THE GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P:0.) Vol. XCV—No. 72 , 19th November, 1993 Price Sb. 20


GAZETTE NOTICES Guerra Nantes--(Contd.) PAGE Pans The Central Bank of Kenya Act—Appointment ... • 1720 Change of Names 1760 The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Act—Appoint- 1720 Disposal of Uncollected Motor Vehicle 1760

The Local Government Act—Declaration of Vacant Closure of Roads 1760 Sent% 1720 The Hotels and Restaurants Act—Classifications ... 1761-1762 The Oaths and Statutory Declarations AM—IA Com- r. mission ... . 1720 The Universities (Establishment of Unversities) (Standardization, Accreditation and Supervision) The Police Act—Employment of Police for Private. Rules—Issuance 1762 Use The Court Brokers Act—Revocations . 1762 The Registration of Titles Act—Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc. .... ... 1721-1722, 1762 The Registered Land Act—Registration of Instru- SUPPLEMENT No. 76 ments, etc. 1722-1724, 1761 Legislative Supplement

Customs and Excise—Sale by Public Auction 1725-1727 LEGAL NOTICE No. PAGE The Advocates Act—The - 11th Report of the Com- plaints Commission ... 1727 352—The Income Tax Act—Exemption 877 Trade Marks ... 1728-1731 353—The Stamp Duty Act—Exemption 877 Probate and Administration .. 1731-1759 354—The Treasury Bills (Terms and Conditions of Issue) Regulations, 1993 878 The Companies. Act—Voluntary Winding-up, etc. 1759 355-357—The Customs and Excise (Remissions) (Nos. Loss of Policies ... 1759 66-68) Orders, 1993 .. 881 Local Government Notices 1759-1760 358-361—The Value Added Tax (Remissions) (Nos. 66-69) Orders, 1991 ... 882 Tender ... 1760 362—The Local Authority Services Charge Ousittets Transfer 1760 (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations, 1993 ... 884

[1719 1720 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE Nonce No. 5910 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5914 THE CENTRAL BANK OF KENYA ACT THE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT (Cap. 491) (Cap. 15) APPOINTMENT OP A DIRECTOR A COMMISSION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 11 of the Central Bank of Kenya Act, I, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come Greeting: President and Commander-in-Chid of the Armed Forces of BE IT KNOWN that on 18th October, 1993— the Republic of Kenya, appoint— PETER MBUTHIA GACRUHI THOMAS MAGAMBO JCITHINJI an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to to be a director of the Central Bank of Kenya, for a period be a commissioner for oaths under the above-mentioned Act, of four (4) years, with effect from 15th November, 1993. for as long as he continues to practise as such advocate and this commission is not revoked. Dated the 11th November, 1993. Given under my hand and the seal of the court, on 18th D. T. ARAP MOT, October, 1993 . President. F. IC. APHALOO, Chief Justice.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5911 Cizerre NOME No. 5915 THE KENYA BROADCASTING CORPORATION ACT (Cap. 221) THE POLICE ACT APPOINTMENT OF BOARD MEMBERS (Cap. 84) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (1) EMPLOYMENT OF POLICE FOR PRIVATE PURPOSE (f of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Act, the Minister IN ACCORDANCE with the provision of subsection (1) for Information and Broadcasting appoints- of section 45 of the Police Act, it is notified that with effect Fatma Alhad Hyder (Mrs.), from 1st December, 1993, the following charges will be payable Jones Maweu Kaleli (Rev. Dr.), for hire of police for private purposes: Boaz Okull Okull Omondi, Unarmed officers for a period not acceding eight hours but not less than four hours- to be members of the board for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st November, 1993. KSh. for each inspector ... 300 Dated the 15th November, 1993. for each savor/sergeant 180 for each corporal .. 150 JOHNSTONE MAICAU, for each constable ...... 100 Minister for Information and Broadcasting. For a period not exceeding four hours or part thereof- KS1r. for each Inspector 180 for each senior/sergeant 100 GAZETTE Nonce No. 5912 for each corporal 80 for each constable 60 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT Armed officers per hour— (Cap. 265) for each inspector 150 COUNCIL for each senior sergeant 100 DECLARATION OP VACANT SEAT for each sergeant . 75 for each corporal . 60 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 63A of for each constable 50 the Local Government Act, the Minister for Local Government declares the following seat within the County Council of Susie Hire of 999 patrol car per hour or part thereof 500 vacant : Hire of unarmed motor-cycle riders per hour— Electoral Area for each inspector .. Marachi Central. 250 for each senior sergeant 200 Dated the 16th November, 1993. for each sergeant ... 150 for each corporal .. 130 for each constable 100 WILLIAM OLE NTIMAMA, Minister for Local Government. Armed motor-cycle rider— for each inspector ... 300 for each senior sergeant 250 for each sergeant 200 for each corporal 180 riaare Nonce No. 5913 for each constable ... 150

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT Hire of police aircraft— (Cap. 265) Cessna 404 (per km.) . 80. Cessna 402 (per km.) .. 60 KAICAMEGA COUNTY COUNCIL Cessna 310 (per km.) ... 50 DECLARATION OP VACANT SEAT helicopter 212 (per hour) ... 40,000 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 63A of helicopter 206 (per hour) ... 20,000 the Local Government Act, the Minister for Local Government Aicraft demurrage charges— declares the following seat within the County Council of vacant : night stop (per night) ... Electoral Area (Pilot's accommodation shall be paid by the hirer.) Bunyala. pilot's pocket money 800 Hire of police boat 1,000 Dated the 16th November, 1993. Hire of police band— WILLIAM OLE NTIMAMA, main band (per hour) 6,000 . Minister for Local Government. subsequent hour or part thereof 1,000, 1721 Si November, 1993 THE KENYA GAZETTE

Police dance band- GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5919 ': for the first five hours 4,500 THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT 500 subsequent bout or part thereof 281, section 71) A.SK. shows 3,000 (Cap. harambee shows (per day) •• 3,000 Is sun or A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE Transport charges— WHEREAS (1) John Mugo Njuguna and (2) Christopher daily charges (per motor vehicle) 2,000 Mwangl NIUSINIS, both of P.O. Box 307, Linturu, are the 19 registered proprittas as lessees of that piece of land known • transporting band (per km.) ... as L.R. No. 13460/12, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue Application for the services of police for any approved of a certificate of title regiftered as I.R. 49002/1, and whereas private purposes which can only be supplied when the exigen- sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said cies of the service permit, should be made to the police officer certificate of title registered as I.R. 49002/1 has been lost, in-charge of the district concerned. notice /6 given that after the expiration of ninety (90) days - shall issue a provisional certificate Any • person wishing to engage the services of a constable frank the date hereof, I for a specified period of not less than three (3) months, should of title provided that no objection has been received within apply to the Commissioner of Police, P.O. Box 30083, Nairobi. that period. Dated the 19th November, 1993. Gazette Notice No. 1989 of 1983, is cancelled. E. N. GICHEHA, Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. Dated the 8th November, 1993. SHEDRACH KIRUKI. Commissioner of Police. Gan= NoncE No. 5920 Gitrire Nonce No. 5916 THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (Cap. 281, section 71) (Cap. 281, section 71) ISSUE OP A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE ISSUE OP A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Said Ahmed Bujra, of P.O. Box 10, , is WHEREAS ICampi-Ya•Moto Club, registered trustees, as cor- registered proprietor in fee simple of that, piece of land known porate body, incorporated under the Perpetual Succession Act, as L.R. No. 1405/2, Witu in Lamu District, held by a certi- of P.O: Box 23, Njoro, is the registered proprietor as lessee ficate of title registered as C.R. 15339/1, and whereas sufficient of this piece of land known as L.R. No. 11983, situate in evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate the District, by virtue of a grant registered as IS. of title registered fts C.R. 15339/1 is lost, notice is given 23460/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced that, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title after the to show that the said gnat registered as I.R. 23460/1 has expiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, unless been Tat, notice is given that after the expiration of ninety a written objection is received within that period. (90) slays from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received Dated the 19th November, 1993. within that period. L. M. MUTIIMOS, Dated the 19th November, 1993. Senior Registrar of Titles, . E N. GICHELIA, Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5921 NOTICE No. 5917 THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACC THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (Cap. 281, section 71) (Cop. 281, section 71) -ISSUE OF A 'PROVISIONAL CERnFICATE ISSUE OP A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Mace Shaffi Mwahitna and another, bah of WHEREAS Kenya Meat Commission, a body incorporated and P.O. Box 82798, Mombasa, are registered proprietors in fee established under the Kenya Meat Commission Act, of P.O. simple of that piece of land known as portion No. 1842, Box 2, Adel River, is the registered proprietor as lessee of that section II, menthes.' north within Mombasa Municipality in piece of land known as L.R. No. 10021, situate in the the Montbasa District, held by a certificate of title registered District, by virtue of a gait registered as I.R. as C.R. 13992/1, and whenan sulkiest evidence has been / 1, and whereas suffieint evidence has been adduced adduced to show that the certificate of title regieteted as C.R. to17873 show that the said grant registered as IR. 17873/1 has 13992/1 is low, notice is given that I shall issue a provisional beds lost, notice is given that after the expiration of ninety certificate of title after the expiation of ninety (90) days from (90) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional the date hereof, unless a written objection is received within cettMtate of title provided that no objection has been received that period. within •that period. Dated the 19th November, 1993.. Dated the 19th November, 1993. E. N. GICTIEffk L. M. MUTTIMOS, Registrar of Thles, Natrobt Senior Registrar of Titles, Mombasa.

Glitters NOTIM No. 5918 Gums NOTICE No. 5922 THE REGISTRATION OF THI.ES ACT THE REGISTRATION OF 'TITLES ACT section 71) (Cap• 281, (Cap. 281, section 71) IssuE OP A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Interstate Marketing Services Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Kenya having its registered WHEREAS Coast Development Company Limitr of P.O. office is P.O. Box 42175, Hafilvii, is the registered proprietor, Box 162, Klifi, is registered proprietor as lessee of , Piece 4421 4 land. known as S.E. bto. 3044, north ofrai Tabl eighth knee of, that piece of and known as L.R. NO4 209/9 %filth Dietriot, laid• by a certificate of title as C.R. situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a gait righter& 8271/1, and whereas rifficant evidence has beenadduced to as IL 35730/1, and whereas sufficient OVICIINIOS has been adduced to show that the bald greet agitated as Ia. 33230/1 show that the said certificate of title.registeeed Ewa 8271/1 has beat lot, nodce is given that after the atishation of ninety is log, notice is given that I shall issue a provisional certificate (90) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional of ' title after the expiration of ninety . (90) days from the certificate of title provided that•ne objection Ins ban mired data hereof, unless a written objection is received ' ,Atha that within that period._ 39th Noventher, 1993. Dated the 19tb Novanber, 1993. Dated the E. N. GOCHEHA, L. M. MUTIIMOS, Registrar of Mks, Nairobi. Senior Registrar of Titles, Mombasa. 1722 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE NOT'CE No. 5923 and proceed with the registration of the said instrument of transfer and issue a land title deed to the said sons and upon THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said (Cap. 281) Mlbtitu M1Pmaita shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Friends Court Apartments Limited, a limited Dated the 19th November, 1993. liability company having its registered offices in the Republic of Kenya, and of P.O. Box 41765, Nairobi, is the registered S. Z. MUIWIRI, proprietor as lessee of that piece of land containing 0.3139 hectare Land Registrar. or thereabouts, known as L.R. No. 209/8707, situate in the city Meru District. of Nairobi, held under a lease registered as No. 51641/1, and whereas the said Friends Court Apartments Limited has executed instruments of discharge and lease of portions in favour of Chartered Realty Limited, a limited liability company, of P.O. Box 72881, Nairobi, and whereas an affidavit has GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5926 been filed in terms of section 65 (1) (h) of the said Act, declaring that the said lease registered as I.R. 51641/1 is not available for registration, notice is given that after the expiration of THE REGISTERED LAND ACT fourteen (14) days from the date hereof, provided that no (Cap. 300, section 33) objection has been received within that period, I intend to REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT dispense with the production of the said lease and proceed with the registration of the said instruments of discharge and WHEREAS Kipkoech A. Mugun, of P.O. Box 107, Sotik, lease of portions and after the expiration of ninety (90) days is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate parcel No. Keric,hohKipsonoi/850, situate in District, of title in respect of the same. and whereas the senior principal magistrate's court at in civil suit No. 447 of 1990, has ordered that the said piece Dated the 19th November, 1993. of land be subdivided and a portion of the said land be E. N. GICHEHA, transferred to Chebii Bazar, of P.O. Box 107, Sotik, and Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. whereas the executive officer of the court has in pursuance of an order of the said court executed a mutation and a transfer of the said piece of land in favour of Chebii Barar, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered pro- GAZETTE Nonce No. 5924 prietor to surrender the land title deed issued in respect of the said piece of land to the regigtrar have failed, notice is THE REGISTERED LAND ACT given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the (Cap. 300, section 33) dated hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration WHEREAS Edith Njeri Njoroge Kimani, of P.O. Box 30124, of the said mutation and instrument of transfer and issue a Nairobi, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known land title deed to the said Chebii Barar and upon such regis- as parcel No. Dagoretti/Mutuini/T. 280, situate in the city tration, the land title deed issued earlier to the said Kipkoech of Nairobi, and whereas the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi A. Mugun shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. in civil suit No. 4245 of 1989, has ordered that the said piece of land be transferred to Ndungu Kariuki, of P.O. Box 24417, Dated the 19th November, 1993. Karen, and whereas the deputy registrar of the court has in pursuance of an order of the said court, executed a trans- D. 8. AYIGA, fer of the said piece of land in favour of Ndungu Kariuki, Land Registrar, of P.O. Box 24417, Karen, and whereas all efforts made to Kericho District. compel the registered proprietor to surrender the land certifi- cate issued in respect of the said piece of land to the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to GAZETTE Nonce No. 5927 dispense with the production of the said land certificate and proceed with the registration of the said instrument of transfer and issue a land title deed 'to the said Ndungu Kariuki, and THE REGISTERED LAND ACT upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to (Cap. 300, section 33) the said Edith Njeri Njoroge !Kimani shall be deemed to be REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT cancelled and of no effect. WHEREAS Karuma Mugo alias Njenga Karuma, of P.O. Dated the 19th November, 1993. Box 78, , is registered as proprietor of the said piece of land known as Komothai/Kiratina/ 744, situate in Kinnbu A. 0. OBBAM, District, and whereas in the senior magistrate's court at Klignbu Land Registrar, Nairobi. in succession cause No. 30 of 1992, has issued grant of letters of administration intestate of certificate of confirmatiod of ■ grant in respect of the said parcel No. Komothai/Kiratina/ 744, registered in the name of the said Karuma Mugo alias GAZETTE Nonce No. 5925 Njenga Karuma (deceased), whereas a transmission form R.L. 19 and a transfer of personal representative R.L. 7 are duly THE REGISTERED LAND ACT executed in favour of Naom Wanjiru Karuma, of P.O. Box (Cap. 300, section 33) 78, Ruiru, and presented for registration and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT to the said Karuma Mugo alias Njenga Karuma (deceased) WHEREAS Mtlburu M'Imaita, of P.O. Box 703, Meru, is is lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as parcel days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has No. Abothuguchi/ Githongo/ 476, situate in Mem District, been received . within that period, I intend to dispense with and whereas the principal magistrate's court at Meru in civil the production of the said land title deed issued to the said suit No. 1568/92 has ordered that the piece of land be transferred Karuma Mugo alias Njenga Karuma (deceased), and proceed to his sons, of P.O. Box 703, Mem, and whereas the executive with registration of the R.L. 19 and R.L. 7 in favour of Naom officer of the court has in pursuance to an order of the Wanjiru Karuma and upon such registration the land title deed said court, executed transfer of the said piece of land in issued earlier to the said Karuma Mugo alias Njenga Kannim favour of the sons, of P.O. Box 703, Meru, and whereas all (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect: efforts made to compel the registered proprietor to surrender the land title deed issued in respect of the said piece of land Dated the 19th November, 1993. to the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, pro- H. E. A/MELIA, vided no valid objection has been received within that Period, Land Regiltrar. I intend to dispense with the production of the said title deed Mamba District. THE KENYA GAZETTE

GAZETTE Nonce No. 5928 containing 2.82 hectares or therebout, situate in the district of Embu, registered under title No. NgandoriflUdari/1224, THE REGISTERED LAND ACT and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that (Cap. 300, seem 33) the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, entice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT date hereof, T shall issue a new land title deed provided that WHEREAS (1) Kaman Gioko and (2) Njoroge Gioko, are no objection has been received within that period. regagred as proprietors of that piece of land known as ClithungUri/Githiga/185, situate in the District, and Dated the 19th November, 1993. wheals the senior magistrate's court at Kiambu in civil case No. 32 of 1993, has ordered that 1.25 acres out of 2.6 acres J. M. murenna, share of Kaman Goko be transferred to Njoroge Ndungu Land Registrar, Kageche, of Kiambu, and whereas the executive officer of the Embu District. court has in pursuance to an order of the said court executed a transfer of the undivided share in favour of (1) Kamau Gioko and (2) Njoroge Ndungu Kageche, and whereas all efforts GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5932 made to compel the registered proprietors to surrender the land title deed issued earlier in respect of the said piece of land to the land registrar have failed, notice is given that THE REGISTERED LAND ACT after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof (Cap. 300, section 35) provided no valid objection has been received within that ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of transfer of WHEREAS Mary Njeri Nganga, of Khali Sub-location, the hndivided share and issue a new land title deed to the said Lad Division, Kiambu District, in the Re- Njoroge Ndungu Kageche and upon such registration the land public of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute owner- title deed issued earlier to the said (1)!Kaman Gioto and (2) ship interest of that piece of land containing 2.3 hectares or Njoroge Gioko shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no thereabout, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Escarpmett/Kineri Block 1/84, and whereas sufficient effiXt. evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed Dated the 19th November, 1993. issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the H. E. AKWELLA, expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall Land Registrar, issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has Kiambu District. been received within that period. Dated the 19th November, 1993. No. 5929 GAZETTE NOTICE H. E. AKWELLA, THE REGISTERED LAND Acr Land Registrar, Mamba' District. (Cap. 300, section 35) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Andren Nyarnbura Njika (ID/5601145/68), of GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5933 P.O. Box 1888, Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of THE- REGISTERED LAND ACT land containing 4.2 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. Nakuru/Olenguruone/ (Cap. 300, section 35) Anbusket/258, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced Issue OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED to show that the land Aide deed issued thereof has bah lost, WHEREAS Joyce Wanjiku Kabundi, of Kiambu District, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from Central Province in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of that no objection has beat received within that period. land containing 0.05 acre or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Da /Utbirun69, Dated the 19th November, 1993. G. P. B. OGENGO, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that Land Registrar, Nakuru. the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new and title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. GAZETTE Nonce No. 5930 THE REGISTERED LAND-ACT Dated the 19th November, 1993. (Cap. 300, neon 33) A. M. MUSANGO, ISSUE OF New LAND TITLE DEEDS Land Registrar, Kiambu District. WHEREAS Pascal Ouma Namulu, of P.O. Box 26, Rwainbwa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 1.43 hec- tares, 1.6 hectares and 2.6 hectares or thereabout, situate in the GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5934 district of Susie, known as parcel Nos. Bunyala/Bulamia/26135, Bunyala/Bubsmia/1328 and title No. Samia/Butabona/516, and THE REGISTERED LAND ACT whereas sufficient evidence has, been adduced to show that the (Cap. 300, section 35) land title deed issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that Issue OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I steal issue new land title deals provided that no objection WHEREAS Virginiah Wanjiku Njoroge, of Kilter& Sub- ha0 heat received within that period. location,, Kihara Location, Kiambu District in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership fitted the 19th November, 1991. - interest of that piece of land containing 0.66 hectare or there- H. K. B. KIPSUTO, abouts, situate in the district of Kiarnbu, registered Polder tide Land Registrar, No. Xiambaa/Kiham/1177, and whereas sufficient evidence has Buda (K) District. been adduced to show that the land title deal issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title GAMITE NOTICE No. 5931 deed provided that no objection has been received within that THE ItEGIESTEItED LAND lACT period. section 35) (Cap. 300. Dated the 19th November, 1993. ISSUE OE A New LAND gyms DEED VeffilltEAS Nguu Kagwashi (ID/3299243766), of P.O. Box . M. lvflitMihatt registered Land ketterrar, 21, limbu in the Republic of Kenya, Kiambu Mania. in absolute ownership interest of that piece of VAS land 1724 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5935 that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the THE REGISTERED LAND ACT date hereof, If shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. (Cap. 300, section 35) ISSUE OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Dated the 19th November, 1993. WHEREAS Virginiah Wanjiku Njoroge, of Kihara Sub- location, Kihara Location, Kiambu District in the Republic A. M. MGENYI, Land of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership Regttgrar, interest of that piece of land containing 0.56 hectare or there- Nyandarua I Laikipia I Samburu Distriens abouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Kiambaa/Kihara/T. 569, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expi- ration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5939 a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. THE REGISTERED LAND ACT Dated the 19th Navember, 1993. (Cap. 300, section 35) ISSUE OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED A. M. MUSANGO, WHEREAS Philip Ligare Matara, of c/o Chief's Office, Land Registrar, Msambweni in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor Kiambu District. in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.7 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kw*, registered under title No. /Msambweni "A"/2727, and GAZETTE Nonce No. 5936 whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given THE REGISTERED LAND ACT that alter the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date (Cap. 300, section 35) hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Francis Mbugua Kiarie, of P.O. Box 74078, Dated the 19th November, 1993. Narobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing W. M. IKAMOTI, 0.028 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, Land Registrar, registered under title No. Githunguri/Githiga/821/ 7, and Kwale District. whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of shay (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5940 has been received within that period. THE REGISTERED LAND ACT Dated the 19th November, 1993. (Cap. 300, section 35) H. E. AKWELLA, ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Land Registrar, Mambo District. WHEREAS (1) Wambura Mwita, (2) John Rioba and (3) Joseph Mwita Mwita, all of P.O. Kehancha in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 8.8 hectares or there- about, situate in the district of South Nyanza, known as parcel GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5937 No. 572, registered under tide No. Nyabasi/Bomerani/572, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the THE REGISTERED LAND ACT land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given (Cap. 300. section 35) that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, shall issue a new land time deed provided that no objection ISSUE OE A NEW LAND TITLE DEED has been received within that period. WHEREAS Messrs. Muthaiti Farmers Co-operative Society. of P.O. Box 47, 011Calou in the Republic of Kenya, is regist- Dated the 19th November, 1993. ered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 827 acres or thereabout, situate in the dis- P. M. M1JSYOKI, trict of Nyandarua, registered under title No. L.R. No. 3777/44 Land Registrar, Kaimbaga, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced Home Bayl Migoril Kuria Districts. to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5941

