Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1975-1976

Eastern University Year 1976

Eastern Progress - 29 Jan 1976

Eastern Kentucky University

This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1975-76/18 The Eastern Progress

Vol. 54 No. II Official Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University Thursday, January 29, 1976 10 pages Immediate attention needed from nursing-Health students By JACKIE BUXTON scores must be on file immediately. A There are approximately 1500 nursing the UK medical center, and Central New*-MaMftafE4iUr medical form will be required soon af- and allied health students, said Gale, Baptist Hospital in Lexington. Others A new WtmsWtm and processing terwards. "roughly 10 percent of the student body." include Cardinal Hill Hospital, Shriners Student* ate admitted on space Hospital in Clark County, King's procedure in the College of Allied Health Whereas students previously were available, he added. Only SO students are Daughters in Frankfort, and Pattie A. and Nursing needs immediate attention accepted on the date of application, the accepted into the Baccalaureate from all students who are presently change has provided "an excellent op- Clay. program each semester, and only 88 into enrolled or plan to enroll in a two-year portunity for the students to do their Gale explained that although depart- the Associate program, he said. associate degree. planning early. They will know right ment students have already applied to "We can't go over that standard Because the department has been away if they have been accepted," said University admissions, separate ap- number, because we have to relate the getting "many more applicants than we Gale. plication has to be made to the depart- can service", the changes have been number of students to the number of ment Itself. Students applying for the fall semester faculty and to the number of clinical made and all two year students must will know by the end of March if they High school students must meet a contact Admissions Coordinator Carolyn agencies available." have been accepted, and spring ap- minimum of two out of the three AKord by Monday. Feb. 1 U they are Gale added that one faculty member plicants will know by the end of April. Iollowing requirements: ACT minimum making an application (or the fall can only supervise 10 to 12 students in Spring applications must be Tiled by standard score of 18; minimum high semester, said Dr. David Gale, dean of each of the 66 clinical affiliates. March 1. school grade point average of B; and toe college. Two to four days a week are spent in Students in the two-year nursing, four- practical work at the clinical agencies, projected rank of upper third of the Four year nursing students, who have graduating class. three semesters of callage work, must year nursing, two-year medical records, depending on the program and the needs also see the admissions coordinator. two-year medical assisting, and lour of the students. College students must have attained at Alfords office is Wallace 106. year occupational therapy programs are The department's affiliates include St. least a 2.0 grade point average on all Applications, transcripts, and ACT the ones needing immediate compliance. Joseph's and Good Samaritan Hospitals, college work attempted. Campus sanitation questioned; periscope

Belly dance instructor Mary Senate may honor 'Ma' Kelly McComb says through the art you gain awareness of your Senator Jimmy Chandler asked that highest honors as other students. To body, grace and stamina. By BRIAN ASHLEY graduate with honors a student must PMtftBV Son * Ass*. Maaagtag Easier Mrs. Bessie "Ma" Kelly be placed in Feature Editor Wilma Reed nomination by the University for an possess a 3.6 while a transfer student has the complete story on page Tuesday the Student Senste passed must have a 3.8. four. Pretty picture Senator Greg Ryan's request for a Honorary Doctorate of Humanities. Chandler advocated Mrs. Kelly's rare Chandler called this "unfair and next Students enjoy the works of Jerry W. Points in Giles Gallery in the Campbell committee to investigate health, safety, to impossible when a student transfers in Building. Points, a graduate of the University of Evansville, entitled his sket- and sanitary conditions on campus. altitude toward Eastern students when chings as Food and Stuff His works will beon display until Friday. they visit her restaurant on third street his later years." The passing of the Senator Hal Murray asked thai another Editorials page 2 President Jim Murphy was asked by motion enables the senate to seek the already formed committee take over the University's approval before it can go Arts page3 responsibilities of the investigation in Mark Girrard to write a letter to the Newsbriefs pages Health, Education, and Welfare into effect. lieu of organizing another committee. Michelle Wade reported on the Sports page 7.8.9 Ryan stated reports of an increase in Department (HEW) requesting an in- vestigation about possible Title IX financial committee and asked that the cases of diseases resulting from un- 8300 not be given to the Chemistry Club Need for publication discrimination in military science ■ sanitary conditions and the continuous for their trip to the regional Conference requirements by the university. complaints of mice and roaches from of the American Chemistry Society. dorm residents. In other senate action: The senate passed Jimmy Chandler's The senate agreed not to give the Ryan also asked that he be made money until the Chemistry Club tried to chairman and organixer of the new motion to allow transfer students to have brings about pamphlet (See CAMPUS, page tea) committee. equal opportunity to graduate with

I Asset for transfer students on student rights

By DIANA J.TAYLOR take place and what the student is legally Editor obliged to reveal. A Student Rights Pamphlet will be Publication of the pamphlet will begin Changes made in graduation honors system distributed soon, it is hoped within a after President Robert Martin's ap- week, as a result of work and research by proval of contingency funds to be used for that purpose. "Sixty-four hours was chosen as a 3.4 and 3.6 to graduate "With Distinc- higher for the last 32 semester hours the Student Rights and Responsibilities By ERIC MIDDLEBROOK attempted. Students with a 3.S average, Committee. Chandler said he hopes distribution Staff Writer standard because it enables most tion." A student completing only two years but less than 3.7, are graduated "With Jim Chandler, committee chairman, will occur during the next week or two. Students initially enrolling for the 1976 transfer students to be eligible for commencement honors," Rowlett said. here is eligible for commencement Distinction." said the committee saw the need for such On-campus residents will receive the Fall Semester may graduate "With honors only if he averages 0.2 higher than a publication and decided three weeks pamphlets in their dorm mailboxes, Distinction" and "With High Distinc "The requirement for the honors was Associate of Arts graduates with less raised because only the last 64 hours are standard distinction requirements. The than 32 hours, but at least 24, may- ago to put one together. while off-campus students may pick lion" on the basis of the last 64 hours The pamphlet outlines information considered. At this period in a college 1976-78 Catalog raises the requirements graduate "With High Distinction" and them up at several distribution points, attempted, according to Dr. John from the student handbook and the career, the student concentrates on the for each honor 0.1, but changes the "With Distinction" by achieving an including the information desk in the Rowlett, vice president of scademic Student Senate's Special Rules of Order requirements of his major and usually considered period to approximately four average of not less than 3.8 and 3.6, but Powell Building. . affairs. regarding student rights when one is earns higher grades." semesters work. less than 3.8, respectively. charged with an infraction, on or off The pamphlet will be helpful, Chandler Previously, s student had to complete As of May 1973. Associate of Arts All courses and grades in the semester campus. said, to every student charged with a two years here to qualify for com- ' Students governed by the 1974-76 graduates are also eligible for com- in which 32 and 24 semester hours are One unusual feature is a hypothetical local or University violation who mencement honors. Under the new Catalog must maintain a 3.6 or higher mencement honors. In this category, students are reached are used in computing grade situation involving a policeman and a otherwise may not know what his or her regulations, a student must complete 64 average for at least three years of point averages for the purpose of honors student which shows what dialogue may rights are in such a situation hours, or would be ineligible to graduate resident work to graduate "With High graduated "With High Distinction" who attain a grade point average of 3.7 or recognition with distinction Distinction," and must average between Students migrate from college hill as city turns on mystical power of those... Thursday nights

By MIKE HAMILTON coming down to "Big R" for their night suit Writer out. Just what does a "Big Thursday" in If you were to drive through Rich- Richmond consist of? Well, it just all mond, you wouldn't think that this rural depends on what you are looking for. If community possesses a mysterious, you want dancing, there is "O'RUey's," magical power that only shows its true "The Family Dog," "J. Sutler's Mill" strength on Thursday nights. and the "Horny Boll." The power can be seen with the msss All of these establishments offer migration of students from college hill. something different. The "Bear and On Thursday it is as if the city turns on its Bull" offers drinks around a fireplace mystical powers and lures humanity into "O'RUey's" baa drinks with popcorn and the town which was relatively quiet all live bands. week, as if anticipating the clockwork "The Family Dog" offers eight bar- tenders to serve your pleasure "J. regularity of students. Lets be realistic. There is no real Sutler's Mill" lets you enjoy a continuous magical power that forces the students to slide show amidst barn wood and open come downtown against their will. The beams. As a matter of fact, mere seems power is something which many students to be bars pipping up everywhere. like to call a release. It offers s release According to David Bohannon, from the everyday pressures of college alcoholic beverage control administrator life. It's a time to relax, enjoy, and a for Richmond, there are seven bars in time to forget the dull ritual of studies. Richmond with a mixed drink license, 21 or 22 bars with beer license only and II Of course students are in school to learn, but the learning process must go stores with a package license beyond the intellectual It should let an As we can see there really isn't any individual grow in maturity through the problem in having a place to go. The only concepts of everyday living. problem is, what do you do once you get Students on this campus should feel there? lucky. That's right, lucky. They can The bars downtown are so crowded on walk downtown without too much dif- Thursday night that many people fight ficulty. (Nothing will be said about the their way to the bar only to find mat once walk back.) They are able to make their there thev are bumped, pushed, stomped presence known at severs! establish and spat upon. It must be worth it menu located within yelling distance of because 11* —me people seep coming >M tv ax* T«W each other. back for more. Actually, this is very safe. What if downtown is the place to do it. The various places offer A survey of four downtown bars found Thursday night fans on Richmond and the lights come on every time students wanted to let off a that on a good Thursday night mere are at the favorite spots in town students have a little tension music and dancing along with other activities to any in- little steam, they had to go to Lexington? to lose and a little rest and relaxation to acquire. And terested person. Now we have students from Lexington (See THURSDAY, page tea) s*>

Maria Ridenour Sports Editor Wilma Read Feat ure Editor Brian Ashley AMI Managua] Editor Connie Parrish Arts Editor The Eastern Progress Wayne Boblltt Organizations Reporter Nathan Sublet! StaffArtist Dirk Martin ... Circulation Manager Andrea Wright Ant Business Manger

DIANA J. TAYLOR DAVID 8W0FF0RD JACKIE BLXTON Kditar Beslaess Manager NmMiu|ta| Ediler

Page 2. The Eastern Progress. Thursday. January 2$, 1976 editorials

For student awareness, protection 'Rights' pamphlet a necessity

Rights and responsibilities of Rights Pamphlet providing All that is required for final handbook regarding University students have long been necessary information on what publication of the pamphlet, is regulations. It also states what questioned, discussed and can and cannot be done when one President Martin's approval of the potential penalties are when misunderstood by many. There is arrested or charged will be the printing funds, an action we those regulations are broken. have been too many cases, both distributed soon. hope he will take in the very near But, and perhaps more im- on and off campus, where a The pamphlet is a product of future. portant, the pamphlet tells the student charged with a local or student what avenues of appeal the Student Rights - and All that is required for the University infraction hasn't Responsibilities Committee he or she has when charged with received the fairest deal effectiveness of the pamphlet is an infraction. It also lists the which is chaired by Jim Chan- student willingness to read it, available because of his or her dler. Chandler and the other people to call when help is lack of knowledge on what is save it and refer to it when and if needed. committee members, regardless it is needed. And for anyone to proper in such circumstances. of their association with the Such a publication has been Finally and fortunately, say it will never be needed is a needed for quite some time. It is Student Senate, have ac- pipe dream. FORTUNE: something has been done which complished something which is something done by students for could aid potentially every commendable, to say the very The pamphlet includes the students, a rare occurrence, but You will be a victim of a mechanical rip-offl student enrolled here. A Student least. relevant portions of the student a profitable one. editor's mailbag

