Now Ready for War? Germany States VILLA WANTS ANGELES AS CHIEF

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Now Ready for War? Germany States VILLA WANTS ANGELES AS CHIEF 1 Pasoans Are Not Merely Hopeful They Are Dead Sure HOME EDITION WEEK-EN- D HERALD LEADS EL PASO, TEXAS, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1, 1914. WEATHER FORECAST. Latest News By the Associated Press Fair tonight and tomorrow U-- ! Stocks, no quotation RralM. lrreeulir IjTMtock. ateadr Mexican?. currency. bank notes, 3 Villa Oalnuahoa currency. H Car-ran- NO RIVALS IN THE SOUTHWEST currency 2$ S3 Pages, Four Section Today. " Now Ready For War? Germany States VILLA WANTS ANGELES AS CHIEF 111 BUTTLE STEAMSHIP LUES AUSTINS II. S. SKS UNITED WIDOWED BRIDE.WHOSE CANCEL SAILINGS GALLED TO COLORS FATHER SHOT HUSBAND New York, Aug. 1. Wholesale can New Tork, Aug. 1. STATES FOB Official notice . ' . .ii&t-- -- celations of transatlantic sailings, re- was received at the Anstro-Hungar-i- f ,., , ;? calls by wireless of European bound consulate here today that the re- "Let Your Hearts Beat For vessals a day or two out of port and serves have been called for general suspension altogether of transatlantic mobilization. Two hundred thousand God, Your Fists on the service by three lines were announced Austrians and Hungarians, It was said in rapid succession here today at the consulate,, will therefore im- APPROVAL The North German Lloyd line, which mediately be called to loin their colors. Mobilization of the Kaiser's Enemy," His Plea. announced Friday that no more vessels It will call more than SOMM back would sail from the other side of tha to Austria-Hungar- y It was first Army Considered Equal Atlantic completed its tie up by order- planned to have the reservists sail ssaBHHnHlaaHBPBea&?a4JSMBSS8B5rnKII CHEERS GREET ing back to port today the three ves- from &ew York In Italian steamers. Northern Rebel Leader Re- to War Declaration. sels. Frederlch Der Grosse, Grosser The steamers, however, it was said at Kurfurest and the Neckar. which sailed the consulate, would have to pass cruiting His Army and Is CLOSE OF SPEECH on July 2 from Baltimore, New York Gibraltar, where they might be seized and Galveston respectively In addi- by England and the reservists taken !? 5)$HRa3Es3iBS$C5fe' Xt&8E!&WmEBK&5B!m&i ONCE MUSriEED, tion, the line ordered the steamer as prisoners of war Preparing For Battle. Germany Will Wage War Willehad. now at the British port of "WAR IS CERTAIN Montreal to proceed at once to Boston Tourists De-dar- es and remain there until farther orders. American Are BANDITS CAPTURE For Existence, Kaiser The Russian-Americ- an line announced service. Austria, Russia, Germany in Brief Address. the suspension of its transatlantic Panic Stricken; One Pays MADERA, REPORT Sailings of the seven vessels com Steerage and France Are Now prising the Atlas service of the Bam $1000 for Ticket - - ji&fciSBr Active-lliisterin- i line Decween mw xoric Sai&to Have ExecutedilCoii- - vr)ni An ?" " "MmanaHaan0 g. es and bare all PasiWFra TVyffetg"Bvr tBBt-- ranaa on tne berf - spJcfi Ger- - 1 a canceleC transatlantic steamers sailing to thewar today by the before Sept IS has been said, and stittiuionalists;" Orozco De man Imperial chancellor, wbo declared many thousands of American travelers BRLLY Germany, Ang-- L Germany now ready for war. MATCHES here have become almost panic-stricke- n. feats a Villa General. Germany declared war that is SINGLES or. gave B He addressed a ange crowd of demon- one tnem today for a Tbe army la END THE CONTEST steerage ticket ile v strators from the window of his official t-- EPORT Saturday afternoon was mobilised. residence. Pittsburg, Pa, Aug L --In the two l to the effect that Villa. - The emperor in the mxne of bis singles matches which bring to a close SHIP OWNERS FEAR . tltnde "At this seriqng boar, in order to the Davis cup contests between the lomnli Carranaa la Eovernaent zzs.i to the Russian give expression to your feelings for Australian and German tennis teams EMERGENCY MEASURE that of atera opposition and that minlater of foreign affairs at 70 your fatherland, yoc have come to the on the courts of the Alleghany Coun- he Trill be satisfied with nothing o'clock: the declaration of war. try club, Froitzhelm met Anthony F Would Prevent Foreign Ships Reglster-- bnt the elevation Gen. Felipe bouse of BlsraarcK, who. with emperor Wilding was expected of 1. in what to be lns Under American Flag During Angeles as provisional 'president. a TURNS. Greece. Inr William the Great, and field marshal the feature battle. War Excitement Abroad. trian monitors on the Dan Ton welded, the German empire Oscar Kreuzer. the second string man New York. Aug 1 Officials of tho This la said to be the information f for us. of the German