Axion Portal ⌘ [Weinberg, Wilczek, KSVZ, DFSZ] 4 EFT for a (Neutral) Dark Sector
Snowmass RF6 - August 12, 2020 Dark Sector Portals at High Intensity Adam Ritz University of Victoria – New physics in a dark sector Empirical evidence for new physics, e.g. neutrino mass, dark matter, arguably points to a dark/hidden sector (but not directly to a specific mass scale) mediators Standard Model Dark Sector May contain light states, if UV Physics sufficiently weakly coupled • Neutrino mass - (HL)(HL)/ΛUV • DM - WIMPs etc Discoverability frontier IR Physics Direct • Neutrino mass - light (RH) singlets searches • DM - axions, sterile neutrinos, etc Energy Frontier Visibility Frontier ➠ Dark sectors present a huge model-space a priori, but an EFT approach to the mediator channel allows for a classification (large community effort over past decade) EFT for a (neutral) dark sector mediators Standard Model Dark Sector (+ gravity) There are just three UV-complete relevant or marginal “portals” to a SM-neutral hidden sector, unsuppressed by the (possibly large) new physics scale Λ c 1 = n (SM) (med) = + L ⇤n Ok Ol Lportals O ⇤ n=k+l 4 ✓ ◆ X− ✏ µ⌫ 2 ij 1 = B A0 H†H(AS + λS ) Y L¯ HN ++ −2 µ⌫ − − N i j OO ⇤ Vector portal Higgs portal Neutrino portal ✓ ◆◆ [Okun; Galison & Manohar; [Patt & Wilczek] Holdom; Foot et al] Many more UV-sensitive interactions at dim # 5 "3 EFT for a (neutral) dark sector mediators Standard Model Dark Sector (+ gravity) There are just three UV-complete relevant or marginal “portals” to a SM-neutral hidden sector, unsuppressed by the (possibly large) new physics scale ! c 1 = n (SM) (med) = + L ⇤n Ok Ol Lportals