Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Vol 53, No 1 Copyright 2014 January 2014 by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Pages 18–23

Echography of the and during the Proliferative and Secretory Phases of the in Bonnet Monkeys (Macaca radiata)

Uddhav K Chaudhari,1,* Siddnath M Metkari,2 Dhyananjay D Manjaramkar,2 Geetanjali Sachdeva,1 Rajendra Katkam,1 Atmaram H Bandivdekar,3 Abhishek Mahajan,4 Meenakshi H Thakur,4 and Sanjiv D Kholkute1

We undertook the present study to investigate the echographic characteristics of the uterus and cervix of female bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata) during the proliferative and secretory phases of the menstrual cycle. The cervix was tortuous in shape and measured 2.74 ± 0.30 cm (mean ± SD) in width by 3.10 ± 0.32 cm in length. The cervical contained 2 or 3 col- liculi, which projected from the . The echogenicity of cervix varied during proliferative and secretory phases. The uterus was pyriform in shape (2.46 ± 0.28 cm × 1.45 ± 0.19 cm) and consisted of serosa, , and . The endometrium generated a triple-line pattern; the outer and central lines were hyperechogenic, whereas the inner line was hypoechogenic. The endometrium was significantly thicker during the secretory phase (0.69 ± 0.12 cm) than during the proliferative phase (0.43 ± 0.15 cm). Knowledge of the echogenic changes in the female reproductive organs of bonnet monkeys during a regular menstrual cycle may facilitate understanding of other physiologic and pathophysiologic changes.

Ultrasound imaging is a noninvasive, atraumatic, and simple Materials and Methods method to assess various organs in humans and nonhuman pri- Animals and husbandry practices. Adult female bonnet macaques 11 mates. Ultrasonography has been used to detect fetal growth, (Macaca radiate; n = 15) showing normal menstrual cycles under- endometrial thickness, and in rhesus macaques went abdominal ultrasonography during their late proliferative 17,20,26 (Macaca mulatta), and color Doppler ultrasonography (days 6 through 13) and midsecretory (days 16 through 21) phases. has used for characterizing uteroplacental hemodynamics and Bonnet monkeys used in the present study were wild-caught from 22,29 assessing fetal and placental blood flow in that species. In a forest in southern India. Monkeys were housed individually and cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis), ultrasound tech- fed with fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits, ground nuts, bangal niques have been applied in transfundal uterine recovery, grams, and so forth. Water was provided ad libitum. Housing aspiration, assessment of endometrial changes conditions were a 12:12-h light:dark cycle, with a temperature of during the menstrual cycle, evaluation of , 24 to 28 °C and relative humidity of 30% to 70%. Previous reports 5,33-35 and induction studies. Other primates species from our laboratory have shown that the length of menstrual wherein ultrasound techniques have been used are vervet mon- cycle in bonnet monkeys is 25 to 30 d.6,24 Menstrual cyclicity was 31 30 keys (Cercopithecus aethiops), owl monkeys (Aotus nancymaae), monitored for at least 2 cycles by daily vaginal swab examination 9,12 and common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). at 1100. The day of visible was considered as Bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) have been used as an animal day 1, and ultrasonography was performed on days 6 through 6,23,24 model for research on contraceptive agents, endometrial 13 (proliferative phase) and 16 through 21 (secretory phases). The 18,27,28 10 biology, and assisted reproductive technologies. Al- ultrasound protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal though bonnet macaques bear close similarity with rhesus Ethics Committee, and ultrasound examinations were performed macaques, ultrasound profile of cervix and uterus in these spe- during routine health monitoring of bonnet monkeys in the colony. cies has not yet been characterized. We undertook the present To ensure that the monkey’s urinary bladders should be full dur- study to evaluate the echographic profile of the cervix and ing ultrasound examination, water bowls were removed during uterus in regularly cycling bonnet macaques in the proliferative the evening prior to the exam and replaced the morning of the (days 6 through 13 after overt bleeding) and secretory phases ultrasonography. The animal facility at the institute is registered (days 16 through 21) of menstrual cycle. Knowledge of the nor- with the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of mal ultrasonographic profiles of the female reproductive organs Experiments on Animals, Ministry of Social Justice and Empower- may facilitate the identification of pathophysiological changes ment, Government of India (registration no. 78/1999/CPCSEA). during natural or stimulated cycles in bonnet monkeys. Gynecologic ultrasound examination. A gynecologic ultrasound evaluation of the cervix and uterus was performed in B mode by Received: 22 May 2013. Revision requested: 03 Jul 2013. Accepted: 11 Jul 2013. using high-resolution linear curved transducers (L12-5 MHz and 1Department of Primate Biology, 2Animal House Facility, and 3Department of Biochem- C5-2 MHz probes, HDXE11 ultrasound system, Philips, Andover, istry, National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH), Indian Council MA). The shape, echogenic texture, position, and dimensions of of Medical Research (ICMR), Parel, Mumbai, India; 4Department of Radiodiagnosis, Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), Parel, Mumbai, India. the cervix and uterus were studied during the late proliferative *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] and midsecretory phases of the menstrual cycle. Monkeys were

18 Ultrasonography of reproductive organs

Figure 1. An ultrasound image of the reproductive organs of bonnet monkeys obtained by using the C5-2 probe during (A) late proliferative and (B) midsecretory phases of the menstrual cycle, demonstrating the echogenicity of the uterus and cervix during the proliferative (hypoechoic) and midsecretory (hyperechoic) phases. The cervical canal appears open and filled with during the proliferative phase compared with secretory phase. C, cervix; CC, cervical canal; CrDC, cranial dorsal colliculus; CuDC, caudal dorsal colliculus; Is, isthmus; U, uterus; UC, ; V, ; VC, ventral colliculus.

Figure 2. An ultrasound image of the cervix of bonnet monkeys during the late proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle, obtained by using the L12-3 probe. (A) Sagittal view. (B) Transverse view. The cervical canal appears open and contains mucus, and colliculi are separated and distinctly visible. CC, cervical canal; CrDC, cranial dorsal colliculus; CW, cervical wall; VC, ventral colliculus. sedated with ketamine (10 mg/kg body weight) and placed in a RWave Cardio Products, Mumbai, India) was applied to the shaved supine position. The region was disinfected (Savlon, Johnson and area. Initially the entire reproductive tract was examined by using Johnson, Mumbai, India), and the hair was shaved from 2/3 of the the C5-2MHz transducer. The transducer was placed sagittally abdominal cavity, to the pubic symphysis. Ultrasound gel (RTrace, on the lower midline of the pelvic–abdominal region to locate the

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Figure 3. An ultrasound image of the cervix of bonnet monkeys during the midsecretory phase of the menstrual cycle, obtained by using the L12-3 probe. (A) Sagittal view. (B) Transverse view. The cervical canal appears collapsed, and colliculi are merged. CC, cervical canal; CrDC, cranial dorsal colliculus; CuDC, caudal dorsal colliculus; VC, ventral colliculus. vagina, cervix, and uterus. The linear L12-5 MHz transducer then Table 1. Cervical, uterine, and endometrial measurements (cm; mean was used for individual examination of the cervix and uterus. The ± SD) during the late proliferative and midsecretory phases of the uterus was localized in the lower 2/3 of the abdominal area. The menstrual cycle of bonnet monkeys cervix was localized above the pubic symphysis. The craniocaudal Late proliferative Midsecretory and dorsoventral diameters of the cervix, uterus, and endometrium Cervix were measured from sagittal scans, and the transverse diameters of Craniocaudal diameter 2.74 ± 0.30 2.69 ± 0.24 these organs were obtained from transverse scans.16 Four observa- Dorsoventral diameter a b tions were made for each monkey during both the proliferative and 3.10 ± 0.32 2.88 ± 0.37 secretory phases of the menstrual cycle. The cervix was measured Transverse diameter 2.86 ± 0.28 2.62 ± 0.27 from the internal os to external os (craniocaudal diameter) and from Uterus the dorsal colliculi to ventral colliculi (dorsoventral diameter). The Craniocaudal diameter 2.46 ± 0.28 2.41 ± 0.32 uterus was measured from the outer body of uterus (fundus) to the Dorsoventral diameter 1.45 ± 0.19a 1.39 ± 0.24b internal os of the cervix to obtain the craniocaudal and dorsoventral Transverse diameter 1.42 ± 0.37 1.52 ± 0.42 diameters (extending from the dorsal to the ventral side of uterus). Endometrium The endometrium appeared as a triple-line pattern consisting of Craniocaudal diameter 1.20 ± 0.23 1.34 ± 0.42 a prominent outer and central hyperechogenic lines and an inner Dorsoventral diameter 0.43 0.15c 0.69 0.12c hypoechogenic or black region on sagittal and transverse views. ± ± d d The central hypoechogenic region of the endometrium was meas- Transverse diameter 0.56 ± 0.85 0.79 ± 0.14 ured on sagittal scans as the craniocaudal (longitudinal) diameter. Data were obtained by using the L12-3 probe during sagittal and Endometrial thickness (dorsoventral diameter) was determined by transverse scans. measuring the distance between the outermost interfaces of both Values indicated by the same lowercase letter differ significantly (P < sides of the echogenic interface adjacent to myometrium. The color 0.05, Student t test). Doppler mode was used to assess the vascularity of the uterus during the proliferative and secretory phases of menstrual cycle. MHz probe can scan the entire for localiza- Statistical analysis. Measurements of cervix and uterus ob- tion of the vagina, cervix, and uterus. The L12-3 MHz transducer tained during ultrasonography are expressed as mean ± 1 SD. is a high-resolution linear probe that allows excellent evaluation Endometrial thickness during the proliferative and secretory of the echogenic texture of the cervix, uterus, and endometrium. phases was compared by using the Student t test (Prism 5, Cervix. Both probes were used to assess the entire cervical GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). canal ultrasonographically (Figures 1 through 3). Table 1 sum- marizes the cervical measurements. The cervix was broader (P Results < 0.05) than the uterus. The cervical canal contained several In the present study, the cervix and uterus of 15 bonnet mon- turns, giving rise to a tortuous shape. The 3 collicular struc- keys (average weight, 5.1 ± 1.3 kg) with regular menstrual cycles tures were attached by broad bases to the cervical walls. A large were evaluated by ultrasonography during the late prolifera- prominent ventral colliculus and the intermediately sized tive (days 6 through 13) and midsecretory (days 16 through 21) cranial dorsal colliculus were readily identified as discrete phases. We used 2 different transducers for this purpose. The C5-2 structures near the ectocervix. The third, caudal dorsal col-