Dated the 19th November, 1993. THE REGISTERED LAND ACT A. M. MGENYI, (Cap. 300, section 35) Land Registrar, ISSUE OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Nyandarua Laikipia Samburu Districts. WHEREAS James China Manta IIID/1123949/64), of P.O. Box 1204, Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.72 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5938 of Nakuru, registered under title No. Mid Mingi/Mbaruk Block 3/248 (Baruti), and whereas sufficient evidence has been THE REGISTERED LAND ACT adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has (Cap. 300, section 35) been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of ,siicty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title ISSUE OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED deed provided that no objection has been received within that WHEREAS (Kate Beatrice Mukwairu Mburu, of P.O. Box period. 51959, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land Dated the 19th November, 1993. containing 4.0 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Nyindarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Kaimbaga/ R. W. MUCHEMI, , 193; and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show Assistant Land- Registrar, Nekn. MI* November, 1993 THWILINYA GCB arra Nona No. 5942 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DEPARTMENT SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE is given that the undermentioned goods will be sold by public auction on 22nd December, 1993, at the Customs Warehouse, Porodha Home, J.K.I.A., if not cleared before then. Intending purchasers may View the goods on Monday, 20th December, 1993, and Tuesday, 21st December, 1993, during office hours. The goods are lying m the Customs Wanthme, JK.I.A. Sarin:mut

Quantity and Description of Goods Lot No. Reference Number aced Date 443/93 NAP/301/93 .. 2 packages spares. Consignee: KARI, P.O. Box 58711, Nairobi 444/93 NAP/302/93 .. AI package- spares. Consignee: KAWA, , Kenya. NAP/303P3 5.1 Package snares. I Package snares (5 kg.). NAP/A4 3 .. 1 package spares (8 kg.). Consignee: K.B.S., P.O. Box 30563, NAP /93 .. Nairobi 1 package spares (1 kg). Consignee: K.B.S., P.O. Box 30563, Nairobi. NAP/306/93 • • 1 package spares (5 kg.). NAP/ /93 I package spares (I kg.). Consignee: Car and General. 445/93 NAP/308/93 NAP/309/93 1 package chemicals. NAW310/93 1 package spares (4 kg.). Consignee: Steel Point Ltd., Nairobi. NAP/311/93 • • • 2 packages spares (5 kg.). Consignee: Holman Brothers, P.O. Box 1451, Nairobi. NAP/31203 1 package spares (1 kg.). Consignee: Mashariki Motors. NAP/313/93 2 packages spares (5 kg.). Consignee: Hinderbrand, Nairobi. NAP/314/93 2 packages spares (2 kg.). NAP/315/93 package manuals (4 kg.). ' NAP/3I6/93 package spares (I kg.). Consignee: Caltex, Nairobi. 446/93 package spares (1 kg.). NAP/317/93 NAP/318/93 package spares (0.5 kg.). Consignee: C.M.C., Nairobi. NAP/319/93 package spares I( kg.). Consignee: City Engineering Works. NAP/320/93 package spares (1 kg.). NAP/321/93 package manuals (3 kg.). NAP/322/93 Manuals. packagespares (I kg.). Consignee: Bamburi Portland, P.O. Box NAP/323/93 90202, Mombasa. 447/93 NAP/324/93 package spares (4 kg.). Consignee: K.B.S., Mombasa. NAP/325/93 package manuals (3 kg.). NAP/326/93 package spares11 I4.). empty package 0.5 kg.). NAff/ 387/93 NAP/328/93 package spares 1 kg.). NAP/ 329//93 package spares 5 kg.). /3 /9 package spares (5 kg.). Consignee: Arrow Motors Ltd., Nairobi. NAP/331N3 package spares (14 kg.). package spares (I kg.). Consignee: E.A., Nairobi. NAP/332/93 package spares (I kg.). Consignee: Sugar. NAP/333/93 package spares (I kg.). Consignee: African Airlines. 448/93 NAP/334/93 NAP/335/93 package spares (1 kg.). Consignee: Holman Brothers, Nairobi. NAP/33 3 2 packages spares (10 kg.). Consignee: D. it Dobie, Mombasa. NAP/33/9 3 package spares (2 kg.). Consignee: Marshal's, Nairobi. package spares (I kg.). NAP/338/93 NAP/339/93 package spares (1 kg.). NAP/340/93 package spares (0.3 kg). Consignee: Bolder, Nairobi. NAW341/93 package spares (I kg.). Consignee: Atlas Co., Nairobi. NAP/342/93 PackagePersonal effects (1 8g.). Consignee: Mr. and Mrs. M. Legg, P.O. Box 47920, Nairobi. NAP/343 package spares (2 kg.). Consignee: Mumias Sugar. 449/93 NAP/ 3 package openers (0.5 kg). NAP /93 package spares (1 kg.). Consignee: C.M.C., Nairobi. NAP/346/93 package spares (1 kg). Consignee: Kenya Bus Services. NAP/347/93 spares (1 kg.). C.onsignee: C.M.C., Nairobi. NAP/348/93 package spares (1 kg.). NAP/349/93 .. package spares 2 kg.). Consignee: Car and General, Nairobi. NAP/350/93 .. package spares 0-2 kg.), Consignee: C.M.C., Nairobi. NAP 351/93 .. package spares kg.). Consignee: Marshal's E.A., Nairobi. 450/93 NAP/351/93 • • package spares (1 kg.). Consignee: Nissan, Nairobi. NAP/353/93 • • package spares (2.5 kg). Consignee: Mumias Sugar Co. NAP/354/93 • • package tyro fluid (10 kg.). Consignee: Car and General. NAP/355/93 • . 3 packages expired calendars and diaries. Consignee: Daithalon, Nairobi. NAP/261/93 • . package spares (8 kg.). Consignee: B. Patel, P.O. Box 41574, Nairobi. 411/93 NAP/456/93 • • package body lotion (7 kg.). NAP/357/93 • • package mcines (2 kg.). NAP/358/93 • • .. .. package food containers (13 kg.). NAP/359/93 • • .. package spares (1 kg.). Consignee: National Cereals and Produce Board. Nairobi. NAP/360/93 • • .. package medicine. Consignee: (Mimed Supplies Services. NAP/36I/93 • • .. • • package manuals (I kg.). Consignee: Copy Cat, Nairobi. NAP/363/93 . • .. .. 2 packages spares (20 kg.). Consignee: Copy Cat, Nairobi. NAP/364/93 • • .. 3 packages calendars. Consignee.: Bruce Trucks, Nairobi. 432/93 NAP/362/93 • • .. 3 packages wine. Consignee: Keiyo Ltd., Nairobi. NAP/365/93 • • .. 2 packages accupower U.P.S. (15kg.). Consignee: Syscom Kenya 453/93 Ltd., Nairobi. NAT/366/93 • • .. 4 packages personal effects. Consignee: Zuhura Abdallah, Mombasa. NAP367/93/ • • .. 1 package tachostrobe (18 kg.). /368/93 • • .. 1 package personal effects (20 kg.). Consignee: Mr. Balofitye, P.O. NAP Box 34, Watamu, Kenya. NAP/369/93 .,. . • .. .. 1 package manuals (I kg.). Consignee: Director of D.C.A., Nairobi. NAP/370/93 .. 1 Package books (5 kg.). Consignee: Italian Furniture, P.O.' Box 10972, Nairobi. 1726 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993


Lot No. Reference Number and Date Quantity and Description of Goods NAP/371/93 I package books (2 kg.). Consignee: D. M. Njagi, P.O. Box 789, Murang'a. 454/93 NAP/372/93 1 package tee rsonal effects (12 kg.). NAP/373/93 1 package papers (1 kg.). Consignee: D. H. L., Nairobi. NAP/374/93 1 package documents (1 kg.). Consignee: Dick Garstag, P.O. Box 47272, Nairobi. NAP/375/93 1 package alvartidag materials (5 kg.). C3asigaea: Pater Woadrom, P.O. Box 45050, Nairobi. NAP/376/93 1 package personal effects. Consignee: Gosh// Fathers, Nairobi. NAP/377/93 1 carton lighting. Consignee: Mosta, Tanzania. NAP/378/93 2 packages headlamps. NAF/381/93 package personal effects. 455/93 NAP/380/93 package iron boxes. 456/93 NAP/382/93 package pnoLo spares. Consignee: Copy Cat, Nairobi. NAP/383/93 package spares. Consignee: Computer Technics. 457/93 NAP/384/93 package fridge. Consignee: Awe( c/o Weida Camp. 458/93 NAP/385/93 package plastic trays (9 kg.). NAP/386/93 packages personal effects. Consignee: G. Odessey, P.O. Box 6000 Nairobi. NAP/387/93 packages personal effects. Consignee: The Headmistress, Box 403, . P.O. NAP/388/93 package personal effects. Consignee: Mr. E. Wesangula, P.O. Box 6116, Nairobi. 459/93 NAP/389/93 package balls. Consignee: Simbamwe Volleyball Team. NAP/390/93 package personal effects. NAP/391/93 package advertising materials (10 kg.). Consignee: Africa. Boast B. NAP/392/93 package personal effects. Consignee: V. W. Gathuku, P.O. Box 30723, Nairobi. 460/93 NAP/394/93 • • package personal effects. NAP/395/93 • • packages cotton wool. NAP/396/93 • • packages sweepings. NAP/397/93 • weepings. 461/93 NAP/398/93 • • packages assorted sweepings. NAP/399/93 • • package sweepings. NAP/400/93 • • package manuals. Consignee: Philips, Nairobi. NAP/401 /93 • • package spares (2 kg.). Consignee: Gestetner, Nairobi. NAP/402/93 • • package spares. Consignee: UNICEF, Nairobi. NAP/403/93 • • package posters (4 kg.). NAP/404/93 • • package spares (5 kgs.). Consignee: Mr. John, c/o UNEP, Nairobi. NAP/405/93 .. package documents (1 kg.). Consignee: Sukumuka, Nairobi. 462/93 NAP/40/93 package tools (2 kg.). Consignee: Hilton, Kenya, Nairobi. NAP/407/93 .. package assorted items. NAP/408/93 • • package body lotion. Consignee: Intertrade, Nairobi. NAP/410/93 .. package disposable nappies. Consignee: Mrs. Pratt, NAP/4I2/93 package shoe samples. Consignee: Father Shoe Factory.Nairobi. NAP/411/93 .. package assorted items (15 kg.). NAP/414/93 .. package gifts (8 kg.). NAP/415/93 .. package hair peoducts (13 kg.). Consignee: Elide Ponds. 463/93 NAP/409/93 package personal effects. 464/93 NAP/416/93 .. package personal effects. Consignee: Jim Ochuonyo, P.O. Box 30156, Nairobi. NAP/4I 7/93 .. package scientific equipment. NAP/418/93 .. package medicines. NAP/419/93 package personal effects. Consignee: Dhale, Mombasa NAP/420/93 .. packages medicines. NAP/42I /93 .. package brochures. Consignee: Safari Ltd., Nairobi. 465/93 NAP/411/93 .. 4 packages personal effects. Consignee: Dr. P. Olgnotie, . 466/93 NAP/422/93 .. 20 packages chemicals. Consignee: Chillington Tools Co., NAP/423/93 .. 1 package spares (6 kg.). Consignee: Maruben Corporation,Uganda. Nairobi. 467/93 P89 No. 075432 of 7-9-92 .. 1 piece telephone. 468/93 C53NAP No. 0740 of 3-8-93 .. 8 packages assorted items. 469/93 /424/93. . .. • . Sweepings. NAP/425/93 I crate spares parts. 470/93 NAP/426/93 .. I package spares. Consignee: Telcom. Nairobi. 471/93 NAP/427/93 I case cables. 472/93 NAP/428/93 .. I case spares. 473/93 NAP/429/93 .. 5 packages computers. Consignee: Friends College, Kaimosi. 474/93 NAP/430/93 .. 1 package spares. NAP/440'93 .. 1 package spares. 475/93 NAP/44I /93 I package spares. Consignee: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 476/93 NAP/442/93 .. 29 packages bottle tops. 477/93 NAP/444/94 .. 21 packages medicines. Consignee: Amref, Nairobi. 478/93 NAP/445/93 .. 5 packages personal effects. Consignee: B. Salim, Nairobi. 479/93 NAP/446/93 .. 2 packages parts (37 kg.). Consignee: SITA, P.O. Box 473039, Nairobi. 480/93 NAP/447/93 • • I package headlamps. 481/93 NAP/448/93 .. 6 packages envelopes. Consignee: K.L.M. Airlines, Nairobi. 482/93 NAP/449/93 .. 2 packages telecommunication equipment. Consignee: K.P. & T. Co., Nairobi. 483/93 NAP/450/93 • • 2 packages medicines 7 kg.). NAP/45I /93 • • 3 packages meiicines (12 kg.). ILRAD, Nairobi. NAP/453/93 • • 8 packages medical apparatus. 484/93 NAP/452/93 • • package. fishing hooks. NAP/454/93 • • package films. Consignee: Fuji Film, Nairobi. 485/93 NAP/455/93 • • packages spares. Consignee: Highland Ftr, Ltd., Nairobi. 486/93 NAP/456/93 .. package spares. Consignee: Sony Sugar Co., P.O. Box 107, Sare. 487/93 U20/93-I.C.D. pallet piopetes, ILRAD, 1-01202. 488/93 023/93-LC.D. cases industrial chucks. 489/93 U25/93-LC.D. 2 packages gas trancoons. Consignee: Badges (K) Ltd., P.O. Box 62499, Nairobi. 490/93 U26/93-I.C.D. (111XU 288389-7) .. 2 packages welding equipment. Scammus—(Contd.)

Lot No. Reference Number and Date Quantity and Description of Goods

491/93 U27/93-I.C.D. • • 6 packages silicon carbidgs papers. Comities: Autonom, Nairobi, 492/93 U28/93-I.C.D. • • 7 fiackaLes manuals. Consignee: Nganmac System and Supplies, U29/93-I.C.D. • . 1 package cleaning agents. Consignee: kl/s. Tyloam, Nairobi. 493/93 030/93-1.C.D. . • 16 packages directories. Consignee: K.P. & T.C., P.O. Box 47704, Nairobi. 494/93 U31/93-I.C.D. I package plain papers. Consignee: Simon Ndungu. 495/93 U32/93-1.C.D. I case machine tools. 496/93 U33/93-I.C.D. 17 packages religious books. Consignee: New Apostolic Church of ICenya, Nairobi. 497/93 U34/93-1.C.D. 2 cartons personal effects. Consignee: Ambrose Wowambu, Nairobi. 498/93 U35/93-I.C.D. 1 case S.T.C. spares. Consignee: Transworld Radio, Nairobi. 499/93 U36/93-I.C.D. 2 paper rolls. U37/93-I.C. D. I case spares. 500/93 NAP/522/93 .. 1 piece broken flower pot. 4 packages spares. 501/93 P89 No. 094516 of 4-9-93 .. 2 packages personal effects.

Dated the 8th October, 1993. C. A. WAMBUGU, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Northern Region

GAZETTE Nona No. 5943 It is to be noted that the number of complaints does not necessarily correspond with the number of advocates and firms of advocates complained against as several tempi aints' ate' THE ADVOCATES ACT often filed against one advocate or firm of advocates. (Cap. 16) During the said period, the complaints filed against advogates and firms of advocates were disposed of in the following THE I1711 REPORT OP THE COMPLAINTS COMMISSION manna: PURSUANT to section 53 (9) of the Advocates Act and rule 12 of the Advocates (Complaints Commission) Rules, The manner of disposal of No. of 1991, it is notified for general information that between 1st finalized compaints complaints July, 1993 and 30th September, 1993, the Complaints Commis- disposed of sion received a total of one hundred and seventy-two (172) new complaints by professionl misconduct or otherwise (a)Abandoned 17 against advocates and firms of advocates and that as of 30th (b)Rejected 41 September, 1993, one hundred and forty-three (143) cases were disposed of and right hundred and scum (807) cases were (c)Settled 36 pending. (d)Awarded compensation ... 2 (e)Withdrawn 9 The grounds for and nature of the new complaints are as shown below : 18 (g)Referred to the disciplinary committee .. 17 Nature of No. of (h)Referred to the courts ... 3 Complaints Complaint

(a)Failure to account . • .• • • • 40 143 (b) Failure to keep client informed .. •. • • • • 15 19 Almost invariably the cases referred to the disciplinary com- (d) Non-attendance at court by advocates 10 mittee include the extra charge of "failure to answer tO cor- (e)Failure to honour an Undertaking 1 respondence from the complaints commission". 1 During the report period the disciplinary committee finalized (f) Touting 17 cases referred to it by the commiseon. (g)Unlawful attachment of property and/or 1 The number of outstanding complaints, filed with the com- mission again* advocates and firms of advocates as of 30th (h) Acting without or contrary to clients' instructions 13 September, 1993, is eight hundred and seven (807) made up as 17 follows : (1) Issuing dishonoured cheques .. 5 1990 10 11 1991 59 (/) Failure to render profetsiomd service .• 3 1992 289 (m)Withholding client's files/documesits • • 1 1993 449 (n) Sharp on unethical practices . . 2 24 Total 807 (o)Withholding funds ... (p)Practising without a certificate 1 1 (q)False representation ... Dated the 25th October, 1993. 7

172 J. A. COULDREE, Commissioner. 1728 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5944 exclusive use of the letters "H" and "D" each separately and T1HE TRADE MARKS ACT apart from the mark as a whole. (Cap. 506) 39277.—Passenger cars, trucks, buses, apparatus for loco- of motion by land; parts of and fittings, accessories and com- NOTICE is given that any person who has grounds ponents for all the aforesaid goods. HYUNDAI Maros COMPANY, opposition to the registration of any of the trade marks ad- a company organized and existing under the laws of the Republic vertised herein according to the classes may, within sixty (60) of Korea. 28th October, 1991. days from the date of this Gazette, lodge notice of opposition on form TM. No. 6 (in duplicate) together with a fee of KSh. 1,500 (local applications) or US $75 (foreign applications). IN CLASS 5--SCHEDULE III Notice is also given that official objection will be taken under rule 21 (3) to all applications in which the specification claims all the goods included in any class unless the registrar is satisfied that the claim is justified by the use of the mark which the applicant has made, or intends to make if and when it is registered. Where an applicant considers that a claim in respect of all the goods included in a class can be justified it will save unnecessary delay in examining applications if a claim is filed simukaneously with the application, accompanied in appropriate cases by supporting documents. The period for lodging notice of opposition may be extended by the registrar as he thinks fir and upon such terms as he may direct. Any request for such extension should be made to the registrar so as to reach him before the expiry of the period allowed. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the Formal opposition should not be lodged until after reasonable exclusive use of the word "OIL" separately and apart from notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration the mark as a whole. so as to afford him any opportunity of withdrawing his appli- cation before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition 39315.—Medicinal oils and embrocation; pharmaceutical, Is incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted account in considering any application by an apponent for an for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dress- order for costs if the opposition is uncontested by the applicant. ings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Hoe Where it is stated in the advertisement of the applicant that HIN PAK FAH YEOW MANUFACTORY LIMITED, a company the mark, upon its registration, is to be limited to certain organized and existing under the laws of Hong Kong, of 17th colburs, the colours are, as far as possible, indicated in the Floor, First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, Cause- actompanying representations of the mark in the usual heraldic way Bay, Hong Kong, and c/o Messrs. Lysaght & Co., P.O. manner. Box-30116, Nairobi. Representations of the marks advertised herein can be seen at the Trade Marks Registry, State Law Offic e, Nairobi. Applications for registration in part A of the register are CLASS 25--SCHEDULE III shown with the official number unaccompanied by any letter. Applications for part B are distinguished by the letter B prefixed to the official number.

IN CLASS 31--SCHEDULE HI MUNSALT 1111 39421.—Pants,HAN° jeans, rompers, jumpsuits, shorts, shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, sweat shorts, vests GUANO LICENSING LTD. of Silverside/Carr Executive Centre, 501 Silverside Road, Wilmington, Delaware.


Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the adtusive use of the device of "CATTLE" separately and apart from the mark as a whole. The mark is restricted to colours "RED" and "CREAM" as shown on the representation of the form of application. 38410.—Animal feeds. KENYA HIGHLANDS DEAF LTD., partners Mary Mwangi (Mrs.) and Martin Mwangi, incorporated in Kenya, of P.O. Box 7285, Nairobi. 28th August, 1990. MURATTI IH IN CLASS 12--SCHEDULE LIGHTS

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "LIGHTS" separately and apart from the mark as a whole. 38985.—Tobacco, raw or manufactured; smoker's articles, matches. To be associated with TMA. No. 15439. FABRIQUES DE TASAC REUNIES S.A., of Quai Jeanrenaud 3 2002 Neuchatel MID Switzerland, and c/o Messrs. Daly & Figgie, advocates, P.O. Box 40034, Nairobi. 10th July, 1991. 19th November, 1993 THE KENYA OAMTE L729

Bone ter CLASS 9-,-SCHEDULE UI of 7 Campus Drive, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054, USA., and c/o Messrs. Hamilton Harrison & Mathews, advocates, P.O. Box 30333, 11th November, 1991.

