isn't mating season." Carolina headquarters of NWTF, and present. "It's like taking a trophy buck. When gobblers are scored by the length of their you're clucking and yelping to a big old Calling isn't as difficult as you'd think. spurs, length of their beards, and total weight. monarch of the forest, and you call him into Gonzalez uses both mouth calls and mechan- Gonazlez's Hawaii-killed, 22-pound gobbler your stand, the adrenalin rush is terri fir!" ical call. "Each turkey has a different voice," ranked fourth on the record books for several Gonzalez is a member of the National Wild ho noted, "and so there's no one 'perfect' years. Turkey Federation, and has recruited 17 sound. Repetition is more important than "There are some big birds over on the members for the South. Carolina-based outfit. delivery during fall hunting." private Molokai Ranch, and also on the public He told of the introduction of Rio Grande, The president or the Hawaiian chapter of lands near the Pohakuloa Training Area on Domestic Feral and Hybrid turkeys to the NWTF says a good strategy is to spook a the Big Island," he said. "You're really Hawaiian Islands. bunch of birds while hiking through likely missing something if you don't try hunting "Birds were planted on most of the islands, country. "The best situation of all," he said, these crafty birds." but have done well only on Molokai, Lanai "is to come upon a big bunch of birds. Do Daily fees on the Molokai Ranch are $25, Maj. Mnrk Tint?Unit photo and Maui," he explained. "The season for anything you can to break them up, get them and information about guided hunts may be Deane Gonzalez demonstrates a turkey turkey is from the first week of November, flying in all dirctions. Then you can sit down obtained from Gonazlez at. 336 Kikoo Place, call to lure the big old gobbler. through the third week of January. This time and call them in, since their natural inclina- Honolulu, HI 96825 or call 395-4607. Marine Corps on top in local, national sports

the All-Marine Tryout Camp were WM FMFPac Regional players Diane Sackett, Elenor Sade, and Renea Winton. National Sheralton McRay, and Donnie Cash were the men's selec- Championship Results tees. Pistol Match HASAC Golf Tourney Marine Sergeant Mitchell. R. Reed, MCB, Quantico, Va., The Women and Men Hawaii Marine Varsity Softball won the Ari caliber Championships of the National Matches teams returned from the Fleet Marine Force Pacific The Hawaii Marine Golf Team placed first in the Seniors Pistol phase at Camp Perry, USA, Ohio recently by scoring Regional Championships recently with some positive and Open Team Divisions of the Hawaiian Armed Services 883-37x out of a possible 900 points. Reed also placed fifth results. The women walked away with the FMFPac crown Athletic Council Golf Tournament recently. For four rounds in the National Pistol Championship which was a com- by soundly defeating second and third place finishers of golf, the Seniors W. E. Daniell, Bud Brown, Rick Heim- bined score of the .22 caliber, center fire, and .45 caliber Camp Foster and Camp Kinser. The men didn't fare as well gartner, and Smoky Edwards shot a 909 in the stroke-play championship matches. as the women; however, they finished in third place to first- tournament, and Marine Open team winners Charles In the .4b Caliber Team Championship, the Marine Corps place Okinawa Unknown and second-place Okinawa Allen, Mike Taras, Roger McCann, John McCray, Neil Scarlet T,eam took 1st place with a score of 1156-50x out of a Express. Hatcher, and Cary Sanders shot a 1536 for four rounds of possible 1,200 points. The Hawaii Marines who were selected to stroke-play.

v B-2 HAWAII. MARINE .10 I!!!. 2H,, 1988 $40-4 .546,a4

K-Bay Rod, On the weekend of October 1- tion in a playoff with June the Sixth Annual Richard 1-1, Cross office located next to Children's age groupings are . 3, cyclists can ride their bikes Hensley on July 12 at the Wheeler Kolekole Pass Half the 7-Day Store. 12 and under, 13.15 and 16-18. Gun Club on the Big Island from Hilo Kaneohe Klipper course, Marathon August 7, begin- Adults are grouped by 10-year up to beautiful Kohala, and Other Monthly Ace winners ning from Schofield Barracks Water Aerobics intervals. Relay awards go to The K-Bay Rod and Gun down to the warm coast of who competed were Jean at 6 a.m. and ending at Lint- the top three places in each Club will meet August 2, 7:30 Kona. Then on the week-end Yoshioka, Kathleen Sansone, lualei Naval Magazine. Water Aerobic classes are relay catagory: male, female p.m. at the Bunk #540, (near of October 15-17, bike lovers Pat Garties, and Betty Roth. A $13 entry fee includes conducted at the Station pool and mixed. the "0" club). can spend a day exploring the The Ace of Aces tournament chances at prize drawings every Monday, Wednesday, The K-Bay Rod and Gun roads of Lahaina, ride the will be held in January. and a T-shirt. Entry forms are and Friday at 6 p.m. Use your The deadline for the $12- Club will also sponsor a ferry boat to Molokai, and Ace of the Month available at military gymna- Sem per Fit card to pay for the per- person entry fee is July 20. hunter safety program pedal through an untouched siums, running shops, sport- classes. Race application forms are August 5 from 6 p.m. to 10 area of old Hawaii. Sunny Corey of the Kaneohe ing goods stores, and the available at the station gym, p.m., and August 6 from 8 a.m. Klipper Golf Association Society. Dash, local gyms, off-base sporting Group shot American Cancer to 2 p.m. at the 1.9th Puka, Bicyclists do not need expe- Women's a net 65 Deadline for entry is July 29, Splash Race good stores, parks, and recre- A Safety Certificate will be rience, nor expensive equip- (91-26) to w i II the .July Ace and only a limited number of ation pools. For more infor- 7 Canoe Club's Dash given after the completion of ment to take part in either competition held .July at the entries will be taken. Kailua mation, call 254-4511. Late Kaneohe Klipper course here. & will be held July 31, the course. There is no cost for event, and each cyclist can For more information, call Splash entries will be accepted until 7 a.m. at Kailua Boat Ramp. the course, and non-members ride at his or her own pace. Waialae Tourney the American Cancer Socie- 6:30 1)..M., race morning. of the K-Bay Rod and Gun The registration fee of $85 per Unit at This run/swim biathlon is welcome. more June Hensley of the ty's Central/Leeward open to individuals as well as Club are For weekend includes airfare; 486-8420. H&HS information, call 254-5570. breakfasts, dinners, lodging, Kaneohe Klipper Golf associ- relay teams. The run is 2.8 and mechanical assistance. ation Women's Group shot a Red Cross miles around Lanikai fol- Softball To find out more about two-round net of 148 (183.36) lowed by a .5 mile swim in Flag either trek, call Debbie Kiku- to win net in the B Classes Kailua Bay. Every partici- Tryouts chi at 537-5966. flight, at the Waialae Wom- An Adult CPR class will be pant will receive a Dash & The H&HS softball team Football In held 18- en's vitational July held Aug. 6, from 9 a.m. to Splash T-shirt or tank top. will be having tryouts July 30, 19 uL the Waialae Country The organization meeting Bodybuilding 3 p.m. The class is open to Awards for individual com- to a.m. to 1 p.m. at Risely and for the 1988 Fall Flag Football Club. everyone. Pregistration is re- petitors will be given to the Annex fields. For more infor- season will be Thursday, Championship For information call: Jean uired. top three finishers, male and mation (or can't make the August 1.1 in the Station The- Meeting Yoshioka, Publ. Churn at 262- A Standard First Aid class female. 1st -place ago group tryout) call LCpI. Burkman at ater. Any units wishing to 9006. wil be held Aug. 20, from awards will be presented. 257-3180. enter a team must have a There will be a meeting for 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Class representative at this moot- all competitors of the Mr. Kolekole Pass size will be limited to 10 paid ing. and Mrs. Bodybuilding Half Marathon participantS, so preregistra- Championships August 1, tion is also required, DISCOUNT 5:30 p.m., at the EM Club. The American Cancer Registration is now being Boxing The championship date Society will be sponsoring taken at the Kaneohe Red. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE has been changed to August Smoker 27, 6 p.m. at the EM Club. Pre-Owned NEW SMOOTH Fighters are still needed for For more information, call "Friday Night at the Fights". GySgt. Michael White at 257- TOP BED SETS 2079. USMC UNIFORM August 5, at the EM Club. If TWIN $14495 you are interested in fighting, Women's contact the Athletic Office at DOUBLE $18995 254-2458/2516. Golf SALE QUEEN $26495 Ace of Aces MON.-FRI., 9-5:30; SAT., 9-4; Bike Trek KING $37995 Cappy Morrison of the Excellent Alteration Service The American Lung Asso- Kaneohe Klipper Golf Associ- USED BED SETS ciation of Hawaii will conduct ation Women's Group shot a Between Jack-In-The-Box and Cralgs Bakery TWIN $3995 OUEEN $799 two bike treks in the islands 71 (96-25) win the bi- net to DOUBLE $6495 during the month of October. annual Ace of Aces Competi- 14, KING $ LADIES' BUNK THE BED NIGHT AT SETS Complete ACEY DUCEY w/mottrese LOUNGE! 26495 BROADCAST DEBUT EVERY MONDAY NIGHT IN AUGUST 5 PIECE DINETTE UNFINISHED Chests FROM COMPLIMENTARY FLOWERS 3-DRAWER 4-DRAWER 5-DRAWER TO THE FIRST 75 LADIES. 15995 2995 3995 4995 He's a famed biologist. INFO 471-1752 - Open 7 Days A Week But she's more interested in anatomy. STRAWBERRY 9-6 pm MARGARITAS 501 Sumner SI, CLUB 'PEARL (Just Off Nimltz Hwy.) Pearl Harbor $100 Coll PROVIDING THE BEST. . For FOR THE BEST! SPECIAL Directions 599-4002


Speakerphone 480 Answering System 1510 A stylish, "hands-free" speakerphone that Remote access answering system with integrated telephone. remembers 32 numbers. Features time/date and Messages, announcement change, fast forward and rewind can number dialed display, automatic redial of busy be accessed by any touchtone electronic or cellular phone. Uses numbers, selectable touch-tone or rotary dialing, reliable single GO minute standard cassette. Features voice acti- hold, mute and flash features, lighted dial buttons vated recording that eliminates gaps and dial tones, call screen- starring and more. Table/wall and hearing aid ing, variable message length, toll saver, built-in microphone and compatible. more. Integrated telephone features selectable dialing for Peter O'Toole touch-tone or rotary service, speed dialing of nine numbers, reg. $102.50 $8900 mute feature lighted dial and more. Marie! Hemingway reg. 8115.00 $9900

Cordless Telephone 5300 Never before such crisp and clear "corded" sound quality in a Wednesday 8:05pm cordless phone. Great new features include extended life batter- 1 3 1':.4:46t ies, thre channel selection from handset for best clarity and KEINE mobility, automatic digital security system guards against unauthorized use, intercom, paging, hold, selectable dialing for touchtone or rotary service, automatic receiver volume control, one-touch last number redial, mute feature and so much more.'

"The family suggests THE AMERICAN HEART $ 2900 ASSUCIATION reg. $149.00 1 that memorial MEMORIAL PROLIRAM., contributions he male to the American This ad was not paid for by the Marines Corps Exchange. Sale ends August 1. Quantities limited. WE'RE FIGHTING FOR Heart Association." YOUR LIFE When people want to American Heart grgi honor IUVCd one Association Nr and fight heart disease. marine Corps Exchange This space provided as it public service, July 28, 1988 HAWAII MARINI,: Clip -n -Save Coupon ' '" CNO/frenn A-1 their flightline fire protection program from the Air Station Chem-Dry® Carpet Cleaning 84.3 percent in areas ranging inspection team during 1987. Islandand from Air Combat Maneuvers 25 A OFF fool!rretinrlowpriicgunr. (ACM) to terrain flights Offer Expires 0/15/88- S40 minimum (TE.I1Fs). Services Also, mission A high awareness of Why Risk Steam or Shampoo? capable rates of 78.9 percent ground safety issues, such as Dries ill Go 111111 No sticky residue for the CH-531) Sea Stallions occupational, motor vehicle, Removes red dirt Sate, non-toxic and 83.8 percent for the UH- home and recreational Removes Stubborn Stains Economical 1N Huey, prior to their safety, resulted in no lost Specialists In Oriental Rugs 3 INSURED departure, were maintained work days due to work re- FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED during 1.987. lated ground mishaps in Leeward Chem-Dry® 625-0122 1987. In areaq outside of 1st MET support, '463 partici- pated in a C-5 load exercise The "Pegasus Press," a Single Parents and Homemakers for the MPS; assisted the quarterly squadron safety U.S. Coast Guard in exter- magazine, has been publish- ,111' 1C:1(1V ft) `4(' I nSk' -.1;11k, nal-lift operations for the ing safety ideas from squad- (11'101) r,ncer,:, and L.1111 innIc Conil(lytico In mil 1.11 maintenance of Omega Sta- ron personnel for more than tion antenna complex; and six years. A monthly news A1)1)1.1' TODAY- TALI, 1988 "winged" numerous VIPs and letter supplements the visiting dignitaries through- "Pegasus Press" by stressing Windward Transition Program out Hawaii, to include the current problem areas and ( ruin r 1 v W,ntn.n to Secretary of the Navy und important safety topics - .1 CrcrIlls Commandant of the Marine keep safety awareness high. I1',11.' Prt,o,r11111 ('ItItl, Corps, "The fact that HMH-463 is the tactical flying squadron C:111 1.k)Itt(1\s.;t1r1 Cuinitlutiity In other areas, HMH-463 within MAG-24 with the ('ulIgr 2:',r) 7.12:i was the only squadron in longest mishap free flight Nlunatv Iltrutte,11 ul;tv Iwtscil I I) tu ;111(1.1 1).111, MAC -24 to receive an "out- hour program is no coinci- Ertrulluictil Is 1111111111 standing" in both. Aviation dence," stated LtCol. Cross ApplIdttuti dr:01111r Is August I r), 1088 Safety and NATOPS from in. the award nomination. "It the commanding general, let is clue to the leadership and WiT MEB. Also, six outstanding efforts of every Marine in Windward Community College and two excellent inspection this squadron...At HMH-463 evaluations were received for safety is combat readiness!"

WHAT YOU GET OUT OF DEBT!! DON'T KNOW ABOUT ARTHRITIS Cpl. David hershbory photo Federal Bankruptcy Laws Allow You to Eliminate CAN HURT YOU Your Debts Or Require Your Creditors To Accept `Busted' for Charity swelling in one or more joints A Reasonable Repayment Plan "You have the right to remain silent ..." LtCoI. D.L. Fuller, E any mpning stiffness C.O. of HMM-265, is handcuffed shortly before being R ecurring pain or tenderness In any joint taken to Windward Mall July 15 to be sentenced to CALL THE BANKRUPTCY CLINIC DIVISION confinement, and released only upon receipt of $250 bail. 1 !lability to move a joint normally OF LEGAL CLINICS OF HAWAII, INC. The charges: smoking behind his wife's back, consistently CI bvioui redness and warmth in a joint being out of uniform and other sordid crimes. The 'arrest' was part of the American Cancer Society's Jail-a-thon, U nexplaVied weight loss, fever or weakness a fund raising campaign which took place July 15 & 16. 'combined with joint pain Almost $20,000 was raised during the two-day charity S ymptoms like these persisting for more The ilail-a-thon, now in its fourth year, has become event. than two weeks 545-7000 a prominent annual campaign for this benevolent cause. If you have these warning signs. consult your family physician or rheumatologist, call Arthritis Foundation or the °Mee ARTHRITIS nearest you. louNontioNe Legal services at affordable prices

Introduce yourself to a 12 oz. World Famous Hawaiian... P.m. Ol000 plluNl New BEQs ROYAL KONA: COFFEE Gordon Mew (center), president of Hawaii Innovative Engineering, Inc., and LtCol. P.R. Fields (center right), Air Station Facilities Director, prepare to lift the first shovel-full of dirt during a ground-breaking ceremony July 22, for two bachelor enlisted quarters (BEQs). Each of the four-story buildings will house 416 personnel and are scheduled to open in October 1909. 0 11 CATIO-THERM PERM



.. i,

Perfect curls Flog. $53. Few things In life are fool-proof, but I think I've found one, The 12 oz. Royal Kona' Gold Bag Whole Bean every time, This Catlo-Therm'" porm by Helene Curtis Is fabulous. It has a special Line Coffees formula that's heat-activated, so it of SALE $44 won't overdo. And right now a shampoo, cut and style are included 100% PURE MACADAMIA NUT FLAVORED BLEND MidWeek Special In a special low price. Take the guess-work out of your next perm (Mon., Tues., Wed.) go Catio-Therm'. BLEND COFFEE CHOCOLATE MACADAMIA NUT Nele paces neecese Ihronah Sangre'''. Itoone 20% off Nail 111811 JCPatinny Company, DECAFFEINATED BLEND COFFEE FLAVORED BLEND Services and

' Ear Piercing. The Styling Salon, at 40(' Windward-235.4224 off JCPenney the purchase price of 4111C I2 ounce bag of any of Open Sundays! 9:00-5:00 JCPenney these Royal Kona' Whole Bean coffees: Macadamia Nut Flavored, Chocolate Macadamia Nut Flavored, 100% Pure Kona, Kona Blend, K Kona Blend Decaffeinated

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11.,1;11;1.ii,11.1,1 01,0111... ,i,11 I. /1,11111 I /11l1111', I, or I,

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Women's more information, call 21i4- sion fee is $1.50. GRAM - Swap Meet Prepaa p.m. for $2 a space, you can advantage of or losing your 4719/2965. August 10 - "Japanese that become a seller. For 25 cool in certain situationA. Awareness August 3 . "Paper Tree Sushi Making" with Nancy August 24 - "Chinatown cents, you can become a Training begins Wednesday Programs Bark Note Cards" with Bea Sakamoto and. Hazel Excursion" with Bea Krauss buyer of bargains in the Sept. 14, form 6:30 - 8 p.m. ;10, Join us on Wednesday, Hawaiiana expert, at Tominaga. Learn an easy courtyard behind the 7-Day and runs for three morel/ Store. For more mornings from 9 - 11 a.m. at the Lyon Arboretum. ,loin technique on how to prepare inforination, consecutive Wednesdak Giant Swap call 254-4719/4965. nights. the Armed Services YMCA 1114 011 our to Marlon Val- this flavored rice finger-food, Outreach, down the sidewalk ley and learn how to make a favorite of the islands. Meet This class will be facili- form the 7-Day Store. Child these delightful notecnrds in Join us for this interesting The Armed Services Assertiveness tated by Joanne Little, care ($1 per child) and trans- the Arboretum's workshop. demonstration and enjoy a YMCA Outreach will be Training M.S.W., Clinical Social worlor\ portation (25 cents roundtrip Bring a sack lunch, and sample afterwards. Fee is $1. sponsoring another quarterly ier. Fee of $20 per persorH on base, GO cents off base ) enjoy a relaxing meal in a UPCOMING EVENTS; Giant Swap Meet Saturday, Learn how to "Assert" call to sign up at 254-4719 are available if needed. For lush tropical setting. Excur- August 17 - NO PRO- August 20, from 9 a.m.- 2 yourself. Stop being taken or 254-4965. Setace4 Aloha Jewish 7:30 ain. - Catholic Mass Sunday Chapel 8:30 a.m. - Protestant Com- 8 a.m. - Catholic Mass Pearl Harbor munion 9:30 a.m. - Protestant Wor- 011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 9:30 41.511. - Protestant Sun- ship ELEVE n 471-0050 day School, School, 131dg. 9:30 a.m. - Protestant Sun- Friday 1.391 day School WHERE THE GOOD THINGS 8 p.m. Shabat 9:30 - Catholic! Mass l'uesday - The sokohtmd cmp(.i Saturday 11. a.m.- Protestant Worship 11:30 a.m. - Catholic Mass COME EASY 10 a.m. - Shabat and Torah p.m. Samoan Congrega- Wednesday It Study tion 6:45 a.m. - Prayer Breakfast Kaneohe Bay Confraternity of Christian 7 p.m. - Choir rehearsal CAE I ictrine for Catholics is held Friday 257-3552 on Mondays. Pre-School 11:30 a,rn. Catholic Mass Weekdays through Kindergarten levels Confession Reconciliation PEPSI 11:45 a.m. - Catholic Mass are taught at the Chapel, 3:45 for Catholics is held up to 15 Fridays p.m. GraideH are minutes before each mass or SAVE SAVE to 4:45 Noon - jumah Prayer Serv- taught at Mokapti 1,:lemen- can be scheduled on an indi- or 7-UP ices, Bldg. 401. tary School, 6:45 to 7:!, vidual basis by appointment, $11.50 Saturdays Camp H.M. Smith $1.50 6 p.m. - Catholic Mass ON A CASE (FOUR 6-PACKS) ON A CASE (FOUR 6-PACKS) Sunday 477-5098 Ut PEPSI, UIE1 PEPSI, PEPSI OF 7UP, DIET 7UP, CHERRY LIGHT,CAFFEINE FREE DIET 7UP, DIET CHERRY 7UP, 7UP PEPSI, MOUNTAIN DEW, DIET GOLD OR DIET 7UP GOLD. ARRESTED FOR MOUNTAIN DEW OR ANY SLICE FLAVOR. B MACS-2 WITH Co., 7th Comm. DRUNK 454 #1- ritrjok: ' Welcome Aboard weico In e Aboard COUPON 1 PFC D.A. Muth Maj. M.V. Carmo 24, 12 oz. cons DRIVING 7149 without coupon LCpI. D.D. Bales Promotion CALL 11011 alb LCpI. A.F. Centeno Jr. NU. imp TaT, LCpI. R.H. White Jr. M.A. Graydon NOAH D. FIDDLER KS. Vance Attorney at Law rinwhin Cowin@ pi 91,0 par* *inn A01%01,14 Ii Alp FIi.F prx /Hi no, inneller In tocalvorpcnitiplonymxfinnylnliontipoihiclkiolhenininniffoo BSSG-1 Sgt. It.M. Tipton Free Consultation I'1.) Bill MOM, I.j Pim, l hilt01111111114 I M & nun $1 Su lNIn, X/ p.(I 1W. 11110004, tI !,o0,1X 1156111 until vnu Mll Incelve II ha ;Oh At noting In txafeniirxIMininin01111wno ohhi (fhwhelonwing lNir 111M Winching In nivnidsnun whit 11W1/111111(111111.111111011gpincliza Welcome Aboard 515- 7.1(11) hultluni Mod In novel nhuponnihitimintn1 null I1141111111.111111IwewAl nuthnionl Monk In covortaupwlsiboledintill be iliownunnninnuom I. I 11111/11 Il II I ninhl ter QIIM Conduct Medal dti 144) Inkoolonei Npoy With InOthred Cmli %lion I?6nl ltl /11n widow mull pay nny erdatin NwNvdd. 011h, (good us MIA11141 .110111111i. G.J. Roth 520 1111,11,A NI '4. ...A Ovine' niulnlillnd A/Ir Whip all conslitulon void relmmovi mNORI N1Mtln 101110d All ^OM "" - PFC wit any Moo rwqmin orxmom Inwn 0110 /Is u.& In (Innliirnnn Oh tiny olh 111n 000(10NI r IIK 111,1R:. SUITE 612 Cpl. J.A. Adorn° Cpl. Valadez IN I AWN, "WAWA" ''IA 792 ni,a3toi annfInnly7/1"1.71M : Cpl. R.W. Daniel Cpl. M.E. Wilkie `18.792 Cpl. J.W. Richardson 26.1-3233 GOOD ONLY At 7 ELEVEN GOOD ONLY AT 7-ELEVEN Meritorious Mast PALI PALMS PLAZA Cpl. R. Rodriquez Jr. R.S. Sichini 974N. KALAMAI Cpl. L. Stoll SUITE A-210 Promotion Letter of Appreciation LCpI. M.N. Wray Cpl. R.A. Hall WERE FIGHTING FOP 'YOUR LIFE _.1COCAINE. ITS NOT FOR ANYBODY. Research saves lives. =10.1111MMINEMINION American Heart 101 help (11' 111[(.11111 ;11 ion, Association 24 Imurs a day: 531 1618. 10 nummennumnumuniummumnonnonnummummunnommumnonnoninnumnumunnnomnumnono 41P TONE MU!

