of South Florida University of Southern University of Southern Maine University of St. Thomas , Knoxville University of Texas - Austin University of Texas at Dallas University of Texas Health University of Texas Rio Grande Valley University of the in Philadelphia University of Toledo University of Vermont University of Washington University of West Florida University of Wisconsin - Madison Clemson University Virginia Commonwealth University Wake Forest University Washburn University Washington State University Washington State University - Tri-Cities Campus FY17 STARS Final Presentation Washington State University - Vancouver Washington University in St. Louis Wayne State University February 2019 Wellesley Wesleyan University West Chester University West Virginia Health Center Western Oregon University Westfield State University Widener University Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester State University Xavier University What is AASHE STARS?

Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, & Rating System (STARS)

Academics Engagement Planning & Operations • Curriculum • Campus Engagement Administration • Air & Climate • Research • Public Engagement • Coordination, Planning, & • Buildings Governance • Dining Services • Diversity & Affordability • Energy • Health, Wellbeing, & Work • Grounds • Investment • Purchasing • Transportation • Waste • Water

2 Why Participate in STARS?

To Gain Recognition

To Conduct Gap Analyses To Plan for the Future

3 STARS Project Timeline

“Responsible Preliminary Final STARS Submission Party” Interviews Presentation The finalized report On-campus interviews Delivery of first draft of submitted to AASHE for with key stakeholders analysis results review, certification & scoring

January March Sept. October Nov. Dec. February

Kick-Off & Planning Data Qualification Pre-Submission to AASHE Publish to AASHE Initial Kick-off Meetings, Review of data collected & The finalized report published project planning & Data methodology for STARS report submitted to on AASHE website. Requests processing AASHE for pre-submission review, modifications implemented

4 © 2018 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Clemson STARS Score


5 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Overall Final Score per Section

STARS Performance 80





Points 30



0 Academics Engagement Operations Planning & Admin

Points Earned Points Remaining

6 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Understanding the 4 STARS Categories

STARS Assessment 80

70 72 60 58 50

40 Points 39.1 41 36.3 30 30.9 32 27.3 27.6 20 19.7 17.8 10 11.5 0 Academic Engagement Operations Planning & Administration Clemson STARS Avg. Max

% of Total Points 67% 48% 43% 36%

7 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 57% Operations 43%

Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing

8 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Operations: Clemson vs. Average

Operations Credits 40 10 9 35 8 7 30 6 30.9 5 25 27.6 4 3 20 2

1 Points 15 0


Water Use Water Biodiversity

5 Fleet Campus

Sustainable Dining Sustainable

Maintenance Transportation

0 Air Quality Outdoor


Electronics Purchasing Electronics

Support for Sustainable for Support

Office Paper Purchasing Paper Office

Building Operations and Operations Building Rainwater Management Rainwater

Operations Management Landscape

Sustainable Procurement Sustainable

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gas Greenhouse

Clean and Renewable Energy and Renewable Clean

Building Energy Consumption Energy Building

Student Commute Modal Modal Split Commute Student

Food and Beverage Purchasing Beverage and Food

Hazardous Waste Management Waste Hazardous

Employee Commute Modal Modal Split Commute Employee

Building Design and and Construction Design Building

Cleaning and Janitorial Purchasing Janitorial and Cleaning Waste Minimization and Diversion and Waste Minimization

Clemson STARS Avg. Waste and Demolition Consutrction

9 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Operations Summary

STARS Operations Performance 12




Points 4



Water Water Use


Campus Fleet Campus

Sustainable Dining Sustainable

Outdoor Air Quality Outdoor Air


Electronics Purchasing Electronics

Office Paper Purchasing Paper Office

Rainwater Management Rainwater

Landscape Management Landscape

Sustainable Procurement Sustainable

Greenhouse Gas Gas Emissions Greenhouse

Clean and Renewable Energy and Renewable Clean

Building Energy Consumption Building Energy

Student Commute Modal Commute Split Student

Food and Beverage Beverage Purchasing Food and

Hazardous Waste Management Waste Hazardous

Employee Commute Modal Commute Split Employee Modal

Building Design and and Construction Building Design

Cleaning and Janitorial PurchasingJanitorial and Cleaning

Waste Minimization and and Diversion Minimization Waste

Consutrction and Demolition Waste and Demolition Consutrction

Building Operations and and Maintenance Building Operations Support for Sustainable Transportation for Sustainable Support Points Earned Points Remaining

