Ï6N Ikzna? ISBN 90-76960-01-1 List of Names of Perennials : Naamlijst Van Vaste Planten: Namenliste Stauden : Liste De Noms Des Plantes Vivaces / M.H.A

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Ï6N Ikzna? ISBN 90-76960-01-1 List of Names of Perennials : Naamlijst Van Vaste Planten: Namenliste Stauden : Liste De Noms Des Plantes Vivaces / M.H.A LIST OF NAMES OF PERENNIALS NAAMLIJST VAN VASTE PLANTEN NAMENLISTE STAUDEN LISTE DE NOMS DES PLANTES VIVACES (international Standard) 4e geheel herziene druk Boomteeltpraktijkonderzoek Boskoop, The Netherlands, 2000 Ï6N ikzna? ISBN 90-76960-01-1 List of names of perennials : Naamlijst van vaste planten: Namenliste Stauden : Liste de noms des plantes vivaces / M.H.A. Hoffman, HJ. van de Laar t, G. Fortgens, P.C. de Jong; ed. Fred Geers. Translation English: Joy Burrough-Boenisch Übersetzung Deutsch: Gabriele de Koning Traduction en français: Margareth van der Horst © Boomteeltpraktijkonderzoek, Applied Research for Nursery Stock, Boskoop, the Netherlands, 2000. Nadruk ofvertaling , ook van gedeelten, isallee n geoorloofd na toestemming van hetbestuu r vanhe t Boomteeltpraktijkonderzoek. Het Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij en Natuurbeheer enhe t Boomteeltpraktijkonderzoek stellen zich niet verantwoordelijk voor eventuele schadelijke gevolgen, ontstaan door het gebruik van degegevens , diei ndez e uitgave zijn gepubliceerd. No part ofthi s publication may bereproduce d ortranslate d without written permission from the board of Applied Research forNurser y Stock inth e Netherlands. The Dutch Ministry ofAgriculture , Fisheries and Nature Management and Applied Research forNurser y Stock inth e Netherlands hereby disclaim all responsibility foran y detrimental repercussions brought about byth e use ofth e information inthi s publication. INHOUD/CONTENTS/INHALT/SOMMAIRE Foreword A/oorwoord / Vorwort / Preface 07 English Introduction 08 How to use the list 09 The compilers'standpoint 11 Nederlands Inleiding 13 Aanwijzigingen voor het gebruik 14 Verantwoording 16 Deutsch Einleitung 18 Hinweise für die Benutzung 19 Rechenschaft 21 Français Introduction 23 Indication d'utilation 24 Justifications 26 Changes to names of some well-known plants 28 Naamswijzigingen bij enkele bekende planten 28 Namensänderungen einiger bekannter Pflanzen 28 Changement de noms de quelques plantes connues 28 List of families and genera 30 Overzicht families en geslachten 30 Liste Familien und Gattungen 30 Liste de familles et genres 30 Perennials / Vaste planten / Stauden / Plantes vivaces 34 Literature / Literatuur / Literatur / Bibliographique 360 FOREWORD The intensification of the international trade in nursery products underlines the need for uniformity in the naming of cultivated plants. The new editions of the internatio­ nal "List of Names of Perennials" and "List of Names of Woody Plants" together form a huge step in the right direction. It is most gratifying that both these reference works have been recognised by the ENA (European Nursery Association) as the European standard works on the nomenclature of nursery plants. Furthermore, the "List of Names of Perennials" has been recognised as the standard reference work by the ISU (Internationale Stauden Union) and the PPA (Perennial Plant Association - in the Unit­ ed States). Contributing as it does to optimal communication about nursery plants, this List is thus something the nursery sector can be proud of. VOORWOORD De handel in boomkwekerijgewassen tussen de verschillende landen wordt steeds in­ tensiever. Uniformiteit in naamgeving van de producten is hierbij essentieel. Met de herdruk van deze internationale "Naamlijst van vaste planten" en "Naamlijst van houtige gewassen" is een grote stap voorwaarts gezet. Het is zeer verheugend dat beide naamlijsten door de ENA (European Nursery Association) zijn erkend als de Eu­ ropese standaard voor de naamgeving van boomkwekerijproducten. De naamlijst van vaste planten is bovendien door de ISU (Internationale Stauden Union) en de PPA (Perennial Plant Association - in de Verenigde Staten) erkend als de officiële stan­ daard. Deze lijst draagt bij aan een optimale communicatie over boomkwekerijge­ wassen. Hier mag de boomkwekerijsector trots op zijn. VORWORT Der Handel mit Baumschulgewächsen zwischen verschiedenen Ländern wird stets in­ tensiver. Einheitlichkeit in der Namengebung der Produkte ist daher von entschei­ dender Bedeutung. Mit der Neuauflage dieser internationalen „Namenliste Stauden" und der „Namenliste Gehölze" wird ein großer Schritt nach vorne gemacht. Es ist sehr erfreulich, dass beide Namenlisten von der ENA (European Nursery Association) als Europäischer Standard für die Namengebung von Baumschulprodukten anerkan­ nt sind. Die Namenliste Stauden ist außerdem von der ISU (Internationale Stauden Union) und der PPA (Perennial Plant Association in den USA) als offizieller Standard anerkannt. Die Liste leistet einen Beitrag zur Optimalisierung der Kommunikation über