MILITARY" 36 MILITARY' SUPER 4 BLADE 52" SUPER S.M.C. C OUPON FULL SIZE COUPON 5 Year INCLUDE 1 FREE Receive Warrant SINGLE Receive 1 FREE WALL A A LITE CONTROL FREE nor oxacrly FREE as illustrated LIGHT KIT LIGHT KIT With any 42" HUNTER With any Purchase 2 IR Purchase over $15000 COMPLETE 5-YEAR WARRANTY over $15000 10 SERVICE SALE ENDS SUNDAY Offer Good Offer Good DEPT. Includes 1-5 Lite Kit s 1299' 7/31/ 5 p.m. WITH THIS WITH THIS AD ONLY PLUS 52"6 Blades 42" 52" 50" AD ONLY THRU SUNDAY In-store SIERRA HUNTER EMERSON CASABLANCA THRU SUNDAY 7/31/5 p.m. The Industries Fined 7/31/5 p.m. J Specials! ORIGINAL DELTA 25 Year Warranty American w/Remote Control Special pricing for Churches, NOW NOW Schools and

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Hawaii's Largest Fan Company since 1979 Open 7 days a week! Vf,

r Mon.-Fri. 9:30 to 6 P.M. Sat. 9:30-5 P.M. Sun. 11-5 P.M. KAILUA I 1247 Kailua Rd. 262-8131 AIEA 98-023 Hekaha St. 487-2322 KONA Art,* elk 11A PALM TERRACE 329-0988 immummummumummummamommin oussommummummmmummmmummunsitBUT0111 ildiy 28, 1988 HAWAII MARIN F. 13 -5

God cares pease. A young Justice Thursday Department investigator is and. so OIT ITAt The Disorder lies (PG). obsessed with D ppm-timid ing Comedy. The Fat :Boys care a beautiful woman who has do we! ior an ailing rich man whose a deadly obsession of her heritance is begin sought own: seducing, marrying Who tares about senior DELI N0.121 alter by his greedy nephew. and murdering wealthy men. citizens? God does and so do we! We operate Friday - Sunday Tuesday and more than 200 senior citizens' centers, serving BUY ONE GET ONE Action Jackson (R). Wednesday thouslials of meals a A6tion. "Action Jackson" is (lay to senior adults. We lOger-than-life police Sgt. BUY ANY WHOLE The Serpent and the care. We're The Salval ion SUB II Jericho Jackson in this hard- Rainbow (R). Set in the Army. F txp. am/ea GET ANY HALF SUB FREE driving action adventure mysterious world of Voodoo SUBMARINE v4/Coupon (Or Equal Or Lesser Value) which pits him against a in pre-revolutionary H a iti, MON-SAT 10:00-8:00 FOR PICK LIP! Illknurderous auto tycoon bent SUNDAY 11:00.4:00 this is the nightmarish jour- Pliolo Cfedlt. Phillip P. SpitklIng, III political power. 191 FIEKILI ST. 202 'DELI on ney of a Harvard iththro- L.. pologist who uncovers a Monday deadly power of transform Black Widow( ft), Sus- human beings into zombies.

Honolulu Community p . m . Tickets are $11. 4E:Theater - "A Streetcar Saturday show 9 p.m., $13 "4.1tirned Desire" July 15 - 31. prime seating. Tickets are $12, $10, and $7. Consolidated Theater - Club - Ilikai Tickets are available for Comedy $3.50. Ertel - Wednesday and Thursday show 9 p.m.; Fri- Mud Wrestling - Gussie day :;bows 8 and 10 p.m.; Lamours, July 28, 29, 30. Sai.orday show 7, 9, and 11 Ladies free, gentlemen $6. 117ptuoarail 50% OFF 30% OFF 50% OFF WOMEN'S SELECTED JUNIOR SELECTED MISC MCYCLE FOX® PANTS CASUAL TOPS WOMEN'S SHORTS WHIRLPOOL dishwasher. 1972 HONDA Cycle. Good Used for six months. Asking condition, $400. 175cc, call $200. Must sell now. Call after 5:0(1 p.m. at 235 -8631. after 5:00 p.m. at 235-8631. Make me an offer. 25% OFF 30% OFF 20% OFF ALL MISSES' & ALL JUNIOR ALL WOMEN'S 'Por,. sale 18,700 BTC Whirl- MOPED WOMEN'S lima air conditioner. One year SLEEPWEAR DUTY SHOES 001d. $300. Capehart wall to 1985 MOPED. Good cond. MOTIONS® PANTS wall carpet, camel-color. $500. Ask for James $175. 254-1280 254-.5537. after 5:00 p.m. WOMEN 'S BRAS ANY MEN'S SHORTS BUY ANY BRA OR BIKINI AT REG. BUY ONE, GET ONE AT Washer, $325.00; Dryer, 30% OFF PRICE GET 2ND AT $225.00; Both - $500.00. Excl. cond. Wurlitzer computer key- ALL ALOHA SHIRTS board, $3,000 obo. 257-2385. . ,$42 50% OFF Reg S50 1/2 PRICE COUNSELING I CHRISTIAN INFORMATION S REFERRAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL MEN'S LEVI'S® .,SERYICE MEN'S LOCAL TEES PERM SPECIAL 501 JEANS BUY ONE, GET ONE AT MARRIAGE, FAMILY Includes Cut & Style ENRG. $30 20% OFF & CHILD Lung noir slightly more ALL MEN'S DOCKERS® COUNSELING OW $23.99 50% OFF LICENSED CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGISTS PSYCHIATRISTS SOCIAL WORKERS 20% OFF FOUR® SHIRTS 40% OFF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE THAT HELPS SELECT BUY ONE, GET ONE AT THE TYPE OF Children Welcome ALL MEN'S ALL BETTER THERAPY & THERAPIST Playpen & Walker Avail. BEST SUITED FOR YOU DRESS SHIRTS 1/2 WATCHES HMSA CHAMPUS Call 676-1667 PRICE Ask for Wick! or Linda Auto & Worknrs Comp. 94-193 Farrington Hwy ASSORTED PRINT 955-0242 OR 235-1900 WAIPAHU (WM TO DOMINOS) Call For Appointment PRICES EFFECTIVE TO 11/10/110 COMFORTERS 40% OFF 20% OFF REG. $19.99 SALE $13.99 SELECTED MEN'S, WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S ATHLETIC ATTACHE CASES FOOTWEAR WITH T HIS OUPON GET AN A__ADD T ION AL 35% OFF HAWAII STATE Already Reduced Red Tagged Items issagnommilimmimJCPenney Coupon With y service thru or spec al INSPECTION 411Z: litt Ask for your free E 5% July with this 3 certificate ihru coupon. June 1989. On Rod Ticketed Merchandise Safety inspection by appt. WITH COUPON ONLY Without We imAall new guaranteed Coupon Price As Marked Brake pads or Hhoee(Semi- metullie pads extra) Date Trans.II Amt. Assoc.11 Date Trana.d Amt. ASSOC ti BRAKE_ AKE Inpowet enlipera Itecondition brume or rotors Insileet wheel cylindera 00 Inapeet brake hardware Road tent your ear

PER AXLE MOST CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS Offer expires 7%31/88 MdNo.11/n 1.1 /0/ ucos may to, teglimil wINII I. nal Cowl w/coupon fit hilude: In Iliinprica Soo worranty Innnb lu vow IWIM Who cloolar. Hawaii Shops MIDAS REBUILT I RV TRANSMISSION Thursday and Friday. July 28 and 29 Cash Value 1/20 of lc Coupon good for only one of two days of sane. AND INTIMAT L J $5000 piff, (11Ter expires 7/31/58 Good w/eoupon et .vc`" Please Note: Each coupon is good for only one of the two days of the sale. Sale ends July 29111. I (swell Shops


NOW 10 LOCATIONS NEW LOCATION: TO SERVE YOU HILO 935-0045 BERETANIA 536.1818 AIEA 487-6477 "111 KAMM 735-3527 PEARL CITY 487-0095 JCPenney KALOV 841-7361 WAIPAHU 677.9157 KAILUA 262-6544 WAHIAWA 622-3991 Monday-Saturday 9:30am-9:00pm MAUI 871.9581 WINDWARD MALL Sunday 10:00am-5:00pm 7 A.M.-5 P.M. MONDAY-SATURDAY JCPenney Catalog Phone #235-0011 .:.:retool,/ ) NOBODY BEATS MIDAS Phone #(800M10161 I 1,1 B-6 HAWAII MARINE July 28, 1988 Pacific Command's peacetime strategy harnesses resources well without other strategies By Jim Garamone policy." their expertise is of use to the rity needs of the area." said "The peacetime strategy for the region. Each success Operations that contribute nation they go to." Gesner. just makes sense," said enhances our deterrent pos- A military command is to the peacetime strategy The most complex opera- While the Pacific command Gesner. "It provides strategic ture and adds to a more more than just a cog in a include joint and combined tion so far has been the visit is the first unified command guidelines for everyday ac- secure and stable environ- war-fighting machine. It can military exercises, port calls, of the naval hospital ship to institutionalize its peace- tivities in the Asian/Pacific ments." also be used to further the humanitarian assistance, USNS Mercy to the Philip- time strategy, other com- area, which is so important peacetime objectives of its foreign military sales, civil pines and the island nations mands - most notably U.S. to the global picture and to country. assistance activities, confer- of the South Pacific. "The Southern Command - have the United States. The The United States Pacific ences, medical assistance operation entailed not only similar programs. peacetime strategy fits in Command is doing exactly and personnel and reciprocal the Navy, but Army and Air unit visits. Force medical teams and Air that with what it calls its DEEP SEA FISHING Peacetime Strategy. "These are all things that Force airlift capacity," said Tired of the rest, now try the Best. A peacetime strategy as have been going on for Donnelly. "The ship and AT ITS BEST!!!! years, but there was no medical teams provided basic HAIR ANONYMOUS SALON such is nothing now; the SAINHOW fly MANNA Pl.AFIL IlAfill017 focus on medical services to thou- "We take care of your Hair-bit" Pacific Command has al- central an overall The 44' fishing machine "KA1.0111" nom goal," said Air Force Col. sands of people who daily from Rainbow tiny Marina, Pearl ways performed missions in Harbor. We provide all the pour; you keep The support of America's peace- Larry Wagner of the Security wouldn't normally get it. the flab, Assistance Policy Division in The ship not only serviced EXPERIENCE THE THRILL or A LIFE- time interests. What is new 'PIM WHEN 'CHAT RIO ONE HTRIKICHII Curly is that the strategy during Pacific Command Logistics the immediate port it visited, 5 Pinnumper Exelunlve Charter Directorate. but also served as the hub $300.00 full H hour clay Hair peacetime is consistent with U Passenger Exelutolve tilinrtar the command's wartime and "For example, when a ship for teams flown out from the 111330.00 full ft hour tiny sails from the to ship to surrounding towns or Overnighter to Molokai Specialists multinational strategies. Arabian Sea SHOO. ill (32 hours) Harbor, we island." "The peacetime strategy is Pearl make a Weektinym & Weekend, A. Wendi Breeze Mg. Micki Fier a roadmap for determination and recom- The Mercy provided medi- Other pnaltaires available upon raiment. the use of cal service to 62,000 people All military, netlya duty, rrtlre, DOD ntol govern Curls 4495 Press/Curl 25" military forces and resources mendation where the best moot rmployeen coil tau charter flohloy Oleo ot place would be for the ship of the region. Surgeons on 423.1113 Special Service's Pearl NAVAHTA nt Hair Weave 17900 during peacetime in a way 474-9103,474-1 MO for tletnilo. Itamurvo early nod (Full head, Any type hair) Relaxer 300" to visit. It is not simply just the ship performed more confirm your charter [Into loamy, All ronorvollono nn that maintains and secures orrylroo hook Touch-ups 24" 9'111, lot mg paid !tor Haircuts an environment where free- a liberty port, either. The than 850 operations. Hun- Ir Mpooletl, NAVANTA, crew often helps the local dreds of local doctors, nurses 1558 So. King St. Honolulu, HI 96826 II m.6 p.m, Tues.Sat. dom-loving nations of the YOU KEEP THE FISH!! 949-5233 Evenings to 9 p.rn. by oppt. only region can grow pros- inhabitants with building and other health-care pro- and received Olizok*.a.9.a.e:Pm.oe,v14PROn~ per," said Army LI; Col. schools, providing medical viders classes and Robert W. Cosner of the care and generally building instruction from its medical Pacific Command's Strategic good will toward the United crew. Under New Management Planning and Policy Direc- States." "The voyage of that ship torate. "The peacetime strat- Another aspect is the and the actions forthe crew egy is not something that humanitarian assistance and medical people are clas- can be viewed separately U.S. Forces provide to the sic examples of the peacetime CHIC KEN ALICE'S II from our wartime or multina- area. "Unfortunately, strategy at work for develop- Mother Nature has not boon ing nations," said Gesner. tional strategies. They all "Famous" K.H. Chicken Grand Opening complement each other." too kind to the island na- "Not only did doctors, nurses The peacetime strategy tions of the South. Pacific," and ship's crew receive train- enhances military prepared- said Donnelly. "It is an area ing and practical experience, We're open 6 days a week ness, works to strengthen prone to earthquakes and but they provided valuable alliances, supports U.S. typhoons, and periodically services that strengthen ties national interests and works they need help to rebuild." between nations and demon- MENU to help developing Pacific Command coordi- strate the benefits that countries 1 in the difficult job of "nation nated the deployment of Air accrue from a positive rela- Plates Family Pack(wings Only) Force and Army engineering tionship with the United building." Chicken Plate $42° Small (12 pcs.) $425 "That's a huge task for the teams, Seabees and Marine States. Pacific Command, the larg- Corps ordnance-disposal But the Pacific is home to Kal Bi Plate $423 Large (18 pcs.) $6" est unified command in the detachments to various dis- technologically and economi- aster-stricken areas in the cally advanced nations - Combination Plate $425 Jumbo (60 pcs.) $200 Department of Defense. It $350 covers roughly 50 percent of last two years. When a Japan, Australia and the Bento typhoon swept over the Republic of Korea are ex- Mix Pack(mixed Pieces) the Earth's surface and B-B-Q Chicken Plate $423 stretches from the Pacific Solomon Islands in late amples - and other nations 13 pcs. $85o 1986, Seabees and Marines that are on the cutting edge Chicken Katsu $350 coast of the United States 27 pcs. through the island nations were sent to the islands and of development - like Thai- Hamburger Steak Plate :325 sir° spent 90 days repairing land, Indonesia and Malay- of the Pacific to the devel- $323 oped countries of Northeast bridges and roads, and sia. "With these nations, ob- Mun Doo Plate Singles Asia, and the developing making the water supply safe viously, we're not concerned Saimin $222 Breast $126/Thigh 99YDrumstick 95' countries of Southeast Asia. from further typhoon dam- with nation building," said All plates come with 2 scoops Rice, Kim We also The command also has re- age. Gesner. "We are working serve Macaroni Salad, hard to improve our collec- Nemul French Fries, Kim Chee & Namul sponsibilities in the Indian "Not only do these teams Chee, Ocean and on over to the tive military capability as help build an infrastructure well as our already good East coast of Africa. for some of those nations, military relations" Sandwiches Call In Advance For Take Out Orders "This is as diverse an area work in but the has a payoff Exercises, conferences and $ as you will find on the training," said Donnelly. Chicken 262-2272 262-2443 globe," said Army Col. John foreign military sales are "Our engineers need to train. some of the methods used to Tuna $295 518 Wallepo St., Kallua, HI 96734 H. Donnelly, chief of the This way they get training in command's Civil-Military planning and executing strengthen alliances between Operations. "You have to the countries and the United short-notice deployments, States. "Through this we have different methods for the Air Force or Navy gets build military-to-military the strategy with different experience air or sealifting countries. There is contacts and create a dia- a range them to the site, and they logue between senior officials in economics, geography and (engineers) get the training PLAY WORLD in all countries on the secu- political systems that make it building or maintaining their THE PLACE FOR TOYS & GAMES impossible to apply a blanket project. And the results of KANEOHE BAY SHOPPING CENTER getettaa CARRIER OF THE WEEK

This week's outstanding HAWAII. MARINE "Carrier of the Week" is 10-year-old David Hebert. During the six months that David and his sister Teri have shared their route, they have developed a reputation for excellent and friendly service. Team work with my sister Teri makes the job easier," David said. "I like delivering the paper, too. It is fun meeting the OFF people on my route they are so nice to me. 25% - It is a good way to earn money for Christmas, too." A young man of many interests, David always knows how to use his spare time. "I like all kinds of sports, especially OUR ENTIRE soccer and football. Playing Nintendo games is fun, too. But one of the things I like to do the most is draw. I like to create things, and when I grow up i want to become an artist," he STOCK OF said. Congratulations, David, for being selected as "Carrier of the Week," and thank you for a job well done.

