The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus /9^ THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS vj. In This Issue CLUBS '' TO MEET JANUARY 25 HOWARD HALL /ol. 15 January. 1937 No. 4 think of— O^BRIEN —when you think of PAINTS for Industrial Production finishing O'Brien manufactures a full, up-to-the-minute line of lacquers, primers, enamels and synthetic enamels . and supplies nationally known manufacturers of automobiles, trucks, automotive equipment, furniture and cabinets in all parts of the country. for architectural maintenance and decorative painting O'Brien ofFers a finish of every type, all reinforced by the usz of THERMOLVZED TUNG OIL. a new O'Brien-patented oil vehicle that adds life, looks and dependability to any paint product. Notre Dame, The Marshall Field Estate. New York Edison and fine decorators all over the country are amons the thousands of users. A nation-wide O'Brien dealer orsanization has these finishes for you. If your paintins problems are particularly troublesome, or if you seek for better looking finishes, call on O'Brien . through your painter, your dealer, or write the factory direct. George L O'Brien '93 Jerome J. Crowley, Jr. '31 Fred J. O'Brien "94 W.B.Webster '31 J. H. Lawton '12 T. S. Halpin '32 D. J. Kelly, Jr. '26 Eugene L O'Brien '35 W. C. Fortier "29 George Vescy '36 O'BRIEN VARNISH COMPANY SOUTH BEND, INDIANA - - - Since 1878 The Notre Dame Alumnus JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, 75 The magazine is published monthly durtnf; the scholastic year by the Alumni Association Member of tfie American of the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana.