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ME01/C09 Plus Postage DOCUMENT RESUME ED 205 668 UD 021 629. TITLE Puerto Rican History and Culture: ResourceManual. INSTITUTION National Drug Abuse Center for Training and Resource Development, Gaithersburg, Md.: UniversityResearch Corp.. Bethesda, Md. SPONS AGENCY- National Inst. on Drug Abuse (DHEW/PHS), Rockville, Md. Div. of Resource Development. .REPORT NO DHEW-ADM-80-00108R PUB DATE 79 CO*TPACT 271-78-4600: 271-79-4719 NOTE 214p.: For related documents, see OD 021 520, UD021 628, and OD 021 630. EU?! PRICE ME01/C09 Plus Postage._ DESCRIPTORS *Cou'iselor Training: Cultural Background:: *Drug Abusei ,*Drug Rehabilitation: *Hispanic Americans: Latin Aierican History: *Puerto Rican Culture: *Puerto Ricans: Resource Units ABSTRACT Tilts is a resource manual to be used by trainers in the Puerto Rican history and culture training programwhich helps. to prepare drug abuse workers. The manualis designed to help trainers to understand the importance of geographical,historical, cultural, and racial factors in the development of the PuertoRizan nation and their impact-on Puerto Picans today, especially onPuerto Rican substance abusers. Training modules included in themanual focus on: (11 stereotypes about Puerto Ricans:(21 the geography of Puerto Picga031Indian, African- and Spanish influences .inthe formation of thesperto Rican nation:(41 the Aterican occupation of Puerto Rico: (51 migration to the mainland: (61 theemployment stituation in the United-States: (71 the Hispanic Origi,is of the PuertoRican family, and the broken family-in New _York:(81 the "Nuyotican" aspects of developing culture in the United States: (91racism-in Pderto Rico and the United States:. and (101 specificproblems and issuas'in dealing with .the Puertd Rican Drug Abuser. Alsoprovided are client history, case studies. Appended to the manual arelists of referrals, references,, and additional readings, andeaglossary of Puerto Rican Spanish terms and terms of mixed linguisticorigin. (Author/APMI ****t*****************************************************.************* * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that canbe made from the original document. *********************************************************************7 -- -'TOPE OP INTEREST NOTICE The ERIC Facility has assigned this document rOr processing to: C.Cr In our Judgement, this document is also at interest to the clearinp houses noted to the right. ing should relives their special Points at view. A NNW NNW of Aik CC V' V V A A IIS V US DeARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION A WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY PUERTO RIC HISTORY CULTURE I It!1/7, 61 URCE MANUAL PUERTO RICAN HISTORY AMP CULTURE NATIONAL DRUG ABUSE CENTER NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING ON DRUG ABUSE AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Optional Irttitute on Drug Abuse Avision of Resource Development PUBLIC HEALTH SENCE manpower and Trpining Branch 4600 Ashers Lai NCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE, cRyckville, Maryland 20857 AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION cA q01 Puerto Rican History and Culture wasadapted by the NATIONAL DRUG ABUSE CENTER for Training and Resource Development, Pursuantto Contract Number 271-78-4600. The NDAC is currently administered by UniversityResearch Corporation, under Contract Number 271-79-4719 for the Manpowerand Training Branch, Divisioh of Resource Development, National Institute onDrug Abuse, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857. e C ti k. The material contained hereindoes not necessarily re- flect the opinions, position, orofficial policies of the National Institute on DrugAbuse of the Alcohol, Aarug Abuse, and MentalHealth"Aaministration,"Public Health Service, U.S. Departmentof Health, Education, and Welfare. DHEW Publication No. (ADM) 80-00108R Printed 1979 ACIIPWLEDGDENTS This training program has undergone several developmental stagessince 1974, when it was first offered by the New York Divisionof Substance Abuse Services Bureau of Traiding and Resource Developmentin New York City. Since then, the content has'been revised to reflect theneeds of substance abuse, staff in acquiring more knowledge andskills in treating their Puerto Rican clients. The current training package reflects a synthesis of historical information about theformation'of Puerto Rico, its unique relationship with theUnited States, and the social, cultural, and political forces which affect treatmentof Puerto Rican substance abusers. Puerto Rican History and Culture: A Short Overview representsthe combined efforts and resources of manyconcerned-Fidividuals and insti- tutions in their attempts to further the cause