team, was to face Stan- American Steamship association, com be gave Geo. C Carothers and ube tbia morning: renewed "We wished to go on living in peace ley N Doust substituted fer Norman posed of various coastwis lines are the bombardment of Belgrade and in empire we have developed E. Brookes, as the Australian captain disturbed by news Washing- which Carothers Is taking to Wash, the which the from reeoc--nltlo- its aarronndlnga. according to a in 44 vears of peaeefBl labor. wished to save himself. ton that a movement is on foot to pre- lncton. In the event of the ss of Ilia's demanda,. It would telegram from Niah. Servla. Fight For National Uonor. sent an emergency message to eliminate Carranaa entirely. That emperor "William SQTJALR WINNER which would enable the large 1111a playing "The whote work of IS trans-Atlant- ic steamships to obtain la what Is for. It Is Bug, Aug. L A. has been devoted to the maintenance of American reglstrj said. LONDON. dispatch peace The he has worked IN SEMI FINALS from last hoar H. B. Raymon, president of the asso- -- Paris says by common agree- for peace in Europe, and he Is still Chicago. Ill, Aug 1 Alexander ciation, said he feared that any hasty PANCHO VILLA has not been -- working- for it- - Should all his efforts Squalr. captain of the University action by congress might permanently officially v$B!B ment tbe time limit of Germany's prove of GEN. or unofficially flip; been, ex- vain and should the sword be 'Pr ultimatum to France has Chicago injure tennis team, met Joseph Arm- the American merchant marine. by Venustlano to -; forced into bur hands, we will take the strong of St Paul in the finals of the "The association fears that unless Carranza take tended for 4S hours until noon Held with a clear eonsclonce In the western tournament this afternoon. In congress enters the proper deliberation part in the entry of "Constitutionalist" SEP'" VfirJBHI Monday. knowledge that we did not seek war. the semi finals played this morning. In considering any measure to cover troops into-- Mexico City. was The foreign office says that the We shall then wage war for our exis- blow This Central report Squair defeated Paul E. Gardner, of the threatened European wars, a learned definitely today. explained News that It bad tence and for the national honor to Lake Forest, 0. .2, and Arm- at American shipping may be struck. It received an official message to .he last drop of oar blood. strong defeated Heath Byford of Chi- For instance, the legislative body of in part at last, the delay of the north- the effect that German mobiliza- "Id the gravity of this hour I remind cago, 7. 6, 4, 3. the nation must be careful in revising ern division commander in moving his tion had been ordered la absolute- rou of the words of prince Frederick any marine legislation to see that no - f 1IISKSSS$ ly untrue. Charles to the men of Brendenburg: error occurs by which these foreign forces south. Villa could not reach the :qmk' yiff " "Let your hearts beat for God and GATHERING HONEY vessels are allowed In the coastwise national capital for several weeks on Aog L ' " 3ag, your fists on the enemy trade." account of railroad conditions, while LONDON, army or- Enthusiastic cheers and the singing IN THE VALLEY troops of the other divisions practical- im . toSBaKSalESsVE? QBHaBsB?W the German was UBSKfrwaf aSF today, un- of the national anthem greeted the close Chamberlno. N M, Aug. L W. L. ly ara at the gates of the city. dered according to an of the Imperial chancellors speech. GERMAN CHANCELLOR 1 ilia la Recruiting. official message received by Caldwell, who is In charge of the was has the British The bank rate of the Imperial bank Thomas-Monlha- n bee yards, is extract- NEGOTIATIONS It learned also that Villa foreign office. of Germany was raised to 6 percent j ing honey and reports an unusually URGES been recruiting an average of 496 men today London, Eng, Ang 1 The West- daily at Chihuahua City. The recruits -- M" "I An official decree In Paris today or- heavy yield, due to the alfalfa fields Sev- s.x r a. general "Sword rorced On IV Kaiser. standing .so long before cutting and minster Gazette today publishes the come from all parts of Villa's zone dered mobilization of tha Fire thousand persons assembled In text of an interesting telegram from eral hundred came from the Guerrera French army beginning Sunday. also to the many wild flowers which MRS EUGENE M, NEWMAN (ANNA CLEARY) of- - army front of the palace late Friday eve- caused to bloom. the German Imperial chancellor to the district Villa s eld stamping ground, Mobilization tbe German is ning and cheered the emperor and em- the rains have German ambassador to Vienna, sent which he visited recently apparently N Y, Aug 1 Mrs.
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