41111111 Carrier of the week Sponsored as a ?mg receives a DOLLS & public service by... KINU FREE 4111111111W Whopper Meal! ACCESSORIES The HAWAII MARINE, Hawaii's leader in community news coverage, is delivered by car- The HAWAII MARINE has openings for rier each week to all homes and apartments in carriers. Responsible HAWAII MARINE our distribution area. workers can earn $15.00445.00 per month Your carrier is an independent business per- for only one delivery each week. I f you want a son who has entered into an agreement to pro- business route of your own near your neigh- vide his or her customers with good delivery borhood, please mail in the application for service. information. Every four weeks, your carrier will call on you, and your voluntary $1 payment is a way of rewarding him or her for a job well done, in NAME addition to providing an added incentive for excellent delivery service. The young person pictured above is a local ADDRESS business person -a HAWAII MARINE ear- rier. Most likely, delivering the HAWAII PARENT'S NAME MARINE to you each week is IA beginning busi- ness venture for your carrier. But, it's also an important educational experience, and as a TELEPHONE AGE customer of this carrier, you can help make this SALE EFFECTIVE: experience a way to genuine achievement and July 28-AUG. 3, 1988 THUR.-WED. growth. Mail to: Sale prices limited to stock on hand I f you have any comments about your deliv- SUN PRESS CIRCULATION, ery service, please call 235-5881, 45.525 Luluku Rd., Kimeohe, Hawaii 9(744 CHARGE IT! MASTERCARD/VISA No rainchecks-No special orders July 28,1988 HAWAII MARINE 11-7 Seutecea

of Household Goods/POV at military family members for make a sincere commitment Tough from 9 - 11 a,m. at the Ombudsman TMO. work in the Hawaii job to change. to enroll or for Family Service Center (FSC). Training Learn the answers to market by isolating their job more information, call Owen Marriages In Twelve areas will be dis- questions like how soon skills and interests. A com- Norton at 254-1541/2/3. cussed over a three-week Alcohol and should you start planning? puterized print-out of job list- Tough Times period. The course is de- Abuse What documents are needed ings with potential employ- Family signed so that you may enter Drug and how many? Do you ers is then available. Call for Based on the book -rough at any point and complete have to supervise the mov- an appointment or for fur- Housing Marriage" by Dr. Paul the three sessions. The July Ombudsman ers? How long will my move ther information, at 254/ are training will be held tonight Mickey, these workshops For reservations cull take? Get the answers to 1541/42/43. Council. designed to help people in 254-1541/2/3. Program from 7 - 8:30 p.m. the at these and many more ques- any stage of marital stress facilitator will be Chaplain Family Service Center. tions, and pick up valuable Hous- a solid, Alcohol and Drug Abuse will Family The monthly Family survive to build S.B. Hall, FSC Chaplain. handout material. For reser- ing Council meeting will be healthy relationship that be presented by MSgt. vations call of ALL FAMILY SERVICE Howard Perry, NCOIC 254-1541/42/ Conflict held August 19, 9:30 a.m. at can withstand demands at 433. the Family Service Center. the military lifestyle. Classes CENTER PROGRAMS Counseling and Assistance to Wednesday ARE FREE! Center. The Family Service Center The council is designed will be held every Pre-Marriage offers a program to assist address concerns of residents couples that have been in- at MCAS, Kaneohe Bay. All Empathy Training Workshop volved in incidents of spouse residents are welcome and *SPECIAL* abuse, which is the Domestic urged to attend. Problems Back to School Physicals August Ombudsman train- For newlyweds and pro- Conflict Containment Pro- and complaints should nor- Special ing will be held on three spective brides and grooms, gram (DCCP). The primary mally be submitted to the $20" or Insurance consecutive nights, August the Pre-Marriage Workshop goal is an immediate and Housing Office for resolution Call Us for Details 1618, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Empa- is a course designed to make complete cessation of vio- before the issue is raised in thy Training will teach the you aware of some problems lence. The open-ended pro- the council. The Family James H.T. Tan, M.D., M.P.H. art of skillful listening. encountered in the early gram is 10 weeks, two hours Housing Council meets on Family Medicine and Preventive Care Learn to be an effective years of marriage. Field weekly. To meet the primary the third. Friday of every otherwise Center listener of feelings and learn August 23-24, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. goal, clients are required to month, unless Castle Professional how to respond with under- personal responsibil- scheduled. 46-001 Kamehamehn Hwy., Sui I' #204 at the Family Service Center, accept Kaneohe, HI 96744 235-6411 standing. Participants are the workshop will cover such ity for their behavior and asked to check out a training topics as commitments and manual at Family service expectations, money man- Center at least a week before agement, preventive law, MID-SUMMER BICYCLE SALE Were you arrested for the training, This program/ anger and conflict resolu- training is open to others tion, and much more. For 10-20% Off Bikes DRUNK DRIVING? who work with people. For $19995 reservations, call 254-1541/ Montana All Terrain Reg. $229.95 SALE reservations, please call the 42/43. IN MOST CASES HELP IS ONLY A PHONE CALL AWAY 41 Family Service Center at Montana Sport ATB Reg, $289.95 SALE $25995 254-1541/42/43. New Arrivals KHS Classic Road Rog. $375.95 SALE $34995 CALL NOW FOR Planning A Island Tour Raleigh Technium Instinct Rog. $499.95 SALE $44995 A FREE PCS Move Raleigh Technium Flash Point Reg. $379.95 SALE $33995 CONSULTATION Held every month on the Performance Tune-Up Service Special $1 000 off 531-9985 Another PCS workshop second Friday, the Family Service Center offers an 15% Off Parts & Accessories & Clothing will be offered at the Family orientation program to new Drunk Driving Defense Service Center on August 10, arrivals within their first In stock Items only & Other Criminal Matters 1111 9-n a.m. Learn how to have three months at MCAS, a smooth move and take Kaneohe Bay. The tour is Msland Bankruptcy some stress out of those PCS open to single military spf y 247-5200 orders. The presentation will members and families. Learn Auto accidents be in three parts: Si., about the culture of Hawaii 46-174 KahuhIpa Kaneohe Salo 7/2E1 Tim! 7/31 SCOT S. BROWER "easy to talk to" from guest speakers and a (Across Vilndmird , IsuM,Bubani) 9 - 9:30 11.M. videotape. This is followed Children, Emotions and by a bus tour of the island Stress Management and a picnic lunch on the BROWER & BROWER North Shore. Dress casually, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 9:30 - 10 a.m. and pack a lunch; sodim are Planning Financially for free. Reservations are re- SUITE 804 EXECUTIVE CENTRE the Move quired. For more informa- 1088 BISHOP STREET tion, call 254-1541/42/43. 11 AlohaUnlbedWay 10 - a.m. ithrimout the bestinallof as Making Arrangements with Validated Parking TMO Job Bank Guest speakers will be Looking for a job? The CWO Romero, Brigade Dis- Employment Resource Cen- bursing Officer, and SSgt. ter (ERC) at the Family Fletcher, NCOIC in charge Service Center helps prepare Watch The World's Best/ Marine Corps Exchange G26251 26" Diagonal ColorTrak DR. LAWRENCE J. Kaneohe Boy Stereo TV CONNORS, ChanneLock digital remote control MA., DC. MIS broadcast stereo sound system CHIROPRACTOR RCA 4-114 147-channel broadcast/cable compatibility The Most Trusted Name ,11140, Headaches Shoulder-Arm Pain rot On-screen in Electronics'" time and FPR5185 Whiplash e Numbness in Hands & Feet channel Backache Pinched Nerves 20" Diagonal XL-100 Stereo TV number HONOLULU FEDERAL SAVINGS hanneLock digital remote control Workers Compensation & LOAN BLDG. MTS stereo Auto Accidents 45-1144 Kim, Hwy., Suite 200A, Kaneohe irel1110.44000111teliMIltelioto sound system lli & Medical Ins. We bring good Union lime Medicare On-screen R FPR72211 235-6677 and channel STERECA O things to life. number XL-100 ,1,11) 26" Stereo Monitor Receiver

1111'1 Digital Command unified .1 NI $369 u *461 remote control IVENTS MTS stereo sound system got-km FMRT1OR STEREO On-screen time and channel gas ex .6, miss PM:SI:NTS /Imili Company ColorTrak number Mir "" --110,--7-..11111110116 26" Diago- /1valr. C,!.-11200 nal Color- Home Music System Cofo$42k 1.1H1 $469 Trak TV Dual cassette deck SUPERCROSS 18-button Chan- GPR2630 .1%.4140 Reit-drive turntable nolLock remote 26" Stereo Monitor-Receiver Q411S4-. AM/FM tuner control $150 band graphic equalizer Digital Control unified remote 5 Auto programming Wide range speakers THIS SATURDAY JULY 30 WS stereo sound system 94-channel quartz 3 jack audio-video monitor panel crystal cable $445 FM/AM Clock tuning $649 tit Radio w /Cassette VPT294 7-4956 Video Cassette Recorder 3-5244 On-screen 1-year/6-event remote AM/FM Cassette programming pushbutton tape *111 channel broadcast/cable 6 7-1990 Weatherized, Full wake up features from operation Frequency Synthesis tuning splash cassette or radio 31/2" Speaker (XPR) SWIVEL BASE proof design Express Recording Your choice: sloop to music or encl of *Micro-size AM/FM Automatic tape,wake to music or alarm shut-off 1850 stereo receiver - tape a little over 3" high and 11/2" wide $37 $22 $280 FM/AM Per- sonal Portable AM/FM Stereo Cassette Compact Radio Disc Music Free .t44" - Two-way power System Portable Design Case! 46). Take your 7-2680 Automatic AC/DC Venice' loading LCD Display switching Digital Disc Player Full function Cri..3- best shot! Slide-rulo dial with precision state Operation study Budieo arms. tracking servo Speaker System C P9250 4 WAIPAIll.1 CYCLES euRci_B system as express Kim* VHS Camcorder $12 6:1 power zoom lens I infrared auto focus, COLOR TV SALE! SOUTH system Excellent low light 25" Control Console Nteis.4,',314,::;,.. 130P1010 mancita KGMI3 performance Color TV HQ (High Quality) VHS Auto programming 13" Portable Television capability Cable compatible quartz Automatic fine tuning On-screen dale display tuning Automatic color tracking High speed electron' Sharpness control Ebony finish Aloha Stadium shutter L 81acklock contrast circuit Blacklock contrast circuit Gates Open 6:00 pm First Race 7:30 pm $999 gym,." $185 Advance Adult & Child Discount Tickets $450 Available at: All gas arpross stations, local motorcycle dealers, Sears, Funway, HOME LAY-A-WAY AVAILABLE ON ALL COLOR TELEVISIONS OVER $200.00 & at the Stadium Box Office / This ad was not paid for by the Marino Corps Exchange. Sale runs 7/28-8/11. Limited quantities. Adult Advance Discount Ticket - $12" (save 250) Child Advance Discount Ticket - $625 (save 125)

110 Children under 7 Free B-8 I I AWA I I MA RINE July 28, 1888 WAKE/from A-8 The 1,400 men were rounded have been executed," Pearsall Boesiger remembered the Running his fingers over 1941, until the end of the up, hands bound with com- said.. day the Americans left the the inscription where the 98 war. They are all now offi- fenders were 'being cut off munications wire, and For two days and nights island, bound for prisoner of once wore, Dale Milbourn, cially part of the military. and pushed into pockets, herded to an area near the the Americans received nei- war camps. "They rounded then a private assigned as a Recently, a Wake Island and communications with runway. 'They stripped us ther food nor water. (in us all up; that was Jan. 12, fuse cutter for a three-inch defender and the first Marine the command poet had long naked," recounted Boesiger. Christmas Day, they received 1942," he said, "They had all gun on Peale, remembered aviator awarded the Medal of since been severed. The prisoners were shoved their first nourishment, cour- the men loaded aboard the his friends with tears in his Honor posthumously for into aircraft revetments; I,ru [import Nitta Maru, a con- eyes. "I knew everyone of fighting in World War 1I, One tesy of their captors, Instead last radio message those in the back nearly suf- of the preplanned menu of vened passenger ship. Ilwas them," he said.. Capt. Henry Elrod, was from Wake was picked up in with the honored focated from the heat and roast young tom turkey, thegroupstayingon In all, 1,462 men were sent when the USS Pearl Harbor and passed to stale air that permeated the filet island. We were [just] from Wake to internment at Elrod guided missile frigate the senior command. baked Virginia ham and were was It building. sole, they received gaso- saying how glad we not various POW camps in Ja- commissioned. simply said, "Enemy on is- to be on that ship when a China. Of those, land. Issue in doubt. line-tainted water and a me pan and When the DC-8 lifted from Bob Pearsall, then a small handful of rice. Even Japanese soldier tapped 231 died in captivity, on Marine private first class, on the shoulder and I was the sun-baked runway A final stand never came that was a blessing. board ship or while trying to Wake Island, putting an end recalled their treatment taken to the ship. Another escape. as a 20-year-old Marine and immediately after capture. Before their holiday feast, guy stayed behind becoming to the visit, faces premard former lieutenant in the they heard news of their one of the 98 who never left Those who fought gal- even more closely to the "They had strict orders, you future. "An interpreter told Czechoslovakian. Army know, not to take any pris- the island." lantly on Wake Island when windows. The pilot made us, ".rhe - walked to Maj. James P.S. oners. Machine guns were great Japanese war came to the tiny three two passes for a final visual Devereux's command post Einperor has decided to spare Boesiger found out later square rrt i 1r, corEti island were survey. The harsh experi-, set up around them. "Luck- your Boesiger had and was told to fix a white' ily, a light squall came, so said. that the group's doctor heroes. The civilian workers ences and the friends left' flag tidy Westby, techni- NO1114. and begin passing the they covered up the machine standing asked for a medical were' formally recognized behind 47 years ago' word over the island. beside Boesiger on the tar- cian to stay with him; that when they were inducted now rest a little easier on the guns. After it stopped rain- mac where they were once exchange took the ing they wiped them off." is how the into the Navy, 37 years later, minds of those defenders!, "You can't imagine held captive, added force- place and Boesiger became for their service from Dec. 8, and survivors. feeling that came over us." Pearsall was in a group of fully, "...100 years of hard the last American off Wake. Boesi ger related with eyes about 50 men. "A Japanese labor!" piercing through the 47 officer had his sword out and That day the prisoners The remaining 98 were years of time. "We wanted was ready to give the order a barracks, executed Oct. 7, 1943. Many us, but were marched to to fight." to execute another by now ringed with barbed stories surround the execu- JOSEPH P.H. AHUNA, JR. officer came running up the wire. Work parties were tion, but after many ArroRNEI t'r When surrender came, road screaming something. common. One Marine re- searches, no remains have American losses had totaled be- 1. An argument went on when Ameri- been found. 'Emilie evident,. 120 killed and 49 wounded; tween the two officers. After membered that cans found food from their The last permanent evi- Personal Irijur in comparison, 820 Japanese it was over, the guns were Wrongful I)1-nth original supplies, the Japa- dence to their endurance was forces were killed and 333 removed and we were un- Werke rn Com inquou ion were wounded that day fied," he said emotionally. nese captors would usually made on Wilkes Island when let them keep it. "Work an unknown POW inscribed Criminal Defense alone. When Devereux got 111.10. parties were very, very popu- a rock that with the number knneelse Kurd & Prarnnimioll (:ruler to Tokyo, he was told the It was learned later that 16.005 Knee tit., 'suite IIt I lar," he said with a slight in their group and the date, lost 5,700 men ku"e"Ile III 9(17 2: Japanese the Japanese apparently had laugh in this voice, II 3- 1000 over those 16 days of fight- no idea of the civilian work- 5-M-43. ing. Old. Glory had fallen ers on the island. "If there from Wake skies to be re- were only military on the ,., placed with he Rising Sun. island, we probably would. KAli u" DRIVIAN flip CINERAMA STARTS FRIDAY ,j2,., , .., K,ii..k.,,,,.., JULY 28 , 1988 ._ 941-5291 261.6032 OATES OPEN at 410 DAILY: 1:1503:304,5:45 "Cocktail" at 7:30.11:45 PLUS: 13:0000:30 TRAVELIOR LE$$ "GOOD MORNING VIETNAM" (R) 9:30 m DOLBY STEREO ' Sorry, No P I Sorry, No Pesseel

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UP TO $500 CASH IN BUMPER BONANZA! $500 $250 $125 $75 Identify your license plate below and win . AwArt -, the cash prize shown above the photo- ARw 945 graph! To win, call 235-5881 before 5 C NU 920 p.m. tomorrow (Friday)!

License plates are photographed at, or near, business advertising in Sun Press, Hawaii Navy News, Hawaiian Falcon & Hawaii Marine!


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0 Free Bee 4 Health Fitness REAL. ESTATE CLASSES BEGIN EVENINGS I 1 week $2.27 per line HAWAII KAI - AUGUST 16 MASTERS Personal Fit- 4ext KAILUA - AUGUST 10 2-4 weeks $2.16 per lino ness, 1 on 1 lanais training. SIANI.,SAFE FREE: AKC female German Therapeutic message, PEARLRIDGE - AUGUST 16 Shepherd, 4 years old. Call (MAT-1849) 247.2987 $2.0( 5Pe r wpereNikn: 259-8168. NO:sapittok4 5-8 weeks $195 (per week) LOSE weight slim down, (4 tax A book's) ktoy e,04' FREE to S good home, Without dieting, Guaran- BAT IAMIAN ++TUIT1ON REIMBURSEMENT 9 weeks + $1.94 per tine female, part Chihuahua/ teed, Call now, 882-5039. PLAN+ q,e,q:bizi,0 6oso 00 TAX INCLUDED (per week) Terrier mix, spayed, 8 mos .108 PLACEMENT - CAREER COUNSELING Sun Press only or MieWeek only rates available on request 033.4113 FACIALS! Relax Tues. thru t. o's GUARANTEED TO PASS or FREE repeat. c.P6, ' 12 for The Neel Set., with Janine. 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HI 411/411 235-5881 pricee. 2569-5429/835-1663 ,hit Novena muff be raid for y non. & odd Jobs. Call Larry after hour, References. AT8384 Serial lecultve days IS YOUR CAR DIRTY? G.T,W. And 3 p,m. 247.0119 293-2000 NWAUGB0435BNO44396 REGAIN control of your. you don't hive enough time that we are hereby to it Mal Get It togetherl Certi- do yourself! Let Ace CANE/CHAIRS TIRED OF CLEANING? 35 Personal Sink's 35 Personal Services 35 Personal Services 35 Personal Services selling or disposing of fied hypnotherepist end Pacers Top Quality Car REPAIR Let me take the bother oft that vehicle channelor. Cleaning Service make within 30 Call 521 -1334. EARN extra $$$ or Ilred of 734-6492 at your hands and put them HOMECLEANING days to cover current 9-5? Learn step by step to your car shine and sparkle. on mine! Thorough, expert KREATIVE KleanIng Svcs. w/ BUDGET Painting. Inc. LIVE-in for elderly Call Anthony energy, enthusiasm, relic. HANDYMAN, painting, dry- expenses. person wealth, For free Info, write at 261-3985 or DOMESTIC House- cleaning. $10 an hour, Flail- All services rendered, affor- Summer savings, paint/mil- wall, light plumbing.etc. In Knneohe, rm. For leave a message. Witty & concern, Free eat. wash. To 239- Up evil'. to: I P.C., 909 University, Reason- cleaning at affordable able, references, dable rates, Cell now, 293- dew $100. info, 732-1240 or 944-9087, to $100. 395-0234. Ph, 247.4774 t1304, Hon., HI 98826 able Rates. prices. Call 523-7457 293-2000 8121 5058 fl .J uly 214-AuguMt 3, I DHJ4 ( lrIMMi1tl(I II

.. P1 I kni SI., i'wtt elde, t'i,,r tllitit nec 48' to ii ii ii , tt i rllt,icin lion, t ii ii kiti 'I, I RAF.FIC CON'L' R() L I)EV CES C U nil I i ut r()IOltgltL(Il ui l.)ulvftruI,urt St. EMPLOYERS '. Traffic Schedule No. 88-9 I"i,Ii Li hal on St., in aket aide fur dIatuunc. 4: I'!' Ewn directiotu ('ruin I';wut rturhhlne prr.rlringtitlon of South St. MEET EMPLOYEES IN ACCORI)ANCE Will! TilE PIKOVISK)NN OF ORDI NANCE NO. '1 'i iii ii Ititiflhl 141, , flnh*kIhl aide Cur (liolarucu' I 140' Ku ku Iluruiti (II ri,cttoti 714-44 AMICNI)ING ARTICLE II, THE DEPAR'rMEN'l' OF TRAN8- . * 'ruin Kuku Fiend (rurbitno prolongittioui >( l'ui iuuIuI.i wi Mt. CLASSIFIEDS PORTATION 8EKVICES, C1'I'Y ANt) COUNTY OF HONOLULU, THRU THE "Siiut.t'i St, Ewu qide, for diputence 21ft' nuukni (lirlIuhillit from hI [iuiltI hEREBY ES'IAULIHI{ES TRAFFtC SCHEDULE NO. 88-9 1'O c '2 I 2' from mokal curbtine prolongation of Putt tikitinun St, AM1N1) t.4C!1E1)UL1 V 15-7.2(2)(tr) ES'I'A8L1SHIN(' OF SEC'l'ION ''Muutin St., Ewit oldin, fur diatuuuep 'JOO' mnukn direction front uuutitik,. SI1EEP) LIMI'1-20 MPH SCHEDULE Xi OF SECTION 15-8.3(2) I ill nih no jr,lrtuitiiin (if Ala Miiui run Blvd. 2355881 ES'J'ARL18HIN(' NO SCHKI)UL1i XIV OF REC'I'ION itS- I'URNS; ''Yi.tung St., rnh.uukui for jIetanctt 11)4' Iw.0 directIon frurn II I 1.8 ES'I'AHI..1t41IINC HTOP INi'ERSEC'VIONI4; SCI'IEDULK XVI piiIiit I 13' Ewn rif Ewe curbililui prulorigintioti ut MeCulIy St. ,, and get the job done. OF 8ICTU)N I IS. 13.4 E8'FABLIS}IING RI4EItV PARKI N( ,' today tD i '41,., 226' Ku,ku I I .oid XIX li8TAB- V ,ii hg rnittukii lck, fur ti letiincu dlrectliiun fr, in SiALLS; SCHII)ULE OF SECTION ItS-13.l0(t)(fl Kuko Iiad curbline prolongntiunn iii I 'Un IlilItu St. LIMItING TOW ZONES-AM AN)) PM PEAK PPRIOU3; SCHED- I 2, Ry uuunending tin.' following item.: ULE CX Oil' SECTION 15-I3.1O(i)(g) ESTABLISHING TOW I ii I I I i.Irkui uwi I ti St. , nuitkni akin, toy diataiuce MO' Iiwit di rt.i,Lion ZONIi824 HOURS; OF P4ECTION tt.I4.5(1) SCHEDULE XXII from Ewii curblin,' prolongation of South Mt.: to imui: IS'1'AHLISI1 ING PROHIflI'I'EI) J'1ARKING CIIiR'I'A I N A.RKA8 ', I I ti liltitu w Lin SI.,, inuk uui chic, fur tIi,tu*iucr' 251)' Iwn ullr.,ct.iniu t4CHEI)UIE XXIV OF SECI'ION I is- I r. i (jt) E8'L'AHIIStJ1NG CURB fri ni Iwii curhi 1141 Pri.lollgnti(lbu of South St.'' LOAI)ING 'ZONES; 8Ci'IEI)tJIJ XXV (.)F 8IiC'I'ION 15-15.8(4) 8(I1II,)UIF. (1)1 I'FitlOii R(l,, Koko Hoed aide, for ditiice 40' makal hIretiouu EH'I'AHI.INIIINt; OFFICIAL BUN S'OPt4; XXVt OF frutit flulkal curbilne prolongation of Liko tAt.: to rood: HlC'I'I(.tN I 5- I 6. 1 TI M 1dM NG; ', tS'I'ABLISUIN( i II' I'ARKI F'utu.,ui Rd., Koko Iload aide, between Purun utnd Lilt,, Ln...'' t4CIIEIMJ I.E XXX OF I4EC'i'ION I 5-22. I ( I ) ES'I'A JN( I'ARI(- Itt,II frI South St., Ewuu aide, ditstnnce55' makel directIon (rum muikiii IN(1 MK'I'KIl ZONJS. tr (0 rid iii.' priulonguttlon of PutIn ukaino ML; to rood: ''South Ht,, Ew.0 oldi,, uiir di,tuncr IWI' mekuli direction 1mm

I , C.Iuuptnr 1 r I 11711 'l'ruuI'ir' I uutuuil.y ut I pmulongiutti Putt Mt.,' S S1("I'lON i ('i, (it.y lull Ii'nuii*Iti, 11111 Ititi curbIiii in nf ukinn 1111 iiii,i'tiI'I, j hI','lIJy t'ur(I.r HllllIulIll'I.l fl Ilit' I'upll.,witug I,lrt,iu'iiIuu' : I liy IllIlIti iug t,Iioi'f'r.iri tho I,Iii,wI ng ItililiC:

II Ity ,urrii'uiubiuug iIu'tuc.ultulu' V nI i4*i' I 'l.2I illu) 'uuluihliuhing uii'u'uI Iiint- 'IL)hi, St. , Iwn eldo, i'nr dlet,uitleuu 1 45' I Ii II Ii kit di rsctiiuiu tn In 011111 215 itiiil'i lu,y inning tl14t'I.tII tIlt' IruItnviiig 11,1411,' 4_li riul lii. 1ti'.rtniigttl 'lb at' Kell ko SI,'' ''4VllEIllll ML .1' ,r ILH ('Il(Irl'i' bt'iugiit'' ''I'uliiikuih,uii St., Iflhluko aide, bLwon Kiik,i IIi'iuI Ililundory iii Ii Ily ,u,ii.nrling ',-I,t'rIiiIi' X I ul Ni''. I i.h,:lI2i I'Mt.IIIII$1411111I4 1141 l.%IrnIl 1)1/ l'iii,iuknini MI. tiiicl South 8t.'' IllIlIlIg th.'rtti, lii,' fuullc wi rlp( 11,111111, in Ihy uuiu,.'utbiitg Mc1utdulur XXIV ofNttr, 16-ili. 114) i'et.,IuIl.Iuiiug curb liuttling Ms'(ully Nt Nii l'i't t,lIr!l Iriiuiu M(uuIty Mt. iiib., M'(.i,Ity Sliuppitig 'LIIIo'14 II tIn- I'iultiiwirtg inu.rtitulisre: Cl.UII'r'rI ilr,visviuy ltuiti'ui ut t.h'- jiiuuki, I'wuu l'lprr,Ir ut Mi-I iilly RI. ii I lv ut.Idi itg Uni'r.'tu i .quh,u'ctlon I I ), piuliMluigi'r mull tug zi ui.', tin.' KIlpiflhllIli I'tivd l',,ll,wing itl'uuue 'Me(iulIy Nt. NIl i'll t,Ilrbl Iii,,, Vti'l ',IllV .iiijiptiig I '4'lIlI'IM ,,iuiikiu Fwi, I'iiluitkitiiiti St., uitiikiil I,,l.,, i'ur hIiHI,ILhir(' OIl' Knit,, I li',u,t tlii'u'ilI,,,i dr'iviw,iy IIIII.II M'(uIiy frlt litii ii littitit, I tIll' I(iiltui I lt,uuI ol' I li'i,,i ,'iui'Ipljpu' rh,uugtub.iuu,u Deadline TUESDAY 12 NOON Ply itiiiei'idiug Si'bus'itnit' Xl'' ,l '.'' H' I I 1 'ituIlieluiiug t-1.uup ,,t. l',iuii'lulriiwl Mt I III.4)I'll.'lrt,ll,,IH by iitldiiig tllI'l'l'b,I I Ii' l,,lI'wuu,g IIi'Iii,I ''Niiiith 141,, l':w,i eitl*, ('or ,tiiutuunt't' 'Ill' nuuukiii ,hiru't'tiun fri.,nu ii liIibt. 'Awnitniu \Vuy. 'I'riilIiu' III AWl,,,, ,.' Wiu,y uiluiull et' litfuri' rntnring 4:111' ,f' ninkiul urlulir.o iuI'uli.r,gttiii ui I'i,liiikui,iuii SI. ,\ l4'II lll'Ill' I 'I ''Mtnul,tu Ml . , l':w,. ci di', for ii I.t.tnc.' 'III' urn. ku tI ri-udun fri,,i, ,t it, i i I I I

, I', i,,,i St I'r,ill'ut' III hi *sii 14t ih,lt p,Illp Iu'tipr. I,luLIribtg Nnniuilil SI.. IIIIV rib' niuikuui i:tiritluiup prulniug..I.hiiii if I1uiltukiui,iut Mt.'' 41 I ,sii,i'i,uluuig S,'l,,'ltili' ii \' I I I, I l'I ,'vf IlIllI4IuiIu otilnl.u.ctllptu fruoghit l,,,,tljiig zini.', tI.. ADVER11SING REPRESENTATWE TE M PORARY OR K lv il -'i roe,rvu'iI lurking '1 Ily u.iuu..riilirig (2), t'ibllwlllt W I , , 4,1.11 ll,u I iu,Iut ' ' ' I , I, ij i I v ,i ,v '' I, ,' ' ' , AppIIcatons now teIng accepted for , I ,, , i , , i, I, t r1 ,i , i ,i , I ' , , I, , i , I ., 1 , ,, I I 11,1 11 It'll Irupiuu I I fur tlistiuiit'u' h9ti' For secretaries, typists, word pto I bu I, f)ll lii duvr, N,iii,iiii AVI'., lihi I'tuiucI MUll', iiiuitukii thii'i'etii,ui

Opportunity for 4 iOUtIdC s&es position 4 upuil 4l' Iluiriling An', hun' niiitults, t'urliliiu,' if I cessing operators, recoptionists, '''I,' li,,, lIIlIII'Il,,I b'i,pu l.,u'iIl'rt.y li',,tii ii 1111101, 'Ifi' iuiuutikii il lur(uhing,,l.I,il I,it,.'I 2 4.,., ,'',, 1 'i' I ,l,v Iluull (',i Wtuu','IM v.'Iuii'l,'v b'i,','ug 1,18, 7:1111 ,u in. tip 3:111 Mi., I.,, - '' clerks, data entry operators, account ''' 'I II'iiIlPu'M, u'4I'I'I1I l,,iuiiiuv,i N uuiiiuri kitkii I I.',iil tutu', lir ,Iu,it,iiii',' MI' iivauki. chiri'it ti years seles exprIenc to have 0 cb&Icng- I' Avi'., ing clerks and general ofce person' 4. Iu, 111111111 -,'liu-Iill.' XIX I '.' I . I IPI 1111 .MI.IuhIIiHlIItg ti,w hr,,uui II p0111? ll' iuianki ui uiiiuk,i ,'i,rbiiun' pu'IiiugilIilln u' Ili,ti'I . 1141114' '41111 uiit thu. 41 nd. No tee, of course. I1 iuui'ili ii '''Il i,irti,'uulue I i i ug ':Iyout & ting experience pre- luv uu&lihiuug Ilus'r,'l,' bitt' tt,hI'uwii,g tb,., : I I 1' tli'lib,l hg ttu'rofrt.iiu uIi...t'c'tti iii 121, t'relgh t hind zt,n.', tlti' & carelIow- 'IluuIu'kiu.iwil,' 4t tutikiut diiI,', Ill'l%,'I'tl I'iitit'l,It,,wI f uuuuul Situtlu l',it I 'wing 1.10K. 'frrred. S&ry plus commission DOWNTOWN LEEWARD ', & medcI, I Iu,h.'lt.uuiwilii Mt.., iuuiuuku isidv, t'or dj.tancti 4'?' I'wul (, l'r,,iii lndud denthl . nce. Benefits '2 Ity r.Intuiug 1,1. '4l.., ,-,jilu, 1114' 5243630 487-0009 i.iui'itiliuig Il.iiii N,'It,,ii uiutitili l'p',,, iii,' 1)111th I':wii of Iwtt curbllini prolungtttlon olMouth St.'' u,t 1:1:19 '' -proflt sharing. For iritrviw c&l iI,'iiii ,.u,t, liii- iri.wtv il Nt'I,i,i St.. I t1i,. 11th : lii I 'i In ii kohi I ii Mi, , uiiuukri tdti, for b,lli.tNnco '70' .Ewa cllretti,uru fri iii McMahon I, I I' II I it. 111' l'w ii II Iwui corhllne prolor,ittttk.ri of St,nutli 141.'' . Christopher S .,NlIitt,il 141., iiii.ktuu ,u,l,, It,,,,, likuu I Is'uu,l ,i,,Ii' ut' II, ,brivt,w,iy ti I, lti ti,ii'uithirig Si'Iuoclulo XXV at' See, 15.15,8(4) usatiulillehing ,iI'li:iuil 111K MF(rIAJ, ,I II II' . , ' I 1ltl to I I 235-5881 FOE Nihout St. 'iii ill I 111K I l,V ICIII I I K I ttt't'tti the foflowi ug 1t00111

.1 I b,v tIi.lntirig LIu,ri'tr,,uu, I lii' l'liiwiiig hill ''Kitiitii'ii Avi'.. ,ntkuii elde, ('or diu.tuuucv 1i()' Ewu. tlir('ctuIhl fr,.iriu ii 11llilil ''iiiitilii St., l'svi, aid,., I)l'l4 I ii Auuuuluu i-It ui..I Alit %li..iltii Illvd '.:l' l',wui Iii l':wlu eli rId i ill' pmoh..ngii Li.,n nt Makuu puu Avo, : '' lu' &ii.ui-puuluuugSi'h.dulvXX u,l'S,' i: 1l. II'l I Igi 'ii,iIliu'sl,iiig li,w ',,ilnl'e- ''M,iitutiituui A%'l'., I':w, cide, ('or diatniutrir 131)' rititukit tliI'i'u'b.ii,ii h'ri'uui ii Pint/ng Sn SchooI ? Cnrptnfry ,l hi'. by IliIrIlng thi'r.'to tIn.' b''ll''s'uiig lI,'ii, 2.11 iiiiiukii il' ttiiitilcit (:Urllllrhl' prllllir.guttull il' Muuiiithi'i Av' '-. III ''Nih,,1 141 ., iink,uu situ', lfltt,W,'i'll I ''ici 141 ii,tl I 'uuit,uI.i,i, ill liy ,iiiiiiii,hiitii MlIl4'IitlIl' XXVI of Soc ,tF.Iti,l i'iil,ittulilui,ig 111th' Ilinil T . SUNSHINE Mnuil, Co. PIANO/Vutus i,uiu n lt.v i,uii'iiiliiig Su'l,i',IuIi XXII ii '-i', Il II 'I I I .'t,uIuliptI,iiug irIil.1li,i'rl ,rltiuug ii Eli,' l',ihh,iwiiig ijortletliurM: RANDS, prontI vtirperty ndwoud buIri nxp. Cth5I Adti?tt. chiIcjrc!fl, h!tWPIIl ii, tI,. I, I 1,1111 I tli,'ru't,., followIng It,.iu., mgririiünti pick up & pec Fu Ounhity p, 247-14!4 MiiIc (,iil '' ,Iriuiull li4tI,iwii i.lrtuuis lIy iudtliiug dØIverIe, No'ob Oo ni&II work. o $1OO 247-OO7B ---- I btv iuilihiuig l.lii'ii't. hit, h'iiIItuwiig hLulIiIh 'Aol.. St., '2 hu 14, , Itt,I,ii sl,,tsw, fruit, Vbuoyutrtl Blvd. to 14Iitii,I 141,. .' 521-485à -b 141(11, 14' Jhr ------..---.--.-----.- JAL Stivcis QUAIl] V I-iiiiu Lujt,tuiis ''/ithii l%,,iu, I Ittuil li,r (IllltilIul'i' ui.iukui .lri'i't,i,,ui l't'iiu,, I hIlIckluLIwilli St ., '2 Iirs , rnokai shcl,i, for dlstuitu.' :147' Kiuku I tt'utI ______. CARPENTRY PRIrltInQ The Coritrncto,, Kitiiuoit tudIo yciui iiiiti.kii ,'hIrIliiliI' b'llIIigtltll)ui it Vtiui'yiui'ti Ilivil, I I i ri'utuuht fruit, ti 11111 hIt Ill' Ktikn ilu'iucl ,,( I(ok.i I lund cu rhllno Interor/Extror, Free FuII Insured - ic houii, rnwit i,ustis 247 14t 214' ''Aitli. Ioin I l','iuiI isltiir, I,r cI,oI.i,uui.' t,.u.lcni ultr..i'l.,,'ti ruin I Il'i Iunguitit.ii ut' Iti ii.'I howl St, tu VHS/Btti. Highegt au& $100 Hniry 736-13O CnII 3Ot-4221 br iu1() ,, #i 'IL ii,,.ku, 'ihg,' oh I I I I ri'i'wtuy ,,i..I liii' Aiim Mt. uvi'rpuiee lirlulgi'. I Mt., 2 hr.., niitukii .irl, fur dlKLllIii'i' :1r11' KnIt,, I loud Ity/lowent prices. Aluc FniI! Etimntsi Iuil.'knuwilui Hilt.', uiuiiukut uu i , 'ui tI i vkIeothpIrig (jf i-t., I',,'u I,,r iIjpit,,,ui,'.' Ill,' IIIi'ii'iiull 'ruin iui,utii,iu it i rp'it.lun fr.iiii point MIl' .1(ukt, I'teuud ii K k II -i,I rl II' I wediInWl. C8rpe1s HULA CIiift.SpsCuiI ''i\ilui etC, OpHn Iriti, -'h. i'iirInb,uii' i,t''l,,iguuhii,i nI' V uiii',y,uril Ill 'tl III,, l.iiigtttl..n of i'thlrtrllIolwI SI..'' pr5, Phirnbirq Siitiiii,u n'critlt Inti oduc ' Sb,., u,.iltikll iibt', lIp4L,il,,',' Ill' Iii',', I,,i, ,uiu thu Iu 1 Wi 46-4155 toiV raIH HUIi, Anmn. ''I l,lllltlilIr1 I,,i' l'w, :' I h,t' dolet,ing tlieref,'i Ii rig ittinu: ,'llrIlhiulu' ,l'4lII4ulglii.Lllli -4l 2, lihUiHil MHort, i';. litki,i ''S.itith St.., 2 Inre., I'wuu ciii., 1,i'I,wt'oin Aitiulul -it. ittuil AIiu M'uui,, -, 1 , Carpet SLM nt&iItii- Modri, FiRNITURER&IihIng& tIon--NNw or Ud CflrpI AIfO true bu'Inv, LIkuk'I' 'I'iirriiigiiiii Ml , l'i,lt,, I Iu,u,,l Mini',' ,huiblull,'I' ti!' uuuuik,ii ihiri','bi,,u, Iliy,l 3. Repnlra 8 Rtretchg FIAVE . leaky faucet, n & bntc hntun tw rIiiig tn truiii iitiik,i lhrlIlllll' iir'4i')higuut.b'ln lii Iliiiglii,iii -il. I, It,, ,iiioiiiiiiug Mchi,dtihu XXX of' Mit'. 15.22. I I I I iii.Li,hIiiiii.1 ,iirking Rpirs. AnUque Rotur- who tire '' têOri. Iitnndwdn, 037-4836 DyorNtn. FtiIIttflt. oIIot tht, cloggnd? In' ftudOflta iitt'i I Iuul,'k,itiwr!ii Mt., iniunkit cliii', t'tiu' IilM(l,ill'l' II' lw,, Iir.i'l i,iit fritint huii'tt'r /.nnr'It by hl(tding thereto thi' following iteiu,: - flntn In - - CM1695-5761 Jofln do your plumbing. No fltId. 'Spnuiiil t': t'iirlilii,i. pruIiungiituin it ' i1 ''Aiibui Sb,, Ititli aitlni., from Vineyard IIIvd, to Sehn.iI St. COMPUDATI Job too big or too etntill. Senior CIt,Hn MUIIrry '' ,' BecRuf te,iilitttni1jii Sb,,, Kuilittkui .iuI., ti., IIIH('i' I Hf, ruuiiiikiu itir.'t'ttii,i, I I II l.'k ii ii w I ii Mt., , nnzikii I eidt', tar dietanco 347' Koki lund d (mot'tlun ylurt tIru,d ol btrq & wn1 H 2472068. To $100. III rIhnc hnckrouFld w+I Cleaning 4I37-flUO l'ouiuiltl'titiuig Irituit ii puihil I , I 'i: tuiiitikii (It Iliittt Itt. ,'ilrl)linl' l'riini it phil,t. it;' Kiko I Iu'ind ui Kuhn IIt'ad curblliut' ,r,i.rtgotl,,n of It orIou r&aIIonhp, 334 ir'iiIiiuiguitu.ii't .il' AIII Iiiti Mt I"iiii'luIiiwI Mi, ¶3eLI5We Ave. #608 Wnikki Pemode(inj '' IIlvd,, H1III'hl iii' i1,'tv!,t'n 211 I '2 I 10 A,rTh-9 GLIITAfl IOI1I jH,I ''Ktiititiluiiii ili,iitl'tiuil rijn,Iwiiv. I Ii.l,'kiituwhliu St., in.iiik.0 sitlo, fur diHilInce 3511' I(i,hui, hood dirui,'i,Ioii 92s-3B:3 from hoppIn arvIce, reIInbI, - .-.---.----..-.-- Contt,nipuiury & CIHR;iI iitiI '2624 l(ipltnliiiit thy,1 'rio,, ii l,,itiii, 1111' l(i,ki I li'uuil uI KuItti l'teed eurliltii,' irijlongotiiin nt p.m. honest, hnrdworkIn7, c424- PACIFIC IoI ContrctorB u -.-.- Cull tq,r I - M42. SpecIIIt In kllchnn/biith, Prlvfflvi $it)/Iitir 'MllkllklIlp I.)r,, lrllrt.l1 cult'. iliettutic.. lIbpr,.xhrluiul.11ly '2r' wretrrlY i'iiiut'Iulii iwl Mt.. ' ' USVbu&n5amRnnedB rrrnodlnei/Mduiltlorii. Q88-921. dIrtetit,t, 1mm ii r;iuihut, uipiiruixtunuuuttiy '2.Ir' w.'tih, if 1,1,. lIlllt.i'rl%' M.''liun 2. 'I'Itie 14'hedule iii hereby attoelted to uttil iuuiidt, ii port of Arl,ict, u,ornon to pry uftnrch CLEANING Sorvici,. rnUi,, C14200. Ph. u72-3282 ____ .._ ---- prupnrty Ii,tu. ii' 112tIrut MIlkikilci Dr. V I li.'r,'i,l' intl Miutu I I I,,iltp effect ten ( I 0) working day. utftur it, iu iii iciutittn Und Iron up to ahlrtN Jnpui , rMaorlbIe rtei. Wkly/ BEG. ConvArRAtlonni 'M rikak in I Ir, , thorth clii.', fur .1 alt, Itty' appru iunutu'Iy I lii' Wiel,irI .IUIIN E. IIIEtTEN, E)irt'ctur iirid 6 prut per week. Poya Movs out 8 COrINI. CEFIAMIC TlI. Dowrutowl Tuft/ monthly ii I ru'rt,iluil 1mm a pol itt uuI)iurl,xinnnth'Iy I;:IQ' wiol. ni ft itr t'iust trrI,y l)i'piurtmt'ri I, of 'J'rnnaportuition Servic.'. muIvnIenI to $-$O.5Ofhr. clenn up. 293-1O6 rre esl. CR11 nfl, 0 p.m. Thur. Sttirtu Aug 9th 5a3. I,I'lIuIrty litip of 02l66l Mnkrukhlu I City and Coun'ty Of Ilirnolulu G.od Job requlrd, AIknhl 23-3O7O. To $100, 547 ,' N lui ii FIt. , truako I aide,, for ci lot,.. iter I : ' I'wti dirvt,t,ioui Iron. ren, 254-8474 øvnlngn CLEAN WINDOWS' l'wit I)otod: duly 19', lJKH 'onty/leAv Svc, elnce 198. PATIO nnd N.w Ar.ldItlon '------"' -..--..---..-- CII rhl iii' pr.,tuirguitl on ni I'ok i 141 Prot. LENIN to Sow, -'r - Ins, Ronri AIberlS24-5411 flepRlr, rumodel ClIfford 'Niliiiii MI., ini.tuk.'i oidc, l'riu ,Iit.itjiru' hIM' 11w,, IIriicLiiin 'runt ii (uI.iioH (If' t,Ii.. uhu'titiItr ur on ókr in tino City Clnrk's Office for uH A. MIkamI ElectrIc, Electrl- wuucu, throuQh fldvrucnJ ..rlvI _ C-4477 077-46913 piulol. I '2(1' Kt,In I'iqrurI ,t' Rultu I ,'uurIiHir.' pr,iliungiul.ituri oh' itiul i'xiuniinnt,ituii hV puhI'ic l,,,I tt.' tINISorVICe Etlm&ie. Lic. HOUSEPROUD CtenrulruQ A group cliiliwB. 022-2524 C-1O129. Call 942-9121 I lfthllkllIi St. 1/28/88) Ser R./Comm, Roiti Rnpnlr iSo l'roMM' --.- Quar. 02-01Cl3 r S9tlt. NEEDaplacelcboitrdyou DTIA n.n.u, ne Downtown, Tuoiu./ ,"', . ,'",...... aog.f rnnoIM vnhI. I my NOT ENOU4H TIME ElncIrlc:Piunlhlng. Car Thur St,irt9 Aug 9th 5II hom6. 247-O3IY Maria TO CLEAN tmvn morn pentry. Free 5tImnte, To - Let me help PAST-Ilvea RreeIon po ttmel Fflt, røllnble, $100. No ob tOO amNIll DIck, 942-1058 VIOLIN Leaoruu by U I I CtrtItId Hypnothernpltut. expert oletinlng. $10 nn Tøaohor & 3yrrirhoriv Vlo "UNLIMITED BUYING_POWER!" CR11 .1 -455 hour. R&ernnorn. .5, ______------.-- ANOTHER cIutnct toryour IInIt, SImon it3-2l 0(1 SUMMER BARGAINS 293-2000 chnlr & couch. Custom CHANNLøveaw/nnoxtrfl- . UphoIttiry, Ornp Mild teFrostrI& 7/30, 8/27. PRat- YOUR CAR DIRTY? And $10 $uant InterIor delgru. 254-0205 DAY Plan III 90 Layaway røgrettslon. youdoruthnvnIuOuUhIIflrn $75/mo your homA 1 hr / 202-0544 wk. Potionl not. 533-7000 to do II yournIfI Lot Aco H&J Mttlntorionco Pacers I O Guollty Cor 1-torno, 1flce, condo & opt. -- .-...- - ...... I II1_k!L:I1iIH Cloorlinci 5orlCo moke M&rtenonco, repolr nd ALOHA Tulorlrug Sorvlco, Si 59 MONTHLY YOUR CHOICE!4 your car hlno ond isprkI, ronovotlon Iru,n oat, All Nublecta, nil çjrod.m, CalIAnthonyt261-...985or 'THE LARGEST To $100. mdlv, lntrri. 533-5457 63 DODGE 600-4 DR-AT. PS. AC. pw-Axc709 Serving Oahu Ioovo u meoe, ReiaOn- Horvey PoQolMky2034057 01)10 tinton. ENOLISI- lONG lN PAWN SHOP 83 FORD ESCORT-a OR, S SPD. AC, PS-AVN200 STRLJCTION. From uovlco Since 1 977 Roofing OR, AT, AC, AILOYS-BSR918 TIRED OF CLEANING? ,Q compoiltvo lovelo, Loam IN THE ISLANDS" 83 ISIJZIJ l-MARK-4 Lot me thke tNt bother ofl to moko the moat DI DR. AT, AC, STEREO-50J757 of put thorn 82 HONDA ACCORD-4 S your honda ond yourself ond your 1 2500 on minol Thorough, sxert aroup or privoIR loanona, MAZDA GLC-3 DR. AT, AM/FM CASS-AW0143 $10 hour, IolI- .83 Ionnln9, an Scrn & JnIouls 203-6334, S 595-2533 oble, re orencia, i . *HIGHESTLO ANS olkrrrtl len ens'- .84 PONTIAC 2000-2 DR. AT, AC. SUNROOF, . 293-2600 ' SCREENS Unllmltod PIANO tutionru AM/FM-CJC822 . thTnjiojvnit,wt Statf Attorney ._._ oroorua, roplocornont Sotor Konoolio uuroo Duily .Jowoiry Gone Bridges 1-IOUSECLEANING, hon acroona, 000i.irlty doora & *LOWEST RATES Anwhre! 83 PLYMOUTH RELIAftI WON-AT, PS, AC-AVX51 3 oat, relIable & rota, Weekly Call 235-4432, 641-1190 wodowo. Co for trot oat, ______ttrr nnd AM/FM-HHF222 boola. 269-9300 Iv. mao. *AU'I1'MS mI,!a!:!J 84 NISSAN SENIRA-4 DR. AT, AC, A1IInliI&qIII_l Ph. 263-4396. I3FWINO Clnaara, ruuoriulnU wnrrant..dJ & evenlnga Stnrtln July Stnrooe ______CIor!c&/Typing *w4, cftrefllaoi*t our rnatonicra! Sow!np/AltrntIonn 31 , CoIl 2$28049 ALOHA Tranacrlptlona, PROFESSIONAL Drea- 36 Relumsi otondord/mloro oaoItø. noklno & alto,. for cuatorn LEARN & PRACTICE PEARL CITY uunhIty png, woru pro- fIt, del, 239-5001 ree p/u d&lvery. /J& WIndward Karate Anoc$otIon P AWI1 , 'Sporting Don't bore Call 201-0245. Tampered with Wallpaper OPEN 7 DAYS 9 TO 6 Equlprnitnt the boss Body-Mind-Splill $1 79 MONTHLY YOUR CHOICE! .Automobllos/ Conebructlon/ WALLPAPERING .. TRAINING with your 4 88.9 723 CHEVY S-i 0 TRUCK-4 SPD, PS, AC, ContractIng 13 yra. oxpor., rea./coninr. 'I.hlnd Cutter Ford In AI.a" Mopods 82 resume! troo eel to $100, 261-1711 CAMPER-CRA2O5 lJ&M CONTRACTING, Papor Dolle 735-9970 INC. Gon. Contractor, pin- .85 CHEVY CELEBRITY-4 DR. AT. PS, AC, AM/FM Hazzard irirrO & dec1911 tWOS., 110W CASS-BYX737 hornet,, oddilborla, remodel- Yard Srirvlce 9 Employment Oppartunill,. Resume lnç, all conetrutlon ___ _ -,----.- _._. .86 CHEVY SPECTRUM HB-s SPD-CPR1 12 ruhaaea, Free eat. Llc. HIRE 11 Bobcat. GrtidlnU, NEEDLECratI loviuruu-aerrr tIght placee. Hourly/Job, d '82 FORD E-350 XL-i 4 PASSENGER VAN-AT, Service E1C14233 & floured. 239- $$$, leech Sell. Crnativr, LEEWARD ,', 4540. CoIl 203-8314 CIrcle. Ptr, 039-0908 AC-60U337 DR. S SPO. PS-RTPSB2 ,, 947-8422 CHRIS Contract, Inc. COMPLETE Yard Servicea .84 HONDA ACCORD-4 Pro-Huebeuid & wife team, Help Wanted rn t,i General conlractin9 finn cIII MOrk Souze 254-4949 oven. MalelFemale .86 MAZDA SF-S TRUCK-S SPO, AM/FM , PAWN aiIu hotrin BROKERS 705 An', Sl_ building. Addltl0n, Near AI CrrI, remodeling, all phairna 0$ "We Core end it ehowa" cASS-CDU4334 , CHURCH RecruIting, Low onetructlon. Free net, LIc, ,- ArrflOflAflI C ,,II,,, .,,y ...... ,, 4,.,,,., Finest Shop In Pearl City .84 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME -AT, AC, 147219. Inuuuri1 CoIl 254- ynrd servIce. Free oatlnunte, wlillsu you Iuovo e job Call LOADED-SW1 34 2268 Call 262-4117. Scoltat 545-5804 No Loan Too Big or Too Small S Tjane Lomont's 84 TOYOTA TERCEL WAGON-AT, PS'-BVC4OG Drnporioe TRFE ServIce. Lorçjo BARTENDER, Wnitroee, Cook. Applicotlona at 131 , Windward romovol to ornernontol 'Lowest rates on Leeward side HeklIl St., KnIlun nIt, 3 VERTICAL bllnde 50% dIe- trImming, 11 yro. exp. Llc,/ p.m 'Loan on ur buy anything of valise mado. Foot C-14433. Free All count, Locally ne. eat. APPLICATIONS paid for your gold Resumes Etc. dellvory. Ex. 72x64 $99. PArAuJIrio Trn Sturvlco, 95- .Hlqhest dollar Fr eat, I-latch 0226. occoptod for apprenticuu Kn !nt- l'Inlrloonu 'Wanted gold watches & gold coins rior, Call 264-2080 - -I$wallnru Jwlry Militury & Civilian Yard Sorvico engravere on be oh pu'o 'Open 7 days a wk. 9-7 pm. - Wed till 5 p.m. QualIty work et affordable qrorrI. 924-7972. 'Check us out S199 Writing & E!ociricnl price, rroe oat, Ploaao call MONTHLY YOUR CHOICE!4 or lv. ma9, 203-7777 AHEA riac Counseling RAM 1 4x4 PICKUP-4 SPD, MANAGERS For the best buys in quality merchandise visit our air .85 DODGE 50 FiLlPiNOYordrnnru,wriokly WEEKLY NEWS- PS-3980M R, Electric, Electri- rOR Mlkoml montrilv maIntenance. PAPER Work Irom your conditioned showroom. cot Service Eatlmotoe. Lie. PS, AC, BEDLINER, 261-7524 $20 & ô 841-0803 home. Chellonglng .85 FORD F-i 50 PICKUP-AT, itCb0129. Call 942-9121 .. 1 OSTDO 5t40 IJluhnkn St., Kiuhui br Indopeiidont CASSETTE- REMI Yard Service, Mow- aolt-alnrloia Inlareeted lii "Million Dollar Buying Power" ,(Neur Clthtk Ho.pitoJ) PS, AC. STEREO-CCEO6O Qrnpt,lcs/Pr!nting rig, triniming, weodlrug worklru wIth youru I)OOPle. '86 FRD LTD WAGON-AT, ,-' Free ant, 261-4952 Supervino A train nowe car- 'I 945 Kam Highway .86 MAZDA B2200 SE PICKUP-s SPD-CCR99 EXPERIENCED drottopor------rinra. ,, Bualneas Servlcea eon available for orchltec- MOW, trim & fertilIze, aIo pønitlovr avnll- DR. SPD, CASS-CNV734 : Part-tIme (next to Pearl City Tavern) .87 MAZDA 323-3 4 turol and mochfinlcol work. ll9ht home rn4,nlr work to ebb, -4xES, filed ate, peal yre. No lob too emaIl. Cell 293- 8°0 395280 PEAflI. HAI1BOIR HOUSING .86 PONTIAC FIERO COUPF-5 SN), AC, AM/FM tn,ourhomMearvlco, Stove 200L) PEARL CITY PENINSULA CASS-CCN134 WhIte MBA 395-7141. 5OBusInueQpportunItlaa WAHIAWA POINT . Call 456-5900 .87 MAZDA 323 DX-4 OR, 5 SPO, PS, AC-MM1348 Hauling BAflI3ERS WE onewar your buelnoee IIIOQUOIS POINT , AM/FM STEREO-CRJ581 phone In bopth' whoi anbary, bonuaao & .81 PORSCHE 924-Ac, , IbrIriga to hnul in a cnlior to tiiinnciI freedom Excnitent you cfln't Novor on O Help Wanted coil 1 hurry? Hava no worry, gIve in 20 montha, MUST SEE çaa allow For Info, 10 Help Wanted O Help Wanlell Hold." See our ad In 235-5881. a 734-1192, PROGRAMIForuIppI.,Johri Llndn Buleilio Male/1enaIe MalalFeniele Male/Femnie , Men call Yellow pogea. pao 50. 373933fl *S499 Marketing, Inc. 922-2555 TELEMAU1KETEflS with DOWN-14% APR-OAC Painting xperince needed lmni- RECEPTIONIST-connect(CHflISTMAS Around the PUT your baI akIlle to EARN $40 worth of ChrIet- lIne decoratlona & Ioya tor dietoly for pnri-ilmn poal- vouranit w1111 beatlWorlrj now hirIng demon- work, Weeterri Tomporory EXPIRES AUG. 3, 1 988 SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE S Appllancne ' ri ARHI'S PaInting Service 10 hnvin9 Clrrietmaa Around hone. MuI ho eel! mall- 'romp. Svc, town, Adll,tr,toi,, No irivoetmenta rvlcfl needa good typ- . -.---- Pclrohnr1Ot Svo. No tee, yr.. oxp,, lnl,/ext, Mildew ThO World party. For more vetod, have a plenoant 533- Ibutyvur time. Call flochollo late, oxp. word pr000eaora 0089. 407-1900, Phyllia 422-4073, gcm. eoeclttllate .. woab, L.uable, Free eat. info cmlI Baverlv 239-0245 phone manner and ho ablu & clerical -...... 10 $100, type 40-45 wpm Expe- .-, - Corn, t.3tl2-4085 never a leI 524-b41 I EO WE Service all mekna 8 239-7657 or P'hyIIle 422-4I73 to In ndvertIaln holptul WOIRKERS WANTED -.--- .-'-.----..--- MFH SHELLY Ifl2ZD2 LEEWARD rirodele on all major apple. rlenco NT, - ---"------'-:"--" NO EXPEFIIENCE COUFIIEP, your oar, tuIl/ ., 4aro Appliance. Cell 235- oxter Free feat aatI START your own bualn000 hub not required, Windward matea, no NECESSARY part tIme, retired wnlcorrne, a in 7 or 235-2077 money down, at home In your apare tlrrue locatIon lelI Joni at 235- Fyou want lob the 61 1-Irinvy work ri Jock 203-0825 - . reterencas, qualIty work. & earn $$$I For e complete 5001, boriltorlal Leeward area caine to Job 94-21 2 LEOKU ST. WAIPAHU molar comirnerciol roMeo. ' ._ -.---.-.-'---- - 247-1351 or662-4028 volume, efld Ceribrir, 487-3058 toD by atop ------' EARN Extrn Money SCREEN & $2ö to: l.P.C., 909 Unlver- LADOREI1S-"BIUt' Jeena rnnt, NIGHT WORK FULL PROFESSIONAL Polntln Cell TIME. MedIcal, dentnl, holl- i-lOLieI3WIVaR & Colleçje REPAIR - ally 11304, b-bono., HI 90020 and Snoitkara" lobe. WANT Sec./Bkpg. lobe ii 677-0761 JALOUSIE nt/Ext. at low rtoo. dutye, $4,50/hr, to alert, with Studuint Welcome, 533-0009. Adla Poreonirci Loeward Job Center Mobbb Good ref. free natlrrintea. 2 pay raieea within 00 doyc. We Prvlde tralnln tor Harey' Svc, Never a toe. 40731350, Cell Bobby 927-0453 55 Mon.y Loaned-Wanted Ccli 033-5000 for IntervIew MARKET RESEARCH

TO YOU , WE COME SECRETAflIES-Oon'l lila ur apply at 709 MopunlIp- INTE9VIEWER -..,....-.---..- -. I'.a.IIm.I. For WHSE/Dailvary lobe ii THEPAlNTERlnt,/xi,p- INVESTOR needed away your ekitle. Cell Adle uric St., 2nd fIr. btwrn 9rim All Houra. $4.50/hr ø-4S? tr ,iu.,h áentoi. Hprv.t' clabiet. Low rotea, exol. rote travel bucincea. For PerQnh1Ol VC. Novr a 5pm. UNIVFRSAI SAFEtY No Seihling Lnwei'd area. S o 3100 407-3050 Free eat. To $100, 228-0000 t.coti 201 -9962 338R89 SVCS Call 528-4(Thl) C1are4ified 111 July 28-Augumt 3, 1988 40u4; 4G4 94-250 LEONUI 4411hM OTORS WAIPAHU 676-5454 Jeep/Eagle (BEHIND METRO)



'87 CHEV. ASTRO VAN '88 NISSAN SENTRA ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR %W. OAC, PRICES PWS TAX, Lie., & DOC FEES, GOOD TILL 11/3/no 85155 onysti SPX PU '86 TOYOTA CAMRY '82 FORD MUSTANG '86 MITSUBISHI '80 TOYOTA CELICA GT $28616.. $22801.. MSBOI/A '85 TOYOTA TERCEL (ATB-368) (168-TDR) (ASC-111) SALE $11,295 SALE $8,999 (CDF-982) PRICE $ SALE $ 3999 $14964/mo $6498 :VICE $2290 3956,00 Plus lox, lic & doc foes, STANDARD TRANSMISSION, AM/FM 5 SPEED, TRANSMISSION, RADIO DOWN NO DOWN, 36 Mos. Fcl, 16.69% APR CASS, 4X4 '84 CHEVROLET 1-28 '81 NISSAN 510 $ 95 '80 MERCURY '85 TOYOTA TERCEL '85 CHEV CAMARO 1105149 o95151) DOWN '86 JEEP CHEROKEE CAPRI RS TURBO '82 NISSAN 210 (5069P) (CCE-568) (CED-748) IMMO/ A (AT5 -797) $22792 mo. $19668.. $413857/mo $211413/mo SALE $6,999 SALE $2,999 E $21598.. PR $9999 7477.00 Plus tax, 11c., & doc tees PlIgE $2590 4218,00 Plus tax, 11c., & dot fees. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO (6) 18% APP SALE $3,295 AIR CONDITIONED, 4 SPEED $199 DOWN 42 Mos. 18% APR $599 DOWN, 48 Mos. $ 95 DOWN $95 '85 TOYOTA COROLLA '84 FORD BRONCO II '83 NISSAN MAXIMA '81 CHEV. CITATION DOWN (BYS-629) (CNS-768) 11'ml/A qq51411 '83 FORD SALE FUTURA SALE H8S15/A $L997 $11398°/mo PRICE $411 'I $16482/mo PR ICE 3490 4999.00 Plus tax, lic., & doc fees. 3999.00 Plus lox, lic., & doc foes. AIR, AUTOMATIC, CRUISE CONTROL, $25406 mo. $19660 4 SPEED. AIR, RADIO, 4WD $1961o.,990T 18% APR $399 DOWN, 36 Mos. (0 18% APR $199 DOWN 42 Mos, AM/FM, PS, LOW MITI SALE $5,995 SALE $2,995 LOW '84 PULSAR '87 CHEV CAVALIER '85 NISSAN PICKUP '85 PONT FIREBIRD (CJF-750) (CDF-910) DOWN (BXE-708) (TDJ-081) '79 TOYOTA COROLLA 14 PLY. RELIANT '84 DODGE ARIES SE $19258/mo $21419/mo toirdn 1111011/A 110230/ A PRICE $ PR CE $4290 6776.00 Plus lax, lic., & doc foes. $6599 7671.00 Plus lox, Ile., & doc fees AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO APR 4 SPEED, RADIO $17536 mo. $14834 mo. Si 6663 mu. $399 DOWN, 48 MOs, 0.0 18% $799 DOWN, 48 Mos, (,1, 18% APR SALE $1,795 SALE $3,995 SALE $4,495 '83 CHRYS LEBARON '84 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER '86 FORD MUSTANG '86 MAZDA B-2000 PICKUP 98-051 KAMEHAMEHA HWY. (AWJ-744) (CJW-224) (CFG-739) (CSS-777) $19859/mo $18446/mo PR E 6969,00 Plus tax, Ilc & doc fees, $4987 487-5595 4993,00 Plus tax, Ilc , & doc fees. revert ON APPROVAL, cone eunJererro MVOs SALE USED OAS TI:PMS AHE lh OS, APIS ST 'WI I N ALPINE STEREO, MAG WHEELS APR $599 DOWN, 48 Mos, (5118% APR In AND 4H MONTHS, PRICES PLUS TAX. LID , A DOC FEES WINER AUL% 1051 $199 DOWN 36 Mos 18%

60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted GO Help Wanted Male/Female Male/Female Male/Female Male/Female

