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Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-30-1910 Alamogordo News, 06-30-1910 Alamogordo Print. Co.

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Correspondent Estimates' Among Ent re 10 be Made 1D Calls Electl0D for Sep Nws' Novelties Will be Human . Smith Tried Before U. 8. Com- - Trip a,Qovernor 125,000 Found Harvest Roulette Wheel Prairie Schooner tember Sixth missioner Last Saturday OTHER LIVE NEWS ITEMS PARKER CARNIVAL CO. HISTORIC OLD TRAIL WORK OF CONVENTION FROM SHADY TOWN HAS BEEN BOOKED Decision Rendered Monday Fixed Amount of WILL BE PRESERVED TO BEGIN OCTOBER 3

The strawberry catn in now Albuquerque. N. M.. June 24. Bail at $5,000.00 Pueblo, Colo., June 28. The Santa Fe, N. M.. June 28. and apricots and plums are bul you ever ride on The Hu- most successful good roads cam-'Th- e election of delegates to the lking marketed, a great quanti- - man Roulette Wheel? You will paign in the West today and one constitutional convention for the M. Smith, in ty being shipped up the line as have that privilege at the Thir- The trial of R. sist the collection of the of the leading roads movements state of New Mexico will be held booty : well a to El Paso. The peach tieth Annual New Mexico Fair charged with the robbery of the and the following employ- of the entire country, the recent September tí. according to a de- El Paso pas- es of Ouder-kirk- , crop will soon be here : some of next October. This is one of and Southwestern Carrizozo: J. A. extension of the territory where- cision arrived at by the governor any a Mm earlier varieties are now on the unique features of the Par- senger train, did not create telegraph operator; A. in this great highway will be today after conference with the market, but the standard ker larg- very great excitement, but it B. Hamilton, a car inspector; C. built, and the great interest in a territorial secretary and attorney the Carnival company, the , Alamo-gord- o, Ba-a- Kltierta and the Karly Mamie est carnival company in the brought a good crowd U night watchman ; and W. S. link in what is hoped eventually general. It was decided not to well at- Bourne, a coast-to-coa- Koh are yet to ripen. In I .a world, which is coming to the and the trial was deputy sheriff. to be a st thorough- wait for further official notifica- The continued all The for theenabl-in- g Luí alone at lea.--t 12&,U00 pounds fair. It h an immense fifty foot tended. trial witnesses the defense fare, lends especial interest to a tion of the approval of day and decision were O. L. Henry, ad- id peaches will be raised, to say wheel on which you whirl around Saturday the Joe Adams, trip on which A. D. Hamilton act, the governor and his was not Monday. D. W. Webb, nothing of the other fruit produc- - until you are liounced off against rendered until Stanley Squire has recently embarked from Ot- visers believing that his pres- The case was by Sidney and L. Nalley, of ing districts of Otero cninty ; and a padded bank. The man who heard Carrizozo. The tawa. Kansas, ence in Washington at the time M. Parker, I Hi Com- gist of Gov- in this section the fruit is of lirst stays on the longest wins the ted States the testimony of the Mr. Hamilton will traverse the of the signing of the bill was in room of ernment lass quality, not excelled by roulette game. missioner, the court witnesses was that they New Santa Fe Trail, which is the sufficient notification. Accord- house. Govern- - believed the fruit of California. We are This is onlv one of the merrv the court The Smith to be the man. official name of this great high- ingly Governor Mills will tomor- n,ent was represented by H. W. The witnesses for H.rry the canning factory was not aniuement devices which will the defense way, and which closely follows row issue the formal proclama- as918tal,t United testified built. It would have proved a transform the carnival park at Clark' States that on the night the the famous old Santa Fe trail, tion calling for the election of crime was de- - paying investment for all con- Alimonen.. ie into a (hipv Island uls rlci attorney, oi eu. committed, the which extended from Westport delegates tc the convention. ' Thp defense was conducted by was in cerned. We hope that by next next October. You can hardly jfendant Smith Carrizozo. Land, now Kansas City, to Santa The enabling act provides that George Spence. an attorney ofj With the so year some one will build a can- afford to mist it evidence badly F'e, New Mexico, and which be- the delegates shall convene at Carrizozo. Miss Olga Miller re-- 1 conflicting, ning factory in Oten unty. A gigantic statehood float, the it made a hard case gan its operation in 1821. Santa Fe the fourth Monday af- gorgeous Prte1 lhe eMe J for the court to deaide. After the election which would The good people of Cloudcroft most thing of the kind Mr. Hamilton and his family ter The Government introduced carefully reviewing consid- - ever attempted, will be the fea and will make the opening of the conven- are going tocelebrate the Fourth, following make this journey in an ture par Thir- the witnesses; Sam ering the testimony, the court tion occur on October 8. and the fact that Cloudcroft is excellence at the prairie schooner. The tieth and first Shipler, a telegraph lineman who decided to bind over the defend- widely a re- Annual Fair State modern motor car, now speeding No official notification in writ- advertised a health was one of the passengers rob- ant to await the action of the sort will many to prefer Fair at Albuquerque, October over the fine highway that ing has been received by the cause bed ; J. M. Mayer, the Pullman federal grand jury which will be t Wm mt next. The exact nature of this stretches across Kansas Col governor or Secretary Jaffa from triii t.. ot.iMlia liiona 'lii couductor who was in charge of convened next and ... float the annual November. The Washington .u - u i ..:.;..)u immense in orado, will not be the vehicle in of the passage and in who navr nevei isiit-- the sleeper which was robbed ; amount of bail was fixed at Ave is - ' ut which he and his family will go. approval of the statehood bill, but Cloudcroft the trio alone worth is- C. V was defend-an- are TT way icory. flagman, who also thousand dollars. The t is f he piaus wen uuoer 10 They have certain reasons, some it not believed there is any fare, and to us who know the robbed ; R. L. Clark the Pullman has not yet been able to make it something that will be economical, come sentimental, necessity of waiting for the red place, the beautiful scenery, porter who was compelled to as- - make the required coming of state- - bond. pure mountain water, to say historic. The for following the old trail and tape. The date of the election hood means the first fair is 6 nothing of the races, the ball that the new in the means of convey- set at September in order to held after the star is added to Institute Dance School Nearly 4000 Ahead allow the required for reg- Raines, etc., are certainly worth ance common to the time when time the flag will be the most tremen- istration and teeing. .So let's leave the ther- The informal dance given last The friends of the public school such highways were the only other formalities dous exposition of the resources New-Mexic- throughout mometer at 11) in the shade and Thursday evening at the evidently want the school to win avenues of commerce in the the territory. The of New Mexico ever held. spend the Fourth among the tall It Institute for the Blind that piano, for they are working Great Southwest. regular meeting date of the every man, woman, I I county var- pines of Cloudcroft. behooves WM one of the ,n08t enjoyable in earnest. This week the school From Ottowa to Las Vegas will commissioners in the ; ,1 I ! ó, ami child in new Mexico to oe ;,,, u ,,,,,,, r,I,. Th,. v. 1.., 077: . 1. . . . the route traveled by the ious counties is July and on I. F.. Huss has secured a suit-util- e demon- on hand, and make the big veranda was used for dancing institution nearly 4lM)0 votes Hamilton family. This trip will that date the commissioners can location in F.I Paso for the stration one never to be forgot-- conveniently pavilion and was delightfully ahead of Company "I. " j cover what was set down in the attend to the ap purpose of supplying the people ,t.n cool. Louis Hill's orchestra fur-- i genpraphies as "Great pointment of the registration uf that city With fancy peaches The boosters of Company "I'Mold the The New Mexico Kennel Club, Dished inspiring music from the American now one boards. I and the Fire department are ap-- Desert," vast season. The peaches raised j I ' wtiiefa is to have charge of the lawn below. About eleven garden, and, in territory Pursuant to the provision of hj Mr. Huss are surpassed bj parently playing a waiting game. the a,muai Kennel Show of the 80th o'clock tables were set on the west of the one hundredth the enabling act, the' commis- none, ami the Uaiiiornia irtnt This week the former polled 94 served, , 1... 1.. ridian. broutrht about bv sion consisting of the governor. r.ita. ui. i.iin ion..,.,., ti...1 lie ' muni meel it rival. j j.f iuic, First Mate lair, dm been rally m Sunders.k...t!.,fí.rH,iíM-- 1 rs. Harris and Miss ' M a é - of irrigation. Chief Justice Pope, and Secre- 1 ' ill-- iii íi I Wl LI 3L- Mr. organized, and is Headed y Huss has a century plant Mr. Pratt and Mr. Cox. of the Lit ... k0 A. D. Hamilton comes from tary Jaffa met at 5 o'clock this I .i.t hich is blooming and presents some of the most prominentrmeo 1 insttnte faculty, very craeioasly nnl it would -- e,.m m h. Cincinnati, and he has long had afternoon and made the appor- a beautiful sicrlit. stalk beinir' of the territory. 'Ibis Kennel the and gracefully did the honors. the race has narrowed down to a in mind just such a trip as this. tionment of delegates to the var- 2u I exhibition is going to be on a feet high. Mr. Hose has wait The guests were Mr. and Mrs. long, hard struggle between the He recently went to Ottawa, ious counties for the election of Ml patiently for this plant to large scale, and with the poultry E. Mrs. (i. W. Warren, Mr. and tiree top notcheis, and while all Kansas, w here he has a nephew, September 6. bloom, for say plant exhibit, will be one of the most they the J. Wollinger, Misses Margaret three are holding out votes, it is T. P. Hamilton, formerly a car Chairman Bursum, of the ter- blooms only once in a hundred notable features of the live stock . 1 V . 1 carpenter, uorotny Marshall, i,poS9ble to get a line on the I inspector with the Atchison, ritorial republican central com- years exhibits. The people of the ter- - and then dies. Olga Miller, Fudora Major. Edna relative streugh. Miss Lottie Topeka á Santa Fe railroad, mittee was unable to get away ritory are for both Mr. Oreen, who was a former re- - Patchin, NIM BOipiO, HtStl ohel Edwnrdl is only about (Umn votes which traverses the old trail, and from his Socorro county ranches - hJbiti, and both will set a new ; - lident of LaLuz, but who ramov- ton, Nina Warwick Messrs. Stan- behind the Fire Department, and prevailed upon his nephew to ac- and did not arrive here today so ed "ark ln 1,118 f,,r ko soutl'-sinc- e to Kansas some three months nard Hartley, Marshall Parker, Lf C0Urse still has a chance. company him- that arrangements for convening for the benefit of his health, weBt- - Mitchell Major, erne Rhoades, central k' A. I The present standing of the The party will travel by easy the committee will be MlI,M,n thm and Oil muww.u.iyfwi Guthrie Smith, Frank Stanley, ratnn to ww contestants isas follows: stages. "Travel behind a team made later. There will be an t lm .1,., w :11 learn, with great pleasure, UMhiM l.1 Roger Williams. is other meetiuK for conference uitrrn iir uio'r t t Public School 17818 all right," said Mr. Hamilton, t ii it.. mniiRfTiitnnnfI . f tin f his nronertv in Kansas and lilt' I IIV i ..I early next week, Solomon Luna Annual Fair at Alb- Company "I" 11874 "if you have your time. Having rill La Thirtieth Business Men's Club I return and improve his 154M time, we favor left touight for a- Vegas on po- e Fire Department this means of ulo with qut-rqu- has closed a contract property. In company The next regular monthly Miss Lottie Edwards filXi transportation." litical business. tl,e w- - l,arker ival Mr. GUescoek, he will develop ft " ' of meeting of the Alamo Business Alamogordo Sanatorium 2dH0 Reaching the famous wheat-field- s There were various scattered foot--! the PPftrnee ve spring dttmted in the omP" 1 to- group of Men's Club will be held at the Odd Fellows s of western Kansas, the gatherings of politicians here hills. Tin s,. Mntl.mD wii. that great attractions club room, on Tuesday night, Miss Nettie ROSCOO 18M rela-'7- day, but owing to dates at the fair next October. This BfttniltOBI will help some l the late ninotk.' U I f.. ,..nari ó. in " II. ,,l III' II j j ia July A determined effort (Christian Church. lives harvest th?ir golden crop set for the delegate election and lure. is undoubtedly the leading W,U made j amusement company of the world to revive interest Baptist College ''7: and then resume their journey. the constitutional convention. Last week a w hose name man - l"1 tl,,s could; Miss Edith ameron VArj They expect to reach Las Vegas there has been a considerable your carrying 900 people, and requir corresDondeut failed to be made to render such a valu- - Miss Ellen MM falling off in in sen - milt i' p ki i n - Quinliven about the last of August. interest the ir. ira ' " urn. came through town selling ; Parker company able 8ervure lor t," ,""lunity. Blind Institute .'ol The motor power will be a span atorial camnaiun. There has preparation by which you mm ' New be n much button-holin- g ümMnd. Mill. 'lhe admisMonof Mexico! High School F.U of mules and a horse. Six ner- - and liiüki (n iMAftl I Mr on ..f nilL' state will mean a of hool w many confidential iiesutu State Fair last year, this asa renewal S House Jit sons ill ride in the wagon. A. conferences, mtter milk, goat milk, or any New being one of the biggest in interest in Mexico on the Catholic Church 2CD. Hamilton is not new to the but no definite conclusions of fair A I 1 I "'her milk. One of our towns- 01t an t. il Tl Masonic Lodge lit1 interest so far as the west. It has pleased i.n- - P" ine owier siaies. ine prairie schooner business. Thirty learned have men bought the right for the en-W- of Initnigration New nejIM crowds everywhere for Bureau of Mt. Park Public School S years ago he made the trip from been arrived at in any quarter. territory. The fact that the Mex,co strengthening the past ten years, and is now its Modern Woodmen :t Texas to Iowa in this way. Albuquerque Morning Journal. price I mm of cream has already drop- awl 'it v ,.1... - - i mi M a m be- - nniMtion getting ready for V.HJ .un..,- .ew a ped awl better than ever me aiua re is several points here causes a h,K of advertising. Miss I.aura 1 f,.re with dozens of unioiie new campaign Bennett. great highway. It is now actual-- 1 Q. P. .011r Canfield arrived Monday scribe to believe that its That institution is doing, and John j fun features. Smith ly building from Kansan City to night and remained Wed- ""!' a matter of a few weeks until New Mexico is lucky to secure " utinue u uo, a great worK Miss Eunice Barton 4 Canon City, Colorado, and from nesday lux- morning, visiting his ""t'l we can all afford that for Fair, for New 1 ' big aggregation the Mexico. However, Miss . this the Hazel Shelton Lajnnta, Colorado, down to Santa daughter, Mrs. R. ury. by far thing of its F. Pollock. It the best vorfc of the territorial organ ua Jose 1 ' Viderri Fe. New Mexico. The old trail Mr. Canfield is just completing kind ever seen in the southwest, Ttkl IL N. Almond, brother to our m k Karh count 10 ' proceeded from and assures that the fun fea- - ,. , " Kansas City, to a tour of the world which he b'wnsnian, W. N. Almond, came I a,", ,'a'1' w ihou,d h tures" of the Annual Fair an the south of the Kansas river. made in seven months, and was be "rganizatiou, to special - (i. E. MofTett, Carnival will the best ever of Orograude, in a hurry to return to his home (continued on page four) this year. lise. was here last Saturday. (continued ou page four) in Los Angeles, to rest.