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Figure 4. An ultrasound image of the uterus and endometrium of bonnet monkeys during the late proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle, obtained by using the L12-3 probe. (A) Sagittal view. (B) Transverse view. The uterus appears in a typical triple-line pattern consisting of a prominent outer and centrally hyperechogenic line (endometrium) and an inner, hypoechogenic or black region (uterine cavity) separated by homogeneously grayish myometrium. E, endometrium; M, myometrium; U, uterus; UB, ; UC, uterine cavity.

Figure 5. A sagittal view of a color Doppler ultrasound image of the uterus of bonnet monkeys during the (A) late proliferative and (B) midsecre- tory phases of the menstrual cycle, obtained by using the L12-3 probe. The uterus demonstrated increased vasculature and blood flow during the proliferative phase compared with the secretory phase. E, endometrium; IA, iliac ; M, myometrium; U, uterus; UA, uterine artery. liculus merged with the fibrous dorsal lip of the external os of Uterus. The uterus was located centrally in the abdominal the cervix (Figure 1 A and B). The ventral and cranial dorsal cavity, below the urinary bladder. On sagittal scans, the uterus collicululi were demarcated easily on sagittal and transverse measured 2.5 ± 0.28 cm × 1.45 ± 0.20 cm (length × width) and scans during the proliferative phase (Figure 2 A and B). Dur- appeared pyriform in shape (Figure 4 A); on transverse scans, ing the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, the ventral and the uterus was oval in shape (Figure 4 B). The myometrium was cranial dorsal colliculi were hyperechoic and appeared merged homogeneously echodense. The inner layer of myometrium on sagittal and transverse scans (Figure 3 A and B). In addition, was moderately echogenic, but the junctional zones of the en- the echogenicity and texture of the cervix changed during the dometrium were well demarcated and smooth in outline (Figure proliferative and secretory phases of the menstrual cycle. The 4 A and B). Color Doppler ultrasonography revealed the location walls and cervical canal were distended and hypoechoic dur- of the uterine artery on the left, at the junction of the cervix and ing the proliferative phase (Figure 2 A and B); this appearance uterine corpus (Figure 5 A). Blood flow and vascularity in the likely was due to excessive cervical secretions. The cervix was uterus were increased during the proliferative phase (Figure 5 hyperechoic and the cervical canal was collapsed during the A) compared with the secretory phase (Figure 5 B). secretory phase (Figure 3 A and B). Endometrium. On sagittal and longitudinal views, the uterine endometrium had a triple-line pattern, with 2 prominent, outer

