= = `çããçåïÉ~äíÜ=çÑ=^ìëíê~äá~= = Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. ASIC 10A/02, Thursday, 28 February 2002 (Special) Published by ASIC ^^ppff``==dd~~òòÉÉííííÉÉ== Contents Unclaimed Consideration for Compulsory Acquisition - S668A Corporations Act Copies of records of unclaimed consideration in respect of securities, of the following companies, that have been compulsorily acquired have been received and are hereby published in accordance with subsection 668A(4) of the Corporations Act: • ALLIED QUEENSLAND COALFIELDS PTY LTD • ALPHA HEALTHCARE LIMITED • AUSTRALIAN NUT PROCESSORS LIMITED • CABLE & WIRELESS OPTUS LIMITED • CULTUS PETROLEUM NL • EVANS DEAKIN INDUSTRIES LIMITED • HOWARD SMITH LIMITED • HUDSON PACIFIC GROUP LIMITED • IAMA LIMITED • LAUREL BAY PETROLEUM LTD • PETROLEUM SECURITIES ENERGY LIMITED • QNI LIMITED • SALAMANDER GOLD MINES NL The unclaimed consideration from these compulsory acquisitions is currently being held by the company. These unclaimed considerations are not due to be forwarded to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission until March 2003. All claims should be directed to the relevant company or share registry until the above date. Contact details have been included under the relevant company name in this Gazette. ISSN 1445-6060 Available from www.asic.gov.au © Commonwealth of Australia, 2001 Email
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