1 Saehan In CLASS 5--Samons IR FEMSTAT Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the 38758.—All goods in class 5. Swan CORPORATION, NATION- "S" separately and apart from the exclusive use of the letter ALITY: PANAMANIAN, manufacturers and merchants, of Bank of mark as a whole. American Building, Calle 50, Panama, Republic of Panama, 39346.—Apparatus for recording, transmission and/or repro- and c/o Messrs. Atkinson Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. duction of sound and/or images; magnetic data carriers, record- Box 90121, Mombasa. 12th March, 1991. ing discs, magnetic optical discs, mini discs, laser discs, compact -discs, floppy discs; recording tzpe, video cassette tape, audio cassette tape, video tape, digital audio tape, digital com- IN aASS 4--Scamatna RI pact cassette tape, data processing; computers and computer- ware. SAEHAN Mame CO. LTD., a.1Coreen company, of 552-27, /Raja/a-dm, Suh-ku, Inchon, Republic of Korea, and c/o Messrs, Kaplan .& Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 40111, Nairobi. 20th November, 1991. AKAI

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the FREEDOM PHONE exclusive use of the letter "A" per se. 39274.—Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduc- 'Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the tion of sound and/or images; scientific, nautical, surtraYint mrlmive use of the word "PHONE" separately and apart electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, from the mark as a whole, - - measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lik-saving and 38866.—Telephones, answering machines, facsimile machines, teaching apparatus and instruments ; magnetic data carders, multi-station telephone key system, telephone accessories namely: recording discs; automatic vending machines, and mechanisms handset cords, line cords, adaptors, wires, jack converters, jacks, for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines face plates, wire junctions, couplers, filters, wire clips, back- and data processing equipment ; parts of and fittings and boards, antennas, message cassettes, beepers and carrying cases. accessories for all the aforesaid goods. To be associated with a com- Sounivnameine fins TELECOMMUNICATIONS, etc., a corporation 1'MA. No. 18818. Ant ELECIIUC COMPANY LDAITED, organized and existing under the laws of United States of pany organized and existing under the laws of Japan, 12-14 America, manufacturers and merchants, of 1000 Des Peres 2-Chome, Higashiaojiya, Tokyo, Japan, and c/oMesas Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63131, United States of America. Lysaght & Co., advocates, P.O. Box 30116, Naircia 28th 2040 May 1991. , October, 1991.

IN Gus 30—Sanmors nI TN Cass 3—Saumuu m HOLES ATLAS 39183.—Washing and cleaning agents. Haman Itosesumorn 39335.—CM/ea, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee , Heads* (Pan T scam Arm Arnetr, a Germany company, of substitutes, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, muse 67, Dusseldorf-HoRhausan, Germany, and ono Mann biscuits, cakes, pastry, candy, mints, confectionery ices, honey Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 40111, Nairobi. 13th treacle, yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard pepper, vinegar, September, 1991. sauces, spices, and rice. Num* Inc, a New Jersey corporation,


aletetdat InaPeadOns and Sete liublitallej for laundry use; clowning, peffshing, sande. ,igut Awoke mow rations;38074 —soaps. 'To be associated with TM*. Not 1658R 4219, 123130, 153451, 4218 and 31187L Catant Entala Cantor num NN., of Pietemaai 15, Willemstad, Cuacact, Netherland Antilles,.W.t a/o 'Messrs. Kanlate.flretteltatatitoefiles. P.0:BOx 40/11,-*Naktabi. thInd May, 1901. 1730 'ME KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993


38950.—Chanical products used in industry, hydraulic oils and fluids; transmission oils and fluids; anti-freeze and engine coolants; brake fluid; metal working fluids; rock drilling fluids. To be associated with TMA. No. 38951.


38951.—Oils and greases; lubricants; fuels, cutting oils.

The two applications appearing hereunder an proceeding in the name of THE Pitocrea & GAMBLE COMPANY, of One Procter & Gamble, Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A., and c/o Messrs. Atkinson Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 90121, Mombasa. 30th July, 1991.

IN cuss 16—Scam= III PHASES

The- transliteradon and translations of the Chinese characters 39058.—Disposable babies' diapers and pants made of paper appearing in the mark, by column from right to left are: "HOE and paper-like material. 30th July, 1991. HIN PAK FAH YEOW" "PAK FIAH YEOW" and "HOE HIN GONG SI CHU PIN" meaning "GENTLE PROSPER WHYTE. FLOWER OIL", "WHITE. FLOWER OIL" and IN Cuss 5—SCHEDULE III "PRODUCE OF GENTLE COMPANY". Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the WHISPER exclusive use of the words "GENTLE", "COMPANY", "PRO- DUCE", "OIL" or their translations or transliteration in any 39006.—Menstrual pads and shields, sanitary napkins, men- language and device of a "BOOTLE" or the device of strual panty liner shields and tampons. 5th July, 1991. "FLOWERS" each separately and apart from the trade mark as a whole. 39314.—Medicinal oils and embrocation; pharmaceutical, The six applications appearing hereunder are proceeding veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapt- in the name of Caucus Sysred, INc., a Texas corporation, ed for medical use, food for babies • plasters, materials for provider of financial services, of One Westbrook Corporate dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfect- Center, Suite 700, Westchester, Illinois 60154, U.S.A., and c/o ants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 40111, Nairobi. Hon HIE PAR FAH YEOW MANUFACTORY LIMITED, a company 29th November, 1991. organized and existing under the laws of Hong Kong, of 17th Floor, First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, IIN CLASS 9—SCHEDULE III Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, and c/o Messrs. Lysaght & Co., advocates, P.O. Box 30116, Nairobi. 6th November, 1991. CIRRUS

39370,—Electronic data carriers in the form of identity cards. IN CLASS 31—Samoutz III


39371.—Printed matters, forms, publications, periodicals, machine access cards, credit cards, magazines, books and other i rtam EH' writings. IN CLASS 9—SCHEDULE III

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "E.A." and "F" each separately and apart from the mark as a whole.

38742.—Cut flowers—flKenbloeta" for export. HOMA LIME COMPANY. LIMITED, manufacturers and farmers, of P.O. Box 1, Koru. 21st January, 1991.

The two applidations appearing hereunder are proceeding in the name of THE BRITISH Pirracunoss COMPANY P.L.C., a public limited company organized and existing under the laws of England, of Britannic House, Moor Lane, London ECTh A BU, England, and c/o Messrs. Atkinson Qeasby & 4Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 90121, Mombasa. 25th October, CIRRUS 1991. - 39372. Electronic data carriers in the form of identity cards. 1731 19th November, 1993 THE KENYA CfAZETTE

IN CLASS 16—StEEDULN Querns Nona No. 5946 39373.—Printed matters, forms, publications, periodicals, IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI machine IKONS cards, credit cards, Imprints, books and other PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having ban made in this court in: CLASS 9-4anarmin III CAUSE No 700 or 1993 By Ramadhani Sawngo, of P.O. Box 139, Ngong in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration ion:state to the estate of Damares Nairoshi, late of Kaliade in Kenya, who died at Kiserian in Kenya, ca 23rd December, 1983. CAUSE No. 968 or 1993 By (1) Nyambura Njoroge and (2) Gerald Karanja Njoroge, bath of P.O. Box 38, Maragua in !Kenya, the deceased's mother and brother, respectively, through M. N. Njororge, advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration Intestate to the estate of Malta Njoroge, late of Kiambu District -in Kenya, who died at District Hospital; Kiambu, on 1st Sept- ember, 1992. 39374.—Eleatrook data carriers in the form of identity cards. CAUSE No. 970 or 1993 By (1) leresia Njeri Mbugua and (2) Alice Wamuhu Mania, In CLASS 16—Satemns UT both of P.O. Box 52655, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and father, respectively, through M. N. Njoroge, advo- 39373.—Printed matters, forms, publications, periodicals, cate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration SWIPES machine access cards, credit cards, magazines, books and other to the estate of Patrick Kihiu Muhinja, late of Kiairthu -In writings. Kenya, who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on 16th October, 1992. CAUSE No. 1013 OP 1993 The three applications appearing hereunder are proceeding By Richard Omwela, of P.O. Box 30333, Nairobi in Kenya, In the name of Hozonsr AICTIENGESELISCHAFT, a joint stock the deceased's brother, through Messrs. Hamilton Harrison * company organized under the laws of the Federal Republic Mathews, advocates of Nairobi, for a gran of letters of of Germany, manufacturers and merchants, of 6230 Frankfurt administration Intestate to the- estate of Wycliffe °made am Main 80, Federal Republic of Germany, and c/o Messrs. Aedwati, late of in Kenya, who died at Damian Atkinson Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 90121, in Kenya, on 30th January, 1993. Mombasa. lath March, 1991. CAUSE No 1028 or . 1993 BOTH IN CLASS 7—SCHEDULE m By &di Vwambo Vigatsi, of P.O. Box 197, Knees in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through S. M. KeYonzo, adv0- HOECHST Cate of Nairobi, for a grant .of laden a -administration 38798.—All goods included in class 7. To be associated intestate to the estate of 'Thomas. Vigatsi Muhanga, late of ✓rrah TMA. Nos. 38799, 38800, 14306-14311, 14315-14320, 25629 IKakamega in. Kenya, who died at litho Sub-location In Kenya, and 25725. on 21st. October, 1984. Cause No 1102 or .1993 th, Cuss 16—Scninas HI By John Michael Gichuhi, of P.O. Box 271, tiyaburnm in Kenya, the deceased's brother; through P. S. *slime, advo- HOECHST cate of Nairobi, for -a grant otletters of administration Intestate 38800.—A11 goods included in class 16. To be associated to the estate of Kinyaga Muroki, late of Kiambu District in with 1MA. Nos. 38798, 38799, 14306-14311, 14315-14320, 25629 Kenya, who died at Lower Kabete Sub-location in Kenya, and 25725. on 31st October, 1992. ■ ••■•■•11 11=SIN Civil! No 1206 or 199* CLASS B—BENEDULE By (1) Linett Aching Oduor -and (2) Beatrice make Oduor, lel both of P.O. Box 30488, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's HOECHST widow and daughter, respectively, through Messrs.. Ork-yo. dk Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of Asters of adminis- 38799.—All goods included in class 9. To be associated tration Intestate to the estate of Samuel Oduor Okunity, late with TMA. Nos. 38798, 381300, 14306-14311, 14315-14320, 25629 of South Nyanza in Kenya, who died at Nairobi in. Kenya, and 25725. on 8th June, 1993.

• J. E. K. MUCHAE, CAUSE No. 1273 or 1993 Deputy Registrar of Trade Marks. By (I) Mary Wanjiru Minima and ( 2) aeon mait, both of P.O. Box 135, Kiambu in Konya, the deceased% widow and grandson, respectively, for a grant of letters of adMiftis- Gann Noma! No. 5945 nation intestate to the estate of Njiu Wamud Njau T. IN THE HIGH COURT OP KEW *AT NAIROBI Wamutl,• kilo of Kiambu District in Kenya, who died at PROBATE AND ADMIT KTRATION Kaman, Mambas kr KenYa, on 1 4th .Decembers 1992. 'MICE NOTICE that an aliplictsdod having been made in CAUSE No. 1375 or 1993 this stoat m• By Aggrey Khayimba Muclinri, of P.O. Box 30124, Nairobi Omen No. 149i of 1993 , ill Xenia; the dedeased's Soft, through .E:..:A. Mahe; advocate B9a itachiel Mugure Mwaum, of P.O. Box 413, Miura in of Nairobi, for a giant t of letters of administration intestate Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a want of letters of adminis- to the estate of • Elijah Mangusu Modhuo, bee .01 Kakimele tration intertate to the estate of foiwaura Karinja, late of in Kenya, who died 'at Kennett National Hospital in" Keens Kabite in 'genie, who died at Kittlyu Hospital in Kenya, on 14th May, 1985. CAWS No. 1402 ov 1993 The oxen will proceed to -Sae the same Unless cause be BY il) Marie 'Warditu hisrubir and (2) - Melvin Wane shown to the contrary and epposnince in* resPeet entered /*amber; both of P.O. Box; 52954. - Nairobi la KM*, The vdthin Othti (30) days than the date t BUblitgatien °lig deceased's widow and tespeetheb, through ltheeee noticessialbei Kenya Gazette. nt, 'Co.:advocates of Nairobi, foe: . -. . . • KeMbi-Gith & lefties of administration - inteStato so . the - meat of. Dated the Nal October, 1951 - - Nephat Marubu, late of Nairobi in Ka n% tethe - -senior He poly Registrar, Nairobi. on 21st August, 1988. 1732 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

CAUSE No. 1421 OF 1993 CAUSE No. 1462 OF 1993 By Stephen Ndungu Mwarangu, of P.O. Box 45402, Nairobi By (I) Kimani Wainaina and (2) Jane Murugi Mungai, both in Kenya, the deceased's nephew, for a grant of letters of of P.O. Box 200, in. Kenya, the deceased's son and administration intestate to the estate of Edith Njoki daughter-in-law, respectively, through Messrs. S. M. Chase & late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died at Haraka Scheme in Co., advoretes of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminis- Kenya, on 2nd September, 1992. tration intestate to the estate of Wainaina Mangere, late of Limuru in Kenya, who died at. Nairobi in Kenya, on 3rd CAUSE No. 1422 op 1993 July, 1981. By (1) Sauda Mohamed and (2) Hannah Wanjiru, both of P.O. Box 45402, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and CAUSE No 1463 OP 1993 daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration By Nirmala Honda, of P.O. Box 45851, Nairobi in Kenya, intestate to the estate of Mohamed Abdafla, late of Nairobi the executrix named in the deceased's will, through Messrs. in Kenya, who died there on 11th June, 1993. D. V. Kapila & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of the will of Satpal Karamchand Banda alias Satyapal CAUSE No. 1444 or 1993 Banda, late of Nairobi in Kenya, who died there on 11th By Mutua Wasuni, of P.O. Box 1286, in Kenya, January, 1990. the deceased's son, through G. E. 0. Mach & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate CAuss No. 1466 cw 1993 to the estate of Wasuni Musomba, late of Mbilini, Machakos By Tabitha Wachinga Wand, of P.O. Box 22296, Nairobi in Kenya, who died there on 3rd July, 1993. in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Peter Warn! Njoka, CAUSE No. 1449 OF 1993 late of Murang'a in Kenya, who died at Nairobi in Kenya, By (1) Joseph Kague Muroki and (2) John Kagwe Muroki, on 4th May, 1993. both of P.O. Box 180, Kikuyu in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate CAUSE No. 1468 OF 1993 of Muroki Itati, late of Kikuyu, Kiambu in Kenya, who By (1) Phoebe Akomo Ogola and (2) Josephine AkinYi Ogola, died at Kikuyu in Kenya, on 17th May, 1964. both of P.O. Box 47, Soy in Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respereively, for a grant of letters of admires- Cress No. 1450 OP 1993 nation intestate to the estate of John Leo Ogola, late of Kochia, By (1) Judith Nkiroti Murithi and (2) Florence K. Mugira, Kamenye, South Nyanza in Kenya, who died at District Hos- both of P.O. Box 50512, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's pital, Eldoret in Kenya, on 11th October, 1992. sisters, for a grant of leans of administration intestate to the estate of Mercy Nkatha Mugira, late of Meru in Kenya, CAUSE No. 1469 OF 1993 who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on 23rd March, 1993. By (1) Wanjiku Karanja and (2) Francis Mbugua Sakunda, both of P.O. Box 3, Ngong Hills in Kenya, the deceased's CAUSE No. 1453 OF 1993 mother and brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of By Mumtaz Begum Khan, of P.O. Box 44815, Nairobi in administration intestate to the estate of Emily Muthoni d/o Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Mandla & Sehmi, Wanjiku, late of in Kenya, who died at Ngong in advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration Kenya, on 29th December, 1990. intestate to the estate of Mohammed Saeed IChan, late of Nairobi In Kenya, who died there on 18th April, 1993. CAUSE No. 1470 or' 1993 CAUSE No. 1454 OF 1993 By Florence Atieno Owing', of P.O. Box 44368, Nairobi By (1) Agnes Wahito Kinyua and (2) Phillstiah Wasai in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Arum & Mwamburi, both of P.O. Box 46183, Nairobi in Kenya, the Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminis- deceased's mother and widow, respectively, for a grant of tration intestate to the estate of Phillip Zacheus Buggo, late letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mark of in Kenya, who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on 18th Gathinrea Klnyua, late of Kambaru Location, Nyerl District March, 1993. in Kenya, who died' along Nairobi-Mombasa Road. in Kenya, on 28th December, 1992. CAUSE No. 1471 OF 1993 By Harrison Maitre Katiuki, of P.O. Box 782, Nakuru In CAUSE No. 1456 OF 1993 Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Rumba liCinuthia By (I) Cecilia Ouma Nyakiamo and (2) Claudia Odinya & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminis- Ouma, both of P.O. Box 990, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's tration Intestate to the estate of Kariuki Kagara, late of widow and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Mwamii in Kenya, who died at Enoosupukia in Kenya, on 16th April, Gachoka & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters 1986. of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph John Owns, late of Nairobi in Kenya, who died at Masaba Hospital in CAUSE No. 1473 OP 1993 Kenya, on 19th November, 1992. By (I) Hassan Mohammed All and (2) Khadija Ismail Yuan?, both of P.O. Box 929, in Kenya, the deceased's sea CAUSE No. 1457 OF 1993 and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Oduk & Otieno, By Rasiklal Mublreat Patel, of - P.O. Box 43524, Nairobi advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration in Kenya, the lawful attorney of (1) Chandravadan Gordhanbhai intestate to the estate of Umboho Mohammed, late of Kiambu Patel and (2) Hashitkumar Gordhanbhai Patel, two of the residuary District in 'Kenya, who died at Thika Nursing Home in Kenya, legatees named in the deceased's will (the executrix Sushilabon on 30th September, 1989. Gordhanbhai Patel being deceased), through V. M. Patel, advo- cate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration with area No. 1474 OF 1993 written will annexed of the estate of Gordhanbhai Harmanbhai By (I) Margaret Lyabeya Mullane and (2) Kenneth Ijimba Patel, late of Nairobi in Kenya, who died there on 15th July, Otiende, both of P.O. Box 30254, Nairobi in Konya, the 1993. deceased's widow and brother-in-law, respectively, for a grant CAUSE No. 1438 OF 1993 of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Aggry By Bhagwaaji Hermraj Shah, of P.O. Box 22276, Nairobi Adego Otiende, late of District in. Kenya, who died at in Kenya, the executor named In the deceased's will, through General Hospital, Nakuru in Kenya, on 14th April, 1993. V. M. Patel, advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of The cant will proceed to issue the some unkei cause be the will of Homebred Kara/1mM Shah, late of Nairobi in Mown to the contrary and appearance bi this raped entered Kenya, who died there on 3rd September, 1993. within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. CAuSI3 No. 1459 oP 1993 By (1) Jane Wanjiru Gacresu and (2) Joseph Mwai, both Dated the 27th October, 1993. of P.O. Box 56509, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother, respectively, through Messrs. Minya & Co., C. K. MAI, advocates of Nairobi, fora grant of letters of administration Principal Deputy Registrar, Nairobi. intestate to the estate of Francis Wahome Gachere, late of tenet* in Kenya, who diet at Nairobi in Kenya, on 25th Note. — Tho wills mentioned above have been deposited in and December, 1992. are open to inspection at the court. nA 1733 19th NoVanber, 1001 THE A GAZETTE

CAUSE No. 1481 op 1993 Gszarm NOTICE No. 5947 ',mhos, Maim 14/Wart of P.O. Box 77, North Kinpngop !Karon, Ake ReRsaseep father, through Messrs. Morose & IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NA1143118 a/data, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admin. inteState nto the estate of Patrick Kimani Maim, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION M of North Kinangop (Tulaga) in Kenya, who died there TAKE NOTICE that applications having been Made in this on 13th December, 1990. court in: CAUSE No. 1486 or 1993 No. 172 by 1992 CAUSE py (I) Charley Ndungu Itui and (2) Teresia Wanjiku Mbugua, By (1) John "Ndungu MuckWhi, of P.Q. Bas tzRila Re 1',0, BOX 49996, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's in Kenya and (2) Francis Kanirire 1414111811, 91 11011- son and daughter4p-law, respectively, through Messrs. ,Oduk 0(latibu in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for • a grant I:4 dc hem adveates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of of administration intestate to the estate Of Muithiazt tion intestate to the estate of Itui Githoncm, Leto late of Karla in Kenya, who died at Ileitis LoCation in warn trat ql Ithangarari in Kenya, who died there on 18th February, on 24th April, 1974., 199i. • CAUSE No. 1305 or' 1992 CAUSE No. 1487 oP 1993 By (1) Savenzia Muhongo Khatela and (2) 'Peter Salainbo By (1) Jenipher Ondia Owira and (2) Charles Obiero, both Khatela, both of P.O. Box 171, Kakamega in Kenya, the 0t, P.O. Box 214, Siaya in Kenya, the deceased's mother deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant Of letters 9 4 9914allp tesiriCalit through Messrs. Oduk & Odes*, of administration intestate to the estate of John Khatela arlsosates,of11 .Nahobi, for a, giant of letters of administration Musiona, late of Kakamega in Kenya, who died at Indangasia intestate to the estate of Maurice Otieno Owira, late of Siaya Sub-location, On 2nd May 1900. It Kenya, who dread at Nairobi in Kenya, on 6th February, 1991. CAUSE No. 706 6r 1993 By Ruth Nevi Ngure, of P.O. Box 12430, Nairobi in Kenya, CAUSE No. 1490 op 1993 & the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Ramesh Shama By (1) Jerusa Lenifish Omani, of P.O. Box 48073, Nairobi Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of wiminis- _Keur and (2) Nyaringi Ombui, of P.O. Box 86342, nation intestate to the estate of Wilson Ngure Thuo, late of ambasa in KenYa, the deceased's widow and brother-in-law, Murang'a in Kenya, who died at Mimi:aria Sub-MeatIon In iArivecately— for grant, of letters of administration intestate Kenya, on 17th January, 1993. to the estate topper Omani Ombui, late of Mombasa K who ed at Coast General Hospital in Kenya, on Cuts NO. 1192 OF 1993 3ist July, 1993. By (1) Norman Macaws Arab and (2) Tabitha Kagwiria„ both of P.O, Box 6916, Nairobi in Kenya, the CAUSE No. 1491 op 1993 deceased's widower and sister-in-law, reslrietivel.1 4tbrough Messrs. By John Kiatie Njoroge, of P.O. Box 53771, Nairobi in Kaai, Mugambi & Co., advocates of Nair for a grant Konya, the, deceased's win, for a grant of letters of administra- of letters of administration intestate to the ;state to Rose tion intestate to the estate of Njoroge Marie, late of Kiambu Mwari Murea, late of Meru in Kenya, who died at District in Kenya, who died at Kaaba Medical Centre in Hospital in Kenya, on 15th April, 1991. Konya, on llit August, 1992.

CAUSE No. 1455 OF 1993 CAUSE No. 1495 or 1993 By Sukwant Kaur, of P.O. Box 41920, Nairobi in Kenya, the executrix named in the deceased's will, through Messrs. By Simon Kairu Njuguna, of P.O. Box 1651, Thika in Kenya, S. S. Jowhal & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of the deceased's son, through Messrs. Wandaka, Gathaara & Company, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of late of Nairobi in Kenya, who died these on 22nd July, 1989. administration intestate to the estate of Njuguna Gathiru, late P of, Mugurnoith Sub-locatioa, who died there on 21st January, 1982 CAUSE No. 1475 op 1993 By (1) Phyllis Nyamangu Kariuki and (2) Chase Kariuki No. 1497 Op 1993 Gathungu, both of P.O. Box 54313,Nairobi in Kenya, the CAUSE deceased's widow and friend, respectively, through Messrs. By (1) Joanina Myrari Kaaria and (2) Tom Kithinji, both Vohra & Gitao, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of P.O. Box 20, Ngong in Kenya, the deceased's wide* and of administration intestate to the estate of James Gathungu brother-in-law, respectively, through Messrs. Mwiti Murungi Kariuki, late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died at Darajani in • & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminis- Kenya, on 30th January, 1993. tration intestate to the estate of Wilford Josphat Kaaria Muhira, late of Nairobi in Kenya, who died there on 8th November, CAUSE No. 1476 OF 1993 1992. No. 1498 op 1993 By (I) Mary Muthoni Chege and (ta) NY _Thus Msrithi, CAUSE both of P.O. Box 27, Litatirtt in Kanya, the s widow BY Geoffreyuthia Nienga, of P.O. Box 73044, Nairobi and family friend, respectively, for a of letters of in KVA!, tTle sed's son, for a grant of letters of adininis- administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Chege Karanja, nation inristate to the state of Loise Wamitla Wiener 1Me late of Huruma, Uasin Gishu in Kenya, who died 'that on of Kiambu District in Kenya, who died'at %Cater°, Nyathuna 28th May, 1993. Location in Kenya, on 20th January, 1990. CAUSE No. 1418 uti 1993 CAUSE No. 1502 oP 1993 s. By Joshua. Marine Mairii of P,0- .Bet 4M11. Nairobi:; i , 0-* in err, Kenya, the deceased's min, thrash Nabob, Raba% _edve- $144, 0 anon 11941•10f. cate of Nairobi, for a grant of lathers of administration 4.911=' 91191 .10. 9eFha 1011111 intestate to the Mote of Francia Masai. (10thiltm late of Mato 4.11? October, 1992. Andel, bfachakos in, Kenya, who died at Medians Hospital P.GE A te Kenya. on24th MaY, 1989. Cato 14ca 1104 60 1903 east No. 1480 btr 1993 BY 41) MS '00443441qa d . * PalliStel*SiNge tete*, MS lot' If kilardtairelint h-daPa -rta bot both df P.O. BM 71; Mk Mesers. Kale & Co., advo- sootima& Co.. kdaKthl:4=,..„_ alftEgP, and Widow, respectively, armegh, itivaat4.4 8P8MPOalir cates of Nairobi, for a grant of Matt of illfdifiettilfreti **twit Sw_wfik %away to the atria of &fun Timothy Nzioka. Ndambuki, late of Mall *Whoa who died at Nairabi is %fait Kaltitinia Mee at Martakoa Hospital in Kenya, of Tatabh Kan, Mak18101 June, 1988. on 8th June, 1992. 1734 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

CAUSE No. 1505 oe 1993 Csust No. 1559 or 1993 By (1) Margaret Wambui Kaman and (2) Cynthiah Waithira By (1) Evaline Okome Sitawa and (2) Sylvester M. Musumba. Maine, both of P.O. Box 478, Murang'a in Kenya, the deceas- both of P.O. Box 30272, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's ed's widow and sister-in-law, respectively, for a grant'rant of letters widow nd brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminis- of administration intestate to the estate of Charles Gichuhi tration intestate to the estate of Vincent Opello Sitawa, late Ktunau, late of Kambara, Runyeki, in Kenya, who died of Busia in Kenya, who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on 26th on 19th August, 1992. August, 1 993-

CAUSE No. 1562 or 1993 CAUSE No. 1506 OF 1993 By (1) Mary Wanjiku Muhia and (2) Kimere Warui, both of. P.O. Box 438, Eldama Ravine in Kenya, the deceased's By (1) Wangai Nyathe and (2) Juliet Njeri Wagana, both widow and father-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of P.O. Box 54496, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's brother of administration intestate to the estate of Francis Muhia and widow, respectively, through Messrs. K. Mwaura & Co., Karanja, late of Baringo in Kenya, who died at Nairobi in advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration Kenya, on 2nd August, 1990. intestate to the estate of Jackson Wagana Nyuthe, late of Nyeri in Kenya, who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on 17th The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be July, 1993. shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this CAUSE No. 1507 of 1993 notice in the Kenya Gazette.

By (1) Francis Muchina Njoroge, (2) Klarie Njoroge Muchina Dated the 28th October, 1993. and (3) Margaret Wanjiru Njoroge, all of P.O. Box 82, Miharati in Kenya, the deceased's sons and widow, respectively, for a C. K. MAI, grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Principal Deputy Registrar, Nairobi. Njoroge Muchina, late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died at Kiawanugu, Kabete Location, on 3rd December, 1991. Note.—The wills mentioned above have been deposited in and are open to inspection at the court.

CAUSE No. 1508 OF 1993

By (1) Alice Wangari and (2) John Njuguna, both of P.O. Box 63, North Kinangop in Kenya, the deceased's widow and GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5948 brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Nguru Githaiga, late of IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAIKAMEGA Nyandarua District in Kenya, who died at District Hospital, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEDEON in Kenya, on 29th March, 1993. MUHATI SHIASHIA OF ICAKAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE No. 1509 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 38 OF 1992 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for By Roger Bryan Robson, of P.O. Box 15021, Nairobi in a gram of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Kenya, one of the executors named in the deceased's will above-named deceased, Who died at Shirere Sub-location, on (power being reserved for the other executor, Michael Fairfax Robson to prove), through Messrs. Daly & Figgis, advocates 17th Aunt, 1982, has been filed in this registry by Joseph Stone of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of the will of Betty Fairfax Mihail, in his capacity as son of the deceased. Robson, late of Nairobi in Kenya, who died there on llth And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form April, 1993. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. CAUSE No. 1551 or 1993 And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged By (I) Eliud Mwaniki Njuguna, (2) Joseph Kiongo Njuguna in this- registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of and (3) David Kinyanjui Njuguna, all of P.O. Box 55, Kikuyu the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in Kenya, the deceased's sons, through Messrs. Waruhiu and make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Muite, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminis- tration intestate to the estate of James Njuguna Kiang°, late Dated the 6th July, 1993. of Kiambu in Kenya, who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on W. A. JUMA, 26th February, 1993. Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

CAUSE No. 1552 of 1993 GAZETTE Norms No. 5949

By (1) Joseph Njuguna Kariuki and (2) Mary Njoki Kariuki, IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA both of P.O. Box 11993, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widower and sister-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RAMADHAN of administration intestate to the estate of Mary Wambui 7dBWANA JUMA OF ICAKAMEGA Njuguna, late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died at Nairobi PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION in Kenya, on 21st April, 1992. SUCCESSION CAUSE 'Nb. 60 OF '1992 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice thata petition for CAUSE tsp. 1S55 OF 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at !Nairobi; on 17th February, By Kinikturiar Zaverchand Khetsi Shah, of P.O. Box 40848, 1991, has been- fled in this toeistry by Saida Anyienda Jams, Nairobi in Kenya, the eget:War named in the deceased's will, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. - through K. H. Rawal (Mrs.), advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of the will of. Chandul. Pointlal Heraraj Shah, late And further take notice that objections in the prescrnhed form of Nairobi in Kenya, who died there on 23rd August, 1993. to the leaking of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30} days of publication of this notice CAUSE No. 1356 or 1993 And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form in - this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of Ey (1) Jennifer Gikul Kionj aitd (2) George KahUgil'ICIOti, the date of publication of this notice the court may proceed to both of P.O. Box 51, Bairn Kenya; the deceased's widow make-the grant as prayed or to macee- finch order as it thinks fit. and son, respectively, through Mbari Kited (Miss), advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration Intestate Dated the 28ph September, 1993. t to the estate of Stephen Kioni, late of Ruiru in Kenya, who G. A. NDEDA, died at Gatundu Hospital in Kenya, on 13th May, 1979. Deputy Registrar. Kakamega. 19th November, 1993 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1735

GAZETTE Nonce No. 5950 GAZETTE Nan' No. 5953 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAS/1E0A IN Tau HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MA1 1 bat OF THE ESTATE OF JUMA IN"THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ETA HASSAN CHEBAYWA OF KAKAMEGA MICHAEL OF KAKAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMRHSTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE iNb. 88 OP 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 159 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the pasties concerned take notice that a petition for a trent of letters of adasingtration intestate_ to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-tamed deceased, vitro died at Kakamega Hospital, on above-named deceased, who died at Ebunangwe Sub-location, 30th October, 1992, has been Mod in this registry by &Adman on 29th February, 1988, has been filed in this registry by Hosea Hassan Murunga, in his capacity as brother of the deceased. Oliesto 'Agenda, in his capacity as son of the deceased, And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. - And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form in this registry in the presaged form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the preserted form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the COOTS may proceed to the date of publication of tbis notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the gram as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit Dated the 8th July, 1993. Dated the 18th October, 1993. , G. A. NDEDA, W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

Carrie NOTICE No. 5951 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5954 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ICAROLI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NEHENHA IMBOBA KHATIMBA OF KAKAMEGA AINYALE MUICUZL OF ICAKAMEOA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION No. 160 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 150 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a giant of letters of administration inteetate to the estate of the a grant of letters of admiuisuetion intestate to of the abov•named deceased, Mio died at Shiseso Sub-location, on abovenamed deceased, who died at Munonvai on 15th Fah- 22nd February, 1991, has been filed in this • registry by Clement nary, 1993, 'has been fded in this registry by Richard Eregwa Shikokoti Mallets, in his capacity as brother of the deceased. &SSA, in his capacity as giandson of die deceased And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this roguery within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take Deere that 6 no objection has been lodged And further take notice that ii no objection has bane lodged in thsi registry in the presoribed toms within tiny(30) days Of in this nipstry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of ; the date otpublicadon of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice,' Ate court may premed' to make the grant as prayed or to make such order es it thinki fit.. make the gram as prayed or to make set order as it *Matt: Dated the 6th July, 4993. Dated the 6th July, 1993. W, A. JUMA, W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Registrar, Kakamega .

Gamin NOTICE No. 5952 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5955

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT .KAKAMEGA . IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA At KAKAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MOLANDA 114 THEMATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MACTINNT SIKOLIA OF KAKAMEGA ISIA'HO_O1 KAKAIMEC A - PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succasston CAUSE NO. 153 or 1993 Sirccession CAUSE No. 162 OF 1993 LET ALL the Patties ptininned *eke noticedmit a petition for LET. ALL the parties coiscerned take notice that a pennon for a not of-letters of adminhamtlon Intestine to the slab of the • grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovienamed dottiest, who cried at Malin% Sub-Ice/ton, gat abased doomed( aitad'died rat Siikut" Su, tin 24th January, 1993, has been Kled in this mein}, by Moses 24th Eitceraber, 4973, has-been filed itr,this registry MISS Mutate:la, in his capacity as eon of theIfectemert MuEtIni 9i4tdatlii,ire bar capacity as widow oilia. And further take notice, that objections in the prescribed tim cATleitaiher take Stab' toideatops in the ;mesa to the •making of the psiopose4; grape are invited and must be td the maths of the entitised mat. are invited andt uit be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publitation , Of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of public* ion of this notice. this node'. And further take notice that 01 objection los further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this 'Man? -det.IstibO BineiMithat.thirty Mittnra'wit!EE -thirtY 0°) ii)8Y! 0 the tate of pat:anon- of *Cad/10;4)1d 040.0 or Of. Wa:Bie cotiri may prMam! to =Oreille grant as prayed Or ho Make such /der as it s fif. inihink Pitt 11 illalei# erderH es it think it, . Dated the 13th July, 1993, he 6th JulY,1993. W. A. JUMA, W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. 1736 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

Gszerra Nome No. 5956 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5959

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ABSOLOM IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HERMAN CHOGO BUDUMA OF KAKAMEGA MALUNGU. MWANZ1 OF KAKAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 166 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. tin OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take some that a petition foe a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the ✓ . gram of) letters of adminituration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, above-named deceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru, on 24th February, 1993, has been filed in this registry Kakamega, on 7th April, 1978, has been filled in this registry by Noel Asalika Chogo, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. by Antony Likalamu, in his capacity as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication this notice. of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of pnbiicanon of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order us k thinks M. Darted the 6th July, 1993. Dated the 7th July, 1993. W. A. JUMA, W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.


IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF 'SULEMAN IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA SHIKUKU WALUTSACHI OF KARA/MEGA LIBOYWA LIGALE OF KAKAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION ICAUSE NO. 168 OF 0993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 177 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition Ter a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above named deceased, who died at Lubinu StibTocation, on above-named deceased, who died at Lugari Sub-location, on 20th 9th December, 1987, has been filed in this registry by Rahema May, 1979, has been filed in this registry by Nathan Mudave Makokha Shikoku, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. Liboywa, in his capacity as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of 'he proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make Ma order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.

Dated the 7th July, 1993. Dated the 5th July, 1993. W. A. YUNIA, W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

Gazsrm Nonce No. 5958 GAZETTE Nonce No. 5961

IN THE . HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EZEKIEL IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE' F TSAIKA YEYE ARAP VOITO OF KAKAMEGA AMAKOBE OKUTO OF KAKAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No 170 OF 1993 SUrcESSION CAUSE No. 179 OF (1993 LET ALL the partite concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take. notice that a petition for a gram of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration. intestate to the estate of the 00e-tamed deceased, who died at Gavuthmyi Sulailiccadon, acne-llama deceased, who died at. Lunn Subslocatiaa, on on 12th December, '1991, has been , filed hi this tegistry by 27th December, 19D, has been filed in this registry by Shikoku Edna kfurtachi, 'her capacity as widow of the. deceased. Amakobe, in his capacity as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections In the tresonlied foam And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrytwithin thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty 00) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the, court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 7th July, 1993. Dated the 13th July, 1993.

W. A. JUMA, W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kalamai°. Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

1737 19th- Nowernber, 1993 11111 133billkM:

Gantorra Novas No. 5965 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5962 OF KENYA AT ICAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KORSAMU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MALALA MAliBU DENITPLI OF KAICAMEGA MAYAV1 OF KAKAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Sucagettar Cane N1/4). 191 or •1993 Suttees:at Crams No. 180 or 1993 . LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL The parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the of /otters of achnittistration intestate to the estate of the a grant en 22nd above-named deceased, who died at Mbale Sub-location, ten 5th above-named deceased, who died at Shin' Sith-location, December, 1988, has been filed jn this registry by Donca G. July, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Manguseya Maheli, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. in' is capacity as son of the demand. tbientions is the prescribed Maw And further take notice that objections in the prescribed font And further take notes that to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be (30) days of Put/B=0m of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publisimion of lodged is this registry within thirty this nonce. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been edged in this minty in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may Proceed to tbh date of publication of this notice, the Court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make sick order as it thinks fit. make the not as prayed or eo make salt order as it Ste It. Dated the 8th July, 1993. Dated the '12th July, 1993. W. A. JUMA, W. A. YUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Registrar, Kakantega.

5966 °imam. Nonce No. 5963 GacetrE NOTCE No. IN THE HIGH. COURT OF KENYA AT ICMCAMEGA IN THE HIGH OCEIET OF KENYA AT KA/GAMBOA INTHE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ENOCK IN THE M Af kit OF THE ESTATE OF PETRO SHALAKTIA OP ICANAMEGA SHIANOAFI OF AICAMEGAK TAWAI 641.1CHIKA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE' AND ADMINISTRATION duct:Mem terse 'NO. 492 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 167 0E1993 'If LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a rpm of Wert of tedmhgettistica insane to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Ileho Sub4ochtion, on 1st abate /named deceased-, who died at Semite; Sub4octition, on 2nd July, ,1991, has been Med in dth tegStty by (4) Janet Baran April, 1976, has been filed in this registry by 'ma.i.hascilut and (2) Zipporah Muchika, he their repetitive capacities as sister Chiba% in her capacity as widow of the and widow of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take *Mice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that it no objection has been lodged in this reran-) in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notix, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the arun may proceed to make the grant as prayed nr so make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit, Dated the 7th July, 1993. Dated the 6th Jul', 1993. W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. W. A. JUMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5964 Guam's Nonce No. 5961 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH ODOM' OP KENYA AT ICAKAMEGA SN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP YOHNNA ESTATE OF ALUBILI LUCHABBLELI OF KAZAN:BOA TN THE MATTER OF TfIE MIJSILA. dit• IC_MCAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PRORATE AND ADMINISTRATION OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 190 Sumter= CAUSE No. 194 or 1993 LET ALL the parties contented take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned sake notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-maned deceased, who died at Siddlayi Sub-bunion, on above-name deceased, who died at Shianda Sub4ocation, on 11th My, 1992, has been filed in this registry by (l) Andala 14th August, 4982, has been filed in this registry by Henry Lucheveleli and (2) Adana Muchanji, in their capacities as sons Andel Aluviri, in his capacity as son of the deceased. of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice thee objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publifation of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take Baia that if ne objection has been lodged in this registry in the presaibed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within Chitty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of oublicathm of this notice, the court may Proceed to to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to Make such order as it thinks It Make she grant as prayed Or Dated the 13th July, 1993. Deed the 44th My, 1993. W. A. YUMA, W. A. HAMA, Deputy Registrar, Kakantells Deputy Registrar, Kalunnega. 1738 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE Norton No. 5968 atzerm NOTICE No. 5971

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU EN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MAT PER OF THE ESTATE OF ERIC - IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CAREY ODHIAMBO AMENGA OF KISUMU FRANCIS CYLUOKO OLOO OF KISUMU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUIrESSION CAUSE No. 21 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 110 OP 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at North-East Gem Location, above-named deceased, who died at Masumbi, East Ale-go, Siaya Siaya District of the Republic of Kenya, on 4th May, 1993, on 19th August, 1992, has been filed in this registry has been filed in this registry by Benjamin Asuna Amenga, in by Juniata Adhiarobo Oluoko, in her capacity as widow of the his capacity as brother of the deceased. deceeed. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 14th June, 1993. Dated the 4th June, 1993. H. ONG'UDI, C. 0. ONGUDI, Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5969 atzErre Nonce No. 5972 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JACKSON IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ItANIANUS FRERICK OLOO MAGATI •OPANDE tKISAKA OF KISUMU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 107 Or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. '126 OP 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Kakamega, on 3rd April, above-named deceased, who died at Ongbunta Sub-location, 1989, has been filed in this registry by Mariam Nzinghe Mndeke, North Kano Location, Kisumu District, on 5th May, 1987, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. has been filed in this registry by Nicholas Obunde Opande, of Ombumba Sub-location, in his capacity as an administrator And further take notice that objections in 'the prescribed form of the deceased's estate. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form this notice. to the-making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged this notice. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of he date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to Dated the 24th May, 1993. mast the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. 0. A. SEWE, Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. Dated the 24th June, 1993. F. M. 0. KADIMA, GAZETTE Nome No. 5970 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU GAZETTE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID NOTICE No. 5973 OCHIENG OMUMBO OF NYALUNYA SUB-LOCATION, KOLWA, KISUMU DISTRICT IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES ONGANYI OJARA OF KISUMU SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 109 Or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION a grant or letters of administration intestate to the estate of the SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 128 OP 1993 above-named deceased, who died at Nyalunya Sub-location, Kisumu, on Ilth November, 1989, has been fried in this registry LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for by Julia Auma Omumbo, in her capacity as an administratrix a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the of the deceased's estate. above-named deceased, who died at Pap-Onditi, Kisumu District, on 23rd June, 1992, has 'been filed in this registry by Seta .1nd further take notice that objections in the prescribed form Amweno Ojara, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form this nonce. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged this notice. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days`of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks lit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the make the pant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 2nd June, 1989. Dated the 28th June, 1993. C. 0. (WOOD', F. M. 0. KADPMA, Deputy Registrar, KISUMU. Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. 19th November, 1993 It thin fps