It lives up to its promises, then and only i These activities are paid for by each Chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity right? But at the present time the only express my opinion on the open house SA and Ihen will the students recognise its value. Chapter with money collected as dues— is in agreement with the Interfraternlty way to fight the system ia to stand up and policy at EKU. During the time that I in our case, twelve dollars monthly. Our Council and the Panhelienic Council, that become very vulnerable. That's a scary attended Eastern, I believe that I heard involvement Respectfully, members pay pledge initiation and dues an estimated average of costs for the thing to do and I can appreciate why more complaints about this subject than D.J.Strange and regular initiation and dues. We have fraternities and sororities should have people do a lot of sitting. any other. This is no wonder when one Box 90 no hidden costs. been stated. I suggest we write a lot of anonymous considers the infantile rules established To the Editor; Martin Hall Misconceptions regarding the coats letters to the administration stating for open house. I am sure that everyone involved in joining a sorority have Sincerely, 623-5074 Allan Green grievances or offering advice (Could you is familiar with the open door, feet on the In the past weeks and months, much plagued all sororities on the campus for Secretary imagine Dr. Martin receiving 10,000 floor, and lights on in the room policy. has been said about Student Govern years, and as an active alumna of the letters this Monday morning?). I also According to those rules, a person and his menl At the beginning of the year we first Greek women's organization to be suggest we make use of the media. The guest cannot enjoy a restful evening of heard pleas for unity within the Senate Art critic chartered on this campus, I am delighted Eastern Progress might discover a lot of watching television in the dark with foot itself Attempts have been made to that the Progress has published this Campus interesting things through some oc- propped on the bed. To make sure that the acquaint the student with this article. Perhaps a few demons have now controversy casional questionnaires rules are followed, some responsible representative body and the many To The Editor: been laid to rest. (Anonymity is usually a panacea for student must patrol the halls to make services it so capably performs. Alter We—and I am sure that others fed the To the Editor: inhibitions). Certainly, the student sure all are conducting themselves as going door-to-door in two elections I Regarding the editorial about the same—are anxious for all interested Judging from the recent debate on government could set up a weekly survey good boys and girls would suggest to those involved that the current art exhibit of Jerry Points' persons to know exacUy how much student government effectiveness, it to poll students and administration on I am now attending a university which average student's attitude is one of works on paper, I feel the Arts Editor joining a sorority will cost. We also feel would appear that our bicentennial possible changes, problems, programs, has a much leas restricted open house apathy toward any student group who should re-examine the exhibit in the light that the price is low in regard to the semester has started on a somewhat needs, interests, etc. The idea might not policy. This school has weakly open promises much without definite plans of of a true art critic. First of all, an art benefits of sisterhood gained. controversial note. That's good. Until catch on immediately, but give people an house hours of 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. on action or accurate progress reports critic does not question the artists' Best wishes to you and to the staff of now I was afraid that no one was willing acceptable and viable forum and we'll Fridays, noon to I a.m. on Saturday, and subject matter, nor does he rate a the Progress. to raise any really important questions or see what happens. 12 noon to 10 p.m. on Sunday. There are I would be one of the first to admit that particular work "interesting and Sincerely, doubts. Paul Yenan did in his article Students at Eastern are asked to be no such rules for having all ten toes on the much progress has been made on our unusual" simply because it contains a Kathleen M Smith several weeks ago. But I was even more mature, responsible individuals who floor. The students are treated aa nation's college campuses due lo the certain subject matter that pleases the Assistant Professor of English surprised by the response made to it. think for themselves and contribute responsible young adults who can made Buckley Amendment and Title IX. I also critic. Jim Murphy made a valiant attempt to feedback to the system. Yet we're their own decisions as to what they feel ia commend the Student Senate for it's The group of artists known as the Mid- defend the Student Association in his treated like adolescents with only the lust proper conduct. recent work toward a Stadeat's Rights Western Imagists are concerned with Delta Upsilon article "Student Government Plays Vital for carnal kowledge. It's also assumed I believe this policy is good, and gives aad Reap—Ihllky Haadbeak to be images, as the title implies. Role on Campus.'' I'd be hard pressed to that we dotft ear* about basic con the college student the chance to be with published and distributed soon. I do not Art is not always a profound, narrative corrections agree with the word vital, but let's not sUtuUonal rights and that we couldn't the opposite sex in an informal at feel, however, that it is fair to the statement about life, and the critic quibble. possibly force any issues I'm insulted by mosphere. He has the opportunity to students of EKU to make vague should not expect to gain an insight into this stereotype and I think it can be To the Editor: Both Mark Glrard and David Hoskins express his individual morals. I am sure statements about the work being done by the philosophy of life. Art is a visual wrote letters to the editor that indicated a changed. that the students at Eastern Kentucky this body In reference to the article in the experience and should be Judged as such certain sensitivity and understanding of Sincerely, University are responsible enough to - Eastern Progress of January 15, 1V7S, and not as an innocent image concealing the situation. Girard even had the nerve John Momini handle a similar policy to which I have II is easy lo say that something is "Cost of Greek fees vary." I would like hidden meanings. to accuse the Martin administration of (13 East Main St. described. I think that the University "being worked on" or "studied", or even to take this opportunity to correct and to inhibiting the growth and change at Richmond, Ky. would gain more student satisfaction If "being looked into." It is also easy to elaborate on some of the statements In Gary Williams Eastern, thus creating an enigma — a 82S-U0S the present policy was revised. form committees. Committees serve a the article. definite purpose in carrying out in- 110 Brockton perplexing institution so to speak. The Delta Upsilon Fraternity here at vestigations and proposing acUon. OS-S8M There's also a great deal of truth in Mr. Eastern has 25 active members, not 20. Hoskins' statement "... to make Questions Yours truly, Unfortunately, a committee is only as The statement concerning additional efficient as its members. Research is something like student government a Kathy Fairchlld costs are not completely true of this often inadequate and many bills get lost successful organization you must sell (be open house Box 2* Alpha Gam's chapter. Almost all of the expenses are In the shuffle program. But this has not been done." To the Editor: Blending Three reply paid lor out of the fraternity's activities All of the debate ia One and I'm glad UK For the two years I have attended fund and by the Alumni Association, with these people are speaking up and getting 1 am writing as a former student to Lexington, Ky. Eastern I have been promised many little or no extra expense asked of the involved, but it is so rhetorical up to now. things My room is still inspected once a To the Editor: member. The money for the activities The word 'students' continues to appear week,| my tuition has act been lowered, fund is obtained by money making in print. Obviously these writers are open housing policies are mil archaic, a As Executive Council Chairman and projects which not only benefit the talking about us, but somehow I don't reel waiting period of at least an hour can Campus Sponsor of Alpha Gamma Delta, fraternity but also the community. included. They refer to what they are be expected during a visit to the in- I wish to thank both the Progress and Ms. The national initiation fee not only doing for us or what they are not doing firmary, and I am still required to live on The Eastern Progress Theresa Klisz for the most informative includes a pm but the member also for us or bow apathetic we are. (Apathy campus. Member of Associated Collegiate Press Association, Columbia "-hfrlattic Press article on the cost of joining and par- receives a magazine quarterly from the -I'm really growing to hate that word. I Aristotle tells us that government Association, National Newspaper Service and Kentucky Intercollegiate Press ticipating in Greek organizations on the National Headquarters office The don't even know what I'm being exists in order for governed to pursue Association. Eastern Kentucky University campus. national fee also includes a membership apathetic about — I'm simply trying to "the good life." In a recent letter to the At the same time, I ask your assistance card that entitles the holder to special Represented for national advertising by the National Educational Advertising survive). Service, In., N.Y., N.Y. stsfJeni body it was suggested that "the in clarifying one point which appeared in privileges while visiting Delta Upsilon Ever since I came to Eastern I've formal of Student Government today Is to Published each Thursday during the regular school year except for vacation and the article. Chapters at other universities and wanted to see some changes, and so have provide for you the student." In my examination periods at Eastern Kentucky University by authority of the Board of I cannot, of course, speak for any other colleges throughout the United States and many other people. Now that Paul opinion this respected association is not Greek women's organisation-than Alpha Canada. An active member has up to one Regents through the Student Publications Board. Yenan has had the conviction lo Opinions expressed herein are those of student editors or other signed writers. doing it's job as a good provider. I would Gamma Delta, but our constitution ex- year to become a national member. stimulate dissent, I'd like to contribute to remind the Senate that it exists solely for pressly forbids any Alpha Gam chapter's Active dues are 115.00 if paid monthly. These opinions do not necessarily represent the views of this university Use controversy. We students need an Advertising appearing in this newspaper Is Intended to help the reader buy. Any the student. It Is impossible to justify the assessing any member extra fees for any Dues paid at the beginning of the avenue of expression for "bitching'' — lo Senate's existence with a newsletter false or misleading advertising should be reported to the Business Manager, The Alpha Gam activity—and this semester are considerably less. A put it bluntly Then we'll know exactly declaring its worth. When the Student proscription includes formal dances, member has several different ways of Eastern Progress, Fourth Floor Jones Building, Second-class postage paid at where the majority stands and we may Richmond, Kentucky, 40475. Government of Eastern Kentucky dinners, teas, or any other activity of this paying his dues offered to him. even find we have a united voice — which University unites in word and deed, when sort. The Eastern Kentucky University is the purpose of student government, Letters and Forum Any member of the university community ia welcome to submit a guest opinion article to the Progress lor publication. Articles should be of a topical nature, typed and double-spaced, between 700-1,000 words and written In good English The editors reserve the right to reject any article judged libelous, slanderous or In bad taste. Articles should be received by the editors no later than the Friday before no comment date of publication. Be sure to include your name, address and telephone number with all submissions. Husband Attempts The following "No Comment" entries "You rouiun i talk lo a Letters to the editor are also welcome. All letters must be signed, leas than *» To Drown Bride were taken from the Columbia Jour- Mother, son nicer guy (than Taylor)." said words and include the address and telephone number of the writer. Address all nalism Review's "Lower Case" which .Mrs. Doris User, who lived caTVtiapMMlwtiCaV to: MOUNTAIN VOW, Calif. highlights the mistakes of publications across the street from the Editor (AP) - Potted say a man triad nationwide. better after Taylors. The Eastern Progress to drown I* hjrtda of amenta "You never would have Fourth Floor, Jonas Building fatal crash thought he had mental prob- in thetr waterbed. Starting las! July, as the EKU Ponce Chief Robert Schatz unions' contract deadline of lems," she said, asking not to Richmond, Kentucky 4M7S Oaf* :,u be identified. •rid Wianiiggy that Mark Sept. 30 approached with only onivNiilIiD Affirmative Action Bates, 23, a Stanford Hospital desultory bargaining, further i "work experience" training was Eastern Kentucky Untversuy Is an Equal-opportunity Allirmative Action em- orderly, quarreled with his given to The Post's nonunion ". ..if I had to sum up ployer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, an or wte, Cheryl, 23. Wednesday -madoco snoutA it., sXqputis newspapers' strength Woman shot in Mtini«alor4gt«liilh.»AnU«lnnln nrp«HlWp«H^iiln .ny .ti^ttmil program or She said Bats* pushed km lag newspaper plants," ha said activity which It conducts, or diecrimiaate on such basis In any employment op- onto the waterbed, alaahod it They are working very in one word, that word portunity Any complaint arising by reason of alleged diecriminatlon should be with a knife and shoved bar well.- Mr. Meagher said of the bizarre fashion directed In writing to Dr. Rebecca Broddus, Affirmative Action Officer, Jonas atandby workers. would be 'reveUnce.' " BMIIMIHJ EKU, fffnp, saUjpftn^ number (32-1251 hsad Into the water. Sr.-v «.-».»<» ftf ""ffwif V :' "' to.) laaawaa ma. Jmmn a i»» e/ii/M