10 Clemson Operations Performance By Category

STARS Operations Performance 12


Points 8











Air &Climate Air

Food & Dining Food & Transportation

Points Earned Points Remaining

Back to Score per 11 Section Air & Climate

10 9 8 7 43% 6

Points 5 4 57% 3 2 1 0 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Outdoor Air Quality

Points Earned Points Remaining Air & Climate: Overview

• Inventory and reduce greenhouse gas emissions • Lower emissions per GSF compared to the minimum STARS performance threshold • Maintain written policies and guidelines that reduce mobile sources of air emissions • Complete an inventory of significant air emissions from stationary sources, to include NOX and SOX.

13 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Air & Climate: Achievements

35% GHG Emissions Profile Performance Against STARS Threshold Reduction of50% 45 MTCDE/user from Baseline Year 40% 40

30% 35

20% 40% 30

10% 25 11% 20

% % Change 0% MTCDE / 1,000 GSF / 1,000 MTCDE -10% 15

-35% 10 -20% 5 CLEMSON -30% 0 -40% GHG Emissions Space Weighted FTE Scope 1 & 2 Emissions Per Weighted FTE

14 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Air & Climate: Opportunities for Growth

✓Continue strategies to reduce emissions, particularly around Scope 2 (purchased electricity) ✓Establish independent formal policies to improve air quality and minimize air pollutants from mobile sources – i.e., anti-idling policy and powered lawn equipment.

Back to OP summary 15 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Buildings

10 9 8 7 6

Points 5 58% 42% 4 3 2 1 0 Building Operations and Maintenance Building Design and Construction

Points Earned Points Remaining Buildings: Overview • Operate & maintain buildings to environmental standards, e.g. LEED • Operate & maintain buildings with sustainable operations to include IAQ, Green Cleaning Policies, Energy Management, Water Management or benchmarking. • Recognizes the incorporation of environmental features into design and construction projects, and the pursuit of third party certification in new space. • This includes LEED, the Living Building Challenge and green building codes.

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 17 Buildings: Achievements

100% of GSF

✓ Maintained in accordance with IAQ 100% ✓ Maintained in accordance with Green Newly constructed or renovated buildings Cleaning adhered to a certified ✓ Maintained in accordance with energy rating system management or benchmarking ✓ Kingsmore Stadium Addition ✓ Watt Innovation Center - Construction ✓ Football Operation Facility – Construction ✓ Core Campus Development

18 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Buildings: Opportunities for Growth

✓Establish LEED Building O&M practices. ✓Water Management or benchmarking program – i.e. dashboards, analytical tools to assess performance, set goals, create and implement action plans and evaluate progress. ✓Future construction and renovation projects will garner more points if built to a higher LEED standards (i.e. Gold instead of Silver).

Back to OP summary 19 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Energy

10 9 8 7 21% 6

Points 5 4 3 79% 2 1 0 Building Energy Consumption Clean and Renewable Energy

Points Earned Points Remaining Energy’s Role in Carbon Profile

Choose NOT to build new space on campus. Energy: Overview Net 0 policy.

Use of occupancy lighting sensors and programmable • Reduce energy consumption per/GSF compared to thermostats baseline

Transition from Natural • Energy consumption is less than the minimum STARS Gas to Geothermal. performance threshold • Support energy from clean and renewable sources by: Purchase RECs • Generating non-electric energy on campus • Catalyzing the development of off-site renewables • Purchasing third-party verified RECs or green power

21 Energy: Achievements

Part 2: Comparison to STARS Minimum Threshold On-site 70 60

Renewables 50

40 ✓ 777 MMBTU of clean and renewable 30 65.00 energy generated on-site in FY17. This 20 renewable generation represents <1% of Day Degree GSF/ BTU/ 24.11 total energy consumption at Clemson. 10 0 Clemson STARS Minimum Threshold

22 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Energy: Opportunities for Growth

✓Continue to strive for minimization of energy consumption on campus: - reduce the amount of energy purchased from the grid - increase on-site electric generation - reduce energy consumption from other sources (this increased by 33% from the baseline to performance) ✓Consider clean and renewable energy additions to the Clemson profile