ofinter-ethnic com - munications between the Puerto Rican minority and the society at large, specifically between the Puerto Rican substance aVer and the mental health settings. Many individuals and, nstitutions have contributed and made this program what it istoday, partibularly all the trainees who, throughtheir participation and constant feedback, have made this course an ever- changing, living document that reflectsthe everyday concerns,conflicts, struggles and triumphs experienced by the Puerto Ricansubstance abuser and his/her counselbr. Without this support or participation, the program becomes merely a conpilation of articles,statistics, and historical information; trainees are the most important element . the human element. Those individuals from the New York Divibion of SubstanceAbuse Services who have contributed to this program include Walter M.. Ridley TI. Director, Anne Hubbard, Ph.D., Deputy Director, RobertDetor,'Director, of Training, Gail Norman, William Cole, LeeHarrison, Instructional Developers, and Felice Schulman-Marcus, Evaluator. 1. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions-ofthe Puerto Rican Tourism Development Corporation for the use,of theirexcellent slide collection; The American MUseum of Natural History and the Museo del Barrio for their contributions to the visual aspects of the course; In,additicn,'special thanks for the contributions and endorsementof. the National Association of Puerto Rican Drug Abuse Programs (NAPICAP), particularly Frank Espada and Omar Bordatto -for their revisions and additions to the course:,Also thanks to Oscar Camaeho for his assistance An the development of the "Counselor's Guide toDo's and Don'ts," and to Joe Conzo for the preparation of the tape "PuertoRican Music." In addition, a note of appreciation for the staff of the National Drug Abuse Center for Training and Resource Development, especiallyBeth (B.J.) Gillispie for her assistance On the final preparation and reproduction of the course. The Puerto Rican History and Culture Course is one of thefirst products of its kind that hanbeen developed within the National Manpowerand Training System.One of the'reasons it was selected, aside fromits' relevance to imporving treatment provided to Puerto. Ricanclients, offer it as one possible model for use intraining Other persons involved in the treatment ofrimilar It-is hoped that this course will inspire others to"devel similarcourses for other minority gorities. and that this investment in similar courses feltby the Manpower Training Branch/NationatInntitute on Drug Abuse and the National Manpowerand Training Systernwill be continued. '.' PROG'RAty DESCRIPTION OVERALL; GOALS TO help participants to . understand the importance of geographical, historical, cultural and racia factors in the-development of the Puerto Rican nation and their impact on Puerto Ricans today,- and how this relates to the experienbes of Puerto Rican:sUbstance abusers. I develop sensitivity to problems and issues fabing Puerto Rican clients and their implications for counselor intervention and possible treatment planning. AUDIENCE Counselors, interviewers, administrators or others working with Puerto tican clientsin a treatment cerfter, an early intervention setting, or substance abuse related program in the community or school system. NUMBER OF TRAINEES Recamended optimum-training audience size is 20-25 persons per trainer. CON'I'ENr Stereotypes about Puerto Ricans discusses some specific stereotypes and their origin,' and their impact en our expectations of and interactions with Puerto Rican clients. Historical Background hignlights.hspocts of the geographi61 te4ures and the Indian, Spanishand African influences-in the developMent,of the .'.. Puerto Rican nation in6 tie impact of these socio-cultural factors on v,Puerto Ricans today. Puerto Rican Migration to the U.S. disco, us factors contributing' to the migration, Puerto Rica's unique socio-political relationship to the U.S., and Puerto Rican culture in the U.S. P:aJoleNS of the Puerto Rican Sub:. Lance Abuser synthesizes-pre,Tious loarning about the cultural heritage of Puerto Ricans in an e:ploration,. of the' issues, i:nlbleMs and factors which contribute to subst ince abUse among Puerto Ricans in the U.S. and the affect on their treatment. Sample Case Studies of several Puerto Rican addictI provide a framework for ahalyzing the socio-cultural problems involved in assessment, counselling and.. treatment intervention. THE PUMA) RICAN HISTORY & CULTURE RESOURCE MANUAL f:' This Resource Manual is to be used by trainers oftheDuerto Rican History & Culture training program in conjunction with the Trainer'sManual for the Prograg.The Resource Manual pro- vides an overview of allthe content
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