0 7 TT ATI CTA AFTER rood TFirI 111 . . .IfcVA 1 ;LW . 1 mAKV --V 11 . era mI a SUFFERING v u nothing to show that Inside had his father's house two nights in MM Iichii mystery and vióleme and aul , ssin. stealing in like a thief, when !"n death 11. m edi cl ouly to ask entrance to be Evaporated Milk ROBERTS In MM of the tulip beds bark of the admitted ' house mi parly blackbird was pecking Tin romner was a very silent man: ONEJEAR Contains double the nu- RINCHART vi, ioush at something that glittered lie took some notes after this, but he IlLltiTMTIOM BY in tlM light I picked my way gingerh -- eemcd anxious to make the next RfW'J'' E. Pink-ham'sVegeta- ble triment and none of the oxer tkrOUCft the dew and stooped train back to town. He set the in Cured by Lydia SYNOPSIS. down; almost burled In the soft quest for the following Saturday, gave her stop suddenly, as if she had been Compound impurities so often found I ground iH a revolver! seraped tin Mr Jamieson. the younger of the two struck. of more intelligent she said in a tone Milwaukee, W1. "Lytila E. Pink, so-call- Mi 'Bal in earth off it with the Hp of my sho. detective, and the "He does not." in ed fresh or raw Inn. sMnster run Gertrud nni Hit !')'. estaraMshraJ summer and. picking it up. slipped it into my looking, a few instructions, and. after that was not her own. "Mr Hail'W and ham's Vegetable Compound has made MadÍMiarteN at Minn) Amii mi- me a wen woman, 1 my hands with me ami my know nothing of this. milk. ni .linVnlti" t! i,nerte,l.. pocket Not until had got into gravely shaking brother ami I would liko to A Mi Inn' l..'k. up f"r the nint. affair, took three. MnM and double tocM d the door ri KrettlBg the unfortunate The murder was committed at the whole world be- tell The use of Libby' in- did venture to tak it out and e l is accompanied, by the They left the house at a quartet of it I suffered mine r One look wai all seeded other detective fore thru'.' froM female trouble sures pure, rich, whole- It nas Halsey's revolver. I had un- was just beginning to breathe ' Mow do vou know that Mr Jam- - andrVnrful pain sin ft Jamb-sen- . I kn n: y back. I had packed it tlie day Mm and put on freely wln-- Mr who had MM aski oddly 'Do yoit at the some, healthful milk that ill having Maad, and there eould be n st liBg by the window, came what time th-- v bit' best doctors and Hla name was on a "I SBSWI red firmly. t':ny all decided i" mistake small ft to do.' t'.ertrnde T is superior in flavor and my thai had a tumor silver plate on the handle. fly cons of yourself "At a luarter bwf three brothel In addition to mt s- Mi Bailey b by economical in cost. emeil to pee a network closing me. Mt Innes?" and he boat, the f. nal trouble, and iranM my hoy. htaoceM as 1 knew be "My ni I IS here, I said main er.tra advised an opera- I oil Libby's Evaporated Milk is was The re olver am .1 fraid ot'trreui. no míe but "Cert nub tion. Lydia E. CHAPTER IV. Cont rued. but anxiety gave me courage to look are dream' Why to l'inkhaui's Vegetable t' mpound made " me woman 1 have no more the purest, freshest high through ti e barrel the revolver had nep I had to three a well and Imi-- can help others by till two bulletl in it. I eould only At h If past backache. I I telling- them what Ly Ha E. Piukhani's milk, 111 ihotie rang I grade obtained I should two tie' dn Vegetable Compouvl baa dono for 'I ar.l it. from h id not go me." Mr.. EmsiaUise, S3 first St., selected, carefully 1. : laey n it. and aroum is t nr I said a Then Milwaukee, Wis. u - BUQ I in a few mi M came ill thou, fed cows. It is pasteur- M ha. nu "I let htm- - The above is ono of the knocked at 111 V )or. We- -1 t.iü.i d grateful whiih are d Um n ut any tune. sands of letters t! I dress-i- t by ' for a minute, mt on f constantly beinr received the ized and then evaporat- I'l ni lie was here y rday evening. I ' n- - Comfiany i lug gown 1 pet s, and da llnkham Medicino of Lynn, h ying them believe?" and ed (the water taken out), with hit Mr. Ball was in Mass., which prove beyond a doubt thai nk had b 1I1 i;.ped inti "No yes." stairs Vegetable Com- We we all talked Lydia E. rinkham's' filled into bright, new box on my oilet table "Didn't he have a guest with him? the billiard too pound, made from roots and herbs, 1 together perhaps t n minut. s. ned box and tell around for Another man ?" for actually does cure theso obstinate dis- 011. Mis It An CUB-lin- Then it was decided that that they tins, sterilized and sealed The box wa empty the k "He brought a friend with him to eases of women after all other means a m go away " suf-erin- g In the eo intry wil disappear, d stay over Sunday. I Mr. Bailey." should both hare failed, and that every such it. his you be more explicit?" Mr. woman owes to herself to at air tight until you need kills an Intruder in "Mr. John Bailey, the cashier of the "Can't it night. Hateer " .Tamieson aski d. Why did they go least give Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegeta- CHAPTER V. Traders' bank, I believe." And I knew ' Why. you don't think Hal did away?'' ble Compound a trial before submit, Use Libby's and tell that some one at the Greenwood club ting to an operation, or giving up I eX Minted. There was a queer "I am only telling you what hap-p-i If" Gertrude's Engagement. had told. "When did they leave?" hope of recovery. your friends how good feeling of physical nausea coming ned. not w hy it happened, " ihe said At ten o'clock the Casanova hark Very early 1 don't know at Just Mrs. Finkham, of Lynn, Mass., over me. evenly "Hattey went for the car, write, is. ought up men. They Intro-ice- d what time." Invites all sick women to it No, no not at all," he said with three and instead of bringing it to the house themselves as the coroner of Mr. Jamieson turned suddenly and her for advice. She lias frulded forced cheerfulness, "Coate, Miss In-- and rousing people, he went by the county two detectives from looked at nie. thousands to health and her a ghost of yourself, and if and lower from the stable Mr. is Lbby, McNeill road advice free. I am goin g to help you upstairs and Bailey was to meet him at the foot of " & Libby call your maid. This has been too the lawn Mr Bailey left SURELY NO PLACE FOR HER Much for vou." "Which way?" Mr. Jamieson ask'd Chicaga About o'clock G a : In. sharply. tri In the Presence of Such Magic There lly dressi and 1 up "By entrance He the main left Seemed But One Thing for it was a quarter to I know three Maid to Do. xaetly." the hull Is stopped. "The clock in Prof. Perclval Lowell, the eminent id sa Miss Intiis," said .lamieson. Nothing Martian said in a recent to escape him. seemed interview in : "He at his watch.." she re- - looked "The Martian cana' I are not Pana-- d plU d. 1 ( see Mr and mild lamleson'i ma canals. The stoi canals,' you snap, he a di3- - eyes as if had ade know, really n.e.,: I lines.' It covery. myself, ; The Drink of Quality As for dui tni the shouldn't be taken ' rally, as the whole recital I had been plui d into servant girl in Huston took the parlor the deepest ama.etiH r.t. magic. "Will you pardon me for a personal "An amateur niagV an In a Beacoa v, question r The detective as a was goi Dg through his 1 street house ines si l though W119 youngish man. and be tricks while a maid pt mi d in and out somewhat embarrassed. 'M Vhat are with refreshments your your relations with Mr. Balleyf "The magician was reading le'ters Oertrude b sitat d. 'l in n she came placed under a rug as th" maid 1 over and put her hand lovingly In brought In a tray of lemon ices. mine. ""What is a CtatOT asked, fit St III this?' "I am engs (1 to marry hint," she " 'That is II,' the magician an- - Whereupon I told 1 'Ml said simply and, sure em :gh, his answer redi night befoi 1 noises the had grown so accustomed to sur- was correct. on the veranda in th I prises that could only gasp again, "The maid looked with astonish- - an afterthought hi and as for Oertrude, the hand that ment at the letter which had been l CI.trunk. lay In mine was burning with fever. hidden tinder the thick ri;g. She ' I lid, hav e no doubt now. "that "And after that." Mr. Jamieson turned her gaze on the handsome It was Arnold Armstrc m went on. "you went directly to bed?'' young magician who had read last, too. ad a key. no it before Gertrude hesitated Then, setting down bCf tray of ices, doubt, but why mid steal into 1 "No." she said finally "I am not she hid her rosy face in her hands his hotii I mnot Imagine, lather's nervous, and after I had extinguished Hd ran out of the room. He could have ie with my permis-Anyhow- , the light, i remembered something I " 'What's the good o me clothes? sion easily enoug whoever had left in the billiard room, and I she cried." The Texatone Boy it was that nigu left this little sou- - felt my way hack there through the venir." A Dirge. AT FOUNTAINS AND IN BOTTLaB. darkness." took om look cu?T- - She laid the still white form beside WXATONH COMPANY DALLAS. TBXAB Gertrude at the "Will you tell nie what It was you Is those which had gone p. fore; no sob, link and went as white as th" peat 1 had forgotten?" in it : she clutched at the oot of the "I cannot tell you," she said slowly. no sigh forced its way from her heart, staring. A me, I throbbing though It would Your Liver bed and stood for Ir W "I I did not leave the billiard room as burst. w as qui Mtonisc 1 as she wag. at once " Suddenly a cry broke the stillness of is Clogged up lid you-'- . find "Why?" The detective's tone was the place pjM single heart breaking ask-- fina with a ib á Imperative. "This is very important. hriek; then silence; another cry; That's Why You're Tired Out el Sort Have No Appetite And while I t Miss Innes " more silence; then all Silt nt but for king out of the guttural murmur, which seemed lo CARTER'S LITTLE. "I was crying." Qcrtroéc said In a t 00k I C:Ould not fathom well up trom her very soul. She left UVER PILLS . low tone Wlu n the French clock in - was a W'l n Mt the place. She would lay egg eavt fell the drawing room struck three 1 got another h and up I st.-- tomorrow Princeton Tiger. .rwZrBaivTERf "One Look Was All I Needed." and then heard a on the TWdo VlTTLE east porch. Just outside the cardroom. their duty. .HMAflrIMg IVPD Limit to Woman's Suffrage. coroner w ay more Some one a key was working at "Please try to be explicit," he with Women have obtain-- d the right to With "You say your nephew Mr. with the latl h, and I thought, of Ccattipe.- - once to the locked wing, and the said. and vote In Kraln, a province of Austria. Bailey in course, of Ilalsey. When we tMB. Bd. aid of one of the detectives examined were the house last night, took the They w ill be allowed to cast Hp Ir Sick Mr at on h' Ihimii, Udigtttiaa, tad Maaaact. the rooms and the body. The other nnd yet you and your niece, with some house he called that his entrance, and In by proxy. a w k she was bin iro aid ballots person and not SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PUCS r' detective, after a short scrutiny of the women servants, found the body. he had carried a key for it ever since. Im- the lips. and she had d tied There is. however, one limitation GENUINE mutt bear signature: dead man. busied himself with the Where was your nephew?" The door opened and I was about to posed on them of the said she had 11 down a special time outside of the house. It was only aft- 1 was entirely desperate by that ask what he had forgotten, when day been sf al in UT excitement It natur-woul- has allotted to them for the er tiny had got a fair idea ot tilings time. there was a flash and a report. Some al. of course, that the th: exercise of this right. as they were that they sent for aje. I heavy body dropped, and. half crazed having "I do not know," cried, "but be keek her. been with I 1 In the living room, sure of terror and shock. ran through HARD ON Stt otllis' houseket-pe- r lor Sev ra ar received them this: Ilalsey knows nothing CHIlukEN. I up my exactly the drawing room and got upstairs I When Teacher and knowing Mr. Arnold well and had made mind of this thing, and no amount of cir- Has Habit. what to tell I had taken the aouse cumstantial evidence make scarcely remember how." Oerttud" had slipped out during niv can an Sick Fowls for the slimmer, I said, while the Arm- man guilty." She dropped Into a chair, and I "Best Is best, and best will erer talk with Mrs Watson, and I dreated strongs were in t'alitornia. In spite thought Mr Jamieson must have fin- live." When a person feels this way don't know what's wrcng, but and went downstairs The billiard "áit down," he said, pushing for- of n rumor among the servant- - about ished. Hut he was not through. about Postum they are glad to give you do it s their livers. No and rani rooms were locked until the ward a chair. "There are some things strange I cited Thomas noth- I "You certainly dear your brother testimony for tbe bene tit of others. use giving them pepper, coal coroner and the detectives got there, noises have to tell you, and. In return, ing had occurred the first two nights. ami Mr Hailey admirably." he said. A school teacher down In Miss, 011, etc uive them and the men from the elub had gone please tell me all you know. Ilelleve On third night I believed "The testimony Is Invaluable, especial- ays: "I had been a coffee since back for more conventional clothing. the that me. things always come out. In the drinker BLACK-DRAUGH- 1 ly In view of T' some one had been in the house; Mr. the fad that your broth- my childhood, and the last few years 1 first place. Armstrong was shot eould hear Thomas in the pantry be-- I had heard a crashing sound, but i I er and Mr. Armstrong had. believe, It had Injured me seriously. alternately wailing for Mr Arnold, rom above The bullet was fired at STOCK & POULTRY ing alone with one maid had not in close range, quarreled rather seriously gome Itme "One cup of coffee taken at break- nx he called him, and citing the entered below the shoul- restlgeted. The house had been der and came out, ago." fast would cause me to become so tokens that had precursed the murder. after passing ' MEDICINE ' locked In the morning and apparent-- i Nonsense. I broke In. "Things are nervous I could scarcely go A deemed to me, through the heart, well down the that The house choke and, bad enough. Mr In- ly undisturbed. back In other words. I Jamieson, without through with the day's duties, and W' slipping a shawl around me. I went believe the This is a real, scientific Then, as clearly as t rould, I venting bad feeling where It doesn't this nervousness was often accom- out on the drive. At the corner by related murderer stood on the stairs and fired I medicine that actually how, the night before, a shot had down In I exist. Gertrude. don t think Ilalsey panied by deep depression of spirit cures the east wins I met l.lddy Her skirts the second place, found roused us: that my niece and I had on knew the the murdered man. did and palpitation. I sick fowls. It docs it the were dratfuled with dew to her knees the edge of the billiard table a heart investigated and found a body, I he?" "I am a by profession, and and her hair was still In crimps. that charred cigar which had burned Itself teacher I natural way by stirring up did know who Ike red man Hut Mr. Jamieson was sure of ble when of coffee Oo in and Changs your not tnnrd. partly out. and a rlgarette which had under tbe Influence I their livers. Try it. Mr Jarvls the ground. bad to struggle crossness Clothes, aid harply. "You're as until from elub consumed Itself to the cork tip. Neith- against a I To fu: CONTIMUMX) 25c. 50c. and you Informed me. and that kMt) of no er one had been more than lighted, when In the school room. $1. Per Can. sight, ami al my ' reason why Mr. Arnold Artastrong then put down and forgotten "When talking this over with PC 4 She had a gul stlrk In kef hand, Have A New Sun Defying Cloth. I should steal ir, o his father s hojse at you any Idea what It was physician, he suggested tbat I try and she said she had found It on the that made A new- cloth is being made In Cab night. 1 should have been glad to al-- I your nephew arrH Mr Hailey Postum. so I purchased a package and lawn. There w tit nothing unusual leave cutta, India, which Is manufactured low him entree there at any time. their Cigars and their game, made it carefully according to direc- MOTHER CRAY S about It, but it 0 rurred to me that a take out on scientific principles to conform to ' Have you reason to believe, Miss the automobile without calling tions, found It excellent of flavor, and SWEET POWDERS golf stick with a metal end might the nature s plan of warding off the sun's Innes," the coroner asked, "that any chauffeur, and all that at let me nourishing. have been the oh that had scratch-i- r see rays, as exemplified In the of FOR CHILDREN, eft color the I very grati- Rali-- member of your household, Imagining certainly before three o'clock In "In a short time noticed A Oaruln f (at reTrrlnlinraa. ed the stairs M the cardroom. I the skin ond the pigments under the skin, I onatlpntlnn. 1 1 rt r It ft, fying My disap- It from her. up Mr. Armstrong was a burgalr, shot morning?" is of effects. nervousness Hlnm.rh Tmklr., Tr. lbln, took and sent her for it the belief physicians that one my pu- IJ I r IfM, n A Hr tt r ? him In "I don't know," I said, "but depend peared. I waa not Irritated br Wnraa. Tb, Break npl nlda dry garments lb r daylight couruge of the chief reasons for the many an TVadaM.rk. S4 hoar- A t al ' I on Mr. pils, life seemed full of sunshine, In lni ilo and nelf Importam e, nhud-th- e have no reason for thinking so," It. Jamieson. HaUey will be In Don I Hampla matlM FHFli At I'aaa and her deaths recorded hot weather Is iratflt I back to my heart troubled me no longer. aaiaukiuiJ. A. i. OLMSTED. La Roy. ri Yt derlng delight In mystery, Irrl-iord- said quietly. himself explain everything." that of Improper clothing. Tbe de- "I attribute my change In health and 'at' il me beyond After I left "Your theory Is that Mr. Armstrong "1 sincerely hope so." he said. "Miss signers of what we must wear to be of spirits her I made a circuit of the building. was followed here by some enemy Innes, has It occurred to you that Mr. the elect may a to Postum alone." ordain color or tex- Road te Nothing seesMd to be disturbed, the and shot as he entered the house?" HaUey might know something of ture thoroughly Read tbe little book. "The unsuited to the pre- " aReason , Allan n. 7Mi,T..'