WANTED: Bar Tender, CLERKS-school's out & TACO Hut in looking for MITSOBISHI choice! Adleen ready to help you friendly, onthusiestic peo- Wed -Sun, from 8:30 p.m, 4;00 a,m. Call 201-4140 Dept. of Commerce UTTER enjoy summer w/Terrip ple to work In our Kallua & eatolgnments. n fee, The U.S. Census Bureau obvious Never Downtown Honolulu res- 533-HR89. MILITARY dependents, hum over 20 lemporary lob the taurant& we provide good explore flex. work option& mooning' on all arose of rosining, a flexible weork while on tour of duty, your Onhu (nacao! Honolulu). 01547 environment & rapid MONTERO skein In Wang, Multi-Mate, sudderayy mane( o- TIME advancement to word processing, clerical, sti.:10-57.1111/hour, Wed "NEVER PART men' for right person. No on Island laminar' A goy- MET A ROAD WE DIDN'T LIKE" data entry &' marketing are STUDENTS, Full & part-time ornmenl cunt of living eke, sac. valued nt Western Tempo- riven, Competitive weirs & 30-40 hours par was FROM: RETIREES WELCOME rary Services, Never a feel Lull range of benefits, 2nd Job duration: currently 524-0411 EOE MFI-1 Aloha Flea Market needs job hunters welcome. Call M mid-September Eligi- -2550 bility requirements Lot Cashiers, Apply In Earlene el 201 b1wn, CAR RENTAL AGENT U.S. Gillian 8 n,m.-3 p.m M-F. $3,500 person, Wednesday, needed. Good pay rind $11,600 Peen written leaf Saturday end Sunday, 8 quick promotions, no exp. PERSON Eft/Clerk helper RM have car available a,m,-3 p.m. with Cleve- needed. Must be mature & Respond in writing Need energetic, bright per- enthudiantic, Call Inland lend nt Aloha Stadium or son to annist owner of buny immedintely to: World Rent a Car. 830-2222 phone 237-7015 or distribution co. Learn all U.S. Census Gurnee \LB6-1020. twits of bualnean lull or PART time or II/11 Collsop full tintell Moo of Spools! Pi op r HITIS #1472 $5 /hour, Call Mrs, WAGON part-tirno If you ere free to 95-045 Ala 114A Cannon 737-6720 Room ES,a111 SUBWAY SandwIchen work 3 eves. a week Poor! clly, I419n7n1 "ALL THE COMFORTS McCully/Keploinni, nIghl part-lime on Sat's Climlacti shift, mgr. portelblIlly, hon. **********-A, for approx, $250 or much ItrZe=111111 VI OF HOME" eat, friendly & responsible more per week phone FROM: MIGHTY MAXX 01582 \,:474):a: ::11 4. 41:4 people. 945-3566 SNELLING open- 833.7470 F/T eves: Immediate TEMPORARIE'S Men for stripping & waxing HAIRSTYLISTS, Excl. Ily IIt "ABLE IS THE WORD!" "'"-- 74% "1°111E11°S opportuity at Fantastic no exp. necenseryl personnel, Ft39-5388. Sinter( Kanthie, and Alen. Ph. Company 'rankle pro- $15,281 DRIVEABLE FROM: . WE NEED YOU! JANITORS: P/T eves, Air- 20l-4400 or 488.2406, greml port, Downtown end Wai- *COMFORTABLE ProstIglous companlos Military & housewhme AVONI Own your own burli- kiki areas, Call 839-5380 RELIABLE lloxiblo schedules Weicormill VALUABLE ness, Be your own bona, pre-set eppoinlmunies JANITORS: P/T evenings, Refomil bonuses $7307 Call Mindy 235-7641, made by company' Kelton Area only. 51.111,1FC1 10 PRIOR SALI s GOOD THRU 0/3/140 Same week full Friday pay Call 839-5380 OUAIIANTITD1RADE NOl COMLIINAKE WITH SALE PRICES. PIKES PLUS TAX, LIC., ANO DOC FEES. OAC, CARS NEEDLECRAFT Lovers FULL time clerk/reception- Earn $$ Teach & Sell, Cre- Never a fee ist - multifaceted ponition, PART & toll time ative Circle. 262-9375 Antiwar phones, process needed. Male or female. SECRETARIES bulk mall, typing, Invoicing. WAIPAHU USED CAR SPECIALS WAIPAHU ages for fettle 262.2236 MODELS-ell RECEPTIONISTS Some computer and basic ion ahowe, print modeling, meth MOM required. Cell TEACHER Kellum pre- JEEP WRANGLER locel/nat'l commercials. CLERKS/TYPISTS '88 MITSU 7 PASS VAN - - '87 STARION '87 Onyna at 235-5881 !school, 12:30 to 5:30. Early 1141x:, Models, 944-2035. INX) $14,S95 $11,995 $10,795 Morgan Childhood Ed. & leaching WORD PROCESSING AREA rigLo CASHIERS/Selen, Need exp, req excl. sniary/Inin- HONDA ACCORD ' 86 IMPULSE '86 CHEROKEE ACCOUNTING CLERKS MANAGERS etas. Ph. 254-6442 '87 58795 extra $$$? Immedinte P/T roll WEEKLY NEWS- ?moo $10,295 11071 $8695 openings. 537-5911, eat, 54. 10 KEY OPERATORS PAPER. Work from your KAILUA Sandwich chop own home. cock & MAZDA PICKUP ASS'T Mgr. Trainee -Randy LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Challenging looking for full time '87 GRAND AM '86 TAURUS '87 postilion's for Independent help, Call $7895 111441 $7895 ,011 $7695 to get hack Into the work counter 262-8035 colt-stertere interested In 5 p,m. force? 537.5911, ex!, 54 oiler PH: 522.0900 working with young peoples( '87 NISSAN '85 JEEP CJ-7 '84 JEEP CJ & SECRETARY duties DENTAL Aoslotant, full T33 Bishop Si. Sulk' 1650 Supervine train news car- s6495 11141 $6495 $6295 ders. offered, good rotes, Kellua - trees, Ward/Bere- time will *********** preferred. 201-9910, lanes 531-5071 Part-lime positions avalleible, VIDEO chain needs reli- PEARL HARBOR HOUSING '88 ESCORT '81 280 ZX '84 VW RABBIT GTI able, mobile people person JEANS WAREHOUSE $5995 04411 $5695 110E/ 55295 LIFEGUARD P/T 19 hrs. PEARL CITY PENINSULA VII, qualified & sincere only AMMAN' ASSISTANT MANAGER wk., $5.41/hr, Whitmore need to apply. 25/35 hrs. WINDWARD MALL area. Muni tenet current WAHIAWA '85 DODGE 600 '86 HYUNDAI EXCEL '82 CAMARO per wk, Applications are Application new being 54895 um) WSI, or Fled Cross life env- Excellent salary, bonusee & $5195 54895 barrio accepted only, 11 to accepted Aunt, mgr. posi- Ing certification, Info, 653- grin allow, For Info, call 5 p,m,, M-F nt National tion Linda [Mateo 235-5881 i1311 SUPREME ' PICKUP '81 TOYOTA TERCEL 5535 Lake Mall CUTLASS 76 GMC Video at 4510 Salt at our new Windward s3295 ,4231 $995 Available Temporary Blvd. location, Send Resume to Jay Goiden/Operet lone Assignments Ships Now Hiring' ORM. Aerial clanks CRUISE ASSISTANT Mgr. Summer & Career opportu- 045 Queen SI., Hone. I-11 ACM DATA ENTRY nities. Excl, pay. World MANAGER 90814 94-149 FARRINGTON HWY 671-2626 WORD PROCESSORS Travail Call (Refundable) 1- Because we 518- 459 -3734 Ext, P3496. GEM DEPT STORE TRADE INS WELCOMED SPECIALIZE, LookIng for organized, DIRECTLY ACROSS we have DUALITY PAPA Aldo's Take and self motIvated individ- Bake Pizza, Windward City $$$ ASSIGNMENTS and Shopping Ctr. Now hiring ual with good supervi- 70P PAYI eves. and wkenda. Apply In sory and project man- SUMMER 00 Help Wanted 03 Jobs Wanted 73 Aptn. Furnished ) rimp", 11-2 p.m. agement skills, Male/Female MOIldenIPS DRAFTSPERSON evelleble WAIKIKI - Pete okay Fur- ATTENTION Requires computer Untied 531.8056 CALLING ALL PARENTSIII MONEY SUNSHINE School Kellum for architectural and 1 bedroom, lease Would you like to keep your knowledge, some ac- Cooks position, 30 chil- mechanical dralling. Call required. 023-7955. AIRLINE POSITIONS kids busy this summer counting, 10 key ex- dren, M-F, flax, , math 293 -2800. have them earn good $$$ OWNERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS perience. eklila, car req. Call 201-8270 14 Apts, Uniumlehed PROPERTY Service, flight money also? I've got come Mergarette Cuntomor Excellent benefit petit- PART TIME 84 Domestic Jobs Wanted f andante, mechnnice & !select SUN PRESS paper STUDIO, Kallua, own pri- routes open for boys & aviunica, Entry level poni- age. Salary commensu- JOB GET PAID for rending WILL bebysit my Kaneohe vete bethroorn, kitchenette, AND REALTORS! gide, nem 10 and up In the lions avail. For hiring Into. rate with experience. books' $1000 per title, home, M-F. Menlo & snacks, private entrance, off street E. Lake rind Keolu Hills PASS 101 S. can 312-296-4008 Send resume to: Write; - A2005, Ph. 247-2401 parking, cable, utilities Inc!, arena, For morn info. please "ATTENTION* LIncrenway, N. Aurora, IL $700, 261-0531. Avail, YOUR AD call 281-2470. Or call the PLACE "AVON" Own your own 9.05.4% WILL baby sit my home Immediately. Circulation Office, 235- Director of Circulation busineen. 50% earni nun MILITARY SALES/Mgr. Trainee for Kaneohe, M-F, TLC, 2 ponsible. Jo 395-0070 5081, FOR 4 WEEKS AT RFD Publications, Inc. Furniture More In Kellum meals, 2 snack& 247-1675 75 Apia. Partly Furnished PERSONNEL Enthualestic. Ph. 202-4440 DELIVERY driver Typo 5, 45-525 luluku Road HOUSE cleaning, excl, 1 bdrm. cot. deck, lull Ilme, clean abstract, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 & SPOUSES PLANT Nurneryw orker, P/ work at rem, rates. Weekly/ LANIKAI 1/2 PRICE view, nr, beach 6675/ exp. helpful but will train, PC Operators T. Ph, 230-8987 Windward bi -wkly, responsible & thor- pool, start $0/hr, Cell 647-3170 rook-lent pref. mo, Incl. Lillis, 261-5051 (3 1 in minimum KELLY GIVES YOU MOHEI & LOCALS ough. 262-5679 eller fl n.m. ullls. $450 DELIVERY/Utility worker, FULL time Dental Office PEARL wee, or Senelne now winnable for WILL baby all my Kellum pool, prkg. $475, Others Service Merlons. R&M's', Full/pert- Malinger, $15,000 min,. CUSTOMER Sec- Honolulu nrnn employees: time. Call 230-5677, Emir Exlra Money home, M-F, meals & remake. 943-0091 Rent Mart Fee retery, full lime. Kellum, call Part Aline per hour Need lake charge person Day or night, 262-9445 262-7732 Lori Tinlonno ofl 3 InatIlno with clerical nkille. Call 261- FLORAL work, male/ p.m. HANDY brine 2 bdrm. $435 spreadsheet software packages 5:30 In 9:00 1600 female, will train, Full/part- FAMIY Daycare on' prkg. $450. Others. 943- Man, thru FrI. We invite you to take advantage GENERAL office clerk, Metll ono time. Call 239-5077 license Ewa Bench... 0001 Rent Mart Fee vary. Needed Mimed, hours Uocntion ono 62 Domestic Help Wanted 203 -8300,087 -4974` Call Trudy At 732-6611 Woril processing Melee We need par1.11me workers special offer. Please SEW at home, Up, zig-zag 1 BE)RM. w/kItchenette, of this limited days. on 11 lending PC sollwnra Immediately to train' Ter CLEANING you will Po unametress for sample BUSY Butilrentamen needs -- bath, turn ulna. Incl, $200/ oncknone pleased, and I will work. Cell 201-0199 9.3 pm :mr newly esliiblished someone to spray starch wk, $700/mo. 203-0235 call the classified advertising 'SWIMMING Pool Mantel- and more show ere I'm honest and and Iron up to 0 shale and rumen lull time. Kaki& Call APPLY TODAY! RESPONSIBLE person flisentini Buying. Ware. dependable $8,50/hour. 0 prints per week. Pays 76 Rentals to Share 02-732 Anne WORK TOMORROW? needed for elderly woman, hedge Outlets." Special- Call 235-6882 department 235,5881 equivnient to $5- $8.50/ AVIATIONS JOBS AVAILABLE NOVA routine care, weekender, 17111y In clothing, inwelry, Veterensl If hour', Good job required. DEPENDENT mother will MILILANI-Comfortable you're a weekdays, on-call, $5 /hr. reifies, toasters. furniture, valeran and work Call today! Nimbi area, 254-5474 eve- baby alt In ley Kallua home, w/laundry, kitchen, util. in ;1i/ration, we have Call between 0:30 n.rn.-3:00 a place TVs, 1111CrewaveS. early ninon only/leave menage. rates negotiable, firnt aid & $385/mo. Call 2133-9898, for you In the Neve' p.m, 247-0345 TUESDAY 521-7468 more CPR certified. Call Verniers DEADLINE 12 NOON ilesorve. Alr Crew, Iti Hiller° and numy wanted to shore AW & AX MYSTERY CUSTOMER PERSON at 203-4037 BEAUTIFUL townhouse, I eras, ro9ht appliances, Following rts w/bath. Craw - Neviga- WANTED. Undercover tipster audio Temple Valley, Master bed- lore 8 pilots with ASW at areas are avallahle: Hono- Own bed, nice house, room, avail, now, $375/mo. pizza coneurner to evaluate WILL baboll 2 years to 21/2 NAS Berbera Point, 541- mountain view over country 239-8304 16 01 Houses Furnished 62 Houses Unlumished delivery service & product lulu, Pearl Harbor, Sall years old child. Phone 623- Rentals to Share ;1707 or 474-4020 strainer, Need help w/ Mellani once every four weekn, Lake, Wahiawa, IIarhors 3907 KAILUA-own rm., share SERVICES elderly couple. Mersin, car, BEACH, 3 bdrm, Moat live within the delivery bdrm., 2 be., EWA DELIVERY Warehouse Point and Kaneohe. small iminry possible. 239- bath. Non -smoker, remelts KAILUA 3 imam, big yard, near The of our Domino'n Pizza Store pref. $300 Inc' util. $100 KAILUA - 2 bdrrn, college pool. Avail. Sept. 1 to Mnr, Worker Munt have clean Other Benefits Include: 6188, ask for G. Allan, 73 Apts. Furnished beech. 262-8300. 680-4974 located at 45-773 Kant dep. Call 202 -4700, 262- to »hare w/femttle, 3, $1400. 254.2529 driving record, dependable, Kelly Glrl Bonuses good with figures, acme People Hwy., Keeper's,. To become Advancement CERTIFIED Nanny, part- 2900 incl, utll. Ph. 262-2928. myntery customer and KAILUA: Chrlstlen female lifting $5.50 /hour, Call Mre, 1111 Mn lit and Incentive Pay. time needed for infant with KAILUA-Ige. turn, aludio, Furnished receive n monthly rebate, LANIKAI $385 Incl. utile., to ahem, Igo. 2 bdrm., oar- 83 Hawes Partly Cannon 737-0726 Min an IIP111.y .101/1, 4 ,MP 5 yrs, exp. Rafe. req. Call enclosed patio, pkng., KAILUA condo own reilba. planner call loll free Fri., July Call 247-6402 $575/mo. 202-9868. non-smoker, female, $325 nice home, non-smoker. poled waah/dry, cable, 29, 1-800-521.3674 1/2 eves. Call 262-9092 $325 incl. Mary Ann 11/2 MAILE 3 . GOVERNMENT Jobe II n law sioultss n11 sp011OSIEff utile. 261-7101 al, bdrm bath, Dornino'z Pine Inc, NEW Igo. 2 bdrm, $1195; 1 after 4 p.m, 261-0093 $18,037 to 660,405, 'male- show woof of identity and Pip to 486-0173 PERM, P/T Hourmcleaner Inc!, water, new carpet, In own room, bath In PROF. female-non-smoker dialer-11ring' Your area, Call wink gm U.S needed. Windward area, bdrm, 6895; fully turn KA 'WA, fenced yard, lg. garage I share 2 belon, 1 be. Halewa LANIKAI/Kallutt nr. beach 1 (Refundable 1- 518 -450- 'I or quolllool Hoolloonts only DENTAL receptIoniel Driver's Lic. w /car. Cell Incl. quiet beach, great 3 bdrm, house $263 mo./ $750/mo, dep. Avail. Aug. ask for Judy 1-Igts. dep. 31311 Ext. F3496 for Federal for K5111.111 off on. 235-8234, anylime or iv, eunnet. 690-5756 deposit, 1/3 utile. Cell 262- 6360/mo. or 3 burro., z Lin. luny turn. Cell 247-0105 List 24 Hot. 202-4552. msg. 2079 Incl. utile, 488-5103 short term. 202 -5445 July 28-August 3, 1988 Chismiliv(1 I V 4 4- 4---46-- "414161 ti) Cder .1 feet Me/ftfill,M, MrAPIIMPAYIlfiffonfelfifel *Ire retst,4.. iiie --c()114etittii4 Exattgq. ., MENTION THIS AD 140, FOR EXTRA SAVINGS TOYOTA CITY USED CARS NOW THRU 8/3/88 '87 CELEBRITY EUROSPORT (2132) '80 MUSTANG (2050) Air, Auto, PS CORRAL -;-.. ONLY 12,000 MITI! SHARP . . $7975 :IZAII;r1:11' 6 CYI $1175 2819 PUKOLOA ST. MON-FRI 8:30 AM-9 PM '85 NISSAN 200SX (2147) '77 VOLARE (BEHIND GIBSON'S SAT 8:30 AM-6 PM Air, Auto, AM/FM, Cans, SHOPPING CENTER) SUN 10 AM-4 PM LOW MHO $5975, (2116) 395 c.- 834-7118 '83 TRANS AM (2040) '76 FORD GRANADA V-8, Air, P/WIn, Sun Roof NOW inp (2088)B) $5775 $2 95 . '82 MUSTANG (2082) '74 PINTO 6 Cyl, Air, Auto, AM/EM ' $3475 (2155) $295 '72 VW KARMANN GHIA (1901) '74 TOYOTA CELICA Cony, 4 SO, AM/FM GREAT PM $2975 (2080) $295