Cane None No. 5974 Genre Nonce No. 5977 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THEMIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MATTER OF THE-ESTAIV. 017 1.13SALIA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION ABURA WANUNDA 014000 OF KISUMU TAKE NOTICE that an application hiving been made in this PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION court in: CAUSE Nb. 129 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 135 OF 1993 , By Pabonala Odlyta °veld; of Sate, Awendo, Migori District LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a peen for within the Republic of Kenya, for a rant of letters of admin- • gram of letters of administration inters to the estate of the elation intestate to the estate of Joseph Owido Modena, of above-named deceased, who died at Mayan "A" Kisumu, God Abuoro, Kisumu District, vivo died on 21st December, on 6th February, 1988; has been fled in this Wien/ by Ndsoll 1992. Okongo Oraogo, of P.O. Box 191, Kisumu, in his capacity as son of the deceased. The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be And further take notice that objections in the prestinhed fornA shown to the, contrary and appearance in this respect entered to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must 'be viithin thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this lodged to this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of notice in the Kenya Gazette. thisr notice Dated the 30th June, 1993. And further take notice that if no objectie has been /Wed in this registry in the form within thirty (30) des of H. ()MIMI, the date of publication of this iotice, the court may mowed to Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. sake the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks It. Dated the 8th July, 1993. F. M. 0. ICADIMA, Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. Gwent Nonce No. 5978 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION GAZETTE Nonce No. 5975 TAKE NOTICE that applications hewing been made in this court in: IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU Cate Nb. 122 or 1993 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM By Joyce Kaheza !sage, of P.O. Box 84, Weenie, the ODHTAMED SAMO OF KISUMU deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph ha& Sandagi, of Vihigs. District, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION who died en 13th March, 1991. SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 1B7 Op 4993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a Petition Bir Cause Nb. 127 or 1993 a grars of letters of administration intestate to the estate of dW By Francis Tobin Oleiri, of West Kolwa Location, Kisumu shove-named deceased, who died at Small World, Macbakos,d District, for a grant,of letters of administration intestate to the on 15th March, 1991, has been tiled in this registry by Beatrioet estate of Mena Okini Dese, who died on 2nd October, 1979. Adidas:rib° Owade, of .1Cadongo „SuteWation, We. Kinenni Location, Kisumu Bisect, in her rapacity as widow of the The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be deceased. shown -to the contrary and appeamante in this respect entered And further take notice that objections-in- the prescribed Lona within-thirty (30) days front the date of publication of this to the making of the proposed num are invitee and masehe notice in the Kenya Gazette. of lodged in this registry within thisty (30) ides of Pubbelon Dated the 9th July, -1993. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged F. M. 0. KADIMA, in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30)- days of Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed W make the grant as prayed or to make such order as It thinks fit. Dated the 18th October, 1993. H. ONG'UDI, GAZETTE Nonce No. 5979 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. IN THE HIGH COURT AF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MA1 mit OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE KWAMBOKA OBINO OF NYAMIRA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5976 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 317 OF 1993 IN THE HIGH COURT M. KENYA AT .1CISUMU LET ALL the panties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATRIN above-named deceased, who died at Nyamira Hospital, on 7th TAKE NOTICE that an applicationlavving been made in this November, 1991, has been filed in this registry by David Obino one in: Otwori, of Kiabiraa Sub-loctition, 'Henke District, P.O. Box 4, CAUSE Nb. 212 of 1952 , Nyamira, in his capacity as widower of the deceased. By Hamed Mrokozi Hassan, of Mkendua Sdb-location, East And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form Kisumu Location, Klee District, in the Republic of Kenya,' to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must he for a gram of leers of Ettlemeettion Intestate to the estate odgeed ip,this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of of Hassan Genya Junta, late who died on 24th April, 1991. - this notke. The court will proceed to issue, the sane union cause be And further take notice that if 110 objection has been lodged town to the contrary and spooned in`tiro respect entered in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of within thirty (30) days from the date 8f pliblicadon of this. the daterpf publication of this notice, the court may proceed to Man in the Kenya Gazette. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fir Dated the 15th Novelle-, 1992. Dated the tillt November, 1993. C. 0. ONGUDI, INJENE TNDECHE, Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. Deputy Registrar, 1740 !c.14,11(41/22' 99ATIT 19th November, 1993

Gszerre NOTICE No. 5980 Grimm NOTICE No. 5983 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHAKOS IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LEAH TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this CHEPSIELE KIPSOI OF KERICHO court in: CAUSE No. 30 OF 1993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By Sammy Mwanzii Sevu, of P.O. Box 47, Matiliku, for a SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 64 OF 1993 grant of letters of administration imemate to the estate of LET ALL the parties concerned rake notice that a petition for Kinyinginyi Muthama, of Matiliku, who died domicile a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the in Kenya at Matiliku, on Igth May, 1979. above-named deceased, who died at Nauro, Lekkt, Kericho, on 18th July, 1993, has been filed in this registry by Stephen CAUSE No. 59 OF 1993 Kiptoo Tuigo, of P.O. Box 76, Kipkelion, in his capacity as an By Dominic Mwalili Mathembe, of P.O. Box 469, Kitak, administrator of the deceased's estate. the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form intestate to the estate of Syomwiu Muthami, of Utithini Location, to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be who died domicile in Kenya, at Utithini, on 6th October, 1987. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be this notice. shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered And further [eke notice that if ao objection has been lodged within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of notice in the Kenya Gazette. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to Dated the 27th September, 1993. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. J. THUITA, Deputy Registrar, Machakos. Dated the 27th October, 1993. S. G. ONG'ANYI, GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5981 Deputy Registrar, Kericho. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHA1COS PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5984 TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: TN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI CAUSE No. 203 or 1993 TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH By (I) Kavondo Mutuma and (2) Kateke Mutuma Mwania, NJITHI WAHEIRE OF KIMATIll ESTATE, NAIROBI, both of P.O. Box '79, Koranic the deceased's widows, for a KENYA grunt of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mutuma Mwania alias Mutuma Mwania Muthengi, of Katangi PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Location, Who died domicile in Kenya at Katangi, on 15th . SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 139 OF 1993 May, 1990. LET ALL persons concerned take notice that a petition for CAUSE No. 205 or 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the By Joseph Mutoko Uvonge, of P.O. Box '1, Mutituni, the above•named deceased, who died at Nairobi, Kenya, on 1st deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate October, 1993, has been filed in this registry by (I) Jedidah to the estate of Nyiva Uvonge, of Mutituni Location, who died Wairimu Njklti and (2) Michael Wetheire Njithi, bath of P.O. domicile in Kenya, at Mutituni, on 6th July, 1992. Box 28991, Nairobi, in their respective capacities as administra- nix and The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be administrator of the deceased's estate. shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be notice in the Kenya Gazette. • lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. Dated the 22nd October, 1993. N. N. MAGI, And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged Deputy Registrar, Machakos. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the count may proceed to Gtzerre NOTICE No. 5982 make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHAKOS Dated the 5th November, 4993. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION J. S. MUSHELLE, Deputy Registrar, Nyeri. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSE No. 211 OF 1993 Gszerra Norma No. 5985 By (1) Florence Nclindi Mwilu and (2) Monicah Mwongeli Mwilu, both of P.O. Box 457, Machakos, the deceased's widows, IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANJAU John Mwiiu Waite, of Mutituni Location, who died domocile NGUGI OF NDUGAMANO, in Kenya, at Nairobi, on 1st July, 1979. PROBATE IAND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE No. 212 0E1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 141 OF 1993 By (1) Mariam Syokau and (2) Hesinauce Ndunge, both of LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a P.O. Box 69967, Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration grant of letters of administration intestate to the mare of the intestate to the estate of Mutuku Sida, of Mwala Location, above-named deceased, who died at Ndugamano Village, on who died domicile in Kenya at lICemyatta National Hospital, 9th July, 1993, has been filed in this registry by Prisilar Muthoni on 8th June, 1993. Wanjau, of P.O. Box 773, Nyeri, in her capacity as an adminis- CAUSE No. 218 OF 1993 tratrix of the deceased's estate. By Duncun Kithome Mabwa, of P.O. Box 64, , And further take notice that objections lithee prescribed form for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be of Joyce Mwikali Kithome, of Makindu Location, who died lodged in this Delany within thirty (30) days of publication of domicile in Kenya, at Machakos Nursing Home. this notice. The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (301 days of within thirty (30) days from the date of 'publication of this the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to notice in the Kenya Gazette. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 1st November, 1993. Dated the 3rd November, 1993. N. 0. MASAItA, Deputy Registrar, Machakos. J. S. MUSHELLE, Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.

19", Novembers, 19P3 1WWWIY, 'Agra 174;

GAZETTE Nonce No. 5986 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5989 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KUURA ankstraNtA ALIAS AOSEPli KAIRITILIT OF NYAKI NIUE OF MERU LOCATION, MERU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND STRATTON SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 9 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 89 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the patties concerned take notice that a petition foe a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letten of /drama= intestate to the estate of the above-red deceased, who died at Chula LOICA1011, on 21st aboveimened deceased, tato died at Wob Hospital, on 5th August, 1989, has been filed in this registry by Jacicin Sue %Wernher, 1990, has Mon Ned in this registry by haler Kunio, of P.O. Box 8, Chula, in Ns capacity as an administrator • Wercatti WMaltinta, of P.O. Box 390, Meru, in her capacity of the deceased's estate. as an administataix of the deceased's estop. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed foam And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to * making of the proposed grant are Invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. not*, And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publiaition of this notice, the cowl may emceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it dunks fit. Dated the 19th August, 1993. Dated the nth August, 1993. M. J. M. W. MIJ(30, M. J. M. W. MUGO, Deputy Registrar, Meru. Deputy Registrar, Meru.

°tram Norma No. 5987 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5990 IN THE MOH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE MM. rut OF THE ESTATE OF PRIMA IN THE NAHUM OF THE ESTATE OF Itel'MWOBOBIA RIJNIGUIA ALIAS RAZARO M'RLINKLIA M'MUGWIKA OF GITHONG'0 LOCATION, MERU OF MITTUNGUU LOCATION, MERU PROBATE AND. ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 85 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 94 OF 1993 LET ALL the Pacties concerned take. no* thM a petition for LET ALL the pasties concerned take notice that a petition fns a grant of afters of admirdstmtion intestate to ihe estate of the a grant of lean of rinistation intestate to the estate of Ora above-named deceased Who died at District Hospital, Neivasha; above-named deceased, who died at Kirendene Location, Mem, on 23rd January, 1993, has been filed in this registry by Njeere on 22nd June, 1977, has been flied in this apiary by Naman Mugivika, Of P.O. Box 214, Kthitichia, Meru, in phis capacity Giants Wilma, of P.O. Box 119, Nkubu, Man, in his as an administrator of the deceased's estate. capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed- form to the making of the proposed gnat are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of aohliential N lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take arc that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30)- days of the. date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this not*, the count may Proceed ttz make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. nuke the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. • Dated the 10th August, 1993. Dated the lith August, 1993. M. J. M. W. MUGO, M. J. M. W. MUGO, Deputy Registrar, Meru. Deputy Registrar, Meru.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5988 Grans NOTICE No. 5991 IN. TEE MGR COURT OP. KENYA AT MERU IN THE MOE oCaritir Of KENYA AT Wall IN ME NATTER OF TED ESTATE OF M'RITHAA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GACHERI WRANOWTA ALMS RITHAIA RANGATA OR MATH1U OF NTIMA LOCATION, MERU CHOGORIA LOCATION, MERU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 86 OE 1993 Summar:el Cams No. 110 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a Peation for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of adminittration irate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Mem Hospital, on 2901. athrre-named deceased alto died at Embu Hospital, on 15th August, 1972, has been flied in this registry by Ruathah Glougu. May, 1989, has been filed in this registry by Leonard Kibaara of T.0.. Mem, in her capacitor as an administratris of the MoRithaa, of P.O. Box 142, Chapala, in his capacity as an adminiStrator df the deceased's estate. deceased's estate. . And further take notice that objections in the prescribed farm 40 further take notice that objections in the prescrthed form to tLe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed giant are invited and must be logged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged. AS further tat notice that if no objection has been bodged In this registry in the prettribed form within thirty (30) dais of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (3% days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the dale of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as Prayed or to make such order as it thinks fits Dated the 10th August, 1993. Dated the 12th August, 1993. M. J. M. W. MUGO, M. J. M. W. MUGO, Deputy Registrar, Meru. Deputy Registrar, Meru.

1742 - THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

Gszerre Nonce No. 5992 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5995 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ZAKAYO AT MOMBASA DISTRICT REGISTRY MWIRABUA MUTWARUBIU OF KARINGANI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OMAR - LOCATION, MERU ABDULRAHIM AHMED BAFADHEL OF MOMBASA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 112 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 193 OF -1993 LET,ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Kyeni Hospital, .on, 2nd above-named deceased, who died at Aga Khan Hospital, on March, 1984, has been_ filed in this registry' by Mati &key° - 3rd March, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Abdilla Mwirabua, of P.O. Box 87, Chuka, in his capacity as art 115:111141- Omar Abdultahim alias Omar Abdulrahman Ahmed Bafadhel, istmtpeo the deceased's estate. of P.O. Box 87988, Mombasa, in his capacity as eldest son And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form of the deceased. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed Itufn bodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice... lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of , this notice. And, tither take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry-in the-prescribed form• within thirty (30) days of And further take nonce that id no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or W make such order as it thinks fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as k thinks fit Dated the 19th August, 1993. Dated the 3rd September, 1993. M. J. M. W. MUGO, .1. M. MAHINDU, Deputy Registrar, Merit Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.

Gszarra NOTICE No..5993 'GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5996 IN THE HIGH COURT . OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MIAGISTRA,TE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OF. THE ESTATE OF MMUGWIKA AT MURANG'A MIBUTU OF'NKUEINE LOCATION, MERU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IBRAHIM PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KAMURI MUTUGI OF MURANG'A DISTRICT SUCCESSTON CAUSE No. 115 OF 1993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL persons concerned take notice that a petition for SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 150 OF 1993 — a grain of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Nkuene Location, Meru, LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a -petition for on 24th October, 1984, has been tiled in this registry by . a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Muriranjas Hospital, on M'Rukaria M'Slugyilica, Of P.O. Box 49, Meru, in his capacity 10th October, 1984, has been filed in this registry by Ifillam as an administmitor of the deceased's estate. Irungu Kamuri, of P.O. Box 577, Murang'a, in his capacity And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form as an administrator of the deceased's estate. to the mating of the proposed giant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged trt this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. • lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that if no objection has been - lodged this notice. form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the mescribed And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to -make such order as it thinks fit. the date of olublication of this notice, the court may proceed to Dated the 13th August, 1993. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. M. J. M. W. MUGO, Dated the 7th July, 1993. Deputy Registrar, Meru. W. N. NJAGE, District Registrar, Murang'a. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5994 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5997 IN THE HIGH' COURT OF KENYA AT MERU TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARITTIA IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KOORU M_ 'MUCHEKE ALIAS MAMMA MUCHEKE, MURANG'A - OF.'hITUGI LOCATION, MERU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION MAINA KANGETH• OF MURANG'A DISTRICT SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 117 OF 1993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for - SU•ESSION CAUSE No. 215 OF 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for above-named deceased;' who died at INkuhu Hospital, on 4th a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the October, 1986, has been filed in this registry by Gikunda above-named deceased, who died at D'strict Hospital, Murang'a, M'Mucheke, of P.O. Meru, in his capacity as an administrator on 1st September, 1990, has been filed in this registrY by Elizabeth of the deceased's estate. Wanjiru J. Maim, of P.O. Box 75, Murang'a, in her capacity And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form as an administrattix of the deceased,s estate. to the snaking of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this mgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of to die making of the proposed grant are Inked and must be this notice. lodged In S midst° within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged S note. in this- registry -In the prescribed form within thirty (30) days, of And Further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication-orthis notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayhd or to make such order as it thinks'fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 17th August, 1993. Dated the 20th September, 1993. MUGO, M. J. M. W. W. N. NJAGE, Deputy Registrar, Merit. District Registrar, Murang'a. 190I1 Noventher, 1993 THE-KENYA GAZE=

• - GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5998 Genrrth Nance No. 6001 IN THE. SENIOR. PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RES/DEMI'. MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MURANG'A AT MURAING'A IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETER IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF RU1111 WAIGUIIUMUTURI OF MUR•NG'A DISTRICT GITHAE OF MURANG'A — - PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND Anmrtgrinevnam • Succassicer CAUSE No. 246 or 1993 SUCC:ESSION CAUSE No. 235 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that's petition fee ..ET ALL the parties take notse that a petition far a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate- to the estate of the above.named deceased, who d:ed at Gacharage Subdooation, above-named deceased, who died at Kenyatta -National Hospital, in 1963, has been filed in this registry by Julius /Galant' Ruthi, on 26th Tannery, 1981, has been filed in this registry by David . of PO. Wanjengi, Murtha's, in his capadtrie an administrator Gacheru Weiguru, of P.O. Box 59, Kigulno, in his capacity of the deceased's estate. as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the presenlied form Ana -further take notice that objections m the prescribed form making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited ‘and mint be to the lodged in this registry within- thirty' (30)-days of publication of lodged in this registry within *MY (30) days of Publication of this notice. this notice:: And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of notice,. the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed w make the grant as prayed or to mute such order as it thinks. It. make •the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. . . Dated the 19th October, 1993. Dated the 26th October, 1993. W..N. NJAGEou W. N. MUGS, District Registrar, Muranfa. District Registrar, Murang'a.

Gann Nonce No. 6002 - GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5999 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COU'RT TN THE SENIOR RESIDENT. MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MURANG'A AT MU'RALIs/G'A TN THE MAITF,R OF THE ESTATE. OF, WAIRIMU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWANGI KARANJA OF NIVRANOA apsuracr - vf KAMAU OF MURANG'A DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succession CAUSE bb. 247 or 1993 . SomesprabCause -Nn. 236 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice thata petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration /upstate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at KaInviatha, Gakoigo, op above-named deceased, who, died at Kioyona Location, in 1958, 20th: February, 1990, has been filed in this registry by Ttregth has been &Mai in this 'registry by David • anthem Waigurn, of Nyartibura Oromba, of c/o Assistant Chief, Kansbo, f.D. Solt 43, P.O. Sox 59, Muranett, in his capacity As an administrator of Murang'a, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's the deceased's' estate. estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that Objections in the preathilied tort to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and num; be lodged ins *is regisity within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publuattida of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged Aid further take notice' it op objection' has been lodged in this regjetry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in thenresailied form within thirty (30) days of . the darn of publication of this maim, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this oath* the court may proceed to make the grant "tea prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the pant as prayed or , to nate such center as it thinks at.

Dated the 26th Octuber, 1993. Dated the 19th October, 1993. W. N. NJAGE, W. N. MACE, District Registrar, Murang'a. District Registrar, Mw'ang'a.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6000 GAZETTE Nonce No. 6003 IN. THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIP,AML. MAGISTRATE'S COURT. AT •RANG'A AT 'A IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP PAUL IN THE MATTER OF. THE ESTATE OF THUO TIIEUR1 IL.SU OF k•URANG'A MAKUMI AtrAs nun; MAKUMI OFAIURANG'A PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succession CAUSE Nb. 226 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned Take notice that a petition for Succession Cum No. 255 OF 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition hot above-named clateased, who died at Nyakianga Subilocation, a grant of letters of admirdstottion intestate to the estate pf-ths Njumbi, on 8th August, 1992, has been Sled in this registry above-named deceased, who died at Koirdbi Village, on 20th . by Mary Waithnu Theuri, of P.O. Box 35, Game, in her October, 1967, has been filed in WE registry by Muchiri hitikungi, capacity as an adininistmtrix of the deceased's estate. of P.O. Box 1434., Mika, in his capacityas an admithatrator And further take notice that objections in the prescribedloan of the deceased's estate. to the making of the ProPosed grant are invited and must be And further take nice that objections hi the prescribed lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to ea maims of are proposed pant are invited and masathe this notice. lodged in this registry within Witt' (30) days of PublitaKinba And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged aSe. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that If no objection has bean lodged the date of publication 61 the Malice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed forth -within thirty (30) days of nuke the grant es prayed or IQ nuke gait order as it thinks fit. the date Of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant ae prated or to make such tide m it titinki lit. Dated the 13th Ootboer, 1993; Dated the 1st November, 1993. W. N. NJAGE, W. N. NJAGE, District Registrar, Murang'a. District Registrar, Murang'a. 1744 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6004 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6007 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT BUNGOMA AT BUNGOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WAMALWA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JULIUS NASIMIYU NAMASAICA OF BUNGOMA WANYONYI MANG'ENI OF BUNGOMA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 117 OF '1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 156 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL persons concerned take notice that a petition for ■ grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to The estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Tinukuyi, Nakhwana, on above-named deceased, who died at Namirembe Village, on 18th 19th June, 1990, has been filed in this registry by Emmanuel June, 1993, has been filled in this registry by (1) Keresenja Chote Wamalwa, of •.O. Box 48, Myanga, in his capacity as an Wanyonyi and (2) David Wanyonyi, both of P.O. Box 755, administrator of the 'deceased's estate. Bungoma, in their capacities as administrators of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 25th August, 1993. N. OW ENO, Dated the 18th October, 1993. District Registrar, Bungoma. N. OWINO, District Registrar, Bungoma.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6005 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6008 'IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT BUNGOMA IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MA.RK0 AT .BUNGOMA WAFULA WALIAULA TASIKE OF BUNGOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KARANJA MBARI OF BUNGOMA SUCCESSION 'CAUSE No. '444 OF 1993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 1127 OF .1993 a gnat of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take nonce that a petition for above-named deceased, who died at District Hospital, Bungoma, a grant of letters of administration esteem to the estate of the on 17th September, 1987, hsa been filed in this registry by Alice above-named deceased, who died at Bungoma Town, on 16th Nekesa Kanntlaniba, of P.O. Box 14, Sirisia, in her capacity June, •988, has been filed in this registry by Mary Wangoi as an administratrix of the deceased's estate. Karanja, of P.O. Box 1186, Bungoma, in 'her capacity as an And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form administratrix of the deceased's estate. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in as registry within thirty (30) days of publication of the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be the notice lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form this notice. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 29th September, 1993. N. °WINO, Dated the 15th October, 1993. District Registrar, Bungoma. N. OWING, District Registrar, Bungoma. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6006 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6009 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT BUNGOMA AT 'BUNGOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHELOTI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE WANGALWA W'OSIANIU WAKOKO 'OF BUNGOMA KALAISINGA OF BUINGOMA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 150 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 446 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a 'petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Sikhendu Sub-location, on above-named deceased, who died at Sango Village, on 28th 12th January, 1991, has been filed in this registry by (1) Joseph August, 1980, has been filed in this registry by Otess Nyongesa Nyongesa and (2) Stephen Masibo, both of Sikhendu Sub-loca- Wangatwa, of P.O. Box 56, Nakiri via Kitale, in his capacity tion, in their capacities as administrators of the deceased's estate. as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. thie notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the gram as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 4th October, '1993. 'Dated the 29th September, 1993. N. OWINO, N. OWING, District Registrar, Bungoma. District Registrar, Bungoma. 19th McNabb:0% 1993 11111 103141% 05A2Etit 045

NOTICE GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6010 Giants No. 6013 IN. THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S attURT AT NYAT1URURU AT NYAHURUITU IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP M'ARIAM IN THE MA HER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMITEL MUMBI ABDAULA OF LESTRKO, NYAINDARUA GATHURU THONGO OF IPHANGA, MU'RANG'A DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SoccesgioN Cross Nb. 8 or 1993 Suba8Sion CAUSE No. 107 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notes that a petition for LET ALL Ihn parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of adminAserstion intestate to the estate of the a grant of loners of administration intestate to the mate of the above-named deceased, who died at iLesirko, Nyandatua District, above-named deceased, 'who' died at Mikan& District,. on 13th on 15th November, 1991, has been filed in this registry by July, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Paul Ngirulya Omar Abdalla Muddri, of P.O. Box Box 10, 01 Joro Orok, thulium, of P.O. Box 13, itlyabururu, in his capacity as an in his capacity as an miminlittretor of the deceased's estate. administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and: ling be lodged an this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this nonce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no oblation has heen lodged in this registry is the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of tublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant es prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 13th August, 1993. Dated the 7th 'Septeniber, :1993. • W. •KARANJA, W. KARANJA, District Registrar, . District Registrar, Nyahururu.

GAZETTE Nonce No. 6014 NOTICE No. 6011 Gszerra IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGTSIRATE'S COURT TN THE &DEAR•At ENT RyfACAST RATE'S COURT AT NYMIURURU RESIDYMPlitultu IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AYUB IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH KAMERE KAMAU OF UESITtKO SCHEME, GACHENIMAJMUNENt. OF GETA SCHEME, (NYANDARUA DISTRICT NYANDARUA DISTRICT AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE SUCCESSION CAUSE it. 108 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 105 OP 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of a•dminisitnution intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Mikeu, Nyandema District, above-named deceased, Who died at District Hospital, On Kalou, on Stir January, 1993, tits been filed in this registry by Muthoni Nyaredarua District, on 24th May, 1988, has been fled in this Oachimea Munenn of P.O. Matimisi via Naivete, in her registry by Josephat Kaman Kamere, of P.O. Box 146, 01 Joro capacity as an ado:Mt/Maria of the deceased's estate. Orok, in his capacity as an administrator of the decteasei's estate. And further 'eke notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and 'must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (305 doss of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the count may proceed to . thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it

"September, 1993. Dated the 13th August, 1993. Dated the 7th W. KA,RANJA, W. KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. District Registrar, Nyahururu.

GAZErrE NOTICE No. 6012 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6015 TN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT-ITYMIUR01411 - AT NYAHURURU 1N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA IN THE MATTER OF THE Est ATE OF MICHAEL MACHARIA AIDUNGUI3F1413131MISOREME, NDONYB MUTEBU pp, MAIM, NYANDARUA 14/9"ANDARTIA DISIIIIICT DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADM1141VitATTOSI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Sdoigssiontuntledx i1015 n0 -19,3 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 127 OF 1993 LET ALL die ranks contented take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take norke-that a petition for a rent of letters of admiditradon intestate to the estate of the a grant -of letters of •diministneden Made tad* ester of the aframatened decemetdrolict- diet aeNdend, Nyandama Distrkt, above named deceased, who died at Pievincied Gonad -Hospital, ont9ds Doternber,19101; hatearsiSts thisssidistty'ht /mkt Naldtou, on 27th November, 1992, has been hied i t registry Nang Mt/thesis, of, P33. SOM40, Of Xifou, m his Capacity by Cecilia .Kokkia Wentionye, df !P.O. 'Boo 40; 01 Tialou, in as an admiuistiator of thodossatedisagate, her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's estate. Ars• further take notkothintobjeedons in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to•the making of the proposed gent are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and mut he lodged, in this , gistry within thirty (30) days of publication'. of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publicados of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no oblation his been lodged And further take notice that t AO obis** has bete lodged tegiatryein the pilegefiblid EOM within thirty (305 days of in this registry in die prorated form withierthirty 005 dins of the dane-of publication of thistaine, the Cattental proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to nuke dike gag alegra)Titet itienabectudi order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the Ide September, 199t Dated the 23rd September, 1993. W. KA,RANJA, W. %URANIA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. Dfsida Registrar, Nyahururu. 1746 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE Norte No. 6016 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6019 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT Al' NYAHURURU AT NYAHURURU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STANLEY IN THE MATTER OF THE-ESTATE OF NAOMI GICHERLf WACHIENI OF NGORIKA, INYANDARUA KABURA GAO-11NA OF OL JORO OROK SCHEME DISTRICT NYANDARUA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 128 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 132 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Ngorika, Nyandarua District, above-named deceased, who died at Lake 01 Bormat, on 25th April, 1993, "has been filed in this registry by Miriam Nyandarua District, on 14th July, 1989, has been filed in this Gathoni Gicheru, of P.O. Box 2788, Nakuru, in her capacity registry by Jahn Ndungu 'Njoroge, of P.O. Box 341, 01 Joro as an administratrix of the deceased's estate. Orok, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections In the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making -of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice th e notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 23rd September, '1993. Dated the 23rd September, 1993. W. KARANJA, W. KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. District Registrar, Nyahururu.

GAZETTE NOTCH No. 6017 GAZETTE Nonce No. 6020 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAHURURU AT 'NYAHURURU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MURITU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NIONIO CHEGE NGUMI OF GETA, NYANDARUA DISTRICT MWILU KITAA OF MIKEU, 'GETA LOCATION, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION NYANDARUA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION Cam No. '129 OF 1993 SUCCESSION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for CAUSE No. 133 OF 1993 a gram of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take rotke that a petition for above-named deceased, who died at 'Nord, Kin an gyp , Nyandarua a grant of letters of administration intestate to the watt of the District, on 31st August, 1991, has been filed in this registry above-named deceased, who died at Geta Location,_ Nyandarua by Teresia Nyambura Murky, of P.O. Makumbi via , District, on 8th May, 1992, has been filed in this registry by in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's estate. Mwororo Njomo, of P.O. Makumbi via Naivasha, in his capa- And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form city as an administrator of the deceased's estate. to the paking of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged it this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant. as Prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grunt as prayed or to make such order as it thinks at Dated the 23rd September, 1993. Dated the 23rd Septenther, 1993. W. KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. W. KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu.

'GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6018 GAZETTE NoricE No. 6021 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWENDIA KARIUKI OF OL KALOV, 'NYANDARUA DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NOATIA KIMOTHO OF SILITSWET, NYANDARUA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 138 OP 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 134 on 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of utters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the narties 0011Cerned take notice that a petition for above-netted deceased, who died at 01 Kelm, Nyandarua a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the II D.:Strict:Ion 8th March, 1975, has been filed in' this registry, by above-named deceased, who died at Silibwet, Nyandarua District, on 18th . Naomi Warugunt Mwendia, - of P.O. Box 3, 01 Kalou, in her February, 1977, has been filed in this registry by Tahiti,* capacity-as an anntintsbiatrix of the deceased's estate. Wairimu Gichane, of P.O. Box 73, Igwamiti, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form bridged hirtMs registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and. must be this nook. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in•thdatetistrY M the preicilbod form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the , the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the- grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may Proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit Dated the 23rd September, 1993. Dated the 23nd September, 1993. W. KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. W. KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. 19th November, 1993 Tulk19.3 NY 1747

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6022 GAZETTE No-rum No. 6025 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KJAM84J., : AT NYAHURURU IN THE MATTER CiF THE ESTATE OF JOHN IN THE MATTER OF THEESTATE OF KIBE NJENGA KIROKO OF HARAXA VILLAGE!, WAICARE,RA OF MAWINGO, NYANDARUA DISTRICT GITHUNGURA LOCATION, ICIAMIUTISSIRICT PROBATE AND-ADMINISTRATION PROBATE ANDADMINISTItATION • SUCCESSTON CAUSE No. 135 OF 1993 Strcitissros CAUSE No. 161 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned talce.aotice that a petition for LET ALL the partial contlennid take lattice mist a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of tenors of - adminismattion intestates° the este 'CI the above•named deceased, who died at Mewing° Scheme, Nyanda- .bon-tamed deceased, who died at Hamba, or 281ed April, ma District, on 27th July, 1993, has been 'feted in this registry ,1992,• haerbeen filed in registry by ,Tabitha Med Ng'artra, by James Munyati 'Muted, of P.O. Box 17, 04 loin Orok, in ofiKiambir, in ha capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections hi the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in theliresetiberform to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to, she stildrang of • the -proposed grant-Seinvited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged-in.MS- ridenry within -mixt (30) tuts inf pubbiation of this notice. this notice. „ And further take notice that if no objection has beenen lodged And further take notice that if no objection has bee; 'lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this -tho practised resin within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may Pnaceed to the date of publication-of-this rtotice, *the ciiint"may prodeed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the--:gram- as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 23nd September, 1993. Driettere 22nd'June, 1993. ' W. KARANIA, • R..K. MWANGI, District Registrar, Nyahurunt. District Registrar. Kiambu.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6023 Gaznrre Nonce:No. 6026 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S CCYURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAHURURU AT KIAMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BENJAMIN IN THE MATER OF. THE-ESTATE OF SAMUEL- MIRICII-10 KARUME OF a KALOIJ WEST, NYANDARUA RUI-IUA KAMUNGE ALIAS SAMUEL RUHWA .DISTRICT KAIMUNGE OF WACII7THU vLCAGE, KIA/dBAA LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRICT PROBATE AND. ADMINISTRATION. PROBATE AND ATYMINISTRATION, SUCCESSION 'PAUSE No, 136 or 1993 Successrt CAUSE No. 302 bi 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the patties ctinceMediake notice that a petition for abovecamed deceased, who died at Renyattra National Hospital, ' a.grant of letters of admintration intestate to the estate of the Nairobi, on 27th December, 1981, has been filed in This registry above-named deceased, who died at Nazareth Hospital, on by Naomi Nyman Miricho, of P.O. Box 108, 01 Kalov, in leth Noyanters 4987, has been Fled- in this mgistrY by (I) her capacity as an administmtrix of the deceased's estate. Glatt Wants' Kudrna and (2) John CAW Rubwia, both of And further take notice That objections in the prescribed form Mamba .Villtspe, in their respective capacities as widow and to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be son Of the deceased. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of Andluithetreake notice that objections in the' prescribed form this notice. to the making of the 'proposed grant die invited 'and 'Airs( be And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged lodged itP/MS registry/ 'within -edify (30) (Sia n& publicawn of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of this notice. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it , thinks fit. In .thir iegistry- in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication it this notice, the court may proceed to Dated the 27th September, 1993. . make the grant as prayed or to make such'bitiers as it tifiziks fit. W. KAJtANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. Dated the 24th September, 1993. R. K. MWANGI, District Registrar, Kiambu. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6024 Gaze= Nome No. 6027 _ TN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISIltATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAHURURU -._ AT .KIAMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GATHUA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE:pp NJOROGE KABABU OF MIKARO, NORTH KINANGOP, KIRIIMA MAAS NJOROGE KFRLkjA KhblYTTIRU 9, NYANDARUA DISTRICT OF trAst VILLAGE, caon LOCATION, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATE(JN KIAMBU DIn SuctsSION Casa No. 137 OF 1993 pritirrxra Arib ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for Success ION CAUSE No. 326 OV-1993 — a grant of letters of administration intestate to the of 1-Et concerned take. that a petition for above named deceased, who died at Mike Noels a *Mist ,rjr.otters M-sdrntrIstrasion intestate to :the estate of the Nyandama District, on 5th Aptil, 1972, has ten atittiradMil derpetid,,, Whit died at TiCiariV-Githuligliik"On 3rd registry by Joseph . Murilthi Credits, of P.O. Eftf1,8,.rlIkt l' Kinangop, in his catchy as an admInistostor Of thelleotted's .14,2c-1111 "het t trod An Mit Matt' br Heart- • ‘44 ad°1#185Tikof estate. ofKe thene: ider:Irlgt, 1-11 hi#° 1911: 40 And further take notice that objections in the preseribtorm And 411013IrGPM 0900e. 010101sientions in the •Drerrthrd form. to the asking of the proposed grant ate invited and st be to:thiTtnaiScie de the proposed.grant nre ititeit-anO-myst lodged in this registry within thirty130) days, of trablicii of kiflartk-01 registry withn thirty (30) days-of publicist.* ot.. this nonce. And further take notice that if no objection has 0 194.111. Afitilitfttitfir*, u n this registry in the prettibed %MI _1111801 tralY.,. fi;mit_l,, -? I in the , GCB te. of, the -data of publication If' hie *Ake, MIA WM 1,1411' 11 * - Ebel to make die grant as pnwarbr to mate such Order as it thinks fit. make grant is prayed°, to4state such order as it St. Dated the 27th September, 199i . ,„- Dated the 26th October, 1993. * -Ph KARANJA, R. K. MWANGI, District Regitrar, Nyahttnwu. District Registrar, Mamba.

1748 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6028 GAZETTE NOTICE No. (491 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU AT KIAMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANGARI IN THE MA1 1hR OF TEE' STATE OF WILLIAM GATHURU OF TICINIJ, RIOKI VILLAGE, HCINU KANYARA NGANGA OF IKINU VILLAGE, LOCATION, KIAMBU DISIEKT GITHUNGURI LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 345 on 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 340 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to die estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Rick), on 23rd April, 1993, above-named deceased, who died at Kiambu, on 15th March, has been filed in this registry by (1) Joseph Kibiku Muchai and 1991, has been filed in this registry by (1) Veronica Wanjiru (2) Mburu Meehan-, both of Kinn, in their capacities as nephews Kanyara (2) Teresiah ICabuiya Kanyara and (3) Francis Nganga of the deceased. Kanyam, in their respective capacities as administratrices and administartor of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that oojt,tions in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 25th October, 1993. R. K. MWANGI, Dated the 26th October, 1993. District Registrar, Kiambu. R. K. MWANGI, District Registrar, Kiambu.

Galant NOTICE No. 6029 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6032 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU - AT KIAMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE. ESTATE OF FRANCIS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAINGI KARANJA MWANGI OF GACHIKA VILLAGE, GIL- ➢NGO OF IKAINUNGA VILLAGE, 'KIAMBAA KIGANJO LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRICT LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCESSION CAUSE Nb. 341 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 347 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that -a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of 'letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at North K. C. Hospital, on above-named deceased, who died on 22nd September, 1975, has 25th February, 1984, has been filed in this registry by Joseph been fried in this registry by (1) Francis Njoroge and (2) Wanjiku Maine Gathurrgu, of P.O. Box 89, Kinangop, in his capacity Maingi, bath of 'P.O. Box 135, Kiambu, in their respective as brother of the deceased. capacities as son and widow of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must he to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no obiection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within 'thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the dare of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 2nd November, 1993. Dated the 26th October, 1993. R. K. MWANGI, R. K. MWANGI, District Registrar, Kiambu. District Registrar, Kiambu.

Gomm NOTICE No. 6030 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6033 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU AT KIAMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RUNANA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NAFTALY KINUTHIA KANGARI OF VILLAGE, RUGWE FIVIUTHOINGO ALIAS NGURUGWE KIAMBAA LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRICT MUTHONGO OF BI'BIRIONI VILLAGE, LIMURU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRICT SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 342 OP 1993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 402 on 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a- petition for above-named deceased, who died at District Hospital, Kiambu, a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the on 23rd Match, 1987, has been filed in this registry by (1) above-named deceased, who died at Shaul Sub-location, on Rachel Njanti Mbugua and•(2) Denton ICangari Kinuthia, both 5th ally, 1994,. has been filed in this registry by Julius Mungai of Kering, in their respective capaci ties as daughter and brattier Njoroge, of P.O. Box 132, Nyahururu, in his capacity as son of the deceased. of the deceased. And further take notice that objections In the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that If no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been todged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days.of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 21st October, 1993. Dated the 17th November, 1993. R. K. MWANGI, R. K. MWANGI, District Registrar, Mamba. District Registrar, Kiambu. Tit

1749 19th- November, 1993 THE KENYA GAZETTE

GAZETTE Nance No. 6034 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6037 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MIGORT AT MIGORI IN THE MATTER OF TETE ESTATE OF SIMEOI9 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHACHA OSANO ICITENYA OF SUNA CEINTRAL LOCATION, MARANYA OF 'BUGUMI3E EAST LOCATION, MIGORI MIGORT DISTRICT DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE it. 58 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 22 on 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the pada concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, Who died at Keels Village, on 1st above-named deceased, who died at Kombe Village, on 18th January, 1987, has been Red in this registry by David Odhiarnbo August, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Samwel Maranya Osano, in his capacity as son of the deceased. Chacha in his capacity as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged hi this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that If no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (313) days of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the count may proceed to the date of publication bf this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 1st October, 1993. Dated the 21st October, 1993. J. S. KABURU, J. S. KABURU, District Registrar, Migorl. District Registrar, Migori.

GAZETTE Navas No. 6038 Gamine Nance No. 6035 FfiLTHE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MIGORI AT MIGORI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NDEOE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAROA 0403CH OF WA'SWETA I SUB LOCATION, BAI3EIRE MUGINI OF BWIREGE EAST LOCATION, MIGORI DISTRICT MIGORI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 60 OP 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 56 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the patties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate di the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Wasweta 1 Sublocation, above-named deceased, who died at Bokehenche, on 10th October, on 12th November, 1981, has been filth in this 'registry by 1990, its been filed in this registry by Obogo Mama Went Vitalis Olcech Ndege, in his capacity as son of the deceased. in his capaitty as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making Of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or ' to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 26th October, 4993. J. S. KABURU, Dated the it October, 1993. District Registrar, Aligori. J. S. KABURU, District Registrar, Migari. GAZETTE Nonce No. 6039 Gains Nonce No. 6036 IN THE. SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT NYERI PN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER. OF THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA AT MIGORI GACHUKI WANJIMA OF ICTAHUGU, OTHAYA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MOHAMED NYERT DISTRICT EDGE BOOLE OF MIGORI. TOWN, MTGORI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 119 OF 1992 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 57 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the it grant of letters of adminieration intestate to the estate of the above named deceased, who died at Othaya, on 25th July, sbovenamed deceased, aim died at Tabaka Hospital, on 9th 1991, has been filed in this registry by Jane Muthoni Gachuki, My,.1993, has been filed in this registry by Baur= Mohammed of P.O. Box 289, °thaw, in her capacity as an adMinistratrix Igo, in her t apathy as widow of the deceased. of the deceased's rant. And !Urdu: take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are- invited and' must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry withit thirty (B0) days of publication d this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the tweeted form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this neat, the cast may proceed to the date of publication of this noire, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit . Dated the 25th May, 1992. patch the la October. 1993. J. S. ICABURII, J. S. MUSHELLE, District Registrar, Mittel. District Registrar, Non. 1750 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6040 Gazerre Nonce No. 6043 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYERI AT NYERI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH WAMBUGU 'ICARIUKI OF IRIAINI LOCATION, MUNENE %IBM OF NYERI OTHAYA DIVISION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 194 OF 1993 SUCCESSION Cause No. 232 OF 1992 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the 'a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Nairobi, on 12th December, above-named deceased, who died at Njengu, Mweiga, on 11th 1992, has been fried in this registry by Rose Wanjiru Munene, December 1989, has been Ned in this registry by Esther of P.O. Box 103, Karatina, in her capacity as an administratrix Wanjugu Wambugu, of P.O. Box 52, Othaya, in her capacity Of the deceased's estate. as an administratrix of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed than And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the metres of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged In this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this node*, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the count may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 27th October, 1993. Dated the 11th November, 1992. L. W. GITARI, J. S. MUSHELLE, District Registrar, Nyeri. District Registrar, Nyeri.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6044 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6041 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYERI AT HOIVIA BAY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MATHENGE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NDIRE KANURU OF KARINDUNDU, KONYU, BARICHO, ADEDE OF DISTRICT NYERI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 64 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 264 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of tha above-named deceased, who died at Kodera, Karabach, on 26th above-named 'deceased, who died at Karindundu, Nyeri, on August, 1976, has been filed in this regigtry by (1) Markus A. 25th May, 4992, has been filed in this registry by James Kama Ndire and (2) Alfred 0. Ndire, both of West Kasipul Location, Mathenge, of P.O. Box 714, Karatina, in his capacity as an P.O. Box 26, Oyugis, in their capacities as sons of the deceased. administrator of the 'deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed ts make the rant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 22nd September, 1993. Dated the 7th October, 1993. KEANA MOGAMBI, I S. MUSHELLE, District Registrar, Noma Bay. District Registrar, Nyeri.