.ir.'l hroioi'l Irtra. Hll house looked as calm peaceful In ' I don t think I have a theory," 1 this?" vailing Wellville."ln pkgs. Tbare's at'lrr., and climatic conditions, and V ra.-- r. . t u I' V rlriia t Irrra.ln-- safety ira Ierra. - , fiver read abovs I t e . v. morning sun it day I said, thing me lb ""! SntaiO Marrttrlnl lrara. the as bJ the ""he that has puzrled Oertrude had come downstairs and and comfort are often jeopardised la OH I ram kntI MMfa Milk .r.i,i..aa - nt,'ia "' l.fl,la"rai.r",iill' B LiU. J AJjU-aa.Jiiaa- t. I'd into taking It. There Is why Vlr. Armstrong should enter Just as he spoke she came la. I saw consequence. Van Nordeu Magazine. ra- amala,, traía, a fall Iimi I'llJJMaH trrral. USE SHEEP CLEAN FARMS machines WOMEN'S ILLS. for planting OLD Improved LADY'S Plantara of Today Open Fur. Many women who riff--r with hack-ache- , row. Drop bearing dow n May Be Profitably Raised to tha Saad and Cover pain, headadies Use It With Dirt. SAGE ADVICE and nervousness do not know that as Scavengers. these alimenta are usually due to I'lantlng tfM)l le potatoes by hand on anv Bnm. w:'h the KflOlfille Lady Tell How She Tried kidneys, a RM is out of the queatlor. on H lio an "WW'' of HHM Kidney puis e Either for Mutton or Wool Not Prob- the expense. The large Adrice el Her Neighbor and IWteto grower . an of the lause. able Animals Can Be Success- course afford thi Experienced Greet let Jfl "" modern machinery. n jkv Mra. Joseph fully High-Prlce- ,,. Produced on mutiny r sm,, Cross, Church St., potato growers It is provement. JH Irrigated Land. possible rr ,,,, , (iwn Tf Ja Morrilton. Ark., Jointly and thus avoid anv large KltluT for mutton or wool penaa to Knoavtlla. Tenn "If you had seen I h tit d ubie indue the individual farmer w rites It la not M me, I by tlon prohnhlp that ihMp rais Eugene fJrabh ln Klehl before began to take Cardul. you jm p pain In my back - and Farm. lniC on a lar.- rule ran lit uo-- . Hi" two would not I per- and the kidney tnaiii most expensive machines think was the same se i ssfiil on hlah prlrpil aatMj cotulP, retlons wpre pro-rnBa- T lrrls;utii wnk p(itafo irfiwJnii ar son, wrltea Mrs. Mamie Towe, of 102 There miiKt he more tea My f t to the Industry Planter Hd the digger A planter W Main St., thla city. and tliiin marketable wool or 111 -i- v e, ankles were hadly swollen I mutton, else five or six acr. s a da v. so 'Su doctora failed to do me good, and had k M other system of using pro. hat during the s and dizzy spells. Six doc- the; season In the and my friends thought I would din ductlva pawtf of the is Irrlgaxd tors treated me without relief I ind prefer regions of ,he west one I could and The able hardly get out of bed or walk finally began "tenter win cover ion gem,, good taking Doan's Kidney , a a step. original and genuine Sin-- p may he profitably raise d on Planter 11 Pills. They cured me." suc-- in two "At last an old lady advised me to Remember lands ways; a small band eipeitae. divided among ten farmers the name Doan's. Syrup cf Figs and Elixir cf kept TOVtag take Cardul, and now I can go moat For by as mtVMgafl or a pure lir.'il tea acres each Is a trifle sale all dealers. M cents a i!mk purpose A anywhere." box. Foster-Milbur- Co., Senna, known throughout the for the of raising rams word of caution about the tvpe of Múflalo, N. Y (of use In other pure bred ks or planter M artaipa desirable The aecret of lasting health la: world as the best cf family laxatives, There A it, raime herds. m MM planters which pick up regularity. DIFFERENCE. irrigated the for men, women and children, always The west la Just beginning ' WHM by means of a prong or If a clock doea not tick regularly to far- - the problem of weed control fork whi.h breaks the skin and evenly. It la out of order and soon has the full name of the California Fig of th wears and aa the lamia are better Incoa tuber This exposes the potato to any out, or runa down. If all your Mal hi Improved In BtfTM functlona are not regular and natural, tter every way the of disease which may " be pres-- you will soon wear out, get Vailing of fence rows, corners ' in tea BON , and old of the Furthermore, it car-- and run down. every package. It is far sale by all p ries y . k BMa and other neglected placea be--i My germ disease that may be on tP a necessary some of All ailing women need Cardul, aa a leading druggists everywhere, one nines for preventing the tka seed potatoes to others. gentle, spread of weed There refreshing tonic, and benefi- seeds atid for Improvi- ar danters which pick up the cial, curative size only, regular price 50 cents ng MM appearance potatoes medicine, especially ,,f the farm and in such a way as not to break adapted to their peculiar alimenta. the home A small of the skin per Dottle, ihe imitations some band sheep will This point is especially Im- It la a reliable, vegetable remedy, !o portant this service more effectually and in planting whole seed In for most all womanly ilia. offered of . times are inferior quality ruimicully - planting than any mechanical con- cut seed there is still Is danger the This the aecret of the wonderful and do not give !..ance. Sheep do well In (leaning of transferring the disease success of Cardui during the paat 50 satisfaction: p trie, ii. ted tlacw in the potato Belt!, from one piece of potato to another years, ln the relief and cure of ali- therefore, should be in stubble fields and wherever vege- Whatever planter may be used some ments peculiar to women. grows bar-ves- one It removes tative matter that Is not t should ride n the machine In the cause and builds up declined. In aalable crops. They eat 0fgf to see that it the strength. works regularlv Try Cardul. practically all weeds when young so as to give as nearly a perfect stand Investigation in as possible. I. B. Write toi Ladles Advisory Minnesota indicates Dept.. Medli-la- e Hheep The battaaoosa Co.. Chat- that will eat and practically de Improved ptenten of nday tanooga, IVnn.. for Mpeelal laatrae-ttoB- K, -- Toy IM of the tN varieties of w. open tbl furrow, drop the seed, cover aad at book. "Home Treat-me- at - for WomeD," (triii la piala wrap- "This pie." rati- to that state. In It. firm the per, on said he. "Is not at all the public dirt over the steal and reBeat. I.Ike met r used tn bake;" Don't Feed Your Cotton to Ihe Boll Weevil I mark arks of . Kngland. sheep do out the next furrow. Such a His wife's remarks, however, were the lawn mowing and annually ... Planter Is drawn by two horses. I Diplomacy. Like mother used to make. Here betfj are fattened on the lawns of the plant my potatoes about two or two is a story about a diplomatic When yon can buy land cheap in the beat cotton producing territory in Texas, negro well-know- n :. tropulis of Kngland. and Onhalf inches below the surface. waiter; also about two BABY'S SCALP CRUSTED where the boll weevil is absolutely unknown it cannot live here. Kansas men, who go by The upper Brazos it angularly adapted Wktn the lands are well fenced Experimente with potatoes planted la can to cotton growing. Crop never fail. the names It is well otabluhed that the staple of the cotton grown is good proof In the west a rowi nil the way from Sti to 42 of Smith and Jones, just to "Our little daughter, when here mutually hef small band inches three the longer the staple the longer the Drice. if sheep will clean up apnri indicate tell the yarn. months began tlM farm, that the best distance old. to break out on the We offer yon choice lands from our holding of 673 square mile of beat thrift in so doing and dependa upon the Smith and Jones look much alike head and we had the make salable seasonal conditions best doctors to farming lands in West Texas at prices from $12 to $18 per awe one-fift- h down, and and are frequently taken for each mutton or wool on forage and rough-tha- i type of soil. jt ft problem fur treat her, but they did not do her any balance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years, payable on or before maturity. Wonderful hog other. One day Smith was in a cer- would otherwise go to waste each grower to solve for himself. The good. Thoy said she had eczema. Her country no cholera. General crop of all Linda adapted to the country thrive Each we tain big hotel not a thousand miles wonderfully. Fortunes await industrious farmer of such a band should an-tll- f distance apart the potatoei should be scalp was a solid scale all over. The any in this new country, to which from Kansas City went the the Wichita Valley railroad has lately extended its lines. climate. product a Iamb worth $:! ."..i to plau'ed In the row also depends so and into burning and itching was so severe that Healthy I dining room negro Altitude 2000 to 2300 feet. Not the plains. Cotton and will be 00, and from 11.541 to .00 worth of much upon the variety, the fertility for dinner. The she could not rest, day or nigbt. We on bogs rungs waiter busily for yean to come. of the s, i!, the availability of water, brushed off the crumbs had about given up all hopes when we and said: "Why, how is you, Mr. The handling of pure' bred flocks el (., 'hat eaefa farmer must determine read of the Cuticura Remedies. We at this Jones, how Is you? l's glad to see you. f' r producing rams suitable for rang-us- e from his own experience plant once got a cake of Cuticura Soap, a SPUR FARM LANDS ' eight I hasn't seen you since I waited on has already been taken up In inches apart In rows :!5 Inches box of Cuticura Ointment and one bot- In Dickens, Kent, Crosby your table when you all used to have and Carta Counties, Texas. For full information, m IM parts of the state, apart This gives the largest tonnage tle of Cuticura Resolvent, and fol- with illustrated booklet, address, particularly a little game upstaihs." a' lire-le- and l.ongmont. nt Dotetoe of desirable size and of lowed directions carefully. After the CHAS. A. JONES, Manager, "I'm fraid you are mistaken," said With the exception of Increased course this is the essential point to first dose of the Cuticura Resolvent, for S. M. SWENSON A 80NS. SPUR. DICKENS CO.. TEXAS. every Smith, very quickly. "My name isn't coal of foundation stock there-- : man who plants a field of spuds. we used the Cuticura Soap freely and and Jones. You have the wrong man." : increased interest on Investment applied the Cuticura Ointment. Then "N'uff said; nuff said," smiled ne- tu he taken into consideration, the she began to Improve rapidly and ln such HOW TO PLANT FRUIT TREES gro, with much bowing and scraping. Combination Wood andWire Fence and Corn Cribs flocka can be with two weeks the scale came off handled but little "Ah her The for expense knows all right when to keep head and new hair began grow. most practical and economical fence made yard, lawn, ft than grades Pure bred to In 80-fo- Trees Should Be Set Little Deeper mah motif shet; Ah knows all right, garden, orchard or stock. Sold in 7s and rolls and rama produced by such a system of a very short time she was well. She Is " Than in the Nursery Mr. Jones City painted with the celebrated "Monitor paint. Easy to erect heap husbandry when ind Well "Kansas Journal. now sixteen years of age and a pic- HODGE old enough for Irrigated. and more durable than ordinary fences. Made in heights of breeding sell to range flock masters Her Laugh Broke. ture of health. We used the Cuti- FENCE three to six feet of selected straight grained yellow pino cura fur $16 to 38, She was a little fairy of seven, with Remedies about five weeks, reg- pickets. See your lumber dealer or rite When planting fruit trees cut ularly, THE HODGE FENCE LUMBER Ltd., A sheepman at Holán, Idaho, who back eyes like diamonds and hair like spun and then we could not tell she mm ft CO.. Uka Charlas. La. to a point where the future head Is hat established a reputation for pro- - gold, and she was romping with a had been affected by the disease. We to be formed, smooth off of half Her Excuse. K nig range con-'- : the ends used no other treatments rams for use, has dozen playmatea. Touching a after we "Why or yes," Miss Goodley ad- all bruised roots, then set at the point found out what the WESTERN CANADA ''ni his ram lambs for five years youngster on the shoulder, Cuticura Remedies mitted, "perhaps you tell- in the row indicated by cross-- I did hear me . :.. id at $2.' per the would do for her. J. Fish and Kila M. head. she challenged him with, "You 1 twenty-two.- " What Governor Doñeen, check, struighten the roots out In a can't ing the minister was only of Illinois, It would pay western farmers to catch me." Off they Flah, Mt. Vernon, Ky., Oct. 12, 1909." aya natural position, fill in among started, she twist adout. in sl.ei p some el-'- . them ing e Dencen. of Illinois, nwni tnnav lira consideration for and dodging with the dexterity of I'm tankitu-hewur.- firmly with fine dirt and tramp down Description of a Mountain. "Oh. surprised!" exclaimed Miss fTOvnannw of lund ta r of the above mentioned purposes a half-bac- on a football team, and he you ik' tañada, u hum nasi J Ln with the feet. Set the trees a little "Jimmy." said the teacher, what Is fiaddiet. "and a Sabbath school inwrrit'w: following her every A deeper than they stood in the nursery movement laclóse a cape?' teacher, too'." an American I mm pursuit. The excitement deliehtM to e the r TERM OF WINTER IRRIGATION and slightly lean to the southwest to of the chase ' A cape is hind extending "Hut." Miss Ooodley protested, "the markfibie progrrtaa of made her scream with laughter. into the Wen tern Canada. Our brace them against prevailing winds. The w atir." minister has told us it's always better ptsopte ar flock; ng arroaa little fugitiva finally brougn up to the boati'larr la Practise In this position the tops will soon "Correct. William, define a gulf." understate a thing thau tu exag- and ! have not ye Confined Largely to Warmer gainst a o no who bade and protect fence, breathless and pant- "A gulf wgter gerate." met admtnd Parti of Arid Region It Pre- the bodies from the ing, pursuer, is extending into the he hal ma ta a mtntavkav Intl tise heat of the summer, and her throwing his land." ?h ara ali dcing well, vents Winterkilling. which is arms At the Funeral. in arare! a com- likely to cause sunscald. about her. shouted: "There, I've "Good. munity Id tha Middle nr After the Christopher." to a small, "He wawaaWB HtHtca that hu caught vou!" "Oh, yes." gasped the has been not only a minister, a - MkniUittav When planting of the orchard is completed eager-lookin- hoy, "what is a moun- nonMentatiti- in water is applied either to little fairy, "but it was 'cause my but an editor." 8wskUclawaji or Uberta." bare soli tha open furrows, in which the trees tain ?" or to crops outside of the laugh kroke I "You don't say! Then his chances 125 Million Bushels were planted, may be tilled up by plow- and coaldn't ran any Christopher shot up from of r Irrigation season It Is termed more." his seat of getting to heaven are even " ing one or more furrows in so suddenly as to Wheat in 1909 winter Irrigation. The practise thus and startle the teacher, "No. his chances of getting to (af against the row At the same time it and promptly responded: "A Canada fleU ernpa for has been confined largely to the Not His Fault. mountain heaven are not quite so good. He was 1 will eaallt t o the (am- a will have a furrow open for running is land extending into the air." ar 170.0O0.(0I.O0ln rash. armar parts of the arid ngion It has "I refase to accept these photo- an editor only a short time not KreelloniMtrniLtof ISO acras, MM the Water The trees should be well and of 1 60 aera well established in Arizona graphs," said an Irate woman to a enough to make it an even thing." S3.00 no arm. Railway and Irrigated after the planting is com- Gets Out of El C lan.j and California and Is being quite rap-Idl- photographer; "my hasband looks tr the Rain. asaaaiei hate f..r aala pleted like Ufe treaaiiaalile prices. 14 anv farm- ext. nd.-- to parts of Oregon. Kan a baboon!" Knlcker Is Jones a man who quells ers hatre mild rr thi'lr laud out the of I lie priwetHta of one crop. sa and the Rocky Mountain statea. "I can't help It, storm and rides the thunder Such a Difference! Splendid limine, food arhoola. madam." replied eiiflli-n-t Rocker No, but he an um- "Tour daughter rallwar faillltlea. low Experience has shown that a deep HORTICULTURAL NOTES. the photographer; "you chose him. I borrows plays very sweetly frelant ratea, wood, oncer aad brella. cm the piano " luiiiler eaallr obtained. retentiva loal Is capable of storing a didn't." For pam.biat'taat Hrmt Wert." arge quantity of water. On account "That's my wife playing." particular, aa to laitable Never silt the bark, bore holes or ' rate, applr to ! A precious thing S"4..'"". ' the fluctuation of western streams Not Exactly What She Meant. Is M the more "I know It Iiirniingbara Age Bop t of Immigration.""' Ottawa. drive nails Into trees precious to us If It Oka., or to Canadian Oor't of all kinds, from the small creek to She We've bin very busy at the has been won by Herald. Aat. It shows carelessness to have va- mothers' werk or economy Ruskln. J. f. CRAWFORD 'he large river, the greatest flow of meetin' getrtn' ready for the a. a. cant places In the orchard. sale of work The expert accountant who Is called IS lata Strut latui at,, a. iter often comea at a season when Toll, say ' f'se sdd reas (1) Orchards located on soils of good tlit proverb, is the sire of fn to balance a set of books never fig- nearest ron.) thi re is It In a few He Oh' I 'opes It will be a euceess least demand for depth withstand droughts best. fame Euripides. ures on having a steady alltles adequate storage facilities She Yes. I think so; yer see the Job From one Missouri peach orchard of vicar is goln' to avt been provided to retain the sur-- . take most of our i llu acres there were shipped 35 car- Sticky lut as a rule It Is allowed to go clothes off of us Taller. Sweating 'o wnste passage loads which netted SL'MtOO. The of so much Desire for When You Think I Ammonia water that has been used Information. Palms water led to the Introduction of "Mrs Gaddlngton I Inter for washing may be used for plants. wants to know all Of (be paio wbicb many women experience with Irrigation and In nearly every about everybody's every nfter taking salts or cathartio I It Is an excellent fertilizer. business" aaootb it malar the gentleness and kindness IN the resulta have been satlsfac-lory- , " always associ- watera did you ever "Yes replied Miss Cayenne. "She ated with wnraanbood seem to be almost a notice that The chief differences Swtwsan On the great truck farms around miracle. weary all gr,ne feeling the palma regards matrimony as a be- While in general 00 woman rebels egainat what re- . failure abe of your "Inter and ordinary Irrigations are Norfolk. Va strawberries are planted gards as a hands sweat and rotten cause she didn't marry a census natural necessity there is no womaa who would taste in 'lie larger volumes used, the crude in February and harvested In June. " aot gladly be Wee from thi recurring; jour mouth Cathartics taker period f paio. only move by sweating your bowels "tanner of conveying and applying the II Rockwell, an Iowa enthusiast, Pierce-- a Dr. Fmrortte Pmcrlptioa aajtAes Do n lot of hurt Trr n CASCA-RE- T vater, tin- - after 12 years of experimenting, and dormant or partially r4, Wk, Weary, Watery Brea. A arome mirona and tick women and aee how much easier thn dormant claims to have produced an ever- Relieved Hy Murine Kya Kemedy. Try , condition of the plants at the Murine Your t:ye Troubles You Will and gire them freedom from pain. job Is done how much better "me of Irrigation. bearing strawberry I.Ike Murine It Hoothee. 60c at Your it emlabllñke regularity, subdues Infljm. you feel. Iiri.Kiclsts Kor Eye faj Ilesldes furnishing a supply of much-- ' Si rcening ashes and clinkers to va- Writ Books Kraa. mmtloa, he ulceration aad cures ia Murlns Ky Kemedy Co.. js CASCARKT toe a box for a a ' Chlcaso. male weakness. week di d moisture, winter Irrigation, rious sizes for different use and treatment :i dniagins. Biggett neller Siek la lb world. Million a vhen conditions art favorable, pre-'nt- s throwing out any coal or half burned Quite a Job on Hand. ornen are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter bosea month, free. AH Correspondence TI Vas fa winterkilling and Improves the elndan makes cold weather work for "What k his butdnesa?" strictlv n mi ak..,..ll ttMndrntial. rue , ithout WANTED MK AN" : ' qolriew) banlcal help. "Well, I fear and without Ice to h.iueh,.i(l taaelslUc . ..r condition of the soil. the as near as can make out he World'. DuDeiM.r -- ...n a. Allocution, K. V. PlWMfl M. U.( FreinJent, Mi. ' "man iiuvti.n ui,i hi u.Tlcm unnioaa. Cover all seeds, directly they aro Is matrimonial agent for id Bttf.lo. N. bis two "'-- a ... ' If roa wMt a hook that telli all .ii.i.iti tu., is a. a. , twt oa Successful sown, with paper or some other mate- daughters Stray Stories about woman1! aWeaca ami . Fruit Growers the. at home, 21 one-cc- it.mpa to Dr. A rial In nearly all caites they germi- mi L2H ar Morphine HaMl Tr, composite of the practises of a TRM.OW copy Í ated. more freely In CXOTMBt tHK I XMOHTI Y. re.t trial t..r liri, Mr 'umber of the most fruit nate total darkness Keep Seenie Med.eai Adviier-re- vi. OPIUM rrmau ea hart .,n aucreasful them white with Ked & CuvV t,,r " Cross Hall Mine ed.tion. pape Am. A iu light. In hated doth-hmdm- . t: fttowen resulta aa follows: I'ae th than All grocers sell large '.' uz. package, S cenia. tome 31 itaaapa. VZ Or a e oosraxLL aan IN. aw tisst turning plow In the spring ench year One reason why plum trees aro .bt No man can love evil w N u.. "r often enough to prevent the ground usually productive when planted la for evil's sake, Oklahoma City, No. aa be can love good tor Many a man falls to make good fma becoming hard. Follow the plow poultry yarda Is that the birds help to goodneaa' aaka. Schiller. he apanda most of bis time try- v'ih a harrow or dlak If lumpy and destroy plum curcullo, one of the ing to prove that tuck Is against him. thla with the smoothing harrow. Some greatest enemies of plums arcrrsa riK arTRMTY yeam a float ra. Wlaalow's Sooth In Srmp. Instead of the harrow. There are two rlassea of blooms In aasls nwMet ' ...... 'eHie 'l rit titrr.wtj iM all kuwsJ farrblUlrwa ansiaiaa fna h i subaequent cultivation consista the strawberry the perfect, or starnl-nat- e. irapwaa.waraawiaaawua. aaauutua Kolng over the ground often enough and the Imperfect, or pistillate. A smll won't come off soon ' that Soma men put on hotel atra on ' prevent a crust from forming and The latter are the more robust planta, a to monotonous boarding house aalary. keep the weeda down. This necee-'I'ate- a but must be fertilised by using statai-nate- s cultivation after each irriga- about every fourth row. tion and after ralna. A young tree nevar grows well when roots are doubled together or Modern metboda of raring for poul- wound about one another. The aoll try and rearing rblcka have become In the bottom of tea bote should be '' simplified with advanced knowl-"K- e well pulverised before the tree Is sat that It la no longer the teak It Into It. Tbla gives the roots easy ac- ed to be. cess to tha aoll. ICfs, ateOO, rwtnlU

I 5ljr Alamocinrío Nrtna UVE U LUZ NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Special Clearance Sale GUTHRIE SMITH, Editor and Publisher (continued from page one) Rte fur advertisement in thl n.oimn nne rent word eph Insertion Min- imum 5! ren Meitco. f,.r through rhre r.ntr.-,-l at th. Pri.tofflc Altne.fnrdo. trnmll..n down from Duran for a few days you haven't been I Meoni1 matter. th mall :.' 1 MAYBE i NmI week. this store; maybe you've Alamogordo FOR SALE:-16- 0 acres a Year in Advance The Improvement Mihcription MM 1..'0 Alamo-gord- o, Company made the second rut- 4 miles from never known the great advantages to ting of the alfalfa crop last week. 1 mile from La June !. 1010 wearing JmMI F.. I rr will have ripe Luz. some improve- be had in buying: and pr,ntinf th. st MnfMM ! " tomatoes bf the lirst of July, and ments, can be sold in Rpctmf AM; raaring Hon. Lsetis Filis says he will eat a tracts of 10 to 160 acres & Marx ripe Rocky Ford watermelon of at $15.00 per acre in Hart Schaffner his own raising, on the Fourth ALL HAIL THE FOURTH tracts of 40 acres and high-price- of July. over and $20.03 per clothes: maybe you've thought them Fiftt fii year ago the railroad fot you. Whether you have or not, ( Henry I ovan acre in smaller tracts. too coitty Bj inji eft) led Roswefl the premiers A. F. something about clothes All hail thogrand. triumphant Day tig crop is Call on or write. here's I chance to learn (range Kelt. The Monger. On wlncli our Nation liail its birth ripesiag in Otero county, hut values that you'd better not pas by. If you have tin- - A tiiat paved K"'den WT we i it m t oranges, or birtl raise lemoii ex- : high & Marx clothes by For Freedom's light to t!ood the earth. either. FOB SALE I h. p. not known Hart Schaffner grade gasoline engine. tirano All hail the Day when Liberty perience, you can ffk a line on something extra Mr. McVeigh, si.ter to our new an 1 a barzain. (Jan he seen Was proclaimed throughout the laud iirt tüirntW. Oeorge Bullard. wan at üousseati's Auto Shop. jiood: the knowledge will be worth something to Win n Congress sai 1 Wt must he Free New Mex- - here from Hillsboro, l tf. Fr.'in every tyrant's greedy hand. m i i a - you: and we're willing to give you part ot the price ICO, lor u lew nays iaji wee. All hail the Fourth with glory crowned. To RENT: Two desirahle nfh. es on these summer suits to induce you to oet this The Day of day ITS lve the he-- t Bank build- - HISTORIC TRAIL PRESERVED in the First National and experience. The Trophy of the liattle ground floor. Apply the information inir.r- - second at brought peace That our Country and rest. hank. Htf. We've marked our remaimn stoi'k ot summer and spring glorious Independence Day. (continued from page one) 0 suits at a clearance price; new goods, not sold yet; must pH We hail with Joy thy glad return: Fine engraving which will of gOOda1 Vou get the t. If you And may our Love for thee, we pray. hearing off all the time to the ph ase the most exclusive trade them out fall way. On Freedom' I Altar ever bum. south, until it struck the Arkan in now one of our specialties. know what Hart & Marx's name 111 dothes mejns, sas vullev about the center of The work which is not according you don't need to he told what this sale represents. Kansas. Thence it followed the to specifications, and does not RELATION OF SUBSCRIBER TO ADVERTISER Arkansas river to La Junta, Col- - please, will not be charged for. Inndn. where it bore off to the All our work is on that basis. There are two things which mortal man rarely if ever brings southwest through Trinidad, under an absolute guarantee. G. WOLFINGER home to himself. He may consider these things in the abstract, Raton, and La Vegas, to Santa Thl store Is the home ol Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes or speculate upon their relation to some one else, hut as regards Fe. WANTED to exchange for good Peering mowing himself, never. One is death, the other is the payment of his lne jew Santa Fe Trail, a alfalfa, one newspaper subscription. 'great roadway, originally ran machine and one Planet Jr. non-payme- C. N. The fault of the of the country newspaper sub- - ftom Hutchinson, Kansas, to the wheeled cultivator. Carnes. 6.:K 2t. HENRY ANDERSON, R. B aRMSTRORC, ttcription does not lie wholly with the subscriber. While it is Colorado state line. It was the Box J. President. Ch.r true that the subscriber does not think of the subscription, it I j outgrowth of a long-cherish- also true that it is the last account on the record that the publish- - thought of some Kansas news-e- r Tularosa and Monterey Notes I ever thinks of collecting. Sometimes he is compelled to dig papermen, and WM agitated in L. E. Lumbley is now in El National Bank into the subscription accounts as a last resort, to raise funds. Kansas newspapers and commer- - I'aso, Texas, attending to busi The First Our reason for calling attention to subscription accounts is finally re- - cai organizations. It ness. IN. M. even more imperative than the need of tunds. Our attention has suited in a great conference at The Oarrizozo base ball team Of Alamogordo, right recently been called to the postal regulation which absolute-- 1 Hutchinson, Kansas, January 81, has accepted the challenge of rtailied November 15, 1899 ly prohibits the sendiug of a paper to a subscriber who is in arrears 191 when steps were taken to the Monterey team to play the on subscription. Every violation ot that regulation carries a improve township and county Fourth. Capital $25,000 penalty, and continued violation might result in the cancellation and west, end to end, roads, east W. L. Rutherford, of Alamo-gord- o, of our privilege of sending the paper through the mails as second a Surplus Earned $10,000 in such a manner as to matee is here on business. class matter. highway. New bridges continuous Mrs. James Heagans Another reason is that within a short while we shall be com- were required and were put in and daughters have returned from a We pelled to make our annual report to the newspaper directories. roads had to be straightened here adhere strictly to the established customs of visit with Mr. and Mrs. George The amount of outside advertising that we will receive during the and there; new pieces had to be many years In banking Elkins, at Mescalero, N. M. sound banking, for of experience entire year of 1911 will depend solely and entirely upon the laid out at frequent intervals; number 0 paid subscribers that Ti e can szvear to. The advertising sandy pieces had to be treated Curry is expected convinces us that conservative methods are always best

sand-cla- y home this evening from a trip to agencies consult the newpaper directories just as carefully as the after the government and we are pleased to serve the legitimate wants of our credit may of a big wholesale or jobbing house consults Pun's and plan, and i.nproved so as to make the east . Bradstreet's. them like macadam roads. I. (). Wetmoie has returned customers and the development of the business Interests may be charged to Many offenses the editor and puhlisher. but For the past three months, the from a business trip to Oarrizozo of the community he does not often voluntarily hear false witness. Our report will greatest activity has been mani- be made exactly in accordance with the facts. Thus it lies within fest, and the road was finally Glondoroft Notes. power of our subscribers to help increase our the advertising for nut into such good condition, Miss Willie Morgan of .lames DIRECTORS year of Hill. Every increase in advertising has a tendency the to throuuh the use of graders. Canon visited Loa Painter Wed W. J. BRYSON, BYRON SHERRY, the paper better, because increased revenue or income make will hauled by steam tractors, and by nesday. HENRY J. ANDERSON, J. M. WYATT, justify an increase in expense to make the paper more inte resting. con- the King Drag, and the Rev. Berryman, I). D.,of Ala- - 0. MEYER, R. B. ARMSTRONG, Within the next few days every subscriber who is not paid in struction of new bridges, that mogordo HENRY S. EVANS. will receive a statenu nt of We held services here Sun advance account. trust that the an endurance run was made by give offense, day, June 19, 1910. receipt of a bill will not but that you will respond cars not long ten motor since, Mr. J. A. Alexander made promptly, and in the same spirit in which the statement is sent MM from Hutchinson to I'ueblo. A In out. We need your in publishing this paper. In fact, Imuineaa trin fit mi urnril i t miles, at an average speed of -- n is one of the few real essentials. Reduced to jueg,ay that the tiual analy- mile- - an hour, and the car- - went GROCERIES GROCERIES the interested ami loyal subscriber who Mrs. Frank Steffej and children sis, it actually makes a into each station alo-a- of time. paper. Certainly it is the advertiser who "pays tlie bulk of the were up from Alamogordo the The Colorado territory wa freight." At the same time, it ;s self evident that no advertiser first of the week visiting. soon added to the highway and will buy space in a newspaper which has no interested subscribers Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur THE BEST OF EVERYTHING only recently the road was ex- Martin or readers. living tended eastward from Newton made a trip down the mountain Friday. to Kansas City and now forms, W. E. CARMACK entirety, KX) miles, from Photographer K. F. Bollock JUDGES WERE NOT CONFIRMED in its Phone 92 Kansas City, Missouri, to Canon has a studio in Cloudcroft on Colorado, termi- West Main St. for the summer. The 1st Congress has adjourned, leaving unconfirmed the ap- City, where it EVERYTHING OF THE BEST pointments of John R. McKie, Edmond C. Abbott ami Edward nates in the glorious Skyline Misses Lillian and Ethel Dark- R who have been l,aa Wright. a presiding judges three drive, one of the most magnifi- ness at Cruces :f districts and associate justieei attending school came home of the supreme court of New Mexico. The Senate docs not appear cent high drives in the world. Monday for the summer. 6R0CERIES to be much concerned about our judges. road is under the control 6R0CERIES Perhaps it entertains the This We all extend our most hope that New Mexico is so law-abidin- g and so good as not to need of an association, composed of a sympathy to Dr. Staten and rice-presiden- many judges. If the Senate does have anv such hope or opinion, president, two ts, i wife in the loss of their infant it is because its members have not been reading the Hartford secretary, and an executive and child with whooping cough, June Con rant. publicity committeeman for each 2'2. of the Kansas and Colorado We wish to thank Mis. Easter counties traversed. This associa- - for the useful looks which she ...... - ... I . 1...... t- IV...... ktu u r tiaiiirr v. iimi i. it ai 3 . The newspapers that are nominating El I'aso citizens to rep- tion holds frequent meetings and Hotel Southwestern resent New Mexico in the Senate are assisting in keeps the work up. The local Col. W. R. Eidson was here Indictment of New Mexico on the charge of looks after mat- the unlit ness for state- committeemen from El l'ao during the early! European hood. If in all this great commonwealth there cannot be found ters in his locality, ami report- - part of the week for a short! two men capable of representing the new state in the Senate, at intervals to the officers of the cusmess trip, ue is getting then a true bill ought to be returned, searing in the brand association. ready to begin his automobile "UNFIT." trip from Jotres, Mexico, to Rooms are Cool and The road traverses in its origi- New York. nal territory the famous Arkan- We save you :it iettst lo per' Comfortable. Dining sas valley of Kansas and Colora- cent on monuments and iron Alamogordo, known for some years Room and Cafe Ser- as "The most beautiful do, than which there s no liner fence. Bills Bros. UU Broad- town in New Mexico,"' now looms upon the horizon stately, magni- section of the entire West. Ir- way, Denver. Write us. vice Unsurpassed. ficent, imposing, and more unique than ever before; it has no can- rigation has made it what it is, Henry S. Evans received the didate for the Senate. and intensive farming, the small July phonograph records on agricultural unit, with alfalfa June 25, and sold so many of the and sugar beet fields and orch- number that he was compelled to J. C. JONES. Prop. duplicate the Santa Fe reports that Acting Governor Jaffa's office has been ards fringing make order atonce. The it travel duplicates were received Tues- turned temporarily into an information Opposite bureau, to answer the along this highway a matter of day, and many of those have al- The ParK many inquiries resulting from the passage of the statehood bill. pleasure. ready been sold. Announcement Xotice to the Public College Prosfiects Pine At JOCA LITEMS the earnest solicitation of It has been the custom of the The present indications are that CONDENSED OFFICIAL STATEMENT friends throughout the county 1 Klectric Light Plant to shut the next MÍN of the New Mex- Of THE 1 have concluded to down all day Xi)!' Southwestern I ! t and make the race Sunday for the pur ico Baptist College will be the for - county subject pose of cleaning boilers and ( aft- la a ew brick walk. MMM, to the most prosperous and HMMsill the u ill of CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK iver. n the Hull St. tiét. the Democratic con- making necessary repairs to the that the institution ha ever en- MI K vt-r- y vention. f machinery. That xv will be inin-- ap-j,r- r nominated ami joyed. The members of the' !. elected I pledge my In view of ' 'I when the rainy MMM undivided the fact that we Imard and the members of the ALAMOGORDO. NEW MEXICO attention to the work of- have a who ! of the number of consumers faculty have all busy ni. ben in; At the close of business May 18th, 1910 fice. In the matter of as se ss deire to use fans during the making plans to Mr. hii'I Mrs. W. ti. Hue ami improve the1 incut all will he treated alike, torrid months, we have conclud- school and to increase the enroll-- 1 RMOOBCEU i'liildfM have moved imio fairly LIAWUTIKS t. and impartially. ed to shut oir light and power at Lee ( Loan ant! Discount-- fl 55.21 ' '! Stock 50,000 00 ment. ílasscock, who re- h- at Cloudcroft. Mr. I! ankmii - for ti and m n. uri.ius and Profits ... , 13,13 07 Ihttrcuttafli 1 M. I ..i Tmmm Kl.KMIVI, A. Sunday morning in or- ademption un.l L5Q0OO so.oi i no t. cently returned from , Circulation ,. baa transferred In- - office. TciM in United Slut-- lion N 9M0OO0 DeMsita 2i".77'70 der to he able to make needed re- the interest of the school, says! Premium "n U. S. 1,137 M ,,,,! in a lquarters to Cloudcroft Casta and Siirtat Sachaage i .7 M Reward ice pair-, and have in op- Sot our plant that the number of students al-- , f,,rtl HHMM Total I3i.,72 77 Total mun eration before noon on Sunday, ready From ohservation ar.d investi- enrolled for next session Tile above statement in correct. 