Charles RICE current Kansas Sesquicentennial 2011 Jack St. Clair Kilby 1923-2005

Observes the millions of micro-organisms, many too small to see with the naked eye, Grew up in Great Bend and graduated from that live in soil, to explain how they work Great Bend High School. together to make good soil that grows Was interested in ham radios and healthy plants. Healthy plants release electronics as a teen. oxygen into the air. Earned degrees in . Studies how soil, plants and low-till farm In 1958, as a new employee at Texas practices help store one of the global Instruments, he invented the microchip. warming gasses, carbon dioxide, in the soil Microchips are used in things like instead of the air. computers and cell phones and are why Researches how agriculture can adapt and today’s electronics can be so small. Courtesy of Charles Rice provide a solution to climate change. Pacemakers use microchips to keep the Photo: Wikipedia heart beating regularly. Charles RICE Agronomy EXTRA COOL: Rice was a member of a United JACK St. CLAIR KILBY EXTRA COOL: Kilby won the 2000 in Kansas State University Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate change that received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Physics for his invention. in KANSAS 2007. BusinessProject Name of the Ad Astra Kansas Initiative 2011 Project of the Ad Astra Kansas Initiative Texas Instruments 150 years and counting


Roy Business or University Kansas Sesquicentennial 2011 Walter Sutton 1877-1916 Judy Z. WU current Fell in love with physics and math in seventh Grew up on a ranch near Russell. grade. Started at KU in engineering, switched to Wu is a University Distinguished Professor and became a doctor after his at KU and is leading a NanoTechnology for brother died of typhus. Renewable Energy Team. Famous for his theory which explains that The team is devising improved and less hereditary information, such as eye or hair costly solar panels and cells for capturing color, is carried in a part of the cell called the sun’s energy. the . By working with the atoms and molecules As a surgeon, he developed many surgical that make up materials, the goal is to make instruments and was a pioneer in the use of materials that will better hold on to the sun’s Courtesy of KU Medical Center Archives x-ray localization. Courtesy KU University Relations energy so it can be used to light our homes archives Judy Z. WU or provide other power in the future. EXTRA COOL: While at KU, he played for Dr. WALTER SUTTON Physics / Astronomy , the inventor of basketball. EXTRA COOL: Received a KU Kemper Award for Teaching Excellence in 2006. University of Kansas Project of the Ad Astra Kansas Initiative SCIENCE in KANSAS 2011 Project of the Ad Astra Kansas Initiative School of Medicine 150 years and counting