A '. r 'human liberation' Dick Gregory serving mankind ByCONNIE PARR1SH elements for the purpose of society: The real champion . . behind prison bars, managing to Art* Editor serving the cause he terms as is the man who has risen to the continue his protests by fasting. There is a great social human liberation." crest of life's highest purpose- Gregory has also made use of revolution going on in America other media to stress human Bom in the ghetto of St. Louis, singular and complete devotion today," Dick Gregory declares, to serving one's fellow man." liberation. He has written eight and the wonderful thing about Missouri, Gregory became a books, including Nigger, his state champion in track, later Gregory has spent the last this revolution is that it is not three years totally dedicated to autobiography. As a lecturer, Black against White. It is simply expanding his honors at Gregory has become one of the Southern Illinois University. In the cause of human liberation, right against wrong." most sought-after speakers on the late 1950s and early 1960's, concentrating his efforts on the Dick Gregory is a man of American college campuses. He Gregory began his career as a drug problem, the civil rights many diverse talents and ac- movement, and the move for visits more than 300 universities tivities. He made his claim to. comedian at a time when Black and colleges a year and is ex- performers were only hired at world peace. He has used the fame several years ago as a fame obtained during his career panding his audiences to include Black clubs and theaters. Called professional comedian. In as an entertainer to open doors business groups. in as a last-minute replacement recent months he has assumed of the American system that The number one problem is at 's Playboy Club in America today is not air and the roles of recording artist, 1961, Gregory became an im- were otherwise inac- author, lecturer, actor, human cessible. water pollution," says Gregory. rights activist, social satirist mediate sensation, becoming a It is moral pollution. The same champion of a sort in the eyes of In his struggle for human critic, philosopher and moral pollution which keeps the American society. dignity, Gregory lost over a politician. Gregory is one of the million dollars in cancelled smoke up in the air also keeps few persons of his time to suc- Gregory's definition of success bookings, travel expenses and the Indian up on the reser- cessfully combine these did not coincide with that of legal fees. He found himself vation." University Singers slate state-wide tour

By LOWS WILL the KMEA on Feb. 6. time in Kentucky, according to a different high schools in Frank-. Dick Gregory, self-acclaimed of the University Centerboard's Staff Writer There the ensemble will offer news release from the Depart- fort. Lexington, Winchester and freelance humanitarian, will lecture series. There is no ad- The University Singers will the midwest premier of "Fan- ment of Music. Mt. Sterling. lecture on Tuesday, February 3 mission charge and the public is present a selection of songs fares" by Daniel Pinkham. Some 50 University music The tour, which began at 7:30 p.m. in Brock invited. from the contemporary age students, including in- yesterday (Wednesday), is being Auditorium. The lecture is part Fanfares" is a combination with an accent on American of 'four different Psalms from strumentalists, comprise the done in part to boost interest in music" at a convention in the Bible (couched) in a con- ensemble. Wehr indicated that the Department of Music here, Louisville soon, according to Dr. temporary setting," Wehr said. practice on some songs began as Wehr said. David A. Wehr, associate early as August. The Eastern Progress The Concert Choir and the professor of music and director The University Singers have The ensemble will stay of choral activities. distinguished themselves University Singers will unite to overnight in Louisville for the present their winter concert on The Singers will be attending recently by performing music convention. -the arts- the annual convention of the written by contemporary Feb. 18 in Hiram Brock Kentucky Music Educators Americans. Some of those works This week, the Singers are Auditorium. The event will be Association by the invitation of have been offered for the first performing for students at eight free to the public. Different from his original style. For this week...

Dylan 's 'Desire [ is open, personal Next Thursday, February 5, p.m. followed by the musical. Art jazz pianist Roy Merriwether Reservations are necessary and and his trio will present a con- can be made by telephone. The can be heard along with charactered inhabitants of an Carrol Hale, Phil Harris and By BOB HO LL ID AY Dennis Whitcopf, members of cert of jazz, blues, gospel, rock show will run nightly except Ms. Rivera's scorchingly-sweet island are surprised by a Staff Writer the University art faculty, will and classical elements. Spon- Mondays through February IS. violin. volcanic eruption. display their sculpture and sored by the University Cen- 's latest album In keeping with Dylan's Side two of the LP concludes terboard, the concert will begin tradition of social comment, the with "Sara", a poignant, moving ceramic works in the "All- Radio Detlre, is as different from last Kentucky Sculpture Show" at 7:30 p.m. in Brock album contains two political song dedicated to Dylan's year's Blood On the Track* as currently on exhibition at Auditorium. Admission is free WEKU-FM will present the numbers, "Hurricane" and recently estranged wife. that record was from its Georgetown College Gallery. for students and $1 for all others. following highlights this week, in 'Joey". The latter cut is a predecessors. It appears that Staying up night* in the The show will run through Pure Prairie League with The addition to regular program- Chelsea Hotel Dylan has abandoned the February 4. Amazing Rhythm Aces and The ming: primarily gentle folk-rock in- Writing Sad-Eyed Lady of the Flying Burrito Brothers will be Costume designer Paul strumentation of that album for Lowland*" for you..." in concert Sunday, February 1 at Reinhardt will discuss "Costume a fuller, more rhythmic, and (review) Rarely has Dylan revealed Lecture 8 p.m. at Louisville Gardens. on the Stage" on the program occasionally even raucous himself to his audience as openly The University Centerboard Tickets are $5 in advance and $6 The Art* Out There on Sunday, sound. historical narrative of notorious and honestly as he does on this presents Dick Gregory on day of show, and can be obtained February l at 8 p.m. On this album, Dylan plays gangster Joey Gallo, which record. Tuesday, February 3 at 7:30 from the Louisville Gardens box At 10 p.m. on February 2 Soul guitar and piano, and is aptly exploits Gallo's "sensitive" p.m. in Brock Auditorium. office. Spotlight premieres with host assisted by Rob Stone on bass, nature. "Hurricane", the other Arts Festival There is no admission charge Larry Smith. Each week, the on violin and number which has been released and the public is invited. Theater program will feature music from Howard Wyeth on drums. as a single, is a hard-driving cut Black Arts Festival Week, The Kentucky Theatre Black artists in jazz and rock. Country-rock star Emmylou which deals with ex-boxing sponsored by the Black Student Music Association will hold auditions On Sitter*, February 3 at 8 Harris provides background heavyweight Hurricane Carter's Union, wil be held February 1-7. for summer stock and outdoor p.m., Janet Kenney will be vocals on several numbers. supposedly unjust imprisonment The purpose of Black Arts Margaret Hook will present dramas on February 4 in Gifford talking with Dr. Diana Trenary Several of the songs have a for a crime he did not commit. Week is to create unity her senior recital on Tuesday, Theatre. For applications, of the University psychology kind of romantic Spanish quality In a recent issue of Rolling throughout the community, and February 3 in Gifford Theatre. which are due February 2, and department about psychology about them, particularly "One Stone, Dylan said that the to explore Black heritage and Ms. Hook's flute program will further information, contact Dr. and women. More Cup of Coffee" and narrative style of many of his culture. begin at 8:30 p.m. Robert Sporre in the drama On February 4 at 10:30 p.m. newer songs is derived from The University Ensemble will ''Romance in Durango". This Mary Downing's Bachelor of department. host Tom Fisher premieres a novelist Joseph Conrad's kick off the week-long festivities is due to the mellow Music recital on clarinet will be Godspell" is currently new program called Wax writings. This fact is apparent with a program of morning instrumentation of the Wednesday, February 4 at 8:30 playing at Lexington's Diners' Museum. His first show will when one hears "Black Diamond worship in the Meditation two cuts, on which an p.m. in Gifford Theatre. Playhouse. Dinner is served at 7 feature the Bee Gees. accordion and mandolin Bay ", a cut in which the shallow- Chapel.