Back to OP summary 23 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Food & Dining

10 9 8 7 6 30% 5

Points 4 70% 3 2 1 0 Food and Beverage Purchasing Sustainable Dining

Points Earned Points Remaining Food & Dining: Overview • Support sustainable food systems and minimize impacts to dining service operations: • Engage in a variety of on-campus activities to include a published sustainable dining policy, hosting a Farmers Market, etc. • Minimize Food & Dining waste • Conduct an inventory to identify food and beverage purchases which: • Third party verified, as recognized by a “Food & Beveridge sustainability standard” • Local & Community based. In the absence of third party certification, meets a set of standards. • Minimize the purchase of conventional animal products. The total must be less than 30% of all dining purchases. Food & Dining: Achievements

Food & Beverage Purchasing Programs Checklist Clemson

On-Campus Sourcing Yes 9% 4% 3rd Party Verified Community Engagement No Vegan Dining Yes Sustainable but unverified Sustainability Themed Meals Yes 87% Not Sustainable Labeling & Signage Yes

Outreach & Yes

Food Recovery Yes

Tray-less Dining Yes ✓ $4.1M in total dining purchases ✓ $2.1M spent on conventional animal Food Donation Yes products (49% of total dining purchases) Food Waste Diversion Yes

✓ .49/6 points earned Composting Yes 94% Earned 1.88/2 STARS points

26 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Food & Dining: Opportunities for Growth

✓Increase food and beverage spending on 3rd party verified and/or local and community based products ✓Work with your sourcing manager ✓Set % goals for incremental change ✓Engage students as “Data Managers” to track progress

Back to OP summary 27 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Grounds

10 9 25% 8 7 6

Points 5 4 3 2 75% 1 0 Biodiversity Landscape Management

Points Earned Points Remaining Grounds: Overview

• Grounds Management is in accordance with either an Integrated Pest Management program or an organic land care standard that has eliminated the use of inorganic fertilizers and chemicals pesticides, fungicides and herbicide in favor of Preferred: Low-Impact Land Preservation ecologically preferable materials • Clemson conducts an assessment to identify endangered and vulnerable species and/or identify environmentally sensitive areas on institution-owned or managed land

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 29 Grounds: Achievements

Landscape Management

100% Landscape Management under IPM ✓ Designated & Certified in the SFI ✓ Covers 558 acres of managed grounds Partners: ✓ Earns 1/2 STARS points ✓ Meets objectives in Forest Management Planning, Forest Health & Productivity, Protection & Maintenance of Water Resources, and Conservation of Biological Diversity & Protection of Special Sites

30 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Grounds: Opportunities for Growth

✓Implement a phased organic landscape management program: ✓Health: OLC should enhance the health of soil, water, air, plant, animal, human and planet ✓Ecology: OLC should be based on ecological systems and cycles, work with and sustain them ✓Care: OLC should be managed in a manner that protects the health of current and future generations ✓Fairness: OLC should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment

Back to OP summary 31 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Purchasing

10 9 8 7 6

36% Points 5 64% 4 3 2 1 0 Sustainable Procurement Electronics Purchasing Cleaning and Janitorial Office Paper Purchasing Purchasing

Points Earned Points Remaining Purchasing: Overview • Written policies, guidelines or directives to support sustainable purchasing across commodity categories • Employment of Life Cycle Cost Analysis for energy and water-using products, systems & building components • Purchase EPEAT registered products • Main cleaning or housekeeping department/contractor purchase cleaning and janitorial paper products that meet sustainable certifications • Purchases office paper with post-consumer recycled, agricultural residue, and/or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified content

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 33 Purchasing: Achievements

Electronics Purchasing

Gold EPEAT 39% 52% Non-registered Certified cleaning & 61% janitorial products

✓ $456K was spent on cleaning products, and 37% are GreenSeal, UL Ecologo and ✓ $4.3M expenditure on electronics US EPA Safer Choice ✓ ✓ Earn .39/1 STARS credit $152K was spent on janitorial paper products, and 96% are GreenSeal and US EPA Safer Choice

34 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Purchasing: Opportunities for Growth