8. i,. MmMi Collier. Merrill B. Kifher wa here and we take this means of re- gation we find that some of the is far in exc ess of any previous! fr,,ri Mountain Park early in the spectfully notifying the public properties of the Alamogordo Im- record. The number from Ala GROWTH IN DEPOSITS u. He is getting his Imsi-K- to provide some other means of provement Co. have been used mogordo alone will exceed the' iffairl in shape, preparat- lighting from I A. M. Sunday Tre constant growth In the volume of Deposits, a a dumping ground for old total enrollment of any previous ory Ui leaving for a v i i t to morning until of the same and the steady increate in the Qurnber of allies, manure and rubbish MM year. Between M and 75 will! patrorjs of pttiver. day. this institution is attributed if) a large to our of all kinds, and we take this likely be in attendance from the! measure AUMMl Watkr I'owkk Com- sound Banking rnethods arjd liberal t rea t roe nt. I I of-e- tr of beginning. K. . 'abatis, district law MMM advising the public pany. We cordially Ipvite you to opep I tlic Forest Reserve, lias that it intention to put a an account with -- top 'hi- - More Forest Changes i veral days here and ut '" unlawful of our bar)K Ml M Sew Car of Furniture this growing and grow with us i lands for i it, investigating several such purposes ami we On account of another shake-u- p

u-- es theAlamo-li,ri- M. Oliver, Uvgpasf against " hereby offer a reward of $10.00 L the Furniture in the Forest Reserve force, l.mnlxT Co. for information which will lead Man. has received a full car load; W. H. B. Kent will be trans- C. E MITCHELL. H M. DENNEY. G President. Vice President. to the arrest and conviction of of new furniture. This furniture ferred to the Gila National, with Cashier. ;. ii. Pratt, superintendent, any person or persons using our is direct from one of the biggest headquarters at Silver City. Mr. anil A. H. Cox, physical direct- lands for damping grounds. manufactories, and the line is Kent left on the limited Wed- or, "t the New Mexico Institute In the event any one i arrest- varied and complete. While' nesday afternoon for Silver City. Cheap Rates to Denver Invitation to Park for ill- - Wind, left Sunday night ed for such an offense, we will not a piece of it is cheap or shod- - j A. M. Neal will be succeeded lM)th at-(e- n Denver, Colo., 27. The the "ust. They will low-pric- June The lakes in the park, which br vigorously prosecute them. dy, the line includes e! by C. C. Hall, of the Deer Lodge i the national convention of railroads have broadened their have lately furnished the subject All IMM1M Improvkmknt Co. goods that are well within the! National Forest, of Deer Lodge, rinteiiilents of the institutes territory for reduced rates to for some discussion, are now fill-e- d iupi reach of those who must be eco Montana. Mr. Hall will reach for the Wind, to be held Denver this fall for the Inter- with fresh, pure water, at Little nomical. Alamogordo and Mediaeval Fruit Tree Paint today, and will take Exposition on ac- Bock. Mr. Pratt will then go to This is state Fair and and with fish as well. The Ala- furniture all ou display charge tomorrow, July 1, as sup- Dela-aar- MM vegetables, fruit, flowers of hie uld hoflM in Clayton, r. in the big show count the fact that it has been mogordo Improvement Co. ex- and and sales rooms. ervisor of this forest. Tun News to pend his vacation, and shrubs from all insects. Qo so materially enlarged and em- tends a cordial invitation to all in and see for yourself. They how-lon- g has not been able to learn braces many more will retan to Alamogordo about Cloudcroft and Tula rosa will will take pleasure in showing states than it the Alamogordo people who will both be ready Mr. Hall has been in the did last year. is asuming July SO. Mr. Cox w ill go from for you on the you the stock, even though you It the not leave Alamogordo on the Fourth of July. Will you be service, but it is said that he is aspect of Little Rock to Kansas City and are not ready to a National affair. The Fourth, to use the park for a pio there? buy. a very capable forest officer. premium which until September 1. list Secretary nic ground. Fishing will be al- remain Fuller will soon have ready totals If you can't decide between lowed on that day. Mr. Crippen, It Rained Uorty thousand Dollars. In ad-- 1 Instead of the regular union Cloudcroft and Tularosa as a S. G. Booth, a retired business park supervisor, dition to the week longer of en-- 1 will be there all last Sunday place to spend flip After skirmishing man of Maury, Tenn., is visiting arrice evening, the Fourth, a around fori tertainment, many of the prizes1 day to preserve order and see Sam- coin. Let chance decide for you. several weeks, the family of his niece, Mrs. M. than wai a lecture by Dr. a nice, big, fat, have been doubled, making a1 that the youngsters are allowed uel Hlair, sweet, juicy swoop-- L. Oliver, and will of Albuquerque. Dr. H. W. Wolcott íeturned Sun- rain actually ! remain for a wonderful stimulus to the inter- to fish to their heart's content. Blair it the presiding elder of day from an inspection of proper- ed down upon Alamogordo and month or more. He brought with est. The Association's head- quarters tln .Iistrict of the Methodist ties in the western part of the vicinity last Monday afternoon. him little Aileen Mayo, who is are now in Suite 422, Tabor Opera House Building, Howard and Miss Fern Beech Kpitcopal, is territory. The rain gauge Mrs. Oliver's niece. er, of Kalkaska, and quite well showed forty one where the premium lists may be Mich., arrived km.':; in Alamogordo. The sub- Mrs. Hubert M. Jackson has OM hundredths in the afternoon obtained. in Alamogordo this morning and Mediaeval Fruit Tree Paint will make ject of the lecture was "Old returned from Albuquerque, Md sixty eight one hundredths! their home with their where she saves vegetables, fruit, flowers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mort jewels in new " and visited her sister, Mrs. during the night, making a total settings, was Edward A. Mann. and shrubs from all insects. Mediaeval Fruit Tree Paint Beecher. joyed of nearly one and one in-che- s. It bj a very large congre- tenths Mrs. F. C. Murphy and saves vegetables, fruit, flowers Mrs. Wray Ramsey Mrs. Miss The union service next Sunday gation. This lecture will be de- and The value of this rain can and shrubs from all insects. evening will W.J. Davis are camping for a be better Jonnie Murphy came down from be held at the livered bj Dr. Blair in the re- appreciaced when it is Grace Methodist while at J. C. Jones' ranch in understood their summer home at Mountain L. E. Lumbley of Tularosa, was church. Rev. gular ihautauqua series, that this one rain Stacy S. Phillips will conduct the at Cox Canon, about six miles from represented nearly one tenth of Park and spent Wednesday here in Alamogordo on business Motintainair, New Mexico. Cloudcroft. service, and a union choir will our total yearly rainfall. on business. furnish the music.

Beginning July 3, 12 p. m., TWO ENORMOUS CANONS will belch forth the salute for the GRAND CELEBRATION JULY 4TH, 1910 AT: N M Arrangements have been made for the grandest celebration ever had In Cloudcroft Fort Bliss Military Band Will be in Attendance Mescalero Indians will compete with the Chicago Red Socks In a Baseball Game for a purse of $500

FOOT RA0B8, ROR8E HACKS, by KACES, SACK HACKS. BG0 MAM of the .wiftest animals in the entire Wet. INDIAN 1MNY RACES, BRONCO BUSTING, and everything 4th oí July óu known in the line of sports. worth of prizes given away. INDIAN WAR DANCES, INDIAN FOOT RACKS. INDIAN HORSK RACES. The day will be concluded by $1,000 DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS DANCING: Grand Ball during the evening: DANCING EXCURSIONS ON ALL TRAINS Bulletin, of the JEFFRIES-JOHNSO- N PBIZE FIGHT will be posted and megaphoned continuously during the Great Battle AN AMERICAN FIGHTERS IN THE MAJORITY DRY LAND SCIENCE DRY FARMING TRUCK CROPS WILL MARRY Veteran Member of Congregation Was Great Principle Underlying This Mits Mathilda Townsend, Heiress, Whose Hand Was Sought by No- Tired of Part He Had Been Method Is How to Get Moisture Playing. How Is Ever Increasing Popula- When Rain Is Deficient. bility, Accepts New Yorker. tion of Country to Be Fed? New York After having been Representative Harry Maynard of (Bj H AMt'KI. NKKI.. HDOtTIH, TK.X by at least half a dozen for- Virginia tells the story of how a re- The subject of dry farming appeals courted eign Miss Mnthllde Town-M'ti- ligious edd negro In his district put a to a large number of our farmers In noblemen. of Washington rejected allot top to the exercise of Christian char Dutch Botanist Says Scientific Methods this southwest section of our state has them In of young Peter Ooelet Hy in the congregation of which he Will Create Crops and Systematic Hut though It appeals to many, few, favor son of Comino lore Eld was a me mber. It seems that It was Intelligent Work Will Pro- apparently know how to take hold of deny, second ridge T. derry of this city Mrs. a practise In the church to eicom-municat- Girl Asks Senators for Day's Income duce Varieties. the problem My success has b-- en Kb hard Townsend, the young woman s for one year any memhe r "4 achieved principally in growing truck statement that their Income for an- - who had been guilty of a "blood fight' crops. mother, has not yet formally hours would never be needed, but HtslOfy shows the population of the that Is. any man who had attacked would be amply sufficient for the ad- T'titteel States to have doubled everv The great principle underlying this another with a pistol or a razor. ditional education necessary to make 2." yens. If history repeats itself. mode of fanning Is how to get mois- At the end of the year. If the o' In (31 years rain her a teacher. America will have 19M ture to our growing crops, when fencb r w ished reinstatement, he could e a of 20(1,000,001' peo- la you a re- The hope was expressed that early hem i, population deficient. Where have go to the "mourners' bench," rise and ple. How are they to be fed? The subsoil problem Is more attention will be given her letter and tentive the aclara his repentance, and be forgive r one In face as it A lay Is that there will be no objection to com- problem stares the easily solved. subsoil the ly the congregation. This went on plying with her wishes. has no other generation. The read- sheet anchor of dry farming. for many years. At last a young The millionaires lands, WltHfNOTON Hut. alas, for the little daughter of ily accessible humid productive When this subsoil lias absorbed darky who had been In a particularly have been pleading- gone the old commonwealth ' No million- open to the past generations, are moisture, It retains it until liberated objectionable broil appeared for rein ly requested by a young country girl Is no longer an unoccupied aire senator will ever see her neatly There by frequent tillage The reason, there- statement The pastor made an elo- of Virginia to donate their aggregated .1 written, grammatically arranged and west" to go to, Mil H. Shepperd fore, of my success. Is that I have the quent appeal to the congregation an: Income for 24 hours In order that she col- utterly frank letter. It was OMMÉ1 of the North Dakota Agricultural subsoil necessary to retain moisture everybody began to shout and may be enabled to acquire such an dry ta by a busy and unsentimental secre- lege, in an address before a farm aad have applied the necessary "Amen." education as will qualify her for the congress The Philippine Islands, tary, tossed Into the "files of the sen- means of bringing to the growing It was at this point that the olC profusion of teaching school. She and Mexico are avail- ate," and only dust and darkness and Honolulu. cropa the moisture required to their negro arose- - and said hotly: feels that this would not in the least able, but they are not attractive to la my disappointment will ever know Its con- full development, it practice "Look by 'i. pabaoa; since I Impoverish them, while it would en- most Americans, either on account of tents to keep the soil continually stirred, bee n a membuh of dls conge rgashun. rich her beyond hope's desire. of government, climate or the It forms thus keeping mellow and friable. dar ain' been nothin' but fightin' an' The ambitious girl who has made race of people occupying them. This of is known as Every once In a while members of This style cultivation lubgivin' an' I been doing all de thi9 unusual appeal resides at Volney, will face men long before system. congress get mighty funny letters. condition the dust mulch or blanket fuhfTfiaV. I'se tired of it'" Va. She rescribes herself as being days of active work are over, and to ,w their This enables capillary attraction Keprt sentative driest of . - That broke up the meeting Popu- fifteen years old and earnestly seek- the work In this dry land experiment jts (irl 7 .',ri ft got one the other day, which Is unique) do lar Magazine. ing to better her condition and pro- line Is as well calculated to meet that in epistolary correspondence. His con- In my truck patch all land vide some means by which she can emergency as any Is being prose- It, that when possible, I keep plowed $100 Reward, $100. become Her com- stituency has, for one branch of a Is cuted at the present time. There to get - fear- lot of Mennonites, and they are prac- on the surface. Land allowed The- rrsdrrt ot tr papr "i piraaM to loan munication is entirely frank and of territory which the tr.. - w at leaat out- - üru-- l cliacwe that arirnro - a vast stretch that . oí uf- hard on the surface will soon dry out flAac-a- less and the writer Is apparently con- tically against all demonstration Is nounced the engagement. It is ptw baa SS4I to rurr In all 1U and that If Dry Land Experiment association deteriorate. Soil, to retain its Catarrh HffU1 CataRt Clirr la th only piwttlve fection. and c vinced that a favorable reply will covering that will be added to the sumeel that the wedding will take fure nuw known to tlie mriinal fraternity, arRirtk vitality, requires air as well as water, brma a BooatlluUonai cütaaaa, reinir a ronatlto-tlun- orne along at no distant date. One sentence in the letter read. "For place tut-- - productive lands of the country there If you get one late In June treatment. Haifa Catarrh cure la a ad- light kiss-- , therefore, cannot the in,: el y upon the hiund and The little Virginia lass simply God's sake, this everlasting of land beyond the one In Washington so- trrrally art dirt murcia is a stretch give the other. !t Is the same by Since her debut turfirra ot the uniera, thereby destmyln UM dressed her letter: "The Senate Ing. Put a stop to the dirty, filthy, we,.. t we are now considering which will Irrigation or by excess of rain; after ciety a few years ago Miss Townsend fcmtulatloi of the djeae. and ictvlna the Messrs ," and then branches right out sloppy habit." and the writer goes on atrenath hy bllllellns UP tn constitution support families by making the farm the land becomes saturated, It needs has been constantly in print. Cele- aatoxe In dotas le emC. The proprietors have with her request, merely prefacing It to state that he thinks the habit of coun- - an r.'i'-- f.ilth in Itie rurttlve ponera that they oOa larger and Is a belt of not only for own wealth , : unit there give vitality brated her 11 Dol for any It with the announcement she un- promiscuous kissing prevalent among constant cultivation to OM ar that it that try east of us that will produce much and beauty, but as the granddaughte r cur-- ' Hand for :t 'f Plant life is much like human life, i i Ml S'EY CO. Toledo, O. derstands the senate Is chiefly com- both men and women should have an cultiva-tlo- n Atdreaar é more by following the better requiring the elements most neces of the late Ceil Thomas Scott, the Sold bv a;; I'piKettt TSe. posed of millionaires, who would end put to it. laae 11a- - i amlly Nsi lor conatlpatloa. and moisture conservation plans sary to produce growth and unless we young woman was Immediately en never miss the trifling assistance she Representative driest declares that organiza- which the members of this soil to give it con- gaged to the duke of Alba. The duke requires. And then conies the direct the kissers need not fear him. aid the elements Perspiring Vegetation. tion are teaching. ducive to growth, we get sickly plants was unquestionably a fervid suitor, The eyjs of a little Washingt.r Tour problems are os I see them and poor returns but he gave way to Craig Wadsworth, miss were attracted by the sparkle ot moisture, In Champ Clark's Boyhood Dream Is chiefly the economic use of Some may say that It Is fertilizing secretary of the American embassy dew at early morning. "Mamma," shi True of humus, and the preven- London, a year a be- the addition that gives the growth. Yes, but tinder and for marriage txclalmed: "it s hotte-r'- I thcught it j publications Senator and "Mrs. Theo- drifting by winds. Your loss tween the was confidently predicted. " RUTHER tion of proper conditions only, and unless m was fit' dore BurtOB" were among those in- is meager compared with A of fertility you Mr Wadsworth had a rival In the you mean 7" BE vited to a make these conditions available What do recent social function at the as It Is not lost . LAV YES that In humid districts all your fertilizers will be of no bene person of the Count D'Adhemar, who "Look the- - grass Is all covered capítol. by leaching You have the advantage fit I am aware that many farmers has hen most frequently named In with perspiration." Baptist Common In the course of duty a reporter a should be EASIT? of good curing and have an idea that when the season Is Washington reports of late as the wealth. 