WHERE ITS % "Tomorrow, REALLY and tomorrow, HAPPENING and tomorrow." •THRILLS, -Macbeth Like your mouth never Prepare for it. The earlier you had before! begin a life insurance program, the less you pay. Find out about the CollegeMaster plan. FRILLS ( .11 Ihr (idi-liit I ni»n CuHrRcMasIrr"> Toppings, cherries, *» Hi Id Associate in mur am:. nuts & other goodies! CHILLS What else do you expect *M from ice cream? .•""""""-s. A 623-7704 623-0337 ICE CBEiLM STDSEVM^/ ^ 623-OM4 Master. laiwrsity Stotfii*. Cutir 9 ^ • # • • * • Pagel. The Eafrn Progress. Thursday. January 2$, 197S Belly dancing. RESTAURANT f Eastern Bypass A creative 'means of expression' Behind Marathon By WII.MA REED knowledge and skill to teach in her hometown of Lebanon, All You Can Eat! feature EdKer women, there are courses of- Ohio. : West meets (Middle) East fered for men in other areas. Since then she has received every Wednesday night in belly further instruction and has PERCH SPECIAL dancing classes at the Telford "Middle Eastern dancing is a performed for social functions Community Center. means of expression and and other dance classes to Belly dancing is a Middle natural body movements. It demonstrate another style of Eastern art said Mary increases circulation and dance. McComb, belly dance instructor strengthens the whole body and EKU nursing student. from fingertips to toes and this The art of belly dancing ALL DAY FRIDAY '"Through this means of ex- helps retard the aging process," originated in the Middle East. she added pression you gain awareness of McComb said that it was a basic your body, grace and stamina. part of religion and a symbolic part of fertility ritea. She added It is a natural creative form of How do her students use their exercise that require* that belly dancers have been open 24 hours knowledge in the Richmond found painted on tombs dating relaxation ending in fun and area? "There is not much they excitement," said McComb. back to 5000 BC and on ancient can do with it," said McComb, Greek sculptures A Presently there is a begin- "but they do perform for family and friends." ner's class and an advanced Belly dancing was virtually Oufimrf Twurf Afwwj class offered for ten weeks. unknown in the United States Housewives, grandmothers, until 1883 when Little Egypt ANNOUNCES and EKU students have learned Belly dancing unfortunately is not generally accepted in this appeared at the World's Fair how to belly dance. Ages have and shocked the audiences. A WEEK IN ranged from 20 to 60. area noted McComb. Perhaps the reason is the connotation McComb said she would love placed on belly dancing of a "Actually, Little Egypt was to have more students in" her harem of women belly dancers sort of fat and ugly," McComb ROME classes. If she has enough in- catering to a man's every wish. said, "but she did have the terest she may plan a new costumes and everything." beginner's class for Tuesday Although the general public nights. McComb described belly May 15-23 1976. may not wholeheartedly ap- dancing as a performing art, prove, McComb said she has rewarding both to dancer and $335.00 To make the advanced class heard of only two instances (a audience. husband and a mother) of more fun, candlelight, (package includes) costumes, and bare feet are. opposition to class from her But it is not a sexy dance, it is required. "You really can't get students. a sensual dance, said McComb. round trip Jet night with open bar and the true feeling of the dance "Any woman can be sexy, but to meals on plane. Departure and return Standiford Field, Louisville, Kentucky. 7 until you actually perform in McComb said that she was be sensuous requires skill," she already interested in dancing nights at the Michelangelo Hotel and costume," explained McComb. explained. Continental breakfast dally..:..Highught before she learned belly dan- tour of Rome featuring Vabcan and an- Why does someone learn cing. She progressed from Anyone can learn how to belly cient ruins Glittering Rome by night how to belly dance? "Mostly for modern to African to belly dance, insisted McComb. All It scenic tour Full day Florence ex- exercise," she said. Belly dancing. takes is practice, deter- cursion All transfers, baggage han- dancing is an excellent form of mination, a certain amount of dling, tips, gratuities and departure taxes. exercise for both males and McComb took lessons in belly flexibility, and a willingness to females from ages 7-70. dancing about two years ago in express themselves in a new ALL THIS FOR LESS Pfwto by Slew Dtfv Although she only has the a continuing education program form. THAN A PLANE TICKET Mary McComb demonstrates to her class your body Women ranging in ages 2W0 the art of belly dancing. The class years have participated in the class. The ALONE. stresses the strengthening of the stamina da ss meets every Wednesday night in the For communications in the body while being a means of ex- Telford Center. pression and a way to gain awareness of Career day scheduled (>UUWIJ»«!J??^ ■ ■ i.irrr—' ~322 WATER STREET VJ Continuing Education By LYNN HUNT tivities of the day include a President of Tom Preston ~^~JjjJ}^> Richmond, Kentucky Staff Writer reception followed by a tour of Public Relations Firm in ^^^^ CALL 623-4324 The second annual Com- the University Broadcasting Lexington; Art Grunewald, munications Career Day will be and Journalism facilities. general manager of WNVL-AM held February 27 in the Keene Panel discussions with in Nicholasville; Mike Lynch MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS offers graduate courses Johnson building. professionals in the com- newsman of WLAP-AM, WITHOUT DELAY. High school students and munications field will be held on Lexington; James Sharp, advisors from all over the state careers in radio, television, general manager WBLE, By BOB HOLUOAY include ELE M*v Cocanougher, dean ol Con- Research in Education, PHE London will oiler many tinuing Education, S61 people 512, Coaching Volleyball, and i lasses lor graduate study this are enrolled in these courses. PHE 5»tf, Workshop lor semester, some ol which are Student shot in mishap Elementary Teachers in EDK 615, Human Development, Graduate studies lor the Physical Education. Boone EPY 642, Statistical Methods 1, spring semester will be ottered in Industrial Arts, said the Arnold was treated for shots County High School Library and CDK 631, Relationships in By LOUIS WILL at nine locations throughout the was the site ol an organizational Family and Marriage. incident occurred "around" in his upper right thigh and calf Clearance Staff Writer slate. Still icient enrollment is 12:30 a.m. en that Tuesday on at Pattie A. Clay Hospital. He meeting also held in early Somerset is ottering HIS 582, necessary betore classes can be December. A 21-year-old student here Red House Road. was released last Thursday initialed. Htitory ol Mexico, LIB 5(9, was wounded twice in his right Arnold indicated that he was afternoon. Classes available at Danville Instructional Media, and ENG leg by shots he apparently with two other Eastern An organizational meeting lor will include EDK 650, 550, Southern Writers. received from a .22 caliber rifle students, Paul Davidson and Details of the incident could classes at Jellersontown High Educational Sociology, ELE on Jan. 20. , Joe Vorbeck. at the lime of not be given, pending Arnold's School was held early in 517, The Child in Early Williamsburg will otter only Glendon Arnold, a freshman incident. decision to bring charges. December. Among HO courses Education, and ELE 672, one course, EDK 615, Human being ollered are EDK 6e». Mathematics in Elementary Development, at Cumberland Research in Education, ESE Education. College. mi. Curriculum Theory and More information concerning Development, and SED 602, Hazard will oiler just three these ofl -campus courses can be Psychological Aspects ol classes Ulis semester: EAD 603, obtained by going to Begley 418 One HOUR Raiaing Children. School Kinance, EAD 611, or 421 or by calling Dean 030 of Famous Maker Classes ollered at Kranklorl Supervision ol Instruction, and Cocanougher at 2001. DRYCLeaneRS Separate Sportswear E. K. U. CENTER BOARD COLLEGE CAMPUS We're offering great price reductions PRESENTS on selected separates. Com* in and get top quality merchandise at the SPECIAL!! lowest bargain prices- REW! Originally Pants 9" to 15" ANY shor. GARMENTS^ RUC8I AR ai" I I I I III! Ill II »-» ! Originally SLACKS ^iWBfSf' M SWEATERS AOd i':® Sweaters...7 to 13" PLAIN SKIRTS W^fY ^.fl Originally — r ANY Long GARMENTS SUCH A", Skirts 6" to 12" TOPCOATS DRESSES ie Brooks - pink DICK GREGORY RAINCOATS e Jackets - 34- to 22" "Social Problems - Social or Anti-Social?" FOLDED 35 Pants - 20" to 13" Tuesday, February 3 7-30 P. M. SHIRTS ON HANGERS 25« Skirts - 1«" to 10" Brock Auditorium Laundered to (Shoppers Village (MMed Oeaeyear) as* ADMISSION FREE Perfection , 211 W. Main Plut Many Other Items

~»~»~»~*--»-. *+»+-^»+^> T i The Eastern Progrtn. Thurtday. January2$, If7$, Pagt 5 ' newsbrief^ I By Wayne Boblitt Free throw shooting contest