✓Create a formalized sustainable purchasing policy that includes specific criteria for commodities (i.e. disadvantaged and/or community-based businesses) ✓Increase spending, as a %, on EPEAT registered electronics ✓Increase spending, as a %, on certified cleaning products ✓Currently, 95% of office paper purchases are non-qualified. Clemson should consider an incremental transition to more post- consumer recycled content

Back to OP summary 35 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Transportation

10 9 8 7 31% 6 Points 5 4 69% 3 2 1 0 Campus Fleet Student Commute Modal Employee Commute Support for Sustainable Split Modal Split Transportation

Points Earned Points Remaining Transportation: Overview Transportation’s Role in Carbon Profile • Clemson supports strategies to encourage more sustainable modes of transportation and reduce impact of commuting • Utilize alternative fuel and power technology in motorized fleet • Students and employees commuting to and from campus use more sustainable commuting options such as walking, bicycling, carpooling, campus shuttle, etc.

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 37 Transportation: Achievements

Strategies Checklist Clemson Secure bike storage, lockers, and showers accessible to Yes all bike commuters 15% Short-term bicycle parking for all occupied buildings No students commute Bike/pedestrian safety plan or policy (ex. "complete primarily using Yes streets" or bicycle accommodation policy) sustainable transport

Bike-share program Yes Level 2 or Level 3 electric vehicle recharge station No 12% Free or reduced-price transit passes, and/or campus employees commute Yes shuttle service primarily using sustainable transport Guaranteed return-trip program No CLEMSON Car/vanpool or ride-sharing program, and/or reduced Yes performance: parking fees or preferential parking for car/vanpoolers Telecommuting policy Yes 8/11 Car-sharing program (ex. Zipcar, or something similar Yes programs offered administered locally) Other: Preferential parking spaces for employees with Yes Low Emissions Vehicle permits; Clemson ReCyclery

38 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Transportation: Opportunities for Growth

✓Purchase alternative fuel vehicles when replacing campus fleet vehicles to increase total percentage on campus ✓Increase awareness of commuting programs on campus so both students and employees know options available that support sustainable modes of transportation ✓Conduct a new Commuting Survey for the next iteration of STARS and/or the GHG inventory

Back to OP summary 39 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Waste

10 9 8 7 45% 6 Points 5 4 55% 3 2 1 0 Waste Minimization and Diversion Construction and Demolition Hazardous Waste Management Waste Diversion

Points Earned Points Remaining Waste: Overview

• Implement a source reduction strategy to reduce total waste generated on campus • Divert non-hazardous construction and demolition waste from the landfill • Strategies to properly dispose of hazardous waste and seeks to minimize presence of hazardous waste and materials on campus • Program in place to recycle, reuse, and/or refurbish electronic waste generated by institution and students Waste: Achievements

Waste Profile Performance Against STARS Threshold 34% 60% 1.20 Reduction of tons/user from Baseline Year 40% 1.00

20% 40% 0.80

0% -8% 0.60

-26% % % Change -20% tons/FTE

-72% 0.40 -40%

0.20 -60% CLEMSON -80% 0.00 Weighted FTE Waste Generated Waste Landfilled C&D Waste Waste Generated Diversion

42 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Waste: Opportunities for Growth

✓Implement campus-wide electronic waste program for students and employees. This will increase total waste recycled and lower the overall waste generated ✓Continue to make strides toward a goal of 100% waste diversion

Back to OP summary 43 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Water

10 9 8 7 6

52% Points 5 48% 4 3 2 1 0 Water Use Rainwater Management

Points Earned Points Remaining Water: Overview

• Reduction of potable water per campus Water Hierarchy user compared to baseline Choose local vegetation that • Reduction of potable water per GSF does not require irrigation compared to baseline • Reduction of total water use per acre Choose low-flow fixtures compared to baseline Use greywater/collected rainwater for non-potable • Use green infrastructure and low functions.

impact development to help mitigate Collect and reuse water and/or stormwater run-off impacts and treat treat runoff to remove pollutants rainwater as a resource

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 45 Water: Achievements

Water Profile Policy 17 & Rainwater Management Features 50% 40% 71% 30% Earned 2.85/4 STARS points 20% 40%

10% 11% 0%

% % Change -11% -10% -23% -20% -39%



-50% Space Weighted Potable Potable Potable FTE Water Use Water Use Water Use (gal/user) (gal/gsf) (gal/acre)