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Figure 6. An ultrasound image of the uterus and endometrium of bonnet monkeys during the midsecretory phase of the menstrual cycle, ob- tained by using the L12-3 probe. (A) Sagittal view. (B) Transverse view. The uterus appears as homogeneously echogenic, with absence of the characteristic triple-line pattern. E, endometrium; M, myometrium; UC, uterine cavity. and central hyperechogenic lines and an inner hypoechogenic or and mucus secretion of the cervix change during the proliferative black region (Figures 4 and 6). During the proliferative phase, the and secretory phases of menstrual cycle in macaques and humans. endometrium appeared more echogenic than was the myometrium The quantity of cervical mucus secretion increases proportionately and developed a multilayered appearance, in which an echogenic with plasma concentration in bonnet monkeys14 and basal layer and hypoechoic inner functional layer were separated humans.13 We noted that the cervical walls of bonnet monkeys by a thin echogenic median layer of uterine cavity (Figure 4 A and are hypoechoic during the proliferative phase, suggesting actively B). The echogenicity of the endometrium increased during the secretion into the lumen of the cervix. In addition, we found that secretory phase as the multilayer pattern disappeared (Figure 6 the cervical canal was open and completely echoic, indicating A and B). Endometrium thickness was measured from echogenic hydrated mucus accumulation. Compared with rhesus macaques, border to echogenic border, across the endometrial cavity, on a bonnet monkeys secrete very high amounts of cervical mucus.21 sagittal midline image. The endometrium was significantly P( < Under the influence of estrogen, the cervical canal widens due to 0.005) thicker during the secretory phase (6.9 ± 0.8mm) as compared accumulation of cervical secretions in dogs,32 cats,1 and humans.4 with during the proliferative phase (4.3 ± 1.1 mm; Table 1). The endometrium of bonnet monkeys proliferates during the proliferative phase (days 6 through 13) and differentiates dur- Discussion ing the secretory phase (days 16 through 21) of the menstrual South Indian bonnet monkeys are closely similar to rhesus cycle. During the proliferative phase and as a result of estrogen macaques. Previous reports from our laboratory showed that the signaling, the endometrium develops glands, blood vessels, and length of the menstrual cycle in bonnet monkeys is 25 to 30 d.6,24 .31 Ultrasound examination of the endometrium during Menstrual cyclicity reflects cyclic changes in the levels of reproduc- the proliferative phase was found it to be echogenic relative to tive hormones, such as estrogen and . Endometrial the myometrium. A typical multilayer endometrium consists of proliferation, ovarian follicular development, cervical mucus se- an echogenic basal layer and hypoechoic inner functional layer, cretions are associated with the menstrual cycle phase in bonnet which are separated by a thin echogenic median layer arising monkeys.14 The gross anatomy of cervix uteri has been compared from the luminal content. In rhesus macaques, the reflectivity among nonhuman primates. The cervical canal of bonnet and (echogenicity) of the endometrium varies according to the stage rhesus macaques have several sharp turns due to the protrusion of of the menstrual cycle; the maximal thickness of the endometrium colliculi, giving rise to the characteristic tortuous shape to the cer- was 8 mm during the secretory phase.17 We similarly observed vix.8 Vaginal hysterography of bonnet monkeys and contrast films highly echogenic endometrium during the proliferative phase of excised uteri have shown the similar cervical morphology in the of the menstrual cycle and maximal endometrial thickness (0.69 bonnet and rhesus macaques.23 Our ultrasound observations are in ± 0.12 cm) during the secretory phase. Color Doppler imaging agreement with previous investigations in bonnet monkeys. The showed increased vascularity and blood flow during the prolif- exact role of these colliculi is not known. However, microscopically, erative phase compared with the secretory phase. Endometrial colliculi consist of columnar , and they support mucus echogenicity and thickness are associated with out- secretion during the estrogen-dominant proliferative phase of the comes in humans.2,25 A nonhomogeneous hyperechoic (rather menstrual cycle.21 In addition, the cervical colliculi may act as a than a triple line) pattern of the endometrium before pregnancy sperm reservoir and, alternatively, as a barrier to prevent excessive is associated with lower pregnancy rates.2 Several studies in spermatozoa from reaching the site of fertilization. Motile sperm humans have suggested a correlation between endometrial thick- have been recovered from the cervix of humans,7 cattle,15 and ness and endometrial receptivity during autologous,36 oocyte marmosets,8 2 to 5 d after . The echogenicity, texture, donor,3 and in vitro fertilization cycles.19

22 Ultrasonography of reproductive organs

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