'asked Stnator Hurton solicitously re- - of able to turn out products excellent dry. soil should not be disturbed or It lucky man. Miss Townaend'S choice Carding the costume Mis Hurton that color and quality will dry out. of Mr (Jerry Is said to have been more-recen- t Important to Mothers was wearing at the function, Intending which Mr De Examine careluliy every bottle of The forecast Vi'is. This Is true with regard to cVer than the German embassy ball that its description should be add. d to his peo- - CASTOR1A, a saf and sure remedy for Chimp was making the Dutch botanist, made plowing, hut it Is just the opposite of March 2i, when the beauty's atten- Clark to the others In the general list. systematic American infants and children, and see that it WHEN speech which "riled'" Cannon, pie of what this with shallow cultivation Hy constant tion was monopolized by Mr. Wads- Senator Hurton is fifty-nin- jri ara to develop the dry lands of Dears the so the speaker retorted with movement cultivation of soil, cropped or worth. Mr derry Is the brother of that old. and during a varied political ca- country was going to pro-- more or less ferocity. Clark gave his this western a falling rain will penetrate Robert Livingston Garry, w ho married Signature of rear has figured frequently in Wash In way of material results, hearers a glimpse of his own boyhood. duce the readily and prevent washing of the E. H. Harrlman's daughter, Cornelia. In Use For Over ;; Y( ITS. ington dispatches as a congressman, should encourage you. He laid the "When I was a lad, hoeing corn in soil to a great extent. This method ol He was graduated from Harvard in The Kind You Have Always Bought. as a senator and In other prominent map of Germany on this western coun- Kentucky. I made up my mind to be mulching by constant cultivation Is. 1 1901. roles. to show how large a territory it Not in a lawyer and to come to this con- try believe, also on the principle of the the Agreement. "What did Mrs. Hurton put plat of Holland down 1 bee n gress," he said. "I had never even wear at the is. He the Campbell system of dry farming, and Daub had cast Into the lions IS A FRIEND OF . function?" asked the society reporter. on the end of California and AMERICA d.-n- seen a courthouse. 1 had no idea nor'h is just as applicable to corn and cot " It end over end down that state "My congress was like. Hut I made "Nothing turned k grow ing. main objection," he said, as he what Is ton as to truc 1 "Eb-What?- " to show how large the territory Cardinal of playfully tweaked a lion's mane, "Is good on both propositions. like the stuttered the reporter. The fact Is indisputable that It Is Ferrari, Archbishop Milan, compared with their own. He then I ge t no moving royal- place. If the salary were cut to 15,000 "I gut ss you do not gather me, sena- only quite recently that we have dls Praises This Country's Attitude that picture tor. I mean, can you give me a de- gave his people a strong lecture of Toward Religion. ties." Fuck. a year I would still want to be here. the value of the semi-ari- precaution against carelessness In se- - covered If It were cut to $3,000 a year I would scription of the gown that Mrs. Sena- To develop these we need edu lecting. growing, handling and pack- - lands. still want to bere. If it were cut to tor Hurton wore at the reception." to cult! Milan Cardinal Ferrari, archbishop lng and vegetables, telling cation to enable our farmers nothing I would still want to be here, "Nothing," again replied the senator their fruits of Milan, like the reigning pope, is a are attack- vate these lands under improved provided I had a sufficient bank ac- from Ohio, and then before the re- than that the Americans man of the ople. He has risen to In a systematic me thods. As to tools to be used for count." porter could again gasp his surprise, ing the problem such his present great position by sheer Is only securing a dust mulch, these should ac- Mr. nnd scientific way. that It u And it is said that the bank Hurton continue! his remarks. five-toot- one-hors- e expansion force of Intellect and charac ter. A question of a few years until their be of count of the man who, as a boy. hoed "Hecause there is no Mrs. Senator one-hors- ex tall man. of maJJaaUe bearing, with European home markets will be cultivator as also the Kentucky corn, is Just about big Hurton, and according to the present pansion harrow of fifteen teeth white- hair escaping from his scarlet usurped by American citizens wun enough to enable him to indulge in feelings of Mr. Senator Hurton of pIowB an zuchctta, his face is powerful, but American product!. Sweeps and shovel will not the luxury of sitting In an unsalaried Ohio there is not liable to be any Mrs. war as well. Shallow cultivation Is marked with dee p lines of suffe ring "Do not mind the plats of the Great congress. Senator Hurton. Beaded and in dry weather never ex It Is the face- of a strong man who has American Desert In your geographies" "Mr Senator Hurton Is a bachelor pose or over new soil, but t the battled and been victorious. he writes, "these people are making turn According to one of the Washington and intends to remain one." or soil fall back With little "I am ve ry glad to see you." he said plants to suit their requirements and dirt el posure. Allow no weeds e r grass to smiling, and I can tell you at once that territory must all be figured In as Interfere with your growing, as they that America Interests me Intensely Spits; Misses Thriller soon as sufficient labor is available to Congressman a will the moisture from your Archbishop Ireland Is one of my per- prnperlv work that land. Scientific rob stirring, hair-railin- g demon of the sonal friends Whenever he passes will create the crops which plants. air "Desperado" appeared with a cir- methods through Milan he stays with Da, will grow and systematic intelligent cus in Washington. America is the land of liberty, and I work will prodttca the varieties to POULTRY NOTES. "I must see fellow." value liberty above all else. The that said Mr. plant them." He laid stress with them Tandler. "I want to have my soul American people have the sense of on the fact that the American effort Sciitab set In the nest until they and my hair I freedom burn In them; they under- stirred raised. must is scientific, systematic and fostered are ready to leave it for good behold that deed of daring. I will stand that the opinions and the re- A Beautiful Skin by government aid and direction. The Nothing Is worse for poults than go if it costs me my ligion of others ought not only be Job in the next I'nited States," he said, "has fruit tainted or Infected meat of any kind. to Milady can use meeting of the Tishomingo Baptist as- tolerated, but treated with respect. EZEK1EL no n In Europe today studying their In the big cities the market for sociation." "There are so many Irishmen In RRPUK3ENTATIVE Of Mississippi is market requirements," and h- - pre- squab la good for every month in the Freckelcater Mr. Candler went to the circus. He America that. 1 take- It. there must be of most retiring and unob- dicts that the time will soon be at year. Face one the v considerable Interest there In po- Powder of ent to see "Desperado" do his high when fruit grower It 50 to a the members of the lower house hand the Dutch costs from cents dollar mmple-trl- y trusive litical positton In 1 and orr dive and for no other purpose, but un- 12 England. may say national legislature. Representa- will meet strong competition from per pair to feed breeders for any rtughD-a- a or 1be fortunately he happened to have that I have followed the development KM cemc sea. Candler Is more generally known across the i.Trnths. tuUerncfta of the aair,-I- t tive some tobacco with him. with the greatest interest, and the a "Tomblgbee" Candler because once Dr. De Vrles' forecast is encour- Gritty grit Is the only stuff for hens. la eumplcfilon'a ' paying my money more than u year ago. he begged the "I am to see the aging and In a large way Indicates our Some of It Is too smooth to grind friend. Oct It (run not to forget that majestic high dive and nothing else," an- possibilities from scientific work along much food for your biddies. jour dealer today "6use Tombigbee ream, the Tomblgbee river of l nounced the hero. the Unes we now have under way. Creat care will have to be taken to Price 25 Cents show In. l;s river and harbor appro- After the Representative prevent the chicks from getting wet priation bill. Hughes of New Jersey met Mr. Can-dlj- r and chilled during sudden storms Baker-Wheel- Mfg. Co., Dallas. Tex. lobby. INDIANS FIRST DRY FARMERS 'Mr. Candler, according to the con in thg For a flock of forty or fifty young gTesslonal directory, Was for nine "How did you like the show?" he chirks with mothers, three coops and years moderator of the Tishomingo asked "What did you think of 'Des- Cultivated Little Patches on Desert two runs each by 12 feet are needed. Baptist association of Mississippi. perado ?' " Many Years Before Modern Farmers hunt for the best bre ed of Therefore, since bis appearance In the " Desperado' Is all right." said Tom- Systems Were Born. hogs, horses or cattle, and it is Just as TulrTPilk halls of congress In 1001 Mr. Candler blgbee. "He is the best that ever hap- dnportant to hunt for the best farm theater. That form pened. I went there only to see him. Physically, morally lectual-l- faad) ha eschewed the and inte chicken. I eng rlacu it ol mired, hie.v an, Sf ,f amusement was against the tenets 1 saw him climb to the top of the tent the Navajo is superior t her no At night Is the best time to dust GOOD DIGFSTION, Mr. Candler, however, is and then I turned around to spit tribes. He has always hen and with lice cf bis faith. and n.adlc been the mother thicks rruUr rotarla and aolld tic .h. fries. II eta an exponent of the under-canva- s I heard a cheer and somebody near receiving no s or powde r Work the powder well Into He likes the circus. me said: 'Gracious heavens, from the got tram, he done other assistance rnnient the hen's feathers. MOVING MACHINES Recently the death-defying- , soul- - It.' Then I came away." When there is work to he bad within With poultry and eggs at present at PICTURE men RftUtagly good urt- A:i malera priora. Fito.- - W their capacity, the labor prices there but few tanners at tha loterat r W cúmplete eiutr.t-fu- ami efficiently, (trailing on 'he rail- who will not admit that they would a. ami rnt. furnish M. I'irturei . ,tr. and Tra. Shelled Eggs Before Supreme Court roads, constructing Irrigation reser- mthef have them to sell than to buy. ( aairs, atldra, Tirana. e art- - i - LaaaM Oaa uinta.Lit Ethrr. au- - mined their strutting around the barn- voirs and ditches and weed In. or har- .lust us much and care Is re Writ tof l atole. sugar the- - mongrels pure-lie- yard by this time with chicks of their vesting beets in best field ed to raise as for BOSsYELL FILM TRANSPARENCY CO. pre- i own at their sides. They cultivate their scanty patches The purebreds certainly Bloom Building Muskogcr. Okt. of corn and beans on thousands of sent a much more attractive appear They made their way to the Hlpo-llt- e plac;e s In the desert, having Keen real anca. Kgg company of St. Louis, Mo "drv farmers" centuries be ire Turkey hens wilt usually prove There the shells were stripped from Directory system was born of the profitable until the fifth year It Is Oklahoma them and Plymouth Rocks and Leg- prospect gives me unbounded hope, be- experimenter best, however, to change- - the males were as one brain of the Nebraska or cause It promises a NOTHING horns in cans. t triumph for liberty. DEERE IMPLEMENTS the Dry Farmlns; congress that nn-et- s annually Don't keep them nter o IQUAL8 They were preserved In boric acid I hope to see the day when the Ideal summer at hand, the Supreme In October In Hilling. Mont., con- years at most. and VELIE VEHICLES WITH When they were shipped of Oladatone may be realfzcd and Ire- Afjk of the Inited States was to Thomas ceived of. They build thedr humble Goslings will eat grass almost as & Clarke, bakers, land enjoy the benefits of home JOHN Oklahoma C! tasked a few clays ago to adjudícate a at Peoria. III.. In hogans of stone or timber up roon a hatched, and will lite and rule." DEERE PLOW CO., 19u3, bunked Involving M cans of eggs. Nearly the fall of the government ob- grow on alone, Is case with clay, wherever there happens to that but It better to OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE ago the Uolted States dis- tained an order to seize them. The a Plan to MACHINERY Ave months be water for the ir flocks and herds. give them little rornmeal, wbicb Stek Treasure. lOpalr work rarfei:jr and court held that the boric acid was a An appeal Is being trict court for the southern district of They are neither nomads, like the must be salted a little. made In Johan Dromnti r dim. Wrtta. rsll ur rb'in eggs deloterlous ingredient nesburg to Illinois decided that the were not wandering tribes of the plains, nor set- finance a treasure hunting y 0kl horns eipedltlon South. estero inuf i ctur ing Co. !t Just the thing for human consumption The egg company asked the Su- tled agriculturists, like the Pueblos, The Sitting Hn. The treasure Is the sup- directed Its marshal "totally to preme court to dispose posed hoard of old and of the casa hut rather Hedentina of the Vmerlcan A hen left to herself will get off ber Chief gekekunl, ara them." The Supreme once. One of who Is believed to iUrrUtS destroy court at the reasons for this moving when se- have burled It In a PUnTfl a I e! desert, necessity to nest very early In the morning when c h.o.lrala Meo-t- to pass on In I I J ,. . A; was aaked Jurisdictional request ia that this Is the first casa cure better pastureage or a more the air Is cool. 8he has the eggs certain cae 187. The atory goes llw k ., rileaau- questions, but the eggs themselves In Supreme that the treasure I McrTO Pli'l'l I i.HlíM, ta the court which Involves abundant supply of water for their heated to 103 or KM degrees Hhe gets consists of two big ennhuaia t le. eeil.o.a . wcra not brought Into court, as the the question of the skins full of sovereigns All Ordo ra ahliwd Sata tray Kotol'- - Jurisdiction of a live stock. Their blankets, woven ei-- I off the nest, and the cool air coming and a put marshal may have performed his duty. federal court under the pure-foo- d filled with dlamnnla. , national cluslvely by their squaws, have made In contact with the warm eggs causes IVtalls connect-- "t?Íc-- These eggs cam into existence law and th to ed with the burying FISTUU m- eitent which tha their tribal name a household word the moisture to precipitate, and this of the hoard (,. DÍÍ "u probably some time in the early part law applies to ' been M an article of food after rhcr.'ver barbaric beauty or nest to moistens them sufficiently without sny obtained from an old native, and of enough ago to per- - tt s luelong have has been shipped Into a sum." everlasting durability is prized. additional moisture. funds are being asked for in order u Cmab. fa. viOHSRS. St. o., Baaaatlfids-li- finance the eipcdJUop. i -- s N. reeSeaSf. oaianoma OIT Follow this advice. NEVER FIANCEE Quaker Oats is the best of all foods' SMf It ia also the cheapest When such men aa Prof. Fisher of Yale University and Sir James Crichton Browne, LLD.-F.R.- of London speud the Servian Crown Prince to Wed hssiv v sbbi mim i r vaa best parts of their lives in studying Turkish Sultan's Daughter. the great question of the nourishing 'iaaiH and strengthening qualities of different foods, it is certain that their advice ia LO absolutely safe to follow. Al Union Between the Royal Houaaa Ar- Professor Fisher found In his ex ranged Young Man Waa Reported pertinents for testing the strength and Having Designs on an Amer- endurance of athletes that the meal (ByJOHN eaters were exhausted long before tha ican Heiress. men who were fed on such food aa ITH the passing of the Quaker Oats. The powers of endur- Belgrade. In tba announcement non-me- failing; vessel ance of the eaters were from the which has Just been made of the en- about eight times those of the meal sea has gone the se.Vs gagement between the crown prince ot eatera. romance. Romance Servia and Princess Schadis Sultana, Sir James Crichton Browne says-- eat cannot live without Hi fourth daughter of n Abdul more oatmeal, eat plenty of it and villains. Boarding mas- Hamid of Turkey, no one can find a aat it frequently. 