46 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Water: Opportunities for Growth

✓Continue the expansion of the strong Rainwater Management policy – “Policy 17” ✓Set goals to implement comprehensive rainwater management policies that: ✓ incorporate green infrastructure ✓cover the entire campus ✓mandate use of Low Impact Development (LID) practices for all major construction/renovation projects ✓Track progress to goals

Back to OP summary 47 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 3%


Academics 67%

Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing Academics Summary

STARS Academics Performance 16 14 12 10 8

6 Points 4 2


Academic Courses Academic

Graduate Graduate Program

Learning Outcomes Learning

Support for for Research Support

Immersive Experience Immersive

Sustainability Literarcy Sustainability

Undergraduate Program Undergraduate

Open Access to to Open Research Access

Research and and Scholarship Research

Campus as Living Laboratory as Campus Living Incentives for Developing forCourses Developing Incentives

Points Earned Points Remaining

49 Academics: Clemson vs. Average

Academics Credits 60 14

12 50 12.0 10 40 39.1 9.1 8 8.5 8.0 30 32.2

6 Points 5.8 20 4 3.5 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.8 10 2 2.4 2.4 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0 0.7 0









Immersive Courses

Campus as Campus






Support for Support




Research and Research Sustainability

Clemson STARS Avg. for Incentives

Undergraduate Open Access to Access Open

50 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Clemson Academics Performance By Category

STARS Academics Performance 45


35 Points 30






0 Curriculum Research

Points Earned Points Remaining

Back to Score per 51 Section Curriculum

16 14 12 37% 35% 10

Points 8 6 4 2 0 Academic Learning Undergraduate Graduate Immersive Sustainability Incentives for Campus as 28% Courses Outcomes Program Program Experience Literarcy Developing Living Courses Laboratory

Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing • Sustainability courses offered at the undergraduate and graduate level • Degree programs that include sustainability and the number of students graduating from them • Immersive, sustainability-focused educational Curriculum: Overview study program • Program that offers incentive for faculty to develop new sustainability courses and/or incorporate sustainability into existing departments • Campus used as a living environment for multidisciplinary learning and applied research

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 53 Curriculum: Achievements

Undergraduate Sustainability Minor

Academic Graduate Degree Program: Planning, Design Programs & the Built on Campus Environment Graduate Certificate: Historic Preservation

54 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Curriculum: Achievements

Air & Climate, Public Engagement: Engaging the Public in Issues of Climate Change

Using Energy: Novel Applications of Photovoltaics campus as a living Transportation: Green Energy and Biodiesel Project laboratory Water: Hands on Water for Agriculture

Wellbeing & Work: Physical Activity and Health

55 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Curriculum: Opportunities for Growth

✓Develop a sustainability literacy assessment that includes the social, economic and environmental challenges around sustainability. ✓Explore incentives for faculty to develop sustainability courses. This includes release time, funding for professional development & research, as well as grants for summer study.

Back to AC summary 56 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Research

14 17% 12 10

8 Points 6 4 2 83% 0 Research and Scholarship Support for Research Open Access to Research

Points Earned Points Remaining Research: Overview

• Assess the % of total faculty and departments conducting sustainability research. • Programs in place to encourage faculty and/or students to conduct sustainability research. • Published open access policy that ensures that versions of future scholarly articles by faculty and staff are deposited in a designated open access repository.

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 58 Research: Achievements

25% of faculty and staff researches ClemsonForward R-Initiatives Internal engaged in Funding Program strategic plans to sustainability include includes Sustainable research Environments as one multidisciplinary of the six innovation research and clusters scholarship in P&T decisions. ✓ All tenure and tenure- track faculty are expected

Support for to conduct research 94% sustainability research at Cooper Library Of research-producing departments are engaged in sustainability research

Back to AC summary 59 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Research: Opportunities for Growth

✓Implement ClemsonForward strategic plan to include multidisciplinary research in promotion and tenure decisions ✓Implement a program to encourage students in multiple disciplines or academic programs to conduct research in sustainability