The third annual Phi Epsilon and Kentucky short forms This For example, total Blue 8:30 p.m. Feb. 10 at acquain- student teaching is Friday, Kappa free throw shooting service is conducted on Wed- Cross-Blue Shield cost to the tance party in Family Living Feb. 6. contest will be held beginning at nesday evenings between 6:00 individual for family coverage Center, Burrier. 1:00 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14, in and 8:30 in Combs 307. for 1975, one family member Nutrition Club the Alumni Coliseum auxiliary employed at EKU. is $202.30. If Student Teaching gym. Entry fee is 50 cents. husband and wile both are Important Food and Nutrition All participants shoot three Scholarship employed at EKU. the total Applications lor student Club meeting at 4:30 p.m. today rounds of 25 Top ten. then top Full-time EKU graduate family coverage paid by the teaching for the fall semester in Family Living Center, five will be selected for the student* in education are ad- faculty member is $104.38. 1976 are available in Combs 201. Burrier All members please semi-finals and finals. Trophies vised that Epsilon Rho Chapter Last day to apply lor fall attend. will be awarded. Divisions of of Phi Delta Kappa is planning Kappa Alpha Psi competition are independent to award one $250 scholarship to and fraternity. Entry forms s graduate student who has Kappa Week will be Feb 16- may be obtained from any PEK been enrolled both semesters of 21. This year will feature the member or outside Powell Grill the 197S-76 academic year. annual Crimson and Cream during Periods 2, 3, and 4. Interested graduate students Ball. Look lor further in- who qualify should contact Dr. formation upcoming. CWENS Ned L. Warren. Dean. School of Health, Physical Education, If you have a 3.0 or better Recreation, and Athletics, BSU GPA, CWENS honor society for chairman of the Phi Delta BSU is sponsoring s Speak Up sophomore women invites you Kappa scholarship committee contest during the Black Art to the Get-A-CWEN tea parties I Begley 207, phone 384$), no Festival week at 7 p.m. Feb. 2. to be held at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, later than Mar. 1 regarding in the Adams Room. Wallace. Feb. 3, and Monday, Feb. 9. details for application. The Feb. 3 party will be held in Applications will be due no the Jaggers Room, Powell, and later than Mar. 15, 1978. IVCF the Feb. 9 party in the Ken- Inter-Varsity Christian namer Room, Powell. Fellowship will meet tonight at Come and rind out more about URE 7:00 in Kennamer Room, tsMax-Ooa Ohtiaat, Una. CWENS. The Undergraduate Record Powell. Topic will be J. T. (TANN Y) PHBXP* Examination will be ad- "Motivation and content of opniiMimtt I PHONE 823-4207 ROTC Camp ministered on campus Satur- Evangelism". All urged to 20B GERI LANE r«imo» ■<■«>■ day, Feb. 7. Seniors who will attend SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR STUDENTS! Ptatatv lick '.» Earn an extra $2700 during complete graduation Six of seven participants in the Miu Ebony sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha, will be your junior and senior yearsof requirements in May or August, Pageant are shown here. The Pageant, held in the Model Auditorium on Saturday college. Spend six weeks at 1976, should go to the Rho Epsilon January 31. ROTC basic camp. Ft. Knox, Institutional Research Office, Ky., and receive approximately 4th Floor, Jones, to register lor Final organizational meeting $400, eight hours of college this exam. at 4:30 p.m. today in Jaggers ISALE IN PROGRESS! credit, and qualify for the ROTC There is no charge. URE Room, Powell. Last chance to Advanced Course. scores may be used instead of become charter member. '"Ebony Affair" theme of During the last two years of GRE scores for admission to Guest speaker will discuss the Save from college you will receive $100 a graduate school at Eastern background education month (for up to 20 months) and necessary and vital to those upon completion of degree Mexico interested in real estate as a 6th Miss Ebony Pageant requirements receive a com- career. 40% to 80% mission as a second lieutenant" Join EKU Travel Study in On High Quality »> JOYCE CUNNINGHAM the first student to graduate freshman, sponsored by the in the U.S. Army. Mexico during spring in- Explorers Staff Writer from Eastern with a masters in Black Student Union; and Helen For more information, tercession and earn three hours Wilson, a Junior sponsored by contact Capt. Keller, Begley credit. For further information, Namo Brands chemistry. Real nature lovers! At least Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority The scholarship of f 100, given Omega Psi Phi. SIS, phone 3911. call Mr. Clarkson at 3231 or drop Inc. is sponsoring its sixth by Alpha Kappa Alpha, is Others are freshman Gloria by Cammack 232. one activity a month like rap- annual Miss Ebony Pageant, awarded to a black woman Edwards, sponsored by peling, caving, canoeing, Saturday. January 31, 1976 at Omega Psi Phi, Barbara Veterans camping, and backpacking. WOMEN'S MEN'S student on the basis of need and Women's Feb. 6-8 backpacking in Model Auditorium. scholastic abilities. Commodore, a freshman A second lieutenant with four This year's pageant is entitled sponsored by the Black Student Cumberland Gap National • Aigners oRoblee Trophies will be awarded to years' service makes $838.20 a scholarship Park. Both nights indoors. New "Ebony Affair" with seven winners of the "Miss Ebony Union; and Gwen Buffington, a month or $10,058.40 a year . . . contestants. Karen Luney, Pageant" consisting of first, sophomore sponsored by Pi Phi. and that doesn't include Applications for the third members welcome. For more ♦ Bass * Dexter chairman of the pageant, said, second, and third place and Master and Mistress of allowances. Interested? annual EKU Women's information, call Charles "The girls will be judged on "Miss Congeniality." "Miss ceremonies are Isham Codery, Contact Capt. Fleming, Begley Scholarship are available in all Messmer at 623-3115 * Naturalizer * Pedwin poise, intelligence, charm, Ebony" will participate in Alpha Kappa Alpha's 1975 513, phone 3911. women's dorms, the Dean of charisma, and talent There the preliminaries of the Miss sweetheart, and Sharon Stone, a Women's Office, and the con- Wesley • Life Stride are to be five judges " Eastern contest. member of AKA and the troller's office (1st Floor, Jones). Deadline for filing * Dexter The Barbara Hunter director of University of Tax returns Rap Hour will be Sunday at The contestants are : Anna Kentucky Ensembles. application is Mar. 1. 9:30 a.m. Worship thru Sharing Scholarship has been awarded The Accounting Club is filling since the (all of 1972 in memory Allen, a junior, sponsored by Tickets will be on sale Applications are to be sub- will be at 7:00 Sunday evening. of Barbara Hunter. .Hunter, a Delta Sigma Theta. Donna Wednesday outside the grill. out tax returns for university mitted to Dr. Jacqueline Cross. Wednesday Fellowship Hour McAfee, a Ireshman, sponsored The prices are II in advance students and others. The Dept. of Foreign Languages, topic will be "Why I Believe", member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, charge is $4.00 for both federal was the first black woman and by the 7-11; Susan Allen, a and $1.50 at the door. Cammack 22fl led by Mr. John Fitch from [pujgnns Applicants must be in their Wilmore. UNIVERSITY SHOPPING CENTER junior year, and the selection Choir practice will be at 7:00 will be made by the committee p.m. on Tuesday. Fifteen have qualified on the basis of academic standing (3.0 minimum), financial need, and other fac- Camp Day Miss Eastern Pageant to be held Apr. 6 tors. The recipient will be Lel^oys^love affair' announced at the annual spring A camp placement day will be major, sponsored by Alpha style show and luncheon Mar. held9a m.-noon and 1:30-4p.m. By WAYNE BOBLITT contestants committee the most exciting things about being a Miss Eastern contestant Kappa Alpha; Theresa Keene, a 27. Thursday, Feb. 5, 2nd Floor, Organise ueas Reporter chairman of the pageant, said Keen Johnson Bldg. Camp the next two months will involve is the opportunity of getting to textiles majors from Bard- Fifteen women have qualified stown. a candidate from Phi directors from four states for the Miss Eastern Pageant, weekly meetings lor the know the other finalists MSCS Karin Gayle Newcom, a law Mu; and Kappa Delta Tail's representing therapeutic, to be held Apr. $ in Brock finalists where such things youth agency, private, and pertaining to the pageant as enforcement major from candidate, medical technology Minortiy Student Counseling Auditorium. major Barbara Anne Hendricks church camps will be in at- The pageant with the theme makeup, hairstyles, poise, and Russell, is the only freshman in Center will accept applications the pageant. Her sponsor is Tau from Mason, Ohio. tendance. A good opportunity if "Everything's Coming Up speech will be discussed. for student counselors through interested in a summer camp Of the IS finalists. 13 are Kappa Epsilon. Ms. Ward and two other tomorrow. MSCS will sponsor a Hoses'' is one of the preliminary women comprise a' trio of senior job. pageants to the Miu America native Kentuckians and two are Seven sophomores are en- Black-White Encounter Group out ol-staters tered in the competition. women entered as finalists. The with introductory meeting Pageant. Miss Eastern other two are Rebecca Layne automatically will compete in One finalist is Bemedji Lynn Besides Ms. Cruse, the scheduled at 7:00 p.m. Feb. 17 in Home Ec Majors Cruse, a sophomore nursing sophomores include: Christina Cody, a corrections major from Counseling Center. the Miss Kentucky Pageant. Amburgy, sponsored by Per- The emcee for this year's major from Ml. Sterling. To Denzlnger, a performing arts Phi Upsilon Omicron Ms. Cruse, sponsored by Kappa major from Louisville, spon- shing Rifles; and Peggy Jo pageant is Judy Ford, a former Winkle, a Louisville music honorary fraternity is accepting Miss America. Local talent will Alpha Theta, being a Miss sored by Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Income Tax Info applications for new members. Eastern finalist is an honor Kelly Rae Brogan, a law en- major sponsored by the Junior provide the pageant en- For those who itemize income Prospective members must Concerning her plans for the forcement major from Jef- Class. tertainment. Forty-six women originally tax returns, information on have a 2.7S GPA, nave 45 hours, pageant, she said, "I am going fersonville, Indiana, sponsored and be active in campus and Judges for the pageant will be signed up as Miu Eastern insurance premiums for to work on my talent In my by Kappa Delta: medical care. Line 1 of community activities. people not directly connected spare time, but I am more Judith Lee Dunn, a Lexington contestants. Twenty-eight actually auditioned, and Schedules A and B, is available Applications can be picked up with the University. An In- worried about nursing now, and interior design major, spon- in Burner 104 no later than terview with each finalist, preliminary judges reduced this In the Office ol Personnel 1 am going to study a lot, too." sored by Chi Omega; Denise Services. Feb 6 Turn in application at which will figure in i» judges' Mildred Ellen Bach, a Frank- Lynn Hubsch, a Louisville number to 15. final evaluation, will not be on fort junior who is working English major sponsored by stage, but will be private. toward a Bachelor of Fine Arts Kappa Delta; Each contestant will appear degree and majoring in music Sherry Ann Robertson, a on stage four tunes during the and drama, is a contestant physical education major from HEARTS pageant. One time will be a sponsored by Theta CM. She Lexington sponsored by Kappa talent presentation, and the uid she will wait until March to Alpha Theta; and Victoria Sue other three times will feature worry about the April pageant, McCray, a liturgical music the finalists in swlmsuit. as it was not the primary thing major from Beaver Creek, a flop In hoirtwn) evening gown, and casual attire for her to worry about now. candidate from Alpha Gamma Heart Pendant with Diamond T.. $19.95 competition. Cheri Lynn Ward, sponsored Delta Heart locket with Spinel $12.9S Sponsor of the Miu Eastern by the EKU. Barristers (Pre- Besides Ms. Bach, three other Law Club), is a Lexincinn Junior women are finalists Double Heart Pendant "with Pearl $12.95 Pageant is the Panhellenlc Heart and Cross with Diamond .. $19.95 Council. Nikki Marasa, senior majoring in business They are: Charlcye Jo Ritchie, a LaGrange broadcasting All hearts are 14-karal gold overlay or Panhellenic member and administration She said one of sterling silver. Each tomes in its own gift box. •ifuU'thoni #o'»'fltd ro lAo* totM'i

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Pages. Tht Eastern Progrett, Thursday. January 29. l»7t