Gamine NOTICE No. 6042 Gazerrn Nonce No. 6045 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT HOMA BAY AT NYERI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OGOLA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DUNCAN WANGEKE OF .MIGORI DISTRICT KA:HAND° MURIUNGU OF KIRICHU SUB-LOCATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 67 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 280 OP 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at North Kamagambo, on above-named deceased, who died at Nyahururu Hospital, on 23td May, 1977, has been filed in this registry by Samwel Ogola, 30th October, 1992, has been filed in this registry by Nderitu of Kanyadieto Sub-location, East Kamaganfbo, P.O. Box 40, Mtmyi Gikandi, of P.O. Box 16, Kiganjo, in his capacity as Rongo, in his capacity as son of the deceased. an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice . this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit make the grant as prayed or to make such order as k thinks fit. Dated the 28th September, 1993. Dated the 29th October, 1993. KEANA MOGAMBI, J. S. MUSHELLE, District Registrar, Hama Bay. District Registrar, Nyeri. 19th November, 1993 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1751

Gan Nona No. 6046 Gans Norms No. 6049 TN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT WERT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAG4STRATES COURT AT THECA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WAICARTI GITHAE GATHANWA ALIAS GITHAE THANUA WANGAI OF GATIAFIGA, MURANG'A OF ITHANTI, TIFIANIGAITH, MEET PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 159 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 288 or 1993 LET ALL the patties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above•named deceased, who died at Murangia District, on 25th abowoommed deceased, who died at Tumutumu Hospital, on October, 1981, has been filed in this registry by Edward Ngure 1st September, 1989, has been filed in this registry by (1) Stanley Wakaru, in Ms capacity as an administrator of the deceased's Muturi °Vitae, (2) Eunice Wantons Ott and three others, ethtte. all of P.O. Box 396, Mukroweini, in their respective capacities And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form as administrator and administretrices of the deceased's estate. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged this notice. in this registry in the prescribed Dorm within dirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the gm* as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the date of Publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 6th September, 1993. Datet1 the !10th November,1993. S. N. MUTUKIJ, I. S. MUSHELLE, District Registrar, Thika. District Registrar, Nyeri. Charm Nonce No. 6050 Germ Nona No. 6047 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATES COURT AT THECA IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THECA IN THE MATTER OF ITHE ETATE OF GATHOGO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LE/ONARD ICANYARA ALIAS GATHOGO MANYARA OF WAINAINA GEHIGO OF KIGUMO, MURAN(IA GATANGA, MITRANG'A PROBATE AND ADMINTSTRATKIN PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 99 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 210 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice tint a petition for a gram of letters of adminittration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-mimed deceased, who died at Hurling's [District, on abovonamed deceased, who died at Murengsa District, on 8th 21st September, 1987, has been filed in this nubby by Tahiti& February, 1993, has been filed in this registry by (1) Penina Minks Wainaina, in her oroacitY as an asinfiraistntix of the Waruingi and (2) Kativki Kboria, in their respective capacities deceased's estate. as an adminetretris and administrator of the deceaoed's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And hater take notice that objections In the prescribed firm to the making of the proposed want are kinked and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and Must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this reolsn7 within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no Objection has been lodged And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form la this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 18th June, 1993. Dated thel9th October, 1993. W. N. MARIETTA, W. N. NYARIMA, District Registrar, Thika. District Registrar, Thum.

GAZETrE NOTICE No. 6048 Guam Nance No. 6051 TN THE PRINCIPAL ivTAICHISMATE'S COURT AT THECA IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATES COURT AT THTKA IN THE. MAU Ibit OF THE ESTATE OF MAU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL GITHENDU OF. GATUNDU, KTAMBU KEIARA G1TAU OF TFINCA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION Ceuta No. 124 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 233 or' 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a want of letters of admirdmation intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the aboveroamed deceased, who died at Kimribu District, on 5th above.named deceased who died at %Gambit District, on 29th June, 1984, has been filed in this registry by Salome Wanjiku, August, 1983, has been filed in this registry by Michael Mau, in her capacity as an adoikattrartrix of the deceased's Slate. in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and Must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of Publicetion of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of to this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the Ste ed publication of this notice, the court may proceed to die date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make:the grant as prayed or to make such order as is thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks flt. Datadthe 71* July, l993. Dated the 15th Weber , 1993. S. ft. M'OTOKU, W. N. NYARIMA, District Registrar, TMka. District Resin, Thfka 1752 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

Giant NOTICE No. 6052 Gszerre NOTICE No. 6055 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATES COURT AT EMBU IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CIUNDURI II1N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KABUTITI DISTRICT KIRIAMBURI OF KIRINYAGA MUR'IUKI OF EMBU PROBATE SAND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 121 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE 'No. 152 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition tor LET ALL the pasties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at ' Hospital, on above-named deceased, who died at Ena Sub-location, Embu 10th January, 1978, has been filed in this registry by Mugo District, in 1966, has been filed in this registry by Jackson Kimi, of Guama Sub-location, in his capacity as an administrator IMuriitlii Waoira, of P.O. Box 1589, Embu, in his capacity as grandson of the deceased. of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in :he prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of tins notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodger in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.

Dated the 20th August, 1993. Dated the 28th September, 1993. E. M. MUTAHI, E. M. MUTAHI, District Registrar, Embu. District Registrar, Embu.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6056 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6053 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATES COURT AT EMBU IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EiviBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF INJOKA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARRISON KASHORERIA OF EMBU DISTRICT GITARI MBOGO OF EMBU DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 153 OF '1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE Nb. 123 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Embu Hospital, on 30th above-named deceased, who died at Embu :Hospital, on 8t11 March, '1992, has 'been filed in this registry by Sliveste :Meru May, '1992, has been filed in this registry by Jane Wanja, of Mbarire, of P.O. Box 128, Embu, in his capacity as son of the Embu District, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 27th August, 1993. 'Dated The 28th September, 1993. E. M. MUTAHI, E. M. MUTAHI, District Registrar, Embu. District Registrar, Embu.

GAZETTE Norum No. 6034 Game Nonce No. 6057 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL 'IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MERE 'KABIRU OF EMBU KANAMPIU NDWTGA OF EMELT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION 'CAUSE No. ,141 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 158 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Embu Hospital, on 25th above-named deceased, who died at Embu Hospital, on 21st `March, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Faith Wawira September, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Julieta Njuki, of P.O. Box 77, Siakago, in her capacity as widow of Ngendo Njagi, of INginda Location, in her capacity as widow the deceased. of 'the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged M this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the Prescribed form within thirtY (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.

Dated the 15th September, 1993. Dated the 4th October, 1993.

E. M. MUTAHI, E. M. MUTAHI, District Registrar, Embu District Registrar, Embu. Hilt November, 1993 THE KENYA GAZETTE

OMEITH Nonce No. 6058 Cairns Noma No. 6061 'ITIETPRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISI'RATE'S COURT IN AT KITALE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD KA11HENLU KAMWAGIRE OF EMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AND1EMA CHEBUS OF KIMALAPOSHO, WEST POKOT DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISIIIATDON Succussion Causs No. 159 or '1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE or 67 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take note that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for those-named deceased, who died at Embu Hospital, on 17th a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Mardi, 1993, has been filed in this registry by Janet Wanjoka abovemed demised, who creed at Kitaleposho velem, Kirenget, Richard, of Ngiada Location, in her capacity as widow of the West Pokot District, on 19th June, 1989, has been fried in this registry by Pormila Siteya Andiema, of P.O. Box - 109, deetteed. ICapenguria, in her capacity as widow of die deceased And farther take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 4th October, 1993. Dated the 22nd October, 1993. L. N. MUTENDE, E. M. MITPAHL District Registrar, Kitale. District Registrar, Embu.

atzarrE Norma No. 6062 Gass:errs Nonce No. 6059 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU AT KANGEMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL IN THE /AMIE& OF THE ESTATE OF KIRAGU MAKENDA ICAMBIRO OF EMBU CHEGE OF KANOEMA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE No. 45 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 165 or 4993 SUCCESSION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-names' decetsal, who died at Kanytrambora, on 24th above-named deceased who died at Provincial General Hospital, February, '1993, has been filed in this registry by Elizabeth Nyeri, on 6th February, 1989, has been filed in this registry Ciakithaka Melinda, of Kanyuazobons, P.O. Box 153, Embu, by John Chose Kiragu, of P.O. Box 122, •iriaini, in his in her capacity as widow of the deceased. capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed gram are invited and must be of thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publicttiou lodged io this registry within this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to - . the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks St. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. EMS the 19th October, 1993. Dated tie 44th October, 1993. H. N. NOUNOU, District Registrar, Kangema. E. M. MUTAHL District Registrar, Embu. GASETTE NOTIcE No. 6063 Genus Nana No. 6060 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MAYA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JUMA IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU ATHERO OF MAYA DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GAKUU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KIMENYI OF KIRINYAGA Succession CAUSE'No. 58 OP 1993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a Petition for RUCCESSPON Csusa iNto.1178 or 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerted take notice that a petition for above-nameid deceased, who died al Lundha Sub-location, North • grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Gem Location, Soya District, in the Republic abdranansed deceased who died at Sagma, Kiainyaga District, of Kenya, on 21st August, 1979, has been filed in this registry on 16th January, 4985, has been filed in this meaty by Alice by Just* M. Micro Awuor, of P.O. Box 172, Says, in his Muthoni Gakuu, Of P.O. Box 46, Sagana, in her capacity as capacity as nephew of the deceased, through Messrs. Wanyanga Widow of the deceased. - & Company, advocates of Slays. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publicttion of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of Is this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 27th October, 4993. Dated the 28th September, 1993. B. M. MUTAHL S. M. S. SOITA, District Registrar, Embu. District Registrar, Slays. 1754 'tail KENYA cAzETTE 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE Nona No. 6064 Gan Nora No. 6067 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MAYA IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT SLAYA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OBOR IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALEX NYALUO ALIAS THOMAS OBOR NYALUO OF AYIEKO OLUOCH OF MAYA DISTRICT SIAYA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 90 OF 1992 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 62 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Kaardha Sub-location, Siaya above-named deceased, who died at Manenyo Sub-location, East District in the Republic of Kenya, on 28th July, 1982, has been Gem Location, Siaya District in the Republic of Kenya, on Mal in this registry by Helena Odege Ayieko, of P.O. Box 13th January, 1988, has been filed in this registry by Joseph 16, Ndori, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. Lazarus Of waya, of P.O. Box 172, Siaya, in his capacity as And further take notice that Objections in the prescribed form parental nephew of the deceased, through Messrs. Wanyanga & to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Company, advocates of Siaya. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form this notice. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of is this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of this notice. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of Dated the 16th September, 1993. the date of publication of this notice, the tom may proceed to S. M. S. SOITA, make the grant as prayed or to make such order as k thinks Bt. District Registrar, Maya. Dated the 28th September, 1993. S. M. S. SOITA, District Registrar, Maya. GAZETTE Norma No. 6065 Gizerrs NOTICE No. 6068 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MAYA IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MAYA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CALEB OWUOR OKOLA OF SIAYA Drs RICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OWINGA MAHULO ALIAS JOHN OWINGA MAHULO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION OF SIAYA DISTRICT SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 59 OF 1993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 63 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the OP 1993 above-named deceased, who died at Koyeyo Sub-location, LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for Centel Alego Location, Siaya District, Kenya, on 11th June, a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the 1987, has been fled in this registry by Okola. Owner Makanda, above-named deceased, Who died at Ugunja Subdlocation, Uholo of P.O. Box 472, Siaya, in his capacity as father of the deceased, Location, Siaya !District in the Republic of Kenya, on 31st through Messrs. Wanyanga & Company, advocates of Siaya. January, 1990, has been filed in this registry by Athieno Muga Owings, of P.O. Box 172, Siaya, in her And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form capacity as widow of the deceased, through Messrs. Wanyanga & Company, to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be advocates of Siaya. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of this notice. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of Tatted the 28th September, 1993. the date of publication of this notice, the count may proceed to S. M. S. SOITA, make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. District Registrar, Maya. Dated the 1st October, 1993. S. M. S. SOITA, Grams Norms No. 6066 District Registrar, Siaya.

IN THE RESti,ENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT SLAYA Gszarrs NOTICE No. 6069 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MASINDE IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MAYA OLANDO OF SIAYA DISTRICT IN THE 'MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NOAH PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION RANDPICI OKENO OF MAYA DISTRICT SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 60 OF 4993 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 64 OF 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for above-named deceased, who died at Lundha Sub-location, North a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Gem Location, Siaya District in the Republic of Kenya, on above-named deceased, who died at Mali= Sub-location, North 14th June, 1974, has been filed in this registry by Justus M. Gem Location, Siaya District in the Republic of Kenya, on 15th Alberto, of P.O. Box 172, Siaya, in his capacity as stepson May, 1992, has been filed in this registry by Wilfred Okeno of the deceased, through Messrs. Wanyanga & Company, advo- Randiki, of P.O. Box 172, Siaya, in his capacity as son of the cates of Siaya. deceased, through Messrs. Wanyanga & Company, advocates of Siaya. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit Dated the 28th September, 1993. Dated the 1st October, 1993. S. M. S. SOITA, S. M. S. SOTTA, District Registrar, Maya. District Registrar, Maya. 7r1

OM November, 1993 11/13 KENYA GA221113

Unarm Nona NO. 6070 Gantry Nonce No. 6073 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S CCYURT AT AT KLVESABET IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHEPYATOR IN THE MATTER OF THE' STATE OF MEET ICHIANGUT OF KAPLOTIN VILIJAIGE, SACHO, tvfOSOP ARAP NGENY OF CHEMUNDU LOCATION, LOCATION 1NA'NDI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSPON CAUSE No. 15 OP 1993 SUCCESSION. CAUSE No. 53 or 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of admhattration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the stove-named deceased, who died at DittliCt Hospital, Baringo, above-named deceased, who died at Kimunda Subfocation, on 20th November, 1992, has been filed in this registry by Chemundu Location, on 20th July, 1983, has been filed in this Kitt amp Chanter, in his capacity as Son of die deceased. registry by Peter lbstich, of P.O. Bee 53, , in his capacity as administrator of the decased's estate. And further take notice that objection in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And Anther take notice that objections in the prescribed form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the rebooted grant are invited and must be thb notice. lodged in this registry withal thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has berth lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to maks such order as it Midi At. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the gram as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 1st October, 1993. J. MAITASI, Dated the 23rd July, 1993. District Registrar, Kabarnet. C. 0. MOITIPI, District Registrar, Kapsabet.

amens Nonca No. 6071 Gazarra Nonce No. 6074 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT Aft ITAIPSABET IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAPSABET IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY B1JNYORE BORE. OF CHEMUNDU LOCATION, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CREPTANUI NANDI DISTRICT TAPRICANDICEI OF LEL1MOICWO LOCATION, NANDI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND . ADMINISTRATION 33 OP 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 55 OP 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for above-named deceased, who died at Klatt Sub-loartion, a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Chemundu Location, on 461 April, 1908, has been filed in this above-named deceased, who died at Sigot Sub4ocation, Lolmokwo registry by (1) Salome Cheptoo and (2) Rooth Chebande Keioo, Location, on 8th August, 1991, has been filed in this registry both of P.O. Box 371, Rapeabet, in their capacities as admin- by Sally Atusel, of P.O. Box 30, ICapsabet, in her capacity a, Matrices of the deceased's estate. - an administrates of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date a publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or so make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 16th August, 1993. Dated the 16th August, 1993. C. 0. MOITUT, C. 0. Merin, District Registrar, Kapsabet. District Registrar, Kapsabet.

Gnaws Nonce No. 6072 Gwen Nonce No. 6075 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAPSABET AT KAESABET IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIBIROEJN IN THE MATTER OF THE. ESTATE OF CIFIENTWONY ARAP GHERCIYOT OF KAPIKANGAM LOCATION, ARAP BOR OF LESSOS LOCATION, HANN DISTRICT NAINDI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND Al3STINTSTRATION SUCCESSION Crum Nb. 45 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 56 OP 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at ILtimak St-location, Lessos above-named deceased, Who died at iCheplcumia Sub-location, Location, on 2nd August, 1991, has been flied in this registry Kimble:math Location, on 18th May, 1992, has been filed in this by (1) Reuben Kipkinong S. Samoye, (2) Reuben ICipmaich and registry by Esther Kairgen, of P.O. Box 25, •Kam= in her (3) Thomas TOpkadboi Rath, all of P.O. Boa 216, Kapsabet, capacity as an administer= of the deceased's estate. in their capacities as administrators of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed Dorm Sad further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the ranking of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Fudged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of Ms this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks lit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks At. Dated the 8th July, 1993. Dated die 2nd Augult,11993. C. O. MOtTUI, C. 0. MOITUL Mark* Itegfate ►, roeabes. arta Regisiner, Kapsabet. 1750 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993

Gazers Ncrrica No. 6076 GAZETTE Norton No. 6079 IN THE RESIDENT 'MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT ICAPSABET AT KAPSABET IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JERUTO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN KOROT KIBET OF KOSIRAI LOCATION, 'NANDI KIPRUTO CHRUIYOT OF CHEMASE LOCATION, DIS DtICT NANDI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMLNISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 62 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 65 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition lot • grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died art Kemonjil Sub-location, Kosira, above-named deceased, who died at Nairobi, Kenya, on 7th Location, on 22nd December, 1992, has been filed in this August, 1985, has been filed in this registry by Benjamin Tai, of registry by John ICibet Keter, of P.O. Box 25, Kapsabet, in P.O. Box 41, Chemase, in his capacity as an administrator of his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections In the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the count may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 2nd August, 1993. Dated the 9th August, 1993. C. 0. MOITUI, C. 0. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kapsabet. District Registrar, Kapsabet.

Gann Norma No. 6077 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6080 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT ICAPSABET AT 1CAPSABET IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPKERICH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIMONO KOGO OF LEUVIGICWO LOCATION, NANDI KOECH CHEMANGA OF LESSOS LO.C_ATION, DISTRICT NANDI 0/STRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 63 OP 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 66 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition tot LET ALL the panties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Lelmokwo Sub-location, above-named deceased, who died at Chopkunyuk Sub-location, Lelmokwo Location, on 8th May, 19811, has been filed in this Lassos Location, on 14th October, 1991, has been filed In this registry by Julies Chebo Kogo, of P.O. Box 956, Kapsabet, registry by Meshack Kiprotich Koedh, of P.O. Box 5, Kapsabet, in his capacity as administrator of the deceased's estate. in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of In this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks M. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 16th August, 1993. Dated the 16th August, 1993. C. 0. MOITUI, C. 0. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kapsabet. District Registrar, Kapsabet.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6078 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6081 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAPSABET AT KAPSABET IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JEPTOO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIMUTAI NGENY OF DELMOKWO LOCATION, NANDI DISTRICT MASAI OF LELMOKWO LOCATION, NANDI DESIRECT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 64 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 67 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for OF 1993 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for above-named deceased, who died at Ingo Sub-location, Lelmokwo a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Location, on 15th August, 1985, has been filed in this registry above-named deceased, who died at Lelmokwo Sub-location, by (1) Elizabeth Cherobon Tirop and (2) Mary Cherop Gitet, Lelmokwo Location, on 18th September, 1992, has been filed both of P.O. Box 130, Kapsabet, in their capacities as administra- in this registry by Jepketer Bum, of P.O. Box 1148, Eidont, trices of the deceased's estate. in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 16th August, 1993. Dated the 19th August, 1993. C. 0. MOITUI, C. 0. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kapsabet. District Registrar, Kapsabet. 1957 39th November, 1993 TEE KENYA OAVECITE

GAZETTE Nona No. 6085 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6082 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT ICAPSABET AT KARSAIBET IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KMOIGORIN IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAME ARM' K1E1'10147 OP KIMENDA SUB-LOCATION, ALRAF MUGE YEGO OF LOLICHRINGET LOCATION, NANDI ESSTRICT NANDI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 69 or 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 73 LET ALL the patties concerned take notice that a petition lot LET ALL the parties concerned take notice OW • petition far the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intonate to the estate of above-tamed deceased, who died at KlSnt Sub-location, above-named deceased, who died at Kamasia Sub-location, 11101 in Lolkeringet Locattion, on 26th August, 1993, has been Med in Kamotro Location, on 6th November, 1985, has been Ignatius Kibet, this registry by (I) Veronica Emphatic and (2) Emily Term, this registry by (1) Auguatino Kipkomboi and (2) both of P.O. Box 37, Kapsabet, in their capacities as administra- both of P.O. Box 747, Motet, in their capacities as administra- trices of the deceased's estate. tors of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And further take nctice that if no objection has been lodged And further take nose that if no objection has been lodged io *SS rarity in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the dale of publication of this notice, the come may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to k thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the want ws prayed or to make such order as Dated the 2301 August, 1993. Dated the 30th August, 1993. C. 0. MOITUI, C. 0. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kapsabet. District Registrar, Kapsabet. GAZETTE Nance No. 6086 Gazarrs NOTICE No. 6083 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAFSABET AT KAIPtSABET TN THE MAi itit OF THE ESTATE OF KIPPORUS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TEMPO IRCYTICH OF NANDI DISTRICT ARM' MUGUN OF KAPTEL LOCATION, NAND/ DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 74 op 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE bib. 70 OF 1993 LET ALL the patties concerned take notice that a Petition for a great of bras of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a ration for Acre-named deceased, who died at. Kaninda Sublotation, a great of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the filed in this registry by Cheruiyot *rich, shover/nth deceased, who died at Kombe Sub-location, Kaptel Chetnundu, has beta registry by of P.O. Box 53, Kapsabet, in his capacity as an administrator Location, on 27th May, MI, has been filed in this the deceased's crate. (1) Kiri Kelp° of P.O. Box 356, Kepsabet, and (2) Orr° of asap Their, of P.O. Box 306, Kapsithet, in their capacities as And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form administrators of the deceased's estate. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that objections In the premised fors to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged this notice. in this registry in the prescribed !am within thirty (30) dam of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court say Proceed to Dated the 3rd September, 1993. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks It. C. 0. MOITUI, Dated the 23rd Augur, 1993. District Registrar, Kapsabet. C. O. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kapsabet. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6087 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAZETTE Norms NO. 6084 AT KAPSNBET IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE .MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL AT KAFSABET CHERITLYOT OF 'GAFF& LOCATION, NANDI . DISTRICT 174 THE MATTER OF Tab ESTATE OF KIMISOI MAGOI OF KOSIRAI LocATroN, NANDI DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 75 OF 1993 Socorro?* Cam No. 72 ow 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a peltion for a grant of letters of administration Stara to the setae of the LET ALL the parties cancroid take notice that a petition for who died at ICaptel Sub-location, Karel a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- registry by deceased, who died at Chepteir Location, on 22nd May, 1970, bas been aged in this has been bled in this Jebel Chen/Tot and (2) thmell Chtpleisa, both of P.O. sox Koper Location, on 13th July, 1992 213, Kapsabet, in their capacities as adminirtatrices of the Sea by (l) Lazaro IC. Wok, (2) Andrew' K. Zither and (3) Tomb K. Terer, all of P.O. Box 959, Kapsabet, in their deceased's estate. capacities as administrators of due deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to aking of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged' in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.: . this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been With in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thirty (30) dthe dam of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in Sh registry in the prescribed Mrs within the such order as it thinks fit. the date of publicadan of this u6tice, the court Os Proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make r ip, as k Woke at. sake the grant as prayed Ot make suet order Dated the 3rd September, 4993. Dated the 30th August, 1993. C. O. MOGUL District Registrar, Kapsabet. District Registrar, Kapsabet. •tl " 1758 THE 1U3NYA GAZETTE, 19th November, 1993