Back to AC summary 60 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 27%

Engagement 48% 25%

Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing Engagement Summary

STARS Engagement Performance 6



3 Points 2



Student Life Student

Community Service Community

Outreach Campaign Outreach

Student Orientation Student

Trademark Trademark Licensing

Continuing Education Continuing

Employee Orientation Employee

Community PartnershipsCommunity

Student Educators Program Educators Student

Inter-Campus Collaboration Inter-Campus

Participation in Public Public in Policy Participation

Employee Educators ProgramEducators Employee

Assessing SustainabilityCulture Assessing

Staff Professional Professional Development Staff Outreach Materials and and PublicationsMaterials Outreach Points Earned Points Remaining

62 Engagement: Clemson vs. Average

Engagement Credits 50 6 45 5 40 5.0 4 35 4.0 3.7 30 3 2.7 2.6 25 27.3 2.4 2.5 2 2.2 Points 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 20 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.5 19.7 1 1.3 15 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.7 0.0 0 10 5 0

Engagement Life Student








Staff Professional Staff


Student Educators Student

Community Service Community

Outreach Campaign Outreach

Student Orientation Student

Employee Educators Employee

Trademark Licensing Trademark

Continuing Education Continuing Participation in Public in Participation

Clemson STARS Avg. Orientation Employee

Assessing Sustainability Assessing

Outreach Materials and Materials Outreach Community Partnerships Community

63 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Clemson Engagement Performance By Category

STARS Engagement Performance 25



Points 10


0 Campus Engagement Public Engagement

Points Earned Points Remaining

Back to Score per 64 Section Campus Engagement


5 29% 4


Points 2 55% 1

16% 0 Student Student Student Life Outreach Outreach Assessing Employee Employee Staff Educators Orientation Materials Campaign Sustainability Educators Orientation Professional Program and Culture Program Development Publications

Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing Peer-to Peer sustainability outreach programs Campus Employee orientation Engagement includes sustainability Overview programs and activities Programs for students to learn about sustainability outside of the classroom

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 66 Campus Engagement: Achievements

Strategies Checklist Clemson Sustainability-Focused Student Group Yes Garden, Farm, CSA, Urban Ag, Fisheries Yes 100% on campus students Student-Run Sustainability Enterprises Yes served through Eco- Reps peer education Sustainable Investment Fund for Student Projects Yes program Sustainability Conferences, Speaker Series, Yes Symposia 100% Sustainability Cultural Events Yes of employees receive sustainability Wilderness or Outdoor Program Yes orientation Themed Semesters/Years No CLEMSON Sustainable Life Skills Workshops Yes performance: Sustainability-Focused Student Employment Ops Yes 10/12 Sustainability Graduation Pledges No programs offered Other Sustainability Co-Curricular Activities Yes

67 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Campus Engagement: Achievements Sustainability Materials & Outreach Checklist Clemson Sustainability Website Yes Sustainability Newsletter No Regular Column or Assigned "Reporter Beat" No Social Media for Sustainability Program Yes Publish & Disseminate Student Sustainability Research No Building Signage (Green Features) Yes Signage/Brochures for Sustainable Food Program No There is a clear effort Signage for Sustainable Landscaping Yes made at Clemson to ensure sustainability Sustainability Walking Tour/Map No learning is accessible to Sustainable Transportation Guide Yes students outside of the Bicycle/Pedestrian Educational Resources Yes formal classroom Guide to Green Living (or Residential Sustainability No Program) Other Sustainability Outreach Materials/Publications No

68 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Campus Engagement: Opportunities for Growth

✓Incorporate sustainability into new student orientation to provide a baseline sustainability education to all entering students. ✓Enhance the sustainability culture assessment to track longitudinal progress of students’ perception of sustainability from entering to graduation. ✓Create a peer-to-peer outreach program for employees

Back to EN summary 69 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Public Engagement


5 25% 41% 4

Points 3



34% 0 Community Inter-Campus Continuing Community Participation in Trademark Partnerships Collaboration Education Service Public Policy Licensing

Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing Public Engagement: Overview

✓ Developed cross-community partnerships to advance sustainability ✓ Collaboration with other or to help build campus sustainability ✓ Continuing education courses and programs in sustainability for the community ✓ Established community service program with measurable participation ✓ Promote sustainability through public policy participation

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 71 Public Engagement: Achievements