AIEA UTTER 162, n 98-015 KAM HWY. FORD 1SUZU 487-3811

1 83 Rouses Partly Furnished 114 Real Estate for Sale 124 Garage/Lanai Sales 125 Home Appliances CHARGER --,-- '85 TERCEL MILILANI large lovely 5 COLORADO, 35 mountain bdrm.; 3 bath, yard evc., acres, good access, 15 SINGLE bed, bird cage, WASHERS and Dryers for '82 LEBARON '87 TOYOTA CA MARY stereo, clothing & morn. sale. $100 an. Frost-free solar ripple. 2 car gar miles to ski bane, horning, 2 on, AUTO, AC, PR HOVP.021! $1688 4 on, AUTO, PS, AC 011JW-5114 NEW CONDII $AVE 1220 Punana Lp., Koltun refrlg. $150 and up. 259- fenced, $1325' mo. 023-5303 low down, $177/mo., week- days 817-731.0480, even. 8751. John '80 MERCURY COUGAR '87 TOYOTA HILUX PICKUP GARAGE Sale: Baby Items, 21311, AUTO, AC, PS NAPR-2111 $988 IICPP. /70 $5388 3 BDIRM,, 2 bath, exec. style 017-244-5465 MAJOR brand apply., home M MIlilani, ynrd tem twin meow & relic, Sal., '80 FORD PINTO '83 CHEV BLAZER 4X2 7/30 to Sun., 7/31, 1205 welshers, dryers, retrIg Incl. 623-6033 213R, AUTO. AC, PS aare-554 $788 AUTO, AC, PS 0119C-072 $4688 119 Real Estate Loans Mown' St., Kellum ranges $139 up KND EWA Beach, 3/11/2 enclosed Apple. 842-1990 '85 TOYOTA TERCEL '86 TOYOTA TERCEL H/B 4 OR, AUTO, AC 1410V-4115 AUTO, AC, PS, CASSETTE NCEY-112 Lenal/yrd. New kitchen. 00SA MORTGAGE OF HAWAII SAT. 9-3 p.m. Collectibles, REFRIGERATORS, lull $3788 $4888 More. No wee. $050. Avail, Loans available for pur- baskets. dishes, glasses, size, '84 NISSAN MAXIMA S/W '87 TOYOTA COROLLA 8/8,955 -7535. chase or refinance. E-Z $95 & up. Guaranteed. give' clotheem nuac, 461E Call 621-0003 FULLY LOADED!! 013WH-710 $5888 2 DR, AUTO, AC, PS laY1MH-410 . $AVING$111 qualifying & no income Kawallon Rd., Koltun KANEOHE outistendIng verification programa, 14 CU. ft. G.E. front free low '82 VW RABBIT '86 TOYOTA TERCEL S/W 2 full be. new 2 bdrm., 523-LOAN/942-LOAN power consumption $150 2 OR, AUTO NAVY-235 $1988 AUTO, PS, AC IIHJN-531 $5988 ceiling lane, covered peer), GARAGE Sale; Sat. 8 Sun., 9 to 3 p.m., 45-447 Kaneohe very good cond. 262-2801 '81 HONDA CIVIC '82 HONDA PRELUDE 2 covered parking. Must See MIKA- $1005* n mo. 262-0041 or 120 Home Furnishings Bay Dr., Kaneohe. 3 on, AC, 1111CP-M11 $1888 a SPD, SUNROOF IIACIT.41111 $3988 Irtneouti Items. WHIRLPOOL Gas dryer, 1 262-4008 year old, excl, cond., $200, '88 TOYOTA COROLLA '78 TOYOTA COROLLA 239-7234 4 DTI, AUTO, AC, PS OCUU044 $ALE 2 DR, AUTO HAFe-1110 $1488 liKANE0IIE/Kahnluu -- 4/3 PRICE LESS MOVING Sale: Din, rm, set, horns on farm land. Ideal washer/dryer, ofc. desk, '87 NISSAN SENTRA XE '82 TOYOTA COROLLA for In yews to share. Rene. USED etc. 572 Ulumu, 126 Miscellaneous non, AUTO, AC, PS 0I1JR-531 $6988 4 DR, AUTO, AC, PEI NEW CONDO 0HJW-711 $ALE req.,Avall. 9-1. $1350/mo. Sat., July 30, 6 run, FURNITURE '74 BUICK REGAL '85 urn. 219-6122 aft. 4 p.m, NEW Picnic Tables $99, Student Desks; Seem Love- DR, AUTO, AC, PS 0APT703 $688 2 MI, 911011T9 COIIPF, AC:, Pn 0CLIX-570 $3388 MOVING Sale: household Porch Swing $85' fine sante; Dining 'I ablits: KANEOHE 3 bdrm. 2 full turn VCR's, TV, ',Ivrea, workmanship. 293-8392. bath, $650, inc l. elite. Ceti Kitchen Iiibles & Chairs: knickknacku, children's Chests al Drawers; Nile 23543804. clothes, toys & much, much FUND RAISERS GREAT $AV1NG$ BEST DEAL$ LOW PRICE$ Semis; Wicker & Rattan loom, 1341 Lekeona St., Need something for your BARBERS Point area, 4 Headboards; Twin & Full Kelton, 0 to 5 p.m., July 30 fund raisers? Great prod- bdrm., 2 be., ige, cloned, Mailmen & Hoe Springs, & 31, Sal, & Sun. Ma 8 Profits, low prices. FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. carpets, kitchen, dining Vanity w/Mirror: Recliners: Call for into Jermmnette LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT area, carport storage, Lamps; Rugs: and Much SUPER Garage Sale, 455-5575, eves, 450-3400 washer, fenced yd., pets ok 7/30, More. 8-5 p.m. 640 Kukululn PI, nr, SERVICE CONTRACT AVAILABLE ON SELECTED $826/mo. 682 -5884 HAWAII'S newest swim- VEHICLES ALL BARGAINS Hawaii Kai fire station ming pool dealer is looking HAND' base 3/2, pets ok 139A Hekill St., Kollun SAT./Sun. 8-3 p.m., 1443 for a yard for model pool. CREDIT UNION MEMBERS WELCOME $710, 943-0001 $625, Mum Klukno Pl., Kellum. Some Lap pools also. Great Rent Mlart Fee 262-7938 turn., dishes, odds & ends opportunity 247-8169. WINDWARD, fenced, prkg. IN A Hurry? We'll buy your MOVING to mainland, VERTICAL Blinds 50% dln- $725 ,t3r pool $650. Others. furniture, Feint, Free pickup. washer, count. Locally made. Feet mild Fee dryer, refrig dbl, 043-0091 Rent 235-7793 bed, dlnette, ivng, rm, rat- delivery. Ex. 72x64 $99. tan Set, children's bikes, Free est. Ken Hatch inte- RATTAN, Beautiful 5 pc. 65 Condos /Townhouses dressers, deck table. are, riors 254-2080 living rm. set $550. Dining apple, rnore. Pertly Furnished net $350 now. 734-1554 8 Great prices 235-3080 or Sat, 0-12 44- "INCREASE Gas Mileage" with a Gas-Max-A-Miser 30 KANEOHE Puu AIII, 3 714 Malulani St. FAMILY Heirloom walnut day money back guar. Call bdrrn ocean view, garnge rm, set, dinign recently cost GARAGE Sale; garrie table, M, Ho & Co. 955-0278 WOO/ma. Jett Jett Pacific $3000 to refinish & reu- OAC, CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 'B6 SENTRA Tv, npkrs. & great mist, '87 COROLLA Prop, 239-9659, 235-8196 phointer-$1601). Sturdy like CLIFF'S Economy Flank .AP GOOD TILL fl/3/88 new items, Sat., July 30, 719 bunk beds that convert Knnetha 9t., KallUa tune and Thrift Shop. 1907 Condos/Townhouses to twins - $500, 3 oak bdrm. N. King St. 041 -444l 017 sets, King - $700, dbl, - HAIKU Plentetions, Furnished Sat., 7/ C $1000, trundle $1000, 30, 8-12 noon. 46-506 Haiku TAMALES! Homemade, for tWiritTIMPITIMIllrlr..."1"1,171217**131iPinr:PPAIrd 11/FlItA/031 Excellent cond. 499-3190 a delicious change or pace. KANEOHE. - Puu Aill, 1 Pints, Dr., Kaneohe. Ping- Catering avail, 239-5579 bdrm., $900/mo. Jett ANTIQUES, tables, chairs, Pong table, turn.. art work, Pacific Prop. 235-8558. more, shelves, reasonable, Furni- 20' EXTENSION ladder & 235-6196 126 Miscellaneous ture Finder 239-8384 WAIPIO Acres 4 Family: 95- window washing pole, Call 242 Weimekurt 623-6807 for info, HAWAII Kai Villa Merin, 3 MODULAR foam single Drive, 9-4, HYDRAULIC Dentist chair Saturday 7/30 bdrm, 21,1rbath, pool, $1400 chair, excl. cond., coverJunt CONCERNED about the Old, but In good 390-04x195,544 -5331 laundered, rust color $35. water you've been drink- condition, $150 or MOVING to mainland- best offer, Great for watching TV or everything goes. Tools, ing? We have the solution, 247-8175 07 Condos/Townhouses redra bed to sleep on, Call turn., muumuus, beds, beta Phone 422-0101 282-4302 eves, FREEZER, twin bed, card Unfurnished tepee. Sat 8 Sun, 44-741 tqable, chairs, folding Kaneohe Bay Dr, 20x20 or 30x30 PARTY lent 0 UPHOLSTERED chairs 12x12 Trampoline for tables, etc. 254-3100 BEACHEFIONT condo, $15 ea., dining tables $60- FURNITURE, linens, odds- rent/sale, 396-8066 Pitta a Punaltru T.L.A. $225. Display case $29 SILVERREED EX34 elec- approved reeve 5 Avail 22 ends, new-old, Sat., 30, 8- tronic typewriter, memory 239-8384 2, 020 Keolu Dr., Kellum HOLY Nativity Thrift Shop Aug, $40 per day or $250 1/2 price sale. Aug. 1-0, M, digital display new $150; weekly. 235 4000, 235-5422 REFRIGERATOR 19 cu. ft, MOVING: 4300 Merlon° W, F, Sat. 10.2, Ainn Heine Smith Corona Classic 12 good working cond.$200 or portable case $50. Phone St., 'Went, July 30, 9 to 3 eves, 88 Rooms for Rent best offer, 621-3701 SCHWINN exercise bike .747-1520 p m Everything goes $70; baby cradle/rocker $20 FOR Sale: Sole & chair, TOOLS, electrical, nutomo- KANEOHE cozy rm. $276 CARPORT Sale: 1364D Wit- brand-new; 5 drawer very sturdy, tweed materiel, dresser 860.458 -8744 tive, boat, handy-man flue- 'A dep pref, working good cond. $100. Call twill Cr. WAFB, Girls' plies. Sat., July 30th, 9-2 female. 070- Ph. 235-6933. 8291 clothen, sewing patterns, UNBELIEVABLE, Solar p.m. 1046 Lunnel, Kallua toys, games, misc, Sat./ heater sale 80 gal, sys, was KANEOHE - prof. male, I KITCHEN table with Sun. July 30th/31st, 9-4 $3200 now $995. 201-7657 OAK/wood dining table w/ share bath & Wm., 2 chairs - good cond. p.m. 4 chairs $55; 0130 New 2 kitchen $350 Wilily $25. 247-5521 PENTAX camera w/3 burner counter stove and dep., utile. Incl. Ph. MULTI-Family Garage Sale lenses $100; Sony Waring blender. Call 257- after 3:30 portable 236-3335 p.m. SOFA double day bed, - Militant, 94-031 Kunhelani cans. /stereo $135; new 2108 or 235-3933 Ave. 11101, Sat., July 30th & D good mattress $85, good Light -n -Easy' Iron $15; 0 93 Vacation Rentals cond. Call 263-8374, Sun, ,July 31st, 8:30-3:00 brand-new Osterizer WATKINS Products pm blender $35. Must sell nil Quality spices and CUTE Won & be. In Koltun DINING room set 0 cane items. Offer. 201-2470 extracts for all your private entry, cable TV. $35/ back chairs, 2 extra leaves, BOOKS, freezer, toys, baking and cooking needs day,,261-4222 china cabinet solid pecan more, 670 Ululant, Kellus, ELECTROLU.X deluxe For Iran catalog $1200. 488-0272 Snt/Sun, 9-3 p.m. model, Cost $750, Must sell call 201-0300 ACCORD SPECIALS! KAILUA: lovely bdrm, & $350, Call 455-9374 bath, nr, beach, pre,. ant. SOFA - 4 pc. sectional GARAGE Sale: Sat., July WASHER/dryer $500; 30, 8-2, 210 Alkane St., Call 202-8073 second hind, good cond. FILTER Queen Vacuum, Apple IIE $1500; Swivel 'Iyoom.I.4,1K00m,mmoem.w4p0IwcwoAndwrommottsIAN 7,l'li eeee T11111/5/11a $125 OBO Call 625-0516 Kellun. Sunfish sailboat, Cost. $850, Must sell $250. chairs 2/$150; curtains; 2 BDRMS, ea. w/priv. bath hammock, fountain, bicy- Ph, 735-4051, 926-7292 couch. 876-7837, 655-0392 + entry, pool, extras. Near ROLL-top desk, oak dark cle, dishes, clothes, mist, USED CAR SPECIALS Beach. Call 261-0310, finish, 9 drawer, brass han- VACUUM cleaners, like WANTED: working apace In dles, 47x51, $525. 261-3011 FOUR family garage sale: new $24,95 & up with guar- garage or storm. Gil Garcia, '87 JEEP WRANGLER$10,795 '86 IMPULSE '87 GRAND AM KAILUA, vacation Halsey Terrace, 861 Hays antee. Cell 735-0452. 261-4702. 114921 110.1 $8795 $7895 rentals, near beach. BDRM, set (like now) $4501 Cr., Salt Lake, 8-5 p,m. Sat , Call 281-5174, $150; Single bed $300; July 30th. Kitchen Items, '88 RAINBOW Vacuum, '86 TAURUS '88 ESCORT '82 CAMARO dresser w/reirrore, $75; adult, child & baby clothes. Cost $900. Must sell $400. II20n $4895 nitentrind. 237-8441 Call 735-2055, 923-7943 A GOLD 98 Rentals Wanted MOVING Sale: furniture & ROSARY WAS '86 HYUNDAI EXCEL '84 CELEBRITY WGN '85 TOYOTA many other Items, Sat, 810 OAK/wood drawing TAKEN during o 11357) $3995 NEED house rental for Dec. TOTALLY 2, 19 Ilikupono, Kallun table, $50. 19 to Jere. 13, WItidWar1.1nrnp 254-5474 eves. or iv. meg. Garage Sale at 94-431 '84 LTD '76 GMC PICKUP$3295 '82 TOYOTA nr. to beach. 202-2010 MOVING Sale: 2 pc. sole/ TROPICAL sleeper, piano, 2 twin bdrm. WANTED: Drafting Kauopua St. Milliani. (um) $3895 031141 $2595 nets, desks, recliner, rattan, supplies, all kinds. Please return, no 114 Real Estate for Sale plants, tools, games, lots '84 ESCORT '78 PINTO '74 VW BUG GRAND OPENING Call 293-2600, This misc. 684 Ulumawno St., questions asked. $2495 $495 (1303) $495 MINNESOTA Aug. 6 Killion, Sat., 7/30, 0-2 p.m. ARE you having a party and Rosary will bring you Land of 10,000 lakes. Five would like to serve Reline nothing but misery level forested acres only (eel urine futon furni- SAT. 7.30, fridge, dryer, food, but don't know how 94-149 FARRINGTON HWY. 671-2626 $5500. $250 down, $55 ture, silk plants, and turn., clothing & more. 222 to cook it? Let me lake the bad luck, was given to Hualeni 282-9215 monthly. Fantastic hunting, baskets. Sir, worry oft your hands. Call me by a saintly person. DIRECTLY ACROSS GEM DEPT. STORE TRADE-INS WELCOME fiehleg and boating. A tour me at 261-3985 in the eve- sermon wonderland. Free Special: 25% OFF all GARAGE Sale: 8-2, Sat., nings, alter 5. Catering July 30, 40-091 ipuka St, Call 623-59(34 anape /photos. Call 808-940- plants and accessories. available. 132 Computers Kaneohe. Ceiling fan, 140 Photography 146 Roaln-Supplies) 151 Psis-Everything 156 Auto Sedvcs/Parts 51/11.55, Also: Queen 3 position rerrig., sofa- sleeper, stereo, IS YOUR CAR DIRTY? And Services 100% Col- I MONTANA LAND 20 um; lounger and clothing, housewares, hot you don't have enough time PROTECT Your Computer ILMS transferred to video MULGA Prirakeete $450 pr. IS YOUR.CAFI DIRTY? And starting at $12,900. Spec- ton futon $375, reg. tub. to do It yourself! Let Ace 127 Miscellaneous C/A POWER DIRECTOR 6 convenient locations, Call 16' GLASPAR w/traller, Lunn° Ringnecks $395 en, you don't have enough time Econ Photo tacular mountain beauty. $570. Pacers Top Quality Car Wanted II, expandable P3, factory 239-4295 70hp Evinrude motor & Bourke Parakeets $45 en, to do it yourself? Let Ace CLEARANCE, 11 unnpolled wilderness, wide designer Cleaning Service make warranty Reg. List $129,95 accessories $3000. 239- Budging $25 an. Ph, 235- Pacers 'Top Quality Car casual clothee, accents. plus 4 7709 2008 open spaces. Fish, hunt. 320 Uluniu St., your car shine and sparkle. OLD Koa, calabashes, Jap- shipping. SALE $120 144 Musical instruments Clennleg Service make play 'in nature's big back- fabrics, clothes mks, art Cell Anthony at 201-3985 or anese swords, gold, silver, ax. Call 254-5474 eves, your cor shine and sparkle, Kuilun creft supplies & home dec- 21' SLOOP, yard Insured title, warranty leave a message. Reason- 780 Kellue Rd. 262-5526 excl, cond., AKC American Stilt Call Anthony it 281-3985 or Phony 262-9312 orations, Used & new. Low COMMODORE 04, 1541 YAMAHA DX synthesizer extra sails, sleeps 4, 0/B deed and excellent theme- able Rates. Terrier, 7 rnonthe. all leave a meeting°. Reason- Mg available. Call for FREE prices. Sal, & Sun, 8;00-2:00 SWORDS, knives, any kind Drive/printer, data caws., w/aluminum 011/10 Plus motor, life Jackets, etc. mixer, hardly used, shots, ears cropped, excl. able Raton, color catalog 1- 800 -252- /10 Pahumele Way, Knew, RAG DOLLS old or new, best prices pled. Koala pad, education & good $3800. 235-5020 proton/Ilona' software, ref- tomperment, female $300. LAND. Yellowstone Basin Give your little ones some- 239-6990. condition, $1,300. Call 847- 395-4238 or 530-3918 Properties, 1119 North Sev- GARAGE Sale: 166 Kahane+ thing they'll keep forever. erence books. Call 261- 7135 (H), 524-8484 (W) '87 SEASWIRL, 17'2", I /O, 106 pickups, Trucks enth Avenue, Dept, HAMIL, St., Hawaii Kat, Sat., 0-2 Raggedy Ann, Raggedy CASH! WE BUY CASH! The 4361 Iv. meg. anytime, Ask- fish finder w/traller $11,750 p.m. Furn., household Firm. 025-0552 P.O. Box 3027, Bozeman, Andy, Circus clowns, hunter in Koltun buys & ng $000. CONN Electric Organ, 2 156 Aulo Serivce/Parts BANK Repo! '83 Ford 59172 goods and clothing, Country boys and girls, All sells gold, silver, jewelry, manuals, manual/auto- Ranger, Cell Kehau 525- fipT MINI Lark boat, B' Handmade. Phone 254- antiques,. collectibles, IBM Clone chord, 1 octave pedals, MOBILE auto lube, re", 8224 M-Th 8-4, Fri. 8-5;30 KAHAL3JU 3 bdrm./2 bath MOVING Sale: macrame 1397. Hawellana, dolls or any- w/Software VOW. excellent condition $500. w/eteerIng, $400. planters, baskets, clothing, 261-4410 evenings raters. At your home or bus. whole house. Quiet, cool, thing of value, Beet prices. Call 262-5026 Call 943-0492 evenings GO Luba 235.5679 BANK Repol '85 Ford secluded area. Fee. household goods, home SCHOOL IS OUT SOONI 764 Kellua Rd. 202-4808 (langur. Call Kehau 525- entertainment sir., much WINTER piano, good $245,,000. Owner 261-3809 Discovering n FUTON "Summer watchaere ser- 133 Jewelry A Clothing 147 Sporting Goods 3 EARLY 70 Bugs, parting 8224 M-Th 13-4, Fri, 8-5:30 morn. 1302 Akamal St., 8- vice" for children 18 mon, condition, $250. out, extras, centerline is like 2 p.m., Sat./Sun. 129 Stereo, Video, T.V. Cell 262-5720 BANK Flepol '80 ROOK Works Music Clo- and up. Enroll now, 254- ALIT JEWELRY 5' SUNFISH, good condi- Kevin (.172-4281 after 3 Toyota P/ seout on new & used drum discovering paradise 1734 or 254-4505. U. Call Kathy 525-8214 M- PA SYSTEM: ANTIQUES & COLLECTI- tion, $350 obo. Call Keith sets monitors, Fender- CLOTHES, like new, Stereo mixer, Th 13-4, Fri, 8-5:30 household Items 8 turn, Roland 313120 AMP 2-8 13LES 146 Ilasts-Supplies/ 262-2783, in afternoon, RENAULT Repairs by rec- Rhoden piano from $95 to AMWAY Products deliv- Sat, & Sun 8 to noon, 270 ohm Fender speakers 15", Top Cnsh paid for Jewelry, Services tory trained tech, Work $175. 43 Oneawn St., 1/202, 122 Travel ered, money beck guaran- '87 DODGE Rem 60. excel- 1 antiques, collectibles, Kellum Call 283-4033 Aikane Pl., Kelton Road monitor. Moat nee 148 Water Sports guaranteed' 239-4733, lent condition, Chnrconl tee, Cell 487-5241. Oriental carpets, earth loan 31 UNIFLITE 2 Chrysler $700. Von 524 -0404, 847- & Equipment grey, 5 apd., AM/FM INTERISLAND/Mninlend SAT., 7-11, 203 Kuukame 7136 on Jewelry, 1525 )(Makeup 225 HP gas engines, VHF Europe as low es $18 CHEST type freezer, $150; PORSCHE Auto Parts, new cassette stereo, tinted win- . 115 Real Estate St., Kelluti. Household Ave., nr, King & Kalekauft. CB, AM/FM outriggers. For E'LL Custom Smoke Your & used. Call for low prices, down, with restriction TA247 items. Lots of mew. double bed w/frame, $50; COMPACT disc player & Perking In front of store. info, call 395-8607 Tonneau cover, Announcements Fish! Hawaii Kai Seafoods. Ph. 228-1818 13,900 or Call 948-1900 both good cond, 4e8-0272 laser disc player for sale Open Mon.-Sal., 10 to miles, $5.700 8; all 395-8744 offer. 203-4787 I>WI t I IIANKER (new). 263-3441. Sun., 11 to 4, Cali 942-7474 13'4" BOSTON Whaler, 40 Col LOWEST agency airfares In 125 Home Appliances BRIDES MnIdn dramas $45, '78 DATSUN 510 Mccutriteck lien! Estate horse power, Teheteu end SCUBA gear, Ilke now, town! You chock the lowest white aisle runner 100 ft. extras, $6,500 oho. Cell parts for rinks. '88 FORD F-150. n/c, 5 spd A member of the Sears 130 Bop $150; rag. $110, Gnu John Must figency fare & we'll boat Met KIRBY upright vacuum w/ $16. Ph. 201-1091 Antigun-AO 140 Photography 261-1081 450 -3400 warmly, Sall, Fitianciel Network price, Sachiko Travel 944- shampooer, new/never auger+ $00; light $35, 254- $13,300/of ler. Roy 823 - Specialize In VA loans 9555 (TA-1052) open $950. Ph. 848-5053 UTILITY troller, like new, WINDWARD Antlques-Buy WEDDING & Special 10' INFLATABLE Zodiac, 054 eves. WANTED: Power steering 9062 Nationwide Referrals owner moving, $475 trade, /offer. Sell Aleo antique Occasion Photography 9,9hp & troller. $3000 247- pump for '65-'68 Dodge , Call Art Garibey (RA) CASH for your unservice- Cell 247-0302 clock repair & antique res- stills & video. Call URFSKI Kayak with Dart. Call 732-8915 293- '72 FIANCHERO complete 123 Moving & Storage 5738 eves, or 800-949-5388/524-1820 able electric range. Call tortition, 700 Killion Pd. Call Econ Photo 239-4295 colon paddle $500, A 2600. overhaul, 351C1 engine, 022-4079. (+Rueful boat, fits five-foot- new B&M auto transmIs- VA FORECLOSURES ABC movers 202-55213 FREE 18 ft. Regatta fully FASHION styled portraits, equipped ski boat with pur- ight and under. Carole elon $0000/otter. 262-7224 Low dn. payment and clos- No move too armee!! REPAIR-Sell-Buy-Trade. CHIMPS model portfolios, and per- 63.6279 ' 00 VW Bug 131 Bicycles Sales/ theme of 175hp Mercury V- ing expenses. Non veteran Call 942-2993 Washers, dryers, retrig sonal boudoir photo,. On for pert& Olfer, '77 DATSUN P/IJ, standard, and Investors can pur freezer, Mr coed, Honest. InvItn n Service 6 engine In excellent con- Call 235-8087 rune greet, location or In studio. Cell dition, $0,000 Firm, Call rusty but $1200 cahse. Fixed financing at a Warranty 239-7479 Chimpanzee to your 151 Pels-EverylhIng 000, Ph. 235-0909 124 /Lanai Soles 833-8505 for details Chrin 235-0387 low Interest rate, For further Garage ITALIAN Pro racing bike for VAN Sent: excl. cond 2 and Dryers for B-Dny or °vont menthol* arm-rests, A etor- '73 Information contact Jim WASHERS $050 firm; Ironman, Cantu- MAMIYA ZE2 Quartz SLR MARINE welding, arc- IN NEED of quality Afforda- INTL trunk, utility box, (R 623-4426 or PLANTS, video games, sale. $100 en, Front-free ble veterinary erne? Call Or, non bine, Pin-stripe liphol- rtf,,,, rinh , 1 ,. Watson Hen bike, $400; both excel- 35mrn Rated beat lollerc, mho!) or dock aide, J Realtors. toys, mesa. Aug. 8, 7, 11;30- refrlg. $150 and up. 259- story $200, 1,yrilt. peel neg. . Lam 480-0507 J.W. Call 262-2209 lent condition, Call 839- buy consumer report. $100, trailer repair, parts, tow Pearson's Home Pot Svc, woo, $14Uuu ut 0,,,a housing opportunity. 5. 45-260 Kaneohe Bay Dr, 8751, John 235-8457 264.4778 235-0708 .Equal 0100 395-6257. hitches. 845-8860 Eli Classified V ,luly 28-August 3, 1988