Home sweet home ? Center VALENTINE CANDY provides Off-campus life services By BOB HOLUDAV SUff Writer has advantages A recent "roundtable" In- Price* from »1« to Ml" terview at the Counseling Center yielded some interesting The Gift Box By LOL'IS WILL her apartment. observations from various staff University Shopping Center SUIT Writer The law says that when a members. person makes a deposit on a One of the most difficult Student life off campus is one aspects of counseling, "aside rental property, the landlord which they perceive as a life of from the problem of too few full- REEI[SOMETHING DECORATIVE FOR YOUR ROW? independence, privacy, and must place the money in a time professional staff mem- responsibility Some, however, separate bank account and give bers, is contacting students and HI HAVE IT AT CIRCUMSTANCES! the renter the account number HANTS - small or large New plant shipments ■ay they "got gypped" in a atew making them feel that they can arrive weakly POTTERY - An. sire pot rou need for with their landlord* or land Heucke said, when the take advantage of the help plumbing got stuck, she said rour plants » reasonable price. WROUGHT iadtaa. available to them through that I'd have to pay the plumber IRON STANDS . add a touch of elegance to rour "Privacy is one of the things I counseling," Judith Brown P'anta BAMBOO UkMU - are (OOd lor laundry look forward to. If I want to aee on my own." The money given commented. She is a full-time the landlady on the deposit, he hampers. Price range '» to S 50 HAND-y^yjp people I can go to the Powell staff counselor at the Center. MEXICAN CHFST* .r, ,„, conversation pieces Building or to a bar," laid Jim said, is supposed to cover Full-time counseling repairs like those. While there also check out our other Meiken Carter, a freahman majoring in psychologist Jen Colvin offered Imports, leather, a turquoise. Law Enforcement. Presently, Heucke is moving another point of view. "In a "It teaches you respon- out of still another apartment. university setting such as ours, Hut Boor ta llf K sibility," Carter aays, "because He said that this time when he trying to determine the needs of if something breaks down you returned from Christmas students and coming up with have to fix it by yourself." vacation, someone had ripped way* to serve those needs is off his "SOD dollar stereo Circumstances sometimes difficult," she 5 roommates system" and the damage remarked. caused in the break in caused Services currently available cold air to leak in and that, in Bonoye Bacon, who shares an at the Center are personal WTsatltef YtW MattJCJl apartment with live room- turn, caused his heating bill to counseling, psychiatric ser- mates, said that residing off increase. vices, career planning, in- campus "gives you more of a Landlords, however, often dividual testing, CRISIS sense of security ... in that you feel that their relations with telephone service, minority feel more at home. students who rent from them student counseling, and per- "In the dorm I couldn't have are situations of mutual trust sonal growth groups. my dog, and I never understood and mutual responsibility. "At the present time there are YHRM. my roommate, who was never 40 Crisis telephone workers and in anyway," Ma. Bacon said. "I Landlords eight minority student really felt all alone." workers," according to William Ms. Bacon added thai her Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Noe say **o»o t>v ftM v«i> Johnson, staff counselor. roommates "now can work as a that they probably have more Sliding in The present counseling staff Currl.r a Music World whole" in keeping the apart- rental property" than anyone feels that its program of ser- ment tidy or helping with a else in Richmond." The Noes When the last few seconds of the Eastern- cheerleaders which accidently sent Vickie vices is reaching more students University Shopping Center stalled car. "When you've got a rent M trailers. Morehead game ticked off leaving Eastern Viars up against the walls of the Alumni now than in the past. The lot of things on your mind," she Mr. Noe said that he began victorious, few noticed the celebration of the Coliseum causing her to rebound to the floor. number of people enrolled in said, "we can talk things out renting trailers five years ago. career seminars and summer more like a family unit." Noe, who claims to have had \ orientation sessions has in- Ms. Bacon also said that renters return alter a few years creased, although "the number living in apartment is cheaper of living elsewhere, said that he Course offered for the of contacts made with students than In a dorm since, with five "can communicate with seeking help on a personal basis roommates, each party pays students like our own children, has remained stable," says "only 3S dollars" a month. and they respect that. Calvin Tolar, Counseling Center SELF SERVICE Food, she says, is leas ex- "We're successful with Director. SUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 1 pensive because "you can buy students . . . because we try to 'disheartened seamstress' Hopefully, more students will the quantities you need'' and eat treat them like adults," he be reached in the future. "We them at will. added. "We expect them to By WILMA REED help those who have never sewn added Richards. do expect an increase even- SAVE 50 percent or MORE Most of the students who treat the property Feature Editor or had little success at it," said This course is one of many tually in the number of contacts talked to the Progress, said that as if it were their own." Are you a disheartened Richards, "and will include special Interest classes that made with students due to ON YOUR DRY CLEANING they prefer living off campus Mrs. Noe said that since she seamstress? Or have you just helpful hints to get them on the will be offered this spring from assistance from psychology It lb. for $2.50 because of advantages over works at the University, she never taken the time to learn road to successful sewing." the Division of Special practicum students and in- dorm life. "has an advantage over other how to sew and would like to? Choosing patterns and Programs. ternships," Jen Colvin added. Use our new I team cabinet Danny Cornett. a senior in landlords." She said this is Tonight a new non-credit fabrics, fitting, alterations, Located at Ellendale Hall, the FREE biology, stays in a trailer in because she can more readily course, "Successful Sewing", appliques, and sewing on dif- Due to the adverse weather Counseling Center is open every Dixie Plaza. He said that the know when the students are will be offered for the first time. ficult fabrics are all a part of last Thursday night registration day from!a.m. to 12 and from l HIGHLANDER LAUNDRY "biggest factor (of his choice to coming back from breaks in the It will meet in Burner 403 at the course she added. Is still open tonight. to 4:30 p.m. GerlLane life off campus) is that I was in semester snd how many 6:00 p.m. the service for six years. students are seeking rental The class will meet on The class meets an Thursday "The dorm would remind me property. Thursday nights from 6-10 p.m. nights from January 22 to April too much of barracks life," he The Noes require no damage for a total of 40 hours. There is a 1. "We hope each person will said, "because of lack of deposit, such as that Heucke registration fee of $54 00 to be complete 2-4 garments in this privacy and noise with someone had difficulty with, because, paid at the first class meeting. time," said Richards. banging on your door all the Mr. Noe said, "a damage Virginia Richards, Home lime." deposit might cause the oc- Economics Department, said "We scheduled the class to Linda Grimes lived in a dorm cupants to be leas concerned that the students would end before Easter so that the for two years and said that with preventing damage." probably be wives of students students will be able to make when she made the decision to "I try not to rent to people and faculty. Easter garments for them- live off campus in her duplex who I think I might need a "This course was designed to selves and their families," she "felt like (she) was old damage deposit from," Noe enough. I felt really restricted said. in the dormitory because we New Craft Shop didn't have open hours." Party problem Ms. Grimes added, "When I kissed a guy goodnight in the The only problem, he said, is Easy Creations Ltd. dorm, I couldn't do it without when the occupants try to have feeling that I had a full "large gatherings" of people on Specializing in audience the property. "A really large Attitudes towards dating oil gathering cannot be kept quiet yiastercraft -Macrame -Country Carving] campus were varied between the for too long." Paper Pottery - Kits of genuine students Bonnye Bacon thinks Evans Spurlin. who It "fair" to tell a guy who asks rents both apartments Puka & Turquoise for a date about her five other and trailers, said he roommates. thinks students as oc- Classes in Leather Making cupants "are tops." "He said Dating habits that he places no restrictions on All other crafts included Jim Carter said he would not students regarding parties or alcohol so long as, he says, hesitate in inviting a girl to his Hears 10 - S - M-F KM Set. trailer, and added that so doing there "are no disturbances " would be no different from So far as the Progress could 709 •>■ Hill Ave. - Neat to Burger Queen entertaining at his home. tell, the lowest rent a student Phone C23-5904 There were those students could pay for off campus ren- who felt they got a "raw deal," ting is 35 dollars aa with Ms. as Jerry Heucke puts it. Bacon's five-roommate Heucke indicated that he "got apartment. The highest rent to gypped" by a former landlady be found was an apartment for of ms who, he claims, kept the 225 dollars that rents only to WIN* WIN* WIN SO dollar deposit he had made on married couples. Register tor our monthly drawings No purchase necessary

REGULAR BOX DINNER Phone 623-2390 Sorority Mascots Giftw are-Houseware WALL DAY Novelties-TV Radio Repair Shop KfflWky FHed 0Uctta Appliances

Eastern By-Pass Dial 623-6000 and Plumbing Shop TheEastem Progress. Thursday, January29, 1976, Pag0 T Team ends losing streak

MADISON NATIONAL BANK Colonels take 'double Tech' this week RICHMOND. K V. Convenient, Full Service Branch Office, equipped By MARLA HIDKMH'R watch them warm-up, see all your type of game with you and games w ith Tech in such a short Oliver, who has seen Snort» Editor the talent, and wonder why this beating you at it." time period relatively little action this year with a Drive-In Window, located at corner "Happy days are here again team has only won five games Monday night the East due to Injuries provided the Mulcahy leels thai his team The basketball Colonels so far." Since the Colonels only Tennessee State Buccaneers center spark when the Colonels Water and Second Street will have to do exceptionally invade The Buccaneers are the would love to hear that tune lost to Western by lour, and needed it late in the game. defeated Middle Tenn by five, well in rebounding to beat the current OVC cellar-dwellers Oliver was the second leading BRANCH OFFICE HOURS again. Despite Monday's 82-57 Golden Eagles. This burden victory over Middle Tennessee, Tech is not taking us lightly. with an 0-5 conference mark scorer with nine points and has Tech lost by 19 to the Hilltop- will fall mainly on the centers and 2-13 season record. seven rebounds. 8:00 AM. until 2:00 P. M. -Monday thru Thursday things look tough for the team and forwards, Mike Oliver, as they travel to Tennessee pers and lost by two to the Blue Despite their lowly standings. Denny Fugate was the "fly in 8:00 AM. until 6:00 P. M. -Fridays Raiders. Darryl Young, Bill Dwane and Buc Bob Brown is the eighth the ointment" in MT's Tech Saturday night. Howard Brown. "Tech has one ol their beat "They are getting belter each leading scorer in the con- comeback struggle Fugate had 8:00 AM. until 12 Noon "Saturdays V game," lnraan said. "They ference, with a 17.1 average, a hand In six of the Colonels last teams In recent years," head "Defensively, we will have to coach Bob Mulcahy said. have had a lot of sickness and and leads the league in field eight points to seal the victory. do a good job and not let them Fugate was credited with an ■tiene (Branch Office) Phone IM*n ONica) "They are the only team to injuries which may be the goal percentage, 69.3. Co- defeat league-leading Austin captain Charlie Stuart is also assist a Carl Brown basket, Peay, 83-81 Saturday night, and among the league scoring added two free throws lor a 58- 623-2799 623-2747 M lead, and sealed the game they start three seniors." leaders. The Eastern Progress with a steal that led to a Kenny "Tech is also leading the East Tain, coach Leroy Fisher Elliott layup. conference in rebounding," has four veterans returning, The Colonels shot a dismal Mulcahy said, "and they have some impressive newcomers, 32.1 per cent from the field, twe of the top scorers." Tom good speed and the best overall missing a total of 60 shots, Schmidt, a «-5 senior forward height in years. He feels their compared to MT's 40 per cent. from Covington, is leading the weaknesses are experience, depth, and the lack of a proven A capacity crowd saw the OVC in the scoring department with 275 points in 12 games for a big man. Colonels fall to the Western 22.9 average. The Colonels linally got some Hilltoppers Saturday night. The 78-74 victory was the fifth in a Frank Jones, a 8-2 senior reason why they haven't done have the shots they have been leadership from their centers in the 62-57 win over Middle Tenn. row for Western, and the fourth guard from Chattanooga, is too well yet. They played well getting," Mulcahy said. "They currently fifth in scoring, in their last two games, so are scoring a lot, so we must Monday, but it took three men straight loss for the Colonels. averaging 19.7 points per game. maybe they're about to put it keep the ball to get the best shot to do it. Bill Dwane started the Chuck Rawlings of WKU waa we can." the hero, as he converted on Austin Peay, 13-3, is the only together." Yes. putting it game and scored five of the Besides the Saturday night team's first seven points, but several crucial free throws. conference team which has a together is what Colonel clash at Tech, the Colonels will better overall mark than the backers are impatiently waiting was hampered by later foul The Colonels were hampered also face them Wednesday at Golden Eagles, who are 10-4. for trouble. Exit Dwane, enter by fouls and inability at the home. This is due to the fact charity stripe, as well as some Tech head coach Connie Inman "The most impressive thing Howard Brown Brown came off is not Judging the Colonels by about the Colonels is their that the plans for an eight-team the bench to score eight points close calls by officials, which OVC tournament forced the could have gone either way. that system, however. versatility," the Tech coach and pull down eight rebounds, squad to move up the game, Jimmy Segar paced the team "Talent-wise, they are as continued. "They shoot well, until he committed his fourth which was scheduled for March with 24 points and Carl Brown good as anyone in the con- rebound well, and run a lot. personal. Exit Brown, enter 1. A problem may be taking two Mike Oliver. added It. M*2ML*Ml»ttl ference," said Inman. "You They are capable of playing A GIFT SHOP A COUNTRY STORE Solid performances a factor A CHEESE SHOP A CANDY STORE EASTERN BY-PASS NEXT to DAIRY QUEEN in men gymnasts' success 623-8643 Coach Gerald Calkin said, "1 COME & SAMPLE OUR CANDY, Editors note: the following Eastern. Freshman Guy was pleased with the way the article was written by a Watson got back to working CHEESES AND PA. DUTCH SPECIAL member of the men's gym- rings for the gymnast after an team adjusted to the 'road TIES 8. SNACKS nastics team. injury and illness kept him out meet' situation. We now have of the first meet. His score of an 88 percent hitting average The men's gymnastic team 6.9 on rings was a big help. for the season. COME & TASTE SOME OF OUR headed north this past weekend John Harkey again came 1 was particularly happy to QUALITY TEAS and came back with one ami trough with a big score on see Pat Bowles start to score well in the all-around. This will one defeat. The deleal was vaulting ol 8.25 and Gerry Duff COME & SEE OUR HANDBLOWN fi handed to them by Ball State with a 7.3 on parallel bars and a help us greatly. However our GLASS, DRIED FLOWERS, CERAMIC ^ University which is presently 6.9 on high bar were the top next outing to Nashville, ranked 20th in the nation. The scores for the Colonels on those Murfreesboro, and Atlanta is PLANTERS & CANDLE HOLDERS win was over Miami University. events. going to be even tougher and we In both meets the Colonels The next night at Miami have work to do before we COME & SNIFF OUR FRAGRANT*^ <&r J0 were solid. At Ball State the University, Pal Bowles and leave." CANDLES, INCENSE & SPICES. gymnast hit 87 percent of their Brian Morrett hit solid again, The team will have two weeks routines and at Miami 90 per- for the first and third place all- to work on cleaning up those cent. Usually away meets are around scores for the meet. Pat rough spots before heading the true test for a gymnast. scored a 42.65 and Brian had a South to take on David Lip- There is strange equipment,' 37.0. Billy Sherrill took second scomb. Memphis State, Middle Judging, and many other factors place in the all-around with a Tennessee, Georgia, and that often haunts a gymnast in 40.55. Georgia Tech. his performance. This isn't true The final score for EKU was A member of the girls g astics team does a handstand for Eastern's gymnasts. 163.55 with Miami scoring on the balance beam Friday night Ball State scored 138.15. Guy Watson had another a 192.0 and EKU scored 149.66. hot meet on rings with a score of Pat Bowles and Brian Morrett 7.00 and team-mate Randy Gall hit solid for the second and third close by with a 6.9 on rings. top scores for the Colonels in the John Harkey took individual Several intramural all-around. Their scores were honors on vaulting with a 8.75 36.75 and 35.15, respectively. and Gerry Duff held the honors Billy Sherrill scored a 37.75 on parallel bars for a 7.3. teams undefeated for the top all-around score for After the meets were over