Strategies Checklist Clemson

Member of Sustainability (Inter)National Network (e.g. Yes 7 AASHE) Sustainability-focused continuing education Member of Sustainability Regional Network (e.g. No courses Northeast Sustainability Consortium)

Institution presented at sustainability conference in Last Yes 8.5% Year Of students on Case Study Submitted for Award/Resource Center In Last campus tracked as Yes Year participating in community service Staff or Students Serve on external Sustainability Yes Committee/Board

Participation in Mentoring Relationship with Another Institution No Public Policy: ✓ State level Served as Peer Reviewers for External Group No

Other Collaborative Sustainability Ventures Yes

72 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Public Engagement: Opportunities for Growth

✓Formalize partnership with Green Crescent Trail Group ✓Participate in a sustainability regional network to support and help build the campus sustainability community. ✓Consider joining either the Fair Labor Association or the Worker Rights Consortium ✓Improve community service tracking process to accurately represent all the work that is being done by students at Clemson.

Back to EN summary 73 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 34% 36% Planning & Administration


Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing Planning & Administration Summary

STARS Planning & Administration Performance 5



2 Points 1


Wellness Program Wellness

Investment Disclosure Investment

Sustainability Planning Sustainability

Sustainable Investment Sustainable

Affordability and Access and Affordability

Participatory Governance Participatory

Employee Compenstation Employee

Sustainability Coordination Sustainability

Workplace Health and Safety Health and Workplace

Assessing Diversity and Equity and Diversity Assessing

Assessing Employee Satisfaction Employee Assessing

Diversity and Equity Equity Coordination and Diversity

Committee on Investor Responsibility Investor Committee on Support for Underrepresented Groups Underrepresented for Support Points Earned Points Remaining

75 Planning & Administration: Clemson vs. Average

Planning and Administration Credits 40 5

35 4

3 30 3.0 25 2 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.3 1.7 1.9 1 1.5 1.3 20 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.6 0.7 Points 0 0.3 15 17.8

10 11.5

5 Satisfaction

0 Coordination

Wellness Program Wellness


Groups Assessing Employee Assessing

Planning & Equity and Diversity

Investment Disclosure Investment

Sustainability Planning Sustainability

Committee on Investor on Committee Sustainable Investment Sustainable

Administration Access and Affordability

Participatory Governance Participatory

Employee Compenstation Employee

Sustainability Coordination Sustainability

Workplace Health and Safety and Health Workplace Assessing Diversity and Equity and Diversity Assessing Clemson STARS Avg. Underrepresented for Support

76 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Clemson P&A Performance By Category

STARS Planning & Administration Performance 12



6 Points



0 Coordination & Planning Diversity & Affordability Investment & Finance Wellbeing & Work

Points Earned Points Remaining

Back to Score per 77 Section Coordination & Planning



3 Points 56% 44% 2


0 Sustainability Coordination Sustainability Planning Participatory Governance

Points Earned Points Remaining Active groups to coordinate sustainability work on campus

Developed Coordination & comprehensive plans to move toward Planning: Overview sustainability

Engagement of students, faculty, staff and local community members in ongoing university governance

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 79 Coordination & Planning: Achievements

Formally Adopted & Measurable Policies Clemson

Curriculum Yes Students, Faculty, Research No and Staff have Campus Engagement Yes representatives at Public Engagement No the highest level of Air & Climate No campus governance Buildings No Energy Yes 35% Food & Dining Yes Success Grounds No Clemson University Purchasing No Commission on Transportation Yes Sustainability Waste Yes Water No implements campus- Diversity & Affordability No wide coordination to Investment No creatively address Wellbeing & Work No sustainability Other (e.g. Art & Culture) No

80 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coordination & Planning: Opportunities for Growth

✓Update Sustainability Action Plan to incorporate more measurable objectives that allow Clemson to track progress, identify and document successes, and manage levels of resources devoted to goals. Specific areas that require formalization include Research, Public Engagement, Air & Climate, Buildings, Grounds, Purchasing, and Water. ✓Formalize policies to engage external stakeholders on institutional decisions that impact the community. ✓Create a pathway for community members to participate in Clemson governance

Back to PA summary 81 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Diversity & Affordability