W A 11 I A W A '86 CELEBRITY RETAIL SALE 4 ON., AT, PS, PW, Auirm SCIF-010 28595 $6395 UTTER DODGE '86 SPRINT 3 011.,110, AT oD $4295 '86 CELEBRITY 4 4. PS, AC, PVC MPX OHJA-u110 43195 $6395 '85 CAVALIER 4 Mi., Al, 4, PS, AC, PW, MPX wri As KAY NMI 25195 $4395 '86 TERCEL 6 on., AT, PS, AC Ab11300 411.16-500 50095 $5995 'I 01 ?XI' OS° 48 No '81 LEMANS F NCI° S. U 4 DO.. AT, 0, PS, PW, TW 0111011-0711 22595 $1925 '82 J2000 4 DIE, AT, PS NI 1111CP-095 321195 $ 1 595 '85 LANCER 4 OIL, AT, 4, PS, PW, AM/FM 1988 3 DOOR 1988 DOOR ORTP.377 47695 $5295 AMERICA 4 5 TO CHOOSE FROM 3 TO CHOOSE '85 LEBARON FROM WITH AIR COND! 4 Mt, A1,4. P!, AC, PW, AM/FM NMJX-ii76 $5295 0 DOWN 0 DOWN '84 SENTRA 4 UHL SW. ISPO $500 FACTORY REBATE $300 FACTORY REBATE IMUY,-1140 13995 $3095 86 323 $133 MONTH $149 MONTH 41M., DX, earl OCUE-511 28595 $6395 11610211 Ho , $00 Doc Foe CO Por000lago Pant Tux, And Moo. 12.30% Annual Rota 7092,22 Moo TOX,LIc,, Arid $09 Doo roe 72 Mott, 1011% Arrival Pnrcontitgo flats '85 GLC I an., PLX, AT. MPX 411141-1170 20595 $6395 Vehicle' 'whorl in prior solo. PrIcos pate lex & lie. 1988 DODGE ARIES DOOR WAIMANTY ASAILAULT eN SELECTED CANDI AMERICA 2 1988 DODGE RAM 50 PICKUP Finenolog on Approved Cretin SALEM'S AUIL 3, MI 2 TO CHOOSE FROM 12 TO CHOOSE FROM 105 S. KAMEHAMEHA HWY., WAHIAWA P11. 622-4195 gr4 0 DOWN 0 DOWN A DIVISION DI SI I1VCD PACIFIC INC. $300 FACTORY REBATE $500 FACTORY REBATE $165 MONTH $165 MONTH /10645 Plus Tax, Lic And $OD Doc Fort, 00 Mal, 12,30% Annuot Pnrceidone nos ON SELECTED MODELS 7300.24 Plus lax, Llc,, And $89 Doc Filo flit Mic, I2 'Min A111111111 Procontirgo Hato IN 71/14,AT SPECIALIZING MILITARY FINANCING WORLD RENT A CAR WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC 1 oun PRICE '75 VW BUG IIAA11-918 A n5 4 sem nee. VMS oun !mice 75 LINCOLN MARK IV 011.16443 ***30 XC ANG LOAM era. $2495 $1595 02574 #3051 02.1187 #3212 112443 03004 PUI1 enICE 1985 DODGE COLT 1982 PONTIAC T2000 1986 SUZUKI FORSA 1985 DODGE COLT 1985 TOYOTA TERCEL 1982 MAZDA 626 '82 DATSUN 210 IVIFI-I317 -0- 2 Mt. 5 SPIT two. 11090 1250 $99 $99 .0. $99 -0- $109 -0- $119 -0- $119 oun PRICE DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH '78 FORD FIESTA OAER.161 DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH t ,l1/4 .,,n 0 .1,10 Tax, Lk; Nu raoa I , la2/125 Plos 'I ax, lc & Doc Vona WO 90 Plua Tax, t lc., A 13oc, I'uun Ja52.21 Plus 'rax, Llc., 8 Doc. I cc.; 3123 35 Plus Tax, l. .a, A Dos roar 3123.56 & Dou. Fee% 21111, 4 SIM REG. $'1285 , , $395 Moo Tax. Lic irri moo 101'"1, Alio1 24 may ifi pv., Apn 01 mr.,. to.vo, AK, 16 tuna, i 6,6% APR 30 eras II,l;l1l. APP 36 mon, MA% APR '86 CELEBRITY OURcn PRICF 113253 03077 .113290 4 011, morn W/AL1. ACC. REQ. $6450 , "%MI 03054 03287 11272' OUR PRICE 1984 FORD TEMPO GL 1981 HONDA ACCORD 1982 '81 PLY CHAMP HRE.1.750 TOYOTA COROLLA 1984 FORD TEMPO 1984 FORD LTD 1985 DODGE ARIES 21111.4 SIM DLO, Sum , $495 -0- $119 -0- $119 $119 -0- $129 -0- $129 -0- $129 oun PRICt DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH '82 DATSUN 210 S/W IINIFH-102 DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH 3 I :-':1111 & . Plus Tax, Lic Doc. Lean, 3t ,l3 ,J(1 Plux Tax I..a, & CH.a.,. I ass, 3123 30 Plus too, Llc., & Doc. Fees. 3"214 lil Pala l'a/.1..a.! And SIVI lea... I; 3394,51 Tax, Ti Plus Liu,, And VW 091: F.,,, 0:,'V I7 1'1,0 1 ilK, , a noon ' AUTO larG. 12405 . I Lic uorr 16.514i 36 mos, Ann ;In one, 11.5,1, /wit 30 mos. 10.59' APR 311 moo IONS 1U 36 moo, 16,60A, AIM ria moo m ' OUR PRICE Am '80 BUICK SKYLARK 1113CP-605 I MI, AUTO REG. $ine $1295 113214 03050 02704 03113 113293 03171 2988 MAPUNAPUNA NEAR AIRPORT 1984 DODGE CHARGER 1987 DODGE OMNI 1985 DODGE ARIES WAGON 1985 TOYOTA COROLLA 1986 WGN 1985 OLDSMOBILE CIERA 833-1866 -0- $129 -0- $139 -0- $139 $ $159 CAf1 gunocr TO PRIOR SALE 000D TILL 0/3/06 139 -0- $159 DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH DOWN MONTH

,,1,,,, 'cm, (,,,. A Doc risza. 5324.41 Plu& Tax, LIP,,, & Doo, linen. anici.iiit ('iii 'la: Liu , & Doc law iiinn.o6 Plum Tax, Lic & Doc, Saw 5234,21 Viol las, La, Aral UPI Ota... [M1,, l,2 1,I 2/ MIA 1101, LIP,., & Doc. 15elas. a Imo. Ir. 50s AM OU mos. 10.5145 AK' a ?cox, 'III.?,Ili, APR 00 mos, 10,8% APR .10 MOIL II/ MI, AI's oi rnm. 16,6% APR 166 Pickups, Trucks Buick 30 DAY EXCHANGE ON USED CARS OVER 2000 SALE PRICE. EXCHANGE WITHIN 3D DAYS ON '03 CENTURY Ltd., All cars subject to prior stile. On approved credit. '00 ISUZU Pup, 5 spd EQUAL OR GREATER VALUE, ON APPROVED CREDIT. EXPIRES 8/3/88 Enkels, tint, dark blue 4 dr., auto., air, power, $4160, 531-7100. 236-2855 $2900, 456-9091.

171 Motorcycles, Mopeds Cadillac A Scooter '61 ELDORADO, 38,000 ml. DOWNTOWN PEARL CITY '00 XL 883 Deluxe, low mileage. 2 yr, warranty $05011 $200() Ph 045- 239-5124 (Next to Pearl City Tavern) 5535, B3379892 white, 630 Piikoi MOPED REPAIRS & Corn- '00 Doville, perfect cond., must men, low UTTER 921 Kam Hwy. pieta tune-ups. Inexpen- blue book $14,000/ofr. 942- alve, We Buy A Sell used mopeds, MOPED 7705 MECHANICS. 944.0733 522-6300 455-1071 Floyd or 023-4242 I-130. Chevrolet DODGE '07 HONDA CR250R, mint 'BO SPRINT Plots, low miles, condillon, $2000 Firm. Call auto.. air, CUMIN $4050 422-2833 or 422-0753 Dollar Car Seine 830-3501

Auto ;.ind Pickup 1112c1 111 (a ,uly 1 1900 NINJA 800F1 rep & '84 CHEVETTE, 4 door, white. Only 9,000 miles, norm, air, some rust, $1800 PURCHASE a lure Yoehimut Header and or offr. 247.5205 miler 11 OR Inioction kit. Brand -new p.m. S tires and helmet incl. Beet NeisoctS TO OWN OF WAHIAWA offer takes It, Call Anthony '75 MONTE Carlo, p/w, n/ LEASE at 257-2924 days, 201-3905 C, AM/FM ones. Nice Into- AT BARGAIN PRICES nights. dor end rims, Runs great, $1200 0130.262 -0212 '81 PE 175 emu', cond, Mov NO CREDIT NEEDED Ing to mainland, Minn Sell, '85 CAVALIER, auto., air, nil PAS $450. Coll 202-0212, power, In good cond, C USSS We Finance Everyone 53750/of r. 94 7-1 759. Iv, You Make Your Payments DELIVERS ANY 2, 750 SUZUKI's both to Our Leasing Company. runnlng, $100, $225. COSI For prices Cell 261-80W. '70 MALIBU Claeolc, 2 dr. NEW 1988 CAR 350, auto, , /c, p/m, /b, excl, please call or write cond. $1995. 395-3030 174 Heavy Mechlviery '83 FUTURA 4 DR. $2475 Or Since 1916 Auto., P/5, A/C, know 23,000 MI and Equipment '02 MALIBU Clnefila, excl, OR TRUCK IN MI. Di Mos. Total Pay $3212.40 $1784month cond., low mi., air, p/ FARM tractor w /tlllnr, poet w, $2950. 261.7868 ec:X4,4?-ith, i. hole digger, mower deck, '83 RELIANT WGN. $2475 OF STOCK! fuwower, tool bar. plow, Aulu , P/S, A/C, loimait, Ill Mm Chrysler III:I 1V. Iturnsulc etc. $5800 or offer. 230- (503) 295-5556 Toro! Pay $3370.50 $1 7812,11, 5001, 239-7970 eves. Oregua 672115 '05 LEBARON COTS, nice, 4 dr., MKA681, $7625 Dollar '84 TEMPO GL 4 DR. $3480 or 175 , Compere, Car Solent 838-3581 Mazda Ford Auto., A/C, IPW 20 Mob. Jeep, 4 WD rand Pay $4250.00 $214°3month '08 LERARON conv't. '02 MAZDA 620, 2 dr., 5 134 SUZUKI Jeep. Must sell. 4000 ml loaded, $16,000, FOR Sale spd., a/c, excl. cond., $3000 Leaving Island, $2800, good 090-5464 1905 Pony Wetting 209 or best offer. 201-2470 '85 ARIES, 4 DR. $37875 nr cond. 623-0035 good sheen, 262-7445 Auto P/8, 130020, excl. running. A/C, linroac, Cleuics & Antiques I cirri Pity $4094 64 $20 month11 '70 CUSTOM Ford Econo- '80 MUSTANO, p/s, p/b, Porte or whole car, line, new paint Job, loaded. cane, pinyor, al r, mag $300. Cell 201-8001 '60 MUSTANG axe!. cond wheels $1495. 235-0094 Call 039-2057, $0500/ofr, Auto /a, p/b, factory air, '85 CAVALIER CS $3975 nr firm, 025.2204 eves. Mercedes Benz '87 OMC Jimmy 4x4, 5 spd, $5350 4 DR. $21886month 'OAC PLUG TAX, LIC,, DOC 1,1717.0 & rmsTINATioN-0000 Thu. //711/86 pis, WI), a/c, loaded, 4 Foreign Can '69 MERCEDES 2800E, Anto , P/S, A/C, hum:. Ines than 4.000 ml WNW dr., _lull power, excl. cond, I olal Pay $5252,04 very rsharpl $17,500. MILITARY DISCOUNTS $3< 00. Ph, 202-0087 422-0425 niter 0 p.m. '82 DATSUN 2103L, 2 dr Nnw European autos priced PLUS CLEAN USED VEHICLES 5 Rod., good condition, for $13,580. Take advert- '85 190E fully equip., a/c, T-BIRD or '79 4 WHEEL drive CJ5. '84 $4975 $1700. Ph. 202-0087 Inge of fectory direct sunroof, 17,000 miles, Nir girt! Totally reconditioned /car Vti, Auto, P/S, PW. A IC. 00 Olds Cutlass prim, Marty makes & $20,250 rom 261-1150 C show condition, Muel see 24 moo, $233E,,, Dodge models available. Inlel 4 Dr, Sdn. { and drive to appreciate, Coll 800 -034.3619 Mercury may ssoo0,e4 Lic. MOS 800 $0000 /or boot offer, Atter 7 BANK Papa! '08 Dodge p.m. wkdaye. Mark 201- The European Car Com- Colt. Call Kehau 525-0224 pany 76 M Fit; U Iry Zioiltyi f\.-S,AkW44,/ 7723 M-Th 8.4, Fri 8-5:30 Plymouth Some runt, good trams., 70 Chrysler 'III '01 Rondo Civic offer. 623.8998 '79 CJ5 Totelly recondi- Honda Reliant '87 OMNI 4-dr. sedan, auto $500/beetdrY s Cordate 4 Dr. Sdn. tioned, Immaculate, cus- pay-off UNITED EXECUTIVE Lic, NCFN 1ii 6 only. 247-4275, fink Lie. SEMI 037 Lic, #13FB 7413 .."4"1 tom paint, Mickey Thomp- for Angela. '01 ACCORD, 4 dr., auto. '84 COUGAR V-0, auto., a/ Inky rims, Iota of son tires, Silver gray, $2500, c, p/b, pis, cloth uphol- $895 $ 395 $2695 chrome $0500/offer. After 7 Call 202-8320. LEASING Ford stery. Rune great. Must sell. rY\ p m Wok 'Xi I 77 Pit 254-5409 '61 CIVIC wagon, auto 4 234 BEACH WALK, WAIKIKI 621.0761 MILITARY FINANCING AVAILABLE 621.0761 7t1 4 WI II !I L (hive (..;,15 04 COMET, 2 dr., fair cond. clr good cond., $2500/ RALPH-LEASE MGR. Totally reconditioned/car $2000 or beat offer. Ph. 237- offer, 247-1733 MG 923-9824 912 WILIKINA DR. - ACROSS FROM SCHOFIELD -- NEXT TO KEMOO FARMS show condition. Must see to 8094 even, 41/MOMOOMIloomlIOMMOOO drive to appreciate, $8500/ '67 ACCORD LXI, low ml '72 MGB /COT A-1 shape, Or best offer, After 7 p.m. '84 FOOD Tempo, 4 dr., loaded $13,200 CES018 leaguer paint, wire wheels wkdays. Mark 201-7723 auto pp/a, (EITIR-530), Dollar Car Sales 030-3501 $1800 Ph, 488.0700 Nissan Plymouth Pontiac Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen DLR 034-7118 low mi '70 TOYOTA Corona '00 TOYOTA 4x4, lifted, big '87 ACCORD DX, '77 MGB parting out '73 BUG $200. whole or '07 T-BIRD LX, VO, loaded, '117 NISSAN Stanza OXE 00 VALIANT, 4 clr.,.' p/s, '130 FORSA Deluxe, blue, good eolith- time, rime, stereo cam, 6 apt) AM/I'm arise, or whole, Call 538-0029 '80 FIERO, sliver, 5 Hod., V, excl, 1st oar, parts, MOO rnolor $150; '08 sharp $11,400 C0U571 KDX334 $11,500 Car nuto., loadod, low ml, radio, auto., air, good thand, 12,000 rel cretin Irons non, $4130. Call 293-2000 excl, Gond, $9000 /offer. Donor leave massive. AM/FM cane 54200 Stun roof $900. Call 460 - Dollar Car Salmi 030-3581 Salmi 830-3581 $0700, Ph 528-4094 cond., $275. 201-0000 41111-4;1/9 C08882 Dollar Car leave message. Chad 395-3043 ml., $0000, Sales 0 n.m,-0:30 p.m. Call 036-3581 8744 Mitsubishi '80 MUSTANG cony'', LXO '08 CIVIC, 4 dr., burgundy, Pontiac '01 TOYOTA Tercel, runs 176 Automobiles for Sale S., loaded $11,000 KDT590 loaded, Fernily emergency, Oldsmobile Porsche good, clean Inpide A out, '70 CONVERTIBLE Rug; Dollar Cer Sales 830-3561 '07 MONTERO, fully $1000. Ph, 201-7585 must leave Island, take over '80 FIERO SE, Toyota Needs work, must 'see, RED HOT bergainsi Drug pyrids. 023-1136 loaded, auto, HKE1392 '79 CUTLASS Supreme 2- '82 PORSCHE 924, good beach car, $1000/best dealers' care, bores, planar 59000/o1r, Call 946-4213. '81 CELICA a/c, AM/FM '60 MUSTANG LX, AM/FM $10,870 Dollar Car Sales dr., VO, auto., a/c, p/w, till, full power, 5 ppd., '73 .CORINA Classic, 2 dr., ofler, Cell now 201-2470 repo'd. Surplus. Your Area. cennette, a/c, like Mon.-Fri. aft, 6 p.m, Call cam, equalizer, p/m. tilt, auto '116 PRELUDE 2,0 SI, 5 spd,, 830.3581 p/s, white new tires, new $7000. 025-0552, 4 spd., 04,000 ml , no rust, Buyers Guide, (1) 805 -007- new $7500 201.4826 'sunroof. $1800 or beat, 235 /otter, fully equipped, red, excl. exhaust, $2000/best offer. '135 BONNEVILLE, VO, $1 I,000/ofr. 422-0033 0000 Ext. S -4031. cond, $11,500, Phone 254 '84 CONQUEST, all power, 480-3237 0909 '63 BAJA Bug, raglop, loaded Spec. $6781 Subaru $2100 or '77 FORD Mustang II, Ve, 1121 stereo, air, cane. $0250 won., low ml., stereo, rood cond. HOT bergeirtel Drug CAB825 Dollar Car Sales '07 TERCEL '84 TOYOTA Corolla, 4 dr., Beet offer. Call 263-3534 RED $000/080. Ph. 254-2005 841-7712 auto air MHH-380 $8305 dealers' cars, bonier, plenee Evenings. 830-3581 '78 SUBARU Station 5 spd., 30 ntpg, a/c. AM/FM eves. 1978 HONDA Accord, good Plymouth needs Dollar Car Sales 030-3501 repo'd. Surplus, Your Area. wagon, some body , clean, great for tutu- cond., auto., AM/FM cans Nissan Moving. '05 Buyers Guido. (1) 005 -087- '73 MACH I, Mutating, SACRIFICE. work, $450 or offer, 202. dent or second oar. $4600. stereo $1600,235-1071 Trans AM, loaded, r -to '88 TOYOTA MR-2, auto., ra/ new 001X1 Ext. 5.71440 needs tires & exhaust, runs '86 TUFIISMO. 5 spd air, 5720 Ph. 499-3190 '70 GHIA convertible, Day c, po/s, p/w, Coon (CDC- good $500, Call Trecy 247- BANK Repo' '80 NIB/Mn AM/FM case., $5200/ofr. $8900 ORO 488-0007 lop, Porsche rime & more, Sentra won, Mervin 525- 531-3711 8-6 p.m. alter 0 p.m, 076.8206 034). OLP 834 -7110. $5000/of r. 023-3580. 5840 Mazda Milton, Suzuki Triumph BMW 5353 M-Th 8-4, Fri. 8-5:30 '01 PHOENIX Hatch, a/c, p/ '84 TERCEL, 5 spd., 5 dr., FORD Tampa GLX 1005, '00 026 2-door Coupe, 5- 71 Arrow, black, low miles, ------'83 Nissen Ft, p/b, 4 cyl., 58K rrillas, '06 SUZUKI Samurai 4x4 new billion, roblt. angina, '77 T137, burgundy, '73 BAVARIA ref. Menne. 10,500 rni $5,000 card! or tweed, A/C, P/S, AM/FM BANK Repo' nnede work, beet offer, Soo good '80 VW Golf, 18,000 ml., runs excl. $11100 or offer. soft excl. cond. Blue bk. $40004- Interior 54000/beat otter, take over payments. Call cans,. mint condition, 672- Stanza, Call Bob 525-6284, el 180 N, Kninolu Dr Kal- top (HJN-439), $5880, cond $150() or best offer, excl, cond, 4' 4 yr. warranty. gal Must MIR. 254-4053 034.7110, (Joking $3000. 3145-0576 Ank for Thiene 737-1041 395-.1529, 9491 evenings $0,500 M-Th 13-4, Fri, 8 -6:30 run. DO 030-7885. Asking $6500. 235-0557