By BRUCE WHITSON and Commonwealth, (S> Staff Writer Buckeyes, Polios Bar, and Todd With intramural basketball Aces. well Into its third week 130 Fraternities: (F) Beta Theta teams are competing to make it Pi and Kappa Alpha Psi. (G) to the post season playoffs. Phi Delia Theta Undefeated teams leading their divisions include: (A) Wrestling begins this week Tentb Wave. IB) 7-11, (C) with competition in weight Volunteers, (Dl Colonels and divisions from 180 pounds on up. CannonbaUs, (E) Klan and F Ninety wrestlers have weighed Troop, (I) Green Wave and in and will compete this Misfits, tJ) 1U Pac, Judges semester. Jury, and Ky. Gentlemen. (K) Handball singles and faculty Players and Bulldogs, (L) racquetball singles entries are Seagram Seven and Hounds, due in this Friday. (Mi Fog. (Nl Kool And Gang, The intramural department (O Beeflude, (P) Sunshine, (Q) also asks that anyone wanting Pacer*, tRi Gales, (U) to reserve a racquetball court Stoneranger. should call 622-5434. Courts can Housing: (H) Laird, Cateyes, be reserved a day in advance. 999

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Pages. The Eastern Progress. Thursday. January 29.1976 time out Madison Central standout finds success as a Colonel mania Segar has hometown advantage ridenour By MX HI.\ RIDE.NOl'R Last season. Segar led the Segar's sixth man role. "He has he may shoot six or eight Sports Editor team in free-throw percentage, accepted the responsibility of straight then again he may miss ■ad making 52 ol 66 lor a 788 per- coming off the bench and Is a those six or eight." By JIM HIGGLESU ORTH centage. In the scoring good lift to the team. He can In the tradition of the EKU-Dayton football Sun Writer department, he wa* tied for come in and hit two or three contest, those dedicated" Colonel fans second on the squad with a 13.1 baskets right off to give the Turning pro showed their so-called spirit and sport average, connecting on 131 of team a good lift." manship" as the Western Kentucky When one speaks of a 301 <.423 avg.I. Considering the Segar has mixed feelings homecourt advantage, .how fact that moat of his shots are about turning pro. "Sure, I'd University Hilltoppers invaded Alumni about a hometown advantage'.' "The only game he played 15-20 foot Jumpers, his statistics poorly in was the-one he star- like to try out and become a Coliseum Saturday. Senior forward Jimmy Segar are impressive. professional player, but if I has both. ted," the coach continued. "He Observers probably thought the sky was seems to be a better player can't make it, I'd like to coach falling" as talented Colonel hurlers" Before coming to Eastern, Segar was also third in at some level." Being a Segar played three years of when he cornea off the bench." demonstrated their pitching skills by rebounding last year, trailing Currently Segar is shooting 40 physical education major, he basketball and ran track lor Mike Oliver and Carl Brown may have an excellent chance showering the Toppers with cups and other Madison Central High School. per cent from the field, but with a 140 total What the 6-4. showed leadership against to do Just that. assorted garbage. On the track team, his events 180-pounder may lack in size were the hurdles and high Jump. Western when he poured in 24 against the "big" men, he points. It is a shame that students cannot show certainly makes up lor in When questioned about this more support for a team that so desperately At Madison Central, Segar leaping ability. year's Colonels, Segar replied, needs it, rather than taking each home averaged 25 points per game, This season Segar is the "We are a good team with a lot and 18 rebounds. He was the second leading scorer for the of talent, probably more talent basketball contest as an opportunity to heckle leading scorer in the Mid-State 6th man role Colonels with an 11.4 average. than anybody in the league. We officials and the coaching staff. Conference his senior year. "He is a streak shooter," head Just haven't gotten together Head football coach Roy Kidd questions, Relegated to a sixth-man role, coach Bob Mulcahy said, "for yel." What is wrong with our students? When they Influenced by many different after being a starter last year, won't even stand up for the school song, where factors including his family, Segar has adjusted to this is their leadership?" Segar made the transformation position. "At first 1 was upset, from and Indian to a Colonel. but now I have adapted and feel Kidd was less than pleased with students' I am playing better coming off "The difference between attitude at the Western game. Fans, the bench." That may be an college and high school understatement. He con- PUMA T-SHIRTS especially in basketball, can intimidate the basketball is that there are tributed 22 points in the Western other team. In fact, they can be the sixth man more experienced squads and contest, and this - was not the rif. T on the team. But when we wait until the last players that are better than you only time he has shown such four to five minutes to get enthused, it can't are," commented Segar, "but leadership. TM$ Wk (Willf Ttiy Last) »2" help. We should be with them from the Jimmy Segar shows competitive rebounding against all then again, you gain more of Eastern's opponents The senior forward is a team experience and become a lot opening tipoff. leader in all phases of the game belter as well." Mulcahy remarked on I It is part of. the students' responsibility to 10% OFF ALL PRO-NEDS support and back the teltn," Kidd said. We Team gains 70-69 overtime victory don't have the home court advantage here. When the Colonels aren't winning, fans could P*** help them win and turn things around. mCHMOMD Although we do have a young team, sup- JV's draw Transylvania blood S port can make a difference. I'm sure SHOfftRI VILLAOf ( Morehead fans made a big difference in their By MARLA RIDENOUR the floor, the Transylvania He poured in 20 points and was contribute 11 points. win over Western," Kidd continued. Sports Editor coach was visibly upset when fantastic on perimeter shots Morehead does not have a starting senior. The JV basketball team came instructed that no more time- from the 15-20 loot range, as Two crucial plays sealed the Student enthusiasm could have made a big away with a fantastic overtime outs could be taken due to well as exhibiting some alert game for Somerset. With 3:09 difference in our Western game. win over a tough Transylvania conference rules rebounding. In the first half, remaining and the Colonels College team Monday night Pugh had his choice of outside trailing 78-71, a technical foul It was a disgrace that the 250-300 Morehead with a 70-69 score. However; the shots and made six from that was called on Holeman which squad's victory was offset by a In Saturday's matchup, the range. made the score 81-71. A backers outyelled us in the Coliseum," he 87-81 loss to Somerset Com- team was unsuccessful in Holeman basket brought the continued. Cheering and enthusiasm is munity College Saturday al- overcoming outstanding play by team within three with less than Charles Moffett, Mike catching, and can get the player fired up so he ternoon The team's record now Somerset's Johnson and two minutes to play, but on the Holeman and Kirk Born also can play better defense. North Carolina stands at 3-4. Duncan, who contributed 40 and next trip down the floor, the 24 points respectively. contributed greatly in Born hit Colonels made a costly tur- probably wouldn't have beaten nationally many shots from the outside to nover. Somerset finished the ranked Maryland if the student had not Behind three to four points the chalk up 12 points, and Moffelt scoring for the 87-81 final. picked up the team." last 10 minutes of the. game In another see-saw battle showed excellent dribbling and hampered by fouls, the which was lied several limes, ability and defensive play. The team will host Bowling Coach Kidd rests his case, but mine will Colonel defense saved the day. never rest. For those who may feel that our 5- the Colonel standout again was Mark Hammonds also came on Green Business College Monday Mike Holeman cut Transy's sophomore forward Dan Pugh. strong at the end of the game to night and Centre Wednesday. 9 record means the season is over, remember lead to 61-40 with 1:31 left in that 10 more games remain. And with the regulation. After two opponent way the conference race is shaping up now, ail free-throws, Dan Pugh's layup made it 63-62. Pugh then con- is not lost. verted on one free throw with !0 seconds left to send the The Conference tournament in March has game into overtime. been revamped, and all eight teams will participate. All we need for success in March Pugh was the hero in the extra period, scoring six of the is a strong finish by the Colonels with a little team's seven points. Things help from their friends in the stands. looked grim with 19 seconds to The basketball team has two home contests go when Churk Gutenson fouled next week as they host East Tennessee Turner ol Transylvania. Monday night and Tennessee. Tech Wed- Turner only made one free throw, leaving them behind 69- nesday. Please forget gripes about officiating 68 and coaching and give the Colonels what they need—fan support. Limited by time with the varsity Colonels ready to take Co-ed gymnasts take

second, track girls third PkafekV ion Eastern's Junior Varsity havebeenable to show versatility and determination. Here, Kirk BoTBlajelnMupte a shot against Somerset. Number 44, Mike Holeman, looks on. By SUSAN BECKER that," said Chrieuberg She's Elsie Davenport linished just Stafl Writer showing real consistency." one-tenth of a second behind the Another high scorer for first place finisher in the 60 yard The women's gymnastic,team Eastern was Mary Wilkerson. hurdles. "She was really FINAL IJ/A/TEK CLEAZMCE took second place in a three way who took second place for her smooth in her technique." meet last weekend at Middle floor routine. Tennessee State in Mur- Next Friday (Jan. 30), the Katie Krawaec. Sherea (reeaboro. gymnasts will travel lo Davis, Janet McGill, and Elsie Knoxville to compete with U.T. Davenport teamed up to take Eastern accumulated a total Nbu) U& */s* i\s* and the University of South third in the mile relay. "That's of 75 points, compared to Middle Carolina « really good." said Martin, Tennessee's S3 and University "when you consider that they'd of Tennessee's 41. Track never run together " The girls /Uou) * *l}*-2$* Chnettberg. "The biggest their season off on the right foot four minutes and twenty improvement has been getting with a successful showing at seconds J^FT psychologically prepared for U.T. in Knoxville last weekend. the meet. The girls were Of the six official teams en- Mary Silvani took fourth and determined tojlheir best." tered in this All Comer's Andrea Yader took rif th overall Meet . Eastern finished third in the shot put. Janet Herr took a first in her There were also numerous The team will face UK this beam routine This is the independent competitors en- weekend in another indoor second week in a row she's done tered in these events meet.