Baumschulgewächse. Der Baumschulsektor darf mit Recht stolz darauf sein. PRÉFACE La commercialisation internationale de plantes de pépinières ornementales est de plus en plus intensive. L'uniformité de la nomenclature des plantes est pour cela es­ sentielle. La réédition de cette «list e de noms des plantes vivaces »e t « liste de noms des plantes ligneuses » est un grand pas vers l'avant. Nous sommes très reconnais­ sants que l'ENA ( European Nursery Association) ai reconnu ces deux listes de noms comme standard européen de la nomenclature des plantes de pépinières ornemen­ tales. La liste des noms de plantes vivaces est également reconnue comme standard officiel par l'ISU (Internationale Stauden Union) et le PPA (Perennial Plant Associa­ tion- des Etats-Unis). Cette liste contribue à une communication optimale sur les plantes de pépinières ornementales. La profession peut en être fière. Dr. Ir. J. van de Vooren Directeur Boomteeltpraktijkonderzoek Director Applied Research for Nursery Stock Direktor Baumschulpraxisversuch Directeur de la recherche en pépinière ornementale INTRODUCTION You have in your hands the internationally renowned "List of Names of Perennials", which contains the preferred botanical names and most used synonyms of over 14,000 perennials. The prime aim ist o achieve worldwide uniformity inth e nomenclature of these plants.Thi s is because if everyone in all links of the production chain in all countries used a single name - the preferred botanical name-there would bea n important basis for optimal communication. For this reason it is gratifying that the ENA (European Nursery Association) has recognised both this "List of Names of Perennials" and the "List of Names of Woody Plants" asth e stan­ dard European works for the nomenclature of nursery products. The "List of Names of Peren­ nial Plants" has also been recognised asth e official standard work by the ISU (Internationale Stauden Union) and the PPA (Perennial Plant Association - in the United States). The challenge faced by this List of Names is to be accepted both by botanists and by the peo­ ple in the nursery trade. On the one hand the List must comply with internationally agreed scientific conventions, but on the other it must be user-friendly for the trade. A new edition of the List of Names appears every five years.I t incorporates the names of newtrad e assortments and the most necessary corrections. Everyte n years,broadl y acceptedtaxonomi e revisions are incorporated. This last happened in the 1995 edition and is scheduled to occur in the 2005 edition and all subsequent uneven editions. This means that name changes resulting from tax­ onomie revisions are incorporated once every ten years only. The most important differences between this edition and its predecessor (the 3tn edition) are: • more international recognition (e.g.fro m ENA, ISU and PPA) • the addition of approximately 3,600 preferred botanical names • the addition of over 500 synonyms and trade names • changes to approximately 100 names, to correct spelling errors or transposition • the addition of acomprehensiv e list of references Each change or addition mentioned above has been recorded separately and appropriately in a database. There have also been some minor changes. These include making trade names more recognisable by printing them in adifferen t font. Furthermore,th e new guidelines in the "International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants" (ICNCP),whic h appeared in 1995, have been followed (see "The Compilers' Standpoint"). The List of Names of Perennials and - especially - the List of Names of Woody Plants would not have achieved their present form had it not been for the pioneering work of Harry J. van de Laar. Plants and their names were his passion.Th e first edition that appeared in 1988 was atribut e to his zeal and devotion and to that of histhe n colleague Gert Fortgens. Sadly, Harry van de Laar died on 12Augus t 1999. Many other people and organisations have contributed to a greater or lesser degree to this, the 4* edition of the "List of Names of Perennials". Pride of place must be given to John Val- leau of the PPA in Canada, who collected approximately two thousand new names, mostly from American catalogues. Also worthy of special mention are: Stichting Beurshal (Boskoop), for supplying new names andfo r their pleasant collaboration,an d G.Fortgen s (ISU) for check­ ing and augmenting names; Drs.W . Hetterscheidt (NDS),fo r dealing with general queries; R. Wortelboer (Netherlands) for exchanging data; Ir. M. Hop (BPO, Boskoop) for collecting new names and contributing to the reference list; A. Briant (in France) and D. Clark / BARB (in the UK): for supplying new names and trade names; and many specialist breeders from various countries, for sending in new names and checking existing names. All these and those per­ sons, companies and organisations who collaborated in the compiling of this List,
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