10% 5


3 57% Points 2

33% 1

0 Diversity and Equity Assessing Diversity and Support for Affordability and Access Coordination Equity Underrepresented Groups Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing Established and active group or officer on campus charged by the administration to coordinate diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights work on campus

Diversity & Systemically assesses diversity and equity on campus Affordability:

Overview Programs in place to support underrepresented groups

Strategies to improve accessibility and affordability

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 83 Diversity & Affordability: Achievements

On Clemson participates in state campus and federal need-based programs and provides diversity University funds for officer disadvantaged students, 55% including low income, first of students generation, and graduate with underrepresented populations. no debt Emerging Scholars, WISE, PEER, Tiger Connections, WAVS 70% Alliance & Call Me Mister Graduation rate for low income SCHOLARSHIPS: Gateway students to Clemson, Orange Carpet, IPTAY & Clemson Hardship Grant

84 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Diversity & Affordability: Opportunities for Growth

✓Institute Cultural Competency training across the campus community t include students, faculty and staff. ✓Conduct an assessment of students, faculty and staff understanding of the attitudes, perceptions and experiences of underrepresented groups (i.e. low-income and non-traditional). ✓Track success of existing programs on campus that support underrepresented groups on campus.

Back to PA summary 85 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Wellbeing & Work


33% 4

43% 3 Points 2


0 24% Employee Compenstation Assessing Employee Wellness Program Workplace Health and Satisfaction Safety

Points Earned Points Remaining Not Pursuing Ensure lowest paid workers earn living wage

Support for engagement of employees by conducting a regular survey or Wellbeing & evaluation

Wellness Work: Overview programs on campus for students and employees

Reduction of workplace injuries and occupational diseases

© 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 87 Wellbeing & Work: Achievements

Wellness program for all students and employees

✓ Campus and Psychology Services (CAPS) available on campus for students ✓ Deer Oak Employee Assistance Plan provides 5 counseling sessions to all employees and family

88 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Wellbeing & Work: Opportunities for Growth

✓Gather and report compensation of lowest pay grade on campus to identify whether or not this is a livable wage. ✓Conduct an employee satisfaction survey for both faculty and staff to help identify areas of improvement that can maximize the Clemson work environment experience. ✓Continue to gather and report workplace injuries to maximize employee safety.

Back to PA summary 89 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Innovation & Leadership

*Innovation credits are optional and unearned points are not counted against final institution score About Innovation Credits

Innovation credits are open-ended and reserved for new, extraordinary, unique, ground-breaking, or uncommon outcomes, policies, and practices that address sustainability challenges and are not covered by an existing credit or exemplary practice option.

91 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Innovation

Black Solider Flies Composting

Clemson University Student Additional uses: Organic Farm developed a Food source for livestock composting system with the and fish farm manager that uses food Can be soaked with oils waste from the university that can be turned into dining halls to attract black biofuel soldier flies. This fly species does not bite or spread disease but does feed on waste.

92 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Innovation

• For the last 25 years, the Clemson University Habitat for Humanity Campus Charter in partnership with Pickens County Habitat for Humanity has been building a house in a two week period Partnership to celebrate Homecoming. with Habitat for Humanity • More than 500 Clemson students and community volunteers participate to construct a house on Bowman Field at Clemson and have it moved to the permanent location after Homecoming festivities.

93 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. About Exemplary Practice Credits

• Emerging best practices that are not otherwise recognized in STARS. • Initiatives and outcomes that are a step beyond what is recognized in a standard credit. • Exemplary initiatives and outcomes that are only relevant to a minority of institution types or regions.

94 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Exemplary Practice – Bike Friendly University

Certified as a League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly University (Silver level or higher)

95 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Exemplary Practice – Grounds Certification

Clemson University has been identified as a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation.

96 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Exemplary Practice– Pre-Submission Review

Name, title and org affiliation of each reviewer • Michele Isnard - Sightlines, Service Manager • Jake Haslam - Sightlines, Analyst • The pre-submission reviewers have had no contact with Clemson University or the data collection efforts. Review process • Michele Isnard reviewed: IC, EN, OP, PA and IN • Jake Haslam reviewed: AC • Michele and Jake noted any inconsistencies in the data and left detailed notes. When the first review was complete, Shelly Giannini and Kelly Marchione reviewed the results and made the corrections identified.

97 © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Questions & Discussion