59 ters, biickn mat l, bul- signification of the Impending union of Packed in regular size packages, and hermetically sealed tins for hot lying captains these two loving hearts, or anything ap- trrri the villains of sea romance, ami proaching the romantic. These two gone, or going, with sail- art the young persons, who are one day to be THE REAL WRENCH. ing , r.ift they lived In man and wife, have never even seen among Chief them In thlr generat- each other, the prospective bride be- ions was the boarding mift-- r of ing a Turkish lady of high degree, Thovgh he nvir went to who is seen by no one outside her own sea. bl was the heavy villain In every household until her wedding day. plot that delivered the unlucky sailor, The affair is fixed up by the father or the tinluckler landsman, into tt and uncle of the principal parties to it hands of captains and ir.ntf-s- . Mostly during the visit of King Peter of they were sneaking, brutal, g Servia to the sultan of Turkey and real scamps. thfie boarding BBMteTB, own' significance is found in the fact that ttt OÍ low (lives along the water-tt- i by allowing hl3 niece to become the I '. which they mi.nained iaiiors' wife of the future king of Servia the boarding They hung houses. in the sultan acknowledges the Karageorge-vitc- h v.. k ot incoming ships, made friends family to be of equal rank with with the easiest marks among the his own. This family of lengthy and crew tad baited or bullied Baaaaal them into ,s'MáT-7li- F KEBSL cacophonous nomenclature has had tht ir d"iis. There poor Jack Tar was what literally may be called a mush- kept and entertained with bad whisky room growth, for only aa far beck aa a:, roTta women until his money was tune Then he was shipped aboard some vessel, after signing away one or more months' unearned wages in payment for an imaginary Smith It's mighty bard to get board bill and a "donkey's breakfast,'' a witness" and was dumb. After the) wife. gaa alatli for a straw bedtick. "Blood "advance note" and a preposteroua Hardup It's no trouble to get one, money" and "dead horse," the sailors slop chest charge had been deducted but it's hard to keep her. called this robbery. The captains from his wages, they handed him paid it. taking the sailor's "ad the balance, a pitiful little pile of LEWIS' -- SINGLE BINDER." sau note," which was certain to small silver, and told him to get out It was against the law, of course, but A hand-mad- e cigar fresh from th he didn't know that. table, wrapped in foil, thus keeping He was set adrift, almost without fresh until smoked. A fresh cigar money, in a land of strangers. A made of good tobacco is the Ideal hohti!" land, too. for the gendarmes smoke. The old, well cured tobaccoa in front of the office eyed bin with ased are so rich In quality that many ci.stai'r He was desperately lone who formerly smoked 10c cigars now hnd felt the grip of circumstance keen upon him. Al moke Lewis' Single Binder Straight C L La lld&T wandered about the atranra streets MimiimJ 6c. Lewis' Single Binder costs th sewed In the lining of his coat, an envelope, until then dealer some more than other 5c cigars, unnoticed. Its contents were four billa but the higher price enables this fac- and this r.ote: tory to use extra quality tobacco. Irvington, 17. many ber Mr ,!;imn Hunter Oct. There are imitations; don't I tc-o- Crown Prince George. fooled. ur &r: Here roar dust We t your gun. It would There is no substitute! Tell Mil make traaMe for you. v- - sre not till. vs. the dealer you want a Lewis "Singl ). rs. would et drunk and we needed 1S04 the founder of the dynasty was IUd!(:.your mon-- v Btoder." till von get ashore. ToU will a swineherd. was a of It all. for Black Is to turn you ailr.ft dead Servia part the I, ijiui boozing and - a man. Turkish empire originally, but about An Unusual Attribute. sallortown," lie said Yours truly. time it rose Little Johnnie, who cannot pro- PETER SHERMAN. that and the swineherd It The name of The friendly faces of I'ncle Sam's greenback! was who won Independence for his nounce S, has been frightened into Sherman was never gave him courage. He made plans and ncted on kingdom, and was set upon the throne keeping out of the attic by tales told coupled openly with then then and tin re. Meeting that English mata as its first king. by his nurse of a dreadful ghost that the story of that in the street, he gave him a most artistic beat- The crown prince of Servia, as Is lives in the dim recesses under th !ii'ht raid, but the ing, paid a fine, and took the next boat for Lon- probably known, is the second son of eaves. The other day he was over- kitisrs shipped all don town Incidentally, he forgot all about his de- the present king of Servia, the eldest heard to say confidentially to a srx.ail the crews from Ir- sire to travel six or seven thousand miles and kill friend: vington afterward. the sallortown kings What spasm of virtue caused "We've got an old gho't up In our No ship went to them to give him back his money he never knew. attic!" M ; I out of thf debtor's "hide" or his wages. tea short handed. However blind the shipping They were not noted for doing such things. To which his friend, much Inter Boarding masters of this class were petty rasc- commissioner might be in other ways, he saw That the kings so continually escaped punish- ested, responded: "Do he butt?" a:.- They dealt in men at retail The brothers to it that the shipping laws were obeyed as to the was ment small wonder. The men Injured never - John and Peter Sherman, of Irvington. on the Pa- number of men required for types and tonnage of had a chance to Understood the Sex. tell their stories until they were His Daughter Daddy, you wer cific oast, were of another type They dealt In ships. A man might never have seen the Bea, ashore in some foreign land. Consuls in foreign men an twenty-fiv- e when this waa taken, wholesale, shipped entire crews Their but if ha were not too drunk to say he was ports could not libel ships or detain captains on boarding weren't you? Why, you might hav houses were licensed by the govern- able seaman and to sign his name to the ship's their unsupported word. The ships' papera were ment Captains bargained with them openly. articles, that settled It. He would probably be an always straight, any sat for it yesterday. at rate on the face of them. Her Father M'yes; your mother' Tl.e hipping commissioner of the port winked able seaman or a dead greenhorn before his ship The most be that could done was to report tha own daughter. Well, well, you'll find At devious way. A crowd of thugs, run-te.-- s reached port case and there it ended. The Sherman boys on it on the table, I think. and hangers-o- served them and thrived by This official Insistence on the letter of the law the other side of the earth never heard even an their favor They were men of substance and sometimes caused the kings to do strange things. His Daughter Find what, daddy, echo of it. The witnesses against them were scat darling? Owned or controlled as part of their business ev- Toward the end of the season they were at times tered over the seven seas and prosecution could Her The my. ery saloon, dance hall and resort In the crooked hard pushed for one or two men to fill out a not touch them Father checkbook, streets in own lamb. and dark alleys about the wharves. I'pper crew. Then did all met in sallortown not the The Tinted States district attorney and his staff IrvlngtOB drew a kings' special favor hunt cover and stay hid un- deadline about the waterfront did their best to keep the Shermans within the let- Hia Reason. and seldom over It ship was out of sight beyond the bar. ventured outside of buslnesa til the last ter, at least, of the shipping laws, but they had "How did you come to leave your b Ifl For were no respecters of persons. Jack and Pete Sherman were kings of Jack and Pete hard sledding. In one case the kings were indicted wife In Paris?" Irvlngton'a sallortown. All men looked alike to them, and they sent to Charlie Marsdcn, the star witness for the prosecu-Hon- , "She couldn't decide whether she Every saw a Hg fleet of Jam-tra- sea mote than one who held himself too acute to autumn "wind was locked up in Jail for safekeeping. Charlie wanted three yards and a half or four 2.00H to 3.000 ton register- - lying be trapped Into an unwilling voyage. Well-educate- of Marsden disappeared. The Jailer told a story of yards, and I got tired of waiting.-- ' off Irvington. and companionable, the kings The wheat of the new northwest masked men. guns and general confusion, but could II mixed with and worst that I their hold, consigned to ports in Europe the best drifted into Identify no one as having part In Princess Schadis Sultana. vol VSE BALL BITE, or taken the Jail ir India, by way of the Journey their realms, and once in their clutches no man delivery. With the witness gone, prosecution halt, Get Red Cross Bill Blue, the best Ball round Irvington escaped from them except by the open sea. son having been forced by Blue. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents. the Horn. The wheat fleet. ed. Long afterward Charlie Marsden came back his father td it. upper Jimmy Hunter, Yale man and cowpuncher, to renounce his and when the wheat fleet came, and told a moving tale. He had been bound, claim to the throne A letter should bear the stamp of Irrlngtoa Itself, saiJortown to went down to the waterfront alone one day, owing to his wild and dissipated Ufe. stirred roused gagged and carried aboard a ship Just as she approval also a two-ce- stamp if it vicious life a against the advice of the upper town, to see the Prince Alexander Is a and the sallortown kings reaped sailed. When released at sea, he was told much quieter Is to go by mall. ktl of sights. He was wise to world and had a that youth, though one blood money. the he had been regularly shipped and was led a sorry wonders rather No captain shipped a crew from Irvington un-ha- year's thirst and pay with him. He met the kings, what his opinion Is on the subject of Conttlpatlon can and acgravatei roanr wrinn life aboard. In foreign ports I rough. y by glad he appealed in vain U Hi.. rurwl Dr. done buklness with the kings and paid who were to see him. Just one more man to consuls, who showed his unseen bride. Her veiled picture rimuulPnIltU. Tb faToflto family ImsaUv. , him his name forged, of ; rli of ('armar-nlrt- was needed for the square-rigge- r Good Hope, then seems to show i raptain Hrown. the bark course on the ship's articles and laughed him. that she Is an extreme- Those who are He put Into lying in the stream waiting for a crew, with her at ly girl. untrue to themselves learned that to hit cost. When he Anally worked his way back to Irvington beautiful are false to others. ItOfl were captain. Black, swearing and Pete for for a cargo at a time when ships at Jack his story awakened Interest and new prosecutions The report was spread In the United and men to get. He was uncon- - delaying him. The kings attended to Hunter's hard were begun. The Sherman boys had well-pai- States several months ago that the d. for hla In England thirst and were friendly, even confidential. No men had btrn slopped lawyers who dragged out the cases with adjourn- crown prince and his brother Intended ar.d would discharged home port secret was made of their trade. They told him not be until the ments and legal tangles. Irvington was too busy to visit that country this summer and Are You Dieting was reached. of deep-lade- n vesselB ly- stories of shanghaied satlormen and of crews they Captains to be long excited over the wrongs of a few sail- would try to win the hand of soma ing In ('armarthaenoTilre's had stolen from one ship for another. Ha waa the stream eyed the ors Prosecution faltered and paltered along wealthy American girl, who wotd ex- And thereby hoping a much Interested. Jack took him up to the ship- Its to cure iftfJ enviously. Jack Sherman quietly sent usual dismal way. and what at brought change her millions for the title of man ping commissioner's to see the crew of the Good last tha yourself of that annoying or two aboard the "llmejulcer" to visit and sallortown kings up with a Queen of Servia. Hope shipped. He was even asked to and did round turn was tha In forbidden wblaky. By twos and united public opinion of Irvington It waa said that a special envoy stomach distress? If so, threes were sign his name once or twice "as a witness." A directed against had Captain Brown' crew left him and them. gone to Washington to arrange for we want you to try a better hidden about The Irvington police friend from the upper town risked a broken head aallortown. Irvington suddenly waked up to find Itself a blot Prince George's Introduction to a Chi- "fe asked bring them back, however hard to warn him. But the Sherman boys were also take to but on the map. Unexplained dead men are no good cago heiress who has several millions Hostetter's they looked they find any. friends at least three hours old and, anyhow, for deeerters didn't advertisement for any town; neither are mysteri- at her command and will mora itomach Bitters. It Then night crew van be could take care of himself. hare in one dark the reat of the ous dlsappearancea of strangers within Ita gates the event of the death of tones the entire digestive knock- At last be caught Pete In an attempt to drug to her mother. tned orer the aide, to the laat man. after be desired, if their friends This haa been ing hla whisky and left the kings, with a laughing make a fuss about tbem. emphatlcaly denied aad system and prevents any the breath out of Captain Brown and tricing Captains who to refused be held up for extrava- the announcement has been made that after-earino-HistT- " ti ate up to main rtferall. And before the comment on sallortown ways. Well outside the the gant blood money, and to play villain at small the man who claimed to be royal enrhae stnnishrd captain could recover breath enough deadline he stopped In a quiet saloon. It was the profit, avoided the port. Business was falling off. matchmaker Is not even Gas on Stomach, Sour to roar for had hla late and he and the lonesome bartender bad a known to tha "law" Jack and Pete Sherman I'pper Irvington waa hit where It lived crown prince. men shipped vessels and nightcap together. When he came alive next and tha Klslmfs, Belchlnif , Indi- - In one of the waiting Sherman boys were notified to quit. y Next day the captain was waited on by morning be was at sea In the Good Hope and a gestión. Heartburn, Cos- The kings of aallortown have abdicated Steam the kings, who blandly offered to find him a new beefy English mate was kicking him In the ribs. Tea Tippling In Ireland. tive n nnd vessels make voyages so short that "advance ess. Blllonsn. crew at t'.o the man He roared again to the Of the months that followed Hunter never Some Interesting sidelights on Always notes" are uo longer prises. Seamen's unions tha Malaria. ask for British consul, to bis shipping agents, to the po- told much. He learned sailors' work; he bad to. life of the peasantry In Ireland ara have given a meaaure of protection even to deep-wat- er lice, who were sympathetic but helpless Nobody He picked up a scar or two from the English contained In the reports of the Inspec- sailors, who seem to have fewer rights and could be found to even hint that the kings had mate's brass knuckles. Also be acquired a deep tors of national schools, which more hardships than most men. The bullying cap- have OSTETTER'A ny hand In affair and the shipping commis- deaire to kill the kings of sallortown, ( aptaln lately been Issued. The report the tain, the bucko mate and the boarding have aaya: sioner's were He had shipped no Black and the mate master "The use of tea Is now recordé clear. all been singed by the feeble and tardy carried to such CELEBRATED losarla of. At last he found himself In the consul's office fire of dangerous that be knew I nlted States maritime law. The excess that It ranks be for But Captain Brown swore that If he couldn't at Dunkirk. France, dressed In the clothes be had railroads had alcohol aa an enemy STOMACH their share In the revolution. But of the public H what t back his men, or get the dogs of Justice to on when he met the Sherman boys. For a won- really health. To aggravate caused the Sherman boys cltl-ten- the situation It even would pay der, they had sent them aboard with him. Ha to become private s bark at the kings, he at least was the wrath of upper la In the very poorest parta of tha he was In l intcd 8tatea territory again, and. first Irvington. When It BITTER them no blood money for a new crew. So country that ao- - was hit In Its pocket and Its self-estee- the tea evil la moat 0 would square un- nt to another port and brought a new crew to off, he yards with Captain Black. that Is set the kingdom of tha aallortown tyrants j the and hurtful. It only the cheap Irvington by ateamer. Hla bark was bauled out But the consular agent waa a Frenchman who sorts of tea that reach these poor peo- A BBBSl BBRñaBaaBI In would neither speak English nor understand II ICV El1 V Vil I CD , Into the stream and ber crew kept close her ple; and. let the quality be good I ,rini tlUl ultl by Hunter's French unless he wanted to. Captain ON HER or iriiji forecastle. That night sha was boarded DIOHITY. bad. the tea Is so prepared for us masked man, swept new craw over the Black lolled In an office chair and grinned while ana.,,., who ber liquid, ubM -- that the when drunk, haa the . f mmJ WBSSJ Into Gossip It that some Hunter told his troubles. When he had finished, I should Ilka a drink of i ii . ... tos tba atream. had water," said the young properties of a slow poison. The tea- .i ta tt them were drowned. Captain Brown gave up without a word of comment the consular agent man, politely. kotMlM IkJ.r, M?. pot stewing on the hearth all day .r. nd 75 of 100 spread out two papers, the shlp'a articles and an long paid the Sherman boys Instead "You'll have to wait until down-stairs-." Il.4 mother comes la kept literally on tap; tha members BBBBBBJMW h for crew, put sea In a hurry "advance note." "Ees thee votre now?" ha aald the young mam n a a and to lady, haughtily. "I want of th family, young aa well aa ami "They're kings of aakad. it waa. Ha remembered hla signing "an you to I old, re IHMilm, blaadtn' awlna. but they're understand that never go into tha kitchen." sorting to It at discretion." man. Probate Clerk, at Alamogcrdo. New August, 1910 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Legal Notices. Mexico, on the 5th day of August, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Claimant names as witnesses: Sam L Rice, of Alamogordo, New Mex- Notice For Publication Chas. Hurires. of Tillaros, New Mexico. ico. DEPAKTMKNT OK THE INTERIOR, Jacob V. Kerr, of " " " Stephen Price, of Alamogordo, New 0. BKYAN, Mexico. QBOB01 l'. 