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The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 29, 1976, Page 9' Coliseum debut a success "■> 9 Women 's team upsets nationally ranked IU

By St'SAN BECKER Peggy Gay had eight, Bernie coming off the bench has done she said. the coach said. "We are looking SUft Writer Kok, seven, Marsha Mueller. an outstanding job - everything "The whole Coliseum al- forward to going back to play In weekend action, Eastern Rebecca Pendell and Debbie we've asked them to do" she mosphere excited our players," there again." defeated Murray and upset Condreva four each and Vicky added. nationally ranked Indiana Mischler had iwo. The final score w as 82-65. with University in two weekend In the first game ol Saturday senior standout Bernie K 3 I ;||;.'J|f^[@Jff3|ff3||fllpJ[F)|f[3|[F:i :r*igpI[(?J] games played in Alumni night's doubleheader, Eastern scoring 24 points. Salisbury'. Coliseum, the first lime women surprised l.U. with a tough Gay. and Freshwater were also have ever played in that defense which made it im- in double figures with 18.16. and facility possible for l.U. lo move the 15 respectively. Lundberg ball through the middle. scored six, and Condreva added Friday night, EKU faced three. Murray. "But we didn't catch them at The basketball girls will take their very best," said Duncan on Miami of Ohio at 6:00 p.m. in "We didn't know much about "They were without the ser- Weaver Gym tonight. They Murray until we played them," vices of their best player. II have a 5-1 record going into this said Coach Duncan. "They they'd have had her, they would contest, which CaaVh Duncan were big and had overall good have been a very strong team." feels "will probably be pretty height. They had good offensive Eastern, apparently inspired tough patterns, but were a little by the several thousand fans Saturday. Jan 31 Eastern will slow." cheering them on, put on a fine face the University of Dayton in display ol fast breaks, fancy The girls capitalised on the Alumni Coliseum. The dribbling, and perfectly timed game starts at 2:00 p.m. Murray's weakness by moves, along with a changing exhibiting great speed. "We try defensive pattern that l.U. was In reference to the weekend to take advantage of out unable to penetrate. games Coach Shirley Duncan strengths, and speed is one of "It's part ol our strategy to remarked, "Overall, the game them," said Duncan. constantly change defenses," against IU was our best game." Although Murray was first to said Duncan. "It confuses our "It's been characteristic of put two points on the opponents l.U. just had trouble our team that we start the game scoreboard, it was clearly the adjusting." very slow, but that's the first Colonel's game. The final score "Another definite strength of time we were able to sustain our the team is that every player effort throughout the game," Gayle Freshwater and Emma / Campus Movie Salisbury were high scorers for EKU with 12 points each. Cindy Lundberg and Mary Lyn Freshman Emms Salisbury lets a shot fly in a recent Coliseum contest Proctor each scored nine, ttfUtKWP, Death Wish Thursday Friday Saturday M1hcb04iy*rtoL_ If the body* Electrifying Eels lose their spark calbff. cold. caibJm. Georgia takes Invitational honors

until the end of the last medly University ol Louisville will schedule for the season Meet By THERESA K1.ISZ Staff Writer Saturday afternoon the complete the Eels home time is set for 2:00. Eastern's Eels proved un- successful in their bid to "Even the score with Western," this past weekend.

TtThe Eastern Kentucky Childien Undei 12 501 'Adults 1.00" Invitational saw the University ofGeorgialake top honors with a total score of 704. The University of Kentucky placed Campus Movie second with 4*8.5. Following WK came Western with 381 and Eastern with 147.5. UTTLBBniUR "ABBEATEPIC!' Although Eastern took no first WAS EITHER THE MOST place honors, several second place spots were earned and NEGLECTED HERO IN HISTORY FEBRUARY 4 according to assistant coach BURT REYNOLDS OR 4 LIAR Or INSANE Kon Holihan, everyone of the CATMCRIMC DW*UVE WEDNESDAY swimmers had their season's PROPORTION' ■eat swims. -HUSTU^ DLSflN BBiJOHnson Nine of the swimmers had HorrnAN their lifetime best swims. ^e^i "LITTLE ' TJhese were Joel Baer in the 400 oa ,T individual Medly and Jobn »„,_tTTrts»TtfrqA"rl.s_..i. .rr ■ —■ * *■ "■"** •»—••—■.rtuiw twnx BIG MAN" Meisenheimer in the 500 Free.

Also having their heat lifetime swims were: Joe Ferkowski in the 200 Back, Terry Sloddard in KIM Free and Gary Tameris TJ« he 50 Free.

Brent Kutemiller set two ROY r«WWETHER lifetime best swims in the 200 and 100 Back. TRIO PRESENTED BY Senior Terry Stoddard was again elected Eel of the Meet THE EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY CENTER BOARD following the Invitational. FEBRUARY 5th - -7:30 P.M. Two home meets are scheduled for this weekend. BROCK AUDITORIUM Friday night the Eels will meet Vanderbilt University at the students admitted free - all others $1.00 coliseum pool. The meet is set for 7:30 and according to assutsnt coach Holihan It will be, "Another good meet, we _ UL expect to run close together 'rSHrjLyGgfllL Twiwe Chmm1 623-8884 WEST MAIN RICHMOND Still the fairest ♦•RICHMOND DRIVE IN** of them FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY all! 7:15 P.M. DUE TO LONG RUNNING ONE SHOWING

■a* mosTwMatna. OUT. Walt Disnevs Hands Baa name of SnotDlOhitclli «. A BOY»iACOM«*N. MaCOuC'lC Advertise it mid flu* ScDcti Duvufs _J P in the I I ( IINK OlOK Progress Itr*«nt4 D, BlrtM »IST» OtSNUUTIC* CO *C 0««t fcwi f'o»«1*m Tho most magnifm-nl pirlurt* ever! r mum. Asmo srnwcnosi Mil WSU.T DISNEY GONE WITH THE WIND CLARK GABLE 622-1629 f^Mws YAILNLEKH LKUEHOHARD OU\l\dcIL\\lLLAND-1 MCTROCOLO* -~ruji- [F*\ **B -.-..-,.. ■sfltrOCaOfTY* MATH Umt«4AHi«n |u] MOM

•\ Page 10, 77i« Eatttm Progress. Thurtday. January 2$, 1$T$ Third annual to be given Junior women's scholarship to be awarded on March 27

By CANDY GRAHAM academic standing, financial need, and chairman of the scholarship committee, Staff Writer other factors. Dr. Jacqueline Cross, Department of The Eastern Kentucky University According to Mrs. Donna Jones, Foreign Languages, Cammack zat. The Women will award their third annual president of the club. "We decide the deadline date is March 1. scholarship in March to a woman student amount of the scholarship according to At the club's spring style show and at the University. how much money we earn during the luncheon, Saturday, March 17, in the Scholarship applications are available year." Keen Johnson Building, the scholarship at all women's dormitories, the dean of The club has various projects to earn will be presented. women's office and the controllers office. money, including a used book sale. The women's organization is composed Applicants must be women in their Scholarship money is to be used by the of members of the faculty and staff, junior year at the University, with a recipient to pay registration expenses along with wives of the members of the minimum 3 0 standing All applications during the senior year. The amount of faculty and staff. will be considered by the scholarship the scholarship will be announced at a Last year's winner was Deborah Anne committee. later date. Sattich, an accounting major from The final selection will be based upon The forms are to be returned to the Louisville, who will graduate in May. Students evacuate campus for... Thursday night's mystical power

(Caatsaaed Frees Page II "happy hours" in the afternoon. One student feels that with the Some are considering bands. Others are diversity of bars downtown, she can now about W rait, and it kegs of beer plus about 2300 mixed drinks consumed. going to have "ladies' night," even choose a place to go that will fit her special drinks for every day of the week. personality and mood on any given Rick Johnson, the owner of "J. Sutlers Mill" will be having a Thursday night. "O'Riley's". said that about 80 per cent bluegrass band on Tuesday nights of Ms business is from students and starting next month. "O'Riley's" is Phil Maucote, the manager of "J. Thursdays are Just about Us biggest considering a wheel of fortune which Suiter's Mill," said, "About 70 par cent of night because Eastern is famous for patrons can spin in order to see how our business is students and "J .Suiter's" suitcaeers, and it is one last fling before much of a discount they will receive on was opened to keep the money in Rich- PMH ., licit It* the weekend their drinks in the afternoon. mond and to give people a choice of where they want to go." Hillbilly Hoedowners At one time some of the night spots One bar has found that another The Hillbilly Hoedowners, Irvine's world champion game in Richmond. The Hoedowners, whose average age is required a 21 I.D., but now 18-year-olds useful gimmick is the employment According to Malicote, students don't doggers, were a well-received halftime performing group nine years, received a standing ovation from the Alumni are being allowed in the majority of these of all sorority and fraternity bartenders seem to mind paying a little extra for Monday night at the Eastern - Middle Tennessee basketball Coliseum crowd following their performance. places. This is due to the Attorney drinks because of the atmosphere, General's decision stating that if there is None of the people interviewed had had quality, and service. music and dancing, ls-year-olds will be any real trouble with college students. It allowed entrance as long as no alcoholic is obvious that downtown Richmond is One owner stated that a crowd draws a Student delegation to represent beverages are served them. popular with the students, not only those crowd. If that's what you're looking for, from Eastern but those from UK, go downtown on Thursday nights because The majority of persons interviewed Morehead, and as far away as there are definitely people, people said competition was making them have Oklahoma. everywhere and all you want to drink. LeSotho at model UN in N.Y, By WALTER FISHER they were actually from the country. involved. Students have done well at the Staff Writer "We will eat, sleep, and think LeSotho model U.N. in the last two years, Campus sanitation questioned ID cards an entire week," said Brad Britt, a two- receiving awards of merit each time, A number of students representing the time veteran of the model U.N. said Britt. fCeaUaaea From Page D two thirds of the votes of members country of LeSotho will be attending the "LeSotho is actually an important The awards are given to the student obtain the funds through their own present to override a veto by President available model United Nations in New York City country," added Britt. "It is involved in delegations doing the best jobs during the projects or some other source. Murphy. As it now stands, two thirds of during the week of April 13 through 18. the Angola conflict, and is a third world week. Only about 10 per cent of the Senator Hal Murray was able to bring the total senate must be present and in Students who had pictures The event is being sponsored by country." Britt, a junior political science delegations attending receive the his amendment off the table to be voted agreement to override a veto. made for ID cards or reordered CIRUNA club and the political science major said the delegation has also been awards on when the roll showed that at least two Finally, Sally Blake asked for a letter ID'S can pick them up beginning department for the purpose of giving given observer status in the Korean Anyone who is interested in world thirds of the senate was present for the to be sent to the city of Richmond Monday. students from all over the country the debate. politics and would be interested In at- first time since December t requesting a cross walk from the com- chance to learn how the U.N. operates. Some 110 universities from across the tending the model United Nations, should The senate failed to pass Murray's muter parking lot across Lancaster ~ The student delegation will try to run country will participate in the model contact the coordinator of the trip, Dr. amendment which would have allowed avenue. the political views of LeSotho U.N., with close to 1,000 students being Tae-Hwan Kwak, in Wallace 318. THE UNI

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