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6088 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6091 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAPSABET IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KERUGOYA IN THE MATTER OF ME ESTATE OF JEIMUNAT KOROT JEPTAINGI OF KAPTEL LOCATION, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NANDI DISTRICT KANGI MANDERI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 76 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 146 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take nonce that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of lessen of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died at Kmnbe Sub-location, Kaptel above-named deceased, who died at Kianjanga Village, in 1959, Location, on 2nd April, 1978, has been filed in this registry has been filed in this registry by Gatogo Kenai, of P.O. Box by 0) Jetta° Chemangi and (2) William Keine, both of P.O. 900, Kerugoya, in his capacity as an administrator of the de- Box 3-56. Kapsabet, in their respective capacities as administratrix ceased's estate. and administrator of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice this notice. And further take notice that it no objection has been lodged And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed 'to the dale of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant a., prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 21st July, 1993. Dated the 6th September, 1993. F. F. WANDKU, C. 0. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kerugoya. District Registrar, Kapsabet.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6089 'GAZETTE Nonce No. 6092 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAPSABET IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THEIMATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHERUIYOT AT KERUGOYA ARA? BUTTA OF KAFLAMAI LOCATION, IN THE MATTER OF TIRE ESTATE OF KIRAGU NANDI 'DISTRICT NGUYA OF KERUGOYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISIKATICR9 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 85 OF 1993 'SUCCESSION CAUSE 'NO. 263 OF 1993 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of adminfistration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovonamed deceased, who died at Keplarnai Sub-location, above-named deceased, who died at Kininda Sub-location, on Kaplamtti Location, on 20th May, 1987, has been filed in this 8th ;December, 1971, has been filed in this registry by Judy registry by (7) Jepkemei Butia, (2) Regina Chelimo Cheruiyot, (3) Wanjiru Kiragu, of P.O. Box 254, Kerugoya, in her capacity Gideon 'Kipfano Cheruiyot and (4) Kipruto Mete, all of P.O. Box as an adrninistratrix of the deceased's estate. 336, Kapsabet, in their respective capacities as arlministratrices and administrators of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant am invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the !proscribed form bodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be this notice. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks lit. the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks et. Dated the 6th October, 1993. Dated the 5th October, 1993. F. F. WANTIKU, C. 0. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kerugoya. District Registrar, Kapsabet.

Gizerre NOTICE No. 6090 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6093 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE S COURT AT KAPSABET IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GIDEON AT RUNYENJES KIPKENY ARAP TIROP OF CHEMUNDU LOCATION, IN THE MATTER 'OF THE ESTATE OF NJERU KIURA ENANDI DISTRICT OF KIANJOKOMA SUB-LOCATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 371 OF 1993 SUCCESSION CAUSE No. 36 OF 1993 LET ALL the pastes concerned take notice that a petition for LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Kamobo Sub4ocation, above-named deceased, who died at Kyeni Consolata Hospital, Chernundu Location, on 9th October, 1989, has been fried in on 23rd January, 1990, has been filed in this registry by Mercy this registry by Wildred Tirop, of Leseru Station via Eldoret, hirnba Njeru, of P.O. Box 297, Kathande, in her capacity as in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. widow of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form 00 Int making of the proposed pant are invited and Mlle be to the making of the proposed grant am invited and must be lodged in this registry withal thirty (30) days of publication of lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this notice. And runner take notice that if no objection has been lodged And further take notice that If no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed Terra within tidily (30) days of in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order n it thinks lit. make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 30th August, 1993. Dated the 276 September, 1993. C. 0. MOITUI, District Registrar, Kapsabet. S. M. KIBUN1A, District Registrar, Runyenies. 9* November, 1993 THE -HENYA'43ratEETTA 1759

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6094 Guerra Nemec No. 6097

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT ELDORET KENYA NATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION @Incorporated in Kenya) TAKE. NOTICE drat applications having been made in this Head Office: P.O. Box 20425, Nairobi court in: Loss or POLICY CAUSE No. 29 OP 1993 Policy No. 053872 in the name and on the life of Chr4phine By Lucy Muthoni Mbugwa, of P.O. Box .159, Nakuru, Kenya, Owino Omolo. the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue intestate to the Waft of Mbugwa Ngotho, of Nakuru, who of a special policy in place of the above-numbered policy, died at Geneml Hospital, Nakuru, on 7th September, 1991. the original having been reported as lost or stolen. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the CAUSE No. 97 OF 1993 office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of By Abraham Shaya Lumakanda, of P.O. Box 60, Luandeti this notice, a special policy will be Issued, which will be the in the Republic of Kenya, the deceased's elder son, for a grant sole evidence of the contract. of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Lumakanda Shaya, of Shandiche Village, Rakamega District, who died at Dated the 10th November, 1993. Shandiche Village, on 9th October, 1991. OKONGO, Life Manager. CAUSE No. 124 OP 1993 By . John Mutsani Aithulinya, of P.O. 'Box 11072, Eldoret in the GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6098 Republic of Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Khulinya lqgartlici, late of Mile .Thirteen KENYA NATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Scheme, Uasin Thu, Who died at Mile Thhteen, on 16th (Incorporated in Kenya) Noteiabel, 1988. Head Office: P.O. Box 20425, Nairobi The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be Loss Or POLICY stovm to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered Within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this Policy No. 0201517 in the name and on the life of Josaphat notice in the Kenya Gazette. Kariuki. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue Dated the 10th August, 1993. of a special policy in place of the above-numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or stolen. Notice is IL M. , given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the Deputy Registrar, Eldoret. "office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a special policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6095 Dated the 10th November, 1993. Z. ORONO°. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT Life Manager. (Cap. 486) AND THE KENYA COLD STORAGE COMPANY LIMITED Gams Nonce No. 6099 MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT NOTICE is given that at an extraordinary general meeting (Cap. 265) of the company held on Friday, 6th lAugust, 1993, the follow- THE MACHAICOS TRADE DEVELOPMENT JOINT ing special resolution was pasadt LOANS BOARD "THAT the company be wound-up as a members' voluntary APPOINTMENT BOARD MEMBERS winding-up and that Ewan Alexander Davidson, of P.O. Box IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 104 of 30029, Nairobi, be, and is appointed liquidator for the pur- the Local Government Act the County Council of Masaku poses of the winding-up." appokits- Dated the 6th August, 1993. CUL Paul NMI Mutua, at. Mau Mind, E. A. DAVIDSON, Car. lobo Musau Kiloezo, Liquidator. to be members of the Machakos Trade Development Joint Loans Board. Gazette Notice No. 1939 of 1992, is revoked. GAZETTE Nunes No. 6096 Dated the 26th October, 1993. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT S. M. MHONDO, (Cap. 486) county Clerk.

THE KENYA COLD STORAGE COMPANY LIMITED GszerrE NOTICE No. 6100 APPOINTMENT OP LIQUIDATOR THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT Act Name of company.—The Kenya Cold Storage Company Limited. (cap. 20) Address of registered office.- -Kirungii", Ring Road, Westlands, THE TRADE DEVELOPMENT JOINT BOARD Nairobi. APPOINTMENT OP BOARD MEMBERS Registered postal address.—P.O. Box 30029, Nairobi. . - Nature of business. of property. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 3 (a) Ming of the Local Government (Wajir trade Development Joint Liquidator's name.—Ewan Alexander Davidson. Hoard) Order, 1965, the . County Council of. Wajir appoints-7- Address:—P. O. Box 30029, Nairobi. Cllr. Mohamed Noor Date of appointment.-6th August 1993. ClIr. !tulle Osman Sololo, Sy wham appointed.—Membere. Cllr. Zeinab Abdi Ali, to be members of the Walk Trade tteielopraent Joint Board. Dated the 6th August, 1993.

E. A. DAVIDSON, A.-M.7-GLILLE,TO, • Liquidator. Clerk to Council: 19th November, 1993 1760 THE KENYA GAZETTE

formerly known as Jane Mulamula, formally and absolutely, GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6101 renounced and abandoned the use of my former name Jane THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT Mulamula and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Jane Injesia Mutambo for all purposes and authorize and request (Cap. 265) all persons at all times to designate, describe and address THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF EMBU me by my assumed name Jane Iffijesia Mutambo only. APPOINTMENT OP PUBLIC PROSECUTOR Dated the 8th November, 1993. IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 260 (1) of the Local Government Act, the County Council of Embu, has, JANE INJESIA MUTAMBO, with effect from 1st November, 1993, appointed— formerly known as Jane Mulamula. JUSTIN NOURU RUKINDU acting revenue officer, to be a public prosecutor in subordinate court for all cases arising within the jurisdiction of the council GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6105 under the Local Government Act, and the by-laws made by the council. CHANGE OF NAME By order of the County Council of Embu. TAKE NOTICE that by a deed poll dated 19th Match, 1993, duly executed and registered in the Regiatry of Docu- Dated the 1st November, 1993. ments as Presentation No. 1618 in Volume DI, Folio 444/2778, E. N. MURIITHI, File DXXVI, by me, Isaiah Ndirangu Mutitu, of P.O. Box Clerk to Council. 489, Nyeri in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Elespan Ndungu Mutitu, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of my former name Eleven Ndungu Mutitu and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6102 Ewalt Ndirangu Mutitu for all purposes and I authorize and request all persons at all times to designate, describe and OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT address me by my assumed name Isaiah Ndirangu Mutitu only. NYERI DISTRICT TENDER No. NYI/23/93-94 Dated the 6th October, 1993. Sale of Government Boarded Vehicles and Equipment ISAIAH NDIRANGU MUTITU, TENDERS are invited for sale of Government boarded formerly known as Elespan Ndungu Mutitu. vehicles and assorted stores within Nyeri District. Tender documents are obtainable from the District Supplies Office, on payments of a non-refundable fee of KSh. 200 per GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6106 set and a refundable deposit of KSh. 2,000 per vehicle and KS!). 500 per other equipment. KWE MOTOR WORKS Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes marked DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED MOTOR VEHICLE "Tender No. NYI/23/93-94", should be addressed to the Dis- ,TAKE NOTICE that unless a moor vehicle registration No. trict Commissioner, P.O. Box 32, Nyeri, or be deposited into KDX 930, Isuzu pick-up, is collected by J. M. Morose, of the tender box situated at the District Commissioner's entrance, P.O. Box 125, Njoro, from the premises of Messrs. Kwe so as to reach him on or before 3rd December, 1993, at 10 Motor Works, P.O. Box 694, Kitale, situated on Central Elgon View Road, Kitale, within thirty (30) days from the date hereof The Government reserves the right to accept or reject any and the storage charges then paid, the said motor vehicle will tender and does not bind itself to give reasons for its decision. be sold by public auction as scrap to defray the said storage charges in accordance with the provisions of the Disposal A. N. MACAI, of Uncollected Goods Act. for District Commissioner. Dated the 28th October, 1992,

GAZETTE Nonce No. 6103 KWE. MOTOR WORKS, P.O. Box 694, Kitale. COM TOBACCONIST BUSINESS TRANSFER NOTICE is given that the business of general tobacconist GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6107 carried on by IlCrishnakaat Radial Shah under the name of Corn Tobacconist as the sole proprietor thereof on plot No. MAU FOREST LIMITED, KERICHO 209/4869, Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi in the Republic of IICAISUGU LIMITED, ICERICHO Kenya, has on 31st July, 1993, been sold and transferred to CLOSURE OF ROADS (1) Harsha Pankajkumar Jani and (2) Pankajkumar Narmadashanker Joni, who will carry on the said business at NOTICE is given that the private roads on the farm pre- mises of the above companies at Kericho, will be closed- front the same place under the same name and style. midnight an Saturday, 27th November, 1993, to midnight on The address of the transferor, is P.O. Box 44638, Nairobi. Sunday, 28th November, 1993. The address of the transferee, is P.O. Box 10762, Nairobi. All debts and liabilities due and owing by the transferor By order of the Board. of the said business up to and including 31st July, 1993, will be paid and discharged by the transferor. Dated the 5th November, 1993. The transferee has not and does not intend to assume any AFRICA REGISTRARS, of the liabilities whatsoever incurred in the said business of Secretaries. the transferor up to and including 30th July, 1993.

Dated the 1st November, 1993. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6108 0. M. SAMEJA, Advocate for the Transferor and the Transferee. EL KARAMA RANCH CLOSURE OF ROADS NOTICE is given that all private roads and footpaths on GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6104 the undermentioned properties namely L.R. Nos. 2748, 2749, 7496 and 4638, will be closed to the public on Saturday, 25th CHANGE OF NAME December, 1993, by order of the management. TAKE NOTICE that by a deed poll dated 1st February, Dated the 1st November, 1993. 1993, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Docu- MANAGER. masts at Nairobi as Presentation No. 2175, in Volume DI, Karana Rana. Folio 43512640, File DXXVI, b yme, Jane Injesia Mutambo, Et F1 -

19th November, 1993 THE KENYA GAZETTE 11761

Gums NOTICE No. 6109 GAZETTE Nonce No. 6112

THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACE THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap: 121) (Cap. 300, section 35) THE SOMET LIQUOR LICENSING COURT ISSUE OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED . Statutory Meeting WHEREAS Kaluki Ndunda, of P.O. Box 58, Mbiuni in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute NOTICE is given that the Bomdt Liquor Licensing Court ownership interest of that piece of /and containing 2.6 hec- Statutory meeting will be held on 8th November, 1993, in the tans or thereabout, situate in the district of Machakos, known District Conunissioner's office, Boma, at 10 a.m. as parcel No. 626, registered under title No. Mbiuni/Ulaani/ Applicants for new licences, transfers, conversion or removal 626, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show must appear in person or be represented by an advocate of that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice the high court. Attendance of applicants for renewals is optional is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the unless there are objections in which case attendance is desirable. date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. J. A. ABDUBA, Chairman, Dated the 19th November, 1993. Hornet Liquor Licensing Court.

S. J. KANYORO, Land Registrar, Machakos District. GeraTrs Nance No. 6113

THE LAND ADJUDICATION ACT (Cap. 284) CANCELLATION OP NOTICE OP DECLARATION GAZETTE Nance No. 6110 THIS is to notify for general information that the declaration notice is respect of Oloololo adjudication section, Siria East Location, Lolgorian Division, Narok District, reference No. THE REGISTERED LAND iACT LA/9/4/173B, dated 9th December, 1992, has been cancelled (Cap. 300, section 35) until further notice. ISSUE OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Dated the 28th July, 1993. WHEREAS Kinga s/o Wanjohi, of Kiamariga, Ruguru Location in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute G. C. MWAIRUMBA, ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.25 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Nyeri, register- Land Adjudication Officer, ed under title No. Ruguru/Kiamariga/921, and whereas suffi- Narok Adjudication Area. cient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is jinn that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. GAZETTE Nonce No. 6114

Dated the 19th November, 1993. THE HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ACT (Cap. 494) • THE HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS (CLASSIFICATION OF T. N. MUIRURI, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS) REGULATIONS, 1988 Land Registrar, Myer, District. CLASSIFICATION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by regulation 7 of the Hotels and Restaurants (Classification of Hotels and Restaurants), Regulations, 1988, the Hotels and Restaurants Authority classifies the hotels and restaurants specified in the first column of the schedule in the manner specified in the second column of the schedule and revokes the previous classification as indicated in the third column of the schedule. Gszerrs NOTICE No. 6111 SCHEDULE Name and Location Classification Previous Classification THE REGISTERED LAND ACT African Sea Lodge (Cap. 300, section 35) (South Coast) Four Star Three Star Tropical Village ISSUE OP A NEW LAND TITLE DEED (Melinda) Four Star Three Star WHEREAS 'Matson S. Sintei (ID/ 1062823/64), of P.O. Box Oceanic Hotel 217, Ngong Hills in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as pro- (Mombasa) Three Star Three Star prietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land Park Side Hotel Two Star One Star containing 0.81 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district (Nairobi) Oriental Palace Hotel of Kajiado, registered under title No Ngong/Ngong/9754, and (Nairobi) Thee Star Two Star whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that Chiromo Hotel the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given (Nairobi) Two Star Two Star that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, Siena Springs I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection (Masai Mara) Three Star Two Star has been received within that period. Kichwa Tembo (Masai Mara) Three Star Two Star Trattoria Restaurant (Nairobi) Four Star Three Star Dated the 19th November, 1993.

Datedthe 25th August, 1993 J. P. NGIMOR, P. D. GUTU, Secretary, Land Registrar, Hotels and Restaurants Authority. Raliado Dostrict.

1762 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 1993


CLASSIFICATION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by regulations 2 and 7 of the Hotels and Restaurants (Classification of Hotels and Restaurants) Regulations, 1988, the Hotels and Restaurants Authority classifies the hotels listed in the schedule in the manner specified. SCHEDULE


Name and Location Address Capacity Class

1. Hotel Sapphire, Mombasa . P.O. Box 1254, Mombasa 110 Beds Two Star 2. Le Soleil Beach Resort, Mombasa P.O. Box 84737, Mombasa 140 Beds Three Star LODGES I. Mpata Safari Club, Masai Mara P.O. Box 58892, Nairobi .. 40 Beds Five Star

Dated the 25th August, 1993. J. P. NGIMOR, Secretary, Hotels and Restaurants Authority.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6116 certificate of title after the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, unless a written objection is received within that THE UNIVERSITIES (ESTABLISHMENT OF period. UNIVERSITIES) (STANDARDIZATION, ACCREDITATION AND SUPERVISION) RULES, 1989 Dated the 19th November, 1993. AFRICA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY W. M. iKAMOTI, Registrar of Titles, Mombasa. ISSUANCE OF LETTER OF INTERIM AUTHORITY PURSUANT to the provisions of rule 9 (1)–(3) of the Univer- sities (Establishment of Universities) (Standardization, Accredi- Gxzerre NOTICE No. 6118 tation and Supervision) Rules, 1989, it is notified for public THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT information that the Commission for Higher Education has approved the establishment of the Africa Nazarene University (Cap. 281) as a private university in Kenya. Accordingly, the institution REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT has been issued with a letter of interim authority as is stipu- WHEREAS George Kamau, of P.O. Box 44526, Nairobi, lated in rule 9 (2) of the said Universities Rules, 1989. is registered proprietor as owner for an estate in fee simple Particulars of the university: of that piece of land situate in the Mombasa Municipality in the Mombasa District, held under a certificate of title Name.—Africa Nazarene University. registered as C.R. 17888, and whereas the said George Kamau Postal address.—P.O. Box 53067, Nairobi, Kenya. has executed an instrument of transfer in favour of Vulpine Location.—KajiadolOtekasasi (near ). Investment Limited, of P.O. Box 50162, Nairobi in Kenya, and whereas an affidavit has been filed in terms of section Sponsorship.—The university is sponAored by the Africa 65 (1) (1) of the said Act, declaring that the said grant regist- Nazarene Church, through the 'Africa Nazarene University ered as C.R. 17888 is not available for registration, notice is Trust. given that after the expiration of fourteen (14) days from the Academic choracter. —, Africa Nazarene University is a church- date hereof, provided that no objection has been received related institution incorporated by the trustees of the Africa within that period, I intend to dispense with the production Nazarene University Trust. The university proposes to offer of the said grant and proceed with the registration of the degree programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels said insrument of transfer. in business administration, education, science, computer Dated the 19th November, 1993. science, human ecology, mathematics and theology, within W. M. KAMOTI, the first ten (10) years of its operation with the hope of offering additional fields of study in the future. lit will also offer Registrar of Titles, Mombasa. courses at certificate and diploma levels in some of the above disciplines. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6119 Dated the 19th November, 1993. THE COURT BROKERS ACT J. M. MUNGAI, (Cap. 20) Commission Secretary. REVOCATION OP COURT BROKERS LICENCE IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by the Court 6-Anne Nonce No. 6117 Brokers Act, it is notified for general information that the Court Brokers Licensing Board revoked the licences of the THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT following court brokers, with effect from 22nd September, (Cap. 281, section 71) 1993 : ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE Steven Githiomi, trading as Mikaa Auctioneers. WHEREAS George Kamau, of P.O. Box 30027, Mombasa, Charles Ndingori, trading as Sirikwa Auctioneers. is registered as proprietor in fee simple of that piece of land known as subdivision No. 2926, section I, mainland north Sammy Festo Ngejwa, trading as Pamoja Auctioneers. within Mombasa District, held by a certificate of title registered Dated the Ilth November, 1993. as C.R. 17888, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced H. M. OKWENGU, to show that the said certificate of title registered as C.R. Executive Secretary, 17888 is lost, notice is given that, I shall issue a provisional Court Brokers Licensing Board.