8. Land Office at Las Cruces. N. M Francisco Kernal, of " " " " ' " David W. Vandyke, of Alamogordo, Lars BaSMassee 1 of ü DRUCC1ST June 1. 1'lt) JOSE OONZALES. New Mexico. S R6E0N Notice is hereby given that William ó 16 I Register. Henry C. Hensley, of Alamogordo, New Care in compounding, promptness in delivery Hyde, of Alamogordo, N. M who. on Mexico. I Rssldsat U November 5, 1908, IIoiupst'ad l'hone made JOSE GONZALES, I Hospital 42 watch-word- s of prescription No. 9S36S (O40M, these are the our Application. for NW4. S 30 at Register. Section S. Township 17 8., Range E. Notice of Suit. ALAMOtiOKDO. NEW MEXICO business :: :: :: :: :: :: N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of in- In the District Court, Otero County, tention to make Final commutation Contest Notice. I'FONE 32: Proof, to establish claim to the land Territory of New Mexico. ISS JONNIE MURPHY. above described, before John M. How-ma- Henry F. Duffv, ) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Probate Clerk, at Alamogordo. Plaintiff. ) United States Land Office. Cruces, New Mexico, N. M on the 23rd day of Julv. 1910. vs. I No. o:9 Las OPTOMETRIST. Claiwnant names as Duffv, ) May 24, 1910 witnesses: Clare Eyes tested and Glasses George T. Dlllard. of Alamogordo. New Defendant. ) Contest No. 234N Serial No. 01026 fitted. A sufficient contest affidavit having Mexico. To Clare Duffy, Defendant: 9 ó OOOO I! filed in this office by Cornelia K Hours to If a."ni. 2 to p. o, 000000 XXXXX00000000 Richard Dillard, of Alamogordo. New You are hereby notified been that the Schofield. contestant, against Desert Mexico. above named plaintiff has commenced in laud No. 13TS IO1020). made Feb Oeorjes Christopher, of Alamogerdo. the above named a sun against Entrv. court 21. 1007, W2NE4NK4 Sec. N2vV4 R. ROUSSEAU'S REPAIR SHOP New Mexico you. the general objects of which are to for 1. J. K. GILBERT, 111 Mex- - NW'4, Section 17. Township 14 S., Range O 111 o Tom Charles, of Alamogordo, New dissolve the bonds of matrimony exist- D 10 E., N. M. P. Meridian, by Thomas J ico. ing between plaintiff and you, and to Physician and JOSE (ONZALKS, McAudrew. Contestee, In which It is al Salteen, "THERMOS" The Bottle Try One settle all property rights existing be McAudrew, I 2 "it Register. tweeo leged that Thomas J con omice, Lptairs in tbe Gilbert BuildiuK. the plaintiff and yourself, and to for relief, and no testce, has failed make the repulsite Wiring Done other voti are further Phone U, Alataofordo. N. M Electrical tilled unless vou your appear- annual expenditure since making said that enter are no ance in said cause before the 6th dav of entry and that there improve Notice For Publication monts as by law. Said Electric Fixtures and Supplies August, 1910. which will be fifty d'avs thereon required Ü. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR after the first publication of this notice, parties are hereby notified to appear, J. HOLMES, Corner Penn. and 10th Phone 66 respond, and offer evidence touching D"' (J. 8. Land ( mice at which occurs on the ltith day of June 1010, judgment will be rendered against said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on Physician. Las Cruces, New Mexico 25. 1010. before S. M. you by default and tin' said cause will Julv Parker. 0. OOOO OOOO ooooooxxooxxxoo June 3, lull). proceed pro confoso upon the evidence 8. Commissioner, Alamogordo, N M Office over K.. land's Dru- Sture. (and Notice la hereby given that Ellas Hill, adduced bv plaintiff. that final hearing will be held at 10 a. of La Luz, New Mexico, who. on Dec Plaintiff's is L. O. o'clock m. on August 5, 1910, be attorney Folien. fore) ember II, 1904, made Homestead Appli- Esq,, and Ills address is Roswell, New the Register and Receiver at the L Office M IONE HULETT, cation. No 4.'i:i2 (01641), for SW4NE4 Mexico. nited States Land in Las Cruces, QK. New Mexico. Q. W2SE4 ct SE4.NW4, Section 11, Town--hi- Dated this 13th dav of June. 1910. GRANT, M- , The said contestant having, in a prop- Osteopathic Physician. J. 18 1! . ( S. Range B, Meri-- HAS. P. DOWNS, er affidavit, tiled May 1H. 1010, dian. has filed of to li 1 4 set forth 10th Proprietor of notice intention Clerk. dill.' Coraei Streei and Virginia Ai the make Final Five Year Proof, to establish facts which show that after due claim to the laud above described, before gence personal service of this notice Alaraoirordo. Xrw Mcaico. John M Bswtnat), Probate Clerk, at can not be made, it Is herebv ordered "K" Lists Alii, and -- 480. and directeil such be City Livery and Transfer Alamogordo, New Mexico, on the Iluih that notice Riven R. E. M. by due and proper publication Is now ready for business. Good rigs, caretul driven and day of July, 1010. I). Me KIN LEY. Claimant names as witnesses: Restoration to Entry of Lands JOSE GONZALES, E. genteel treatment. Office up town just East of News otfiee John Minus, of Alamogordo, New Vex. in National Forest. 0 23 4t Register. . John Meadows, of La Luz. New Mexico Physician and Surgeon Lorenzo Garcia, of La Luz. New Mexico Notice is hereby given that the Phone KeSlClenCe PhOne 170 Kes. embrac- 14 KV Antonio Torres, of La Luz. New Mexico lands described below, Contest Notice. I s to - l'hones Hoar. GONZALES, ing 1(50 acres, Alamo K .iose within the DEPARTMENT THE INTERIOR, oflk. m la i a 9 :" Register. National Forest, New Mexico, United States Land office ALAMOCOKIiO, H will be subject to settlement Las Cruces. New Mexico. M and entry under the provisions Mav 24. 1910 THE CASH MEAT Notice for Publication Contest No. 2:i4B Serial No. 02133 MARKET DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR of the homestead laws f the A sufficient contest affidavit having Gl'DGER, i). n. D. A. FBI BLE Y, Prep. I R. U. 8. Land Office nited States and the act OI been tiled In this office bv Cornelia li. June 11, 1 906 (84 Stat., 288), at Scholield, contestant, against Home- Dentist. at Las t ruces. New Mexico. stead Entry. No, 5130 (0S1SS), made the office Prepared do porcelain The Choicest Cuts May 21. 1910, United States lend at! March 9, 1907, for NE4SW4 YV48E4 Sec. io crown and bridge work, porcelain Inlays; also Notice is hereby given that Joseph Las Cruces, New Mexico, on B, Township 14 S.. Range 10 E.. N. M. irold iolajs. of Finest Fed Beef Louis Hill, of Alamogordo. New Mexico, August 11, 1910. Any settler) I'. Meridian, by William C. Ector. Con OrrtCI OVER WaHREN'S DRUc STORE lfi, testee. in which It is -- who, on April 1010, made Homestead who was actually and in good alleged that aid Roorai f, G and H. Phosen Application. No. 04381, fot NY4. Section CODtes tee has wholly abandoned said Prjone No 57 New York. Avenue faith claiming any of said lands! o, 1 7 . . 10 Bi I ue lownship Kange N. M. P. J it i oas cnaimeu uis resiaence li;is , Ml for more Meridian, hied in itlce of Intention to V ,ut1 "uruoewi prior therefron than six month R. K. R. Maxirnurn Quality MinirT)urT) "l MM Ms, JARVIS Price make Kina! Five Year Proof, to establish lanuary J, and has not since making said entrv; that said tract D claim to the land above descilbed, be abandoned same, lias a prefer- is not settled upon and cultivated by fore Jobo M. Bowman, Probate Clerk, ence right to make a homestead said party as required hv law. Said Dentist at Alamogordo. New Mexico, on the parties are hereby notified to appear, entry for the lands actually oc- Office over 16th day of J v , luio. respond, and offer evidence touching first National Hank. Phone Claimant names of witnesses: cupied. Said lands were listed said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on 71. upon July 25. 1910. before S. M. Parker, William E. Carmack, of Alamogordo, the applications of the per- ALAMOC.ORDO. N. M. New Mexico. sons mentioned below, who have S. Commissioner, Alamogordo. N. M . (and Joseph S. Morgan, of Alamogordo. a preference that dual hearing will be held at right subject to the 10 o'clock a. m. on August B, litlu. be- KMBALMER Manuel Najera. of Alamogordo, New prior right of any such settler, fore) the Register and Receiver at the 'HERRY & SHERRY AND FUNERAL OFFICE PHONE I'nited Laud Office in NO. 4. Mexico. provided such settler or applicant States Las Cruces, DIRECTOR A. J. BUCK New Mexico. AND DEALER RESIDENCE Mames A. Kaird, of Alamogordo. New- is qualified to make homestead Attorneys at Law IN PHONE Mexico. The said contestant having. In a prop- FUNERAL NO. entry and SUPPLIES the preference right er affidavit, tiled May Is, 1010, set forth Ofice Upstairs UNDERTAKER .IOSE GONZALB8, is exercised prior to August 11, facts which show that after due dill First National Baak 5 26 jt. Register. 1910, on which date the lands gence personal service of this notice Buildinc will be subject to settlement can not be made, it la hereby ordered by and directed thnt such notice be given Notice For Publication and entry any qualified per- by duu and proper publication, H. MAJOR, son. The lands are as follows : JJ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Jose UONZALES, The E's of NWV of NEH, ?3 4t Register. Attorney UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE the at law. SWV of NW'a of NEH, Sec. 25), 1 at Las Cruces. N. M. Room. and 10, T. 15 S., K. 11 E., N. M. li., 80 June 6, 1910 Contest Notice. rirst Natioaal Baak Kuildiac. Notice is acres, application of Tomas Stog hereby given that charles DEPARTMENT OF TDK INTERIOR, N. Carnes, of Alamogordo, New Mexico, don, of La Luz, New ( Celebration-Barbe- cue Mexico lilleil St:t... I ..,.,1 lioi,... who. on Jan, 80, 10to, made Homestead List The 84 of f La- - i n ees. New Maslen THE POPULAR DRY Application. No. 131067 (OSMB), SV GOODS CO. for8W4. 8EV of 8EH, :o. of May J 4. l'MO. 7. Town-hi- p 17 Sec the N'i I 'Incorwirited Section 8., Ran 10 E . Contest No '.'34T No MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDINi.- N NE1. of NE1., SE1. N Serial 01S1I d, To be given by the citizens of Tularosa and Monterey M. P, Meriiiati. has Hied uotiee the of Ladies' IO Drv Shot--- of . I i i S9I s Ell A sutSclenl War nl ... contest aflidavit having - (.lothmg; Hat- - (;,,, Intention to make Final cmiiiii "l DOC. Ol, tlie.Sl-'o- l and Wr cordia'.lj tation "6 ', bton tiled in this ofHee by Cornelia H. teoit an lertlatlM tu to Proof, to establish claim to N jou viait our estab th landiNW oiNW 1.4. the Scholield. contestant, against homestead lishnifnt hn oí aL Tcxaa. above described, before John M liow Ufo of NW of NW W 1-- 2 Entry, No, SSSS 'I313. made 7 man. Probate Clerk, at .Mane the March :'irdo. of NE of IMS, for S.'NW i sU 4NE4 NEMW4, New Mexico, on tin- - ,'.".tli ila .. NW of NW Julv. Section IT. Towosblp 14 S . Rang.- - 1910. the W 1.3 of 1.4 of NE 10 July sV E.. N. M. P. Meridian, by p. William Fourth claimant names, as -' witnesses: of NW the N of SE shields. Contesten, in A. F. Fred p. Alen oblen us iieed Menger Chamberlain, ol rdo, of NW NE tliat said conteste.- In- - wh,.!l New Mexico the of 8V abandon l, d said NW N 4 tract; that he isamaal E. Fisk. ol Ilemogordo, New of the of NW TULAROSA, NEH MEXICO therefrom for more thsu Real Estate, Loans. Mexico of 8W of NW l. Sec. 83, T. all month- - Since mailing said II. L. Oliver, ol Alamogordo Ne v Me- - li) 18 entlfi 'bat S., R. E.. 110 aeree, appli- aid tract Is not ICO settled upon and culti- Insurance Civic cation of I). 0. Fleming, of pin- vated by -- aid part as parade including all liisniues, sonetico lodges, Daniel c. Park, of Alsmogord New roqnlred bv law. New Mexico: Lint :t. Ths Said parties are hereby notified to ap national guard, etc. Horse radii"., borro raees ami .Mexico ion. it.l pear, fat W 1j of T respond, and offer evidence touch Notary Public J08B UONZALE8. SE1. of SE1.. Sec. lo. -- slow), foot races, other races. Music all day by t ho leg aid allegation at lo a m Alamo- 8 '' "it. llegUter 1") K. 1 o'clock S., E.. 20 acres, applica- on July IS, 1010, S gordo Plenty of before M Parker. band. water and shade. tion of John ;. Klopfer, of La 0. 8, Commissioner. Ahuanmrrin v t Lu. New Mexico: List S. ,A,ui nual hearing will be held at Tentb St. Phone 134 DEPARTMENT ni' TERRITORIAL 1 a. m August .', . rnuillit. Assistant Oommia. mi loio h.. BNUINBKB OTO) the Register and Receiver at the Baseball Carrizozo vs, Monterey ioner of the General Land Of. I Number of Application 44? nited State. Land (MMce In La-- t ruces lice. Approved Mav 38, 1910, New Mexico Santa Ke, New MashW, Pioneer Feed and Livery Stable -- Address of Welcome June I, luio rrank fierce, First Assistant The aid conte-ta- nt laving in prop Bon, (ieorge Curry er affidavit, fcied M.n s, Notice is hereby given that in the Secretary of the Interior. (' lli I 90( flir( facts which show that r 0 Addrtfl Judge A. B. Fall th day of Mav 1010, in accordance .fi. ,i. Jill. lAlliHEi. Jf frsa gence per-on- - Heading of of with Section Irrigation L ( l'.iur. service of tbi- notice can Declaration Independence not be made, it is herehv t.eorge Curry, of Tularosa Count of kamaml .1 ordered and Address 1 1 f eiroeWd Hut Judge Byron Sherry Otero, Territory of Neo Mex , ,, made J. Interior, such aotlee be srlven b We Pay Top Prices For Hides an application to tbe Territorial Eoai "'n,,p 01 TIndian A II air . Wash- - a'"1 I'P'r publication neer of New Mexi. o tor permit to ap I ington, 1). c. MlSK I II.VZAI.Ks Sealed propoaali ' iX Train leaves Alamogordo 10:30 W,"r" ,h" ReglM-- r Vr Uli,' Privileges o Hav and Grain for Sale Train arrives Tularosa 10:40 fflloi órSeco ., Ri'rva-Ri- o Such approprtatli is to be made from . M,Sc,eJJ I'"iial Train leaves Tularosa 7:10 Rinconada, at a point L. Hank lo" Mexico, under the Pennsylvania Avenue Train arrive- - AUmOgordo 7:1" whence g. W. Cor. of Sec. la T. n s n Dertnit svstem. ill ! r ...i T. C. NEWBY ;: Alamogordo, N. M in h. s degree., n minutes. at the Office of th rktsnmlaalnaM . SS1Q ft. bv means of dlvurtinn x,,,! of Indian storage, and 17 cu ft. net and Anaira, Waahington, Flour i - I). I0.4M ac ft. to hi- conveyed to T. ('.. until o'clock p. in.. I l .s R. K sH(.,. 3, 4 ,. , Feed Jerzykowskl t i, I, ( .Monday . August ill, IlllO. and I. Tularosa Invites YOU II T. 14 S It. y and s 7 I 14 S. will be immediately R. lo B. bj meatM of thereafter Coal dltche. and reser-- optned in the presence of Merchant Tailor ir and there naod for irrigation of such Wood .'(ion acre bidden as may attend. Maps Quinliven Block. t howing location The Territorial Baglneor win ,k IhU of the grazing Hay Cii.tom 1 Tallorlni in latest stvle Hay I'alnier f t Tuesday Mr. Mr-- . application up for consideran, ni on the districts and all necessary for and W. R. Martin infor- Ckoiea Pat - 1st of Sept isio, and all persons who Grain taras n in stock TactOn He will ser- mation may be obtained mi Drj UtsvMlag asva Repair enter the came ilmn frotn 'hmderoft last OJ Oppose tin granting of tin- above meal III., tn the Superintendent lnr arcurdliis; to laus method vice oí the Southern Pacific Oo. application must their objections HYDE'S OLD j Friday evening for a abort visit. Of M STAND tiood Kuaranteed not to shrink instantiated with affidavit! i mperlv the eacalero Indian School. I. - a . . . narked with application Bomber.) with Meecalero, New Mexico, adíe' specialty Sam Blocker, forttl Miea Ellen I R. Phone 178 ranker uinliven returned tne Territorial Knglneer on or befor-th- nt i. Valentine, Coni'iiissioner. i :( sr. Cm far Osiifms - Ptssi llf from Ifeacalero agency, ha been Sunday night from pttio. date in in Alamogordo this week. when she VKKNmN L MO LLI VAN. spent several weeks. I OsVlip baa ju-- t . Territorial Knglseer. Notice for Publication. bom reateil a M. money i.r.ler John Wyatt. oaahier of the Mra. S. S. Wilson, who han MsVAtTMBri Of TBI IVTBIIOS, ofloi Df the post ofli.-- e Zeiger I lepartmenf. Hotel American National hank at El been spending the winter with Notice For Publication S LAND OKKK E This, will be at sM N M a great EL PASO, TEXAS. 1'bbo, war here Saturday. Me bar daughter, L. DIPAKTMSKT OF TIIK INTMUOt Cruce. ronvenieme and will Mr. N. .iones. June n, Leie, w l.ami iiiic mean the t went from here to Olondcrofl h.-- r l. at Laa0raeei.ll. M. i saving of a vast ileal Eropean plan ti left Tucsduv 1T home in a. Notice aereey o thai Oaefgi to. of upend Sunday. leae miu. Davis, of Alatnn(ordo. New Meiiro. xaluahle time to tht poople Hooms7ftc Si and 91. SO Notice is fcereev lveatkal rbarie! who. on Jul) SI. ivo.'i. made Bosjjsslsail ( - of that E ollar, of N- j OOMMMitjTi L. if. .Join s is . iperfeil home "Christian I'att Tularoa. Msico, Fntrv. No 444'J ininsui, for Northeast lotimn" will be who. on April 5. I1M17, i,- -. ) Conilutteil in with made II Seoton 14, 17 act'ordance thin inarler. Township S . Talaroaa ami week from the republic application. No :,m .1 ciomii roft of the theme 0'.MM. for SKi. r. M 1' . hoth ilo of next Sunday morning Ml í." . i- military laws of the Stale pctloti 1". - ta i, Mexico. He Ims been in lowiinlilu S katiiri- J K I1U1I notice of to the at the Presbyterian N m Intention make Final "nl,"y "ivite yu to U presen Texas. The church. r M'Tlillan. h.i. hi. if notice of In Klve Year I'roof to loat equipped res tin- - e.tahlish claim to (on the service o! Lines ,,f -- to I Fourth of July National There will he .( iul tentlon mske Final roinniiitatlon the ail-- l abol You W" in nnic and I'roof, ,l.crlbed. before John l ., taurant the Houthweat. IIeal I to establish claim I" tin- M llo I ' Mexico, M a iv il engineer. a -- i.-- i land mm I'robate Clerk, at Alamn. royally ,n,l helpful er its.tir,.,!. etltertailieil u..ll quarters atot-kine- min above described, before .lobo Bowli;ordo New Mexico, on for and the 7tb day of repaiil for - the trip. inn men. CHA8. ZEIGKK.l'rop-